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Tree Seedlings

Forest Flowers



Army Ants

Bullet Ants

Leafcutter Ants

Rhinoceros Beetle

Swallowtail Butterfly



Keel-billed Toucan


Howler Monkeys

White-faced Monkeys

Three-toed Sloth

Baird's Tapir


White-lipped Peccary


Geoffroy's spider monkey

Reptiles & Amphibians

Red-eyed Tree Frog

Poison Dart Frog

Helmeted Iguana

Eyelash Viper
Terciopelo Viper

Spectacled Caiman

American Crocodile

**Tropical rainforests are forests with tall trees, warm climates, and lots of rain. In some
rainforests it rains more than one inch nearly every day of the year!

Rainforests are found in Africa, Asia, Australia, and Central and South America. The
largest rainforest in the world is the Amazon rainforest in South America.

The Amazon Rainforest is located in the upper section of Brazil south of the Equator.
The Amazon River is located 2 to 4 degrees south of the Equator. This is a Tropical
Rainforest instead of a Temperate Rainforest or a Fossil Rainforest. It is a Tropical
Rainforest because of the climate and its location near the equator. It is very humid and
wet so there are lots of places for bugs! Some insects spread diseases.

**Temperate Rainforest- The obvious element of climate in the temperate rain forest is
precipitation. At least 200 cm of it, perhaps up to 350 centimeters in warmer areas.
The precipitation can fall in the form of rain or snow, with snow becoming more likely at
higher elevations. The average annual temperature is above 0� C, largely influenced
by the nearby ocean. The warmest of the temperate rainforests may have average
annual temperatures around 20� C.**Fossil Rainforest- Fossil forests are composed of
fossil trees, most often buried entirely within sedimentary rocks, in upright, slanting or
flat positions. Fossil forests date from geological periods that include the Triassic,
Jurassic, Carboniferous and Cretaceous eras.

The Amazon-The Amazon River Basin is home to the largest rainforest on Earth. The
basin -- roughly the size of the forty-eight contiguous United States -- covers some 40%
of the South American continent and includes parts of eight South American countries:
Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, and Suriname, as well as
French Guiana, a department of France.

While the Amazon Basin is home to the world's largest tropical rainforest, the region
consists of a number of ecosystems ranging from natural savanna to swamps. Even the
rainforest itself is highly variable, tree diversity and structure varying depending on soil
type, history, drainage, elevation, and other factors. This is discussed at greater length
in the rainforest ecology section.

Amazon Mammals- The Amazon is home to more species of plants and animals than
any other terrestrial ecosystem on the planet -- perhaps 30% of the world's species are
found there.
More than 300 species of mammal are found in the Amazon, the majority of which are
bats and rodents.

The Amazon is home to the world's largest rodent, the capaybara which can weigh 200
pounds (91 kg).

Two species of freshwater dolphin live in the Amazon river.

Edentates -- including sloths, anteaters, and armadillos -- are common residents of the
Amazon rainforest and only exist in the New World.

Amazon Birds- More than 1500 bird species are found in the Amazon Basin, while
South America as a whole is home to roughly one-third the world's birds.

Many birds found in the Amazon are northern or southern migrants, wintering in or
passing though the rainforest at certain times of the year.

Amazon Reptiles- Many reptiles species are illegally collected an exported for the
international pet trade. Live animals are the fourth largest commodity in the smuggling
industry after drugs, diamonds, and weapons.

Amazon Amphibians- Frogs are overwhelmingly the most abundant amphibians in the
rainforest.More than 1000 species of frogs are found in the Amazon Basin.

Unlike temperate frogs which are mostly limited to habitats near water, tropical frogs are
most abundant in the trees and relatively few are found near bodies of water on the
forest floor. The reason for this occurrence is quite simple: frogs must always keep their
skin moist since almost half of their respiration in carried out through their skin. The high
humidity of the rainforest and frequent rainstorms gives tropical frogs infinitely more
freedom to move into the trees and escape the many predators of rainforest waters.

Amazon Fish-The Amazon basin contains the largest number of freshwater fish
species in the world -- more than 3,000 species.

Amazon Insects-Over 90% of the animal species in the Amazon are insects.

A single square mile of rainforest often houses more than 50,000 insect species

Some scientists estimate that 30% of the animal biomass of the Amazon Basin is made
up of ants


Tropical rainforests support the greatest diversity of living organisms on Earth. Although
they cover less than 2 percent of Earth’s surface, rainforests house more than 50
percent of the plants and animals on Earth.

Here are some examples of the richness of rainforests:

Rainforests have 170,000 of the world’s 250,000 known plant species.

the United States has 81 species of frogs, while Madagascar, which is smaller than
Texas, may have 500 species.

An area of rainforest the size of two football fields (one hectare) may have more than
400 species of trees, while an equal area of forest in the United States may have fewer
than 20.

Europe has 570 butterfly species, while Manu National Park, a single reserve in Peru,
has 1,300 species.

Rainforests have an abundance of plants and animals for the following reasons:

Climate: because rainforests are located in tropical regions, they receive a lot of
sunlight. The sunlight is converted to energy by plants through the process of
photosynthesis. Since there is a lot of sunlight, there is a lot of energy in the rainforest.
This energy is stored in plant vegetation, which is eaten by animals. The abundance of
energy supports an abundance of plant and animal species.

