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Recurrent Neural Networks
Part 1
Anantharaman Narayana Iyer
Narayana dot Anantharaman at gmail dot com
18 Sep 2015
• Overview of Neural Networks
• Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
• Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks (BRNN)
• Differences between Recursive and Recurrent Neural Networks
• Challenges in implementing RNN: Vanishing Gradient Problem
• Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs)
• Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)
• Applications
References (Abridged list)
• Machine Learning, T Mitchell
• MOOC Courses offered by Prof Andrew
Ng, Prof Yaser Mustafa, Geoff Hinton
• CMU Videos Prof T Mitchell
• Alex Graves: Supervised Sequence
Labelling with Recurrent Neural Networks
• Andrej Karpathy’s Blogs
• Stanford course CS224d: Socher
• Recurrent Neural Networks based
Language Models: Mikolov etal
• Annotating Expressions of Opinions and
Emotions in Language: Wiebe etal
R Socher
Human Cognition
• Most Common human cognitive tasks (such as
understanding and speaking natural language,
recognizing objects etc) are highly non linear.
• Human cognition tasks are often hierarchical
• Though our brain receives low level sensory inputs as
impulses, we process the input as a whole, recognizing
several patterns as opposed to looking at micro level data
• Humans learn continuously often unaided or
• For the same object or pattern that we recognize we see
them in different perspectives.
• E.g. We may know “home” and “residence” as two separate
words but we can interpret them in different contexts. Home
maker versus residence address.
What does it take to build an autonomous car that can
drive itself in Bangalore traffic?
Quick recap of last lecture
• ML attempts to approximate real world
applications by mathematical models
• The underlying process behind the given real
world application (that we are trying to
model) is called the unknown target function
• Linear models approximate the real world
using a linear function.
• Most of the real world applications are non-
linear and are hierarchical
• Artificial Neural networks (ANN) are non
linear models and are effective for certain
class of applications.
• Each hidden layer represents a particular level
of abstraction
• ANNs are commonly trained using
backpropagation algorithms
• The model parameters are tunable knobs that
determine the output of the machine and
signify the degrees of freedom
• More the parameters, more easily we can fit
the training data but impacts the
generalization. Regularization keeps the
model parameters under check
• Traditional ANNs with a large number of
hidden layers are hard to train: Problems of
local minima and vanishing/exploding
• Deep learning techniques are breakthroughs
that enable realization of deep architectures
• Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), Recursive
Neural Networks and Convolutional Neural
Networks are specializations of the ANN
architecture to handle different nature of
• For instance RNNs are effective for predicting time
series problems
• For a brief 5 slide refresher on DNNs see:
Non linear Models: Neural Networks
• Motivation
• A large number of classification tasks involve inherently highly non linear target functions – for example,
face recognition
• Though we can transform the input vector in to a non linear form and perform classification with linear
models, the model becomes very complex quickly.
• For example:
• Consider a 10 dimensional input vector that needs to be transformed in to a polynomial with degree 3. O(n3)
• Consider the problem of looking at the image of a building and identifying it (say: 100 by 100 pixels)
• Over fitting problems are common when we train more complex models
• Illustration (on black board)
• Boolean functions AND, OR can be effectively modelled by Linear Models
• A single logistic regression unit can’t model more complex Boolean functions such as XOR
• Cascading logistic regression units can classify complex Boolean target functions effectively
• It is shown that with 2 layers of logistic regression units, one can model many complex Boolean
expressions effectively
Neural Networks (Fig: courtesy R Socher)
Neural Networks can be built for different
input, output types.
- Outputs can be:
- Linear, single output (Linear)
- Linear, multiple outputs (Linear)
- Single output binary (Logistic)
- Multi output binary (Logistic)
- 1 of k Multinomial output (Softmax)
- Inputs can be:
- A scalar number
- Vector of Real numbers
- Vector of Binary
Goal of training: Given the training data (inputs, targets) and the
architecture, determine the model parameters.
