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Membership Development - Regional Chamber Meeting

  “If you don‟t tell your story,
    the public will make up
    one about you.” ~Eric
Define Your Brand Character

• If your business or organization was a car,
  what brand would it be?

• Give 3 one-word adjectives to describe it

Organizational Branding
Branding and Marketing

“Marketing is branding. The two concepts
  are so inextricably linked that it is
  impossible to separate them.
  Furthermore, since everything a company
  does can contribute to the brand-building
  process, marketing is not a function that
  can be considered in isolation.”
     – 22 Immutable Laws of Branding, Al Ries and Laura Ries

Organizational Branding

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Making Corporate Partnerships Work
Making Corporate Partnerships WorkMaking Corporate Partnerships Work
Making Corporate Partnerships Work

The document discusses making corporate partnerships work and provides tips for successful partnerships between companies and nonprofits. It defines different types of corporate partnerships and explores how the mindset around partnerships is evolving from short-term transactions to long-term relationships focused on mutual benefit and social impact. Successful partnerships require understanding both business and nonprofit goals and finding opportunities for integrated collaboration across issues and business lines.

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This document discusses personal promotion strategies for real estate agents. It provides statistics on home buyer and seller preferences and how clients choose agents. The document then outlines sections on learning promotion and marketing budgets, developing a personal promotion plan, selecting a niche market, and using technology and photography in promotion. Key points include investing 15-20% of gross income in promotion, developing a unique selling position, and using color photography in direct mail and email marketing.

Using Growth Hacking & Inbound Marketing To Grow On A Budget
Using Growth Hacking & Inbound Marketing To Grow On A BudgetUsing Growth Hacking & Inbound Marketing To Grow On A Budget
Using Growth Hacking & Inbound Marketing To Grow On A Budget

Low cost & high impact inbound marketing can ignite growth on a limited budget, if you a start-up or feel like giving-up there are opportunities with a comprehensive inbound marketing program to grow your leads and business.

growthhackingbuyer personabuyer behaviour
What is a Brand?
•   It‟s more than a name
•   Branding „pre-sells‟ the product or service to the user
•   Branding is simply a more efficient way to sell things
•   A brand stands for something, a position in the mind
•   It‟s more than a logo
•   A brand requires a visual vocabulary
     – Consistent use of a “look and feel”
     – A common “voice” and tone/style
     – Standardized color palette, typefaces, visual style
• Consistent use of wording, tag lines, theme lines

Organizational Branding
Branding is Boring!

• It requires consistency
     – Repetition of key phrases (radio burn)
     – Redundant visual identity
     – Target your audience
     – Focus on presentation
     – Creative limitations

Organizational Branding
Connecting to your customers

“Building brand awareness is not simply
  about throwing money at the moon. It‟s
  about creating a consistent, emotional
  connection with your customers.
                          – James Daly, Editor in Chief, Business 2.0

Organizational Branding
2 Ways to choose your brand

1. Be who you want to be
• Decide how you want the public to
  perceive you
• Communicate and act in support of it
     – Works for new companies, mergers, new
     – New brands often rejected by consumers

Organizational Branding

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Efactor is a Smart Network that matches entrepreneurs with the very people who can help them grow. Here's some startup marketing idea you need to focus on. http://www.efactor.com

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Tips on how charities can find and attract corporate donors in tough financial times. Slideshare suggested blogs might be of interest; please let me know if they're not!

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Effective marketing is a customer focused process. The critical first step is knowing who your customer is and how to position your offering. This workshop will cover how to identify the ideal customer segmentation and position a firm's offering in order to create long term customer value.

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2 Ways to choose your brand

Or 2. Be who you are
• Be who your audience/the public expects you to be
• Selectively reinforce what your existing customers feel
  and say about your product or service
• Run focus groups or surveys to find out why people buy
  initially, and why they return
• Collect testimonials to find common words, themes

Organizational Branding
3 Steps to develop your brand

1. Who is your target audience?
   End user, Influencer, Buyer, or Referrer
2. Find their “hot buttons”
   (Purpose - Why should we CARE?)
3. Tailor message to audience
   (If you were gone tomorrow, will people
   miss you?)

Organizational Branding
1. Who is your target audience?

• Do you know everyone you‟re selling to?
  Who buys? Who influences? Who refers?
  Who uses?
• Consider all audiences, their expectations
• Speak their language
• Appeal to their emotions

Organizational Branding
Examine their job position
• Business audiences: What is their responsibility to their
• Gatekeepers tend to protect decision makers
• Buyers tend to look for the best deal
• Salespeople seek new prospects, partnerships
• Managers tend to control costs
• Investors want bottom-line growth
• Owners are more holistic, but typically not “joiners”

Organizational Branding

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This document provides tips for small businesses on using social media effectively. It begins by stating that many small businesses see no return on investment from social media. It then lists dos and don'ts for social media marketing. The dos include discovering your brand voice, treating platforms distinctly, inviting interaction, being generous with content, focusing on relevant networks, and thinking locally. The don'ts include lacking goals, duplicating content, abandoning channels, and treating channels in isolation. The document concludes by profiling a jeweler's social media use and providing recommendations.

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Stout nonprofit marketing presentation
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Stout nonprofit marketing presentation

The document provides information about Big Brothers Big Sisters, a non-profit organization that provides mentoring for children facing adversity. It discusses the organization's mission to provide professionally supported 1-to-1 mentoring relationships, their target markets which include young professionals, empty nesters, and college students, and their branding focused on starting something big for children. It outlines marketing challenges of connecting children to volunteers while maintaining safety, a need for more male mentors, and getting people to take action. The annual marketing plan and keeping a consistent message are also summarized.

