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OOP in Spain:  Roadmap for cross‐border OOP services 
Once-only as a means of administrative
simplification in Spain
Text of the presentation by Miguel A. Amutio 
1.  Opening and contents of my presentation ........................................................................... 2 
2.  The public sector in Spain ..................................................................................................... 2 
3.  The pillars to digital administration ...................................................................................... 2 
4.  A favorable legal framework ................................................................................................. 3 
5.  Legal framework, going digital .............................................................................................. 3 
6.  Once Only in the legal framework ........................................................................................ 4 
7.  The NIF and the NSF .............................................................................................................. 4 
8.  The Technical Interoperability Standard for Data Mediation Protocols ............................... 5 
9.  Cooperation and Governance ............................................................................................... 5 
10.  Forums for public‐private cooperation in the digital administration – Forum Citizen´s 
Folder  6 
11.  Services: a practical reality ................................................................................................ 7 
12.  The Data Intermediation Platform .................................................................................... 7 
13.  Citizens Folder ................................................................................................................... 8 
14.  Challenges and Conclusions .............................................................................................. 9 
To know more about Spain ........................................................................................................... 9 
Thank you very much for your attention .................................................................................... 10 
1. Opening and contents of my presentation 
Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen.
In my presentation I´ll develop the keys of the approach to the Once Only
Principle in Spain.
This approach we are presenting today, it´s not been done overnight. You
can see here the long and winding road, with relevant acts and the main
milestones of our developments about OOP. We will go through some of
them in the following slides.
2. The public sector in Spain 
Look, this is also important to understand our challenges.
Spain is a highly decentralized country and the public sector has a
considerable size: the General State Administration, seventeen (17) regional
governments and two (2) autonomous cities, plus over eight thousand (8,000)
local entities, public universities and other entities under public law.
This means we have to cope with complexity and diversity that require
strong cooperation between all the actors engaged.
3. The pillars to digital administration 
The key of our achievements, in general and in particular about OOP, is the
dynamic interaction and evolution of three basic pillars:
The legal framework. Without the proper legal framework there is no legal
certainty. With only the legal framework there is only paper.
Cooperation and Governance. Without cooperation and governance there is
fragmentation of efforts, lack of economies of scale and no consensus building.
With only cooperation there is only goodwill.
Services. Without digital services there is no reality in practice. With only
services the other issues, cooperation or a proper legal framework, might be
4. A favorable legal framework 
We have done a huge effort in Spain, collective and multidisciplinary, to
develop an exhaustive legal framework which covers all the areas related to
digital public services and that provides legal certainty.
There is also an intense normative development in provisions of lower rank and
supporting documents.
This is an essential piece for a sustainable development of digital public services.
This legal framework addresses the OOP even though that expression itself it is not
used as such in the legal text.
5. Legal framework, going digital 
The legal framework foresees a paperless administration working fully by digital
There is the right of the citizens to interact with the administration with digital
means, while some actors have the obligation to interact digitally.
“Administrative acts shall be produced in writing through electronic means,
unless their nature requires another more adequate form of expression and
“Public administrations will issue the administrative documents in writing,
through electronic means, unless their nature requires another more
appropriate form ...”
“The administrative files will have an electronic format ...”
“Each Administration shall maintain a unique electronic archive of electronic
documents corresponding to finalized procedures ...”
“Public administrations will interact ... through electronic means, ensuring the
interoperability and security of the systems ..., the protection of personal data,
and will facilitate the joint provision of services.”
6. Once Only in the legal framework 
Law 39/2015, art. 28 says:
• Interested parties will not be required to provide documents that
have been prepared by any Administration ...
• Public administrations will not require data or documents from the
interested parties that are not required by the applicable regulatory
regulations or that have been previously delivered to any
• In the absence of opposition from the interested party, administrations
must collect the documents electronically through their corporate
networks or by consulting the data intermediation platforms or
other electronic systems enabled for this purpose.
While Law 40/2015, art. 155 says:
• Each Administration must facilitate the access to other
administrations to the data relative to the interested parties in their
possession, specifying the conditions, protocols and functional or
technical criteria necessary to access data.
