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Section 5.5
           Integration by Substitution

                    V63.0121.041, Calculus I

                        New York University

                       December 13, 2010

   ”Wednesday”, December 15: Review, Movie
   Monday, December 20, 12:00pm–1:50pm: Final Exam

        ”Wednesday”, December 15:
        Review, Movie
        Monday, December 20,
        12:00pm–1:50pm: Final

V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   2 / 37
Resurrection Policy
 If your final score beats your midterm score, we will add 10% to its weight,
 and subtract 10% from the midterm weight.

Image credit: Scott Beale / Laughing Squid
   V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)          Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   3 / 37

         Given an integral and a
         substitution, transform the
         integral into an equivalent
         one using a substitution
         Evaluate indefinite integrals
         using the method of
         Evaluate definite integrals
         using the method of

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   4 / 37

Recommended for you

QMC Program: Trends and Advances in Monte Carlo Sampling Algorithms Workshop,...
QMC Program: Trends and Advances in Monte Carlo Sampling Algorithms Workshop,...QMC Program: Trends and Advances in Monte Carlo Sampling Algorithms Workshop,...
QMC Program: Trends and Advances in Monte Carlo Sampling Algorithms Workshop,...

This talk was presented as part of the Trends and Advances in Monte Carlo Sampling Algorithms Workshop.

qmcdeep probabilistic modelingstein variational approach
Lesson 25: Evaluating Definite Integrals (Section 021 handout)
Lesson 25: Evaluating Definite Integrals (Section 021 handout)Lesson 25: Evaluating Definite Integrals (Section 021 handout)
Lesson 25: Evaluating Definite Integrals (Section 021 handout)

This document outlines lecture material on evaluating definite integrals from a Calculus I course at New York University. The lecture covers using the Evaluation Theorem to evaluate definite integrals, writing antiderivatives as indefinite integrals, and interpreting definite integrals as the net change of a function over an interval. Properties of the definite integral such as additivity and comparison properties are discussed. The Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus is proved, relating the definite integral of a function to the antiderivative of that function. Examples are provided of using this theorem to compute areas under curves defined by functions.

1 - Linear Regression
1 - Linear Regression1 - Linear Regression
1 - Linear Regression

The first report of Machine Learning Seminar organized by Computational Linguistics Laboratory at Kazan Federal University. See http://cll.niimm.ksu.ru/cms/lang/en_US/main/seminars/mlseminar

cs229machine learningprml

Last Time: The Fundamental Theorem(s) of Calculus

Substitution for Indefinite Integrals

Substitution for Definite Integrals

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   5 / 37
Differentiation and Integration as reverse processes

Theorem (The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus)

 1. Let f be continuous on [a, b]. Then
                                                        f (t) dt = f (x)
                                        dx      a

 2. Let f be continuous on [a, b] and f = F for some other function F .
                                            f (x) dx = F (b) − F (a).

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   6 / 37
Techniques of antidifferentiation?

So far we know only a few rules for antidifferentiation. Some are general,
                [f (x) + g (x)] dx = f (x) dx + g (x) dx

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   7 / 37
Techniques of antidifferentiation?

So far we know only a few rules for antidifferentiation. Some are general,
                [f (x) + g (x)] dx = f (x) dx + g (x) dx

Some are pretty particular, like
                                   √       dx = arcsec x + C .
                                  x x2 − 1

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)    Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   7 / 37

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"reflections on the probability space induced by moment conditions with impli...
"reflections on the probability space induced by moment conditions with impli..."reflections on the probability space induced by moment conditions with impli...
"reflections on the probability space induced by moment conditions with impli...

This document discusses using moment conditions to perform Bayesian inference when the likelihood function is intractable or unknown. It outlines some approaches that have been proposed, including approximating the likelihood using empirical likelihood or pseudo-likelihoods. However, these approaches do not guarantee the same consistency as a true likelihood. Alternative approximative Bayesian methods are also discussed, such as Approximate Bayesian Computation, Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation, and variational Bayes. The empirical likelihood method constructs a likelihood from generalized moment conditions, but its use in Bayesian inference requires further analysis of consistency in each application.

bayesian statisticsprior selectionstructural model

This document introduces tensors through examples. It defines a vector as a rank 1 tensor and a matrix as a rank 2 tensor. It then provides an example of a rank 3 tensor. The document discusses how to define an inner product between tensors and provides examples using vectors and matrices. It also gives an example of how derivatives of a function can produce tensors of different ranks. Finally, it introduces the concept of decomposing matrices into their symmetric and antisymmetric parts.

Program on Quasi-Monte Carlo and High-Dimensional Sampling Methods for Applie...
Program on Quasi-Monte Carlo and High-Dimensional Sampling Methods for Applie...Program on Quasi-Monte Carlo and High-Dimensional Sampling Methods for Applie...
Program on Quasi-Monte Carlo and High-Dimensional Sampling Methods for Applie...

The document discusses achieving higher-order convergence for integration on RN using quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) rules. It describes the problem that when using tensor product QMC rules on truncated domains, the convergence rate scales with the dimension s as (α log N)sN-α. The goal is to obtain a convergence rate independent of the dimension s. The document proposes using a multivariate decomposition method (MDM) to decompose an infinite-dimensional integral into a sum of finite-dimensional integrals, then applying QMC rules to each integral to achieve the desired higher-order convergence rate.

program on quasi-monte carlo and high-dimensionalqmchigher-order convergence
Techniques of antidifferentiation?

So far we know only a few rules for antidifferentiation. Some are general,
                [f (x) + g (x)] dx = f (x) dx + g (x) dx

Some are pretty particular, like
                                   √       dx = arcsec x + C .
                                  x x2 − 1
What are we supposed to do with that?

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)    Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   7 / 37
No straightforward system of antidifferentiation

So far we don’t have any way to find
                                              √          dx
                                                  x2 + 1
                                                tan x dx.

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   8 / 37
No straightforward system of antidifferentiation

So far we don’t have any way to find
                                              √          dx
                                                  x2 + 1
                                                tan x dx.

Luckily, we can be smart and use the “anti” version of one of the most
important rules of differentiation: the chain rule.

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   8 / 37

Last Time: The Fundamental Theorem(s) of Calculus

Substitution for Indefinite Integrals

Substitution for Definite Integrals

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   9 / 37

Recommended for you

Universal Prediction without assuming either Discrete or Continuous
Universal Prediction without assuming either Discrete or ContinuousUniversal Prediction without assuming either Discrete or Continuous
Universal Prediction without assuming either Discrete or Continuous

1. The document discusses universal prediction without assuming data is either discrete or continuous. It presents a method to estimate generalized density functions to achieve universal prediction for any unknown probabilistic model. 2. A key insight is that universal prediction can be achieved by estimating the ratio between the true density function and a reference measure, without needing to directly estimate the density function. This allows universal prediction for data that is neither discrete nor continuous. 3. The method involves recursively refining partitions of the sample space to estimate the density ratio. It is shown that this ratio can be estimated universally for any density function, achieving the goal of prediction without assumptions about the data type.

Pattern Recognition
Pattern RecognitionPattern Recognition
Pattern Recognition

This document provides an outline and introduction to the topics of pattern recognition and machine learning. It begins with an overview of key concepts like probability theory, decision theory, and the curse of dimensionality. It then covers specific techniques like polynomial curve fitting, the Gaussian distribution, and Bayesian curve fitting. The document also includes an appendix on properties of matrices such as determinants, matrix derivatives, and the eigenvector equation.

Lesson 23: Antiderivatives (Section 041 slides)
Lesson 23: Antiderivatives (Section 041 slides)Lesson 23: Antiderivatives (Section 041 slides)
Lesson 23: Antiderivatives (Section 041 slides)

At times it is useful to consider a function whose derivative is a given function. We look at the general idea of reversing the differentiation process and its applications to rectilinear motion.

antiderivativepower rulev6301212010f
Substitution for Indefinite Integrals

                                             √               dx.
                                                 x2    +1

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   10 / 37
Substitution for Indefinite Integrals

                                             √               dx.
                                                 x2    +1

Stare at this long enough and you notice the the integrand is the
derivative of the expression 1 + x 2 .

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   10 / 37
Say what?

Solution (More slowly, now)
Let g (x) = x 2 + 1.

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   11 / 37
Say what?

Solution (More slowly, now)
Let g (x) = x 2 + 1. Then g (x) = 2x and so

                          d                       1                            x
                                  g (x) =                  g (x) = √
                          dx                 2     g (x)                      x2   +1

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)     Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution             December 13, 2010   11 / 37

Recommended for you

Lesson 1: Functions
Lesson 1: FunctionsLesson 1: Functions
Lesson 1: Functions

This document is from a Calculus I class at New York University. It provides an overview of functions, including the definition of a function, different ways functions can be represented (formulas, tables, graphs, verbal descriptions), properties of functions like monotonicity and symmetry, and examples of determining domains and ranges of functions. It aims to help students understand functions and their representations as a foundation for calculus.


The document discusses numerical methods for solving nonlinear equations, including root finding and systems of nonlinear equations. It covers the basics of nonlinear solvers like bisection, Newton's method, and fixed-point iteration. For one-dimensional root finding, it analyzes the convergence properties and order of convergence for these methods. It then extends the discussion to systems of nonlinear equations and shows how Newton's method can be applied by taking derivatives to form the Jacobian matrix.

Lesson 25: Evaluating Definite Integrals (Section 041 slides)
Lesson 25: Evaluating Definite Integrals (Section 041 slides)Lesson 25: Evaluating Definite Integrals (Section 041 slides)
Lesson 25: Evaluating Definite Integrals (Section 041 slides)

This document outlines a calculus lecture on evaluating definite integrals. The lecture will: 1) Use the Evaluation Theorem to evaluate definite integrals and write antiderivatives as indefinite integrals. 2) Interpret definite integrals as the "net change" of a function over an interval. 3) Provide examples of evaluating definite integrals and estimating integrals using the midpoint rule. 4) Discuss properties of integrals such as additivity and illustrate how a definite integral from a to c can be broken into integrals from a to b and b to c.

Say what?

Solution (More slowly, now)
Let g (x) = x 2 + 1. Then g (x) = 2x and so

                          d                         1                                x
                                   g (x) =                   g (x) = √
                          dx                   2     g (x)                       x2      +1

                               x                        d
                         √            dx =                      g (x)           dx
                             x2 + 1                     dx
                                           =       g (x) + C =                  1 + x2 + C .

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)       Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution                 December 13, 2010   11 / 37
Leibnizian notation FTW

Solution (Same technique, new notation)
Let u = x 2 + 1.

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   12 / 37
Leibnizian notation FTW

Solution (Same technique, new notation)
Let u = x 2 + 1. Then du = 2x dx and                        1 + x2 =         u.

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution         December 13, 2010   12 / 37
Leibnizian notation FTW

Solution (Same technique, new notation)
Let u = x 2 + 1. Then du = 2x dx and                           1 + x2 =         u. So the integrand
becomes completely transformed into
                                  x dx               2 du
                                                                       √ du
                                         =                   =
                                  x2 + 1                u             2 u

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)      Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution        December 13, 2010   12 / 37

Recommended for you

Generalization of Tensor Factorization and Applications
Generalization of Tensor Factorization and ApplicationsGeneralization of Tensor Factorization and Applications
Generalization of Tensor Factorization and Applications

This document presents two tensor factorization methods: Exponential Family Tensor Factorization (ETF) and Full-Rank Tensor Completion (FTC). ETF generalizes Tucker decomposition by allowing for different noise distributions in the tensor and handles mixed discrete and continuous values. FTC completes missing tensor values without reducing dimensionality by kernelizing Tucker decomposition. The document outlines these methods and their motivations, discusses Tucker decomposition, and provides an example applying ETF to anomaly detection in time series sensor data.


