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International Business People

  Sent by employers to work and live
          temporarily abroad
Similar Psychologically to the Sojourn
• Work has finite limit
• Clear assignments that they are expected to
• Must be able to interact successfully with local
  counterparts to achieve goals
• Will experience dislocation associated with
  unfamiliar cultural settings
• Career path may be affected by assignment
The expatriate experience--studies
    managerial/professional roles
• Provide human link in international trade
• Effectiveness has a direct link to
  international commerce
• Sojourn group most likely to receive pre-
  departure training, cultural orientation
• Undergo psychological assessments as
  part of selection process
Topics specific to expat experience
• Work-related cognitive styles/responses
  (negotiations, influencing, leading)
• Managerial practices do not easily cross
  cultural boundaries
• Role of the spouse
• Re-entry process, reintegration
• Problems specific to female expats
• Inpatriation

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The document discusses various aspects of communication and leadership. It covers: 1) The importance of effective communication in the workplace and challenges such as technology and diversity. 2) Models of the communication process including coding, channels, feedback, and barriers like power differences. 3) Aspects of non-verbal communication including facial expressions, body language, and proxemics. 4) Differences in communication styles between genders and cultures, such as high- versus low-context cultures.

Expatriation Key Success Factors
Expatriation Key Success FactorsExpatriation Key Success Factors
Expatriation Key Success Factors

This document discusses key factors for successful expatriate assignments. It begins by defining expatriate failure as an early, unplanned return or an ineffective overseas posting. Research shows failure rates range from 10-50% depending on the destination. There are three types of failures - early termination, an unprofitable assignment, or lack of support leading to an employee leaving the company. The document then examines reasons for failure, including individual factors like lack of adaptability or going abroad for the wrong reasons, as well as family pressures. Work factors include poor selection criteria, lack of support, and bad job matches. Finally, the document outlines key success factors such as comprehensive selection processes, relevant training for expatriates and spouses,

Putting Diversity and Inclusion at the Heart of Employee Engagement
Putting Diversity and Inclusion at the Heart of Employee EngagementPutting Diversity and Inclusion at the Heart of Employee Engagement
Putting Diversity and Inclusion at the Heart of Employee Engagement

This document discusses the importance of diversity and inclusion for employee engagement. It argues that organizations that embrace diversity and inclusion through a long-term strategic effort will see benefits like improved performance, problem solving, recruitment costs and employee well-being. However, many organizations still face barriers to truly embedding diversity and inclusion in their culture and day-to-day operations. The document provides recommendations for overcoming these barriers, including by putting diversity and inclusion at the center of organizational strategy, helping managers build inclusive teams, giving employees a voice, and demonstrating integrity in sustaining an inclusive culture.

diversityinclusionemployee engagement
Cultural Distance
• Role is evident in ABC components
• Affects how people feel about life
  and work abroad
• Adeptness in realizing
  personal/professional goals
• Work-related perceptions and
Principle problems derived from North
 American practices and assumptions
•   Flexible working hours
•   Consultative leadership style
•   Egalitarian interpersonal relationships
•   Emphasis on task achievement
•   Direct performance feedback
•   Reliance on written rules
•   rewards
Principle problems (cont.)
• Negotiation practices (rational vs emotional
• Selection, recruitment and advancement
  based on merit
• Psychological contracts and formal
  relationships, ‘a fair days work for a fair day’s
• Right of worker and employer to break
“Nobody can think globally.”
         (Hofstede, 1998)
• Problematic for expat managers who
  are expected to put into effect
  company-wide policies and practices
  that may be lost on
  subsidiaries, changes to
  accommodate may dilute corporate

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Making your Small Business More Productive
Making your Small Business More ProductiveMaking your Small Business More Productive
Making your Small Business More Productive

The document discusses people management and productivity in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It provides an overview of research showing that while SMEs tend to have fewer formal HR practices than larger firms, certain informal practices can be effective. Adoption of some formal practices is linked to better firm performance. The document also describes a project providing free HR support to over 400 UK SMEs, finding it increased confidence but not necessarily more strategic HR. Finally, it covers practical implications for managing performance in SMEs through frameworks, communication, objectives, and training.