7. The National Interoperability Framework (NIF) and the 
National Security Framework (NSF) 
The NIF (ENI in Spanish) and the NSF (ENS in Spanish) play a relevant for the
implementation of the OOP.
The Spanish NIF is implemented through a legal text, a regulation, the Royal
Decree 4/2010, applicable to all public administrations.
It is aligned with the European Interoperability Framework, applicable to the
whole Public Sector and provides legal basis to such requirements. It is a lever
that allows innovation and automation to minimize manual intervention and a
leap in efficiency.
The NSF is an equivalent instrument to the NIF.

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Experience and strategy of Spain in eGovernment: three keys to sucess, the basis for next steps: - Sound and comprehensive legal basis, Common infrastructures and services and Strong collaboration

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Finland has achieved the top ranking in the EU for digital economy and society. The government provides guidance to transition public administrative services to digital, promotes data utilization and interoperability, and ensures digital operations. Suomi.fi is the national service architecture for digital services. Legislation supports digital government services and web accessibility. Identity management and electronic identification are being reformed to support citizens' mobility and inclusion. Advisory committees ensure digital services meet diverse needs. Information policy and ethical AI use are priorities. The goal is citizen-centric digital government and open, high quality data.

8. The Technical Interoperability Standard for Data 
Mediation Protocols 
The NIF is extended through a number of Interoperability Agreements or
The Technical Interoperability Standard for Data Mediation Protocols develops:
Roles of actors involved: providers and consumers of Base Registries
General conditions about the Intermediation Platform
9. Cooperation and Governance 
We have a governance model which makes possible, thanks to the efforts of all,
the cooperation between the Public Administrations, with different
competencies, functions and organization.
The development of this inter-administrative governance structure for
eGovernment has been one of the key success factors in the digital
transformation of the Spanish administration.
This cooperation is a major piece, a great achievement and deserves
It is based, on one side, on the Sectorial Commission of Electronic
Administration, in which, under the presidency of the General State
Administration, the Autonomous Communities, the Local Entities through their
association (FEMP) or the public universities through their association (CRUE)
participate. This sectorial committee ensures interoperability, promotes the
development of eGovernment in Spain; and ensures cooperation between
public administrations.
On the other side, the General State Administration has a governance
structure leaded by the Commission for ICT Strategy, with participation of
all ministries through the Ministerial Commissions for Digital Government.
Our CIO, the General Secretary of Digital Administration, plays a key role in the
communication of those two governance structures, because of his role of link
between both of them.
These bodies have a number of working groups on different issues including
those related to the practical implementation of the once only principle mainly
through the Data Intermediation Platform.
10. Forums for public‐private cooperation in the digital 
administration – Forum Citizen´s Folder 
This model of cooperation gave birth to forums in which public and private
agents participate along with representatives of citizens.
These Forums for public-private cooperation, open to the participation of
society, play a relevant role to enable the engagement of public and private
entities together in key issues for the digital transformation of the
administration. They allow the management of complex issues with multiple
stakeholders, under the leadership of the Administration.
The forums are having for instance a wide impact on the launch and
consolidation of the services developed in the fields of electronic Invoicing, a
recognized international reference, electronic document and citizen´s folder
which contribute to the digital transformation.
The Citizen´s Folder Forum was created with the aim of integrating the vision of
the Public Administrations and the private sector in relation to the development
of digital administration and services to the citizen, natural and legal persons. It
focuses on the relationships between public administrations and citizens,
both individuals and business. This differentiation is useful, because issues
involved are not always the same. So, for companies the focus is about
automatic processing, technical issues inked internal to management. While for
citizens the main focus is oriented towards issues like accessibility, usability,
design, etc.
11. Services: a practical reality 
The development of a catalogue of services for Digital Administration
takes place within an effort to introduce rationality and economies of
scale taking advantage of infrastructures and technological resources.