This document provides information about a Calculus I course taught by Professor Matthew Leingang at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at NYU. The course will include weekly lectures, recitations, homework assignments, quizzes, a midterm exam, and a final exam. Grades will be determined based on exam, homework, and quiz scores. The required textbook is available in hardcover, looseleaf, or online formats through the campus bookstore or WebAssign. Students are encouraged to contact the professor or TAs with any questions.

Lesson 12: Linear Approximation
Lesson 12: Linear ApproximationLesson 12: Linear Approximation
Lesson 12: Linear Approximation

This document summarizes a calculus lecture on linear approximations. It provides examples of using the tangent line to approximate the sine function at different points. Specifically, it estimates sin(61°) by taking linear approximations about 0 and about 60°. The linear approximation about 0 is x, giving a value of 1.06465. The linear approximation about 60° uses the fact that the sine is √3/2 and the derivative is √3/2 at π/3, giving a better approximation than using 0.

Leibnizian notation FTW

Solution (Same technique, new notation)
Let u = x 2 + 1. Then du = 2x dx and                           1 + x2 =         u. So the integrand
becomes completely transformed into
                                  x dx               2 du
                                                                       √ du
                                         =                   =
                                  x2 + 1                u             2 u
                                                    1 −1/2
                                           =        2u     du

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)      Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution        December 13, 2010   12 / 37
Leibnizian notation FTW

Solution (Same technique, new notation)
Let u = x 2 + 1. Then du = 2x dx and                           1 + x2 =         u. So the integrand
becomes completely transformed into
                                  x dx               2 du
                                                                       √ du
                                         =                   =
                                  x2 + 1                u             2 u
                                                    1 −1/2
                                           =        2u     du
                                           =       u+C =              1 + x2 + C .

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)      Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution        December 13, 2010   12 / 37
Useful but unsavory variation

Solution (Same technique, new notation, more idiot-proof)
Let u = x 2 + 1. Then du = 2x dx and 1 + x 2 = u. “Solve for dx:”
                                              dx =

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   13 / 37
Useful but unsavory variation

Solution (Same technique, new notation, more idiot-proof)
Let u = x 2 + 1. Then du = 2x dx and 1 + x 2 = u. “Solve for dx:”
                                                    dx =
So the integrand becomes completely transformed into
                                   x                       x du
                            √               dx =          √ ·
                                  x2   +1                   u 2x

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)         Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   13 / 37

Recommended for you

Lesson20 -derivatives_and_the_shape_of_curves_021_slides
Lesson20 -derivatives_and_the_shape_of_curves_021_slidesLesson20 -derivatives_and_the_shape_of_curves_021_slides
Lesson20 -derivatives_and_the_shape_of_curves_021_slides

f is decreasing on (−∞, −4/5] and increasing on [−4/5, ∞). . . . . . . V63.0121.021, Calculus I (NYU) Section 4.2 The Shapes of Curves November 16, 2010 13 / 32

Lesson22 -optimization_problems_slides
Lesson22 -optimization_problems_slidesLesson22 -optimization_problems_slides
Lesson22 -optimization_problems_slides

The document summarizes the steps to solve optimization problems using calculus. It begins with an example of finding the rectangle with maximum area given a fixed perimeter. It works through the solution, identifying the objective function, variables, constraints, and using calculus techniques like taking the derivative to find critical points. The document then outlines Polya's 4-step method for problem solving and provides guidance on setting up optimization problems by understanding the problem, introducing notation, drawing diagrams, and eliminating variables using given constraints. It emphasizes using the Closed Interval Method, evaluating the function at endpoints and critical points to determine maximums and minimums.

Calculus 45S Slides April 30, 2008
Calculus 45S Slides April 30, 2008Calculus 45S Slides April 30, 2008
Calculus 45S Slides April 30, 2008

The document discusses optimizing the area of a rectangular field using 320 yards of fencing. It poses the problem of determining the shape of the field that maximizes the enclosed area given the fixed amount of fencing. It also provides a link to an online quiz about derivatives and graphing that contains problems requiring deep thought about concepts learned.

Useful but unsavory variation

Solution (Same technique, new notation, more idiot-proof)
Let u = x 2 + 1. Then du = 2x dx and 1 + x 2 = u. “Solve for dx:”
                                                    dx =
So the integrand becomes completely transformed into
                                   x                       x du                    1
                            √               dx =          √ ·    =                 √ du
                                  x2   +1                   u 2x                  2 u

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)         Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution      December 13, 2010   13 / 37
Useful but unsavory variation

Solution (Same technique, new notation, more idiot-proof)
Let u = x 2 + 1. Then du = 2x dx and 1 + x 2 = u. “Solve for dx:”
                                                    dx =
So the integrand becomes completely transformed into
                                   x                       x du                    1
                            √               dx =          √ ·    =                 √ du
                                  x2   +1                   u 2x                  2 u
                                                          1 −1/2
                                                 =        2u     du

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)         Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution      December 13, 2010   13 / 37
Useful but unsavory variation

Solution (Same technique, new notation, more idiot-proof)
Let u = x 2 + 1. Then du = 2x dx and 1 + x 2 = u. “Solve for dx:”
                                                    dx =
So the integrand becomes completely transformed into
                                   x                       x du                    1
                            √               dx =          √ ·    =                 √ du
                                  x2   +1                   u 2x                  2 u
                                                          1 −1/2
                                                 =        2u     du
                                                 =       u+C =              1 + x2 + C .

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)         Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution      December 13, 2010   13 / 37
Useful but unsavory variation

Solution (Same technique, new notation, more idiot-proof)
Let u = x 2 + 1. Then du = 2x dx and 1 + x 2 = u. “Solve for dx:”
                                                    dx =
So the integrand becomes completely transformed into
                                   x                       x du                    1
                            √               dx =          √ ·    =                 √ du
                                  x2   +1                   u 2x                  2 u
                                                          1 −1/2
                                                 =        2u     du
                                                 =       u+C =              1 + x2 + C .

Mathematicians have serious issues with mixing the x and u like this.
However, I can’t deny that it works.
 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)         Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution      December 13, 2010   13 / 37

Recommended for you

Lesson 7: The Derivative (Section 21 slide)
Lesson 7: The Derivative (Section 21 slide)Lesson 7: The Derivative (Section 21 slide)
Lesson 7: The Derivative (Section 21 slide)

This document is from a Calculus I course at New York University. It outlines the objectives and content for Sections 2.1-2.2 on the derivative and rates of change. The sections will define the derivative, discuss how it models rates of change, and how to find the derivative of various functions graphically and numerically. It will also cover how to find higher-order derivatives and sketch the derivative graph from a function graph.

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cvpr2011: game theory in CVPR part 1

-1 , 1 Scissors -1 , 1 0,0 1 , -1 Paper 1 , -1 -1 , 1 0,0

Lesson 22: Optimization (Section 021 slides)
Lesson 22: Optimization (Section 021 slides)Lesson 22: Optimization (Section 021 slides)
Lesson 22: Optimization (Section 021 slides)

Uncountably many problems in life and nature can be expressed in terms of an optimization principle. We look at the process and find a few good examples.

second derivative testv6301210212010foptimization
Theorem of the Day

Theorem (The Substitution Rule)
If u = g (x) is a differentiable function whose range is an interval I and f
is continuous on I , then

                                  f (g (x))g (x) dx =                f (u) du

That is, if F is an antiderivative for f , then

                                   f (g (x))g (x) dx = F (g (x))

In Leibniz notation:
                                    f (u)      dx =             f (u) du

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)    Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution      December 13, 2010   14 / 37
A polynomial example

Use the substitution u = x 2 + 3 to find                       (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx.

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution    December 13, 2010   15 / 37
A polynomial example

Use the substitution u = x 2 + 3 to find                        (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx.

If u = x 2 + 3, then du = 2x dx, and 4x dx = 2 du. So

                           (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)    Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution    December 13, 2010   15 / 37
A polynomial example

Use the substitution u = x 2 + 3 to find                       (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx.

If u = x 2 + 3, then du = 2x dx, and 4x dx = 2 du. So

                           (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx =           u 3 2du = 2         u 3 du

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution       December 13, 2010   15 / 37

Recommended for you


This lecture covers various solution methods for unconstrained optimization problems, including: 1) Line search methods like dichotomous search and the Fibonacci and golden section methods for one-dimensional problems. 2) Newton's method and the false position method for curve fitting to minimize functions in one dimension. 3) Descent methods for multidimensional problems like the gradient method, which follows the negative gradient direction at each step, and how scaling can improve convergence rates.

Lesson 26: Evaluating Definite Integrals
Lesson 26: Evaluating Definite IntegralsLesson 26: Evaluating Definite Integrals
Lesson 26: Evaluating Definite Integrals

- The document is about evaluating definite integrals and contains sections on: evaluating definite integrals using the evaluation theorem, writing antiderivatives as indefinite integrals, interpreting definite integrals as net change over an interval, and examples of computing definite integrals. - It discusses properties of definite integrals such as additivity and comparison properties, and provides examples of definite integrals that can be evaluated using known area formulas or by direct computation of antiderivatives.

Lesson 8: Basic Differentiation Rules (Section 41 slides)
Lesson 8: Basic Differentiation Rules (Section 41 slides) Lesson 8: Basic Differentiation Rules (Section 41 slides)
Lesson 8: Basic Differentiation Rules (Section 41 slides)

This document contains lecture notes on differentiation rules from a Calculus I class at New York University. It begins with objectives to understand basic differentiation rules like the derivative of a constant function, the Constant Multiple Rule, the Sum Rule, and derivatives of sine and cosine. It then provides examples of using the definition of the derivative to find the derivatives of squaring and cubing functions. It illustrates the functions and their derivatives on graphs and discusses properties like a function being increasing when its derivative is positive.

power rulev6301212010fsum rule
A polynomial example

Use the substitution u = x 2 + 3 to find                       (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx.

If u = x 2 + 3, then du = 2x dx, and 4x dx = 2 du. So

                           (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx =           u 3 2du = 2         u 3 du
                                               = u4

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution       December 13, 2010   15 / 37
A polynomial example

Use the substitution u = x 2 + 3 to find                       (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx.

If u = x 2 + 3, then du = 2x dx, and 4x dx = 2 du. So

                           (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx =           u 3 2du = 2         u 3 du
                                                1     1
                                               = u 4 = (x 2 + 3)4
                                                2     2

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution       December 13, 2010   15 / 37
A polynomial example, by brute force

Compare this to multiplying it out:

                 (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   16 / 37
A polynomial example, by brute force

Compare this to multiplying it out:

                 (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx =            x 6 + 9x 4 + 27x 2 + 27 4x dx

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   16 / 37

Recommended for you

Lesson 11: Implicit Differentiation
Lesson 11: Implicit DifferentiationLesson 11: Implicit Differentiation
Lesson 11: Implicit Differentiation

Implicit differentiation allows us to find slopes of lines tangent to curves that are not graphs of functions. Almost all of the time (yes, that is a mathematical term!) we can assume the curve comprises the graph of a function and differentiate using the chain rule.

Lesson 8: Basic Differentiation Rules (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 8: Basic Differentiation Rules (Section 21 slides) Lesson 8: Basic Differentiation Rules (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 8: Basic Differentiation Rules (Section 21 slides)

This document is a section from a Calculus I course at New York University that discusses basic differentiation rules. It covers objectives like differentiating constant, sum, and difference functions. It also reviews derivatives of sine and cosine. Examples are provided, like finding the derivative of a squaring function x^2 using the definition of a derivative. The document outlines the topics and provides explanations and step-by-step solutions.

v6301210212010fsinepower rule
Lesson 17: Indeterminate Forms and L'Hôpital's Rule
Lesson 17: Indeterminate Forms and L'Hôpital's RuleLesson 17: Indeterminate Forms and L'Hôpital's Rule
Lesson 17: Indeterminate Forms and L'Hôpital's Rule

This document is from a Calculus I class lecture on L'Hopital's rule given at New York University. It begins with announcements and objectives for the lecture. It then provides examples of limits that are indeterminate forms to motivate L'Hopital's rule. The document explains the rule and when it can be used to evaluate limits. It also introduces the mathematician L'Hopital and applies the rule to examples introduced earlier.