Model Parameters for a 3 layer network:
- Weight matrix from input layer to the hidden (Wjk)
- Weight matrix from hidden layer to the output (Wkj)
- Bias terms for hidden layer
- Bias terms for output layer
Our strategy will be:
- Compute the error at the output
- Determine the contribution of each parameter to the error by
taking the differential of error wrt the parameter
- Update the parameter commensurate with the error it contributed.
Design Choices
• When building a neural network, the designer would choose the
following hyper parameters and non linearities based on the
application characteristics:
• Number of hidden layers
• Number of hidden units in each layer
• Learning rate
• Regularization coefft
• Number of outputs
• Type of output (linear, logistic, softmax)
• Choice of Non linearity at the output layer and hidden layer (See next slide)
• Input representation and dimensionality
Commonly used non linearities (fig: courtesy Socher)
Objective Functions and gradients (derivation of gradient on the board)
• Linear – Mean squared error
• 𝐸 𝑤 =
2𝑁 1
(𝑡 𝑛 − 𝑦𝑛)2
• Logistic with binary classifications: Cross Entropy Error
• Logistic with k outputs: k > 2: Cross Entropy Error
• Softmax: 1 of K multinomial classification: Cross Entropy Error, minimize NLL
• In all the above cases we can show that the gradient is: (yk - tk) where yk is
the predicted output for the output unit k and tk is the corresponding target
High Level Backpropagation Algorithm
• Apply the input vector to the network and forward propagate. This
will yield the activations for hidden layer(s) and the output layer
• 𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑗 = 𝑖 𝑤𝑗𝑖 𝑧𝑖,
• 𝑧𝑗 = ℎ(𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑗) where h is your choice of non linearity. Usually it is sigmoid or
tanh. Rectified Linear Unit (RelU) is also used.
• Evaluate the error 𝛿 𝑘 for all the output units
𝛿 𝑘 = 𝑜 𝑘 − 𝑡 𝑘 where 𝑜 𝑘 is the output produced by the model and 𝑡 𝑘 is the
target provided in the training dataset
• Backpropagate the 𝛿’s to obtain 𝛿𝑗 for each hidden unit j
𝛿𝑗 = ℎ′
(𝑧𝑗) 𝑘 𝑤 𝑘𝑗 𝛿 𝑘
• Evaluate the required derivatives
= 𝛿𝑗 𝑧𝑖
Backpropagation Training
• To be explained on the board
RNN – Some toy applications to evaluate the system
• Often times some toy applications, even if they are contrived, serve
the following purposes:
• Test the correctness of the implementation of the model
• Compare the performance of the new model with respect to the old ones
• Example applications for verifying the performance of RNN:
• Arithmetic progression (will be demo’d now)
• Process an input of the form: an bj and return true if n = j
• Count the number of words in a sequence ignoring the words that are
enclosed in parenthesis
• Perform XOR of bits of a sequence up to a time step t
RNN (Courtesy: A Karpathy’s Blog)
RNN Model with sigmoid nonlinearity and softmax output
ℎ 𝑡 = 𝜎(𝑊ℎℎ
ℎ 𝑡−1 + 𝑊ℎ𝑥
𝑥 𝑡)
𝑦𝑡 = 𝑠𝑜𝑓𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑥(𝑊 𝑆
ℎ 𝑡)
𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝐹𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑎𝑡 𝑎 𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑝 𝑡 = 𝐽 𝑡
𝜃 = −
𝑡𝑡,𝑗 log 𝑦𝑡,𝑗
Training Algorithm (Fig: Xiodong He etal, Microsoft Research)
• Different training procedures
exist, we will use Back Propagation
Through Time (BPTT)
• Similar to standard
backpropagation, BPTT involves
using chain rule repeatedly and
bakpropagating the deltas
• However one key subtlety is that,
for RNNs, the cost function
depends on the activation of
hidden layer not only through its
influence on output layer but also
through its influence on hidden
layer of the next time step
A sketch of implementation – Forward pass
Forward Propagation – Key steps
for t from 1 to T
1. Compute hidden activations of time t with current input and hidden activations for (t-1)
2. For all j in the output units compute the netj (dot product of WS with ht )
3. Apply the softmax function on the netj and get the probability distribution for time t
A sketch of implementation – Backpropagation
Backpropagation for RNN – Key steps
for t from T down to 1
1. compute the delta at the
output (dy)
2. Compute Δwji where w is the
(softmax) weight matrix WS
3. Determine the bias terms
4. Backpropagate and compute
delta for hidden layer (dhraw)
5. Compute the updates to
weight matrix Whh and Whx
6. Perform BPTT by computing
the error to be propagated to
the previous layer (dbnext).