These services are offered to all Public Administrations mainly through
cloud technology which enables particularly the integration of local entities
and small entities. And in many cases several choices are offered (also
depending on the type of service): as cloud service, as web services, local
installation, and light client. In case that a specific entity has its own solution it is
also offered the option of interoperability.
For each of the major objectives of digitalization of laws, such as the
exchange of records, the non-presentation of data or documents held by
the Administration (known as the Once-Only principle in the EU), the
electronic file, identification and electronic signature in a simple way for citizens,
and a long etc., there is an information system that implements abstract
legislative objectives into a practical reality.
12. The Data Intermediation Platform 
The Data Intermediation Platform (PID) is a horizontal service that enables
the “once only” principle. It simplifies administrative procedures, so that
citizens or businesses do not have to deliver data or documents already held by
public authorities, and to reduce fraud in applications and related procedures.
With this interoperable data exchange platform, there has been a
spectacular growth in the number and types of data enquiry and
verification services that can be automatically accessed online by public
authorities, including: unemployment situation and grants, cadastral
information, checking of the fulfillment of tax and social security obligations,
Civil Registry, etc. With an annual growth of data transmission above 20%, the
project enables all public administrations, irrespective of their size or resources,
to enforce the law and makes a significant contribution to social equity,
reduction of administrative burden and to adequate, sustainable efficiency and
effectiveness. From 2015 to November 31, 2017 the number of data
transmissions has been more than 177 Million data transmissions. In 2017 it
reached 77,141,826. Citizens can see their data exchanges through the one-
stop-shop service called "Citizen’s folder", thus providing transparency. The
estimated savings for citizens reach more than €189 million and the savings in
terms of internal efficiency for public administrations worth about €20 million.
13. Citizens Folder  
The Citizen’s Folder is a one-stop service where citizens can access and
browse all their information the administration possesses, either citizens or
business, including open proceedings and registry entries, across all public
entities integrated in the service (growing day by day). Citizens can see their
data exchanges through this one-stop-shop service.
This service represents a paradigm shift in the citizen's relations with public
administrations. Before, the citizen had to go to many offices or access to many
websites to perform a procedure or consult certain information, each with its
identification criteria and particular characteristics, causing the citizen to see the
information of the Public administrations in a fragmented, disconnected,
sometimes inconsistent, complex and difficult to follow-up way.
Now, with the Citizen´s Folder, public administrations are put at the service of
the citizen, who accesses a single point and is offered in an integrated manner
the information of all their personal data and files independently of the owner
Citizens may obtain evidences; see what exchanges of information have been
made between public administrations, what records they have presented, where
they are and in what state, and more. And all this is available having been
identified only once and navigating without needing to be identified again. It
supposes a very high degree of interoperability.
All of the above is also possible because there are relevant pieces in the
background like the inventories and coding of administrative objects, the
services and procedures, and the units and offices of public administrations.

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The document discusses the concept of user-centric eGovernment and how government can better involve citizens in the design and delivery of digital services. It presents frameworks for defining and measuring user-centric services, emphasizing the importance of involving users at all stages from concept development through implementation. Examples are provided of how prioritizing user needs and perspectives can improve upon traditional administration-focused approaches to electronic forms and other eGovernment services.

open datainternetparticipation
14. Challenges and Conclusions 
The challenges include:
• The implementation of the Single Digital Gateway Regulation
• The implementation and alignment with CEF building blocks
A collective and multidisciplinary effort with the engagement of interested
stakeholders, institutional and professional.
A global approach to OOP combining:
Legal framework plus technical regulations and supporting documents
Cooperation and Governance, + public-private collaboration
Services for a large scale use, management and exchange of
An effort along the time which allows perspective of the roadmap. This
requires, on one side, the management of the balance between the strategic
view and the practical achievements; and, on the other, side the balance
between the different perspectives of the stakeholders engaged.
Finally, some challenges ahead, among others, might be:
• Enlarging the scope …
• Alignment with the EU OOP actions …
• Implementation of Single Digital Gateway, ...
Thank you very much
To know more about Spain
For more information about Spain you can give a look to the eGovernment factsheet of
Spain published by the European Commission in JOINUP and the DESI 2018.