Branding for the Small Nonprofit
Branding for the Small NonprofitBranding for the Small Nonprofit
Branding for the Small Nonprofit

This document discusses branding for small nonprofits. It begins with a brand awareness quiz to assess how well an organization understands its brand. It then discusses key branding concepts like defining an organization's values and personality. The document also provides a case study of a small nonprofit called Pacific Crest that improved its branding through clarifying its message and developing new branding materials. In the end, it argues that small nonprofits can benefit from branding by reflecting their strategy, mission and values to both internal and external audiences.

brand positioningnonprofitnonprofit branding
4 Considerations For
       Communicating Your Brand
1. Consider learning styles
     Different people take in information in different
       ways – appeal to as many senses as possible
     – Visual images that touch and relate
     – Wording that paints a picture
     – Textures/paper that encourage touch
     – Sounds (Intel‟s mnemonic)

Organizational Branding
4 Considerations For
         Communicating Your Brand
2. Review the competition
     –   Competition may be direct or indirect
     –   We‟re competing for time and attention
     –   We‟re offering another choice in similar product or service
     –   Or another choice of use of time (if I don‟t do this, I can do that)
     –   What are the alternatives for your target audience?

Organizational Branding
4 Considerations For
        Communicating Your Brand
 3. Referrals are Key
 • Generate talk about your product or service amongst
   peer groups
 • Some products/services will only be sold with referral
 • Testimonials: People trust other people‟s opinions

Organizational Branding
4 Considerations For
       Communicating Your Brand
4. Buying and Justifying
• Businesses: People BUY emotionally, JUSTIFY
• Chambers & Associations: People JOIN emotionally and
  JUSTIFY upon renewal
     – Who MUST you reach in order to be successful?
     – Who will have the most impact over the long-term?

Organizational Branding

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How to Establish Thought Leadership
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The document discusses thought leadership strategies for building credibility and branding. It defines thought leadership as demonstrating industry knowledge, communication skills, expertise, experience, and being a news generator. The goals of thought leadership are to generate brand awareness, demonstrate vision and drive, build a positive reputation, and emphasize knowledge and credibility. It recommends educating the industry, defining constituents, contributing to conversations, and leading by example as thought leadership strategies.

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The Importance of Branding
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The Importance of Branding for Credit Unions in a Marketing Driven World - Lessons Learned from Coca-Cola. Presented by Michael La Kier, May 2006 at the Georgia Credit Union Affiliates (GCUA) Annual Convention.

Business & Marketing Fundamentals
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Tycoon created this presentation specifically for participants in New York's Startup Weekend Global Fashion Battle on September 5-7 2014. As dedicated sponsors in this amazing event, Tycoon covers business and marketing fundamentals such as the elevator pitch, customer empathy map, customer decision journey, marketing map and key performance indicators.

marketingcustomer decision journeycustomer persona
Brand vs. Audience

• Is your audience willing to respond to your
• You may want to appear complex,
  intelligent and powerful
• Your audience might prefer simple,
  A persona to which they can relate

Organizational Branding
Who is your audience?

•   How do they take in information?
•   Age/generation affiliation
•   Their likes and dislikes
•   What/who do they relate to?

Organizational Branding & Research
The Content of The Brand

• Express your purpose through stories

• Give the audience a story or else they will
  invent a story (or not care)

• Embed your stories with HUMANITY
  rather than statistics (Ideas That Stick)
Information versus Trust
Need A High Level Of Trust: Florist
• “Don‟t give me the details and the names of the flowers, just give me
  something that‟s pretty, smells good and only costs about $70.”
Need Trust and Information: Appliance Retailer
• “I need to know what features are included, how it works, as well as
  how reliable the brand is before I make a purchase decision.”
Need A High Level Of Detail: Technical Product
• “Give me all of the facts, details, charts and graphs. I want to
  understand how this thing works, what it does and how it‟s different
  from the other products like it.”

Organizational Branding & Research

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This document provides an overview of small business marketing basics. It discusses the importance of marketing to attract and retain customers and introduces various marketing techniques. These include defining your brand, understanding your target audience, developing marketing strategies across different channels like websites, social media, email, advertising, and community involvement. The document emphasizes integrating marketing messages across all platforms and that effective marketing is an ongoing process.

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The document provides tips for business owners to generate new customers through referrals, social media, strategic alliances, and press. It discusses developing a referral generation plan, asking clients open-ended questions, controlling the referral process. For social media, it recommends identifying target audiences, engaging in relevant conversations, and including calls to action in posts. Strategic alliances suggest getting to know partners first and creating a strategic plan for cross-promotion. The document also outlines best practices for writing effective press releases to garner media coverage.

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The document provides an overview of networking strategies and techniques for growing a business through relationship building. It discusses the benefits of networking, including generating referrals and developing business partnerships. It then outlines specific approaches for who to meet, where to network, what to say, and how to grow relationships over time through follow ups and maintaining contacts. Key steps include developing an elevator pitch, giving and receiving referrals, joining relevant networking groups, and utilizing online tools to expand one's network.

your audience‟s expectations
• Makes each communication more effective
• You‟ll provide what your audience needs to
  make a decision
• Each point of contact will build on the last
  message - WACE Tool Kit!

Organizational Branding & Research
Build it!

