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Zabbix at Nokia
September 9-10, Zabbix Conference
Riga, Latvia
About the Speaker
Using Zabbix since 2001
Pleasure to work with the Zabbix team for 5+ years
A couple of books on Zabbix
Who We Were

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Volker Fröhlich - How to Debug Common Agent Issues
Volker Fröhlich - How to Debug Common Agent IssuesVolker Fröhlich - How to Debug Common Agent Issues
Volker Fröhlich - How to Debug Common Agent Issues

Probably every Zabbix user has a story of a Zabbix agent suddenly failing to work. Computers and networks are complex and diverse, and so are the causes of these problems. This talk introduces a structured approach to debugging configuration problems, connectivity problems and problems in the execution of the agent. It will spotlight common problems, but also some rather obscure ones I met in the wild. Zabbix Conference 2015

zabconf2015zabbix agentdebugging
Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Rodrigo Mohr - Challenges on Large Env with Or...
Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Rodrigo Mohr - Challenges on Large Env with Or...Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Rodrigo Mohr - Challenges on Large Env with Or...
Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Rodrigo Mohr - Challenges on Large Env with Or...

Scalability on a large environment can be a challenge on many different aspects involving customization of monitors, performance and reporting. The goal of this presentation is to share the experience we had at Dell, monitoring a big number of servers in an environment with constant changes, lots of custom monitors and new servers configured every week. We will present, from our 3 years of experience with Zabbix and Oracle, which positive/negative aspects we have taken from the configuration parameters we used, involving strong use of User Macros, optimization of Database Queries, Table Partitioning and Automation.

latam2016rodrigo mohrlat america
MySQL Monitoring with Zabbix
MySQL Monitoring with ZabbixMySQL Monitoring with Zabbix
MySQL Monitoring with Zabbix

- The document discusses using Zabbix for MySQL performance monitoring as an alternative to proprietary solutions like MySQL Enterprise Monitor. - It describes how to install and configure Zabbix, including the Zabbix server, web interface, and agents. Basic MySQL monitoring is possible using built-in functionality. - For more advanced MySQL monitoring, it recommends using the open source FromDual Performance Monitor for MySQL together with Zabbix. This provides more metrics, graphs, and flexibility than the basic Zabbix MySQL template.

Who We Are
Telecommunication and infrastructure
Hardware and software
What We Use
Zabbix at (a single division of) Nokia
Not just Zabbix – a lot of different solutions
Not an endorsment
What We Have
Zabbix 2.4 instance, production
Zabbix 2.4 instance, testing
Zabbix 2.4 instance, development
Zabbix 2.2, production
...these are the "new" systems
What We Still Have
Zabbix 1.8, production
... x 2
Also, agents

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London devops logging
London devops loggingLondon devops logging
London devops logging

Tomas Doran presented on their implementation of Logstash at TIM Group to process over 55 million messages per day. Their applications are all Java/Scala/Clojure and they developed their own library to send structured log events as JSON to Logstash using ZeroMQ for reliability. They index data in Elasticsearch and use it for metrics, alerts and dashboards but face challenges with data growth.

Monitor Your Business
Monitor Your BusinessMonitor Your Business
Monitor Your Business

The document discusses using the open source tools Nagios and Cacti to monitor business metrics. Nagios can be used to monitor things like orders, imported data, and customer activity by creating PHP scripts that return status codes. Cacti is a graphing tool that can visualize business metrics over time through configuration of data input methods, templates, graphs, and tree organization. Both tools involve writing PHP scripts to extract and return meaningful data that the tools can then monitor and graph.

Continuous Integration on Steroids
Continuous Integration on SteroidsContinuous Integration on Steroids
Continuous Integration on Steroids

This document discusses continuous integration techniques at a company called HERE. It covers how HERE uses Jenkins for continuous integration, scaling Jenkins to handle a large number of builds per day, common issues encountered with Jenkins and plugins, and recommendations for optimizing continuous integration workflows. Specifically, it emphasizes the importance of considering scalability, reducing flakiness, minimizing memory usage, caching, and avoiding expensive failed builds. The presenter also encourages open source collaboration to improve build tools and workflows.

jenkinsperformancecontinuous integration
THAT OLD !>!!??1111one
"We released version n 3 months ago, WHY
"But the new version has nnnnn..."
The Reasons
Reason 1: the rule of .4
Reason 2: if it works...
Reason 3: it's complicated
There's More
A few more Zabbix instances
Various versions
Planning to deploy 3.0 – cutting edge
Oracle for 1.8
MySQL/MariaDB for anything after that
Main reasons:
● Licencing
● Reliability (sharing the database)

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Security Testing with OWASP ZAP in CI/CD - Simon Bennetts - Codemotion Amster...
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Security Testing with OWASP ZAP in CI/CD - Simon Bennetts - Codemotion Amster...

The OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) is one of the world’s most popular and best maintained free and open source security tools. This talk by the ZAP project lead will focus on embedding ZAP in continuous integration / delivery pipelines in order to automate security tests. Simon will cover the range of integration options available and explain how ZAP is being integrated into the Mozilla Cloud Services CD pipeline. He will also explain and demonstrate how to drive the ZAP API, which gives complete control over the ZAP daemon.

codemotion amsterdam 2017
Open Source Monitoring Tools Shootout
Open Source Monitoring Tools ShootoutOpen Source Monitoring Tools Shootout
Open Source Monitoring Tools Shootout

The Open source market is getting overcrowded with different Network monitoring solutions, and not without reason, monitoring your infrastructure become more important each day, you have to know what's going on for your boss, your customers and for yourself. Nagios started the evolution, but today OpenNMS, Zabix, Zenoss, Groundworks, Hyperic and different others are showing up in the market. Do you want lightweight, or feature full, how far do you want to go with your monitoring, just on os level, or do you want to dig into your applications, do you want to know how many query per seconds your MySQL database is serving, or do you want to know about the internal state of your JBoss, or be triggered if the OOM killer will start working soon. This presentation will guide the audience trough the different alternatives, based on our experiences in the field. We will be looking both at alerting and trending and how easy or difficult it is to deploy such an environment.