A polynomial example, by brute force

Compare this to multiplying it out:

                 (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx =            x 6 + 9x 4 + 27x 2 + 27 4x dx

                                    =          4x 7 + 36x 5 + 108x 3 + 108x dx

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   16 / 37
A polynomial example, by brute force

Compare this to multiplying it out:

                 (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx =            x 6 + 9x 4 + 27x 2 + 27 4x dx

                                    =          4x 7 + 36x 5 + 108x 3 + 108x dx
                                    = x 8 + 6x 6 + 27x 4 + 54x 2

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   16 / 37
A polynomial example, by brute force

Compare this to multiplying it out:

                 (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx =            x 6 + 9x 4 + 27x 2 + 27 4x dx

                                    =          4x 7 + 36x 5 + 108x 3 + 108x dx
                                    = x 8 + 6x 6 + 27x 4 + 54x 2
Which would you rather do?

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   16 / 37
A polynomial example, by brute force

Compare this to multiplying it out:

                 (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx =            x 6 + 9x 4 + 27x 2 + 27 4x dx

                                    =          4x 7 + 36x 5 + 108x 3 + 108x dx
                                    = x 8 + 6x 6 + 27x 4 + 54x 2
Which would you rather do?
      It’s a wash for low powers

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   16 / 37

Recommended for you

Lesson 6: Limits Involving ∞ (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 6: Limits Involving ∞ (Section 21 slides)Lesson 6: Limits Involving ∞ (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 6: Limits Involving ∞ (Section 21 slides)

This document is from a Calculus I course at New York University and covers limits involving infinity. It defines infinite limits, both limits approaching positive and negative infinity, and limits at vertical asymptotes. Examples are provided of known infinite limits, like limits of 1/x as x approaches 0. The document demonstrates finding one-sided limits at points where a function is not continuous using a number line to determine the sign of factors in the denominator.

Lesson 3: Limits (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 3: Limits (Section 21 slides)Lesson 3: Limits (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 3: Limits (Section 21 slides)

This document contains lecture notes from a Calculus I class at New York University on September 14, 2010. The notes cover announcements, guidelines for written homework, a rubric for grading homework, examples of good and bad homework, and objectives for the concept of limits. The bulk of the document discusses the heuristic definition of a limit using an error-tolerance game approach, provides examples to illustrate the game, and outlines the path to a precise definition of a limit.

Lesson 9: The Product and Quotient Rules (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 9: The Product and Quotient Rules (Section 21 slides)Lesson 9: The Product and Quotient Rules (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 9: The Product and Quotient Rules (Section 21 slides)

The derivative of a sum of functions is the sum of the derivatives of those functions, but the derivative of a product or a quotient of functions is not so simple. We'll derive and use the product and quotient rule for these purposes. It will allow us to find the derivatives of other trigonometric functions, and derivatives of power functions with negative whole number exponents.

A polynomial example, by brute force

Compare this to multiplying it out:

                 (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx =            x 6 + 9x 4 + 27x 2 + 27 4x dx

                                    =          4x 7 + 36x 5 + 108x 3 + 108x dx
                                    = x 8 + 6x 6 + 27x 4 + 54x 2
Which would you rather do?
      It’s a wash for low powers
      But for higher powers, it’s much easier to do substitution.

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   16 / 37

We have the substitution method, which, when multiplied out, gives
            (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx = (x 2 + 3)4
                               1 8
                             =   x + 12x 6 + 54x 4 + 108x 2 + 81
                               1                            81
                             = x 8 + 6x 6 + 27x 4 + 54x 2 +
                               2                             2

and the brute force method

            (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx = x 8 + 6x 6 + 27x 4 + 54x 2
Is there a difference? Is this a problem?

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   17 / 37

We have the substitution method, which, when multiplied out, gives
            (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx = (x 2 + 3)4 + C
                               1 8
                             =   x + 12x 6 + 54x 4 + 108x 2 + 81 + C
                               1                            81
                             = x 8 + 6x 6 + 27x 4 + 54x 2 +    +C
                               2                             2

and the brute force method

            (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx = x 8 + 6x 6 + 27x 4 + 54x 2 + C
Is there a difference? Is this a problem? No, that’s what +C means!

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   17 / 37
A slick example

Find       tan x dx.

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   18 / 37

Recommended for you

Lesson 4: Calculating Limits (Section 41 slides)
Lesson 4: Calculating Limits (Section 41 slides)Lesson 4: Calculating Limits (Section 41 slides)
Lesson 4: Calculating Limits (Section 41 slides)

This document provides an overview of calculating limits from a Calculus I course at New York University. It begins with announcements about homework being due and includes sections on recalling the concept of limit, basic limits, limit laws, limits with algebra, and important trigonometric limits. The document uses examples, definitions, proofs, and the error-tolerance game to explain how to calculate limits, limit laws, and applying algebra to limits. It provides the essential information and objectives for understanding how to compute elementary limits.

limit lawsv6301212010fv6301210412010f
Lesson 13: Related Rates Problems
Lesson 13: Related Rates ProblemsLesson 13: Related Rates Problems
Lesson 13: Related Rates Problems

This document contains lecture notes on related rates from a Calculus I class at New York University. It begins with announcements about assignments and no class on a holiday. It then outlines the objectives of learning to use derivatives to understand rates of change and model word problems. Examples are provided, including an oil slick problem worked out in detail. Strategies for solving related rates problems are discussed. Further examples on people walking and electrical resistors are presented.

rate of changefunctionv6301210022010su
Lesson 4: Calculating Limits (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 4: Calculating Limits (Section 21 slides)Lesson 4: Calculating Limits (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 4: Calculating Limits (Section 21 slides)

basic limits, limit laws, limits of algebraic and rational functions, limits of piecewise functions, limits of trigonometric quotients.

limit lawsv6301210212010fv6301212010f
A slick example

                                              sin x
Find       tan x dx. (Hint: tan x =                 )
                                              cos x

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   18 / 37
A slick example

                                              sin x
Find       tan x dx. (Hint: tan x =                 )
                                              cos x

Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx . So

                                          sin x
                         tan x dx =             dx
                                          cos x

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   18 / 37
A slick example

                                              sin x
Find       tan x dx. (Hint: tan x =                 )
                                              cos x

Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx . So

                                          sin x
                         tan x dx =             dx
                                          cos x

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   18 / 37
A slick example

                                              sin x
Find       tan x dx. (Hint: tan x =                 )
                                              cos x

Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx . So

                                          sin x
                         tan x dx =             dx
                                          cos x

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   18 / 37

Recommended for you

Lesson 28: Integration by Subsitution
Lesson 28: Integration by SubsitutionLesson 28: Integration by Subsitution
Lesson 28: Integration by Subsitution

The document is a section from a Calculus I course at NYU from June 22, 2010. It discusses using the substitution method to evaluate indefinite integrals. Specifically, it provides an example of using the substitution u=x^2+3 to evaluate the integral of (x^2+3)^3 4x dx. The solution transforms the integral into an integral of u^3 du and evaluates it to be 1/4 u^4 + C.

Lesson 28: Integration by Subsitution
Lesson 28: Integration by SubsitutionLesson 28: Integration by Subsitution
Lesson 28: Integration by Subsitution

This document provides an overview of integration by substitution. It begins with announcements about an upcoming review session, evaluations, and final exam. It then discusses the objectives and outline of the section, which are to transform integrals using substitutions, evaluate indefinite integrals using substitutions, and evaluate definite integrals using substitutions. An example is provided to illustrate how to use substitution to evaluate the indefinite integral of x/(x^2 + 1) by letting u = x^2 + 1. The solution uses a new notation of letting u = x^2 + 1 and du = 2x dx to rewrite the integral in terms of u.

Lesson 29: Integration by Substition
Lesson 29: Integration by SubstitionLesson 29: Integration by Substition
Lesson 29: Integration by Substition

This document is the outline for a calculus class. It discusses the final exam date and review sessions, and outlines the topics of substitution for indefinite integrals and substitution for definite integrals. It provides an example of using substitution to find the integral of the square root of x^2 + 1 by letting u = x^2 + 1, and expresses this using both standard notation and Leibniz notation. It states the theorem of substitution rule.

A slick example

                                              sin x
Find       tan x dx. (Hint: tan x =                 )
                                              cos x

Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx . So

                                          sin x                        1
                         tan x dx =             dx = −                   du
                                          cos x                        u

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution     December 13, 2010   18 / 37
A slick example

                                              sin x
Find       tan x dx. (Hint: tan x =                 )
                                              cos x

Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx . So

                                       sin x                           1
                         tan x dx =           dx = −                     du
                                       cos x                           u
                                  = − ln |u| + C

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution     December 13, 2010   18 / 37
A slick example

                                              sin x
Find       tan x dx. (Hint: tan x =                 )
                                              cos x

Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx . So

                                       sin x                           1
                         tan x dx =           dx = −                     du
                                       cos x                           u
                                  = − ln |u| + C
                                  = − ln | cos x| + C = ln | sec x| + C

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution     December 13, 2010   18 / 37
Can you do it another way?

                                              sin x
Find       tan x dx. (Hint: tan x =                 )
                                              cos x

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   19 / 37

Recommended for you

Lesson 29: Integration by Substition (worksheet solutions)
Lesson 29: Integration by Substition (worksheet solutions)Lesson 29: Integration by Substition (worksheet solutions)
Lesson 29: Integration by Substition (worksheet solutions)

This document contains the notes from a calculus class. It provides announcements about the final exam schedule and review sessions. It then discusses the technique of u-substitution for both indefinite and definite integrals. Examples are provided to illustrate how to use u-substitution to evaluate integrals involving trigonometric, polynomial, and other functions. The document emphasizes that u-substitution often makes evaluating integrals much easier than expanding them out directly.

Lesson 27: Integration by Substitution (slides)
Lesson 27: Integration by Substitution (slides)Lesson 27: Integration by Substitution (slides)
Lesson 27: Integration by Substitution (slides)

The document is a summary of lecture notes for a Calculus I class. It discusses integration by substitution, providing theory, examples, and objectives. Key points covered include the substitution rule for indefinite integrals, working through examples like finding the integral of √x2+1 dx, and noting substitution can transform integrals into simpler forms. Definite integrals using substitution are also briefly mentioned.

Lesson 26: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (Section 041 slides)
Lesson 26: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (Section 041 slides)Lesson 26: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (Section 041 slides)
Lesson 26: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (Section 041 slides)

The document discusses the fundamental theorem of calculus. It begins by outlining the topics to be covered, including a review of the second fundamental theorem of calculus, an explanation of the first fundamental theorem of calculus, and examples of differentiating functions defined by integrals. It then provides more details on these topics, such as defining the integral as a limit, stating the second fundamental theorem, using integrals to represent concepts like distance traveled and mass, and working through an example of finding the derivative of a function defined by an integral.

Can you do it another way?

                                              sin x
Find       tan x dx. (Hint: tan x =                 )
                                              cos x

Let u = sin x. Then du = cos x dx and so dx =                                 .
                                                                        cos x

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution         December 13, 2010   19 / 37
Can you do it another way?

                                                  sin x
Find       tan x dx. (Hint: tan x =                     )
                                                  cos x

Let u = sin x. Then du = cos x dx and so dx =                                     .
                                                                            cos x
                                         sin x          u     du
                    tan x dx =                 dx =
                                         cos x        cos x cos x
                                          u du         u du                            u du
                                  =             =              =
                                         cos 2x     1 − sin2 x                        1 − u2
At this point, although it’s possible to proceed, we should probably back
up and see if the other way works quicker (it does).

