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(4th year integrated)

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Historical geology Is the branch which deals with the history of the rocks of the earth’s crust with special emphasis on their approximate time of formation and the climate changes they have undergone since their formation. ELEMENTS OF CORRELATION, STRUCTURAL FEATURES, METHOD OF STRATIGRAPHIC CORRELATION , Three principle kinds of correlations

Principles of stratigraphy
Principles of stratigraphyPrinciples of stratigraphy
Principles of stratigraphy

Introduction Stratigraphy is the study of strata (sedimentary layers) in the Earth's crust, it is the relationship between rocks and time. Stratigrapher are concerned with the observation, description and interpretation of direct and tangible evidence in rocks to determine the history of the Earth. The combination of sedimentology and stratigraphy allows us to build up pictures of the Earth’s surface at different times in different places and relate them to each other through the relative ages of rocks A more modern way of stating the same principle is that the laws of nature (laws of chemistry and physics) that have operated in the same way since the beginning of time. And thus if we understand the physical and chemical principles by which nature operates, we can assume that nature operated the same way in the past. Basic principles of stratigraphy Principle of Uniformitarianism Principle of Lateral Horizontality Principle of  Superposition Principle of Cross-cutting Relations Principle of Inclusions Principle of Chilled Margins Correlation

stratigraphy is the study of stratarelationship between rocks and time.
Climbing ripple laminations
Climbing ripple laminationsClimbing ripple laminations
Climbing ripple laminations

Climbing ripple laminations are formed by the superimposition of migrating ripples where deposition occurs rapidly during ripple migration, causing the ripples to climb upon one another rather than migrate laterally. They are classified based on the angle of climbing relative to the stoss side angle, and form under conditions of abundant suspended sediment supply and rapid burial, preserving the original rippled layers. Climbing ripples indicate deposition exceeded migration and are found in environments with high sedimentation rates like river floodplains, point bars, and deltas.

sedimentarygeosciencesedimentary petrology
 Joints are cracks or fracture that divide the
rocks into parts or blocks and there is no
relative displacement .
 It occur in all types of rocks.
 They are like cleavage in minerals.
Joint set - joint that share a similar orientation
in the same area. Or it is a family of parallel evenly
spaced joints.
Joint system - two or more intersecting joint
sets in the same area.
Open joints - which the block have
separated for the small distance to right angle to
the fracture surface.
Close joints - there is no such a separation.
Joints may e capable of allowing fluids and (gas and
water) to pass through the rock.
Small joints – small in their extension
confined to only one part of layer .Its also called as
discontinuous joints.
Master joints- extensive joints referred as a
continuous joints .the more prominent continuous
joints are called as master joint.

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Textures of igneous rocks
Textures of igneous rocksTextures of igneous rocks
Textures of igneous rocks

The document discusses the texture of igneous rocks. Texture refers to the size, shape, nature and arrangement of constituents in a rock. It is best studied through thin sections under a microscope. There are three main factors for describing texture: degree of crystallization, crystal/grain size, and fabric. Crystal size can range from microscopic to visible by the naked eye. Fabric considers crystal shapes, sizes, and their mutual relationships, which can be equigranular, inequigranular, intergrowths, directive patterns, or intergranular. Texture provides insights into the cooling and crystallization history of magma.

Structural Geology
Structural  GeologyStructural  Geology
Structural Geology

This powerpoint presentation gives some basic information regarding structural geology,folds,joints,faults etc.

geologystructural geologyjoints
Introduction to Sedimentary Rocks
Introduction to Sedimentary RocksIntroduction to Sedimentary Rocks
Introduction to Sedimentary Rocks

Sedimentary rocks form through the accumulation and lithification of sediments. Sediments are produced through the weathering and erosion of existing rocks. Once transported, sediments are deposited in layers and compacted over time into sedimentary rock. Sedimentary rocks can be classified based on their composition (e.g. siliciclastic rocks like sandstone form from clastic particles) and texture (e.g. grain size, sorting, rounding influence the rock type). Sedimentary structures provide clues about the depositional environment.

sedimentary rockssedimentology
 Joints results from brittle fracture of a rock body as
the result of tensile stresses and compression
 When this happens the rock fractures in a “plane
parallel to the maximum principal stress and
perpendicular to the minimum principal stress”.
 Joints are cause in different rocks due to different
 No single theory can explain.

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Fold, its element, classification & Mechanism
Fold, its element, classification & Mechanism Fold, its element, classification & Mechanism
Fold, its element, classification & Mechanism

This document provides an overview of fold classification and its elements. It begins with an introduction to folds and their historical development. It then describes the key elements of folds such as hinge points, limbs, and axial planes. The majority of the document focuses on various systems for classifying folds based on criteria like fold closure, symmetry, plunge of the axial plane, and interlimb angle. It discusses classifications proposed by Ramsay and Fluety. In conclusion, it provides a geometrical classification of folds based on dip isogons, axial plane thickness, and orthogonal thickness as defined by Ramsay.

Lineation and foliation
Lineation and foliationLineation and foliation
Lineation and foliation

Lineation refers to any linear structure that occurs repetitively in rock, such as elongated pebbles or the intersection of two foliations. Lineations can indicate the direction of tectonic transport, though opinions differ on whether they are parallel or perpendicular to transport. Foliation refers to repetitive layering in metamorphic rocks caused by shearing forces or pressure differences. Types of foliation include fracture cleavage, crenulation cleavage, slaty cleavage, and schistosity. Lineations and foliations provide important clues about a rock's deformation history.

