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Section 2.7
                    Related Rates

                V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I

                        New York University

                         May 27, 2010


   No class Monday, May 31
   Assignment 2 due Tuesday, June 1

                                              .   .   .   .   .   .

           No class Monday, May 31
           Assignment 2 due
           Tuesday, June 1

                                                                    .   .   .     .      .     .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates               May 27, 2010       2 / 18

           Use derivatives to
           understand rates of
           Model word problems

                                                                    .   .   .     .      .     .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates               May 27, 2010       3 / 18
What are related rates problems?
 Today we’ll look at a direct application of the chain rule to real-world
 problems. Examples of these can be found whenever you have some
 system or object changing, and you want to measure the rate of
 change of something related to it.

                                                                    .   .   .     .      .     .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates               May 27, 2010       4 / 18

Recommended for you

Chapter 5 heterogeneous
Chapter 5 heterogeneousChapter 5 heterogeneous
Chapter 5 heterogeneous

This document discusses heterogeneous agent models without aggregate uncertainty. It introduces a model with a continuum of agents who face idiosyncratic income fluctuations but no aggregate shocks. There is a unique stationary equilibrium with constant interest rates and wages. The document discusses the recursive competitive equilibrium, existence and uniqueness of the stationary equilibrium, transition functions, computation methods, and some qualitative results from calibrating the model.

Chapter 1 nonlinear
Chapter 1 nonlinearChapter 1 nonlinear
Chapter 1 nonlinear

The document discusses three examples of nonlinear and non-Gaussian DSGE models. The first example features Epstein-Zin preferences to allow for a separation between risk aversion and the intertemporal elasticity of substitution. The second example models volatility shocks using time-varying variances. The third example aims to distinguish between the effects of stochastic volatility ("fortune") versus parameter drifting ("virtue") in explaining time-varying volatility in macroeconomic variables. The document outlines the motivation, structure, and solution methods for these three nonlinear DSGE models.

Lesson 14: Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
Lesson 14: Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential FunctionsLesson 14: Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
Lesson 14: Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions

The document is a lecture on derivatives of exponential and logarithmic functions. It begins with announcements about homework and an upcoming midterm. It then provides objectives and an outline for sections on exponential and logarithmic functions. The body of the document defines exponential functions, establishes conventions for exponents of all types, discusses properties of exponential functions, and graphs various exponential functions. It focuses on setting up the necessary foundations before discussing derivatives of these functions.


 An oil slick in the shape of a disk is growing. At a certain time, the
 radius is 1 km and the volume is growing at the rate of 10,000 liters per
 second. If the slick is always 20 cm deep, how fast is the radius of the
 disk growing at the same time?
                                                                    .   .   .     .      .     .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates               May 27, 2010       5 / 18
A solution

    The volume of the disk is

                      V = πr2 h.
                                                                            .       r
    We are given        , a certain                                                                  h
    value of r, and the object is to
    find    at that instant.

                                                                    .   .       .         .      .       .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates                       May 27, 2010         6 / 18

 Differentiating V = πr2 h with respect to time we have

                       dV       dr    dh¡
                          = 2πrh + πr2 ¡
                       dt       dt    ¡dt

                                                                    .   .   .     .      .     .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates               May 27, 2010       7 / 18

 Differentiating V = πr2 h with respect to time we have

                       dV       dr    dh¡
                                        !   dr    1    dV
                          = 2πrh + πr2 ¡ =⇒    =     ·    .
                       dt       dt    ¡dt   dt   2πrh dt

                                                                    .   .   .     .      .     .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates               May 27, 2010       7 / 18

Recommended for you

Lesson 28: Integration by Subsitution
Lesson 28: Integration by SubsitutionLesson 28: Integration by Subsitution
Lesson 28: Integration by Subsitution

This document provides an overview of integration by substitution. It begins with announcements about an upcoming review session, evaluations, and final exam. It then discusses the objectives and outline of the section, which are to transform integrals using substitutions, evaluate indefinite integrals using substitutions, and evaluate definite integrals using substitutions. An example is provided to illustrate how to use substitution to evaluate the indefinite integral of x/(x^2 + 1) by letting u = x^2 + 1. The solution uses a new notation of letting u = x^2 + 1 and du = 2x dx to rewrite the integral in terms of u.