Mikhail Serkov - Zabbix for HPC Cluster Support | ZabConf2016
Mikhail Serkov - Zabbix for HPC Cluster Support | ZabConf2016Mikhail Serkov - Zabbix for HPC Cluster Support | ZabConf2016
Mikhail Serkov - Zabbix for HPC Cluster Support | ZabConf2016

For the last two years I've been working in Cambridge (US) in Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research (NIBR) on a project related to a support of HPC cluster infrastructure and users. We're using Zabbix for HPC cluster monitoring (more than 1000 nodes, 10000+ cores, GPU cores, etc). In this presentation we will cover interesting use cases of Zabbix for HPC cluster, as it's not a regular infrastructure monitoring. We will talk about some challenges we have in HPC monitoring, how Zabbix helps us to work with scientists as well as present some solutions, which might be interesting for Zabbix community.

open sourceconferencecommunity
Important Building Blocks
Scripts to collect the data
API-using tools
JMX (Java is popular – why?)
The Three (Main) Topics
The experience of upgrading Zabbix
Other trouble
Suggested practice and solutions
Upgrading 1.8 to 2.4
Why do companies sit on old releases?
Upgrading is an effort.
Something Breaks
Investigation starts
● There are items
● Items stopped getting data
● Person who wrote this has moved on

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Monitoring all Elements of Your Database Operations With Zabbix
Monitoring all Elements of Your Database Operations With ZabbixMonitoring all Elements of Your Database Operations With Zabbix
Monitoring all Elements of Your Database Operations With Zabbix

Zabbix is an open source monitoring solution that can monitor all elements of an IT infrastructure including operating systems, databases, applications and network devices. It collects metrics using agents and SNMP and analyzes the data to detect problems, generate alerts and trigger automatic actions. Zabbix uses triggers to define problems and can forecast and predict issues. It provides visualizations, reporting and centralized management for monitoring large, complex environments.

percona liveperconabig data
Mike Guthrie - Revamping Your 10 Year Old Nagios Installation
Mike Guthrie - Revamping Your 10 Year Old Nagios InstallationMike Guthrie - Revamping Your 10 Year Old Nagios Installation
Mike Guthrie - Revamping Your 10 Year Old Nagios Installation

Mike Guthrie - Revamping Your 10 Year Old Nagios Installation - Mike Merideth from VictorOps talks about the challenges of sharing responsibility for monitoring in the DevOps world. Learn several strategies for keeping your configuration correct, consistent, and up-to-date when several people are working on it.

nagiosnagios world conferencenagios log server
Automating Zabbix with Puppet (Werner Dijkerman / 26-11-2015)
Automating Zabbix with Puppet (Werner Dijkerman / 26-11-2015)Automating Zabbix with Puppet (Werner Dijkerman / 26-11-2015)
Automating Zabbix with Puppet (Werner Dijkerman / 26-11-2015)

This document discusses using Puppet to automate the configuration and management of Zabbix monitoring systems. It provides examples of Puppet code that can be used to install, configure, and manage Zabbix servers, proxies, agents, templates, and other components. It also discusses using Puppet to define Zabbix resources, templates, and user parameters as well as integrating Puppet and Zabbix through the Zabbix API and PuppetDB.

When Something Breaks
Have to figure out:
● What does it do
● How to fix it
● Before that – where the hell is it
One Example of an API-using Script
"user.authenticate" method removed
'auth' not allowed in user.login
item "description" changed to "name"
"exists" methods removed
"& |" changed to "and or"
zabbix_sender changed "failed 0" to "failed: 0;"
Solved All That?
Still fails against one of the "new" systems
Remember, one of them was still 2.2
...so "& |" needed instead of "and or"
Three cases:
● Old API, sender
● New API, sender + "& |"
● New API, sender + "and or"

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Supercharging Content Delivery with Varnish
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You have amazing content and you want to get it to your users as fast as possible. In today’s industry, milliseconds matter and slow websites will never keep up. You can use a CDN but they are expensive, make you dependent on a third party to deliver your content, and can be notoriously inflexible. Enter Varnish, a powerful, open-source caching reverse proxy that lives in your network and lets you take control of how your content is managed and delivered. We’ll discuss how to install and configure Varnish in front of a typical web application, how to handle sessions and security, and how you can customize Varnish to your unique needs. This session will teach you how Varnish can help you give your users a better experience while saving your company and clients money at the same time.

Tanel Poder - Troubleshooting Complex Oracle Performance Issues - Part 1
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The document describes troubleshooting a complex performance issue in an Oracle database. Key details: - The problem was sporadic extreme slowness of the Oracle database and server lasting 1-20 minutes. - Initial AWR reports and OS metrics showed a spike at 18:10 with CPU usage at 66.89%, confirming a problem occurred then. - Further investigation using additional metrics was needed to fully understand the root cause, as initial diagnostics did not provide enough context about this brief problem period.

Virtualizing Java in Java (jug.ru)
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Virtualizing Java in Java (jug.ru)

This document describes how to virtualize Java applications in Java by hosting multiple "pseudo JVMs" within a single JVM. This allows deploying distributed applications for testing purposes. Key points covered include: - Using custom classloaders and system properties to isolate "pseudo JVMs" and simulate distributed environments. - Frameworks like GridKit that enable starting whole application topologies within JUnit tests for behaviors testing. - Techniques for testing features like serialization, data routing, and cross-version compatibility. - Later extensions to deploy virtual nodes across real servers using SSH for performance and deployment testing of distributed systems.

distributed systemjavatdd
Click Me
Links in alert emails – 3 versions again:
● 1.8 – patched version to show graph
● 2.2 – history.php?itemid=
● 2.4 – history.php?itemids[ ]=
Java GW Trouble
Java GW 2.0 – patched (endpoints, ports)
2.0 never times out, no time to forward-port
Solution – a remote command to restart...
Zabbix Server Trouble
Didn't use a feature before
Started using it, server crashes
Have an action on another Zabbix server to
restart this one ->
(that server was upgraded quickly, though)
More Inter-version Template Fun
Have an updated template in 2.4
Import it in 2.2. Fail.
● Change "and or" back to "& |"
● ...remember to use the HTML entity
● Change some more
● Did they use spaces? Where they updated?
● ...dependencies

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Janice Singh - Writing Custom Nagios Plugins
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Janice Singh - Writing Custom Nagios Plugins

Janice Singh - Writing Custom Nagios Plugins - New to Nagios and wanting to expand its use with your own custom plugins? This presentation will show you how to write your own plugins and integrate it into Nagios.

