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Structural Geology
• Structural geology is the study of factors such as
origin, occurrence, classification, type and effects of
various secondary structures like folds, faults, joints,
rock cleavage and are different from those primary
structures such as bedding and vesicular structure,
which develop in rocks at the time of their
• Any Geological formation exposed on the
surface is called an outcrop.
Strike and Dip
• Strike refers to the direction in which a geological
structure is present. The strike direction may be
defined as the direction of the trace of the
intersection between the bedding plane

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Sedimentary rocks
Sedimentary rocksSedimentary rocks
Sedimentary rocks

This slide will give you complete information about formation, classification, textures, structures and engineering importance of Sedimentary rocks.

Classification of Faults
Classification of FaultsClassification of Faults
Classification of Faults

Faults are fractures in the Earth's crust where blocks of rock have moved in relation to each other. Movement can range from centimeters to kilometers depending on stresses and rock resistance. Faults are classified based on the movement and orientation of the hanging wall and foot wall blocks, including normal faults where the hanging wall moves down, reverse faults where it moves up, and strike-slip faults where the blocks move parallel to each other. Common fault types include normal, reverse, thrust, vertical, horst, graben, dip, strike, parallel, and step faults.


Unconformities represent gaps or missing time in the geologic record due to non-deposition or erosion. There are several types of unconformities that can form, such as angular unconformities, disconformities, and nonconformities. Unconformities are important as they provide information about periods of geologic activity, like folding or erosion of the land, and help place boundaries on geologic timescales. They can be identified in the field based on features like a lack of parallel bedding above and below the contact, presence of erosion surfaces, and fossils of widely different ages across the boundary.

unconformitiesgeologystructural geology
Strike and Dip
• Dip literally means slope or inclination. In
structural geology dip is expressed both as
direction and amount. The dip direction is the
direction along which the inclination of the
bedding plane occurs.
Strike and Dip
• Folds are one of the most common geological
structures found in rocks. When a set of
horizontal layers are subjected to
compressive forces, they bend either
upward or downward. The bend noticed in
rocks are called folds.
• In terms of their nature too, folds may occur
as single local bends or may occur repeatedly
and intricately folded to the tectonic history
of the region.

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The rock cycle
The rock cycleThe rock cycle
The rock cycle

The rock cycle describes how rocks change form over long periods of time through various physical processes. There are three main types of rocks - igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic - and each can change into another through the processes of cooling, weathering and erosion, compaction and cementation, heat and pressure (metamorphism), and melting. The rock cycle begins with molten rock that cools to form igneous rock. Erosion produces sediment that is buried and compacted into sedimentary rock. Further burial and heat causes metamorphism into metamorphic rock, which at high heat and pressure can melt back into magma to restart the cycle.

igneous rocks formation and their classification
igneous rocks formation and their classificationigneous rocks formation and their classification
igneous rocks formation and their classification

This document provides an introduction and overview of igneous rocks. It defines igneous rocks as those formed by the solidification of magma or lava. Igneous rocks are classified based on whether they solidified below ground as intrusive rocks or above ground as extrusive rocks. Some common igneous rocks are described, including granite, gabbro, basalt, dolerite, and diorite. Their typical compositions and properties are outlined.

Introduction of Engineering Geology
Introduction of Engineering Geology Introduction of Engineering Geology
Introduction of Engineering Geology

UNIT -1 INTRODUCTION, WHY GEOLOGY ???, GEOLOGY, Main and Allied Branch of Geology, Physical Geology, Mineralogy, Petrology, Structural Geology, Historical Geology, Palaeontology Economic Geology, Engineering Geology, Mining Geology Geo physics, Geo Hydrology, Geo Chemistry, Scope of Geology Importance of Geology in Civil Engineering, General Geology Geological Agents, Exogenous Geological Agents, Endogenous Geological Agents, Weathering of Rocks, Mechanical, Weathering, Chemical weathering, Biological Weathering, Earth Structure, Atmosphere, Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere, Earth Interior Structure, Lithosphere, Crust, Mantle Core, Tectonic Plates, Types of Plate Boundaries, Plates collide = convergent boundary, Plates separate = divergent boundary Plates slide past one another = transform boundary.

engineering geologybranches of geologyweathering of rocks
Classification and Types of Folds
Anticline and Syncline
• Anticline: When the beds are bent upwards,
the resulting fold is called anticline. This fold
is convex upwards. Naturally, in such a fold,
the older beds occur towards the concave side.
Anticline and Syncline
• Syncline is just opposite to anticline in its nature, i.e.
when the beds are bent downwards the resulting fold
is called syncline. This fold is convex downwards. In
this the younger beds occur towards the concave
Anticline and Syncline

