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Rahul sinha
•What are joints? 
•Terminology related to joints 
•Engineering considerations
What are joints? 
•Joints may be defined as the fractures that divide the rocks into parts or blocks which have not been suffered any relative motion along that fracture. 
•Joint set: it may be defined as group of or more joint surfaces trending in the same direction with almost the same dip. 
• Joint system: A joint system is a group of two or more joint sets. (May have two or three intersecting sets)
Terminology related to joints 
•Nature: joints may be open or closed. 
•Open joints: open joints are the joints in which the blocks have been separated for the small distance to right angles to the fracture surface. 
•Closed joints: closed joints are the joints in which the blocks are not separated from each other but allow the fluids(water and gases) to pass through the rocks. 
•Veins: generally open joints gets filled up by secondary materials which crystallize or precipitate there forming thin or thick steaks of material. These steaks are called veins when thin and fissure veins when there thickness is greater than 20 cm.

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Geometry of folds
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Geometry of folds

The document discusses key concepts related to the geometry and elements of rock folding. It defines folding as the bending of rock strata due to compressional forces, which results in a wavy formation of the earth's surface known as folds. Folds are described by their form and orientation. Key elements of folds discussed include limbs, which are the segments of rock beds between the crest and troughs of a fold, and hinge lines, which connect the points of maximum curvature in a folded sequence. The document also defines axial planes, fold axes, plunge, and features such as crests, troughs, and inflection points.


Joints are cracks or fractures in rocks that divide the rock mass into blocks. They form due to tensile and compressive stresses from processes like cooling/crystallization of igneous rocks, erosion, seismic activity, and tectonic plate movement. Joints can be systematic or non-systematic, and are classified by their orientation, geometry, and origin. Joints are important both geologically and economically, as they influence groundwater flow, quarrying, tunnel construction, and more.

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Types of Foliations and lineations and their characteristics
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Types of Foliations and lineations and their characteristics

structural geology- lineations and foliations, their types, characteristics with examples and figures.

•Joints are classified on the basis of 
I.Spatial relationship 
On the basis of spatial relation 
•Systematic joints: joints that shows distinct regularity in the occurrences which can be easily measured or mapped. Such joints occur in parallel joint set that are repeated in the rocks at the regular intervals. 
•Non-systematic joints: the joints that don’t posses any regularity in their occurrence and distribution. 
On the basis of geometry 
There are three types of joints on the basis of geometry: 
1.Strike joints 
2.Dip joints 
3.Oblique joints
•Strike joints: the joints which are parallel to the strike of the rock. 
•Dip joint: the joints which are parallel to the dip of the rock. 
•Oblique joint: joints which are neither parallel to the strike nor to the dip of the layer in which they occur. 
•In stratified rocks some joints may develop essentially parallel to the bedding planes. These are called bedding joints.
On the basis of origin of joints 
1.Tension joints: joints which are developed due to the tensile force acting on the rocks. The ,most common location of such joints are the outer margins of crests and troughs in the folding. 
2.Shear joints: these joints are commonly observed in the vicinity fault planes and shear zones where shearing stress prevails. In folds they occur in axial regions. 
3.Compression joints: rocks may be compressed too crushing and numerous joints may result due to compressive forces. These occur in the compressive regions of the folds like on in innermost margin of the axis of folds.

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The document discusses various types of sedimentary structures classified based on their formation process. Primary structures form during deposition without external forces, while secondary structures form after deposition due to forces. Examples of primary structures include ripple marks, cross-bedding and flaser bedding. Secondary structures include sole marks, tool marks and groove marks formed by erosion. Chemical structures also form via processes like dissolution and precipitation. Sedimentary structures provide clues about depositional environments and sediment transport directions.

Structural Geology & Stress
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Structural Geology & Stress

Structural geology is the study of the architecture and geometry of the Earth's crust and the processes that have shaped it. It involves analyzing how rock bodies deform in response to tectonic stresses. Structural analysis generally involves descriptive, kinematic, and dynamic analysis. Descriptive analysis describes rock structures like folds and faults. Kinematic analysis evaluates strain and changes in shape and orientation of rocks. Dynamic analysis reconstructs the stresses that caused rock deformation and failure. Stresses in rocks can be tensile, compressive, or shear stresses. Stress is analyzed using concepts like the stress tensor, Mohr's circle diagrams, and the orientation of maximum shear stresses. The main sources of stress that drive deformation are the motions of tectonic

structural geology & stress

This document discusses the classification of joints in rocks. It describes two main classifications: geometrical and genetic. Geometrical classification is based on the orientation of joints relative to rock beds and includes strike, dip, oblique, and bedding joints. Genetic classification considers the forces that formed the joints, dividing them into tension, shear, and compression joints. Joints are important in civil engineering and geology as they can cause weaknesses in rocks and influence landslides.