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Alexei vladishev - Open Source Monitoring With Zabbix
Alexei vladishev - Open Source Monitoring With ZabbixAlexei vladishev - Open Source Monitoring With Zabbix
Alexei vladishev - Open Source Monitoring With Zabbix

Zabbix is an open source enterprise monitoring solution that provides: - Monitoring of servers, network devices, and applications from a single interface. - Features like auto-discovery, escalations, notifications and remote actions. - Visualization through graphs, maps, and dashboards for historical data trends. - Support for large distributed environments through a scalable distributed architecture using proxies. - Extensibility through custom scripts, checks, notifications and more.

zabbixlinuxopen source
Pilot Tech Talk #10 — Practical automation by Kamil Cholewiński
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Pilot Tech Talk #10 — Practical automation by Kamil Cholewiński

See how Kamil Cholewiński talks about Practical automation in Tech Talk episode 10 Visit pilot.co — World’s best engineering and design talent on demand. YouTube: https://youtu.be/x0eQ7x7xN8o

automationengineeringtech talk
Migrating Users
Get their media, too – API method user.get
...doesn't return media in 1.8
DB it is
The Great Things When Upgrading
It's the little things
● Usability
● Links
● Maintainability
What We Notice
Newlines in trigger expressions
Links, links, links
● Link in simple graphs lost in 3.0...
Death to the dropdowns
Split users/groups in the administration section
The Non-shiny
Change design? The overworked peasant never
notices. Used to "enterprise" design.
Runtime loglevel changing? A lifesaver.
Less bugs. Really.
Human-friendly errors. Or any at all.

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Neighborly nagios
Neighborly nagiosNeighborly nagios
Neighborly nagios

Nagios is open source software for monitoring systems, services and application availability. It executes user-provided scripts to check system components and interpret the output. Notifications are also provided via scripts. It models key entities like hosts, services, users and groups. Remote execution is supported through proxies like NRPE or agents that run checks locally instead of SSH.

Case Study of the Unexplained
Case Study of the UnexplainedCase Study of the Unexplained
Case Study of the Unexplained

The document describes a programmer's experience debugging various issues, including problems caused by optimizations, floating point rounding errors on 486 processors, and "random" crashes caused by garbage collection in Java finalizers deleting corresponding C++ objects. It provides examples of steps taken like adding print statements, using data breakpoints, and switching compilers to get more useful warnings. The lessons emphasized are paying attention to compiler warnings, using compilers with strong warnings, and understanding how different languages and abstractions interact before using them.

Puppet for Sys Admins
Puppet for Sys AdminsPuppet for Sys Admins
Puppet for Sys Admins

This document provides an overview of a PuppetCamp presentation on using Puppet for system administrators. The presenter, Stephen Wallace, has 20 years of experience in system administration roles. He will discuss how Puppet can help achieve goals like reusability, reduced support workload, improved monitoring, and documentation for system administrators. He will also cover topics like getting started with Puppet without programming experience, using tools like Hiera and Augeas, and how Puppet can help with provisioning, documentation, and disaster recovery.

puppetpuppet campsystems management
Upgrading to 3.0
eh ?
Templates and Upgrading to 3.0
Import a template that uses SNMP LLD
Get burnt
● XML import does not convert SNMP LLD rule
It's Not Perfect
The cynical doctor – "can you get to the door?"
...more like "got pimples? well, live with it"
Discovering Trouble
Network discovery script, returns tags
Rewritten, some tags reused
Misconfigured discovery ->
● all messed up (not getting away with it)
● audit not helpful

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Easier, Better, Faster, Safer Deployment with Docker and Immutable Containers
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Easier, Better, Faster, Safer Deployment with Docker and Immutable Containers

Video and slides synchronized, mp3 and slide download available at URL http://bit.ly/1W22OMy. Jerome Petazzoni explains in detail the advantages of immutable servers, then how to implement them with containers in general, and Docker in particular. Filmed at qconnewyork.com. Jerome Petazzoni is a senior engineer at Docker, where he helps others to containerize all the things. In another life he built and operated Xen clouds when EC2 was just the name of a plane, developed a GIS to deploy fiber interconnects through the French subway, managed commando deployments of large-scale video streaming systems in bandwidth-constrained environments such as conference centers.

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OSMC 2012 | Shinken by Jean Gabès
OSMC 2012 | Shinken by Jean GabèsOSMC 2012 | Shinken by Jean Gabès
OSMC 2012 | Shinken by Jean Gabès

Shinken is a full rewrite of Nagios in Python that aims to solve issues with scaling, high availability, and simplifying administration for modern IT infrastructures. Key features include built-in high availability, multi-level load balancing, support for multiple platforms, faster performance, and advanced business rules. The Shinken web interface focuses on aggregating related elements and showing dependencies to help both technical and non-technical users understand business impacts. Advanced modules allow for discovery, triggers for passive data, and templating to reduce configuration complexity.

osmcopen sourcemonitoring
Continuous Delivery: The Dirty Details
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Continuous Delivery: The Dirty Details

The practical implementation of Continuous Delivery at Etsy, and how it enables the engineering team to build features quickly, refactor and change architecture, and respond to problems in production. Presented at GOTO Aarhus 2012. Like what you've read? We're frequently hiring for a variety of engineering roles at Etsy. If you're interested, drop me a line or send me your resume: mike@etsy.com. http://www.etsy.com/careers

etsycontinuous deploymentsoftware engineering
Action Fun
No built-in way to test actions
Create a trapper item+trigger
Limit an action to that single trigger
...Is Actionable
Successfully test the action
Delete test item & trigger
Email saying it's all good now
Action Trouble Is Here
What's wrong?
Action got silently disabled
New Item Not Working
...no, just the oldest value[s] missing

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Golang @ Tokopedia
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Golang @ Tokopedia

Tokopedia uses Go for several services including search, image uploads, and analytics. Previously they used Node.js but faced challenges with unbounded concurrency, lack of type safety, and performance issues with HTTP clients. Go provides an easy way to write unit tests and benchmarks. Documentation is generated from code comments. Go also includes libraries for object caching, metrics collection, and cancelling long-running requests. Migrating from a scripting language to a compiled language like Go changes the deployment process and requires packaging binaries instead of interpreting code.