Canopy: the canopy structure of the rainforest provides an abundance of places for
plants to grow and animals to live. The canopy offers sources of food, shelter, and
hiding places, providing for interaction between different species. For example, there
are plants in the canopy called bromeliads that store water in their leaves. Frogs and
other animals use these pockets of water for hunting and laying their eggs.

It is important to note that many species in the rainforest, especially insects and fungi,
have not even been discovered yet by scientists. Every year new species of mammals,
birds, frogs, and reptiles are found in rainforests.

Sea Turtles- Perhaps the creature that Nicaragua is best known for is the sea turtle.
Each year thousands of endangered Loggerhead or Olive Ridley sea turtles can be
observed making the journey from the sea to the beach—where they spend one full
night digging and laying their eggs—and back to the deep waters of the Pacific Ocean
once again. Extensive efforts are being made by international conservation
organizations to preserve the dwindling numbers as much as possible at places such as
La Flor Wildlife Reserve.

Fresh Water Animals- Other endangered animals include the freshwater Nicaragua
bull shark found in Lake Nicaragua and the San Juan River (connecting the lake to the
Caribbean Sea). Population levels of this shark have declined and one rarely catches a
glimpse of the rare shark. To counter the troubling downward population trend,
Nicaragua has recently banned freshwater fishing of the Nicaragua shark and sawfish.

Monkeys-The white-faced Capuchin Monkey has also been classified as endangered.
The healthiest Capuchin Monkey troops in Central America can be found on Ometepe,
the largest lake island in the world. The extremely low rate of development on the island
has kept circumstances favorable for most of the animal species living there. Other
monkeys, such as Howler and Spider monkeys are actually increasing in number.

Tropical Birds- The vast majority of animal species in Nicaragua enjoy a comfortable
existence in wide areas of unspoiled habitat. There are more than 700 species of birds
in the great lakes region of Nicaragua alone. Some of those birds, such as the blue-
backed parrot and the scarlet macaw live there permanently while others only come
down to escape the colder climates from up north. Birds can be found throughout all
Nicaragua. Lacking heavy industry, even the capital city Managua offers a breeding
place for birds. With its many trees you can spot beautiful birds in the middle of the city
any time of day. The countryside, however, does offer even better birding sites. Forests,
rivers, marshland and rocky volcano slopes can be filled with spectacular birds. Bird
watchers can enjoy easy access to several important wildlife reserves abundant with
birds of so many brilliant colors, shapes and sizes.

Lizards- In addition to sea turtles, there are many land reptiles on Nicaraguan soil. A
variety of lizard species are among the most frequently seen reptiles, living in rural
areas, as well as in villages and cities. Green Iguanas are among the biggest lizards,
and they can be seen warming up in the sun on rooftops, next to the road, or on walls.
Their smaller cousins, the Black Iguanas, transform from green to brown as they mature
and can be found enjoying the sun on streets or sidewalks or even at the beach. Lizards
called Green basilisks can be found close to water, especially along the San Juan and
El Coco Rivers. Other lizards more common to urban environments are the small Asian
House Geckos that chirp like birds and walk on walls and ceilings and catch
mosquitoes, flies, and other insects most people consider pests. These little animals
typically appear at night, but they can be seen throughout the day, as well.
Insects- Another group of animals also abundant in Nicaragua are the insects. New
species are often discovered in the unexplored corners of the rainforest; yet new
species have also been found at relatively easily accessible sites. The different types of
forest and other habitats combined with the tropical climate offer a perfect breeding
ground for butterflies, dragonflies and many other insects. Although one might consider
the abundance of insects as an unpleasant aspect of traveling in Nicaragua, these
insects improve the biodiversity of the country and play a fundamental role in the eco-

Tropical Mammals- There are a number of unusual animals found in Nicaragua. One
such animal, the three-toed sloth, seems to smile at all times and may remain in view
for longer than anyone cares to watch them since they move just one mile every six
hours. Another, the Tamandua anteater, is roughly four feet long and has massive
claws capable of injuring large mammals. Another, the Armadillo, is a medium-sized
mammal that feeds on large grubs and insects and is covered with a protective bony

Marine Mammals- The largest mammals on earth can also be seen in Nicaragua.
Whales migrating from north to south, and back again, can be observed along the
Pacific Coast of Nicaragua. Between November and March. They are not a particularly
common animal, but during the correct season you have a fair chance of observing
these magnificent animals from aboard a boat. Other popular sea mammals that can
also be seen are the dolphins, who will frequently show up to observe the humans
passing by.

Marine Flora- Some of the most interesting attractions in the water off the coasts of
Nicaragua are the reefs. In the Caribbean Sea, off Bluefields and the Corn Islands, you
can find rich, colorful reefs surrounded by spectacular fish and other sea animals. Near
those smaller animals, one will often find bigger fish like sharks, rays, and barracudas.


The beauty, majesty, and timelessness of a primary rainforest are indescribable. It is
impossible to capture on film, to describe in words, or to explain to those who have
never had the awe-inspiring experience of standing in the heart of a primary rainforest.

Rainforests have evolved over millions of years to turn into the incredibly complex
environments they are today. Rainforests represent a store of living and breathing
renewable natural resources that for eons, by virtue of their richness in both animal and
plant species, have contributed a wealth of resources for the survival and well-being of
humankind. These resources have included basic food supplies, clothing, shelter, fuel,
spices, industrial raw materials, and medicine for all those who have lived in the majesty
of the forest. However, the inner dynamics of a tropical rainforest is an intricate and
fragile system. Everything is so interdependent that upsetting one part can lead to
unknown damage or even destruction of the whole. Sadly, it has taken only a century of
human intervention to destroy what nature designed to last forever.

