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Template of the National Energy Efficiency Action
         Plans for the years 2011-2013

                       Regional Workshop
           “Implementation of the Arab EE Guideline:
    The General requirements and the EE targets and measures”
                 Khartoum, 21-22 November, 2011

                               Ashraf Kraidy
                               Senior Expert
        Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

supportive tool to draw
                                                  numerical indicators
   the national energy
                                                 needed to be calculated
  efficiency actions plan

According the data                                          quantifying
   availability              Templat                        the NEEAP

     not mandatory                            unify the shape of the
                                             NEEAPs, and then we will
                                                start act a region

Contents of the Template
• Overview : Overall national indicative target
• Sectorial presentation : Energy Efficiency
• Additional measures
• Horizontal and cross-sectorial measures
• Criteria to assess energy efficiency policy

Overall national indicative targets
• key indicators

• Indicative target

• Name of organization and contact person for NEEAP

• Methodology calculation of the national target


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Introductory presentation - Beyond PES: Multiple Incentives for Ecosystem Services (IES) for sustainable agriculture. © FAO: http://www.fao.org

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by FAO
Key Indicators
No Indicator                                           Unit        Year 2010   Year 2020
1   Electricity intensity                           GWh/GDP (LC)

2                                                    GWh/year
    National electricity consumption
3                                                     % /year
    Projected electricity consumption growth rate
4   Share of electricity in final energy                 %

    Share of electricity consumption by sector
    Sector 1
    Sector 2
    Sector 3
6                                                      $/kWh
    Marginal cost of kWh supplied (2011-2013)
7                                                        %
    Electrification Rate

Indicative Target
               Baseline          National indicative Energy Efficiency target
             consumption             2020        2013 (First NEEAP) 3 years
           GWh/5 years average    %     GWh            %            GWh

Sector 1

sector 2
Sector 3
Methodology calculation of the national
   indicative energy savings target
14                                                                    GWh
 8                                                                   electricity saving
 6                                                                   electricity consumption

Contents of the Template
• Overview : Overall national indicative target
• Sectorial presentation : Energy Efficiency
• Additional measures
• Horizontal and cross-sectorial measures
• Criteria to assess energy efficiency policy


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Sectorial presentation
                Energy Efficiency measures
Sectors to be identified according to electricity distribution by
    Sector 1
  sectors mentioned in distribution utilities annual reports
    1- Overview table of all EE measures
                  Industry                                  Transport
                                                                Electricity savings for
No Title and description of the EE measure
                     36%                                      30% the first 3 years

 1    Mandatory of Energy7%
     Measure 1 Insulation Program
      Building             Audits        I   10%

     Measure Efficiency new buildings
     Boilers 2Design for
      Solar 3
      Power Water Correction
             Agriculture                                     residential

2- Detailed information of individual measures…1

Title of the measure
Objective               The purpose and motivation behind this measure. Why do you do
Description of the      What do we do? Which technologies are applied ? How is it
measure                 done?
Implementing agency     Agency in charge of implementation and appraisal of the
                        resulting electricity savings
Stakeholders involved   Other Partners involved in implementing of the EE measures in
                        a supportive role or negatively or positively affected by the
Target group            Group(s) which benefits from the EE measure
Program cost            The total amount to implement the program, except financial
                        contributions and investments by the target group (beneficiaries)
Total resource cost     Program costs plus, if applicable, contributions by beneficiaries
Cost / kWh saved        Cost effectiveness calculation as outlined in Annex
2- Detailed information of individual measures…2

Reduction of subsidies    State your own assessment of how and by which amount State
                          subsidies or consumer cross subsidies for electricity supply are reduced
                          by the measure
Source of funding         List all entities and parties that contribute to the total resource
Financial instruments     List all fiscal and financial instruments such as investment
                          grants, tax incentives, preferential interest rates, rebates, gifts
                          contributing to the total resource costs
Awareness                 Describe how the measure is marketed and list public
                          awareness campaigns associated with the measures
Monitoring and           Describe the algorithm how to calculate the impact and the strategy
quantification of impact how to collect the data necessary to apply the algorithm

Contents of the Template
• Overview : Overall national indicative target
• Sectorial presentation : Energy Efficiency
• Additional measures
• Horizontal and cross-sectorial measures
• Criteria to assess energy efficiency policy


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This document provides an overview of how to use EndNote, including downloading and installing EndNote, creating and opening libraries, entering references manually or importing from databases, attaching PDF files, citing references and creating bibliographies in Microsoft Word documents, and finding additional styles. It covers the basic functions of EndNote for researching, organizing, and writing papers as well as where to find additional help resources.

