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Essay On Tennis Sport In Hindi
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Essay On Tennis Sport In HindiEssay On Tennis Sport In Hindi
The Between The Federal Government And The United States
The relationship between the federal government and the states has continually changed over the
years. Each one has their set of duties and powers, and both are ruled by the U.S. Constitution. The
states rights are more than well protected in the current constitution and the political practice. The
Bill of Rights lays out what our rights are, along with fourteenth, fifteenth, nineteenth, and twenty
six amendments. The amendments and constitution continue to protect our rights as Americans
even hundreds of years after being established. States have the ability to make restrictions The
Articles of Confederation gave Congress many powers; they could raise an army and a navy, make
war and peace, set up a postal system, and print money.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The farmers had the hardest time with the money shortage because they could not earn enough to
pay their taxes and debts. Shay led his followers to close down courthouses so that judges could
not take away their farms. The group went with weapons and because the Continental Army was
disbanded Congress could not stop them. Massachusetts eventually ended Shay s Rebellion,
sending militia troops to halt the protesting. Madison wrote to a friend. It is not possible that a
government can last long under these circumstances (Frey, 2004: 105). Congress, after dealing
with Shay s Rebellion called for a convention to come up with a solution to fix all the problems that
the Articles of Confederation was creating. When the Constitutional Convention began, the
delegates believed that the task at hand was to revise the Articles of Confederation. All the
delegates agreed to throw out the Articles of Confederation and write a new constitution. As the
delegates began to make a new framework a disagreement came up, where should the government
s power to rule come from? Some believed that the states should, others thought the people should
have the authority. The Articles of Confederation s answer was that states should have the powers
while Madison believed the power should rest with the people. This is how the Virginia and New
Jersey plan
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Fat Persuasive Speech
H.I.I.T the Weights and Diet!
Every time you look at an ad commonly you ll see someone who is thin and beautiful. Being lean
does not necessarily signify that they are healthy. This shouldn t have to be explained, but when
people starve themselves to be beautiful those people are slowly dying. In opposition to these
people there are people who are also at an unhealthy weight, but are several sizes bigger than they
ought to be. These people s bodies are also shutting down due to their health. Being underweight
and being overweight are unhealthy. These conditions threaten people s lives every day if these
people don t change their lifestyle. This change doesn t have to immense or extremely hard.
There is a way to look and feel your best without depriving yourself and a way to be full while
eating healthy while allowing some exciting food every now and again. There are multiple ways to
achieve fit, healthy, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
H.I.I.T stands for High Intensity Interval Training and is used for running and weightlifting.
This is a high stress exercise and requires that lower intensity exercises are done between each
session. When doing H.I.I.T the participant will sprint or lift rapidly for a certain period of time,
for instance a minute, then said participant would take a minute of rest. Doing about 20 30 reps
of H.I.I.T would burn more calories than just sprinting. Len Kravitz, a coordinator Program
Coordinator of Exercise Science and A Researcher at University of New Mexico, stated in his
article, A 150 lbs woman can burn about 350 on low intensity running and can burn up to 380
calories in higher intensity running with in the same 40 minutes, also with H.I.I.T you burn even
after you are done running. Using H.I.I.T get s your heart pumping to about 80 90 percent of max
capacity and and promotes muscle growth while shredding through fat and calories. This will
enhance heart muscle stregth and increase your body s resilience while you
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Genetic Testing And The Human Genome Project
The Human Genome Project introduces significant scientific findings to the world, but raises a lot
of controversies. Many of these controversies concern the application of this new scientific finding
and its ethicality. Genetic information from a project, once aimed towards mapping the human
genome in hope for curing diseases, are now being used in businesses. It shouldn t be permissible
for employers to require that all employees, as well as potential employees, be screened for genetic
vulnerabilities and to use the results of such screening when they make hiring, retention, and job
assignment decisions. These genetic vulnerabilities may include diseases, unsuitable personality
traits and other traits the company deems undesirable. Employees shouldn t be judged by their
genes, because the results do not adequately speak for what the employees will do in life, the
employee s position in the society, and the employee s financial standing. Genetic testing should be
an option for the employees to decide on job assignment rather than influence the hiring decisions
of employers. Genetic testing only shows genetic potential, not potential growth. Conducting
genetic testings on employees infringes on their privacy and encourage more social gaps with
genetic classes. There are possible objections to this controversy due to the possible advantages of
the genetic tests. It can be argued that genetic tests can match people with the right occupations and
enhance the best given traits
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Essay On The Last Of The Mohicans
The Last of The Mohicans was an enjoyable book to read. The book kept me interested and there
was difficulty to put it down. The book made the backdrop enjoyable and it fashioned a difficult
terrain for the characters to transverse. The vegetation provides a worthy advisory for both the
natives and whites to cross and provided cover for both sides. The characters not only fight against
themselves, but, also nature was fought against during the conflict and the fact that the author
described it in a fantastic way. This helps set the mood when the runner was meant, and when they
traveled through the backs of the woods. The description of the runner peaked my curiosity,
labeling him as a specter in the woods. The book showed that frontier life was hard and
unforgiving place. The first couple of chapters seemed dawdling. The author lost me when he went
into elongated historical definitions and discussions this agitated and disconcerted me. Although, it
started slow I soon found it hard to put down the book. The author could generate tension in the
story, which is why could not put the book down. The book is far different from the movie; to me
the plots seemed remote from each other. The Native Americans in the book... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
The ending showed that two cultures can come together; this was shown with Hawkeye as the
hinge. It also shows that this is the conclusion of adventures for the Mohicans. Therefore, the
Native Americans saw their world was naturally changing; settlements are appearing and rapidly
changing the Native Americans and how they were used to reside. Consequently, with his
awareness Cooper showed this and effectively showed this throughout the story. The story
concluded in tribulation that all the Mohicans died and one was left. This would be horrific to be
the last of a tribe, no way to preserve it, or pass down the traditions associated with
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Predictably Irrational Analysis
This week s reading Predictably Irrational was very valuable, and informative. While coming up
with so many ways of thinking when it comes to behavior, I had no idea even existed. We talked
last week about being rational, but this week and this week s reading it discussed more about
irrational, and predictable behavior. At the end of this summary I hope to have showed and
understand the difference when it comes to irrational and predictable theories that can disrupt
behavior, and decision making.
When it came down to a specific model I wasn t quite sure which one we are talking about, because
in the book Dan Ariely in my opinion has quite a few different experiment, models that are used to
help better understand his argument. The model about ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The first chapter I enjoyed was chapter 10, The Power of Price. The chapter talked about
experiments suggest that more expensive things, higher perceived value have a better placebo
effect. The experiment is where the people drank an energy drink, and those who had the more
expensive version did better in a puzzle. However, the group who had the drink whose bottle
specifically said that it helps people do better in puzzles, they actually did better than the group
with the blank bottle. To me that showed me just how pictures and the things we see really do
impact our decision making. If we see a name brand energy drink compared to a knock off brand
energy drink does the name brand energy work better? I have been in those situations where I
have felt a Red Bull did better than a monster energy drink, just because the Red Bull is more
expensive. Both energy drinks in my opinion work the same, and to be honest who is to say they
aren t the same drink? I can just be different price and
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Symbolism In A Separate Peace
Haley BirminghamBirmingham 1
English II 7
February 11, 2015A Separate Peace Symbolism Essay Every book every written has symbolism,
no established author would write a book without a hidden theme or meaning. Many areas of A
Separate Peace have symbolism alluding towards World WarII and many hidden themes revolve
around the war. The war represents the final step in loss of innocence the boys face while at
Devon. World War II represents the imminent trials of adulthood and the triumph of evil over
good in the novel. Even the safe walls of Devon couldn t keep away the impending struggles the
boys are going to face in the real world, the war being the nearest struggle to come. The only thing
that lets Gene forget the war is Finny, who represents innocence and youth, as well as his time spent
at Devon during the summer. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
We spent that summer in complete selfishness, I m happy to say. The people in the world who
could be selfish in the summer of 1942 were a small band, and I m glad we took advantage of it.
(Knowles 44)
This quote shows that although Gene was well aware of the war and their naivety to ignore it, this
selfishness gave them time to continue experiencing their youth while they still had the chance.
The reason the symbolism of the summer session was included in the novel was to show the
drastic changes the boys underwent before and after the stress of the war was felt and the loss of
innocence the war
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HEALTHSOUTH Corporation (HEALTHSOUTH) began its rise in 1984 when Richard Scrushy,
Aaron Beam, and other close associates formed the HEALTHSOUTH Empire with venture capital
from New Enterprise Associates of Baltimore. In the beginning, Richard Scrushy was the chief
executive officer (CFO), Aaron Beam was named the chief financial officer (CFO) and William
Owen, an accountant from Ernst and Young, assumed the position of comptroller.
HEALTHSOUTH went public in 1986 and began rapidly growing through the acquisition and
construction of new rehabilitation hospitals, outpatient clinics, and diagnostic service centers.
HEALTHSOUTH was commonly referred to as the Pacman of rehabilitation and outpatient surgery
due to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Overview of Key Evidence of the Prosecution
Richard Scrushy, former Chief Executive Officer of HEALTHSOUTH Corporation, was ultimately
charged with one count of conspiracy, ten counts of money laundering, thirteen counts of wire fraud
, seven counts of mail fraud, two counts of securities fraud and lying to United States
investigators, two counts of falsifying statements, and one count of falsifying certifications. The
charge of securities fraud led to a probe of possible insider trading in his sales of
HEALTHSOUTH stock. There is evidence which supports that HEALTHSOUTH S administration
began fraudulently cooking the books in the mid 1990s in an effort to build a sophisticated
corporate Empire by:
В·defrauding the system of payment (Medicare),
В·increasing returns by playing on the vulnerability of citizens through over servicing and
В·cutting the costs of care by understaffing, under resourcing and under servicing, or
В·by a combination of any two or more of these.
Human and financial resources were diverted from healthcare to marketing, to provide funding
sources for HEALTHSOUTH to be competitive in the healthcare arena. Reallocating financial
resources also provided HEALTHSOUTH with adequate funding for political donations, which is
said to have influenced political decisions,
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How Did The War Measures Act Affect Canada
On August 22, 1914, the War Measures Act was put into place. The Act allowed the federal
government to do anything it felt was necessary, for the security, defence, peace, order and
welfare of Canada (Breti). The War Measures Act could get put into use when the government
believed that Canada was about to be invaded or go to war. The reason the War Measures Act was
made was so that the government could push things like bills and decisions through faster. That
way if Canada does get invaded or goes to war they would not have such long waits for something
to come through while the pressure of war is on their shoulders. However, while the Act is put in
place the government obtains powers that turns them into something that would not be... Show more
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The power that had been given to the government turned it into something that did not resemble
what could be recognized as democracy today. The Act also allowed for the civil liberties of the
people to be taken away. Also, the Act was abused quite a bit by the government. The War
Measures Act was used only two times after this: during World War Two, and during the October
Crisis. During its use in World War Two Canada once again had internment camps, but this time for
the Germans and Italians. After the bombing of Pearl Harbour many Japanese were also placed into
the internment camps. During the october Crisis Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau used the War
Measures Act to be able to arrest people without having to give proof of wrongdoing. He did this
because he was searching for members of the terrorist group, Front de Liberation du Quebec,
because they had kidnapped, British trade commissioner James Cross, and kidnapped and
murdered Quebec Labour Minister Pierre Laporte (Smith). Trudeau used the Act for a good
reason, but it was still a serious infringement of the people s rights. Once again there was a
suspension of civil liberties in both World War Two and the October Crisis. However, since 1988
the War Measures Act has been replaced by the Emergencies Act. This Act limits and specifies the
certain powers the government has so that the government
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Comparing Leopold And Loeb s Life
Leopold and Loeb both came from very wealthy families and had remarkable academic records.
At eighteen years old Leopold had already obtained his bachelor s degree from the university of
Chicago and was attending law school at Chicago. Of the two, Leopold had a significantly
higher IQ, far above the regular scale. Although Leopold was brighter, he was relatively
unattractive, awkward, and socially ill at ease. Loeb on the other hand graduated from the
University of Michigan at the age of seventeen. Loeb was known for his magnetic charm and his
inborn knack of making friends and winning everyone s affection. He was well dressed, handsome
and had a fascination with crime. Between the two boys it appeared that Loeb was the leader and
Leopold was his follower. A former classmate of Leopold, Paula Fass, spoke on behalf of Leopold
during a 1957 parole hearing and stated Loeb was a leader, aggressive, crafty, smart. Leopold was
definitely a follower. Loeb induced Leopold to make the tragic mistake of his life. (Gilbert Bienen,
1998, p.27).... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It was said that Loeb would allow Leopold sexual access to him if he agreed to engage in whatever
adventures Loeb devised. Leopold was portrayed, as being wildly in love with Loeb and even after
Loeb s death, his affection for him did not seem to diminish. During a parole hearing Leopold was
asked why he participated in the killing of Bobby Franks he said, I have been trying desperately to
fathom the situation. I will never quit trying. I admired Richard Loeb extravagantly, beyond all
bounds. I literally lived and died on his approval and disapproval. I would have done anything he
asked, even when I knew he was wrong, even when I was revolted by what he suggested. (Gilbert
Bienen, 1998, p28.) Leopold and Loeb s were unlikely killers and if their paths had never crossed it
is likely that neither would have committed such a horrible
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Wilde Case Summary
Wilde V. City of Normal The new ordinance regulating short term rentals violates Ima Liddle
Wilde right to due process, and right of contract protected under the 14th Amendment. Normal,
Illinois s city ordinance makes the historic 3 story Victorian property valueless, and resulted in a
taking of her property violating the taking clause of the 5th amendment, while also violating her
right to contract with fellow citizen. In Lucas V. South Carolina costal council of 1992, Justice
Antonin Scalia delivers the court s opinion stating sacrifice all economically beneficial uses in the
name of the common good, that is, to leave his property economically idle, he has suffered a
taking... (Lucas 1234).... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
v. Parrish states The constitution does not recognize an absolute and uncontrollable liberty
(Parrish 301) and that laws are required to safe guard the health, safety, and welfare of the people.
If the city can show a clear benefits the ordinance will have on the community, then liberty of
contract argument is not applicable to this case. In Muller v. Oregon (1908) in the opinion Justice
Brewer states that the state can restrict a person s right of contract without violating the 14th
amendment provisions, and again mentioning that contracts are not absolute and extending to all
contracts . (Oregon 298) In this case restrictions are only placed on rentals shorter than 30 days
and requires the owner to reside in the house. Even with the limitations placed on Ms. Wilde the
property still has value, such as selling the property or renting it longer than 30 days at a time.
Justice Blackmun in dissenting in the Lucas case, states the petitioner still can enjoy other
attributes of ownership, such as the right to exclude others (Lucas 1237). Because the property still
has economic productivity, albeit with some regulation the ordinance does not invoke a taking. In
Nolan v. California Coastal Commission (1987) the Essential Nexus was established, meaning a
conditional permit may be constitutional if the owner is Page
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Geocaching A Better Form Of Media
Geocaching a Better Form of Media
If you do not have the latest iPhone with accounts in the most popular apps you are the odd one
out these days. Phones are not phones anymore; they are capable of too many things to be just a
phone. Now you can take out your phone and know exactly where you are in the world, live
stream what you are doing at this exact moment, the possibilities are almost endless. One of the
best apps I ve seen take advantage of what the phone can do is the Geocaching app. Geocaching is
able to use the phone to help the user find their cache, and as media changes this app has been able
to not only stay relevant but begin to flourish. Geocaching is a relevant app because it unites the
paradoxes of media, is a good ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A website developer named Jeremy Irish stumbled upon Teague s website and decided to give
this treasure hunt a try. After Irish s thrill of finding his first cache he decided to start a hobby
website for the activity; with the help of Teague the Geocaching website was launched on
September 2, 2002 with only 75 caches known in the world. Geocaching was officially created in
2002 but began in 2000, the transition period between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0. Its concept using
old media like websites and web browsers and then quickly transitioning to new media with
online collaboration and mobile Internet access. Because Geocaching was created in this
transitional time period it was able to blend the paradoxes of the media David Thorburn
introduces in Web of Paradox . The first paradox is joining vs. isolation, in which media is seen
as a tool to join people together but is also seen as a tool that isolates its users. Since Geocaching
relies on its users to keep creating new caches and update on ones already created the users are
united, helping each other out. Yet geocaching could be perceived as isolating as well because
when these caches are hidden in public most bystanders do not realize what is happening. The
next paradox is virtual vs. actual, where media leads its user into believing the media is reality or
people view the media as only virtual, that there is
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The Need to Update and Revolutionize The Church
It was difficult for me to get past the first page of reading Willimon s The Pastor as Preacher. The
first sentence which struck me was most of those who are under authority refuse to treat preachers
as their instructors. These words hit me squarely in the face, because I have been struggling with
my current endeavors for my supervised ministry
The one great preacher...is the Church. I agree vehemently with this statement. This is why when
I drive pass the Church day, after day, seeing no activity going on. No cars, no influx of people
coming in and out of the doors. No pastor there on standby for any lonely, lost soul who is looking
for solace within the confines of the Church doors. I become more and more disenchanted with the
Church. The ideas I am trying to implement and initiate are often meet with great dissention from
the people. They think fish fry s and car washes are ministry. They struggle with treating me as
instructor, someone there to help teach them. I have never been so conflicted in my life. I want to
see the Church grow. I want to see the Church standing in the community as the greatest
pontificator of the Gospel, yet it lies dormant. It lies like a sleeping giant who is yet to understand
the true power it possess. I think my greatest opposition stems from the fact the previous pastor
was an idealist. He had great ideas and a great vision for the Church. The new pastor, a well
grounded and well respected figure in our denomination, seems
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Graphene Essay
Effect of Point and Line Defects on the Properties of Graphene: A Review
Rajasekaran G, Prarthana Narayanan and Avinash Parashar*
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
247667, India
* Corresponding author: E Mail: drap1fme@iitr.ac.in, Ph: +91 1332 284801
New materials with distinctive properties are arising and attracting the scientific community at
regular intervals. Stiffness and strength are the important factors in determining stability and
lifetime of any technological devices, but defects which are inevitable at the time of production can
alter the structural properties of any engineering materials. Developing graphene with specific
structural properties depends upon controlling these defects, either by removing or deliberately
engineering atomic structure to gain or tailoring specific properties. In the present article, a
comprehensive review of defective graphene sheets with respect to its mechanical and thermal
properties are presented and examined.
