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Spring Framework 4
I am Hiten Pratap Singh
You can find me at:
Spring simplifies Java
What’s Spring?
How did it simplify Java Enterprise development easier?
What’s Spring?
Spring is the most popular application development
framework for enterprise Java. Millions of developers
around the world use Spring Framework to create high
performing, easily testable, reusable code.
Spring Framework Ecosystem
Spring Framework Ecosystem
First version was written by Rod Johnson.
First released under the Apache 2.0 license in June 2003.
Milestone releases in 2004 and 2005.
1. Jolt Productivity Award
2. JAX Innovation Award
Make JEE development easier.
Make the common task easier.
Promote good software development practice.
Easily testable, maintainable etc.
Key Strategies
Key Strategies
Lightweight and minimally invasive development with
Loose coupling through DI and interface orientation
Declarative programming through aspects and common
Eliminating boilerplatecode with aspects and templates
Spring Framework Architecture
Spring Framework Architecture
Core Container
The Core and Bean provides the fundamental part of the
framework including IoC and DI.
The Context is a means to access any object defined and
The SpEL module provides a powerful expression
language for querying and manipulation of an object.
Data Access/Integration
JDBC provides a JDBC-abstraction layer.
ORM provides integration layers for popular ORM
APIs including JPS, JDO and Hibernate etc.
OXM provides an abstraction layer that support
object/XML mapping implementation for JAXB, Castor,
XMLBeans and XStream.
JMS provides messaging service.
Transaction module supports programmatic and
declarative transaction management.
Web – provides basic web oriented integration features.
Servlet – Spring’s MVC implementation.
Struts – for integration with classic Struts web tier
within a Spring application.
Portlet – provides MVC implementation to be used in a
portlet environment.
AOP – provides aspect-oriented programming impl.
Aspects – provides integration with AspectJ.
Instrumentation – provides class instrumentation
support and class loader implementations to be used in
certain application servers.
Test – supports the testing of Spring components with
JUnit or TestNG frameworks.
Key Components of Spring
Key Components of Spring Framework
Spring IoC Container
What’s IoC?
Concept of application development.
“Don't call us, we'll call you.”
Dependency Injection is form of IoC.
Dependency Injection
When applying DI, the objects are given their
dependencies at creation time by some external entity that
coordinates each object in the system. In other words,
dependencies are injected into objects.
“Don't call around for your dependencies, we'll give
them to you when we need you”
Exist in two form:
1. Constructor Injection
2. Setter Injection
IoC vs DI vs Factory
DI is one form of IoC.
The Factory pattern’s main concern is creating.
The DI’s main concern is how things are connected
Essence of IoC Container
Working With An Application Context
Bean Lifecycle
Exploring Spring’s configuration
Spring’s configuration options
Explicit configuration in XML
Explicit configuration in Java
Implicit bean discovery and automatic wiring
Automatically wiring beans
Automatically wiring beans
Spring attacks automatic wiring from two angles:
Component scanning — Spring automatically
discovers beans to be created in the application context.
Autowiring — Spring automatically satisfies bean
Automatically wiring beans
Spring attacks automatic wiring from two angles:
Wiring beans with Java
Wiring beans with Java
Wiring beans with XML
Wiring beans with XML
Creating an XML configuration specification
Declaring a simple <bean>
Initializing a bean with constructor injection
Setting properties
Importing and mixing
Importing and mixing configurations
Referencing XML configuration in JavaConfig
1. @Import
2. @ImportResource
Referencing JavaConfig in XML configuration
1. <import>
2. <bean>
Spring Profiles and
Environments and profiles
Configuring profile beans: @Profile
Activating Profiles: spring.profiles.active and
1. As initialization parameters on DispatcherServlet
2. As context parameters of a web application
3. As JNDI entries
4. As environment variables
5. As JVM system properties
6. @ActiveProfiles
Conditional Beans
Conditional Beans
public interface Condition {
boolean matches(ConditionContextctxt,
Addressing Ambiguity in
Addressing Ambiguity in Autowiring
Designating a primary bean: @Primary
Qualifying autowired beans: @Qualifier
Scoping Beans
Scoping Beans
Spring defines several scopes: @Scope
Singleton — One instance of the bean is created for the
entire application.
Prototype — One instance of the bean is created every
time the bean is injected into or retrieved from the
Spring application context.
Session — In a web application, one instance of the
bean is created for each session.
Request — In a web application, one instance of the
bean is created for each request.
Scoping Beans(Contd.)
Working with request and session scope
Declaring scoped proxies in XML
Runtime Value Injection
Runtime Value Injection
Spring offers two ways of evaluating values at runtime:
Property placeholders
The Spring Expression Language (SpEL)
Injecting External Values
@PropertySource(${ ... })
Wiring with the Spring Expression Language
SpEL(#{ ... }) has a lot of tricks up its sleeves:
The ability to reference beans by their IDs
Invoking methods and accessing properties on objects
Mathematical, relational, and logical operations on
Regular expression matching
Collection manipulation
Aspect Oriented Programming
What’s AOP?
In software development, functions that span multiple
points of an application are called cross-cutting concerns.
Typically, these cross-cutting concerns are conceptually
separate from (but often embedded directly within) the
application’s business logic.
Separating these cross-cutting concerns from the business
logic is where aspect oriented programming (AOP) goes
to work.
What’s AOP?
AOP Terminology
In AOP terms, the job of an aspect is called advice.
Spring aspects can work with five kinds of advice:
1. Before—The advice functionality takes place before
the advised method is invoked.
2. After—The advice functionality takes place after the
advised method completes, regardless of the outcome.
3. After-returning—The advice functionality takes place
after the advised method successfully completes.
4. After-throwing—The advice functionality takes place
after the advised method throws an exception.
5. Around—The advice wraps the advised method,
providing some functionality before and after the advised
method is invoked.
Join Points
An application may have thousands of opportunities for
advice to be applied. These opportunities are known as
join points.
A join point is a point in the execution of the application
where an aspect can be plugged in. This point could
be a method being called, an exception being thrown, or
even a field being modified.
An aspect doesn’t necessarily advise all join points in an
application. Pointcuts help narrow down the join points
advised by an aspect.
If advice defines the what and when of aspects, then
pointcuts define the where. A pointcut definition matches
one or more join points at which advice should be woven.
An aspect is the merger of advice and pointcuts. Taken
together, advice and pointcuts define everything there is to
know about an aspect—what it does and where and
when it does it.
An introduction allows you to add new methods or
attributes to existing classes.
The new method and instance variable can then be
introduced to existing classes without having to change
them, giving them new behavior and state.
Weaving is the process of applying aspects to a target
object to create a new proxied object. The aspects are
woven into the target object at the specified join points.
weaving can take place at several points in the target
object’s lifetime:
Compile time — Aspects are woven in when the target
class is compiled. This requires a special compiler.
AspectJ’s weaving compiler weaves aspects this way.
Class load time — Aspects are woven in when the
target class is loaded into the JVM. This requires a
special ClassLoader that enhances the target class’s
bytecode before the class is introduced into the
application. AspectJ 5’s load-time weaving (LTW)
support weaves aspects this way.
Runtime — Aspects are woven in sometime during the
execution of the application. This is how Spring AOP
aspects are woven.
Any questions?
You can find me at:

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DealBook of Ukraine: 2024 edition
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Spring Framework