Classifications of igneous rocks
Classifications of igneous rocksClassifications of igneous rocks
Classifications of igneous rocks

Igneous rock forms through the cooling and solidification of magma or lava. It is classified based on several properties including genesis, texture, color, and chemical composition. Based on genesis, igneous rocks are classified as plutonic (cooled at depth), hypabyssal (cooled at shallow depth), or volcanic (cooled on the surface). Texture classifications include phaneritic, aphenitic, porphyritic, and poikilitic. Color classifications are based on the percentage of mafic minerals and include leucocratic, mesocratic, melanocratic, and hypermelanic. Chemical composition classifications include peraluminous, metaaluminous, subaluminous, and several

petrologyclassifications of igneous rocks
 Sedimentary rocks - especially those plastic
nature and rich in moisture in initial stages
undergo some contraction on drying up
which might have resulted into irregular
 Similarly in igneous rocks –cooling and
crystallization .by this contraction or
shrinkage cause the vertical type of joints.
 Rocks and some other solids expands with rise in
temperature and contract on cooling.
 Such repeated expansion and contraction is one o
the reason for the joint formation
 Removal of overburden due to weathering or other
process of rock wasting also cause expansion of
the underlying rocks
 The previously load rocks are get relaxed with the
release of the force.
 The sheet joints are formed by by the process of
erosional unloading through geological age .
 Many joint types especially those associated with
folded and faulted rocks are clearly related to the
process of crustal disturbances that are responsible
for building of mountains and continents.
 Easily capable of exerting sustained and strong
forces on rocks that virtually cut them in to slice.
 Sudden seismic shocks have also been suggested
by some as a possible cause for the development
of joints in many rocks.

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Stress and strain ellipsoid
Stress and strain ellipsoidStress and strain ellipsoid
Stress and strain ellipsoid

This document discusses stress and strain ellipsoids in structural geology. It defines stress as a force applied over an area that causes rock deformation. Stress can be tensional, compressional, or shear. Strain is the response of rock to stress and describes the change in shape of an object under stress. Stress and strain are represented geometrically using ellipsoids. The relationship between stress and strain ellipsoids is that the greatest and least axes are opposite. The orientation of stress and strain ellipsoids provides information about the deformative forces acting on rocks.

stress and strain ellipsoidgeologystructural geology
Geological mapping
Geological mappingGeological mapping
Geological mapping

Geological mapping involves systematically observing and recording rock exposures and structural features in the field to produce maps that show the spatial distribution and relationships of rock units. The document discusses different types of geological maps including reconnaissance, regional, detailed, and specialized maps. It also describes common mapping techniques such as traversing, exposure mapping, drilling, underground mapping, and photo-geology. Field equipment used in mapping includes hammers, chisels, compasses, clinometers, tapes, and notebooks.


This document discusses hydrogeology, which is the study of groundwater. It begins by explaining the hydrologic cycle, in which water evaporates from bodies of water and transpirates from plants, condenses into clouds and precipitates back to the ground as rain or snow. Some precipitation infiltrates into the ground to become groundwater. The document then discusses groundwater occurrence, movement through aquifers, and factors that influence it like porosity, permeability and lithology. Finally, it describes the vertical distribution of groundwater into the unsaturated zone above the water table and saturated zone below it.

Strike joint
Dip joint
Oblique joint
 Nonsystematic joints or irregular joints that are
so irregular in form, spacing, and orientation that
they cannot be readily grouped into distinctive,
through-going joint sets.
 In many cases they are related to systematic joints
in that these occur between them.
 These shows a distinct regularity in their
 They occur in parallel or sub parallel joint sets that
are repeated in the rocks at regular intervals.
 Based upon the angle at which joint sets of
systematic joints intersect to form a joint system, it
can be subdivided into conjugate and orthogonal
joint sets.
 The angles at which joint sets within a joint system
commonly intersect is called by structural geologists
as the dihedral angles.

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This lecture includes the fold terminology and classification of folds based of different criteria. Classification of folds based on: Direction of closing Attitude of axial surface Size of interlimb angle Profile Ramsay Classification of folds

Igneous structure and genesis (structural geology)
Igneous structure and genesis (structural geology)Igneous structure and genesis (structural geology)
Igneous structure and genesis (structural geology)

This presentation summarizes igneous rock structures formed from the cooling and solidification of magma. It describes both intrusive and extrusive igneous rock structures. Intrusive structures include concordant structures like laccoliths, lopoliths, sills, and discordant structures like batholiths, stocks, dikes, and volcanic necks. Extrusive structures include primary structures like pillow structures, lava flow structures, vesicular structures, and columnar structures. The presentation provides examples and diagrams to illustrate different igneous rock formations and the geological processes that create their characteristic shapes and features.

structural geologygeologyapplied geology
Sedimentary Rock Textures.pptx
Sedimentary Rock Textures.pptxSedimentary Rock Textures.pptx
Sedimentary Rock Textures.pptx

Sedimentary texture can be useful in interpreting the mechanisms and environment of deposition. It also has major control over the porosity and permeability of sediment.

sedimentary geologysedimentary textures
 When the dihedral angles are nearly 90° within a joint
system, the joint sets are known as orthogonal joint
 When the dihedral angles are from 30 to 60° within a
joint system, the joint sets are known as conjugate
joint sets.
Orthogonal joints in
Flagstones- scotland .
In stratified rocks joints are generally classified on the
basis of relationship of their attitude with that of the
rocks in which they are occur.
 1. Strike Joints: In which Joint sets strike parallel to
the strike of rocks are called ‘Strike Joints’.
 2. Dip Joints: Joints that are parallel to the dip of
rocks are called ‘Dip Joints’.
 3. Oblique Joints: Joints, which run in a direction
that lies between the strike and dip direction of the rock
beds, are called ‘Oblique Joints’.
 4.Bedding joints: In stratified rocks some joints
may present essentially parallel to the bed planes they
referred as bedding joint.