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)       Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution         December 13, 2010   19 / 37
For those who really must know all

Solution (Continued, with algebra help)
Let y = 1 − u 2 , so dy = −2u du. Then
                                 u du         u dy
            tan x dx =                2
                                1−u           y −2u
                               1    dy       1                 1
                          =−             = − ln |y | + C = − ln 1 − u 2 + C
                               2     y       2                 2
                                   1                      1
                          = ln √          + C = ln                +C
                                 1 − u2                1 − sin2 x
                          = ln          + C = ln |sec x| + C
                               |cos x|

There are other ways to do it, too.

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   20 / 37

Last Time: The Fundamental Theorem(s) of Calculus

Substitution for Indefinite Integrals

Substitution for Definite Integrals

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   21 / 37

Recommended for you

Lesson 26: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (Section 021 slides)
Lesson 26: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (Section 021 slides)Lesson 26: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (Section 021 slides)
Lesson 26: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (Section 021 slides)

The document outlines a calculus class lecture on the fundamental theorem of calculus, including recalling the second fundamental theorem, stating the first fundamental theorem, and providing examples of differentiating functions defined by integrals. It gives announcements for upcoming class sections and exam dates, lists the objectives of the current section, and provides an outline of topics to be covered including area as a function, statements and proofs of the theorems, and applications to differentiation.

Lesson 26: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (Section 021 slides)
Lesson 26: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (Section 021 slides)Lesson 26: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (Section 021 slides)
Lesson 26: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (Section 021 slides)

The document provides an overview of Section 5.4 on the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus from a Calculus I course at New York University. It outlines topics to be covered, including recalling the Second Fundamental Theorem, stating the First Fundamental Theorem, and differentiating functions defined by integrals. Examples are provided to illustrate using the theorems to find derivatives and integrals.

Lesson 27: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Lesson 27: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Lesson 27: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Lesson 27: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

Here are the key points about g given f: - g represents the area under the curve of f over successive intervals of the x-axis - As x increases over an interval, g will increase if f is positive over that interval and decrease if f is negative - The concavity (convexity or concavity) of g will match the concavity of f over each interval In summary, the area function g, as defined by the integral of f, will have properties that correspond directly to the sign and concavity of f over successive intervals of integration.

Substitution for Definite Integrals

Theorem (The Substitution Rule for Definite Integrals)
If g is continuous and f is continuous on the range of u = g (x), then
                                  b                                    g (b)
                                      f (g (x))g (x) dx =                      f (u) du.
                              a                                      g (a)

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)          Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution           December 13, 2010   22 / 37
Substitution for Definite Integrals

Theorem (The Substitution Rule for Definite Integrals)
If g is continuous and f is continuous on the range of u = g (x), then
                                  b                                    g (b)
                                      f (g (x))g (x) dx =                      f (u) du.
                              a                                      g (a)

Why the change in the limits?
      The integral on the left happens in “x-land”
      The integral on the right happens in “u-land”, so the limits need to
      be u-values
      To get from x to u, apply g

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)          Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution           December 13, 2010   22 / 37
Compute                cos2 x sin x dx.

V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)      Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   23 / 37
Compute                 cos2 x sin x dx.

Solution (Slow Way)

First compute the indefinite integral                        cos2 x sin x dx and then evaluate.
Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx and

                          cos2 x sin x dx

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)      Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   23 / 37

Recommended for you

Lesson 27: Integration by Substitution (Section 4 version)
Lesson 27: Integration by Substitution (Section 4 version)Lesson 27: Integration by Substitution (Section 4 version)
Lesson 27: Integration by Substitution (Section 4 version)

The document outlines a calculus lecture on integration by substitution. It provides examples of using u-substitution to find antiderivatives of expressions like √(x^2+1) and tan(x). The key ideas are that if u is a function of x, its derivative du/dx can be used to rewrite the integrand and perform a u-substitution integration.

Lesson 26: Integration by Substitution (slides)
Lesson 26: Integration by Substitution (slides)Lesson 26: Integration by Substitution (slides)
Lesson 26: Integration by Substitution (slides)

The document provides an example of using the substitution method to evaluate the indefinite integral ∫(x2 + 3)3 4x dx. It introduces the substitution u = x2 + 3, which allows the integral to be rewritten as ∫u3 2 du and then evaluated as (1/2)u4 = (1/2)(x2 + 3)4. The solution is compared to directly integrating the expanded polynomial. The document outlines the theory and notation of substitution for indefinite integrals.

Lesson 26: Integration by Substitution (handout)
Lesson 26: Integration by Substitution (handout)Lesson 26: Integration by Substitution (handout)
Lesson 26: Integration by Substitution (handout)

The document provides notes on integration by substitution. It begins with objectives of being able to transform integrals using substitutions, evaluate indefinite integrals using substitution, and evaluate definite integrals using substitution. It then gives examples of using substitution to evaluate indefinite integrals of expressions like tan(x) dx and definite integrals like ∫01 cos2(x)sin(x) dx. The document emphasizes that substitution allows integrals to be transformed into simpler forms.

Compute                 cos2 x sin x dx.

Solution (Slow Way)

First compute the indefinite integral                        cos2 x sin x dx and then evaluate.
Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx and

                          cos2 x sin x dx

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)      Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   23 / 37
Compute                 cos2 x sin x dx.

Solution (Slow Way)

First compute the indefinite integral                        cos2 x sin x dx and then evaluate.
Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx and

                          cos2 x sin x dx

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)      Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   23 / 37
Compute                 cos2 x sin x dx.

Solution (Slow Way)

First compute the indefinite integral                        cos2 x sin x dx and then evaluate.
Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx and

                          cos2 x sin x dx = −            u 2 du

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)      Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   23 / 37
Compute                 cos2 x sin x dx.

Solution (Slow Way)

First compute the indefinite integral                        cos2 x sin x dx and then evaluate.
Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx and

                          cos2 x sin x dx = −            u 2 du

                                            = − 3 u 3 + C = − 1 cos3 x + C .

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)      Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   23 / 37

Recommended for you

1.1_The_Definite_Integral.pdf odjoqwddoio
1.1_The_Definite_Integral.pdf odjoqwddoio1.1_The_Definite_Integral.pdf odjoqwddoio
1.1_The_Definite_Integral.pdf odjoqwddoio

The document discusses partitions, Riemann sums, and the definite integral. It begins by defining partitions of an interval [a,b] and Riemann sums with respect to those partitions. Examples are given of partitions and calculating Riemann sums. The definite integral is then defined as the limit of Riemann sums as the partition size approaches zero. Several properties of definite integrals are stated, including linearity and the Fundamental Theorems of Calculus. Examples are provided of evaluating definite integrals using these properties.

Lesson 23: Antiderivatives (Section 021 slides)
Lesson 23: Antiderivatives (Section 021 slides)Lesson 23: Antiderivatives (Section 021 slides)
Lesson 23: Antiderivatives (Section 021 slides)

At times it is useful to consider a function whose derivative is a given function. We look at the general idea of reversing the differentiation process and its applications to rectilinear motion.

antiderivativev6301210212010fpower rule
Lesson 27: Integration by Substitution (Section 10 version)
Lesson 27: Integration by Substitution (Section 10 version)Lesson 27: Integration by Substitution (Section 10 version)
Lesson 27: Integration by Substitution (Section 10 version)

The method of substitution is the chain rule in reverse. At first it looks magical, then logical, and then you realize there's an art to choosing the right substitution. We try to demystify with many worked-out examples.

Compute                  cos2 x sin x dx.

Solution (Slow Way)

First compute the indefinite integral                         cos2 x sin x dx and then evaluate.
Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx and

                           cos2 x sin x dx = −            u 2 du

                                             = − 3 u 3 + C = − 1 cos3 x + C .

                 π                                           π
                     cos2 x sin x dx = − cos3 x
             0                          3                    0

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)       Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   23 / 37
Compute                  cos2 x sin x dx.

Solution (Slow Way)

First compute the indefinite integral                         cos2 x sin x dx and then evaluate.
Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx and

                           cos2 x sin x dx = −            u 2 du

                                             = − 3 u 3 + C = − 1 cos3 x + C .

                 π                                           π
                                        1                                1
                     cos2 x sin x dx = − cos3 x                  =−        (−1)3 − 13
             0                          3                    0           3

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)       Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution     December 13, 2010   23 / 37
Compute                  cos2 x sin x dx.

Solution (Slow Way)

First compute the indefinite integral                         cos2 x sin x dx and then evaluate.
Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx and

                           cos2 x sin x dx = −            u 2 du

                                             = − 3 u 3 + C = − 1 cos3 x + C .

                 π                                           π
                                        1                                1             2
                     cos2 x sin x dx = − cos3 x                  =−        (−1)3 − 13 = .
             0                          3                    0           3             3

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)       Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution    December 13, 2010   23 / 37
Definite-ly Quicker

Solution (Fast Way)
Do both the substitution and the evaluation at the same time. Let
u = cos x. Then du = − sin x dx, u(0) = 1 and u(π) = −1 . So
                            cos2 x sin x dx

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)       Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   24 / 37

Recommended for you

Lesson 28: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Lesson 28: The Fundamental Theorem of CalculusLesson 28: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Lesson 28: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

This document contains notes from a calculus class. It provides the outline and key points about the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. It discusses the first and second Fundamental Theorems of Calculus, including proofs and examples. It also provides brief biographies of several important mathematicians that contributed to the development of calculus, including the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, such as Isaac Newton, Gottfried Leibniz, James Gregory, and Isaac Barrow.

Lesson 28: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Lesson 28: The Fundamental Theorem of CalculusLesson 28: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Lesson 28: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

This document contains lecture notes on the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. It begins with announcements about the final exam date and current grade distribution. The outline then reviews the Evaluation Theorem and introduces the First and Second Fundamental Theorems of Calculus. It provides examples of how the integral can represent total change in concepts like distance, cost, and mass. Biographies are also included of mathematicians like Gregory, Barrow, Newton, and Leibniz who contributed to the development of calculus.

Lesson 5: Continuity (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 5: Continuity (Section 21 slides)Lesson 5: Continuity (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 5: Continuity (Section 21 slides)

This document is from a Calculus I class at New York University and covers continuity. It provides announcements about office hours and homework deadlines. It then discusses the objectives of understanding the definition of continuity and applying it to piecewise functions. Examples are provided to demonstrate how to show a function is continuous at a point by evaluating the limit as x approaches the point and showing it equals the function value. The students are asked to determine at which other points the example function is continuous.

Definite-ly Quicker

Solution (Fast Way)
Do both the substitution and the evaluation at the same time. Let
u = cos x. Then du = − sin x dx, u(0) = 1 and u(π) = −1 . So
                            cos2 x sin x dx

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)       Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   24 / 37
Definite-ly Quicker

Solution (Fast Way)
Do both the substitution and the evaluation at the same time. Let
u = cos x. Then du = − sin x dx, u(0) = 1 and u(π) = −1 . So
                            cos2 x sin x dx

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)       Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   24 / 37
Definite-ly Quicker

Solution (Fast Way)
Do both the substitution and the evaluation at the same time. Let
u = cos x. Then du = − sin x dx, u(0) = 1 and u(π) = −1 . So
                        π                               −1                     1
                            cos2 x sin x dx =                −u 2 du =              u 2 du
                    0                               1                          −1

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)      Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution            December 13, 2010   24 / 37
Definite-ly Quicker

Solution (Fast Way)
Do both the substitution and the evaluation at the same time. Let
u = cos x. Then du = − sin x dx, u(0) = 1 and u(π) = −1 . So
                        π                               −1                     1
                            cos2 x sin x dx =                −u 2 du =              u 2 du
                    0                               1                          −1
                                                  1 3                 1            2
                                             =      u             =     1 − (−1) =
                                                  3          −1       3            3

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)      Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution            December 13, 2010   24 / 37

Recommended for you

Lesson 5: Continuity (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 5: Continuity (Section 21 slides)Lesson 5: Continuity (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 5: Continuity (Section 21 slides)

This document is from a Calculus I class at New York University and covers continuity. It provides announcements about office hours and homework deadlines. It then discusses the objectives of understanding the definition of continuity and applying it to piecewise functions. Examples are provided to demonstrate how to show a function is continuous at a point by evaluating the limit as x approaches the point and showing it equals the function value. The students are asked to determine at which other points the example function is continuous.