Key Words: Graphene; point defects; line defects; molecular dynamics; atomistic modeling; fracture
toughness. Introduction
Graphene is emerging as a potential candidate for developing nanocomposites with desired
mechanical properties, thermal and electrical conductivities. Due to its exceptional mechanical
properties, thermal and electrical conductivities graphene can also be used for more conventional
purposes as compared to carbon nano tubes, which is
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Key West Ehrenreich Character Analysis
According to Ehrenreich, no job is truly unskilled ( Ehrenreich 194). Ehrenreich s three proudest
moments included finishing her tasks fast enough to help others. the breakthrough at Wal Mart
where she believed she could make $7.75 if she kept quiet, and specifically the day at
Woodcrest. Ehrenreich claimed it was a moment I ll bask for the rest of my life where she fed the
locked Alzheimer s ward all by herself, all while receiving smiles from others (Ehrenreich 194).
Ehrenreich was proud of her physical ability because of her endurance. She argued that in a time
period well into my fifties I never collapsed or needed time off to recuperate (Ehrenreich 195).
Ehrenreich exhibits four essential traits: punctuality, cleanliness, cheerfulness,... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Food is inflation proof, when the economy changes food stays relatively the same, while housing
does not. Rents skyrocket and are not taken into account when calculating poverty. Every city
Ehrenreich worked at was experiencing labor shortage . Ehrenreich explains the dismissal
perspective of wage gains the past four years. She believes they have not been sufficient to bring
low wage workers up to the amounts they were earning twenty seven years ago Ehrenreich 203).
Specifically, the poorest workers are the ones who have made the least amount of progress.
Workers do not quit because at a new job, you have to start all over, clueless and friendless
(Ehrenreich 205). Low wage workers are also restrained by their immobility. Most of them rely
on someone driving them to work or having to pay for expensive gas, changing jobs would mean
having to find a new way to work. Employers can always count on money taboo. It is the personal
communication among low wage workers. The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 makes it
illegal to punish people for revealing their wages to one another (Ehrenreich
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Battle Of Iwo Jima Essay
The battle of Iwo Jima is one of the great and epic battles entrenched in minds of many American
historians. It is an eminent battle that took place in February and March 1945 as part of the
pacific campaign during the famous World War II. It was an epic battle in which the Unites
States armed forces fought tirelessly and seized the island of Iwo Jima from the Japanese empire.
It was expected to be a small battle to secure a strategy piece of the island, but it turned out to be
one of the lethal and devastating battles of all times. There were many hidden reasons for the battle
of Iwo Jima, but both countries were tangled to the idea of capturing the Iwo Jima Island and
surrounding territories. Japanese saw the island as a great way to stop the Americans bombing
campaign. Evidently, Iwo Jima was located under the flight path for several B 29 bombers used
by Americans in air attack; hence taking control of the island will make it easy to see the imminent
attacks. Destroying the B 29 bombers presented a great chance to control the island and overwhelm
the U.S troops. On the other side, the island was... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Hence, it took long to learn about an imminent attack. More so, their offensive and defensive
strengths came from the ground troops as it was challenging to use air assault. The underground
tunnels were as success for the Japanese as they acted as a great holding out location. The
bombing by the Americans also made it easy to dig deeper and erect anti aircraft artillery. The
Battle of Iwo Jima was indeed overwhelming as the Americans had a team of 70,000 well trained
soldiers, vast air and naval power and immeasurable communication technology. Surprisingly,
21,000 Japanese troops were able to hold a much huge American force. Most of the Japanese
soldiers fought to death and many never let it go
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John Steinbeck s “The Chrysanthemums” Essay
John Steinbeck s The Chrysanthemums
John Steinbeck s The Chrysanthemums shows the true feelings of the main character, Elisa Allen,
through the use of setting and her interactions with other characters in the story. By way of vivid
descriptions, Elisa s feelings of dissatisfaction over the lack of excitement in her life are portrayed.
Her role as a mere housewife and then the subsequent change to feelings of a self assured woman
are clearly seen. These inner feelings are most apparent with the portrayal of Elisa working in the
garden with the chrysanthemums, the conversation she has with the man passing through, and
finally, when she and her husband are going out to dinner.
Steinbeck s strong and somewhat manly description of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the portion of the story where Elisa is talking to the Fixer Guy who happens to pull down the
road to her farm, Steinbeck shows Elisa s eagerness for attention and how she comes to the
realization that there is a more exciting life outside the farm. In the Fixer Guy , Elisa finds
somebody who sees her as more than a housewife, someone who can appreciate her from an
unbiased viewpoint. He offers his services and she turns him down saying I tell you I have
nothing like that for you to do. At first she resists conversation with him. Then when he asks
about her plants Steinbeck writes The irritation and resistance melted from Elisa s face. I raise
them every year, bigger than anybody around here , she boasts. She is now very eager to talk
about her chrysanthemums. Elisa s face becomes tight with eagerness as she talks about them, as
if they were her children. The vibes from her infatuation with these flowers are picked up by the
old man, and there is an unspoken connection between these two perfect strangers as they have
both chosen their own preoccupation in life, his being a passion of pots and hers a love of
chrysanthemums. It is this connection that ignites the realization that she longs to break free from
the everyday routine she calls life. This feeling is so strong that her hand went out toward his legs
in the greasy black trousers as if to grasp a piece
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Spanish Edict Of Expulsion
The history of the Jewish people in Spain is certainly a pivotal time period that changed the future
of the Jews and specifically, the Sephardic Jews. At the time of the issuing and signing of the Edict
of Expulsion on March 31, 1492, Spanish Jews were experiencing the most persecution that had
been felt in the many centuries of which the Jewshad been in Spain. Spanish Jewry came to a
dramatic end after almost a millennium of Jewish presence in the country. Spanish Jewry s golden
age, however, the Jews experienced almost no persecution, resulting in a new centre of Talmudic
study, before suffering from a relapse of anti Semitism that eventually led to the Inquisition and the
Edict of Expulsion. (SOURCE 1) This essay will discuss and analyze... Show more content on
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For the Jews, it was almost impossible to maintain any sliver of wealth that they had in Spain,
since Jews were forbidden to leave Spain with gold, silver or any other precious metals. As a
result, only their must prized or important possessions could be taken to their new home, as they
were physically restricted for what they could take. A delegation of influential Jewish people
including the Chief Rabbi of Castile, Abraham Senior and Issac Abarbanel, a financial adviser to
the state appeared before Ferdinand and Isabella as a last ditch effort to save Spanish Jewry and
cancel the Edict of Expulsion. The delegation presented the catholic monarchs with a bag of
gold to support their argument, however, Ferdinand and Isabella remained unchanged in
respects to the Edict. The Jews began searching for their new homes, and most Jews, unwilling
to embark on a long voyage to a different region of the world, sought to immigrate to Portugal,
just west of Spain on the Iberian Peninsula. (SOURCE 8) A delegation of Jews approached the
King of Portugal, John II, and presented him with a large sum of money for the permanent
admission of affluent Jews into Portugal as well as a temporary home for poor Spanish Jews.
(SOURCE 9) Shortly after, the Jews once again had to look for a new home after Manoel I, the
new king of Portugal expelled the Jews from the country as a compliance with the daughter of
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Roman Architecture And Its Impact On Society
Introduction Roman architecture is a thing of the past; however, it still has a large impact upon
society today. Roman buildings are what our buildings were derived from, a lot of the art we think
of when we see a building was once thought of by the romans, was once built by the romans, and
some of these buildings are still standing today, not many, but a few. Now, roman architecture is
significant because of how it affected the growth of our architecture, how it evolved changed how
we evolved. This will show how roman architecture began as a thing of functionality and grew to a
thing of beauty. Roman period Roman architecture was originally founded by the Greeks, and was,
in reality, a continuation of Greek architecture. Some say the Romans brought architecture to a new
level, I say that the romans just enhanced what was already there. The Romans adopted new
techniques, used new materials, and combined existing techniques/materials with creative designs
to create new architectural structures. A few examples of these new structures are; the basilica,
triumphal arch, aqueduct, amphitheater, granary building, and residential housing. Many of these
additions to architecture were spurred by Rome s need to grow. The reason that these buildings
grew so large and became so wide spread was because they were funded by a state apparatus,
causing these constructions to survive until the present day. Roman architects continued to follow
the guidelines established
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The Pros And Cons Of Nuclear Weapons Proliferation
Equally important to the safety standards forced upon nuclear engineers, is the prospect of nuclear
weapons proliferation as a byproduct of energy production. It has been a topic of debate since the
mid 1940s when the first nuclear bombs were being produced for war under the United States
Manhattan Project, and since then has received varied attention throughout the years. In its simplest
form, there is concern that the same technologies that are being used to produce nuclear power,
may also be able to allow access to nuclear weapons in the process. The Nuclear Threat Initiative
covers these issues, pointing explicitly to fuel enrichment and reprocessing as the most dangerous.
It is believed that high grade uranium (which is only used in laboratory... Show more content on
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The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), for instance, is a well versed piece that covers these
risks. Within the treaty, enacted in 1970, each state subscribed is responsible for the disarmament,
nonproliferation, and peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The first Articles disavow any acceptance or
transfer of weapons between nuclear or non nuclear states, followed by Article III which mandates
safeguards that must be followed by all participating members. While maintaining the ability for
each state to conduct research on nuclear energy peacefully, the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
ensures that each country signing (a total of 190 have signed), is monitored for the improper use of
nuclear energy within the country. This treaty was made in light of the truth of preventing nuclear
weapons proliferation, such that it requires the international cooperation and participation a
cooperation of industry, civility, and security to further the safety of nuclear energy for the public.
The countries possessing nuclear weapons during the treaty s conception (China, Russia, France,
the U.K. and the U.S), are all committed to the steady reduction of weapons stockpiles in their own
countries; all signing countries are not permitted to produce nuclear weapons
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The Visual Data Discovery Tool
Tableau is a Visual Data Discovery Tool that makes it easy to explore data, it is engineered to
support existing data infrastructure policies, this means it can provide connections to any data
source, allowing you to interact, analyze and explore your data with ease. Tableau also has features
that allow the sharing of data (via a link, SharePoint, email or community site). Tableau also allows
you to amalgamate two data sources together. Datawatch Visual Data Discovery is an interactive
tool that can find correlations, clusters and patterns within your data. It features reporting
capabilities that allow you to gain more detailed results, discover trends, and get rid of irrelevant
data easily to identify underlying data patterns.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Interactive Statistical Graphics Vast array of interactive graphs available to present data. Some
of which include Line Plots, Bubble Charts, Scatter Plots, and Needle Charts etc. SAS also
allows you to incorporate geographic maps into graphs including built in data sets as well as
generating longitudes and latitudes for mailing and IP addresses. Graphics interact with the
data table using capabilities such as brushing and highlighting. Interactive Graphics can also be
embedded into webpages and MS Office documents. 2. Data Connectivity SAS has the
capabilities to be able to connect with almost any type of data range, including XML, various
database platforms and Excel as well as many more. There are how to guides on their website to
help you connect to a specific data format. 3. Point and Click interface allows you to easily
interact with the analytic tools and explore the deeper fundamentals of the data. This in turn leads
to better analysis and speeds up the decision making process for organisations. 4. Visual querying
and data filtering allows you to rearrange data however and whenever you want to viewing and
interacting with linked stats and graphics that have the ability to change and show trends over a
period of time. We believe that all these features are extremely important to an organisation.
However, for the purposes of this coursework the reasoning behind the ordering is that we felt the
need for having interactive graphs data
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Why Zimbabwe Is A Sub Saharan African Country
Zimbabwe is a Sub Saharan African country located in the southern part of Africa, between the
countries of South Africa and Zambia. With a total population of over 13 million, the majority of
the population is zero to fourteen year olds at 38.4% followed by twenty five to fifty four year
olds (32.3%) and fifteen to twenty four year olds (22.1%) (United States Central Intelligence
Agency [USCIA]). In the year of 2011, over 38% of the population lived in cities. The geography of
this country consists of high plateaus and mountains located in the east (United States Central
Intelligence Agency [USCIA]). This essay explains the colonial history and how they achieved
independence, critical events that have affected Zimbabwe, and the current... Show more content on
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The attack into Mashonaland, by 1893 failed, due to not finding the minerals they were
searching for, so they extended the area of colonization into the land of Matabeleland, attacking
the Ndebele people and defeated them later that year. However, the people were not completely
defeated like they thought, thus starting to fight back in 1896 ( The History of Zimbabwe ). The
goal of the people was to destroy the white power the BSAC had when they invaded them. This
uprising was the most violent and organized, killing 10% of the white colonizers. Following,
there became reserved black areas, which became heavily controlled so the whites were
forbidden ( History of Colonialism in Rhodesia. ). However, it didn t last long. In 1898, the
region became known as a colony, Rhodesia, after the enforcement of the Rhodesia Order in
Council, governed by BSAC until 1923. The enforcement of this consisted of giving the white
settler community land segregation, segregated governance, and political and economic privileges,
which increased the separation of races. The goal of this was able to rule the Shona and Ndebele
people, without causing another uprising ( The History of Zimbabwe ). After this Order in Council,
the United Kingdom took over in place of the British.
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A Genetic Engineering Outline
oTH Morgan concluded that chromosome play an important part in heredity and the passing on
genetic traits o Griffith injected mice with different types of bacteria and when he injected them
with S cells, the mice died. When the mice were injected with the R cells, they continued to live.
The mice would survive if they were injected with heat killed S Cells but died when given a
dosage of heat killed S Cells and normal R Cells. The reaction of the two cells was the possible
and most likely death of the mouse. o Avery, Macleod, and McCarthy took the findings of Griffith
and wanted to reason why the combination of the two cells killed the mouse. The took the different
parts which would cause the DNA, Protein, and RNA and eventually eliminated them one by one.
After all of that, only bacteria that was exposed to the S strain DNA were transformed. This gave
the idea that DNA is what was controlling living things and was the outcome of this experiment o
Hershey and Chase Radioactively tagged and then tracked infected bacteria in order to prove that
DNA was in fact the molecule of heredity and transferring of genetic material o Chargaff proved
two very important rules about DNA,
All species have different amounts of adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine in their DNA
The Amount of Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine and Thymine in each species DNA is different. o
Crick and Watson used X ray diffraction data, which Rosalind Franklin developed which was then
used to develop the double
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Popular Fad, And Weight Loss Diets
Assignment 14: Popular, fad, and Weight Loss Diets
Taylor Skaggs Roll #735
Oklahoma State University
Principle of Human Nutrition 2114 Sec. 007
The DASH Diet
1.Key concepts of the diet:
A.What is the DASH diet, and who developed it?
The DASH diet stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. The DASH diet was promoted
by the United States National heart, lung, and blood institute. The diet was designed to help
prevent and control hypertension. In addition to its effect on blood pressure, it is designed to be
a well balanced approach to eating for the general public. DASH is recommended by the United
States Department of Agriculture (USDA) as one of its ideal eating plans for all Americans. Is the
Dash Diet right for you? What are some credentials? If you have high blood pressure, are at risk
for hypertension, want to reduce your cholesterol, and want something affordable with a fitness
plan; then the DASH diet is right for you.
B.What is the purpose of the diet?
The purpose of the DASH diet is to help consumer s lower blood pressure in as little as two
weeks. Other benefits in this diet are that it can lower cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of a
stroke, heart disease, and osteoporosis. Furthermore the diet with moderate exercise can reduce
insulin resistance as well. The diet was not originally designed to help people lose weight, but there
are version of the diet that have been changed to help those wanting weight loss.
C.What does a person
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Information and Arguments Contained in Images Essay
Images contain arguments, whether if there are many or just a few. A series of images with no
words but contains an argument is a pictorial essay. John Berger s Ways of Seeing (1972)
contains both word and pictorial essays. The book is divided into seven sections, three being
pictorials. In the very first chapter of the book, Berger made it clear that the way one image follows
another, their succession, constructs an argument which becomes irreversible. Having noted that, it
would seem that the sixth essay argues that an observation painting provides more information than
that of a directed or arranged portrait. Images that are next to one another in the book such as
Sarah Burge, 1883. Dr.Barnardo s Homes and Murillo BartolomГ© s... Show more content on
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In these two images however, the observational artwork provides much more information than
the arranged portrait possibly because there is a lot more action and emotion being show in the
image. It is agreeable that observational images does provide much more information than
arranged portraits also because of the surrounding background as well as the actions shown in the
images. The information that we unconsciously get from images such as Johann Zoffany s
Charles, Third Duke of Richmond and Sale of Pictures and Slaves in the Rotunda, New Orleans,
is the time period which it may have occurred in and what kind of lifestyle both parties are living
in. There is also action and movement in the image and what could possibly be the century it was
painted in. In contrast, Mademoiselle de Clermont shows the viewers that the artist is more focused
on the subject because she is looking directly at the artist. There is also no sense of communication
between the servants in the image with her; this does not show any information except for the
status difference between the any three women. If there were some sort of communication between
the women, there possibly would be more information that the viewer can take such what kind of
relationship the women have with each other as well as the personality of each women. In
comparison to the other two previous images, even though this painting does provide a background,
it is not enough to provide the viewer with
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Sheep Brain Dissection Lab Report
The purpose of the sheep brain dissection is to appreciate the complex structure of the brain in three
dimensions. Also list, identify, and describe the important structures of the sheep brain and
compare with those of the human brain.
Preserved sheep brain
Dissection tray
Safety glasses
Obtain a preserved sheep brain from the bucket and place this on a dissection tray.
Examine the outer surface of the brain and locate the dura matter (the outer toughest layer of the
Remove the dura matter.
Place the brain on dissecting tray and position its ventral surface upward. Identify olfactory nerve,
optic nerves, optic chiasm, pons, medulla oblongata, and spinal cord.
Position the brain with its ventral surface down and identify cerebral hemispheres, cerebral lobes
(frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital), cerebellum, longitudinal fissure, and transverse fissure.
In same position (with the ventral surface downward), make a longitudinal cut along the
longitudinal fissure using a scalpel all the way down, and separate the cerebral hemispheres.
Identify the corpus callosum, white and gray matters of the brain, thalamus, hypothalamus, lateral
ventricle, and pineal gland.
