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1              How to use Twitter for business

         An Introductory Guide:

         HOW TO USE
         Twitter for

                                                 Master the
                                                 Essentials to Better

             B                                   Share, Engage, &
                                                 Market on Twitter

                                                      A publication of

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2                             How to use Twitter for business

   Not quite sure if this ebook is right for you? See the below description to determine if
   your level matches the content you are about to read.

                            INTRODUCTORY                                 This ebook!
                            Introductory content is for marketers who are new to the subject.
                            This content typically includes step-by-step instructions on how
                            to get started with this aspect of inbound marketing and learn its
                            fundamentals. After reading it, you will be able to execute basic
                            marketing tactics related to the topic.

                            Intermediate content is for marketers who are familiar with the
                            subject but have only basic experience in executing strategies and
                            tactics on the topic. This content typically covers the fundamentals
                            and moves on to reveal more complex functions and examples.
                            Once you’re ready, feel free to dive into this level of content with
                            our free guide, How to Attract Customers with Twitter.

                            Advanced content is for marketers who are, or want to be, experts
                            on the subject. In it, we walk you through advanced features of
                            this aspect of inbound marketing and help you develop complete
                            mastery of the subject. After reading it, you will feel ready not only

Share This Ebook!           to execute strategies and tactics, but also to teach others how to
                            be successful.

3                              How to use Twitter for business

HubSpot’s All-in-One
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   Get Found: Help prospects find you online
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   Plus more apps and integrations

  Request A Demo              Video Overview

                                                        SMART FIELDS     analytics

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4                              How to use Twitter for business

   An Introductory Guide: how
   to use Twitter for Business
   By Brittany Leaning

  Brittany Leaning is HubSpot’s Social Media
  Manager. She is responsible for creating,
  managing, measuring, and scaling organic
  social media efforts across HubSpot’s various
  accounts in order to generate leads and grow
  reach. Brittany is also a regular contributor to
  HubSpot’s award winning Internet Marketing
  Blog, where she writes about various inbound
  marketing topics.                                       Follow me on twitter

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5                      How to use Twitter for business


  Twitter 101        /7

  6 Steps to setting up & optimizing your profile                /19

  Using Twitter for Business	              /48

  Conclusion & additional resources	                       /57

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6                               How to use Twitter for business

         “        42% of Twitter users follow
                  brands or companies.
                                       Source: Ask Your Target Market Survey

    Maintaining an effective Twitter presence can be a powerful part of your business’
    social media marketing strategy. Used successfully, Twitter can help you:

                Develop and promote your brand

                Interact and support your fan base

                Monitor what people are saying about your company and brand

                Create buzz around upcoming promotions and events

                Promote thought leadership and industry expertise

                Develop direct relationships with bloggers and journalists for PR

    ...and much more. For the sake of this introductory guide, we’ll just cover the above

    Adopting a proper Twitter strategy will help you realize the hidden benefits of using
    such a platform for your business. This guide serves to review the fundamentals of
    Twitter use, and how to get started with Twitter as a business tool.
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7              How to use Twitter for business


   Twitter 101

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8                             How to use Twitter for business

         What is Twitter?

    Quite often, people‘s gut reaction to Twitter is, “No one needs to know what I‘m
    doing,” or “I don‘t care what other people are doing.”

    These views are common among those who just don‘t understand the value that
    Twitter can provide for business. In the words of marketing expert Chris Brogan,
    Twitter is a useful communication tool that allows you to interact with people around
    the world in three different ways:

               1     Send a short message to a bunch of people publicly

               2     Send a short message to a specific person publicly

               3     Send a short message to a specific person privately

    Twitter is also referred to as a “micro-blogging” service, meaning you can post
    short updates limited to 140 characters or fewer. Why? Originally, this character
    limitation was implemented to make Twitter compatible with mobile phones and text
    messaging. Now, it’s a useful characteristic that allows users to receive rapidfire,
    concise information from many, many people!

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9                              How to use Twitter for business

         1                        TWITTER
    For people who are just getting started, it’s useful to first grasp and familiarize
    yourself with some of the common terminology associated with Twitter.

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     10                            How to use Twitter for business

                                         Twitter Handle
                                         A Twitter handle is also known as a username.
                                         This is the name you select to represent yourself
                                         or your company as on Twitter.

    To Follow
    Following someone on Twitter is the action users take to subscribe to someone‘s
    updates on Twitter. You do this by clicking the “Follow” button on that specific
    person‘s Twitter page, which can be found at http://twitter.com/USERNAME. (Insert
    the specific person‘s username into the URL, like http://twitter.com/HubSpot).

    When you follow someone, their updates will be displayed on your Twitter homepage
    so you know what they are doing.

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11                               How to use Twitter for business

 
                           To Follow Back
                           To follow back is to subscribe to the
                           updates of someone who has recently
                           started following you. In Twitter‘s
                           notifications settings, you can indicate
                           whether you‘d like to receive an email
                           alert whenever a new person follows you.
                           In the email, there will be a link to that
                           person‘s profile. By clicking the link, you
                           can check out who they are and decide to
                           follow them back or not. It is not required
                           to follow everyone back, but many people
                           like to.

    A follower is a person who has subscribed to receive
    your updates. You can view your total number of
    followers on your Twitter profile page.

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12                               How to use Twitter for business

    Status Update
    A status update is also

    known as a tweet. Each
    update can be no longer than
    140-characters. (Later we
    will talk about different types
    of updates.) You can post an
    update in the white text box
    under “What‘s Happening?”

                An @ sign in front of a Twitter handle is a public message
                sent from one Twitter user to another by putting @USERNAME
                anywhere within the body of the tweet. These replies don’t
                appear in a users stream (an upcoming vocab word).

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     13                            How to use Twitter for business

          Direct Message (DM)
          A DM is a private message sent from one Twitter user to another by either clicking
          the “message” link on their profile or typing D USERNAME. Think of it as Twitter‘s
          version of an email inbox.

                                                  Twitter Stream

                                                  A Twitter stream is a list of a person‘s
                                                  real-time updates. Every time you
                                                  post an update, it goes into your
                                                  Twitter stream, which is found on
                                                  your account page also at http://

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     14                            How to use Twitter for business

                                                 Hashtag (#)
                                                 A hashtag is a Twitter tagging system used to
                                                 aggregate the conversation surrounding an
                                                 event, topic, or theme. Hashtags can easily
                                                 be created by combining a # with a word,
                                                 acronym, or phrase (#WORD) and used as a
                                                 tag within tweets.

     A tweet-up is an event specifically organized for Twitter
     users to meet up and network, usually informally.

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15                              How to use Twitter for business

          Retweet (RT)
          A retweet is an action taken to repeat what someone else has already
          tweeted. People do this if someone has said something especially valuable
          and they want their own network to see the information too.

          Twitter Lists
          Twitter lists are public lists that any Twitter user can create. Twitter Lists
          generate Twitter streams that include specific Twitter users.

          One list HubSpot has created displays tweets from
          HubSpot employees who tweet: https://twitter.

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16                            How to use Twitter for business

          Trending Topics
          Displayed on the right-hand side of your Twitter homepage, trending topics are
          words, phrases, or hashtags that are popular (trending) on Twitter at a given
          time. These can be organized by location and are updated in real time.

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                                                   Promoted Tweets
                      Promoted weets are tweets that have been supported and promoted
                    by paid marketing efforts. Think of them as the pay-per-click of Twitter.


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17                            How to use Twitter for business

                                 TWITTER FROM
                                 A BUSINESS
    In short, Twitter is a relationship-building and relationship maintenance tool; the most
    obvious business use of Twitter is to meet potential customers and leads the same

    way you would at networking event or tradeshow.

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18                       How to use Twitter for business

    However, You Can Also Use it To:

B                   1
                        Develop and promote your brand

                        Interact with your customer base

                        Track what people are saying about your company and brand

                        Create buzz around upcoming events

                        Help individual employees act as liaisons to the public

                        Promote other content you‘ve created, including webinars, blog
                        posts or podcasts

                    7   Develop direct relationships with bloggers and journalists for
                        potential PR placement

                    8   Generate sales leads for your business

                           This ebook
                                        will first exp
                                                        lain the step
                          in Twitter an                              s to get invo
                                        d then explo                                  lved
                                                         re how to fu
                          a business                                    lly utilize it fr
                                       perspective                                       om
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19             How to use Twitter for business


   6 Steps to
   Setting up &
   your profile

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20                             How to use Twitter for business

    1                           SIGN UP
                                FOR TWITTER
    Let‘s get started with Twitter! The first thing you‘ll need to do is get signed up for an
    account. Before signing up, decide whether you want a personal or a business Twitter
    account. Both are good for a company to have, but each serves different purposes.

