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ELECTRONIC GOVERNANCE Paradigma Armenia CJSC & APMA NGO Digitec2008 3 rd  of October, 2008
Content Reasons for eGovernment Challenges to eGovernment eGovernance Strategic Planning Vision Strategic Goals Organization Developing Human Capacity Financing Identifying Stakeholders’ Roles Developing a Business Model
Reasons for eGovernment The main reasons to embrace eGovernment: eGovernment improves efficiency eGovernment improves service quality eGovernment helps achieve policy outcomes eGovernment contributes to achieving economic objectives eGovernment can be the major contributor to reform eGovernment builds trust between citizens and government Until now, the main drivers for eGovernment have been efficiency gains and effective delivery of policy outcomes.  Recently, the focus has shifted to other objectives: improving services, increasing accountability, facilitating engagement.

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E governance
E governanceE governance
E governance

This document defines and discusses various aspects of e-governance. E-governance refers to the use of technology like the internet and mobile devices by government to improve efficiency and services for citizens, businesses, employees, and other government agencies. It discusses the different types of e-governance like G2C (government to citizen), G2B (government to business), G2E (government to employee), and G2G (government to government). Challenges to e-governance implementation include lack of clarity, security threats, localization issues, and underutilization of infrastructure. Successful e-governance can provide many benefits to India's large population across its states and territories.

E governance
E governanceE governance
E governance

E-governance refers to the use of information and communication technologies by government agencies to improve information and service delivery to people. It aims to make government more efficient, transparent and accountable. The key types of e-governance are G2C (government to citizens), G2B (government to businesses), G2E (government to employees), and G2G (government to government). E-governance can provide benefits like better access to information for citizens, increased efficiency and accountability in government, and expanded reach of governance. However, implementing e-governance in India faces challenges due to lack of integrated services, key personnel, multiple languages and large population. While some e-governance projects

E governance
E governance E governance
E governance

This presentation discusses e-governance and its application in India. E-governance uses information and communication technology to deliver government services electronically to citizens, businesses, and other government agencies. It aims to provide services in a convenient, efficient, and transparent manner. However, implementing e-governance in India faces challenges such as administrative, legal, and technological issues. Cyber security is a major hurdle, as e-governance without proper security makes critical infrastructure vulnerable to attacks. Other challenges include e-waste management, lack of privacy laws, and lack of mandatory e-governance services.

Efficiency Cost reduction is the major driver for ICT use by governments: replacing paper-based application processes with Internet applications – cut down costs of data re-entry and checking improved booking arrangements – more efficient use of scarce resources: skilled staff and facilities greater sharing of data within government – eliminate costs of multiple collections, data reconciliation and checking reduce government publication and distribution costs by relying more on on-line publications, etc. Greater efficiencies are generated from ICT projects that involve transformation of business processes.
Customer Focus (customer focus initiatives ) Adopting customer focus should be the main part of the country  public reform agendas and eGovernment strategies. Customer focus is about providing citizens and businesses with a coherent interface with government which reflects their needs rather than the structure of the government. eGovernment initiatives to improve customer focus: on-line portals focused on particular topics or groups, bringing together relevant information and services targeting of on-line information to specific groups of citizen so that relevant information can be found more readily e-mail lists to push customised information to specific groups, whenever the information becomes available allowing identified users to carry out routine transactions with the government as on-line government services
Example: Customer Focus Example: Customer-Focused Portals in Mexico The Government of Mexico launched a government-wide portal that organizes information in a thematic and not institutional fashion. For instance, under “work” theme one can find: labor rights public housing job matchmaker services taxation on labour services, etc. Over 1500 services from about 100 government agencies. The bundling of information and services in thematic channels required horizontal coordination of government agencies.
Improved Policy Outcomes eGovernment can help achieve better outcomes in major policy areas, such as: taxation policy - improved collection of taxes through increased sharing of information by agencies health policy - reduced demand for health services through better use of health information and scarce health resources social policy - promoting the use of native languages and awareness of indigenous people It is expected that all policy areas will be affected by eGovernment.

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E governance : Bangladesh Perspective
E governance : Bangladesh Perspective E governance : Bangladesh Perspective
E governance : Bangladesh Perspective

This presentation contains definition, objectives, typology and models of e-governance. Besides it also depicted the present e-governance scenario in Bangladesh of different sectors such as private, banking and public sectors.

e-governancee-governance in bangladesh
Role of ICT in Good Governance
Role of ICT in Good GovernanceRole of ICT in Good Governance
Role of ICT in Good Governance

The document discusses the role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in promoting good governance in India. It argues that ICT, through e-governance initiatives, can make government more efficient, transparent, and accountable by automating processes, reducing errors and delays, and increasing access to information for citizens. National programs like the National e-Governance Action Plan aim to leverage ICT to improve public services and governance. Case studies of e-governance pilot projects demonstrate benefits like increased transparency, cost reductions, and improved service delivery.

role of ictgovernancegood governance
E governance
E governance E governance
E governance

E-governance involves using information and communication technologies to transform government processes to provide more efficient, convenient, and transparent services to citizens and businesses. It aims to improve how government functions through better policymaking, regulation, and service delivery. Key benefits include increased efficiency, cost savings, reduced corruption, and improved access to information and services for all. However, successful e-governance requires overcoming challenges like lack of processes, skills, infrastructure and resources through a holistic, systematic approach with change management, capacity building, and top-level leadership support.

