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Priya Upadhyay & Anupriya Banerjee
B-Plan 6th sem
• The natural world, as a whole or in a particular geographical area, especially
as affected by human activity.
• Environmental issues are harmful aspects of human activity on the biophysical environment like :
• Climate change
• Conservation of ecosystems , fishing , forests , natural resources , etc.
• Energy conservation
• Environmental degradation
• Environmental health
• Intensive farming
• Land degradation
• Soil – conservation/erosion/contamination
• Land use – urban sprawl ,habitat fragmentation , habitat destruction
• Overpopulation
• Pollution
• Resource depletion
• Gender, originates in objective biological divergencies, goes far beyond the
physiological and biological specifics of the two sexes in terms of the roles
each is expected to play.

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Gender and the Environment Relationship
Gender and the Environment RelationshipGender and the Environment Relationship
Gender and the Environment Relationship

Rural-urban migration in China has led to changes in traditional gender roles and divisions of labor. As millions of rural Chinese have migrated to cities for work, traditional roles have shifted. Men now often work in construction or factories, taking on roles traditionally seen as masculine. Women also work outside the home in manufacturing or service jobs, challenging typical feminine roles. However, women still face discrimination and often occupy lower-paying jobs. Rural-urban migration has contributed greatly to China's urbanization over the past few decades and reshaped gender norms, though traditional divisions of labor persist to some extent.

Gender Mainstreaming in Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction
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Gender Mainstreaming in Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction

This document discusses gender issues related to climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, and management. It emphasizes the need for gender mainstreaming in policies and programs to address these issues. Specifically, it highlights how climate-related hazards and disasters disproportionately impact women. It also recognizes women's important roles and skills in disaster management. The document calls for addressing gender inequality through actions like collecting gender-disaggregated data and ensuring women's participation in leadership and decision-making. It provides information on relevant international and national policies, including the Sustainable Development Goals and Philippines laws on gender mainstreaming.

Environmental Justice: History, Evolution, & Policy
Environmental Justice: History, Evolution, & PolicyEnvironmental Justice: History, Evolution, & Policy
Environmental Justice: History, Evolution, & Policy

In this presentation before the City of Jacksonville's Special Committee on Resiliency, I discuss the origins of the environmental justice movement in the United States, describe how the concept evolved in academic literature, and provide examples of policies that promote the multi-faceted concept of environmental justice.

"sex differences" "gender differences"
Social scientists and development experts use two separate
biologically determined constructed socially
• Gender is not always the sensitive topic as
some claim it to be. With the right methods,
attitudes, and approaches, people can
discussion about the subject.
• Gender is not an imported, theoretical
concept, and women and men can address it
Gender Issues
• Gender relations are defined as the specific mechanisms whereby different
cultures determine the functions and responsibilities of each sex.
• They also determine access to material resources, such as land, credit and
training, and power.
• As men and women have different roles in the family, community and work-
force, they are likely to have different personal attitudes, priorities and power
over resources when it comes to environmental protection.
• The impact of environmental degradation is gender-differentiated in terms
of workloads and the quality of life;
• Women are the first to be affected by the depletion of natural resources.
• In rural areas in most developing countries, women are responsible for the
daily management and use of natural resources.
• Widespread and growing deforestation and the drying-up of water sources
force women to range ever further afield, spending more time and energy
in producing and finding essential commodities.

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Ifeoma Quinette Anugwa SEMINAR Developing Resilience to Climate Change and Achieving Food Security in West Africa: Follow up Action from the UN Food Systems Summit Co-Organized by West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL) and IFPRI SEP 30, 2021 - 09:00 AM TO 10:30 AM EDT

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Transgender people are individuals whose gender identities do not correspond with their biological sex. Transgender is an umbrella term that includes people who identify as transsexual, transgender, transvestite, genderqueer or non-binary. Transgender people face many social and legal challenges including discrimination, lack of access to healthcare and education, and difficulty exercising basic civil and legal rights.

Overpopulation and its impacts
Overpopulation and its impactsOverpopulation and its impacts
Overpopulation and its impacts

This document discusses overpopulation in Pakistan and proposed strategies to address it. It notes issues caused by overpopulation like hunger, poverty, pollution and lack of infrastructure. Current population statistics for Pakistan are provided, showing a high population growth rate and indicators like maternal mortality. The document outlines goals to stabilize population growth and reduce fertility. Long-term objectives include universal access to family planning services and lowering the fertility rate. Short-term objectives promote healthy timing of pregnancy. Strategies proposed include visiting health centers, conducting interviews and distributing information. Target audiences are newlyweds and young people. Messages focus on having smaller families. Allies include health departments while adversaries could include religious leaders and older generations. Raising awareness through various media is discussed.

