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Subject: Entrepreneurship and
Enterprise Development
Dhruba Nepal
• The BOSS !!!!
• The Business Owner
• The Risk Taker
• One Who Starts A
New Business
• The Resourceful Guy
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
French Word Origin
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
According to George Glider –
From “The Spirit of the Enterprise”
“It is making the World forever NEW.
It is taking AGGRESSIVE Actions.”
According to Joseph Schumpeter
“It is destroying the old order
and creating new ones.”
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple

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Introduction to entrepreneurship
Introduction to entrepreneurshipIntroduction to entrepreneurship
Introduction to entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship involves recognizing business opportunities, managing risk, and mobilizing resources to create value and bring a project to fruition. An entrepreneur undertakes the formation of an organization by identifying potential demand and transforming it into supply. Successful entrepreneurs search for and exploit changes as opportunities, believing in increasing value and customer satisfaction. Entrepreneurship provides employment, increases purchasing power, and promotes regional development. However, entrepreneurs face issues in selecting and financing their business, choosing an appropriate legal structure, locating it, and finding suitable manpower.

Sources of capital for entrepreneurial ventures
Sources of capital for entrepreneurial venturesSources of capital for entrepreneurial ventures
Sources of capital for entrepreneurial ventures

To be able to distinguish among the five forms of entrepreneurial capital To consider how to attract financing from your family and how to bootstrap a business To identify how informal investors differ from other parts of the funding community To differentiate between debt and equity as methods of financing To examine commercial loans, social lending and public stock offerings as sources of capital To understand the stages of venture investing To study the market for venture capital and to review venture capitalists’ evaluation criteria for new ventures To discuss the importance of evaluating venture capitalists for a ‘best fit’ selection To discuss private placements as an opportunity for equity capital To examine the business angel market To describe new forms of entrepreneurial capital beyond financial capital To be familiar with Islamic finance and micro-credit To understand the criteria used by impact investors To appreciate the need for raising natural capital as part of an entrepreneurial venture.

fionancingventure capitallending
Entrepreneur & Entrepreneurship Development
Entrepreneur & Entrepreneurship Development Entrepreneur & Entrepreneurship Development
Entrepreneur & Entrepreneurship Development

Being an entrepreneur can be challenging, rewarding, frustrating, satisfying, disappointing, and exhilarating. To help you through all the highs and lows of starting your own enterprise here is easy to understand guide with basic fundamentals of entrepreneurship being explained.

The Entrepreneurial Mindset
Opportunity Seizing
Opportunity Screening
Opportunity Seeking
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
-In a Business Sense,
it is an Idea that has
-Something you can make money with,
develop a business around it,
or create value with it.
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
• Mastery Of Self1
• Mastery of Opportunity2
• Mastery of The
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Traits of An Entrepreneur: D’s
• Dream
• Determined
• Details
• Dollar
• Decision
• Doer
• Distribute
• Destiny
• Devotion
• Dedication
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple

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The document outlines 15 key characteristics of a successful entrepreneur: 1. Hard work, business acumen, sincerity, prudence, achievement motivation, self-reliance, optimism, foresight, planning ability, innovativeness, risk-taking, secrecy maintenance, public relations skills, communication skills, and leadership. Successful entrepreneurs are passionate learners who work hard, take calculated risks, plan effectively, and have strong communication and people skills.

characteristicsentrepreneurcharacteristics of an entrepreneur
Entrepreneurship as a career
Entrepreneurship as a careerEntrepreneurship as a career
Entrepreneurship as a career

Presentation on Entrepreneurship as a viable career option for school leavers and college/university graduates.

Chapter 1 concept and nature of entrepreneurship
Chapter 1 concept and nature of entrepreneurshipChapter 1 concept and nature of entrepreneurship
Chapter 1 concept and nature of entrepreneurship

This document provides an overview of entrepreneurship including: the concept of entrepreneurship and importance of entrepreneurship; functions and characteristics of entrepreneurs; differences between entrepreneurs and managers; the entrepreneurial process involving identifying opportunities, developing a business plan, determining required resources, and managing the enterprise; and the ethics and social responsibility of entrepreneurship.

Traits of An Entrepreneur: F’s
• Founder
• Faith
• Focused
• Frugal
• Fast
• Fun
• Flexible
• Forever Improving
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Social Entrepreneurship
Business Entrepreneurship
Techno Entrepreneurship
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Compelling Reasons Why Do We
Need Entrepreneurs???
• 90% of the World’s Jobs are Created By
• Problem Solvers
• Source of New Products and Innovation.
• It’s the Entrepreneurs- not the Central Bank
- that keeps the ECONOMY moving.
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Operator OrganizerIMPLEMENTER
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple

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10 Most Common Myths about Entrepreneuship
10 Most Common Myths about Entrepreneuship10 Most Common Myths about Entrepreneuship
10 Most Common Myths about Entrepreneuship

Every entrepreneur needs to be true and honest about their startup route, their skills and ability, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. Entrepreneurs are known to be risk takers, but for the average entrepreneur themselves, they believe non-entrepreneurs are the most risk-aversive people. According to them the safest path is to take control of their own lives, to construct their own world, and not be dependent on anyone. There is something about their stories which makes people uncomfortable. An economy that supports entrepreneurship, weakens the profession by wrapping it in destructive myths. A great number of social and cultural myths have been formed around the idea of what it really takes to be an entrepreneur.

entrepreneurbusinessbusiness opportunities

The document discusses various definitions and concepts of entrepreneurship from different scholars and authors. It defines entrepreneurship as a purposeful economic activity that involves innovation, risk-taking, organizing abilities and leadership. Entrepreneurship requires combining capital, technology and human intellect to undertake new production processes and introduce new products, sources of supply and techniques. The document also discusses different types of entrepreneurs such as innovative, imitative, habitual and serial entrepreneurs.