Fons trompenaars Cultural Dimensions
Fons trompenaars Cultural DimensionsFons trompenaars Cultural Dimensions
Fons trompenaars Cultural Dimensions

Fons Trompenaars is a Dutch author known for his work on cross-cultural communication and management. He identified seven dimensions of national culture differences: universalism vs particularism, individualism vs communitarianism, specific vs diffuse, achievement vs ascription, neutral vs affective, sequential vs synchronic, and internal vs external control. The document provides definitions and examples of each dimension, such as how individualism values personal responsibility over group responsibility. It also discusses how these dimensions appear differently in cultures like Turkey, China, and the US.

trompenaarssociety and cultureculture
Expatriate failure
Expatriate failureExpatriate failure
Expatriate failure

International assignment failures can be costly for companies. Common reasons for failure include issues with the expatriate's personality, family pressures, lack of cultural skills, and poor living/working conditions. To reduce failure rates, companies should provide realistic previews, careful screening, good orientation, benefits, fair evaluations, and shorten assignment lengths. Failure rates vary by country but are typically 10-40% for US firms and less than 10% for Japanese firms. Causes of failure also differ such as inability to adjust or spouse/family problems. Proper selection, training, support, and commitment can help manage expatriate failure.

Heterogeneous work groups
• More cultural distance among workers has
  adverse affects on group performance, more
  difficult to manage
• Less interpersonal harmony, increased stress
  and turnover
• Advantages include more creativity (learning
  how to manage diverse groups may provide
  competitive advantage)
“Would you trust your foreign
• Trust between managers and
  supervisors was greater in
  homogeneous than heterogeneous
  work settings (Banai & Reisel, 1999)
• Increases with more cultural distance
Leadership Style
• Authoritarian/autocratic vs
  participative/democratic (leaders make
  all decisions vs share power with
• Task-oriented vs people-oriented styles
  (structure vs consideration)
• Contingency theories (ignores
  characteristics or personality of the
Transactional vs Transformational
        Leadership (Bass, 1997)
• Makes explicit reference to characteristics of
  the leader and leader-follower relationship
• Transactional leadership based on exchange
  principle (rewards for compliance)
• Transformational leadership based on ability
  of a leader to motivate followers to work for
  goals that go beyond self-interest for benefit
  of the group, inspire followers

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12 HU 133 Work and Retirement
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12 HU 133 Work and Retirement

People view work differently based on factors like age, gender, and ethnicity. Younger workers prioritize personal growth over money, while older workers have higher job satisfaction due to self-selection and life experiences. Women and minorities face barriers like discrimination, glass ceilings, and lack of opportunities that hinder their career development compared to white men. Mentors and supportive work environments can help promote occupational development for all groups.

Corporate Culture for N5 TVET College Communications students
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Corporate Culture for N5 TVET College Communications students

This document provides an overview of Chapter 1 from a textbook. It covers several topics related to corporate culture and communication within organizations, including: 1. Definitions of corporate culture and how it evolves from an organization's history, values, and members. Examples of corporate cultures are provided. 2. Means of consolidating corporate culture through symbols, rituals, language, anecdotes, relationships, and humor. Subcultures within organizations are also discussed. 3. Leadership styles like autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire are defined and compared. Characteristics and suitable situations for each style are provided. The document provides summaries and definitions for several sections within Chapter 1 related to

Theories of leadership
Theories of leadershipTheories of leadership
Theories of leadership

Leadership can be both innate and learned. The document discusses several theories of leadership, including that effective leaders possess certain traits like ambition and skills like intelligence. Situational leadership theories hold that the best leadership style depends on factors like follower readiness and the task. Contingency theories similarly state there is no single best approach and the optimal leadership depends on internal and external organizational contexts and contingencies. Transactional leaders focus on using rewards and punishments to motivate followers while transformational leaders inspire followers through vision and passion.