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Petrology is the study of rocks and their origins, compositions, textures, and structures. There are three main types of rocks: igneous rocks formed from cooled magma, sedimentary rocks formed from compressed sediments, and metamorphic rocks formed from existing rocks subjected to heat and pressure. Rocks are constantly changing between these types through geological processes in the rock cycle, powered by Earth's interior heat and the energy from the sun. Igneous rocks can become sedimentary rocks through weathering and erosion then become metamorphic rocks through burial and increased heat and pressure, and metamorphic rocks can melt to form new magma and igneous rocks.

Metamorphic rocks
Metamorphic rocksMetamorphic rocks
Metamorphic rocks

This document discusses metamorphism and metamorphic rocks. It defines metamorphism as the change in rocks due to increases in temperature and pressure. There are different types of metamorphism including contact, regional, and cataclastic metamorphism. Regional metamorphism occurs over large areas and results in strongly foliated rocks like slates, schists and gneisses. The document describes the different grades of metamorphism from low to high and the typical minerals formed. It also discusses structures in metamorphic rocks like foliation and banding. In conclusion, different metamorphic rocks like slates, schists and gneisses have various economic uses as building materials.

Metamorphism and metamorphic rocks ppt
Metamorphism and metamorphic rocks pptMetamorphism and metamorphic rocks ppt
Metamorphism and metamorphic rocks ppt

This document discusses metamorphism and metamorphic rocks. Metamorphic rocks form from existing igneous, sedimentary, or other metamorphic rocks through heat, pressure, and chemically reactive fluids. Metamorphism progresses incrementally and involves the growth of new minerals and deformation of existing ones. Metamorphism occurs in various settings like contact, regional, and burial metamorphism. Factors like heat, pressure, and fluids drive changes in mineralogy and texture. Metamorphic grade is indicated by index minerals and results in foliated and non-foliated rock types.

Anticline and Syncline
Classification and Types of Folds
Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Folds
• When the axial plane divides a fold into two
equal halves in such a way that one half is the
mirror image, then the fold is called as
symmetrical fold. If the compressive forces
responsible for folding are not of the same
magnitude, asymmetrical folds are formed.
Symmetrical and Asymmetrical folds
Classification and Types of Folds
Open and Closed Folds
• Depending on the intensity of deformation,
the beds of the fold may or may not have
uniform thickness. If the thickness of beds is
uniform throughout the folds, it is called an
open fold. On the other hand, in a fold, if the
beds are thinner in the limb portions and
thicker at crest and trough, such a fold is
called closed fold.

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Sea-Floor Spreading
Sea-Floor SpreadingSea-Floor Spreading
Sea-Floor Spreading

1. The document discusses sea-floor spreading, which is the process where new oceanic crust forms at mid-ocean ridges as tectonic plates move away from each other. 2. Evidence that supports sea-floor spreading includes magnetic stripe patterns in the ocean floor and samples from ocean crust that show it is younger near ridges and older further away. 3. Oceanic crust is basaltic rock that forms at ridges and is then recycled in subduction zones, making it generally younger than continental crust which does not undergo this recycling process.

Geological mapping
Geological mappingGeological mapping
Geological mapping

A map is a representation of Earth's surface that shows spatial relationships between objects by depicting their distance, direction, and size relative to each other on a flat surface. Maps convey information about a specific area and indicate its position relative to other parts of Earth. A geological map specifically shows the distribution and types of rocks and soils in an area. Geological maps are important tools used by geologists to understand Earth's structure and history, locate resources, and identify natural hazards.

Seismic waves
Seismic wavesSeismic waves
Seismic waves

Seismic waves are the waves of energy caused by the sudden breaking of rock within the earth or an explosion. Response of material to the arrival of energy fronts released by rupture. Energy that travels through the earth and is recorded on seismographs.

Classification and Types of Folds
Classification and Types of Folds
Similar and Parallel Folds
• Based on whether the shape of folds remain
the same or altered with depth, folds are
grouped as similar or parallel folds. In the
case of similar folds, the shape or pattern of
folds remain the same at depths also. But in
the case of parallel folds, the crest and
trough become pointed or angular
Classification and Types of Folds
Classification and Types of Folds
Miscellaneous Folds
Overturned Fold
• Usually, in simple folds, the limbs show the
order of superposition. But when one of the
limb is overturned, the order of
superposition of beds in that limb will be in
reverse order and such a fold is called an
overturned fold.