Reuse, Reduce, Recycle in Serverless World
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Reuse, Reduce, Recycle in Serverless World

Slides for the talk at @ServerlessConf San Francisco 2018 Reuse is fundamental to any software development. Serverless development, however, still misses a coherent end-to-end resuability story. AWS Application Repository, Serverless Components from @goserverless, and LogicApps' Connectors are all the steps in the right direction. But we are still far away from npm/pip install developer's paradise. What is missing, and the what is path forward? In this talk, I reflect on the current state of reusability in Serverless, share relevant learnings from establishing reusability in DevOps tools, and show a working code, a proof of concept for an open-source catalog of reusable Serverless functions. How exactly? We recycled StackStorm Exchange - a mature opensource action catalog - with a plugin to serverless framework. Come and see the details, and bring your ideas to discuss how we promote reusability in Serverless.

Drupalcamp Simpletest
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Drupalcamp Simpletest

The document introduces automated testing in Drupal, noting that SimpleTest is the PHP testing framework integrated into Drupal core to write automated tests. Automated testing is important as it defines expected code behavior, makes development and refactoring easier, and helps prevent regressions by verifying code changes don't break existing functionality. Tests are written as PHP files containing test classes that extend SimpleTest and use helper methods to simulate user actions and check site behavior.

Graph Says It's All Good
Something alerts
Check the graph – straight line at 1, all good
...it's a trapper item
My Favourite Things
Monitoring -> Triggers
...made nearly useless by new triggers blinking
ZBX-7559 (single 'ok' event considered as a change)
That Comma
Suddenly items start failing
Value 82,82 not suported for float
iostat uses user locale – who starts the daemon
And You, curl
The same with curl
● $ curl -s -w '%{time_total} - %{speed_download}n'
www.zabbix.com -o /dev/null
● 0,701 – 55300,000
Initscripts or external checks/userparams

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Testing In Drupal
Testing In DrupalTesting In Drupal
Testing In Drupal

The document introduces automated testing in Drupal, noting that SimpleTest is the PHP testing framework integrated into Drupal core to write automated tests. Automated testing is important as it defines expected code behavior, makes development and refactoring easier, and helps prevent regressions by verifying code changes don't break existing functionality. Tests are written as PHP files containing test classes that extend SimpleTest and use helper methods to simulate user actions and check site behavior.

Managing big test environment and running tests with Jenkins, Jenkins Job bui...
Managing big test environment and running tests with Jenkins, Jenkins Job bui...Managing big test environment and running tests with Jenkins, Jenkins Job bui...
Managing big test environment and running tests with Jenkins, Jenkins Job bui...

A short presentation about our experience of using Jenkins and Jenkins Job Builder with Vagrant as a backend tool to manage complex environment (tens of virtual machines for every test run) for database proxy server testing.

jjbsoftware testingcontinuous integration
Puppet for SysAdmins
Puppet for SysAdminsPuppet for SysAdmins
Puppet for SysAdmins

The document provides an overview of a talk given by Stephen Wallace on using Puppet for system administrators. The talk introduces Puppet as a tool to help system administrators achieve goals like availability, scalability, predictability and reducing workload. It addresses common concerns that system administrators have with Puppet, such as the need to learn programming. The talk demonstrates how Puppet can be used in a simple way and provides references for further learning.

sysadminpuppet camp
The Silence of Triggers
Scripts break, items get misconfigured
We get no alerts. Review unsupported items.
3.2 will be one hell of a time... but better
nodata() on Unsupported
<volter> Oh yes!
<Silvery> finally
When Scripts Roam Free
Lockfiles not being removed
...just monitor for that
UserParameter=vfs.files.older_than[*],find "$1" -ctime +$2 | wc -l
A (Quite) Rocky Horror Picure Show
Can't migrate template from newer -> older
Redo manually, forget the LLD filter
Get hundreds of thousands of items
● On a busy DB server

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Devel::NYTProf 2009-07 (OUTDATED, see 201008)
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Devel::NYTProf 2009-07 (OUTDATED, see 201008)

The slides of my "State-of-the-art Profiling with Devel::NYTProf" talk at OSCON in July 2009. I'll upload a screencast and give the link in a blog post at http://blog.timbunce.org

rsyslog meets docker
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rsyslog meets docker

Slides for GUUG FFG2018 talk on rsyslog and containers. Describes the initial steps the rsyslog project took towards containers, uses cases seen by the team, problems we have seen and use of docker inside rsyslog's CI.

Configuration Management and Salt
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Configuration Management and Salt

This document discusses configuration management tools like Saltstack. It provides an overview of Saltstack, including its terminology, implementation using Python and ZeroMQ, setup process, and configuration using YAML and Jinja templates. It also discusses Saltstack commands, and notes both strengths like configuration management and weaknesses like handling secrets. Resources for learning more about Saltstack like documentation, tutorials, and books are listed.

configuration managementsaltstacksalt
Services + Ports
Multiple JVMs or any other service
Often just a single port/item
Template proliferation
Multiple JVMs
Several JVMs on same host – a problem
● Patched Java GW
● Separate hosts
● Works out better maintenance-wise
Scripting the API
Creating items, triggers
Generating graphs and screens
General maintenance (users, host groups)
API Scripts
Weird load on Zabbix, triggers deleted/created
Function get_trigger_id unconditionally deletes
the trigger
Check your scripts, including logout

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Continuous Integration Testing in Django
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Continuous Integration Testing in Django

Continuous Integration is like having a robot that cleans up after you: it installs your dependencies, builds your project, run your tests, and reports back to you. This presentation outlines two methods for CI: Travis and Jenkins.