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21                         How to use Twitter for business

    O                          Company Account

    Your company account represents your company as a whole. Use this type of account

                        Keep your customer base up-to-date on your events

                        Promote recent blog articles or news

                        Update your consumers about products/services

                        Give real-time updates at conferences and events

                        Offer customer service and support

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22                             How to use Twitter for business

    U                              Personal Account

    A personal account used by an individual employee. This account type is more
    personalized, can be used to talk about non-company related subjects, and is better
    for direct relationship building. Use this type of account to:

                      Act as a liaison to the public for your company

                      Update people on what you‘re working on

                      Share tidbits about your personality

                      Expand your company‘s network and make connections

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23                           How to use Twitter for business

    For the purposes of this ebook, we‘ll walk through the steps for creating a company
    account. The setup for a personal account works almost exactly the same. However,
    the username and picture for the account should be something more personal --
    something that reflects your individual branding, including personal information.

    To get your own account, go to http://twitter.com and click the “Sign Up” button.
    Clicking this button will bring you to a page where you will select your username and

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24                            How to use Twitter for business

    Your company’s username is very important. This name will be how people refer to
    your company on Twitter, so this should simply be your company’s brand name.

       Twitter Handle DON’TS:

                    Don‘t make your Twitter handle something

     ?              completely random. (Example: @UnicornsRule). This is a lost
                    branding opportunity for your company.

                    Don‘t use numbers (Example: @HubSpot123). Unless there is

                   a reason for the specific numbers, it looks juvenile. It also conjures the
                    old AOL chat room days. It gives your company the appearance that you
                    aren‘t putting thought into your username, and it looks unprofessional.

                    Don‘t use an underscore (Example: @Hub_Spot). Using an

     -              underscore won‘t hurt you, but be aware that it generally is never done,
                    and you‘ll be at risk of seeming unaware of the “social norms.”

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25                             How to use Twitter for business

    Finishing Up Your Profile
    After you choose your username and click “Create my account,” Twitter will launch
    a screen that gives you the option of choosing people to follow based on your topics
    of interest. We actually recommend that you personalize your profile – Step 2 – and
    start tweeting – Step 3 – before you start following people. Refer to those sections
    first. You can always come back to this step by accessing the “Who To Follow” Link in
    your Twitter toolbar. We‘ll also cover this in more detail in Step 4.

    The next step in the Twitter setup process will ask you to check if any of your email
    contacts are already on Twitter. This is not a required step, so feel free to skip it if you

          TIP: If you have Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL, or LinkedIn accounts, you
          can check to see if anyone you know is already signed up for Twitter,
          which can be useful when searching for people to follow. If you do
          decide to check, be aware that Twitter will ask if you‘d like to invite
          these contacts to Twitter. This will send a message all your contacts.
          Only do this if you want to.

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26                            How to use Twitter for business

                                  Your Company
    Now that you have your account, you need to personalize it! It’s important that you
    personalize your account before you begin interacting with and following people.
    Before you add your information, your account will look inactive -- and if you start
    following people without a personalized profile, your chances of being followed back
    will decrease dramatically. Other users may even mistake you for a spammer, which

    is definitely not something you should shoot for.

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27             How to use Twitter for business

                                       Click “Edit Your Profile” on your
                                       profile page, which can be found
                                       at http://twitter.com/USERNAME
                                       (Insert your Twitter handle in place of

                                       The first order of business is your
                                       picture, also commonly referred to
                                       as your avatar. It‘s very important to
                                       put a face to the name, if you will.
                                       For this step, click on the “Browse”
                                       button and select the best photo to
                                       represent your company. This should
                                       generally be your company’s logo.

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28                            How to use Twitter for business

    Next up on your profile is your company’s name. Always list your company’s branded
    name when using Twitter for business. If you couldn’t fit the full name of your
    company in the limited amount of characters you had for the Twitter handle, now
    is your chance to list it here. Then, add your location so people know where you‘re

    For your URL, or web address, it‘s always a best practice to include a link to your
    company’s website. If your company does not have a website, you can include your
    company’s blog, Facebook account, LinkedIn Company Page, or dedicated Twitter
    landing page (more on this in Section 3 on using Twitter for lead generation) instead.

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     29                            How to use Twitter for business

    In the “Bio” section, be as
    descriptive as possible. This is your
    elevator pitch — your opportunity
    to convince people to follow your

    You‘re only given 160 characters of room to write your description, so consider it a
    snapshot of your company’s background. You can include:

                     Your company’s position

                     What your company sells

                     A snippet about your industry

                     Any special projects or events your company is a part of

                     Something your company is proud of

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30                             How to use Twitter for business

    The last option under the “Account”
    tab within your profile settings is the
    “Protect my tweets” box. By clicking
    this, your Twitter stream will become
    private, and no one will be able to
    see your updates without following
    you. We do not recommend checking
    off this box to protect your updates.
    Many people judge whether to follow
    someone back by evaluating that
    user’s tweets. Your company is as
    valuable as its updates, so don‘t keep
    people from getting a peek!

    If you‘re worried about the level of transparency your company experiences when
    you’re on social media, remember that you are in complete control over everything
    your company tweets. At the same time, you should feel comfortable showing your
    brand’s personality.

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     31                              How to use Twitter for business

    How to Customize Your Background
                                                        One of the great things about social
                                                        media is that many of the tools are

 
                                                        free. This also happens to be one of

   
   
                                                        the worst things about social media.
                                                        Free tools mean the barrier to entry
                                                        to use a platform like Twitter is low.

                                                       This low barrier attracts spammers
                                                        and other less than reputable
    As a business that wants to use Twitter to drive revenue, you have to take your
    presence to the next level. While anyone can quickly set up a free account, few take
    the time to customize that account.

    Customizing the actual                 Free Resource: Learn How to Make
    background of your Twitter profile       Your Own Custom Background
    is a significant step in bolstering     Interested in creating your
                                            own custom background?
    your credibility and educating         Click here for a free video
                                           tutorial (with written out
    new and potential followers to         instructions). Follow these
    the content and products your          steps to build and imple-
                                           ment your background.
    business provides.

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32                            How to use Twitter for business

      4 Tips
    For a Professional-Looking Background:
               Tip 1: Understand Your Brand on Twitter

    Before you create a custom background, you should decide what you are trying
    to communicate to people on Twitter. While you understand your prospects and
    customers, it is important to note that Twitter might be the first place that many new
    prospects discover your business. Therefore your background should communicate
    information that appeals to prospects who are extremely new in the buying cycle.

               Tip 2: Beware of the top tool bar

    As is evident in the above below, Twitter has a toolbar at the top of the page that
    is 40 pixels tall. Be aware of this element when creating a design for your Twitter
    background, and be sure to leave headroom for the toolbar.

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Prezentacja przedstawiona przez Jadwiga Zareba, Ryszard Kokoszczynski, Hubert A. Janiszewski i Artur Radziwill podczas 80 Seminarium BRE-CASE: Integration of European Financial Markets - The Changing Role of Domestic Banks ( 29.09.2005 ) Zobacz więcej na nasze stronie: http://www.case-research.eu/en/node/56422

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33                             How to use Twitter for business

               Tip 3: Design for Various Screen Sizes

    The left-hand side of the Twitter profile
    is prime real estate for a company logo,

    company description, or important links.
    However, it‘s important to note that the
    dimensions of the left- and right-hand

    columns are fluid and change with the size
    of the user‘s browser window. Design for
    smaller monitor sizes in an effort to keep
    all of your design elements in full view.

               Tip 4: Avoid the Tile Style

    Don’t Tile Backgrounds – Due to the columns layout, background images should be
    one image instead of tiled. One core image is better at handling the transitions from
    the columns on the page.

    When you have your final image, you can visit your Twitter account settings and,
    under the “Design” tab, click the “Change background image” button to upload your
    new image to your account.

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34                               How to use Twitter for business

    How to Add a Header Image
    Twitter launched new header photos for profiles in September 2012. The update is
    purely aesthetic, providing what looks kind of like a right-aligned Facebook Timeline
    cover photo for brands to play with. This change is not immediately obvious if you log
    into your Twitter account, but it’s really quite simple.

               Step 1: Go to Your Settings

    Log in to Twitter, and click on the gear icon in the top right corner. A drop-down menu
    will appear. Select ‘Settings.’

               Step 2: Click Profile

    On the next screen, you’ll see a menu of options on your left. Click ‘Profile.’

               Step 3: Change Header

    Click on ‘Change header’ and select ‘Choose existing image.’ Note the image size
    requirements -- the minimum dimensions are 1252x626, and the maximum file size
    is 5MB.

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35                             How to use Twitter for business

               Step 4: Upload Your Image

    Upload your image, and then simply drag the photo into the positioning you like, and
    zoom in and out to your heart’s content. When you like the look of your new Twitter
    profile header image, hit ‘Save,’ and that’s it!

    Easy, right?

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36                            How to use Twitter for business

          3                        Start
    Even before you start finding people to follow, we recommend tweeting a few times
    to give potential new followers an idea of the type of content you will be sharing. Your

    most valuable asset is the information you provide, and it will often be the deciding
    factor for whether another user decides to follow you back.