Transformational Leaders
• According to Bass, transformational
  leaders are more effective than leaders
  who follow contingent-reward strategy
• Advantageous across cultures
• Transcends organizational boundaries
Collectivist Values
• Some evidence that transformational
  leadership is consistent with collectivist
  values, whereas individualist values are more
  in line with transactional approach
• High power distance makes employees more
  likely to accept their leaders’ vision
• Some studies support the idea that
  individualists respond better to styles that are
  consistent with cultural orientations
Work performance and Satisfaction
• Recent study by Eylon and Au (1999) looked at
  high power distance (Asian) and low power
  distance (Northern European, Canadian)
  among ‘empowered’ workers
• All participants were more ‘satisfied’ when
  working under empowered circumstances, but
  high-power distance empowered workers
  performed less well than empowered, low
  power-distance workers
Self-managing teams
• Western idea that workers who are given
  more freedom in decision-making will increase
  productivity and satisfaction
• Similar to another modern trend, ‘semi-
  autonomous work groups’ (organizational
  structures with flattened hierarchies)—highly
  effective in the right circumstances, but may
  be counterproductive in some cultures

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Selection of expatriate managers
Selection of expatriate managersSelection of expatriate managers
Selection of expatriate managers

This document discusses the selection, training, and compensation of expatriate managers. It describes three types of staffing policies organizations use to fill international positions. It also identifies four dimensions that predict expatriate success: self-orientation, others orientation, perceptual ability, and cultural toughness. Regarding training, it states that cultural, language, and practical training can help reduce expatriate failure. Finally, it outlines the common components of an expatriate compensation package, including base salary, allowances, and ensuring equal purchasing power across countries through adjustments.

Subject: Leadership
Subject: LeadershipSubject: Leadership
Subject: Leadership

This document discusses various theories and models of leadership. It defines leadership as making sound decisions and inspiring others to perform well. It describes three main leadership styles: authoritarian, where the leader uses strong control; democratic, where the leader collaborates with followers; and laissez-faire, where the leader avoids responsibilities. Additionally, it discusses traits approaches to leadership, noting certain traits like intelligence may enhance perceived leadership abilities. Finally, it outlines Fiedler's contingency model of leadership which considers both a leader's orientation and the situation.


Here is a 1.5 page essay on the similarities and differences between Nigerian managers and American managers: Nigerian and American managers share some similarities but also have notable differences in their management styles and practices. Both aim to effectively lead their organizations, but cultural factors influence how they approach this task. One similarity is the universal management functions that all managers must perform, such as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Regardless of nationality, managers are responsible for setting goals and strategies, structuring work flows, motivating employees, and monitoring performance. Both Nigerian and American managers also face pressures to maximize profits and efficiency. However, differences emerge in how these common functions are carried out. Nigerian culture places high value

Joint ventures in China
• ‘China fever,’ many joint ventures have been
  failures in financial terms (only 44% report
  meeting profit targets)
• Cultural differences play a major role in
  exacerbating market-related difficulties such
  as guanxi relationships that are based on
  mutual trust and willingness to enter into long
  term commercial relationships
• Key element for successful commercial
  transactions in China
• Westerners regard a business relationship as
  short-term transactions where each party tries
  to maximize its benefits
• Even if guanxi is accounted for, ‘outsider
  status of Western companies may affect
Selecting International Managers
• Psychological literature emphasizes
  interpersonal and cross-cultural skills as key
  determinants of success, but technical ability
  and job performance continue to be major
  selection criteria
• ‘Coffee-machine system’ refers to candidates
  being selected based on personal
Motivation to undertake expat
• The decision to send executives abroad is
  often made on an ad-hoc basis dictated
  by market forces rather than staff career
  development, motives of sojourners are
  largely ignored, and their willingness to
  go abroad taken for granted (Spiess and
  Wittmann, 1999)

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Human resource issues in trans cultural organisation
Human resource issues in trans cultural organisationHuman resource issues in trans cultural organisation
Human resource issues in trans cultural organisation

The document explores various HR issues within an organization (MNC) due to cultural diversity. Hofstede framework is used and example of Merill Lynch, Bank of America and Google haven been discussed.

Kate Gould Presentation at Get on Board Australia Breakfast | 5 May 2015
Kate Gould Presentation at Get on Board Australia Breakfast | 5 May 2015 Kate Gould Presentation at Get on Board Australia Breakfast | 5 May 2015
Kate Gould Presentation at Get on Board Australia Breakfast | 5 May 2015

Kate Gould's presentation delivered at the Get on Board Australia information breakfast in Adelaide on Tuesday 5 May 2015.