Chapter 4 likelihood
Chapter 4 likelihoodChapter 4 likelihood
Chapter 4 likelihood

This document discusses filtering and likelihood inference. It begins by introducing filtering problems in economics, such as evaluating DSGE models. It then presents the state space representation approach, which models the transition and measurement equations with stochastic shocks. The goal of filtering is to compute the conditional densities of states given observed data over time using tools like the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation and Bayes' theorem. Filtering provides a recursive way to make predictions and updates estimates as new data arrives.

18 Sampling Mean Sd
18 Sampling Mean Sd18 Sampling Mean Sd
18 Sampling Mean Sd

The document discusses the concepts of sampling distributions, including: 1. The sampling distribution of the mean, which follows a normal distribution with mean μ and standard deviation σ/√n when observations are independent and identically distributed. 2. The sampling distribution of the standard deviation, which follows a chi-squared distribution with n-1 degrees of freedom when the population variance is σ2. 3. When the population variance is unknown, the distribution of the sample mean is a t-distribution rather than normal, with heavier tails and degrees of freedom equal to n-1.


 Differentiating V = πr2 h with respect to time we have

                       dV       dr    dh¡
                                        !   dr    1    dV
                          = 2πrh + πr2 ¡ =⇒    =     ·    .
                       dt       dt    ¡dt   dt   2πrh dt
 Now we evaluate:
                           dr                       1          10, 000 L
                                         =                   ·
                           dt   r=1 km       2π(1 km)(20 cm)       s

                                                                         .   .   .     .      .     .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)        Section 2.7 Related Rates               May 27, 2010       7 / 18

 Differentiating V = πr2 h with respect to time we have

                        dV       dr    dh¡
                                         !   dr    1    dV
                           = 2πrh + πr2 ¡ =⇒    =     ·    .
                        dt       dt    ¡dt   dt   2πrh dt
 Now we evaluate:
                           dr                       1          10, 000 L
                                         =                   ·
                           dt   r=1 km       2π(1 km)(20 cm)       s

 Converting every length to meters we have

                   dr                           1           10 m3    1 m
                                  =                       ·       =
                   dt   r=1 km          2π(1000 m)(0.2 m)     s     40π s

                                                                         .   .   .     .      .     .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)        Section 2.7 Related Rates               May 27, 2010       7 / 18



                                                                    .   .   .     .      .     .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates               May 27, 2010       8 / 18
Strategies for Problem Solving

     1. Understand the problem
     2. Devise a plan
     3. Carry out the plan
     4. Review and extend

                                                                   György Pólya
                                                               (Hungarian, 1887–1985)
                                                                    .   .   .     .      .     .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates               May 27, 2010       9 / 18

Recommended for you

Lesson 10: The Chain Rule (Section 21 handout)
Lesson 10: The Chain Rule (Section 21 handout)Lesson 10: The Chain Rule (Section 21 handout)
Lesson 10: The Chain Rule (Section 21 handout)

The derivative of a composition of functions is the product of the derivatives of those functions. This rule is important because compositions are so powerful.

Lesson 16: Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Lesson 16: Inverse Trigonometric FunctionsLesson 16: Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Lesson 16: Inverse Trigonometric Functions

The document is a lecture on inverse trigonometric functions from a Calculus I class at New York University. It defines inverse trig functions like arcsin, arccos, and arctan and discusses their domains, ranges, and relationships to the original trig functions. It also provides examples of evaluating inverse trig functions at specific values.

calculusinverse trigonometricfunction
Lesson 23: The Definite Integral (handout)
Lesson 23: The Definite Integral (handout)Lesson 23: The Definite Integral (handout)
Lesson 23: The Definite Integral (handout)

The document discusses notes for a Calculus I class section on definite integrals. It provides announcements for upcoming quizzes and exams. The objectives are to compute definite integrals using Riemann sums, estimate integrals using techniques like the midpoint rule, and use properties of integrals. The professor outlines the topics to be covered, which include the definition of the definite integral as a limit of Riemann sums and properties of integrals. An example computes the integral of x from 0 to 3.