• Branding is the foundation of any effective,
  ongoing marketing program.
• The success of every business relies on a
  strong brand identity implemented into all

Organizational Branding
Core Functions:

• Strengthen the Local Economy
• Represent Business Interests in
• Take Political Action
• Promote the Community
• Provide Networking Opportunities

Your Marketing Message

The Wrong Pitch
• Our Organization is a private non-profit
  membership organization that works to
  ensure a healthy local economy.
• Our Association is a group of businesses
  that share common goals.

Value Propositions & Messaging

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Matt Davidson, owner of LOGO Dynamics, provides a presentation on tuning up marketing strategies for small businesses. He discusses how the definition of business and the economy have changed, with a focus now on creating "wow" moments to build loyalty. Key aspects of a modern marketing plan include developing an identity, targeting markets based on needs, and permission-based marketing using tools like social media. The goal is to confound customer expectations and provide delightful experiences, keeping clients and converting them to advocates. Resources and next steps are provided for attendees to develop their own marketing plans.

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first presentation in fund raising topic
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first presentation in fund raising topic

1) Fundraising is about raising money from people, not just funds. It is important for exposure, gaining more supporters who can help in the future, and increasing profits. 2) Sources of funds include in-kind donations, grants, online fundraising, and planned donations for specific projects which carry some risk. 3) Good qualifications for a fundraiser include having a good appearance, being able to solve problems through wise and careful thinking while listening more than talking, giving important details at the end, finding something to share, and having a nice smile.

Branding Your Business
Branding Your BusinessBranding Your Business
Branding Your Business

Brand must endure and profit. Branding communicates unique benefits. Brand building starts with Identity. Brand must remain true, or loose it’s identity.

brand managementadvertisingbranding
Your Marketing Message

The Right Pitch
• The chamber solves common business problems like not
  having enough time to lobby the government for less red
  tape and taxes.
• The Chamber connects businesses to consumers and
  each other, in order to help them grow.
• The Chamber helps people who are tired of doing
  business out of a phone book.

Value Propositions & Messaging
Creative Marketing Ideas
         • Radio “Business Beat”
         • Co-Brand Television Advertising
         • Partner with Members for
           Newspaper Ads

Advertising & Media
Advertising & Media
Powerful Brands

  •   Walmart
  •   Tom‟s Shoes
  •   Coca-Cola
  •   Burt‟s Bees

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Organizational Association Branding
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Organizational associations refer to building a relationship between an organization and its customers, which can help launch new product lines under the organization's brand name with customers' trust. While this strategy helped Nestle become successful, it is not necessary for brand success. Some brands like Gul Ahmed have found success without strong organizational associations by focusing on product innovation and quality instead. Organizational associations are a strategy, not a goal, and companies need to consider how they can create value for both the brand and organization.

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Membership Development - Regional Chamber Meeting
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Membership Development - Regional Chamber Meeting
Seth Godin
Best-selling author and top daily business
           blogger in the world:

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The document discusses rebranding at different levels - individual product, business unit, and corporate. It outlines the main drivers for rebranding such as changes in ownership, corporate strategy, competitive position, or external environment. Rebranding involves renaming, repositioning, and redesigning a brand. Consumers' attitudes towards rebranding are influenced by their commitment to the original brand and resistance to change, so research should be conducted to understand consumers before undertaking a rebranding effort.

Submission Guidelines
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The document provides guidelines for submitting a tender/sebutharga proposal to MIMOS. It details that the commercial submission should include 10 sections such as a covering letter, priced proposals for equipment, consumables, maintenance, and payment terms. The technical submission should contain 14 sections including an executive summary, compliance statements, brochures, delivery schedules, experience, and training proposals. It instructs bidders to download relevant documents from MIMOS' website, fill them out, burn to CDs, and submit the originals, copies and CDs to the Procurement Department before the closing date.

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Analisi Spot Tv: Tim Smart

Membership Development - Regional Chamber Meeting
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Tree Guard Branding Proposal
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This document is a proposal from DRS Media Solutions for branding Tree Guard locations in Delhi South Zone. It lists 11 locations totaling 2,875 Tree Guards of two different sizes (30"x30" and 30"x20") to be branded. It provides reference pictures of Tree Guards and specifies rental costs of Rs. 5,000 and Rs. 3,500 per month for the larger and smaller sizes respectively. Printing costs are listed as Rs. 35 per square foot for vinyl and Rs. 75 per square foot for reflective vinyl, with pasting costs of Rs. 5 per square foot. Contact details for DRS Media Solutions are provided at the end.

Corporate rebranding: impact on brand equity
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This document summarizes a research paper that studied corporate rebranding involving a change of name. It analyzed a sample of 166 rebranded companies to understand the drivers and impact of rebranding on brand equity. The findings suggest that rebranding is often provoked by structural changes like mergers and acquisitions that impact a company's identity and strategy. It also indicates that changes to marketing aesthetics may affect brand equity less than other factors like employee behavior. The paper proposes a conceptual model to integrate the dimensions of corporate rebranding and suggests further research on leveraging brand equity across brand hierarchy levels.

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Vw dsg tender presentation 14042014
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This document outlines two design concepts, Imagespark and BUMP, for a Volkswagen website redesign. It provides timelines for the project from initial presentations in early April through a full launch at the end of May. Finally, it compares the projected budgets for the two design concepts and for oversight by the agency DDB, ranging from 379,000 rubles for DDB to over 2 million rubles for BUMP.