• Environmental degradation caused by poorly managed and utilized waste products
and pollutants can have a disproportionate impact on women, who seem to be
more susceptible to the toxic effects of certain chemicals.
• The health risk is even higher among the lower-income strata of the population,
who tend to live near industrial urban areas, or among rural people living near fields
that are sprayed from the air.
• In many countries the lives of rural people are wholly
dependent on the availability of natural resources.
• Both men and women overexploit natural resources in a
struggle for survival in which soils are depleted, wildlife,
plant and marine resources destroyed, and the quality of
water downgraded.
• Environmental degradation is most keenly felt by the
most vulnerable members of the community and those
who rely heavily on nature's bounty.
• According to United Nations Chronicle journal
researchers have found an association between breast
cancer and the pesticide DDT and its
derivative DDE.
• World Health Organization has found that women
who are exposed to pesticides face a higher risk of
• These kinds of health problems cause
women to feel more responsible regarding
environmental issues.
• Climate change threatens the security of livelihood in which women are often more
involved than men
• Women are often the primary users of water in domestic consumption, subsistence
agriculture, health and sanitation .
• Women in many cases also take the primary role in educating children and family health
• Women and men have different energy needs due to their differing household roles,
responses to crises.
• Increased costs of energy, transportation, health-care and food caused by the disrupting
effects of climate change disproportionately affect women negatively by increasing their
poverty and insecurity.

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Gender and Climate Change: Is There a Value Proposition?
Gender and Climate Change: Is There a Value Proposition?Gender and Climate Change: Is There a Value Proposition?
Gender and Climate Change: Is There a Value Proposition?

IFPRI Policy Seminar “Beijing +20 and Beyond: How Gender Research Is Changing the Landscape of Food Policy” October 14, 2015. Presentation by Claudia Ringler, IFPRI.

climate changeifpri policy seminarclaudia ringler
Environmental Justice
Environmental JusticeEnvironmental Justice
Environmental Justice

This document summarizes key concepts related to environmental justice. It defines environmental justice as "the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies." It notes that environmental justice stems from the intersection of civil rights and environmentalism and focuses on addressing the disproportionate environmental impacts experienced by marginalized communities. Factors like economic resources, social capital, and structural discrimination can influence exposure to environmental hazards as well as health outcomes.

environmental justiceenvironmental health
Environmental policy
Environmental policyEnvironmental policy
Environmental policy

This document discusses environmental policy and issues in Pakistan. It provides background on the history of modern environmental policy beginning in the 1960s. It outlines Pakistan's national environmental policy and strategies, including the National Conservation Strategy and National Environmental Action Plan. Major environmental problems facing Pakistan are identified as acid rain, air pollution, water pollution, and overpopulation. The high costs of environmental degradation to Pakistan's economy are noted. The document calls on youth to actively participate in environmental protection and change bad habits to help tackle problems.

• Climate change can adversely affect crop yields and thus the livelihoods and
food security of rural women, who are largely responsible for food
production as well as family nutrition.
• Coping with the damage of extreme weather events linked to climate change
may also fall more on women who hold together families and households
• women are able to contribute significantly to mitigation of and adaptation
to climate change through their central role in food production and
involvement in agriculture and biomass energy
Climatic changes affect weather patterns, increasing the frequency and
intensity of floods, droughts, and extreme weather events
• Natural disasters disrupt daily routines and complicate
gender and family roles, which can cause victims of
natural disasters to feel powerless and frustrated.
• Women and children in developed and developing
countries are at higher risk of sexual abuse during and
after natural disasters.
• Elderly women are also particularly at risk during natural disasters and times
of crisis because they are more susceptible to climatically-induced health risks
like disease and because they are often isolated from social support to which
men and some younger women have access
Climate Change
Impacts on women
Household food provision;
Increased agricultural work
Household fuel provision;
food-fuel conflicts
Household water provision;
exposure to contaminated sources
Economic drawbacks; lack of land
tenure; resource-dependent
livelihoods; school dropouts, early
Greater incidence of mortality;
reduction of life expectancy
Lack of access to healthcare;
increased burden of caring for young,
sick and elderly
Loss of livelihoods; lack of adequate
shelter; conflicts
Loss of livelihoods and lives; sexual
violence and trauma

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property rights
property rights property rights
property rights

This document discusses property rights and different property regimes for managing natural resources. It defines four types of property: private, state, common, and open access. Private property relies on voluntary exchange and defined individual ownership rights. State property is managed by the government for public use. Common property is owned collectively by a group with shared norms and rules for sustainable use. Open access resources have no defined ownership rights, leading to overexploitation without management systems. The document also examines alternative resource management approaches like privatization, public management, and collective action, outlining conditions where each may be suitable.

