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                   Steve Freeman and Nat Pryce

                                   www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

                           Out Now

Friday, 9 September 2011
Why Sustainability
                                                                          Matters (a)
        public class ExchangeRateUploaderTest extends EasyMockTestCase {
           private Logger logger;
           private CurrencyManager mockCurrencyManager;
           private ExchangeRateManager mockExchangeRateManager;
           private PriceManagerFactory mockPriceManagerFactory;
           private PriceManager mockPriceManager;
           private GodObject mockGod;
           private DatabaseFacade mockPersistenceManager;
           private DatabaseFacade mockFrameworkPersistenceManager;
           private CyclicProcessManager mockCyclicProcessManager;
           private SystemVariableManager mockSystemVariableManager;
           private ScreenManager mockScreenManager;
           private Registry registry;
           private User adminUser;
           private Server server;

           private ExchangeRateUploader newExchangeRateUploader(CyclicProcessThread thread) {
               return new ExchangeRateUploader(thread) {
                    @Override protected void initializeAction() throws FrameworkException {
                        // Does nothing to prevent excessive mocking
                     @Override    public Logger getLogger() { return logger; }
                     @Override    protected void setLogMDC() { }
                     @Override    protected User getUser() { return adminUser; }
                     @Override    protected CurrencyManager newCurrencyManager() { return mockCurrencyManager; }
                     @Override    protected PriceManagerFactory newPriceManagerFactory() { return mockPriceManagerFactory; }
                     @Override    protected CyclicProcessManager newCyclicProcessManager() { return mockCyclicProcessManager; }
                     @Override    protected DatabaseFacade newPersistenceManager() { return mockPersistenceManager; }
                     @Override    protected Registry newTaskPerformanceRegistry() { return registry; }
                     @Override    public PriceDataManager getPriceDataManager() { return null; }
                     @Override    protected ExchangeRateManager newExchangeRateManager() { return mockExchangeRateManager; }


                                                                                                      www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

                                                                      Why Sustainability
           public void testInternalAction() throws FrameworkException {
               mockGod = addMock(GodObject.class);
               mockPersistenceManager = addMock(DatabaseFacade.class);
               registry = addMock(Registry.class);
                                                                            Matters (b)
               adminUser = new TestUser("Admin", "", "", new TestCompany("company"), "");

               registry.finalizeThisThread(isA(String.class), isA(String.class));
               Date now = DateUtils.trimMinutesAndSecondsFromDate(new Date());


               CyclicProcessThread thread = mockUserStateAndGetCyclicProcessThread();

               String primeName = "prime";
               String aName = "a";
               String otherName = "other";

               Currency primeCurrency = new TestCurrency(primeName, true);
               Currency aCurrency = new TestCurrency(aName, true);
               Currency otherCurrency = new TestCurrency(otherName, false);

               FXCurrencyPair aCurrencyPair = new FXCurrencyPair(primeCurrency, aCurrency);
               FXCurrencyPair otherCurrencyPair = new FXCurrencyPair(otherCurrency, primeCurrency);

               setupCurrencyManager(primeCurrency, aCurrency, otherCurrency);
               mockExchangeRateManager = addMock(ExchangeRateManager.class);

               mockGetFXRatesAtDatesForCurrencies(now, aCurrencyPair, otherCurrencyPair);

               FrameworkNumber aCurrencyValue = new FrameworkNumber("5");
               FrameworkNumber otherCurrencyValue = new FrameworkNumber("2");
               ExchangeRate aCurrencyRate = new ExchangeRate(primeCurrency, aCurrency, aCurrencyValue, now);
               ExchangeRate otherCurrencyRate = new ExchangeRate(otherCurrency, primeCurrency, otherCurrencyValue, now);

                   mockExchangeRateManager.saveExchangeRate(null, new FrameworkString(primeName), new FrameworkString(aName), aCurrencyValue,
                       new FrameworkDate(now))).andReturn(null);
                   mockExchangeRateManager.saveExchangeRate(null, new FrameworkString(otherName), new FrameworkString(primeName),
                       otherCurrencyValue, new FrameworkDate(now))).andReturn(null);

               Map<String, ExchangeRate> out = new HashMap<String, ExchangeRate>();
               out.put("primea", aCurrencyRate);
               out.put("otherprime", otherCurrencyRate);
               expect(mockPriceManager.getLatestExchangeRates(newList(aCurrencyPair, otherCurrencyPair))).andReturn(out);



               ExchangeRateUploader uploader = newExchangeRateUploader(thread);
                                                                                                      www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