• Language Model (Mikolov etal)
• Input at a time t is the corresponding word vector
• Output is the predicted next word
• Language translation
• Slot filling (see next slide)
• Character LM (Andrej Karpathy)
• Image captioning and description
• Speech recognition
• Question Answering Systems (We are doing a special topic project on this)
• Semantic Role Labeling (We are doing a special topic project on this)
• NER (demo done last week!)
• And many more sequence based applications
Semantic Slot Filling Application Example
Many problems in
Information extraction
require generating a data
structure from a natural
language input
One possible way to cast
this problem is to treat this
as a slot filling exercise.
This can be viewed as a
sequential tagging
problem and use an RNN
for tagging
Building an NER with RNN
• The traditional MEMM or CRF based NER design techniques require
domain expertise when designing the feature vector
• RNN based NER’s don’t need feature engineering and with some
minimum text preprocessing (such as removing infrequent words),
one can build an NER that provides comparable performance
• Steps:
• Preprocess the words: tokenization and some simple task dependent
preprocessing as needed
• Get word vectors (this helps reducing the dimensionality)
• Form the training dataset
• Train the NER
• Predict
Encoder Decoder Design
• Example: Machine Translation
• Use 2 RNN’s, one for encoding and the other decoding
• The activations of the final stage of the encoder is fed to the decoder
• This is useful when the output sequence is of variable length and if
the entire input sequence can be processed before generating the
Vanishing Gradients
• Refer Socher’s presentation
• Key Idea: Avoid the vanishing/exploding gradient problem by looking
at a threshold and clip the gradient to that threshold.
• While this is a simple workaround to address the issue, it is crude and
might hamper the performance
• Better solutions: LSTMs and its variants like GRUs (topic of next class!)
Bidirectional RNNs
• Key idea:
• Output at a step t not only depends on the past steps (t-1…t1) but also
depends on future steps (t+1, …T).
• The forward pass abstracts and summarizes the context in the forward
direction while the backward pass does the same from the reverse direction
• Examples: Fill in the blanks below
• I want ______ buy a good book _______ NLP
• I want ______ Mercedes
• Let’s illustrate bidirectional RNNs with an application example from:
Opinion Mining with Deep Recurrent Nets by Irsoy and Cardie 2014
Problem Statement: Ref Irsoy and Cardie 2014
• Given a sentence, classify each
word in to one of the tags: {O,
• Definitions
• Direct Subjective Expressions
(DSE): explicit mentions of private
states or speech events
expressing private states
• Expressive Subjective Expressions
(ESE): Expressions that indicate
sentiment, emotion, etc., without
explicitly conveying them.