Economic Objectives Through reduced corruption, greater openness and increased trust in government, eGovernment contributes to economic objectives. Specific measures: improving business productivity by administrative simplification and  online support for small and medium-size businesses business portals providing access to economic information - market trends, export opportunities, assistance programmes reduced government calls through more effective programs and operations direct consumption of ICT goods and services by government is significant and more stable than by private sector
Reform for eGovernment Reform is necessary for e G overnment to deliver: The promise of eGovernment will not materialise by simply digitising government information and placing it on-line. Instead, eGovernment is about the use of ICT to transform the structures, operations and the culture of government.
eGovernment for Reform eGovernment is an enabler of the reform: it serves as a  tool  for reform: simplifies administrative processes makes such processes more transparent helps to deliver services in more efficient ways facilitates the integration of services and processes enables seamless government highlights internal government  inconsistencies  underscores  commitment  to good governance objectives Modernizing government structures and processes to meet eGovernment will have a major impact on how services are delivered.
Citizen Engagement Building trust between government and citizens is fundamental. In the absence of trust: the rule of law legitimacy of government decisions support for specific government reforms may be all called into question. ICT is an enabler to build trust by engaging citizens.

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E governance
E governanceE governance
E governance

The National e-Governance Plan of Indian Government seeks to lay the foundation and provide the impetus for long-term growth of e-Governance within the country.

ICT indicators digital Bangladesh
ICT  indicators digital BangladeshICT  indicators digital Bangladesh
ICT indicators digital Bangladesh

This document discusses indicators for measuring Bangladesh's progress towards becoming a "Digital Bangladesh" as envisioned by the government. It summarizes the latest global rankings of Bangladesh in three major e-indices: the Networked Readiness Index, ICT Development Index, and UN e-Government Survey. It then proposes a strategy for Bangladesh to develop its own set of ICT4D indicators to better track the country's digital transformation progress against its own goals. The report was informed by expert consultations to ensure the indicators proposed align with Bangladesh's national plans and strategies. Developing customized indicators could help improve Bangladesh's representation in global rankings by highlighting its progress in a country-specific context.

E procurement
E procurementE procurement
E procurement

E : Electronic Procurement : the process of obtaining supplies, especially for an government or organization E- Procurement : the business-to-business purchase and sale of supplies and services over the Internet. Also Known as: Supplier Exchange Definition: E-procurement is the business-to-business purchase and sale of supplies and services over the Internet.

e commerce
Citizen Engagement Ways of engagement: consultation and feedback by service users – web logs, questionnaires and feedback contacts citizen engagement in policy making – consultation and active participation to better address constituents' needs helping individual's voice be heard
Example: Citizen Engagement Example: Engaging the Citizen in Scottish Parliament Scottish Parliament maintains a website to inform and engage citizens in the democratic process: public education about parliament web casting of parliamentary sessions enabling citizens to petition parliament on-line enabling citizens to contact their parliament members providing for direct participation using discussion boards All serve to advance the principles of openness, accountability and citizen engagement in the parliamentary process.
Challenges to eGovernment Implementation of eGovernment can face a number of challenges. The following have to be addressed on a whole-of-government basis in order to be overcome: legislative barriers  – eGovernment processes must have the same standing as paper-based processes financial barriers  – funding arrangements should account for the agencies working together on eGovernment projects technology change  – adoption of whole-of-government standards, software integration and middleware technologies digital divide  – large differences in the level of access to the Internet and therefore ability to benefit from eGovernment

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India's potential in e governance
India's potential in e governanceIndia's potential in e governance
India's potential in e governance

The need for good governance for India’s development is widely accepted. The challenge before the Indian government is to look at ways to improve governance. One of the ways to achieve the same is through the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) or e-Governance, a significant enabler for the endeavor. In e-governance there are no distinct boundaries as in near future technologies like open source and cloud computing will boost the E-Governance system.

cloud computinge-governanceopen source system
E governance
E governanceE governance
E governance

The document provides an overview of e-governance and related concepts. It defines governance, e-government, e-governance and m-government. It discusses the international scenario of e-governance initiatives in countries like the US, UK and New Zealand. It then describes India's national e-governance plan, various mission mode projects including banking, income tax, passport services, and the objectives of establishing digital infrastructure in government departments and services.

E-Governance of Bangladesh
E-Governance of BangladeshE-Governance of Bangladesh
E-Governance of Bangladesh

This document discusses e-governance and its implementation in Bangladesh. It defines e-governance as using modern technologies like the internet to improve government effectiveness, efficiency and service delivery. It describes the key components of e-governance as interactions between government and citizens (G2C), government and businesses (G2B), and within government (G2G). Challenges to e-governance in Bangladesh include limited infrastructure, costs, and lack of technical expertise. Successful implementation requires long-term planning, building partnerships, and addressing funding challenges.

Legislative Barriers Governments must ensure that a proper legal framework exists before egovernment initiatives and processes can take up. What is needed: Recognition  of electronic processes and services as equivalent with paperbased processes and services. Legal recognition of digital signatures! Clarification   of requirements on the agencies implementing eGovernment: what they can and cannot do. Overcoming  collaboration  barriers: accountability  rules designed to ensure responsible use of public resources by clearly identifying who does what Who is responsible for the shared project? performance  management also follows clear distinction of who does what How to evaluate shared project? Legislations designed  to protect the  privacy  and  security  of data, to balance free access with society's expectations.
Budgetary Barriers Traditional public management funding: vertical funding structure agency is held accountable for achieving its mission agency receives the resources to accomplish its mission the resources are budgeted on the annual basis This principle does not act in favour of eGovernment projects that involve  long-term  funding and  collaboration across agencies.
Technology Change Technology-related barriers to eGovernment: legacy systems lack of shared infrastructure too rapid technological changes, etc. Complex technical issues arise.
Legacy Systems and eGov Legacy systems can be a major barrier to eGovernment. Integrating back-office information systems with Internet to provide on-line access to clients, has occupied many eGovernment projects. Common solutions: middleware  and web services data-exchange standards relying on  XML Also, promotion of  government-wide frameworks ,  standards and data definitions  by eGovernment coordinators.

