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Innovation Workshop 2012
Healthcare Unbound San Francisco
How Innovation Leads to Seeing
'What is Next'
2012 Innovation Workshop - Seeing What is Next in Healthcare
2012 Innovation Workshop - Seeing What is Next in Healthcare
Virginia Gurley, MD, MPH
Physician Innovator

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Innovation Excellence Weekly - Issue 8
Innovation Excellence Weekly - Issue 8Innovation Excellence Weekly - Issue 8
Innovation Excellence Weekly - Issue 8

We are proud to announce our eighth Innovation Excellence Weekly for Slideshare. Inside you'll find ten of the best innovation-related articles from the past week on Innovation Excellence - the world's most popular innovation web site and home to nearly 5,000 innovation-related articles.

Book seeds of innovation
Book seeds of innovationBook seeds of innovation
Book seeds of innovation

This introduction discusses the growing need for organizations to adopt an innovation-centric culture in order to respond to changes in technology, increased global competition, and more demanding customers. It notes that innovative organizations are more profitable as innovation can attract shareholders, employees, and customers. However, while most managers understand the importance of innovation, few are pleased with their organization's current innovation performance, highlighting the need for improved innovation management practices.

Importance of Innovation in Business
Importance of Innovation in BusinessImportance of Innovation in Business
Importance of Innovation in Business

This presentation is submit to Saif Noman Khan as presentation on Innovation for Executive MBA, IBA, DU.

Dexter Shurney, MD, MBA, MPH
Physician Innovator
Alan Blaustein, JD
LeAnna J. Carey, MBA
Innovation Excellence
Workshop Facilitator
Susan Kelly
Visual Facilitator

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Innovation Excellence Weekly - Issue 23
Innovation Excellence Weekly - Issue 23Innovation Excellence Weekly - Issue 23
Innovation Excellence Weekly - Issue 23

We are proud to announce our twenty-third Innovation Excellence Weekly for Slideshare. Inside you'll find ten of the best innovation-related articles from the past week on Innovation Excellence - the world's most popular innovation web site and home to 5,000+ innovation-related articles.

Wgbp 0128
Wgbp 0128Wgbp 0128
Wgbp 0128

The document provides information on innovation leadership and how to foster innovation within organizations. It discusses how traditional business thinking differs from innovative thinking and identifies six innovative thinking skills: paying attention, personalizing, imaging, serious play, collaborative inquiry, and crafting. It then provides three ways to experiment with innovation: by reframing challenges, focusing on the customer experience, and practicing rapid prototyping. Finally, it outlines how leaders can foster a culture of innovation within their organizations by providing organizational encouragement, removing organizational impediments, and showing leadership encouragement.

Innovation Excellence Weekly - Issue 28
Innovation Excellence Weekly - Issue 28Innovation Excellence Weekly - Issue 28
Innovation Excellence Weekly - Issue 28

We are proud to announce our twenty-eighth Innovation Excellence Weekly for Slideshare. Inside you'll find ten of the best innovation-related articles from the past week on Innovation Excellence - the world's most popular innovation web site and home to 5,000+ innovation-related articles.

4 independent and mutually reinforcing components that need to come together
Leadership and Organization
People and Skills
Processes and Tools
Culture and Values
Skarzynski, Peter; Gibson, Rowan (2008-03-18). Innovation to the Core: A Blueprint for
Transforming the Way Your Company Innovates (p. 230). Perseus Books Group.
Kindle Edition
Agenda OverView
What Type Of Innovator Are You?
The 10 Faces of
IDEO’s Strategies for Defeating the Devil’s Advocate
and Driving Creativity Throughout Your Organization
By Jonathan Littman & Thomas Kelley
Source: Littman, Jonathan; Kelley, Thomas (2006-02-14). The Ten Faces of Innovation:
IDEO's Strategies for Defeating the Devil's Advocate and Driving Creativity Throughout
Your Organization (p. 17). Random House, Inc.

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Creativity & Innovation
Creativity & InnovationCreativity & Innovation
Creativity & Innovation

This document discusses creativity and innovation. It defines creativity as bringing new ideas into reality, while innovation is implementing ideas. Creativity fuels innovation. Myths that creativity requires special talents and that criticism helps ideas are busted - creativity is a skill learned through practice, and ideas need nurturing not criticism. Three components of creativity are listed as expertise, motivation, and creative thinking skills. Tools for defining problems include the Kipling method of questions and challenging assumptions. Organizations can be creative through encouraging challenges, freedom, diverse groups, clear goals, and rewards for risk-taking ideas. The process of innovation involves generating many ideas, screening them, testing feasibility, and implementing. Creativity and innovation are important for progress, competit

Innovation Excellence Weekly - Issue 26
Innovation Excellence Weekly - Issue 26Innovation Excellence Weekly - Issue 26
Innovation Excellence Weekly - Issue 26

We are proud to announce our twenty-sixth Innovation Excellence Weekly for Slideshare. Inside you'll find ten of the best innovation-related articles from the past week on Innovation Excellence - the world's most popular innovation web site and home to 5,000+ innovation-related articles.

Introduction to BrainSpark
Introduction to BrainSparkIntroduction to BrainSpark
Introduction to BrainSpark

Whether you are trying to inject new ideas into your business or want to develop your leadership team, BrainSpark is THE way your business can tap into the surging new Creativity Culture. This presentation is a quick introduction on who we are and how we can help.

