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Improving Student
 Learning Using
    Summer 2012
    Final Session
•  Expand on ideas on how to transform
     learning using technology
•    Identify principles driving effective integration
     of technology
•  Experiment!
•  Honor speaker power.
•  Engage.

•  Let Jenni know you are present for
Website For Parents and Others
  Lindsay Dressel-Siete, Shelley Heimsath, Amy Hudson

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Blended learning- Aprendizaje Semi presencial- Aprendizaje Mixto
Blended learning- Aprendizaje Semi presencial- Aprendizaje MixtoBlended learning- Aprendizaje Semi presencial- Aprendizaje Mixto
Blended learning- Aprendizaje Semi presencial- Aprendizaje Mixto

Blended learning- Aprendizaje Semi presencial- Aprendizaje Mixto ¿Cómo puedes empezar el aprendizaje semi presencial mañana?

How can digital technologies engage a Year 7 class in creative writing?
How can digital technologies engage a Year 7 class in creative writing?How can digital technologies engage a Year 7 class in creative writing?
How can digital technologies engage a Year 7 class in creative writing?

This resource was part of assessment for Secondary English PGCE course at Sheffield Hallam University and is being released with permission of its author. It accompanies the case studies produced as part of the "Digital Futures in Teacher Education"; for more information see www.digitalfutures.org

case studiesdeftukoer
Pechukacha script
Pechukacha scriptPechukacha script
Pechukacha script

The document describes the various technologies and methods used by the presenter in their Web 2.0 classroom. It begins by introducing the Pecha Kucha presentation format of 20 slides for 20 seconds each that will be used. It then provides screenshots and descriptions of the wikis, blogs, Google Docs, Edmodo, and online simulations utilized to enhance learning and collaboration. The goal is to demonstrate the presenter's experience integrating new technologies into their classroom, while still seeking to incorporate additional tools in the future like student PLNs, Prezi, and Voicethread.

The Reading Corner                   Lindsay, Shelley, Amy
    Using technology to inform parents


Reading Content Areas‎ > ‎


Phonemic Awareness


Text Comprehension

Flip Cameras,Ladybugs, and ipads
help with Fluency Lindsay, Shelley, Amy
•  video tape students reading orally
•  students watch themselves on the video
•  students use a rubric to self assess
•  student creates a goal to improve fluent
fluency rubric   Lindsay, Shelley, Amy
Tim “Mac” McCastland - Bell Graham PE
        I am in an unusual position that doesn’t allow me to use the technology
   as much as a classroom teacher on a daily basis. Currently, I have to cover
   what is expected in each quarter without taking time away from their
   “physical” education. So, I have creatively found technology that is related
   to P.E. that may be used.
        I have worked with our librarian to find the best way of using this
   technology by utilizing the computer lab, IPad, and laptops. This year the
   following items will be introduced and used as a way of making the learning
   in P.E. more exciting, fun, and advanced. The examples are:
2.Google Doc, form, maps
3.ConVA Student Response (Clickers)
4.P.E. website
5.Poll everywhere (great suggestion from Doug)

        I created 4 slides that show the technology currently used in the 1st
   quarter, technology to be used for the remainder of the year, and in the

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Computers in the Classroom
Computers in the ClassroomComputers in the Classroom
Computers in the Classroom

The document discusses integrating computers into elementary classrooms. It provides an overview of an article supporting computer literacy for future teachers and the benefits seen at one California elementary school that installed computers. These benefits included improved math scores, better teacher communication, and enhanced student writing. The document also notes that computers can help students with learning disabilities by allowing independent and self-monitored work.

Educational technology final
Educational technology finalEducational technology final
Educational technology final

Educational technology refers to the use of technological tools in education to improve learning outcomes. It can include hardware, software, and systematic approaches. Cloud storage tools like Dropbox allow students and teachers to share and collaborate on learning materials from anywhere. For students, this enables engaged learning, exploration, and teamwork. For teachers, it aids teaching strategies, communication, and staying organized. While there are considerations, using technology appropriately can help engage students and motivate their learning goals.

18 educational models for use the DIGITAL WHITEBOARD (DWB)
18 educational models for use the DIGITAL WHITEBOARD (DWB)18 educational models for use the DIGITAL WHITEBOARD (DWB)
18 educational models for use the DIGITAL WHITEBOARD (DWB)

The document describes models for educational use of a digital whiteboard (DWB) in the classroom. It discusses 13 models that are centered around either the teacher or the student. Models centered on the teacher involve the teacher explaining concepts, asking questions, and leading activities, while models centered on the student give students more initiative to complete tasks like presenting their work or preparing educational materials for the class. The goal of the models is to encourage interaction and participation from both teachers and students using the capabilities of a DWB.

digital whiteboarddwb

                                     1st quarter plans

            Pedometers                                         Google Maps
•Students in grades 3, 4 and 5 wear pedometers      •From the Google forms, students begin their
    and each day keep track of the number of        destination in Saint Charles, IL and map out their
    steps taken.                                    steps (mileage) to any other state except Illinois.
•Once a month, students will enter their steps in   •Upon reaching their final destination, students
    the (Google form) survey to keep track of       research the following questions:
    their progress throughout the year.             –World Book Online and/or Grolier
–Upon the tracking chart, a discussion takes        •State capital, flag, bird or animal, song, tree, etc.
    place to talk about the “how’s and why’s”       •Students present their new geographical location
    students have more steps than others, what      to class.
    happens to your body and what to do to get      •Each month the steps will be bigger and mileage
    more steps recorded.                            will be longer which then take students to travel
                                                    to other countries.
         Google Forms                               –Popular sports, nutritional foods, something
•Students calculate their steps and convert them    historical that relates to Physical Education.
    based on the formula that I created.
•The data collected will show their improvements
    throughout the year based on weekly,
    monthly, quarterly, by squads, gender, grade
                             2nd – 4th Quarter Plan
•PE Website (under construction)
–Valuable information to parents about the curriculum
–Helpful information for students
–Used to show YouTube videos within the slides to demonstrate certain skills
–Grading, rubrics, rules, expectations
–Pictures of students executing a particular skills
•ConVA Student Response
–The instructor presents questions to the whole group at once or presents a
   "do-at-your-own-pace" assessment to be completed by each individual in
   accordance with the flow of the lesson or topic.
–Everyone responds to each question using their own device
–All participants get instant feedback on their device no matter what type of
   responder they are using.
–Instructors have “real-time” results in a bar graph, pie chart and/or a tabular
   format to track individual and class performance.
–Students use to record their partners in skills.
–Critique and grade each other for improvements

                                 The Future

–have not used with my students yet
This was suggested by Doug and I have found this to be very easy to
   use as a reference to gather a quick glance at the feedback of those
   that answer the questions. In the video below, the participants use
   their phones. At the elementary level, I would be using the desktop,
   laptop, or IPad

“How I am using this experience to move your
              instruction to the next step for transforming
•Impact on the learning
–Students have shown an interest in the pedometer use. They are even more
   excited that they get to use the computer, laptop or IPad.
–Parents that I have spoken with already have said the “wow” factor and are
   eager to wanting to work with their kids more.
–More student interaction among classmates
–More dialogue of the “why’s” to gain further understand of their research.

•Experience for the next the level
•Even though I have only been in the computer lab once to work with this
   technology, I feel I am ready to take my “vision” and make it explode to a
   point to where no one had ever seen something like this before.       I know
   that I need to keep up with the tech world, in order to keep my student from
   being bored. At the same time, they’ll be teaching me how to make the
   most of what I want to get across.

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Teacher's pet sale's pitch
Teacher's pet sale's pitchTeacher's pet sale's pitch
Teacher's pet sale's pitch

The document proposes an app called "Teacher's Pet" that would revolutionize education through assessing student progress, preparing for exams, and increasing accountability among students and parents. It would allow teachers to send questions to students' iPads, immediately see who answers correctly, communicate with parents, hold video conferences, and manage grades. The app could also deliver morning announcements, emergency alerts, and lock iPads during class to reduce distractions.

Flipped teaching in the third world
Flipped teaching in the third worldFlipped teaching in the third world
Flipped teaching in the third world

The document discusses the flipped classroom or flip teaching method of instruction. It describes how the method began in the 1990s with efforts to use technology to move direct instruction outside of class time. This allows class time to be used for hands-on activities, projects, discussions and addressing student questions. The document outlines the key aspects of flip teaching including having students learn new content through online videos and lectures at home, then applying and extending their understanding of the content during in-class activities with teacher guidance. Benefits discussed include improved learning outcomes through differentiated instruction and students receiving instant feedback.

Portfolio Portfolio

This document contains a final project portfolio submitted by Lissette Armijos, Karen Cañizares, and Roger Flores to the Faculty of Communication, Linguistics and Literature at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. It includes their responses to 12 questions about incorporating technology into language teaching and learning. Some key benefits they identified are increasing student autonomy, supporting different language skills, and enabling authentic interaction. Challenges include not all students being able to use technology and reliance on stable internet connections.

Linnea Anderson
Using technology to engage students, offer alternative
  ways to interact with material, and provide for ELL
Edmodo: Created classes for both of the Language Arts
  classes I'm working with. I'm also logged in to Mr.
  Ashline's Edmodo class.
Blackboard is the portal.

I also have used Google Docs to Share ELL information on
   all ELL students (saves paper!). This helps teachers
   with differentiation.
Linnea Anderson
Evidence of Student learning:
Edmodo: Students have used this source to revisit
  information presented in class. They can view short
  videos, re-read text, download assignments and blog
  about their learning and questions they might have.

Students are able to take a pretest for grammar and then
  go on to Edmodo to practice skills that they need to
  practice. Some students need a great deal of help while
  others breeze through. This frees up valuable student
  time. Worked with Maureen Scalia (also in Technology
  class) to organize this.
Linnea Anderson
Moving Forward:
--Continue to refine my Edmodo classes.

--Have all ELL students linked to Edmodo

--Have a group of teachers who are in an Edmodo class
   that contributes regularly regarding ELL issues, news
   and concerns

--Continue refining Google Docs to disseminate ELL
   information to teachers.
Pam Watts
Using blackboard I embedded 2 YouTube video
 clips of How to Make a Pillowcase. After
 teaching the students the basics of using a
 sewing machine and making a hot/cold pack
 under my instruction I wanted to flip the
 classroom and have the students learn by
 asking the questions and finding the answers
 to "how to".

Recommended for you

"Flip it" presentation
"Flip it" presentation"Flip it" presentation
"Flip it" presentation

A presentation on Flipped Learning which discusses the concept and provides some strategies, methods, tools and links.

by wobt
flipflip the classroomblended learning
Professional development.pptx online teaching .2020
Professional development.pptx online teaching .2020Professional development.pptx online teaching .2020
Professional development.pptx online teaching .2020

by Mrs. Attiya Karim Balghari Academic Supervisor has adapted for Al Corniche International School-Jeddah first PD workshop online

education and training
Teaching with Technology
Teaching with TechnologyTeaching with Technology
Teaching with Technology

The document discusses three ways that technology helps improve education: 1) A new 15-minute reading assessment called PAR helps identify student weaknesses and improve reading growth in North Carolina schools. 2) The TeachersFirst website provides teachers online resources and lessons to help integrate technology into their classrooms. 3) Assistive technologies like word prediction software, audio recordings, and enlarged keyboards help address the needs of special education students.

Pam Watts
Students worked with a partner.

