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(Apache Hadoop Sub Project)

 Story – Making of Apache Hive
 What is Apache Hive
 Physical Layout
 Hive CLI
 Hive QL
Introduction to Apache Hive
Can Elephants Fly?

Concern: Can hadoop be used more efficiently/fruitfully by developers?

                 © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved   3
Introduction to Apache Hive

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Big Data Warehousing: Pig vs. Hive Comparison
Big Data Warehousing: Pig vs. Hive ComparisonBig Data Warehousing: Pig vs. Hive Comparison
Big Data Warehousing: Pig vs. Hive Comparison

In a recent Big Data Warehousing Meetup in NYC, Caserta Concepts partnered with Datameer to explore big data analytics techniques. In the presentation, we made a Hive vs. Pig Comparison. For more information on our services or this presentation, please visit www.casertaconcepts.com or contact us at info (at) casertaconcepts.com. http://www.casertaconcepts.com

map reducedata warehousepig and hadoop
Oracle Migration to Postgres in the Cloud
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Oracle Migration to Postgres in the Cloud

Join Marc Linster and Kachan Mohitey as they show you how to migrate from Oracle to Postgres in the cloud. This hands-on webinar will cover a number of topics including: Highlights include: • Identifying good migration candidates • Reviewing the key capabilities needed to run Postgres reliably in the cloud • Demoing on how to migrate tables, views, stored procedures, data, etc.

by EDB
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Improving Python and Spark Performance and Interoperability with Apache Arrow
Improving Python and Spark Performance and Interoperability with Apache ArrowImproving Python and Spark Performance and Interoperability with Apache Arrow
Improving Python and Spark Performance and Interoperability with Apache Arrow

This document discusses improving Python and Spark performance and interoperability with Apache Arrow. It begins with an overview of current limitations of PySpark UDFs, such as inefficient data movement and scalar computation. It then introduces Apache Arrow, an open source in-memory columnar data format, and how it can help by allowing more efficient data sharing and vectorized computation. The document shows how Arrow improved PySpark UDF performance by 53x through vectorization and reduced serialization. It outlines future plans to further optimize UDFs and integration with Spark and other projects.

Thinking…. ?
Step 1. Give him Wings

                                                        Mr. Hadoop energizing himself.

         © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved                           5
Thinking… ?
Step 2. Pray to Gravity

Thanks to gravity, sky never fell down on us ;)
But wait 2012 is not yet over. Keep Praying.

                     Mr. Hadoop enjoying his first air ride.

   “God did not create the universe, gravity did” - Stephen Hawking

                   © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved   6
© 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved   7
Upshot of the down-fall

              Victims                                                          Mr. Hadoo
                                                                                        p – The Fly
                                                                                                   ing Elephan

Blame Gravity! The Fall will have a huge impact.

                           © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved                                  8

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The Columnar Era: Leveraging Parquet, Arrow and Kudu for High-Performance Ana...
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The Columnar Era: Leveraging Parquet, Arrow and Kudu for High-Performance Ana...

1) Columnar formats like Parquet, Kudu and Arrow provide more efficient data storage and querying by organizing data by column rather than row. 2) Parquet provides an immutable columnar format well-suited for storage, while Kudu allows for mutable updates but is optimized for scans. Arrow provides an in-memory columnar format focused on CPU efficiency. 3) By establishing common in-memory and on-disk columnar standards, Arrow and Parquet enable more efficient data sharing and querying across systems without serialization overhead.

hadoop summit
Authoring and Hosting Applications on YARN using Slider
Authoring and Hosting Applications on YARN using SliderAuthoring and Hosting Applications on YARN using Slider
Authoring and Hosting Applications on YARN using Slider

The document discusses authoring and hosting applications on YARN using Slider. It provides an overview of Slider, which allows deploying and managing applications on a YARN cluster. It then covers topics like simplified packaging that makes it easier to run simple applications, application upgrades using rolling upgrades without downtime, security enhancements like application keytabs and certificate stores, and integration with Docker to deploy Dockerized applications on YARN via Slider.