 • Have a S.E.A.T.
 • Service & Sell With The Latest
 • Engage Members Without Asking Them
   to Show Up
 • Allow Members to Choose Their
 • Teach Members How to Talk About Us

•   Don‟t have time to participate (68%)
•   Don‟t see the value (49%)
•   Corporate office policy (45%)
•   Membership costs too much (18%)
•   Don‟t do business locally (10%)


• … without asking them to show up!
• Participation vs. Partnership
• Membership does not require participation
• Prevent drops due to “no time to
• Health club comparison
• Chamber Church Confessional
Membership Development - Regional Chamber Meeting

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Rebranding Checklist
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Rebranding Checklist

Changing your name or logo? Feeling overwhelmed by the thought of figuring out every single piece of paper, business card, sign, and web site that needs to be updated? It's a lot to keep track of. That's why we created this checklist. You'll need to tweak it to meet your specific needs, but it'll give you a solid start.

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Zhi-Fu Jewelry ╳ Re-branding Proposal
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Corporate Branding
Corporate BrandingCorporate Branding
Corporate Branding

1. Corporate branding represents an organization's values, culture, and strategy and aims to build trust in the company as a whole rather than individual products. It reflects all customer experiences and perceptions of the company. 2. The process of corporate branding involves understanding target audiences, developing a strategic communication plan, and managing branding consistently. Successful brands communicate a company's core beliefs through advertising, PR, and by ensuring internal and external experiences align with the brand. 3. For corporate branding to be effective in India, companies need strong leadership and management that matches international standards to help Indian brands prosper globally.


• Businesses: People BUY emotionally,
  JUSTIFY intellectually
• Chambers: People JOIN emotionally and
  JUSTIFY upon renewal
  • Who MUST you reach in order to be
  • Who will have the most impact over the long-

 Common Dues Structures:
 • Fair Share (usually based on number of
 • Special Formulas (usually for certain
   industry categories)
 • Tiered Dues Structures
 • Negotiated Dues
 • Dues/Non-Dues Package (such as
   Chairman‟s Clubs)
Membership Development - Regional Chamber Meeting
Membership Development - Regional Chamber Meeting

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This cover letter is submitting a proposal in response to a tender project for constructing a sample house on Lot 123 in Petaling Jaya, Selangor by June 7th, 2016. The letter references the company's understanding of the equipment and machinery needed after studying the tender. It also highlights the company's past successes in the construction industry over the last three years in executing projects for large corporations like Gamuda Berhad and Sunway Property.

Rebranding Strategy – Six Steps
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Rebranding Strategy – Six Steps

The document outlines six steps for rebranding a company: 1) think about the current brand's strengths, weaknesses, and goals for updating it; 2) conduct brand audits of customer and employee perspectives; 3) define the business reasons for rebranding; 4) use research and surveys to understand current customer and employee views of the brand; 5) determine the brand's position in the market and its unique values; and 6) create a brand building plan to roll out the new identity internally and externally.

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This series constitutes co-branding and corporate branding, where student will study how the brand partnership and corporate branding can result in making an image in the mind of customers.

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Membership Development - Regional Chamber Meeting
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Membership Development - Regional Chamber Meeting

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The document discusses a proposal from JABIT Digital Designs & Ideas to rebrand the logo for HopeStreet. It outlines the benefits of rebranding, provides examples of successful rebrands, and proposes a timeline and process for HopeStreet's logo rebrand that includes gathering requirements, providing initial concepts, incorporating client feedback through revisions, and delivering the final files.

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Idea about Types of Brand Strategies. Multibranding strategy Fighting brands Private branding strategy Mixed Branding Attitude branding Iconic Branding No brand branding

Rebranding Campaign Proposal
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East Gainesville Development Corporation realized their name, slogan and overall communication plans needed to be rebranded. This 70-page document includes a more modern approach to maximum exposure.

Membership Development - Regional Chamber Meeting

• Offer something for everyone
• Create “upsell” opportunities
• Create a sense of privilege, recognition
  and exclusivity with upper tiers
• Create benefits that require little or no
  hard costs to the chamber
• Self-Segmentation
• Pro-active leadership role
• Above “Cost-per-member” benchmark
• Increased membership stature and
  personal/professional recognition
• Improved personal and professional skills
  and networking contacts

•   How much does membership cost?
•   How much is membership worth?
•   Quantify it and sell it!
•   Add to the value with media partners and

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The document discusses the rebranding of the Godrej brand in India. Some key points: - Godrej is an over 100 year old Indian conglomerate originally focused on locks but now diversified into many sectors. - In 2008, Godrej conducted a brand valuation exercise and realized it needed to update its positioning to appeal more to modern youth. This led to a rebranding effort, including launching a new colorful logo. - The rebranding was led by international consulting firm Interbrand and aimed to represent growth, innovation, and dynamism through the new visual identity. - Adi Godrej, chairman of Godrej, said the new branding aimed to showcase they stand for more

Spice of Life: Brand Marketing Seminar
Spice of Life: Brand Marketing SeminarSpice of Life: Brand Marketing Seminar
Spice of Life: Brand Marketing Seminar

This document summarizes a seminar on brand marketing for associations. It discusses conducting research to develop a brand triangle with a core value, attributes, and personality to clearly communicate an association's brand. A marketing campaign is outlined using member success stories, print ads, emails, websites, and signage. The presentation addresses the current state of association marketing, discussing issues like who is responsible for branding and how to develop brand equity. It also covers topics like segmentation, personas, behavioral programs, and lead scoring to improve demand generation.

