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Sales & Marketing Alignment:
0 to 4,000 Customers with No Cold Calls

MIT Sloan Sales Conference
May 6th, 2011

            Mark Roberge

             I. Inbound Demand Generation

             II. Sales and Marketing Alignment

             III. Science of Sales

Outbound Demand Generation

3 @markroberge
Outbound Marketing is Getting Harder


4 @markroberge

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Outbound marketing - Manu Melwin Joy
Outbound marketing - Manu Melwin JoyOutbound marketing - Manu Melwin Joy
Outbound marketing - Manu Melwin Joy

Outbound marketing is the opposite of inbound marketing, where the customers find you, mostly through various paid and natural search engine marketing efforts. It is considered to be an annoying version of the traditional way of doing marketing whereby companies focus on finding customers through advertising.

marketingmarket sharemarket
Secret Sauce for Outbound Marketing and Account Based Everything
Secret Sauce for Outbound Marketing and Account Based EverythingSecret Sauce for Outbound Marketing and Account Based Everything
Secret Sauce for Outbound Marketing and Account Based Everything

Sometimes, you can't wait around for the right people from the right accounts to swim into your demand generation net – you need to reach out to these "big fish" directly. When you need more than Inbound, learn the new secret sauce for combining outbound account based marketing ABM (actually account based everything) and sales development to build pipeline at target accounts, expand existing relationships, and connect with more decision makers.

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Launching and Scaling an Account Based Marketing Strategy: Implementing the R...
Launching and Scaling an Account Based Marketing Strategy: Implementing the R...Launching and Scaling an Account Based Marketing Strategy: Implementing the R...
Launching and Scaling an Account Based Marketing Strategy: Implementing the R...

This document discusses launching and scaling an account-based marketing strategy. It recommends starting with a small pilot that engages one sales partner and focuses on a small target account list. The pilot should customize touchpoints like digital ads, landing pages, and emails for each account and measure the impact on key metrics. To scale the strategy, the document suggests expanding the target account list and sales partnerships, building an ABM leadership team, and optimizing budgets and technologies to support the strategy. Customizing engagement by account tier and stage is also recommended based on account value, effort invested, and strategic initiatives.

b2b marketingabmaccount-based marketing
Inbound Demand Generation

            Blog     SEO    Social Media

5 @markroberge
How Do You Get to the Top? History of SEO
Inbound Marketing – One Strategy not Three

            Blog       SEO        Social Media

7 @markroberge
Inbound Leads Cost 60% Less Than Outbound Leads

        Source: survey of hundreds of businesses: HubSpot.com/ROI

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This document provides guidance on how to build and manage an inbound marketing team. It recommends hiring candidates with digital, analytical, reach, and content skills. The screening process involves checking digital footprints and asking funnel, lead scoring, and website design questions in interviews. For management, the document suggests structuring the team around the marketing funnel, using agile principles, and having a monthly goal-setting and reporting cadence with frequent recognition and feedback.

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How to Build a World-Class SDR Team
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How to Build a World-Class SDR Team

The right team structure can unlock additional revenue today, without more people, marketing spend, or additional leads. Whether you call it sales development (SDR), business development (BDR), or lead qualification (LQ), building the team can accelerate revenue from both your inbound and outbound efforts. In this webinar, you’ll learn: How you can turn your inbound marketing leads into revenue growths, How you can improve your outbound/self-sourced sales leads, Best practices for building, measuring, incenting and equipping an SDR team that can unlock sales growth. Whether your looking to build a new SDR team or optimize the team you already have, join Mike Plante and Tom Pilkington for this must-see webinar.

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Marketo Summit: Will the real lead please stand up - tips & tricks to an amaz...

This standing room only session on data quality highlights critical issues to getting your marketing and sales data aligned and marketable. Kim Stites & Mary Firme present.

"marketo summit" "mary firme" "reachforce"
Reading List Suggestion

                           Inbound Marketing:
                          Get Found using Google,
                          Social Media and Blogs

                          Top 5 Web Marketing
                            Book on Amazon

9 @markroberge
Action Items - Inbound Demand Generation

 1. Develop a publishing muscle

 2. Define a thought leadership

 3. Start a blog

 4. Participate in your prospect’s

10 @markroberge

          I. Inbound Demand Generation

          II. Sales and Marketing Alignment

          III. Science of Sales

Use Science Not Gut to Determine Sales-Ready Leads

        SEO             BLOG            Social Media

        Visitors        Visitors             Visitors

         Leads           Leads                Leads

     SEO Customers   Blog Customers   Social Media Customers

      [LTV of SEO     [LTV of Blog     [LTV of Social Media
       Customers]      Customers]          Customers]


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More Value, Better Clients, Bigger Budgets: Moving Beyond the Basics of Inbound

As inbound agencies, we all know how to create value for our clients through traditional top of funnel ebook offers and lead nurturing. But what about alternative methods for driving client results and growing your retainers? Does your agency look for new ways to generate and close leads for your clients that are different from the norm?