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Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition
Weathering, Erosion, and DepositionWeathering, Erosion, and Deposition
Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition

Weathering breaks rocks down into smaller pieces through physical or chemical processes when exposed to the atmosphere and hydrosphere. Physical weathering breaks rocks without changing their chemical composition through processes like frost wedging and abrasion. Chemical weathering alters the chemical composition of rocks through oxidation, hydrolysis, and carbonation. The products of weathering accumulate as soil and are further eroded by agents such as water, wind, and ice. Erosion transports eroded material which is eventually deposited elsewhere, usually in bodies of water, based on factors like particle size, shape, density, and transport velocity.


A fault is a break or fracture between two blocks of rocks in response to stress. One block has moved relative to the other block. The surface along which the blocks move is called a fault plane. Faulting produced the earthquakes. Thus earthquakes may occur because: a) Rocks are initially broken to produce a fault. b) Movement or re-activation of an already existing fault.

Weathering and erosion introduction
Weathering and erosion introductionWeathering and erosion introduction
Weathering and erosion introduction

Weathering breaks down rocks and minerals near Earth's surface through mechanical and chemical processes. Mechanical weathering physically breaks rocks into smaller pieces through frost wedging, thermal expansion and contraction, exfoliation, and abrasion by wind, water, or plant growth. Chemical weathering alters the chemical composition of rocks through dissolving, oxidation, and hydrolysis. Erosion transports weathered materials from their source through agents like water, wind, ice, and gravity, depositing sediments that form new rock layers over time.

Overturned Fold
Classification and Types of Folds
Classification and Types of Folds
• Cheveron folds: Usually the crest and troughs
of beds are smoothly curved. But some folds
have sharply bent, angular crest and troughs,
such folds are known as “ Chevron folds”.
Cheveron Folds

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The document provides an overview of geology and various geological concepts through definitions and explanations. It discusses the structure of the Earth, including the crust, mantle, outer core and inner core. It then covers plate tectonics, the geological time scale, minerals, rocks including igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, faults, folds, coal formation and some key geological terms. Diagrams and images are provided to illustrate geological features and concepts.

by VR M
Joints (Geology)
Joints (Geology)Joints (Geology)
Joints (Geology)

Joints form when rock fractures due to stresses exceeding its brittle strength. They typically occur in sets of parallel fractures. Joints are classified by their formation process, such as sheeting joints which form as lava cools, or by their geometry, such as bedding joints which are parallel to stratification. Factors like bed thickness and lithology influence the spacing between joints. Joints are important in fields like engineering and hydrology, as they can impact rock strength and allow fluid flow.

Structural geology
Structural geology Structural geology
Structural geology

This presentation is based on structural geology.. and it is for the people who are related to civil engineering..

structural geology
Classification and Types of Folds
Isoclinal Folds
• Usually the folds have inclined limbs, i.e. the
limbs will be mutually diverging or
converging with reference to axial planes. But
in some folds, the limbs will be mutually
parallel to a great extent. Such folds are called
isoclinals folds. These folds may be vertical
inclined or horizontal.
Classification and Types of Folds
Classification and Types of Folds
Fan Folds
• Usually in simple anticlines, the limbs dip away
from one another and in simple synclines they
dip towards each other. But in the case of fan
folds, this trend is just the opposite, i.e. in
anticlines of fan folds, the limbs dip towards each
other with reference to their axial plane. In
synclines of this kind, the limbs dip away from
each other. As the term suggests, these folds are
fan shaped.
Classification and Types of Folds

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This document provides an overview of structural geology concepts including folds, faults, strike, dip, and fold classification. It discusses that structural geology studies secondary rock structures like folds and faults, and defines key terms like outcrop, strike, and dip. It also categorizes and describes various types of folds such as anticlines, synclines, symmetrical/asymmetrical, plunging/non-plunging, open/closed, and provides examples of overturned folds, chevron folds, and domes/basins. The document outlines causes of folding including tectonic forces and effects such as characteristic topographic features. It concludes with a description of faults and their significance for construction projects.

civil engineeringstructural geologydip
Structural Geology
Structural GeologyStructural Geology
Structural Geology

This presentation slide very helpful for Understanding Geological Feature or Earth Science few impotent topics.

geologyearth sciencefold
Geology module3
Geology module3Geology module3
Geology module3

This document discusses various geological structures including folds, faults, joints, unconformities, and methods to characterize rock mass quality. It describes key terms like dip, strike, anticline, syncline, and classifications of different fold types. Fault types like normal, thrust, and strike-slip faults are outlined. Engineering considerations of these structures are mentioned regarding their suitability for construction projects and impacts. Methods like Rock Quality Designation (RQD) and Rock Structure Rating (RSR) to evaluate rock mass quality are also summarized.