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Fault, Fold, Dip, Strike, Joint (Geology)
Fault, Fold, Dip, Strike, Joint (Geology) Fault, Fold, Dip, Strike, Joint (Geology)
Fault, Fold, Dip, Strike, Joint (Geology)

This presentation slide very helpful for Understanding Geological Feature or Earth Science few impotent topics.

dipearth sciencefault
Sedimentary Rocks
Sedimentary RocksSedimentary Rocks
Sedimentary Rocks

This document provides an overview of sedimentary rocks, including their classification and common types. It discusses how sedimentary rocks form from sediments produced by weathering and are later cemented. The document classifies sedimentary rocks into detrital rocks (formed from rock fragments), chemically formed rocks like limestone, and residual deposits like laterite and soils. Detrital rocks like sandstone and shale are the most abundant sedimentary rocks, comprising around 95% of sedimentary layers and 4% and 0.75% of the Earth's crust, respectively.

Analysis and interpretation of joint system
Analysis   and   interpretation of  joint  systemAnalysis   and   interpretation of  joint  system
Analysis and interpretation of joint system

Joints are fractures in rocks where there has been no displacement of the rock on either side of the fracture. There are two main types of joints - systematic joints which show regular patterns, and non-systematic joints which are irregular. Joints form through various processes including contraction during cooling, expansion and contraction from temperature changes, and tectonic stresses. Joints are important in geology as they influence rock strength and fluid flow underground.

analysis and interpretation of joint systemgeologystructural geology
 On the basis of their origin, joints have been divided
into a number of different types.
 Its very difficult to attribute a particular type or group
or system or joints to an exact cause of origin.
 “it should be kept in mind that different joints in the
same outcrop may have formed at different times
and for different reasons.”
 Some predominant forces like compression or
tension or shear has been responsible for the
development of joints.
 By the way joints are classified into the following
genetic types.
 Which have developed due to tensile forces .
 Common location-folded sequence is on the outer
margin of crests and troughs.
 Also produced in igneous rocks during their cooling.
 Joints produced in many rocks during weathering of
overlying strata and subsequent release of stresses
by expansion are also thought due to the tensile
 These are formed mainly due to shearing stress.
 They originating in folding and faulting of rock
 In folded region they are located in axial region.
 Rocks may be compressed to crushing and
numerous joints may result due to compressive
forces in this case.
 In the core region of folds where compressive force
are dominant.
 So it may be related to the compressive force.
 Example – cross joints.

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Fracture and joints
Fracture and jointsFracture and joints
Fracture and joints

This document discusses fractures and joints in rocks. It defines fractures, faults, and joints, and describes how they form from brittle deformation in response to stress. Joints form in sets with similar orientations and make up joint systems. The document discusses causes of fractures from tension and compression, and the different modes of cracking. It also describes the geometry of joints, including their orientation, scale, shapes, trajectories, spacing, intersections and terminations. Joint spacing depends on factors like bed thickness, lithology, structural position and strain.


This document provides information about different types of joints in rock formations. It discusses non-systematic and systematic joints, and describes various systematic joint sets defined by their orientation relative to geological structures like fold axes. It also categorizes joints based on their formation mechanism, such as tectonic joints, hydraulic joints, exfoliation joints, unloading joints, and cooling joints. The document provides examples and explanations of each joint type. It discusses factors that influence joint spacing, such as bed thickness, lithology, and tensile strength. Finally, it considers the origin and interpretation of joints in geological contexts involving uplift, intrusion, pore pressure changes, and regional divergence.

civil engineering
Rock deformation
Rock deformationRock deformation
Rock deformation

Joints are fractures in rocks that divide the rock mass into blocks. There are three main types of joints based on their orientation: strike joints parallel to bedding, dip joints parallel to slope, and oblique joints with other orientations. Joints are classified based on their pattern, geometry, and origin. Unconformities represent gaps or erosional surfaces in the geological record where rock layers are missing. The main types are angular, disconformity, and nonconformity. Both joints and unconformities are important in engineering projects as they can impact stability, water flow, and excavation difficulties.

 Joints are most common structural features of all
type of rocks.
 It’s rare to find any big rock mass on the surface
free from joints.
 Rocks of all three main classes igneous
metamorphic and sedimentary shows various type
of joints.
Igneous rocks are formed by cooling and
crystallization of molten material called magma or
lava . In most cases they show joint systems
related to the tensile stresses developing during the
process of cooling and crystallization.
Three regular systematic types
 Sheet joints
 Columnar joints
 Mural joints

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Geological Structures
Geological Structures Geological Structures
Geological Structures

Geological structures form in the Earth's crust due to geological causes. There are many types of structures including folds, faults, and joints. Folds form when rock layers bend under stress rather than breaking. Common fold types include anticlines, synclines, domes, and basins. Faults form when rock layers fracture and move relative to each other, and include normal, reverse, and strike-slip faults. Joints are fractures where the rock splits but there is no relative movement, and can form due to processes like cooling, tectonics, and unloading.