Strategies for Related Rates Problems

                                                                    .   .   .      .      .    .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates               May 27, 2010   10 / 18
Strategies for Related Rates Problems

    1. Read the problem.

                                                                    .   .   .      .      .    .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates               May 27, 2010   10 / 18
Strategies for Related Rates Problems

    1. Read the problem.
    2. Draw a diagram.

                                                                    .   .   .      .      .    .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates               May 27, 2010   10 / 18
Strategies for Related Rates Problems

    1. Read the problem.
    2. Draw a diagram.
    3. Introduce notation. Give symbols to all quantities that are
       functions of time (and maybe some constants)

                                                                    .   .   .      .      .    .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates               May 27, 2010   10 / 18

Recommended for you

Lecture on solving1
Lecture on solving1Lecture on solving1
Lecture on solving1

The document discusses methods for solving dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models. It outlines perturbation and projection methods for approximating the solution to DSGE models. Perturbation methods use Taylor series approximations around a steady state to derive linear approximations of the model. Projection methods find parametric functions that best satisfy the model equations. The document also provides an example of applying the implicit function theorem to derive a Taylor series approximation of a policy rule for a neoclassical growth model.

Lesson 9: The Product and Quotient Rules (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 9: The Product and Quotient Rules (Section 21 slides)Lesson 9: The Product and Quotient Rules (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 9: The Product and Quotient Rules (Section 21 slides)

The derivative of a sum of functions is the sum of the derivatives of those functions, but the derivative of a product or a quotient of functions is not so simple. We'll derive and use the product and quotient rule for these purposes. It will allow us to find the derivatives of other trigonometric functions, and derivatives of power functions with negative whole number exponents.

KP Compass & Game Theory
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KP Compass & Game Theory

Presentation deck used at the Model Schools Conference in Orlando 2012. Presentation on KP Compass and how we use game theory to increase student engagement in our concept driven mastery system. www.kpcompass.com

game theory gamification
Strategies for Related Rates Problems

    1. Read the problem.
    2. Draw a diagram.
    3. Introduce notation. Give symbols to all quantities that are
       functions of time (and maybe some constants)
    4. Express the given information and the required rate in terms of

                                                                    .   .   .      .      .    .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates               May 27, 2010   10 / 18
Strategies for Related Rates Problems

    1. Read the problem.
    2. Draw a diagram.
    3. Introduce notation. Give symbols to all quantities that are
       functions of time (and maybe some constants)
    4. Express the given information and the required rate in terms of
    5. Write an equation that relates the various quantities of the
       problem. If necessary, use the geometry of the situation to
       eliminate all but one of the variables.

                                                                    .   .   .      .      .    .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates               May 27, 2010   10 / 18
Strategies for Related Rates Problems

    1. Read the problem.
    2. Draw a diagram.
    3. Introduce notation. Give symbols to all quantities that are
       functions of time (and maybe some constants)
    4. Express the given information and the required rate in terms of
    5. Write an equation that relates the various quantities of the
       problem. If necessary, use the geometry of the situation to
       eliminate all but one of the variables.
    6. Use the Chain Rule to differentiate both sides with respect to t.

                                                                    .   .   .      .      .    .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates               May 27, 2010   10 / 18
Strategies for Related Rates Problems

    1. Read the problem.
    2. Draw a diagram.
    3. Introduce notation. Give symbols to all quantities that are
       functions of time (and maybe some constants)
    4. Express the given information and the required rate in terms of
    5. Write an equation that relates the various quantities of the
       problem. If necessary, use the geometry of the situation to
       eliminate all but one of the variables.
    6. Use the Chain Rule to differentiate both sides with respect to t.
    7. Substitute the given information into the resulting equation and
       solve for the unknown rate.

                                                                    .   .   .      .      .    .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates               May 27, 2010   10 / 18

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Methods from Mathematical Data Mining (Supported by Optimization)
Methods from Mathematical Data Mining (Supported by Optimization)Methods from Mathematical Data Mining (Supported by Optimization)
Methods from Mathematical Data Mining (Supported by Optimization)

This document summarizes a presentation on cluster stability estimation and determining the optimal number of clusters in a dataset. The presentation proposes a method that draws random samples from the dataset and compares the partitions obtained from each sample to estimate cluster stability. It quantifies the consistency between partitions using minimal spanning trees and the Friedman-Rafsky test statistic. Experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets show that the method can accurately determine the true number of clusters by finding the partition that maximizes cluster stability.

aacimpoperational researchssa
Lesson 1: Functions
Lesson 1: FunctionsLesson 1: Functions
Lesson 1: Functions

No, this is not a function because the same input of 2 is mapped to two different outputs of 4 and 5. For a relation to be a function, each input must map to a unique output. V63.0121.021/041, Calculus I (NYU) Section 1.1 Functions September 8, 2010 17 / 33




                                                                    .   .   .     .      .     .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates               May 27, 2010   11 / 18
Another one

 A man starts walking north at 4ft/sec from a point P. Five minutes later a
 woman starts walking south at 4ft/sec from a point 500 ft due east of P.
 At what rate are the people walking apart 15 min after the woman
 starts walking?