Bidirectional RNN Model
• Input: A sequence of words. At each
time step t a single token
(represented by its word vector) is
input to the RNN. (Black dots)
• Output: At each time step t one of
the possible tags from the tagset is
output by the RNN (Red dots)
• Memory: This is the hidden unit that
is computed from current word and
the past hidden values. It
summarizes the sentence up to that
time. (Orange dots)
The model with 1 hidden layer
Deep Bidirectional RNNs
• RNNs are deep networks with depth in
• When unfolded, they are multi layer feed
forward neural networks, where there
are as many hidden layers as input
• However, this doesn’t represent the
hierarchical processing of data across
time units as we still use same U, V, W
• A stacked deep learner supports
hierarchical computations, where each
hidden layer corresponds to a degree of
• Stacking a simple RNN on top of others
has the potential to perform hierarchical
computations moving over the time axis
Training the BRNN (ref: Alex Graves: Supervised Sequence Labelling with
Recurrent Neural Networks)
Forward Pass
for t = 1 to T do
Forward pass for the forward hidden layer, storing activations at each time step
for t = T to 1 do
Forward pass for the backward hidden layer, storing activations at each time step
for all t, in any order do
Forward pass for the output layer, using the stored activations from both hidden layers
Backward Pass
for all t, in any order do
Backward pass for the output layer, storing terms at each time step
for t = T to 1 do
BPTT backward pass for the forward hidden layer, using the stored terms from the output layer
for t = 1 to T do
BPTT backward pass for the backward hidden layer, using the stored terms from the output layer
Long Short Term Memory (LSTM): Motivation 1 of 2
• Consider the cases below, where a customer is interested in iPhone 6s plus and he needs to
gift it to his father on his birthday on Oct 2. He goes through a review that reads as below:
• Review 1: Apple has unveiled the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus - described by CEO Tim Cook as the "most
advanced phones ever" - at a special event in San Francisco on Wednesday. Pre-orders for the new iPhone
models begin this Saturday and they have a launch date (start shipping) in twelve countries on September
25. The price for the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus remain unchanged compared to their predecessors:
$649 for the 16GB iPhone 6s, $749 for the 64GB iPhone 6s and 16GB iPhone 6s Plus, $849 for 128GB
iPhone 6s and 64GB iPhone 6s Plus, and $949 for the 128GB iPhone 6s Plus (all US prices). There's no
word yet on India price or launch date
• How would we design a RNN that advises him: Buy/No Buy?
• Suppose the customer doesn’t have the time constraint as above but has a price constraint,
where his budget is around Rs 50K, what would be our decision?
• Suppose there is another review article that reads as below:
• Review 2: Priced at INR 75K for the low end model, Apple iPhone boasts of an ultra slim device with an
awesome camera. Apple’s CEO while showcasing the device at San Francisco, announced its availability on
12 countries including India. This is the best phone that one can flaunt if he can afford it!
LSTM Motivation 2 of 2
• Observations from the case studies:
• A product review has many sentences and the pieces of information that we may be interested for making our
buying decision is found at various places in the text.
• Certain aspects are “must have” for us that can’t be compromised. For instance if a customer needs an item
within a few days, he can’t wait for it indefinitely. Similarly if he has a budget constraint, he can’t buy the item
even if it is the best fit for his other requirements.
• If we find a sentence that implies that a must have feature can’t be met, rest of the sentences don’t
contribute to the buying decision
• Hence the context plays a vital role in the classification decision.
• In a large text (say a 5 page product review) with over 100 sentences, just the first sentence alone may
contribute to the decision.
• While an RNN can carry the context, there are 2 limitations:
• Due to the vanishing gradient problem, RNN’s effectiveness is limited when it needs to go back deep in to the
• There is no finer control over which part of the context needs to be carried forward and how much of the past needs
to be “forgotten”
• LSTM is proposed as a solution to address this issue
The five key Architectural Elements of LSTM
• Input Gate
• Forget Gate
• Cell
• Output Gate
• Hidden state output
Effect of LSTM on sensitivity (Ref: Graves)
• In a simple RNN with sigmoid or tanh
neuron units, the later output nodes of
the network are less sensitive to the
input at time t = 1. This happens due to
the vanishing gradient problem
• An LSTM allows the preservation of
gradients. The memory cell remembers
the first input as long as the forget gate
is open and the input gate is closed.
• The output gate provides finer control
to switch the output layer on or off
without altering the cell contents.
Implementing an LSTM: Notes for practitioners
• Some points to take in to account while
choosing an LSTM architecture:
• LSTM has many variants compared to the
architecture proposed in the paper by Sepp
Hochreiter and Schmidhuber
• The LSTM initially didn’t have forget gate, it
was later added.
• Most of the current implementations are
based on the 3 gate LSTM model (input,
forget, output).