I introduced 4 Habits of Mind that I wanted the
   students to really focus on during the
     Striving for Accuracy
     Problem Solving
Pam Watts
At the conclusion of the unit the students and I talked about
   the likes/dislikes of the process:
   Likes: collaborating with a partner
           access to the video to work at own

  Would Like: more computers-our server could not
              manage multiple laptops running a YouTube
              video at once.
             -samples to reference along the way
Pam Watts
Other ways I've used technology:
 --I took pictures of students working in the lab
    and made a power point to show the
    students as they walked into class the next
    day. Great way to open the discussion
     about the lab.

  --To introduce meal planning I have taken photos of
    various meals to lead to a discussion of meal planning
    principles and plate presentation. Will present on
Pam Watts
Moving forward:
 Would like to learn how to set up a google
  docs in the classroom. I've participated in
  several google docs but need to learn how
   to set one up.

Recommended for you

Technology powerpoint
Technology powerpointTechnology powerpoint
Technology powerpoint

This document outlines resources for teaching a 4th grade unit on motion and force, including interactive videos, online games, simulations, experiments, and practice questions. Visual learning tools are emphasized to engage students and help them understand difficult concepts. Specific resources recommended include educational blogs, videos explaining motion and forces, simulations from PhET Interactive Simulations, and activities from the National Science Teachers Association and American Chemical Society. The resources provide hands-on ways for students to learn about motion and can be used on their own or together in a classroom setting.

CLAS presentation !!!
CLAS presentation !!!CLAS presentation !!!
CLAS presentation !!!

The document discusses the Talladega County School's 21st Century Initiative to integrate technology across K-5 curriculums. It outlines the initiative's goals of increasing student engagement and training teachers. It details steps taken like reading relevant books, participating in training sessions, developing exemplary technology-integrated lessons, and establishing teacher leaders. Various technologies used in classrooms are also described, like interactive whiteboards, document cameras, and one-to-one laptop programs for project-based learning.

Classroom Management
Classroom ManagementClassroom Management
Classroom Management

The document discusses various ways that technology can be used in the classroom, including for classroom management, communications, presentations, and instructional activities. Specifically, it addresses using computers for administrative tasks like letters and grades, as a presentation tool to demonstrate concepts, as a communication station for email and research, as an information station for reference materials, and as a learning center for activities, simulations, and student projects. Effective computer use in the classroom requires consideration of hardware placement, recommended software, internet access, and time management.

Enyth Carson- East High School
Using technology to improve student writing
 and engagement.

Used Edmodo to give students a place to
 discuss literature assignments.

Used the ladibug to record a writing lesson
Enyth Carson
Recorded myself discussing a topic the writing
 students needed to use to write a letter.

The students later recorded themselves
  reading the letter that they will later edit.
Enyth Carson
The English students created their own creation
  myths that will be recorded.

The students will then take a survey on
  Edmodo and vote on which myth was the
  best and give their reasons on why that myth
  was chosen.

This will then turn into a discussion on Edmodo
  as to what is the purpose of writing.
Enyth Carson
The goal is to have students create a
  discussion link about the topics we have
  learned about in class that will spark the
  desire to go deeper in their learning.

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Classroom Management With Technology
Classroom Management  With TechnologyClassroom Management  With Technology
Classroom Management With Technology

The document provides several strategies and considerations for effectively managing a classroom with limited computer resources, including rotating student access through various scheduling methods, using computers for whole-group instruction, and maximizing productivity during computer time. Peer partnerships and modeling proper computer use are also recommended to help students stay on task and learn from one another.

Edt 507
Edt 507Edt 507
Edt 507

The document discusses guidelines for designing and developing effective instructional materials. It explains that instructional materials include textbooks, workbooks, and multimedia resources that can motivate students, reinforce learning, and make the learning process more interactive. The Cone of Experience model suggests learning is most effective when it proceeds from concrete to abstract experiences using multiple senses. Examples are given of teachers integrating technology like simulations, spreadsheets, and video conferencing to engage students and enrich various subjects like social studies, geography, science, and language arts.

Los14puntosde deming
Los14puntosde demingLos14puntosde deming
Los14puntosde deming

El documento presenta la misión y visión del Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial del Instituto Tecnológico de Tijuana, que busca formar ingenieros industriales comprometidos con el desarrollo de México. También resume los 14 puntos de calidad de Edwards Deming, que proponen mejorar la calidad mediante el control estadístico de procesos, eliminar la dependencia en la inspección masiva, y promover la educación continua y el trabajo en equipo.

Karla Poremba - First Grade
           Improving Student Learning Using Technology

My Objectives:
1. Enhance Student Engagement
2. Strengthen the Home-School Connection

Technology Tools Embedded in My Practice:
Digital Camera, Flip Camera, Document Camera, LCD, Internet, Photostory,
   Bell-Graham/District Websites, BlackBoard, Curricular Websites/Programs;
   Learn360; Apps

Work in Progress: Google Sites personal website

2012-13 Goals: Finalize website; increase understanding of Google Docs;
   expand repertoire of Apps to improve learning and teaching
Karla Poremba - First Grade
Using technology to improve student engagement...

                        Evidence of impact:
                        Students are eager to...

                          •    collaborate to read, respond to, and
                               create digital images and text

                          •    research topics of common interest

                          •    share new learning with others

                          •    utilize information technology to
                               support content knowledge
Karla Poremba - First Grade

Using technology to Strengthen the Home-School
Evidence of impact: Frequent positive parent/student feedback
                         Sharing Photostories with Parents:
                          •  informs about student learning
                          •  increases insights about school experiences
                          •  provides a vehicle for conversations and
                             learning to continue at home

•    Homework includes links to curricular websites enabling students to practice,
     reinforce, and extend learning

•    Google Sites...my website: gives parents and students access to information
     and resources to support learning
Mary Clark 6th, 7th, 8th grade FACS

Use of Technology
 •  Posted sewing supply list for 7th & 8th grade
 •  Posted video of making a Hotdog Pillowcase
 •  Posted link to Lemonade Stand game
 •  Created hyperlink to recipe sites
Learn 360
 •  Sew Cool Productions
LCD Projector
 •  Created video on how to thread the sewing machine
 •  Instructed 6th graders how to access my class in blackboard

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Este documento presenta el marco teórico de la resiliencia como una disposición psicológica. Define la resiliencia como la capacidad de afrontar y sobreponerse a situaciones adversas de manera satisfactoria a través de los recursos propios y del ambiente. Explica que la resiliencia surgió como un enfoque opuesto al de riesgo, centrándose en los factores de adaptación. También resume los antecedentes históricos del concepto y algunas investigaciones pioneras sobre resiliencia en niños expuestos a ries


Una función es una relación entre dos magnitudes donde a cada valor de la variable independiente (x) le corresponde un único valor de la variable dependiente (y). Una función puede definirse mediante una fórmula, tabla o gráfica. Los elementos de una función son su dominio y recorrido. Las funciones pueden ser pares, impares, periódicas, continuas, crecientes, decrecientes, acotadas y tener máximos y mínimos.


La palabra responsabilidad proviene del latín y tiene varios significados como la capacidad de responder por los propios actos, asumir obligaciones y cargos, y causar consecuencias. La responsabilidad es un valor que permite reflexionar sobre las consecuencias de los actos y asumirlos de forma moral. Implica reconocer las inquietudes propias y de los demás, mejorar los rendimientos, reportar anomalías de manera oportuna, y asumir las consecuencias de las acciones u omisiones.

Mary Clark
Evidence of Impact
     Fewer students asking for a new supply list-greater student responsibility

     Supplies arriving to class my assigned date
     Fewer students asking for individual assistance -less reteaching- more
     peer to peer instruction- polled students on the effectiveness of the

     threading the machine video

     Students reporting they played the Lemonade Stand game at home
     Student curiosity demonstrated-played the budgeting game that was at the
     site with the Lemonade Stand game
Mary Clark
Moving Forward
•  Creating more videos demonstrating sewing processes
•  Using Edmodo groups for my 8th grade financial literacy
•  Posted videos on measuring techniques for future
Caryl Anderson                     LA/SS -8th

Google Presentations

  o    Student Info for Me
  o    Info for Class
  o    Speaking/Listening Skills
  o    Visual Aid Skills
Caryl Anderson

o  Book Chat
o  Classroom

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BAIT1003 Chapter 3
BAIT1003 Chapter 3BAIT1003 Chapter 3
BAIT1003 Chapter 3

An input device allows users to enter data and instructions into a computer. There are many types of input devices including keyboards, pointing devices like mice and trackballs, touch screens, digital cameras, and game controllers. Keyboards are commonly used to enter text, while pointing devices allow users to control the pointer on screen and select objects. Touch screens can be used by touching the screen directly. Digital cameras input images and video. Game controllers provide input for video games.

Concepto salud
Concepto saludConcepto salud
Concepto salud

El documento discute diferentes concepciones históricas del proceso salud-enfermedad, incluyendo enfoques mágicos, religiosos, empíricos, científicos y biopsicosociales. También describe modelos unicausales y multicausales de enfermedad, así como definiciones de salud propuestas por la OMS, Marc Lalonde y Jaime Breilh que enfatizan factores sociales, ambientales y de estilo de vida.

Decreto 2676 de 2000
Decreto 2676 de 2000Decreto 2676 de 2000
Decreto 2676 de 2000

Este decreto regula la gestión integral de los residuos hospitalarios y similares generados en Colombia. Establece principios como la bioseguridad, gestión integral y minimización para el manejo de estos residuos. Además, define términos clave relacionados con la generación, manejo, tratamiento y disposición final de los residuos hospitalarios y similares.

Caryl Anderson
Impact on Learning~

•  Students were forced to work collaboratively on day 3 of
   school for Google slides
•  Book discussions on Edmodo have allowed for
     discussion without pressure of fact-to-face interaction
     o  allowed multiple conversations
     o  students have more courage/opinions
•    Blackboard portal has all links
Caryl Anderson
Future of Instruction~

•  Immediate assessment of instructional need based on
   real-time student work
•  Increase/extend student engagement
•  Students are able to sef-assess based on peer work
•  Parent access to student work
Katie De Felice-
     Speech Language Pathologist
•  I used Learn 360 to read Pete's a Pizza to a large group
     of preschool students using the Epson projector
•    15 students total and 4 have IEP's
•    The target was /p/ in the initial position of single words
     and in phrases
•    After reading the story, the students had to retell the
     events and act it out
•    Students were the dough and we rolled them out,
     sprinkled cheese on top (paper), etc.
•    Homework to make someone at home into a pizza
Katie De Felice-
 Speech Language Pathologist
•  My evidence was gathered informally by checking to
  see if comprehension occurred

•  After reading the story the students were asked to retell
  the events

•  One specific student working on the /p/ sound used the
  sound in words with 80% accuracy

•  Attention to the story was maintained for 5 minutes

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Southern central divide_blended_learning_projeversion 4
Southern central divide_blended_learning_projeversion 4Southern central divide_blended_learning_projeversion 4
Southern central divide_blended_learning_projeversion 4

The Southern Central Divide Blended Learning Project aimed to integrate new technologies to empower learning and transform leadership across 30 secondary and area schools with over 11,000 learners. The project provided professional development to one teacher from each school on using tools like Moodle, Educo, and ePortfolios to enhance student-centered learning. Teachers discussed using technologies like virtual field trips, email, Skype, and online research to support student-led units and increase computer skills, with goals of expanding use of these tools school-wide.

