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How to develop
a growth
Wake-Up Foundation
Presented by
Mykim Tran, Executive Director
What is mindset. The fixed vs. growth
mindset. Strategies and methods to shift and
develop a growth mindset.
Q & A
What is the growth mindset?
Why is it importance?

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The Power of Mindsets
The Power of MindsetsThe Power of Mindsets
The Power of Mindsets

The document discusses the concept of mindset and differentiates between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. A fixed mindset believes personal qualities like intelligence are fixed traits, while a growth mindset sees them as qualities that can be developed through effort. Having a growth mindset can provide benefits like increased motivation, resilience when facing challenges, and a greater willingness to take risks and learn new skills.

mindsetgrowth mindsetfixed mindset
How to have the mindset for success
How to have the mindset for successHow to have the mindset for success
How to have the mindset for success

Learning how to have the mindset for success is crucial when you want a successful and blissful life. If you are like me, you might have many goals you want to achieve. Whatever these goals are, the key is to have a growth mindset rather than a fixed one. But what is the difference and how you get it?

growth mindsetright mindsetmindset
How to motivate yourself!
How to motivate yourself!How to motivate yourself!
How to motivate yourself!

This presentation is all about self motivation. Self motivation is an important aspect to excel in career and enhance one's personality.

self motivationhow to motivate yourselfmotivation
Theory of
Skill and intelligence
Main concern
Skill and
 Fixed mindset: He believes that
he can only become successful
in certain skill and area.
 Growth mindset: He believes
that he can achieve and become
successful in any area or field
with learning and effort.
Main concern
 Fixed mindset: He focuses on
performance goals
 Growth mindset: He focuses
on learning goals
 Fixed mindset: He focuses
on easy tasks.
 Growth mindset: He focuses
on challenging tasks.

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How to increase your self motivation for success
How to increase your self motivation for successHow to increase your self motivation for success
How to increase your self motivation for success

This slideshare will show you step by step on how to increase your self-motivation quicker in order to achieve your goal.

Positive Self Motivation
Positive Self MotivationPositive Self Motivation
Positive Self Motivation

This document discusses positive self-motivation by changing one's mindset to be more positive, setting goals, and increasing confidence in achieving those goals. It notes how positivity lifts one up and focuses on opportunities and solutions, leading to action, while negativity pulls one down and focuses on limitations and problems, leading to inaction. It outlines assessing one's current lack of motivation, identifying areas for improvement, implementing action plans using the SMART approach, and following up to review progress and make corrections.

Magic of thinking big
Magic of thinking bigMagic of thinking big
Magic of thinking big

The document discusses the importance and benefits of thinking big. It recommends focusing on your strengths and assets rather than weaknesses or excuses. Several tips are provided for building confidence, such as making eye contact, walking faster, smiling, and using positive language. The conclusion emphasizes learning from setbacks, identifying weaknesses, taking responsibility over luck, blending persistence with experimentation, staying committed to goals, and maintaining a positive outlook.

 Fixed mindset: He shies away
from challenges.
 Growth mindset: He
embraces, overcomes and
thrives through challenges.
 Fixed mindset: He believes that
when he receive feedback, then
he is not smart.
 Growth mindset: He believes
that getting feedback will help him
see where he need to learn and
grow to increase his intelligence.
 Fixed mindset: He believes
that when he make mistakes
then he is not smart.
 Growth mindset: He believes
that making mistakes is
importance to become

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There are some steps to a growth mindset
There are some steps to a growth mindsetThere are some steps to a growth mindset
There are some steps to a growth mindset

The document outlines three steps to develop a growth mindset: 1. Awareness - identify your "fixed mindset voice" by noticing when you doubt yourself or focus on potential failure rather than success. 2. Reframe - learn to control the fixed mindset voice by imagining giving advice to a friend in a supportive way instead of being harshly critical with yourself. 3. Action - take on challenges you've been avoiding and apply the growth mindset by focusing on learning from mistakes rather than seeing failures as defining your abilities.

growth mindsetmindset of the entrepreneurmindset
Self motivation and its importance in life
Self motivation and its importance in lifeSelf motivation and its importance in life
Self motivation and its importance in life