Classification and Types of Folds
Domes and Basins
• Usually, a fold will have two distinct limbs. But
some folds do not have any such specific limbs
and appear as beds locally pushed up or down, i.e.
their shapes appear as dome or basin. In a dome,
which resembles an upper hemisphere, the dips
are found in all sides from the common central
top point. Thus, this is a type of anticline. In the
basin, which is like a bowl, the slopes are just
Domes and Basins

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Folds are bends or curvatures that develop in rocks due to stresses. They can take many shapes depending on factors like force magnitude and direction. Folds develop slowly over geological time as rocks adjust to changing stress fields. They are classified based on whether the strata bend up (anticlines) or down (synclines). Additional classifications consider the position of the axial plane and relative dipping of the limbs. Complex fold types include overturned, recumbent, and box folds. Folds form over a range of scales from small individual structures to large regional folding.

foldparts of fold classification of foldgeology
Folds and foldings
Folds and foldingsFolds and foldings
Folds and foldings

What are folds? •Parts of the folds •Classification of folds •Classification on the basis of axial planes •Classification on the basis of curvature(by Ramsay) •Classification on the basis of plunge •Engineering considerations

(ramsay)•classification on the basis of plunge•engineering considerations
Stuctural geology
Stuctural geologyStuctural geology
Stuctural geology

1. Structural geology is the study of secondary geological structures like folds, faults, joints that form in rocks after their initial formation. 2. Folds form as a result of stresses that cause bending or undulations of layered rocks. Folds can be classified based on their geometry and orientation. 3. Faults form when rocks fracture and move relative to each other along a fracture surface due to stresses. Faults are classified based on the type and direction of movement between rock blocks. 4. Joints form when rocks fracture but there is no relative movement between the fractured pieces. Joints often form extensive fracture systems.

Classification and Types of Folds
Geanticlines and Geosynclines
• The anticlines and synclines with a normal
shape but a very large magnitude are called
Geanticlines and Geosynclines.
Geanticlines and Geosynclines
• Faults are the most unfavorable and undesirable geological
structures at the site for any given purpose, i.e. for location
of reservoir; as foundations site for construction of dams,
importance bridges or huge buildings, for tunneling; for
laying roads, railways tracks, etc.
• This is because faults considerably weaken the rocks and
render the sites in which they occur as unfavorable places
for all constructional purposes.
• Further, as long as the faults are active, the site is unstable
and susceptible to upward, downward or sideward
movement along the fault plane, thereby making the
places highly hazardous for foundation purposes. Thus,
by virtue of the harm they are capable of causing, faults are
necessarily investigated with special care in dealing with
any major construction.

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Fault, Fold, Dip, Strike, Joint (Geology)
Fault, Fold, Dip, Strike, Joint (Geology) Fault, Fold, Dip, Strike, Joint (Geology)
Fault, Fold, Dip, Strike, Joint (Geology)

This presentation slide very helpful for Understanding Geological Feature or Earth Science few impotent topics.

dipearth sciencefault
Fractures and fault 2017
Fractures and fault 2017Fractures and fault 2017
Fractures and fault 2017

This lecture includes the brief description of types of fractures especially shear. contractional and tension fractures. Classification of faults

Rock Deformation.pdf
Rock Deformation.pdfRock Deformation.pdf
Rock Deformation.pdf

Rocks can deform when stresses exceed their strength. The three main types of deformation are elastic, ductile and brittle. Stress leads to strain, with tension causing stretching, compression causing thickening, and shear causing blocks to move past each other. How rocks deform depends on factors like temperature, pressure, strain rate and mineral composition. Deformation results in structures like faults, folds, joints and breccias providing evidence of past stresses. Mountains form through processes like folding, faulting and uplift associated with plate tectonics.