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Hadoop: Big Data Stacks validation w/ iTest How to tame the elephant?
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. Problem we are facing . Big Data Stacks . Why validation . What is "Success" and the effort to achieve it . Solutions . Ops testing . Platform certification . Application testing . Stack on stack . Test artifacts are First Class Citizen . Assembling validation stack (vstack) . Tailoring vstack for target clusters . D3: Deployment/Dependencies/Determinism

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DATABASE AUTOMATION with Thousands of database, monitoring and backup
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This is my presentation document at AnsibleFest 2018 in Austin, Texas. This topic is ‘Database Automation with thousands of database, monitoring and backup’. In this document I want to tell you database automation using Ansible. So I expect to give more confidence to infra engineer like me.

ansibleansiblefest 2018deployment
API Issues
New users are obliterated by validation/error
Missing functionality – but gets better
API mostly works in recent versions
Audit Log
Many operations not recorded
Significant issue with many admin users
Syncing the Templates
Needed the templates to be the same across 5
Zabbix servers
Manual syncing
Looking into the API – after decomissioning 1.8
The Daily WTF
These problems weren't massive
But the small problems eat your time
Death by a thousand typos

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Iz Pack
Iz PackIz Pack
Iz Pack

This document discusses IzPack, an open source installation framework. It begins with an introduction and demo of IzPack's features. Some key features discussed include cross-platform compatibility, customizable installers, conditions and languages packs. The document then discusses IzPack's positioning as the only true cross-platform installer. It concludes with thoughts on open source software, including community growth over time and governance challenges.

installer open source java research academia
Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Jessian Ferreira - Wireless with Zabbix
Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Jessian Ferreira - Wireless with ZabbixZabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Jessian Ferreira - Wireless with Zabbix
Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Jessian Ferreira - Wireless with Zabbix

The wireless network monitoring data are abundant, as it seems relevant store information from devices and users connected, especially in an multicampus environment like Unesp. In this sense, the database tends to increase rapidly the number of records, being necessary to optimize the periodic cleaning routine of Zabbix data. Here are our way of improving the functioning of the "housekeeping" native application. Also will demonstrate the massive use of the data type "Zabbix Trapper" for flexible the list of informations of Wi-Fi infrastructure and techniques varied use of "low level discovery" for monitoring of wireless access points.

Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Andre Deo - Zabbix Brazil Community
Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Andre Deo - Zabbix Brazil CommunityZabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Andre Deo - Zabbix Brazil Community
Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Andre Deo - Zabbix Brazil Community

Este documento descreve a Comunidade Zabbix Brasil, fundada em 2008 por André Déo para preencher lacunas de conhecimento sobre o software de monitoramento Zabbix no Brasil, devido à barreira linguística e baixos níveis de educação. A comunidade cresceu para mais de 3.400 membros e oferece recursos como lista de discussão, wiki, site e projetos para extender as funcionalidades do Zabbix.

latam20162016zabbix conference latam 2016
Fueled by Zabbix notifications
A surprise of "Latest 20 issues" in the dashboard
Can't reorder elements in 1.8
● ...do collapsed elements still load data?
Supports Other Decisions
Something's down
Software acting weird
Capacity planning
Don't Use /
Data transfer on / can indicate problems
● Misconfiguraton
● Somebody outputing to /
Added special monitoring on Solaris DB servers
Discover partitions along their mountpoints
● 'join' can hang, 'awk' versions...
while read partitionlongid partitionid mountpoint fstype; do
done < <(/usr/xpg4/bin/awk '(NR == FNR){i[$1] = $2; n[$1] = $3; next}{print $1, $2, i[$1],
n[$1]}' <(mount -p | /usr/xpg4/bin/awk '{sub(".*/","",$1); sub("s0$","",$1); print $1, $3, $4}')
<(paste -d" " <(iostat -xn | awk '{print $NF}') <(iostat -x | awk '{print $1}') | tail +3))
echo '{"data":['${partitionlist#,}']}'

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Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Jorge Pretel - Low Level Discovery for ODBC an...
Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Jorge Pretel - Low Level Discovery for ODBC an...Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Jorge Pretel - Low Level Discovery for ODBC an...
Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Jorge Pretel - Low Level Discovery for ODBC an...

The aim of the lecture is the demonstration of the new Low Level Discovery Resources that emerged in Zabbix 3.0, as well as presentation, operation and demonstration LLD settings of Windows and ODBC Services.

zabbixconferencezabbix latam
Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Andre Deo - SNMP and Zabbix
Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Andre Deo - SNMP and ZabbixZabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Andre Deo - SNMP and Zabbix
Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Andre Deo - SNMP and Zabbix

O documento discute o uso do SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) com Zabbix e Net-SNMP. Ele explica como configurar o Net-SNMP para ler dados via SNMP, visualizar dados de diferentes formas e usar máscaras de filtro. Também mostra templates SNMP comuns no Zabbix e dicas para solucionar problemas de leitura de dados.

latam20162016zabbix conference latam 2016
Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Marcio Prop - Monitoring Complex Environments ...
Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Marcio Prop - Monitoring Complex Environments ...Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Marcio Prop - Monitoring Complex Environments ...
Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Marcio Prop - Monitoring Complex Environments ...

The Lojas Renner has always had a close proximity to the Open Source movement in Brazil. Still in the 90s, all the company's POS solutions have been migrated to Linux and in early 2000, migration started in all the company's systems, including the main components of critical infrastructure. Since then, much has changed. The world scene Open Source has become a worldwide standard for all products and companies, making its adoption not only an innovation but a necessity. Understand how since 2008 Zabbix helps us in monitoring the entire IT infrastructure, remote units and our business processes.

zabbix latamzabbix conference latam 2016zabbix
Have Guardrails
Write basic guidelines
It's easy to forget basics like usermacros
Paint Them Your Style
All triggers must have comments
Don't make triggers fire upon "it got worse"
Avoid cronjobs to feed data
● http://zabbix.org/wiki/Escaping_timeouts_with_atd
Trigger This
Most triggers are very simple
Some are so complex nobody understands them
This presentation resulted in a few triggers getting
Be Reasonable
Don't monitor what you don't need
● ...or monitor it infrequently
● ...and have triggers on it
It can reveal problems in an unexpected way

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Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Daniel Nasiloski - Extending Zabbix - Interact...
Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Daniel Nasiloski - Extending Zabbix - Interact...Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Daniel Nasiloski - Extending Zabbix - Interact...
Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Daniel Nasiloski - Extending Zabbix - Interact...