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This document provides a summary of steel structure design projects completed by Mohamed Seddeik. It lists over 20 projects from 2011-2013 located in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Syria, Iraq, and Sudan. The projects include industrial facilities like factories and power stations, commercial buildings like stores and hotels, and infrastructure like a crane and steel silos. Mohamed Seddeik has over 10 years of experience in structural design, analysis, project management, and supervision of steel construction projects.

Additional measures….1
• Measures for exemplary role of public sector
                                                 Implementation savings for the
No     Title and description of the EE measure
                                                     period      first 3 years

     Measure 1
      More efficient governmental buildings
      Purchasing efficient equipments
 2   Measure 2

 3    Energy man in governmental buildings
     Measure 3
     Measure 4transporation

Additional measures…2
• Measures for utility responsibilities

No            Responsibility                    Qualitative progress

     Provision of data and
 1   information

 2   Providing services
 3   Contributing to an EE fund
 4   Awareness campaigns

Additional measures…3
• Measures for power sector
No        Title and description of the EE measure                          Unit

     Reduction of net heat rate in power plant                           MJ, kCal,
1    operation                                                           kWh , %

2    Reduction of technical losses, the national grid
3    Reduction of commercial losses ,                                      LC

4    Upgrade of metering and smart grid strategies
5    Peak load shifting or reduction measures ,
Contents of the Template
• Overview : Overall national indicative target
• Sectorial presentation : Energy Efficiency
• Additional measures
• Horizontal and cross-sectorial measures
• Criteria to assess energy efficiency policy


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Materiały z konferencji Time For SharePoint 2011 - 17 czerwiec 2011. Sesja dotycząca SQL Server wykorzystywanego w rozwiązaniach opartych na SharePoint. Przedstawione są topologie infrastruktury SharePoint 2010, bazy danych w SharePoint 2010, wysoka dostępność w SQL Server 2008 i 2008R2 - między innymi: clustering, mirroring, replication i log shiping, Prelegentem w sesji był Łukasz Grala - konsulatant, projektant i trener rozwiązań opartych na SQL Server, oraz SharePoint. MVP w kategorii SQL Server.

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The document discusses the Arab Ministerial Council for Electricity's efforts to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency in Arab countries. It outlines the council's strategy for establishing national energy efficiency action plans and targets in each Arab nation by having them name a national entity to oversee the process, prepare 3-year plans involving stakeholders, and adopt necessary bylaws and regulations, with the overall goal of reducing energy consumption across the region. The document also notes that some countries have already confirmed their intention to participate to the Arab League and takes steps to implement this strategy.

event 1 2012
Horizontal and Cross-sectorial measures

                                                         Electricity savings
      Title and description of the EE   Implementation
No                                                         for the first 3
                 measure                    period
                                                         years 2011-2013

1    Measure 1 of CFLs

2    MeasureLabeling for appliances
      Energy 2

3    Measure 3
      Public Private Partnership

Supportive measures with difficult to
     quantify electricity savings impact

       Title and description of the EE measure    Qualitative progress

  General sector specific stand alone awareness

2 Research & Development of EE technologies
3 University curriculum development in EE
4 Public awareness campaigns

Contents of the Template
• Overview : Overall national indicative target
• Sectorial presentation : Energy Efficiency
• Additional measures
• Horizontal and cross-sectorial measures
• Criteria to assess energy efficiency policy

Criteria to assess energy efficiency
policy implementation progress…
No      Action/Activity
                        1 Qualitative progress
1 Energy efficiency policy announcement    When and by whom was it announced
  Technical committee to write a first     Members of the technical committee
  draft of the EE known and announced
  EE policy draft was prepared and had     When was the draft document
  been circulated                          circulated and to whom?
4 EE policy paper released to the public   When and by whom was it announced
  EE policy paper is also a directive or   Explain whether the policy is only a
  tabled in parliament as a bill to        distributed paper or a legislative act, or
  become a law and contains rules and      a directive by highest authorities


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Digital documentation techniques like 3D scanning and photogrammetry were used to create a virtual reconstruction of the Jawbone Arch, an historic stone arch in Edinburgh, Scotland. A point cloud and mesh were generated from scans to digitally preserve the arch's form and allow for lighting simulations. The project helped demonstrate how digital tools can aid in cultural heritage conservation efforts.