Lesson 30: The Definite Integral
Lesson 30: The  Definite  IntegralLesson 30: The  Definite  Integral
Lesson 30: The Definite Integral

We define the definite integral as a limit of Riemann sums, compute some approximations, then investigate the basic additive and comparative properties

Lesson 16: Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Lesson 16: Inverse Trigonometric FunctionsLesson 16: Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Lesson 16: Inverse Trigonometric Functions

The document is a lecture on inverse trigonometric functions from a Calculus I class at New York University. It defines inverse trigonometric functions as the inverses of restricted trigonometric functions, gives their domains and ranges, and discusses their derivatives. The document also provides examples of evaluating inverse trigonometric functions.

calculusinverse trigonometricfunction
Definite-ly Quicker

Solution (Fast Way)
Do both the substitution and the evaluation at the same time. Let
u = cos x. Then du = − sin x dx, u(0) = 1 and u(π) = −1 . So
                        π                               −1                     1
                            cos2 x sin x dx =                −u 2 du =              u 2 du
                    0                               1                          −1
                                                  1 3                 1            2
                                             =      u             =     1 − (−1) =
                                                  3          −1       3            3

      The advantage to the “fast way” is that you completely transform the
      integral into something simpler and don’t have to go back to the
      original variable (x).

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)      Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution            December 13, 2010   24 / 37
Definite-ly Quicker

Solution (Fast Way)
Do both the substitution and the evaluation at the same time. Let
u = cos x. Then du = − sin x dx, u(0) = 1 and u(π) = −1 . So
                        π                               −1                     1
                            cos2 x sin x dx =                −u 2 du =              u 2 du
                    0                               1                          −1
                                                  1 3                 1            2
                                             =      u             =     1 − (−1) =
                                                  3          −1       3            3

      The advantage to the “fast way” is that you completely transform the
      integral into something simpler and don’t have to go back to the
      original variable (x).
      But the slow way is just as reliable.

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)      Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution            December 13, 2010   24 / 37
An exponential example
          ln          8
Find          √           e 2x   e 2x + 1 dx
         ln       3

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)          Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   25 / 37
An exponential example
          ln          8
Find          √           e 2x   e 2x + 1 dx
         ln       3

Let u = e 2x , so du = 2e 2x dx. We have
                                  ln          8                                           8√
                                      √           e 2x   e 2x + 1 dx =                         u + 1 du
                                 ln       3                                      2    3

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)                      Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution         December 13, 2010   25 / 37

Recommended for you

Lesson 14: Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
Lesson 14: Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential FunctionsLesson 14: Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
Lesson 14: Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions

The document discusses conventions for defining exponential functions with exponents other than positive integers, such as negative exponents, fractional exponents, and exponents of zero. It defines exponential functions with these exponent types in a way that maintains important properties like ax+y = ax * ay. The goal is to extend the definition of exponential functions beyond positive integer exponents in a principled way.

Lesson 15: Exponential Growth and Decay
Lesson 15: Exponential Growth and DecayLesson 15: Exponential Growth and Decay
Lesson 15: Exponential Growth and Decay

This document contains lecture notes on exponential growth and decay from a Calculus I class at New York University. It begins with announcements about an upcoming review session, office hours, and midterm exam. It then outlines the topics to be covered, including the differential equation y=ky, modeling population growth, radioactive decay including carbon-14 dating, Newton's law of cooling, and continuously compounded interest. Examples are provided of solving various differential equations representing exponential growth or decay. The document explains that many real-world situations exhibit exponential behavior due to proportional growth rates.

lesson 15: exponential growth and decay
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching
Lesson 21: Curve SketchingLesson 21: Curve Sketching
Lesson 21: Curve Sketching

The document provides an overview of curve sketching in calculus including objectives, rationale, theorems for determining monotonicity and concavity, and a checklist for graphing functions. It then gives examples of graphing cubic and quartic functions step-by-step, demonstrating how to analyze critical points, inflection points, and asymptotic behavior to create the curve. The examples illustrate applying differentiation rules to determine monotonicity from the derivative sign chart and concavity from the second derivative test.

About those limits

                                                    √                 √   2
                                           e 2(ln       3)
                                                             = e ln       3
                                                                              = e ln 3 = 3

we have                         √
                           ln          8                                               8√
                               √           e 2x     e 2x + 1 dx =                           u + 1 du
                          ln       3                                           2   3

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)                Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution            December 13, 2010   26 / 37
An exponential example
          ln          8
Find          √           e 2x       e 2x + 1 dx
         ln       3

Let u = e 2x , so du = 2e 2x dx. We have
                                      ln          8                                            8√
                                          √           e 2x   e 2x + 1 dx =                          u + 1 du
                                     ln       3                                       2    3

Now let y = u + 1, dy = du. So
                                     8√                                     9                           9
                          1                                        1            √              1
                                           u + 1 du =                               y dy =                  y 1/2 dy
                          2      3                                 2    4                      2    4
                                                               1 2                         1           19
                                                              = · y 3/2                   = (27 − 8) =
                                                               2 3                    4    3           3
 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)                          Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution                December 13, 2010   27 / 37
About those fractional powers

We have

                                      93/2 = (91/2 )3 = 33 = 27
                                      43/2 = (41/2 )3 = 23 = 8

                             9                                 9
                    1                         1 2 3/2                  1            19
                                 y 1/2 dy =    · y                 =     (27 − 8) =
                    2    4                    2 3              4       3            3

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)        Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution    December 13, 2010   28 / 37
An exponential example
          ln          8
Find          √           e 2x       e 2x + 1 dx
         ln       3

Let u = e 2x , so du = 2e 2x dx. We have
                                      ln          8                                            8√
                                          √           e 2x   e 2x + 1 dx =                          u + 1 du
                                     ln       3                                       2    3

Now let y = u + 1, dy = du. So
                                     8√                                     9                           9
                          1                                        1            √              1
                                           u + 1 du =                               y dy =                  y 1/2 dy
                          2      3                                 2    4                      2    4
                                                               1 2                         1           19
                                                              = · y 3/2                   = (27 − 8) =
                                                               2 3                    4    3           3
 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)                          Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution                December 13, 2010   29 / 37

Recommended for you

Lesson18 -maximum_and_minimum_values_slides
Lesson18 -maximum_and_minimum_values_slidesLesson18 -maximum_and_minimum_values_slides
Lesson18 -maximum_and_minimum_values_slides

This document is a section from a Calculus I course at New York University covering maximum and minimum values. It begins with announcements about exams and assignments. The objectives are to understand the Extreme Value Theorem and Fermat's Theorem, and use the Closed Interval Method to find extreme values. The document then covers the definitions of extreme points/values and the statements of the Extreme Value Theorem and Fermat's Theorem. It provides examples to illustrate the necessity of the hypotheses in the theorems. The focus is on using calculus concepts like continuity and differentiability to determine maximum and minimum values of functions on closed intervals.

Lesson 19: The Mean Value Theorem
Lesson 19: The Mean Value TheoremLesson 19: The Mean Value Theorem
Lesson 19: The Mean Value Theorem

This document is the notes from a Calculus I class at New York University covering Section 4.2 on the Mean Value Theorem. The notes include objectives, an outline, explanations of Rolle's Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem, examples of using the theorems, and a food for thought question. The key points are that Rolle's Theorem states that if a function is continuous on an interval and differentiable inside the interval, and the function values at the endpoints are equal, then there exists a point in the interior where the derivative is 0. The Mean Value Theorem similarly states that if a function is continuous on an interval and differentiable inside, there exists a point where the average rate of change equals the instantaneous rate of

functionmean value theoremv6301210022010su
Lesson 25: The Definite Integral
Lesson 25: The Definite IntegralLesson 25: The Definite Integral
Lesson 25: The Definite Integral

This document discusses the definite integral and its properties. It begins by stating the objectives of computing definite integrals using Riemann sums and limits, estimating integrals using approximations like the midpoint rule, and reasoning about integrals using their properties. The outline then reviews the integral as a limit of Riemann sums and how to estimate integrals. It also discusses properties of the integral and comparison properties. Finally, it restates the theorem that if a function is continuous, the limit of Riemann sums is the same regardless of the choice of sample points.

Another way to skin that cat

          ln          8
Find          √           e 2x   e 2x + 1 dx
         ln       3

Let u = e 2x + 1,

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)          Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   30 / 37
Another way to skin that cat

          ln          8
Find          √           e 2x   e 2x + 1 dx
         ln       3

Let u = e 2x + 1,so that du = 2e 2x dx.

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)          Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   30 / 37
Another way to skin that cat

          ln          8
Find          √           e 2x   e 2x + 1 dx
         ln       3

Let u = e 2x + 1,so that du = 2e 2x dx. Then
                                  ln          8                                           9√
                                      √           e 2x   e 2x + 1 dx =                         u du
                                 ln       3                                      2    4

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)                      Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution          December 13, 2010   30 / 37
Another way to skin that cat

          ln          8
Find          √           e 2x   e 2x + 1 dx
         ln       3

Let u = e 2x + 1,so that du = 2e 2x dx. Then
                                  ln          8                                           9√
                                      √           e 2x   e 2x + 1 dx =                             u du
                                 ln       3                                      2    4
                                                                            = u 3/2
                                                                             3                 4

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)                      Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution              December 13, 2010   30 / 37

Recommended for you

Lesson 24: Area and Distances
Lesson 24: Area and DistancesLesson 24: Area and Distances
Lesson 24: Area and Distances

The document is about calculating areas and distances using calculus. It discusses approximating areas of curved regions by dividing them into rectangles and letting the number of rectangles approach infinity. It provides examples of calculating areas of basic shapes like rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles. It then discusses Archimedes' work approximating the area under a parabola by inscribing sequences of triangles. The objectives are to compute areas using limits of approximating rectangles and to compute distances as limits of approximating time intervals.

Lesson 23: Antiderivatives
Lesson 23: AntiderivativesLesson 23: Antiderivatives
Lesson 23: Antiderivatives

This document is from a Calculus I class at New York University and covers antiderivatives. It begins with announcements about an upcoming quiz. The objectives are to find antiderivatives of simple functions, remember that a function whose derivative is zero must be constant, and solve rectilinear motion problems. It then outlines finding antiderivatives through tabulation, graphically, and with rectilinear motion examples. The document provides examples of finding antiderivatives of power functions by using the power rule in reverse.


This document outlines information about a Calculus I course taught by Professor Matthew Leingang at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. It provides details on the course staff, contact information for the professor, an overview of assessments including homework, quizzes, a midterm and final exam. Grading breakdown is also included, as well as information on purchasing the required textbook and accessing the course on Blackboard. The document aims to provide students with essential logistical information to succeed in the Calculus I course.