apache hadoophadoop summithadoop
Enabling Diverse Workload Scheduling in YARN
Enabling Diverse Workload Scheduling in YARNEnabling Diverse Workload Scheduling in YARN
Enabling Diverse Workload Scheduling in YARN

The document discusses enabling diverse workload scheduling in YARN. It covers several topics including node labeling, resource preemption, reservation systems, pluggable scheduler behavior, and Docker container support in YARN. The presenters are Wangda Tan and Craig Welch from Hortonworks who have experience with big data systems like Hadoop, YARN, and OpenMPI. They aim to discuss how these features can help different types of workloads like batch, interactive, and real-time jobs run together more happily in YARN.

hadoophortonworkshadoop summit
Introduction to Apache Hive
Saving Life…
                                  Step1. Shrink


          ACME Elephant Shrinker


                        © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved   10
Saving Life…
Step2. Genetic Engineering & a bit of magic
         BEFORE                                                     AFTER

                                             Mr. Hadoop

                                                                    Ms. Hive

                    Injecting Insecto-receptors

            © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved              11
Introduction to Apache Hive

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Big Data Certification
Big Data CertificationBig Data Certification
Big Data Certification

This document provides information about Big Data certifications. It discusses why individuals and companies may want to pursue certifications, the various certification options available, what the certification tests entail, and next steps after completing a certification. Certifications can provide benefits like partnerships with vendors, discounts, and publicity for consulting firms and companies. The document outlines certification options for Hadoop developers, administrators, data analysts, and Spark developers from vendors like Cloudera, Hortonworks, and MapR. It provides sample exam objectives and available study materials. The certification tests are remotely proctored and may provide access to a test cluster. Results are typically available the same day, and the document recommends sharing the certification accomplishment with employers and professional networks

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SQL et in-memory sur Hadoop avec Pivotal et HAWQ
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SQL et in-memory sur Hadoop avec Pivotal et HAWQ

Pivotal, la plateforme Big Data signé EMC, embarque des technologies pour gérer des requêtes sql en mémoire très performante et pas que ... Présentation de Alexandre Vasseur et Jérôme Campo de Pivotal

Hd insight essentials quick view
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Hd insight essentials quick view

These slides provide highlights of my book HDInsight Essentials. Book link is here: http://www.packtpub.com/establish-a-big-data-solution-using-hdinsight/book

Behind the scenes…?

Hive was initially developed by Facebook.

 © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved   13
 Hive is a datawarehouse infrastructure built
  on top of hadoop.
 Supports analysis of large datasets stored in
  Hadoop compatible file systems like HDFS,
  Amazon S3 fs.
 Provides SQL-like query language called
 To accelerate queries, it provides indexing.

            © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved   14
   Warehouse directory in hdfs
     /user/hive/warehouse
   Tables ~ Subdirectories of warehouse
   Partitions ~ Subdirectories of corresponding
    Table directory.

               © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved   15
 Hive Queries are implicitly converted to map-
  reduce code by hive engine.
 Compiler translates all the queries into a
  directed acyclic graph of map-reduce jobs.
 These map-reduce jobs are sent to hadoop
  for execution.

            © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved   16

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Internet of things Crash Course Workshop
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This document provides an overview of real-time processing capabilities on Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP). It discusses how a trucking company uses HDP to analyze sensor data from trucks in real-time to monitor for violations and integrate predictive analytics. The company collects data using Kafka and analyzes it using Storm, HBase and Hive on Tez. This provides real-time dashboards as well as querying of historical data to identify issues with routes, trucks or drivers. The document explains components like Kafka, Storm and HBase and how they enable a unified YARN-based architecture for multiple workloads on a single HDP cluster.