The Anthropologist - in folder!
 Practice the Zen principle of “beginners mind”
 Willing to set aside what they know
 Observe with an open mind
 Embrace human behavior with an open mind
 They don’t judge, they observe
 Draw inferences by listening to their intuition
 See what has always been there but gone unnoticed
 Keep “bug lists” or “idea wallets”
 Look for insights where least expected
The Experimenter
 Passionate for hard work, curious mind
 Have an openness to serendipity, different ideas, approaches
 Strive for inspiration but never from perspiration
 Make sure everything’s faster, less expensive, more fun
 Embrace little failures at early stages to avoid big mistakes
 Work with teams of all shapes and sizes that might have insights
to make prototype better
 Push ideas quickly concept ->words->sketch->model->new
 Recognize the value of introducing multiple prototypes
 Challenges key assumptions
Cross Pollinator
 Create something new and better through the unexpected
juxtaposition of seemingly unrelated ideas or concepts.
 Discover a clever solution in one context or industry, then translating
it successfully to another
 Translates arcane technical jargon from the research lab into vivid
insights everyone can understand
 Ranges far and wide for business and pleasure; shares beyond what
has been seen –> what has been learned
 Voracious reader devouring books, magazines, and online sources
 Sport multiple interests that lend experience necessary to take an
idea from one business challenge and apply it in a fresh context
 Restless curiosity and unusual backgrounds that expand ability to
tackle challenges
The Hurdler
 Get a charge out of trying to do something never been done before
 Tireless problem-solver who overcomes obstacles naturally, savvy risk-
 Breaking rules comes naturally, know how to work outside the system
 Maintain a quiet, positive determination—especially in adversity
 Hurdler’s drive plays a major part in significant new innovations
 Turn an organization’s greatest challenge into its greatest success
 Sees beyond initial failures and turns lemons into lemonade
 Hurdlers hardly let obstacles slow them down, much less stop them
 Extraordinary resilience, doesn’t take no for an answer
 Essence is perseverance and can be stubborn
 Listens to experts but doesn’t let them have the final word

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Creativity and innovation
Creativity and innovationCreativity and innovation
Creativity and innovation

Creativity and innovation in marketing involves coming up with new ideas and implementing them. Elements of creativity include advertising, public relations, and sales promotions. Effective creativity in these areas connects with the target audience, communicates benefits, and persuades people. It uses techniques like surprise, interesting information, and highlighting benefits. Creativity can build brand values by reinforcing feelings and creating new attitudes. The process of innovation involves generating ideas, screening them, testing feasibility, implementing ideas, and commercializing new products or services. Innovation is important for companies to improve, enter new markets, and adapt to changes.

pharma marketing
opportunity and idea generation
opportunity and idea generationopportunity and idea generation
opportunity and idea generation

This document discusses the importance of creativity, innovation, and idea generation for business. It defines key terms like business opportunity, idea generation, and creativity. It also describes approaches to generating ideas like brainstorming and improving existing products. Brainstorming techniques are explained, and entrepreneurship is discussed as being at the core of innovation. The story of Lijjat Papad, a successful women's cooperative in India, is provided as an example of how a small idea can become a large business. Finally, some organizations dedicated to idea generation are listed.

Design thinking innovation training course outline - building a co-design app...
Design thinking innovation training course outline - building a co-design app...Design thinking innovation training course outline - building a co-design app...
Design thinking innovation training course outline - building a co-design app...

This document outlines an action learning course that teaches design thinking. The course objectives are to help participants unravel challenges and co-create solutions by discovering customer needs, transforming insights into ideas and designs, enabling co-creation, and learning early stage testing. It defines design thinking as a problem-solving method that involves interdisciplinary collaboration to innovate. The document provides frameworks and tools to apply design thinking, such as role playing and developing empathy, and explains how design thinking can help businesses innovate, differentiate their models, and focus their efforts.

#innovation #designthinking #design #change #co-cr
The Collaborator
 Stirs up the pot and performs subtle form of corporate jujitsu
 Bring people together to get things done
 Proactive cross-trainers, willing and able to leap organizational
boundaries to coax out of silos to multidisciplinary efforts
 Lead from the middle, using diplomatic skills to hold the group
together when it threatens to splinter or disband
 Spirit of cooperation company before implementation even begins
 Willing to set own work aside temporarily to make tight deadlines
 Jumps in when and where they are needed
 Best defense against internal skeptics
 Turns the strength of any initial opposition into a positive force
 Excel in the handoffs between departments and team members
The Director
 Maps out production, crafts the scenes
 Builds the chemistry, getting it done
 Gives center stage to others
 Loves finding new projects and mbrace the unexpected
 Steps up and lead when the need arises
 View team chemistry as an intrinsic part of project success
 Rise to tough challenges and shoots for the moon
 Work to make their dreams a reality
 Wield a large toolbox and solves problems in real time
 Improvise with whatever techniques, strategies, and resources are at
their disposal
The Experiment Architect
 Stage for positive encounters with your organization through
products, services, digital interactions, spaces, or events
 Design not only for customers but also for employees
 Experiences stand out from the crowd
 Engage your senses and fend off the ordinary
 Use patience to see what others have overlooked
 Use initiative and drive to come up with new experiences
 Aware that the task of designing experiences is constantly
evolving, influenced not only by the spread of new technology
also by shifting human needs
The Set Designer
 The “X factor” in a company, the intangible element that helps
turn around an organization
 Makes a difference in the workplace
 They create collaborative spaces for “neighborhood” teams
 Gauge how space behaves and make subtle adjustments to keep
it responsive to shifting needs
 Balance private and collaborative space, giving people room to
collaborate but also providing the sanctuary of privacy for
intensely individual work
 Create project spaces, making room for projects to live and
breathe for weeks or months
 They can help people move and migrate, forming new groups
and potent combinations

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Creative organisation
Creative organisationCreative organisation
Creative organisation

Presentation covers Organizational design,Mechanism for stimulating Organizational Creativity,,Creative Societies , Value propositions and issues

Innovation Excellence Weekly - Issue 22
Innovation Excellence Weekly - Issue 22Innovation Excellence Weekly - Issue 22
Innovation Excellence Weekly - Issue 22

We are proud to announce our twenty-second Innovation Excellence Weekly for Slideshare. Inside you'll find ten of the best innovation-related articles from the past week on Innovation Excellence - the world's most popular innovation web site and home to 5,000+ innovation-related articles.