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How to attract_customers_with_twitter_and_vineHow to attract_customers_with_twitter_and_vine
How to attract_customers_with_twitter_and_vine

This document provides steps to optimize a Twitter profile and presence for search engine optimization purposes. It discusses optimizing the branding of a Twitter profile by utilizing features like cover photos, featured tweets, and custom backgrounds. It then outlines six steps to optimize Twitter for search, including keeping handles spam-free, including keywords in bios, building reach, linking to optimized pages, using keywords in tweets, and keeping tweets short and relevant. The goal is to help businesses attract customers and drive traffic through an optimized Twitter presence.

internet marketingmarket researchmarketing analysis
Twitter for Business by Ashu Rajdor
Twitter for Business by Ashu RajdorTwitter for Business by Ashu Rajdor
Twitter for Business by Ashu Rajdor

The document provides an introductory guide on how to use Twitter for business. It discusses setting up and optimizing a Twitter profile, including signing up, personalizing the profile, finding people to follow, getting followers, and engaging with your network. It then covers using Twitter for marketing, lead generation, public relations, customer service, and tracking campaigns. The goal is to help businesses understand how Twitter can be used as a relationship-building tool to meet potential customers, promote brands, and interact with client bases.

businessashu rajdortwitter
How to Use Twitter for Business
How to Use Twitter for BusinessHow to Use Twitter for Business
How to Use Twitter for Business

The document provides an introductory guide on how to use Twitter for business. It discusses setting up and optimizing a Twitter profile, including signing up, personalizing the profile, finding people to follow and engage with, and tracking analytics. It also covers using Twitter for marketing, lead generation, PR, customer service, and social search. The overall document serves as an introduction to Twitter and provides strategies for businesses to utilize Twitter's relationship-building capabilities.

37                            How to use Twitter for business

    So, what can you tweet about?

              An Observation
              Tweet a status or photo about something happening around the office.

              What Events You’re Attending
              Share a link to the next conferene or webinar you’re hosting or attending.

              Your Content
              Post a link to your company’s most recent blog article or an offer you think
              is particularly beneficial.

              Someone Else’s Content
              Post a link to someone else‘s blog article as a helpful resource -- or
              retweet what someone else is tweeting!

              Chat With Someone
              Direct tweets to other Twitter users using an @ USERNAME.

                               Send Your First Tweet with this Ebook!
                              if your profile is all set up, click here for a great first tweet
                                about what you are reading right now! And remember,
                                don‘t tweet anything you wouldn‘t say at a networking
                             event. Even if you delete a tweet, it may be archived on the
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                                        internet with the potential to get found.

38                              How to use Twitter for business

          4                          Find people
                                     to follow
    Building your network is the most challenging and time-consuming part of using
    Twitter. And it doesn’t happen immediately; you need to commit the time.

    By following people, you’ll be
    able to view their updates in
    your Twitter stream. This is your
    chance to learn more about
    them: their lives, the blog posts
    they read, and the people with
    whom they interact, which
    will help you develop your
    company’s buyer personas.
    Following a decently sized and
    interesting community can be
    valuable and fun!

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39                           How to use Twitter for business

    Where do you find people to follow?

              “Who to Follow” Feature
              Twitter offers its own “Who to Follow” tool, which you can access
              by clicking the link in your Twitter toolbar. Choose a few of Twitter’s
              highlighted topics or search using your own keywords to find and start
              following interesting people relevant to your business and industry.

              Twitter Search
              Twitter Search is a free resource is a search function within Twitter that
              helps you find people who are tweeting about specific words. For example,
              you can find people who have tweeted about “public relations.” Follow
              people talking about the topics you enjoy.

              Follow People Your Followers are Following
              Once you begin receiving updates from a handful of people, watch to see
              whom those people chat with by looking at @replies. Maybe it would make
              sense to follow that person as well!

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40                           How to use Twitter for business

              Follow Through Leaders & Bloggers
              See if any of your favorite bloggers are on Twitter. Many include a link to
              their Twitter account right on their blog.

              Collect People’s Twitter Names at Events
              Like we said before, many social media-savvy people will include their

              Twitter handle on their nametag at an event. Write down their usernames
              and follow them later -- or even better, use the Twitter mobile app. If you
              are not sure if someone you just met is on Twitter, ask!

              Follow Hashtags (#) at Events
              Once you begin receiving updates from
              a handful of people, watch to see whom
              those people chat with by looking at @
              replies. Maybe it would make sense to
              follow that person as well!

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How use twitter busines 2011How use twitter busines 2011
How use twitter busines 2011

The document provides a guide on how to use Twitter for business purposes. It discusses setting up a Twitter account and optimizing the profile. The key steps include: 1. Choosing a username and signing up for an account. 2. Personalizing the profile by adding a photo, name, location, website URL, and brief bio. 3. Beginning to tweet in order to engage others and get your content visible before focusing on finding people to follow. The document emphasizes making the account and profile look authentic and personalized in order to effectively engage with others on Twitter for business goals.

How To Use Twitter For Business 2011
How To Use Twitter For Business 2011How To Use Twitter For Business 2011
How To Use Twitter For Business 2011

The document provides an introductory guide on how to use Twitter for business. It discusses setting up and optimizing a Twitter profile, including signing up, personalizing the profile, finding people to follow, getting followers, and engaging with your network. It then covers using Twitter for marketing, lead generation, public relations, customer service, and tracking campaigns. The goal is to help businesses understand how to develop relationships and promote their brand on Twitter.

How To Use Twitter For Business
How To Use Twitter For BusinessHow To Use Twitter For Business
How To Use Twitter For Business

How to Use Twitter for Business: An Introductory Guide Getting Started With Twitter to Achieve Business Goals

41                              How to use Twitter for business

    Following DON’TS:

              Don’t Follow Too Many People At Once
              A best practice is to follow no more than 25-50 people a day, because
              there will be a time gap between following people and when they follow
              you back. If your profile says you are following 2,000 people and only
              30 followers have followed you back so far, it appears that 1,970 of
              the people you followed chose not to follow you back. This unfavorable
              ratio won‘t help boost your credibility and may negatively affect people‘s
              decisions to follow you. Therefore, give your followers some time to follow
              you back before finding a new batch of people to add to your network.

              Don’t follow hundreds of people at once
              Although many people do this in order to have a “valuable ratio” (or more
              followers than people you‘re following), it’s artificial network building and
              not a best practice.

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42                             How to use Twitter for business

          5                      Get people
                                 to follow you
    Following people and viewing their tweets is great, but in order to have valuable
    conversations, you want people to follow you back and view your tweets too. This
    is why it‘s so important to get your profile fully set up before reaching out for new
    connections. If you follow someone who doesn‘t already know you, you need to
    display sufficient information about yourself in your profile so he or she can make an
    informed decision of whether to follow you back.

    Attracting followers is important because they will
    serve as your network who will view your tweets.
    Think of your total number of followers (AKA your
    following) as your Twitter reach.

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43                           How to use Twitter for business

    Tips for Attracting Followers & Increasing Reach

              Make Your Twitter Easy to Find
              Make your company’s Twitter usernames easy to find. You could even
              create a page that lists all the Twitter handles of the people in your
              company. By giving your customers an easy way to interact with individual
              users, it helps them understand the type of people who work at your
              company. It also gives them insight into your brand!

              Make Use of Follow Buttons
              Place “Follow” buttons on your blog and various pages of your website.
              Make it easy for people to find out if your company has a Twitter account.
              Visitors to your blog and website might like your content and want to
              subscribe to your tweets, so add Follow buttons to your site so people can
              easily find you. Twitter recently came out with an official Follow button
              generator, or you could create your own and simply link it to your Twitter

                           Free Resource: Ultimate Cheat Sheet for
                             Creating Social Media Share Buttons

                             Amplify your reach on Twitter by clicking here to learn
                           how to add follow buttons across all your web channels.

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44                             How to use Twitter for business

              Make Your Tweets Unique & Beneficial
              Make your tweets useful resources so people need you. You are what you
              tweet. People will want to follow you if they think they’ll get value from
              your tweets. But be sure to avoid making your Twitter account a purely
              promotional tool. Would you subscribe to a newsletter if it didn‘t have
              anything useful to say?

              Interact with Potential Followers
              Interact with those
              people you follow
              who don’t yet follow
              you back. Make
              sure to monitor
              your Twitter stream
              and comment
              on what other
              people are saying.
              Give feedback;
              compliment people.
              The key is to engage. This will give them incentive to follow you back.