Gender based violence
Gender based violenceGender based violence
Gender based violence

This document discusses gender based violence in Nepal. It defines gender based violence as acts that harm women physically, sexually, or psychologically. In Nepal, women face domestic violence, sexual abuse, human trafficking, and harmful traditional practices. Surveys show that around 23% of Nepalis feel domestic violence is acceptable. The types of gender based violence discussed include domestic violence, custodial violence, public violence and trafficking, and violence during conflicts. The document presents statistics on violence against women in Nepal from national surveys and human rights reports. It concludes by recommending preventive measures like awareness programs, empowerment training, strong laws and policies, and fast courts to combat gender based violence in the country.

...gender based violence...
Women in sustainable development
Women in sustainable developmentWomen in sustainable development
Women in sustainable development

This document discusses the roles of several influential women in environmentalism and sustainable development. It introduces Rachel Carson, known for her book Silent Spring about the impacts of pesticides on nature. Maria Cherkasova is highlighted as a journalist and ecologist in Russia. Vandana Shiva and Wangari Maathai are presented as environmental activists advocating for traditional farming and reforestation, respectively. Medha Patkar and Sugathakumari led important movements involving dams and forest protection in India. Mayilamma protested the environmental impacts of Coca-Cola in her village. Overall the document emphasizes the importance of women's perspectives and participation in environmental issues and development.

• The persistent and increasing burden of poverty on women;
• Inequalities and inadequacies in, and unequal access to, education and training;
• Inequalities and inadequacies in, and unequal access to, health care and related services;
• Violence against women;
• Inequality in economic structures and policies, in all forms of productive activities and in access to resources;
• Inequality between men and women in the sharing of power and decision-making, at all levels;
• Insufficient mechanisms, at all levels, to promote the advancement of women;
• Lack of respect for, and inadequate promotion and protection of, the human rights of women;
• Stereotyping of women and inequality in women's access to, and participation in, all communication systems,
especially the media;
• Gender inequalities in the management of natural resources and the safeguarding of the environment;
• Persistent discrimination against, and violation of the rights of, the girl-child.
• United Nations charter (1945)
• Universal Declaration on Human Rights (1948)
• Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) (1979)
• Convention on Biodiversity (1992)
• Chapter 24 of Agenda 21 (UNCED 1992)
• World Conference on Human Rights (1993)
• International Conference on Population and Development (1994)
• Convention to Combat Desertification (1994)
• World Summit for Social Development (1995)
• Beijing Platform for Action (1995)
• Millennium Declaration (2000)
• Johannesburg Plan of Action (2002)
• Hyogo Framework for Action (2005)
1."women’s empowerment": here,
teenagers work on the rehabilitation of
the Caspian Sea region, Almaty, June 2008
2. Wangari Maathai successfully implemented the Greenbelt
Movement, now one of the leading worldwide climate change
3. Women were the first to find potable water during a prolonged
drought in Micronesia
4. Khawla Al Sheikh explains that her role
in alleviating the scarcity of water is
important because “only a woman can sell to a
woman” and she believes that that’s why her
initiative has been successful.
• Through community organisation and support of external experts
• Clarification and identification of issues affecting women and men, in order to reach an
appropriate environmental strategy for the settlement
• The grouping of the communities according to their origin resulted in strong community
• The organisations maximized people’s participation and ensured efficient use of all available
• Gender sensitive improvement of environmental information and expertise involving women in
decision making
• Building institutional capacity for integration of gender in environmental planning and

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Environmental movement
Environmental movementEnvironmental movement
Environmental movement

The environmental movement aims to promote sustainability, reuse, source reduction, and innovation to protect the planet. Key events included Rachel Carson's 1962 book Silent Spring about pesticides, the first Earth Day in 1970, and the establishment of the EPA. Important leaders were Rachel Carson, Al Gore, Gifford Pinchot, John Muir, and Theodore Roosevelt. The movement has led to recycling, reduced pollution, cleaner air and water, and a focus on green technology and energy, though these solutions also have costs and limitations. Overall the environmental movement has significantly impacted economies, lifestyles, laws, and how people view protecting the environment.

