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Practical automation
For whom?
For DevOps and IT...
...and for anyone who can code
...and for mere mortals as well!
With Ansible, Docker, Hubot...
...and with whatever else you see fit
Why automate?
Humans love being lazy
Do the extra work now
Be lazy forever after
Most things are already automated
Except for those you really need
Engineer: a person that takes 3 hours to turn a 2-hour task into a 1-hour task
Reap benefits until heat death of the universe
(Or until things break mysteriously...)
"If it's worth doing it twice, it's worth automating it"
Except when it's not
Often, attempting automating things can get you nowhere and waste time
So when is it a good idea to automate?
Anything repetitive
Create / delete user accounts, rotate passwords...
Upgrade vulnerable software packages...
Tweak a config file...
...on ALL the servers!
...all. the. time...
Anything daunting
Go through all email groups and delete those that have no members
Migrate data from an old service to a new one
Any low-hanging fruit
Things that are not hard, not too boring; still easy to script
Good ROI, easy to get into the habit of automating

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Puppet Camp Seattle 2014: Docker and Puppet: 1+1=3
Puppet Camp Seattle 2014: Docker and Puppet: 1+1=3 Puppet Camp Seattle 2014: Docker and Puppet: 1+1=3
Puppet Camp Seattle 2014: Docker and Puppet: 1+1=3

This document discusses Docker and Puppet and how they can be used together. It suggests using Puppet to install and configure Docker on the host system, and then using Dockerfiles to build container images in a deterministic way. While Puppet could theoretically be used to build containers, the document argues it is better to use Dockerfiles for image builds and to separate operational concerns like logging and monitoring into separate containers for better portability and flexibility.

devopspuppet labspuppet camp
The Docker ecosystem and the future of application deployment
The Docker ecosystem and the future of application deploymentThe Docker ecosystem and the future of application deployment
The Docker ecosystem and the future of application deployment

Ten years ago, virtualization ignited a revolution which gave birth to the Cloud and the DevOps initiative. Today, with containers, we are at the dawn of a similar breakthrough. How can we capture the value of containers? How can we use their features to implement microservices and immutable infrastructures, while retaining as much as possible of our existing practices? The answer is in the rich ecosystem that developed around Docker, an open-source platform to build, ship, and run applications in containers. In this keynote we’ll explore what the applications of tomorrow will look like, how they’ll be deployed and distributed – and how to leverage those tools today.

How Puppet Enables the Use of Lightweight Virtualized Containers - PuppetConf...
How Puppet Enables the Use of Lightweight Virtualized Containers - PuppetConf...How Puppet Enables the Use of Lightweight Virtualized Containers - PuppetConf...
How Puppet Enables the Use of Lightweight Virtualized Containers - PuppetConf...

The document summarizes how Puppet can be used to enable lightweight virtualized containers by configuring applications and their dependencies into immutable container images during the build process. It compares deploying a Jenkins application with LDAP authentication on virtual machines versus containers. It discusses challenges with service resources in containers and provides solutions like overriding service resources or using multi-process images with systemd to build immutable Puppet-configured application images.

puppetconf 2014
What if something can't be automated?
Delegate it!
Maybe there's someone more competent?
Maybe it should be a person's decision, not a machine's?
Maybe you can replace yourself with a push-button, and give the button to the guy in
Think of a better process - talk to your fellow humans
Automation: For devops
(Where devops = developers and sysops working together.)
Problem: Managing server configuration
My story:
Developer suddenly turned sysadmin; inherited entire company's web hosting &
server infrastructure; ca 30-40 servers
Nothing was documented, everything was done by hand
Started an inventory in a spreadsheet; quickly realized it doesn't scale, and most
importantly: it's not machine-readable
First attempt: Ansible
Server / configuration management tool
Installed Ansible, re-created the inventory as .ini file, now I can ping ALL
hosts with one command:
ansible -m ping all
Yes, this is the way to go!
git commit -m "Hello, world"
We kept the repository ("The Cookbook") private
Lots of valuable, reusable code...
...But many parts tightly integrated with our infrastructure
2 years, 1800+ commits, 300+ pull requests, and 8 contributors later...