O documento discute as opções de notificação do Zabbix e propõe o uso do Telegram para enviar notificações interativas dos alertas, permitindo que os usuários reconheçam eventos e extraiam dados em tempo real de forma mais eficiente do que apenas mensagens de texto. O Telegram oferece uma API aberta para integrar com outras ferramentas e permite criar "robôs" para envio em massa, ao contrário do WhatsApp que proíbe uso comercial.

Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Filipe Paternot - Zbx@Globo Automation+Integra...
Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Filipe Paternot - Zbx@Globo Automation+Integra...Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Filipe Paternot - Zbx@Globo Automation+Integra...
Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Filipe Paternot - Zbx@Globo Automation+Integra...

Zabbix API offers us a lot of power and possibilities. We will talk about automation and integrations at scale, at Globo.com. Automating gives us power to clone instances of Zabbix, perform batch operations, manage MANY networks for discovery and more. We will present our layer of abstraction to API, democratizing API access, offering a nice UI and standards for every new service monitored and few cached responses. Also, we will show how we have integrated with CloudStack, to deliver automated private cloud monitoring into Zabbix.

zabbix latamzabbix latam2016conference
Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Douglas Esteves - Zabbix at UNICAMP
Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Douglas Esteves - Zabbix at UNICAMPZabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Douglas Esteves - Zabbix at UNICAMP
Zabbix Conference LatAm 2016 - Douglas Esteves - Zabbix at UNICAMP

O documento descreve o uso do Zabbix para monitorar a infraestrutura de TI da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, incluindo o datacenter, servidores, redes e sistemas. É destacado o desafio de monitorar ambientes segmentados e a necessidade de visão ampla dos pontos centrais da rede. Explica-se como scripts e parâmetros de usuário permitem coletar dados de redes restritas para simplificar os resultados monitorados.

monitoring solutionunicampzabbix latam2016
Shots in the Dark
CPU load alone can expose a lot
I/O load / iowait
It can also be used in unintented ways
For Your Own Safety
A file must be owned by root, permissions 100
World-readable on some systems
Userparameter for owner/permissions
You want to renew them on time
There are a lot of certs
Monitor them all
date -d "$(echo | openssl s_client -connect "$1":"$2" 2>/dev/null | 
openssl x509 -noout -enddate | sed 's/^notAfter=//')" "+%s"
How We Alert on Expiry
An alert goes out
● 60 days in advance
● 30 days in advance
● 15 days in... advance

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Ryan Armstrong - Monitoring More Than 6000 Devices in Zabbix | ZabConf2016
Ryan Armstrong - Monitoring More Than 6000 Devices in Zabbix | ZabConf2016Ryan Armstrong - Monitoring More Than 6000 Devices in Zabbix | ZabConf2016
Ryan Armstrong - Monitoring More Than 6000 Devices in Zabbix | ZabConf2016

Ryan will describe a Skunkworks project executed by Kinetic IT at the Department of Education to deliver an autonomous infrastructure monitoring solution for over 6000 devices distributed across WA. The team were given opportunity to experiment with DevOps practices such as Scrum product development, Infrastructure As Code and Continuous Integration to determine where the value lay and which practices should be adopted at greater scale.

conferenceinfrastructure as codeopen source
Rafael Martinez Guerrero - Zabbix at the University of Oslo | ZabConf2016
Rafael Martinez Guerrero - Zabbix at the University of Oslo | ZabConf2016Rafael Martinez Guerrero - Zabbix at the University of Oslo | ZabConf2016
Rafael Martinez Guerrero - Zabbix at the University of Oslo | ZabConf2016

A case study showing the problems we have resolved with Zabbix and the challenges we had when we implemented Zabbix as the main monitoring tool at the University of Oslo. The number of challenges is not low in an organization as heterogenous as ours, with many thousands of servers and clients, all kinds of devices connected to our infrastructure, different operating systems, multiple locations and hundreds of IT staff. Full automation and delegation of privileges are the key words in the work we have done during the past year and a half.

Wolfgang Alper - Zabbix Meets OPS Control / Rundeck | ZabConf2016
Wolfgang Alper - Zabbix Meets OPS Control / Rundeck | ZabConf2016Wolfgang Alper - Zabbix Meets OPS Control / Rundeck | ZabConf2016
Wolfgang Alper - Zabbix Meets OPS Control / Rundeck | ZabConf2016

Zabbix is an excellent tool to do network monitoring and to alert if something bad happens. But Zabbix can do more. An underestimated feature of Zabbix is its ability to perform actions in addition to simple notifications. However, this requires to precisly setup those actions within zabbix, which is not always an easy task and might duplicate existing work. So what if Zabbix actually worked in concert with an external taskrunner / jobscheduler that is build to do exactly this: run a task or action against a host and report its outcome? Zabbix would perform the same well defined steps that an ops member would perform in case of certain failures using this kind of tool. A well know example of this kind of software is "Rundeck" which is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.

open sourcezabconf2016monitoring
Hooking Into the DB
Maintaining maintenance
Acknowledging things
Acknowledging all on host missing in the frontend
Try Not to Assume
Never assume others see what you see
Zabbix links are no good
Copy Zabbix graphs
Simple Minded
MySQL monitoring that's simple, robust,
Dump show variables; and vfs.file.regexp
UserParameter=mysql.table.discovery[*],for table in $(mysql $1 -Ne
"show tables;"); do tablelist="$tablelist,"'{"{#TABLE}":"'$table'"}'; done;
echo '{"data":['${tablelist#,}']}'
+ default MySQL table size userparameter
No Sharing
Do not share monitoring DB with production
● ...or testing, or QA, or whatever
We woke up IT, network guys, before we figured
out that one system was hammering the shared DB

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Wolfgang Alper - Zabbix Meets OPS Control / Rundeck | ZabConf2016
Wolfgang Alper - Zabbix Meets OPS Control / Rundeck | ZabConf2016Wolfgang Alper - Zabbix Meets OPS Control / Rundeck | ZabConf2016
Wolfgang Alper - Zabbix Meets OPS Control / Rundeck | ZabConf2016

Zabbix is an excellent tool to do network monitoring and to alert if something bad happens. But Zabbix can do more. An underestimated feature of Zabbix is its ability to perform actions in addition to simple notifications. However, this requires to precisly setup those actions within zabbix, which is not always an easy task and might duplicate existing work. So what if Zabbix actually worked in concert with an external taskrunner / jobscheduler that is build to do exactly this: run a task or action against a host and report its outcome? Zabbix would perform the same well defined steps that an ops member would perform in case of certain failures using this kind of tool. A well know example of this kind of software is "Rundeck" which is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.