Target’s e-commerce prototypes and Innovation keys in the US
Target’s e-commerce prototypes and Innovation keys in the USTarget’s e-commerce prototypes and Innovation keys in the US
Target’s e-commerce prototypes and Innovation keys in the US

Apresentação feita por Edward Chenard durante o Fórum E-Commerce Brasil 2015. Edward é Líder de Inovação da Target, com passagens pela BestBuy, GE e 3M, sempre dedicado a criar novas experiências digitais unindo bigdata e personalização.

target inovação retail
The Storyteller
 Add enduring value and a part of the fabric of humanity
 Capture imagination with compelling narratives of initiative, hard
work innovation
 Celebrate success and honor stirring recoveries
 Brings a team together
 Becomes part of the lore of the organization over many years
 Weaves myths, distilling events to heighten reality and draw out
 Works in whatever medium best fits their skills and their
message: video, narrative, animation, even comic strips
 Inspires others to spread the word
 Make heroes out of real people
The Caregiver
 Foundation of human-powered innovation, empathetic
 Exude competence and presence is very reassuring
 Well-reasoned answers to questions and help smooth away
some of your worries
 Work to extend relationships; show rather than teach, guide
 Take extra pains to understand each individual customer
 Know that many services can be made simpler and a lot more
 understand that service innovations come in all shapes and sizes
 Know how to curate - prune offerings to offer best
Your Innovation Goals
Always The First Question

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Creativity & Innovation
Creativity & InnovationCreativity & Innovation
Creativity & Innovation

Hard work & Low cost do not help by themselves any more. Intellectual arbitrage is here to stay. Innovation is the way to stay ahead of the pack. Be the game changer. Let our C3 methodology (part of triniti Innovation Framework) help you break out of idea scarcity and convert your ideas into profitable, implementable solutions.

Design Thinking & HR - Caterina Sanders (SocialHRCamp Vancouver 2016)
Design Thinking & HR - Caterina Sanders (SocialHRCamp Vancouver 2016)Design Thinking & HR - Caterina Sanders (SocialHRCamp Vancouver 2016)
Design Thinking & HR - Caterina Sanders (SocialHRCamp Vancouver 2016)

Design thinking is not a new concept in many areas of business, but in HR it is beginning to gain serious ground. In a recent Deloitte report, of the 7000 respondents, 79% felt that design thinking was an important or very important issue for them this year, with HR professionals believing that they are ready for the journey of moving from “process developer” to an “experience architect”. (Deloitte Human Capital Trends 2016). This hands-on session will introduce you to the main tenets of design thinking and allow you time to try a couple of exercises as applied to the context of social technologies and HR. Participants will walk away with some tangible insights that they should be able to apply to their workplaces immediately.

shrc16shrchr tech
Innovation Women Speak! Webinar: Creativity and Business: Why It Matters
Innovation Women Speak! Webinar: Creativity and Business: Why It MattersInnovation Women Speak! Webinar: Creativity and Business: Why It Matters
Innovation Women Speak! Webinar: Creativity and Business: Why It Matters

Creativity is regarded as one of the top three personality traits most important in career success, but are C-Suite executives fusing creativity into business within their internal environments? This webinar will offer tips and techniques to assist leaders in balancing ones’ creativity in business, cultivate meaningful projects and build a supportive team while showcasing creativity as an important leadership role.

Global Innovation Index
Global Innovation Index by The Boston Consulting
Group is a global index measuring
What is Innovation…
 The introduction of something new; a new idea, method,
or device (Merriam-Webster, 2009).
 Anything that creates new resources, processes, or
values or improves a company’s existing resources,
processes, or values (Christensen, Anthony, & Ross,
 The power to define the industry; the effort to create
purposeful focused change in an enterprise’s economic
or social potential (Drucker, 1985).
What is
“Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship.”
Drucker, Peter F. (2009-03-17). Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Kindle Location 529).
Harper Collins, Inc.. Kindle Edition.
Disruptive & Incremental
 Products based on disruptive technologies are typically
cheaper, simpler, smaller, and, frequently, more
convenient to use
 Coined by Clayton Christensen, describes a process by
which a product or service takes root initially in simple
applications at the bottom of a market and then
relentlessly moves ‘up market’, eventually displacing
established competitors
Source: Christensen, Clayton M. (1997-04-30). The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail . Perseus Books
Group. Kindle Edition.

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This document discusses the importance of effectively communicating innovation ideas, especially "everyday innovation" ideas generated by employees. It argues that many innovative ideas fail because they are poorly communicated, not because they lack merit. It recommends that organizations develop a communication framework to help employees of all levels clearly present their innovative ideas. This can help level the playing field so the best ideas, regardless of who proposes them, have an opportunity to be heard and adopted based on their own merits. Developing employees' communication skills and ensuring a process for sharing ideas can significantly benefit an organization by capturing the potential of innovation from all levels.

Hyper-Adaptable: The Startup Mindset
Hyper-Adaptable: The Startup MindsetHyper-Adaptable: The Startup Mindset
Hyper-Adaptable: The Startup Mindset

How do tiny startups beat huge companies at their own game? By being purpose-built to learn, change and innovate faster. Unencumbered by the challenges of keeping a large organization running smoothly, startups don't succeed in spite of being small, they succeed because of it.

startupsinnovationlean startup
Brand Innovation Workshop Brandculture Sessions #2
Brand Innovation Workshop Brandculture Sessions #2Brand Innovation Workshop Brandculture Sessions #2
Brand Innovation Workshop Brandculture Sessions #2

This document discusses building a culture of innovation. It notes that innovation is no longer confined to research and development and instead requires collaboration across teams. An innovative culture thrives on optimism, trust, embracing risks and learning from failures. It also notes that innovation comes in many forms, from incremental to revolutionary, and organizations should be careful how they measure success to allow new ideas time to grow. Finally, it states that an innovative culture must be tailored to each individual organization.