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Using Docker in the Real World
Using Docker in the Real WorldUsing Docker in the Real World
Using Docker in the Real World

Looking at how people, with current deployments, can start using docker with out having to replace anything. Also giving a migration path that allows testing the separate pieces and migrating over slowly without painting yourself into a corner. Also covering why you might want to do this and the problems it may help to solve.

Using Docker with Puppet - PuppetConf 2014
Using Docker with Puppet - PuppetConf 2014Using Docker with Puppet - PuppetConf 2014
Using Docker with Puppet - PuppetConf 2014

This document discusses Docker containers and how they compare to virtual machines and configuration management tools like Puppet. It provides an overview of Docker, including how to build Docker images using Dockerfiles. It then compares Dockerfiles to shell scripts and configuration management, noting advantages and disadvantages of each. The document suggests using Puppet to install Docker and build Docker images, but not running Puppet inside containers. It provides examples of building Docker images that use Puppet for configuration.

puppetconf 2014
PyCon 2011: IronPython Command Line
PyCon 2011:  IronPython Command LinePyCon 2011:  IronPython Command Line
PyCon 2011: IronPython Command Line

This document discusses writing command-line tools with IronPython and Visual Studio. It describes creating a Python CLI tool in IronPython to upgrade hundreds of thousands of lines of C# code to .NET 4.0. The tool uses functions to validate the Visual Studio version in solution files, walk a file tree to find solution files, convert projects to the VS2010 format using the devenv tool, and recursively modify solution files in the tree. The run method parses arguments and executes the conversion process on the specified path, excluding any directories matching the given path.

How do we use Ansible? What can it do for
Need a new server or two...
ansible-playbook cloud-ec2.yml -e project=kittens -e env=live -e count=2
Provision the base system? Simple:
ansible-playbook provision-base-system.yml --limit tag_project_kittens
Deploy project "kittens" to staging environment:
ansible-playbook deploy-kittens.yml -e env=stage
Update our DNS zones:
ansible-playbook managed-dns.yml
Audit all servers for access; remove revoked public keys, etc:
ansible-playbook managed-cleanup.yml
How does a typical playbook look like?
- hosts: managed
docker_opts: ""
- name: Restart Docker daemon
service: name=docker state=restarted
- name: Refresh apt cache
apt: update_cache=yes
- name: Reload systemd daemon
shell: /bin/systemctl daemon-reload
- name: Add docker apt key
keyserver: pgp.mit.edu
id: "58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D"
tags: install
- name: Install apt-transport-https
apt: name=apt-transport-https
tags: install
- name: Add docker apt sources
content: |
deb https://apt.dockerproject.org/repo {{
}} main
dest: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list
notify: Refresh apt cache
tags: install
- name: Flush handlers
meta: flush_handlers
- name: Create /etc/apt/preferences
dest: /etc/apt/preferences
state: directory
tags: install
- name: Pin Docker version
dest: /etc/apt/preferences/docker
content: |
Package: docker-engine
Pin: version 1.12.*
Pin-Priority: 1100
tags: install
- name: Install Docker
apt: name=docker-engine
notify: Restart Docker daemon
tags: install
- name: Install Docker Python goodies
pip: name={{ item.name }} version={{ item.version }} executable=pip2.7
PATH: /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin
- { name: "docker-py", version: "1.9.0" }
- { name: "docker-compose", version: "1.8.0" }
tags: install
- name: Create docker group
name: docker
state: present
notify: Restart Docker daemon
tags: install
- name: (systemd) Tweak docker daemon flags
when: docker_opts
dest: /etc/systemd/system/docker.service
content: |
content: |
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker daemon -H fd:// {{ docker_opts }}
- Restart Docker daemon
- Reload systemd daemon
tags: install
- name: Flush handlers
meta: flush_handlers