This PDF dictates importance of self motivation and some useful tips through which any person can acquire this skills easily. Dr Arvinder Singh, the popular motivational counselor also helps the person in achieving this skill.

motivationmotivateself motivation
Self motivation to improve
Self motivation to improveSelf motivation to improve
Self motivation to improve

The document discusses how self-motivation allows people to achieve their dreams and goals. It provides examples of people who were initially in humble positions but went on to great accomplishments, such as a man who was defeated in elections 8 times becoming the greatest president ever. The document advocates having a concrete plan, positive attitude, taking small consistent steps, and never quitting in order to stay motivated. It also identifies some common reasons for losing motivation such as lack of confidence, focus, and direction.

Methods and
Fixed to Growth Mindset
Fixed mindset: I want to become an artist, but I
will not become successful because I do not
have the knowledge and skill for it.
Growth mindset: I want to become an artist, I
will seek out other artists and see how I can
ask them to help me become successful.
Fixed to Growth Mindset
Fixed mindset: I will never be promoted to a
higher position because other people
are smarter than me in the company.
Growth mindset: I will go to my manager
or boss and ask them what I need to
learn to get promoted in the correct way.
Fixed to Growth Mindset
Fixed mindset: My sister is good at cooking;
I will never be as good as her.
Growth mindset: My sister is good at
cooking, let me ask her on how to
improve my cooking skill.

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How to develop positive thinking part3
How to develop positive thinking part3How to develop positive thinking part3
How to develop positive thinking part3

This document provides a 4-step method for overcoming negative thinking: 1. Become aware of negative thoughts like fearing the future or criticizing yourself. 2. Challenge negative self-talk by testing the reality of thoughts and looking for alternative explanations. 3. Engage in positive self-talk daily to develop a more positive mindset over time. 4. Stop comparing yourself to others and live according to your own values.

10 tips for positive thinkinghow to start positive thinkingpowers of positive thinking
Top tips for self development
Top tips for self developmentTop tips for self development
Top tips for self development

This PPT talks about top tips for self development. For more info visit: https://www.tools4management.com/

self development skills
Positive attitude ppt
Positive  attitude pptPositive  attitude ppt
Positive attitude ppt

This document discusses the importance of having a positive attitude and being solution-minded rather than focusing on problems. It notes that those with a positive attitude see themselves as an asset, always believe they can accomplish their goals, and want to share information to help others. In contrast, those with a negative attitude see themselves as a liability, believe they cannot achieve their goals, and think they know everything already. The document encourages the reader to ignore discouraging people, believe in themselves, set goals, value family and friends, and show that they care about others rather than focusing on how much they know.

Fixed to Growth Mindset
Fixed mindset: I am not good in math, that
is who I am.
Growth mindset: I am not good in math; I
will seek out a tutor or ask a friend to
help me.
Fixed to Growth Mindset
Fixed mindset: Achieving my goals will take too long. I will
not become successful in reaching it.
Growth mindset: Achieving my goals might take a
long time, but the learning and growing that I will
gain will help me become a better and stronger
Fixed to Growth Mindset
Fixed mindset: I should quit on achieving my
dream because I failed too many times
Growth mindset: I failed, let me see how I
can learn to increase my creativity to find
a different way to become successful.
Fixed to Growth Mindset
Fixed mindset: I lack motivation to achieve my goals,
which means I am not meant to achieve my goals.
Growth mindset: I lack motivation to achieve my
goals, let me see if I can research up people and
places on Google that I can join or attend to increase
my motivation to achieve my goals.

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Self motivation & goal setting
Self motivation & goal settingSelf motivation & goal setting
Self motivation & goal setting

Hey Guys those who want to get SElf Motivated and have to achieve goals in der life please watch dis presentation will help in ur future goal setting purpose...

goal settingachievementslife lessons
How To Motivate Yourseft
How To Motivate YourseftHow To Motivate Yourseft
How To Motivate Yourseft

Lack of confidence, focus, and direction are the top three motivation killers. To boost confidence, focus on past successes and strengths. Develop focus by concentrating on positive goals and making plans. Find direction by identifying successful activities and making lists to stay on track. Addressing these three areas can help preserve motivation and propel yourself to success.