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Evolution of study of e governance
Evolution of study of e governanceEvolution of study of e governance
Evolution of study of e governance

E-governance involves using information and communication technologies to improve government services, increase transparency, and encourage citizen participation. It originated in the 1970s in India and other countries. There have been five stages of e-governance development: information, interaction, transaction, transformation, and institutionalization. The Philippines has worked to develop e-governance since the 1970s by establishing organizations and passing laws, but UN assessments show it still has progress to make compared to other Southeast Asian nations in online services, infrastructure, and citizen participation.

E governance
E   governanceE   governance
E governance

Electronic governance or e-governance is the application of IT for delivering government services, exchange of information, communication transactions, integration of various stand-alone systems between government to citizen (G2C), government-to-business (G2B), government-to-government (G2G), government-to-employees (G2E) as well as back-office processes and interactions within the entire government framework. Through e-governance, government services are made available to citizens in a convenient, efficient, and transparent manner. The three main target groups that can be distinguished in governance concepts are government, citizens, and businesses/interest groups. In e-governance, there are no distinct boundaries, finance and support.

cyber lawlawgovernment

Electronic governance (e-governance) refers to the use of information and communication technologies by government agencies to improve information and service delivery, encourage citizen participation, and make government more transparent, accountable and effective. Key aspects of e-governance include using ICT to exchange information between government agencies, governments and citizens, and governments and businesses. The goals are to improve service delivery, transparency, citizen empowerment, government efficiency and interface with businesses. Common e-governance models involve stages of information publishing, interaction and transaction capabilities. Challenges to implementing e-governance include infrastructure, accessibility, usability, political and economic issues.

Lack of Shared Infrastructure Technology-related barriers to collaboration between agencies and the uptake of eGovernment: lack of shared standards lack of  compatible infrastructure  between agencies Infrastructure development is too expensive for a single agency. Shared development faces budgetary and collaboration barriers. What can be done?
Shared Infrastructure and eGov Governments can provide a technological, legal and organizational framework for delivering electronic services: common  technical standards common  technical infrastructure whole-of-government approach to  lower the legal and technical barriers  for inter-agency cooperation whole-of-government approach to  reduce redundancy , e.g. by adopting common back-office processes
Technology Change How to plan development of eGovernment facing uncertainty over the fastmovingtechnological change? Public-private partnership  is one solution, provided they are in the areas where established standards already exist in the market. Other approaches: 1)  technology neutrality  in legislation and regulation 2)  flexibility  within broad regulatory frameworks 3)  adaptation of current laws  to a digital world 4)  involvement of all stakeholders  in the regulatory process 5)  international cooperation  to harmonise approaches 6)  performance requirements  rather than technical specifications when procuring new technologies
Digital Divide eGovernment can indirectly improve services to citizens with no Internet access through back-office improvements, however: Advantages of on-line services cannot be replicated off-line, so people without Internet access will be unable to benefit. The groups in society with lower level of access are already disengaged the target of government intervention. Such groups have higher level of interaction with government: establishing identity entitlement for assistance complex medical or social intervention Some, but not all, suited for on-line provision. Many governments pursue policies to reduce digital divide.

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This document provides an overview of e-governance initiatives in India. It discusses how e-governance aims to provide online access to government services and information for citizens. Key initiatives at the national level include the National e-Governance Plan and various ministries developing online presences. States have also implemented e-governance projects like Bhoomi in Karnataka. NGOs and private organizations supplement these efforts through programs like Tara Haat and Drishtee that deliver e-services to rural areas.

E governance, Electronic Governance, Digital Governance, Digital Connection, ...
E governance, Electronic Governance, Digital Governance, Digital Connection, ...E governance, Electronic Governance, Digital Governance, Digital Connection, ...
E governance, Electronic Governance, Digital Governance, Digital Connection, ...

It is the transformation of government to provide Efficient, Convenient & Transparent services to the Citizens and Business through Information and Communication

e governancedigital connectionelectronic governance
[2015 e-Government Program] Action Plan : Ulyanovsk(Russia)
[2015 e-Government Program] Action Plan : Ulyanovsk(Russia)[2015 e-Government Program] Action Plan : Ulyanovsk(Russia)
[2015 e-Government Program] Action Plan : Ulyanovsk(Russia)

This document outlines an action plan for e-government projects in the Ulyanovsk region of Russia. The plan has two stages: understanding received information through translation and analysis, then raising awareness of applicability through focus groups. Key objectives are reforming public transport similar to Seoul, introducing a payment system like T-Money, and restructuring government information storage. Individual projects will use project management practices to determine clear actions, risks, and deviations. A timeline is provided for the largest project to reform regional transport from 2015 to 2019. The overall goal is to implement e-government projects in the Ulyanovsk region within five years.

[2015 e-government program] action plan
eGovernment Different common definitions: Internet (on-line) service delivery and other Internet-based activity by governments – front-office only All uses of ICT by governments, on-line and off-line, front-office and back-office Capacity to transform public administration through the use of ICT or new forms of government built around ICT [Definition]  eGovernment refers to the use of ICT, particularly the Internet, as a tool to achieve better government.
Governance is a set of processes, formal and informal, through which social action occurs. It is also a guiding process through which societies make decisions, manage daily activities and interact to achieve their goals. Governance Government vs. governance Government gets its work done trough governance processes Governance only for government? No, other organizations and groups engage in governance as well
eGovernance eGovernance refers to the use of information and communication technologies to transform and support the processes and structures of a governance system. Observation Many definitions exist The notion of eGovernance strictly depends on the perspective taken on governance Our view eGovernance = eGovernment + eDemocracy + … eGovernance is about public service delivery eGovernance, while including eGovernment, imphasizes participation, interaction and engagement of stakeholders in decision processes

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Benefits, Adoption Barriers and Myths of Open Data and Open Governmnet
Benefits, Adoption Barriers and Myths of Open Data and Open GovernmnetBenefits, Adoption Barriers and Myths of Open Data and Open Governmnet
Benefits, Adoption Barriers and Myths of Open Data and Open Governmnet

This presentation looks at the Benefits, adoption barriers and myths of open data and open government. The slides are prepared based on the work of (Janssen. M, et al. 2012)

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3rd Generation eGovernment: eGovernment Projects Trends
3rd Generation eGovernment: eGovernment Projects Trends3rd Generation eGovernment: eGovernment Projects Trends
3rd Generation eGovernment: eGovernment Projects Trends

Al-Khouri, A.M. (2012) '3rd Generation eGovernment: eGovernment Projects Trends', 18th GCC eGovernment and eServices Conference, May 19-23, Dubai, UAE.

egovernmentnational id cardemirates identity authority
e-Government Strategy. Government Transformation in Developing Countries of t...
e-Government Strategy. Government Transformation in Developing Countries of t...e-Government Strategy. Government Transformation in Developing Countries of t...
e-Government Strategy. Government Transformation in Developing Countries of t...