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B2B versus B2C Buyers Profiled
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B2B versus B2C Buyers Profiled

B2C and B2B advertisers view their audiences from two completely different perspectives even though they’re often both talking to the same people. The infographic below showcases how important it is for B2B marketers to ensure that they are using the right lens to identify, target and communicate with their potential customers online.

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Sales marketing alignment 10 16-13_
Sales marketing alignment 10 16-13_Sales marketing alignment 10 16-13_
Sales marketing alignment 10 16-13_

Meagen Eisenberg, VP of Demand Generation at Docusign and Robert J. Moreau, CEO, Zyphias Group discuss sales and marketing alignment, the customer journey and key best practices with Docusign client examples and tips. Moderated by Chanin Balance, CEO of Mobilepaks.

sales and marketing alignmentcustomer journeysales
Hold Marketing Accountable to Lead Quality and Quantity

        • MTD Rejected New Lead Rate (target < 5%): 4.6%
        • MTD 7 Day Lead to Opportunity Conv (target > 33%): 44%
        • MTD % Leads from B2B >1K employees (target > 20%): 23%

13      * Data has been altered from actual HubSpot data for the purposes of this presentation
Use Science, Not Gut, to Find Optimal Attempts per Lead


     LTV / COCA



                       1       3        5        7      9    11      13
                                             Attempt #
                      All Leads             1-10 employees   11-25 employees
                      26-50 employees       51+ employees
Hold Sales Accountable to Attempt Quantity and Quality

                                             * Data has been altered from
                                             actual HubSpot data for the
                                             purposes of this presentation

Action Items – Sales & Marketing Alignment

 1. Define your Marketing SLA

 2. Define your Sales SLA

 3. Implement processes to hold sales
    and marketing accountable

16 @markroberge

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This document summarizes common B2B marketing career roles at different organization sizes. It discusses roles such as campaign manager, email marketer, event marketer, field marketing, content marketing, corporate marketer, public relations, SEO, SEM, creative design. For each role it outlines typical responsibilities at the specialist, manager, director and VP levels. It is intended as a general guide, as responsibilities may vary between companies.

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Rebranding: A 4 Step Plan for B2B Marketers
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Your brand has huge strategic importance for improving your competitive position, engaging more prospects and ultimately winning more customers. So that’s why I wrote this ebook, “Rebranding: A 4-Step Plan for B2B Marketers”. In the book, I lay out detailed how-to’s for pulling off every part of a rebranding from aligning your leadership around the brand to launching it internally and externally. You’ll discover examples of what my team and I did to make MultiView’s rebranding successful at every stage. I’ve also included a scorecard for selecting your digital agency and a checklist for making sure you have all your bases covered. I hope you find the content helpful and if you have any questions, please DM me on Twitter @ToddEbert. I’d be happy to share my experience having done this several times.

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In this case study, learn how Microsoft is applying deep AI-driven market intelligence through its applications to impact the different phases of its customers’ lifecycle

customer experiencemicrosoftai

          I. Inbound Demand Generation

          II. Sales and Marketing Alignment

          III. Science of Sales

Mission as a Sales Scientist

 Predictable, scalable revenue growth

 If I can…
  Hire the same type of sales person
  Train them in the same way
  Provide them with the same quantity and quality of leads
  Have them work the leads using the same process

 …then I will achieve my goal.

18 @markroberge
Predictable Sales Hiring

19 @markroberge
Predictable Sales Training

 What we saw
         Shadow a senior sales rep for 1 week
         Read a 2 page sales manual

 What we did
         Train your sales people as consultants or experts. Give them
          hands on experience if possible.
         Use tests and certification programs.

20 @markroberge

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How to Increase Sales with Demand Generation

Discover how to generate demand for your products and services to increase your sales. Learn the demand generation process and content strategy that aligns with lead generation and the buyers journey to effectively increase revenue for your business.