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Solving Real World Production Problems with Docker
Solving Real World Production Problems with DockerSolving Real World Production Problems with Docker
Solving Real World Production Problems with Docker

The document discusses securing the Docker delivery and execution process. It recommends choosing images carefully, scanning Dockerfiles, enabling Docker Content Trust to verify image integrity and publisher, and running the Docker Benchmark for Security to audit container configurations. The document outlines best practices for building, delivering, and executing Docker containers in a production environment.

dockercontent trustproduction
Pro Puppet
Pro PuppetPro Puppet
Pro Puppet

This document introduces the Puppet configuration management tool. It discusses how system administrators often automate repetitive tasks through custom scripts that are not reusable, scalable, or flexible. Commercial configuration management tools can be expensive and inflexible. Puppet aims to provide an open source tool for automating system administration tasks across networks that can be extended to suit various environments. The book will teach readers how to install, use, and develop Puppet to automate tasks and create reporting solutions.

Introduction to Docker, December 2014 "Tour de France" Edition
Introduction to Docker, December 2014 "Tour de France" EditionIntroduction to Docker, December 2014 "Tour de France" Edition
Introduction to Docker, December 2014 "Tour de France" Edition

Docker, the Open Source container Engine, lets you build, ship and run, any app, anywhere. This is the presentation which was shown in December 2014 for the "Tour de France" in Paris, Lille, Lyon, Nice...

Problem: Is Ansible good or bad?
Better than doing it by hand? Definitely!
Better than curl | sudo bash? Yes!!!
Better than shell scripts? Worse?
Better than any of the million other tools? Maybe...
Better than hand-rolling something? Not so sure now...
Problem: Is your automation efficient?
Now we can spin up & setup servers with a few simple commands. But it was
slow... Base+nginx+SSL+Python+app often took ~2h. We hated it and we
avoided it.
Solution? Create a base image
First, we tried Packer (http://packer.io/) - but it had annoying bugs; was very difficult
to debug
Second attempt: plain Ansible - worked much better
Maybe there are better tools to do these things?
We haven't even tried any of the other popular solutions: Chef, Puppet,
Fabric, Atlas/Terraform, etc.
Some take-aways
No automation is the worst.
Slow automation is no better than no automation.
Buggy automation is even worse!
Solutions can sometimes create more problems.
Research your tools, pick stuff that works for your needs!
Problem: So how exactly do you deploy these
Our company has very dynamic and growing needs
Remember rule #1: automate the repetitive, boring, daunting stuff
Sysop team spent days writing elaborate Ansible playbooks to set up servers
for projects
But wait! Rule #2: can't automate something? Delegate it!
First attempt: let developers write Ansible playbooks...
Ansible has a pretty steep learning curve and some serious limitations
Difficulties micro-managing access
Difficulties achieving parity between local dev, vagrant, CI, stage, live...
Result: playbooks full of ugly hacks
Second attempt: Docker

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Why everyone is excited about Docker (and you should too...) - Carlo Bonamic...
Why everyone is excited about Docker (and you should too...) -  Carlo Bonamic...Why everyone is excited about Docker (and you should too...) -  Carlo Bonamic...
Why everyone is excited about Docker (and you should too...) - Carlo Bonamic...

In less than two years Docker went from first line of code to major Open Source project with contributions from all the big names in IT. Everyone is excited, but what's in for me - as a Dev or Ops? In short, Docker makes creating Development, Test and even Production environments an order of magnitude simpler, faster and completely portable across both local and cloud infrastructure. We will start from Docker main concepts: how to create a Linux Container from base images, run your application in it, and version your runtimes as you would with source code, and finish with a concrete example.

carlo bonamicodockercodemotion milan 2014
Introduction to Docker, December 2014 "Tour de France" Bordeaux Special Edition
Introduction to Docker, December 2014 "Tour de France" Bordeaux Special EditionIntroduction to Docker, December 2014 "Tour de France" Bordeaux Special Edition
Introduction to Docker, December 2014 "Tour de France" Bordeaux Special Edition