This document discusses e-government strategies for developing countries. It defines e-government as using technology to improve government efficiency and accountability to citizens. The primary goals of e-government are to increase convenience, access to information, democracy, efficiency and esteem while lowering costs and increasing transparency. Barriers include technical issues, resistance to change and lack of skills. The document recommends citizen-centered e-government solutions that streamline processes and encourage innovation.

egovernmente-governmente-government strategy
Government Stakeholders A person, group or any entity that can affect or is affected by an action taken by government.  Typical government stakeholders:  citizens  businesses  government employees  government ministries, department and agencies  union leaders  community leaders  politicians  foreign investors
Strategic Planning Strategic planning involves determining the required actions to achieve adesired vision considering the present state of an organization. A strategic plan:  is a road map to lead an organization from its present state to its desired medium or long term future state  specifies the mission, vision, goals, strategies and objectives
Strategic Planning Process Steps include:  analyzing the present environment – SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)  providing a vision statement  refining vision into goals  determining strategies using the outcomes of SWOT analysis and specified goals  formulating concrete and measurable objectives from strategies  communicating and reviewing the strategic plan
Strategies Attributes of a good strategy:  builds on strength  resolve weaknesses  exploit opportunities  avoid threats  with respect to specific goals  Note:  implementing a strategy may unveil and cause new threats as well as opportunities  long term strategies therefore must be accompanied by periodic reassessments of strengths, weaknesses and opportunities and threats

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Developments in e-Government: A comparative analysis between Ireland and The ...
Developments in e-Government: A comparative analysis between Ireland and The ...Developments in e-Government: A comparative analysis between Ireland and The ...
Developments in e-Government: A comparative analysis between Ireland and The ...

The name that is given to the use of electronic means to deliver better government is E-government. It is important to note that E-government can never be a goal in itself; it is a way to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the government and its communications. In this paper, we compare the developments and integration of services regarding E-government in Ireland and The Netherlands. We looked at problems that were encountered by both countries, and how they were dealt with. Based on these findings, we formulated an advice on how to make further improvements to E-Government facilities in the near future for both countries. Our research showed us several interesting things. What we saw was that developments and growth in E-Government Services and registered E-Government users in Ireland fall behind compared to the same kind of developments and growth going on in The Netherlands. There is not one cause that we can name for this outcome, but several reasons became clear during our research. The low internet penetration in Ireland could be one cause, only 52% of the population has an internet connection. Other reasons are that Irish people have always been suspicious regarding their government and the lack of a killer application.

eGovernance Research Grand Challenges
eGovernance Research Grand ChallengeseGovernance Research Grand Challenges
eGovernance Research Grand Challenges

This document outlines a roadmap for research in electronic governance over the next decade. It identifies four grand challenges: 1) Model-based collaborative governance to improve policy modeling and simulation; 2) Data-powered collective intelligence and action to leverage real-time open data; 3) Establishing a government service utility to provide ubiquitous, standardized public services; and 4) Developing a science base for ICT-enabled governance to systematize the field. For each challenge, it discusses short and long-term research directions to address gaps between current governance and a rapidly changing digital society. The overall goal is to transform policy-making using collaborative models, robust data analysis, and innovative digital service delivery.

eGovernance Infrastructure to build e-Democracy
eGovernance Infrastructure to build e-DemocracyeGovernance Infrastructure to build e-Democracy
eGovernance Infrastructure to build e-Democracy

Presentation on eGovernance and Open Governance products launched/under development in Moldova, in the context of building e-Democracy. 6th Internet Governance Forum, Kyiv, Ukraine, September 30, 2015

#cocreation #interoperability #eparticipation#opendata#egov #opengov #edemocracy #transparency
eGovernance Strategy A plan for the development of eGovernance specifying, among other things, the vision, goals, milestones, concrete initiatives, priorities, challenges and enabling policies for the eGovernance agenda as a whole.  a sound strategy is essential for any eGovernance initiative to succeed  strategy provides the roadmap for transforming a governance system into the desired state through ICT support  strategy must have the support of all major stakeholders
eGovernance Strategy – Why? creating the right policy and institutional framework from the start  maximizing the use of ICT initiatives within government  managing the increasing costs of ICT in government  mapping path from pilot experiments to sustainable, scalable systems  pursuing real economic development goals and not just technology  designing technology architecture (infrastructure, data and standards) for the public sector
eGovernance Strategy Elements Key elements include:  definition of eGovernance  formulation and communication of the expected value of eGovernance goals, objectives and targets  enabling and supporting policies  portfolio of initiatives and a process for executing them  methodology for e-Readiness assessment  business models for sustainability
Vision An eGovernance vision is a medium or long term statement concerning broad goals which provides a roadmap and general guidance for institutional change.  must be clear, intuitive and simple  states what will be done and what will not be done  can be central or public agency specific  considers needs and opportunities  must be aligned with national development strategy  involves consensus building by stakeholders

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eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020, UC
eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020, UCeGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020, UC
eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020, UC

The document discusses the upcoming European Commission eGovernment Action Plan for 2016-2020. The action plan will focus on three pillars: 1) Digitalizing public administration with ICT, 2) Enabling cross-border mobility with digital public services, and 3) Facilitating participation in policymaking and co-creation of services. It will implement objectives agreed at the EU level and allow citizens to suggest voluntary actions. A stakeholder consultation platform will crowdsource ideas, apply selection criteria, and monitor implementation of actions using data. The overall goal is to modernize public administration and facilitate interaction between governments and citizens/businesses across Europe.