Another way to skin that cat

          ln          8
Find          √           e 2x   e 2x + 1 dx
         ln       3

Let u = e 2x + 1,so that du = 2e 2x dx. Then
                                  ln          8                                           9√
                                      √           e 2x   e 2x + 1 dx =                         u du
                                 ln       3                                      2    4
                                                                             1 3/2 9
                                                                            = u
                                                                             3     4
                                                                             1           19
                                                                            = (27 − 8) =
                                                                             3           3

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)                      Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution          December 13, 2010   30 / 37
A third skinned cat

          ln          8
Find          √           e 2x   e 2x + 1 dx
         ln       3

Let u =               e 2x + 1, so that

                                  u 2 = e 2x + 1

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)          Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   31 / 37
A third skinned cat

          ln          8
Find          √           e 2x   e 2x + 1 dx
         ln       3

Let u =               e 2x + 1, so that

                                  u 2 = e 2x + 1 =⇒ 2u du = 2e 2x dx

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)          Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   31 / 37
A third skinned cat

          ln          8
Find          √           e 2x   e 2x + 1 dx
         ln       3

Let u =               e 2x + 1, so that

                                  u 2 = e 2x + 1 =⇒ 2u du = 2e 2x dx

Thus                                     √
                                    ln          8              3                          3
                                                                                  1 3             19
                                        √            =             u · u du =       u         =
                                   ln       3              2                      3       2       3

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)                     Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution            December 13, 2010   31 / 37

Recommended for you

Lesson 3: Limits
Lesson 3: LimitsLesson 3: Limits
Lesson 3: Limits

This document contains lecture notes on the concept of limit from a Calculus I course at New York University. It includes announcements about homework and deadlines. It then discusses guidelines for written homework assignments and a rubric for grading. The bulk of the document explains the concept of limit intuitively through an "error-tolerance game" and provides examples to illustrate the idea. It aims to build an informal understanding of limits before providing a precise definition.

Lesson 1: Functions
Lesson 1: FunctionsLesson 1: Functions
Lesson 1: Functions

No, this is not a function because the same input of 2 is mapped to two different outputs of 4 and 5. For a relation to be a function, each input must map to a unique output. V63.0121.021/041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 1.1 Functions September 8, 2010 17 / 33

Lesson 5: Continuity (Section 41 slides)
Lesson 5: Continuity (Section 41 slides)Lesson 5: Continuity (Section 41 slides)
Lesson 5: Continuity (Section 41 slides)

This document is a section from a Calculus I course at New York University dated September 20, 2010. It discusses continuity of functions, beginning with definitions and examples of determining continuity. Key points covered include the definition of continuity as a function having a limit equal to its value, and theorems stating polynomials, rational functions, and combinations of continuous functions are also continuous. Trigonometric functions like sin, cos, tan, and cot are shown to be continuous on their domains. The document provides examples, explanations, and questions to illustrate the concept of continuity.

A Trigonometric Example

                                                      θ                θ
                                          cot5              sec2                dθ.
                                  π                   6                6

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)       Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution         December 13, 2010   32 / 37
A Trigonometric Example

                                                      θ                θ
                                          cot5              sec2                dθ.
                                  π                   6                6

Before we dive in, think about:
       What “easy” substitutions might help?
       Which of the trig functions suggests a substitution?

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)       Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution         December 13, 2010   32 / 37
       θ           1
Let ϕ = . Then dϕ = dθ.
       6           6
                3π/2                                                    π/4
                                  θ              θ
                       cot5           sec2             dθ = 6                   cot5 ϕ sec2 ϕ dϕ
               π                  6              6                    π/6
                                                                                sec2 ϕ dϕ
                                                                      π/6         tan5 ϕ

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)       Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution          December 13, 2010   33 / 37
       θ           1
Let ϕ = . Then dϕ = dθ.
       6           6
                3π/2                                                    π/4
                                  θ              θ
                          cot5        sec2             dθ = 6                   cot5 ϕ sec2 ϕ dϕ
                π                 6              6                     π/6
                                                                                sec2 ϕ dϕ
                                                                       π/6        tan5 ϕ

Now let u = tan ϕ. So du = sec2 ϕ dϕ, and
                     π/4                           1
                           sec2 ϕ dϕ                       −5
            6                        =6            √ u          du
                    π/6      tan5 ϕ              1/ 3
                                                   1                             3
                                        =6        − u −4             √
                                                                             =     [9 − 1] = 12.
                                                   4               1/ 3          2

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)       Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution          December 13, 2010   33 / 37

Recommended for you

Lesson 2: A Catalog of Essential Functions
Lesson 2: A Catalog of Essential FunctionsLesson 2: A Catalog of Essential Functions
Lesson 2: A Catalog of Essential Functions

linear function, quadratic functions, cubic functions, power functions, transformations, and compositions.

Lesson 2: A Catalog of Essential Functions
Lesson 2: A Catalog of Essential FunctionsLesson 2: A Catalog of Essential Functions
Lesson 2: A Catalog of Essential Functions

linear function, quadratic functions, cubic functions, power functions, transformations, and compositions.

Lesson 6: Limits Involving ∞ (Section 41 slides)
Lesson 6: Limits Involving ∞ (Section 41 slides)Lesson 6: Limits Involving ∞ (Section 41 slides)
Lesson 6: Limits Involving ∞ (Section 41 slides)

This document is from a Calculus I course at New York University and covers limits involving infinity. It discusses definitions of limits approaching positive or negative infinity. Examples are provided of functions with infinite limits, such as 1/x as x approaches 0. The document outlines techniques for finding limits at points where a function is not continuous, such as using a number line to determine the signs of factors in a rational function's denominator.

                       3π/2                                                            π/4
                                         θ                θ
                              cot   5
                                               sec   2
                                                                 dθ                          6 cot5 ϕ sec2 ϕ dϕ
                     π                   6                6                           π/6

                 y                                                                y

                                                                       θ                              ϕ
                                        3π       π                                    ππ
                                         2                                            64
The areas of these two regions are the same.

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)         Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution              December 13, 2010   35 / 37
                       π/4                                                       1
                             6 cot5 ϕ sec2 ϕ dϕ                                    √ 6u        du
                     π/6                                                         1/ 3

                 y                                                           y

                                   ϕ                                                 u
                      ππ                                    1 1
                      64                                   √
                      The areas of these two regions are the same.

 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)    Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution           December 13, 2010   36 / 37

     If F is an antiderivative for f , then:

                                     f (g (x))g (x) dx = F (g (x))

     If F is an antiderivative for f , which is continuous on the range of g ,
                   b                               g (b)
                       f (g (x))g (x) dx =                 f (u) du = F (g (b)) − F (g (a))
               a                                 g (a)

     Antidifferentiation in general and substitution in particular is a
     “nonlinear” problem that needs practice, intuition, and perserverance
     The whole antidifferentiation story is in Chapter 6

V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU)     Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution   December 13, 2010   37 / 37

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Mel Anthony Pepito
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Mel Anthony Pepito
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Mel Anthony Pepito
Lesson 4: Calculating Limits (Section 21 slides)
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1.1_The_Definite_Integral.pdf odjoqwddoio1.1_The_Definite_Integral.pdf odjoqwddoio
1.1_The_Definite_Integral.pdf odjoqwddoio
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Lesson 26: Integration by Substitution (slides)
Lesson 26: Integration by Substitution (slides)Lesson 26: Integration by Substitution (slides)
Lesson 26: Integration by Substitution (slides)
Lesson 26: Integration by Substitution (handout)
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Lesson 26: Integration by Substitution (handout)
1.1_The_Definite_Integral.pdf odjoqwddoio
1.1_The_Definite_Integral.pdf odjoqwddoio1.1_The_Definite_Integral.pdf odjoqwddoio
1.1_The_Definite_Integral.pdf odjoqwddoio
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Lesson 23: Antiderivatives (Section 021 slides)Lesson 23: Antiderivatives (Section 021 slides)
Lesson 23: Antiderivatives (Section 021 slides)
Lesson 27: Integration by Substitution (Section 10 version)
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Lesson 27: Integration by Substitution (Section 10 version)
Lesson 28: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
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Lesson 28: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
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Lesson 5: Continuity (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 5: Continuity (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 5: Continuity (Section 21 slides)Lesson 5: Continuity (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 5: Continuity (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 30: The Definite Integral
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Mel Anthony Pepito
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Mel Anthony Pepito
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Mel Anthony Pepito
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Mel Anthony Pepito
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Mel Anthony Pepito
Lesson 6: Limits Involving ∞ (Section 41 slides)
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Lesson 16: Inverse Trigonometric Functions
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Lesson 16: Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Lesson 14: Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
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Lesson 15: Exponential Growth and Decay
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Lesson 21: Curve Sketching
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Lesson 21: Curve Sketching
Lesson18 -maximum_and_minimum_values_slides
Lesson18 -maximum_and_minimum_values_slidesLesson18 -maximum_and_minimum_values_slides
Lesson18 -maximum_and_minimum_values_slides
Lesson 19: The Mean Value Theorem
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Lesson 19: The Mean Value Theorem
Lesson 25: The Definite Integral
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Lesson 25: The Definite Integral
Lesson 24: Area and Distances
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Lesson 23: Antiderivatives
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Lesson 3: Limits
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Lesson 1: Functions
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Lesson 5: Continuity (Section 41 slides)
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Lesson 2: A Catalog of Essential Functions
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Lesson 2: A Catalog of Essential Functions
Lesson 2: A Catalog of Essential Functions
Lesson 2: A Catalog of Essential FunctionsLesson 2: A Catalog of Essential Functions
Lesson 2: A Catalog of Essential Functions
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Lesson 6: Limits Involving ∞ (Section 41 slides)
Lesson 7: The Derivative (Section 41 slides)
Lesson 7: The Derivative (Section 41 slides)Lesson 7: The Derivative (Section 41 slides)
Lesson 7: The Derivative (Section 41 slides)

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Lesson 27: Integration by Substitution (Section 041 slides)