Docker, the Open Source container Engine, lets you build, ship and run, any app, anywhere. This is the presentation which was shown in December 2014 for the last stop of the "Tour de France" in Bordeaux. It is slightly different from the presentation which was shown in the other cities (http://www.slideshare.net/jpetazzo/introduction-to-docker-december-2014-tour-de-france-edition), and includes a detailed history of dotCloud and Docker and a few other differences. Special thanks to https://twitter.com/LilliJane and https://twitter.com/zirkome, who gave me the necessary motivation to put together this slightly different presentation, since they had already seen the other presentation in Paris :-)

Learn docker in 90 minutes
Learn docker in 90 minutesLearn docker in 90 minutes
Learn docker in 90 minutes

This document provides an introduction to Docker and includes instructions for several exercises to help users learn Docker in 90 minutes. The document covers downloading and running Docker containers, creating Docker images, understanding Docker layers, exposing container ports, using Dockerfiles to build images, and sharing images in Docker repositories. The exercises guide users through hands-on experience with common Docker commands and concepts.

Docker: some seriously magical stuff
Docker puts apps into portable "containers"
Many difficult problems become easy
Developers are (mostly) in charge of their Dockerfiles
Developers no longer blocked by sysadmins
Builds are 100% automated and 100% reproducible
Much easier to review, audit, understand
Output is a fixed image; if it runs well in dev, stage, it will (probably) run well
in prod
Our deploy playbooks for Ansible are basically copy-paste & tweak; work
underway to unify them
We've created a set of base images that make it easy to follow our internal
conventions - people stick to conventions more often
Docker: but not everything is so rosy!
Another tool to learn for the (always busy) developers.
Difference between "build time" and "run time" greatly emphasized, for the
better and for the worse.
# XXX broken?
RUN service nginx start
RUN curl localhost
Many difficult problems stay difficult, or become even harder.
Not a silver bullet: we've dockerized most of our apps, but Ansible still
manages the raw computing infrastructure.
(You can pry Ansible from my cold, dead hands!)
(But I'm still writing my own configuration management tool, as a side
More conclusions?
Choose tools that empower your team-mates!
Different tools for different types of tasks
Automation: For IT staff
Often burdened with stuff that's not always easily automated:
Purchases, finance
Onboarding, helpdesk, troubleshooting
Setup, wiring, "hands" in the server room
Often burdened with daunting, scriptable tasks, but no time to develop the
At our company, sysadmins and "IT guys" often work together closely

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Puppet for SysAdmins
Puppet for SysAdminsPuppet for SysAdmins
Puppet for SysAdmins

The document provides an overview of a talk given by Stephen Wallace on using Puppet for system administrators. The talk introduces Puppet as a tool to help system administrators achieve goals like availability, scalability, predictability and reducing workload. It addresses common concerns that system administrators have with Puppet, such as the need to learn programming. The talk demonstrates how Puppet can be used in a simple way and provides references for further learning.

sysadminpuppet camp
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Docker puppetcamp london 2013

The document discusses using Docker containers and Puppet to compartmentalize services running on a personal server. Previously, many services like Postfix, Dovecot, DNS, etc. were running on the server with no isolation. The approach taken was to define Puppet profiles for each service, build Docker containers from those profiles, and run the containers independently with their own isolated environments. This improves security, ease of development and deployment, and allows immutable infrastructure by replacing containers instead of changing server configurations. Challenges discussed include Docker bugs, inconsistent Debian packages, and future plans to add HAProxy and a container registry.

From Dev to DevOps
From Dev to DevOpsFrom Dev to DevOps
From Dev to DevOps

1. The document discusses moving from a Dev to DevOps model by addressing issues like siloization between development and operations teams and embracing concepts like infrastructure as code. 2. It recommends several DevOps tools for infrastructure automation including Puppet, Vagrant, and VeeWee which allow developers to define infrastructure in code and provision environments. 3. The Puppet Domain Specific Language (DSL) is demonstrated for declaring resources like users, files, packages, and services with attributes and relationships between them in a declarative way.