According to DESI 2018, among all dimensions, Spain ranks highest in the
eGovernment domain: Digital Public Services is where Spain continues to
perform best. It ranks 6th among EU countries, with a score better than last
year's. Spain performs very well in Open Data and there is a high level of online
interaction between public authorities and citizens. 67 % of Spanish online
users actively engage with eGovernment services. In 2017, Spain performed
better than the previous year for pre-filled forms (72 out of 100) and the
completion of eGovernment information (94 out of 100). Furthermore, the
availability of eGovernment services for business shows an uplifting result for
Spain, scoring 95 out of 100, the third best performer in the EU.
Thank you very much for your attention

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Once-only as a means of administrative simplification in Spain

  • 1. OOP in Spain:  Roadmap for cross‐border OOP services    Once-only as a means of administrative simplification in Spain   Text of the presentation by Miguel A. Amutio  Contents  1.  Opening and contents of my presentation ........................................................................... 2  2.  The public sector in Spain ..................................................................................................... 2  3.  The pillars to digital administration ...................................................................................... 2  4.  A favorable legal framework ................................................................................................. 3  5.  Legal framework, going digital .............................................................................................. 3  6.  Once Only in the legal framework ........................................................................................ 4  7.  The NIF and the NSF .............................................................................................................. 4  8.  The Technical Interoperability Standard for Data Mediation Protocols ............................... 5  9.  Cooperation and Governance ............................................................................................... 5  10.  Forums for public‐private cooperation in the digital administration – Forum Citizen´s  Folder  6  11.  Services: a practical reality ................................................................................................ 7  12.  The Data Intermediation Platform .................................................................................... 7  13.  Citizens Folder ................................................................................................................... 8  14.  Challenges and Conclusions .............................................................................................. 9  To know more about Spain ........................................................................................................... 9  Thank you very much for your attention .................................................................................... 10       
  • 2. 1. Opening and contents of my presentation  Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. In my presentation I´ll develop the keys of the approach to the Once Only Principle in Spain. This approach we are presenting today, it´s not been done overnight. You can see here the long and winding road, with relevant acts and the main milestones of our developments about OOP. We will go through some of them in the following slides. 2. The public sector in Spain  Look, this is also important to understand our challenges. Spain is a highly decentralized country and the public sector has a considerable size: the General State Administration, seventeen (17) regional governments and two (2) autonomous cities, plus over eight thousand (8,000) local entities, public universities and other entities under public law. This means we have to cope with complexity and diversity that require strong cooperation between all the actors engaged. 3. The pillars to digital administration  The key of our achievements, in general and in particular about OOP, is the dynamic interaction and evolution of three basic pillars: The legal framework. Without the proper legal framework there is no legal certainty. With only the legal framework there is only paper. Cooperation and Governance. Without cooperation and governance there is fragmentation of efforts, lack of economies of scale and no consensus building. With only cooperation there is only goodwill. Services. Without digital services there is no reality in practice. With only services the other issues, cooperation or a proper legal framework, might be missing.
  • 3. 4. A favorable legal framework  We have done a huge effort in Spain, collective and multidisciplinary, to develop an exhaustive legal framework which covers all the areas related to digital public services and that provides legal certainty. There is also an intense normative development in provisions of lower rank and supporting documents. This is an essential piece for a sustainable development of digital public services. This legal framework addresses the OOP even though that expression itself it is not used as such in the legal text. 5. Legal framework, going digital  The legal framework foresees a paperless administration working fully by digital means. There is the right of the citizens to interact with the administration with digital means, while some actors have the obligation to interact digitally. “Administrative acts shall be produced in writing through electronic means, unless their nature requires another more adequate form of expression and record.” “Public administrations will issue the administrative documents in writing, through electronic means, unless their nature requires another more appropriate form ...” “The administrative files will have an electronic format ...” “Each Administration shall maintain a unique electronic archive of electronic documents corresponding to finalized procedures ...” “Public administrations will interact ... through electronic means, ensuring the interoperability and security of the systems ..., the protection of personal data, and will facilitate the joint provision of services.”