Branding 101 for Small Businesses
Branding 101 for Small BusinessesBranding 101 for Small Businesses
Branding 101 for Small Businesses

Presented for the Rocklin Chamber of Commerce as part of their Business Excellence Series. This presentation focused on: - What branding is - Steps in Creating Your Brand - Brand Marketing Strategies - Online Brand Management - Offline Brand Management

brandingbrand marketingonline brand management
• Generate talk about your product or
  service amongst peer groups
• Some products/services will only be sold
  with referral
• Testimonials: People trust other people‟s

The “have-to's”
The “ought-to's”
The “want-to's”

The Wrong Pitch:
• The chamber is a private non-profit
  membership organization that works to
  ensure a healthy local economy.
• The chamber is a group of businesses that
  share common community goals.

The Right Pitch:
1. The chamber solves common business
   problems like not having enough time to
   lobby the government for less red tape and
2. The Chamber connects businesses to
   consumers and each other, in order to help
   them grow.
3. The Chamber helps people who are tired of
   doing business out of a phone book.

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Communicating Your Brand
Communicating Your BrandCommunicating Your Brand
Communicating Your Brand

The document discusses communicating your brand and marketing strategy as a chamber of commerce. It emphasizes developing a consistent brand identity through messaging, visual style, and tone. The brand should be tailored to your target audiences and address their needs and hot buttons. Testimonials from members and creative marketing ideas can help connect with customers on an emotional level and build trust in the brand.

Close New Business: Effective Brand Positioning
Close New Business: Effective Brand Positioning Close New Business: Effective Brand Positioning
Close New Business: Effective Brand Positioning

Brand positioning isn't just a logo. It's researching your target audience, understanding the value of what you do, and then articulating that both verbally and visually. Consider the questions offered, find answers, and then act!

marketingbrand managementbranding
Industrial Branding: The Lost Art in the Industrial Marketplace
Industrial Branding: The Lost Art in the Industrial MarketplaceIndustrial Branding: The Lost Art in the Industrial Marketplace
Industrial Branding: The Lost Art in the Industrial Marketplace

-The importance of leading with a true brand strategy vs. feature/benefit product strategy -How brands are either built or destroyed by a companies actions or inaction -Why people buy brands and understanding how the attachment to a brand works

product strategybrand strategymarketing
• “As a service business, membership in the
  Chamber is especially valuable
• “The Chamber helps me to…”
• “The Chamber saves me time/trouble

• Segment the sources of your testimonials
  for use in targeting like audiences
• Start-up, Emerging, or Mature
• Retailer, Restaurant, Manufacturer,
  Service, Professional, etc.
• Match prospects with corresponding

 • What is GoDaddy and why are they
   number 1?

 • Gain the service advantage
   enjoyed by other industries

 •   Information Overload
 •   Sales Department Turn-Over
 •   Printed Materials Out-of-Date
 •   “Foul Language” of Volunteers

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Industrial Branding: The Lost Art in the Industrial Marketplace
Industrial Branding: The Lost Art in the Industrial MarketplaceIndustrial Branding: The Lost Art in the Industrial Marketplace
Industrial Branding: The Lost Art in the Industrial Marketplace

-The importance of leading with a true brand strategy vs. feature/benefit product strategy -How brands are either built or destroyed by a companies actions or inaction -Why people buy brands and understanding how the attachment to a brand works

product strategybrand strategymarketing
Better marketing = bigger sales
Better marketing = bigger salesBetter marketing = bigger sales
Better marketing = bigger sales

The document discusses better marketing strategies that can lead to increased sales. It emphasizes understanding your target audiences and their needs and preferences for communication. Marketing should clearly communicate the benefits of products and services from the customer's perspective using a consistent brand identity across all channels. An effective brand tells a story that provides value for potential customers as they do more research online before making purchasing decisions. The presentation encourages businesses to focus on helping customers through relevant content across online and offline platforms to build trust and make customers for life.

creative companymarketing planbrand strategy
Industrial Branding: The Lost Art in the Industrial Marketplace
Industrial Branding: The Lost Art in the Industrial MarketplaceIndustrial Branding: The Lost Art in the Industrial Marketplace
Industrial Branding: The Lost Art in the Industrial Marketplace

This document discusses the importance of branding for industrial companies. It makes three key points: 1) Developing an effective brand requires understanding customer issues, gathering market data, and using insights to strategically position, promote, and develop the brand over time. Internal beliefs must be based on market facts. 2) A brand represents the entire customer experience with a business and must be consistently defined, not just through logos or slogans. Strong branding starts with defining the brand's positioning and guiding strategic actions. 3) Properly stewarding a brand requires ongoing commitment beyond initial branding projects. Brands are built on relevance, differentiation, esteem, and knowledge over the long term through consistent behavior and focus on


•   Never Complains
•   Never Asks for a Raise
•   Works 24-7-52
•   Captures Your Web Traffic
•   Standardizes Your Sales Language
•   Has sold up to $25,000 in new member
    dues per year
Membership Development - Regional Chamber Meeting
Membership Development - Regional Chamber Meeting
Converting to Tiered
Existing assets, when assembled into packages, will
reinforce the value members appreciate and help them

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Supplement Retail Marketing 101
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Supplement Retail Marketing 101

This presentation was for a session named Retail Marketing 101, that was given by Joshua Schall of J. Schall Consulting at the 2019 Supplement Retail Mastermind that was held the day before the Olympia Weekend in Las Vegas, NV. If you are interested in the video, you can watch it on YouTube here - https://youtu.be/7vFYQSi9ziM

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A presentation given to Non-Profit marketing managers about marketing strategy. Including developing a marketing communications plan and brand.