Joints and unconfirmity
Joints and unconfirmityJoints and unconfirmity
Joints and unconfirmity

This document discusses different aspects of structural geology and stratigraphy. It describes joints as fractures in rocks where there has been no relative displacement of the rock blocks. It defines different types of joints like open joints, closed joints, sheet joints, columnar joints, and bedding joints. It also classifies joints as tension joints, shear joints, and compression joints. The document then discusses unconformities as gaps in rock layers formed due to periods of erosion or non-deposition. It describes different types of unconformities like angular unconformities, disconformities, local unconformities, nonconformities, and regional unconformities.

classification of jointcolumnar jointsheet joint
Joints and unconformity
Joints and unconformityJoints and unconformity
Joints and unconformity

What are joints? •Terminology related to joints •Classification •Engineering considerations Strike joints Dip joint: Oblique joint: bedding joints. Tension joints: Shear joints: Compression joints:

shear jointstension jointscompression joints
 In granites and other related igneous rocks a
horizontal set of joints often divides the rock mass
in such a way as to give it an appearance of a
layered sedimentary structure called as a sheeting
 It caused due to weathering and removal of
overlaying rock masses which cause expansion of
the underlying igneous rocks as a consequence of
 That lie sub-parallel to the topography.

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Geologic structure, fold fault & unconformity
Geologic structure, fold fault & unconformityGeologic structure, fold fault & unconformity
Geologic structure, fold fault & unconformity

what is a geologic structure? Plate Tectonics STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY & GEOTECTONICS Kinds of Folds Fold Classification Faults Dip-slip Faults

geologygeographydisaster management
4 structural geology
4 structural geology4 structural geology
4 structural geology

This document provides an overview of geological structures and the forces that cause them. It discusses stress, strain and rock strength, and how rocks deform through elastic, plastic and brittle mechanisms. The main types of stresses are described as tensional, compressional and shear. Geological structures include folds, fractures, joints and faults, which form through buckling or fracturing of rocks in response to these stresses. Specific fold types like anticlines and synclines are defined. Fractures include joints and faults, with joints involving no displacement and faults involving relative displacement of rock layers.


Tectonites are deformed rocks whose fabric is due to systematic movement under external forces. Their fabric reflects the deformation history. Fabric includes the geometric arrangement of mineral grains, layers, and other features at a scale that includes many samples. Tectonites can have planar (S-tectonite), linear (L-tectonite), or both (L-S tectonite) fabrics indicating different strain types. Foliations like cleavage, schistosity, and gneissosity are planar fabrics that cause rocks to break along parallel surfaces. Lineations indicate preferred linear fabrics, such as fold axes, boudins, and quartz rods. The orientation and interaction of foliations and lineations provide information about tect

tecotnitesgeologystructural geology
 In granitic rock masses.
 Three sets of joints may occur.
 In such a way one set is horizontal and the
other sets are vertical .
 All three sets being mutually right angles to
each other.
 this type of joints dividing the rock mass into
cubical blocks or murals is called mural
 Typical volcanic igneous rocks.
 Also called prismatic joints
 These joints split a rock body into long,
prisms or columns.
 The diameter of these prismatic columns
range from a few centimeters to several
 Directly related to the tensile forces during
cooling (contraction).

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Joints, parts, varieties and clssification
Joints, parts, varieties and clssification Joints, parts, varieties and clssification
Joints, parts, varieties and clssification

Joints are fractures in rocks where the rock has broken, creating two free surfaces. Joints form due to contraction from cooling, consolidation, or tectonic stresses. Joints are classified based on their formation process or geometry. Tectonic joints form from differential stress and may indicate past stress orientations. Unloading joints form from uplift and erosion reducing compressive loads. Cooling joints commonly form vertically in cooling lava.

Chapter 16.2: Relative-Age Dating
Chapter 16.2: Relative-Age DatingChapter 16.2: Relative-Age Dating
Chapter 16.2: Relative-Age Dating

Grade 8 Integrated Science Chapter 12 Lesson 1 on relative-age dating of fossils and rock layers. This lesson explains how scientists use rock layers to determine a age of a rock or fossil compared to others. The goal of this lesson is for students to be able to correctly order rock layers by age and to know the different disconformities and nonconformities.

relative-age dating8th gradegrade 8
CV268 Structural geology.pptx
CV268 Structural geology.pptxCV268 Structural geology.pptx
CV268 Structural geology.pptx

Structural geology deals with the geometry, distribution, and formation of rock structures within the Earth. Rocks can deform in either brittle or ductile manners depending on factors like temperature, pressure, strain rate, and composition. Brittle deformation results in fractures and faults while ductile deformation forms folds. Folds and faults provide evidence of past deformation events. Strike and dip are used to describe the orientation of planar geological features. Unconformities represent gaps in the geologic record due to periods of erosion or non-deposition between rock layers.

 Most sedimentary rocks are profusely.
 Systematic or non systematic classes.
 Joints may be closely or regularly spaced.
 Since sedimentary rocks are Often folded and
faulted these are genetically related to those forces.
 Causes major deformations.
 In deeply stratified rocks removal of overlying strata
due to weathering gives rise to compression and
tension forces that may cause regular or irregular
 In some case joints may develop parallel to the
bedding planes that called as bedding plane.

