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Invasion Of Participatory Culture
mean to you?

Hundreds of thousands of people it means
Social Connections

Invasion Of Participatory Culture
Invasion Of Participatory Culture
Invasion Of Participatory Culture
Invasion Of Participatory Culture
call this
A Participatory Culture Has

A Participatory Culture Has

• Low barriers to expression & civic

A Participatory Culture Has

• Low barriers to expression & civic
• Support for creating & sharing content

A Participatory Culture Has

• Low barriers to expression & civic
• Support for creating & sharing content
• Informal mentorship where veterans pass on
  knowledge & experiences to novices

                               Henry Jenkins, MIT
The Participatory Class
The concept of networked individualism
reconfigures users’ access to
information, people and other

The Participatory Class
allows them to move across,
undermine and go beyond the
boundaries of existing institutions

The Participatory Class
to seek and enforce new levels of
institutional and personal

              William Dutton, Oxford Internet Institute

From command & control
to collaboration and co-creation
From command and control to collaboration and
 From broadcast production to peer production
     From mass production to customized
 From closed improvements to open innovation
From broadcast production
to peer production
From mass production
to customized segmentation
From closed improvements
to open innovation
What does
this mean to
 your org?
Invasion Of Participatory Culture
Invasion Of Participatory Culture
Invasion Of Participatory Culture
What does
this mean to
 your org?
Systems of
Systems of
Be Conversational

Extend relationships

        Touch tactfully
          Touch often
Employ pull methods
Participatory Culture
  has changed the
Disruption: Evolving Models Of
Engagement And Support

           April 2011 Monitor Institute
Benefits traditional membership
        not adequate to engage
Value proposition is not clear
Value proposition
not clear
Quid Pro Quo not of value

Participation with traditional
orgs event or activity based
want to influence & act on
 their own or with friends
How will your
 org attract
Traditional Associations
   adopt push economy
           • Hierarchical
           • From center out to others
           • Traditional

Traditional Associations
   adopt push economy
           • Hierarchical
           • From center out to others
           • Traditional
           • Program
           • Mandated
           • Formal
           • Traditional
Today Shift To Pull    Economy
   Push                Pull
   • Hierarchical      • Networked
   • From center out   • Decentralized
   • Traditional       • Innovative
   • Program           • Platform
   • Mandated          • Self-Service
   • Formal            • Informal

Push Economies
         Push Economies

Anticipate members needs

Push Economies
           Push Economies

Anticipate members needs
Silos create standardized products
programs and services

Push Economies
           Push Economies

Anticipate members needs
Silos create standardized products
programs and services
Broadcast methods