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Advisor's Modern Marketing Challenge
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Financial Advisors Have a Really Tough Challenge. First They Need to Ditch the Product Mentality and Create a Unique Marketing Message. Next They Need to Build a Platform That Seamlessly Integrates Modern Tools and Strategies.

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Tiered Dues Will...
Emphasize the value of membership in a format all
members can understand
Eliminate the inequality of (un)“fair-share” dues structure
Create clear levels of investment and value
Tie member investments to supporting our mission
Allow members to customize their membership by
selecting their level of involvement and investment
Make it is easy to explain what members receive for their
Reasons to Change

Improve market share
Increase source of revenue
Accommodate projected growth of membership
Boost number of “healthy” members
Differentiate from other membership organizations
Improve retention rate
Strengthen member participation
What You Have Now

Dues based on request

The same benefits for all members regardless of their dues

A la carte products and services require multiple “asks”
Tiers Will Allow Members to:

Choose services based on their own needs

Understand what they are supporting

Expect their tangible benefits to grow with their investment
in the Chamber

Be recognized for their membership investment in the same
way sponsors have been

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Social media 201 - Using LinkedIn
Social media 201 - Using LinkedInSocial media 201 - Using LinkedIn
Social media 201 - Using LinkedIn

As presented at Geiger Galleria. Social selling 201 focuses on using LinkedIn more effectively and provides some engagement tips with clients.

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The New Social Media Landscape; Welcome to Somalia
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The New Social Media Landscape; Welcome to Somalia

Lecture from Creighton University covering the new, massive competition among media brands. Every brand is now a media company, and that means every brand will have to learn how to think like a media company and use emotion in their messages.

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Digital Marketing.pptx
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Digital Marketing.pptx

The document discusses various aspects of digital marketing such as customer journey mapping, the 5A framework for marketing, factors influencing consumer behavior, content marketing strategies, email marketing types, and key performance indicators (KPIs) for email marketing campaigns. It provides information on discovery, consideration, purchase, retention and advocacy stages of the customer journey. It also outlines psychological, social, cultural, personal and economic factors impacting consumer decisions and describes attraction, authority, affinity and action content categories.

Case Study: Salem, Oregon

New Memberships Sold in First Year of Tiers
Memberships               187
Revenue                   $ 63,821
Upgrades                  20           11%
Upgrade Revenue           $ 11,700     18%
Case Study: Salem, Oregon

Total Tier Allocations 2008   156
President‟s Diamond Circle     17
Executive                      22
Premium                        27
Entrepreneur                   90
Case Study: Salem, Oregon

   2006                    2007        2008        2009
Members                     1235        1279        1325    +7%
Book Value             $ 439,942   $ 506,325   $ 585,325   +33%
Upgraded Members                          40         187    14%
Book Value of Upgrades              $ 53,000   $ 231,000    39%
Membership Development - Regional Chamber Meeting

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This document provides an overview of how to enhance organizational goals through effective communications. It discusses determining an organization's brand positioning by examining its mission, values, audiences, and strengths. Key audiences are identified and prioritized based on their awareness, potential, and needs. The document outlines developing key messages tailored to each audience, as well as an elevator speech and positioning statement. It stresses creating communications strategies with objectives, targeted audiences, key messages, initiatives, and tactics to influence audiences through various channels. The goal is to influence audiences to achieve specific outcomes.

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Understanding your consumers to achieve business success
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Understanding your consumers to achieve business success

Understanding consumers and targeting them through focused strategies is critical for business success. In this presentation, I look at some frameworks for targeting.

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Summary slides from the SPARK Co-Lab Actuator Series session providing entry-level guidance on what medtech start-ups need to consider when developing a marketing and communications strategy.

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Branding and public relations are important aspects of any business. Branding involves defining a business's identity through elements like its logo, website, and promotional materials to attract target customers. An effective brand gives a competitive edge. Developing a brand strategy determines how and where the brand message will be communicated. Consistency and strategic branding build brand equity, which adds perceived value and profitability. Defining the brand involves understanding customers and bringing in outside help. An effective public relations strategy manages information flow to persuade stakeholders through cost-effective media like press releases, speaking engagements and social media content.

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This document discusses how businesses need to rethink their approach to customers in the digital age. It outlines five core customer behaviors - access, engage, customize, connect, and collaborate - that are driven by digital experiences. It also presents a "customer network model" where customers are nodes within dynamic networks rather than passive consumers. The document provides strategies around each of the five customer behaviors and a tool to help generate customer network strategies based on objectives, customers, and concepts. It notes challenges that traditional enterprises may face in adopting this new customer-centric paradigm.

customer networks
Masters of Marketing -- The Importance of Consistent Branding
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In the February 19, 2014 Masters of Marketing webinar, Website Coordinator Karly Baker discussed why it's important to stay consistent with all of your agency's branding.