Start Your Journey Of Personal Growth
Start Your Journey Of Personal GrowthStart Your Journey Of Personal Growth
Start Your Journey Of Personal Growth

The journey of personal growth is not always easy but definitely necessary to become the best version of yourself. And the definition of personal growth is different for different people. However, the most important thing to remember about personal growth is that nothing happens all at once. It takes time. So what are the tactics you have adopted for personal growth and to reach your goal? Here are some of the most helpful tips for you to make it possible. Check the slides.

journey of personal growthpersonal growthleadership
Fixed to Growth Mindset
Fixed mindset: I will never make a difference with my
Growth mindset: Learning and applying my passion
will help a lot of people. I will read other people
successful biographies and see how I can learn from
them to make a difference with my passion.
Fixed to Growth Mindset
Fixed mindset: I failed on my goal plan; I will not
become successful.
Growth mindset: I failed on my goal plan; I will go
buy a different book to help me learn new ways to
develop a different plan to achieve my goal.
Fixed to Growth Mindset
Fixed mindset: There are so many challenges in
achieving my goal, which means I am not meant to
achieve that goal.
Growth mindset. There are so many challenges
in achieving my goal, let me seek out a mentor
or coach to help me overcome the challenges.
Fixed to Growth Mindset
Fixed mindset: I should not try new things
because I might fail.
Growth mindset: I like to try new things
because I can learn new knowledge and
skill to increase my intelligence.

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This document discusses the concept of grit, which it defines as persevering toward long-term goals and maintaining effort and interest over time despite setbacks or failures. It provides an assessment for individuals to rate themselves on grit characteristics and calculate their grit score. Finally, it offers tips for developing more grit, such as identifying an area to improve, planning small achievable steps, and taking consistent action regardless of motivation levels.

Self Motivation : Driving Yourself!
Self Motivation : Driving Yourself!Self Motivation : Driving Yourself!
Self Motivation : Driving Yourself!

Motivation is derived from the word 'motive' meaning needs, desires, or drives within individuals. It is the process of stimulating people to action to accomplish goals. Maslow's hierarchy of needs identifies 5 levels of human needs - physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization. Best practices for self-motivation include communicating with motivated individuals, remaining optimistic, discovering interests, self-acknowledgment of progress, monitoring success, maintaining energy levels, motivating others, encouraging learning, and breaking big goals into smaller ones. Confidence is important but overconfidence should be avoided, and balance is key for success management.

growth fixed mindset.ppt
growth fixed mindset.pptgrowth fixed mindset.ppt
growth fixed mindset.ppt

The document discusses growth mindsets versus fixed mindsets. A growth mindset believes that intelligence can be developed through effort and learning, while a fixed mindset believes intelligence is innate and cannot change. The document provides examples of how each mindset thinks and behaves. It encourages adopting a growth mindset by believing in effort over innate ability and seeing failure as an opportunity to learn rather than something that defines a person's capabilities. Readers are prompted to reflect on how they can apply a growth mindset in their own lives.

Fixed to Growth Mindset
Fixed mindset: There is too many steps or
problems with this task, I will not become
Growth mindset: The more I learn to
overcome big challenges the more
knowledge and skill I would gain.
Fixed to Growth Mindset
Fixed mindset: I got a negative feedback today from my
teacher, I am not smart, I will not become successful.
Growth mindset: I got a negative feedback today from
my teacher, let me see where and how I can learn and
improve from my teacher feedback. I will find a tutor
to help me.
Fixed to Growth Mindset
Fixed mindset: My teacher wrote that I am
not doing great in math class, which means
I am not smart in math.
Growth mindset: I will ask my teacher to
help me learn differently to improve my
grade in math class.
Fixed to Growth Mindset
Fixed mindset: I failed, I should not ask for help
because others might think I am dumb or stupid.
Growth mindset: I failed, I should seek out for
help from my classmates to learn new knowledge
and skill to become more successful the next time.