Internet Now! centres phase 1 northern Uganda
Internet Now! centres phase 1 northern UgandaInternet Now! centres phase 1 northern Uganda
Internet Now! centres phase 1 northern Uganda

The document lists 20 locations in northern Uganda where Internet Now! centres will be established in Phase I. The centres will be located across 5 districts - Nwoya, Gulu, Amuru, Adjumani, and Moyo. The centres will provide internet access to remote communities in northern Uganda for the first time.

How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment
How Linked Data is transforming eGovernmentHow Linked Data is transforming eGovernment
How Linked Data is transforming eGovernment

This document discusses how linked data is transforming eGovernment by integrating government data through linking related datasets. It explains the key concepts of linked data including the four design principles put forward by Tim Berners-Lee. The document also outlines how linked data enables greater government transparency, fosters innovation, and allows for virtual integration of data without centralization. The ISA programme is highlighted as actively promoting linked data adoption for public administrations through best practices, vocabularies, and pilot projects to realize the benefits of open government data through semantic interoperability and linked approaches.

Visioning Steps in the vision building process include:  identifying and consulting stakeholders  allowing stakeholders to present or explain their own vision for eGovernance  draft a common vision based stakeholders’ visions  aligning vision with more general national and local development needs and opportunities  consolidating and agree on final vision
Strategic Goals Statements that set the direction for eGovernance based on the vision.  Strategic goals typically include:  social and economic development using ICT  effective delivery of quality public services, which are accessible and affordable  improved capacity of government in participatory and consultative decision making processes which progresses democracy  increased satisfaction of stakeholders through accountability, efficiency, effectiveness, and cost reduction  Coordinated and transparent policy design, policy implementation, policy maintenance, and policy review
Organization Two prevalent models for implementing eGovernance: centralized and decentralized models. Whichever model is adopted, central coordination is required through an agency which is either independent or nested within a ministry.  Activities of central coordination:  coordinate the implementation of the eGovernance strategy  review e-readiness on a regular basis  coordinate advocacy and awareness campaigns  coordinate the use of seed funding for co-financing new and innovative  pilot projects  provide advice on possible public-private partnerships  monitor, evaluate and report on progress made in eGovernment
Future eGovernment Organization

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Designing and Creating a Secure Web Portal
Designing and Creating a Secure Web PortalDesigning and Creating a Secure Web Portal
Designing and Creating a Secure Web Portal

The document discusses considerations for designing and creating a secure web portal. It identifies five key areas to consider: data security, compliance, integration, end user experience, and technical configuration. For each area, it lists specific questions to consider, such as whether the portal will be public or private, how user credentials will be verified, which regulations apply, how users will interact with and access the portal, and technical details around hosting and performance. The overall message is that security should not be an afterthought when designing a portal and integrating it into an existing IT environment.

secure sso portal2 factor authenticationmultifactor authentication
Bahrain eGovernment: Towards a Better Life
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Bahrain eGovernment: Towards a Better Life

Kingdom of Bahrain: eGovernment - Towards a Better Life (English and Arabic)

Web2 0 for eGovernment: why and how?
Web2 0 for eGovernment: why and how?Web2 0 for eGovernment: why and how?
Web2 0 for eGovernment: why and how?

Overview of why and how web2.0 matters for eGovernment. Presented at EU ministerial conference on eGovernment (download it at www.egov2007.gov.pt). NEW REPORT on this available at www.jrc.es

Developing Human Capacity Skills required by public administrations:  change management  program management  IT systems development  IT service management  IT outsourcing management  client relationship management  management based on PRINCE 2 Public administration, citizens, businesses and local IT community must be equipped with the skills required for eGovernance.
Financing Issues to consider:  eGovernment is cross-cutting, pooling of resources across agencies may be necessary  reward system could be developed for management and employees to stimulate the drive for eGovernment  extra-budgetary resources should be considered, e.g. partnership with private-sector in infrastructure development and maintenance  Availability of funds determine the type of eGovernment projects that can be carried out.
Funding Strategies  Public Private Partnership  government and private organizations share the costs, risks and benefits in eGovernance development  Outsourcing government invests directly but external enterprises carry out the development  government owns the system and has complete control  Issuance of Bonds •  bonds are issued by the government  •  returns from investment are use to offset bond  Advertising •  controlled traditional advertisement on the government web sites  Government-Enterprise  •  project development is the responsibility of the enterprise  •  investment by enterprise is covered by transaction fees
eGov Budget Figures

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Portal, Telco And Mobile
Portal, Telco And MobilePortal, Telco And Mobile
Portal, Telco And Mobile

The document discusses the mobile industry in 2009, focusing on the relationships between web portals, telecommunications companies (telcos), and vendors. It notes that web portals were moving into mobile, targeting users through smart devices, mobile web, and open platforms. However, business models between portals and telcos were different, with portals making money through advertising and telcos through phone bills. The rise of social networking and location-based services were also shaping the industry. Cooperation between various players was seen as important to advance mobile web and telco services.

Europe – eGovernment Benchmark 2012 background report
Europe – eGovernment Benchmark 2012   background reportEurope – eGovernment Benchmark 2012   background report
Europe – eGovernment Benchmark 2012 background report

This document provides background information on the 2012 European eGovernment Benchmark report. It summarizes the framework and methodology used to measure progress on the Digital Agenda for Europe's goals of user-centric, transparent, cross-border, results-driven, and smart government. Key measurements included citizen surveys on the use and usefulness of online public services, assessments of online service availability and maturity across different life events, and indicators of government transparency and use of enablers like eID.