• Some variants adopt a simpler version. E.g.
peephole connections may be omitted
• Training is a bit complex compared to
feedforward ANN
• Many training techniques are reported. For
BPTT see Alex Graves’s thesis
• See Theano for Python DL library
• LSTMs can be stacked vertically to create a
deep LSTM network
Network Equations (Ref Alex Graves)
Recurrent Neural Networks, LSTM and GRU
Backup slides

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Recurrent Neural Networks, LSTM and GRU

  • 1. Recurrent Neural Networks Part 1 Anantharaman Narayana Iyer Narayana dot Anantharaman at gmail dot com 18 Sep 2015
  • 2. Objective • Overview of Neural Networks • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) • Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks (BRNN) • Differences between Recursive and Recurrent Neural Networks • Challenges in implementing RNN: Vanishing Gradient Problem • Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs) • Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) • Applications
  • 3. References (Abridged list) • Machine Learning, T Mitchell • MOOC Courses offered by Prof Andrew Ng, Prof Yaser Mustafa, Geoff Hinton • CMU Videos Prof T Mitchell • Alex Graves: Supervised Sequence Labelling with Recurrent Neural Networks • Andrej Karpathy’s Blogs • Stanford course CS224d: Socher • Recurrent Neural Networks based Language Models: Mikolov etal • Annotating Expressions of Opinions and Emotions in Language: Wiebe etal R Socher
  • 4. Human Cognition • Most Common human cognitive tasks (such as understanding and speaking natural language, recognizing objects etc) are highly non linear. • Human cognition tasks are often hierarchical • Though our brain receives low level sensory inputs as impulses, we process the input as a whole, recognizing several patterns as opposed to looking at micro level data • Humans learn continuously often unaided or unsupervised • For the same object or pattern that we recognize we see them in different perspectives. • E.g. We may know “home” and “residence” as two separate words but we can interpret them in different contexts. Home maker versus residence address. What does it take to build an autonomous car that can drive itself in Bangalore traffic?
  • 5. Quick recap of last lecture • ML attempts to approximate real world applications by mathematical models • The underlying process behind the given real world application (that we are trying to model) is called the unknown target function • Linear models approximate the real world using a linear function. • Most of the real world applications are non- linear and are hierarchical • Artificial Neural networks (ANN) are non linear models and are effective for certain class of applications. • Each hidden layer represents a particular level of abstraction • ANNs are commonly trained using backpropagation algorithms • The model parameters are tunable knobs that determine the output of the machine and signify the degrees of freedom • More the parameters, more easily we can fit the training data but impacts the generalization. Regularization keeps the model parameters under check • Traditional ANNs with a large number of hidden layers are hard to train: Problems of local minima and vanishing/exploding gradients • Deep learning techniques are breakthroughs that enable realization of deep architectures • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), Recursive Neural Networks and Convolutional Neural Networks are specializations of the ANN architecture to handle different nature of problems. • For instance RNNs are effective for predicting time series problems • For a brief 5 slide refresher on DNNs see: http://www.slideshare.net/ananth/deep- learningprimer-7june2014
  • 6. Non linear Models: Neural Networks • Motivation • A large number of classification tasks involve inherently highly non linear target functions – for example, face recognition • Though we can transform the input vector in to a non linear form and perform classification with linear models, the model becomes very complex quickly. • For example: • Consider a 10 dimensional input vector that needs to be transformed in to a polynomial with degree 3. O(n3) • Consider the problem of looking at the image of a building and identifying it (say: 100 by 100 pixels) • Over fitting problems are common when we train more complex models • Illustration (on black board) • Boolean functions AND, OR can be effectively modelled by Linear Models • A single logistic regression unit can’t model more complex Boolean functions such as XOR • Cascading logistic regression units can classify complex Boolean target functions effectively • It is shown that with 2 layers of logistic regression units, one can model many complex Boolean expressions effectively
  • 7. Neural Networks (Fig: courtesy R Socher) Neural Networks can be built for different input, output types. - Outputs can be: - Linear, single output (Linear) - Linear, multiple outputs (Linear) - Single output binary (Logistic) - Multi output binary (Logistic) - 1 of k Multinomial output (Softmax) - Inputs can be: - A scalar number - Vector of Real numbers - Vector of Binary Goal of training: Given the training data (inputs, targets) and the architecture, determine the model parameters. Model Parameters for a 3 layer network: - Weight matrix from input layer to the hidden (Wjk) - Weight matrix from hidden layer to the output (Wkj) - Bias terms for hidden layer - Bias terms for output layer Our strategy will be: - Compute the error at the output - Determine the contribution of each parameter to the error by taking the differential of error wrt the parameter - Update the parameter commensurate with the error it contributed.