geologyrock deformation
Joints and Faults
• Structurally, faults may be described as fractures
along which relative displacement of adjacent
blocks has taken place.
• If such relative displacement does not take
place on either side of fracture plane, it is
called a joint. Thus both joint and faults are
fractures in rocks but with difference in the kind
of displacement. Joints may be described as a
set of aligned parallel cracks or openings in
geological formations.
Joints and Faults
Magnitude of Faults
• Like folds, faults also have considerable range in
their magnitude. Some occur for short distance,
while other can be traced for very long distances. In
some cases displacement may be less than a
centimeter while in other it may be many or even
kilometers. The magnitude of faulting obviously
depend on the intensity and the nature of shearing
stresses involved.
Magnitude of Faults

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Structural Geology Folds
Structural Geology    FoldsStructural Geology    Folds
Structural Geology Folds

Structural geology is the study of rock structures and deformations within the Earth's crust. There are several types of rock structures that provide evidence of past deformation, including folds, faults, joints, and foliations. Folds occur when rock layers are bent, and there are different types such as anticlines, synclines, tight folds, overfolds, recumbent folds, and nappe folds. Understanding rock structures provides insight into the stress fields and tectonic processes that shaped the geological past.

Description and classification of folds
Description and classification of foldsDescription and classification of folds
Description and classification of folds

This document provides an overview of structural geology and folds. It defines structural geology as the study of geological structures like folds, faults, unconformities and joints. Folds occur when rock layers bend due to compressive forces, and come in different forms like anticlines and synclines. The key parts of a fold are identified as the crest, trough, limbs, hinge and axial plane. Folds can be classified based on their symmetry, plunge, bed thickness changes and other characteristics. Examples of different fold types include symmetrical, asymmetrical, isoclinal, overturned and plunging folds. Considerations for engineering projects involving folded rock formations are also outlined.

Fold .pptx
Fold .pptxFold .pptx
Fold .pptx

Folds are undulations or bends in rock layers caused by compressional forces. Key elements of folds include the wavelength, amplitude, hinge point, hinge line, and limbs. Folds can be classified based on their shape, orientation, and other geometric properties. Folds form as a result of tectonic and non-tectonic processes and can be recognized based on field observations like bedding repetition patterns and thickness variations.

Parts of a Fault
Foot Wall and Hanging Wall
• When the fault plane is inclined, the faulted
block which lies below the fault plane is
called the “foot wall” and the other block
which rests above the fault plane is called
“hanging wall”. In this case of vertical faults,
naturally the faulted blocks cannot be
described as foot wall or hanging wall.
Foot Wall and Hanging Wall
Parts of a Fault
• The displacement that occurs during faulting is called
the slip. The total displacement is known as the next
slip. This may be along the strike direction or the dip
direction or along both.
Classification and Types of Faults
• Like folds, faults also have been classified on
the basis of different principles as
• Types of displacement along the plane.
• Relative movement of foot wall and hanging
• Types of slip involved.
• Mode of occurrence of faults

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Structural features fold, fault, joints
Structural features fold, fault, jointsStructural features fold, fault, joints
Structural features fold, fault, joints

The document discusses various geological structures including outcrops, rock deformation, folds, faults, and joints. It defines key terms like strike and dip which are used to describe the orientation of deformed rocks. It explains different types of folds such as anticlines, synclines, overturned folds, and plunging folds. It also describes various types of faults including normal faults, thrust faults, strike-slip faults, and transform faults. Additionally, it discusses joints as fractures in rocks where there is no relative displacement and classifies joints based on their orientation. In summary, the document provides an overview of structural geology and the terminology used to describe deformed rocks and geological structures.

Structural Geology
Structural  GeologyStructural  Geology
Structural Geology

This powerpoint presentation gives some basic information regarding structural geology,folds,joints,faults etc.

geologystructural geologyjoints
Faults and folds
Faults and foldsFaults and folds
Faults and folds

Folds and faults are common geological structures that form in rocks. Folds occur when horizontal rock layers are bent upwards or downwards due to compressive forces, forming anticlines or synclines. Folds can be symmetrical or asymmetrical depending on the uniformity of compressive forces. Faults form when adjacent rock blocks are displaced along fractures due to shearing forces. The main types of faults are normal faults, reverse faults, strike-slip faults, and oblique-slip faults which cause the hanging wall to drop down, rise up, slide laterally, or experience a combination of movements respectively. Both folds and faults are primarily formed through tectonic forces within the Earth.