Friday, 9 September 2011
Why Sustainability
         private void mockPMFactoryCleanup() {
                                                                    Matters (c)
                 PersistenceFactory mockPersistenceFactory = addMock(PersistenceFactory.class);

         private void mockCyclicProcessManager() throws CyclicProcessException {
             mockCyclicProcessManager = addMock(CyclicProcessManager.class);
                     isA(LISTENER_STATUS.class), isA(String.class), isA(Double.class), isA(Date.class));
                 server = addMock(Server.class);

         private void setupCurrencyManager(Currency primeCurrency, Currency aCurrency, Currency otherCurrency) {
             mockCurrencyManager = addMock(CurrencyManager.class);
             List<Currency> allCurrencies = new ArrayList<Currency>();

         private void mockGetFXRatesAtDatesForCurrencies(Date now, FXCurrencyPair aCurrencyPair,
             FXCurrencyPair otherCurrencyPair) throws CurrencyException
                 FrameworkNumber originalACurrencyRate = new FrameworkNumber("1.23");
                 Map<FXCurrencyPair, Collection<Date>> currencyPairAndDatesMap = new HashMap<FXCurrencyPair, Collection<Date>>();
                 currencyPairAndDatesMap.put(aCurrencyPair, Arrays.asList(now));
                 currencyPairAndDatesMap.put(otherCurrencyPair, Arrays.asList(now));
                 FXCurrencyPairRates outputObj = addMock(FXCurrencyPairRates.class);
                 expect(outputObj.getActualPriceDateForCurrencyPair(aCurrencyPair, now)).andReturn(null).once();
                 expect(outputObj.getRateFromFxRateMap(now, aCurrencyPair)).andReturn(originalACurrencyRate).once();
                 expect(outputObj.getActualPriceDateForCurrencyPair(otherCurrencyPair, now)).andReturn(null).once();
                 expect(outputObj.getRateFromFxRateMap(now, otherCurrencyPair)).andReturn(originalACurrencyRate);

                                                                                 www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

                                                              Why Sustainability
                     Role mockAdminRole = addMock(Role.class);
                                                                    Matters (d)
                 private CyclicProcessThread mockUserStateAndGetCyclicProcessThread() {

                     CyclicProcessThread thread = addMock(CyclicProcessThread.class);
                     mockScreenManager = addMock(ScreenManager.class);
                     mockScreenManager.setThreadSignedOnState(new SignedOnState(adminUser, mockAdminRole, false));
                     return thread;

                 private void mockContextPersistenceManager() {
                     mockFrameworkPersistenceManager = addMock(DatabaseFacade.class);

                 private void mockPriceManager() throws PriceException {
                     mockPriceManagerFactory = addMock(PriceManagerFactory.class);
                     mockPriceManager = addMock(PriceManager.class);
                                                                     mockSystemVariableManager, null))

                 private void mockSystemVariableManager() {
                     mockSystemVariableManager = addMock(SystemVariableManager.class);
                     expect(mockSystemVariableManager.getSystemVariable(CYCLIC_PROCESS_LISTENER_HEART_BEAT_TOLERANCE, "30000"))

                 private void mockLogger() {
                     logger = addMock(Logger.class);
                     logger.info(isA(String.class)); expectLastCall().atLeastOnce();
                     logger.debug(isA(String.class)); expectLastCall().atLeastOnce();

                                                                                 www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

Friday, 9 September 2011
Test Readability
            To design is to communicate clearly by
            whatever means you can control or
                                        —Milton Glaser

Friday, 9 September 2011
Test Names
                 Describe Features
          public class TargetObjectTest {
            @Test public void isReady() {

            @Test public void choose() {
            @Test public void choose1() {

       public class TargetObject {
         public void isReady() {
         public void choose(Picker picker) {

                               www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

                    Test Names
                 Describe Features

 public class ListTests {
   @Test public void
   holdsItemsInTheOrderTheyWereAdded() {
   @Test public void
   canHoldMultipleReferencesToTheSameItem() {
   @Test public void
   throwsAnExceptionWhenRemovingAnItemItDoesntHold() {

                               www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

Friday, 9 September 2011
Canonical Test Structure

public class StringTemplateTest {
 @Test public void expandsMacrosSurroundedWithBraces() {
    StringTemplate template = new StringTemplate("{a}{b}"); Setup
    HashMap<String,Object> macros = new HashMap<String,Object>();
    macros.put("a", "A"); macros.put("b", "B");