Some classical problems
Have hundreds of groups on G Suite. Review and delete empty ones.
Review group membership; create list of users from outside the domain.
Update everyone's email signatures.
Ensure there are no rogue .mp3's on anyone's Google Drive.
Create a project on JIRA with all the standard workflows, templates, etc.
...all of that, regularly.
Write some simple scripts!
Our in-house tool: https://bitbucket.org/u9/gadmin
E.g. to delete empty groups on G Suite:
$ gadmin groups count example.com
developers@example.com 11
foo@example.com 0
older-group@example.com 0
some-group@example.com 4
trash@example.com 0
$ gadmin groups count example.com | awk '$2=="0" {print $1}' 
| xargs -r -n1 gadmin groups delete
Very much WIP, it may eat your laundry ;)
Write some more sophisticated scripts!
We have in-house tools for:
Device tracking for testers
JIRA project setup
Processing invoices
URL shortening
And more...
Use a third-party service!
We use BetterCloud - https://www.bettercloud.com/
Automates stuff like email signatures, Drive sharing policies, user
provisioning, and a lot more...

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Installaling Puppet Master and Agent
Installaling Puppet Master and AgentInstallaling Puppet Master and Agent
Installaling Puppet Master and Agent

Puppet is a configuration automation platform that simplifies system administration tasks. It uses a client/server model where agent nodes pull configuration profiles from the Puppet master. Modules on the master describe the desired system configuration. Puppet translates modules into code and configures agent servers as needed. Puppet can manage infrastructure across multiple servers.

Steamlining your puppet development workflow
Steamlining your puppet development workflowSteamlining your puppet development workflow
Steamlining your puppet development workflow

The document discusses ways to streamline a Puppet development workflow including using revision control, running Puppet in noop or automatic mode, moving changes slowly through testing and using branches, reporting on changes, and implementing testing strategies like unit testing with rspec-puppet and integration testing with serverspec. It also recommends tools like Foreman, Norman, Puppetfile, and Jenkins to improve testing and deployment.

Indian railway Mechanical workshop Gorakhpur ppt
Indian railway Mechanical workshop  Gorakhpur pptIndian railway Mechanical workshop  Gorakhpur ppt
Indian railway Mechanical workshop Gorakhpur ppt

PPT presentation on Mechanical Workshop Gorakhpur, which i have visited and learnt during my intern time.

Automation: For developers: Hubot
Chatbot; built internally at Github, open-sourced: https://hubot.github.com/
Plenty of community-maintained plugins
Easy to roll your own: JS, Coffee...
We use it internally for a whole bunch of small stuff:
Standup alarms
hubot: @here it's 11:00 AM, standup time! https://hangups.example.com/kittens-
Trigger a deployment
me: hubot deploy kittens 0.2.17 to dev
hubot: OK! Running:
ansible-playbook deploy-kittens.yml -e version=0.2.17 -e env=dev
Automation: For developers: Hubot
...and for fulfilling our random gif needs
me: hubot pug me
hubot: https://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lisv04akTl1qb08qmo1_500.jpg
Automation: For developers:make
Old, venerable tool - 1976, probably older than you
Surprisingly versatile
(If your problem can be expressed as producing an output file from a
bunch of input files!)
Build your project (obviously)
Maintain .gitignore via https://www.gitignore.io/
Maintain your scripts & dotfiles across machines (make + git)
These slides were made with make ;)
%.html: %.md
@pandoc --self-contained -f markdown -t slidy $< -o $@
make practical-automation.html
Automation: For everyone!
Creating sophisticated automation requires coding skills, understanding of
the problem domain, commitment to maintenance...
But not all tools need to be THIS sophisticated!
If enough people have the same problem...