Classification and Types of Faults
Types of displacement along the plane
• Based on this principle, faults are divisible
into transitional faults and rotational faults.
• In the case of transitional faults, the type of
displacement of the foot wall with reference
to the hanging wall is uniform along the fault
• In the case of the rotational fault the
displacement varies from place to place.
Classification and Types of Faults
• Relative movement of the footwall and the
Hanging Wall.
• In the case of inclined faults, if the hanging
wall goes down with reference to the footwall,
it is called normal fault or Gravity fault. These
terms are very appropriate because of the
hanging wall is normally expected to move
down along the slope of the fault plane under
the influence of gravity.
Classification and Types of Faults
Classification and Types of Faults
Types of Slip Involved
• Slip has been already described as the
displacement along the fault plane. If the
displacement is along the strike direction of
the fault plane, such a fault is described as
strike slip fault. On the other hand. If the
displacement occurs partly along the strike
direction of the fault plane, such a fault is
called an oblique slip fault.

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Study of deform rocks, folds and its types
Study of deform rocks, folds and its typesStudy of deform rocks, folds and its types
Study of deform rocks, folds and its types

This document summarizes a presentation on the study of deformed rocks and geological folds. It defines key terms like anticline and syncline folds, describes different types of folds like symmetrical, asymmetrical, and recumbent folds. It explains how rocks deform under stress, the different types of strain (elastic, ductile, and brittle), and how geological structures relate to stress and strength. Methods for identifying folds in the field are also summarized, including directly observing folds and measuring the attitude of hinges and axial planes.

4 structural geology
4 structural geology4 structural geology
4 structural geology

This document provides an overview of geological structures and the forces that cause them. It discusses stress, strain and rock strength, and how rocks deform through elastic, plastic and brittle mechanisms. The main types of stresses are described as tensional, compressional and shear. Geological structures include folds, fractures, joints and faults, which form through buckling or fracturing of rocks in response to these stresses. Specific fold types like anticlines and synclines are defined. Fractures include joints and faults, with joints involving no displacement and faults involving relative displacement of rock layers.


This document discusses various geological structures including folds, faults, and joints. It defines folds as bent rock layers, and describes key parts of folds such as the crest, trough, limbs, and axial plane. It also categorizes different types of folds based on their symmetry, plunge, and other characteristics. The document then defines faults as fractures with displacement, and explains fault terminology including the fault plane, footwall, hanging wall, and types of movement. Finally, it briefly introduces joints as fractures found in rocks.

Strike Slip Fault
Oblique Slip Fault
Classification and Types of Faults
Classification and Types of Faults
Step Faults
• When a set of parallel normal faults occur at
a regular interval, they give a step-like
appearance and are called step faults.

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The document discusses structural geology and rock structures. It defines structural geology as the study of rock deformation and structures like folds, faults, and joints. It describes primary structures that form during rock formation and secondary structures that form later from tectonic forces. Common rock structures are described like bedding, cleavage, and folds. Folds are classified by their shape, orientation, and interlimb angle. Methods to measure the attitude and recognize folds in the field are provided. Causes of folding and faults are also discussed along with their engineering significance.

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Step Faults
• Joints are fractures found in all types of rocks.
They are cracks or openings formed due to
various reasons. Naturally, the presence of
joints divides the rock into number of parts or
blocks. In simple terms, through the joints
may be described as mere cracks in rocks, they
differ mutually. Joints, like cleavages of
minerals, occur oriented in a definite
direction and as a set.

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Cybersecurity breaches are a growing threat in today’s interconnected digital landscape, affecting individuals, businesses, and governments alike. These breaches compromise sensitive information and erode trust in online services and systems. Understanding the causes, consequences, and prevention strategies of cybersecurity breaches is crucial to protect against these pervasive risks. Cybersecurity breaches refer to unauthorized access, manipulation, or destruction of digital information or systems. They can occur through various means such as malware, phishing attacks, insider threats, and vulnerabilities in software or hardware. Once a breach happens, cybercriminals can exploit the compromised data for financial gain, espionage, or sabotage. Causes of breaches include software and hardware vulnerabilities, phishing attacks, insider threats, weak passwords, and a lack of security awareness. The consequences of cybersecurity breaches are severe. Financial loss is a significant impact, as organizations face theft of funds, legal fees, and repair costs. Breaches also damage reputations, leading to a loss of trust among customers, partners, and stakeholders. Regulatory penalties are another consequence, with hefty fines imposed for non-compliance with data protection regulations. Intellectual property theft undermines innovation and competitiveness, while disruptions of critical services like healthcare and utilities impact public safety and well-being.