Engineering considerations 
a.joints are important because they split the rocks into a number of pieces which, in turn, reduce the competence of rock mass, increase the porosity and permeability and make them (rocks) susceptible to quick decay and Weathering.
b. Joints become avenues for the leakage of water in case of reservoirs. If they are closely spaced in the upstream side, silting problems also arise in reservoirs. 
c. The incompetence, leakage and other effects introduced by joints in rocks may create foundation problems at dam sites. 
d. Joints may pose ground water problems in tunnelling. 
e. Depending on the relation of the dip of joints in rocks with reference to the surface slope, they may pose problems in laying roads and railways along hill slopes. 
1.Increase the ground water potentiality in any place. 
2.Suitable spaced joints (i.e., with neither very close nor very wide joint intervals) not only facilitate the quarrying process or tunnelling process but also reduce the cost by decreasing the use of explosives.
•What are unconformity? 
•Origin of unconformity 
•Engineering considerations
What is unconformity? 
•An unconformity may be defined as surface of the erosion on non-deposition occurring within the sequence of rocks. An unconformity is developed due to the change in the process of deposition of sedimentary rocks.

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Geometric classification of folds
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This document discusses the geometric classification of folds in geology. It defines what folds are and describes their key features like hinge lines, axial planes, limbs, and amplitudes. It then categorizes folds based on various criteria such as the sense of curvature (anticline, syncline), direction of younging (anticlinal, synclinal), symmetry (symmetrical, asymmetrical), nature of the hinge line (cylindrical, non-cylindrical), plunge, interlimb angle, thickness, orientation, and shape of the hinge. It provides examples of different fold types and discusses parasitic folds. The document serves as a comprehensive overview of how folds are classified geometrically in structural geology.

Lineation and their types
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Lineation and their types

This document defines and describes different types of lineations found in deformed rocks, which are linear structures that occur repetitively. It discusses three main types of lineations: form lineations related to geological structures like folds, boudins, and slickenlines; surface lineations defined by intersections or slip; and mineral lineations caused by the preferred orientation of mineral grains or aggregates. Specific examples of each lineation type are provided, and the usefulness of lineations in structural analysis to determine strain and slip directions is explained.

#geology #lineation
Origin of unconformity 
•If the process of deposition remain uninterrupted for considerable time then layer will be deposited in order. Older beds occupy the position at the base of the sequence and younger beds are on the top. The sequence of deposition is called conformable. 
•But if in any case the deposition is interrupted at a certain stage and exposed to erosion, then top layers will be eroded. This is followed by the phase of deposition of new beds over eroded surface. The sequence so formed is not conformable.
Types of unconformities? 
•Angular unconformity: it is characterized by different inclinations and structural features above and below the surface unconformity. The sequence below the unconformity may be steep, faulted or folded and sequence above may be horizontal or inclined. 
•Disconformity: it is the type of unconformity in which the beds below and above the surface of erosion are almost parallel. 
Angular unconformity and disconformity
Non-conformity: it is the term used for unconformity in the sequence of the rocks composed of plutonic igneous or metamorphic rocks as older and sedimentary rocks as younger or newer.
Engineering consideration 
•Unconformity indicates the discontinuity in the sequence of the rocks. The behavior of the rocks above and below the unconformity shows the variation in their mechanical properties and hence affect the stability of the project. 
•Unconformity marks the a weak contact which can allow percolation of water and can also act as fault plane towards forces imposed from above.

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Cleavage, foliation, lineation

Rock fabric is defined as the total sum of grain shape, size, and configuration in a rock. Foliation is a planar fabric that can include cleavage, which refers to spaced, aligned planar or curviplanar surfaces associated with folds. Lineation is a linear fabric that represents the subparallel alignment of elongate elements within a rock. Both foliation and lineation can be primary features that formed during the original igneous or sedimentary processes or can be secondary features formed by metamorphism.

Elements of fault
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This document defines and describes the key elements of faults in geology. It discusses fault plane, fault line, strike, dip, hanging wall, footwall, throw, heave, net slip, rake, and hade. Elements such as strike and dip are used to characterize the orientation of the fault plane. Hanging wall and footwall refer to the rock blocks separated by the fault. Throw, heave and net slip describe the displacement components. Understanding these fault elements aids in field study and identification of fault types.

#geology #faults

The document discusses different types of unconformities: - Angular unconformity occurs when rock layers above and below are not parallel due to erosion and deposition over a long period of time with changes in bedding orientation. - Nonconformity separates older crystalline rocks from overlying younger sedimentary or volcanic rocks, representing a long period of erosion. - Disconformity has parallel bedding above and below, separated by erosion over some time. - Local unconformity is similar to a disconformity but represents only a short period of non-deposition over a small area.