brandbrandculture sessionsinnovation
Disruptive & Incremental
 A series of small improvements to an existing product or
product line that usually helps maintain or improve its
competitive position over time.
 Incremental innovation is regularly used within the high
technology business by companies that need to
continue to improve their products to include new
features increasingly desired by consumers.
Source: The Business Dictionary
…Don’t forget the Market
Source: Hutch Carpenter I'm Not Actually a Geek Observations on technology and business from someone who should know better
Types of Innovation – in folder!
Management Experience
Business Model
Industry innovations
Skarzynski, Peter; Gibson, Rowan (2008-03-18). Innovation to the
Core: A Blueprint for Transforming the Way Your Company
Innovates (p. 98). Perseus Books Group. Kindle Edition.
Not A Leadership Trait…

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Innovation model for organizations
Innovation model for organizationsInnovation model for organizations
Innovation model for organizations

Research on understanding innovation model and the need for developing an innovation model in an organization.

innovation managementinnovationstrategey
Innovating in Good Times & in Bad: Best Practices in Innovation
Innovating in Good Times & in Bad: Best Practices in InnovationInnovating in Good Times & in Bad: Best Practices in Innovation
Innovating in Good Times & in Bad: Best Practices in Innovation

In the current economic climate, the discipline of innovation is taking a different form. Leading organizations recognize the importance of investing in their future to be in a stronger competitive position in a post-economic crisis world. But what exactly are companies doing to stay ahead of the curve and how are they building their innovation programs to accomplish this?

Introduction To The Killer Innovation Approach Ver 5
Introduction To The Killer Innovation Approach Ver 5Introduction To The Killer Innovation Approach Ver 5
Introduction To The Killer Innovation Approach Ver 5

The document introduces the Killer Innovations approach to innovation, which focuses on generating "killer innovations" - significant departures from current offerings that are difficult to imitate. It discusses tools like focusing innovation searches, using structured questions to drive ideation, and ranking ideas. The approach aims to overcome issues like incrementalism in brainstorming and lack of follow-through. It emphasizes skills like observation and changing perspectives to develop ideas.

Leadership & Infrastructure
Nothing says leader like…
Both Leadership & Infrastructure
What makes these
guys different?
Skarzynski, Peter; Gibson, Rowan (2008-03-18). Innovation
to the Core: A Blueprint for Transforming the Way Your
Company Innovates (p. 45). Perseus Books Group.
Kindle Edition.
Their Thinking

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Caring For The Innovator, Caring For Innovation Powerpoint For Dnp Course
Caring For The Innovator, Caring For Innovation Powerpoint For Dnp CourseCaring For The Innovator, Caring For Innovation Powerpoint For Dnp Course
Caring For The Innovator, Caring For Innovation Powerpoint For Dnp Course

policy and innovation presentation I gave to the Doctor of Nursing Practice students at Arizona State University

C18TP L5 Creativity_Innovation & Entrepreneurship (Dubai).pptx
C18TP L5 Creativity_Innovation & Entrepreneurship (Dubai).pptxC18TP L5 Creativity_Innovation & Entrepreneurship (Dubai).pptx
C18TP L5 Creativity_Innovation & Entrepreneurship (Dubai).pptx

Creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship are interrelated concepts. Creativity involves generating new ideas through imagination and critical thinking. Innovation is applying creative ideas to problems and opportunities to create value. Entrepreneurship involves starting a business based on an innovative idea. The document discusses defining and distinguishing creativity, innovation, and types of innovation like incremental vs radical. It also covers sources of innovation, frameworks like the 4 Ps of innovation, and open vs closed innovation models. Barriers to innovation for small businesses and benefits of creativity are also summarized.

Wisdom Innovation Presentation
Wisdom Innovation PresentationWisdom Innovation Presentation
Wisdom Innovation Presentation

Small Business Innovation doesn't need to be rocket science. Start with creative thinking and apply the actions in your business to see the results. Presented by Rod Hattch - Managing Director Wisdom.

What Steve Jobs Knew
“Innovators possess leadership qualities. They go
against the traditional. They think beyond the
immediate needs of the organization. They have an
end target in view but take the detours when
necessary. They exploit the available resources.”
Gerard H. Gaynor. Innovation by Design: What It Takes to Keep Your Company on the Cutting Edge (p. 65). Kindle Edition.
 Have an explicit, measurable innovation goal as part of their
annual performance.
 Hold managers accountable for helping employees find time
during their normal work hours for innovation.
 Create an organizational infrastructure that spreads
innovation responsibility through every level and every
 Make innovation training a priority.
 Create the programs to teach everyone the skills and tools of
 Recruit the veterans from these programs as teachers and
mentors for new innovators.
Skarzynski, Peter; Gibson, Rowan (2008-03-18). Innovation to the Core: A Blueprint for Transforming the Way Your Company Innovates (pp.
43-44). Perseus Books Group. Kindle Edition
Real Stuff: Healthcare Leader
 Aetna CEO reinventing core business
 Bertolini has stated that increasingly “Aetna views itself
as a healthIT company with an insurance component.
Not exactly what you expect to hear from one of the
largest health insurance corporations”

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EO Innovation Workshop Craig Rispin Business Futurist
EO Innovation Workshop Craig Rispin Business FuturistEO Innovation Workshop Craig Rispin Business Futurist
EO Innovation Workshop Craig Rispin Business Futurist

This document outlines an interactive session on innovation that uses gamification elements like teams, points, and time limits. Participants are instructed to get into teams, come up with team names and shields, and identify the roles needed for innovation. The document discusses learning from mistakes, ensuring the right people and permissions are in place. It also outlines challenges for identifying innovation roles and mapping an innovation plan for the year. The session aims to have participants learn about innovation in a fun way through competition and collaboration.