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The B2B Buying Journey
The B2B Buying JourneyThe B2B Buying Journey
The B2B Buying Journey

The buying journey has completely changed over the last decade due in large part to the Internet and the amount of information now accessible online. Businesses must come to the realization that their prospective buyers are completing up to 70% of their buying journey before contacting them. This stat may be staggering to some, but there’s good news — you still have the ability to influence your audience early on and throughout their entire buying journey. My new eBook takes a deep dive into what a modern day B2B buyer’s path to purchase looks like, the marketing solutions that play into each phase of their buying journey, and how those marketing solutions ultimately influence the buyer’s decision to purchase. This eBook is a must read for any marketer looking for a fresh perspective on the B2B digital landscape and how their business can capitalize on the online marketing opportunities available to them.

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For B2C and B2B companies. This pairs up the Marketing and Sales strategy. It covers both eCommerce and sales teams sales strategies, and the marketing needed for that sales strategy.

Predictable Lead Quantity and Quality

        • MTD Rejected New Lead Rate (target < 5%): 4.6%
        • MTD 7 Day Lead to Opportunity Conv (target > 33%): 44%
        • MTD % Leads from B2B >1K employees (target > 20%): 23%

21      * Data has been altered from actual HubSpot data for the purposes of this presentation
Predicable Sales Funnel Process
       Bad Lead
                                  1. RESEARCH
                            Prepare for the sales process
  Too Big        No Fit
  Queue          Queue

  Marketing        Int’l           2. PROSPECT

   Queue          Queue
                                   Get to a connect

               Unable to
                                   3. CONNECT
                              Schedule the assessment

                                    4. QUALIFY
                            Determine worthiness for demo

              Closed Lost
                                        5. DEMO
                              Illustrate value of software

              Closed Lost
                             6. OBJECTIONS & CLOSE
                                Sign up new customer
Use Data to Hold Sales Accountable to the Process

                                                                                            Each Color
                                                                                           Represents a
                                                                                            Sales Rep

  * Data has been altered from actual HubSpot data for the purposes of this presentation

 “Peal Back the Onion” to Diagnose Issues

                                                            Lead-Worked-to-Connect Ratio

                                                               Connect-to-Demo Ratio

 * Data has been altered from actual HubSpot data for the
 purposes of this presentation

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Sales and marketing alignment is crucial for business success. While marketing automation can help generate leads, sales automation is needed to move leads through the sales funnel and close deals. The two functions have different motivations and roles in the buying process - marketing is passive and aims to make prospects aware, while sales is active and builds connections. To be most effective, marketing and sales automation solutions need to work together to prepare prospects for well-timed outreach from sales representatives, with marketing educating buyers through content and sales converting buyers. Marketing automation alone cannot close deals, and sales automation alone cannot generate enough leads, so aligning the two processes is key.


SMARKETING presented by Bill Faeth, CEO of Inbound Marketing Agents in Nashville, TN At it's core, Smarketing is fairly simple. It is the alignment of Sales and Marketing around common goals like pipeline and sales quotas which require's visibility into each other's goals and progress. Bill Faeth, founder and CEO of Inbound Marketing Agents, will walk you through the 5 Steps to Integrate Smarketing into your business. 1. Speak the same language 2. Set up a closed-loop reporting 3. Implement a service level agreement 4. Maintain open and consistent communication 5. Rely on data

Best practice in sales and marketing alignment
Best practice in sales and marketing alignment Best practice in sales and marketing alignment
Best practice in sales and marketing alignment

The B2B marketing world has changed dramatically. Today's marketer must be technically proficient, possess strong analytical skills and be innovative in their approach to aligning effectively with their sales counterparts. They must determine how they will increase demand creation through effective lead generation, inbound marketing and more impactful sales enablement with the sales organisation. In his keynote, John Neeson will review five best practice strategies that are leveraged by high growth organisations for better alignment and effectiveness. Specifically, he will address the following: •A best practice demand creation framework •Strategies that best practice organisations are using to effectively align marketing and sales •A marketing model for inbound, outbound and sales driven demand creation •Best practice demand creation for the channel •Identification of buying cycle phases and alignment of marketing activities and budget according to sales requirements in each phase.

sales and marketingsalesalignment
Action Items – Science of Sales

 1. Implement your sales
    candidate score sheet

 2. Add exams and certifications to
    your sales training process

 3. Define the sales process and
    use data to hold sales

25 @markroberge
Additional Resources

    Grade your website at
    Read the Inbound Marketing Book
    Inbound Marketing
    Start your free trial of HubSpot software
Thank You!