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Cómo usar Twitter en los NegociosCómo usar Twitter en los Negocios
Cómo usar Twitter en los Negocios

Este Whitepaper es presentado por http://www.prospectfactory.com.mx/ una división de Grupo Arión y parte de WSI.

campaas de marketingmarketing digitalemarketing
How To Use Twitter For Business
How To Use Twitter For BusinessHow To Use Twitter For Business
How To Use Twitter For Business

Setting up a Twitter account for business purposes requires choosing between a personal or company account. A company account represents the business as a whole and is used to promote events, blog posts, products/services, and provide real-time updates. A personal account allows an individual employee to act as a liaison, share what they're working on, and expand their network. The username, or "handle", is important as it will be how people identify you; it should be as close to your real name as possible for authenticity and recognition. Key details like your profile and bio then need to be optimized to introduce your business.

twittersocial media
How tousetwitterforbusiness[1]
How tousetwitterforbusiness[1]How tousetwitterforbusiness[1]
How tousetwitterforbusiness[1]

This document provides instructions for setting up and using Twitter for business purposes. It begins with an introduction to inbound marketing and how Twitter fits within this model. It then defines key Twitter terminology and discusses how businesses can utilize Twitter for marketing, PR, customer service, and analytics. The document is split into two parts - the first covers basics of Twitter, and the second provides step-by-step guidance on setting up a Twitter profile and account for business use.

45                            How to use Twitter for business

                                      with your
    So how do you tweet at a specific person?

    In order to send a message to another user on Twitter, you need to use an @ before
    the person‘s username anywhere within the tweet. Think of it as the “address” for the

    Remember that this type of message is still public or viewable by anyone in the world,
    even if they don‘t have a Twitter account.

    Here’s an example of how you would send a tweet to HubSpot:

          .Recommended: What’s up @HubSpot? (viewable to everyone)

          Not Recommended: @HubSpot What’s up? (only viewable in Twitter
          streams of users who follow you and also follow @HubSpot)

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46                               How to use Twitter for business

    Addtional Tips About Interacting with Users
    To make your tweets as visible as possible, avoid putting @USERNAME in the very
    beginning of your tweets. Adding the @USERNAME to the very beginning will make
    your tweet viewable only in the Twitter streams of people who follow you and the user
    to whom you‘re tweeting (see below examples).

    By putting @USERNAME within your tweet, Twitter knows who to send it to. This type
    of tweet is also called a reply or @reply (pronounced “at reply”). All of the @replies

    you receive will go into your
    @Connections tab across
    the main Twitter navigation.
    Further, anytime you put
    an @ in front of someone‘s
    username, it automatically
    becomes a link to that
    person’s profile. This feature
    makes it easy for you to easily
    visit those users’ profiles and
    engage with them as well.

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47                              How to use Twitter for business

    Interact Privately with Direct Messages
    It’s also possible to send someone a private message on Twitter. These are called
    direct messages or DMs -- as you learned earlier -- and can basically be described as
    Twitter’s version of email.

    Send a direct message by either visiting that person’s profile and clicking the
    “message” link on the right-hand side of the user’s profile, or by beginning your tweet
    with D USERNAME and then including your message.

    Example: D HubSpot Do you
    want to meet tomorrow?

    This will be a private message
    that won‘t be viewable in the
    public Twitter stream. You can
    set up your notifications to
    receive an email with the direct
    message, and it will also go
    into the “Messages” tab in the
    Twitter toolbar.

    NOTE: you can only DM people if you follow them and they follow you back, and you‘re
    still only allowed 140 characters per message.

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48             How to use Twitter for business


   using twitter
   for business

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This document provides instructions for setting up and using Twitter for business purposes. It begins with an introduction to inbound marketing and how Twitter fits within this model. It then defines key Twitter terminology and discusses how businesses can use Twitter to build relationships, promote their brand, interact with customers, and more. The document guides the reader through setting up a Twitter profile and account, filling out basic information, finding people to follow, and engaging with their network on Twitter.

How to use twitter for business marketing
How to use twitter for business marketingHow to use twitter for business marketing
How to use twitter for business marketing

1. The document provides guidance on using Twitter for business marketing, outlining best practices and strategies. 2. Key recommendations include using Twitter to build relationships, drive traffic and sales, market your brand, share expertise, and stay informed on industry trends. 3. Effective use of hashtags, lists, replies, favorites, direct messages, and retweets can help maximize engagement and visibility. Consistently applying the strategies over time can make Twitter a powerful marketing tool.

social media monitoringsocial media marketingmicro-blogging
Twitter tornado
Twitter tornadoTwitter tornado
Twitter tornado

This document contains terms and conditions for a report on building a business using Twitter marketing. It notes that while the publisher has tried to be accurate, the content of the Internet changes rapidly so errors may occur. It advises readers to use their own judgment and seek professional advice. The document contains chapters that discuss topics like the basics of Twitter marketing, building a Twitter profile, gaining followers, marketing strategies, and integrating Twitter with other websites and blogs.

twittersocial media marketing
49                            How to use Twitter for business

    How to Use Twitter for Marketing
    So what exactly were we ultimately getting to by setting you up through the first few
    chapters of this ebook?

    Twitter can be a tremendously valuable marketing tool. In this section, we‘ll explain
    some specific use-cases of Twitter for marketing.

               Drive Traffic
               Use Twitter to drive people to your company’s website. Tweet about
               interesting resources you‘ve posted on your blog or website. Have you
               recently published an ebook or recorded a webinar that people can
               download for free? Do you have a link to a special offer or coupon on your
               site? Tweet about it by linking back to the landing page to download or
               recieve the offer. If the content on your site is truly remarkable, people
               may start tweeting about it on their own and sharing your resources to
               their followers on Twitter!

               Monitor Activity
               Monitor your brand on Twitter. Either go to the Connect tab on your Twitter
               navigation, sign up for email updates, or use a software to help you
               monitor all activity. If you find someone tweeting about your products or a
               person who is looking for a solution that your product provides, let him/her

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50                           How to use Twitter for business

              Use “Favorites”
              Use the Twitter “Favorites” feature as a list of company testimonials. When
              you hover your mouse over an individual tweet in your Twitter stream, a
              few options appear, including the option to “Favorite” the tweet.

              When you click the little star that appears, it turns yellow, and that tweet
              gets added to your “Favorites” tab. As you track what people are saying
              about your company in Twitter Search, add the positive tweet to your
              Favorites. Public, third-party testimonials are valuable validations of your
              company. The next time someone asks about your company, send them
              the link to your Favorites page!

              Example: http://www.twitter.com/HubSpot/favorites

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51                           How to use Twitter for business

              Promote Events
              Use Twitter to promote events, webinars, fundaisers, and campaigns.
              The next time your company holds such an event, tweet about it! One
              best practice is to send people directly to an event sign-up page. Think
              of a hashtag for your event or webinar before you start tweeting about
              it. For example, HubSpot is using #INBOUND13 for the 2013 INBOUND

              Share Expertise
              Establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. By tweeting about
              useful resources and thoughtful tips, you and your company will eventually
              develop thought and people will consider you an expert in that particular
              subject. Be sure to link to your own resources as well as others.

              Employ External Tools
              Are you thinking that all of this Twitter monitoring and participating sounds
              like a whole lot of work? Use third-party tools to ease the process!
              Learn about HubSpot’s here.

                                           Free Resource: How to Monitor
                                          Social Media in 10 Minutes a Day
                                          Streamline your Twitter
                                          monitoring by learning
Share This Ebook!                         these exper t tips.

     52                  fuel your twitter
                                How to use Twitter for business

                         strategy with
                         powerful insights
 Are you tracking every
 Twitter interaction you
 have with your leads?
 HubSpot not only lets
 you track every click
 on a link in a social
 message, it also lets
 you use that data
 to compile lists of
 influencers who you can
 communicate with to
 grow your following!                 REQUEST A DEMO                 READ MORE

      3 Lookup: Automatically look up social information for your leads.
      3 Listen: Listen to chatter and track clicks on all of your social posts.
      3 Segment: Segment your leads based on the social activity.
        Trigger: Trigger emails, update profile information, and adjust your
      3 lists based on social interactions.
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The document discusses guidelines for effective corporate use of Twitter. It recommends that companies have executive, customer service, and marketing Twitter accounts. For executive accounts, it suggests appointing one senior leader as the main voice, having them tweet regularly about personal insights and values to humanize the brand. Customer service accounts should actively monitor brand mentions and respond to issues in a consistent tone. Marketing accounts can participate in industry discussions and share relevant news. The document also provides guidance for individual employee Twitter use.

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This document provides an overview of how to create an effective keyword strategy, which is described as the essential starting point for internet marketing. It recommends businesses generate a list of 3-5 keywords relevant to their company and industry and focus on optimizing their website and content around those keywords to increase their chances of being found online by potential customers performing searches. Ongoing keyword research is important to gain insights into trends and demand in a business's industry. A comprehensive keyword strategy can help grow organic traffic and inform paid search advertising campaigns.

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The essential guide_to_internet_marketingThe essential guide_to_internet_marketing
The essential guide_to_internet_marketing

The document provides guidance on optimizing a website for search engine optimization. It discusses choosing relevant keywords and incorporating them throughout the website, including in page titles, meta descriptions, headings, images, and CSS. Regularly updating content will help search engines like Google crawl the site more frequently to find new keywords and keep the site fresh. Proper on-page optimization of key elements can help the site rank higher in search results.