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Membership Development - Regional Chamber Meeting

  • 2. Branding: “If you don‟t tell your story, the public will make up one about you.” ~Eric Alper
  • 3. Define Your Brand Character • If your business or organization was a car, what brand would it be? • Give 3 one-word adjectives to describe it Organizational Branding
  • 4. Branding and Marketing “Marketing is branding. The two concepts are so inextricably linked that it is impossible to separate them. Furthermore, since everything a company does can contribute to the brand-building process, marketing is not a function that can be considered in isolation.” – 22 Immutable Laws of Branding, Al Ries and Laura Ries Organizational Branding
  • 5. What is a Brand? • It‟s more than a name • Branding „pre-sells‟ the product or service to the user • Branding is simply a more efficient way to sell things • A brand stands for something, a position in the mind • It‟s more than a logo • A brand requires a visual vocabulary – Consistent use of a “look and feel” – A common “voice” and tone/style – Standardized color palette, typefaces, visual style • Consistent use of wording, tag lines, theme lines Organizational Branding
  • 6. Branding is Boring! • It requires consistency – Repetition of key phrases (radio burn) – Redundant visual identity – Target your audience – Focus on presentation – Creative limitations Organizational Branding
  • 7. Connecting to your customers “Building brand awareness is not simply about throwing money at the moon. It‟s about creating a consistent, emotional connection with your customers. – James Daly, Editor in Chief, Business 2.0 Organizational Branding
  • 8. 2 Ways to choose your brand 1. Be who you want to be • Decide how you want the public to perceive you • Communicate and act in support of it – Works for new companies, mergers, new markets – New brands often rejected by consumers Organizational Branding
  • 9. 2 Ways to choose your brand Or 2. Be who you are • Be who your audience/the public expects you to be • Selectively reinforce what your existing customers feel and say about your product or service • Run focus groups or surveys to find out why people buy initially, and why they return • Collect testimonials to find common words, themes Organizational Branding
  • 10. 3 Steps to develop your brand 1. Who is your target audience? End user, Influencer, Buyer, or Referrer 2. Find their “hot buttons” (Purpose - Why should we CARE?) 3. Tailor message to audience (If you were gone tomorrow, will people miss you?) Organizational Branding
  • 11. 1. Who is your target audience? • Do you know everyone you‟re selling to? Who buys? Who influences? Who refers? Who uses? • Consider all audiences, their expectations • Speak their language • Appeal to their emotions Organizational Branding
  • 12. Examine their job position • Business audiences: What is their responsibility to their company? • Gatekeepers tend to protect decision makers • Buyers tend to look for the best deal • Salespeople seek new prospects, partnerships • Managers tend to control costs • Investors want bottom-line growth • Owners are more holistic, but typically not “joiners” Organizational Branding
  • 13. 4 Considerations For Communicating Your Brand 1. Consider learning styles Different people take in information in different ways – appeal to as many senses as possible – Visual images that touch and relate – Wording that paints a picture – Textures/paper that encourage touch – Sounds (Intel‟s mnemonic) Organizational Branding
  • 14. 4 Considerations For Communicating Your Brand 2. Review the competition – Competition may be direct or indirect – We‟re competing for time and attention – We‟re offering another choice in similar product or service – Or another choice of use of time (if I don‟t do this, I can do that) – What are the alternatives for your target audience? Organizational Branding
  • 15. 4 Considerations For Communicating Your Brand 3. Referrals are Key • Generate talk about your product or service amongst peer groups • Some products/services will only be sold with referral • Testimonials: People trust other people‟s opinions Organizational Branding
  • 16. 4 Considerations For Communicating Your Brand 4. Buying and Justifying • Businesses: People BUY emotionally, JUSTIFY intellectually • Chambers & Associations: People JOIN emotionally and JUSTIFY upon renewal – Who MUST you reach in order to be successful? – Who will have the most impact over the long-term? Organizational Branding
  • 17. Brand vs. Audience • Is your audience willing to respond to your image? • You may want to appear complex, intelligent and powerful • Your audience might prefer simple, folksy... A persona to which they can relate Organizational Branding
  • 18. Who is your audience? • How do they take in information? • Age/generation affiliation • Their likes and dislikes • What/who do they relate to? Organizational Branding & Research
  • 19. The Content of The Brand • Express your purpose through stories • Give the audience a story or else they will invent a story (or not care) • Embed your stories with HUMANITY rather than statistics (Ideas That Stick)
  • 20. Information versus Trust Need A High Level Of Trust: Florist • “Don‟t give me the details and the names of the flowers, just give me something that‟s pretty, smells good and only costs about $70.” Need Trust and Information: Appliance Retailer • “I need to know what features are included, how it works, as well as how reliable the brand is before I make a purchase decision.” Need A High Level Of Detail: Technical Product • “Give me all of the facts, details, charts and graphs. I want to understand how this thing works, what it does and how it‟s different from the other products like it.” Organizational Branding & Research
  • 21. Understand your audience‟s expectations • Makes each communication more effective • You‟ll provide what your audience needs to make a decision • Each point of contact will build on the last message - WACE Tool Kit! Organizational Branding & Research
  • 22. Build it! • Branding is the foundation of any effective, ongoing marketing program. • The success of every business relies on a strong brand identity implemented into all communications. Organizational Branding
  • 23. Core Functions: • Strengthen the Local Economy • Represent Business Interests in Government • Take Political Action • Promote the Community • Provide Networking Opportunities WACE