The scale of human pressures on ecosystems everywhere has increased enormously in
the last few decades. Since 1980 the global economy has tripled in size and the world
population has increased by 30 percent. Consumption of everything on the planet has
risen- at a cost to our ecosystems. In 2001, The World Resources Institute estimated
that the demand for rice, wheat, and corn is expected to grow by 40% by 2020,
increasing irrigation water demands by 50% or more. They further reported that the
demand for wood could double by the year 2050; unfortunately, it is still the tropical
forests of the world that supply the bulk of the world's demand for wood.

In 1950, about 15 percent of the Earth's land surface was covered by rainforest. Today,
more than half has already gone up in smoke. In fewer than fifty years, more than half of
the world's tropical rainforests have fallen victim to fire and the chain saw, and the rate
of destruction is still accelerating. Unbelievably, more than 200,000 acres of rainforest
are burned every day. That is more than 150 acres lost every minute of every day, and
78 million acres lost every year! More than 20 percent of the Amazon rainforest is
already gone, and much more is severely threatened as the destruction continues. It is
estimated that the Amazon alone is vanishing at a rate of 20,000 square miles a year. If
nothing is done to curb this trend, the entire Amazon could well be gone within fifty

Massive deforestation brings with it many ugly consequences-air and water pollution,
soil erosion, malaria epidemics, the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the
eviction and decimation of indigenous Indian tribes, and the loss of biodiversity through
extinction of plants and animals. Fewer rainforests mean less rain, less oxygen for us to
breathe, and an increased threat from global warming.

But who is really to blame? Consider what we industrialized Americans have done to
our own homeland. We converted 90 percent of North America's virgin forests into
firewood, shingles, furniture, railroad ties, and paper. Other industrialized countries have
done no better. Malaysia, Indonesia, Brazil, and other tropical countries with rainforests
are often branded as "environmental villains" of the world, mainly because of their
reported levels of destruction of their rainforests. But despite the levels of deforestation,
up to 60 percent of their territory is still covered by natural tropical forests. In fact, today,
much of the pressures on their remaining rainforests comes from servicing the needs
and markets for wood products in industrialized countries that have already depleted
their own natural resources. Industrial countries would not be buying rainforest
hardwoods and timber had we not cut down our own trees long ago, nor would
poachers in the Amazon jungle be slaughtering jaguar, ocelot, caiman, and otter if we
did not provide lucrative markets for their skins in Berlin, Paris, and Tokyo.

                             The Wealth of the Rainforests

The Amazon Rainforest covers over a billion acres, encompassing areas in Brazil,
Venezuela, Colombia and the Eastern Andean region of Ecuador and Peru. If Amazonia
were a country, it would be the ninth largest in the world.

The Amazon Rainforest has been described as the "Lungs of our Planet" because it
provides the essential environmental world service of continuously recycling carbon
dioxide into oxygen. More than 20 percent of the world oxygen is produced in the
Amazon Rainforest.

More than half of the world's estimated 10 million species of plants, animals and insects
live in the tropical rainforests. One-fifth of the world's fresh water is in the Amazon

One hectare (2.47 acres) may contain over 750 types of trees and 1500 species of
higher plants.

At least 80% of the developed world's diet originated in the tropical rainforest. Its
bountiful gifts to the world include fruits like avocados, coconuts, figs, oranges, lemons,
grapefruit, bananas, guavas, pineapples, mangos and tomatoes; vegetables including
corn, potatoes, rice, winter squash and yams; spices like black pepper, cayenne,
chocolate, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, sugar cane, tumeric, coffee and vanilla and nuts
including Brazil nuts and cashews.

At least 3000 fruits are found in the rainforests; of these only 200 are now in use in the
Western World. The Indians of the rainforest use over 2,000.

Rainforest plants are rich in secondary metabolites, particularly alkaloids. Biochemists
believe alkaloids protect plants from disease and insect attacks. Many alkaloids from
higher plants have proven to be of medicinal value and benefit.

Currently, 121 prescription drugs currently sold worldwide come from plant-derived
sources. And while 25% of Western pharmaceuticals are derived from rainforest
ingredients, less than 1% of these tropical trees and plants have been tested by

The U.S. National Cancer Institute has identified 3000 plants that are active against
cancer cells. 70% of these plants are found in the rainforest. Twenty-five percent of the
active ingredients in today's cancer-fighting drugs come from organisms found only in
the rainforest.
Vincristine, extracted from the rainforest plant, periwinkle, is one of the world's most
powerful anticancer drugs. It has dramatically increased the survival rate for acute
childhood leukemia since its discovery.

In 1983, there were no U.S. pharmaceutical manufacturers involved in research
programs to discover new drugs or cures from plants. Today, over 100 pharmaceutical
companies and several branches of the US government, including giants like Merck and
The National Cancer Institute, are engaged in plant research projects for possible drugs
and cures for viruses, infections, cancer, and even AIDS.

                             The Disappearing Rainforests

We are losing Earth's greatest biological treasures just as we are beginning to
appreciate their true value. Rainforests once covered 14% of the earth's land surface;
now they cover a mere 6% and experts estimate that the last remaining rainforests
could be consumed in less than 40 years.

One and one-half acres of rainforest are lost every second with tragic consequences for
both developing and industrial countries.