Assessment ppt ict
Assessment ppt ictAssessment ppt ict
Assessment ppt ict

The document provides information about a planned classroom activity integrating ICT skills into an English lesson. It includes an introduction to the school's technology resources, the teacher's position and intentions for the lesson. Learning objectives are to develop reading, writing and oral skills through creating fact books about famous sportspeople using ICT skills like internet research, copying/pasting information and inserting pictures. The class involves 6 boys who will participate in a question and answer session with athletes and create fact books using an iPad app. The teacher aims to engage the boys and support literacy through the motivating topic of sports and use of technology.

My Blended Learning Portfolio
My Blended Learning PortfolioMy Blended Learning Portfolio
My Blended Learning Portfolio

This document summarizes Sheila Majask's experience taking a Blended Learning in the Classroom (BLiC) course and implementing blended learning in her own classroom. The BLiC course introduced Majask to new information and models of blended learning. It challenged her to immediately apply what she learned. As a result, Majask classified her classroom as a lab rotation model and began using Blackboard as her learning management system. She also learned about the importance of managing time, accessibility, assessments, and establishing policies in a blended environment. Overall, implementing blended learning has caused Majask to reevaluate her teaching practices and engage students more with technology.

blended learningremcblic
Katie De Felice-
 Speech Language Pathologist
The students engagement increased while
  using technology so I will continue to address
  student goals for articulation and language
  using technology.
Sue Schiller
Use of technology:

• Given quizzes and assignments
• Created and used writing groups in LA and media
  groups in Communications
• Uploaded videos for Communications

Blackboard Discussion Board
•  Created on-line discussion groups
•  Uploaded videos as resources for a summative
Sue Schiller
Evidence of Impact:

•  Quizzes and Assignments: Instant feedback was given
     to students and teacher regarding progress. Students
     who needed enrichment only were able to use Edmodo
     for higher level activities during instruction time.
•    Writing Groups: Differentiation was made possible and
     students produced improved mini-prompts. Student to
     student feedback was positive and encouraging
•    Discussion Boards: Students had a true back and forth
     conversation about a text at a higher level than orally in
     the classroom.
Sue Schiller
Moving Instruction Forward:

•  Continued use discussion boards with differing text
   complexity levels should increase critical thinking
•  Continued use of Edmodo for assignments and quizzes
     will increase access to new knowledge, as the wait time
     for assessment scores will decrease
•    Continue to try to use the video feature (I had quite a
     few issues with this!) to provide differentiation of tasks

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Culminating project
Culminating projectCulminating project
Culminating project

This document outlines a culminating project by Ana Lovely that includes four main sections: 1) An evaluation of available technology resources at the school/district, including tools for daily, weekly, and project use. 2) An evaluation of three available tools (PowerPoint, Quizlet, Email) and their affordances and limitations. 3) A lesson plan adapted to three levels of the TIM model where students research and present on a Spanish-speaking country. 4) A reflection on experiences using the TIM model for instructional planning.

U learn 11
U learn 11U learn 11
U learn 11

This document discusses various approaches and resources for inquiry-based learning, with a focus on catering to young learners and those with limited literacy skills. It provides examples of simple inquiries that can be completed in a short time frame, as well as recommendations for using ongoing classroom displays, peer collaboration, and technology tools to support the inquiry process. Recommendations are also given for using purpose-driven literacy instruction aligned with curriculum topics to enhance student outcomes.

Project Copernicus final pc revision
Project Copernicus final pc revisionProject Copernicus final pc revision
Project Copernicus final pc revision

Project Copernicus describes an initiative which allows and encourages students to bring their own technology to class, while teachers create lessons which encourages

Karen Saccomando
 8th Gr. Special Ed.

Use of technology in LA:
•    Used Google Docs to create:
      o  Reading Interest Inventory form
•    Used Blackboard to launch form
•    Created Powerpoint presentation showcasing 20 books for kids to
     choose from for their Reader's Workshop novel
•    Used Google Docs to create:
      o  spreadsheet to keep track of student book choices
•    use of Edmodo for kids to:
      o  share ideas/opinions of their book
      o  discuss book with others reading the same book
Karen Saccomando
  8th Gr. Special Ed.

Evidence of IMpact:
 •  Interest inventory: Students' reading preferences, opinions, and self-
    assessment on spreadsheet for future reference and data collection

 •    SpreadSheet: allows for easy data tracking regarding student choice of
      novels; will help make future choices for next quarter

 •    Edmodo: students are able to :
       o  be involved in discussions
       o  be easily and quickly reminded of assignments
       o  share some opinions of book through technology rather than all on
Karen Saccomando
  8th Gr. Special Ed.

steps moving instruction forward:
* Use interest inventory, book choice spreadsheet, & Edmodo discussions to
   craft next book presentation based on student interest

* Continue to use Edmodo for book discussions

* administer further Reading Interest Inventories at the end of each quarter to
   track changes and determine possible novels for upcoming quarter

* (Hopefully) Launch book talks with students in a middle school in ARizona.
Maureen Scalia

•  Created an Edmodo link through my
  Blackboard site.

•  All students joined separate groups
  by my Language Arts Blocks.

•  Created independent study program
  with subgroups for learning the parts
  of speech.

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February 18th presentation
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The survey results from teachers showed that the majority wanted professional development time spent on apps for the classroom. Most teachers did not use iPads at home. The teachers varied in their iPad knowledge from basic use to being able to teach others. Few had used Edmodo or Google accounts. Favorite classroom apps included Class Dojo, word games, and ebooks. Teachers asked about time management, engaging iPad lessons, and using iPads with smartboards. The presenter then demonstrated reading, math, science, and other educational apps. Teachers shared systems for small group and individual iPad use including rotations and rewards. Engaging apps mentioned were for spelling, math, sight words, and creative tools like iMovie.

Action research-for-teachers
Action research-for-teachersAction research-for-teachers
Action research-for-teachers

This document discusses action research and teacher professional development. It explains that action research involves teachers critically reflecting on their own practice to improve student outcomes. This can be done individually or collaboratively through projects focused on an area of interest. The document provides examples of action research questions and outlines the process of developing a project including collecting and analyzing data. It notes benefits like improved teaching and confidence but also challenges like time required. Advice for schools includes supporting teachers by modeling projects and having structures in place to share learning.

action research-for-teachers
Maureen Scalia
For the first part of speech(nouns) I have posted the
•  PowerPoint presentation overview on all of the parts of
•  PowerPoint presentation on nouns
•  Practice worksheets
•  Answer sheets for worksheets
•  Prequiz (done together in the computer lab) This wass posted one week
     after the above resources were posted so students had time to prep for
     prequiz if they so chose. If students performed 90% or higher on prequiz
     they did not need to do the postquiz or interim work. Paper copy of post
     quiz done in class for those who needed it. Additional sub group one-on-
     one direct instruction for those who need it.
Maureen Scalia
 • Teacher data delivery through Edmodo gives easy-to-navigate pie graphs
   for immediate direct instruction on the weak element(s) needing work
 • Students did better on this prequiz than similar prequizzes I've given in the
 •    Student reflections pointed to improved independence although this is still
      an area for improvement
 •    It would be nice to figure out how to track student use of the resources
      other than a paper/pencil reflection or blog

 • Additional subgroup work needs to be posted for those who did not pass
   the postquiz
 • Similar units will be posted for all of the remaining parts of speech
 •    Collaboration with ELL specialist to expand, improve, differentiate lessons
Jeanne Johnson - Third Grade
1) Introduce students to a collaborative experience using google docs
2) Create a presentation for curriculum night to introduce the class and
   demonstrate to parents one aspect of the use of technology in the

1) Using slides that I created with different levels of effectiveness to launch the
   project, students learned how to write clues about themselves
2) Each student created a slide with clues about himself or herself
   simultaneously in the LRC computer lab

1) The class viewed the presentation as clues appeared on a slide followed by
    the author's picture
2) Parents viewed the presentation at curriculum night
Jeanne Johnson - Third Grade
           Evidence of Student Learning
•  Through peer collaboration, students revised their clues
     helping each other with word choice and making
     decisions about which clue would be best to appear
     first, second, and third to keep classmates guessing.
•    Differentiation was evident as students worked to their
     personal potential
•    Students were engaged!
•    Students learned ethical practice as they collaborated
     on a single document

        The following slides were created by students.

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This document discusses using technology like blogging to facilitate inquiry learning in primary grades. It provides examples of how a grade 1-2 classroom used blogging for projects on hibernation and nutrition. Teachers presented management suggestions for setting up blogs, co-teaching, and involving parents. Students researched questions, shared learning through blogs, and received feedback. Blogging allowed students choice in showcasing learning and communicating with a wider audience. The goal is to illustrate student learning throughout the year in various subjects using this tool.

ASSURE method 1st attempt
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ASSURE method 1st attempt

This unit teaches 4th grade students about holiday traditions. Students will be paired with classmates of different backgrounds. They will interview their partner about their holiday traditions, research the traditions online, and create a PowerPoint presentation to share with the class. The goal is for students to learn about each other's cultural backgrounds and traditions.

Awulle assistive technology
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Awulle assistive technology

This document discusses assistive technology (AT) and its use in education to help students with disabilities. It defines AT and outlines steps for choosing AT, including collecting student information, identifying activities, testing methods, and making recommendations. The document also provides examples of different types of AT like tablets, hearing assistance devices, and classroom websites. It shares the author's experience planning lessons using AT to meet the needs of students with disabilities.

Who Am I?
I have two cavaliers.

I am an adventure guide.

I love wrestling because I get to see my
Who Am I?
I have one dog. Her name is Bailey. She is a
   golden labrador retriever. She is very playful,
   and she loves to play fetch.

My dad has a new job. He and my brother live in
  Peoria Arizona. My mom, my brother, and I still
  live in St. Charles, Illinois until we move.

I was born in a small town called Keller Texas.
I lived in Keller for five years. Then I moved to St.
    Charles, Illinois.
Jeanne Johnson - Third Grade
                     Moving Forward
•  I foresee using google docs in a similar manner for
     students to share information in content areas as they
     combine their knowledge to present as experts to the
•    I also see the possibility of using this as a reflection of
     learning that can be recorded chronologically to share
     with parents either created individually, with a small
     group, or as a whole class.
•    Students could create a slide as they work on a project
     without having to wait until revisions and editing are
Melissa DeCamp- 6th and 8th Grade
Use of Technology
• Create Formative Assessments on Edmodo
     o    Audio Assessments
     o    Video Assessments
     o    Multiple Choice Assessments
     o    Short Answer Assessments
     o    Retake Assessments
•  Use iPads
     o    Continue with familiar technology for students
          coming from Richmond

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Flipped classroom
Flipped classroomFlipped classroom
Flipped classroom

This document presents information about flipped classrooms including: - A flipped classroom moves activities like lectures outside of class time and uses class time for hands-on work and discussions. - Benefits include personalized learning, one-on-one teacher time, and students learning at their own pace. Challenges include reliance on student preparation and increased screen time. - Steps for implementing a flipped classroom include getting buy-in, creating online resources, managing the classroom, providing technology training, and assigning content for homework. - An example lesson plan is provided that focuses on gas exchange in the lungs and uses a storytelling activity in groups.

Satellite Science
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Satellite Science

This document outlines a cross-school collaboration project where students from two elementary schools work together in partnerships to conduct science experiments online. The project involves students researching topics, planning experiments through video chats, conducting experiments simultaneously and comparing results to deepen understanding of science concepts and the nature of science. Students document the process using blogs, data collection, graphs and digital stories to share their learning.