  • 24. Your Marketing Message The Wrong Pitch • Our Organization is a private non-profit membership organization that works to ensure a healthy local economy. • Our Association is a group of businesses that share common goals. Value Propositions & Messaging
  • 25. Your Marketing Message The Right Pitch • The chamber solves common business problems like not having enough time to lobby the government for less red tape and taxes. • The Chamber connects businesses to consumers and each other, in order to help them grow. • The Chamber helps people who are tired of doing business out of a phone book. Value Propositions & Messaging
  • 26. Creative Marketing Ideas • Radio “Business Beat” • Co-Brand Television Advertising • Partner with Members for Newspaper Ads Advertising & Media
  • 28. Powerful Brands • Walmart • Tom‟s Shoes • Coca-Cola • Burt‟s Bees
  • 32. Seth Godin Best-selling author and top daily business blogger in the world:
  • 37. TOMORROW'S MEMBERSHIP ORGANIZATION • Have a S.E.A.T. • Service & Sell With The Latest Technology • Engage Members Without Asking Them to Show Up • Allow Members to Choose Their Investment • Teach Members How to Talk About Us
  • 38. WHY PEOPLE DON‟T JOIN • Don‟t have time to participate (68%) • Don‟t see the value (49%) • Corporate office policy (45%) • Membership costs too much (18%) • Don‟t do business locally (10%) WACE
  • 39. ENGAGE MEMBERS • … without asking them to show up! • Participation vs. Partnership • Membership does not require participation • Prevent drops due to “no time to participate” • Health club comparison • Chamber Church Confessional
  • 41. BUYING AND JUSTIFYING • Businesses: People BUY emotionally, JUSTIFY intellectually • Chambers: People JOIN emotionally and JUSTIFY upon renewal • Who MUST you reach in order to be successful? • Who will have the most impact over the long- term?
  • 42. ALLOW MEMBERS TO CHOOSE THEIR OWN INVESTMENT Common Dues Structures: • Fair Share (usually based on number of employees) • Special Formulas (usually for certain industry categories) • Tiered Dues Structures • Negotiated Dues • Dues/Non-Dues Package (such as Chairman‟s Clubs)
  • 50. MEMBERSHIP TIERS • Offer something for everyone • Create “upsell” opportunities • Create a sense of privilege, recognition and exclusivity with upper tiers • Create benefits that require little or no hard costs to the chamber
  • 51. UPPER-TIER BENEFIT OBJECTIVES • Self-Segmentation • Pro-active leadership role • Above “Cost-per-member” benchmark • Increased membership stature and personal/professional recognition • Improved personal and professional skills and networking contacts
  • 52. QUANTIFY YOUR BENEFITS • How much does membership cost? • How much is membership worth? • Quantify it and sell it! • Add to the value with media partners and give-aways
  • 53. TEACH MEMBERS HOW TO TALK ABOUT YOU • Generate talk about your product or service amongst peer groups • Some products/services will only be sold with referral • Testimonials: People trust other people‟s opinions
  • 54. THE WANT-TO'S ARE OUR FUTURE The “have-to's” The “ought-to's” The “want-to's”
  • 55. YOUR MARKETING MESSAGE The Wrong Pitch: • The chamber is a private non-profit membership organization that works to ensure a healthy local economy. • The chamber is a group of businesses that share common community goals.
  • 56. YOUR MARKETING MESSAGE The Right Pitch: 1. The chamber solves common business problems like not having enough time to lobby the government for less red tape and taxes. 2. The Chamber connects businesses to consumers and each other, in order to help them grow. 3. The Chamber helps people who are tired of doing business out of a phone book.
  • 57. TESTIMONIALS: GET THEM STARTED! • “As a service business, membership in the Chamber is especially valuable because…” • “The Chamber helps me to…” • “The Chamber saves me time/trouble by…”
  • 58. SEGMENTING TESTIMONIALS • Segment the sources of your testimonials for use in targeting like audiences • Start-up, Emerging, or Mature • Retailer, Restaurant, Manufacturer, Service, Professional, etc. • Match prospects with corresponding testimonials
  • 59. SERVICE AND SELL MEMBERSHIPS WITH THE LATEST TECHNOLOGY • What is GoDaddy and why are they number 1? • Gain the service advantage enjoyed by other industries
  • 60. ARE THESE YOUR SALES CHALLENGES? • Information Overload • Sales Department Turn-Over • Printed Materials Out-of-Date • “Foul Language” of Volunteers
  • 61. THE SOLUTION • Never Complains • Never Asks for a Raise • Works 24-7-52 • Captures Your Web Traffic • Standardizes Your Sales Language • Has sold up to $25,000 in new member dues per year
  • 64. Converting to Tiered Memberships Existing assets, when assembled into packages, will reinforce the value members appreciate and help them grow
  • 65. Tiered Dues Will... Emphasize the value of membership in a format all members can understand Eliminate the inequality of (un)“fair-share” dues structure Create clear levels of investment and value Tie member investments to supporting our mission Allow members to customize their membership by selecting their level of involvement and investment Make it is easy to explain what members receive for their investment
  • 66. Reasons to Change Improve market share Increase source of revenue Accommodate projected growth of membership Boost number of “healthy” members Differentiate from other membership organizations Improve retention rate Strengthen member participation
  • 67. What You Have Now Dues based on request The same benefits for all members regardless of their dues A la carte products and services require multiple “asks”
  • 68. Tiers Will Allow Members to: Choose services based on their own needs Understand what they are supporting Expect their tangible benefits to grow with their investment in the Chamber Be recognized for their membership investment in the same way sponsors have been
  • 69. Case Study: Salem, Oregon New Memberships Sold in First Year of Tiers Memberships 187 Revenue $ 63,821 Upgrades 20 11% Upgrade Revenue $ 11,700 18%
  • 70. Case Study: Salem, Oregon Total Tier Allocations 2008 156 President‟s Diamond Circle 17 Executive 22 Premium 27 Entrepreneur 90
  • 71. Case Study: Salem, Oregon 2006 2007 2008 2009 Members 1235 1279 1325 +7% Book Value $ 439,942 $ 506,325 $ 585,325 +33% Upgraded Members 40 187 14% Book Value of Upgrades $ 53,000 $ 231,000 39%