        String expanded = template.expand(macros);                   Execute

        assertThat(expanded, equalTo("AB"));                         Assert

                                          www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

           Streamline the Test Code


                                          www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

Friday, 9 September 2011
Narrow Assertions and

                          with(SNIPER_ID), with(badMessage),

                                      www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

         Self-Describing Variables

         final static Chat UNUSED_CHAT = null;

           final static int INVALID_ID = 666;

                                      www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

Friday, 9 September 2011
 public class RemovingFullRowsTest extends Assert {
   private static final RotatableGrid PIECE =
     new RotatablePiece(
       "" +
       ".X.n" +
       ".X.n" +

   private final RowRemovalListener listener =
   private Board board;

   private void dropAndFallToBottom(RotatableGrid piece) {
     while (board.hasFalling()) {


public class When_many_rows_become_full_at_the_same_time {
  public void dropPiece() {
     board = new Board("" +
                       "........n" +
                       "........n" +
                       "AAAA.AAAn" +
                       "BBBB..BBn" +

   public void all_of_those_rows_are_removed() {
     String s = board.toString();
     assertFalse("Should not contain 'A':n" + s, s.contains("A"));
     assertFalse("Should not contain 'C':n" + s, s.contains("C"));

   public void the_row_removal_listener_is_notified_about_the_removed_rows() {

Friday, 9 September 2011
         Complex Test Data
             Many attempts to communicate are
             nullified by saying too much.
                                                  —Robert Greenleaf

                  The Problem With
                  Object Structures
            Order order = new Order(
              new Customer("Sherlock Holmes",
                new Address("221b Baker Street",
                            new PostCode("NW1", "3RX"))));
            order.addLine(new OrderLine("Deerstalker Hat", 1));
            order.addLine(new OrderLine("Tweed Cape", 1));

 Order order1 = ExampleOrders.newDeerstalkerAndCapeAndSwordstickOrder();
 Order order2 = ExampleOrders.newDeerstalkerAndBootsOrder();

                                           www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

Friday, 9 September 2011
Test Data Builder:
                     Add Indirection
             public class OrderBuilder {
               private Customer customer = new CustomerBuilder().build();
               private List<OrderLine> lines = new ArrayList<OrderLine>();
               private BigDecimal discountRate = BigDecimal.ZERO;

                 public OrderBuilder withCustomer(Customer customer) {
                   this.customer = customer;
                   return this;
                 public OrderBuilder withOrderLines(OrderLines lines) {
                   this.lines = lines;
                   return this;
                 public OrderBuilder withDiscount(BigDecimal discountRate) {
                   this.discountRate = discountRate;
                   return this;
                 public Order build() {
                   Order order = new Order(customer);
                   for (OrderLine line : lines) order.addLine(line);
                   return order;
                                                   www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

             Only Need To Include
               Relevant Values

  new OrderBuilder()
       new CustomerBuilder()
        .withAddress(new AddressBuilder().withNoPostcode().build())

                                                   www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

Friday, 9 September 2011
Named Methods Make
              Mistakes Obvious

        new AddressBuilder()
         .withStreet("221b Baker Street")
         .withPostCode("NW1 6XE")

                                          www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

               Use Builders to
            Create Similar Objects
            OrderBuilder hatAndCape = new OrderBuilder()
              .withLine("Deerstalker Hat", 1)
              .withLine("Tweed Cape", 1);

   Order orderWithDiscount    = hatAndCape
   Order orderWithGiftVoucher = hatAndCape

                                          www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

Friday, 9 September 2011
Compacting Construction

     Order order = anOrder()

     Address aLongerAddress = anAddress()
                               .withStreet("221b Baker Street")
                               .with(postCode("NW1", "3RX"))

                                          www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

               Refactor To Builders
 @Test public void reportsTotalSalesOfOrderedProducts() {
                    .withLine("Deerstalker Hat", 1)
                    .withLine("Tweed Cape", 1));
   sendAndProcess(anOrder().withLine("Deerstalker Hat", 1));

    TotalSalesReport report = gui.openSalesReport();
    report.checkDisplayedTotalSalesFor("Deerstalker Hat", is(equalTo(2)));
    report.checkDisplayedTotalSalesFor("Tweed Cape", is(equalTo(1)));

 void sendAndProcess(OrderBuilder orderDetails) {
   Order order = orderDetails

                                          www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

Friday, 9 September 2011
What, Not How
      @Test public void reportsTotalSalesOfOrderedProducts() {
                        .withLine("Deerstalker Hat", 1)
                        .withLine("Tweed Cape", 1));
        havingReceived(anOrder().withLine("Deerstalker Hat", 1));

          TotalSalesReport report = gui.openSalesReport();
          report.displaysTotalSalesFor("Deerstalker Hat", equalTo(2));
          report.displaysTotalSalesFor("Tweed Cape", equalTo(1));

                                            www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

              Test Diagnostics

              Mistakes are the portals of discovery.