      Mark Roberge

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  • 2. Agenda I. Inbound Demand Generation II. Sales and Marketing Alignment III. Science of Sales 2
  • 4. Outbound Marketing is Getting Harder 800-555-1234 Annoying Salesperson 4 @markroberge
  • 5. Inbound Demand Generation Blog SEO Social Media 5 @markroberge
  • 6. How Do You Get to the Top? History of SEO
  • 7. Inbound Marketing – One Strategy not Three Blog SEO Social Media 7 @markroberge
  • 8. Inbound Leads Cost 60% Less Than Outbound Leads Source: survey of hundreds of businesses: HubSpot.com/ROI
  • 9. Reading List Suggestion Inbound Marketing: Get Found using Google, Social Media and Blogs Top 5 Web Marketing Book on Amazon InboundBook.com 9 @markroberge
  • 10. Action Items - Inbound Demand Generation 1. Develop a publishing muscle 2. Define a thought leadership committee 3. Start a blog 4. Participate in your prospect’s communities 10 @markroberge
  • 11. Agenda I. Inbound Demand Generation II. Sales and Marketing Alignment III. Science of Sales 11
  • 12. Use Science Not Gut to Determine Sales-Ready Leads SEO BLOG Social Media Visitors Visitors Visitors Leads Leads Leads SEO Customers Blog Customers Social Media Customers [LTV of SEO [LTV of Blog [LTV of Social Media Customers] Customers] Customers] 12
  • 13. Hold Marketing Accountable to Lead Quality and Quantity • MTD Rejected New Lead Rate (target < 5%): 4.6% • MTD 7 Day Lead to Opportunity Conv (target > 33%): 44% • MTD % Leads from B2B >1K employees (target > 20%): 23% 13 * Data has been altered from actual HubSpot data for the purposes of this presentation
  • 14. Use Science, Not Gut, to Find Optimal Attempts per Lead 8 6 LTV / COCA 4 2 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 Attempt # All Leads 1-10 employees 11-25 employees 26-50 employees 51+ employees
  • 15. Hold Sales Accountable to Attempt Quantity and Quality * Data has been altered from actual HubSpot data for the purposes of this presentation 15
  • 16. Action Items – Sales & Marketing Alignment 1. Define your Marketing SLA 2. Define your Sales SLA 3. Implement processes to hold sales and marketing accountable 16 @markroberge
  • 17. Agenda I. Inbound Demand Generation II. Sales and Marketing Alignment III. Science of Sales 17
  • 18. Mission as a Sales Scientist MISSION Predictable, scalable revenue growth STRATEGY If I can…  Hire the same type of sales person  Train them in the same way  Provide them with the same quantity and quality of leads  Have them work the leads using the same process …then I will achieve my goal. 18 @markroberge
  • 20. Predictable Sales Training  What we saw  Shadow a senior sales rep for 1 week  Read a 2 page sales manual  What we did  Train your sales people as consultants or experts. Give them hands on experience if possible.  Use tests and certification programs. 20 @markroberge
  • 21. Predictable Lead Quantity and Quality • MTD Rejected New Lead Rate (target < 5%): 4.6% • MTD 7 Day Lead to Opportunity Conv (target > 33%): 44% • MTD % Leads from B2B >1K employees (target > 20%): 23% 21 * Data has been altered from actual HubSpot data for the purposes of this presentation
  • 22. Predicable Sales Funnel Process Bad Lead 1. RESEARCH Prepare for the sales process Too Big No Fit Queue Queue Marketing Int’l 2. PROSPECT LEAD Queue Queue Get to a connect Unable to Qualify 3. CONNECT Schedule the assessment Unqualified 4. QUALIFY Determine worthiness for demo OPPORTUNITY Closed Lost 5. DEMO Illustrate value of software Closed Lost 6. OBJECTIONS & CLOSE Sign up new customer
  • 23. Use Data to Hold Sales Accountable to the Process Each Color Represents a Different Sales Rep * Data has been altered from actual HubSpot data for the purposes of this presentation
  • 24. 3.11 “Peal Back the Onion” to Diagnose Issues Lead-Worked-to-Connect Ratio Connect-to-Demo Ratio * Data has been altered from actual HubSpot data for the purposes of this presentation
  • 25. Action Items – Science of Sales 1. Implement your sales candidate score sheet 2. Add exams and certifications to your sales training process 3. Define the sales process and use data to hold sales accountable 25 @markroberge
  • 26. Additional Resources Grade your website at www.WebsiteGrader.com Read the Inbound Marketing Book www.InboundBook.com Inbound Marketing www.inboundmarketing.com Start your free trial of HubSpot software www.HubSpot.com/free-trial
  • 27. Thank You! Mark Roberge HubSpot @markroberge