Rainforests are being destroyed because the value of rainforest land is perceived as
only the value of its timber by short-sighted governments, multi-national logging
companies, and land owners.

Nearly half of the world's species of plants, animals and microorganisms will be
destroyed or severely threatened over the next quarter century due to rainforest

Experts estimates that we are losing 137 plant, animal and insect species every single
day due to rainforest deforestation. That equates to 50,000 species a year. As the
rainforest species disappear, so do many possible cures for life-threatening diseases.
Currently, 121 prescription drugs sold worldwide come from plant-derived sources.
While 25% of Western pharmaceuticals are derived from rainforest ingredients, less that
1% of these tropical trees and plants have been tested by scientists.

Most rainforests are cleared by chainsaws, bulldozers and fires for its timber value and
then are followed by farming and ranching operations, even by world giants like
Mitsubishi Corporation, Georgia Pacific, Texaco and Unocal.

There were an estimated ten million Indians living in the Amazonian Rainforest five
centuries ago. Today there are less than 200,000.

In Brazil alone, European colonists have destroyed more than 90 indigenous tribes
since the 1900's. With them have gone centuries of accumulated knowledge of the
medicinal value of rainforest species. As their homelands continue to be destroyed by
deforestation, rainforest peoples are also disappearing.

Most medicine men and shamans remaining in the Rainforests today are 70 years old
or more. Each time a rainforest medicine man dies, it is as if a library has burned down.

When a medicine man dies without passing his arts on to the next generation, the tribe
and the world loses thousands of years of irreplaceable knowledge about medicinal

Largest Collection of Plant and Animal Species

The Amazon Basin was formed in the Paleozoic period, somewhere between 500
million and 200 million years ago. The extreme age of the region in geologic terms has
much to do with the relative infertility of the rainforest soil and the richness and unique
diversity of the plant and animal life. There are more fertile areas in the Amazon River's
flood plain, where the river deposits richer soil brought from the Andes, which only
formed 20 million years ago.

The Amazon rainforest contains the largest collection of living plant and animal species
in the world. The diversity of plant species in the Amazon rainforest is the highest on
Earth. It is estimated that a single hectare (2.47 acres) of Amazon rainforest contains
about 900 tons of living plants, including more than 750 types of trees and 1500 other
plants. The Andean mountain range and the Amazon jungle are home to more than half
of the world's species of flora and fauna; in fact, one in five of all the birds in the world
live in the rainforests of the Amazon. To date, some 438,000 species of plants of
economic and social interest have been registered in the region, and many more have
yet to be catalogued or even discovered.

Scarring and Loss of Diversity

Once a vast sea of tropical forest, the Amazon rainforest today is scarred by roads,
farms, ranches, and dams. Brazil is gifted with a full third of the world's remaining
rainforests; unfortunately, it is also one of the world's great rainforest destroyers,
burning or felling more than 2.7 million acres each year. More than 20 percent of
rainforest in the Amazon has been razed and is gone forever. This ocean of green,
nearly as large as Australia, is the last great rainforest in the known universe and it is
being decimated like the others before it. Why? Like other rainforests already lost
forever, the land is being cleared for logging timber, large-scale cattle ranching, mining
operations, government road building and hydroelectric schemes, military operations,
and the subsistence agriculture of peasants and landless settlers. Sadder still, in many
places the rainforests are burnt simply to provide charcoal to power industrial plants in
the area.
Key to Tomorrow's Cures?

Rainforests currently provide sources for one-fourth of today's medicines, and 70
percent of the plants found to have anticancer properties are found only in the
rainforest. The rainforest and its immense undiscovered biodiversity hold the key to
unlocking tomorrow's cures for devastating diseases. How many cures for devastating
disease have we already lost?

Two drugs obtained from a rainforest plant known as the Madagascar periwinkle, now
extinct in the wild due to deforestation of the Madagascar rainforest, have increased the
chances of survival for children with leukemia from 20 percent to 80 percent. Think
about it: eight out of ten children are now saved, rather than eight of ten children dying
from leukemia. How many children have been spared and how many more will continue
to be spared because of this single rainforest plant? What if we had failed to discover
this one important plant among millions before human activities had led to its extinction?
When our remaining rainforests are gone, the rare plants and animals will be lost
forever-and so will the possible cures for diseases like cancer they can provide.

No one can challenge the fact that we are still largely dependent on plants for treating
our ailments. Almost 90 percent of people in developing countries still rely on traditional
medicine, based largely on different species of plants and animals, for their primary
health care. In the United States, some 25 percent of prescriptions are filled with drugs
whose active ingredients are extracted or derived from plants. By 1980 sales of these
plant-based drugs in the United States amounted to some $4.5 billion annually.
Worldwide sales of these plant-based drugs were estimated at $40 billion in 1990.
Currently 121 prescription drugs sold worldwide come from plant-derived sources from
only 90 species of plants. Still more drugs are derived from animals and