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Effects of Joints
• From the civil engineering point of view,
joints are important because they split the
rocks into a number of pieces which, in turn,
reduce the competence of rock mass, increase
the porosity and permeability and make them
susceptible to quick decay and weathering.
• Joints But a few advantages that accompany
joints are; their occurrence increases the
ground water potential in any place.
• Joints, though they resembles faults by
appearing as fractures in rocks, are not as
dangerous as faults. This is so primarily because
the region affected by joint are not liable to
recurrence of joints in future as happens in the
case of faults. Thus places where joints occur are
not very unstable for foundation purpose. Also the
area affected by joints can be easily improved by
methods such as suitable cement grouting or
Thanks !
Brittle Deformation

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Fold and faults

  • 2. Introduction • Structural geology is the study of factors such as origin, occurrence, classification, type and effects of various secondary structures like folds, faults, joints, rock cleavage and are different from those primary structures such as bedding and vesicular structure, which develop in rocks at the time of their formation.
  • 3. Outcrop • Any Geological formation exposed on the surface is called an outcrop.
  • 4. Strike and Dip • Strike refers to the direction in which a geological structure is present. The strike direction may be defined as the direction of the trace of the intersection between the bedding plane
  • 5. Strike and Dip • Dip literally means slope or inclination. In structural geology dip is expressed both as direction and amount. The dip direction is the direction along which the inclination of the bedding plane occurs.
  • 7. Folds • Folds are one of the most common geological structures found in rocks. When a set of horizontal layers are subjected to compressive forces, they bend either upward or downward. The bend noticed in rocks are called folds. • In terms of their nature too, folds may occur as single local bends or may occur repeatedly and intricately folded to the tectonic history of the region.
  • 10. Classification and Types of Folds Anticline and Syncline • Anticline: When the beds are bent upwards, the resulting fold is called anticline. This fold is convex upwards. Naturally, in such a fold, the older beds occur towards the concave side.
  • 11. Anticline and Syncline • Syncline is just opposite to anticline in its nature, i.e. when the beds are bent downwards the resulting fold is called syncline. This fold is convex downwards. In this the younger beds occur towards the concave side.
  • 14. Classification and Types of Folds Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Folds • When the axial plane divides a fold into two equal halves in such a way that one half is the mirror image, then the fold is called as symmetrical fold. If the compressive forces responsible for folding are not of the same magnitude, asymmetrical folds are formed.
  • 16. Classification and Types of Folds Open and Closed Folds • Depending on the intensity of deformation, the beds of the fold may or may not have uniform thickness. If the thickness of beds is uniform throughout the folds, it is called an open fold. On the other hand, in a fold, if the beds are thinner in the limb portions and thicker at crest and trough, such a fold is called closed fold.
  • 18. Classification and Types of Folds Similar and Parallel Folds • Based on whether the shape of folds remain the same or altered with depth, folds are grouped as similar or parallel folds. In the case of similar folds, the shape or pattern of folds remain the same at depths also. But in the case of parallel folds, the crest and trough become pointed or angular
  • 20. Classification and Types of Folds Miscellaneous Folds Overturned Fold • Usually, in simple folds, the limbs show the order of superposition. But when one of the limb is overturned, the order of superposition of beds in that limb will be in reverse order and such a fold is called an overturned fold.
  • 23. Classification and Types of Folds • Cheveron folds: Usually the crest and troughs of beds are smoothly curved. But some folds have sharply bent, angular crest and troughs, such folds are known as “ Chevron folds”.
  • 25. Classification and Types of Folds Isoclinal Folds • Usually the folds have inclined limbs, i.e. the limbs will be mutually diverging or converging with reference to axial planes. But in some folds, the limbs will be mutually parallel to a great extent. Such folds are called isoclinals folds. These folds may be vertical inclined or horizontal.
  • 27. Classification and Types of Folds Fan Folds • Usually in simple anticlines, the limbs dip away from one another and in simple synclines they dip towards each other. But in the case of fan folds, this trend is just the opposite, i.e. in anticlines of fan folds, the limbs dip towards each other with reference to their axial plane. In synclines of this kind, the limbs dip away from each other. As the term suggests, these folds are fan shaped.
  • 29. Classification and Types of Folds Domes and Basins • Usually, a fold will have two distinct limbs. But some folds do not have any such specific limbs and appear as beds locally pushed up or down, i.e. their shapes appear as dome or basin. In a dome, which resembles an upper hemisphere, the dips are found in all sides from the common central top point. Thus, this is a type of anticline. In the basin, which is like a bowl, the slopes are just opposite