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Staley satellite science
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This document outlines a cross-school collaboration project where students from two elementary schools work together in partnerships to conduct science experiments online. The project involves students researching topics, planning experiments through video chats, conducting experiments simultaneously and comparing results to explore scientific concepts and the nature of science. Students document their work in blogs and create a digital story to share their findings. The goal is for students to develop collaboration skills while deepening their understanding of science.

Vicki Phelps
•  I have introduced my parents to my
     BlackBoard and Edmodo sites.
•    BlackBoard will be a parent communication
     tools as well as an opportunity to integrate
     blogs and wikis into my instructional design.
•    Edmodo will be used to house individual
     student portfolios with an emphasis on
     student reflection and consistent feedback.
•    Evidence of Impact: Parents provided an
     abundance of positive feedback and support.
Vicki Phelps
Class Participation:
•  The class has taken part in QR Scavenger
   Hunts to differentiate math instruction.
•  We used the iPads, and differentiated
   groups found the color-coded QR codes to
   solve the appropriate math problems. These
   activities incorporated a variety of
   instructional prompts.
Evidence of Student Impact: 100% student
  engagement. :)
Vicki Phelps
Future Steps:
• Beginning in October, I will be teaching the
  class how to navigate our class BlackBoard
  site and Edmodo site.
• The class will complete a creative writing
  wiki, as well as a book blog.
• The class will also begin to navigate the
  Edmodo site by responding to survey
Melissa DeCamp- 6th and 8th Grade
Evidence of Impact
• Students receive immediate results for
  multiple choice assessments
• Students are in control of monitoring self-
     o    Self-check and at-home study
•  Most students improved on retake

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The document summarizes key points from a focus group discussion on differentiation in teaching. It defines differentiation as identifying the most effective strategies for each learner to reach targets. Differentiation should be seen as integral to learning, not just for struggling students. It can be aimed at whole classes, groups, or individuals. The document lists different categories of differentiation, such as by task, outcome, support, resources, interest, variety of teaching methods, and grouping. It emphasizes the importance of knowing student data like needs and prior attainment to effectively differentiate. Technology tools for homework like Google Forms and Classroom are also discussed.

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SAMR Scenarios
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SAMR Scenarios

This document provides examples of how teachers can implement the SAMR model in their classrooms using technology. It begins with definitions of the different levels of the SAMR model from substitution to redefinition. Several classroom scenarios are then described and categorized based on their appropriate SAMR level. These scenarios range from using online tools like Google Docs for collaboration to simulations and games that redefine traditional classroom tasks.

Action Research for Teachers
Action Research for TeachersAction Research for Teachers
Action Research for Teachers

The document discusses teacher action research and professional development. It provides examples of focus areas and questions for teacher action research projects, including how to use technology to enhance learning in various subject areas. Guidelines are provided for developing an action research plan and report, including collecting and analyzing data. Suggestions are made for schools to support teacher action research through modeling, providing time and resources, and encouraging reflection and sharing of results.

Melissa DeCamp- 6th and 8th Grade
Moving Forward
• Continue to use Edmodo for formative
• Work with parents to ensure collaboration on
  at-home studying
• Work with students to increase responsibility
  for learning
Kristi Richter-Duff - High School Art
Use of Technology:
1-Google Presentations - 3D media 2 students are using Google
   presentations to create digital portfolios. For each new project,
   students document their research and their completed artwork/
   reflections in their google presentations.

2-Google Forms - I have been creating surveys using google forms
   and using them as exit slips in my Digital Media 1 classes to check
   for understanding on specific Photoshop tools and techniques
   learned through class demonstrations.

3- Edmodo - HALO yearbook has adopted Edmodo as a
   communication tool for advisors and staff.
Kristi Richter-Duff - High School Art
Evidence of Impact:
1-Google Presentations - Although the initial setup and the learning
   curve for students was somewhat problematic, the benefits are
   starting to show. Namely, in instances when students fall behind or are
   absent during our computer lab days, students have the flexibility to
   access their presentations from home in order to do research and
   work on their portfolios.
2-Google Forms - The data and feedback that I have gotten from
   students' taking the google surveys (as an exit slip) has been
   extremely valuable. I am able to quickly check for understanding, get
   feedback from each student about specific tools and techniques, and I
   am able to react quickly to the students who need additional help.
3- Edmodo - The use of Edmodo as a communication tool for HALO
   yearbook has just started, so I don't have any data yet on it's impact.
Kristi Richter-Duff - High School Art
Moving Forward:
1-Google Presentations - I plan to follow through the remaining of the
   semester with students using Google presentations for their research
   and portfolios and then weigh the pros and cons. Most likely, I will
   continue to have students use Google presentations, but I may have
   to take a look at the workflow and make some minor adjustments for
   future classes.

2-Google Forms - I definitely plan to continue using google surveys/
   forms as an exit slip for each unit in my digital media classes. It has
   probably been the most natural integration of new technology that I
   have used so far in my classes and it has also been the most useful.

3- Edmodo - I plan to continue to use Edmodo as a communication tool
   for HALO yearbook staffers in hopes that it will prove to be beneficial.
   Only time will tell.

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How to Show Sample Data in Tree and Kanban View in Odoo 17
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David Quiroz
Parents as students

Used a survey to gather information on parent access to
  technology and how it is used

Gathered and analyzed data

Next step: Proposal to
administrator to implement
parent CyberCafe program
David Quiroz
Presented basic concept of Cyber Cafe to parents during
  curriculum night on
September 11th

Found high level of parent interest

Parents signed up to receive more information based on
  interest level
David Quiroz
To implement CyberCafe concept by the end of
  October in order to educate parents on the
  use of technology.

To communicate more effectively with parents
  through the use of e-mail, Edmodo, and
  google docs.
David Quiroz
Moving instruction to the next level...

By implementing the CyberCafe program
 successfully this fall, I hope to involve more
 parents in their child's learning through active

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Doug Overton
I've been able to implement an essentially
   paperless Physics classroom for 4 periods of
   the day. (I've copied class sets twice to date,
   both by student request)
The following technologies have been used to
   achieve this:
•   Blackboard Daily Announcements
•   Blackboard Tests (used for labs, homework,
    quizzes and tests)
•   Google Shared Folder serving as science
Final session on wimba
Doug Overton
Students get directions
given through posts
on blackboard
announcements along
with attached files such
as "recycled" worksheets. Due dates and
  upcoming events are given this way. Course
  links help students navigate directly to
  specific materials within blackboard such as
Blackboard is the portal for all my materials.
Doug Overton
Blackboard really has
a variety of questions
that can used for lab
questions, homework,
quizzes and tests. A
variety of feedback can
be provided to students
some of which is

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Doug Overton
Google Docs / Drive
have provided a location
for students and my PLC
to create, upload, save and
share documents and
pictures. The use of the
Google Drive app on the iPad has made this
much simpler, now without the need to email
files/pics to oneself to upload later.
Doug Overton
By observation I note higher student engagement, a
   higher level of differentiation is provided, immediate
   feedback has motivated a greater level of students
   seeking re-teaching and revisions, basically kids are
   learning better and maybe quicker.
Undertaking the "paperless" classroom was enough of
   a fundamental change in my practice to cause a
   serious reconsideration of the most basic material
   presented too and expectations of students.
I will not claim that the technology in itself was the
   reason for marked improvements in Physics
   Learning in my classroom but at the very least it was
   the catalyst.
Amanda Polzin -
 English (9th and 10th grade)
Use of technology:
• Glogster: I am using Glogster with my English 10 class
  for their summative assessment. They are responsible
  for 9 total Glog posts and an accompanying paragraphs
  supporting why their choice.
• Google Calendar/ Blackboard: I linked my google
  calendar to my Blackboard site - I am still having
  technology issues with this though - it's a work in
• Turnitin.com: I'm going paperless this year! All my
  grading is on turnitin.com. I love it!
• Google Docs: We have used this in my PLC to edit
  assignments and rubrics.
Sample Glogs-
Amanda Polzin

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How to Configure Time Off Types in Odoo 17
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Now we can take look into how to configure time off types in odoo 17 through this slide. Time-off types are used to grant or request different types of leave. Only then the authorities will have a clear view or a clear understanding of what kind of leave the employee is taking.

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Amanda Polzin
Evidence of Impact:
Glogster: Students are very engaged and enjoy using this
  tool. They must be creative in how they answer the
  weekly questions and thoughtful in how they explain the
  answers. They are also improving their internet
  searching/ information accessing skills.
Google Calendar: TBD - still trying to get it to work!
Turnitin: Students receive feedback immediately once it's
  graded. The format allows easier comments and quicker
Google Docs: PLC can collaborate much easier.
Amanda Polzin
Moving forward:
I would like to integrate Edmodo in my
  classroom for discussions and collaboration.
I would also like to try to integrate Glogster
  again. I want to have the kids create a glog
  from a character's point of view.
I want to get my Google calendar to work on
  Blackboard (or just create a Google site if I
  have to).
Meghan Cannon
Objective: To enhance student discussion &
 questioning through technology.

•  Utilizing Edmodo and Blogs through Blackboard for class
Objective: To provide timely feedback to
 allow for student reflection and goal
•  Utilized Google Forms & Documents as a formative
   assessment tool
Meghan Cannon
Evidence of Impact:

1) Students were engaged in a class discussion through Socratic
   Seminar around the topic "bullying" that we are currently addressing
   in Literacy Block. They were responding to a specific statement from
   our anticipatory guide. They were asked to continue this discussion
   over the course of the next couple of evenings by blogging about one
   other statement that was on the guide that they had strong feelings/
   opinions about... This blog led to more questions around this topic
   that students recorded and brought back to class. These "essential
   questions" have become our focus as we read our class novel
   Bystander and various short fiction & nonfiction texts centered around
   this issue. Some of the questions posed from this online forum that
   we are exploring are "How do you deal with a bully?" "How strong is
   peer pressure?" "Can bullies ever change?" Student engagement is
   through the roof right now, because of the topic that we are exploring,
   the use of technology that is being utilized, and the ownership that
   they have over the questions that they brainstormed through their

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Final session on wimba
Meghan Cannon

 Evidence of Learning:

 2) I created a reading/writing inventory that students
responded to the first week of school by accessing the link on
Edmodo. After the data was collected, the student and myself
had a conference to reflect upon the findings and create a
measurable goal for first quarter.
Final session on wimba
Meghan Cannon
Moving Forward:

I will continue to foster discussions and
  collaboration through Edmodo, BlackBoard
  Blogs, and Google. Specifically, I am working
  on creating a "virtual" notebook for an
  upcoming partner reading assignment.
  Instead of keeping a paper copy that is
  passed back-in-forth between partners as
  they read their novel, I am finalizing the
  logistics of it being on Google for pairs to
  access simultaneously.

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Amy Overton
Thompson Middle School
Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may
remember; involve me and I'll understand.
              - Chinese Proverb

                                  Amy Overton - Slide 2
Edmodo = Learner Involvement

                          Amy Overton - Slide 3
Edmodo = Sharing Ideas &

                            Amy Overton -
                            Slide 4

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Is Email Marketing Really Effective In 2024?