Criteria to assess energy efficiency
policy implementation progress…
No                 Action/Activity                      Qualitative progress
  EE policy paper contains a target or benchmark  State the targets and their
  to be achieved at a specific year               meaning if defined
  The EE policy or law is backed up by an action
7 plan (business plan) .This is the equivalent of a
  The action or business plan contains an estimate State the announced or
8 of the total resources necessary to implement     calculated budget
  the policy

Criteria to assess energy efficiency
policy implementation progress…
No                    Action/Activity                        Qualitative progress
                                                       State the confirmed public
     The Government is providing a full or partial     budget or private public
     public or PPP budget to finance the action plan   partnership budget to
                                                       implement the plan
    The Government has decided to treat energy         State measures to tender
   efficiency as a source of energy and publicly       specific measures in the
   tenders the EE business plan as they would          NEEAP
   tender a new power plant

Thanks for your Attention
Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt
Tel. +2 02 241 54 691
Fax +2 02 241 54 661
Eng. Ashraf Kraidy


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NEEAO template_sudan

  • 1. Template of the National Energy Efficiency Action Plans for the years 2011-2013 Regional Workshop “Implementation of the Arab EE Guideline: The General requirements and the EE targets and measures” Khartoum, 21-22 November, 2011 Ashraf Kraidy Senior Expert Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency www.rcreee.org
  • 2. supportive tool to draw numerical indicators the national energy needed to be calculated efficiency actions plan NEEAP According the data quantifying availability Templat the NEEAP e not mandatory unify the shape of the NEEAPs, and then we will start act a region www.rcreee.org
  • 3. Contents of the Template • Overview : Overall national indicative target • Sectorial presentation : Energy Efficiency measures • Additional measures • Horizontal and cross-sectorial measures • Criteria to assess energy efficiency policy www.rcreee.org
  • 4. Overall national indicative targets • key indicators • Indicative target • Name of organization and contact person for NEEAP follow-up • Methodology calculation of the national target www.rcreee.org
  • 5. Key Indicators No Indicator Unit Year 2010 Year 2020 1 Electricity intensity GWh/GDP (LC) 2 GWh/year National electricity consumption 3 % /year Projected electricity consumption growth rate 4 Share of electricity in final energy % consumption 5 Share of electricity consumption by sector % Sector 1 % Sector 2 % Sector 3 6 $/kWh Marginal cost of kWh supplied (2011-2013) 7 % Electrification Rate www.rcreee.org
  • 6. Indicative Target Baseline National indicative Energy Efficiency target consumption 2020 2013 (First NEEAP) 3 years GWh/5 years average % GWh % GWh Total Sector 1 sector 2 Sector 3 www.rcreee.org
  • 7. Methodology calculation of the national indicative energy savings target 18 16 14 GWh 12 10 20% 8 electricity saving 6 electricity consumption 4 2 0 5 0 2 6 0 2 7 0 2 8 0 2 9 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 3 1 0 2 4 1 0 2 5 1 0 2 6 1 0 2 7 1 0 2 8 1 0 2 9 1 0 2 0 2 www.rcreee.org
  • 8. Contents of the Template • Overview : Overall national indicative target • Sectorial presentation : Energy Efficiency measures • Additional measures • Horizontal and cross-sectorial measures • Criteria to assess energy efficiency policy www.rcreee.org
  • 9. Sectorial presentation Energy Efficiency measures Industry Sectors to be identified according to electricity distribution by Residential Sector 1 sectors mentioned in distribution utilities annual reports 1- Overview table of all EE measures Industry Transport Electricity savings for Implementation No Title and description of the EE measure 36% 30% the first 3 years period 2011-2013 17% 1 Mandatory of Energy7% Measure 1 Insulation Program Building Audits I 10% Measure Efficiency new buildings Boilers 2Design for Passive 2 MeasureFactorHeaters Solar 3 Power Water Correction 3 Agriculture residential Service www.rcreee.org
  • 10. 2- Detailed information of individual measures…1 Title of the measure Objective The purpose and motivation behind this measure. Why do you do it? Description of the What do we do? Which technologies are applied ? How is it measure done? Implementing agency Agency in charge of implementation and appraisal of the resulting electricity savings Stakeholders involved Other Partners involved in implementing of the EE measures in a supportive role or negatively or positively affected by the measure. Target group Group(s) which benefits from the EE measure Program cost The total amount to implement the program, except financial contributions and investments by the target group (beneficiaries) Total resource cost Program costs plus, if applicable, contributions by beneficiaries Cost / kWh saved Cost effectiveness calculation as outlined in Annex www.rcreee.org