  • 31. Domes
  • 33. Classification and Types of Folds Geanticlines and Geosynclines • The anticlines and synclines with a normal shape but a very large magnitude are called Geanticlines and Geosynclines.
  • 35. Faults • Faults are the most unfavorable and undesirable geological structures at the site for any given purpose, i.e. for location of reservoir; as foundations site for construction of dams, importance bridges or huge buildings, for tunneling; for laying roads, railways tracks, etc. • This is because faults considerably weaken the rocks and render the sites in which they occur as unfavorable places for all constructional purposes. • Further, as long as the faults are active, the site is unstable and susceptible to upward, downward or sideward movement along the fault plane, thereby making the places highly hazardous for foundation purposes. Thus, by virtue of the harm they are capable of causing, faults are necessarily investigated with special care in dealing with any major construction.
  • 37. Joints and Faults • Structurally, faults may be described as fractures along which relative displacement of adjacent blocks has taken place. • If such relative displacement does not take place on either side of fracture plane, it is called a joint. Thus both joint and faults are fractures in rocks but with difference in the kind of displacement. Joints may be described as a set of aligned parallel cracks or openings in geological formations.
  • 39. Magnitude of Faults • Like folds, faults also have considerable range in their magnitude. Some occur for short distance, while other can be traced for very long distances. In some cases displacement may be less than a centimeter while in other it may be many or even kilometers. The magnitude of faulting obviously depend on the intensity and the nature of shearing stresses involved.
  • 41. Parts of a Fault Foot Wall and Hanging Wall • When the fault plane is inclined, the faulted block which lies below the fault plane is called the “foot wall” and the other block which rests above the fault plane is called “hanging wall”. In this case of vertical faults, naturally the faulted blocks cannot be described as foot wall or hanging wall.
  • 42. Foot Wall and Hanging Wall
  • 43. Parts of a Fault Slip • The displacement that occurs during faulting is called the slip. The total displacement is known as the next slip. This may be along the strike direction or the dip direction or along both.
  • 44. Classification and Types of Faults • Like folds, faults also have been classified on the basis of different principles as • Types of displacement along the plane. • Relative movement of foot wall and hanging wall. • Types of slip involved. • Mode of occurrence of faults
  • 45. Classification and Types of Faults Types of displacement along the plane • Based on this principle, faults are divisible into transitional faults and rotational faults. • In the case of transitional faults, the type of displacement of the foot wall with reference to the hanging wall is uniform along the fault plane. • In the case of the rotational fault the displacement varies from place to place.
  • 46. Classification and Types of Faults • Relative movement of the footwall and the Hanging Wall. • In the case of inclined faults, if the hanging wall goes down with reference to the footwall, it is called normal fault or Gravity fault. These terms are very appropriate because of the hanging wall is normally expected to move down along the slope of the fault plane under the influence of gravity.
  • 48. Classification and Types of Faults Types of Slip Involved • Slip has been already described as the displacement along the fault plane. If the displacement is along the strike direction of the fault plane, such a fault is described as strike slip fault. On the other hand. If the displacement occurs partly along the strike direction of the fault plane, such a fault is called an oblique slip fault.
  • 52. Classification and Types of Faults Miscellaneous Step Faults • When a set of parallel normal faults occur at a regular interval, they give a step-like appearance and are called step faults.
  • 54. Joints • Joints are fractures found in all types of rocks. They are cracks or openings formed due to various reasons. Naturally, the presence of joints divides the rock into number of parts or blocks. In simple terms, through the joints may be described as mere cracks in rocks, they differ mutually. Joints, like cleavages of minerals, occur oriented in a definite direction and as a set.
  • 57. Joints Effects of Joints • From the civil engineering point of view, joints are important because they split the rocks into a number of pieces which, in turn, reduce the competence of rock mass, increase the porosity and permeability and make them susceptible to quick decay and weathering. • Joints But a few advantages that accompany joints are; their occurrence increases the ground water potential in any place.
  • 59. Joints • Joints, though they resembles faults by appearing as fractures in rocks, are not as dangerous as faults. This is so primarily because the region affected by joint are not liable to recurrence of joints in future as happens in the case of faults. Thus places where joints occur are not very unstable for foundation purpose. Also the area affected by joints can be easily improved by methods such as suitable cement grouting or plugging.