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This document discusses leadership styles and the qualities of an effective leader. It describes four main leadership styles: autocratic, democratic, free rein, and paternalistic. It emphasizes that the ideal leader influences others towards common goals through careful planning, excellence under pressure, high standards, focus, integrity, communication, and soft skills like listening, courtesy, discretion, literacy, appearance, feedback. An effective leader helps others achieve their potential and believes that "impossible is nothing."

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Industrial engineers determine the most effective ways to use resources like people, machines, materials, and energy to improve business operations and efficiency. They work to make products and services safer, faster, easier, and more profitable through techniques like project management, supply chain optimization, quality control, and financial analysis. The field offers opportunities across many industries as well as consulting, government, healthcare, education, and more.

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Leadership ppt
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A leader is defined as a person who influences others towards achieving a goal. To be an effective leader, one must have followers who trust them. Key attributes of good leadership include having a deep commitment to the goal, the ability to visualize success, and being worthy of others' trust. Effective leadership requires understanding followers' needs and motivating them through two-way communication that depends on the specific situation. Traits, skills, inspiring a vision, and inviting participation are important factors in leadership.

Automation: For mere mortals: GUI tools,
Plenty of options, domain-specific or more general:
AutoHotKey - https://www.autohotkey.com/ - for Windows users
BetterCloud - https://www.bettercloud.com/ - G Suite and more
If This Then That - https://ifttt.com/
Zapier - https://zapier.com/
Various Slack bots; off-the-shelf Hubot plugins
Questions? Comments?
Any tools YOU would recommend?
Success stories?
Hate mail?
I will answer everything :)
cat /dev/audience 
| while read question
echo 42 > /dev/audience