More than 25 percent of the active ingredients in today's cancer-fighting drugs come
from organisms found only in the rainforest. The U.S. National Cancer Institute has
identified more than 3,000 plants that are active against cancer cells, and 70 percent of
these plants are found only in the rainforest. In the thousands of species of rainforest
plants that have not been analyzed are many more thousands of unknown plant
chemicals, many of which have evolved to protect the plants from diseases. These plant
chemicals may well help us in our own ongoing struggle with constantly evolving
pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi that are mutating against our
mainstream drugs and becoming resistant to them. These pathogens cause serious
diseases, including hepatitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and HIV, all of which are
becoming more difficult to treat. Experts now believe that if there is a cure for cancer
and even AIDS, it will probably be found in the rainforest.
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  • 1. Plants Tree Seedlings Forest Flowers Deforestation Insects Army Ants Bullet Ants Leafcutter Ants Rhinoceros Beetle Swallowtail Butterfly Birds Hummingbirds Keel-billed Toucan Mammals Howler Monkeys White-faced Monkeys Three-toed Sloth Baird's Tapir Jaguar White-lipped Peccary Agouti Geoffroy's spider monkey Reptiles & Amphibians Red-eyed Tree Frog Poison Dart Frog Helmeted Iguana Eyelash Viper
  • 2. Terciopelo Viper Spectacled Caiman American Crocodile **Tropical rainforests are forests with tall trees, warm climates, and lots of rain. In some rainforests it rains more than one inch nearly every day of the year! Rainforests are found in Africa, Asia, Australia, and Central and South America. The largest rainforest in the world is the Amazon rainforest in South America. The Amazon Rainforest is located in the upper section of Brazil south of the Equator. The Amazon River is located 2 to 4 degrees south of the Equator. This is a Tropical Rainforest instead of a Temperate Rainforest or a Fossil Rainforest. It is a Tropical Rainforest because of the climate and its location near the equator. It is very humid and wet so there are lots of places for bugs! Some insects spread diseases. **Temperate Rainforest- The obvious element of climate in the temperate rain forest is precipitation. At least 200 cm of it, perhaps up to 350 centimeters in warmer areas. The precipitation can fall in the form of rain or snow, with snow becoming more likely at higher elevations. The average annual temperature is above 0� C, largely influenced by the nearby ocean. The warmest of the temperate rainforests may have average annual temperatures around 20� C.**Fossil Rainforest- Fossil forests are composed of fossil trees, most often buried entirely within sedimentary rocks, in upright, slanting or flat positions. Fossil forests date from geological periods that include the Triassic, Jurassic, Carboniferous and Cretaceous eras. The Amazon-The Amazon River Basin is home to the largest rainforest on Earth. The basin -- roughly the size of the forty-eight contiguous United States -- covers some 40% of the South American continent and includes parts of eight South American countries: Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, and Suriname, as well as French Guiana, a department of France. While the Amazon Basin is home to the world's largest tropical rainforest, the region consists of a number of ecosystems ranging from natural savanna to swamps. Even the rainforest itself is highly variable, tree diversity and structure varying depending on soil type, history, drainage, elevation, and other factors. This is discussed at greater length in the rainforest ecology section. Amazon Mammals- The Amazon is home to more species of plants and animals than any other terrestrial ecosystem on the planet -- perhaps 30% of the world's species are found there.
  • 3. More than 300 species of mammal are found in the Amazon, the majority of which are bats and rodents. The Amazon is home to the world's largest rodent, the capaybara which can weigh 200 pounds (91 kg). Two species of freshwater dolphin live in the Amazon river. Edentates -- including sloths, anteaters, and armadillos -- are common residents of the Amazon rainforest and only exist in the New World. Amazon Birds- More than 1500 bird species are found in the Amazon Basin, while South America as a whole is home to roughly one-third the world's birds. Many birds found in the Amazon are northern or southern migrants, wintering in or passing though the rainforest at certain times of the year. Amazon Reptiles- Many reptiles species are illegally collected an exported for the international pet trade. Live animals are the fourth largest commodity in the smuggling industry after drugs, diamonds, and weapons. Amazon Amphibians- Frogs are overwhelmingly the most abundant amphibians in the rainforest.More than 1000 species of frogs are found in the Amazon Basin. Unlike temperate frogs which are mostly limited to habitats near water, tropical frogs are most abundant in the trees and relatively few are found near bodies of water on the forest floor. The reason for this occurrence is quite simple: frogs must always keep their skin moist since almost half of their respiration in carried out through their skin. The high humidity of the rainforest and frequent rainstorms gives tropical frogs infinitely more freedom to move into the trees and escape the many predators of rainforest waters. Amazon Fish-The Amazon basin contains the largest number of freshwater fish species in the world -- more than 3,000 species. Amazon Insects-Over 90% of the animal species in the Amazon are insects. A single square mile of rainforest often houses more than 50,000 insect species Some scientists estimate that 30% of the animal biomass of the Amazon Basin is made up of ants