ENTREPRENEURship Management
ENTREPRENEURship ManagementENTREPRENEURship Management
ENTREPRENEURship Management

This document provides an overview of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs. It defines an entrepreneur as someone who starts and runs a business or organization, developing a business plan, obtaining financing, and hiring employees. Entrepreneurship involves innovation, risk-taking, and identifying market opportunities. Successful entrepreneurs often differentiate their ventures through innovation, product uniqueness, and focusing on niche markets. Government policies can encourage entrepreneurship and economic growth by supporting small businesses and creating incentives for new ventures.

Entrepreneur's roles and
Towards :
 Customers : quality products at fair price;
Society/community : job creation and
environmental conservation/protection.
Suppliers : paying in time as agreed.
Staff : promote welfare of staffs.
Competitors : Observe business ethics with
Country: pay taxes in time and correct amount.
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Entrepreneurial process
Process of creating and managing a new
1. Identify and evaluate opportunity.
Opportunity is favorable condition.
- Should have significant market size.
- Real and perceived value should be high
- Suitable in terms of risk and return
- Match personal capacity (knowledge and skill)
and goals,
- Should have competitive advantage.
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Entrepreneurial process
2. Develop business plan
Business plan is future direction and it
comprises all aspects of business.
3. Determine and obtain resource requirement
4. Manage the enterprise
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Importance of entrepreneurship
1. Formation of capital/resource mobilization
2. Fulfilling people’s needs
3. Employment generation
4. Balanced regional development
5. Promotion of export
6. Substituting import
7. Contributing to national economy
8. Distribution of wealth
9. Contribution to government by paying taxes
You may add more ….
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple

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Characteristics of a successful entrepreneur
Characteristics of a successful entrepreneurCharacteristics of a successful entrepreneur
Characteristics of a successful entrepreneur

Successful entrepreneurs exhibit creativity by developing new ideas and concepts to solve problems or discover niche markets. They are also innovative in converting new ideas into successful products or services. Entrepreneurs must be flexible and multi-skilled to carry out various tasks across different business areas like human resources, accounting, and promotion. They are also goal-oriented in setting clear targets for themselves and employees to achieve the business aims. Entrepreneurs persevere through challenges by continuing their efforts in the face of adversity and rethinking ideas when businesses seem to be failing. They also take calculated risks by pursuing ventures only if costs and benefits analysis show potential for profit.

csec principles of business
Theories of entrepreneurship
Theories of entrepreneurshipTheories of entrepreneurship
Theories of entrepreneurship

Schumpeter's theory of entrepreneurship defines the entrepreneur as an innovator who introduces new products, services, production methods, markets or sources of supply. This drives economic development. McClelland's need for achievement theory sees entrepreneurs as driven by a need to achieve and take responsibility, rather than external rewards. Leibenstein's X-efficiency theory argues entrepreneurs reduce inefficiencies in resource use. Knight's risk bearing theory views profit as the reward entrepreneurs earn for taking on non-insurable risks.

Social and ethical entrepreneurship
Social and ethical entrepreneurshipSocial and ethical entrepreneurship
Social and ethical entrepreneurship

Examine the concepts of the social entrepreneur and the social business Explore the mind-set of social entrepreneurs Introduce the concept of ecopreneurship Define the term ethics and the implications for entrepreneurs Examine environmental crime and its temptations for entrepreneurs Examine cross-cultural concepts of ethics and corruption Examine the ethics of criminal entrepreneurs and their similarities to other entrepreneurs Focus on the challenges that face disadvantaged entrepreneurs

entrepreneurshipethicsdisadvantaged entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurial venture
Mainly three types by nature:
1. Salary substitute firm– Just to do anything
because an entrepreneur does not have
salary-paying job. Not much innovative.
2. Life-style firm – Largely based on habits or
3. Entrepreneurial firm – Produce and serve
new product or service, e.g. Google,
Facebook, e-Midas, Chandragiri Ropeway
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Types of Entrepreneurs
A. Based on innovation
i) Innovating :Introducing new product or new
methods or new methods of production.
ii) Imitating or adaptive: Imitate other’s
success in business.
iii) Fabian: Display great caution and doubt in
experimenting something. When something
becomes successful, then only adopt.
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Types of Entrepreneurs
B. Based on behavior
i) Solo-entrepreneur : Do the business alone, if
needed with few staff.
ii) Active and sleeping : Like active and sleeping
iii) Inventor : Likes to start new idea in business.
iv) Challenger: Likes to do business only there is
v) Buyer : Buy business which is already doing well.
vi) Life timer : Always gets engaged in business.
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Types of Entrepreneurs
C. Based on background
i) Woman entrepreneur
ii) Minority : Minority people run the business.
Govt has decided ethnic groups having less
than 0.5 percent population are minority for
election purpose. The are 98 groups in Nepal.
iii) Immigrant : Entreprenur who comes from other
country or place and start.
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple

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Theories of Entrepreneurship
Theories of EntrepreneurshipTheories of Entrepreneurship
Theories of Entrepreneurship

This document summarizes several theories of entrepreneurship from economic, sociological, and psychological perspectives. It discusses theories such as the economic theory viewing entrepreneurs as risk takers, the sociological theory that entrepreneurship is influenced by social and cultural values, and the psychological theory of achievement motivation positing that individuals with a high need for achievement are more likely to become entrepreneurs. It also summarizes theories related to status withdrawal, social change, leadership, personality, and systematic innovation.