Slide 1 Is Email Marketing Really Effective in 2024? Yes, Email Marketing is still a great method for direct marketing. Slide 2 In this article we will cover: - What is Email Marketing? - Pros and cons of Email Marketing. - Tools available for Email Marketing. - Ways to make Email Marketing effective. Slide 3 What Is Email Marketing? Using email to contact customers is called Email Marketing. It's a quiet and effective communication method. Mastering it can significantly boost business. In digital marketing, two long-term assets are your website and your email list. Social media apps may change, but your website and email list remain constant. Slide 4 Types of Email Marketing: 1. Welcome Emails 2. Information Emails 3. Transactional Emails 4. Newsletter Emails 5. Lead Nurturing Emails 6. Sponsorship Emails 7. Sales Letter Emails 8. Re-Engagement Emails 9. Brand Story Emails 10. Review Request Emails Slide 5 Advantages Of Email Marketing 1. Cost-Effective: Cheaper than other methods. 2. Easy: Simple to learn and use. 3. Targeted Audience: Reach your exact audience. 4. Detailed Messages: Convey clear, detailed messages. 5. Non-Disturbing: Less intrusive than social media. 6. Non-Irritating: Customers are less likely to get annoyed. 7. Long Format: Use detailed text, photos, and videos. 8. Easy to Unsubscribe: Customers can easily opt out. 9. Easy Tracking: Track delivery, open rates, and clicks. 10. Professional: Seen as more professional; customers read carefully. Slide 6 Disadvantages Of Email Marketing: 1. Irrelevant Emails: Costs can rise with irrelevant emails. 2. Poor Content: Boring emails can lead to disengagement. 3. Easy Unsubscribe: Customers can easily leave your list. Slide 7 Email Marketing Tools Choosing a good tool involves considering: 1. Deliverability: Email delivery rate. 2. Inbox Placement: Reaching inbox, not spam or promotions. 3. Ease of Use: Simplicity of use. 4. Cost: Affordability. 5. List Maintenance: Keeping the list clean. 6. Features: Regular features like Broadcast and Sequence. 7. Automation: Better with automation. Slide 8 Top 5 Email Marketing Tools: 1. ConvertKit 2. Get Response 3. Mailchimp 4. Active Campaign 5. Aweber Slide 9 Email Marketing Strategy To get good results, consider: 1. Build your own list. 2. Never buy leads. 3. Respect your customers. 4. Always provide value. 5. Don’t email just to sell. 6. Write heartfelt emails. 7. Stick to a schedule. 8. Use photos and videos. 9. Segment your list. 10. Personalize emails. 11. Ensure mobile-friendliness. 12. Optimize timing. 13. Keep designs clean. 14. Remove cold leads. Slide 10 Uses of Email Marketing: 1. Affiliate Marketing 2. Blogging 3. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 4. Newsletter Circulation 5. Transaction Notifications 6. Information Dissemination 7. Gathering Feedback 8. Selling Courses 9. Selling Products/Services Read Full Article: https://digitalsamaaj.com/is-email-marketing-effective-in-2024/

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Next Steps:

      •  Collaborate to continue to find ways
           to support teacher use of Edmodo
           for communication & sharing of
           ideas/ resources
      •    Expand use of Edmodo with inquiry
           groups, book groups & PLCs.

                              Amy Overton - Slide 5
Margaret Guseman                           TMS - 6th
grade SS/LA

Use of Technology with Students
• Google Forms - created self assessment for reading
  and writing habits/interests
• Edmodo - created practice quizzes/study guides,
  administered quizzes, practiced appropriate response
  writing with current events post
• Blackboard - created a resource center for homework,
  worksheets, study guides, useful links, and tips;
  students added their own resource by creating and
  posting online flashcards
Margaret Guseman6th grade SS/LA
Margaret GusemanTMS -

Evidence of Impact on Learning
Google Forms
•  Bi-weekly conferences on
   students' reading goals
   reference their self-reported
•  Better ability to identify
   struggling readers and
   intervene sooner, as well as
   help students find reading
   materials that better match
   their interest or level.
Margaret Guseman6th grade SS/LA
Margaret GusemanTMS -

Evidence of Impact on Learning, cont.
•  With the use of practice quizzes/study guides, the
   average class performance on quizzes has gone up
   one letter grade.
•  Students who are quieter in class are writing directly to
   me through Edmodo.

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Margaret Guseman6th grade SS/LA
Margaret GusemanTMS -

Next Steps
Google Forms
 • create quarterly reflections for both self assessment and class
 • use feedback from Writing Self-Assessment to look at/revise peer
   editing process
 • Use item analysis from quizzes to identify areas that need
 • Integrate more video for and polls for overnight exit slips
 • Continue work on how to write appropriate posts
 • Establish and promote the use of discussion boards for digital lit
 •    Continue to build up library of student-created resources
Jodi Falotico
How I used technology with students:
* I did a quick survey in Edmodo which said,
   "So far this year, school has been pretty
   easy." They had to choose from these
   responses: "yes", "no" or "sort of"
* I put a "note" on Edmodo that said, "Respond
   to this question: Describe how you keep
   yourself organized and stay on top of
   homework assignments."
Jodi Falotico
Evidence on how this impacted learning;
* For my survey question, it was very interesting how my three L.A. classes
   responded; two had mostly "yes" responses, but the one had a 50-50 "yes"
   to "no" ratio. Now I am taking the kids in this class aside to find out why they
   answered the way they did since the other two classes seemed fine.
   Interestingly enough, I am getting a 40% completion rate on homework in
   this class where my other two are closer to 75-80%.
* The responses to my second question were very thorough for my two classes
   with kids who've used Edmodo (all from Richmond), but very sketchy and
   not even focused on the topic for the kids who've never used Edmodo (no
   Richmond kids; only B-G and Wasco).
* The impact on learning here is really focused on the "Survival Skills" and not
   directly tied to a content area. Not only was this reflective for the students, it
   is a springboard for discussion for me as their instructor.
Jodi Falotico
Moving instruction to the next level:
* Taking the information from my questions, I now know what kind of work I
   have to do either whole group or small group to strengthen organizational
   skills and work one on one with individuals to help them navigate middle
* Having seen how the students work with Edmodo, it is clear that Richmond
   kids have had instruction on how to craft responses and what is acceptable
   use, but I am going to have to step through that piece with my B-G and
   Wasco kids.
* I have already started tapping into the Richmond groups to find out what their
    computer teacher from last year did with them that has them now writing
    very good responses instead of just chatting with friends and giving me one
    word answers.

Recommended for you

•  Technology	
    o Edmodo:	
    o Blackboard:	
    o Google	
    o LCD/Ladybug:	
•  Edmodo:	
•  Blackboard:	
•  Google	
•  LCD/Ladybug:	

Recommended for you

•  Edmodo:	
•  Google	
•  LCD/Ladybug:	
Sonja Brazell -- PLC Folder on
•This has ended up being the most helpful, for
our PLC enters all our work for each unit here.
We can utilize what other teachers are doing
and access it, whether at home or at school.
•With the emphasis on pre-testing,
differentiation, enrichment, etc., our PLC is
working together to create formative
assignments that meet all these areas.
Students benefit by receiving more
individualized instruction.
S. Brazell -- Videos on My
          Blackboard Page
•For the summative of our 8LA listening/
speaking unit, students read 2 articles and
watched 4 videos on the topic of high school
•The videos were on my blackboard page, so
students could watch them as often as needed
to prepare for the small group discussion.
•Students appreciated the opportunity to re-
view as much as they needed on their own time
to meet the standards of the assignment.
S. Brazell -- Using a Ladybug
•I have a ladybug in my classroom this year,
and I use it all the time.
•It has been especially helpful in grammar
instruction and in teaching active reading.
•I can put the text on the screen and mark,
highlight, point out how to inference and draw
conclusions from implicit details.
•It helps students follow along and clarify their
thinking. After modeling, I have students
answer questions, and I can check their

Recommended for you

S. Brazell -- Moving my instruction
         to the Next Level
•I want to use google.doc in the writing
process. My students have now been logged
in, so we can start using it with the next writing
assignment. I’m especially interested in
tracking revisions to improve my instruction of
that step in the writing process.
•I also want to make videos from the ladybug to
load onto my Blackboard page. This would
help re-teach students who didn’t understand,
as well as be available to those who were

Recommended for you

What I have accomplished so far:
•  Created a Google site for parents
•  Created my first Photo Story with students
•  Used document camera to capture visuals
   used in lessons
•  Trained students to independently use a
   website for differentiated math practice on
   laptops in the classroom and at home
Evidence of Impact:	
•    Many students have already increased
     their score for speed and accuracy of their
     math facts
•    Students are logging on at home and
     practicing math facts
•    Students are using the document camera
     and projector to explain their strategies
•    Students are asking to make the next
     Photo Story
•    High level of student engagement with use
     of technology

Recommended for you

The Future of Technology in 2S:
Students will be creating Photo Stories to:
 •  Capture classroom events and post on
    our website for parents
 •  Document their learning
 •  Retell a story they have read
 •  Share their learning with others
 Students will be producing additions to our
Students will be using the internet as a
resource for information as well as a source
of activities to further their skills.