53                                  How to use Twitter for business

    How to Use Twitter for Public Relations (PR)

    Are you aware that many journalists, reporters, and bloggers make themselves
    available on Twitter? Using Twitter is a great way to introduce yourself and your
    company to the media.

    But how do you find the influencers in your industry on Twitter? One way is to look for
    influential blogs in your industry (use blog search engines like Technorati), subscribe
    to them, and start following their authors on Twitter.

    Another way is to start following journalists who target your industry. Then

    start tweeting with them -- but don‘t oversell your business or product. Develop
    relationships by tweeting about an article of theirs you enjoyed or ask how they feel
    about a particular topic on which they write. Sometimes reporters will also use Twitter
    to broadcast that they‘re seeking subjects or sources for a particular story they‘re
    writing. If it‘s a fit for you, reply!

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54                           How to use Twitter for business

    How Can You Take Advantage of Twitter for PR?
              Develop Relationships
              Develop relationships with reporters, bloggers and other media people
              through Twitter. Reporters and big-time bloggers are incredibly active in
              social networks, especially when gathering information for stories. Use the
              resources mentioned above to find media people on Twitter.

              Be On the Look Out
              Watch for tweets about editorial opportunities. Because of the real-time
              nature of Twitter, it‘s a great place for media professionals to look for last
              minute, additional resources for their stories. When following bloggers and
              reporters, keep close track of their tweets and scan for any opportunities.

              Share Tips

              It‘s also a great idea to send reporters
              tips to other links and resources

              simply to be helpful and improve your
              relationship with them, even if the tip
              isn‘t regarding your company specifically.
              They will be thankful for your help and
              will be more likely use you as a reference
              when the subject is applicable to you!

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55                           How to use Twitter for business

              DM Reporters
              Direct Message reporters instead of sending them an email. By sending
              a direct message, you are forced to create a short, concise pitch that a
              reporter is more likely to read. Direct messages are also very casual, and
              some media folks prefer DMs to email pitches.

              Further, it saves you the time it would normally take to write a lengthy
              pitch. Remember, you can only DM people if they follow you back.
              However, don‘t pitch too much; they could easily unfollow you, making it
              much more difficult to connect.

              Check Before Contacting

              Use Twitter to check in before
              pitching. Check to see what the
              person you‘re about to pitch is
              up to before contacting them.
              In the event that the person is
              sick, having a bad day, or away
              traveling, it may be best to contact
              him or her at another time.

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56                            How to use Twitter for business

    How to Use Twitter for Customer Service
    Businesses are increasingly using Twitter for customer support by using corporate
    representatives on Twitter to help support and serve customers. Here are three
    valuable ways to use Twitter to facilitate customer service.

               Always Respond
               Respond to concerns people tweet about your company or products.
               Designate a specific person in your company to track your company
               name and products in Twitter Search (or use a third-party platform like
               HootSuite). That person can address any negative comments, offer
               feedback, and help customers solve their products in real time.

               Broadcast Updates
               Use your company account to update customers. If you work for a
               company that offers an online service, let your followers know up-front if
               you anticipate down-time or if there is a glitch you are working to fix. Your
               customers will be less upset and more appreciative that your company is
               trying its best to relieve the problem.

               Avoid Automated DMs
               Don’t send an auto direct message whenever someone new follows you or
               your company. This strategies looks artificial and could make you appear
               apathetic about building true relationships with your customers.

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This document provides an overview and introduction to internet marketing. It begins by explaining that traditional marketing methods are becoming less effective and more expensive, and that internet marketing is an essential strategy. It then outlines the main steps to effective internet marketing, including creating a keyword strategy, optimizing a website to get found through search engines, creating content like blogs and offers, promoting content through social media, converting traffic into leads, nurturing those leads, optimizing for mobile, analyzing strategies, and continual improvement.

The essential guide_to_internet_marketing
The essential guide_to_internet_marketingThe essential guide_to_internet_marketing
The essential guide_to_internet_marketing

This document provides an overview and introduction to internet marketing. It begins by explaining that traditional marketing methods are becoming less effective and more expensive, and that internet marketing is an essential strategy. It then outlines the main steps to effective internet marketing, including creating a keyword strategy, optimizing a website to get found through search engines, creating content like blogs and offers, promoting content through social media, converting traffic into leads, nurturing those leads, optimizing for mobile, analyzing strategies, and continual improvement.

internet marketing
Essential Guide Step By Step Internet Marketing 2012 Edition
Essential Guide Step By Step Internet Marketing 2012 EditionEssential Guide Step By Step Internet Marketing 2012 Edition
Essential Guide Step By Step Internet Marketing 2012 Edition

This document provides an overview of how to create an effective keyword strategy, which is described as the essential starting point for internet marketing. It recommends businesses generate a list of 3-5 keywords relevant to their company and industry, and explains that optimizing websites and profiles around targeted keywords can help businesses get found online by potential customers performing related searches. Ongoing keyword research is important to gain insights into trends, demand, traffic opportunities, and pay-per-click campaign effectiveness.

57             How to use Twitter for business

   & additional

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58                           How to use Twitter for business

    After reading this ebook, you should have the baseline knowledge to get your Twitter
    account started and begin growing your network. Remember that the Twitter community is
    a dynamic and rapidly developing space. Be creative, and think of other methods to apply
    to your campaigns!

    And once you’ve mastered these practices, move on to more advanced topics! HubSpot
    has put together an intermediate level ebook, “How to Attract Customers with Twitter,” for
    those who master the knowledge shared in this guide.

    So go! Learn, execute, and conquer the Twitterverse.

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59                   How to use Twitter for business

Measure TRAFFIC &
from Twitter
Find out how many interactions
and customers your Twitter
marketing efforts are bringing you.
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How to Use Twitter for Business