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Fixed vs Gowth Mindset A fixed mindset: in this mindset, people believe that ...
Fixed vs Gowth Mindset A fixed mindset: in this mindset, people believe that ...Fixed vs Gowth Mindset A fixed mindset: in this mindset, people believe that ...
Fixed vs Gowth Mindset A fixed mindset: in this mindset, people believe that ...

A fixed mindset: in this mindset, people believe that their intelligence is fixed and static. A growth mindset: in this mindset, people believe that intelligence and talents can be improved through effort and learning.

Fixed vs Growth Mindset
Fixed vs Growth MindsetFixed vs Growth Mindset
Fixed vs Growth Mindset

I had to present months ago to the team about a topic I was interested in and thought would be great to share in hope that it would be useful at work. I've finally put it on SlideShare. Hopefully this presentation lights a spark in you as it did with me as I was reading up on it.

mindsetgrowth mindsetpositive change
A Growth-Minded Approach for Readers and Writers
A Growth-Minded Approach for Readers and WritersA Growth-Minded Approach for Readers and Writers
A Growth-Minded Approach for Readers and Writers

This document discusses growth mindset and how praising students for effort rather than intelligence can help foster a growth mindset. It provides research showing that praising students for effort leads them to choose more challenging tasks after failure compared to praising their intelligence. The document outlines the differences between fixed and growth mindsets and how language and feedback can encourage a growth mindset focused on learning and improving over time rather than looking smart. It emphasizes recognizing fixed mindsets in ourselves and others in order to address them and foster stronger growth mindsets.

hmhhoughton mifflin harcourtgrowth mindset
Fixed to Growth Mindset
Fixed mindset: I failed on learning how to ride my bike
multiple of times, its means I will never become
successful in riding a bike.
Growth mindset: I failed on learning how to ride my
bike multiple of times, let me see if I can find a
different Youtube video that can help me to learn to
ride my bike successfully.
Fixed to Growth Mindset
Fixed mindset: I do not like getting feedback
because it will show that I am not smart, smart
people do not need get to feedback.
Growth mindset: Getting feedback helps me
see where I need improvement, so I know
what kind of knowledge and skill to learn.
Fixed to Growth Mindset
Fixed mindset: That goal is too big, I should
not try to achieve it because I will fail.
Growth mindset: That goal is big, I will
learn how to break down into smaller goals
and action steps to help me achieve it.
Growth mindset lifelong learning
High expectation
Learning goals Inspiring goals

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Q & A
Contact: (916) 243-7076, Sacramento Ca, USA
Email: info@wake-upfoundation.org
Website: www.wake-upfoundation.org

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Preview, how to develop a growth mindset1