theories of entrepreneurshipentrepreneurship theories
Role of Entrepreneur
Role of EntrepreneurRole of Entrepreneur
Role of Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs plays an important role in developing countries as well as developed countries. What are the role played by them is mentioned in this presentation. Presentation Created and Managed by Naveen Minj.

enterpreneurhuman resourcemanagment
Types of entreprenuer
Types of entreprenuerTypes of entreprenuer
Types of entreprenuer

There are several ways to classify types of entrepreneurs based on factors like the type of business, use of technology, ownership structure, gender, size of enterprise, and behavior. Some of the main types include trading entrepreneurs, manufacturing entrepreneurs, agricultural entrepreneurs, technical entrepreneurs, non-technical entrepreneurs, private entrepreneurs, state entrepreneurs, joint entrepreneurs, men entrepreneurs, women entrepreneurs, small-scale entrepreneurs, medium-scale entrepreneurs, large-scale entrepreneurs, solo operators, active partners, inventors, challengers, buyers, and life-timers. An entrepreneur is ultimately someone who creates a product or service that people will buy by building an organization to support sales of that product or service.

Types of Entrepreneurs
C. Based on background
iii) Part-time entrepreneur
iv) Home-based
iii) Family business : Chaudhary, Khetan, Hulas
iv) Corpreneur – Couple (husband and wife)
runs the business.
v) Intrapreneur/corporate entrepreneur
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Types of Entrepreneurs
D. Scale of business
i) Small scale
ii) Medium scale
iii) Large scale
See Industrial Enterprise Act 2073
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Types of Entrepreneur
E. Based on nature of output
i) Industrial
ii) Service
iii) Trade
iv) Social service (not-for-profit)
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Why to become an entrepreneur ?
a. To be own boss
- Those who have trouble accepting other’s
- To benefit from own idea and hard work to
b. To pursue own idea
- If own idea is unheard in a big company.
- Hobby, leisure activity encourage to take initiative.
c. To pursue financial rewards
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple

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Concept of entrepreneurship (1)
Concept of entrepreneurship (1)Concept of entrepreneurship (1)
Concept of entrepreneurship (1)

The document discusses the evolution and concepts of entrepreneurship. It begins by outlining how entrepreneurship emerged as a factor of production in the 14th century with tax contractors. It then summarizes key thinkers' contributions, including Schumpeter viewing entrepreneurs as innovators. The document also defines entrepreneurship and an entrepreneur, examines theories of entrepreneurship including economic, sociological, and psychological perspectives. It discusses problems inhibiting entrepreneurship growth in India and concludes by comparing the pros and cons of entrepreneurship and defining intrapreneurship.

Chapter 2 Steps in entrepreneurial process(entrepreneurship)
Chapter 2 Steps in entrepreneurial process(entrepreneurship)Chapter 2 Steps in entrepreneurial process(entrepreneurship)
Chapter 2 Steps in entrepreneurial process(entrepreneurship)

The document outlines the 5 key stages in the entrepreneurial process: 1) Discovery - generating business ideas and recognizing opportunities 2) Concept Development - creating a business plan and choosing a location 3) Resourcing - identifying financial, human, and capital resources for startup 4) Actualization - operating the business and utilizing resources to achieve goals 5) Harvesting - deciding on the business's future growth, development or closure

Entrepreneurship Slides
Entrepreneurship SlidesEntrepreneurship Slides
Entrepreneurship Slides

This document outlines the objectives, learning outcomes, syllabus, and reading materials for an entrepreneurship course. The objectives are to familiarize students with entrepreneurship concepts, develop startup skills, and create business plans. Learning outcomes include comprehending entrepreneurship terminology, innovating startup ideas, and devising business strategies and plans. The syllabus covers topics like the evolution of entrepreneurship, business opportunities, marketing, and franchising. Recommended reading materials on the subject are also provided.

Myths of Entrepreneurs
Myth 1 : Entrepreneurs are born, not made.
Truth: Entrepreneurs can be developed by study, coaching,
counseling and providing conducive environment.
Myth 2 : Entrepreneurs are doers, not thinkers.
Truth: It is combination of thinking and doing.
Myth 3
Entrepreneurs are always inventors.
Truth: Not necessarily. Entrepreneur may turn invention into
a good business package.
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Myths of Entrepreneurs
Myth 4 : Entrepreneurs are academic and social
Truth: Entrepreneur is considered a hero – socially,
economically and academically. No longer a
misfit, but viewed as a professional role model.
Myth 5 : Entrepreneurs must fit the profile.
Truth: Compiling standard entrepreneurial profile
is difficult. However, in India contemporary
studies show different entrepreneurs:
business, social, educational, technical etc.
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Myths of Entrepreneurs
Myth 6 : All entrepreneurs need is money.
Truth: For entrepreneurs with innovative idea
can mobilize resources .
Myth 7 : All entrepreneurs need a luck.
Truth: Luck happens when preparation meets
opportunity. Luck strikes only when
preparation, determination, desire,
knowledge and innovativeness.
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Myths of Entrepreneurs
Myth 8 : Entrepreneurship is unstructured and chaotic.
Truth: As many activities are to be done, an
entrepreneur is messy. But, a successful and busy
person does things planned and organized manner.
Myth 9 : Most entrepreneurial initiatives fail.
Truth: As per Kirchoff’s study, 50% of new ventures
failed, but entrepreneurs learned something from
failure and became stronger next time. Learning
from failure is ‘Corridor Principle’.
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple

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The document discusses entrepreneurship as a career path. It defines entrepreneurship as designing, launching, and running a new business, and an entrepreneur as someone who recognizes opportunities and takes risks to start a business venture. It outlines five levels of entrepreneurial development from self-employed to true entrepreneur. It also lists common traits of entrepreneurs like self-awareness, courage, and perseverance. The document emphasizes the importance of entrepreneurship for job creation, economic growth, and introducing new products and services. It identifies some core competencies and common small business opportunities in the Philippines.