Developing creative and innovative thinking in the workplace
Developing creative and innovative thinking in the workplaceDeveloping creative and innovative thinking in the workplace
Developing creative and innovative thinking in the workplace

This document provides an outline and overview of developing creative and innovative thinking in the workplace. It discusses what innovation and creativity are, different types of innovation, the value of creativity and innovation, and tips for enhancing creativity. It also presents frameworks for organizational creativity and innovation, including balancing the opposing forces of create and control. The document emphasizes that innovation happens through solving problems for people and outlines habits of creative thinkers. It also includes an example activity to experience the creative process in designing packaging.

creativityinnovation workplace
Creativity and innovation (2)
Creativity and innovation (2)Creativity and innovation (2)
Creativity and innovation (2)

The document discusses different approaches to creativity, including imagination, improvement, investment, and incubation. It explains that each approach has different characteristics in terms of the speed and magnitude of ideas. The document also discusses conceptual blocks that can inhibit creative problem solving and provides techniques for overcoming these blocks to enhance creativity.

Culture & Values
“Life’s like a movie, write
your own ending…Keep
believing, keep pretending;
we’ve done just what we’ve
set out to do, thanks to the
lovers, the dreamers, and
Source: Muppets
Real Stuff: Culture & Values
Clients first
Input, not consensus
Adoptive and adaptive
Pushback is essential
No bullshit – no politics – Nuf said.
Beg for forgiveness, don’t beg for permission
Convention is great to a point
Keep it simple
Integrity, honesty, accountability and candor always
Leadership & Infrastructure ?
 Does your leadership team have a commitment to and
investment in innovation?
 How is it expressed? Is there a vision or a roadmap?
 Where are the greatest opportunities for growth or biggest
pain points that innovation could address?
 What kind or organizational infrastructure supports your
innovation agenda? (For example, leadership and team
goals, software systems, financial targets, pipelines,
performance management etc.)

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Fresh Start | Invincible Company
Fresh Start | Invincible CompanyFresh Start | Invincible Company
Fresh Start | Invincible Company

Fresh Start è un progetto di Cariplo Factory sulla divulgazione di modelli di innovazione aperta e cambiamento culturale per le grandi aziende italiane. "change to survive" https://www.cariplofactory.it/progetti/fresh-start/ Invincible company è un libro, un approccio alla progettazione strategica e collaborativa di migliori modelli di business. https://www.strategyzer.com/books/the-invincible-company

designprototypebusiness model
Innovating from Within - DuMonde Ventures 091114
Innovating from Within - DuMonde Ventures 091114Innovating from Within - DuMonde Ventures 091114
Innovating from Within - DuMonde Ventures 091114

This document discusses intrapreneurship, which is innovating from within an existing organization. Intrapreneurship can achieve new strategies, business lines, markets, and competitive advantages for companies. It provides examples of how intrapreneurship transformed IBM and Apple from declining to dominant market leaders. While similar to entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship must navigate dependencies and nuances within an organization. Not all organizations foster intrapreneurship due to risks of losing control, challenges of hierarchy, and pressure to maintain the status quo. Successful intrapreneurship requires ideation, advocacy, collaboration, and execution.

Innovation And Creativity 131
Innovation And Creativity 131Innovation And Creativity 131
Innovation And Creativity 131

The document discusses innovation and creativity. It defines innovation as taking new ideas to customers by converting new knowledge into new products and services. It also lists some characteristics of creative individuals and organizational hurdles to creativity. Some principles of innovation discussed include giving ideas a hearing, involving originators in developing their ideas, and addressing both technical and marketing issues. The innovation process is depicted as a series of funnels where many ideas are narrowed down to few innovations.

Culture & Value ?
 Why does your company exist?
 Does your company have an articulated set of core values?
 Are those values rigid or do they shift over time?
 Is your culture reflective of, and true to, the values?
 Does your company’s values match your individual values?
 Do you (or anyone) have the ability to impact your company’s culture?
 What do your company’s articulated values say about creativity, learning,
experimentation and growth?
 How does your company’s culture embrace creativity, learning,
experimentation and growth?
 How do you personally set the tone and expectations for acting in
alignment with your company’s values?
 How do you deal with challenge to the values or culture in your
company? – is it something welcomed or something feared?
Part Deux
Process & Tools
People & Skills
Group Breakout
Innovation Target
could we
that is
What could
we look at
in a new
could we
in a new
could we
What could
we move
into a new
The Six Essential Innovation Questions
Source: Bill O’Connor, Autodesk
Process & Tools
 Recognition of the opportunity
 Idea formulation
 Problem solving
 Prototype solution
 Commercial development
 Technology utilization and/or diffusion
Gerard H. Gaynor. Innovation by Design: What It Takes to Keep Your Company on the Cutting Edge (p. 76). Kindle Edition.

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Leading The Revolution - Gary Hamel
Leading The Revolution - Gary HamelLeading The Revolution - Gary Hamel
Leading The Revolution - Gary Hamel

A Sharing of Gary Hamel's Book Part 1: Facing up to the revolution Part 2: Finding the revolution Part 3: Igniting the revolution Part 4: Sustaining the revolution

ukrevolutionuniversity of hertfordshire
On The Spot Innovation
On The Spot InnovationOn The Spot Innovation
On The Spot Innovation

This document discusses the importance of innovation for organizations. It states that innovation must be purposefully aligned with an organization's strategy and goals. Successful innovation requires a mindset change, including giving people permission to fail and focusing on customer needs. The document also provides a checklist for organizations to create an environment where innovative ideas can be generated, prototyped, and implemented through collaboration.

Innovation Conf Presentation Final 02
Innovation Conf Presentation Final 02Innovation Conf Presentation Final 02
Innovation Conf Presentation Final 02

The document discusses innovation through vision, people, and process. It summarizes that vision requires leadership to communicate goals and empower employees. Assembling diverse teams with various skills and personalities helps spark creativity. Defining an innovation process provides structure while allowing flexibility to encourage new ideas and continuous improvement. Metrics to define and measure success should align with organizational goals and culture.