  • 1. 1 How to use Twitter for business An Introductory Guide: HOW TO USE Twitter for Business O Master the Essentials to Better B Share, Engage, & Market on Twitter A publication of Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 2. 2 How to use Twitter for business IS THIS BOOK RIGHT FOR ME? Not quite sure if this ebook is right for you? See the below description to determine if your level matches the content you are about to read. INTRODUCTORY This ebook! Introductory content is for marketers who are new to the subject. This content typically includes step-by-step instructions on how to get started with this aspect of inbound marketing and learn its fundamentals. After reading it, you will be able to execute basic marketing tactics related to the topic. INTERMEDIATE Intermediate content is for marketers who are familiar with the subject but have only basic experience in executing strategies and tactics on the topic. This content typically covers the fundamentals and moves on to reveal more complex functions and examples. Once you’re ready, feel free to dive into this level of content with our free guide, How to Attract Customers with Twitter. ADVANCED Advanced content is for marketers who are, or want to be, experts on the subject. In it, we walk you through advanced features of this aspect of inbound marketing and help you develop complete mastery of the subject. After reading it, you will feel ready not only Share This Ebook! to execute strategies and tactics, but also to teach others how to be successful. www.Hubspot.com
  • 3. 3 How to use Twitter for business HubSpot’s All-in-One Marketing Software M w EMAIL MARKETING SOCIAL CONTACTS ... brings your whole marketing world to- gether in one, powerful, integrated system. Get Found: Help prospects find you online Convert: Nurture your leads and drive conversions Analyze: Measure and improve your marketing U Contacts databast ; WORKFLOWS Plus more apps and integrations Request A Demo Video Overview n SMART FIELDS analytics Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 4. 4 How to use Twitter for business An Introductory Guide: how to use Twitter for Business By Brittany Leaning Brittany Leaning is HubSpot’s Social Media Manager. She is responsible for creating, managing, measuring, and scaling organic social media efforts across HubSpot’s various accounts in order to generate leads and grow reach. Brittany is also a regular contributor to HubSpot’s award winning Internet Marketing Blog, where she writes about various inbound marketing topics. Follow me on twitter @bleaning Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 5. 5 How to use Twitter for business COntents Twitter 101 /7 TWITTER VOCABULARY /9 TWITTER FROM A BUSINESS PERSPECTIVE /17 6 Steps to setting up & optimizing your profile /19 SIGN UP FOR TWITTER /20 PERSONALIZE YOUR COMPANY PROFILE /26 START TWEETING /36 FIND PEOPLE TO FOLLOW /38 GET PEOPLE TO FOLLOW YOU /42 ENGAGE WITH YOUR NETWORK /45 Using Twitter for Business /48 Conclusion & additional resources /57 Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 6. 6 How to use Twitter for business “ 42% of Twitter users follow brands or companies. Source: Ask Your Target Market Survey ” Maintaining an effective Twitter presence can be a powerful part of your business’ social media marketing strategy. Used successfully, Twitter can help you: Develop and promote your brand Interact and support your fan base Monitor what people are saying about your company and brand Create buzz around upcoming promotions and events Promote thought leadership and industry expertise Develop direct relationships with bloggers and journalists for PR ...and much more. For the sake of this introductory guide, we’ll just cover the above subjects. Adopting a proper Twitter strategy will help you realize the hidden benefits of using such a platform for your business. This guide serves to review the fundamentals of Twitter use, and how to get started with Twitter as a business tool. Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 7. 7 How to use Twitter for business CHAPTER 1 Twitter 101 Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 8. 8 How to use Twitter for business What is Twitter? Quite often, people‘s gut reaction to Twitter is, “No one needs to know what I‘m doing,” or “I don‘t care what other people are doing.” These views are common among those who just don‘t understand the value that Twitter can provide for business. In the words of marketing expert Chris Brogan, Twitter is a useful communication tool that allows you to interact with people around the world in three different ways: 1 Send a short message to a bunch of people publicly 2 Send a short message to a specific person publicly 3 Send a short message to a specific person privately Twitter is also referred to as a “micro-blogging” service, meaning you can post short updates limited to 140 characters or fewer. Why? Originally, this character limitation was implemented to make Twitter compatible with mobile phones and text messaging. Now, it’s a useful characteristic that allows users to receive rapidfire, concise information from many, many people! Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 9. 9 How to use Twitter for business 1 TWITTER VOCABULARY For people who are just getting started, it’s useful to first grasp and familiarize yourself with some of the common terminology associated with Twitter. Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 10. @ 10 How to use Twitter for business Twitter Handle A Twitter handle is also known as a username. This is the name you select to represent yourself or your company as on Twitter. To Follow Following someone on Twitter is the action users take to subscribe to someone‘s updates on Twitter. You do this by clicking the “Follow” button on that specific person‘s Twitter page, which can be found at http://twitter.com/USERNAME. (Insert the specific person‘s username into the URL, like http://twitter.com/HubSpot). When you follow someone, their updates will be displayed on your Twitter homepage so you know what they are doing. Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 11. 11 How to use Twitter for business   To Follow Back To follow back is to subscribe to the updates of someone who has recently started following you. In Twitter‘s notifications settings, you can indicate whether you‘d like to receive an email alert whenever a new person follows you. In the email, there will be a link to that person‘s profile. By clicking the link, you can check out who they are and decide to follow them back or not. It is not required to follow everyone back, but many people like to. U Follower A follower is a person who has subscribed to receive your updates. You can view your total number of followers on your Twitter profile page. Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 12. 12 How to use Twitter for business Status Update A status update is also q known as a tweet. Each update can be no longer than 140-characters. (Later we will talk about different types of updates.) You can post an update in the white text box under “What‘s Happening?” @Reply An @ sign in front of a Twitter handle is a public message sent from one Twitter user to another by putting @USERNAME anywhere within the body of the tweet. These replies don’t appear in a users stream (an upcoming vocab word). Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 13. 13 How to use Twitter for business Direct Message (DM) A DM is a private message sent from one Twitter user to another by either clicking the “message” link on their profile or typing D USERNAME. Think of it as Twitter‘s version of an email inbox. Twitter Stream N A Twitter stream is a list of a person‘s real-time updates. Every time you post an update, it goes into your Twitter stream, which is found on your account page also at http:// twitter.com/USERNAME. Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 14. # 14 How to use Twitter for business Hashtag (#) A hashtag is a Twitter tagging system used to aggregate the conversation surrounding an event, topic, or theme. Hashtags can easily be created by combining a # with a word, acronym, or phrase (#WORD) and used as a tag within tweets. Tweet-Up A tweet-up is an event specifically organized for Twitter users to meet up and network, usually informally. Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 15. 15 How to use Twitter for business Retweet (RT) A retweet is an action taken to repeat what someone else has already tweeted. People do this if someone has said something especially valuable and they want their own network to see the information too.  Twitter Lists Twitter lists are public lists that any Twitter user can create. Twitter Lists generate Twitter streams that include specific Twitter users. Example: One list HubSpot has created displays tweets from HubSpot employees who tweet: https://twitter. com/#!/list/HubSpot/hubspotters Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com l
  • 16. 16 How to use Twitter for business Trending Topics Displayed on the right-hand side of your Twitter homepage, trending topics are words, phrases, or hashtags that are popular (trending) on Twitter at a given time. These can be organized by location and are updated in real time. G Share This Ebook! Promoted Tweets Promoted weets are tweets that have been supported and promoted by paid marketing efforts. Think of them as the pay-per-click of Twitter. www.Hubspot.com
  • 17. 17 How to use Twitter for business 2 TWITTER FROM A BUSINESS PERSPECTIVE In short, Twitter is a relationship-building and relationship maintenance tool; the most obvious business use of Twitter is to meet potential customers and leads the same  way you would at networking event or tradeshow. B Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 18. 18 How to use Twitter for business However, You Can Also Use it To: B 1 2 3 4 5 6 Develop and promote your brand Interact with your customer base Track what people are saying about your company and brand Create buzz around upcoming events Help individual employees act as liaisons to the public Promote other content you‘ve created, including webinars, blog posts or podcasts 7 Develop direct relationships with bloggers and journalists for potential PR placement 8 Generate sales leads for your business This ebook will first exp lain the step in Twitter an s to get invo d then explo lved re how to fu a business lly utilize it fr perspective om . Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 19. 19 How to use Twitter for business CHAPTER 2 6 Steps to Setting up & optimizing your profile Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 20. 20 How to use Twitter for business 1 SIGN UP FOR TWITTER Let‘s get started with Twitter! The first thing you‘ll need to do is get signed up for an account. Before signing up, decide whether you want a personal or a business Twitter account. Both are good for a company to have, but each serves different purposes. Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 21. 21 How to use Twitter for business O Company Account Your company account represents your company as a whole. Use this type of account to: Keep your customer base up-to-date on your events Promote recent blog articles or news Update your consumers about products/services Give real-time updates at conferences and events Offer customer service and support Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 22. 22 How to use Twitter for business U Personal Account A personal account used by an individual employee. This account type is more personalized, can be used to talk about non-company related subjects, and is better for direct relationship building. Use this type of account to: Act as a liaison to the public for your company Update people on what you‘re working on Share tidbits about your personality Expand your company‘s network and make connections Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 23. 23 How to use Twitter for business For the purposes of this ebook, we‘ll walk through the steps for creating a company account. The setup for a personal account works almost exactly the same. However, the username and picture for the account should be something more personal -- something that reflects your individual branding, including personal information. To get your own account, go to http://twitter.com and click the “Sign Up” button. Clicking this button will bring you to a page where you will select your username and password. O Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 24. 24 How to use Twitter for business Your company’s username is very important. This name will be how people refer to your company on Twitter, so this should simply be your company’s brand name. Twitter Handle DON’TS: Don‘t make your Twitter handle something  ? completely random. (Example: @UnicornsRule). This is a lost branding opportunity for your company. Don‘t use numbers (Example: @HubSpot123). Unless there is   a reason for the specific numbers, it looks juvenile. It also conjures the old AOL chat room days. It gives your company the appearance that you aren‘t putting thought into your username, and it looks unprofessional. Don‘t use an underscore (Example: @Hub_Spot). Using an  - underscore won‘t hurt you, but be aware that it generally is never done, and you‘ll be at risk of seeming unaware of the “social norms.” Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 25. 