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The principle of uniformitarianism states that current geological processes like volcanism, erosion, and weathering are the same as those in the past. Rock layers are formed through sedimentary processes, where fragmented or crystalline sediments are deposited and compacted over time. Stratigraphy studies the description, correlation, and interpretation of stratified sediments and rocks. Rock layers form through the process of stratification, where sediments or lava flows are deposited in layers.


This document discusses the classification of joints in rocks. It describes two main classifications: geometrical and genetic. Geometrical classification is based on the orientation of joints relative to rock beds and includes strike, dip, oblique, and bedding joints. Genetic classification considers the forces that formed the joints, dividing them into tension, shear, and compression joints. Joints are important in civil engineering and geology as they can cause weaknesses in rocks and influence landslides.

Structural Geology for petroleum Egineering Geology
Structural Geology for petroleum Egineering GeologyStructural Geology for petroleum Egineering Geology
Structural Geology for petroleum Egineering Geology

Structural geology is the study of geological structures like faults, folds, and joints. It provides important information for fields like engineering geology, economic geology, and plate tectonics. Folds form when rock layers bend under pressure and heat. The limbs of folds dip inward or outward forming anticlines and synclines. Faults form when rocks break under stress, producing displacement along a fracture. The hanging wall moves relative to the footwall. Joints are fractures without displacement that form to relieve stress. Unconformities represent gaps in the geological record due to erosion. They provide evidence about past environmental conditions. Structural features must be considered for engineering projects due to their effects on rock strength and fluid flow. Plate t

 Otherwise called as release joints.
 formed near the surface during uplift and erosion.
 As bedded sedimentary rocks are brought closer to
the surface during uplift and erosion, they cool,
contract and become relaxed elastically.
 This causes stress buildup that eventually exceeds
the tensile strength of the bedrock and results in the
formation of jointing.
oIn the case of unloading joints, compressive stress is
released either along preexisting structural elements
(such as cleavage) or perpendicular to the former
direction of tectonic compression.

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ELS week 5.pptx
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Sedimentary rocks are formed by the accumulation and lithification of sediments. Sediments are produced through weathering and erosion of older rocks and transported by water, wind, or ice. They accumulate in layers over time in bodies of water or other depressions. Lithification occurs as the sediments are buried and compacted by the weight of overlying materials. This process cements the sediments together into solid rock. Relative dating methods determine the age of rocks in relation to other rocks by analyzing principles like superposition, cross-cutting relationships, and fossil succession. Absolute dating uses radiometric methods to determine the precise ages of rocks and fossils by measuring the decay of radioactive isotopes. Commonly used isotopes include potassium

plate tectonics
Geologia texturas de rochas metamòrficas ingles
Geologia texturas de rochas metamòrficas inglesGeologia texturas de rochas metamòrficas ingles
Geologia texturas de rochas metamòrficas ingles

This document discusses metamorphic rock textures, specifically foliation and compositional layering. Foliation results from the parallel alignment of sheet silicate minerals due to differential stress during metamorphism. Compositional layering in metamorphic rocks like gneiss develops through several processes, including preservation of original layering, transposition of bedding planes, and solution/reprecipitation of minerals along planes perpendicular to stress. Both foliation and layering provide information about the stress fields active during metamorphism.

Geologia texturas de rochas metamòrficas
Geologia   texturas de rochas metamòrficasGeologia   texturas de rochas metamòrficas
Geologia texturas de rochas metamòrficas

This document discusses metamorphic rock textures, specifically foliation and compositional layering. Foliation results from the parallel alignment of sheet silicate minerals due to differential stress during metamorphism. Compositional layering in metamorphic rocks like gneiss develops through several processes, including preservation of original layering, transposition of bedding planes, and solution/reprecipitation of minerals along planes perpendicular to stress. Both foliation and layering provide information about the stress fields active during metamorphism.

 Heavily jointed in many cases.
 They are irregular or non systematic types.
 Result of local and regional stresses acting on
rocks as a source of metamorphism.
 In many cases the metamorphic rocks may how
those joints which were preexisting at the time of
metamorphism of the rock with little or no
 Joints may be open fractures are filled by various
materials . joints which are in filled by precipitated
minerals are called veins and joints filled by
solidified magma are called dykes.

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Joints are fractures where the two walls remain in contact without shear displacement. They form due to regional tectonics, folding, faulting, or stress release during uplift or cooling. Joint spacing depends on factors like lithology, bed thickness, structural position, and strain. Regularly spaced joints may form due to pore pressure variations, stress shadows, or inter-layer forces controlling where new joints can form. Joint orientation provides information about a reservoir's permeability anisotropy.

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Is Email Marketing Really Effective In 2024?Is Email Marketing Really Effective In 2024?
Is Email Marketing Really Effective In 2024?