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Culture and Communication in the Global Workforce.ppt
Culture and Communication in the Global Workforce.pptCulture and Communication in the Global Workforce.ppt
Culture and Communication in the Global Workforce.ppt

This document discusses culture and communication in the global workforce. It begins by defining culture and explaining how cultural norms, values, beliefs, and language make groups distinctive from one another. It then discusses how culture blends in work environments as companies take on multinational operations and managers must deal with diverse cultures. Effective cultural competency training is needed to avoid issues like miscommunication and conflict that can endanger productivity. Developing cultural competence allows one to understand, communicate with, and interact effectively across cultures in today's global business environment.

kemahiran komunikasi
Expatriate Adjustment
• Cultural distance
• Extent of social support
• Actual or perceived treatment by host
• Extent of sojourn experience contributing
  to career advancement
Cultural Distance
• Western expats based in Europe experience
  fewer difficulties than those working in Africa
• German managers in U.S. report greater
  cultural awareness, knowledge and work
  satisfaction than their American counterparts
  in Japan
• Mangers posted to similar cultures are less
  sensitive to differences that do exist and may
  attribute problems to personal deficiencies
Host Attitudes
• Greater perceived host ethnocentrism
  (measured by items reflecting perceived
  cultural superiority and intolerance) was
  negatively associated with work
  adjustment and commitment to the local
  branch of the organization (Florkowski
  and Fogel, 1999)
Expats Abroad
• Between 20 and 50% return prematurely, a
  financial burden on companies
• ‘realistic job interview’ or preview, meant to
  alert applicants to negative and positive
  aspects of the job are not in regular use with
  respect to international assignments

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KMB -302: Unit- 3 -Lecture- 7 (Expatriate Management)
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KMB -302: Unit- 3 -Lecture- 7 (Expatriate Management)

This document discusses international human resource management, specifically expatriate management. It covers approaches to staffing expatriates such as recruitment and selection procedures. Factors that contribute to expatriate success and failure are examined. The roles of non-expatriates in international business are also reviewed. Barriers to and advantages of female expatriates are outlined. Trends in global staffing like diversity and dual career couples are mentioned.

international & culturally diverse aspects of leadership
international & culturally diverse aspects of leadershipinternational & culturally diverse aspects of leadership
international & culturally diverse aspects of leadership

This document discusses the importance of cultural diversity and global leadership skills. It notes that workforces are becoming more diverse as globalization increases international experience. Leaders must value diversity and understand cultural differences to effectively motivate diverse groups. Managing diversity well offers advantages like lower costs and a competitive edge in recruiting. Cultural factors like values influence leadership styles in different regions. Developing cultural intelligence and sensitivity helps leaders inspire people from other countries.

Chapter 3 international staffing
Chapter   3 international staffingChapter   3 international staffing
Chapter 3 international staffing

Prof. Preeti Bhaskar's presentation discusses key aspects of international staffing and expatriate management. It covers approaches to staffing multinational corporations, including ethnocentric, polycentric, geocentric, and regiocentric policies. It also examines factors for expatriate success and failure, selection techniques for expatriates, and ways to reduce expatriate failure rates such as improving selection procedures.

international staffing
Expatriate Women
• Women are under-represented in expat
  assignments due to myths that inhibit women
  from being offered overseas assignments such as
  assumptions by managers that women do not
  want to work overseas (Adler, 1977)
• Studies show a reluctance by both men and
  women when cultural distance is high (women
  reluctant to accept assignments in Vietnam, Saudi
  Arabia and Indonesia) Kogut and Singh, 1988
Expatriate Women
• Both men and women are equally successful
  but adjustment is to some extent affected by
  the work values of host culture
• Married females are better adjusted than
  single females
• Company support has significant effect
• Women in higher level positions report more
  positive experiences
• Up to 80% of expats suffer culture shock
  during repatriation. Adler (1977) found that 1
  in 5 employees want to leave organization
  after returning; less than half receive
  promotions; two-thirds feel sojourn had an
  adverse affect on careers; nearly half believe
  their re-entry position is less satisfying than
  overseas assignment
• Expectations and outcomes strongly linked
• Employing inpatriate managers is advantageous
  based on their knowledge of local business; can
  serve as informal mentors to expat managers;
  provide local perspectives on business plans;
  better position to communicate with local
  suppliers and government officials; less expensive
• MNC reluctant to hire foreign managers based on
  desire to maintain tight control, but the future
  will see steady growth of inpatriation

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Managment diversity
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Managment diversity

Managing diversity aims to encourage productive interactions among employees from diverse backgrounds by providing an optimal work environment and business results. Diversity refers to differences in qualities beyond just ethnicity, race and gender, including work experience, education and more. Managing diversity means promoting inclusion and community despite these differences. Managers play a key role in guiding diversity to benefit innovation and inclusion through practices like diversity training. Strategies for managing diversity include developing inclusive recruitment and policies, cultural sensitivity training, and seeking employee feedback. Workplace diversity can provide benefits like improved morale if properly managed, and ignoring diversity issues risks costly consequences.