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Final session on wimba

  • 1. Improving Student Learning Using Technology Summer 2012 Final Session
  • 2. Outcomes •  Expand on ideas on how to transform learning using technology •  Identify principles driving effective integration of technology
  • 3. Norms •  Experiment! •  Honor speaker power. •  Engage. •  Let Jenni know you are present for attendance.
  • 4. Website For Parents and Others Lindsay Dressel-Siete, Shelley Heimsath, Amy Hudson
  • 5. The Reading Corner Lindsay, Shelley, Amy Using technology to inform parents a/d303.org/reading-corner/ / Reading Content Areas‎ > ‎ Fluency Phonemic Awareness Phonics Text Comprehension Vocabulary
  • 6. Flip Cameras,Ladybugs, and ipads help with Fluency Lindsay, Shelley, Amy •  video tape students reading orally •  students watch themselves on the video •  students use a rubric to self assess •  student creates a goal to improve fluent reading
  • 7. fluency rubric Lindsay, Shelley, Amy
  • 8. Tim “Mac” McCastland - Bell Graham PE I am in an unusual position that doesn’t allow me to use the technology as much as a classroom teacher on a daily basis. Currently, I have to cover what is expected in each quarter without taking time away from their “physical” education. So, I have creatively found technology that is related to P.E. that may be used. I have worked with our librarian to find the best way of using this technology by utilizing the computer lab, IPad, and laptops. This year the following items will be introduced and used as a way of making the learning in P.E. more exciting, fun, and advanced. The examples are: 1.Pedometers 2.Google Doc, form, maps 3.ConVA Student Response (Clickers) 4.P.E. website 5.Poll everywhere (great suggestion from Doug) I created 4 slides that show the technology currently used in the 1st quarter, technology to be used for the remainder of the year, and in the future.
  • 9. Mac 1st quarter plans Pedometers Google Maps •Students in grades 3, 4 and 5 wear pedometers •From the Google forms, students begin their and each day keep track of the number of destination in Saint Charles, IL and map out their steps taken. steps (mileage) to any other state except Illinois. •Once a month, students will enter their steps in •Upon reaching their final destination, students the (Google form) survey to keep track of research the following questions: their progress throughout the year. –World Book Online and/or Grolier –Upon the tracking chart, a discussion takes •State capital, flag, bird or animal, song, tree, etc. place to talk about the “how’s and why’s” •Students present their new geographical location students have more steps than others, what to class. happens to your body and what to do to get •Each month the steps will be bigger and mileage more steps recorded. will be longer which then take students to travel to other countries. Google Forms –Popular sports, nutritional foods, something •Students calculate their steps and convert them historical that relates to Physical Education. based on the formula that I created. •The data collected will show their improvements throughout the year based on weekly, monthly, quarterly, by squads, gender, grade
  • 10. Mac 2nd – 4th Quarter Plan •PE Website (under construction) –Valuable information to parents about the curriculum –Helpful information for students •PowerPoints –Used to show YouTube videos within the slides to demonstrate certain skills –Grading, rubrics, rules, expectations –Pictures of students executing a particular skills •ConVA Student Response –The instructor presents questions to the whole group at once or presents a "do-at-your-own-pace" assessment to be completed by each individual in accordance with the flow of the lesson or topic. –Everyone responds to each question using their own device –All participants get instant feedback on their device no matter what type of responder they are using. –Instructors have “real-time” results in a bar graph, pie chart and/or a tabular format to track individual and class performance. •IPad –Students use to record their partners in skills. –Critique and grade each other for improvements
  • 11. Mac The Future •Polleverywhere.com –have not used with my students yet This was suggested by Doug and I have found this to be very easy to use as a reference to gather a quick glance at the feedback of those that answer the questions. In the video below, the participants use their phones. At the elementary level, I would be using the desktop, laptop, or IPad http://www.polleverywhere.com/#video
  • 12. “How I am using this experience to move your instruction to the next step for transforming mac learning.” •Impact on the learning –Students have shown an interest in the pedometer use. They are even more excited that they get to use the computer, laptop or IPad. –Parents that I have spoken with already have said the “wow” factor and are eager to wanting to work with their kids more. –More student interaction among classmates –More dialogue of the “why’s” to gain further understand of their research. •Experience for the next the level •Even though I have only been in the computer lab once to work with this technology, I feel I am ready to take my “vision” and make it explode to a point to where no one had ever seen something like this before. I know that I need to keep up with the tech world, in order to keep my student from being bored. At the same time, they’ll be teaching me how to make the most of what I want to get across.
  • 13. Linnea Anderson Using technology to engage students, offer alternative ways to interact with material, and provide for ELL differentiation. Edmodo: Created classes for both of the Language Arts classes I'm working with. I'm also logged in to Mr. Ashline's Edmodo class. Blackboard is the portal. I also have used Google Docs to Share ELL information on all ELL students (saves paper!). This helps teachers with differentiation.
  • 14. Linnea Anderson Evidence of Student learning: Edmodo: Students have used this source to revisit information presented in class. They can view short videos, re-read text, download assignments and blog about their learning and questions they might have. Students are able to take a pretest for grammar and then go on to Edmodo to practice skills that they need to practice. Some students need a great deal of help while others breeze through. This frees up valuable student time. Worked with Maureen Scalia (also in Technology class) to organize this.
  • 15. Linnea Anderson Moving Forward: --Continue to refine my Edmodo classes. --Have all ELL students linked to Edmodo --Have a group of teachers who are in an Edmodo class that contributes regularly regarding ELL issues, news and concerns --Continue refining Google Docs to disseminate ELL information to teachers.
  • 16. Pam Watts Using blackboard I embedded 2 YouTube video clips of How to Make a Pillowcase. After teaching the students the basics of using a sewing machine and making a hot/cold pack under my instruction I wanted to flip the classroom and have the students learn by asking the questions and finding the answers to "how to".
  • 17. Pam Watts Students worked with a partner. I introduced 4 Habits of Mind that I wanted the students to really focus on during the process. Collaboration Striving for Accuracy Persistance Problem Solving
  • 18. Pam Watts At the conclusion of the unit the students and I talked about the likes/dislikes of the process: Likes: collaborating with a partner access to the video to work at own speed Would Like: more computers-our server could not manage multiple laptops running a YouTube video at once. -samples to reference along the way
  • 19. Pam Watts Other ways I've used technology: --I took pictures of students working in the lab and made a power point to show the students as they walked into class the next day. Great way to open the discussion about the lab. --To introduce meal planning I have taken photos of various meals to lead to a discussion of meal planning principles and plate presentation. Will present on Thursday.
  • 20. Pam Watts Moving forward: Would like to learn how to set up a google docs in the classroom. I've participated in several google docs but need to learn how to set one up.
  • 21. Enyth Carson- East High School Using technology to improve student writing and engagement. Used Edmodo to give students a place to discuss literature assignments. Used the ladibug to record a writing lesson
  • 22. Enyth Carson Recorded myself discussing a topic the writing students needed to use to write a letter. The students later recorded themselves reading the letter that they will later edit.
  • 23. Enyth Carson The English students created their own creation myths that will be recorded. The students will then take a survey on Edmodo and vote on which myth was the best and give their reasons on why that myth was chosen. This will then turn into a discussion on Edmodo as to what is the purpose of writing.
  • 24. Enyth Carson The goal is to have students create a discussion link about the topics we have learned about in class that will spark the desire to go deeper in their learning.
  • 25. Karla Poremba - First Grade Improving Student Learning Using Technology My Objectives: 1. Enhance Student Engagement 2. Strengthen the Home-School Connection Technology Tools Embedded in My Practice: Digital Camera, Flip Camera, Document Camera, LCD, Internet, Photostory, Bell-Graham/District Websites, BlackBoard, Curricular Websites/Programs; Learn360; Apps Work in Progress: Google Sites personal website 2012-13 Goals: Finalize website; increase understanding of Google Docs; expand repertoire of Apps to improve learning and teaching
  • 26. Karla Poremba - First Grade Using technology to improve student engagement... Evidence of impact: Students are eager to... •  collaborate to read, respond to, and create digital images and text •  research topics of common interest •  share new learning with others •  utilize information technology to support content knowledge
  • 27. Karla Poremba - First Grade Using technology to Strengthen the Home-School Connection Evidence of impact: Frequent positive parent/student feedback Examples: Sharing Photostories with Parents: •  informs about student learning •  increases insights about school experiences •  provides a vehicle for conversations and learning to continue at home •  Homework includes links to curricular websites enabling students to practice, reinforce, and extend learning •  Google Sites...my website: gives parents and students access to information and resources to support learning
  • 28. Mary Clark 6th, 7th, 8th grade FACS Use of Technology Blackboard •  Posted sewing supply list for 7th & 8th grade •  Posted video of making a Hotdog Pillowcase •  Posted link to Lemonade Stand game •  Created hyperlink to recipe sites Learn 360 •  Sew Cool Productions LCD Projector •  Created video on how to thread the sewing machine •  Instructed 6th graders how to access my class in blackboard
  • 29. Mary Clark Evidence of Impact •  •  Fewer students asking for a new supply list-greater student responsibility •  Supplies arriving to class my assigned date Fewer students asking for individual assistance -less reteaching- more peer to peer instruction- polled students on the effectiveness of the •  threading the machine video •  Students reporting they played the Lemonade Stand game at home Student curiosity demonstrated-played the budgeting game that was at the site with the Lemonade Stand game
  • 30. Mary Clark Moving Forward •  Creating more videos demonstrating sewing processes •  Using Edmodo groups for my 8th grade financial literacy unit •  Posted videos on measuring techniques for future classes
  • 31. Caryl Anderson LA/SS -8th Google Presentations o  Student Info for Me o  Info for Class o  Speaking/Listening Skills o  Visual Aid Skills
  • 32. Caryl Anderson Edmodo o  Book Chat o  Classroom Info
  • 33. Caryl Anderson Impact on Learning~ •  Students were forced to work collaboratively on day 3 of school for Google slides •  Book discussions on Edmodo have allowed for discussion without pressure of fact-to-face interaction o  allowed multiple conversations o  students have more courage/opinions •  Blackboard portal has all links
  • 34. Caryl Anderson Future of Instruction~ •  Immediate assessment of instructional need based on real-time student work •  Increase/extend student engagement •  Students are able to sef-assess based on peer work •  Parent access to student work
  • 35. Katie De Felice- Speech Language Pathologist •  I used Learn 360 to read Pete's a Pizza to a large group of preschool students using the Epson projector •  15 students total and 4 have IEP's •  The target was /p/ in the initial position of single words and in phrases •  After reading the story, the students had to retell the events and act it out •  Students were the dough and we rolled them out, sprinkled cheese on top (paper), etc. •  Homework to make someone at home into a pizza
  • 36. Katie De Felice- Speech Language Pathologist •  My evidence was gathered informally by checking to see if comprehension occurred •  After reading the story the students were asked to retell the events •  One specific student working on the /p/ sound used the sound in words with 80% accuracy •  Attention to the story was maintained for 5 minutes
  • 37. Katie De Felice- Speech Language Pathologist The students engagement increased while using technology so I will continue to address student goals for articulation and language using technology.
  • 38. Sue Schiller Use of technology: Edmodo: • Given quizzes and assignments • Created and used writing groups in LA and media groups in Communications • Uploaded videos for Communications Blackboard Discussion Board •  Created on-line discussion groups •  Uploaded videos as resources for a summative
  • 39. Sue Schiller Evidence of Impact: •  Quizzes and Assignments: Instant feedback was given to students and teacher regarding progress. Students who needed enrichment only were able to use Edmodo for higher level activities during instruction time. •  Writing Groups: Differentiation was made possible and students produced improved mini-prompts. Student to student feedback was positive and encouraging •  Discussion Boards: Students had a true back and forth conversation about a text at a higher level than orally in the classroom.
  • 40. Sue Schiller Moving Instruction Forward: •  Continued use discussion boards with differing text complexity levels should increase critical thinking •  Continued use of Edmodo for assignments and quizzes will increase access to new knowledge, as the wait time for assessment scores will decrease •  Continue to try to use the video feature (I had quite a few issues with this!) to provide differentiation of tasks