Entrepreneur Entrepreneur

1. Entrepreneurship refers to starting a business to generate a profit while undertaking most of the risks and rewards. An entrepreneur combines resources like capital, labor, and materials to provide goods or services. 2. Entrepreneurship is important for economic growth, innovation, and job creation. It allows people to pursue their career goals independently. 3. Teaching entrepreneurship to high school students helps prepare them for career opportunities, think creatively, and develop skills like critical thinking that are useful for decision making. It also exposes students to real-world business examples.


This document discusses the history and evolution of entrepreneurship in India from ancient times to the present. It provides details on entrepreneurship during different historical periods like the Indus Valley civilization, Gupta era, Mughal age, and colonial era. The document also discusses the importance of innovation for entrepreneurs today and lists the top 10 richest Indian women entrepreneurs. It defines the functions and types of entrepreneurs and concludes by covering topics like women entrepreneurs in India and the opportunities and challenges they face.

enterpreneural development & business ethicsed&beb.com general notes
Myths of Entrepreneurs
Myth 10 : Entrepreneurs are extreme risk
takers … the gamblers.
Truth: Entrepreneurs take gambling, but
calculated risk. Most successful
entrepreneurs work hard through planning
and preparation – to minimize the risk
involved and better control the destiny of
their vision.
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Difference between Manager and Entrepreneur
Basis Manager Entrepreneur
Motive Provide service to already
established enterprise.
Start or develop own venture.
Status Employee Owner
Risk bearing Does not bear risk Bears risk
Role Implementer of the
innovation of the
Innovator – exploitation of
Reward Salary, bonus Profit
Qualification Academic degree and
Risk taker, innovator, organizer
Emphasis Internal environment
External environment
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Difference between Entrepreneur and Owner
Basis Entrepreneur Owner
Meaning Organizes and manages an
Invests money in enterprise.
Risk Take risks Does not take much risks.
Status quo Does not prefer status quo. May prefer status quo until
profit is assured.
Prefers experimentation. Does not prefer
Nature of
Normally wishes to run
large business
Normally carries small
Expansion Always expand business
prone to expand.
Not very prone to expand
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Small Business vs Entrepreneurship
Basis Small Business Entrepreneurship
Dealing Deal with established
products and services
Provides innovating offering
Aim Slow growth, low
Rapid growth with high
Nature of risk Take normally known/low
Deal with high and unknown
Focus Limited area Large area
Ability Lack analytical and
predictive ability
Have analytical and predictive
Reward Less profit, reward High profit, reward.
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple

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Entrepreneurship combines resources like land, labor, and capital to manufacture goods or provide services. It involves creating a business plan and building a business to generate profit. Entrepreneurship is an important driver of economic growth, innovation, and allows people to take control of their careers. For students, entrepreneurship education helps them think creatively, gain confidence, and prepares them for livelihood even before college by exposing them to opportunities and teaching critical thinking skills.


This document defines entrepreneurship and different types of entrepreneurs. It discusses why people choose to become entrepreneurs and the personality traits of successful entrepreneurs. Specifically, it defines entrepreneurs as innovators who take on the risk of starting new businesses. It identifies several types of entrepreneurs, including innovative entrepreneurs who create new ideas, imitating entrepreneurs who follow others' ideas, and social entrepreneurs who drive social change. The document also explains that people become entrepreneurs for reasons like being their own boss, financial success, and flexibility. Finally, it lists traits like vision, energy, creativity, and risk-taking that are common among successful entrepreneurs.

Intro to Entrepreneurship Concept- Grade 12
Intro to Entrepreneurship Concept- Grade 12Intro to Entrepreneurship Concept- Grade 12
Intro to Entrepreneurship Concept- Grade 12

This document provides information about entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs. It defines entrepreneurship as the process of starting a new business, and an entrepreneur as someone who takes on the risk of a new business venture. It discusses the importance of entrepreneurship in generating wealth and jobs. In the Philippines, many family-owned businesses have become large corporations. The document also outlines characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, grouping them into achievement, planning, and power competencies. Students are asked to assess their own entrepreneurial competencies.

Functions of Entrepreneurs
Can be categorized in four categories.
1. Managerial functions
2. Entrepreneurial functions
3. Promotional functions
4. Commercial functions.
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Functions of Entrepreneurs
1. Entrepreneurial functions
i) Risk bearing –
Uncertainty in different aspects cause risk.
Entrepreneur takes risk.
ii) Organizing/coordinating – Organizing
people, land, capital – different resources.
iii) Innovating –
Introducing new product, opening to new
market, discovering new source of supply of
raw materials, new form of organization.
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Functions of Entrepreneurs
2. Managerial functions
i) Planning
ii) Organizing
iii) Leading
iv) Controlling
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Functions of Entrepreneurs
3. Promotional functions
i) Identification and selection of business
idea – opportunity scanning and
ii) Preparation of business plan
iii) Requirement for finance
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple

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the introduction to Entreprenuership.pptx
the introduction to  Entreprenuership.pptxthe introduction to  Entreprenuership.pptx
the introduction to Entreprenuership.pptx

The document discusses key aspects of entrepreneurship education, including course outcomes, assessment, and an overview presented by Mr. Z. Njoroge. The course aims to help students demonstrate knowledge of entrepreneurship, identify business opportunities, develop a business plan, and pitch their ideas. It will be assessed through assignments, a business proposal, and project. The overview discusses definitions of entrepreneurship, attributes of successful entrepreneurs, myths and benefits of entrepreneurship, and its contribution to the economy.