Gender Responsive Budgeting: Tool for Gendermainstreaming
Gender Responsive Budgeting: Tool for GendermainstreamingGender Responsive Budgeting: Tool for Gendermainstreaming
Gender Responsive Budgeting: Tool for Gendermainstreaming

GRB presentation for 2nd Gender Focal Point conferernce Colombo Plan, Negombo, Sri Lanka, 4th May 2017

grbinternational exeperinecsgender mainstreaming
Gender and Development
Gender and DevelopmentGender and Development
Gender and Development

This document discusses key concepts related to gender and development. It defines gender as socially constructed differences between men and women, whereas sex refers to biological characteristics. Two approaches to development are described: Women in Development, which focuses on integrating women, and Gender and Development, which challenges existing gender roles. Gender socialization and stereotyping are explained as processes that influence the roles and expectations assigned to each sex. Selected concepts central to gender and development thinking include culture, gender relations, discrimination, and empowerment.

As it has been observed that women are more vulnerable to the environment for
being the
• Second sex
• Social limitations
• And biological reasons
• We can come to a conclusion that, being the worst sufferer can turn out to
be the best protector of nature.
• Women are directly in connect with the nature because of her household
• And the most important thing, her knowledge and care towards the
environment will be carried on by her children, which will keep the care alive
even long after she is gone.
• Intergrating Gender Responsiviness In Environmental Planning And
• Gender and Environment ; OSCE,EUROPE
• Gender and Environment ; University Of Nijmegen
• Gender and Climate Change ; WEDO
• A Gender Review ; national policy goal
The end

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Gender consideration in environmental concerns and plans