                                                                    .   .   .      .      .    .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates               May 27, 2010   12 / 18

               . ft/sec



                                                                    .   .   .      .      .    .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates               May 27, 2010   13 / 18

               . ft/sec


                                    .      5
                                           . 00


                                                                            . ft/sec
                                                                        .     .    .      .      .    .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates                      May 27, 2010   13 / 18

Recommended for you

Lesson 10: The Chain Rule (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 10: The Chain Rule (Section 21 slides)Lesson 10: The Chain Rule (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 10: The Chain Rule (Section 21 slides)

The derivative of a composition of functions is the product of the derivatives of those functions. This rule is important because compositions are so powerful.

Lesson 17: Indeterminate Forms and L'Hôpital's Rule
Lesson 17: Indeterminate Forms and L'Hôpital's RuleLesson 17: Indeterminate Forms and L'Hôpital's Rule
Lesson 17: Indeterminate Forms and L'Hôpital's Rule

This document is from a Calculus I class lecture on L'Hopital's rule given at New York University. It begins with announcements and objectives for the lecture. It then provides examples of limits that are indeterminate forms to motivate L'Hopital's rule. The document explains the rule and when it can be used to evaluate limits. It also introduces the mathematician L'Hopital and applies the rule to examples introduced earlier.

Lesson 11: Implicit Differentiation
Lesson 11: Implicit DifferentiationLesson 11: Implicit Differentiation
Lesson 11: Implicit Differentiation

Implicit differentiation allows us to find slopes of lines tangent to curves that are not graphs of functions. Almost all of the time (yes, that is a mathematical term!) we can assume the curve comprises the graph of a function and differentiate using the chain rule.


               . ft/sec



                                    .       5
                                            . 00


                                                                            . ft/sec
                                                                        .     .    .      .      .    .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates                      May 27, 2010   13 / 18

               . ft/sec



                                    .       5
                                            . 00

                                .                                   w

                                            . 00
                                                                            . ft/sec
                                                                        .     .    .      .      .    .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates                      May 27, 2010   13 / 18

               . ft/sec

                                                 √           .

                                              . = (m + w)2 + 5002

                                    .       5
                                            . 00

                                .                                   w

                                            . 00
                                                                            . ft/sec
                                                                        .     .    .      .      .    .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates                      May 27, 2010   13 / 18
Expressing what is known and unknown

 15 minutes after the woman starts walking, the woman has traveled
                   (     )(       )
                     4ft    60sec
                                    (15min) = 3600ft
                     sec     min

 while the man has traveled
                  (      )(       )
                     4ft    60sec
                                    (20min) = 4800ft
                    sec      min

                              ds                          dm          dw
 We want to know                 when m = 4800, w = 3600,    = 4, and    = 4.
                              dt                          dt          dt

                                                                    .   .   .      .      .    .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates               May 27, 2010   14 / 18

Recommended for you

Lesson 27: Integration by Substitution (Section 041 slides)
Lesson 27: Integration by Substitution (Section 041 slides)Lesson 27: Integration by Substitution (Section 041 slides)
Lesson 27: Integration by Substitution (Section 041 slides)

The document provides notes from a Calculus I class at New York University on December 13, 2010. It includes announcements about upcoming review sessions and the final exam. It then outlines the objectives and topics to be covered, which is integration by substitution. Examples are provided to demonstrate how to use u-substitution to evaluate indefinite integrals. The key steps are to let u equal an expression involving x, find du in terms of dx, and then substitute into the integral.

Lesson 12: Linear Approximation
Lesson 12: Linear ApproximationLesson 12: Linear Approximation
Lesson 12: Linear Approximation

This document summarizes a calculus lecture on linear approximations. It provides examples of using the tangent line to approximate the sine function at different points. Specifically, it estimates sin(61°) by taking linear approximations about 0 and about 60°. The linear approximation about 0 is x, giving a value of 1.06465. The linear approximation about 60° uses the fact that the sine is √3/2 and the derivative is √3/2 at π/3, giving a better approximation than using 0.