  • 1. How to develop a growth mindset Wake-Up Foundation Presented by Mykim Tran, Executive Director
  • 2. Agenda What is mindset. The fixed vs. growth mindset. Strategies and methods to shift and develop a growth mindset. Q & A
  • 3. What is the growth mindset? Why is it importance?
  • 5. Theory of intelligence Skill and intelligence Main concern Effort Challenges Feedback Mistakes
  • 6. Skill and intelligence  Fixed mindset: He believes that he can only become successful in certain skill and area.  Growth mindset: He believes that he can achieve and become successful in any area or field with learning and effort.
  • 7. Main concern  Fixed mindset: He focuses on performance goals  Growth mindset: He focuses on learning goals
  • 8. Effort  Fixed mindset: He focuses on easy tasks.  Growth mindset: He focuses on challenging tasks.
  • 9. Challenge  Fixed mindset: He shies away from challenges.  Growth mindset: He embraces, overcomes and thrives through challenges.
  • 10. Feedback  Fixed mindset: He believes that when he receive feedback, then he is not smart.  Growth mindset: He believes that getting feedback will help him see where he need to learn and grow to increase his intelligence.
  • 11. Mistakes  Fixed mindset: He believes that when he make mistakes then he is not smart.  Growth mindset: He believes that making mistakes is importance to become successful.
  • 14. Fixed to Growth Mindset Fixed mindset: I want to become an artist, but I will not become successful because I do not have the knowledge and skill for it. Growth mindset: I want to become an artist, I will seek out other artists and see how I can ask them to help me become successful.
  • 15. Fixed to Growth Mindset Fixed mindset: I will never be promoted to a higher position because other people are smarter than me in the company. Growth mindset: I will go to my manager or boss and ask them what I need to learn to get promoted in the correct way.
  • 16. Fixed to Growth Mindset Fixed mindset: My sister is good at cooking; I will never be as good as her. Growth mindset: My sister is good at cooking, let me ask her on how to improve my cooking skill.
  • 17. Fixed to Growth Mindset Fixed mindset: I am not good in math, that is who I am. Growth mindset: I am not good in math; I will seek out a tutor or ask a friend to help me.
  • 18. Fixed to Growth Mindset Fixed mindset: Achieving my goals will take too long. I will not become successful in reaching it. Growth mindset: Achieving my goals might take a long time, but the learning and growing that I will gain will help me become a better and stronger person.
  • 19. Fixed to Growth Mindset Fixed mindset: I should quit on achieving my dream because I failed too many times already. Growth mindset: I failed, let me see how I can learn to increase my creativity to find a different way to become successful.
  • 20. Fixed to Growth Mindset Fixed mindset: I lack motivation to achieve my goals, which means I am not meant to achieve my goals. Growth mindset: I lack motivation to achieve my goals, let me see if I can research up people and places on Google that I can join or attend to increase my motivation to achieve my goals.
  • 21. Fixed to Growth Mindset Fixed mindset: I will never make a difference with my passion. Growth mindset: Learning and applying my passion will help a lot of people. I will read other people successful biographies and see how I can learn from them to make a difference with my passion.
  • 22. Fixed to Growth Mindset Fixed mindset: I failed on my goal plan; I will not become successful. Growth mindset: I failed on my goal plan; I will go buy a different book to help me learn new ways to develop a different plan to achieve my goal.
  • 23. Fixed to Growth Mindset Fixed mindset: There are so many challenges in achieving my goal, which means I am not meant to achieve that goal. Growth mindset. There are so many challenges in achieving my goal, let me seek out a mentor or coach to help me overcome the challenges.
  • 24. Fixed to Growth Mindset Fixed mindset: I should not try new things because I might fail. Growth mindset: I like to try new things because I can learn new knowledge and skill to increase my intelligence.
  • 25. Fixed to Growth Mindset Fixed mindset: There is too many steps or problems with this task, I will not become successful. Growth mindset: The more I learn to overcome big challenges the more knowledge and skill I would gain.
  • 26. Fixed to Growth Mindset Fixed mindset: I got a negative feedback today from my teacher, I am not smart, I will not become successful. Growth mindset: I got a negative feedback today from my teacher, let me see where and how I can learn and improve from my teacher feedback. I will find a tutor to help me.
  • 27. Fixed to Growth Mindset Fixed mindset: My teacher wrote that I am not doing great in math class, which means I am not smart in math. Growth mindset: I will ask my teacher to help me learn differently to improve my grade in math class.
  • 28. Fixed to Growth Mindset Fixed mindset: I failed, I should not ask for help because others might think I am dumb or stupid. Growth mindset: I failed, I should seek out for help from my classmates to learn new knowledge and skill to become more successful the next time.
  • 29. Fixed to Growth Mindset Fixed mindset: I failed on learning how to ride my bike multiple of times, its means I will never become successful in riding a bike. Growth mindset: I failed on learning how to ride my bike multiple of times, let me see if I can find a different Youtube video that can help me to learn to ride my bike successfully.
  • 30. Fixed to Growth Mindset Fixed mindset: I do not like getting feedback because it will show that I am not smart, smart people do not need get to feedback. Growth mindset: Getting feedback helps me see where I need improvement, so I know what kind of knowledge and skill to learn.
  • 31. Fixed to Growth Mindset Fixed mindset: That goal is too big, I should not try to achieve it because I will fail. Growth mindset: That goal is big, I will learn how to break down into smaller goals and action steps to help me achieve it.
  • 32. Growth mindset lifelong learning High expectation goals Learning goals Inspiring goals
  • 33. Q & A Contact: (916) 243-7076, Sacramento Ca, USA Email: info@wake-upfoundation.org Website: www.wake-upfoundation.org