Tools for Thinking and Working
The Innovation Pipeline
 Collaboration, Crowdsourcing, Co-Creation
 Visualization
 Games and Immersions
 Prototypes for Learning
 Tribes
Real Stuff: Symplur
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Thomas M. Lee @tmlfox
Audun Utengen @audvin
Words of Advice from Rowan
 Focus on “aiming points” such as a portfolio of specific growth platforms (innovation
themes, important challenges) or customer problems.
 Build an innovation architecture to help all employees understand “what we want to
become.” Use this architecture as a guide for choosing innovation opportunities that
will bring you closer to this view of your future.
 Use the architecture as the foundation for ideation—to generate additional
opportunities and to set boundaries for your ideation process.
 Don’t adopt an innovation architecture that is so vague that everything can be
included in it. Make sure it provides clear guidance on what you won’t do.
 Challenge and refresh your architecture periodically. Make sure it reflects any
fundamental marketplace shifts that you hadn’t anticipated when the architecture
was developed.
 The power of the architecture is in the deep tacit understanding of it by those who
created it. Don’t assume that competitors can act on your architecture if they see it.
Skarzynski, Peter; Gibson, Rowan (2008-03-18). Innovation to the Core: A Blueprint for Transforming the Way Your Company Innovates (p.
157). Perseus Books Group. Kindle Edition.
Key Skill Sets
 Watching people in different circumstances who are
trying to do a job and gaining insight about what job they
really want to get done.
 Observing people, processes, companies, or
technologies and seeing a solution that can be applied
(perhaps with some modification) in a different context.
Christensen, Clayton M.; Jeff Dyer; Hal Gregersen (2011-07-12). The Innovator's DNA: Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators (p.
97). Perseus Books Group. Kindle Edition.

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People & Skills
Who Asks the Most Provocative Questions?
Source: Why Ask Why?
February 3 2012 by Hal Gregersen, Jeff Dyer and Clayton Christensen
What’s Your Number?Source: Developing Your Innovator's DNA Three steps to optimizing your skills at innovation by Hal Gregersen, Jeff Dyer Dec 30, 2011
1. Frequently, my ideas or perspectives diverge radically from others’ perspectives.
2. I regularly ask questions that challenge the status quo.
3. New ideas often come to me when I am directly observing how people interact with
products and services.
4. I often find solutions to problems by drawing on solutions or ideas developed in
other industries, fields, or disciplines.
5. I frequently experiment to create new ways of doing things.
6. I regularly talk with a diverse set of people (e.g., from different business functions,
organizations, industries, geographies, etc.) to find and refine new ideas.
7. I attend conferences (on my areas of expertise as well as unrelated areas) to meet
new people and understand what issues are facing them.
8. I actively seek to identify emerging trends by reading books, articles, magazines,
blogs, and so on.
9. I frequently ask “what if” questions that provoke exploration of new possibilities and
10. I regularly observe the activities of customers, suppliers, or other organizations to
get new ideas.
Total your numbers from these ten
 Total your numbers from these ten items to
assess your discovery skills:
 ___45 or above: Very high
___40 – 44: High
___35 – 39: Moderate
___29 – 34: Moderate to low
___28 or below: Low
Thank You

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Satta matka Dpboss Matka guessing satta Matta matka Indian Matka kalyan matkaSatta matka Dpboss Matka guessing satta Matta matka Indian Matka kalyan matka
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2012 Innovation Workshop - Seeing What is Next in Healthcare