25 How to use Twitter for business Finishing Up Your Profile After you choose your username and click “Create my account,” Twitter will launch a screen that gives you the option of choosing people to follow based on your topics of interest. We actually recommend that you personalize your profile – Step 2 – and start tweeting – Step 3 – before you start following people. Refer to those sections first. You can always come back to this step by accessing the “Who To Follow” Link in your Twitter toolbar. We‘ll also cover this in more detail in Step 4. The next step in the Twitter setup process will ask you to check if any of your email contacts are already on Twitter. This is not a required step, so feel free to skip it if you desire. TIP: If you have Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL, or LinkedIn accounts, you can check to see if anyone you know is already signed up for Twitter, which can be useful when searching for people to follow. If you do decide to check, be aware that Twitter will ask if you‘d like to invite these contacts to Twitter. This will send a message all your contacts. Only do this if you want to. Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 26. 26 How to use Twitter for business 2 Personalize Your Company Profile Now that you have your account, you need to personalize it! It’s important that you personalize your account before you begin interacting with and following people. Before you add your information, your account will look inactive -- and if you start following people without a personalized profile, your chances of being followed back will decrease dramatically. Other users may even mistake you for a spammer, which P is definitely not something you should shoot for. Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 27. 27 How to use Twitter for business Click “Edit Your Profile” on your profile page, which can be found at http://twitter.com/USERNAME (Insert your Twitter handle in place of USERNAME). The first order of business is your picture, also commonly referred to as your avatar. It‘s very important to put a face to the name, if you will. For this step, click on the “Browse” button and select the best photo to represent your company. This should generally be your company’s logo. Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 28. 28 How to use Twitter for business Next up on your profile is your company’s name. Always list your company’s branded name when using Twitter for business. If you couldn’t fit the full name of your company in the limited amount of characters you had for the Twitter handle, now is your chance to list it here. Then, add your location so people know where you‘re based! For your URL, or web address, it‘s always a best practice to include a link to your company’s website. If your company does not have a website, you can include your company’s blog, Facebook account, LinkedIn Company Page, or dedicated Twitter landing page (more on this in Section 3 on using Twitter for lead generation) instead. Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 29. v 29 How to use Twitter for business In the “Bio” section, be as descriptive as possible. This is your elevator pitch — your opportunity to convince people to follow your company. You‘re only given 160 characters of room to write your description, so consider it a snapshot of your company’s background. You can include: Your company’s position What your company sells A snippet about your industry Any special projects or events your company is a part of Something your company is proud of Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 30. 30 How to use Twitter for business The last option under the “Account” tab within your profile settings is the “Protect my tweets” box. By clicking this, your Twitter stream will become private, and no one will be able to see your updates without following you. We do not recommend checking off this box to protect your updates. Many people judge whether to follow someone back by evaluating that user’s tweets. Your company is as valuable as its updates, so don‘t keep people from getting a peek! If you‘re worried about the level of transparency your company experiences when you’re on social media, remember that you are in complete control over everything your company tweets. At the same time, you should feel comfortable showing your brand’s personality. Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 31. B 31 How to use Twitter for business How to Customize Your Background One of the great things about social media is that many of the tools are   free. This also happens to be one of     the worst things about social media. Free tools mean the barrier to entry to use a platform like Twitter is low.  This low barrier attracts spammers and other less than reputable people. As a business that wants to use Twitter to drive revenue, you have to take your presence to the next level. While anyone can quickly set up a free account, few take the time to customize that account. Customizing the actual Free Resource: Learn How to Make background of your Twitter profile Your Own Custom Background is a significant step in bolstering Interested in creating your own custom background? your credibility and educating Click here for a free video tutorial (with written out new and potential followers to instructions). Follow these the content and products your steps to build and imple- ment your background. business provides. Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 32. 32 How to use Twitter for business 4 Tips For a Professional-Looking Background: Tip 1: Understand Your Brand on Twitter Before you create a custom background, you should decide what you are trying to communicate to people on Twitter. While you understand your prospects and customers, it is important to note that Twitter might be the first place that many new prospects discover your business. Therefore your background should communicate information that appeals to prospects who are extremely new in the buying cycle. Tip 2: Beware of the top tool bar As is evident in the above below, Twitter has a toolbar at the top of the page that is 40 pixels tall. Be aware of this element when creating a design for your Twitter background, and be sure to leave headroom for the toolbar. Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 33. 33 How to use Twitter for business Tip 3: Design for Various Screen Sizes 4 The left-hand side of the Twitter profile is prime real estate for a company logo, 4 company description, or important links. However, it‘s important to note that the dimensions of the left- and right-hand 4 columns are fluid and change with the size of the user‘s browser window. Design for smaller monitor sizes in an effort to keep all of your design elements in full view. Tip 4: Avoid the Tile Style Don’t Tile Backgrounds – Due to the columns layout, background images should be one image instead of tiled. One core image is better at handling the transitions from the columns on the page. When you have your final image, you can visit your Twitter account settings and, under the “Design” tab, click the “Change background image” button to upload your new image to your account. Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 34. 34 How to use Twitter for business How to Add a Header Image Twitter launched new header photos for profiles in September 2012. The update is purely aesthetic, providing what looks kind of like a right-aligned Facebook Timeline cover photo for brands to play with. This change is not immediately obvious if you log into your Twitter account, but it’s really quite simple. Step 1: Go to Your Settings Log in to Twitter, and click on the gear icon in the top right corner. A drop-down menu will appear. Select ‘Settings.’ Step 2: Click Profile On the next screen, you’ll see a menu of options on your left. Click ‘Profile.’ Step 3: Change Header Click on ‘Change header’ and select ‘Choose existing image.’ Note the image size requirements -- the minimum dimensions are 1252x626, and the maximum file size is 5MB. Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 35. 35 How to use Twitter for business Step 4: Upload Your Image Upload your image, and then simply drag the photo into the positioning you like, and zoom in and out to your heart’s content. When you like the look of your new Twitter profile header image, hit ‘Save,’ and that’s it! Easy, right? Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 36. 36 How to use Twitter for business 3 Start Tweeting Even before you start finding people to follow, we recommend tweeting a few times to give potential new followers an idea of the type of content you will be sharing. Your  most valuable asset is the information you provide, and it will often be the deciding factor for whether another user decides to follow you back. B Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 37. 37 How to use Twitter for business So, what can you tweet about? An Observation Tweet a status or photo about something happening around the office. What Events You’re Attending Share a link to the next conferene or webinar you’re hosting or attending. Your Content Post a link to your company’s most recent blog article or an offer you think is particularly beneficial. Someone Else’s Content Post a link to someone else‘s blog article as a helpful resource -- or retweet what someone else is tweeting! Chat With Someone Direct tweets to other Twitter users using an @ USERNAME. Send Your First Tweet with this Ebook! if your profile is all set up, click here for a great first tweet about what you are reading right now! And remember, don‘t tweet anything you wouldn‘t say at a networking event. Even if you delete a tweet, it may be archived on the Share This Ebook! internet with the potential to get found. www.Hubspot.com
  • 38. 38 How to use Twitter for business 4 Find people to follow Building your network is the most challenging and time-consuming part of using Twitter. And it doesn’t happen immediately; you need to commit the time. By following people, you’ll be able to view their updates in your Twitter stream. This is your chance to learn more about them: their lives, the blog posts they read, and the people with whom they interact, which will help you develop your company’s buyer personas. Following a decently sized and interesting community can be valuable and fun! Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 39. 39 How to use Twitter for business Where do you find people to follow? “Who to Follow” Feature Twitter offers its own “Who to Follow” tool, which you can access by clicking the link in your Twitter toolbar. Choose a few of Twitter’s highlighted topics or search using your own keywords to find and start following interesting people relevant to your business and industry. Twitter Search Twitter Search is a free resource is a search function within Twitter that helps you find people who are tweeting about specific words. For example, you can find people who have tweeted about “public relations.” Follow people talking about the topics you enjoy. Follow People Your Followers are Following Once you begin receiving updates from a handful of people, watch to see whom those people chat with by looking at @replies. Maybe it would make sense to follow that person as well! Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 40. 40 How to use Twitter for business Follow Through Leaders & Bloggers See if any of your favorite bloggers are on Twitter. Many include a link to their Twitter account right on their blog. Collect People’s Twitter Names at Events Like we said before, many social media-savvy people will include their # Twitter handle on their nametag at an event. Write down their usernames and follow them later -- or even better, use the Twitter mobile app. If you are not sure if someone you just met is on Twitter, ask! Follow Hashtags (#) at Events Once you begin receiving updates from a handful of people, watch to see whom those people chat with by looking at @ replies. Maybe it would make sense to follow that person as well! Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 41. 41 How to use Twitter for business Following DON’TS: Don’t Follow Too Many People At Once A best practice is to follow no more than 25-50 people a day, because there will be a time gap between following people and when they follow you back. If your profile says you are following 2,000 people and only 30 followers have followed you back so far, it appears that 1,970 of the people you followed chose not to follow you back. This unfavorable ratio won‘t help boost your credibility and may negatively affect people‘s decisions to follow you. Therefore, give your followers some time to follow you back before finding a new batch of people to add to your network. Don’t follow hundreds of people at once Although many people do this in order to have a “valuable ratio” (or more followers than people you‘re following), it’s artificial network building and not a best practice. Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 42. 42 How to use Twitter for business 5 Get people to follow you Following people and viewing their tweets is great, but in order to have valuable conversations, you want people to follow you back and view your tweets too. This is why it‘s so important to get your profile fully set up before reaching out for new connections. If you follow someone who doesn‘t already know you, you need to display sufficient information about yourself in your profile so he or she can make an informed decision of whether to follow you back. Attracting followers is important because they will serve as your network who will view your tweets. Think of your total number of followers (AKA your following) as your Twitter reach. Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 43. 