  • 8. Design Choices • When building a neural network, the designer would choose the following hyper parameters and non linearities based on the application characteristics: • Number of hidden layers • Number of hidden units in each layer • Learning rate • Regularization coefft • Number of outputs • Type of output (linear, logistic, softmax) • Choice of Non linearity at the output layer and hidden layer (See next slide) • Input representation and dimensionality
  • 9. Commonly used non linearities (fig: courtesy Socher)
  • 10. Objective Functions and gradients (derivation of gradient on the board) • Linear – Mean squared error • 𝐸 𝑤 = 1 2𝑁 1 𝑁 (𝑡 𝑛 − 𝑦𝑛)2 • Logistic with binary classifications: Cross Entropy Error • Logistic with k outputs: k > 2: Cross Entropy Error • Softmax: 1 of K multinomial classification: Cross Entropy Error, minimize NLL • In all the above cases we can show that the gradient is: (yk - tk) where yk is the predicted output for the output unit k and tk is the corresponding target
  • 11. High Level Backpropagation Algorithm • Apply the input vector to the network and forward propagate. This will yield the activations for hidden layer(s) and the output layer • 𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑗 = 𝑖 𝑤𝑗𝑖 𝑧𝑖, • 𝑧𝑗 = ℎ(𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑗) where h is your choice of non linearity. Usually it is sigmoid or tanh. Rectified Linear Unit (RelU) is also used. • Evaluate the error 𝛿 𝑘 for all the output units 𝛿 𝑘 = 𝑜 𝑘 − 𝑡 𝑘 where 𝑜 𝑘 is the output produced by the model and 𝑡 𝑘 is the target provided in the training dataset • Backpropagate the 𝛿’s to obtain 𝛿𝑗 for each hidden unit j 𝛿𝑗 = ℎ′ (𝑧𝑗) 𝑘 𝑤 𝑘𝑗 𝛿 𝑘 • Evaluate the required derivatives 𝜕𝐸 𝜕𝑊𝑗𝑖 = 𝛿𝑗 𝑧𝑖
  • 12. Backpropagation Training • To be explained on the board
  • 13. RNN – Some toy applications to evaluate the system • Often times some toy applications, even if they are contrived, serve the following purposes: • Test the correctness of the implementation of the model • Compare the performance of the new model with respect to the old ones • Example applications for verifying the performance of RNN: • Arithmetic progression (will be demo’d now) • Process an input of the form: an bj and return true if n = j • Count the number of words in a sequence ignoring the words that are enclosed in parenthesis • Perform XOR of bits of a sequence up to a time step t
  • 14. RNN (Courtesy: A Karpathy’s Blog)
  • 15. RNN Model with sigmoid nonlinearity and softmax output ℎ 𝑡 = 𝜎(𝑊ℎℎ ℎ 𝑡−1 + 𝑊ℎ𝑥 𝑥 𝑡) 𝑦𝑡 = 𝑠𝑜𝑓𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑥(𝑊 𝑆 ℎ 𝑡) 𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝐹𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑎𝑡 𝑎 𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑝 𝑡 = 𝐽 𝑡 𝜃 = − 𝑗=1 𝐾 𝑡𝑡,𝑗 log 𝑦𝑡,𝑗
  • 16. Training Algorithm (Fig: Xiodong He etal, Microsoft Research) • Different training procedures exist, we will use Back Propagation Through Time (BPTT) • Similar to standard backpropagation, BPTT involves using chain rule repeatedly and bakpropagating the deltas • However one key subtlety is that, for RNNs, the cost function depends on the activation of hidden layer not only through its influence on output layer but also through its influence on hidden layer of the next time step
  • 17. A sketch of implementation – Forward pass Forward Propagation – Key steps for t from 1 to T 1. Compute hidden activations of time t with current input and hidden activations for (t-1) 2. For all j in the output units compute the netj (dot product of WS with ht ) 3. Apply the softmax function on the netj and get the probability distribution for time t
  • 18. A sketch of implementation – Backpropagation Backpropagation for RNN – Key steps for t from T down to 1 1. compute the delta at the output (dy) 2. Compute Δwji where w is the (softmax) weight matrix WS 3. Determine the bias terms 4. Backpropagate and compute delta for hidden layer (dhraw) 5. Compute the updates to weight matrix Whh and Whx 6. Perform BPTT by computing the error to be propagated to the previous layer (dbnext).