Entrepreneurship and Small Business: Unit No. 3
Entrepreneurship and Small Business: Unit No. 3Entrepreneurship and Small Business: Unit No. 3
Entrepreneurship and Small Business: Unit No. 3

As per PTU Syllabus BBA, Unit No. 3: Understanding Entrepreneurship: concept and definitions, entrepreneurial characteristics and skills, importance and significance of growth of entrepreneurial activity, classification and types of entrepreneurs; entrepreneurial competencies, theories of entrepreneurship, factor affecting entrepreneurial growth – economic, non-economic factors; entrepreneurial training; entrepreneurial success and failures, Ethics and Social Responsibility of an Entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurship development
Entrepreneurship developmentEntrepreneurship development
Entrepreneurship development

This document provides an overview of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial characteristics. It defines an entrepreneur as someone who recognizes opportunities, raises resources, and takes on risks to exploit opportunities. Key characteristics of successful entrepreneurs discussed include ambition, enthusiasm, creativity, decision-making ability, perseverance, and being a self-confident planner. Examples are given of entrepreneurs who demonstrated these traits, such as Steve Jobs of Apple. The document also distinguishes entrepreneurs from managers, noting that entrepreneurs take more risks as owners while managers are employees focused on implementation.

Functions of Entrepreneurs
4. Commercial functions
i) Production/manufacturing
ii) Marketing – 4 Ps (product, price,
promotion and physical distribution) plus 3
more Ps (packaging, people and process)
iii) Accounting – recording, classifying,
summarizing of transactions, preparing final
accounts, analysing and interpreting results.
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Differences between entrepreneurial
and managerial decision making
Basis Entrepreneurial decision Managerial decision
Driven by opportunity for
the new or existing ventures.
Driven by controlled resources
Nature of
Revolutionary Evolutionary
Stages of
Multiple stages of decisions
with minimal exposure
Single stage of decisions with
complete commitment of
Speed of
Quick as owner Slow because employee, so go
with process.
Philosophy of
For value creation For smooth operation
Culture Search for opportunities Search for opportunities restricted
by controlled resources.
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Corporate and entrepreneurial
Culture is a dynamic phenomenon
that surrounds us at all times, being
constantly enacted and created by our
interactions with others and shaped by
leadership behavior, and a set of structures,
routines, rules, and norms that guide and
constrain behavior.
- Edgar Schein, Organizational Culture and
Leadership, p. 1
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Corporate and entrepreneurial
Corporate culture
Values, norms, beliefs and behavior shared in
common in an organization. It is rooted in
organization’s goals, strategies, structure
and approaches.
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple

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Mkt#210 lecture 1 entrepreneurship development
Mkt#210 lecture 1 entrepreneurship developmentMkt#210 lecture 1 entrepreneurship development
Mkt#210 lecture 1 entrepreneurship development

This document discusses entrepreneurship and provides examples of entrepreneurs from Bangladesh and around the world. It profiles entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, as well as Bangladeshi entrepreneurs from companies like Square Group, Akij Group, Transcom Group, and Partex Group. The document also outlines the evolution of the concept of entrepreneur, defines what an entrepreneur is, and discusses different types and levels of entrepreneurs.

entrepreneurship developmentclass lecture of jahangirnagar university

This document discusses entrepreneurship and provides information about entrepreneurs. It defines entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs, identifies different types of entrepreneurs including megaentrepreneurs and microentrepreneurs. It outlines the importance of entrepreneurship such as generating wealth, decreasing poverty, and creating jobs and innovation. The document also discusses the relevance of entrepreneurship education for senior high school students and potential job opportunities in fields like business consulting, sales, and new venture creation. In the end, it prompts assessing understanding of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship and answering questions about career opportunities and characteristics of entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurship Concepts and Functions
Entrepreneurship Concepts and FunctionsEntrepreneurship Concepts and Functions
Entrepreneurship Concepts and Functions

What is entrepreneurship, who is an entrepreneur, what are his functions, case studies of famous Indian entrepreneur, Advantages of entrepreneurship, need of entrepreneur. Case Study Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI_YCKKLc4M

grade xicbseclass 11
Corporate and entrepreneurial
Corporate culture
Values, norms, beliefs and behavior shared in
common in an organization. It is rooted in
organization’s goals, strategies, structure
and approaches.
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Corporate and entrepreneurial
Corporate culture
1. Attempts to turn values into practice.
2. Puts high emphasis on human resources.
3. Emphasizes outcome.
4. Built around teamwork.
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Corporate and entrepreneurial
Entrepreneurial/Intrapreneurial culture
Culture that creates entre/intra-preneurial
environment which constantly motivates and
encourages employees to innovate, create and
take risks. It emphasizes pursuing change,
innovation, risk taking and exploring/exploiting
opportunities. It promotes growth,
performance, and success of the business.
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Corporate and entrepreneurial
Entrepreneurial/Intrapreneurial culture
1. New ideas encouraged.
2. Experimentation, trial and error
3. Failures allowed.
4. Resources are available and accessible.
5. Multi-disciplinary teamwork promoted.
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple

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Unit 01 Entreprenuership  14 7 2020.pptxUnit 01 Entreprenuership  14 7 2020.pptx
Unit 01 Entreprenuership 14 7 2020.pptx

This document outlines the topics to be covered in a course on entrepreneurship development. The topics include: 1. Definitions and concepts of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship. 2. The importance of entrepreneurial growth and a history of entrepreneurship in India. 3. Types of entrepreneurship like corporate entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship. 4. Characteristics and qualities of successful entrepreneurs. 5. Factors that influence entrepreneurial development like culture, motivation and the economy. It also lists assignment questions, learning objectives, and provides detailed notes on definitions, the significance of entrepreneurship and influences on entrepreneurial development.