                                                   —James Joyce

Friday, 9 September 2011
Explain Yourself

           assertEquals(16301, customer.getBalance());

           ComparisonFailure: expected:<[16301]> but was:<[16103]>

      assertEquals("balance", 16301, customer.getBalance());

      ComparisonFailure: balance expected:<[16301]> but was:<[16103]>

                                                    www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

                    Describe Yourself
           ComparisonFailure: expected:<[a customer account id]>
                               but was:<[id not set]>

                                    java.lang.AssertionError: payment date
                                    Expected: <Thu Jan 01 01:00:01 GMT 1970>
                                         got: <Thu Jan 01 01:00:02 GMT 1970>

   Date startDate = namedDate(1000, "startDate");
   Date endDate = namedDate(2000, "endDate");

   Date namedDate(long timeValue, final String name) {
     return new Date(timeValue) {
      public String toString() { return name; }
                                    java.lang.AssertionError: payment date
                                    Expected: <startDate>
                                         got: <endDate>

                                                    www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

Friday, 9 September 2011
Tracer Objects
    @RunWith(JMock.class) public class CustomerTest {
      final LineItem item1 = context.mock(LineItem.class, "item1");
      final LineItem item2 = context.mock(LineItem.class, "item2");
      final Billing billing = context.mock(Billing.class);

        @Test public void requestsInvoiceForPurchasedItems() {
          context.checking(new Expectations() {{
          customer.purchase(item1, item2);
              not all expectations were satisfied
                expected once, already invoked 1 time: billing.add(<item1>)
                ! expected once, never invoked: billing.add(<item2>>)
              what happened before this:

                                                www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

Friday, 9 September 2011
Test Flexibility
             Living plants are flexible and tender;
             the dead are brittle and dry.
             The rigid and stiff will be broken.
             The soft and yielding will overcome.
                                    —Lao Tzu (c.604—531 B.C.)

               Specify Precisely
              What Should Happen
                 and No More

                                      www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

Friday, 9 September 2011

                Not Representation
        public interface CustomerBase {
          // Returns null if no customer found
          Customer findCustomerWithEmailAddress(String emailAddress);


         public static final Customer NO_CUSTOMER_FOUND = null;

    public interface CustomerBase {
      Maybe<Customer> findCustomerWithEmailAddress(String emailAddress);

                                          www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

Friday, 9 September 2011
Precise Assertions
            assertThat(“strike price”,
                       92, equalTo(instrument.getStrikePrice()));

              assertThat(“transaction id”,

                              containsString("is expired")));

                                           www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

              Precise Expectations


                                         containsString("is expired"))));

                                           www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

Friday, 9 September 2011
Allow Queries
                 Expect Commands

       allowing(catalog).getPriceForItem(item); will(returnValue(74));

       exactly(2).of(order).addItem(item, 74);

                                           www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

                Only Enforce Order
                 When It Matters

@Test public void announcesMatchForOneAuction() {
  final AuctionSearcher auctionSearch =
                new AuctionSearcher(searchListener, asList(STUB_AUCTION1));

    context.checking(new Expectations() {{
      Sequence events = context.sequence("events");
      oneOf(searchListener).searchMatched(STUB_AUCTION1); inSequence(events);
      oneOf(searchListener).searchFinished();             inSequence(events);


                                           www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

Friday, 9 September 2011
“Guinea Pig” Objects
     public class XmlMarshallerTest {
       public static class MarshalledObject {
         private String privateField = "private";
         public transient String transientField = "transient";
         public final String publicFinalField = "public final";
         // constructors, accessors for private field, etc.

         @Test public void marshallsAndUnmarshallsSerialisableFields() {
           XMLMarshaller marshaller = new XmlMarshaller();
           MarshalledObject original = new MarshalledObject();
           String xml = marshaller.marshall(original);
           MarshalledObject unmarshalled = marshaller.unmarshall(xml);

                                            www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

                 Tests Are Code Too

          • Expressiveness over convenience
          • Refactor and abstract
          • Focus on what matters
          • If it’s hard to test, that’s a clue