Slide 1 Is Email Marketing Really Effective in 2024? Yes, Email Marketing is still a great method for direct marketing. Slide 2 In this article we will cover: - What is Email Marketing? - Pros and cons of Email Marketing. - Tools available for Email Marketing. - Ways to make Email Marketing effective. Slide 3 What Is Email Marketing? Using email to contact customers is called Email Marketing. It's a quiet and effective communication method. Mastering it can significantly boost business. In digital marketing, two long-term assets are your website and your email list. Social media apps may change, but your website and email list remain constant. Slide 4 Types of Email Marketing: 1. Welcome Emails 2. Information Emails 3. Transactional Emails 4. Newsletter Emails 5. Lead Nurturing Emails 6. Sponsorship Emails 7. Sales Letter Emails 8. Re-Engagement Emails 9. Brand Story Emails 10. Review Request Emails Slide 5 Advantages Of Email Marketing 1. Cost-Effective: Cheaper than other methods. 2. Easy: Simple to learn and use. 3. Targeted Audience: Reach your exact audience. 4. Detailed Messages: Convey clear, detailed messages. 5. Non-Disturbing: Less intrusive than social media. 6. Non-Irritating: Customers are less likely to get annoyed. 7. Long Format: Use detailed text, photos, and videos. 8. Easy to Unsubscribe: Customers can easily opt out. 9. Easy Tracking: Track delivery, open rates, and clicks. 10. Professional: Seen as more professional; customers read carefully. Slide 6 Disadvantages Of Email Marketing: 1. Irrelevant Emails: Costs can rise with irrelevant emails. 2. Poor Content: Boring emails can lead to disengagement. 3. Easy Unsubscribe: Customers can easily leave your list. Slide 7 Email Marketing Tools Choosing a good tool involves considering: 1. Deliverability: Email delivery rate. 2. Inbox Placement: Reaching inbox, not spam or promotions. 3. Ease of Use: Simplicity of use. 4. Cost: Affordability. 5. List Maintenance: Keeping the list clean. 6. Features: Regular features like Broadcast and Sequence. 7. Automation: Better with automation. Slide 8 Top 5 Email Marketing Tools: 1. ConvertKit 2. Get Response 3. Mailchimp 4. Active Campaign 5. Aweber Slide 9 Email Marketing Strategy To get good results, consider: 1. Build your own list. 2. Never buy leads. 3. Respect your customers. 4. Always provide value. 5. Don’t email just to sell. 6. Write heartfelt emails. 7. Stick to a schedule. 8. Use photos and videos. 9. Segment your list. 10. Personalize emails. 11. Ensure mobile-friendliness. 12. Optimize timing. 13. Keep designs clean. 14. Remove cold leads. Slide 10 Uses of Email Marketing: 1. Affiliate Marketing 2. Blogging 3. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 4. Newsletter Circulation 5. Transaction Notifications 6. Information Dissemination 7. Gathering Feedback 8. Selling Courses 9. Selling Products/Services Read Full Article: https://digitalsamaaj.com/is-email-marketing-effective-in-2024/

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MATATAG curriculum training

 minerialisation
 good permeable layer for aquifer
 act as oil and gas reservoir ,it helps in secondary
migration of hydrocarbons
 e.g. groundwater and pollutants within aquifers, petroleu
m in reservoirs, and hydrothermal circulation at depth,
within bedrock.
 joints are important to the economic and safe
development of petroleum, hydrothermal, and
groundwater resources and the subject of intensive
research relative to the development of these resources.
 control weathering and erosion
 joints are important to the economic and safe
development of petroleum, hydrothermal, and
groundwater resources and the subject of intensive
research relative to the development of these
 understand the geology and geomorphology of
local area
 in hilly regions joints get easily lubricated due to the
moisture and starts sliding causes landslides
 source of weakness and as pathways of
leakage of water through rocks
 presence of joints leads to leakage of water in
dams and reservoir sometimes it even leads to
 in open cast mining benches should be free from
joints otherwise it leads to collapse and leakage
 In ground water investigation, particularly in hard
rock terrains, jointed strata regions are generally
considered as probable sites for ground water
 it is very important in quarrying operations of
building and dimension stones.
 Sandstone and limestone joint are widely spaced
and consequently yield large blocks of rocks
required for buildings and masonry construction.
 presence of orthogonal joints in granite will helps in
economically profitable quarrying
 Igneous and metamorphic rocks generally yield
close joint.
 Huge block of rocks are quarried along the joint
 A well-jointed rock mass is considered a weak rock.

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Ardra Nakshatra, the sixth Nakshatra in Vedic astrology, spans from 6°40' to 20° in the Gemini zodiac sign. Governed by Rahu, the north lunar node, Ardra translates to "the moist one" or "the star of sorrow." Symbolized by a teardrop, it represents the transformational power of storms, bringing both destruction and renewal. About Astro Pathshala Astro Pathshala is a renowned astrology institute offering comprehensive astrology courses and personalized astrological consultations for over 20 years. Founded by Gurudev Sunil Vashist ji, Astro Pathshala has been a beacon of knowledge and guidance in the field of Vedic astrology. With a team of experienced astrologers, the institute provides in-depth courses that cover various aspects of astrology, including Nakshatras, planetary influences, and remedies. Whether you are a beginner seeking to learn astrology or someone looking for expert astrological advice, Astro Pathshala is dedicated to helping you navigate life's challenges and unlock your full potential through the ancient wisdom of Vedic astrology. For more information about their courses and consultations, visit Astro Pathshala.

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 jointed strata in tunnel excavation create
problems for the roof and floor besides added
ground water seepage problems
 As a result, joints are an important part
of geotechnical engineering in practice and
 To avoid the joints in civil engineering
 A joint pattern study of the area has to be made .
 Strike frequency diagrams of the investigated area
give the general trend of the joint pattern of the
 These diagrams are useful for various civil
engineering application.