Startnowhow 20.10.16 Entrepreneurship as a Profession
Startnowhow 20.10.16 Entrepreneurship as a ProfessionStartnowhow 20.10.16 Entrepreneurship as a Profession
Startnowhow 20.10.16 Entrepreneurship as a Profession

The document summarizes an entrepreneurship seminar series called StartNowHow. It provides details on the seminar topics, dates, guest speakers and literature references. The seminars cover theoretical and practical aspects of entrepreneurship through 10 monthly sessions. Upcoming topics include financial planning for startups and opportunity recognition and evaluation. The seminars aim to share experiences from entrepreneurs, investors and mentors. Registration is required through eventbrite for the English/Turkish language sessions held on Thursdays.

Entrepreneurial management
Entrepreneurial managementEntrepreneurial management
Entrepreneurial management

This document provides an overview of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial management. It defines entrepreneurship and discusses the characteristics and functions of entrepreneurs. The document also covers the role of entrepreneurship in economic development, factors that influence entrepreneurship, barriers to entrepreneurship, and differences between entrepreneurs, managers, and intrapreneurs. Key points include definitions of entrepreneurship from scholars like Cole and Cantillon, characteristics like innovativeness and risk-taking, functions such as identifying opportunities and raising funds, and factors that can influence entrepreneurs both internally and externally.

Corporate and entrepreneurial
Entrepreneurial/Intrapreneurial culture
6. Establishment of longtime horizon for evaluating
success of each program or venture.
7. A volunteer program which cannot be forced.
8. Appropriate reward system is built.
9. Availability of sponsorship.
10. Top management support.
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Intrapreneurial leadership
1. Understands the environment
2. Visionary
3. Flexible and creates options to management
4. Encourages teamwork
5. Encourages open discussion
6. Builds coalition and supportive environment
7. Persistence
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Actions and behaviors that encourage and
discourage creativity
At organizational level
• Failure to hire creative people
• Maintaining an organizational culture that
• Retaining people in the same job for years
• Promoting a mentality suggesting best
solutions are already known.
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Actions and behaviors that encourage and
discourage creativity
At organizational level
• Supporting and highlighting creativity’s
importance in all parts of the firm,
• Overtly rewarding creative idea and works,
• Investing resources to enhance creativity,
• Hiring people with different skills and view
points compared to current employees.
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple

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The document discusses the development of entrepreneurship theory from the 18th to 19th centuries. It mentions key theorists like Richard Cantillon, Jean Baptiste Says, and Joseph Schumpeter who contributed important concepts. It also defines what an entrepreneur is, lists their characteristics, and discusses the functions and essentials of entrepreneurship. The entrepreneurial process and components of entrepreneurship like opportunities, resources, and outputs are outlined.

Actions and behaviors that encourage and
discourage creativity
At individual/supervisory level
• Being pessimistic, judgmental or critical,
• Punishing people for failed ideas,
• Insisting on precision and certainty early in
creative process,
• Being inattentive, acting distant, and remaining
silent when employees want to discuss new
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Actions and behaviors that encourage and
discourage creativity
At individual/supervisory level
• Listening attentively new ideas and supporting it,
• Treating employees as equals in terms of
idea/opinion generation,
• Speculating , being open and building on other’s
• Protecting people who make honest mistake and
commit to learning from them.
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Entrepreneurial feeling
- is the awareness factors that motivate a
person towards entrepreneurship.
1. Locus of control : Sense of control that a
person has over life.
Internal – Person believes s/he can make
own destiny and control relevant factors.
External – Person believes external factors
affect destiny and relevant factors are
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple
Entrepreneurial feeling
2. Feeling about independence
- Intense feeling of being own boss.
3. Need for achievement
- Fulfilling own need through own sole effort.
4. Risk taking
BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple

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Introductory Entrepreneurship