  • 1. Innovation Workshop 2012 Healthcare Unbound San Francisco How Innovation Leads to Seeing 'What is Next' in Healthcare
  • 4. Virginia Gurley, MD, MPH Physician Innovator AuraViva
  • 5. Dexter Shurney, MD, MBA, MPH Physician Innovator LifeStyle Competencies
  • 7. LeAnna J. Carey, MBA Innovation Excellence Workshop Facilitator Welcome!
  • 9. BluePrint 4 independent and mutually reinforcing components that need to come together Leadership and Organization People and Skills Processes and Tools Culture and Values Skarzynski, Peter; Gibson, Rowan (2008-03-18). Innovation to the Core: A Blueprint for Transforming the Way Your Company Innovates (p. 230). Perseus Books Group. Kindle Edition
  • 11. What Type Of Innovator Are You?
  • 12. The 10 Faces of Innovation IDEO’s Strategies for Defeating the Devil’s Advocate and Driving Creativity Throughout Your Organization By Jonathan Littman & Thomas Kelley Source: Littman, Jonathan; Kelley, Thomas (2006-02-14). The Ten Faces of Innovation: IDEO's Strategies for Defeating the Devil's Advocate and Driving Creativity Throughout Your Organization (p. 17). Random House, Inc.
  • 13. The Anthropologist - in folder!  Practice the Zen principle of “beginners mind”  Willing to set aside what they know  Observe with an open mind  Embrace human behavior with an open mind  They don’t judge, they observe  Draw inferences by listening to their intuition  See what has always been there but gone unnoticed  Keep “bug lists” or “idea wallets”  Look for insights where least expected
  • 14. The Experimenter  Passionate for hard work, curious mind  Have an openness to serendipity, different ideas, approaches  Strive for inspiration but never from perspiration  Make sure everything’s faster, less expensive, more fun  Embrace little failures at early stages to avoid big mistakes  Work with teams of all shapes and sizes that might have insights to make prototype better  Push ideas quickly concept ->words->sketch->model->new offering  Recognize the value of introducing multiple prototypes  Challenges key assumptions
  • 15. Cross Pollinator  Create something new and better through the unexpected juxtaposition of seemingly unrelated ideas or concepts.  Discover a clever solution in one context or industry, then translating it successfully to another  Translates arcane technical jargon from the research lab into vivid insights everyone can understand  Ranges far and wide for business and pleasure; shares beyond what has been seen –> what has been learned  Voracious reader devouring books, magazines, and online sources  Sport multiple interests that lend experience necessary to take an idea from one business challenge and apply it in a fresh context  Restless curiosity and unusual backgrounds that expand ability to tackle challenges
  • 16. The Hurdler  Get a charge out of trying to do something never been done before  Tireless problem-solver who overcomes obstacles naturally, savvy risk- takers  Breaking rules comes naturally, know how to work outside the system  Maintain a quiet, positive determination—especially in adversity  Hurdler’s drive plays a major part in significant new innovations  Turn an organization’s greatest challenge into its greatest success  Sees beyond initial failures and turns lemons into lemonade  Hurdlers hardly let obstacles slow them down, much less stop them  Extraordinary resilience, doesn’t take no for an answer  Essence is perseverance and can be stubborn  Listens to experts but doesn’t let them have the final word
  • 17. The Collaborator  Stirs up the pot and performs subtle form of corporate jujitsu  Bring people together to get things done  Proactive cross-trainers, willing and able to leap organizational boundaries to coax out of silos to multidisciplinary efforts  Lead from the middle, using diplomatic skills to hold the group together when it threatens to splinter or disband  Spirit of cooperation company before implementation even begins  Willing to set own work aside temporarily to make tight deadlines  Jumps in when and where they are needed  Best defense against internal skeptics  Turns the strength of any initial opposition into a positive force  Excel in the handoffs between departments and team members
  • 18. The Director  Maps out production, crafts the scenes  Builds the chemistry, getting it done  Gives center stage to others  Loves finding new projects and mbrace the unexpected  Steps up and lead when the need arises  View team chemistry as an intrinsic part of project success  Rise to tough challenges and shoots for the moon  Work to make their dreams a reality  Wield a large toolbox and solves problems in real time  Improvise with whatever techniques, strategies, and resources are at their disposal
  • 19. The Experiment Architect  Stage for positive encounters with your organization through products, services, digital interactions, spaces, or events  Design not only for customers but also for employees  Experiences stand out from the crowd  Engage your senses and fend off the ordinary  Use patience to see what others have overlooked  Use initiative and drive to come up with new experiences  Aware that the task of designing experiences is constantly evolving, influenced not only by the spread of new technology also by shifting human needs
  • 20. The Set Designer  The “X factor” in a company, the intangible element that helps turn around an organization  Makes a difference in the workplace  They create collaborative spaces for “neighborhood” teams  Gauge how space behaves and make subtle adjustments to keep it responsive to shifting needs  Balance private and collaborative space, giving people room to collaborate but also providing the sanctuary of privacy for intensely individual work  Create project spaces, making room for projects to live and breathe for weeks or months  They can help people move and migrate, forming new groups and potent combinations
  • 21. The Storyteller  Add enduring value and a part of the fabric of humanity  Capture imagination with compelling narratives of initiative, hard work innovation  Celebrate success and honor stirring recoveries  Brings a team together  Becomes part of the lore of the organization over many years  Weaves myths, distilling events to heighten reality and draw out lessons  Works in whatever medium best fits their skills and their message: video, narrative, animation, even comic strips  Inspires others to spread the word  Make heroes out of real people
  • 22. The Caregiver  Foundation of human-powered innovation, empathetic  Exude competence and presence is very reassuring  Well-reasoned answers to questions and help smooth away some of your worries  Work to extend relationships; show rather than teach, guide choices  Take extra pains to understand each individual customer  Know that many services can be made simpler and a lot more human  understand that service innovations come in all shapes and sizes  Know how to curate - prune offerings to offer best
  • 24. Always The First Question WHY
  • 25. Global Innovation Index Global Innovation Index by The Boston Consulting Group is a global index measuring
  • 26. What is Innovation…  The introduction of something new; a new idea, method, or device (Merriam-Webster, 2009).  Anything that creates new resources, processes, or values or improves a company’s existing resources, processes, or values (Christensen, Anthony, & Ross, 2004).  The power to define the industry; the effort to create purposeful focused change in an enterprise’s economic or social potential (Drucker, 1985).
  • 27. What is Innovation… Purposeful Discipline “Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship.” Drucker, Peter F. (2009-03-17). Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Kindle Location 529). Harper Collins, Inc.. Kindle Edition.
  • 28. Disruptive & Incremental  Products based on disruptive technologies are typically cheaper, simpler, smaller, and, frequently, more convenient to use  Coined by Clayton Christensen, describes a process by which a product or service takes root initially in simple applications at the bottom of a market and then relentlessly moves ‘up market’, eventually displacing established competitors Source: Christensen, Clayton M. (1997-04-30). The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail . Perseus Books Group. Kindle Edition.