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As artificial intelligence continues to evolve, understanding the complexities and regulations regarding AI risk management is more crucial than ever. Amongst others, the webinar covers: • ISO/IEC 42001 standard, which provides guidelines for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving AI management systems within organizations • insights into the European Union's landmark legislative proposal aimed at regulating AI • framework and methodologies prescribed by ISO/IEC 23894 for identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks associated with AI systems Presenters: Miriama Podskubova - Attorney at Law Miriama is a seasoned lawyer with over a decade of experience. She specializes in commercial law, focusing on transactions, venture capital investments, IT, digital law, and cybersecurity, areas she was drawn to through her legal practice. Alongside preparing contract and project documentation, she ensures the correct interpretation and application of European legal regulations in these fields. Beyond client projects, she frequently speaks at conferences on cybersecurity, online privacy protection, and the increasingly pertinent topic of AI regulation. As a registered advocate of Slovak bar, certified data privacy professional in the European Union (CIPP/e) and a member of the international association ELA, she helps both tech-focused startups and entrepreneurs, as well as international chains, to properly set up their business operations. Callum Wright - Founder and Lead Consultant Founder and Lead Consultant Callum Wright is a seasoned cybersecurity, privacy and AI governance expert. With over a decade of experience, he has dedicated his career to protecting digital assets, ensuring data privacy, and establishing ethical AI governance frameworks. His diverse background includes significant roles in security architecture, AI governance, risk consulting, and privacy management across various industries, thorough testing, and successful implementation, he has consistently delivered exceptional results. Throughout his career, he has taken on multifaceted roles, from leading technical project management teams to owning solutions that drive operational excellence. His conscientious and proactive approach is unwavering, whether he is working independently or collaboratively within a team. His ability to connect with colleagues on a personal level underscores his commitment to fostering a harmonious and productive workplace environment. Date: June 26, 2024 Tags: ISO/IEC 42001, Artificial Intelligence, EU AI Act, ISO/IEC 23894 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find out more about ISO training and certification services Training: ISO/IEC 42001 Artificial Intelligence Management System - EN | PECB Webinars: https://pecb.com/webinars Article: https://pecb.com/article -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • 5.  Joints are cracks or fracture that divide the rocks into parts or blocks and there is no relative displacement .  It occur in all types of rocks.  They are like cleavage in minerals.
  • 6. Joint set - joint that share a similar orientation in the same area. Or it is a family of parallel evenly spaced joints. Joint system - two or more intersecting joint sets in the same area. Open joints - which the block have separated for the small distance to right angle to the fracture surface.
  • 8. Close joints - there is no such a separation. Joints may e capable of allowing fluids and (gas and water) to pass through the rock. Small joints – small in their extension confined to only one part of layer .Its also called as discontinuous joints. Master joints- extensive joints referred as a continuous joints .the more prominent continuous joints are called as master joint.
  • 11.  Joints results from brittle fracture of a rock body as the result of tensile stresses and compression stresses.  When this happens the rock fractures in a “plane parallel to the maximum principal stress and perpendicular to the minimum principal stress”.
  • 12.  Joints are cause in different rocks due to different reasons.  No single theory can explain.
  • 13.  Sedimentary rocks - especially those plastic nature and rich in moisture in initial stages undergo some contraction on drying up which might have resulted into irregular jointing.  Similarly in igneous rocks –cooling and crystallization .by this contraction or shrinkage cause the vertical type of joints.
  • 14.  Rocks and some other solids expands with rise in temperature and contract on cooling.  Such repeated expansion and contraction is one o the reason for the joint formation  Removal of overburden due to weathering or other process of rock wasting also cause expansion of the underlying rocks  The previously load rocks are get relaxed with the release of the force.  The sheet joints are formed by by the process of erosional unloading through geological age .
  • 15.  Many joint types especially those associated with folded and faulted rocks are clearly related to the process of crustal disturbances that are responsible for building of mountains and continents.  Easily capable of exerting sustained and strong forces on rocks that virtually cut them in to slice.  Sudden seismic shocks have also been suggested by some as a possible cause for the development of joints in many rocks.
  • 19.  Nonsystematic joints or irregular joints that are so irregular in form, spacing, and orientation that they cannot be readily grouped into distinctive, through-going joint sets.  In many cases they are related to systematic joints in that these occur between them.
  • 20.  These shows a distinct regularity in their occurrence.  They occur in parallel or sub parallel joint sets that are repeated in the rocks at regular intervals.  Based upon the angle at which joint sets of systematic joints intersect to form a joint system, it can be subdivided into conjugate and orthogonal joint sets.  The angles at which joint sets within a joint system commonly intersect is called by structural geologists as the dihedral angles.
  • 21.  When the dihedral angles are nearly 90° within a joint system, the joint sets are known as orthogonal joint sets.  When the dihedral angles are from 30 to 60° within a joint system, the joint sets are known as conjugate joint sets. Orthogonal joints in Flagstones- scotland .
  • 24. In stratified rocks joints are generally classified on the basis of relationship of their attitude with that of the rocks in which they are occur.  1. Strike Joints: In which Joint sets strike parallel to the strike of rocks are called ‘Strike Joints’.  2. Dip Joints: Joints that are parallel to the dip of rocks are called ‘Dip Joints’.  3. Oblique Joints: Joints, which run in a direction that lies between the strike and dip direction of the rock beds, are called ‘Oblique Joints’.  4.Bedding joints: In stratified rocks some joints may present essentially parallel to the bed planes they referred as bedding joint.