  • 19. Applications • Language Model (Mikolov etal) • Input at a time t is the corresponding word vector • Output is the predicted next word • Language translation • Slot filling (see next slide) • Character LM (Andrej Karpathy) • Image captioning and description • Speech recognition • Question Answering Systems (We are doing a special topic project on this) • Semantic Role Labeling (We are doing a special topic project on this) • NER (demo done last week!) • And many more sequence based applications
  • 20. Semantic Slot Filling Application Example Many problems in Information extraction require generating a data structure from a natural language input One possible way to cast this problem is to treat this as a slot filling exercise. This can be viewed as a sequential tagging problem and use an RNN for tagging
  • 21. Building an NER with RNN • The traditional MEMM or CRF based NER design techniques require domain expertise when designing the feature vector • RNN based NER’s don’t need feature engineering and with some minimum text preprocessing (such as removing infrequent words), one can build an NER that provides comparable performance • Steps: • Preprocess the words: tokenization and some simple task dependent preprocessing as needed • Get word vectors (this helps reducing the dimensionality) • Form the training dataset • Train the NER • Predict
  • 22. Encoder Decoder Design • Example: Machine Translation • Use 2 RNN’s, one for encoding and the other decoding • The activations of the final stage of the encoder is fed to the decoder • This is useful when the output sequence is of variable length and if the entire input sequence can be processed before generating the output
  • 23. Vanishing Gradients • Refer Socher’s presentation
  • 24. Clipping • Key Idea: Avoid the vanishing/exploding gradient problem by looking at a threshold and clip the gradient to that threshold. • While this is a simple workaround to address the issue, it is crude and might hamper the performance • Better solutions: LSTMs and its variants like GRUs (topic of next class!)
  • 25. Bidirectional RNNs • Key idea: • Output at a step t not only depends on the past steps (t-1…t1) but also depends on future steps (t+1, …T). • The forward pass abstracts and summarizes the context in the forward direction while the backward pass does the same from the reverse direction • Examples: Fill in the blanks below • I want ______ buy a good book _______ NLP • I want ______ Mercedes • Let’s illustrate bidirectional RNNs with an application example from: Opinion Mining with Deep Recurrent Nets by Irsoy and Cardie 2014
  • 26. Problem Statement: Ref Irsoy and Cardie 2014 • Given a sentence, classify each word in to one of the tags: {O, B-ESE, I-ESE, B-DSE, I-DSE} • Definitions • Direct Subjective Expressions (DSE): explicit mentions of private states or speech events expressing private states • Expressive Subjective Expressions (ESE): Expressions that indicate sentiment, emotion, etc., without explicitly conveying them.