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  • 2. Automation? For whom? For DevOps and IT... ...and for anyone who can code ...and for mere mortals as well! How? With Ansible, Docker, Hubot... ...and with whatever else you see fit
  • 3. Why automate? Humans love being lazy Do the extra work now Be lazy forever after Most things are already automated Except for those you really need Engineer: a person that takes 3 hours to turn a 2-hour task into a 1-hour task Reap benefits until heat death of the universe (Or until things break mysteriously...) "If it's worth doing it twice, it's worth automating it" Except when it's not Often, attempting automating things can get you nowhere and waste time
  • 4. So when is it a good idea to automate? Anything repetitive Create / delete user accounts, rotate passwords... Upgrade vulnerable software packages... Tweak a config file... ...on ALL the servers! ...all. the. time... Anything daunting Go through all email groups and delete those that have no members Migrate data from an old service to a new one Any low-hanging fruit Things that are not hard, not too boring; still easy to script Good ROI, easy to get into the habit of automating
  • 5. What if something can't be automated? Delegate it! Maybe there's someone more competent? Maybe it should be a person's decision, not a machine's? Maybe you can replace yourself with a push-button, and give the button to the guy in charge? Think of a better process - talk to your fellow humans
  • 6. Automation: For devops (Where devops = developers and sysops working together.)
  • 7. Problem: Managing server configuration My story: Developer suddenly turned sysadmin; inherited entire company's web hosting & server infrastructure; ca 30-40 servers Nothing was documented, everything was done by hand Started an inventory in a spreadsheet; quickly realized it doesn't scale, and most importantly: it's not machine-readable
  • 8. First attempt: Ansible Server / configuration management tool Installed Ansible, re-created the inventory as .ini file, now I can ping ALL hosts with one command: ansible -m ping all Yes, this is the way to go! git commit -m "Hello, world" We kept the repository ("The Cookbook") private Lots of valuable, reusable code... ...But many parts tightly integrated with our infrastructure 2 years, 1800+ commits, 300+ pull requests, and 8 contributors later...
  • 9. How do we use Ansible? What can it do for you? Need a new server or two... ansible-playbook cloud-ec2.yml -e project=kittens -e env=live -e count=2 Provision the base system? Simple: ansible-playbook provision-base-system.yml --limit tag_project_kittens Deploy project "kittens" to staging environment: ansible-playbook deploy-kittens.yml -e env=stage Update our DNS zones: ansible-playbook managed-dns.yml Audit all servers for access; remove revoked public keys, etc: ansible-playbook managed-cleanup.yml
  • 10. How does a typical playbook look like? --- - hosts: managed vars: docker_opts: "" handlers: - name: Restart Docker daemon service: name=docker state=restarted - name: Refresh apt cache apt: update_cache=yes - name: Reload systemd daemon shell: /bin/systemctl daemon-reload tasks: - name: Add docker apt key apt_key: keyserver: pgp.mit.edu id: "58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D" tags: install - name: Install apt-transport-https apt: name=apt-transport-https tags: install - name: Add docker apt sources copy: content: | deb https://apt.dockerproject.org/repo {{ ansible_distribution.lower() }}-{{ ansible_distribution_release }} main dest: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list notify: Refresh apt cache tags: install
  • 11. - name: Flush handlers meta: flush_handlers - name: Create /etc/apt/preferences file: dest: /etc/apt/preferences state: directory tags: install - name: Pin Docker version copy: dest: /etc/apt/preferences/docker content: | Package: docker-engine Pin: version 1.12.* Pin-Priority: 1100 tags: install - name: Install Docker apt: name=docker-engine notify: Restart Docker daemon tags: install - name: Install Docker Python goodies pip: name={{ item.name }} version={{ item.version }} executable=pip2.7 environment: PATH: /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin with_items: - { name: "docker-py", version: "1.9.0" } - { name: "docker-compose", version: "1.8.0" } tags: install - name: Create docker group group: name: docker state: present notify: Restart Docker daemon tags: install - name: (systemd) Tweak docker daemon flags when: docker_opts copy: dest: /etc/systemd/system/docker.service content: |
  • 12. content: | [Service] ExecStart= ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker daemon -H fd:// {{ docker_opts }} n notify: - Restart Docker daemon - Reload systemd daemon tags: install - name: Flush handlers meta: flush_handlers
  • 13. Problem: Is Ansible good or bad? Better than doing it by hand? Definitely! Better than curl | sudo bash? Yes!!! Better than shell scripts? Worse? Better than any of the million other tools? Maybe... Better than hand-rolling something? Not so sure now...
  • 14. Problem: Is your automation efficient? Now we can spin up & setup servers with a few simple commands. But it was slow... Base+nginx+SSL+Python+app often took ~2h. We hated it and we avoided it. Solution? Create a base image First, we tried Packer (http://packer.io/) - but it had annoying bugs; was very difficult to debug Second attempt: plain Ansible - worked much better Maybe there are better tools to do these things? We haven't even tried any of the other popular solutions: Chef, Puppet, Fabric, Atlas/Terraform, etc.