  • 26.  On the basis of their origin, joints have been divided into a number of different types.  Its very difficult to attribute a particular type or group or system or joints to an exact cause of origin.  “it should be kept in mind that different joints in the same outcrop may have formed at different times and for different reasons.”  Some predominant forces like compression or tension or shear has been responsible for the development of joints.  By the way joints are classified into the following genetic types.
  • 27.  Which have developed due to tensile forces .  Common location-folded sequence is on the outer margin of crests and troughs.  Also produced in igneous rocks during their cooling.  Joints produced in many rocks during weathering of overlying strata and subsequent release of stresses by expansion are also thought due to the tensile forces.
  • 28.  These are formed mainly due to shearing stress.  They originating in folding and faulting of rock bodies.  In folded region they are located in axial region.  Rocks may be compressed to crushing and numerous joints may result due to compressive forces in this case.  In the core region of folds where compressive force are dominant.  So it may be related to the compressive force.  Example – cross joints.
  • 31.  Joints are most common structural features of all type of rocks.  It’s rare to find any big rock mass on the surface free from joints.  Rocks of all three main classes igneous metamorphic and sedimentary shows various type of joints.
  • 32. Igneous rocks are formed by cooling and crystallization of molten material called magma or lava . In most cases they show joint systems related to the tensile stresses developing during the process of cooling and crystallization. Three regular systematic types  Sheet joints  Columnar joints  Mural joints
  • 33. SHEET JOINTS & EXFOLIATION  In granites and other related igneous rocks a horizontal set of joints often divides the rock mass in such a way as to give it an appearance of a layered sedimentary structure called as a sheeting joint.  It caused due to weathering and removal of overlaying rock masses which cause expansion of the underlying igneous rocks as a consequence of unloading.  That lie sub-parallel to the topography.
  • 37. MURAL JOINTS:-  In granitic rock masses.  Three sets of joints may occur.  In such a way one set is horizontal and the other sets are vertical .  All three sets being mutually right angles to each other.  this type of joints dividing the rock mass into cubical blocks or murals is called mural joints.
  • 39. COLUMNAR JOINTS  Typical volcanic igneous rocks.  Also called prismatic joints  These joints split a rock body into long, prisms or columns.  The diameter of these prismatic columns range from a few centimeters to several meters.  Directly related to the tensile forces during cooling (contraction).
  • 43.  Most sedimentary rocks are profusely.  Systematic or non systematic classes.  Joints may be closely or regularly spaced.  Since sedimentary rocks are Often folded and faulted these are genetically related to those forces.  Causes major deformations.  In deeply stratified rocks removal of overlying strata due to weathering gives rise to compression and tension forces that may cause regular or irregular joints.  In some case joints may develop parallel to the bedding planes that called as bedding plane.
  • 47. UNLOADING JOINTS  Otherwise called as release joints.  formed near the surface during uplift and erosion.  As bedded sedimentary rocks are brought closer to the surface during uplift and erosion, they cool, contract and become relaxed elastically.  This causes stress buildup that eventually exceeds the tensile strength of the bedrock and results in the formation of jointing.
  • 48. oIn the case of unloading joints, compressive stress is released either along preexisting structural elements (such as cleavage) or perpendicular to the former direction of tectonic compression.
  • 49.  Heavily jointed in many cases.  They are irregular or non systematic types.  Result of local and regional stresses acting on rocks as a source of metamorphism.  In many cases the metamorphic rocks may how those joints which were preexisting at the time of metamorphism of the rock with little or no modification.
  • 50. VEINS  Joints may be open fractures are filled by various materials . joints which are in filled by precipitated minerals are called veins and joints filled by solidified magma are called dykes.
  • 53.  minerialisation  good permeable layer for aquifer  act as oil and gas reservoir ,it helps in secondary migration of hydrocarbons  e.g. groundwater and pollutants within aquifers, petroleu m in reservoirs, and hydrothermal circulation at depth, within bedrock.  joints are important to the economic and safe development of petroleum, hydrothermal, and groundwater resources and the subject of intensive research relative to the development of these resources.  control weathering and erosion
  • 54.  joints are important to the economic and safe development of petroleum, hydrothermal, and groundwater resources and the subject of intensive research relative to the development of these resources.  understand the geology and geomorphology of local area  in hilly regions joints get easily lubricated due to the moisture and starts sliding causes landslides
  • 55. ENGINEERING IMPORTANCE  source of weakness and as pathways of leakage of water through rocks  presence of joints leads to leakage of water in dams and reservoir sometimes it even leads to collapse  in open cast mining benches should be free from joints otherwise it leads to collapse and leakage  In ground water investigation, particularly in hard rock terrains, jointed strata regions are generally considered as probable sites for ground water exploration.
  • 56.  it is very important in quarrying operations of building and dimension stones.  Sandstone and limestone joint are widely spaced and consequently yield large blocks of rocks required for buildings and masonry construction.  presence of orthogonal joints in granite will helps in economically profitable quarrying  Igneous and metamorphic rocks generally yield close joint.  Huge block of rocks are quarried along the joint pattern.  A well-jointed rock mass is considered a weak rock.
  • 57.  jointed strata in tunnel excavation create problems for the roof and floor besides added ground water seepage problems  As a result, joints are an important part of geotechnical engineering in practice and research
  • 60.  To avoid the joints in civil engineering  A joint pattern study of the area has to be made .  Strike frequency diagrams of the investigated area give the general trend of the joint pattern of the region.  These diagrams are useful for various civil engineering application.