IAEVG 2014 Multicultural Work Life Realities
IAEVG 2014 Multicultural Work Life RealitiesIAEVG 2014 Multicultural Work Life Realities
IAEVG 2014 Multicultural Work Life Realities

This document summarizes a workshop aimed at helping international graduates adjust to the Canadian workplace. The workshop covered defining culture and comparing Canadian culture to other countries using Hofstede's cultural dimensions. It also addressed adapting to culture shock, Canadian workplace expectations, and transitioning from school to work. Evaluation results showed participants felt more prepared to assess workplace culture and manage their careers after attending. Next steps included following up with participants and expanding the workshop's reach.

Dr. jhansi rani M R - cross cultural management (IHRM)
Dr. jhansi rani M R - cross cultural management (IHRM)Dr. jhansi rani M R - cross cultural management (IHRM)
Dr. jhansi rani M R - cross cultural management (IHRM)

All the topics connected to Cross cultural management are covered such as Socio-cultural context, Culture and employee management issues, responding to diversity, challenges of localization, global integration cultural shock and cultural sensitivity etc.

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International business people

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Christie Barakat
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Christie Barakat
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"Running It Up A Flagpole To See If Anyone Salutes"
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International business people

  • 1. International Business People Sent by employers to work and live temporarily abroad
  • 2. Similar Psychologically to the Sojourn • Work has finite limit • Clear assignments that they are expected to finish • Must be able to interact successfully with local counterparts to achieve goals • Will experience dislocation associated with unfamiliar cultural settings • Career path may be affected by assignment
  • 3. The expatriate experience--studies managerial/professional roles • Provide human link in international trade • Effectiveness has a direct link to international commerce • Sojourn group most likely to receive pre- departure training, cultural orientation • Undergo psychological assessments as part of selection process
  • 4. Topics specific to expat experience • Work-related cognitive styles/responses (negotiations, influencing, leading) • Managerial practices do not easily cross cultural boundaries • Role of the spouse • Re-entry process, reintegration • Problems specific to female expats • Inpatriation
  • 5. Cultural Distance • Role is evident in ABC components • Affects how people feel about life and work abroad • Adeptness in realizing personal/professional goals • Work-related perceptions and decisions
  • 6. Principle problems derived from North American practices and assumptions • Flexible working hours • Consultative leadership style • Egalitarian interpersonal relationships • Emphasis on task achievement • Direct performance feedback • Reliance on written rules • rewards
  • 7. Principle problems (cont.) • Negotiation practices (rational vs emotional appeals) • Selection, recruitment and advancement based on merit • Psychological contracts and formal relationships, ‘a fair days work for a fair day’s pay’ • Right of worker and employer to break contract
  • 8. “Nobody can think globally.” (Hofstede, 1998) • Problematic for expat managers who are expected to put into effect company-wide policies and practices that may be lost on subsidiaries, changes to accommodate may dilute corporate culture/centralization
  • 9. Heterogeneous work groups • More cultural distance among workers has adverse affects on group performance, more difficult to manage • Less interpersonal harmony, increased stress and turnover • Advantages include more creativity (learning how to manage diverse groups may provide competitive advantage)
  • 10. “Would you trust your foreign manager?” • Trust between managers and supervisors was greater in homogeneous than heterogeneous work settings (Banai & Reisel, 1999) • Increases with more cultural distance
  • 11. Leadership Style • Authoritarian/autocratic vs participative/democratic (leaders make all decisions vs share power with subordinates) • Task-oriented vs people-oriented styles (structure vs consideration) • Contingency theories (ignores characteristics or personality of the leader)
  • 12. Transactional vs Transformational Leadership (Bass, 1997) • Makes explicit reference to characteristics of the leader and leader-follower relationship • Transactional leadership based on exchange principle (rewards for compliance) • Transformational leadership based on ability of a leader to motivate followers to work for goals that go beyond self-interest for benefit of the group, inspire followers
  • 13. Transformational Leaders • According to Bass, transformational leaders are more effective than leaders who follow contingent-reward strategy • Advantageous across cultures • Transcends organizational boundaries