Sumit Goel - Monitoring Cloud Applications Using Zabbix | ZabConf2016
Sumit Goel - Monitoring Cloud Applications Using Zabbix | ZabConf2016Sumit Goel - Monitoring Cloud Applications Using Zabbix | ZabConf2016
Sumit Goel - Monitoring Cloud Applications Using Zabbix | ZabConf2016

With global shift towards flexibility of cloud there are different demands on monitoring availability and performance of applications provided in the cloud. There are obvious limitations in accessing components of app hosted by third party run outside of internal environment. Same time there are opportunities of using vendor API and status page. In Salesforce, one of the most innovative company in the world by Forbes and one of the biggest cloud service provider, we understand the need of customer to be able to see in real time availability and performance of cloud application. In the following presentation we're going to list and describe multiple ways of monitoring cloud apps. Some of the methods are: building in web monitoring using Curl, web browser automation tools like Selenium, external scripts (reading vendor status dashboard) and API calls to the app.

open sourceapiscripts
Raymond Kuiper - Zen and The Art of Zabbix Template Design | ZabConf2016
Raymond Kuiper - Zen and The Art of Zabbix Template Design | ZabConf2016Raymond Kuiper - Zen and The Art of Zabbix Template Design | ZabConf2016
Raymond Kuiper - Zen and The Art of Zabbix Template Design | ZabConf2016

Zabbix monitoring solution can help bring balance to your organisation's IT landscape. However, the success greatly depends on the templates you use to setup your monitoring system. As any Zabbix veteran will tell you, the default templates don't really suffice for any setup other than a proof-of-concept. How then do you set about creating your own templates? Following practical examples, we'll discuss some of the design decisions that need to be made to achieve template perfection.

If You Share Your Monitoring DB...
...monitoring will get broken when you already
have other trouble
Which is exactly when you want a reliable
Glad You Solved It. Now Maintain It
Don't modify the product too much
Maintenance costs are higher that implementation
Simple is good
Documented is better
"Perfect is the enemy of good"
Nirvana Fallacy
When you never even begin an important task
because you feel reaching perfection is too hard

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Dimitri Bellini and Pietro Antonacci - Manage Zabbix Proxies in Remote Networ...

This document discusses how an IT company called QUADRATA handled managing multiple remote Zabbix proxies in geographically distributed locations. They initially had issues with huge queues and busy sender processes due to network latency. They addressed this by installing NTP on all machines to synchronize time, optimizing the MySQL databases on proxies to use Percona Server and the innodb_file_per_table setting, and adjusting the DataSenderFrequency and ProxyOfflineBuffer settings to optimize sender processes. They also replicated the Zabbix frontend to account for multiple timezones and eventually migrated to Zabbix 3.0 for performance improvements in server-proxy communication.

zabconf2016communitydimitri bellini
Lukáš Malý - Log management ELISA controlled by Zabbix | ZabConf2016
Lukáš Malý - Log management ELISA controlled by Zabbix | ZabConf2016Lukáš Malý - Log management ELISA controlled by Zabbix | ZabConf2016
Lukáš Malý - Log management ELISA controlled by Zabbix | ZabConf2016

Datasys ELISA log management is robust, powerful, yet inexpensive solution for collection, correlation and analysis of logs. Core system consists of the Elasticsearch “noSQL“ database and the web user interface Kibana, which provides high comfort for analysis of detected security incidents and relevant logs. It is common that the database ElasticSearch is distributed to multiple servers to achieve load balancing and high availability of indexed data. ELISA heavily utilizes ZABBIX for user authentication and role based access control, notifications and self-monitoring. Elasticsearch Indices can be managed right in ZABBIX Frontend. ZABBIX "trapper" items and monitoring templates are used to centrally manage configuration of distributed environment of NXlog agents. Agents are capable to securely auto-register as ZABBIX "hosts".

open sourceelisazabconf2016
Konstantin Yakovlev - Event Analysis Toolset | ZabConf2016
Konstantin Yakovlev - Event Analysis Toolset | ZabConf2016Konstantin Yakovlev - Event Analysis Toolset | ZabConf2016
Konstantin Yakovlev - Event Analysis Toolset | ZabConf2016

During outages on 10k+ hosts environment, NOC and Operations teams may face hundreds of alerts in order to perform root cause analysis, remediation or escalation, meanwhile logging resolution progress to Incident Management system for audit purposes. This presentation will describe RingCentral approach to Incident and Problem Management in large Zabbix monitored cloud. Co-authors of the presentation: Dmitry Shchemelinin, Ph.D., Sr. Director of Operations, RingCentral, USA.

large environmentcloudmonitoring
A Pretty Fly
"If you never miss a plane, you're spending too
much time at the airport"
Economist George Stigler
Explain and Document
False "job security" – you never get promoted
Two Zabbix script repos
● Some people work on one, some on another
Break Stuff
How can a webpage testing script fail?
● Connection fails
● Unexpected content
● Never times out
It Takes Time
Solving a problem is often easy
Solving it properly is hard
● Handle all the edge cases, write comments
● Accept named parameters
● Have some debug output
● ...