43 How to use Twitter for business Tips for Attracting Followers & Increasing Reach Make Your Twitter Easy to Find Make your company’s Twitter usernames easy to find. You could even create a page that lists all the Twitter handles of the people in your company. By giving your customers an easy way to interact with individual users, it helps them understand the type of people who work at your company. It also gives them insight into your brand! Make Use of Follow Buttons Place “Follow” buttons on your blog and various pages of your website. Make it easy for people to find out if your company has a Twitter account. Visitors to your blog and website might like your content and want to subscribe to your tweets, so add Follow buttons to your site so people can easily find you. Twitter recently came out with an official Follow button generator, or you could create your own and simply link it to your Twitter page. Free Resource: Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Creating Social Media Share Buttons Amplify your reach on Twitter by clicking here to learn how to add follow buttons across all your web channels. Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 44. 44 How to use Twitter for business Make Your Tweets Unique & Beneficial Make your tweets useful resources so people need you. You are what you tweet. People will want to follow you if they think they’ll get value from your tweets. But be sure to avoid making your Twitter account a purely promotional tool. Would you subscribe to a newsletter if it didn‘t have anything useful to say? Interact with Potential Followers Interact with those people you follow who don’t yet follow you back. Make sure to monitor your Twitter stream and comment on what other people are saying. Give feedback; compliment people. The key is to engage. This will give them incentive to follow you back. Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 45. 45 How to use Twitter for business 6 Engage with your network So how do you tweet at a specific person? In order to send a message to another user on Twitter, you need to use an @ before the person‘s username anywhere within the tweet. Think of it as the “address” for the tweet. Remember that this type of message is still public or viewable by anyone in the world, even if they don‘t have a Twitter account. Here’s an example of how you would send a tweet to HubSpot: .Recommended: What’s up @HubSpot? (viewable to everyone) Not Recommended: @HubSpot What’s up? (only viewable in Twitter streams of users who follow you and also follow @HubSpot) Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 46. 46 How to use Twitter for business Addtional Tips About Interacting with Users To make your tweets as visible as possible, avoid putting @USERNAME in the very beginning of your tweets. Adding the @USERNAME to the very beginning will make your tweet viewable only in the Twitter streams of people who follow you and the user to whom you‘re tweeting (see below examples). By putting @USERNAME within your tweet, Twitter knows who to send it to. This type of tweet is also called a reply or @reply (pronounced “at reply”). All of the @replies _ you receive will go into your @Connections tab across the main Twitter navigation. Further, anytime you put an @ in front of someone‘s username, it automatically becomes a link to that person’s profile. This feature makes it easy for you to easily visit those users’ profiles and engage with them as well. Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 47. 47 How to use Twitter for business Interact Privately with Direct Messages It’s also possible to send someone a private message on Twitter. These are called direct messages or DMs -- as you learned earlier -- and can basically be described as Twitter’s version of email. Send a direct message by either visiting that person’s profile and clicking the “message” link on the right-hand side of the user’s profile, or by beginning your tweet with D USERNAME and then including your message. Example: D HubSpot Do you want to meet tomorrow? This will be a private message that won‘t be viewable in the public Twitter stream. You can set up your notifications to receive an email with the direct message, and it will also go into the “Messages” tab in the Twitter toolbar. NOTE: you can only DM people if you follow them and they follow you back, and you‘re still only allowed 140 characters per message. Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 48. 48 How to use Twitter for business CHAPTER 3 using twitter for business Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 49. 49 How to use Twitter for business How to Use Twitter for Marketing So what exactly were we ultimately getting to by setting you up through the first few chapters of this ebook? Twitter can be a tremendously valuable marketing tool. In this section, we‘ll explain some specific use-cases of Twitter for marketing. Drive Traffic Use Twitter to drive people to your company’s website. Tweet about interesting resources you‘ve posted on your blog or website. Have you recently published an ebook or recorded a webinar that people can download for free? Do you have a link to a special offer or coupon on your site? Tweet about it by linking back to the landing page to download or recieve the offer. If the content on your site is truly remarkable, people may start tweeting about it on their own and sharing your resources to their followers on Twitter! Monitor Activity Monitor your brand on Twitter. Either go to the Connect tab on your Twitter navigation, sign up for email updates, or use a software to help you monitor all activity. If you find someone tweeting about your products or a person who is looking for a solution that your product provides, let him/her know! Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 50. 50 How to use Twitter for business Use “Favorites” Use the Twitter “Favorites” feature as a list of company testimonials. When you hover your mouse over an individual tweet in your Twitter stream, a few options appear, including the option to “Favorite” the tweet. When you click the little star that appears, it turns yellow, and that tweet gets added to your “Favorites” tab. As you track what people are saying about your company in Twitter Search, add the positive tweet to your Favorites. Public, third-party testimonials are valuable validations of your company. The next time someone asks about your company, send them the link to your Favorites page! Example: http://www.twitter.com/HubSpot/favorites Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 51. 51 How to use Twitter for business Promote Events Use Twitter to promote events, webinars, fundaisers, and campaigns. The next time your company holds such an event, tweet about it! One best practice is to send people directly to an event sign-up page. Think of a hashtag for your event or webinar before you start tweeting about it. For example, HubSpot is using #INBOUND13 for the 2013 INBOUND Conference. Share Expertise Establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. By tweeting about useful resources and thoughtful tips, you and your company will eventually develop thought and people will consider you an expert in that particular subject. Be sure to link to your own resources as well as others. Employ External Tools Are you thinking that all of this Twitter monitoring and participating sounds like a whole lot of work? Use third-party tools to ease the process! Learn about HubSpot’s here. Free Resource: How to Monitor Social Media in 10 Minutes a Day Streamline your Twitter monitoring by learning Share This Ebook! these exper t tips. www.Hubspot.com
  • 52. ^ 52 fuel your twitter How to use Twitter for business strategy with powerful insights Are you tracking every Twitter interaction you have with your leads? HubSpot not only lets you track every click on a link in a social message, it also lets you use that data to compile lists of influencers who you can communicate with to grow your following! REQUEST A DEMO READ MORE 3 Lookup: Automatically look up social information for your leads. 3 Listen: Listen to chatter and track clicks on all of your social posts. 3 Segment: Segment your leads based on the social activity. Trigger: Trigger emails, update profile information, and adjust your 3 lists based on social interactions. Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 53. 53 How to use Twitter for business How to Use Twitter for Public Relations (PR) Are you aware that many journalists, reporters, and bloggers make themselves available on Twitter? Using Twitter is a great way to introduce yourself and your company to the media. But how do you find the influencers in your industry on Twitter? One way is to look for influential blogs in your industry (use blog search engines like Technorati), subscribe to them, and start following their authors on Twitter. Another way is to start following journalists who target your industry. Then B start tweeting with them -- but don‘t oversell your business or product. Develop relationships by tweeting about an article of theirs you enjoyed or ask how they feel about a particular topic on which they write. Sometimes reporters will also use Twitter to broadcast that they‘re seeking subjects or sources for a particular story they‘re writing. If it‘s a fit for you, reply! PRE SS Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 54. 54 How to use Twitter for business How Can You Take Advantage of Twitter for PR? Develop Relationships Develop relationships with reporters, bloggers and other media people through Twitter. Reporters and big-time bloggers are incredibly active in social networks, especially when gathering information for stories. Use the resources mentioned above to find media people on Twitter. Be On the Look Out Watch for tweets about editorial opportunities. Because of the real-time nature of Twitter, it‘s a great place for media professionals to look for last minute, additional resources for their stories. When following bloggers and reporters, keep close track of their tweets and scan for any opportunities. Share Tips O It‘s also a great idea to send reporters tips to other links and resources B simply to be helpful and improve your relationship with them, even if the tip isn‘t regarding your company specifically. They will be thankful for your help and will be more likely use you as a reference when the subject is applicable to you! Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 55. 55 How to use Twitter for business DM Reporters Direct Message reporters instead of sending them an email. By sending a direct message, you are forced to create a short, concise pitch that a reporter is more likely to read. Direct messages are also very casual, and some media folks prefer DMs to email pitches. Further, it saves you the time it would normally take to write a lengthy pitch. Remember, you can only DM people if they follow you back. However, don‘t pitch too much; they could easily unfollow you, making it much more difficult to connect. Check Before Contacting P Use Twitter to check in before pitching. Check to see what the person you‘re about to pitch is up to before contacting them. In the event that the person is sick, having a bad day, or away traveling, it may be best to contact him or her at another time. Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 56. 56 How to use Twitter for business How to Use Twitter for Customer Service Businesses are increasingly using Twitter for customer support by using corporate representatives on Twitter to help support and serve customers. Here are three valuable ways to use Twitter to facilitate customer service. Always Respond Respond to concerns people tweet about your company or products. Designate a specific person in your company to track your company name and products in Twitter Search (or use a third-party platform like HootSuite). That person can address any negative comments, offer feedback, and help customers solve their products in real time. Broadcast Updates Use your company account to update customers. If you work for a company that offers an online service, let your followers know up-front if you anticipate down-time or if there is a glitch you are working to fix. Your customers will be less upset and more appreciative that your company is trying its best to relieve the problem. Avoid Automated DMs Don’t send an auto direct message whenever someone new follows you or your company. This strategies looks artificial and could make you appear apathetic about building true relationships with your customers. Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 57. 57 How to use Twitter for business Conclusion & additional resources Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 58. 58 How to use Twitter for business After reading this ebook, you should have the baseline knowledge to get your Twitter account started and begin growing your network. Remember that the Twitter community is a dynamic and rapidly developing space. Be creative, and think of other methods to apply to your campaigns! And once you’ve mastered these practices, move on to more advanced topics! HubSpot has put together an intermediate level ebook, “How to Attract Customers with Twitter,” for those who master the knowledge shared in this guide. So go! Learn, execute, and conquer the Twitterverse. B Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com
  • 59. 59 How to use Twitter for business Measure TRAFFIC & ENGAGEMENT coming from Twitter Find out how many interactions and customers your Twitter marketing efforts are bringing you. Get a free demo of the HubSpot software and get access to some powerful analytics. http://bitly.com/HubSpot-Demo Share This Ebook! www.Hubspot.com