Lesson 7: The Derivative (Section 21 slide)
Lesson 7: The Derivative (Section 21 slide)Lesson 7: The Derivative (Section 21 slide)
Lesson 7: The Derivative (Section 21 slide)

This document is from a Calculus I course at New York University. It outlines the objectives and content for Sections 2.1-2.2 on the derivative and rates of change. The sections will define the derivative, discuss how it models rates of change, and how to find the derivative of various functions graphically and numerically. It will also cover how to find higher-order derivatives and sketch the derivative graph from a function graph.


 We have
                                                      (         )
             ds   1(        2      2
                                     )−1/2              dm dw
                =    (m + w) + 500         (2)(m + w)      +
             dt   2                                     dt   dt
                        (          )
                  m + w dm dw
                =             +
                    s     dt    dt

 At our particular point in time

        ds                  4800 + 3600               672
           =√                              (4 + 4) = √     ≈ 7.98587ft/s
        dt                        2 + 5002            7081
                     (4800 + 3600)

                                                                    .   .   .      .      .    .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates               May 27, 2010   15 / 18
An example from electricity

 If two resistors with resistances
 R1 and R2 are connected in
 parallel, as in the figure, then                                       .         .
 the total resistance R,
 measured in Ohms (Ω), is given                                             R
                                                                            . 1           R
                                                                                          . 2
 by                                                                     .         .
            1     1      1
              =      +
           R     R1 R2
 (a) Suppose R1 = 80 Ω and R2 = 100 Ω. What is R?
 (b) If at some point R′ = 0.3 Ω/s and R′ = 0.2 Ω/s, what is R′ at the
                       1                2
     same time?

                                                                    .       .         .         .    .    .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates                          May 27, 2010   16 / 18

            R1 R2      80 · 100       4
 (a) R =            =             = 44 Ω.
          R1 + R2      80 + 100       9
 (b) Differentiating the relation between R1 , R2 , and R we get

                                            1                  1            1
                                        −       2
                                                    R′ = −         R′ −
                                                                    1            R′
                                            R                 R2
                                                               1            R2

        So when R′ = 0.3 Ω/s and R′ = 0.2 Ω/s,
                  1                 2
                      (           )               (          )
               ′    2   R′
                         1    R′2        R2 R2
                                           1 2      R′
                                                     1   R′2
             R =R          +         =                 +
                        R2 R2
                         1      2
                                       (R1 + R2 )2 R2 R2
                                                     1     2
                   (     )2 (                )
                     400      3/10 2/10          107
                 =                2
                                     +     2
                                               =     ≈ 0.132098 Ω/s
                      9        80      100       810

                                                                             .        .   .      .      .    .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)           Section 2.7 Related Rates                     May 27, 2010   17 / 18

         Related Rates problems are an application of the chain rule to
         Similar triangles, the Pythagorean Theorem, trigonometric
         functions are often clues to finding the right relation.
         Problem solving techniques: understand, strategize, solve, review.

                                                                    .   .   .      .      .    .

V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU)   Section 2.7 Related Rates               May 27, 2010   18 / 18

Recommended for you

Lesson 8: Basic Differentiation Rules (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 8: Basic Differentiation Rules (Section 21 slides) Lesson 8: Basic Differentiation Rules (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 8: Basic Differentiation Rules (Section 21 slides)

This document is a section from a Calculus I course at New York University that discusses basic differentiation rules. It covers objectives like differentiating constant, sum, and difference functions. It also reviews derivatives of sine and cosine. Examples are provided, like finding the derivative of a squaring function x^2 using the definition of a derivative. The document outlines the topics and provides explanations and step-by-step solutions.

v6301210212010fsinepower rule
Lesson 6: Limits Involving ∞ (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 6: Limits Involving ∞ (Section 21 slides)Lesson 6: Limits Involving ∞ (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 6: Limits Involving ∞ (Section 21 slides)

This document is from a Calculus I course at New York University and covers limits involving infinity. It defines infinite limits, both limits approaching positive and negative infinity, and limits at vertical asymptotes. Examples are provided of known infinite limits, like limits of 1/x as x approaches 0. The document demonstrates finding one-sided limits at points where a function is not continuous using a number line to determine the sign of factors in the denominator.