  • 14. Collectivist Values • Some evidence that transformational leadership is consistent with collectivist values, whereas individualist values are more in line with transactional approach • High power distance makes employees more likely to accept their leaders’ vision • Some studies support the idea that individualists respond better to styles that are consistent with cultural orientations
  • 15. Work performance and Satisfaction • Recent study by Eylon and Au (1999) looked at high power distance (Asian) and low power distance (Northern European, Canadian) among ‘empowered’ workers • All participants were more ‘satisfied’ when working under empowered circumstances, but high-power distance empowered workers performed less well than empowered, low power-distance workers
  • 16. Self-managing teams • Western idea that workers who are given more freedom in decision-making will increase productivity and satisfaction • Similar to another modern trend, ‘semi- autonomous work groups’ (organizational structures with flattened hierarchies)—highly effective in the right circumstances, but may be counterproductive in some cultures
  • 17. Joint ventures in China • ‘China fever,’ many joint ventures have been failures in financial terms (only 44% report meeting profit targets) • Cultural differences play a major role in exacerbating market-related difficulties such as guanxi relationships that are based on mutual trust and willingness to enter into long term commercial relationships
  • 18. Guanxi • Key element for successful commercial transactions in China • Westerners regard a business relationship as short-term transactions where each party tries to maximize its benefits • Even if guanxi is accounted for, ‘outsider status of Western companies may affect success
  • 19. Selecting International Managers • Psychological literature emphasizes interpersonal and cross-cultural skills as key determinants of success, but technical ability and job performance continue to be major selection criteria • ‘Coffee-machine system’ refers to candidates being selected based on personal recommendations
  • 20. Motivation to undertake expat assignments • The decision to send executives abroad is often made on an ad-hoc basis dictated by market forces rather than staff career development, motives of sojourners are largely ignored, and their willingness to go abroad taken for granted (Spiess and Wittmann, 1999)
  • 21. Expatriate Adjustment • Cultural distance • Extent of social support • Actual or perceived treatment by host society • Extent of sojourn experience contributing to career advancement
  • 22. Cultural Distance • Western expats based in Europe experience fewer difficulties than those working in Africa • German managers in U.S. report greater cultural awareness, knowledge and work satisfaction than their American counterparts in Japan • Mangers posted to similar cultures are less sensitive to differences that do exist and may attribute problems to personal deficiencies
  • 23. Host Attitudes • Greater perceived host ethnocentrism (measured by items reflecting perceived cultural superiority and intolerance) was negatively associated with work adjustment and commitment to the local branch of the organization (Florkowski and Fogel, 1999)
  • 24. Expats Abroad • Between 20 and 50% return prematurely, a financial burden on companies • ‘realistic job interview’ or preview, meant to alert applicants to negative and positive aspects of the job are not in regular use with respect to international assignments
  • 25. Expatriate Women • Women are under-represented in expat assignments due to myths that inhibit women from being offered overseas assignments such as assumptions by managers that women do not want to work overseas (Adler, 1977) • Studies show a reluctance by both men and women when cultural distance is high (women reluctant to accept assignments in Vietnam, Saudi Arabia and Indonesia) Kogut and Singh, 1988
  • 26. Expatriate Women • Both men and women are equally successful but adjustment is to some extent affected by the work values of host culture • Married females are better adjusted than single females • Company support has significant effect • Women in higher level positions report more positive experiences
  • 27. Repatriation • Up to 80% of expats suffer culture shock during repatriation. Adler (1977) found that 1 in 5 employees want to leave organization after returning; less than half receive promotions; two-thirds feel sojourn had an adverse affect on careers; nearly half believe their re-entry position is less satisfying than overseas assignment • Expectations and outcomes strongly linked
  • 28. Inpatriation • Employing inpatriate managers is advantageous based on their knowledge of local business; can serve as informal mentors to expat managers; provide local perspectives on business plans; better position to communicate with local suppliers and government officials; less expensive • MNC reluctant to hire foreign managers based on desire to maintain tight control, but the future will see steady growth of inpatriation