Push Economies
        Push Economies

Mass consumption

Push Economies
          Push Economies

Mass consumption
Resources to mass production

Push Economies
            Push Economies

Mass consumption
Resources to mass production
One size fits all

Push Economies
          Push Economies

Most successful when members
don„t know what they want

Push Economies
         Push Economies

Huge overhead costs in admin
                    for growth

Push Economies
          Push Economies

Difficulty with innovation and

Pull Economies Pull Economies
   Decentralized networks
Decentralized networks
   Customized products
   Segmented audiences
   Focus on Demand-Driven Needs
   Respond fast
   Win loyal members through speed & quality
   Best practices openly & freely shared
   Maximizes enthusaism of members
Pull Economies Pull Economies
   Decentralized networks
Decentralized networks
   Customized products
   Segmented audiences
Customized products, services
   Focus on Demand-Driven Needs
   Respond fast
   Win loyal members through speed & quality
   Best practices openly & freely shared
   Maximizes enthusaism of members
Pull Economies Pull Economies
   Decentralized networks
Decentralized networks
   Customized products
   Segmented audiences
Customized products, services
   Focus on Demand-Driven Needs
Segmented audiences
   Respond fast
   Win loyal members through speed & quality
   Best practices openly & freely shared
   Maximizes enthusaism of members
Pull Economies Pull Economies
   Decentralized networks
Focus on demand-driven needs
   Customized products
   Segmented audiences
   Focus on Demand-Driven Needs
   Respond fast
   Win loyal members through speed & quality
   Best practices openly & freely shared
   Maximizes enthusaism of members
Pull Economies Pull Economies
   Decentralized networks
Focus on demand-driven needs
   Customized products
   Segmented audiences
Agile, flexile, respond fast
   Focus on Demand-Driven Needs
   Respond fast
   Win loyal members through speed & quality
   Best practices openly & freely shared
   Maximizes enthusaism of members
Pull Economies Pull Economies
   Decentralized networks
Focus on demand-driven needs
   Customized products
   Segmented audiences
Agile, flexile, respond fast
   Focus on Demand-Driven Needs
Win loyal members through
   Flexible         speed and quality
   Respond fast
   Win loyal members through speed & quality
   Best practices openly & freely shared
   Maximizes enthusaism of members
Pull Economies Pull Economies
   Decentralized networks
Best practices are openly
   Customized products
   Segmented audiences freely shared
   Focus on Demand-Driven Needs
   Respond fast
   Win loyal members through speed & quality
   Best practices openly & freely shared
   Maximizes enthusaism of members
Pull Economies Pull Economies
   Decentralized networks
Best practices are openly
   Customized products
   Segmented audiences freely shared
   Focus on Demand-Driven Needs
Maximizes enthusiasm of
   Flexible                       members
   Respond fast
   Win loyal members through speed & quality
   Best practices openly & freely shared
   Maximizes enthusaism of members
Pull Economies
Built on
            Knowledge Sharing
           Collaborative Efforts

Pull Economies
Built on
              Tacit Knowledge
     Intangible value is steered
       towards common sharing

How can your org
transition to Pull
Participatory Culture

Today‟s networked individual
emerging class of citizens

Participatory Class

transition to
1) Participatory Members

Internet changed how we all
learn, play, socialize
engage in life
Participatory Members

Commonplace, not exotic
Process, not product
Participatory members

Not passive
About conversations
comments, engagement
2) Presumed Authority
To Collective Credibility

Presumed Authority to
 Collective Credibility

   Problem solving via groups
Presumed Authority to
 Collective Credibility

  Helping members learn skills
     to address different POVs
•   What barriers exist to keep
    you from moving to this

•   What role do Subject Matter
    Experts (SMEs) play in this

3) Horizontal Structures

  Less authoritative, top-down
Knowledge gap between leader
             members shrunk86
Horizontal Structures

Collaboration, teamwork,
problem solving, co-creation   87
Horizontal Structures

Emphasis on Peer to Peer
4) Variety of Formal
   & Informal
Informal Learning Opps

80% learning - informal
Move from push to pull methods
Formal & Informal
Novice workers          Mature (5-10 yrs)       Experienced >10 yrs
Directed                Self-Directed           Helping Others
Class                   Discovery               Coaching
Course                  Searching (Google)      Mentoring

           Source: Jay Cross’ Working Smarter
Formal & Informal
Novice workers          Mature (5-10 yrs)       Experienced >10 yrs
Directed                Self-Directed           Helping Others
Class                   Discovery               Coaching
Course                  Searching (Google)      Mentoring
Lecture                 Trial-and-error         Storytelling
Test/Exam               Collaborating           Giving Feedback
1 Right Answer          Asking                  Nurturing

           Source: Jay Cross’ Working Smarter
Formal & Informal
Novice workers          Mature (5-10 yrs)       Experienced >10 yrs
Directed                Self-Directed           Helping Others
Class                   Discovery               Coaching
Course                  Searching (Google)      Mentoring
Lecture                 Trial-and-error         Storytelling
Test/Exam               Collaborating           Giving Feedback
1 Right Answer          Asking                  Nurturing
Curriculum              Skimming                Modeling
Listening               Observing               Reflecting
Instructions            Conversing              Connecting

           Source: Jay Cross’ Working Smarter
•   What must we do
    differently to encourage

Formal & Informal
Novice workers          Mature (5-10 yrs)       Experienced >10 yrs
Directed                Self-Directed           Helping Others
Class                   Discovery               Coaching
Course                  Searching (Google)      Mentoring
Lecture                 Trial-and-error         Storytelling
Test/Exam               Collaborating           Giving Feedback
1 Right Answer          Asking                  Nurturing
Curriculum              Skimming                Modeling
Listening               Observing               Reflecting
Instructions            Conversing              Connecting

           Source: Jay Cross’ Working Smarter
5) Networked Learning
            Learning is social
  Conversational & partnering