  • 4. 6. Once Only in the legal framework  Law 39/2015, art. 28 says: • Interested parties will not be required to provide documents that have been prepared by any Administration ... • Public administrations will not require data or documents from the interested parties that are not required by the applicable regulatory regulations or that have been previously delivered to any Administration. • In the absence of opposition from the interested party, administrations must collect the documents electronically through their corporate networks or by consulting the data intermediation platforms or other electronic systems enabled for this purpose. While Law 40/2015, art. 155 says: • Each Administration must facilitate the access to other administrations to the data relative to the interested parties in their possession, specifying the conditions, protocols and functional or technical criteria necessary to access data. 7. The National Interoperability Framework (NIF) and the  National Security Framework (NSF)  The NIF (ENI in Spanish) and the NSF (ENS in Spanish) play a relevant for the implementation of the OOP. The Spanish NIF is implemented through a legal text, a regulation, the Royal Decree 4/2010, applicable to all public administrations. It is aligned with the European Interoperability Framework, applicable to the whole Public Sector and provides legal basis to such requirements. It is a lever that allows innovation and automation to minimize manual intervention and a leap in efficiency. The NSF is an equivalent instrument to the NIF.
  • 5. 8. The Technical Interoperability Standard for Data  Mediation Protocols  The NIF is extended through a number of Interoperability Agreements or regulations. The Technical Interoperability Standard for Data Mediation Protocols develops: Roles of actors involved: providers and consumers of Base Registries General conditions about the Intermediation Platform 9. Cooperation and Governance  We have a governance model which makes possible, thanks to the efforts of all, the cooperation between the Public Administrations, with different competencies, functions and organization. The development of this inter-administrative governance structure for eGovernment has been one of the key success factors in the digital transformation of the Spanish administration. This cooperation is a major piece, a great achievement and deserves recognition. It is based, on one side, on the Sectorial Commission of Electronic Administration, in which, under the presidency of the General State Administration, the Autonomous Communities, the Local Entities through their association (FEMP) or the public universities through their association (CRUE) participate. This sectorial committee ensures interoperability, promotes the development of eGovernment in Spain; and ensures cooperation between public administrations. On the other side, the General State Administration has a governance structure leaded by the Commission for ICT Strategy, with participation of all ministries through the Ministerial Commissions for Digital Government.
  • 6. Our CIO, the General Secretary of Digital Administration, plays a key role in the communication of those two governance structures, because of his role of link between both of them. These bodies have a number of working groups on different issues including those related to the practical implementation of the once only principle mainly through the Data Intermediation Platform. 10. Forums for public‐private cooperation in the digital  administration – Forum Citizen´s Folder  This model of cooperation gave birth to forums in which public and private agents participate along with representatives of citizens. These Forums for public-private cooperation, open to the participation of society, play a relevant role to enable the engagement of public and private entities together in key issues for the digital transformation of the administration. They allow the management of complex issues with multiple stakeholders, under the leadership of the Administration. The forums are having for instance a wide impact on the launch and consolidation of the services developed in the fields of electronic Invoicing, a recognized international reference, electronic document and citizen´s folder which contribute to the digital transformation. The Citizen´s Folder Forum was created with the aim of integrating the vision of the Public Administrations and the private sector in relation to the development of digital administration and services to the citizen, natural and legal persons. It focuses on the relationships between public administrations and citizens, both individuals and business. This differentiation is useful, because issues involved are not always the same. So, for companies the focus is about automatic processing, technical issues inked internal to management. While for citizens the main focus is oriented towards issues like accessibility, usability, design, etc.