After finishing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, I saw how the different areas of the brain including cerebral hemispheres, brain stem,
pons, medulla oblongata, and cerebellum are connected with each other and perform their
functions. Also, by comparing the size and shape of a human s brain with sheep s brain, I learned
and realized that the human brain is much larger to the sheep brain, especially the large frontal lobe
on a human brain that gives the personality and decision making ability to human beings.
Additionally, the sheep brain is oriented anterior to posterior whereas the human brain is superior to
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Missional Hermeneutic Essay
The thesis of this paper is that a missional hermeneutic is an appropriate reading of the Bible
because it nurtures a listening engagement by the church that is crucial for mutual God
conversation with those outside the church. This paper will argue this thesis by engaging Richard
Bauckham s book Bibleand Mission as a framework for understanding a missional hermeneutic.
Bauckham s central theme of the relationship between the particular and the universal, can offer
keen insight as to how a missional hermeneutic nurtures a listening engagement with local contexts.
Additionally, via this framework, the paper will show how a missional reading of the scripture
develops in us a theology that moves us into a listening engagement with our community and the
world. Finally, key insights will demonstrate the importance of a listening engagement between
church and community and show the appropriateness of a missional hermeneutic.
Disconnected Conversation
Over coffee in a Barcelona neighbourhood, an acquaintance expressed the remark, I can t invite my
friends to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Surprisingly, he develops this hermeneutic, not by focusing on comments related to mission in the
Bible, but by looking at the action and purpose of God as narrated in the biblical story. God s
purpose, as Bauckham empathizes, results in the kingdom of God and he desires one to read the
Bible, in a way that takes seriously its missionary direction. Therefore, one can call this
hermeneutical framework missional. Missional describes something that is related to or
characterized by mission, and Bauckham is stating that, at its core, God s purpose or mission
characterizes the whole of scripture and what one knows about God. Consequently, this is the first
critical piece of Bauckham s hermeneutic the mission is
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Dancing At Lughnasa Themes
Dancing at Lughnasa and Its Relationship With Today s Issues Since ancient civilizations the
world have faced different kind of social, economic and cultural issues. Dancing at Lughnasa is an
extraordinary drama that portraits the audience a general vision of how people lived during the
1930s in Ireland. Its context shows their major and relevant issues such as unemployment, poverty,
technology development, family importance and values. This essay will explain how this historic
drama is related with today s issues. It is hard to believe that we still have common matters but with
different circumstances and approaches, some of them that we still need to struggle. Family and
values are one of the most important themes on this story. People are... Show more content on
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It plays cold facts of reality on how people lived during early 20th century. Family values,
poverty and technology are among the most important and remarkable themes of the story,
issues that are still of big concern now in the 21st century. Kate believed in the powerful role
that values played in family being fiercely devout to her Catholic and moral disciplines toward
her sisters. These beliefs are still on our society though many people are living them behind
especially in liberal countries, destroying family integrity. Poverty as we mentioned have always
existed, economical depressions and unemployment are the main factors of this struggle. Many
people live like the Mandy family today or even worst. Is an issue that the entire world still needs
to dial with. On the other hand, through the story we can see how technology connects people
being sometimes a good distraction for making great memories with the people you love; back in
time with just one radio and now with different devices that bring us closer than ever. As the
audience mentioned This play reflects charged emotions about Irish living conditions. The spirit of
music and dancing among the sisters let them forget about their troubles and kick up their heels,
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An Evaluation Of Nike Inc.
Nike Inc:
Eric Eichman
Patten University
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................... 4
2.0 Copies of the Nike Inc s financial statements ................................................ 6
3.0 An evaluation of Nike Inc s financial stability ............................................... 8
a. Nike Inc s financial stability ........................................................................ 8
b. Operating Income, income before taxes, net income, earnings per share and retained earnings for
current year ......................................................................... 11
c. Sales growth, tax rate and dividend payout ratio .......................................... 12
d. Calculations of ratios ................................................................................ 13
(i) Profitability ............................................................................................. 13
1.i.1.1. Net profit margin ............................................................................... 13
1.i.1.2. Return on shareholder equity (ROE) .................................................... 14
(ii) Liquidity ratios......................................................................................... 15
1.i.ii.1. Current ratio ...................................................................................... 15
1.i.ii.2. Quick ratio
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The Importance of Preventative Care for Health Essay example
As a result of the importance placed on preventive services there is no shortage of studies
examining preventive service utilization among various groups. Many studies have examined the
factors affecting preventive service use with the most important including age5,6, race/ethnicity7
10, marital status11, and income. 6 8,11 13 The literature has documented disparities by race
/ethnicity and socioeconomic status in use of preventive services and shown that minorities are
generally not as likely as Whites to receive services such as blood pressure checks, cervical cancer
screening, and blood cholesterol screening. 14 Other studies have looked at the effects of education
9,15,16, usual source of care 15, and insurance 17 20 on the utilization... Show more content on
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Not surprisingly, low income families (less than $25,000/year household income) had the
highest level of uninsurance at 25.4%. However, middle income families were also affected by
a high rate of uninsurance (21.5%).24 Lack of health insurance can lead to a variety of issues
from access barriers to needed services to delaying routine and preventive care. The United
States Preventive Services Task Force produces and maintains a set of comprehensive preventions
recommendations that aim to guide clinical and preventive care in the United States. 3 The
USPSTF guidelines are employed by numerous federal agencies and private organizations, and
are widely considered as the top choice for clinical preventive services guidance. 25 The purpose
of this study is to analyze the use of USPSTF recommended preventive services among uninsured
adults, and how utilization varies across race and ethnicity. As such, the analysis was limited to non
Hispanic Whites, non Hispanic African Americans, and Hispanic individuals over the age of 18
who did not have any health insurance coverage for the entire previous year. Following the
Andersen Andersen model of health care utilization, we control for socio demographic factors that
may act as enabling resources, predisposing characteristics, or need factors. The Andersen Andersen
model postulates that use of health services is dependent on an
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Hairbrush History
Part 1
For As long as people have had hair, they have needed a way to tame their hair s tangles. It has
provided mankind with a method of detangling their hair for thousands of years, though it has
evolved and improved over time. Many types of hairbrushes have been dated back to ancient times.
We cannot pinpoint the exact time and place of the invention of the hairbrush as it has been utilised
by so many cultures and civilisations such as Ancient Egypt, since the beginning of mankind. What
started out as a very basic grooming implement, the hair brush has morphed into a highly
specialised grooming and styling tool.
Part 2
The method by which humans have de tangled their hair has evolved and changed over
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Inside Look at Google
An Inside Look at Google
People Management 520
June 1, 2014 Abstract
Being named the top company to work for, for the last four years is no easy feat. But Google has
created a recipe for success in how they recruit, manage, evaluate and motivate their 33,100
employees. By utilizing their data analysis systems and empowering their employees, Google has
been able to create a successful workforce that focuses on work/life balance and transparency for
all of their employees.
An Inside Look at Google
Out of thousands of employees surveyed, Google has been named the Best Company to Work For
by Fortune Magazine for the last four years (Surwood, 2013). The survey is based upon factors
such as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
All employees have access to first class dining facilities that provide a free gourmet lunch and
dinner every day, along with free dry cleaning, a gym, salon, massage parlor, a car wash, bike
repair shop, laundry rooms, an on site doctor and commuting buses. Additional perks include 18
weeks off with 100% pay for maternity leave with includes $500 for new parents, tuition
reimbursement, up to $5000 for adoption assistance and $5,000 for when employees purchase a
hybrid vehicle. Employees also obtain vacation packages and Google will match up to $3000 per
year for charitable contributions. These additional benefits are perhaps their strongest strategic
capability and their largest competitive advantage in retaining employees. Another strategic
capability is that employees have access to a product manager for career and management purposes.
This manager will teach them how to negotiate better salaries, improve their presentation skills and
talk them through the reasons why they should or they shouldn t leave to start their one company
(Walker, 2012). A disadvantage is that once a person has been with company and learned these
practices, they can leave the company and attempt to replicate the same advantages in their new
company. Another disadvantage is that it is incredibly costly to maintain these benefits. Google
utilizes a
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The Irony Of Differing Perspectives
The Irony of Differing Perspectives
Till 1827, the idea of sobriety was practically non existent in North America . Taverns were open
at all times of day and were a place of encounter for everyone regardless of class, race and gender.
Moreover, they facilitated political negotiations, economic exchanges and interracial sociability .
So, where did the idea of reducing alcohol consumption come from amid the booming socio
economic stability that taverns seemed to provide?
Except for Peter DeLottinville who recounts the honest events that occurred in Joe Beef s Canteen,
the other authors claim that the temperance movement was used for ulterior motives than it
appeared to be on the surface. For instance, in Glenn J. Lockwood s Temperance in ... Show more
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During the period of time that the temperance movement was gaining momentum, the Catholic
church hopped on board to speed up the process and gain as many converts as they could using their
up until then secret weapon: Chiniquy. However, the hidden intention/objective was to regain the
Catholic church s popularity and confidence after Catholics were becoming outnumbered by the
influx of Irish famine immigrants and wanted to become more industrious and progressive (cite).
Unlike all of the previously mentioned authors, DeLottinville does not imply that Joe Beef tried
his best to alleviate problems of housing, job hunting, healthcare and labor unrest with any kind of
hidden agenda. Beef genuinely cared for the welfare of the working class of Montreal and took it
upon himself to represent/assume the voice of the casual laborers . In this case, the Middle Class
was the one benefiting from the temperance movement as they were afraid Beef would succeed
and have laborers demands adhered to. In the same way that Beef s canteen was a place where
every grade in the social scale was represented (CHANGE), many other taverns were also used for
both political and economic interracial exchanges and relationships.
In other words, whereas taverns were used as tools to strengthen a sense of belonging and security,
and often attempted to prove the worthiness of the lower classes, temperance was
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Benefits Of Illegal Migrant Workers
Once working in the U.S., undocumented migrant laborers are perfectly exploitable. Because they
are not citizens or on work visas, they essentially have no rights in the minds of some farms. Farms
may provide poor quality housing, but no other work benefits. Agriculture doesn t have to pay
hourly minimum wage, so instead workers are paid by piece rate: employment in which a worker
is paid a fixed rate for each unit produced no matter the time invested. In some areas, farms make
it appear that they are paying laborers minimum wage by requiring laborers to pick enough
produce to equal a full day s pay. Over exhaustion induced by this is typically untreated because
of the lack of proper medical care available to migrant workers; either because of personal funds,
or ignorant lenses through which doctors view Mexican migrant patients (Holmes, 2013, p. 113).
Then if a laborer expresses any issues to their employers, employers will use the labor s
undocumented status against them. Essentially, they ll threaten the laborer with deportation if the
laborer were to make any action against the farm because of labor rights violations first hand
manipulation of the social divides of labor.
Yet, if the conditions of this job are so poor, and the laborers severely exploited, why do people
still choose to make the dangerous journey? The answer is documented in Fresh Fruit, Broken
Bodies by Seth Holmes. After spending time working and living with Mexican migrant laborers to
better understand
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Identity In Once Were Warriors
1. Introduction
Alan Duff s novel Once Were Warriors was published in 1990 and adapted to a film by director
Lee Tamahori in 1994. The controversial story about a Maori family made Duff a best selling
author and was greatly discussed after its publication (Martens 22f). The Maori family from
whose members points of view the story is told, is called Heke. Living in Pine Block, a fictional
ghetto like neighbourhood, the family s greatest concerns are unemployment, the parents
alcoholism, the children s rebellious behaviour, and the father s violence. Their situation seems
hopeless: Jake, the father, loses his job, drinks too much and repeatedly thrashes his wife Beth,
who, in the beginning, prefers drinking beer to caring for her six children. ... Show more content on
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Readers expect the film to be faithful to its source material in ways that a filmic adaptation
simply cannot be faithful to a literary work, because [t]he demand for fidelity ignores the actual
process of making films, the important differences in modes of production (16). Stam and
Raengo go even further by claiming [a] filmic adaptation is automatically different and original
due to the change of medium (17). Another reason why adaptations are infidel to their source
material, apart from media characteristics, is money: While a novelist s choices are relatively
unconstrained by considerations of budget [...] films are from the outset immersed in technology
and commerce (16). A novelist only has to take his or her time to sit down and write a literary
work and find a publishing house to publish it, and therefore does not have to spend large amounts
of money. Yet, for a film to be made, numerous people are involved, for instance a screenwriter, a
director, cinematographers, and actors. Thus, Stam and Raengo assert that while mostly only one
individual works on a novel, numerous people are involved in creating a film (17). This also results
in many different opinions on setting, plot, characters, themes, lightning and so forth, which then
leads to
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Case Study Of Conflict At Textile Gulshan Mills
In the morning of May, 2010, Shahzad Akbar, chief executive officer (CEO) and owner of
Textile Gulshan Mills sat in his office puzzling over the best way that how to deal with conflicts
among the employees of the company. The conflicts results from ethnic differences were
escalating in to riots, which continuously caused damage to company reputation. Now Shahzad
desired to take firm action that was thwarted by the even more dangerous possibility of crippling
union strikes. Indeed, the diversity at Textile Gulshan Mills was causing tremendous issue at
factory. THE ORGANIZATION: TEXTILE GULSHAN MILLS Textile was started its operations
in 1986 in a single building with a single frame and only a few employees, tasked to produced
thread. The product became quite successful, and with increasing revenues, the company was able
to expand in 1995 to a two buildings facility in the company at Multan Road Tibba Sultan Pur. The
number of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The ethnic groups in the workforce included as, Punjabis (40 percent), Sindhis (17 percent),
Pathans (21 percent), and Baloch (13 percent). By historically, these ethnicities had been made up
and mixture of native people and immigrants. The languages, cultures, and codes of conduct were
different of all these ethnicities. The workers at Textile Gulshan Mills, Tibba Sultan Pur was not
their hometown, Due to the travelling issues and the early start and late finish demanded by the
nature of work, workers were provided accommodation in the company. Accommodation and
medical care were costly for the lower class people in the Pakistan. This meant that the facilities
that organization was provided to the workers with job were an attractive place for work.
Normally, it was uncommon for factories of Pakistan to provide all these facilities in an
organization. By observing this, Textile Gulshan Mill was providing good benefit to its
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The Inclination of Today’s Youths Towards Self-Harm
Many teenagers are suffering a hidden pain in the privacy of their homes. They secretly cut, burn,
scratch, pull hair, and bruise their bodies. The psychosis is termed non suicidal self injury
(NSSI).Teenagers are feeling pressures from typical insecurities of low self esteem, body image,
fashion trends, bullying, pressures from friends, and family issues. As a result, teens are turning to
the internet for strategies of how to deal with the pressures of life, making this topic more of a
public enigma, than a private sufferingissue. NSSI is a growing phenomenon and parents and
psychologists should advocate safe internet sites, and force social media outlets to provide links for
teens to access healthier ways to manage their emotions.
NSSI behavior is on the rise and is more prevalent among our youth today; due to images, other
teens upload on the internet. Today many teens are accessing self harmimages and content on the
World Wide Web
, through YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. The images are of the cuts and
burns that others have inflicted on themselves, while others are of diagrams depicting where to cut,
that parents and teachers will not notice. Some teens will use self injury to try to relieve their
feelings of anxiety and pressures they are feeling in their lives. According to Caitlin Dewey, in an
article from The Washington Post, an issue with internet sites is that they promote the activity as
normal and healthy, therefore encouraging teens to continue injuring
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The Diagnosis of Wolfram Syndrome
Report of case:
A ten years old boy was referred by Pediatrician for ocular assessment. He was a known case of
DM since last two years being on insulin and the pediatrician was concerned about Diabetic
Retinopathy, as the patient had a complaint of gradual visual decline over past two years. The
patient was born to a 1st degree consanguineous cousin marriage, with a normal birth history. He
had been diagnosed with DM at the age of eight, receiving insulin. The referral letter from
pediatrician along with a recent HBA1C report was a telltale of good glycemic control. Moreover,
the document reported an unremarkable systemic exam (afebrile patient with normal CVS, intact
CNS, clear chest and soft abdomen)
His general health was good. He ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Fellow eye is affected weeks or months after the involvement of the first eye. In acute stages, disc
hyperemia and telangiectatic microangiopathy are evident. In chronic cases, severe optic atrophy
supervenes. However, it is associated with brisk pupillary light reflexes.(12)
In contrast, this patient had poor pupillary light reflexes atypical of LHON. In addition, DM was
atypical of LHON. Thirdly, visual deterioration in this patient was bilateral, gradual and slowly
Autosomal Dominant Optic Atrophy:
It is characterized by bilateral optic atrophy with insidious visual loss in 1st to 2nd decade. As the
name suggests, it is inherited in Autosomal dominant pattern. Systemic abnormalities are usually
absent; however, associations with sensorineural hearing loss are documented.
Presence of DM, lack of involvement of family members and negative family history of blindness
in my patient were contrary to a diagnosis of ADOA.(13)
Behr syndrome:
AR inheritance, associated with visual loss in first decade due to diffuse optic atrophy. Other
features include Nystagmus, skeletal abnormalities (limb contractures, Achilles tendon
contractures), spastic gait, ataxia and mental handicap. All features suggestive of BEHR syndrome
other than optic atrophy were absent in this patient.(14)
Wolfram Syndrome: WS is characterized by constellation of features including juvenile onset type 1
non immune mediated Diabetes Mellitus, Optic Atrophy,
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Huckleberry Finn Research Paper
Tamara Morris
ENGL 2200
June 16, 2018
Mark Twain is noted to be part of the realism movement in literature. Twain typically depicts his
literature to resemble everyday activities and experiences instead of the typical romanticized
presentation that included fairytales, and unrealistic events. Twain was very much aware of the two
traditions of American thought, realism, and romanticism (Erickson Huckleberry Finn| Realist vs.
romanticist 1960). Realism is a literary movement that came about in the middle of the 19th
century. This movement portrays real life circumstances with realistic characters and outcomes (
Realism Characteristics 2008). Romanticism is an artistic, literary, musical and intellectual
movement that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Twain makes sure that Tom and Huck differ so the strict separation of imagination and reality is
identified. Romantic engagement in a troubled world, can be very dangerous as seen in this
novel. When struggling with real world problems it is best to take a realistic approach, because
when your imagination take over, it can lead to an anticipation of an unrealistic outcome. Tom s
imagination demonstrate how he see life. His use of imagination helped him shape is own idea
and understanding Jim. They hain t no RIGHT to shut him up! Turn him loose! He ain t no
slave; he s as free as any cretur that walks this earth (AOHF, Ch.42). However, there are many
instances were Tom Sawyer s imagination had led to dangerous or risky situations throughout
the novel. For example, in the novel Tom Sawyer got shot in the leg, because of his unrealistic
plan that he created based off a novel he had previously read. Another example is that Tom has
some pretty intense ideas about friendship, he like the idea that you have to swear your loyalty
to your friends in blood Now, we ll start this band of robbers and call it Tom Sawyer s Gang.