Federal Government Standard Web Portal developed at Joomla!
Federal Government Standard Web Portal developed at Joomla!Federal Government Standard Web Portal developed at Joomla!
Federal Government Standard Web Portal developed at Joomla!

In response to the government websites standardization ordered by the Brazilian Federal Government, a group of users, developers and designers from different agencies situated at Brasília* joined forces to develop a Joomla! version of the Government Default Web Portal Project, capable of facing up the unique option available, developed at another CMS. Rafael Berlanda was one of those involved in this initiative, as developer and coordinator. This presentation aims to introduce the project history, the choices made in order to comply with the project objectives and also to show few solutions adopted with the purpose of earning development time. It still intends to alert the community to the upcoming challenges of Joomla! usage in Government.

presidência da repúblicajoomla!secom
Mongolian Budget Security Plan
Identifying Stakeholders’ Roles Identifying and filling stakeholders roles is important for assigning responsibilities.  Typical stakeholders roles project team  those who will directly work on eGovernance projects  suppliers suppliers of technologies, resources and expertise operators agency employees who will operate the eGovernance systems champions entities to drive and seek justification for the projects sponsors entities paying for the expense and efforts for the projects owner management of the agency that will own and use the system others others with significant influence on the project
Example -Stakeholders Office of the President, Chief Executive and ministry/agency in charge of eGovernment  Legislature or parliament  Government agencies  Political parties  Citizens  Unions  NGOs  Traditional leaders  Research institutions  International agencies
Developing a Business Model A business model includes:  how eGovernment solutions would be developed – outsourcing versus internal development  funding options for provided services -pay-as-you-go, bonds, transaction fees, partnership with third parties, etc.  how to ensure take up of the various e-Services to be offered  how to attract the participation of private sector in the continued development of the eGovernance  A plan for ensuring the sustainability of eGovernment in terms of resources and adoption.

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Vinnova: eGovernment of Tomorrow
Vinnova: eGovernment of TomorrowVinnova: eGovernment of Tomorrow
Vinnova: eGovernment of Tomorrow

This document presents four future scenarios for eGovernment in Sweden in 2020. It begins with an introduction to scenarios as a method for exploring possible futures rather than making predictions. It then discusses definitions of eGovernment and reviews theories and models of eGovernment development. The four scenarios developed are: 1) "Government Goes Private", where outsourcing and privatization lead to fragmented services; 2) "The Limits of Efficiency", where cost-cutting negatively impacts services; 3) "Action and Overload", where open data and civic participation overload the system; and 4) "Co-production of Government", where collaborative partnerships produce innovative services.

EU eGovernment Benchmark
EU eGovernment BenchmarkEU eGovernment Benchmark
EU eGovernment Benchmark

Review of the EU egovernment benchmark. A comparison with other benchmarks (EU, WEF). Framework and ideas to improve benchmarking egovernment, citizen services.

servicesopen datacitizens
An eGovernment Research and Innovation Framework
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An eGovernment Research and Innovation Framework

The document summarizes the objectives and activities of the eGOVERNET European eGovernment Research Network Coordination Action project. The project aims to improve cooperation and visibility of eGovernment research in Europe by investigating current research funding and management, identifying future needs, and proposing a framework of best practices. Key activities include analyzing stakeholder needs, compiling information on existing research programs, and suggesting a "handbook" to guide future eGovernment research management.