  • 1. Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution V63.0121.041, Calculus I New York University December 13, 2010 Announcements ”Wednesday”, December 15: Review, Movie Monday, December 20, 12:00pm–1:50pm: Final Exam
  • 2. Announcements ”Wednesday”, December 15: Review, Movie Monday, December 20, 12:00pm–1:50pm: Final Exam V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 2 / 37
  • 3. Resurrection Policy If your final score beats your midterm score, we will add 10% to its weight, and subtract 10% from the midterm weight. Image credit: Scott Beale / Laughing Squid V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 3 / 37
  • 4. Objectives Given an integral and a substitution, transform the integral into an equivalent one using a substitution Evaluate indefinite integrals using the method of substitution. Evaluate definite integrals using the method of substitution. V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 4 / 37
  • 5. Outline Last Time: The Fundamental Theorem(s) of Calculus Substitution for Indefinite Integrals Theory Examples Substitution for Definite Integrals Theory Examples V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 5 / 37
  • 6. Differentiation and Integration as reverse processes Theorem (The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus) 1. Let f be continuous on [a, b]. Then x d f (t) dt = f (x) dx a 2. Let f be continuous on [a, b] and f = F for some other function F . Then b f (x) dx = F (b) − F (a). a V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 6 / 37
  • 7. Techniques of antidifferentiation? So far we know only a few rules for antidifferentiation. Some are general, like [f (x) + g (x)] dx = f (x) dx + g (x) dx V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 7 / 37
  • 8. Techniques of antidifferentiation? So far we know only a few rules for antidifferentiation. Some are general, like [f (x) + g (x)] dx = f (x) dx + g (x) dx Some are pretty particular, like 1 √ dx = arcsec x + C . x x2 − 1 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 7 / 37
  • 9. Techniques of antidifferentiation? So far we know only a few rules for antidifferentiation. Some are general, like [f (x) + g (x)] dx = f (x) dx + g (x) dx Some are pretty particular, like 1 √ dx = arcsec x + C . x x2 − 1 What are we supposed to do with that? V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 7 / 37
  • 10. No straightforward system of antidifferentiation So far we don’t have any way to find 2x √ dx x2 + 1 or tan x dx. V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 8 / 37
  • 11. No straightforward system of antidifferentiation So far we don’t have any way to find 2x √ dx x2 + 1 or tan x dx. Luckily, we can be smart and use the “anti” version of one of the most important rules of differentiation: the chain rule. V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 8 / 37
  • 12. Outline Last Time: The Fundamental Theorem(s) of Calculus Substitution for Indefinite Integrals Theory Examples Substitution for Definite Integrals Theory Examples V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 9 / 37
  • 13. Substitution for Indefinite Integrals Example Find x √ dx. x2 +1 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 10 / 37
  • 14. Substitution for Indefinite Integrals Example Find x √ dx. x2 +1 Solution Stare at this long enough and you notice the the integrand is the derivative of the expression 1 + x 2 . V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 10 / 37
  • 15. Say what? Solution (More slowly, now) Let g (x) = x 2 + 1. V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 11 / 37
  • 16. Say what? Solution (More slowly, now) Let g (x) = x 2 + 1. Then g (x) = 2x and so d 1 x g (x) = g (x) = √ dx 2 g (x) x2 +1 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 11 / 37
  • 17. Say what? Solution (More slowly, now) Let g (x) = x 2 + 1. Then g (x) = 2x and so d 1 x g (x) = g (x) = √ dx 2 g (x) x2 +1 Thus x d √ dx = g (x) dx x2 + 1 dx = g (x) + C = 1 + x2 + C . V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 11 / 37
  • 18. Leibnizian notation FTW Solution (Same technique, new notation) Let u = x 2 + 1. V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 12 / 37
  • 19. Leibnizian notation FTW Solution (Same technique, new notation) √ Let u = x 2 + 1. Then du = 2x dx and 1 + x2 = u. V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 12 / 37
  • 20. Leibnizian notation FTW Solution (Same technique, new notation) √ Let u = x 2 + 1. Then du = 2x dx and 1 + x2 = u. So the integrand becomes completely transformed into 1 √ x dx 2 du √ 1 √ du = = x2 + 1 u 2 u V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 12 / 37
  • 21. Leibnizian notation FTW Solution (Same technique, new notation) √ Let u = x 2 + 1. Then du = 2x dx and 1 + x2 = u. So the integrand becomes completely transformed into 1 √ x dx 2 du √ 1 √ du = = x2 + 1 u 2 u 1 −1/2 = 2u du V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 12 / 37
  • 22. Leibnizian notation FTW Solution (Same technique, new notation) √ Let u = x 2 + 1. Then du = 2x dx and 1 + x2 = u. So the integrand becomes completely transformed into 1 √ x dx 2 du √ 1 √ du = = x2 + 1 u 2 u 1 −1/2 = 2u du √ = u+C = 1 + x2 + C . V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 12 / 37
  • 23. Useful but unsavory variation Solution (Same technique, new notation, more idiot-proof) √ Let u = x 2 + 1. Then du = 2x dx and 1 + x 2 = u. “Solve for dx:” du dx = 2x V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 13 / 37
  • 24. Useful but unsavory variation Solution (Same technique, new notation, more idiot-proof) √ Let u = x 2 + 1. Then du = 2x dx and 1 + x 2 = u. “Solve for dx:” du dx = 2x So the integrand becomes completely transformed into x x du √ dx = √ · x2 +1 u 2x V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 13 / 37
  • 25. Useful but unsavory variation Solution (Same technique, new notation, more idiot-proof) √ Let u = x 2 + 1. Then du = 2x dx and 1 + x 2 = u. “Solve for dx:” du dx = 2x So the integrand becomes completely transformed into x x du 1 √ dx = √ · = √ du x2 +1 u 2x 2 u V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 13 / 37
  • 26. Useful but unsavory variation Solution (Same technique, new notation, more idiot-proof) √ Let u = x 2 + 1. Then du = 2x dx and 1 + x 2 = u. “Solve for dx:” du dx = 2x So the integrand becomes completely transformed into x x du 1 √ dx = √ · = √ du x2 +1 u 2x 2 u 1 −1/2 = 2u du V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 13 / 37
  • 27. Useful but unsavory variation Solution (Same technique, new notation, more idiot-proof) √ Let u = x 2 + 1. Then du = 2x dx and 1 + x 2 = u. “Solve for dx:” du dx = 2x So the integrand becomes completely transformed into x x du 1 √ dx = √ · = √ du x2 +1 u 2x 2 u 1 −1/2 = 2u du √ = u+C = 1 + x2 + C . V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 13 / 37
  • 28. Useful but unsavory variation Solution (Same technique, new notation, more idiot-proof) √ Let u = x 2 + 1. Then du = 2x dx and 1 + x 2 = u. “Solve for dx:” du dx = 2x So the integrand becomes completely transformed into x x du 1 √ dx = √ · = √ du x2 +1 u 2x 2 u 1 −1/2 = 2u du √ = u+C = 1 + x2 + C . Mathematicians have serious issues with mixing the x and u like this. However, I can’t deny that it works. V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 13 / 37
  • 29. Theorem of the Day Theorem (The Substitution Rule) If u = g (x) is a differentiable function whose range is an interval I and f is continuous on I , then f (g (x))g (x) dx = f (u) du That is, if F is an antiderivative for f , then f (g (x))g (x) dx = F (g (x)) In Leibniz notation: du f (u) dx = f (u) du dx V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 14 / 37
  • 30. A polynomial example Example Use the substitution u = x 2 + 3 to find (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx. V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 15 / 37
  • 31. A polynomial example Example Use the substitution u = x 2 + 3 to find (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx. Solution If u = x 2 + 3, then du = 2x dx, and 4x dx = 2 du. So (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 15 / 37
  • 32. A polynomial example Example Use the substitution u = x 2 + 3 to find (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx. Solution If u = x 2 + 3, then du = 2x dx, and 4x dx = 2 du. So (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx = u 3 2du = 2 u 3 du V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 15 / 37
  • 33. A polynomial example Example Use the substitution u = x 2 + 3 to find (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx. Solution If u = x 2 + 3, then du = 2x dx, and 4x dx = 2 du. So (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx = u 3 2du = 2 u 3 du 1 = u4 2 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 15 / 37
  • 34. A polynomial example Example Use the substitution u = x 2 + 3 to find (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx. Solution If u = x 2 + 3, then du = 2x dx, and 4x dx = 2 du. So (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx = u 3 2du = 2 u 3 du 1 1 = u 4 = (x 2 + 3)4 2 2 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 15 / 37
  • 35. A polynomial example, by brute force Compare this to multiplying it out: (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 16 / 37
  • 36. A polynomial example, by brute force Compare this to multiplying it out: (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx = x 6 + 9x 4 + 27x 2 + 27 4x dx V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 16 / 37
  • 37. A polynomial example, by brute force Compare this to multiplying it out: (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx = x 6 + 9x 4 + 27x 2 + 27 4x dx = 4x 7 + 36x 5 + 108x 3 + 108x dx V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 16 / 37
  • 38. A polynomial example, by brute force Compare this to multiplying it out: (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx = x 6 + 9x 4 + 27x 2 + 27 4x dx = 4x 7 + 36x 5 + 108x 3 + 108x dx 1 = x 8 + 6x 6 + 27x 4 + 54x 2 2 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 16 / 37
  • 39. A polynomial example, by brute force Compare this to multiplying it out: (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx = x 6 + 9x 4 + 27x 2 + 27 4x dx = 4x 7 + 36x 5 + 108x 3 + 108x dx 1 = x 8 + 6x 6 + 27x 4 + 54x 2 2 Which would you rather do? V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 16 / 37
  • 40. A polynomial example, by brute force Compare this to multiplying it out: (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx = x 6 + 9x 4 + 27x 2 + 27 4x dx = 4x 7 + 36x 5 + 108x 3 + 108x dx 1 = x 8 + 6x 6 + 27x 4 + 54x 2 2 Which would you rather do? It’s a wash for low powers V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 16 / 37
  • 41. A polynomial example, by brute force Compare this to multiplying it out: (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx = x 6 + 9x 4 + 27x 2 + 27 4x dx = 4x 7 + 36x 5 + 108x 3 + 108x dx 1 = x 8 + 6x 6 + 27x 4 + 54x 2 2 Which would you rather do? It’s a wash for low powers But for higher powers, it’s much easier to do substitution. V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 16 / 37
  • 42. Compare We have the substitution method, which, when multiplied out, gives 1 (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx = (x 2 + 3)4 2 1 8 = x + 12x 6 + 54x 4 + 108x 2 + 81 2 1 81 = x 8 + 6x 6 + 27x 4 + 54x 2 + 2 2 and the brute force method 1 (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx = x 8 + 6x 6 + 27x 4 + 54x 2 2 Is there a difference? Is this a problem? V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 17 / 37
  • 43. Compare We have the substitution method, which, when multiplied out, gives 1 (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx = (x 2 + 3)4 + C 2 1 8 = x + 12x 6 + 54x 4 + 108x 2 + 81 + C 2 1 81 = x 8 + 6x 6 + 27x 4 + 54x 2 + +C 2 2 and the brute force method 1 (x 2 + 3)3 4x dx = x 8 + 6x 6 + 27x 4 + 54x 2 + C 2 Is there a difference? Is this a problem? No, that’s what +C means! V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 17 / 37
  • 44. A slick example Example Find tan x dx. V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 18 / 37
  • 45. A slick example Example sin x Find tan x dx. (Hint: tan x = ) cos x V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 18 / 37
  • 46. A slick example Example sin x Find tan x dx. (Hint: tan x = ) cos x Solution Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx . So sin x tan x dx = dx cos x V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 18 / 37
  • 47. A slick example Example sin x Find tan x dx. (Hint: tan x = ) cos x Solution Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx . So sin x tan x dx = dx cos x V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 18 / 37
  • 48. A slick example Example sin x Find tan x dx. (Hint: tan x = ) cos x Solution Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx . So sin x tan x dx = dx cos x V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 18 / 37