Everybody that wants to join has got to take an oath, and write his name in blood (AOHF,
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Thomas Edison And The Western Society And Mankind
When looking back at the people in history the one name that always seems to stand out is
Thomas Alva Edison. In this essay I will talk about Thomas Edison and his great contributions to
the Western Society and mankind. Thomas Alva Edison was born February 11, 1847 in Milan,
Ohio, son to Samuel Ogden Edison, Jr and Nancy Matthews Elliott (Frost). Edison s mother
taught him the three R s because he only had three months of formal education. Eventually,
Edison began to favor in independent self instruction because of his poor hearing. Edison in his
younger years took to reading books to learn about the arts, the histories, and the sciences
(Beals). At a very young age Edison became an adult (Beals). He had talked his parents into
letting him sell newspapers, snacks, and candy at the railroad; he had also started a separate
business on selling fruits and vegetables. When learning about Edison in his childhood, one can
understand he was not the average kid growing up. He had a different approach to life in which
he craved for knowledge and obtained a hard work ethic in his young years. In his mid teens he
saved the son of the railroad stationmaster from a box cart and the grateful father taught Edison
how to master Morse code and the telegraph. This allowed him to get a job as a telegraph operator
(Beals). This opened the way for Edison s experimenting with technology and how to further
enhance it. After working as a telegraph operator he created his first invention, the
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Dad (Data Analysis and Design)
Data Analysis And Design
Institute Name: IDM Computer Studies Pvt. Ltd.
Unit Name: Data Analysis and Design
Unit: Unit 13
Assignment Title: Understanding and Analysis, Design and Implementation of Databasesystem.
Date given: 10th May 2010
Date to be submitted: 20th July 2010
Lecturer: Mr. T. Shanakr
The objective of this assignment is to assure that the students have gained the relevant knowledge
according to the outcomes specified in the syllabus.
Assessment requirements to meet learning outcomes
1. Understand data models and database technology 2. Design a relational database ... Show more
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Look at different ways of testing. (Task | | | |
|validation |4.2) | | | |
|P13.4.3 Evaluate a range of testing techniques |Description about 3 types of anomalies (Insertion, | |
| |
|and apply one to your own database design |Deletion and pupation anomalies). (Task 4.3) | | | |
|Grade Descriptors for MERIT | |Feedback |
| | |Y |N |Comments |
|M1 Identify and apply strategies to find |Clear idea about Data models, Data mining and where| | | |
|appropriate solutions |house. | | | |
|M2 Select / design appropriate
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Analysis Of Metallic Decades Of Metal Dominance
Metallica: Decades of Metal Dominance
Thrash metal band Metallica has an expansive history of over thirty years. Trials and tribulations
continuously impact the band however, they are always able to unify after tragedy. With each set
back Metallica encounters; whether it is the loss of a band member or low album sales, a
reinvention occurs within their music. Despite performing music for the masses, Metallica retains
mysterious qualities. Band members have effectively kept their private lives out of public scrutiny
that often plagues successful musicians.
Founding Members
The vision to create the ultimate rock band stemmed from the imagination of drummer Lars Ulrich.
Ulrich s progressive upbringing in a wealthy family of Sweden came with ... Show more content on
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Hetfield has a rougher, edgier exterior that works for the thrash metal scene. Hetfield played the
underground heavy metal scene for a few years before his fateful try out with Ulrich. With the
merging of these two minds the story of Metallica begins.
1980 s
With the collaboration of a shared dream, the next two musicians added to Metallica were guitarist
Lloyd Grant and bassist Ron Govney. With the completion a band in 1981, Metallica began writing
and performing songs. They released their first demo tape, No Life til Leather in the underground
Los Angeles heavy metal scene (www.rockhall.com). Shortly after this release Metallica moved to
the Bay Area.
Relocating to the San Francisco area played a major role in the evolution of Metallica. With the
move came the ousting of Grant and Govney whom were replaced by Dave Mustaine, lead
guitarist and Cliff Burton on bass guitar. Before long, in 1982, Mustaine departed from Metallica
to be replaced by Kirk Hammett. With the formation of the ideal Metallica finally complete they
went to work on their first album. Kill Em All released in 1983, embraced the heavy metal feel
Metallica was hoping to achieve placing them as major contenders in the music industry. The album
features the hard and fast sound of thrash metal previously only known in the underground heavy
metal scene. Metallica s second album, Ride The Lightening (1984), did not disappoint as well and
obtained the band a contract
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Marcus Aurelius And Stoicism
After the death of Aristotle, philosophy that targeted greater complex depths was outrun by
philosophy that focused on mere everyday lives. With the rise and fall of Skepticism, Cynicism,
and Epicureanism there was an influence that survived years impacting life and that was Stoicism.
Zeno of Citium who believed that the world had an ultimate plan and everything including nature,
animals, and humans, were there for a reason (Hergenhahn Henley, 2014, p. 66). The reason
Stoicism was easily used is because it was well suited with the way Romans highlighted their law
and order giving the extensive coverage displayed by many philosophers, including Marcus Aurelius
. Marcus Aurelius, was born in 121 C.E. Growing up his focus of education was overseen by
Emperor Hadrian and soon taken over by Emperor Antonius teaching him more of a rhetoric
(Sellars, 2002). As the years progressed he shifted in to a study of philosophy leading to him
becoming what we know as one of the most important Stoic philosophers. Marcus Aurelius
became an emperor in A.D. 160 lasting to A.D.180. he was working closely with Lucius Verus in
169 and his son Commodus in 177 (Crook, 2017). Marcus Aurelius later passed away in A.D. 180,
yet his most personal literature is still read today, Meditations. Marcus Aurelius and his
philosophies were composed down in a collection of his intimate writings titled Meditations. The
compilations and stories that Meditations follows are the influence of Stoicism along with
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Sleeping Apnea Essay
The average adult is supposed to sleep for eight hours a night. How many hours of sleep does the
average American get a night? Millions of Americans would answer less than eight hours. Sleep is
beneficial to improving emotional and physical health. Many Americans think they are bad at
falling asleep, when in reality they have a sleep disorder. Symptoms of a sleep disorder can range
immensely for each disorder, but for most sleep disordersthe most occurring symptom is fatigue (
Understanding ). Insomnia, or restless sleep disorder has one major symptom, fatigue, but other
common symptoms could be difficulty falling asleep and difficulty staying asleep. Sleep apnea
symptoms include fatigue, snoring, and gasping for air while sleeping. Symptoms... Show more
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Many treatments for insomnia are nonpharmacological like, cognitive behavior therapy. Insomnia
treatments can also be pharmacological, with many medications available to help manage
insomnia symptoms ( Treating Insomnia ). Treatments for sleep apnea are much more complex,
with treatments such as oral appliances, nasal resistors, continuous positive airway pressure, and
oropharyngeal exercises. Many ranges of surgery are available to help people with sleep apnea
also ( Treating Obstructive ). Certain medications could be used to help control narcolepsy.
Lifestyle changes can also be done like, avoiding caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and scheduling daily
naps ( Narcolepsy WebMD). General measures like reducing caffeine and alcohol intake can
greatly help symptoms of restless leg syndrome (Foldvary Schaefer 100) . Physicians can also treat
patients with restless leg syndrome with one of four types of pharmacological medicines;
dopaminergic, antiseizure, benzodiazepines, and opioids (Foldvary Schaefer
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Cersei Lannister In William Shakespeare s Game Of Thrones
Game of Thrones, the popular television show and book series, is a story of many different
characters all competing to take control of one thing: The Iron Throne. One of the most ruthless
contenders is Cersei Lannister, a woman born into a wealthy family and consumed on becoming the
Queen of all of Westerosand being the first Lannister to sit on the Iron Throne. Conniving and
brutal, Cersei cares about no one but herself and her children, and will kill whoever she needs to in
order to achieve her goal. Macbethand Cersei come from two completely different worlds, but they
re both consumed but their ambition which makes them very similar people. Cersei and Macbeth
both have vaulting ambition and are willing to do whatever is necessary in order... Show more
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At first, Macbeth does not want to kill Duncan because he believes he is a good king and they
are friends. But, when the idea of killing Duncan so he could be king start to develop in his head
he tells his wife. Before the murder, he expresses his apprehension to which Lady Macbeth
retorts, As thou art in desire? Wouldst thou have that/ Which thou esteem st the ornament of
life,/ And live a coward in thine own esteem,/ Letting I dare not wait upon I would, ... (Act 1.7,
41 44) In this scene Lady Macbeth calls Macbeth a coward for rethinking his decision to kill
Duncan and bullies him into agreeing to kill him. While, on the contrary, Cersei is motivated by
how much she loves her children. Everything she does is for the sake of her children, even those
who are evil. Her eldest son, Joffrey, was a psychotic sociopath who enjoyed torturing others. At
his own wedding he was poisoned and it was then that Cersei swore to avenge him by pledging
to kill her own brother Tyrion because she thought he was behind his murder. Tyrion once asked
Cersei how happy she was, to which Cersei replied, Not very. But if it weren t for my children, I
would have thrown myself from the highest tower in the Red Keep. They re the reason I m alive.
(Mhysa) Cersei demonstrates an obvious love of her children and
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The Bill Of Rights By Donald Lutz Essay
Second, the political process defined by the national Constitution. There were two reasons the Bill
of Rights was dangerous, first, any listing was bound to leave out rights that would in the future be
considered important but by their absence from the bill of rights imply that they were not protected.
This meant that in order to ensure that every member of the public was represented, the list of
enumerated rights would need to be quite long.
The author, Donald Lutz continues, second, since bills of rights were statements of commonly
held values and commitments, and there were differences in these values from state to state, a
national bill of rights would either have to contain the least common denomination and thus leave
out things considered important by many people... That is to say, not every right on every state s
bill of rights could be included in the national Bill of Rights. So, some rights would need to be
eliminated despite the fact that they were important enough to be in a state s bill of rights. Or an
amalgamation of rights would be created by taking the rights state s bills of rights found most
important. Something has to give and there was no way to satisfy every person from every state.
Two of the most known and vocal Federalists were James Madison and Alexander Hamilton. These
two men had different effects on the creation of the Bill of Rights and because there is a Bill of
Rights appended to the Constitution this means the Federalist lost the
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A Story Of An Hour
Most stories have more than one conflict, some bigger than others, but all important as a story
progressives to the very moment everything clicks and comes together. After that point, the story
starts to wind down, lose ends are tied, and the reader gets the satisfying feeling of a happy ending.
The Story of an Hour is not your typical short story; but is similar to others in the way that
conflicts are the leading force behind a short story. This story starts with Mrs. Mallard finding out
any wife s worst news and realizing it is the best news she has ever heard. Within the short hour of
the announcement, the news that was going to save her, ended up killing her. The internal
conflicts Mrs. Mallard faces in Chopin s The Story of an Hour are subtle, but lead to a resolution
that makes the reader question if they believe the author or not.
One of the first internal conflict Mrs. Mallard faces is she is not sure how she to act when she finds
out the news of her husband s death. During the time period of which the shirt story takes place,
women supposedly owed everything to their husbands, so for Mrs. Mallard to now be a widow,
the news should have been heart breaking and life shattering. Louise does not act the way women
of the time are supposed to act. She is still is shocked by the news, she wept at once, with sudden,
wild abandonment, in her sister s arms but then rushes upstairs to lock herself in her room (Chopin
54). I think Chopin started off the story with the
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How Online Brand Communication And Customer Engagement...
Research Question:
How online brand communication and customer engagement influence a consumer s decision
The marketing strategy of branding is not a new concept. A company s brand is not a logo, or a
tag line, but rather the relationship it has with its customer base, it is in essence not how a company
defines itself but how the public defines it. With every interaction and every customer touch point a
business shapes its brand identity, and participants in this exchange are known as a brand
community. Where the development and monetization of the internet have allowed businesses to
expand into new forms of customer engagement, these types of online interactions can be the
deciding factor in a consumer s ultimate decision to purchase and/or become brand ambassadors.
Through research on business social media strategies, cultivating online communities and curating
content via corporate websites and paid advertising I hope to discover how this type of business to
consumer communication supports and replacement to the in person shopping experience.
Additionally, how these types of communications weigh against a consumers ultimate decision to
purchase, focusing how these online communications is utilized as a means to expand consumer
brand interaction
To provide a rounded perspective, in addition to the eight required academic sources I selected
supplemental, industry based materials as a means of delivering a robust framework for strategies
on brand loyalty and
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Mining Industry in Australia Essay
Australia, the large Island continent, has been generously furnished with abundant natural
resources. With these resources, not surprisingly the various kinds of industries utilizing these
resources are emerged in Australia. One of the most important industries is mining. Australia has
the world s largest reserves of several mineral commodities in both minerals and energy resources.
The Miningsector includes all units mainly engaged in mining, including the mineral exploration,
and the provision of a wide variety of services supporting mining and mineral exploration. The
discovery of the gold in New South Wales and Victoria has forced Australia
into the group leader in
mining countries since 1851. This essay will focus on the mining in... Show more content on
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Mining generated from 3.4 percent of Australia s Gross Domestic Product in 1982 83 to 4.6
percent in 2002 03. The mining sector has created the Australian economic growth, especially in
terms of exports. Lewis (2000 ,2) states that the industry makes up around 40 percent of Australia
s merchandise exports each year, contributing around 40 billion dollar annually to the economy.
The value of exports from the mining industry has grown by 95 percent during 1994 2004, 45
percent more than the growth in manufacturing industry and 26 percent more than for all
industries. Australia globally exports mineral commodities to many countries, for instance, Japan,
Republic of (South) Korea and United Kingdom. Japan is the major buyer with approximatly
more than 20 percent of the total export value in minerals each year. Of the countries in this
region, Japan is consistently the main destination for Australian minerals and oil for the period
1988 89 to 2002 03. Its share of total exports of minerals and oil was 27% in 2002 03. (2005
Australia Year Book 2005, 509). These developments can be seen that mining industry is important
to the Australian economy.
There are several impacts on Australian society in demography related to population, immigration
and employment. Gold discoveries had a tremendous impact on all parts of Australia. From 1851 to
1861, Australia s population trebled. O Malley (1988 ,24) claims that the number
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The Evolving United States Government Essays
Like nature, the United States government has evolved to meet the demands of an ever growing
population, the increasing terrorist threat, and a new state of mind in terms of what government
should look like. Each branch of the federal system plays a key role in controlling the populace.
The Executive branch handles day to day maintenance of the federal government, makes sure laws
are enforced and carried out, as well as represents the U.S. to foreign interests. The Legislative
branch passes laws and allocates funds for use in running the federal government and providing
assistance to the states. The Judicial branch hears cases that involve disputes between
interpretations of the laws or those that challenge them. A delicate balance... Show more content on
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Cuba, due to the sinking of the U.S. Maine was taken over, and is now regulated by the U.S.
government as a result of the Spanish American War, while China was forced to keep an Open
Door Policy, which caused the Boxer Rebellion. After World War Two, America became the
leading world power, the foreign policy opened up with the creation of the United Nations,
Marshall Plan, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. During the Cold War, the main
objective was to prevent the spread of Communism; however, afterwards global peace became
the main objective ( War... ). Third, what changes have been made to each power? The executive
branch has grown the most since the late 1800 s. Abraham Lincoln used his position as
Commander in Chief, and used the Chief Executive Clause in his Emancipation Proclamation to
build an army to take over the South, as well as, suspended liberties (habeas corpus). This showed
the executive branch gained power in times of war, causing it to have more power than the other
branches (Yoo, John). Theodore Roosevelt used all powers of the president to further his agendas,
without extending from the Constitution. In his Square Deal , he pressed for more government
involvement in the U.S. economy and regulation of business, as well as, more legislative powers
for the president. ( American... ). Woodrow Wilson s New Freedom created the Federal
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Physics Lab Report On Using A Simple Pendulum Model
Laboratory report First Draft
Determine the acceleration due to gravity using a simple pendulum
The objective of this practical is to determine acceleration due to gravity g using the simple
pendulum model. This is shown when a period of oscillation is seen to be independent of the mass
of the mass m .
A simple pendulum consists of a mass that is attached to a string of length L that is fixed to a
point, in this case, a cork suspended by a clamp stand. This allows the mass to be suspended
vertically downwards and allows it to be displayed at an angle that it swings. A period T of
oscillation is the time required for one complete swing. For this to happen ideally its mass must
swing from an angle that is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(Eg. 13.26/10 = 1.326)
Step 7: Now square each T value to make T^2 (Eg. 1.3262 = 1.758)
Step 8: We can now plot our values into the rearranged equation to figure out accelerationdue to
gravity g . (Eg. (4ПЂ2 x 43.70)/ 1.758 = 981.4 cm/s2)
Step 9: Because we measured the lengths in centimeters rather than meters, we need to calculate
are g value into m/s2 so we can compare it to the SI unit for acceleration due to gravity. (Eg. 981.4
/100 = 9.81 m/s2)
Step 10: Draw a scatter plot of T2 on the Y axis against L on the X axis.
Length (cm)
Time (s)
g (cm/s2) g (m/s2)
13.28 13.26 1.326 1.758 981.4 9.81
12.06 12.01 1.201 1.442 1026 10.27
11.31 11.33 1.133 1.284 1018 10.18
10.53 10.63 10.44 10.53 1.053 1.109 972 9.72
9.350 9.250 9.440 9.350 0.935 0.874 1003 10.03
8.220 8.310 0.831 0.691 971 9.71
6.880 7.000 6.910
0.693 0.480 971 9.71
Discussion and Conclusion
The line of best fit is used to find the gradient, the T2/L value, if straight or linear it shows that
the relationship between the two is directly proportional. Using the original equation, you can
square both sides and rearrange it to make . Then you can input the gradient value (T2/L) and
work out g. , where g equals 10.13 m/s2. This value is close to the
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The Importance Of Communication In Speaking In Tongues By...
After its birth, glass becomes one kind of useful material in people s physical life. It has one
unique nature that, after some little modifications, it can be qualified to accomplish totally
different tasks, for example serving as windows and mirrors, to benefit the people who use it.