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Reasons For E Government

  • 1. ELECTRONIC GOVERNANCE Paradigma Armenia CJSC & APMA NGO Digitec2008 3 rd of October, 2008
  • 2. Content Reasons for eGovernment Challenges to eGovernment eGovernance Strategic Planning Vision Strategic Goals Organization Developing Human Capacity Financing Identifying Stakeholders’ Roles Developing a Business Model
  • 4. Reasons for eGovernment The main reasons to embrace eGovernment: eGovernment improves efficiency eGovernment improves service quality eGovernment helps achieve policy outcomes eGovernment contributes to achieving economic objectives eGovernment can be the major contributor to reform eGovernment builds trust between citizens and government Until now, the main drivers for eGovernment have been efficiency gains and effective delivery of policy outcomes. Recently, the focus has shifted to other objectives: improving services, increasing accountability, facilitating engagement.
  • 5. Efficiency Cost reduction is the major driver for ICT use by governments: replacing paper-based application processes with Internet applications – cut down costs of data re-entry and checking improved booking arrangements – more efficient use of scarce resources: skilled staff and facilities greater sharing of data within government – eliminate costs of multiple collections, data reconciliation and checking reduce government publication and distribution costs by relying more on on-line publications, etc. Greater efficiencies are generated from ICT projects that involve transformation of business processes.
  • 6. Customer Focus (customer focus initiatives ) Adopting customer focus should be the main part of the country public reform agendas and eGovernment strategies. Customer focus is about providing citizens and businesses with a coherent interface with government which reflects their needs rather than the structure of the government. eGovernment initiatives to improve customer focus: on-line portals focused on particular topics or groups, bringing together relevant information and services targeting of on-line information to specific groups of citizen so that relevant information can be found more readily e-mail lists to push customised information to specific groups, whenever the information becomes available allowing identified users to carry out routine transactions with the government as on-line government services
  • 7. Example: Customer Focus Example: Customer-Focused Portals in Mexico The Government of Mexico launched a government-wide portal that organizes information in a thematic and not institutional fashion. For instance, under “work” theme one can find: labor rights public housing job matchmaker services taxation on labour services, etc. Over 1500 services from about 100 government agencies. The bundling of information and services in thematic channels required horizontal coordination of government agencies.
  • 8. Improved Policy Outcomes eGovernment can help achieve better outcomes in major policy areas, such as: taxation policy - improved collection of taxes through increased sharing of information by agencies health policy - reduced demand for health services through better use of health information and scarce health resources social policy - promoting the use of native languages and awareness of indigenous people It is expected that all policy areas will be affected by eGovernment.
  • 9. Economic Objectives Through reduced corruption, greater openness and increased trust in government, eGovernment contributes to economic objectives. Specific measures: improving business productivity by administrative simplification and online support for small and medium-size businesses business portals providing access to economic information - market trends, export opportunities, assistance programmes reduced government calls through more effective programs and operations direct consumption of ICT goods and services by government is significant and more stable than by private sector
  • 10. Reform for eGovernment Reform is necessary for e G overnment to deliver: The promise of eGovernment will not materialise by simply digitising government information and placing it on-line. Instead, eGovernment is about the use of ICT to transform the structures, operations and the culture of government.
  • 11. eGovernment for Reform eGovernment is an enabler of the reform: it serves as a tool for reform: simplifies administrative processes makes such processes more transparent helps to deliver services in more efficient ways facilitates the integration of services and processes enables seamless government highlights internal government inconsistencies underscores commitment to good governance objectives Modernizing government structures and processes to meet eGovernment will have a major impact on how services are delivered.
  • 12. Citizen Engagement Building trust between government and citizens is fundamental. In the absence of trust: the rule of law legitimacy of government decisions support for specific government reforms may be all called into question. ICT is an enabler to build trust by engaging citizens.
  • 13. Citizen Engagement Ways of engagement: consultation and feedback by service users – web logs, questionnaires and feedback contacts citizen engagement in policy making – consultation and active participation to better address constituents' needs helping individual's voice be heard
  • 14. Example: Citizen Engagement Example: Engaging the Citizen in Scottish Parliament Scottish Parliament maintains a website to inform and engage citizens in the democratic process: public education about parliament web casting of parliamentary sessions enabling citizens to petition parliament on-line enabling citizens to contact their parliament members providing for direct participation using discussion boards All serve to advance the principles of openness, accountability and citizen engagement in the parliamentary process.
  • 16. Challenges to eGovernment Implementation of eGovernment can face a number of challenges. The following have to be addressed on a whole-of-government basis in order to be overcome: legislative barriers – eGovernment processes must have the same standing as paper-based processes financial barriers – funding arrangements should account for the agencies working together on eGovernment projects technology change – adoption of whole-of-government standards, software integration and middleware technologies digital divide – large differences in the level of access to the Internet and therefore ability to benefit from eGovernment
  • 17. Legislative Barriers Governments must ensure that a proper legal framework exists before egovernment initiatives and processes can take up. What is needed: Recognition of electronic processes and services as equivalent with paperbased processes and services. Legal recognition of digital signatures! Clarification of requirements on the agencies implementing eGovernment: what they can and cannot do. Overcoming collaboration barriers: accountability rules designed to ensure responsible use of public resources by clearly identifying who does what Who is responsible for the shared project? performance management also follows clear distinction of who does what How to evaluate shared project? Legislations designed to protect the privacy and security of data, to balance free access with society's expectations.
  • 18. Budgetary Barriers Traditional public management funding: vertical funding structure agency is held accountable for achieving its mission agency receives the resources to accomplish its mission the resources are budgeted on the annual basis This principle does not act in favour of eGovernment projects that involve long-term funding and collaboration across agencies.
  • 19. Technology Change Technology-related barriers to eGovernment: legacy systems lack of shared infrastructure too rapid technological changes, etc. Complex technical issues arise.
  • 20. Legacy Systems and eGov Legacy systems can be a major barrier to eGovernment. Integrating back-office information systems with Internet to provide on-line access to clients, has occupied many eGovernment projects. Common solutions: middleware and web services data-exchange standards relying on XML Also, promotion of government-wide frameworks , standards and data definitions by eGovernment coordinators.
  • 21. Lack of Shared Infrastructure Technology-related barriers to collaboration between agencies and the uptake of eGovernment: lack of shared standards lack of compatible infrastructure between agencies Infrastructure development is too expensive for a single agency. Shared development faces budgetary and collaboration barriers. What can be done?
  • 22. Shared Infrastructure and eGov Governments can provide a technological, legal and organizational framework for delivering electronic services: common technical standards common technical infrastructure whole-of-government approach to lower the legal and technical barriers for inter-agency cooperation whole-of-government approach to reduce redundancy , e.g. by adopting common back-office processes
  • 23. Technology Change How to plan development of eGovernment facing uncertainty over the fastmovingtechnological change? Public-private partnership is one solution, provided they are in the areas where established standards already exist in the market. Other approaches: 1) technology neutrality in legislation and regulation 2) flexibility within broad regulatory frameworks 3) adaptation of current laws to a digital world 4) involvement of all stakeholders in the regulatory process 5) international cooperation to harmonise approaches 6) performance requirements rather than technical specifications when procuring new technologies