  • 41. Karen Saccomando 8th Gr. Special Ed. Use of technology in LA: •  Used Google Docs to create: o  Reading Interest Inventory form •  Used Blackboard to launch form •  Created Powerpoint presentation showcasing 20 books for kids to choose from for their Reader's Workshop novel •  Used Google Docs to create: o  spreadsheet to keep track of student book choices •  use of Edmodo for kids to: o  share ideas/opinions of their book o  discuss book with others reading the same book
  • 42. Karen Saccomando 8th Gr. Special Ed. Evidence of IMpact: •  Interest inventory: Students' reading preferences, opinions, and self- assessment on spreadsheet for future reference and data collection •  SpreadSheet: allows for easy data tracking regarding student choice of novels; will help make future choices for next quarter •  Edmodo: students are able to : o  be involved in discussions o  be easily and quickly reminded of assignments o  share some opinions of book through technology rather than all on paper
  • 43. Karen Saccomando 8th Gr. Special Ed. steps moving instruction forward: * Use interest inventory, book choice spreadsheet, & Edmodo discussions to craft next book presentation based on student interest * Continue to use Edmodo for book discussions * administer further Reading Interest Inventories at the end of each quarter to track changes and determine possible novels for upcoming quarter * (Hopefully) Launch book talks with students in a middle school in ARizona.
  • 44. Maureen Scalia •  Created an Edmodo link through my Blackboard site. •  All students joined separate groups by my Language Arts Blocks. •  Created independent study program with subgroups for learning the parts of speech.
  • 45. Maureen Scalia For the first part of speech(nouns) I have posted the following: •  PowerPoint presentation overview on all of the parts of speech •  PowerPoint presentation on nouns •  Practice worksheets •  Answer sheets for worksheets •  Prequiz (done together in the computer lab) This wass posted one week after the above resources were posted so students had time to prep for prequiz if they so chose. If students performed 90% or higher on prequiz they did not need to do the postquiz or interim work. Paper copy of post quiz done in class for those who needed it. Additional sub group one-on- one direct instruction for those who need it.
  • 46. Maureen Scalia OBSERVATIONS: • Teacher data delivery through Edmodo gives easy-to-navigate pie graphs for immediate direct instruction on the weak element(s) needing work • Students did better on this prequiz than similar prequizzes I've given in the past •  Student reflections pointed to improved independence although this is still an area for improvement •  It would be nice to figure out how to track student use of the resources other than a paper/pencil reflection or blog NEXT STEPS... • Additional subgroup work needs to be posted for those who did not pass the postquiz • Similar units will be posted for all of the remaining parts of speech •  Collaboration with ELL specialist to expand, improve, differentiate lessons
  • 47. Jeanne Johnson - Third Grade Objective 1) Introduce students to a collaborative experience using google docs 2) Create a presentation for curriculum night to introduce the class and demonstrate to parents one aspect of the use of technology in the classroom Activity 1) Using slides that I created with different levels of effectiveness to launch the project, students learned how to write clues about themselves 2) Each student created a slide with clues about himself or herself simultaneously in the LRC computer lab Presentation 1) The class viewed the presentation as clues appeared on a slide followed by the author's picture 2) Parents viewed the presentation at curriculum night
  • 48. Jeanne Johnson - Third Grade Evidence of Student Learning •  Through peer collaboration, students revised their clues helping each other with word choice and making decisions about which clue would be best to appear first, second, and third to keep classmates guessing. •  Differentiation was evident as students worked to their personal potential •  Students were engaged! •  Students learned ethical practice as they collaborated on a single document The following slides were created by students.
  • 49. Who Am I? I have two cavaliers. I am an adventure guide. I love wrestling because I get to see my friends.
  • 50. Who Am I? I have one dog. Her name is Bailey. She is a golden labrador retriever. She is very playful, and she loves to play fetch. My dad has a new job. He and my brother live in Peoria Arizona. My mom, my brother, and I still live in St. Charles, Illinois until we move. I was born in a small town called Keller Texas. I lived in Keller for five years. Then I moved to St. Charles, Illinois.
  • 51. Jeanne Johnson - Third Grade Moving Forward •  I foresee using google docs in a similar manner for students to share information in content areas as they combine their knowledge to present as experts to the class. •  I also see the possibility of using this as a reflection of learning that can be recorded chronologically to share with parents either created individually, with a small group, or as a whole class. •  Students could create a slide as they work on a project without having to wait until revisions and editing are complete.
  • 52. Melissa DeCamp- 6th and 8th Grade Spanish Use of Technology • Create Formative Assessments on Edmodo o  Audio Assessments o  Video Assessments o  Multiple Choice Assessments o  Short Answer Assessments o  Retake Assessments •  Use iPads o  Continue with familiar technology for students coming from Richmond
  • 53. Vicki Phelps •  I have introduced my parents to my BlackBoard and Edmodo sites. •  BlackBoard will be a parent communication tools as well as an opportunity to integrate blogs and wikis into my instructional design. •  Edmodo will be used to house individual student portfolios with an emphasis on student reflection and consistent feedback. •  Evidence of Impact: Parents provided an abundance of positive feedback and support.
  • 54. Vicki Phelps Class Participation: •  The class has taken part in QR Scavenger Hunts to differentiate math instruction. •  We used the iPads, and differentiated groups found the color-coded QR codes to solve the appropriate math problems. These activities incorporated a variety of instructional prompts. Evidence of Student Impact: 100% student engagement. :)
  • 55. Vicki Phelps Future Steps: • Beginning in October, I will be teaching the class how to navigate our class BlackBoard site and Edmodo site. • The class will complete a creative writing wiki, as well as a book blog. • The class will also begin to navigate the Edmodo site by responding to survey questions.
  • 56. Melissa DeCamp- 6th and 8th Grade Spanish Evidence of Impact • Students receive immediate results for multiple choice assessments • Students are in control of monitoring self- progress o  Self-check and at-home study •  Most students improved on retake assessments
  • 57. Melissa DeCamp- 6th and 8th Grade Spanish Moving Forward • Continue to use Edmodo for formative assessments • Work with parents to ensure collaboration on at-home studying • Work with students to increase responsibility for learning
  • 58. Kristi Richter-Duff - High School Art Use of Technology: 1-Google Presentations - 3D media 2 students are using Google presentations to create digital portfolios. For each new project, students document their research and their completed artwork/ reflections in their google presentations. 2-Google Forms - I have been creating surveys using google forms and using them as exit slips in my Digital Media 1 classes to check for understanding on specific Photoshop tools and techniques learned through class demonstrations. 3- Edmodo - HALO yearbook has adopted Edmodo as a communication tool for advisors and staff.
  • 59. Kristi Richter-Duff - High School Art Evidence of Impact: 1-Google Presentations - Although the initial setup and the learning curve for students was somewhat problematic, the benefits are starting to show. Namely, in instances when students fall behind or are absent during our computer lab days, students have the flexibility to access their presentations from home in order to do research and work on their portfolios. 2-Google Forms - The data and feedback that I have gotten from students' taking the google surveys (as an exit slip) has been extremely valuable. I am able to quickly check for understanding, get feedback from each student about specific tools and techniques, and I am able to react quickly to the students who need additional help. 3- Edmodo - The use of Edmodo as a communication tool for HALO yearbook has just started, so I don't have any data yet on it's impact.
  • 60. Kristi Richter-Duff - High School Art Moving Forward: 1-Google Presentations - I plan to follow through the remaining of the semester with students using Google presentations for their research and portfolios and then weigh the pros and cons. Most likely, I will continue to have students use Google presentations, but I may have to take a look at the workflow and make some minor adjustments for future classes. 2-Google Forms - I definitely plan to continue using google surveys/ forms as an exit slip for each unit in my digital media classes. It has probably been the most natural integration of new technology that I have used so far in my classes and it has also been the most useful. 3- Edmodo - I plan to continue to use Edmodo as a communication tool for HALO yearbook staffers in hopes that it will prove to be beneficial. Only time will tell.
  • 61. David Quiroz Parents as students Used a survey to gather information on parent access to technology and how it is used Gathered and analyzed data Next step: Proposal to administrator to implement parent CyberCafe program
  • 62. David Quiroz Presented basic concept of Cyber Cafe to parents during curriculum night on September 11th Found high level of parent interest Parents signed up to receive more information based on interest level
  • 63. David Quiroz Goals: To implement CyberCafe concept by the end of October in order to educate parents on the use of technology. To communicate more effectively with parents through the use of e-mail, Edmodo, and google docs.
  • 64. David Quiroz Moving instruction to the next level... By implementing the CyberCafe program successfully this fall, I hope to involve more parents in their child's learning through active participation.
  • 65. Doug Overton I've been able to implement an essentially paperless Physics classroom for 4 periods of the day. (I've copied class sets twice to date, both by student request) The following technologies have been used to achieve this: •  Blackboard Daily Announcements •  Blackboard Tests (used for labs, homework, quizzes and tests) •  Google Shared Folder serving as science Notebook
  • 67. Doug Overton Students get directions given through posts on blackboard announcements along with attached files such as "recycled" worksheets. Due dates and upcoming events are given this way. Course links help students navigate directly to specific materials within blackboard such as tests. Blackboard is the portal for all my materials.
  • 68. Doug Overton Blackboard really has a variety of questions that can used for lab questions, homework, quizzes and tests. A variety of feedback can be provided to students some of which is immediate.
  • 69. Doug Overton Google Docs / Drive have provided a location for students and my PLC to create, upload, save and share documents and pictures. The use of the Google Drive app on the iPad has made this much simpler, now without the need to email files/pics to oneself to upload later.
  • 70. Doug Overton By observation I note higher student engagement, a higher level of differentiation is provided, immediate feedback has motivated a greater level of students seeking re-teaching and revisions, basically kids are learning better and maybe quicker. Undertaking the "paperless" classroom was enough of a fundamental change in my practice to cause a serious reconsideration of the most basic material presented too and expectations of students. I will not claim that the technology in itself was the reason for marked improvements in Physics Learning in my classroom but at the very least it was the catalyst.
  • 71. Amanda Polzin - English (9th and 10th grade) Use of technology: • Glogster: I am using Glogster with my English 10 class for their summative assessment. They are responsible for 9 total Glog posts and an accompanying paragraphs supporting why their choice. • Google Calendar/ Blackboard: I linked my google calendar to my Blackboard site - I am still having technology issues with this though - it's a work in progress. • Turnitin.com: I'm going paperless this year! All my grading is on turnitin.com. I love it! • Google Docs: We have used this in my PLC to edit assignments and rubrics.
  • 73. Amanda Polzin Evidence of Impact: Glogster: Students are very engaged and enjoy using this tool. They must be creative in how they answer the weekly questions and thoughtful in how they explain the answers. They are also improving their internet searching/ information accessing skills. Google Calendar: TBD - still trying to get it to work! Turnitin: Students receive feedback immediately once it's graded. The format allows easier comments and quicker grading. Google Docs: PLC can collaborate much easier.
  • 74. Amanda Polzin Moving forward: I would like to integrate Edmodo in my classroom for discussions and collaboration. I would also like to try to integrate Glogster again. I want to have the kids create a glog from a character's point of view. I want to get my Google calendar to work on Blackboard (or just create a Google site if I have to).
  • 75. Meghan Cannon Objective: To enhance student discussion & questioning through technology. •  Utilizing Edmodo and Blogs through Blackboard for class discussions Objective: To provide timely feedback to allow for student reflection and goal setting. •  Utilized Google Forms & Documents as a formative assessment tool