Meanwhile, towards people s mental experience, the communication is similar to glass in nature,
and plays the same role. In such a modern and pluralistic society, the accelerating pace of life and
the increasing amount of information bombardment people s brains; The high frequency of
contacts with internet, which is an infinite source of knowledge, also exhausts their time to think
over themselves and then makes them easily to become a pollyanna, which means the people who
keep blind optimism without a certain life direction. Whatever online or offline, the
communication, which is the most important and common way people have interactions between
each other, plays an essential role that improve people s identities and avoiding the astray of life.
Sherry Turkle, the writer of Reclaiming Conversation , expresses her ideas in the Empathy Diaries
that the conversation, especially the face to face conversation, is essential for children s
development of the skill of social communication. Furthermore, Zadie Smith, the writer of Speaking
in Tongues , expresses the idea with deeper meaning, which not only shows the function of
communication, but also indicates tongue s influence people s
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Essay On Tennis Sport In Hindi
Essay On Tennis Sport In Hindi
Essay On Tennis Sport In Hindi
Essay On Tennis Sport In Hindi
Essay On Tennis Sport In Hindi
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Essay On Tennis Sport In Hindi

  • 1. Essay On Tennis Sport In Hindi 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help fromHelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Essay On Tennis Sport In HindiEssay On Tennis Sport In Hindi
  • 2. The Between The Federal Government And The United States The relationship between the federal government and the states has continually changed over the years. Each one has their set of duties and powers, and both are ruled by the U.S. Constitution. The states rights are more than well protected in the current constitution and the political practice. The Bill of Rights lays out what our rights are, along with fourteenth, fifteenth, nineteenth, and twenty six amendments. The amendments and constitution continue to protect our rights as Americans even hundreds of years after being established. States have the ability to make restrictions The Articles of Confederation gave Congress many powers; they could raise an army and a navy, make war and peace, set up a postal system, and print money.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The farmers had the hardest time with the money shortage because they could not earn enough to pay their taxes and debts. Shay led his followers to close down courthouses so that judges could not take away their farms. The group went with weapons and because the Continental Army was disbanded Congress could not stop them. Massachusetts eventually ended Shay s Rebellion, sending militia troops to halt the protesting. Madison wrote to a friend. It is not possible that a government can last long under these circumstances (Frey, 2004: 105). Congress, after dealing with Shay s Rebellion called for a convention to come up with a solution to fix all the problems that the Articles of Confederation was creating. When the Constitutional Convention began, the delegates believed that the task at hand was to revise the Articles of Confederation. All the delegates agreed to throw out the Articles of Confederation and write a new constitution. As the delegates began to make a new framework a disagreement came up, where should the government s power to rule come from? Some believed that the states should, others thought the people should have the authority. The Articles of Confederation s answer was that states should have the powers while Madison believed the power should rest with the people. This is how the Virginia and New Jersey plan ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Fat Persuasive Speech H.I.I.T the Weights and Diet! Every time you look at an ad commonly you ll see someone who is thin and beautiful. Being lean does not necessarily signify that they are healthy. This shouldn t have to be explained, but when people starve themselves to be beautiful those people are slowly dying. In opposition to these people there are people who are also at an unhealthy weight, but are several sizes bigger than they ought to be. These people s bodies are also shutting down due to their health. Being underweight and being overweight are unhealthy. These conditions threaten people s lives every day if these people don t change their lifestyle. This change doesn t have to immense or extremely hard. There is a way to look and feel your best without depriving yourself and a way to be full while eating healthy while allowing some exciting food every now and again. There are multiple ways to achieve fit, healthy, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... H.I.I.T stands for High Intensity Interval Training and is used for running and weightlifting. This is a high stress exercise and requires that lower intensity exercises are done between each session. When doing H.I.I.T the participant will sprint or lift rapidly for a certain period of time, for instance a minute, then said participant would take a minute of rest. Doing about 20 30 reps of H.I.I.T would burn more calories than just sprinting. Len Kravitz, a coordinator Program Coordinator of Exercise Science and A Researcher at University of New Mexico, stated in his article, A 150 lbs woman can burn about 350 on low intensity running and can burn up to 380 calories in higher intensity running with in the same 40 minutes, also with H.I.I.T you burn even after you are done running. Using H.I.I.T get s your heart pumping to about 80 90 percent of max capacity and and promotes muscle growth while shredding through fat and calories. This will enhance heart muscle stregth and increase your body s resilience while you ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Genetic Testing And The Human Genome Project The Human Genome Project introduces significant scientific findings to the world, but raises a lot of controversies. Many of these controversies concern the application of this new scientific finding and its ethicality. Genetic information from a project, once aimed towards mapping the human genome in hope for curing diseases, are now being used in businesses. It shouldn t be permissible for employers to require that all employees, as well as potential employees, be screened for genetic vulnerabilities and to use the results of such screening when they make hiring, retention, and job assignment decisions. These genetic vulnerabilities may include diseases, unsuitable personality traits and other traits the company deems undesirable. Employees shouldn t be judged by their genes, because the results do not adequately speak for what the employees will do in life, the employee s position in the society, and the employee s financial standing. Genetic testing should be an option for the employees to decide on job assignment rather than influence the hiring decisions of employers. Genetic testing only shows genetic potential, not potential growth. Conducting genetic testings on employees infringes on their privacy and encourage more social gaps with genetic classes. There are possible objections to this controversy due to the possible advantages of the genetic tests. It can be argued that genetic tests can match people with the right occupations and enhance the best given traits ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Essay On The Last Of The Mohicans The Last of The Mohicans was an enjoyable book to read. The book kept me interested and there was difficulty to put it down. The book made the backdrop enjoyable and it fashioned a difficult terrain for the characters to transverse. The vegetation provides a worthy advisory for both the natives and whites to cross and provided cover for both sides. The characters not only fight against themselves, but, also nature was fought against during the conflict and the fact that the author described it in a fantastic way. This helps set the mood when the runner was meant, and when they traveled through the backs of the woods. The description of the runner peaked my curiosity, labeling him as a specter in the woods. The book showed that frontier life was hard and unforgiving place. The first couple of chapters seemed dawdling. The author lost me when he went into elongated historical definitions and discussions this agitated and disconcerted me. Although, it started slow I soon found it hard to put down the book. The author could generate tension in the story, which is why could not put the book down. The book is far different from the movie; to me the plots seemed remote from each other. The Native Americans in the book... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The ending showed that two cultures can come together; this was shown with Hawkeye as the hinge. It also shows that this is the conclusion of adventures for the Mohicans. Therefore, the Native Americans saw their world was naturally changing; settlements are appearing and rapidly changing the Native Americans and how they were used to reside. Consequently, with his awareness Cooper showed this and effectively showed this throughout the story. The story concluded in tribulation that all the Mohicans died and one was left. This would be horrific to be the last of a tribe, no way to preserve it, or pass down the traditions associated with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Predictably Irrational Analysis This week s reading Predictably Irrational was very valuable, and informative. While coming up with so many ways of thinking when it comes to behavior, I had no idea even existed. We talked last week about being rational, but this week and this week s reading it discussed more about irrational, and predictable behavior. At the end of this summary I hope to have showed and understand the difference when it comes to irrational and predictable theories that can disrupt behavior, and decision making. When it came down to a specific model I wasn t quite sure which one we are talking about, because in the book Dan Ariely in my opinion has quite a few different experiment, models that are used to help better understand his argument. The model about ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first chapter I enjoyed was chapter 10, The Power of Price. The chapter talked about experiments suggest that more expensive things, higher perceived value have a better placebo effect. The experiment is where the people drank an energy drink, and those who had the more expensive version did better in a puzzle. However, the group who had the drink whose bottle specifically said that it helps people do better in puzzles, they actually did better than the group with the blank bottle. To me that showed me just how pictures and the things we see really do impact our decision making. If we see a name brand energy drink compared to a knock off brand energy drink does the name brand energy work better? I have been in those situations where I have felt a Red Bull did better than a monster energy drink, just because the Red Bull is more expensive. Both energy drinks in my opinion work the same, and to be honest who is to say they aren t the same drink? I can just be different price and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Symbolism In A Separate Peace Haley BirminghamBirmingham 1 English II 7 Hricko February 11, 2015A Separate Peace Symbolism Essay Every book every written has symbolism, no established author would write a book without a hidden theme or meaning. Many areas of A Separate Peace have symbolism alluding towards World WarII and many hidden themes revolve around the war. The war represents the final step in loss of innocence the boys face while at Devon. World War II represents the imminent trials of adulthood and the triumph of evil over good in the novel. Even the safe walls of Devon couldn t keep away the impending struggles the boys are going to face in the real world, the war being the nearest struggle to come. The only thing that lets Gene forget the war is Finny, who represents innocence and youth, as well as his time spent at Devon during the summer. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We spent that summer in complete selfishness, I m happy to say. The people in the world who could be selfish in the summer of 1942 were a small band, and I m glad we took advantage of it. (Knowles 44) This quote shows that although Gene was well aware of the war and their naivety to ignore it, this selfishness gave them time to continue experiencing their youth while they still had the chance. The reason the symbolism of the summer session was included in the novel was to show the drastic changes the boys underwent before and after the stress of the war was felt and the loss of innocence the war ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Healthsouth INTRODUCTION HEALTHSOUTH Corporation (HEALTHSOUTH) began its rise in 1984 when Richard Scrushy, Aaron Beam, and other close associates formed the HEALTHSOUTH Empire with venture capital from New Enterprise Associates of Baltimore. In the beginning, Richard Scrushy was the chief executive officer (CFO), Aaron Beam was named the chief financial officer (CFO) and William Owen, an accountant from Ernst and Young, assumed the position of comptroller. HEALTHSOUTH went public in 1986 and began rapidly growing through the acquisition and construction of new rehabilitation hospitals, outpatient clinics, and diagnostic service centers. HEALTHSOUTH was commonly referred to as the Pacman of rehabilitation and outpatient surgery due to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Overview of Key Evidence of the Prosecution Richard Scrushy, former Chief Executive Officer of HEALTHSOUTH Corporation, was ultimately charged with one count of conspiracy, ten counts of money laundering, thirteen counts of wire fraud , seven counts of mail fraud, two counts of securities fraud and lying to United States investigators, two counts of falsifying statements, and one count of falsifying certifications. The charge of securities fraud led to a probe of possible insider trading in his sales of HEALTHSOUTH stock. There is evidence which supports that HEALTHSOUTH S administration began fraudulently cooking the books in the mid 1990s in an effort to build a sophisticated corporate Empire by: В·defrauding the system of payment (Medicare), В·increasing returns by playing on the vulnerability of citizens through over servicing and overcharging, В·cutting the costs of care by understaffing, under resourcing and under servicing, or В·by a combination of any two or more of these. Human and financial resources were diverted from healthcare to marketing, to provide funding sources for HEALTHSOUTH to be competitive in the healthcare arena. Reallocating financial resources also provided HEALTHSOUTH with adequate funding for political donations, which is said to have influenced political decisions, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. How Did The War Measures Act Affect Canada On August 22, 1914, the War Measures Act was put into place. The Act allowed the federal government to do anything it felt was necessary, for the security, defence, peace, order and welfare of Canada (Breti). The War Measures Act could get put into use when the government believed that Canada was about to be invaded or go to war. The reason the War Measures Act was made was so that the government could push things like bills and decisions through faster. That way if Canada does get invaded or goes to war they would not have such long waits for something to come through while the pressure of war is on their shoulders. However, while the Act is put in place the government obtains powers that turns them into something that would not be... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The power that had been given to the government turned it into something that did not resemble what could be recognized as democracy today. The Act also allowed for the civil liberties of the people to be taken away. Also, the Act was abused quite a bit by the government. The War Measures Act was used only two times after this: during World War Two, and during the October Crisis. During its use in World War Two Canada once again had internment camps, but this time for the Germans and Italians. After the bombing of Pearl Harbour many Japanese were also placed into the internment camps. During the october Crisis Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau used the War Measures Act to be able to arrest people without having to give proof of wrongdoing. He did this because he was searching for members of the terrorist group, Front de Liberation du Quebec, because they had kidnapped, British trade commissioner James Cross, and kidnapped and murdered Quebec Labour Minister Pierre Laporte (Smith). Trudeau used the Act for a good reason, but it was still a serious infringement of the people s rights. Once again there was a suspension of civil liberties in both World War Two and the October Crisis. However, since 1988 the War Measures Act has been replaced by the Emergencies Act. This Act limits and specifies the certain powers the government has so that the government ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Comparing Leopold And Loeb s Life Leopold and Loeb both came from very wealthy families and had remarkable academic records. At eighteen years old Leopold had already obtained his bachelor s degree from the university of Chicago and was attending law school at Chicago. Of the two, Leopold had a significantly higher IQ, far above the regular scale. Although Leopold was brighter, he was relatively unattractive, awkward, and socially ill at ease. Loeb on the other hand graduated from the University of Michigan at the age of seventeen. Loeb was known for his magnetic charm and his inborn knack of making friends and winning everyone s affection. He was well dressed, handsome and had a fascination with crime. Between the two boys it appeared that Loeb was the leader and Leopold was his follower. A former classmate of Leopold, Paula Fass, spoke on behalf of Leopold during a 1957 parole hearing and stated Loeb was a leader, aggressive, crafty, smart. Leopold was definitely a follower. Loeb induced Leopold to make the tragic mistake of his life. (Gilbert Bienen, 1998, p.27).... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was said that Loeb would allow Leopold sexual access to him if he agreed to engage in whatever adventures Loeb devised. Leopold was portrayed, as being wildly in love with Loeb and even after Loeb s death, his affection for him did not seem to diminish. During a parole hearing Leopold was asked why he participated in the killing of Bobby Franks he said, I have been trying desperately to fathom the situation. I will never quit trying. I admired Richard Loeb extravagantly, beyond all bounds. I literally lived and died on his approval and disapproval. I would have done anything he asked, even when I knew he was wrong, even when I was revolted by what he suggested. (Gilbert Bienen, 1998, p28.) Leopold and Loeb s were unlikely killers and if their paths had never crossed it is likely that neither would have committed such a horrible ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Wilde Case Summary Wilde V. City of Normal The new ordinance regulating short term rentals violates Ima Liddle Wilde right to due process, and right of contract protected under the 14th Amendment. Normal, Illinois s city ordinance makes the historic 3 story Victorian property valueless, and resulted in a taking of her property violating the taking clause of the 5th amendment, while also violating her right to contract with fellow citizen. In Lucas V. South Carolina costal council of 1992, Justice Antonin Scalia delivers the court s opinion stating sacrifice all economically beneficial uses in the name of the common good, that is, to leave his property economically idle, he has suffered a taking... (Lucas 1234).... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... v. Parrish states The constitution does not recognize an absolute and uncontrollable liberty (Parrish 301) and that laws are required to safe guard the health, safety, and welfare of the people. If the city can show a clear benefits the ordinance will have on the community, then liberty of contract argument is not applicable to this case. In Muller v. Oregon (1908) in the opinion Justice Brewer states that the state can restrict a person s right of contract without violating the 14th amendment provisions, and again mentioning that contracts are not absolute and extending to all contracts . (Oregon 298) In this case restrictions are only placed on rentals shorter than 30 days and requires the owner to reside in the house. Even with the limitations placed on Ms. Wilde the property still has value, such as selling the property or renting it longer than 30 days at a time. Justice Blackmun in dissenting in the Lucas case, states the petitioner still can enjoy other attributes of ownership, such as the right to exclude others (Lucas 1237). Because the property still has economic productivity, albeit with some regulation the ordinance does not invoke a taking. In Nolan v. California Coastal Commission (1987) the Essential Nexus was established, meaning a conditional permit may be constitutional if the owner is Page ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Geocaching A Better Form Of Media Geocaching a Better Form of Media If you do not have the latest iPhone with accounts in the most popular apps you are the odd one out these days. Phones are not phones anymore; they are capable of too many things to be just a phone. Now you can take out your phone and know exactly where you are in the world, live stream what you are doing at this exact moment, the possibilities are almost endless. One of the best apps I ve seen take advantage of what the phone can do is the Geocaching app. Geocaching is able to use the phone to help the user find their cache, and as media changes this app has been able to not only stay relevant but begin to flourish. Geocaching is a relevant app because it unites the paradoxes of media, is a good ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A website developer named Jeremy Irish stumbled upon Teague s website and decided to give this treasure hunt a try. After Irish s thrill of finding his first cache he decided to start a hobby website for the activity; with the help of Teague the Geocaching website was launched on September 2, 2002 with only 75 caches known in the world. Geocaching was officially created in 2002 but began in 2000, the transition period between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0. Its concept using old media like websites and web browsers and then quickly transitioning to new media with online collaboration and mobile Internet access. Because Geocaching was created in this transitional time period it was able to blend the paradoxes of the media David Thorburn introduces in Web of Paradox . The first paradox is joining vs. isolation, in which media is seen as a tool to join people together but is also seen as a tool that isolates its users. Since Geocaching relies on its users to keep creating new caches and update on ones already created the users are united, helping each other out. Yet geocaching could be perceived as isolating as well because when these caches are hidden in public most bystanders do not realize what is happening. The next paradox is virtual vs. actual, where media leads its user into believing the media is reality or people view the media as only virtual, that there is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Need to Update and Revolutionize The Church It was difficult for me to get past the first page of reading Willimon s The Pastor as Preacher. The first sentence which struck me was most of those who are under authority refuse to treat preachers as their instructors. These words hit me squarely in the face, because I have been struggling with my current endeavors for my supervised ministry The one great preacher...is the Church. I agree vehemently with this statement. This is why when I drive pass the Church day, after day, seeing no activity going on. No cars, no influx of people coming in and out of the doors. No pastor there on standby for any lonely, lost soul who is looking for solace within the confines of the Church doors. I become more and more disenchanted with the Church. The ideas I am trying to implement and initiate are often meet with great dissention from the people. They think fish fry s and car washes are ministry. They struggle with treating me as instructor, someone there to help teach them. I have never been so conflicted in my life. I want to see the Church grow. I want to see the Church