  • 15. Some take-aways No automation is the worst. Slow automation is no better than no automation. Buggy automation is even worse! Solutions can sometimes create more problems. Research your tools, pick stuff that works for your needs!
  • 16. Problem: So how exactly do you deploy these "kittens"? Our company has very dynamic and growing needs Remember rule #1: automate the repetitive, boring, daunting stuff Sysop team spent days writing elaborate Ansible playbooks to set up servers for projects But wait! Rule #2: can't automate something? Delegate it! First attempt: let developers write Ansible playbooks... Ansible has a pretty steep learning curve and some serious limitations Difficulties micro-managing access Difficulties achieving parity between local dev, vagrant, CI, stage, live... Result: playbooks full of ugly hacks Second attempt: Docker
  • 17. Docker: some seriously magical stuff happened Docker puts apps into portable "containers" Many difficult problems become easy Developers are (mostly) in charge of their Dockerfiles Developers no longer blocked by sysadmins Builds are 100% automated and 100% reproducible Much easier to review, audit, understand Output is a fixed image; if it runs well in dev, stage, it will (probably) run well in prod Our deploy playbooks for Ansible are basically copy-paste & tweak; work underway to unify them We've created a set of base images that make it easy to follow our internal conventions - people stick to conventions more often
  • 18. Docker: but not everything is so rosy! Another tool to learn for the (always busy) developers. Difference between "build time" and "run time" greatly emphasized, for the better and for the worse. # XXX broken? RUN service nginx start RUN curl localhost Many difficult problems stay difficult, or become even harder. Not a silver bullet: we've dockerized most of our apps, but Ansible still manages the raw computing infrastructure. (You can pry Ansible from my cold, dead hands!) (But I'm still writing my own configuration management tool, as a side project.)
  • 19. More conclusions? Choose tools that empower your team-mates! Different tools for different types of tasks
  • 20. Automation: For IT staff Often burdened with stuff that's not always easily automated: Purchases, finance Onboarding, helpdesk, troubleshooting Setup, wiring, "hands" in the server room Often burdened with daunting, scriptable tasks, but no time to develop the automation At our company, sysadmins and "IT guys" often work together closely
  • 21. Some classical problems Have hundreds of groups on G Suite. Review and delete empty ones. Review group membership; create list of users from outside the domain. Update everyone's email signatures. Ensure there are no rogue .mp3's on anyone's Google Drive. Create a project on JIRA with all the standard workflows, templates, etc. ...all of that, regularly.
  • 22. Solutions? Write some simple scripts! Our in-house tool: https://bitbucket.org/u9/gadmin E.g. to delete empty groups on G Suite: $ gadmin groups count example.com developers@example.com 11 foo@example.com 0 older-group@example.com 0 some-group@example.com 4 trash@example.com 0 $ gadmin groups count example.com | awk '$2=="0" {print $1}' | xargs -r -n1 gadmin groups delete Very much WIP, it may eat your laundry ;)
  • 23. Solutions? Write some more sophisticated scripts! We have in-house tools for: Device tracking for testers JIRA project setup Processing invoices URL shortening And more...
  • 24. Solutions? Use a third-party service! We use BetterCloud - https://www.bettercloud.com/ Automates stuff like email signatures, Drive sharing policies, user provisioning, and a lot more...
  • 25. Automation: For developers: Hubot Chatbot; built internally at Github, open-sourced: https://hubot.github.com/ Plenty of community-maintained plugins Easy to roll your own: JS, Coffee... We use it internally for a whole bunch of small stuff: Standup alarms hubot: @here it's 11:00 AM, standup time! https://hangups.example.com/kittens- standup Trigger a deployment me: hubot deploy kittens 0.2.17 to dev hubot: OK! Running: hubot: ansible-playbook deploy-kittens.yml -e version=0.2.17 -e env=dev
  • 26. Automation: For developers: Hubot ...and for fulfilling our random gif needs me: hubot pug me hubot: https://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lisv04akTl1qb08qmo1_500.jpg
  • 27. Automation: For developers:make Old, venerable tool - 1976, probably older than you Surprisingly versatile (If your problem can be expressed as producing an output file from a bunch of input files!) Build your project (obviously) Maintain .gitignore via https://www.gitignore.io/ Maintain your scripts & dotfiles across machines (make + git) These slides were made with make ;) %.html: %.md @pandoc --self-contained -f markdown -t slidy $< -o $@ make practical-automation.html
  • 28. Automation: For everyone! Creating sophisticated automation requires coding skills, understanding of the problem domain, commitment to maintenance... But not all tools need to be THIS sophisticated! If enough people have the same problem...
  • 29. Automation: For mere mortals: GUI tools, Automation-as-a-Service... Plenty of options, domain-specific or more general: AutoHotKey - https://www.autohotkey.com/ - for Windows users BetterCloud - https://www.bettercloud.com/ - G Suite and more If This Then That - https://ifttt.com/ Zapier - https://zapier.com/ Various Slack bots; off-the-shelf Hubot plugins
  • 30. Questions? Comments? Any tools YOU would recommend? Success stories? Hate mail? I will answer everything :) cat /dev/audience | while read question do echo 42 > /dev/audience done harry666t@gmail.com kamil@rollc.at