  • 49. A slick example Example sin x Find tan x dx. (Hint: tan x = ) cos x Solution Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx . So sin x 1 tan x dx = dx = − du cos x u V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 18 / 37
  • 50. A slick example Example sin x Find tan x dx. (Hint: tan x = ) cos x Solution Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx . So sin x 1 tan x dx = dx = − du cos x u = − ln |u| + C V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 18 / 37
  • 51. A slick example Example sin x Find tan x dx. (Hint: tan x = ) cos x Solution Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx . So sin x 1 tan x dx = dx = − du cos x u = − ln |u| + C = − ln | cos x| + C = ln | sec x| + C V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 18 / 37
  • 52. Can you do it another way? Example sin x Find tan x dx. (Hint: tan x = ) cos x V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 19 / 37
  • 53. Can you do it another way? Example sin x Find tan x dx. (Hint: tan x = ) cos x Solution du Let u = sin x. Then du = cos x dx and so dx = . cos x V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 19 / 37
  • 54. Can you do it another way? Example sin x Find tan x dx. (Hint: tan x = ) cos x Solution du Let u = sin x. Then du = cos x dx and so dx = . cos x sin x u du tan x dx = dx = cos x cos x cos x u du u du u du = = = cos 2x 1 − sin2 x 1 − u2 At this point, although it’s possible to proceed, we should probably back up and see if the other way works quicker (it does). V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 19 / 37
  • 55. For those who really must know all Solution (Continued, with algebra help) Let y = 1 − u 2 , so dy = −2u du. Then u du u dy tan x dx = 2 = 1−u y −2u 1 dy 1 1 =− = − ln |y | + C = − ln 1 − u 2 + C 2 y 2 2 1 1 = ln √ + C = ln +C 1 − u2 1 − sin2 x 1 = ln + C = ln |sec x| + C |cos x| There are other ways to do it, too. V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 20 / 37
  • 56. Outline Last Time: The Fundamental Theorem(s) of Calculus Substitution for Indefinite Integrals Theory Examples Substitution for Definite Integrals Theory Examples V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 21 / 37
  • 57. Substitution for Definite Integrals Theorem (The Substitution Rule for Definite Integrals) If g is continuous and f is continuous on the range of u = g (x), then b g (b) f (g (x))g (x) dx = f (u) du. a g (a) V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 22 / 37
  • 58. Substitution for Definite Integrals Theorem (The Substitution Rule for Definite Integrals) If g is continuous and f is continuous on the range of u = g (x), then b g (b) f (g (x))g (x) dx = f (u) du. a g (a) Why the change in the limits? The integral on the left happens in “x-land” The integral on the right happens in “u-land”, so the limits need to be u-values To get from x to u, apply g V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 22 / 37
  • 59. Example π Compute cos2 x sin x dx. 0 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 23 / 37
  • 60. Example π Compute cos2 x sin x dx. 0 Solution (Slow Way) First compute the indefinite integral cos2 x sin x dx and then evaluate. Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx and cos2 x sin x dx V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 23 / 37
  • 61. Example π Compute cos2 x sin x dx. 0 Solution (Slow Way) First compute the indefinite integral cos2 x sin x dx and then evaluate. Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx and cos2 x sin x dx V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 23 / 37
  • 62. Example π Compute cos2 x sin x dx. 0 Solution (Slow Way) First compute the indefinite integral cos2 x sin x dx and then evaluate. Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx and cos2 x sin x dx V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 23 / 37
  • 63. Example π Compute cos2 x sin x dx. 0 Solution (Slow Way) First compute the indefinite integral cos2 x sin x dx and then evaluate. Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx and cos2 x sin x dx = − u 2 du V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 23 / 37
  • 64. Example π Compute cos2 x sin x dx. 0 Solution (Slow Way) First compute the indefinite integral cos2 x sin x dx and then evaluate. Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx and cos2 x sin x dx = − u 2 du = − 3 u 3 + C = − 1 cos3 x + C . 1 3 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 23 / 37
  • 65. Example π Compute cos2 x sin x dx. 0 Solution (Slow Way) First compute the indefinite integral cos2 x sin x dx and then evaluate. Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx and cos2 x sin x dx = − u 2 du = − 3 u 3 + C = − 1 cos3 x + C . 1 3 Therefore π π 1 cos2 x sin x dx = − cos3 x 0 3 0 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 23 / 37
  • 66. Example π Compute cos2 x sin x dx. 0 Solution (Slow Way) First compute the indefinite integral cos2 x sin x dx and then evaluate. Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx and cos2 x sin x dx = − u 2 du = − 3 u 3 + C = − 1 cos3 x + C . 1 3 Therefore π π 1 1 cos2 x sin x dx = − cos3 x =− (−1)3 − 13 0 3 0 3 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 23 / 37
  • 67. Example π Compute cos2 x sin x dx. 0 Solution (Slow Way) First compute the indefinite integral cos2 x sin x dx and then evaluate. Let u = cos x . Then du = − sin x dx and cos2 x sin x dx = − u 2 du = − 3 u 3 + C = − 1 cos3 x + C . 1 3 Therefore π π 1 1 2 cos2 x sin x dx = − cos3 x =− (−1)3 − 13 = . 0 3 0 3 3 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 23 / 37
  • 68. Definite-ly Quicker Solution (Fast Way) Do both the substitution and the evaluation at the same time. Let u = cos x. Then du = − sin x dx, u(0) = 1 and u(π) = −1 . So π cos2 x sin x dx 0 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 24 / 37
  • 69. Definite-ly Quicker Solution (Fast Way) Do both the substitution and the evaluation at the same time. Let u = cos x. Then du = − sin x dx, u(0) = 1 and u(π) = −1 . So π cos2 x sin x dx 0 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 24 / 37
  • 70. Definite-ly Quicker Solution (Fast Way) Do both the substitution and the evaluation at the same time. Let u = cos x. Then du = − sin x dx, u(0) = 1 and u(π) = −1 . So π cos2 x sin x dx 0 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 24 / 37
  • 71. Definite-ly Quicker Solution (Fast Way) Do both the substitution and the evaluation at the same time. Let u = cos x. Then du = − sin x dx, u(0) = 1 and u(π) = −1 . So π −1 1 cos2 x sin x dx = −u 2 du = u 2 du 0 1 −1 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 24 / 37
  • 72. Definite-ly Quicker Solution (Fast Way) Do both the substitution and the evaluation at the same time. Let u = cos x. Then du = − sin x dx, u(0) = 1 and u(π) = −1 . So π −1 1 cos2 x sin x dx = −u 2 du = u 2 du 0 1 −1 1 1 3 1 2 = u = 1 − (−1) = 3 −1 3 3 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 24 / 37
  • 73. Definite-ly Quicker Solution (Fast Way) Do both the substitution and the evaluation at the same time. Let u = cos x. Then du = − sin x dx, u(0) = 1 and u(π) = −1 . So π −1 1 cos2 x sin x dx = −u 2 du = u 2 du 0 1 −1 1 1 3 1 2 = u = 1 − (−1) = 3 −1 3 3 The advantage to the “fast way” is that you completely transform the integral into something simpler and don’t have to go back to the original variable (x). V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 24 / 37
  • 74. Definite-ly Quicker Solution (Fast Way) Do both the substitution and the evaluation at the same time. Let u = cos x. Then du = − sin x dx, u(0) = 1 and u(π) = −1 . So π −1 1 cos2 x sin x dx = −u 2 du = u 2 du 0 1 −1 1 1 3 1 2 = u = 1 − (−1) = 3 −1 3 3 The advantage to the “fast way” is that you completely transform the integral into something simpler and don’t have to go back to the original variable (x). But the slow way is just as reliable. V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 24 / 37
  • 75. An exponential example Example √ ln 8 Find √ e 2x e 2x + 1 dx ln 3 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 25 / 37
  • 76. An exponential example Example √ ln 8 Find √ e 2x e 2x + 1 dx ln 3 Solution Let u = e 2x , so du = 2e 2x dx. We have √ ln 8 8√ 1 √ e 2x e 2x + 1 dx = u + 1 du ln 3 2 3 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 25 / 37
  • 77. About those limits Since √ √ 2 e 2(ln 3) = e ln 3 = e ln 3 = 3 we have √ ln 8 8√ 1 √ e 2x e 2x + 1 dx = u + 1 du ln 3 2 3 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 26 / 37
  • 78. An exponential example Example √ ln 8 Find √ e 2x e 2x + 1 dx ln 3 Solution Let u = e 2x , so du = 2e 2x dx. We have √ ln 8 8√ 1 √ e 2x e 2x + 1 dx = u + 1 du ln 3 2 3 Now let y = u + 1, dy = du. So 8√ 9 9 1 1 √ 1 u + 1 du = y dy = y 1/2 dy 2 3 2 4 2 4 9 1 2 1 19 = · y 3/2 = (27 − 8) = 2 3 4 3 3 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 27 / 37
  • 79. About those fractional powers We have 93/2 = (91/2 )3 = 33 = 27 43/2 = (41/2 )3 = 23 = 8 so 9 9 1 1 2 3/2 1 19 y 1/2 dy = · y = (27 − 8) = 2 4 2 3 4 3 3 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 28 / 37
  • 80. An exponential example Example √ ln 8 Find √ e 2x e 2x + 1 dx ln 3 Solution Let u = e 2x , so du = 2e 2x dx. We have √ ln 8 8√ 1 √ e 2x e 2x + 1 dx = u + 1 du ln 3 2 3 Now let y = u + 1, dy = du. So 8√ 9 9 1 1 √ 1 u + 1 du = y dy = y 1/2 dy 2 3 2 4 2 4 9 1 2 1 19 = · y 3/2 = (27 − 8) = 2 3 4 3 3 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 29 / 37
  • 81. Another way to skin that cat Example √ ln 8 Find √ e 2x e 2x + 1 dx ln 3 Solution Let u = e 2x + 1, V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 30 / 37
  • 82. Another way to skin that cat Example √ ln 8 Find √ e 2x e 2x + 1 dx ln 3 Solution Let u = e 2x + 1,so that du = 2e 2x dx. V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 30 / 37
  • 83. Another way to skin that cat Example √ ln 8 Find √ e 2x e 2x + 1 dx ln 3 Solution Let u = e 2x + 1,so that du = 2e 2x dx. Then √ ln 8 9√ 1 √ e 2x e 2x + 1 dx = u du ln 3 2 4 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 30 / 37
  • 84. Another way to skin that cat Example √ ln 8 Find √ e 2x e 2x + 1 dx ln 3 Solution Let u = e 2x + 1,so that du = 2e 2x dx. Then √ ln 8 9√ 1 √ e 2x e 2x + 1 dx = u du ln 3 2 4 9 1 = u 3/2 3 4 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 30 / 37
  • 85. Another way to skin that cat Example √ ln 8 Find √ e 2x e 2x + 1 dx ln 3 Solution Let u = e 2x + 1,so that du = 2e 2x dx. Then √ ln 8 9√ 1 √ e 2x e 2x + 1 dx = u du ln 3 2 4 1 3/2 9 = u 3 4 1 19 = (27 − 8) = 3 3 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 30 / 37
  • 86. A third skinned cat Example √ ln 8 Find √ e 2x e 2x + 1 dx ln 3 Solution Let u = e 2x + 1, so that u 2 = e 2x + 1 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 31 / 37
  • 87. A third skinned cat Example √ ln 8 Find √ e 2x e 2x + 1 dx ln 3 Solution Let u = e 2x + 1, so that u 2 = e 2x + 1 =⇒ 2u du = 2e 2x dx V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 31 / 37
  • 88. A third skinned cat Example √ ln 8 Find √ e 2x e 2x + 1 dx ln 3 Solution Let u = e 2x + 1, so that u 2 = e 2x + 1 =⇒ 2u du = 2e 2x dx Thus √ ln 8 3 3 1 3 19 √ = u · u du = u = ln 3 2 3 2 3 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 31 / 37
  • 89. A Trigonometric Example Example Find 3π/2 θ θ cot5 sec2 dθ. π 6 6 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 32 / 37
  • 90. A Trigonometric Example Example Find 3π/2 θ θ cot5 sec2 dθ. π 6 6 Before we dive in, think about: What “easy” substitutions might help? Which of the trig functions suggests a substitution? V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 32 / 37
  • 91. Solution θ 1 Let ϕ = . Then dϕ = dθ. 6 6 3π/2 π/4 θ θ cot5 sec2 dθ = 6 cot5 ϕ sec2 ϕ dϕ π 6 6 π/6 π/4 sec2 ϕ dϕ =6 π/6 tan5 ϕ V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 33 / 37
  • 92. Solution θ 1 Let ϕ = . Then dϕ = dθ. 6 6 3π/2 π/4 θ θ cot5 sec2 dθ = 6 cot5 ϕ sec2 ϕ dϕ π 6 6 π/6 π/4 sec2 ϕ dϕ =6 π/6 tan5 ϕ Now let u = tan ϕ. So du = sec2 ϕ dϕ, and π/4 1 sec2 ϕ dϕ −5 6 =6 √ u du π/6 tan5 ϕ 1/ 3 1 1 3 =6 − u −4 √ = [9 − 1] = 12. 4 1/ 3 2 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 33 / 37
  • 93. Graphs 3π/2 π/4 θ θ cot 5 sec 2 dθ 6 cot5 ϕ sec2 ϕ dϕ π 6 6 π/6 y y θ ϕ 3π π ππ 2 64 The areas of these two regions are the same. V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 35 / 37
  • 94. Graphs π/4 1 −5 6 cot5 ϕ sec2 ϕ dϕ √ 6u du π/6 1/ 3 y y ϕ u ππ 1 1 64 √ 3 The areas of these two regions are the same. V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 36 / 37
  • 95. Summary If F is an antiderivative for f , then: f (g (x))g (x) dx = F (g (x)) If F is an antiderivative for f , which is continuous on the range of g , then: b g (b) f (g (x))g (x) dx = f (u) du = F (g (b)) − F (g (a)) a g (a) Antidifferentiation in general and substitution in particular is a “nonlinear” problem that needs practice, intuition, and perserverance The whole antidifferentiation story is in Chapter 6 V63.0121.041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 5.5 Integration by Substitution December 13, 2010 37 / 37