standing in the community as the greatest pontificator of the Gospel, yet it lies dormant. It lies like a sleeping giant who is yet to understand the true power it possess. I think my greatest opposition stems from the fact the previous pastor was an idealist. He had great ideas and a great vision for the Church. The new pastor, a well grounded and well respected figure in our denomination, seems ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Graphene Essay Effect of Point and Line Defects on the Properties of Graphene: A Review Rajasekaran G, Prarthana Narayanan and Avinash Parashar* Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee 247667, India * Corresponding author: E Mail: drap1fme@iitr.ac.in, Ph: +91 1332 284801 ABSTRACT New materials with distinctive properties are arising and attracting the scientific community at regular intervals. Stiffness and strength are the important factors in determining stability and lifetime of any technological devices, but defects which are inevitable at the time of production can alter the structural properties of any engineering materials. Developing graphene with specific structural properties depends upon controlling these defects, either by removing or deliberately engineering atomic structure to gain or tailoring specific properties. In the present article, a comprehensive review of defective graphene sheets with respect to its mechanical and thermal properties are presented and examined. Key Words: Graphene; point defects; line defects; molecular dynamics; atomistic modeling; fracture toughness. Introduction Graphene is emerging as a potential candidate for developing nanocomposites with desired mechanical properties, thermal and electrical conductivities. Due to its exceptional mechanical properties, thermal and electrical conductivities graphene can also be used for more conventional purposes as compared to carbon nano tubes, which is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Key West Ehrenreich Character Analysis According to Ehrenreich, no job is truly unskilled ( Ehrenreich 194). Ehrenreich s three proudest moments included finishing her tasks fast enough to help others. the breakthrough at Wal Mart where she believed she could make $7.75 if she kept quiet, and specifically the day at Woodcrest. Ehrenreich claimed it was a moment I ll bask for the rest of my life where she fed the locked Alzheimer s ward all by herself, all while receiving smiles from others (Ehrenreich 194). Ehrenreich was proud of her physical ability because of her endurance. She argued that in a time period well into my fifties I never collapsed or needed time off to recuperate (Ehrenreich 195). Ehrenreich exhibits four essential traits: punctuality, cleanliness, cheerfulness,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Food is inflation proof, when the economy changes food stays relatively the same, while housing does not. Rents skyrocket and are not taken into account when calculating poverty. Every city Ehrenreich worked at was experiencing labor shortage . Ehrenreich explains the dismissal perspective of wage gains the past four years. She believes they have not been sufficient to bring low wage workers up to the amounts they were earning twenty seven years ago Ehrenreich 203). Specifically, the poorest workers are the ones who have made the least amount of progress. Workers do not quit because at a new job, you have to start all over, clueless and friendless (Ehrenreich 205). Low wage workers are also restrained by their immobility. Most of them rely on someone driving them to work or having to pay for expensive gas, changing jobs would mean having to find a new way to work. Employers can always count on money taboo. It is the personal communication among low wage workers. The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 makes it illegal to punish people for revealing their wages to one another (Ehrenreich ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Battle Of Iwo Jima Essay The battle of Iwo Jima is one of the great and epic battles entrenched in minds of many American historians. It is an eminent battle that took place in February and March 1945 as part of the pacific campaign during the famous World War II. It was an epic battle in which the Unites States armed forces fought tirelessly and seized the island of Iwo Jima from the Japanese empire. It was expected to be a small battle to secure a strategy piece of the island, but it turned out to be one of the lethal and devastating battles of all times. There were many hidden reasons for the battle of Iwo Jima, but both countries were tangled to the idea of capturing the Iwo Jima Island and surrounding territories. Japanese saw the island as a great way to stop the Americans bombing campaign. Evidently, Iwo Jima was located under the flight path for several B 29 bombers used by Americans in air attack; hence taking control of the island will make it easy to see the imminent attacks. Destroying the B 29 bombers presented a great chance to control the island and overwhelm the U.S troops. On the other side, the island was... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hence, it took long to learn about an imminent attack. More so, their offensive and defensive strengths came from the ground troops as it was challenging to use air assault. The underground tunnels were as success for the Japanese as they acted as a great holding out location. The bombing by the Americans also made it easy to dig deeper and erect anti aircraft artillery. The Battle of Iwo Jima was indeed overwhelming as the Americans had a team of 70,000 well trained soldiers, vast air and naval power and immeasurable communication technology. Surprisingly, 21,000 Japanese troops were able to hold a much huge American force. Most of the Japanese soldiers fought to death and many never let it go ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. John Steinbeck s “The Chrysanthemums” Essay John Steinbeck s The Chrysanthemums John Steinbeck s The Chrysanthemums shows the true feelings of the main character, Elisa Allen, through the use of setting and her interactions with other characters in the story. By way of vivid descriptions, Elisa s feelings of dissatisfaction over the lack of excitement in her life are portrayed. Her role as a mere housewife and then the subsequent change to feelings of a self assured woman are clearly seen. These inner feelings are most apparent with the portrayal of Elisa working in the garden with the chrysanthemums, the conversation she has with the man passing through, and finally, when she and her husband are going out to dinner. Steinbeck s strong and somewhat manly description of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the portion of the story where Elisa is talking to the Fixer Guy who happens to pull down the road to her farm, Steinbeck shows Elisa s eagerness for attention and how she comes to the realization that there is a more exciting life outside the farm. In the Fixer Guy , Elisa finds somebody who sees her as more than a housewife, someone who can appreciate her from an unbiased viewpoint. He offers his services and she turns him down saying I tell you I have nothing like that for you to do. At first she resists conversation with him. Then when he asks about her plants Steinbeck writes The irritation and resistance melted from Elisa s face. I raise them every year, bigger than anybody around here , she boasts. She is now very eager to talk about her chrysanthemums. Elisa s face becomes tight with eagerness as she talks about them, as if they were her children. The vibes from her infatuation with these flowers are picked up by the old man, and there is an unspoken connection between these two perfect strangers as they have both chosen their own preoccupation in life, his being a passion of pots and hers a love of chrysanthemums. It is this connection that ignites the realization that she longs to break free from the everyday routine she calls life. This feeling is so strong that her hand went out toward his legs in the greasy black trousers as if to grasp a piece ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Spanish Edict Of Expulsion The history of the Jewish people in Spain is certainly a pivotal time period that changed the future of the Jews and specifically, the Sephardic Jews. At the time of the issuing and signing of the Edict of Expulsion on March 31, 1492, Spanish Jews were experiencing the most persecution that had been felt in the many centuries of which the Jewshad been in Spain. Spanish Jewry came to a dramatic end after almost a millennium of Jewish presence in the country. Spanish Jewry s golden age, however, the Jews experienced almost no persecution, resulting in a new centre of Talmudic study, before suffering from a relapse of anti Semitism that eventually led to the Inquisition and the Edict of Expulsion. (SOURCE 1) This essay will discuss and analyze... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For the Jews, it was almost impossible to maintain any sliver of wealth that they had in Spain, since Jews were forbidden to leave Spain with gold, silver or any other precious metals. As a result, only their must prized or important possessions could be taken to their new home, as they were physically restricted for what they could take. A delegation of influential Jewish people including the Chief Rabbi of Castile, Abraham Senior and Issac Abarbanel, a financial adviser to the state appeared before Ferdinand and Isabella as a last ditch effort to save Spanish Jewry and cancel the Edict of Expulsion. The delegation presented the catholic monarchs with a bag of gold to support their argument, however, Ferdinand and Isabella remained unchanged in respects to the Edict. The Jews began searching for their new homes, and most Jews, unwilling to embark on a long voyage to a different region of the world, sought to immigrate to Portugal, just west of Spain on the Iberian Peninsula. (SOURCE 8) A delegation of Jews approached the King of Portugal, John II, and presented him with a large sum of money for the permanent admission of affluent Jews into Portugal as well as a temporary home for poor Spanish Jews. (SOURCE 9) Shortly after, the Jews once again had to look for a new home after Manoel I, the new king of Portugal expelled the Jews from the country as a compliance with the daughter of Queen ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Roman Architecture And Its Impact On Society Introduction Roman architecture is a thing of the past; however, it still has a large impact upon society today. Roman buildings are what our buildings were derived from, a lot of the art we think of when we see a building was once thought of by the romans, was once built by the romans, and some of these buildings are still standing today, not many, but a few. Now, roman architecture is significant because of how it affected the growth of our architecture, how it evolved changed how we evolved. This will show how roman architecture began as a thing of functionality and grew to a thing of beauty. Roman period Roman architecture was originally founded by the Greeks, and was, in reality, a continuation of Greek architecture. Some say the Romans brought architecture to a new level, I say that the romans just enhanced what was already there. The Romans adopted new techniques, used new materials, and combined existing techniques/materials with creative designs to create new architectural structures. A few examples of these new structures are; the basilica, triumphal arch, aqueduct, amphitheater, granary building, and residential housing. Many of these additions to architecture were spurred by Rome s need to grow. The reason that these buildings grew so large and became so wide spread was because they were funded by a state apparatus, causing these constructions to survive until the present day. Roman architects continued to follow the guidelines established ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Pros And Cons Of Nuclear Weapons Proliferation Equally important to the safety standards forced upon nuclear engineers, is the prospect of nuclear weapons proliferation as a byproduct of energy production. It has been a topic of debate since the mid 1940s when the first nuclear bombs were being produced for war under the United States Manhattan Project, and since then has received varied attention throughout the years. In its simplest form, there is concern that the same technologies that are being used to produce nuclear power, may also be able to allow access to nuclear weapons in the process. The Nuclear Threat Initiative covers these issues, pointing explicitly to fuel enrichment and reprocessing as the most dangerous. It is believed that high grade uranium (which is only used in laboratory... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), for instance, is a well versed piece that covers these risks. Within the treaty, enacted in 1970, each state subscribed is responsible for the disarmament, nonproliferation, and peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The first Articles disavow any acceptance or transfer of weapons between nuclear or non nuclear states, followed by Article III which mandates safeguards that must be followed by all participating members. While maintaining the ability for each state to conduct research on nuclear energy peacefully, the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty ensures that each country signing (a total of 190 have signed), is monitored for the improper use of nuclear energy within the country. This treaty was made in light of the truth of preventing nuclear weapons proliferation, such that it requires the international cooperation and participation a cooperation of industry, civility, and security to further the safety of nuclear energy for the public. The countries possessing nuclear weapons during the treaty s conception (China, Russia, France, the U.K. and the U.S), are all committed to the steady reduction of weapons stockpiles in their own countries; all signing countries are not permitted to produce nuclear weapons ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Visual Data Discovery Tool Tableau is a Visual Data Discovery Tool that makes it easy to explore data, it is engineered to support existing data infrastructure policies, this means it can provide connections to any data source, allowing you to interact, analyze and explore your data with ease. Tableau also has features that allow the sharing of data (via a link, SharePoint, email or community site). Tableau also allows you to amalgamate two data sources together. Datawatch Visual Data Discovery is an interactive tool that can find correlations, clusters and patterns within your data. It features reporting capabilities that allow you to gain more detailed results, discover trends, and get rid of irrelevant data easily to identify underlying data patterns.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Interactive Statistical Graphics Vast array of interactive graphs available to present data. Some of which include Line Plots, Bubble Charts, Scatter Plots, and Needle Charts etc. SAS also allows you to incorporate geographic maps into graphs including built in data sets as well as generating longitudes and latitudes for mailing and IP addresses. Graphics interact with the data table using capabilities such as brushing and highlighting. Interactive Graphics can also be embedded into webpages and MS Office documents. 2. Data Connectivity SAS has the capabilities to be able to connect with almost any type of data range, including XML, various database platforms and Excel as well as many more. There are how to guides on their website to help you connect to a specific data format. 3. Point and Click interface allows you to easily interact with the analytic tools and explore the deeper fundamentals of the data. This in turn leads to better analysis and speeds up the decision making process for organisations. 4. Visual querying and data filtering allows you to rearrange data however and whenever you want to viewing and interacting with linked stats and graphics that have the ability to change and show trends over a period of time. We believe that all these features are extremely important to an organisation. However, for the purposes of this coursework the reasoning behind the ordering is that we felt the need for having interactive graphs data ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Why Zimbabwe Is A Sub Saharan African Country Zimbabwe is a Sub Saharan African country located in the southern part of Africa, between the countries of South Africa and Zambia. With a total population of over 13 million, the majority of the population is zero to fourteen year olds at 38.4% followed by twenty five to fifty four year olds (32.3%) and fifteen to twenty four year olds (22.1%) (United States Central Intelligence Agency [USCIA]). In the year of 2011, over 38% of the population lived in cities. The geography of this country consists of high plateaus and mountains located in the east (United States Central Intelligence Agency [USCIA]). This essay explains the colonial history and how they achieved independence, critical events that have affected Zimbabwe, and the current... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The attack into Mashonaland, by 1893 failed, due to not finding the minerals they were searching for, so they extended the area of colonization into the land of Matabeleland, attacking the Ndebele people and defeated them later that year. However, the people were not completely defeated like they thought, thus starting to fight back in 1896 ( The History of Zimbabwe ). The goal of the people was to destroy the white power the BSAC had when they invaded them. This uprising was the most violent and organized, killing 10% of the white colonizers. Following, there became reserved black areas, which became heavily controlled so the whites were forbidden ( History of Colonialism in Rhodesia. ). However, it didn t last long. In 1898, the region became known as a colony, Rhodesia, after the enforcement of the Rhodesia Order in Council, governed by BSAC until 1923. The enforcement of this consisted of giving the white settler community land segregation, segregated governance, and political and economic privileges, which increased the separation of races. The goal of this was able to rule the Shona and Ndebele people, without causing another uprising ( The History of Zimbabwe ). After this Order in Council, the United Kingdom took over in place of the British. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. A Genetic Engineering Outline oTH Morgan concluded that chromosome play an important part in heredity and the passing on genetic traits o Griffith injected mice with different types of bacteria and when he injected them with S cells, the mice died. When the mice were injected with the R cells, they continued to live. The mice would survive if they were injected with heat killed S Cells but died when given a dosage of heat killed S Cells and normal R Cells. The reaction of the two cells was the possible and most likely death of the mouse. o Avery, Macleod, and McCarthy took the findings of Griffith and wanted to reason why the combination of the two cells killed the mouse. The took the different parts which would cause the DNA, Protein, and RNA and eventually eliminated them one by one. After all of that, only bacteria that was exposed to the S strain DNA were transformed. This gave the idea that DNA is what was controlling living things and was the outcome of this experiment o Hershey and Chase Radioactively tagged and then tracked infected bacteria in order to prove that DNA was in fact the molecule of heredity and transferring of genetic material o Chargaff proved two very important rules about DNA, All species have different amounts of adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine in their DNA The Amount of Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine and Thymine in each species DNA is different. o Crick and Watson used X ray diffraction data, which Rosalind Franklin developed which was then used to develop the double ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Popular Fad, And Weight Loss Diets Assignment 14: Popular, fad, and Weight Loss Diets Taylor Skaggs Roll #735 Oklahoma State University Principle of Human Nutrition 2114 Sec. 007 The DASH Diet 1.Key concepts of the diet: A.What is the DASH diet, and who developed it? The DASH diet stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. The DASH diet was promoted by the United States National heart, lung, and blood institute. The diet was designed to help prevent and control hypertension. In addition to its effect on blood pressure, it is designed to be a well balanced approach to eating for the general public. DASH is recommended by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) as one of its ideal eating plans for all Americans. Is the Dash Diet right for you? What are some credentials? If you have high blood pressure, are at risk for hypertension, want to reduce your cholesterol, and want something affordable with a fitness plan; then the DASH diet is right for you. B.What is the purpose of the diet? The purpose of the DASH diet is to help consumer s lower blood pressure in as little as two weeks. Other benefits in this diet are that it can lower cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of a stroke, heart disease, and osteoporosis. Furthermore the diet with moderate exercise can reduce insulin resistance as well. The diet was not originally designed to help people lose weight, but there are version of the diet that have been changed to help those wanting weight loss. C.What does a person ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Information and Arguments Contained in Images Essay Images contain arguments, whether if there are many or just a few. A series of images with no words but contains an argument is a pictorial essay. John Berger s Ways of Seeing (1972) contains both word and pictorial essays. The book is divided into seven sections, three being pictorials. In the very first chapter of the book, Berger made it clear that the way one image follows another, their succession, constructs an argument which becomes irreversible. Having noted that, it would seem that the sixth essay argues that an observation painting provides more information than that of a directed or arranged portrait. Images that are next to one another in the book such as Sarah Burge, 1883. Dr.Barnardo s Homes and Murillo BartolomГ© s... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In these two images however, the observational artwork provides much more information than the arranged portrait possibly because there is a lot more action and emotion being show in the image. It is agreeable that observational images does provide much more information than arranged portraits also because of the surrounding background as well as the actions shown in the images. The information that we unconsciously get from images such as Johann Zoffany s Charles, Third Duke of Richmond and Sale of Pictures and Slaves in the Rotunda, New Orleans, is the time period which it may have occurred in and what kind of lifestyle both parties are living in. There is also action and movement in the image and what could possibly be the century it was painted in. In contrast, Mademoiselle de Clermont shows the viewers that the artist is more focused on the subject because she is looking directly at the artist. There is also no sense of communication between the servants in the image with her; this does not show any information except for the status difference between the any three women. If there were some sort of communication between the women, there possibly would be more information that the viewer can take such what kind of relationship the women have with each other as well as the personality of each women. In comparison to the other two previous images, even though this painting does provide a background, it is not enough to provide the viewer with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Sheep Brain Dissection Lab Report The purpose of the sheep brain dissection is to appreciate the complex structure of the brain in three dimensions. Also list, identify, and describe the important structures of the sheep brain and compare with those of the human brain. Materials: Preserved sheep brain Dissection tray Scalpel Scissors Pins Tweezers Gloves Safety glasses Procedure: Obtain a preserved sheep brain from the bucket and place this on a dissection tray. Examine the outer surface of the brain and locate the dura matter (the outer toughest layer of the brain). Remove the dura matter. Place the brain on dissecting tray and position its ventral surface upward. Identify olfactory nerve, optic nerves, optic chiasm, pons, medulla oblongata, and spinal cord. Position the brain with its ventral surface down and identify cerebral hemispheres, cerebral lobes (frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital), cerebellum, longitudinal fissure, and transverse fissure. In same position (with the ventral surface downward), make a longitudinal cut along the longitudinal fissure using a scalpel all the way down, and separate the cerebral hemispheres. Identify the corpus callosum, white and gray matters of the brain, thalamus, hypothalamus, lateral ventricle, and pineal gland. After finishing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, I saw how the different areas of the brain including cerebral hemispheres, brain stem, pons, medulla oblongata, and cerebellum are connected with each other and perform their functions. Also, by comparing the size and shape of a human s brain with sheep s brain, I learned and realized that the human brain is much larger to the sheep brain, especially the large frontal lobe on a human brain that gives the personality and decision making ability to human beings. Additionally, the sheep brain is oriented anterior to posterior whereas the human brain is superior to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Missional Hermeneutic Essay The thesis of this paper is that a missional hermeneutic is an appropriate reading of the Bible because it nurtures a listening engagement by the church that is crucial for mutual God conversation with those outside the church. This paper will argue this thesis by engaging Richard Bauckham s book Bibleand Mission as a framework for understanding a missional hermeneutic. Bauckham s central theme of the relationship between the particular and the universal, can offer keen insight as to how a missional hermeneutic nurtures a listening engagement with local contexts. Additionally, via this framework, the paper will show how a missional reading of the scripture develops in us a theology that moves us into a listening engagement with our community and the world. Finally, key insights will demonstrate the importance of a listening engagement between church and community and show the appropriateness of a missional hermeneutic. Disconnected Conversation Over coffee in a Barcelona neighbourhood, an acquaintance expressed the remark, I can t invite my friends to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Surprisingly, he develops this hermeneutic, not by focusing on comments related to mission in the Bible, but by looking at the action and purpose of God as narrated in the biblical story. God s purpose, as Bauckham empathizes, results in the kingdom of God and he desires one to read the Bible, in a way that takes seriously its missionary direction. Therefore, one can call this hermeneutical framework missional. Missional describes something that is related to or characterized by mission, and Bauckham is stating that, at its core, God s purpose or mission characterizes the whole of scripture and what one knows about God. Consequently, this is the first critical piece of Bauckham s hermeneutic the mission is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Dancing At Lughnasa Themes Dancing at Lughnasa and Its Relationship With Today s Issues Since ancient civilizations the world have faced different kind of social, economic and cultural issues. Dancing at Lughnasa is an extraordinary drama that portraits the audience a general vision of how people lived during the 1930s in Ireland. Its context shows their major and relevant issues such as unemployment, poverty, technology development, family importance and values. This essay will explain how this historic drama is related with today s issues. It is hard to believe that we still have common matters but with different circumstances and approaches, some of them that we still need to struggle. Family and values are one of the most important themes on this story. People are... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It plays cold facts of reality on how people lived during early 20th century. Family values, poverty and technology are among the most important and remarkable themes of the story, issues that are still of big concern now in the 21st century. Kate believed in the powerful role that values played in family being fiercely devout to her Catholic and moral disciplines toward her sisters. These beliefs are still on our society though many people are living them behind especially in liberal countries, destroying family integrity. Poverty as we mentioned have always existed, economical depressions and unemployment are the main factors of this struggle. Many people live like the Mandy family today or even worst. Is an issue that the entire world still needs to dial with. On the other hand, through the story we can see how technology connects people being sometimes a good distraction for making great memories with the people you love; back in time with just one radio and now with different devices that bring us closer than ever. As the audience mentioned This play reflects charged emotions about Irish living conditions. The spirit of music and dancing among the sisters let them forget about their troubles and kick up their heels, bittersweet. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. An Evaluation Of Nike Inc. Nike Inc: Eric Eichman Patten University 7/10/15 NIKE INC 2 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................... 4 2.0 Copies of the Nike Inc s financial statements ................................................ 6 3.0 An evaluation of Nike Inc s financial stability ............................................... 8 a. Nike Inc s financial stability ........................................................................ 8 b. Operating Income, income before taxes, net income, earnings per share and retained earnings for current year ......................................................................... 11 c. Sales growth, tax rate and dividend payout ratio .......................................... 12 d. Calculations of ratios ................................................................................ 13 (i) Profitability ............................................................................................. 13 1.i.1.1. Net profit margin ............................................................................... 13 1.i.1.2. Return on shareholder equity (ROE) .................................................... 14 (ii) Liquidity ratios......................................................................................... 15 1.i.ii.1. Current ratio ...................................................................................... 15 1.i.ii.2. Quick ratio ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Importance of Preventative Care for Health Essay example As a result of the importance placed on preventive services there is no shortage of studies examining preventive service utilization among various groups. Many studies have examined the factors affecting preventive service use with the most important including age5,6, race/ethnicity7 10, marital status11, and income. 6 8,11 13 The literature has documented disparities by race /ethnicity and socioeconomic status in use of preventive services and shown that minorities are generally not as likely as Whites to receive services such as blood pressure checks, cervical cancer screening, and blood cholesterol screening. 14 Other studies have looked at the effects of education 9,15,16, usual source of care 15, and insurance 17 20 on the utilization... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Not surprisingly, low income families (less than $25,000/year household income) had the highest level of uninsurance at 25.4%. However, middle income families were also affected by a high rate of uninsurance (21.5%).24 Lack of health insurance can lead to a variety of issues from access barriers to needed services to delaying routine and preventive care. The United States Preventive Services Task Force produces and maintains a set of comprehensive preventions recommendations that aim to guide clinical and preventive care in the United States. 3 The USPSTF guidelines are employed by numerous federal agencies and private organizations, and are widely considered as the top choice for clinical preventive services guidance. 25 The purpose of this study is to analyze the use of USPSTF recommended preventive services among uninsured adults, and how utilization varies across race and ethnicity. As such, the analysis was limited to non Hispanic Whites, non Hispanic African Americans, and Hispanic individuals over the age of 18 who did not have any health insurance coverage for the entire previous year. Following the Andersen Andersen model of health care utilization, we control for socio demographic factors that may act as enabling resources, predisposing characteristics, or need factors. The Andersen Andersen model postulates that use of health services is dependent on an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Hairbrush History Part 1 For As long as people have had hair, they have needed a way to tame their hair s tangles. It has provided mankind with a method of detangling their hair for thousands of years, though it has evolved and improved over time. Many types of hairbrushes have been dated back to ancient times. We cannot pinpoint the exact time and place of the invention of the hairbrush as it has been utilised by so many cultures and civilisations such as Ancient Egypt, since the beginning of mankind. What started out as a very basic grooming implement, the hair brush has morphed into a highly specialised grooming and styling tool. Part 2 The method by which humans have de tangled their hair has evolved and changed over ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Inside Look at Google AN INSIDE LOOK AT GOOGLE An Inside Look at Google People Management 520 June 1, 2014 Abstract Being named the top company to work for, for the last four years is no easy feat. But Google has created a recipe for success in how they recruit, manage, evaluate and motivate their 33,100 employees. By utilizing their data analysis systems and empowering their employees, Google has been able to create a successful workforce that focuses on work/life balance and transparency for all of their employees. An Inside Look at Google Out of thousands of employees surveyed, Google has been named the Best Company to Work For by Fortune Magazine for the last four years (Surwood, 2013). The survey is based upon factors such as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... All employees have access to first class dining facilities that provide a free gourmet lunch and dinner every day, along with free dry cleaning, a gym, salon, massage parlor, a car wash, bike repair shop, laundry rooms, an on site doctor and commuting buses. Additional perks include 18 weeks off with 100% pay for maternity leave with includes $500 for new parents, tuition reimbursement, up to $5000 for adoption assistance and $5,000 for when employees purchase a hybrid vehicle. Employees also obtain vacation packages and Google will match up to $3000 per year for charitable contributions. These additional benefits are perhaps their strongest strategic capability and their largest competitive advantage in retaining employees. Another strategic capability is that employees have access to a product manager for career and management purposes. This manager will teach them how to negotiate better salaries, improve their presentation skills and talk them through the reasons why they should or they shouldn t leave to start their one company (Walker, 2012). A disadvantage is that once a person has been with company and learned these practices, they can leave the company and attempt to replicate the same advantages in their new company. Another disadvantage is that it is incredibly costly to maintain these benefits. Google utilizes a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Irony Of Differing Perspectives The Irony of Differing Perspectives Till 1827, the idea of sobriety was practically non existent in North America . Taverns were open at all times of day and were a place of encounter for everyone regardless of class, race and gender. Moreover, they facilitated political negotiations, economic exchanges and interracial sociability . So, where did the idea of reducing alcohol consumption come from amid the booming socio economic stability that taverns seemed to provide? Except for Peter DeLottinville who recounts the honest events that occurred in Joe Beef s Canteen, the other authors claim that the temperance movement was used for ulterior motives than it appeared to be on the surface. For instance, in Glenn J. Lockwood s Temperance in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During the period of time that the temperance movement was gaining momentum, the Catholic church hopped on board to speed up the process and gain as many converts as they could using their up until then secret weapon: Chiniquy. However, the hidden intention/objective was to regain the Catholic church s popularity and confidence after Catholics were becoming outnumbered by the influx of Irish famine immigrants and wanted to become more industrious and progressive (cite). Unlike all of the previously mentioned authors, DeLottinville does not imply that Joe Beef tried his best to alleviate problems of housing, job hunting, healthcare and labor unrest with any kind of hidden agenda. Beef genuinely cared for the welfare of the working class of Montreal and took it upon himself to represent/assume the voice of the casual laborers . In this case, the Middle Class was the one benefiting from the temperance movement as they were afraid Beef would succeed and have laborers demands adhered to. In the same way that Beef s canteen was a place where every grade in the social scale was represented (CHANGE), many other taverns were also used for both political and economic interracial exchanges and relationships. In other words, whereas taverns were used as tools to strengthen a sense of belonging and security, and often attempted to prove the worthiness of the lower classes, temperance was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Benefits Of Illegal Migrant Workers Once working in the U.S., undocumented migrant laborers are perfectly exploitable. Because they are not citizens or on work visas, they essentially have no rights in the minds of some farms. Farms may provide poor quality housing, but no other work benefits. Agriculture doesn t have to pay hourly minimum wage, so instead workers are paid by piece rate: employment in which a worker is paid a fixed rate for each unit produced no matter the time invested. In some areas, farms make it appear that they are paying laborers minimum wage by requiring laborers to pick enough produce to equal a full day s pay. Over exhaustion induced by this is typically untreated because of the lack of proper medical care available to migrant workers; either because of personal funds, or ignorant lenses through which doctors view Mexican migrant patients (Holmes, 2013, p. 113). Then if a laborer expresses any issues to their employers, employers will use the labor s undocumented status against them. Essentially, they ll threaten the laborer with deportation if the laborer were to make any action against the farm because of labor rights violations first hand manipulation of the social divides of labor. Yet, if the conditions of this job are so poor, and the laborers severely exploited, why do people still choose to make the dangerous journey? The answer is documented in Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies by Seth Holmes. After spending time working and living with Mexican migrant laborers to better understand ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Identity In Once Were Warriors 1. Introduction Alan Duff s novel Once Were Warriors was published in 1990 and adapted to a film by director Lee Tamahori in 1994. The controversial story about a Maori family made Duff a best selling author and was greatly discussed after its publication (Martens 22f). The Maori family from whose members points of view the story is told, is called Heke. Living in Pine Block, a fictional ghetto like neighbourhood, the family s greatest concerns are unemployment, the parents alcoholism, the children s rebellious behaviour, and the father s violence. Their situation seems hopeless: Jake, the father, loses his job, drinks too much and repeatedly thrashes his wife Beth, who, in the beginning, prefers drinking beer to caring for her six children. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Readers expect the film to be faithful to its source material in ways that a filmic adaptation simply cannot be faithful to a literary work, because [t]he demand for fidelity ignores the actual process of making films, the important differences in modes of production (16). Stam and Raengo go even further by claiming [a] filmic adaptation is automatically different and original due to the change of medium (17). Another reason why adaptations are infidel to their source material, apart from media characteristics, is money: While a novelist s choices are relatively unconstrained by considerations of budget [...] films are from the outset immersed in technology and commerce (16). A novelist only has to take his or her time to sit down and write a literary work and find a publishing house to publish it, and therefore does not have to spend large amounts of money. Yet, for a film to be made, numerous people are involved, for instance a screenwriter, a director, cinematographers, and actors. Thus, Stam and Raengo assert that while mostly only one individual works on a novel, numerous people are involved in creating a film (17). This also results in many different opinions on setting, plot, characters, themes, lightning and so forth, which then leads to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Case Study Of Conflict At Textile Gulshan Mills In the morning of May, 2010, Shahzad Akbar, chief executive officer (CEO) and owner of Textile Gulshan Mills sat in his office puzzling over the best way that how to deal with conflicts among the employees of the company. The conflicts results from ethnic differences were escalating in to riots, which continuously caused damage to company reputation. Now Shahzad desired to take firm action that was thwarted by the even more dangerous possibility of crippling union strikes. Indeed, the diversity at Textile Gulshan Mills was causing tremendous issue at factory. THE ORGANIZATION: TEXTILE GULSHAN MILLS Textile was started its operations in 1986 in a single building with a single frame and only a few employees, tasked to produced thread. The product became quite successful, and with increasing revenues, the company was able to expand in 1995 to a two buildings facility in the company at Multan Road Tibba Sultan Pur. The number of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The ethnic groups in the workforce included as, Punjabis (40 percent), Sindhis (17 percent), Pathans (21 percent), and Baloch (13 percent). By historically, these ethnicities had been made up and mixture of native people and immigrants. The languages, cultures, and codes of conduct were different of all these ethnicities. The workers at Textile Gulshan Mills, Tibba Sultan Pur was not their hometown, Due to the travelling issues and the early start and late finish demanded by the nature of work, workers were provided accommodation in the company. Accommodation and medical care were costly for the lower class people in the Pakistan. This meant that the facilities that organization was provided to the workers with job were an attractive place for work. Normally, it was uncommon for factories of Pakistan to provide all these facilities in an organization. By observing this, Textile Gulshan Mill was providing good benefit to its ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Inclination of Today’s Youths Towards Self-Harm Many teenagers are suffering a hidden pain in the privacy of their homes. They secretly cut, burn, scratch, pull hair, and bruise their bodies. The psychosis is termed non suicidal self injury (NSSI).Teenagers are feeling pressures from typical insecurities of low self esteem, body image, fashion trends, bullying, pressures from friends, and family issues. As a result, teens are turning to the internet for strategies of how to deal with the pressures of life, making this topic more of a public enigma, than a private sufferingissue. NSSI is a growing phenomenon and parents and psychologists should advocate safe internet sites, and force social media outlets to provide links for teens to access healthier ways to manage their emotions. NSSI behavior is on the rise and is more prevalent among our youth today; due to images, other teens upload on the internet. Today many teens are accessing self harmimages and content on the World Wide Web , through YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. The images are of the cuts and burns that others have inflicted on themselves, while others are of diagrams depicting where to cut, that parents and teachers will not notice. Some teens will use self injury to try to relieve their feelings of anxiety and pressures they are feeling in their lives. According to Caitlin Dewey, in an article from The Washington Post, an issue with internet sites is that they promote the activity as normal and healthy, therefore encouraging teens to continue injuring ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The Diagnosis of Wolfram Syndrome Report of case: A ten years old boy was referred by Pediatrician for ocular assessment. He was a known case of DM since last two years being on insulin and the pediatrician was concerned about Diabetic Retinopathy, as the patient had a complaint of gradual visual decline over past two years. The patient was born to a 1st degree consanguineous cousin marriage, with a normal birth history. He had been diagnosed with DM at the age of eight, receiving insulin. The referral letter from pediatrician along with a recent HBA1C report was a telltale of good glycemic control. Moreover, the document reported an unremarkable systemic exam (afebrile patient with normal CVS, intact CNS, clear chest and soft abdomen) His general health was good. He ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Fellow eye is affected weeks or months after the involvement of the first eye. In acute stages, disc hyperemia and telangiectatic microangiopathy are evident. In chronic cases, severe optic atrophy supervenes. However, it is associated with brisk pupillary light reflexes.(12) In contrast, this patient had poor pupillary light reflexes atypical of LHON. In addition, DM was atypical of LHON. Thirdly, visual deterioration in this patient was bilateral, gradual and slowly progressive. Autosomal Dominant Optic Atrophy: It is characterized by bilateral optic atrophy with insidious visual loss in 1st to 2nd decade. As the name suggests, it is inherited in Autosomal dominant pattern. Systemic abnormalities are usually absent; however, associations with sensorineural hearing loss are documented. Presence of DM, lack of involvement of family members and negative family history of blindness in my patient were contrary to a diagnosis of ADOA.(13) Behr syndrome: AR inheritance, associated with visual loss in first decade due to diffuse optic atrophy. Other features include Nystagmus, skeletal abnormalities (limb contractures, Achilles tendon contractures), spastic gait, ataxia and mental handicap. All features suggestive of BEHR syndrome other than optic atrophy were absent in this patient.