  • 11. 2- Detailed information of individual measures…2 Reduction of subsidies State your own assessment of how and by which amount State subsidies or consumer cross subsidies for electricity supply are reduced by the measure Source of funding List all entities and parties that contribute to the total resource costs Financial instruments List all fiscal and financial instruments such as investment grants, tax incentives, preferential interest rates, rebates, gifts contributing to the total resource costs Awareness Describe how the measure is marketed and list public awareness campaigns associated with the measures Monitoring and Describe the algorithm how to calculate the impact and the strategy quantification of impact how to collect the data necessary to apply the algorithm www.rcreee.org
  • 12. Contents of the Template • Overview : Overall national indicative target • Sectorial presentation : Energy Efficiency measures • Additional measures • Horizontal and cross-sectorial measures • Criteria to assess energy efficiency policy www.rcreee.org
  • 13. Additional measures….1 • Measures for exemplary role of public sector Electricity Implementation savings for the No Title and description of the EE measure period first 3 years 2011-2013 Measure 1 More efficient governmental buildings 1 Purchasing efficient equipments 2 Measure 2 3 Energy man in governmental buildings Measure 3 Measure 4transporation Efficient 4 www.rcreee.org
  • 14. Additional measures…2 • Measures for utility responsibilities No Responsibility Qualitative progress Provision of data and 1 information 2 Providing services 3 Contributing to an EE fund 4 Awareness campaigns www.rcreee.org
  • 15. Additional measures…3 • Measures for power sector Implementation No Title and description of the EE measure Unit period Reduction of net heat rate in power plant MJ, kCal, 1 operation kWh , % % 2 Reduction of technical losses, the national grid Millions 3 Reduction of commercial losses , LC 4 Upgrade of metering and smart grid strategies MW 5 Peak load shifting or reduction measures , www.rcreee.org
  • 16. Contents of the Template • Overview : Overall national indicative target • Sectorial presentation : Energy Efficiency measures • Additional measures • Horizontal and cross-sectorial measures • Criteria to assess energy efficiency policy www.rcreee.org
  • 17. Horizontal and Cross-sectorial measures Electricity savings Title and description of the EE Implementation No for the first 3 measure period years 2011-2013 1 Measure 1 of CFLs Distribution 2 MeasureLabeling for appliances Energy 2 3 Measure 3 Public Private Partnership www.rcreee.org
  • 18. Supportive measures with difficult to quantify electricity savings impact Title and description of the EE measure Qualitative progress General sector specific stand alone awareness 1 program 2 Research & Development of EE technologies 3 University curriculum development in EE 4 Public awareness campaigns www.rcreee.org
  • 19. Contents of the Template • Overview : Overall national indicative target • Sectorial presentation : Energy Efficiency measures • Additional measures • Horizontal and cross-sectorial measures • Criteria to assess energy efficiency policy www.rcreee.org
  • 20. Criteria to assess energy efficiency policy implementation progress… No Action/Activity 1 Qualitative progress 1 Energy efficiency policy announcement When and by whom was it announced Technical committee to write a first Members of the technical committee 2 draft of the EE known and announced EE policy draft was prepared and had When was the draft document 3 been circulated circulated and to whom? 4 EE policy paper released to the public When and by whom was it announced EE policy paper is also a directive or Explain whether the policy is only a tabled in parliament as a bill to distributed paper or a legislative act, or 5 become a law and contains rules and a directive by highest authorities regulations www.rcreee.org
  • 21. Criteria to assess energy efficiency policy implementation progress… 2 No Action/Activity Qualitative progress EE policy paper contains a target or benchmark State the targets and their 6 to be achieved at a specific year meaning if defined The EE policy or law is backed up by an action 7 plan (business plan) .This is the equivalent of a NEEAP The action or business plan contains an estimate State the announced or 8 of the total resources necessary to implement calculated budget the policy www.rcreee.org
  • 22. Criteria to assess energy efficiency policy implementation progress… 3 No Action/Activity Qualitative progress State the confirmed public The Government is providing a full or partial budget or private public 9 public or PPP budget to finance the action plan partnership budget to implement the plan The Government has decided to treat energy State measures to tender efficiency as a source of energy and publicly specific measures in the 10 tenders the EE business plan as they would NEEAP tender a new power plant www.rcreee.org
  • 23. Thanks for your Attention www.rcreee.org Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt Tel. +2 02 241 54 691 Fax +2 02 241 54 661 Eng. Ashraf Kraidy ashraf.kraidy@rcreee.org www.rcreee.org

Editor's Notes

  1. End Use Energy Efficiency Workshop, Tunisia 26-27 July,2010