  • 76. Meghan Cannon Evidence of Impact: 1) Students were engaged in a class discussion through Socratic Seminar around the topic "bullying" that we are currently addressing in Literacy Block. They were responding to a specific statement from our anticipatory guide. They were asked to continue this discussion over the course of the next couple of evenings by blogging about one other statement that was on the guide that they had strong feelings/ opinions about... This blog led to more questions around this topic that students recorded and brought back to class. These "essential questions" have become our focus as we read our class novel Bystander and various short fiction & nonfiction texts centered around this issue. Some of the questions posed from this online forum that we are exploring are "How do you deal with a bully?" "How strong is peer pressure?" "Can bullies ever change?" Student engagement is through the roof right now, because of the topic that we are exploring, the use of technology that is being utilized, and the ownership that they have over the questions that they brainstormed through their discussions.
  • 78. Meghan Cannon Evidence of Learning: 2) I created a reading/writing inventory that students responded to the first week of school by accessing the link on Edmodo. After the data was collected, the student and myself had a conference to reflect upon the findings and create a measurable goal for first quarter.
  • 80. Meghan Cannon Moving Forward: I will continue to foster discussions and collaboration through Edmodo, BlackBoard Blogs, and Google. Specifically, I am working on creating a "virtual" notebook for an upcoming partner reading assignment. Instead of keeping a paper copy that is passed back-in-forth between partners as they read their novel, I am finalizing the logistics of it being on Google for pairs to access simultaneously.
  • 82. Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand. - Chinese Proverb Amy Overton - Slide 2
  • 83. Edmodo = Learner Involvement Amy Overton - Slide 3
  • 84. Edmodo = Sharing Ideas & Experiences Amy Overton - Slide 4
  • 85. Next Steps: •  Collaborate to continue to find ways to support teacher use of Edmodo for communication & sharing of ideas/ resources •  Expand use of Edmodo with inquiry groups, book groups & PLCs. Amy Overton - Slide 5
  • 86. Margaret Guseman TMS - 6th grade SS/LA Use of Technology with Students • Google Forms - created self assessment for reading and writing habits/interests • Edmodo - created practice quizzes/study guides, administered quizzes, practiced appropriate response writing with current events post • Blackboard - created a resource center for homework, worksheets, study guides, useful links, and tips; students added their own resource by creating and posting online flashcards
  • 87. Margaret Guseman6th grade SS/LA Margaret GusemanTMS - Evidence of Impact on Learning Google Forms •  Bi-weekly conferences on students' reading goals reference their self-reported habits/interests. •  Better ability to identify struggling readers and intervene sooner, as well as help students find reading materials that better match their interest or level.
  • 88. Margaret Guseman6th grade SS/LA Margaret GusemanTMS - Evidence of Impact on Learning, cont. Edmodo •  With the use of practice quizzes/study guides, the average class performance on quizzes has gone up one letter grade. •  Students who are quieter in class are writing directly to me through Edmodo.
  • 89. Margaret Guseman6th grade SS/LA Margaret GusemanTMS - Next Steps Google Forms • create quarterly reflections for both self assessment and class evaluation • use feedback from Writing Self-Assessment to look at/revise peer editing process Edmodo • Use item analysis from quizzes to identify areas that need reteaching • Integrate more video for and polls for overnight exit slips • Continue work on how to write appropriate posts Blackboard • Establish and promote the use of discussion boards for digital lit circles •  Continue to build up library of student-created resources
  • 90. Jodi Falotico How I used technology with students: * I did a quick survey in Edmodo which said, "So far this year, school has been pretty easy." They had to choose from these responses: "yes", "no" or "sort of" * I put a "note" on Edmodo that said, "Respond to this question: Describe how you keep yourself organized and stay on top of homework assignments."
  • 91. Jodi Falotico Evidence on how this impacted learning; * For my survey question, it was very interesting how my three L.A. classes responded; two had mostly "yes" responses, but the one had a 50-50 "yes" to "no" ratio. Now I am taking the kids in this class aside to find out why they answered the way they did since the other two classes seemed fine. Interestingly enough, I am getting a 40% completion rate on homework in this class where my other two are closer to 75-80%. * The responses to my second question were very thorough for my two classes with kids who've used Edmodo (all from Richmond), but very sketchy and not even focused on the topic for the kids who've never used Edmodo (no Richmond kids; only B-G and Wasco). * The impact on learning here is really focused on the "Survival Skills" and not directly tied to a content area. Not only was this reflective for the students, it is a springboard for discussion for me as their instructor.
  • 92. Jodi Falotico Moving instruction to the next level: * Taking the information from my questions, I now know what kind of work I have to do either whole group or small group to strengthen organizational skills and work one on one with individuals to help them navigate middle school. * Having seen how the students work with Edmodo, it is clear that Richmond kids have had instruction on how to craft responses and what is acceptable use, but I am going to have to step through that piece with my B-G and Wasco kids. * I have already started tapping into the Richmond groups to find out what their computer teacher from last year did with them that has them now writing very good responses instead of just chatting with friends and giving me one word answers.
  • 93. Lori  Drumtra  –  U.S.  History   •  Technology  Used:   o Edmodo:    Assignments,  Alerts     o Blackboard:    Used  primarily  as  a  place  for   students  to  access  materials  used  in  class   o Google  forms:    Created  form  to  acquire  data   regarding  students  previous  experiences  and   interests  in  Social  Studies   o LCD/Ladybug:    Used  everyday!    Bellringers,  video   clips,etc.  
  • 94. Lori  Drumtra  -­‐  Evidence   •  Edmodo:    I  have  used  Edmodo  for  one   assignment.    All  students  (84)  were  able  to  access   the  link  I  provided  and  submit  a  response  to  a   quesMon  that  I  had  asked  them.   •  Blackboard:    I  combined  blackboard  pages  with   the  other  AP  U.S.  History  Teacher  so  there  is  only   one  AP  U.S.  History  page  for  the  students.    We   have  used  the  site  as  a  place  for  students  to   access  materials  we  have  given  out  in  class,  put  a   link  to  the  textbook  that  has  all  kinds  of  useful   tools  to  help  them  prepare  for  tests,  etc...  
  • 95. Lori  Drumtra  –  Evidence  (cont.)   •  Google  Forms  –  The  only  form  I  have  used   thus  far  is  a  survey.    Approximately  60   students  responded  to  the  survey.    The   informaMon  provided  gave  me  some  insight  to   the  background  of  the  students  in  my  class  –   what  social  studies  courses  and  what  level  had   they  taken  prior  to  taking  AP.    I  can  then  use   that  informaMon  to  tailor  my  lessons  and   assignments.    
  • 96. Lori  Drumtra  –  Evidence  (cont.)   •  LCD/Ladybug:    The  use  of  this  technology  has   been  incorporated  into  my  lessons  on  a  daily   basis.    Not  only  have  I  been  able  to  bring  in   more  resources,  but  I  am  amazed  at  the   amount  of  Mme  it  saves  –  no  more  Mme   wasted  “seYng  up”  LCD  machines,  overheads,   etc...  
  • 97. Lori  Drumtra  –  What  Next?   •  Edmodo:    My  use  of  Edmodo  thus  far  has  been   one  direcMonal.    I  would  like  to  change  this  and   make  it  more  of  an  interacMve  tool  –  to  use  it   more  as  a  “discussion”  tool  outside  of  class.   •  Google  Docs:    I  had  some  problems  combining   google  docs  with  Edmodo  that  I  need  to  work  out.     I  want  students  to  use  google  docs  for  group   assignments  and/or  presentaMons   •  LCD/Ladybug:    I  would  also  like  to  have  students   use  both  of  these  in  presentaMons  
  • 98. Sonja Brazell -- PLC Folder on Google.doc •This has ended up being the most helpful, for our PLC enters all our work for each unit here. We can utilize what other teachers are doing and access it, whether at home or at school. •With the emphasis on pre-testing, differentiation, enrichment, etc., our PLC is working together to create formative assignments that meet all these areas. Students benefit by receiving more individualized instruction.
  • 99. S. Brazell -- Videos on My Blackboard Page •For the summative of our 8LA listening/ speaking unit, students read 2 articles and watched 4 videos on the topic of high school sports. •The videos were on my blackboard page, so students could watch them as often as needed to prepare for the small group discussion. •Students appreciated the opportunity to re- view as much as they needed on their own time to meet the standards of the assignment.
  • 100. S. Brazell -- Using a Ladybug •I have a ladybug in my classroom this year, and I use it all the time. •It has been especially helpful in grammar instruction and in teaching active reading. •I can put the text on the screen and mark, highlight, point out how to inference and draw conclusions from implicit details. •It helps students follow along and clarify their thinking. After modeling, I have students answer questions, and I can check their
  • 101. S. Brazell -- Moving my instruction to the Next Level •I want to use google.doc in the writing process. My students have now been logged in, so we can start using it with the next writing assignment. I’m especially interested in tracking revisions to improve my instruction of that step in the writing process. •I also want to make videos from the ladybug to load onto my Blackboard page. This would help re-teach students who didn’t understand, as well as be available to those who were
  • 102. KrisAn  DiTella-­‐-­‐Social  Studies   (10th  and  11th  grade)     How  I  used  Technology  with  my  students:   1.  Blackboard-­‐-­‐I  used  this  mostly  as  resource  for   my  students.    I  put  various  homework,  study   guides,  assignments,  etc.  on  my  page  so  students   could  access  this.    I  also  created  various   homework  journals  for  my  students  to  reflect  and   post  on  blackboard.        
  • 103. KrisAn  DiTella   How  I  used  Technology  with  my  students:   2.  Edmodo-­‐-­‐I  created  various  discussion  quesMons   pertaining  to  various  primary  source  documents   and  had  my  students  respond  and  discuss  with   each  other.    I  also  used  the  quiz  part  of  this   program  to  gather  data  on  student  interest  and   learning  style   3.  Ladybug-­‐-­‐I  use  this  everyday  for  going  over   homework,  sharing  ideas,  student  examples,  etc.    
  • 104. KrisAn  DiTella   Evidence  of  impact:   Blackboard-­‐-­‐Parents  are  more  informed  and  students  can   access  extra  assignments  and  other  class  materials  if   they  need  more  copies.    Journaling  has  helped  me  to  get   to  know  my  students  becer  and  is  a  quick  way  for   students  to  reflect  on  their  learning.   Edmodo-­‐-­‐This  has  really  helped  me  to  create  a   collaboraMve  class  environment.    The  students  are   enjoying  responding  to  each  other's  posts  and  I  am   impressed  at  the  responses  and  ideas  they  are  sharing.     The  quiz  feature  is  an  easy  and  efficient  way  to  poll  the   class  and  to  hear  the  student's  opinions  on  key  events.          
  • 105. KrisAn  DiTella,  Evidence  cont.   Ladybug-­‐-­‐I  am  actually  comfortable  with  the   Ladybug  this  year  and  use  it  daily.    This  has   allowed  me  to  be  more  clear  with  my  students.    I   am  able  to  show  examples  and  answer  quesMons   clearer-­‐-­‐I  feel  like  I  don't  have  as  many  random   quesMons.    
  • 106. KrisAn  DiTella   Taking  my  instrucMon  to  the  next  level:   Googlesites:  I  feel  that  using  all  of  these  tools  has  improved  both   my  teaching  and  communicaMon  with  students  and  parents.    I   am  hoping  to  learn  and  understand  Googlesites  more  over  the   next  few  months.    I  hope  by  the  end  of  the  semester  that  I  will   have  a  Googlesite  for  each  of  my  classes  and  will  be  able  to    use   tools  like  Googledocs  and  other  programs  associated  with   Google  in  my  classroom.       Googledocs-­‐-­‐I  want  to  have  my  students  use  this  more.    Especially   in  for  class  projects  like  trials  and  debates,  etc.      
  • 107. Paige  Staroske  2nd  Grade   What I have accomplished so far: •  Created a Google site for parents •  Created my first Photo Story with students •  Used document camera to capture visuals used in lessons •  Trained students to independently use a website for differentiated math practice on laptops in the classroom and at home
  • 108. Paige  Staroske  2nd  Grade   Evidence of Impact:   •  Many students have already increased their score for speed and accuracy of their math facts •  Students are logging on at home and practicing math facts •  Students are using the document camera and projector to explain their strategies •  Students are asking to make the next Photo Story •  High level of student engagement with use of technology
  • 109. Paige  Staroske  2nd  Grade     The Future of Technology in 2S: Students will be creating Photo Stories to: •  Capture classroom events and post on our website for parents •  Document their learning •  Retell a story they have read •  Share their learning with others Students will be producing additions to our website. Students will be using the internet as a resource for information as well as a source of activities to further their skills.
  • 110. Final  Thoughts...   Contribute  to  an  important  district  conversaAon   Now  that  you  have  survived  the  course,  and  put   some  quality  instrucMon  using  technology  into   acMon,  you  have  some  new  insights  that  others   could  benefit  from.     Visit  the  linked  Google  Doc  in  our  Final  Session  link   on  Blackboard  to  record  your  thoughts.     Thanks!  
  • 111. End  of  Course  EvaluaAon   My  Learning   Plan   Link  &   instrucMons  on   Bb