(14) Wolfram Syndrome: WS is characterized by constellation of features including juvenile onset type 1 non immune mediated Diabetes Mellitus, Optic Atrophy, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Huckleberry Finn Research Paper Tamara Morris ENGL 2200 June 16, 2018 FINAL TOPIC: #3 Mark Twain is noted to be part of the realism movement in literature. Twain typically depicts his literature to resemble everyday activities and experiences instead of the typical romanticized presentation that included fairytales, and unrealistic events. Twain was very much aware of the two traditions of American thought, realism, and romanticism (Erickson Huckleberry Finn| Realist vs. romanticist 1960). Realism is a literary movement that came about in the middle of the 19th century. This movement portrays real life circumstances with realistic characters and outcomes ( Realism Characteristics 2008). Romanticism is an artistic, literary, musical and intellectual movement that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Twain makes sure that Tom and Huck differ so the strict separation of imagination and reality is identified. Romantic engagement in a troubled world, can be very dangerous as seen in this novel. When struggling with real world problems it is best to take a realistic approach, because when your imagination take over, it can lead to an anticipation of an unrealistic outcome. Tom s imagination demonstrate how he see life. His use of imagination helped him shape is own idea and understanding Jim. They hain t no RIGHT to shut him up! Turn him loose! He ain t no slave; he s as free as any cretur that walks this earth (AOHF, Ch.42). However, there are many instances were Tom Sawyer s imagination had led to dangerous or risky situations throughout the novel. For example, in the novel Tom Sawyer got shot in the leg, because of his unrealistic plan that he created based off a novel he had previously read. Another example is that Tom has some pretty intense ideas about friendship, he like the idea that you have to swear your loyalty to your friends in blood Now, we ll start this band of robbers and call it Tom Sawyer s Gang. Everybody that wants to join has got to take an oath, and write his name in blood (AOHF, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Thomas Edison And The Western Society And Mankind When looking back at the people in history the one name that always seems to stand out is Thomas Alva Edison. In this essay I will talk about Thomas Edison and his great contributions to the Western Society and mankind. Thomas Alva Edison was born February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio, son to Samuel Ogden Edison, Jr and Nancy Matthews Elliott (Frost). Edison s mother taught him the three R s because he only had three months of formal education. Eventually, Edison began to favor in independent self instruction because of his poor hearing. Edison in his younger years took to reading books to learn about the arts, the histories, and the sciences (Beals). At a very young age Edison became an adult (Beals). He had talked his parents into letting him sell newspapers, snacks, and candy at the railroad; he had also started a separate business on selling fruits and vegetables. When learning about Edison in his childhood, one can understand he was not the average kid growing up. He had a different approach to life in which he craved for knowledge and obtained a hard work ethic in his young years. In his mid teens he saved the son of the railroad stationmaster from a box cart and the grateful father taught Edison how to master Morse code and the telegraph. This allowed him to get a job as a telegraph operator (Beals). This opened the way for Edison s experimenting with technology and how to further enhance it. After working as a telegraph operator he created his first invention, the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Dad (Data Analysis and Design) Data Analysis And Design BTEC HIGHER NATIONAL DIPLOMA Assignment Institute Name: IDM Computer Studies Pvt. Ltd. Unit Name: Data Analysis and Design Unit: Unit 13 Assignment Title: Understanding and Analysis, Design and Implementation of Databasesystem. Date given: 10th May 2010 Date to be submitted: 20th July 2010 Lecturer: Mr. T. Shanakr Rational The objective of this assignment is to assure that the students have gained the relevant knowledge according to the outcomes specified in the syllabus. Assessment requirements to meet learning outcomes 1. Understand data models and database technology 2. Design a relational database ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Look at different ways of testing. (Task | | | | |validation |4.2) | | | | |P13.4.3 Evaluate a range of testing techniques |Description about 3 types of anomalies (Insertion, | | | | |and apply one to your own database design |Deletion and pupation anomalies). (Task 4.3) | | | | |Grade Descriptors for MERIT | |Feedback | | | |Y |N |Comments | |M1 Identify and apply strategies to find |Clear idea about Data models, Data mining and where| | | | |appropriate solutions |house. | | | | |M2 Select / design appropriate
  • 42. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Analysis Of Metallic Decades Of Metal Dominance Metallica: Decades of Metal Dominance Thrash metal band Metallica has an expansive history of over thirty years. Trials and tribulations continuously impact the band however, they are always able to unify after tragedy. With each set back Metallica encounters; whether it is the loss of a band member or low album sales, a reinvention occurs within their music. Despite performing music for the masses, Metallica retains mysterious qualities. Band members have effectively kept their private lives out of public scrutiny that often plagues successful musicians. Founding Members The vision to create the ultimate rock band stemmed from the imagination of drummer Lars Ulrich. Ulrich s progressive upbringing in a wealthy family of Sweden came with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hetfield has a rougher, edgier exterior that works for the thrash metal scene. Hetfield played the underground heavy metal scene for a few years before his fateful try out with Ulrich. With the merging of these two minds the story of Metallica begins. 1980 s With the collaboration of a shared dream, the next two musicians added to Metallica were guitarist Lloyd Grant and bassist Ron Govney. With the completion a band in 1981, Metallica began writing and performing songs. They released their first demo tape, No Life til Leather in the underground Los Angeles heavy metal scene (www.rockhall.com). Shortly after this release Metallica moved to the Bay Area. Relocating to the San Francisco area played a major role in the evolution of Metallica. With the move came the ousting of Grant and Govney whom were replaced by Dave Mustaine, lead guitarist and Cliff Burton on bass guitar. Before long, in 1982, Mustaine departed from Metallica to be replaced by Kirk Hammett. With the formation of the ideal Metallica finally complete they went to work on their first album. Kill Em All released in 1983, embraced the heavy metal feel Metallica was hoping to achieve placing them as major contenders in the music industry. The album features the hard and fast sound of thrash metal previously only known in the underground heavy metal scene. Metallica s second album, Ride The Lightening (1984), did not disappoint as well and obtained the band a contract ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Marcus Aurelius And Stoicism After the death of Aristotle, philosophy that targeted greater complex depths was outrun by philosophy that focused on mere everyday lives. With the rise and fall of Skepticism, Cynicism, and Epicureanism there was an influence that survived years impacting life and that was Stoicism. Zeno of Citium who believed that the world had an ultimate plan and everything including nature, animals, and humans, were there for a reason (Hergenhahn Henley, 2014, p. 66). The reason Stoicism was easily used is because it was well suited with the way Romans highlighted their law and order giving the extensive coverage displayed by many philosophers, including Marcus Aurelius . Marcus Aurelius, was born in 121 C.E. Growing up his focus of education was overseen by Emperor Hadrian and soon taken over by Emperor Antonius teaching him more of a rhetoric (Sellars, 2002). As the years progressed he shifted in to a study of philosophy leading to him becoming what we know as one of the most important Stoic philosophers. Marcus Aurelius became an emperor in A.D. 160 lasting to A.D.180. he was working closely with Lucius Verus in 169 and his son Commodus in 177 (Crook, 2017). Marcus Aurelius later passed away in A.D. 180, yet his most personal literature is still read today, Meditations. Marcus Aurelius and his philosophies were composed down in a collection of his intimate writings titled Meditations. The compilations and stories that Meditations follows are the influence of Stoicism along with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Sleeping Apnea Essay The average adult is supposed to sleep for eight hours a night. How many hours of sleep does the average American get a night? Millions of Americans would answer less than eight hours. Sleep is beneficial to improving emotional and physical health. Many Americans think they are bad at falling asleep, when in reality they have a sleep disorder. Symptoms of a sleep disorder can range immensely for each disorder, but for most sleep disordersthe most occurring symptom is fatigue ( Understanding ). Insomnia, or restless sleep disorder has one major symptom, fatigue, but other common symptoms could be difficulty falling asleep and difficulty staying asleep. Sleep apnea symptoms include fatigue, snoring, and gasping for air while sleeping. Symptoms... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many treatments for insomnia are nonpharmacological like, cognitive behavior therapy. Insomnia treatments can also be pharmacological, with many medications available to help manage insomnia symptoms ( Treating Insomnia ). Treatments for sleep apnea are much more complex, with treatments such as oral appliances, nasal resistors, continuous positive airway pressure, and oropharyngeal exercises. Many ranges of surgery are available to help people with sleep apnea also ( Treating Obstructive ). Certain medications could be used to help control narcolepsy. Lifestyle changes can also be done like, avoiding caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and scheduling daily naps ( Narcolepsy WebMD). General measures like reducing caffeine and alcohol intake can greatly help symptoms of restless leg syndrome (Foldvary Schaefer 100) . Physicians can also treat patients with restless leg syndrome with one of four types of pharmacological medicines; dopaminergic, antiseizure, benzodiazepines, and opioids (Foldvary Schaefer ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Cersei Lannister In William Shakespeare s Game Of Thrones Game of Thrones, the popular television show and book series, is a story of many different characters all competing to take control of one thing: The Iron Throne. One of the most ruthless contenders is Cersei Lannister, a woman born into a wealthy family and consumed on becoming the Queen of all of Westerosand being the first Lannister to sit on the Iron Throne. Conniving and brutal, Cersei cares about no one but herself and her children, and will kill whoever she needs to in order to achieve her goal. Macbethand Cersei come from two completely different worlds, but they re both consumed but their ambition which makes them very similar people. Cersei and Macbeth both have vaulting ambition and are willing to do whatever is necessary in order... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At first, Macbeth does not want to kill Duncan because he believes he is a good king and they are friends. But, when the idea of killing Duncan so he could be king start to develop in his head he tells his wife. Before the murder, he expresses his apprehension to which Lady Macbeth retorts, As thou art in desire? Wouldst thou have that/ Which thou esteem st the ornament of life,/ And live a coward in thine own esteem,/ Letting I dare not wait upon I would, ... (Act 1.7, 41 44) In this scene Lady Macbeth calls Macbeth a coward for rethinking his decision to kill Duncan and bullies him into agreeing to kill him. While, on the contrary, Cersei is motivated by how much she loves her children. Everything she does is for the sake of her children, even those who are evil. Her eldest son, Joffrey, was a psychotic sociopath who enjoyed torturing others. At his own wedding he was poisoned and it was then that Cersei swore to avenge him by pledging to kill her own brother Tyrion because she thought he was behind his murder. Tyrion once asked Cersei how happy she was, to which Cersei replied, Not very. But if it weren t for my children, I would have thrown myself from the highest tower in the Red Keep. They re the reason I m alive. (Mhysa) Cersei demonstrates an obvious love of her children and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. The Bill Of Rights By Donald Lutz Essay Second, the political process defined by the national Constitution. There were two reasons the Bill of Rights was dangerous, first, any listing was bound to leave out rights that would in the future be considered important but by their absence from the bill of rights imply that they were not protected. This meant that in order to ensure that every member of the public was represented, the list of enumerated rights would need to be quite long. The author, Donald Lutz continues, second, since bills of rights were statements of commonly held values and commitments, and there were differences in these values from state to state, a national bill of rights would either have to contain the least common denomination and thus leave out things considered important by many people... That is to say, not every right on every state s bill of rights could be included in the national Bill of Rights. So, some rights would need to be eliminated despite the fact that they were important enough to be in a state s bill of rights. Or an amalgamation of rights would be created by taking the rights state s bills of rights found most important. Something has to give and there was no way to satisfy every person from every state. Two of the most known and vocal Federalists were James Madison and Alexander Hamilton. These two men had different effects on the creation of the Bill of Rights and because there is a Bill of Rights appended to the Constitution this means the Federalist lost the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. A Story Of An Hour Most stories have more than one conflict, some bigger than others, but all important as a story progressives to the very moment everything clicks and comes together. After that point, the story starts to wind down, lose ends are tied, and the reader gets the satisfying feeling of a happy ending. The Story of an Hour is not your typical short story; but is similar to others in the way that conflicts are the leading force behind a short story. This story starts with Mrs. Mallard finding out any wife s worst news and realizing it is the best news she has ever heard. Within the short hour of the announcement, the news that was going to save her, ended up killing her. The internal conflicts Mrs. Mallard faces in Chopin s The Story of an Hour are subtle, but lead to a resolution that makes the reader question if they believe the author or not. One of the first internal conflict Mrs. Mallard faces is she is not sure how she to act when she finds out the news of her husband s death. During the time period of which the shirt story takes place, women supposedly owed everything to their husbands, so for Mrs. Mallard to now be a widow, the news should have been heart breaking and life shattering. Louise does not act the way women of the time are supposed to act. She is still is shocked by the news, she wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sister s arms but then rushes upstairs to lock herself in her room (Chopin 54). I think Chopin started off the story with the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. How Online Brand Communication And Customer Engagement... Research Question: How online brand communication and customer engagement influence a consumer s decision purchase. The marketing strategy of branding is not a new concept. A company s brand is not a logo, or a tag line, but rather the relationship it has with its customer base, it is in essence not how a company defines itself but how the public defines it. With every interaction and every customer touch point a business shapes its brand identity, and participants in this exchange are known as a brand community. Where the development and monetization of the internet have allowed businesses to expand into new forms of customer engagement, these types of online interactions can be the deciding factor in a consumer s ultimate decision to purchase and/or become brand ambassadors. Through research on business social media strategies, cultivating online communities and curating content via corporate websites and paid advertising I hope to discover how this type of business to consumer communication supports and replacement to the in person shopping experience. Additionally, how these types of communications weigh against a consumers ultimate decision to purchase, focusing how these online communications is utilized as a means to expand consumer brand interaction To provide a rounded perspective, in addition to the eight required academic sources I selected supplemental, industry based materials as a means of delivering a robust framework for strategies on brand loyalty and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Mining Industry in Australia Essay Australia, the large Island continent, has been generously furnished with abundant natural resources. With these resources, not surprisingly the various kinds of industries utilizing these resources are emerged in Australia. One of the most important industries is mining. Australia has the world s largest reserves of several mineral commodities in both minerals and energy resources. The Miningsector includes all units mainly engaged in mining, including the mineral exploration, and the provision of a wide variety of services supporting mining and mineral exploration. The discovery of the gold in New South Wales and Victoria has forced Australia into the group leader in mining countries since 1851. This essay will focus on the mining in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Mining generated from 3.4 percent of Australia s Gross Domestic Product in 1982 83 to 4.6 percent in 2002 03. The mining sector has created the Australian economic growth, especially in terms of exports. Lewis (2000 ,2) states that the industry makes up around 40 percent of Australia s merchandise exports each year, contributing around 40 billion dollar annually to the economy. The value of exports from the mining industry has grown by 95 percent during 1994 2004, 45 percent more than the growth in manufacturing industry and 26 percent more than for all industries. Australia globally exports mineral commodities to many countries, for instance, Japan, Republic of (South) Korea and United Kingdom. Japan is the major buyer with approximatly more than 20 percent of the total export value in minerals each year. Of the countries in this region, Japan is consistently the main destination for Australian minerals and oil for the period 1988 89 to 2002 03. Its share of total exports of minerals and oil was 27% in 2002 03. (2005 Australia Year Book 2005, 509). These developments can be seen that mining industry is important to the Australian economy. There are several impacts on Australian society in demography related to population, immigration and employment. Gold discoveries had a tremendous impact on all parts of Australia. From 1851 to 1861, Australia s population trebled. O Malley (1988 ,24) claims that the number ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. The Evolving United States Government Essays Like nature, the United States government has evolved to meet the demands of an ever growing population, the increasing terrorist threat, and a new state of mind in terms of what government should look like. Each branch of the federal system plays a key role in controlling the populace. The Executive branch handles day to day maintenance of the federal government, makes sure laws are enforced and carried out, as well as represents the U.S. to foreign interests. The Legislative branch passes laws and allocates funds for use in running the federal government and providing assistance to the states. The Judicial branch hears cases that involve disputes between interpretations of the laws or those that challenge them. A delicate balance... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Cuba, due to the sinking of the U.S. Maine was taken over, and is now regulated by the U.S. government as a result of the Spanish American War, while China was forced to keep an Open Door Policy, which caused the Boxer Rebellion. After World War Two, America became the leading world power, the foreign policy opened up with the creation of the United Nations, Marshall Plan, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. During the Cold War, the main objective was to prevent the spread of Communism; however, afterwards global peace became the main objective ( War... ). Third, what changes have been made to each power? The executive branch has grown the most since the late 1800 s. Abraham Lincoln used his position as Commander in Chief, and used the Chief Executive Clause in his Emancipation Proclamation to build an army to take over the South, as well as, suspended liberties (habeas corpus). This showed the executive branch gained power in times of war, causing it to have more power than the other branches (Yoo, John). Theodore Roosevelt used all powers of the president to further his agendas, without extending from the Constitution. In his Square Deal , he pressed for more government involvement in the U.S. economy and regulation of business, as well as, more legislative powers for the president. ( American... ). Woodrow Wilson s New Freedom created the Federal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Physics Lab Report On Using A Simple Pendulum Model Laboratory report First Draft Determine the acceleration due to gravity using a simple pendulum Objective The objective of this practical is to determine acceleration due to gravity g using the simple pendulum model. This is shown when a period of oscillation is seen to be independent of the mass of the mass m . Theory A simple pendulum consists of a mass that is attached to a string of length L that is fixed to a point, in this case, a cork suspended by a clamp stand. This allows the mass to be suspended vertically downwards and allows it to be displayed at an angle that it swings. A period T of oscillation is the time required for one complete swing. For this to happen ideally its mass must swing from an angle that is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Eg. 13.26/10 = 1.326) Step 7: Now square each T value to make T^2 (Eg. 1.3262 = 1.758) Step 8: We can now plot our values into the rearranged equation to figure out accelerationdue to gravity g . (Eg. (4ПЂ2 x 43.70)/ 1.758 = 981.4 cm/s2) Step 9: Because we measured the lengths in centimeters rather than meters, we need to calculate are g value into m/s2 so we can compare it to the SI unit for acceleration due to gravity. (Eg. 981.4 /100 = 9.81 m/s2) Step 10: Draw a scatter plot of T2 on the Y axis against L on the X axis. Results Length (cm) 1 (s) 2 (s) 3 (s) Mean Time (s) T (Time/10) T2 g (cm/s2) g (m/s2) 43.70 13.16
  • 53. 13.35 13.28 13.26 1.326 1.758 981.4 9.81 37.50 12.07 11.90 12.06 12.01 1.201 1.442 1026 10.27 33.10 11.41 11.28 11.31 11.33 1.133 1.284 1018 10.18 27.30 10.53 10.63 10.44 10.53 1.053 1.109 972 9.72 22.20 9.350 9.250 9.440 9.350 0.935 0.874 1003 10.03 17.00 8.440 8.280 8.220 8.310 0.831 0.691 971 9.71 11.80 6.880 7.000 6.910 6.930 0.693 0.480 971 9.71 Discussion and Conclusion The line of best fit is used to find the gradient, the T2/L value, if straight or linear it shows that the relationship between the two is directly proportional. Using the original equation, you can square both sides and rearrange it to make . Then you can input the gradient value (T2/L) and work out g. , where g equals 10.13 m/s2. This value is close to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. The Importance Of Communication In Speaking In Tongues By... After its birth, glass becomes one kind of useful material in people s physical life. It has one unique nature that, after some little modifications, it can be qualified to accomplish totally different tasks, for example serving as windows and mirrors, to benefit the people who use it. Meanwhile, towards people s mental experience, the communication is similar to glass in nature, and plays the same role. In such a modern and pluralistic society, the accelerating pace of life and the increasing amount of information bombardment people s brains; The high frequency of contacts with internet, which is an infinite source of knowledge, also exhausts their time to think over themselves and then makes them easily to become a pollyanna, which means the people who keep blind optimism without a certain life direction. Whatever online or offline, the communication, which is the most important and common way people have interactions between each other, plays an essential role that improve people s identities and avoiding the astray of life. Sherry Turkle, the writer of Reclaiming Conversation , expresses her ideas in the Empathy Diaries that the conversation, especially the face to face conversation, is essential for children s development of the skill of social communication. Furthermore, Zadie Smith, the writer of Speaking in Tongues , expresses the idea with deeper meaning, which not only shows the function of communication, but also indicates tongue s influence people s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...