Lesson 5: Continuity (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 5: Continuity (Section 21 slides)Lesson 5: Continuity (Section 21 slides)
Lesson 5: Continuity (Section 21 slides)

This document is from a Calculus I class at New York University and covers continuity. It provides announcements about office hours and homework deadlines. It then discusses the objectives of understanding the definition of continuity and applying it to piecewise functions. Examples are provided to demonstrate how to show a function is continuous at a point by evaluating the limit as x approaches the point and showing it equals the function value. The students are asked to determine at which other points the example function is continuous.


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Mel Anthony Pepito
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Mel Anthony Pepito
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Mel Anthony Pepito
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Mel Anthony Pepito
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Lesson 13: Related Rates Problems

  • 1. Section 2.7 Related Rates V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I New York University May 27, 2010 Announcements No class Monday, May 31 Assignment 2 due Tuesday, June 1 . . . . . .
  • 2. Announcements No class Monday, May 31 Assignment 2 due Tuesday, June 1 . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 2 / 18
  • 3. Objectives Use derivatives to understand rates of change. Model word problems . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 3 / 18
  • 4. What are related rates problems? Today we’ll look at a direct application of the chain rule to real-world problems. Examples of these can be found whenever you have some system or object changing, and you want to measure the rate of change of something related to it. . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 4 / 18
  • 5. Problem Example An oil slick in the shape of a disk is growing. At a certain time, the radius is 1 km and the volume is growing at the rate of 10,000 liters per second. If the slick is always 20 cm deep, how fast is the radius of the disk growing at the same time? . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 5 / 18
  • 6. A solution Solution The volume of the disk is V = πr2 h. . r . dV We are given , a certain h . dt value of r, and the object is to dr find at that instant. dt . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 6 / 18
  • 7. Solution Differentiating V = πr2 h with respect to time we have 0 dV dr dh¡ ! = 2πrh + πr2 ¡ dt dt ¡dt . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 7 / 18
  • 8. Solution Differentiating V = πr2 h with respect to time we have 0 dV dr dh¡ ! dr 1 dV = 2πrh + πr2 ¡ =⇒ = · . dt dt ¡dt dt 2πrh dt . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 7 / 18
  • 9. Solution Differentiating V = πr2 h with respect to time we have 0 dV dr dh¡ ! dr 1 dV = 2πrh + πr2 ¡ =⇒ = · . dt dt ¡dt dt 2πrh dt Now we evaluate: dr 1 10, 000 L = · dt r=1 km 2π(1 km)(20 cm) s . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 7 / 18
  • 10. Solution Differentiating V = πr2 h with respect to time we have 0 dV dr dh¡ ! dr 1 dV = 2πrh + πr2 ¡ =⇒ = · . dt dt ¡dt dt 2πrh dt Now we evaluate: dr 1 10, 000 L = · dt r=1 km 2π(1 km)(20 cm) s Converting every length to meters we have dr 1 10 m3 1 m = · = dt r=1 km 2π(1000 m)(0.2 m) s 40π s . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 7 / 18
  • 11. Outline Strategy Examples . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 8 / 18
  • 12. Strategies for Problem Solving 1. Understand the problem 2. Devise a plan 3. Carry out the plan 4. Review and extend György Pólya (Hungarian, 1887–1985) . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 9 / 18
  • 13. Strategies for Related Rates Problems . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 10 / 18
  • 14. Strategies for Related Rates Problems 1. Read the problem. . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 10 / 18
  • 15. Strategies for Related Rates Problems 1. Read the problem. 2. Draw a diagram. . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 10 / 18
  • 16. Strategies for Related Rates Problems 1. Read the problem. 2. Draw a diagram. 3. Introduce notation. Give symbols to all quantities that are functions of time (and maybe some constants) . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 10 / 18
  • 17. Strategies for Related Rates Problems 1. Read the problem. 2. Draw a diagram. 3. Introduce notation. Give symbols to all quantities that are functions of time (and maybe some constants) 4. Express the given information and the required rate in terms of derivatives . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 10 / 18