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Double Your Hadoop Hardware Performance with SmartSense
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Hortonworks SmartSense provides proactive recommendations that improve cluster performance, security and operations. And since 30% of issues are configuration related, Hortonworks SmartSense makes an immediate impact on Hadoop system performance and availability, in some cases boosting hardware performance by two times. Learn how SmartSense can help you increase the efficiency of your Hadoop hardware, through customized cluster recommendations. View the on-demand webinar: https://hortonworks.com/webinar/boosts-hadoop-hardware-performance-2x-smartsense/

High-level Programming Languages: Apache Pig and Pig Latin
High-level Programming Languages: Apache Pig and Pig LatinHigh-level Programming Languages: Apache Pig and Pig Latin
High-level Programming Languages: Apache Pig and Pig Latin

This slide deck is used as an introduction to the Apache Pig system and the Pig Latin high-level programming language, as part of the Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing course I hold at Eurecom. Course website: http://michiard.github.io/DISC-CLOUD-COURSE/ Sources available here: https://github.com/michiard/DISC-CLOUD-COURSE

hadooppig latinoptimization
   /user/hive directory is created automatically as soon
    as hive session is started first time.
   /user/hive/warehouse directory shall be accessible
    by all.
     hadoop dfs -chmod –R 1777 /user/hive/warehouse
   Recommended to activate sticky bit if supported by
    the hadoop version installed on cluster.
   /tmp directory shall also be made as a sticky
     hadoop dfs –chmod –R 1777 /tmp

                © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved   17
   Hive CLI(Command Line Interface) can be
    invoked by hive command.
     % hive

               © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved   18
© 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved   19
Introduction to Apache Hive

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Big data overview by Edgars
Big data overview by EdgarsBig data overview by Edgars
Big data overview by Edgars

Big Data" šodien ir viens no populārākajiem mārketinga saukļiem, kas tiek pamatoti un nepamatoti izmantots, runājot par (lielu?) datu uzglabāšanu un apstrādi. Prezentācijā es aplūkošu, kas tad patiesībā ir "big data" no tehnoloģijju viedokļa, kādi ir galvenie izmantošanas scenāriji un ieguvumi. Prezentācijā apskatīšu tādas tehnoloģijas kā Hadoop, HDFS, MapReduce, Impala, Sparc, Pig, Hive un citas. Tāpat tiks apskatīta integrācija ar tradicionālām DBVS un galvenie izmantošanas scenāriji.

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How to Use Apache Zeppelin with HWX HDB
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How to Use Apache Zeppelin with HWX HDB

Part five in a five-part series, this webcast will be a demonstration of the integration of Apache Zeppelin and Pivotal HDB. Apache Zeppelin is a web-based notebook that enables interactive data analytics. You can make beautiful data-driven, interactive and collaborative documents with SQL, Scala and more. This webinar will demonstrate the configuration of the psql interpreter and the basic operations of Apache Zeppelin when used in conjunction with Hortonworks HDB.

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Introduction to pig
Introduction to pigIntroduction to pig
Introduction to pig

This document provides an introduction to Apache Pig, including: - Pig is a system for processing large unstructured data using HDFS and MapReduce. It uses a high-level data flow language called Pig Latin. - Pig aims to increase programmer productivity by abstracting low-level MapReduce jobs and providing a procedural language for parallel data flows. - Pig components include the Pig engine for parsing, optimizing, and executing queries, and the Grunt shell for running interactive commands. - The document then covers Pig data types, input/output, relational operations, user-defined functions, and new features in Pig version 0.10.0.

 DML’s
  ▪ Select
 DDL’s

          © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved   21
Introduction to Apache Hive
© 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved   23
   Normal Tables are created under warehouse
    directory. (source Data migrates to warehouse)
   Normal Tables are directly visible through hdfs
    directory browsing.
   On Dropping a normal table, the source data and
    table meta data both are deleted.
   External Tables read directly from hdfs files.
   External tables not visible in warehouse
   On Dropping an external table, only the meta
    data is deleted but not the source data.

              © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved   24

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DeathStar: Easy, Dynamic, Multi-Tenant HBase via YARN
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DeathStar: Easy, Dynamic, Multi-Tenant HBase via YARN

DeathStar is a system that runs HBase on YARN to provide easy, dynamic multi-tenant HBase clusters via YARN. It allows different applications to run HBase in separate application-specific clusters on a shared HDFS and YARN infrastructure. This provides strict isolation between applications and enables dynamic scaling of clusters as needed. Some key benefits are improved cluster utilization, easier capacity planning and configuration, and the ability to start new clusters on demand without lengthy provisioning times.

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S3Guard: What's in your consistency model?
S3Guard: What's in your consistency model?S3Guard: What's in your consistency model?
S3Guard: What's in your consistency model?

S3Guard provides a consistent metadata store for S3 using DynamoDB. It allows file system operations on S3, like listing and getting file status, to be consistent by checking results from S3 against metadata stored in DynamoDB. Mutating operations write to both S3 and DynamoDB, while read operations first check S3 results against DynamoDB to handle eventual consistency in S3. The goal is to improve performance of real workloads by providing consistent metadata operations on S3 objects written with S3Guard enabled.

Large Scale Performance Monitoring for ElasticSearch, HBase, Solr, SenseiDB, ...
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Description of how Sematext SPM Performance Monitoring service is built and how it works. Originally presented at Berlin Buzzwords 2012.

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© 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved   25
© 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved   26
© 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved   27
 Hive QL supports Joins on only equality
  expressions. Complex boolean expressions,
  inequality conditions are not supported.
 More than 2 tables can be joined.
 Number of map-reduce jobs generated for a
  join depend on the columns being used.
     If same col is used for all the tables, then n=1
     Otherwise n>1

                © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved   28

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Hadoop2 new and noteworthy SNIA conf
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Hadoop2 new and noteworthy SNIA conf

The document is a presentation on new features in Hadoop 2. Some key highlights include: - Hadoop 2 introduces NameNode high availability to address single point of failure through an active-passive setup using shared storage. - Federation allows spreading metadata over multiple NameNodes for very large clusters. - Snapshots provide point-in-time copies of data for backup and recovery from deletes or disasters. - YARN separates processing from resource management, allowing various types of applications beyond batch processing.

Hadoop Overview
Hadoop Overview Hadoop Overview
Hadoop Overview

Hadoop is an open-source framework for distributed storage and processing of large datasets across clusters of commodity hardware. It addresses challenges in handling large amounts of data in a scalable, cost-effective manner. While early adoption was in web companies, enterprises are increasingly adopting Hadoop to gain insights from new sources of big data. However, Hadoop deployment presents challenges for enterprises in areas like setup/configuration, skills, integration, management at scale, and backup/recovery. Greenplum HD addresses these challenges by providing an enterprise-ready Hadoop distribution with simplified deployment, flexible scaling of compute and storage, seamless analytics integration, and advanced management capabilities backed by enterprise support.

by EMC
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Track B-2: Advancing Collaboration & eLearning to Achieve Mission Goals, ...
Track B-2: Advancing Collaboration & eLearning to Achieve Mission Goals, ...Track B-2: Advancing Collaboration & eLearning to Achieve Mission Goals, ...
Track B-2: Advancing Collaboration & eLearning to Achieve Mission Goals, ...

This document summarizes a presentation about Adobe Connect for government use. It discusses how government agencies are using Adobe Connect for online training and collaboration. It also outlines Adobe's plans to support HTML5 to allow access without Flash and achieve FedRAMP compliance. The presentation demonstrates current HTML5 capabilities and indicates Adobe is working to fully deliver Adobe Connect via HTML5 as browsers progress.

© 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved   29
 HiveQL Doesn’t follow SQL-92 standard
 Lack support
     No Materialized views
     No Transaction level support
     Limited Sub-query support

               © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved   30
Hadoop – Entering into the new world!

    © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved   31
Reach me

                    Tapan Avasthi
Associate Software Developer Intern, Travelocity Global

        © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved   32

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Introduction to Apache Hive

  • 1. APACHE HIVE (Apache Hadoop Sub Project) Agenda:  Story – Making of Apache Hive  What is Apache Hive  Physical Layout  Hive CLI  Hive QL
  • 3. Can Elephants Fly? Concern: Can hadoop be used more efficiently/fruitfully by developers? © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved 3
  • 5. Thinking…. ? Step 1. Give him Wings Mr. Hadoop energizing himself. © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved 5
  • 6. Thinking… ? Step 2. Pray to Gravity Thanks to gravity, sky never fell down on us ;) But wait 2012 is not yet over. Keep Praying. Mr. Hadoop enjoying his first air ride. “God did not create the universe, gravity did” - Stephen Hawking © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved 6
  • 7. © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved 7
  • 8. Upshot of the down-fall Victims Mr. Hadoo p – The Fly ing Elephan t Blame Gravity! The Fall will have a huge impact. © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved 8
  • 10. Saving Life… Step1. Shrink BEFORE - ACME Elephant Shrinker AFTER - © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved 10
  • 11. Saving Life… Step2. Genetic Engineering & a bit of magic BEFORE AFTER Mr. Hadoop Ms. Hive Injecting Insecto-receptors © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved 11
  • 13. Behind the scenes…? Hive was initially developed by Facebook. © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved 13
  • 14.  Hive is a datawarehouse infrastructure built on top of hadoop.  Supports analysis of large datasets stored in Hadoop compatible file systems like HDFS, Amazon S3 fs.  Provides SQL-like query language called HiveQL.  To accelerate queries, it provides indexing. © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved 14
  • 15. Warehouse directory in hdfs  /user/hive/warehouse  Tables ~ Subdirectories of warehouse  Partitions ~ Subdirectories of corresponding Table directory. © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved 15
  • 16.  Hive Queries are implicitly converted to map- reduce code by hive engine.  Compiler translates all the queries into a directed acyclic graph of map-reduce jobs.  These map-reduce jobs are sent to hadoop for execution. © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved 16
  • 17. /user/hive directory is created automatically as soon as hive session is started first time.  /user/hive/warehouse directory shall be accessible by all.  hadoop dfs -chmod –R 1777 /user/hive/warehouse  Recommended to activate sticky bit if supported by the hadoop version installed on cluster.  /tmp directory shall also be made as a sticky directory.  hadoop dfs –chmod –R 1777 /tmp © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved 17
  • 18. Hive CLI(Command Line Interface) can be invoked by hive command.  % hive © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved 18
  • 19. © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved 19
  • 21.  DML’s ▪ Select  DDL’s ▪ SHOW TABLES ▪ CREATE TABLE ▪ ALTER TABLE ▪ DROP TABLE © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved 21
  • 23. © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved 23
  • 24. Normal Tables are created under warehouse directory. (source Data migrates to warehouse)  Normal Tables are directly visible through hdfs directory browsing.  On Dropping a normal table, the source data and table meta data both are deleted.  External Tables read directly from hdfs files.  External tables not visible in warehouse directory.  On Dropping an external table, only the meta data is deleted but not the source data. © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved 24
  • 25. © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved 25
  • 26. © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved 26
  • 27. © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved 27
  • 28.  Hive QL supports Joins on only equality expressions. Complex boolean expressions, inequality conditions are not supported.  More than 2 tables can be joined.  Number of map-reduce jobs generated for a join depend on the columns being used.  If same col is used for all the tables, then n=1  Otherwise n>1 © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved 28
  • 29. © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved 29
  • 30.  HiveQL Doesn’t follow SQL-92 standard  Lack support  No Materialized views  No Transaction level support  Limited Sub-query support © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved 30
  • 31. Hadoop – Entering into the new world! © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved 31
  • 32. Reach me Tapan Avasthi Associate Software Developer Intern, Travelocity Global tapan.avasthi@travelocity.com tapan.k.avasthi@gmail.com © 2012 Sabre Holdings Pvt. Ltd. | All rights reserved 32