  • 4. WHY DO RAINFORESTS HAVE SO MANY KINDS OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tropical rainforests support the greatest diversity of living organisms on Earth. Although they cover less than 2 percent of Earth’s surface, rainforests house more than 50 percent of the plants and animals on Earth. Here are some examples of the richness of rainforests: Rainforests have 170,000 of the world’s 250,000 known plant species. the United States has 81 species of frogs, while Madagascar, which is smaller than Texas, may have 500 species. An area of rainforest the size of two football fields (one hectare) may have more than 400 species of trees, while an equal area of forest in the United States may have fewer than 20. Europe has 570 butterfly species, while Manu National Park, a single reserve in Peru, has 1,300 species. Rainforests have an abundance of plants and animals for the following reasons: Climate: because rainforests are located in tropical regions, they receive a lot of sunlight. The sunlight is converted to energy by plants through the process of photosynthesis. Since there is a lot of sunlight, there is a lot of energy in the rainforest. This energy is stored in plant vegetation, which is eaten by animals. The abundance of energy supports an abundance of plant and animal species. Canopy: the canopy structure of the rainforest provides an abundance of places for plants to grow and animals to live. The canopy offers sources of food, shelter, and hiding places, providing for interaction between different species. For example, there are plants in the canopy called bromeliads that store water in their leaves. Frogs and other animals use these pockets of water for hunting and laying their eggs. It is important to note that many species in the rainforest, especially insects and fungi, have not even been discovered yet by scientists. Every year new species of mammals, birds, frogs, and reptiles are found in rainforests. Sea Turtles- Perhaps the creature that Nicaragua is best known for is the sea turtle. Each year thousands of endangered Loggerhead or Olive Ridley sea turtles can be observed making the journey from the sea to the beach—where they spend one full
  • 5. night digging and laying their eggs—and back to the deep waters of the Pacific Ocean once again. Extensive efforts are being made by international conservation organizations to preserve the dwindling numbers as much as possible at places such as La Flor Wildlife Reserve. Fresh Water Animals- Other endangered animals include the freshwater Nicaragua bull shark found in Lake Nicaragua and the San Juan River (connecting the lake to the Caribbean Sea). Population levels of this shark have declined and one rarely catches a glimpse of the rare shark. To counter the troubling downward population trend, Nicaragua has recently banned freshwater fishing of the Nicaragua shark and sawfish. Monkeys-The white-faced Capuchin Monkey has also been classified as endangered. The healthiest Capuchin Monkey troops in Central America can be found on Ometepe, the largest lake island in the world. The extremely low rate of development on the island has kept circumstances favorable for most of the animal species living there. Other monkeys, such as Howler and Spider monkeys are actually increasing in number. Tropical Birds- The vast majority of animal species in Nicaragua enjoy a comfortable existence in wide areas of unspoiled habitat. There are more than 700 species of birds in the great lakes region of Nicaragua alone. Some of those birds, such as the blue- backed parrot and the scarlet macaw live there permanently while others only come down to escape the colder climates from up north. Birds can be found throughout all Nicaragua. Lacking heavy industry, even the capital city Managua offers a breeding place for birds. With its many trees you can spot beautiful birds in the middle of the city any time of day. The countryside, however, does offer even better birding sites. Forests, rivers, marshland and rocky volcano slopes can be filled with spectacular birds. Bird watchers can enjoy easy access to several important wildlife reserves abundant with birds of so many brilliant colors, shapes and sizes. Lizards- In addition to sea turtles, there are many land reptiles on Nicaraguan soil. A variety of lizard species are among the most frequently seen reptiles, living in rural areas, as well as in villages and cities. Green Iguanas are among the biggest lizards, and they can be seen warming up in the sun on rooftops, next to the road, or on walls. Their smaller cousins, the Black Iguanas, transform from green to brown as they mature and can be found enjoying the sun on streets or sidewalks or even at the beach. Lizards called Green basilisks can be found close to water, especially along the San Juan and El Coco Rivers. Other lizards more common to urban environments are the small Asian House Geckos that chirp like birds and walk on walls and ceilings and catch mosquitoes, flies, and other insects most people consider pests. These little animals typically appear at night, but they can be seen throughout the day, as well.
  • 6. Insects- Another group of animals also abundant in Nicaragua are the insects. New species are often discovered in the unexplored corners of the rainforest; yet new species have also been found at relatively easily accessible sites. The different types of forest and other habitats combined with the tropical climate offer a perfect breeding ground for butterflies, dragonflies and many other insects. Although one might consider the abundance of insects as an unpleasant aspect of traveling in Nicaragua, these insects improve the biodiversity of the country and play a fundamental role in the eco- systems. Tropical Mammals- There are a number of unusual animals found in Nicaragua. One such animal, the three-toed sloth, seems to smile at all times and may remain in view for longer than anyone cares to watch them since they move just one mile every six hours. Another, the Tamandua anteater, is roughly four feet long and has massive claws capable of injuring large mammals. Another, the Armadillo, is a medium-sized mammal that feeds on large grubs and insects and is covered with a protective bony shell. Marine Mammals- The largest mammals on earth can also be seen in Nicaragua. Whales migrating from north to south, and back again, can be observed along the Pacific Coast of Nicaragua. Between November and March. They are not a particularly common animal, but during the correct season you have a fair chance of observing these magnificent animals from aboard a boat. Other popular sea mammals that can also be seen are the dolphins, who will frequently show up to observe the humans passing by. Marine Flora- Some of the most interesting attractions in the water off the coasts of Nicaragua are the reefs. In the Caribbean Sea, off Bluefields and the Corn Islands, you can find rich, colorful reefs surrounded by spectacular fish and other sea animals. Near those smaller animals, one will often find bigger fish like sharks, rays, and barracudas. THE IMPORTANCE OF THE RAINFOREST The beauty, majesty, and timelessness of a primary rainforest are indescribable. It is impossible to capture on film, to describe in words, or to explain to those who have never had the awe-inspiring experience of standing in the heart of a primary rainforest. Rainforests have evolved over millions of years to turn into the incredibly complex environments they are today. Rainforests represent a store of living and breathing renewable natural resources that for eons, by virtue of their richness in both animal and plant species, have contributed a wealth of resources for the survival and well-being of humankind. These resources have included basic food supplies, clothing, shelter, fuel, spices, industrial raw materials, and medicine for all those who have lived in the majesty of the forest. However, the inner dynamics of a tropical rainforest is an intricate and