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Oleg Ivanivskyi - Lessons Learned While Being On-Site | ZabConf2016
Oleg Ivanivskyi - Lessons Learned While Being On-Site | ZabConf2016Oleg Ivanivskyi - Lessons Learned While Being On-Site | ZabConf2016
Oleg Ivanivskyi - Lessons Learned While Being On-Site | ZabConf2016

- Lesson 1 emphasizes understanding expectations for Zabbix setup like HA clustering, custom templates, and performance tuning before starting an engagement. - Lesson 2 discusses how failing to properly document requirements like standalone vs clustered installation can lead to mismatched expectations. - Lesson 3 shows that small changes like PHP parameter tuning or agent configuration can significantly improve performance and reduce costs.

open sourcelessonsmonitoring
Ingus Vilnis - Benefits of Zabbix Training | ZabConf2016
Ingus Vilnis -  Benefits of Zabbix Training | ZabConf2016Ingus Vilnis -  Benefits of Zabbix Training | ZabConf2016
Ingus Vilnis - Benefits of Zabbix Training | ZabConf2016

The document discusses the benefits of Zabbix training, which provides a way to broaden knowledge about Zabbix features through practical tasks led by experienced trainers. The training is done in groups of up to 15 people and certifications are available in Zabbix Specialist and Professional levels by passing exams testing knowledge in areas like architecture, data collection, visualization, and administration. Benefits of the training include new skills, knowledge, and professional connections.

Alexei Vladishev - Opening Speech | ZabConf2016
Alexei Vladishev - Opening Speech | ZabConf2016Alexei Vladishev - Opening Speech | ZabConf2016
Alexei Vladishev - Opening Speech | ZabConf2016

Alexei will talk about new exciting features of Zabbix 3.2 event correlation module aimed to simplify large scale monitoring and root cause analysis. Also sharing his thoughts about future plans in regards of Zabbix 3.4 and further releases.

if you pay attention, nothing is simple
to explain anything, reduce it to simple
Wild West
Wild West people rush in, save the day, get the
Poor peasants try to maintain that
Don't allow that to happen
Maintenance Is the King
Low maintenance cost makes Java popular
Neat but complicated will be thrown out in favour
of simple and robust (easy to maintain)
● Documentation can help a bit
Surprise topic
Based on comments people make about Zabbix

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Pigging Solutions Sustainability brochure.pdfPigging Solutions Sustainability brochure.pdf
Pigging Solutions Sustainability brochure.pdf

Sustainability requires ingenuity and stewardship. Did you know Pigging Solutions pigging systems help you achieve your sustainable manufacturing goals AND provide rapid return on investment. How? Our systems recover over 99% of product in transfer piping. Recovering trapped product from transfer lines that would otherwise become flush-waste, means you can increase batch yields and eliminate flush waste. From raw materials to finished product, if you can pump it, we can pig it.

pigging solutionsprocess piggingproduct transfers
Scaling Connections in PostgreSQL Postgres Bangalore(PGBLR) Meetup-2 - Mydbops
Scaling Connections in PostgreSQL Postgres Bangalore(PGBLR) Meetup-2 - MydbopsScaling Connections in PostgreSQL Postgres Bangalore(PGBLR) Meetup-2 - Mydbops
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This presentation, delivered at the Postgres Bangalore (PGBLR) Meetup-2 on June 29th, 2024, dives deep into connection pooling for PostgreSQL databases. Aakash M, a PostgreSQL Tech Lead at Mydbops, explores the challenges of managing numerous connections and explains how connection pooling optimizes performance and resource utilization. Key Takeaways: * Understand why connection pooling is essential for high-traffic applications * Explore various connection poolers available for PostgreSQL, including pgbouncer * Learn the configuration options and functionalities of pgbouncer * Discover best practices for monitoring and troubleshooting connection pooling setups * Gain insights into real-world use cases and considerations for production environments This presentation is ideal for: * Database administrators (DBAs) * Developers working with PostgreSQL * DevOps engineers * Anyone interested in optimizing PostgreSQL performance Contact info@mydbops.com for PostgreSQL Managed, Consulting and Remote DBA Services

It's Very Decent
<DXManiac> I tell people here at the office
almost daily "Yes, the UI is cluttered and things
are complicated, but I wouldn't know how to cram
so many features in such a small place
in any better way" :)
You Better You Bet
Zabbix Has These Issues, But...
<fracklen> But on the other hand - zabbix does
have the feel of being well mature
<fracklen> and a great community
No Surprises
Zabbix positions itself as an enterprise solution
Enterprises want predictability
Knowing about changes in detail and in advance
can spare painful surprises

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Video traffic on the Internet is constantly growing; networked multimedia applications consume a predominant share of the available Internet bandwidth. A major technical breakthrough and enabler in multimedia systems research and of industrial networked multimedia services certainly was the HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS) technique. This resulted in the standardization of MPEG Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (MPEG-DASH) which, together with HTTP Live Streaming (HLS), is widely used for multimedia delivery in today’s networks. Existing challenges in multimedia systems research deal with the trade-off between (i) the ever-increasing content complexity, (ii) various requirements with respect to time (most importantly, latency), and (iii) quality of experience (QoE). Optimizing towards one aspect usually negatively impacts at least one of the other two aspects if not both. This situation sets the stage for our research work in the ATHENA Christian Doppler (CD) Laboratory (Adaptive Streaming over HTTP and Emerging Networked Multimedia Services; https://athena.itec.aau.at/), jointly funded by public sources and industry. In this talk, we will present selected novel approaches and research results of the first year of the ATHENA CD Lab’s operation. We will highlight HAS-related research on (i) multimedia content provisioning (machine learning for video encoding); (ii) multimedia content delivery (support of edge processing and virtualized network functions for video networking); (iii) multimedia content consumption and end-to-end aspects (player-triggered segment retransmissions to improve video playout quality); and (iv) novel QoE investigations (adaptive point cloud streaming). We will also put the work into the context of international multimedia systems research.

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Everything that I found interesting about engineering leadership last month

What's Important?
Built-in data gathering support less important
● Input data fits the Zabbix data model
● Core system is functional, stable, easy to
● Healthy, transparent development
Thank You
Zabbix team for building it
Participants of this great conference
Zabbix community
The conference team

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