  • 29. Disruptive & Incremental  A series of small improvements to an existing product or product line that usually helps maintain or improve its competitive position over time.  Incremental innovation is regularly used within the high technology business by companies that need to continue to improve their products to include new features increasingly desired by consumers. Source: The Business Dictionary
  • 30. …Don’t forget the Market Source: Hutch Carpenter I'm Not Actually a Geek Observations on technology and business from someone who should know better
  • 31. Types of Innovation – in folder! Technology Product Service Operational Cost Experience Management Experience Business Model Industry innovations Skarzynski, Peter; Gibson, Rowan (2008-03-18). Innovation to the Core: A Blueprint for Transforming the Way Your Company Innovates (p. 98). Perseus Books Group. Kindle Edition.
  • 32. Not A Leadership Trait…
  • 33. Leadership & Infrastructure Nothing says leader like…
  • 34. Both Leadership & Infrastructure
  • 35. Leadership… What makes these guys different? Skarzynski, Peter; Gibson, Rowan (2008-03-18). Innovation to the Core: A Blueprint for Transforming the Way Your Company Innovates (p. 45). Perseus Books Group. Kindle Edition.
  • 38. Leadership… “Innovators possess leadership qualities. They go against the traditional. They think beyond the immediate needs of the organization. They have an end target in view but take the detours when necessary. They exploit the available resources.” Gerard H. Gaynor. Innovation by Design: What It Takes to Keep Your Company on the Cutting Edge (p. 65). Kindle Edition.
  • 39. Infrastructure  Have an explicit, measurable innovation goal as part of their annual performance.  Hold managers accountable for helping employees find time during their normal work hours for innovation.  Create an organizational infrastructure that spreads innovation responsibility through every level and every department.  Make innovation training a priority.  Create the programs to teach everyone the skills and tools of innovation  Recruit the veterans from these programs as teachers and mentors for new innovators. Skarzynski, Peter; Gibson, Rowan (2008-03-18). Innovation to the Core: A Blueprint for Transforming the Way Your Company Innovates (pp. 43-44). Perseus Books Group. Kindle Edition
  • 40. Real Stuff: Healthcare Leader  Aetna CEO reinventing core business  Bertolini has stated that increasingly “Aetna views itself as a healthIT company with an insurance component. Not exactly what you expect to hear from one of the largest health insurance corporations”
  • 41. Culture & Values “Life’s like a movie, write your own ending…Keep believing, keep pretending; we’ve done just what we’ve set out to do, thanks to the lovers, the dreamers, and you!” Source: Muppets
  • 42. Real Stuff: Culture & Values Clients first Input, not consensus Adoptive and adaptive Pushback is essential
  • 43. Alan No bullshit – no politics – Nuf said. Beg for forgiveness, don’t beg for permission Convention is great to a point Keep it simple Integrity, honesty, accountability and candor always
  • 44. Leadership & Infrastructure ?  Does your leadership team have a commitment to and investment in innovation?  How is it expressed? Is there a vision or a roadmap?  Where are the greatest opportunities for growth or biggest pain points that innovation could address?  What kind or organizational infrastructure supports your innovation agenda? (For example, leadership and team goals, software systems, financial targets, pipelines, performance management etc.)
  • 45. Culture & Value ?  Why does your company exist?  Does your company have an articulated set of core values?  Are those values rigid or do they shift over time?  Is your culture reflective of, and true to, the values?  Does your company’s values match your individual values?  Do you (or anyone) have the ability to impact your company’s culture?  What do your company’s articulated values say about creativity, learning, experimentation and growth?  How does your company’s culture embrace creativity, learning, experimentation and growth?  How do you personally set the tone and expectations for acting in alignment with your company’s values?  How do you deal with challenge to the values or culture in your company? – is it something welcomed or something feared?
  • 46. Part Deux Process & Tools People & Skills Group Breakout BluePrint!
  • 47. Innovation Target What could we create that is truly new? What could we look at in a new way? What could we connect in a new way? What could we change? What could we move into a new context? The Six Essential Innovation Questions Source: Bill O’Connor, Autodesk
  • 48. Process & Tools  Recognition of the opportunity  Idea formulation  Problem solving  Prototype solution  Commercial development  Technology utilization and/or diffusion Gerard H. Gaynor. Innovation by Design: What It Takes to Keep Your Company on the Cutting Edge (p. 76). Kindle Edition.
  • 49. Tools for Thinking and Working The Innovation Pipeline  Frameworks  Collaboration, Crowdsourcing, Co-Creation  Visualization  Games and Immersions  Prototypes for Learning  Tribes
  • 50. Real Stuff: Symplur How To Use The Hashtag Project Thomas M. Lee @tmlfox Audun Utengen @audvin
  • 51. Words of Advice from Rowan  Focus on “aiming points” such as a portfolio of specific growth platforms (innovation themes, important challenges) or customer problems.  Build an innovation architecture to help all employees understand “what we want to become.” Use this architecture as a guide for choosing innovation opportunities that will bring you closer to this view of your future.  Use the architecture as the foundation for ideation—to generate additional opportunities and to set boundaries for your ideation process.  Don’t adopt an innovation architecture that is so vague that everything can be included in it. Make sure it provides clear guidance on what you won’t do.  Challenge and refresh your architecture periodically. Make sure it reflects any fundamental marketplace shifts that you hadn’t anticipated when the architecture was developed.  The power of the architecture is in the deep tacit understanding of it by those who created it. Don’t assume that competitors can act on your architecture if they see it. Skarzynski, Peter; Gibson, Rowan (2008-03-18). Innovation to the Core: A Blueprint for Transforming the Way Your Company Innovates (p. 157). Perseus Books Group. Kindle Edition.
  • 52. Key Skill Sets  Watching people in different circumstances who are trying to do a job and gaining insight about what job they really want to get done.  Observing people, processes, companies, or technologies and seeing a solution that can be applied (perhaps with some modification) in a different context. Christensen, Clayton M.; Jeff Dyer; Hal Gregersen (2011-07-12). The Innovator's DNA: Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators (p. 97). Perseus Books Group. Kindle Edition.
  • 53. People & Skills Who Asks the Most Provocative Questions? Source: Why Ask Why? February 3 2012 by Hal Gregersen, Jeff Dyer and Clayton Christensen
  • 54. What’s Your Number?Source: Developing Your Innovator's DNA Three steps to optimizing your skills at innovation by Hal Gregersen, Jeff Dyer Dec 30, 2011 1. Frequently, my ideas or perspectives diverge radically from others’ perspectives. 2. I regularly ask questions that challenge the status quo. 3. New ideas often come to me when I am directly observing how people interact with products and services. 4. I often find solutions to problems by drawing on solutions or ideas developed in other industries, fields, or disciplines. 5. I frequently experiment to create new ways of doing things. 6. I regularly talk with a diverse set of people (e.g., from different business functions, organizations, industries, geographies, etc.) to find and refine new ideas. 7. I attend conferences (on my areas of expertise as well as unrelated areas) to meet new people and understand what issues are facing them. 8. I actively seek to identify emerging trends by reading books, articles, magazines, blogs, and so on. 9. I frequently ask “what if” questions that provoke exploration of new possibilities and frontiers. 10. I regularly observe the activities of customers, suppliers, or other organizations to get new ideas.
  • 55. Total your numbers from these ten  Total your numbers from these ten items to assess your discovery skills:  ___45 or above: Very high ___40 – 44: High ___35 – 39: Moderate ___29 – 34: Moderate to low ___28 or below: Low

Editor's Notes

  1. Want to share best practicing