  • 18. Strategies for Related Rates Problems 1. Read the problem. 2. Draw a diagram. 3. Introduce notation. Give symbols to all quantities that are functions of time (and maybe some constants) 4. Express the given information and the required rate in terms of derivatives 5. Write an equation that relates the various quantities of the problem. If necessary, use the geometry of the situation to eliminate all but one of the variables. . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 10 / 18
  • 19. Strategies for Related Rates Problems 1. Read the problem. 2. Draw a diagram. 3. Introduce notation. Give symbols to all quantities that are functions of time (and maybe some constants) 4. Express the given information and the required rate in terms of derivatives 5. Write an equation that relates the various quantities of the problem. If necessary, use the geometry of the situation to eliminate all but one of the variables. 6. Use the Chain Rule to differentiate both sides with respect to t. . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 10 / 18
  • 20. Strategies for Related Rates Problems 1. Read the problem. 2. Draw a diagram. 3. Introduce notation. Give symbols to all quantities that are functions of time (and maybe some constants) 4. Express the given information and the required rate in terms of derivatives 5. Write an equation that relates the various quantities of the problem. If necessary, use the geometry of the situation to eliminate all but one of the variables. 6. Use the Chain Rule to differentiate both sides with respect to t. 7. Substitute the given information into the resulting equation and solve for the unknown rate. . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 10 / 18
  • 21. Outline Strategy Examples . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 11 / 18
  • 22. Another one Example A man starts walking north at 4ft/sec from a point P. Five minutes later a woman starts walking south at 4ft/sec from a point 500 ft due east of P. At what rate are the people walking apart 15 min after the woman starts walking? . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 12 / 18
  • 23. Diagram 4 . ft/sec . m . . P . . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 13 / 18
  • 24. Diagram 4 . ft/sec . m . . 5 . 00 P . w . 4 . ft/sec . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 13 / 18
  • 25. Diagram 4 . ft/sec . . s m . . 5 . 00 P . w . 4 . ft/sec . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 13 / 18
  • 26. Diagram 4 . ft/sec . . s m . . 5 . 00 P . w . w . 5 . 00 4 . ft/sec . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 13 / 18
  • 27. Diagram 4 . ft/sec √ . . s m . s . = (m + w)2 + 5002 . 5 . 00 P . w . w . 5 . 00 4 . ft/sec . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 13 / 18
  • 28. Expressing what is known and unknown 15 minutes after the woman starts walking, the woman has traveled ( )( ) 4ft 60sec (15min) = 3600ft sec min while the man has traveled ( )( ) 4ft 60sec (20min) = 4800ft sec min ds dm dw We want to know when m = 4800, w = 3600, = 4, and = 4. dt dt dt . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 14 / 18
  • 29. Differentiation We have ( ) ds 1( 2 2 )−1/2 dm dw = (m + w) + 500 (2)(m + w) + dt 2 dt dt ( ) m + w dm dw = + s dt dt At our particular point in time ds 4800 + 3600 672 =√ (4 + 4) = √ ≈ 7.98587ft/s dt 2 + 5002 7081 (4800 + 3600) . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 15 / 18
  • 30. An example from electricity Example If two resistors with resistances R1 and R2 are connected in parallel, as in the figure, then . . the total resistance R, measured in Ohms (Ω), is given R . 1 R . 2 by . . 1 1 1 = + R R1 R2 (a) Suppose R1 = 80 Ω and R2 = 100 Ω. What is R? (b) If at some point R′ = 0.3 Ω/s and R′ = 0.2 Ω/s, what is R′ at the 1 2 same time? . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 16 / 18
  • 31. Solution Solution R1 R2 80 · 100 4 (a) R = = = 44 Ω. R1 + R2 80 + 100 9 (b) Differentiating the relation between R1 , R2 , and R we get 1 1 1 − 2 R′ = − R′ − 1 R′ 2 R R2 1 R2 2 So when R′ = 0.3 Ω/s and R′ = 0.2 Ω/s, 1 2 ( ) ( ) ′ 2 R′ 1 R′2 R2 R2 1 2 R′ 1 R′2 R =R + = + R2 R2 1 2 (R1 + R2 )2 R2 R2 1 2 ( )2 ( ) 400 3/10 2/10 107 = 2 + 2 = ≈ 0.132098 Ω/s 9 80 100 810 . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 17 / 18
  • 32. Summary Related Rates problems are an application of the chain rule to modeling Similar triangles, the Pythagorean Theorem, trigonometric functions are often clues to finding the right relation. Problem solving techniques: understand, strategize, solve, review. . . . . . . V63.0121.002.2010Su, Calculus I (NYU) Section 2.7 Related Rates May 27, 2010 18 / 18