Networked Learning
Emphasizes flexibility/outcomes
           Mobilizing networks
          Assertive to enabling

•   How can you encourage more
    participant dialogue &
    conversations at your
    conferences and in your
6) Interactive & w/out Walls

Life-long learning
Free Wi-Fi
Encouraging social

6) Interactive & w/out Walls

Engages those not present
Extends messages
6) Interactive & w/out Walls

Extends ideas, practices
for betterment
Of Profession & Industry   100
We serve Our Members Best
     By Serving Our
             Industry First
How does this statement impact your
education? Do you agree? Disagree?
“We serve our members
  best by serving our
    industry first.”
1) Participatory Members

1.   To participatory learning
2.   From presumed authority to
     collective credibility
3.   To more horizontal structures
1) Participatory Members
2) Presumed Authority
To Collective Credibility
1. To participatory learning

2.   From presumed authority to
     collective credibility
3.   To more horizontal structures
1) Participatory Learning
2) Presumed Authority
To Collective Credibility
1. To participatory learning

3) Horizontal Structures
2. From presumed authority to
     collective credibility
3.   To more horizontal structures
4) Formal & Informal

1.   To participatory learning
2.   From presumed authority to
     collective credibility
3.   To more horizontal structures
4) Formal & Informal
5) Networked Learning
1.   To participatory learning
2.   From presumed authority to
     collective credibility
3.   To more horizontal structures
4) Formal & Informal
5) Networked Learning
6) Interactive & w/o walls
1. To participatory learning

2.   From presumed authority to
     collective credibility
3.   To more horizontal structures
Invasion Of Participatory Culture
•   I am marlon      •   Fras1977
•   Will Montague    •   RickyDavid
•   iammikeb         •   RickyDavid
•   ~jjjohn~         •   s myers
•   I am marlon      •   mkorchia
•   R. Duran         •   togni.franco
•   Fenix_21         •   Curtis Gregory Perry
•   McBeth           •   EJP Photo
•   Johnny Jupiter   •   huffmans
•   AndrewKW         •   erroltookaphoto
•   abbilder         •   Josh Liba
•   Ms Kels          •   artie*
•   Kraftwerk        •   Melanctha

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Invasion Of Participatory Culture