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Joints and unconformity

  • 2. •What are joints? •Terminology related to joints •Classification •Engineering considerations
  • 3. What are joints? •Joints may be defined as the fractures that divide the rocks into parts or blocks which have not been suffered any relative motion along that fracture. •Joint set: it may be defined as group of or more joint surfaces trending in the same direction with almost the same dip. • Joint system: A joint system is a group of two or more joint sets. (May have two or three intersecting sets)
  • 4. Terminology related to joints •Nature: joints may be open or closed. •Open joints: open joints are the joints in which the blocks have been separated for the small distance to right angles to the fracture surface. •Closed joints: closed joints are the joints in which the blocks are not separated from each other but allow the fluids(water and gases) to pass through the rocks. •Veins: generally open joints gets filled up by secondary materials which crystallize or precipitate there forming thin or thick steaks of material. These steaks are called veins when thin and fissure veins when there thickness is greater than 20 cm.
  • 5. Classification •Joints are classified on the basis of I.Spatial relationship II.Geometry III.Genesis(origin)
  • 6. On the basis of spatial relation •Systematic joints: joints that shows distinct regularity in the occurrences which can be easily measured or mapped. Such joints occur in parallel joint set that are repeated in the rocks at the regular intervals. •Non-systematic joints: the joints that don’t posses any regularity in their occurrence and distribution. On the basis of geometry There are three types of joints on the basis of geometry: 1.Strike joints 2.Dip joints 3.Oblique joints
  • 7. •Strike joints: the joints which are parallel to the strike of the rock. •Dip joint: the joints which are parallel to the dip of the rock. •Oblique joint: joints which are neither parallel to the strike nor to the dip of the layer in which they occur. •In stratified rocks some joints may develop essentially parallel to the bedding planes. These are called bedding joints.
  • 8. On the basis of origin of joints 1.Tension joints: joints which are developed due to the tensile force acting on the rocks. The ,most common location of such joints are the outer margins of crests and troughs in the folding. 2.Shear joints: these joints are commonly observed in the vicinity fault planes and shear zones where shearing stress prevails. In folds they occur in axial regions. 3.Compression joints: rocks may be compressed too crushing and numerous joints may result due to compressive forces. These occur in the compressive regions of the folds like on in innermost margin of the axis of folds.
  • 9. Engineering considerations DISAVANTAGES a.joints are important because they split the rocks into a number of pieces which, in turn, reduce the competence of rock mass, increase the porosity and permeability and make them (rocks) susceptible to quick decay and Weathering.
  • 10. b. Joints become avenues for the leakage of water in case of reservoirs. If they are closely spaced in the upstream side, silting problems also arise in reservoirs. c. The incompetence, leakage and other effects introduced by joints in rocks may create foundation problems at dam sites. d. Joints may pose ground water problems in tunnelling. e. Depending on the relation of the dip of joints in rocks with reference to the surface slope, they may pose problems in laying roads and railways along hill slopes. ADVANTAGES 1.Increase the ground water potentiality in any place. 2.Suitable spaced joints (i.e., with neither very close nor very wide joint intervals) not only facilitate the quarrying process or tunnelling process but also reduce the cost by decreasing the use of explosives.
  • 11. •What are unconformity? •Origin of unconformity •Classification •Engineering considerations
  • 12. What is unconformity? •An unconformity may be defined as surface of the erosion on non-deposition occurring within the sequence of rocks. An unconformity is developed due to the change in the process of deposition of sedimentary rocks.
  • 13. Origin of unconformity •If the process of deposition remain uninterrupted for considerable time then layer will be deposited in order. Older beds occupy the position at the base of the sequence and younger beds are on the top. The sequence of deposition is called conformable. •But if in any case the deposition is interrupted at a certain stage and exposed to erosion, then top layers will be eroded. This is followed by the phase of deposition of new beds over eroded surface. The sequence so formed is not conformable.
  • 14. Types of unconformities? •Angular unconformity: it is characterized by different inclinations and structural features above and below the surface unconformity. The sequence below the unconformity may be steep, faulted or folded and sequence above may be horizontal or inclined. •Disconformity: it is the type of unconformity in which the beds below and above the surface of erosion are almost parallel. Angular unconformity and disconformity
  • 15. Nonconformity Non-conformity: it is the term used for unconformity in the sequence of the rocks composed of plutonic igneous or metamorphic rocks as older and sedimentary rocks as younger or newer.
  • 16. Engineering consideration •Unconformity indicates the discontinuity in the sequence of the rocks. The behavior of the rocks above and below the unconformity shows the variation in their mechanical properties and hence affect the stability of the project. •Unconformity marks the a weak contact which can allow percolation of water and can also act as fault plane towards forces imposed from above.
  • 17. Please visit (for more presentations)