  • 2. • The BOSS !!!! • The Business Owner • The Risk Taker • One Who Starts A New Business • The Resourceful Guy BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 3. French Word Origin BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 4. Entrepreneurship According to George Glider – From “The Spirit of the Enterprise” “It is making the World forever NEW. It is taking AGGRESSIVE Actions.” According to Joseph Schumpeter “It is destroying the old order and creating new ones.” BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 5. The Entrepreneurial Mindset Opportunity Seizing Opportunity Screening Opportunity Seeking BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 6. -In a Business Sense, it is an Idea that has Commercial Potential. -Something you can make money with, develop a business around it, or create value with it. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 7. • Mastery Of Self1 • Mastery of Opportunity2 • Mastery of The Enterprise3 MASTERIES FOR AN ENTREPRENEUR BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 8. Traits of An Entrepreneur: D’s • Dream • Determined • Details • Dollar (Rupees/Money) • Decision • Doer • Distribute • Destiny • Devotion • Dedication BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 9. Traits of An Entrepreneur: F’s • Founder • Faith • Focused • Frugal • Fast • Fun • Flexible • Forever Improving BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 10. FORMS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP Social Entrepreneurship Business Entrepreneurship Techno Entrepreneurship BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 11. Compelling Reasons Why Do We Need Entrepreneurs??? • 90% of the World’s Jobs are Created By Entrepreneurs. • Problem Solvers • Source of New Products and Innovation. • It’s the Entrepreneurs- not the Central Bank - that keeps the ECONOMY moving. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 12. THREE COMPETENCIES OF THE COMPLETE ENTREPRENEUR Originator Operator OrganizerIMPLEMENTER BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 13. Entrepreneur's roles and responsibilities Towards :  Customers : quality products at fair price; Society/community : job creation and environmental conservation/protection. Suppliers : paying in time as agreed. Staff : promote welfare of staffs. Competitors : Observe business ethics with competitors. Country: pay taxes in time and correct amount. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 14. Entrepreneurial process Process of creating and managing a new enterprise. Steps 1. Identify and evaluate opportunity. Opportunity is favorable condition. - Should have significant market size. - Real and perceived value should be high - Suitable in terms of risk and return - Match personal capacity (knowledge and skill) and goals, - Should have competitive advantage. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 15. Entrepreneurial process 2. Develop business plan Business plan is future direction and it comprises all aspects of business. 3. Determine and obtain resource requirement 4. Manage the enterprise BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 16. Importance of entrepreneurship How? 1. Formation of capital/resource mobilization 2. Fulfilling people’s needs 3. Employment generation 4. Balanced regional development 5. Promotion of export 6. Substituting import 7. Contributing to national economy 8. Distribution of wealth 9. Contribution to government by paying taxes You may add more …. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 17. Entrepreneurial venture Mainly three types by nature: 1. Salary substitute firm– Just to do anything because an entrepreneur does not have salary-paying job. Not much innovative. 2. Life-style firm – Largely based on habits or hobbies. 3. Entrepreneurial firm – Produce and serve new product or service, e.g. Google, Facebook, e-Midas, Chandragiri Ropeway BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 18. Types of Entrepreneurs A. Based on innovation i) Innovating :Introducing new product or new methods or new methods of production. ii) Imitating or adaptive: Imitate other’s success in business. iii) Fabian: Display great caution and doubt in experimenting something. When something becomes successful, then only adopt. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 19. Types of Entrepreneurs B. Based on behavior i) Solo-entrepreneur : Do the business alone, if needed with few staff. ii) Active and sleeping : Like active and sleeping partner. iii) Inventor : Likes to start new idea in business. iv) Challenger: Likes to do business only there is challenge. v) Buyer : Buy business which is already doing well. vi) Life timer : Always gets engaged in business. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 20. Types of Entrepreneurs C. Based on background i) Woman entrepreneur ii) Minority : Minority people run the business. Govt has decided ethnic groups having less than 0.5 percent population are minority for election purpose. The are 98 groups in Nepal. iii) Immigrant : Entreprenur who comes from other country or place and start. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 21. Types of Entrepreneurs C. Based on background iii) Part-time entrepreneur iv) Home-based iii) Family business : Chaudhary, Khetan, Hulas etc. iv) Corpreneur – Couple (husband and wife) runs the business. v) Intrapreneur/corporate entrepreneur BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 22. Types of Entrepreneurs D. Scale of business i) Small scale ii) Medium scale iii) Large scale See Industrial Enterprise Act 2073 BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 23. Types of Entrepreneur E. Based on nature of output i) Industrial ii) Service iii) Trade iv) Social service (not-for-profit) BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 24. Why to become an entrepreneur ? a. To be own boss - Those who have trouble accepting other’s authority. - To benefit from own idea and hard work to oneself. b. To pursue own idea - If own idea is unheard in a big company. - Hobby, leisure activity encourage to take initiative. c. To pursue financial rewards BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 25. Myths of Entrepreneurs Myth 1 : Entrepreneurs are born, not made. Truth: Entrepreneurs can be developed by study, coaching, counseling and providing conducive environment. Myth 2 : Entrepreneurs are doers, not thinkers. Truth: It is combination of thinking and doing. Myth 3 Entrepreneurs are always inventors. Truth: Not necessarily. Entrepreneur may turn invention into a good business package. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 26. Myths of Entrepreneurs Myth 4 : Entrepreneurs are academic and social misfit. Truth: Entrepreneur is considered a hero – socially, economically and academically. No longer a misfit, but viewed as a professional role model. Myth 5 : Entrepreneurs must fit the profile. Truth: Compiling standard entrepreneurial profile is difficult. However, in India contemporary studies show different entrepreneurs: business, social, educational, technical etc. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 27. Myths of Entrepreneurs Myth 6 : All entrepreneurs need is money. Truth: For entrepreneurs with innovative idea can mobilize resources . Myth 7 : All entrepreneurs need a luck. Truth: Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity. Luck strikes only when preparation, determination, desire, knowledge and innovativeness. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 28. Myths of Entrepreneurs Myth 8 : Entrepreneurship is unstructured and chaotic. Truth: As many activities are to be done, an entrepreneur is messy. But, a successful and busy person does things planned and organized manner. Myth 9 : Most entrepreneurial initiatives fail. Truth: As per Kirchoff’s study, 50% of new ventures failed, but entrepreneurs learned something from failure and became stronger next time. Learning from failure is ‘Corridor Principle’. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 29. Myths of Entrepreneurs Myth 10 : Entrepreneurs are extreme risk takers … the gamblers. Truth: Entrepreneurs take gambling, but calculated risk. Most successful entrepreneurs work hard through planning and preparation – to minimize the risk involved and better control the destiny of their vision. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 30. Difference between Manager and Entrepreneur Basis Manager Entrepreneur Motive Provide service to already established enterprise. Start or develop own venture. Status Employee Owner Risk bearing Does not bear risk Bears risk Role Implementer of the innovation of the enterprise Innovator – exploitation of opportunities Reward Salary, bonus Profit Qualification Academic degree and experience Risk taker, innovator, organizer Emphasis Internal environment management External environment BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 31. Difference between Entrepreneur and Owner Basis Entrepreneur Owner Meaning Organizes and manages an enterprise Invests money in enterprise. Risk Take risks Does not take much risks. Status quo Does not prefer status quo. May prefer status quo until profit is assured. Experimentati on Prefers experimentation. Does not prefer experimentation Nature of business Normally wishes to run large business Normally carries small business Expansion Always expand business prone to expand. Not very prone to expand business. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 32. Small Business vs Entrepreneurship Basis Small Business Entrepreneurship Dealing Deal with established products and services Provides innovating offering Aim Slow growth, low productivity Rapid growth with high productivity. Nature of risk Take normally known/low risk Deal with high and unknown risks. Focus Limited area Large area Ability Lack analytical and predictive ability Have analytical and predictive ability. Reward Less profit, reward High profit, reward. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 33. Functions of Entrepreneurs Can be categorized in four categories. 1. Managerial functions 2. Entrepreneurial functions 3. Promotional functions 4. Commercial functions. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 34. Functions of Entrepreneurs 1. Entrepreneurial functions i) Risk bearing – Uncertainty in different aspects cause risk. Entrepreneur takes risk. ii) Organizing/coordinating – Organizing people, land, capital – different resources. iii) Innovating – Introducing new product, opening to new market, discovering new source of supply of raw materials, new form of organization. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 35. Functions of Entrepreneurs 2. Managerial functions i) Planning ii) Organizing iii) Leading iv) Controlling BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 36. Functions of Entrepreneurs 3. Promotional functions i) Identification and selection of business idea – opportunity scanning and identification ii) Preparation of business plan iii) Requirement for finance BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 37. Functions of Entrepreneurs 4. Commercial functions i) Production/manufacturing ii) Marketing – 4 Ps (product, price, promotion and physical distribution) plus 3 more Ps (packaging, people and process) iii) Accounting – recording, classifying, summarizing of transactions, preparing final accounts, analysing and interpreting results. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 38. Differences between entrepreneurial and managerial decision making Basis Entrepreneurial decision Managerial decision Strategic orientation Driven by opportunity for the new or existing ventures. Driven by controlled resources Nature of decisions Revolutionary Evolutionary Stages of resource acquisition Multiple stages of decisions with minimal exposure Single stage of decisions with complete commitment of resources. Speed of decision Quick as owner Slow because employee, so go with process. Philosophy of decision For value creation For smooth operation Culture Search for opportunities Search for opportunities restricted by controlled resources. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 39. Corporate and entrepreneurial culture Culture is a dynamic phenomenon that surrounds us at all times, being constantly enacted and created by our interactions with others and shaped by leadership behavior, and a set of structures, routines, rules, and norms that guide and constrain behavior. - Edgar Schein, Organizational Culture and Leadership, p. 1 BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 40. Corporate and entrepreneurial culture Corporate culture Values, norms, beliefs and behavior shared in common in an organization. It is rooted in organization’s goals, strategies, structure and approaches. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 41. Corporate and entrepreneurial culture Corporate culture Values, norms, beliefs and behavior shared in common in an organization. It is rooted in organization’s goals, strategies, structure and approaches. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 42. Corporate and entrepreneurial culture Corporate culture Characteristics 1. Attempts to turn values into practice. 2. Puts high emphasis on human resources. 3. Emphasizes outcome. 4. Built around teamwork. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 43. Corporate and entrepreneurial culture Entrepreneurial/Intrapreneurial culture Culture that creates entre/intra-preneurial environment which constantly motivates and encourages employees to innovate, create and take risks. It emphasizes pursuing change, innovation, risk taking and exploring/exploiting opportunities. It promotes growth, performance, and success of the business. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 44. Corporate and entrepreneurial culture Entrepreneurial/Intrapreneurial culture Characteristics 1. New ideas encouraged. 2. Experimentation, trial and error encouraged. 3. Failures allowed. 4. Resources are available and accessible. 5. Multi-disciplinary teamwork promoted. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 45. Corporate and entrepreneurial culture Entrepreneurial/Intrapreneurial culture Characteristics 6. Establishment of longtime horizon for evaluating success of each program or venture. 7. A volunteer program which cannot be forced. 8. Appropriate reward system is built. 9. Availability of sponsorship. 10. Top management support. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 46. Intrapreneurial leadership characteristics 1. Understands the environment 2. Visionary 3. Flexible and creates options to management 4. Encourages teamwork 5. Encourages open discussion 6. Builds coalition and supportive environment 7. Persistence BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 47. Actions and behaviors that encourage and discourage creativity At organizational level Inhibitors • Failure to hire creative people • Maintaining an organizational culture that stifles • Retaining people in the same job for years • Promoting a mentality suggesting best solutions are already known. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 48. Actions and behaviors that encourage and discourage creativity At organizational level Facilitator • Supporting and highlighting creativity’s importance in all parts of the firm, • Overtly rewarding creative idea and works, • Investing resources to enhance creativity, • Hiring people with different skills and view points compared to current employees. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 49. Actions and behaviors that encourage and discourage creativity At individual/supervisory level Inhibitors • Being pessimistic, judgmental or critical, • Punishing people for failed ideas, • Insisting on precision and certainty early in creative process, • Being inattentive, acting distant, and remaining silent when employees want to discuss new ideas. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 50. Actions and behaviors that encourage and discourage creativity At individual/supervisory level Facilitator • Listening attentively new ideas and supporting it, • Treating employees as equals in terms of idea/opinion generation, • Speculating , being open and building on other’s ideas, • Protecting people who make honest mistake and commit to learning from them. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 51. Entrepreneurial feeling - is the awareness factors that motivate a person towards entrepreneurship. 1. Locus of control : Sense of control that a person has over life. Internal – Person believes s/he can make own destiny and control relevant factors. External – Person believes external factors affect destiny and relevant factors are controlled. BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
  • 52. Entrepreneurial feeling 2. Feeling about independence - Intense feeling of being own boss. 3. Need for achievement - Fulfilling own need through own sole effort. 4. Risk taking BBS Fourth Year, Koteshwar Multiple Campus
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