  • 2. 2
  • 3. 3
  • 4. 4
  • 5. 5
  • 6. 6
  • 8. 8
  • 9. Hundreds of thousands of people it means Email Chat Games Social Connections Texting 9
  • 10. 10
  • 11. 11
  • 12. 12
  • 13. 13
  • 20. A Participatory Culture Has • Low barriers to expression & civic engagement 20
  • 21. A Participatory Culture Has • Low barriers to expression & civic engagement • Support for creating & sharing content 21
  • 22. A Participatory Culture Has • Low barriers to expression & civic engagement • Support for creating & sharing content • Informal mentorship where veterans pass on knowledge & experiences to novices Henry Jenkins, MIT 22
  • 23. The Participatory Class The concept of networked individualism reconfigures users’ access to information, people and other resources 23
  • 24. The Participatory Class allows them to move across, undermine and go beyond the boundaries of existing institutions 24
  • 25. The Participatory Class to seek and enforce new levels of institutional and personal transparency William Dutton, Oxford Internet Institute 25
  • 26. From command & control to collaboration and co-creation From command and control to collaboration and co-creation From broadcast production to peer production From mass production to customized segmentation From closed improvements to open innovation
  • 27. From broadcast production to peer production
  • 28. From mass production to customized segmentation
  • 29. From closed improvements to open innovation
  • 30. What does this mean to your org?
  • 33. 82%
  • 35. What does this mean to your org?
  • 40. Extend relationships Online Touch tactfully Touch often
  • 42. Participatory Culture has changed the Member-scape
  • 43. Disruption: Evolving Models Of Engagement And Support April 2011 Monitor Institute
  • 44. Benefits traditional membership not adequate to engage Millennials
  • 45. Value proposition is not clear Value proposition not clear
  • 46. Quid Pro Quo not of value
  • 48. Millennials want to influence & act on their own or with friends
  • 49. How will your org attract Millennials?
  • 50. 50
  • 51. Traditional Associations adopt push economy Push • Hierarchical • From center out to others • Traditional 51
  • 52. Traditional Associations adopt push economy Push • Hierarchical • From center out to others • Traditional • Program • Mandated • Formal • Traditional 52
  • 53. Today Shift To Pull Economy Push Pull • Hierarchical • Networked • From center out • Decentralized • Traditional • Innovative • Program • Platform • Mandated • Self-Service • Formal • Informal 53
  • 54. Push Economies Push Economies Anticipate members needs 54
  • 55. Push Economies Push Economies Anticipate members needs Silos create standardized products programs and services 55
  • 56. Push Economies Push Economies Anticipate members needs Silos create standardized products programs and services Broadcast methods 56
  • 57. Push Economies Push Economies Mass consumption 57
  • 58. Push Economies Push Economies Mass consumption Resources to mass production 58
  • 59. Push Economies Push Economies Mass consumption Resources to mass production One size fits all 59
  • 60. Push Economies Push Economies Most successful when members don„t know what they want 60
  • 61. Push Economies Push Economies Huge overhead costs in admin for growth 61
  • 62. Push Economies Push Economies Difficulty with innovation and growth 62
  • 63. Pull Economies Pull Economies Decentralized networks Decentralized networks Customized products Segmented audiences Focus on Demand-Driven Needs Agile Flexible Respond fast Win loyal members through speed & quality Best practices openly & freely shared Maximizes enthusaism of members 63
  • 64. Pull Economies Pull Economies Decentralized networks Decentralized networks Customized products Segmented audiences Customized products, services Focus on Demand-Driven Needs Agile Flexible Respond fast Win loyal members through speed & quality Best practices openly & freely shared Maximizes enthusaism of members 64
  • 65. Pull Economies Pull Economies Decentralized networks Decentralized networks Customized products Segmented audiences Customized products, services Focus on Demand-Driven Needs Segmented audiences Agile Flexible Respond fast Win loyal members through speed & quality Best practices openly & freely shared Maximizes enthusaism of members 65
  • 66. Pull Economies Pull Economies Decentralized networks Focus on demand-driven needs Customized products Segmented audiences Focus on Demand-Driven Needs Agile Flexible Respond fast Win loyal members through speed & quality Best practices openly & freely shared Maximizes enthusaism of members 66
  • 67. Pull Economies Pull Economies Decentralized networks Focus on demand-driven needs Customized products Segmented audiences Agile, flexile, respond fast Focus on Demand-Driven Needs Agile Flexible Respond fast Win loyal members through speed & quality Best practices openly & freely shared Maximizes enthusaism of members 67
  • 68. Pull Economies Pull Economies Decentralized networks Focus on demand-driven needs Customized products Segmented audiences Agile, flexile, respond fast Focus on Demand-Driven Needs Win loyal members through Agile Flexible speed and quality Respond fast Win loyal members through speed & quality Best practices openly & freely shared Maximizes enthusaism of members 68
  • 69. Pull Economies Pull Economies Decentralized networks Best practices are openly Customized products Segmented audiences freely shared and Focus on Demand-Driven Needs Agile Flexible Respond fast Win loyal members through speed & quality Best practices openly & freely shared Maximizes enthusaism of members 69