  • 2. WHAT IS ENVIRONMENT • The natural world, as a whole or in a particular geographical area, especially as affected by human activity.
  • 3. WHAT ARE THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS • Environmental issues are harmful aspects of human activity on the biophysical environment like : • Climate change • Conservation of ecosystems , fishing , forests , natural resources , etc. • Energy conservation • Environmental degradation • Environmental health • Intensive farming • Land degradation • Soil – conservation/erosion/contamination • Land use – urban sprawl ,habitat fragmentation , habitat destruction • Overpopulation • Pollution • Resource depletion
  • 4. WHAT IS GENDER • Gender, originates in objective biological divergencies, goes far beyond the physiological and biological specifics of the two sexes in terms of the roles each is expected to play.
  • 5. THE CONCEPT OF GENDER "sex differences" "gender differences" Social scientists and development experts use two separate terms biologically determined constructed socially
  • 6. • Gender is not always the sensitive topic as some claim it to be. With the right methods, attitudes, and approaches, people can discussion about the subject. • Gender is not an imported, theoretical concept, and women and men can address it freely. Gender Issues
  • 7. RELATION BETWEEN GENDER AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS • Gender relations are defined as the specific mechanisms whereby different cultures determine the functions and responsibilities of each sex. • They also determine access to material resources, such as land, credit and training, and power. • As men and women have different roles in the family, community and work- force, they are likely to have different personal attitudes, priorities and power over resources when it comes to environmental protection.
  • 8. • The impact of environmental degradation is gender-differentiated in terms of workloads and the quality of life; • Women are the first to be affected by the depletion of natural resources. • In rural areas in most developing countries, women are responsible for the daily management and use of natural resources. • Widespread and growing deforestation and the drying-up of water sources force women to range ever further afield, spending more time and energy in producing and finding essential commodities. WOMEN AND ENVIRONMENT
  • 9. • Environmental degradation caused by poorly managed and utilized waste products and pollutants can have a disproportionate impact on women, who seem to be more susceptible to the toxic effects of certain chemicals. • The health risk is even higher among the lower-income strata of the population, who tend to live near industrial urban areas, or among rural people living near fields that are sprayed from the air.
  • 10. • In many countries the lives of rural people are wholly dependent on the availability of natural resources. • Both men and women overexploit natural resources in a struggle for survival in which soils are depleted, wildlife, plant and marine resources destroyed, and the quality of water downgraded. • Environmental degradation is most keenly felt by the most vulnerable members of the community and those who rely heavily on nature's bounty.
  • 11. • According to United Nations Chronicle journal researchers have found an association between breast cancer and the pesticide DDT and its derivative DDE. • World Health Organization has found that women who are exposed to pesticides face a higher risk of abortion. • These kinds of health problems cause women to feel more responsible regarding environmental issues.
  • 12. IMPACT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS ON WOMEN • Climate change threatens the security of livelihood in which women are often more involved than men • Women are often the primary users of water in domestic consumption, subsistence agriculture, health and sanitation . • Women in many cases also take the primary role in educating children and family health • Women and men have different energy needs due to their differing household roles, responses to crises. • Increased costs of energy, transportation, health-care and food caused by the disrupting effects of climate change disproportionately affect women negatively by increasing their poverty and insecurity.
  • 13. CONTINUED…. • Climate change can adversely affect crop yields and thus the livelihoods and food security of rural women, who are largely responsible for food production as well as family nutrition. • Coping with the damage of extreme weather events linked to climate change may also fall more on women who hold together families and households • women are able to contribute significantly to mitigation of and adaptation to climate change through their central role in food production and involvement in agriculture and biomass energy
  • 14. CLIMATE CHANGE IS A LASTING VARIATION IN THE GLOBAL CLIMATE Climatic changes affect weather patterns, increasing the frequency and intensity of floods, droughts, and extreme weather events
  • 15. • Natural disasters disrupt daily routines and complicate gender and family roles, which can cause victims of natural disasters to feel powerless and frustrated. • Women and children in developed and developing countries are at higher risk of sexual abuse during and after natural disasters. • Elderly women are also particularly at risk during natural disasters and times of crisis because they are more susceptible to climatically-induced health risks like disease and because they are often isolated from social support to which men and some younger women have access
  • 16. Climate Change CROP FAILURE FUEL SHORTAGE SHORTAGE OF SAFE, CLEAN WATER RESOURCE SCARCITY NATURAL DISASTERS DISEASE DISPLACE-MENT CIVIL WAR / CONFLICT Impacts on women Household food provision; Increased agricultural work Household fuel provision; food-fuel conflicts Household water provision; exposure to contaminated sources Economic drawbacks; lack of land tenure; resource-dependent livelihoods; school dropouts, early marriage Greater incidence of mortality; reduction of life expectancy Lack of access to healthcare; increased burden of caring for young, sick and elderly Loss of livelihoods; lack of adequate shelter; conflicts Loss of livelihoods and lives; sexual violence and trauma
  • 17. CRITICAL AREAS OF CONCERN • The persistent and increasing burden of poverty on women; • Inequalities and inadequacies in, and unequal access to, education and training; • Inequalities and inadequacies in, and unequal access to, health care and related services; • Violence against women; • Inequality in economic structures and policies, in all forms of productive activities and in access to resources; • Inequality between men and women in the sharing of power and decision-making, at all levels; • Insufficient mechanisms, at all levels, to promote the advancement of women; • Lack of respect for, and inadequate promotion and protection of, the human rights of women; • Stereotyping of women and inequality in women's access to, and participation in, all communication systems, especially the media; • Gender inequalities in the management of natural resources and the safeguarding of the environment; • Persistent discrimination against, and violation of the rights of, the girl-child.
  • 18. RESPONSES (PROGRAMS AND POLICIES) • United Nations charter (1945) • Universal Declaration on Human Rights (1948) • Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) (1979) • Convention on Biodiversity (1992) • Chapter 24 of Agenda 21 (UNCED 1992) • World Conference on Human Rights (1993) • International Conference on Population and Development (1994) • Convention to Combat Desertification (1994) • World Summit for Social Development (1995) • Beijing Platform for Action (1995) • Millennium Declaration (2000) • Johannesburg Plan of Action (2002) • Hyogo Framework for Action (2005)
  • 19. CASE STUDIES 1."women’s empowerment": here, teenagers work on the rehabilitation of the Caspian Sea region, Almaty, June 2008 2. Wangari Maathai successfully implemented the Greenbelt Movement, now one of the leading worldwide climate change projects 3. Women were the first to find potable water during a prolonged drought in Micronesia 4. Khawla Al Sheikh explains that her role in alleviating the scarcity of water is important because “only a woman can sell to a woman” and she believes that that’s why her initiative has been successful.
  • 20. HOW TO INVOLVE WOMEN IN ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS • Through community organisation and support of external experts • Clarification and identification of issues affecting women and men, in order to reach an appropriate environmental strategy for the settlement • The grouping of the communities according to their origin resulted in strong community organisations. • The organisations maximized people’s participation and ensured efficient use of all available resources. • Gender sensitive improvement of environmental information and expertise involving women in decision making • Building institutional capacity for integration of gender in environmental planning and management.
  • 21. As it has been observed that women are more vulnerable to the environment for being the • Second sex • Social limitations • And biological reasons • We can come to a conclusion that, being the worst sufferer can turn out to be the best protector of nature. • Women are directly in connect with the nature because of her household responsibility. • And the most important thing, her knowledge and care towards the environment will be carried on by her children, which will keep the care alive even long after she is gone. CONCLUSION
  • 22. BIBLIOGRAPHY • Intergrating Gender Responsiviness In Environmental Planning And Management • Gender and Environment ; OSCE,EUROPE • Gender and Environment ; University Of Nijmegen • Gender and Climate Change ; WEDO • A Gender Review ; national policy goal