  • 27. Bidirectional RNN Model • Input: A sequence of words. At each time step t a single token (represented by its word vector) is input to the RNN. (Black dots) • Output: At each time step t one of the possible tags from the tagset is output by the RNN (Red dots) • Memory: This is the hidden unit that is computed from current word and the past hidden values. It summarizes the sentence up to that time. (Orange dots)
  • 28. The model with 1 hidden layer
  • 29. Deep Bidirectional RNNs • RNNs are deep networks with depth in time. • When unfolded, they are multi layer feed forward neural networks, where there are as many hidden layers as input tokens. • However, this doesn’t represent the hierarchical processing of data across time units as we still use same U, V, W • A stacked deep learner supports hierarchical computations, where each hidden layer corresponds to a degree of abstraction. • Stacking a simple RNN on top of others has the potential to perform hierarchical computations moving over the time axis
  • 30. Training the BRNN (ref: Alex Graves: Supervised Sequence Labelling with Recurrent Neural Networks) Forward Pass for t = 1 to T do Forward pass for the forward hidden layer, storing activations at each time step for t = T to 1 do Forward pass for the backward hidden layer, storing activations at each time step for all t, in any order do Forward pass for the output layer, using the stored activations from both hidden layers Backward Pass for all t, in any order do Backward pass for the output layer, storing terms at each time step for t = T to 1 do BPTT backward pass for the forward hidden layer, using the stored terms from the output layer for t = 1 to T do BPTT backward pass for the backward hidden layer, using the stored terms from the output layer
  • 31. Long Short Term Memory (LSTM): Motivation 1 of 2 • Consider the cases below, where a customer is interested in iPhone 6s plus and he needs to gift it to his father on his birthday on Oct 2. He goes through a review that reads as below: • Review 1: Apple has unveiled the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus - described by CEO Tim Cook as the "most advanced phones ever" - at a special event in San Francisco on Wednesday. Pre-orders for the new iPhone models begin this Saturday and they have a launch date (start shipping) in twelve countries on September 25. The price for the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus remain unchanged compared to their predecessors: $649 for the 16GB iPhone 6s, $749 for the 64GB iPhone 6s and 16GB iPhone 6s Plus, $849 for 128GB iPhone 6s and 64GB iPhone 6s Plus, and $949 for the 128GB iPhone 6s Plus (all US prices). There's no word yet on India price or launch date • How would we design a RNN that advises him: Buy/No Buy? • Suppose the customer doesn’t have the time constraint as above but has a price constraint, where his budget is around Rs 50K, what would be our decision? • Suppose there is another review article that reads as below: • Review 2: Priced at INR 75K for the low end model, Apple iPhone boasts of an ultra slim device with an awesome camera. Apple’s CEO while showcasing the device at San Francisco, announced its availability on 12 countries including India. This is the best phone that one can flaunt if he can afford it!
  • 32. LSTM Motivation 2 of 2 • Observations from the case studies: • A product review has many sentences and the pieces of information that we may be interested for making our buying decision is found at various places in the text. • Certain aspects are “must have” for us that can’t be compromised. For instance if a customer needs an item within a few days, he can’t wait for it indefinitely. Similarly if he has a budget constraint, he can’t buy the item even if it is the best fit for his other requirements. • If we find a sentence that implies that a must have feature can’t be met, rest of the sentences don’t contribute to the buying decision • Hence the context plays a vital role in the classification decision. • In a large text (say a 5 page product review) with over 100 sentences, just the first sentence alone may contribute to the decision. • While an RNN can carry the context, there are 2 limitations: • Due to the vanishing gradient problem, RNN’s effectiveness is limited when it needs to go back deep in to the context. • There is no finer control over which part of the context needs to be carried forward and how much of the past needs to be “forgotten” • LSTM is proposed as a solution to address this issue
  • 33. The five key Architectural Elements of LSTM • Input Gate • Forget Gate • Cell • Output Gate • Hidden state output
  • 34. Effect of LSTM on sensitivity (Ref: Graves) • In a simple RNN with sigmoid or tanh neuron units, the later output nodes of the network are less sensitive to the input at time t = 1. This happens due to the vanishing gradient problem • An LSTM allows the preservation of gradients. The memory cell remembers the first input as long as the forget gate is open and the input gate is closed. • The output gate provides finer control to switch the output layer on or off without altering the cell contents.
  • 35. Implementing an LSTM: Notes for practitioners • Some points to take in to account while choosing an LSTM architecture: • LSTM has many variants compared to the architecture proposed in the paper by Sepp Hochreiter and Schmidhuber • The LSTM initially didn’t have forget gate, it was later added. • Most of the current implementations are based on the 3 gate LSTM model (input, forget, output). • Some variants adopt a simpler version. E.g. peephole connections may be omitted • Training is a bit complex compared to feedforward ANN • Many training techniques are reported. For BPTT see Alex Graves’s thesis • See Theano for Python DL library • LSTMs can be stacked vertically to create a deep LSTM network
  • 36. Network Equations (Ref Alex Graves)