  • 70. Pull Economies Pull Economies Decentralized networks Best practices are openly Customized products Segmented audiences freely shared and Focus on Demand-Driven Needs Maximizes enthusiasm of Agile Flexible members Respond fast Win loyal members through speed & quality Best practices openly & freely shared Maximizes enthusaism of members 70
  • 71. Pull Economies Built on Knowledge Sharing Collaborative Efforts Trust 71
  • 72. Pull Economies Built on Tacit Knowledge Intangible value is steered towards common sharing 72
  • 73. How can your org transition to Pull Economies?
  • 74. 74
  • 76. Today‟s networked individual emerging class of citizens Participatory Class 76
  • 77. Associations must transition to 77
  • 78. 1) Participatory Members Internet changed how we all learn, play, socialize engage in life
  • 79. Participatory Members Commonplace, not exotic Process, not product
  • 80. Participatory members Not passive About conversations comments, engagement
  • 81. 2) Presumed Authority To Collective Credibility Communal Democratic 81
  • 82. Presumed Authority to Collective Credibility Problem solving via groups Interdisciplinary 82
  • 83. Presumed Authority to Collective Credibility Helping members learn skills to address different POVs 83
  • 84. What barriers exist to keep you from moving to this model? 84
  • 85. What role do Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) play in this model? 85
  • 86. 3) Horizontal Structures Less authoritative, top-down Knowledge gap between leader members shrunk86
  • 89. 4) Variety of Formal & Informal Informal Learning Opps 80% learning - informal Move from push to pull methods 89
  • 90. Formal & Informal Novice workers Mature (5-10 yrs) Experienced >10 yrs Directed Self-Directed Helping Others Class Discovery Coaching Course Searching (Google) Mentoring 90 Source: Jay Cross’ Working Smarter
  • 91. Formal & Informal Novice workers Mature (5-10 yrs) Experienced >10 yrs Directed Self-Directed Helping Others Class Discovery Coaching Course Searching (Google) Mentoring Lecture Trial-and-error Storytelling Test/Exam Collaborating Giving Feedback 1 Right Answer Asking Nurturing 91 Source: Jay Cross’ Working Smarter
  • 92. Formal & Informal Novice workers Mature (5-10 yrs) Experienced >10 yrs Directed Self-Directed Helping Others Class Discovery Coaching Course Searching (Google) Mentoring Lecture Trial-and-error Storytelling Test/Exam Collaborating Giving Feedback 1 Right Answer Asking Nurturing Curriculum Skimming Modeling Listening Observing Reflecting Instructions Conversing Connecting 92 Source: Jay Cross’ Working Smarter
  • 93. What must we do differently to encourage this? 93
  • 94. Formal & Informal Novice workers Mature (5-10 yrs) Experienced >10 yrs Directed Self-Directed Helping Others Class Discovery Coaching Course Searching (Google) Mentoring Lecture Trial-and-error Storytelling Test/Exam Collaborating Giving Feedback 1 Right Answer Asking Nurturing Curriculum Skimming Modeling Listening Observing Reflecting Instructions Conversing Connecting 94 Source: Jay Cross’ Working Smarter
  • 95. 5) Networked Learning Learning is social Conversational & partnering 95
  • 96. Networked Learning Emphasizes flexibility/outcomes Mobilizing networks Assertive to enabling 96
  • 97. How can you encourage more participant dialogue & conversations at your conferences and in your education? 97
  • 98. 6) Interactive & w/out Walls Life-long learning Free Wi-Fi Encouraging social sharing 98
  • 99. 6) Interactive & w/out Walls Many-to-multitudes Engages those not present Extends messages 99
  • 100. 6) Interactive & w/out Walls Extends ideas, practices for betterment Of Profession & Industry 100
  • 101. We serve Our Members Best By Serving Our Industry First 101
  • 102. How does this statement impact your education? Do you agree? Disagree? Why? “We serve our members best by serving our industry first.” 102
  • 103. 1) Participatory Members 1. To participatory learning 2. From presumed authority to collective credibility 3. To more horizontal structures 103
  • 104. 1) Participatory Members 2) Presumed Authority To Collective Credibility 1. To participatory learning 2. From presumed authority to collective credibility 3. To more horizontal structures 104
  • 105. 1) Participatory Learning 2) Presumed Authority To Collective Credibility 1. To participatory learning 3) Horizontal Structures 2. From presumed authority to collective credibility 3. To more horizontal structures 105
  • 106. 4) Formal & Informal 1. To participatory learning 2. From presumed authority to collective credibility 3. To more horizontal structures 106
  • 107. 4) Formal & Informal 5) Networked Learning 1. To participatory learning 2. From presumed authority to collective credibility 3. To more horizontal structures 107
  • 108. 4) Formal & Informal 5) Networked Learning 6) Interactive & w/o walls 1. To participatory learning 2. From presumed authority to collective credibility 3. To more horizontal structures 108
  • 109. 109
  • 110. 110
  • 111. 111
  • 113. I am marlon • Fras1977 • Will Montague • RickyDavid • iammikeb • RickyDavid • ~jjjohn~ • s myers • I am marlon • mkorchia • R. Duran • togni.franco • Fenix_21 • Curtis Gregory Perry • McBeth • EJP Photo • Johnny Jupiter • huffmans • AndrewKW • erroltookaphoto • abbilder • Josh Liba • Ms Kels • artie* • Kraftwerk • Melanctha
  • 114. jhurt@velvetchainsaw.com velvetchainsaw.com @JeffHurt