  • 7. 11. Services: a practical reality  The development of a catalogue of services for Digital Administration takes place within an effort to introduce rationality and economies of scale taking advantage of infrastructures and technological resources. These services are offered to all Public Administrations mainly through cloud technology which enables particularly the integration of local entities and small entities. And in many cases several choices are offered (also depending on the type of service): as cloud service, as web services, local installation, and light client. In case that a specific entity has its own solution it is also offered the option of interoperability. For each of the major objectives of digitalization of laws, such as the exchange of records, the non-presentation of data or documents held by the Administration (known as the Once-Only principle in the EU), the electronic file, identification and electronic signature in a simple way for citizens, and a long etc., there is an information system that implements abstract legislative objectives into a practical reality. 12. The Data Intermediation Platform  The Data Intermediation Platform (PID) is a horizontal service that enables the “once only” principle. It simplifies administrative procedures, so that citizens or businesses do not have to deliver data or documents already held by public authorities, and to reduce fraud in applications and related procedures. With this interoperable data exchange platform, there has been a spectacular growth in the number and types of data enquiry and verification services that can be automatically accessed online by public authorities, including: unemployment situation and grants, cadastral information, checking of the fulfillment of tax and social security obligations, Civil Registry, etc. With an annual growth of data transmission above 20%, the project enables all public administrations, irrespective of their size or resources, to enforce the law and makes a significant contribution to social equity, reduction of administrative burden and to adequate, sustainable efficiency and
  • 8. effectiveness. From 2015 to November 31, 2017 the number of data transmissions has been more than 177 Million data transmissions. In 2017 it reached 77,141,826. Citizens can see their data exchanges through the one- stop-shop service called "Citizen’s folder", thus providing transparency. The estimated savings for citizens reach more than €189 million and the savings in terms of internal efficiency for public administrations worth about €20 million. 13. Citizens Folder   The Citizen’s Folder is a one-stop service where citizens can access and browse all their information the administration possesses, either citizens or business, including open proceedings and registry entries, across all public entities integrated in the service (growing day by day). Citizens can see their data exchanges through this one-stop-shop service. This service represents a paradigm shift in the citizen's relations with public administrations. Before, the citizen had to go to many offices or access to many websites to perform a procedure or consult certain information, each with its identification criteria and particular characteristics, causing the citizen to see the information of the Public administrations in a fragmented, disconnected, sometimes inconsistent, complex and difficult to follow-up way. Now, with the Citizen´s Folder, public administrations are put at the service of the citizen, who accesses a single point and is offered in an integrated manner the information of all their personal data and files independently of the owner entity. Citizens may obtain evidences; see what exchanges of information have been made between public administrations, what records they have presented, where they are and in what state, and more. And all this is available having been identified only once and navigating without needing to be identified again. It supposes a very high degree of interoperability. All of the above is also possible because there are relevant pieces in the background like the inventories and coding of administrative objects, the services and procedures, and the units and offices of public administrations.
  • 9. 14. Challenges and Conclusions  The challenges include: • The implementation of the Single Digital Gateway Regulation • The implementation and alignment with CEF building blocks A collective and multidisciplinary effort with the engagement of interested stakeholders, institutional and professional. A global approach to OOP combining: Legal framework plus technical regulations and supporting documents Cooperation and Governance, + public-private collaboration Services for a large scale use, management and exchange of eDocuments. An effort along the time which allows perspective of the roadmap. This requires, on one side, the management of the balance between the strategic view and the practical achievements; and, on the other, side the balance between the different perspectives of the stakeholders engaged. Finally, some challenges ahead, among others, might be: • Enlarging the scope … • Alignment with the EU OOP actions … • Implementation of Single Digital Gateway, ... Thank you very much To know more about Spain For more information about Spain you can give a look to the eGovernment factsheet of Spain published by the European Commission in JOINUP and the DESI 2018. According to DESI 2018, among all dimensions, Spain ranks highest in the eGovernment domain: Digital Public Services is where Spain continues to perform best. It ranks 6th among EU countries, with a score better than last
  • 10. year's. Spain performs very well in Open Data and there is a high level of online interaction between public authorities and citizens. 67 % of Spanish online users actively engage with eGovernment services. In 2017, Spain performed better than the previous year for pre-filled forms (72 out of 100) and the completion of eGovernment information (94 out of 100). Furthermore, the availability of eGovernment services for business shows an uplifting result for Spain, scoring 95 out of 100, the third best performer in the EU. Thank you very much for your attention