  • 7. fragile system. Everything is so interdependent that upsetting one part can lead to unknown damage or even destruction of the whole. Sadly, it has taken only a century of human intervention to destroy what nature designed to last forever. The scale of human pressures on ecosystems everywhere has increased enormously in the last few decades. Since 1980 the global economy has tripled in size and the world population has increased by 30 percent. Consumption of everything on the planet has risen- at a cost to our ecosystems. In 2001, The World Resources Institute estimated that the demand for rice, wheat, and corn is expected to grow by 40% by 2020, increasing irrigation water demands by 50% or more. They further reported that the demand for wood could double by the year 2050; unfortunately, it is still the tropical forests of the world that supply the bulk of the world's demand for wood. In 1950, about 15 percent of the Earth's land surface was covered by rainforest. Today, more than half has already gone up in smoke. In fewer than fifty years, more than half of the world's tropical rainforests have fallen victim to fire and the chain saw, and the rate of destruction is still accelerating. Unbelievably, more than 200,000 acres of rainforest are burned every day. That is more than 150 acres lost every minute of every day, and 78 million acres lost every year! More than 20 percent of the Amazon rainforest is already gone, and much more is severely threatened as the destruction continues. It is estimated that the Amazon alone is vanishing at a rate of 20,000 square miles a year. If nothing is done to curb this trend, the entire Amazon could well be gone within fifty years. Massive deforestation brings with it many ugly consequences-air and water pollution, soil erosion, malaria epidemics, the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the eviction and decimation of indigenous Indian tribes, and the loss of biodiversity through extinction of plants and animals. Fewer rainforests mean less rain, less oxygen for us to breathe, and an increased threat from global warming. But who is really to blame? Consider what we industrialized Americans have done to our own homeland. We converted 90 percent of North America's virgin forests into firewood, shingles, furniture, railroad ties, and paper. Other industrialized countries have done no better. Malaysia, Indonesia, Brazil, and other tropical countries with rainforests are often branded as "environmental villains" of the world, mainly because of their reported levels of destruction of their rainforests. But despite the levels of deforestation, up to 60 percent of their territory is still covered by natural tropical forests. In fact, today, much of the pressures on their remaining rainforests comes from servicing the needs and markets for wood products in industrialized countries that have already depleted their own natural resources. Industrial countries would not be buying rainforest hardwoods and timber had we not cut down our own trees long ago, nor would
  • 8. poachers in the Amazon jungle be slaughtering jaguar, ocelot, caiman, and otter if we did not provide lucrative markets for their skins in Berlin, Paris, and Tokyo. The Wealth of the Rainforests The Amazon Rainforest covers over a billion acres, encompassing areas in Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia and the Eastern Andean region of Ecuador and Peru. If Amazonia were a country, it would be the ninth largest in the world. The Amazon Rainforest has been described as the "Lungs of our Planet" because it provides the essential environmental world service of continuously recycling carbon dioxide into oxygen. More than 20 percent of the world oxygen is produced in the Amazon Rainforest. More than half of the world's estimated 10 million species of plants, animals and insects live in the tropical rainforests. One-fifth of the world's fresh water is in the Amazon Basin. One hectare (2.47 acres) may contain over 750 types of trees and 1500 species of higher plants. At least 80% of the developed world's diet originated in the tropical rainforest. Its bountiful gifts to the world include fruits like avocados, coconuts, figs, oranges, lemons, grapefruit, bananas, guavas, pineapples, mangos and tomatoes; vegetables including corn, potatoes, rice, winter squash and yams; spices like black pepper, cayenne, chocolate, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, sugar cane, tumeric, coffee and vanilla and nuts including Brazil nuts and cashews. At least 3000 fruits are found in the rainforests; of these only 200 are now in use in the Western World. The Indians of the rainforest use over 2,000. Rainforest plants are rich in secondary metabolites, particularly alkaloids. Biochemists believe alkaloids protect plants from disease and insect attacks. Many alkaloids from higher plants have proven to be of medicinal value and benefit. Currently, 121 prescription drugs currently sold worldwide come from plant-derived sources. And while 25% of Western pharmaceuticals are derived from rainforest ingredients, less than 1% of these tropical trees and plants have been tested by scientists. The U.S. National Cancer Institute has identified 3000 plants that are active against cancer cells. 70% of these plants are found in the rainforest. Twenty-five percent of the active ingredients in today's cancer-fighting drugs come from organisms found only in the rainforest.
  • 9. Vincristine, extracted from the rainforest plant, periwinkle, is one of the world's most powerful anticancer drugs. It has dramatically increased the survival rate for acute childhood leukemia since its discovery. In 1983, there were no U.S. pharmaceutical manufacturers involved in research programs to discover new drugs or cures from plants. Today, over 100 pharmaceutical companies and several branches of the US government, including giants like Merck and The National Cancer Institute, are engaged in plant research projects for possible drugs and cures for viruses, infections, cancer, and even AIDS. The Disappearing Rainforests We are losing Earth's greatest biological treasures just as we are beginning to appreciate their true value. Rainforests once covered 14% of the earth's land surface; now they cover a mere 6% and experts estimate that the last remaining rainforests could be consumed in less than 40 years. One and one-half acres of rainforest are lost every second with tragic consequences for both developing and industrial countries. Rainforests are being destroyed because the value of rainforest land is perceived as only the value of its timber by short-sighted governments, multi-national logging companies, and land