  • 24. Digital Divide eGovernment can indirectly improve services to citizens with no Internet access through back-office improvements, however: Advantages of on-line services cannot be replicated off-line, so people without Internet access will be unable to benefit. The groups in society with lower level of access are already disengaged the target of government intervention. Such groups have higher level of interaction with government: establishing identity entitlement for assistance complex medical or social intervention Some, but not all, suited for on-line provision. Many governments pursue policies to reduce digital divide.
  • 26. eGovernment Different common definitions: Internet (on-line) service delivery and other Internet-based activity by governments – front-office only All uses of ICT by governments, on-line and off-line, front-office and back-office Capacity to transform public administration through the use of ICT or new forms of government built around ICT [Definition] eGovernment refers to the use of ICT, particularly the Internet, as a tool to achieve better government.
  • 27. Governance is a set of processes, formal and informal, through which social action occurs. It is also a guiding process through which societies make decisions, manage daily activities and interact to achieve their goals. Governance Government vs. governance Government gets its work done trough governance processes Governance only for government? No, other organizations and groups engage in governance as well
  • 28. eGovernance eGovernance refers to the use of information and communication technologies to transform and support the processes and structures of a governance system. Observation Many definitions exist The notion of eGovernance strictly depends on the perspective taken on governance Our view eGovernance = eGovernment + eDemocracy + … eGovernance is about public service delivery eGovernance, while including eGovernment, imphasizes participation, interaction and engagement of stakeholders in decision processes
  • 29. Government Stakeholders A person, group or any entity that can affect or is affected by an action taken by government. Typical government stakeholders: citizens businesses government employees government ministries, department and agencies union leaders community leaders politicians foreign investors
  • 30. Strategic Planning Strategic planning involves determining the required actions to achieve adesired vision considering the present state of an organization. A strategic plan: is a road map to lead an organization from its present state to its desired medium or long term future state specifies the mission, vision, goals, strategies and objectives
  • 31. Strategic Planning Process Steps include: analyzing the present environment – SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) providing a vision statement refining vision into goals determining strategies using the outcomes of SWOT analysis and specified goals formulating concrete and measurable objectives from strategies communicating and reviewing the strategic plan
  • 32. Strategies Attributes of a good strategy: builds on strength resolve weaknesses exploit opportunities avoid threats with respect to specific goals Note: implementing a strategy may unveil and cause new threats as well as opportunities long term strategies therefore must be accompanied by periodic reassessments of strengths, weaknesses and opportunities and threats
  • 33. eGovernance Strategy A plan for the development of eGovernance specifying, among other things, the vision, goals, milestones, concrete initiatives, priorities, challenges and enabling policies for the eGovernance agenda as a whole. a sound strategy is essential for any eGovernance initiative to succeed strategy provides the roadmap for transforming a governance system into the desired state through ICT support strategy must have the support of all major stakeholders
  • 34. eGovernance Strategy – Why? creating the right policy and institutional framework from the start maximizing the use of ICT initiatives within government managing the increasing costs of ICT in government mapping path from pilot experiments to sustainable, scalable systems pursuing real economic development goals and not just technology designing technology architecture (infrastructure, data and standards) for the public sector
  • 35. eGovernance Strategy Elements Key elements include: definition of eGovernance formulation and communication of the expected value of eGovernance goals, objectives and targets enabling and supporting policies portfolio of initiatives and a process for executing them methodology for e-Readiness assessment business models for sustainability
  • 36. Vision An eGovernance vision is a medium or long term statement concerning broad goals which provides a roadmap and general guidance for institutional change. must be clear, intuitive and simple states what will be done and what will not be done can be central or public agency specific considers needs and opportunities must be aligned with national development strategy involves consensus building by stakeholders
  • 37. Visioning Steps in the vision building process include: identifying and consulting stakeholders allowing stakeholders to present or explain their own vision for eGovernance draft a common vision based stakeholders’ visions aligning vision with more general national and local development needs and opportunities consolidating and agree on final vision
  • 38. Strategic Goals Statements that set the direction for eGovernance based on the vision. Strategic goals typically include: social and economic development using ICT effective delivery of quality public services, which are accessible and affordable improved capacity of government in participatory and consultative decision making processes which progresses democracy increased satisfaction of stakeholders through accountability, efficiency, effectiveness, and cost reduction Coordinated and transparent policy design, policy implementation, policy maintenance, and policy review
  • 39. Organization Two prevalent models for implementing eGovernance: centralized and decentralized models. Whichever model is adopted, central coordination is required through an agency which is either independent or nested within a ministry. Activities of central coordination: coordinate the implementation of the eGovernance strategy review e-readiness on a regular basis coordinate advocacy and awareness campaigns coordinate the use of seed funding for co-financing new and innovative pilot projects provide advice on possible public-private partnerships monitor, evaluate and report on progress made in eGovernment
  • 41. Developing Human Capacity Skills required by public administrations: change management program management IT systems development IT service management IT outsourcing management client relationship management management based on PRINCE 2 Public administration, citizens, businesses and local IT community must be equipped with the skills required for eGovernance.
  • 42. Financing Issues to consider: eGovernment is cross-cutting, pooling of resources across agencies may be necessary reward system could be developed for management and employees to stimulate the drive for eGovernment extra-budgetary resources should be considered, e.g. partnership with private-sector in infrastructure development and maintenance Availability of funds determine the type of eGovernment projects that can be carried out.
  • 43. Funding Strategies Public Private Partnership government and private organizations share the costs, risks and benefits in eGovernance development Outsourcing government invests directly but external enterprises carry out the development government owns the system and has complete control Issuance of Bonds • bonds are issued by the government • returns from investment are use to offset bond Advertising • controlled traditional advertisement on the government web sites Government-Enterprise • project development is the responsibility of the enterprise • investment by enterprise is covered by transaction fees
  • 46. Identifying Stakeholders’ Roles Identifying and filling stakeholders roles is important for assigning responsibilities. Typical stakeholders roles project team those who will directly work on eGovernance projects suppliers suppliers of technologies, resources and expertise operators agency employees who will operate the eGovernance systems champions entities to drive and seek justification for the projects sponsors entities paying for the expense and efforts for the projects owner management of the agency that will own and use the system others others with significant influence on the project
  • 47. Example -Stakeholders Office of the President, Chief Executive and ministry/agency in charge of eGovernment Legislature or parliament Government agencies Political parties Citizens Unions NGOs Traditional leaders Research institutions International agencies
  • 48. Developing a Business Model A business model includes: how eGovernment solutions would be developed – outsourcing versus internal development funding options for provided services -pay-as-you-go, bonds, transaction fees, partnership with third parties, etc. how to ensure take up of the various e-Services to be offered how to attract the participation of private sector in the continued development of the eGovernance A plan for ensuring the sustainability of eGovernment in terms of resources and adoption.