owners. Nearly half of the world's species of plants, animals and microorganisms will be destroyed or severely threatened over the next quarter century due to rainforest deforestation. Experts estimates that we are losing 137 plant, animal and insect species every single day due to rainforest deforestation. That equates to 50,000 species a year. As the rainforest species disappear, so do many possible cures for life-threatening diseases. Currently, 121 prescription drugs sold worldwide come from plant-derived sources. While 25% of Western pharmaceuticals are derived from rainforest ingredients, less that 1% of these tropical trees and plants have been tested by scientists. Most rainforests are cleared by chainsaws, bulldozers and fires for its timber value and then are followed by farming and ranching operations, even by world giants like Mitsubishi Corporation, Georgia Pacific, Texaco and Unocal. There were an estimated ten million Indians living in the Amazonian Rainforest five centuries ago. Today there are less than 200,000. In Brazil alone, European colonists have destroyed more than 90 indigenous tribes since the 1900's. With them have gone centuries of accumulated knowledge of the
  • 10. medicinal value of rainforest species. As their homelands continue to be destroyed by deforestation, rainforest peoples are also disappearing. Most medicine men and shamans remaining in the Rainforests today are 70 years old or more. Each time a rainforest medicine man dies, it is as if a library has burned down. When a medicine man dies without passing his arts on to the next generation, the tribe and the world loses thousands of years of irreplaceable knowledge about medicinal plants. Largest Collection of Plant and Animal Species The Amazon Basin was formed in the Paleozoic period, somewhere between 500 million and 200 million years ago. The extreme age of the region in geologic terms has much to do with the relative infertility of the rainforest soil and the richness and unique diversity of the plant and animal life. There are more fertile areas in the Amazon River's flood plain, where the river deposits richer soil brought from the Andes, which only formed 20 million years ago. The Amazon rainforest contains the largest collection of living plant and animal species in the world. The diversity of plant species in the Amazon rainforest is the highest on Earth. It is estimated that a single hectare (2.47 acres) of Amazon rainforest contains about 900 tons of living plants, including more than 750 types of trees and 1500 other plants. The Andean mountain range and the Amazon jungle are home to more than half of the world's species of flora and fauna; in fact, one in five of all the birds in the world live in the rainforests of the Amazon. To date, some 438,000 species of plants of economic and social interest have been registered in the region, and many more have yet to be catalogued or even discovered. Scarring and Loss of Diversity Once a vast sea of tropical forest, the Amazon rainforest today is scarred by roads, farms, ranches, and dams. Brazil is gifted with a full third of the world's remaining rainforests; unfortunately, it is also one of the world's great rainforest destroyers, burning or felling more than 2.7 million acres each year. More than 20 percent of rainforest in the Amazon has been razed and is gone forever. This ocean of green, nearly as large as Australia, is the last great rainforest in the known universe and it is being decimated like the others before it. Why? Like other rainforests already lost forever, the land is being cleared for logging timber, large-scale cattle ranching, mining operations, government road building and hydroelectric schemes, military operations, and the subsistence agriculture of peasants and landless settlers. Sadder still, in many places the rainforests are burnt simply to provide charcoal to power industrial plants in the area.
  • 11. Key to Tomorrow's Cures? Rainforests currently provide sources for one-fourth of today's medicines, and 70 percent of the plants found to have anticancer properties are found only in the rainforest. The rainforest and its immense undiscovered biodiversity hold the key to unlocking tomorrow's cures for devastating diseases. How many cures for devastating disease have we already lost? Two drugs obtained from a rainforest plant known as the Madagascar periwinkle, now extinct in the wild due to deforestation of the Madagascar rainforest, have increased the chances of survival for children with leukemia from 20 percent to 80 percent. Think about it: eight out of ten children are now saved, rather than eight of ten children dying from leukemia. How many children have been spared and how many more will continue to be spared because of this single rainforest plant? What if we had failed to discover this one important plant among millions before human activities had led to its extinction? When our remaining rainforests are gone, the rare plants and animals will be lost forever-and so will the possible cures for diseases like cancer they can provide. No one can challenge the fact that we are still largely dependent on plants for treating our ailments. Almost 90 percent of people in developing countries still rely on traditional medicine, based largely on different species of plants and animals, for their primary health care. In the United States, some 25 percent of prescriptions are filled with drugs whose active ingredients are extracted or derived from plants. By 1980 sales of these plant-based drugs in the United States amounted to some $4.5 billion annually. Worldwide sales of these plant-based drugs were estimated at $40 billion in 1990. Currently 121 prescription drugs sold worldwide come from plant-derived sources from only 90 species of plants. Still more drugs are derived from animals and microorganisms. More than 25 percent of the active ingredients in today's cancer-fighting drugs come from organisms found only in the rainforest. The U.S. National Cancer Institute has identified more than 3,000 plants that are active against cancer cells, and 70 percent of these plants are found only in the rainforest. In the thousands of species of rainforest plants that have not been analyzed are many more thousands of unknown plant chemicals, many of which have evolved to protect the plants from diseases. These plant chemicals may well help us in our own ongoing struggle with constantly evolving pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi that are mutating against our mainstream drugs and becoming resistant to them. These pathogens cause serious diseases, including hepatitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and HIV, all of which are becoming more difficult to treat. Experts now believe that if there is a cure for cancer and even AIDS, it will probably be found in the rainforest.