                                            www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

Friday, 9 September 2011
Other sources

                               www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011

             And, of course…

Friday, 9 September 2011

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  • 1. Sustainable Test-Driven Development Steve Freeman and Nat Pryce www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Out Now Friday, 9 September 2011
  • 2. Why Sustainability Matters (a) public class ExchangeRateUploaderTest extends EasyMockTestCase { private Logger logger; private CurrencyManager mockCurrencyManager; private ExchangeRateManager mockExchangeRateManager; private PriceManagerFactory mockPriceManagerFactory; private PriceManager mockPriceManager; private GodObject mockGod; private DatabaseFacade mockPersistenceManager; private DatabaseFacade mockFrameworkPersistenceManager; private CyclicProcessManager mockCyclicProcessManager; private SystemVariableManager mockSystemVariableManager; private ScreenManager mockScreenManager; private Registry registry; private User adminUser; private Server server; private ExchangeRateUploader newExchangeRateUploader(CyclicProcessThread thread) { return new ExchangeRateUploader(thread) { @Override protected void initializeAction() throws FrameworkException { // Does nothing to prevent excessive mocking } @Override public Logger getLogger() { return logger; } @Override protected void setLogMDC() { } @Override protected User getUser() { return adminUser; } @Override protected CurrencyManager newCurrencyManager() { return mockCurrencyManager; } @Override protected PriceManagerFactory newPriceManagerFactory() { return mockPriceManagerFactory; } @Override protected CyclicProcessManager newCyclicProcessManager() { return mockCyclicProcessManager; } @Override protected DatabaseFacade newPersistenceManager() { return mockPersistenceManager; } @Override protected Registry newTaskPerformanceRegistry() { return registry; } @Override public PriceDataManager getPriceDataManager() { return null; } @Override protected ExchangeRateManager newExchangeRateManager() { return mockExchangeRateManager; } }; } www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Why Sustainability public void testInternalAction() throws FrameworkException { mockGod = addMock(GodObject.class); expect(mockGod.getPriceDataManager()).andStubReturn(null); mockPersistenceManager = addMock(DatabaseFacade.class); registry = addMock(Registry.class); Matters (b) adminUser = new TestUser("Admin", "", "", new TestCompany("company"), ""); mockCyclicProcessManager(); registry.finalizeThisThread(isA(String.class), isA(String.class)); Date now = DateUtils.trimMinutesAndSecondsFromDate(new Date()); mockSystemVariableManager(); mockLogger(); mockContextPersistenceManager(); mockPriceManager(); CyclicProcessThread thread = mockUserStateAndGetCyclicProcessThread(); String primeName = "prime"; String aName = "a"; String otherName = "other"; Currency primeCurrency = new TestCurrency(primeName, true); Currency aCurrency = new TestCurrency(aName, true); Currency otherCurrency = new TestCurrency(otherName, false); FXCurrencyPair aCurrencyPair = new FXCurrencyPair(primeCurrency, aCurrency); FXCurrencyPair otherCurrencyPair = new FXCurrencyPair(otherCurrency, primeCurrency); setupCurrencyManager(primeCurrency, aCurrency, otherCurrency); mockExchangeRateManager = addMock(ExchangeRateManager.class); mockGetFXRatesAtDatesForCurrencies(now, aCurrencyPair, otherCurrencyPair); FrameworkNumber aCurrencyValue = new FrameworkNumber("5"); FrameworkNumber otherCurrencyValue = new FrameworkNumber("2"); ExchangeRate aCurrencyRate = new ExchangeRate(primeCurrency, aCurrency, aCurrencyValue, now); ExchangeRate otherCurrencyRate = new ExchangeRate(otherCurrency, primeCurrency, otherCurrencyValue, now); expect(mockCurrencyManager.getParentToFractionalCurrencyMapForFractionalCurrency()).andStubReturn(newMap()); expect( mockExchangeRateManager.saveExchangeRate(null, new FrameworkString(primeName), new FrameworkString(aName), aCurrencyValue, new FrameworkDate(now))).andReturn(null); expect( mockExchangeRateManager.saveExchangeRate(null, new FrameworkString(otherName), new FrameworkString(primeName), otherCurrencyValue, new FrameworkDate(now))).andReturn(null); Map<String, ExchangeRate> out = new HashMap<String, ExchangeRate>(); out.put("primea", aCurrencyRate); out.put("otherprime", otherCurrencyRate); expect(mockPriceManager.getLatestExchangeRates(newList(aCurrencyPair, otherCurrencyPair))).andReturn(out); mockPMFactoryCleanup(); replayMocks(); ExchangeRateUploader uploader = newExchangeRateUploader(thread); uploader.initialise(); uploader.run(); } www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Friday, 9 September 2011
  • 3. Why Sustainability private void mockPMFactoryCleanup() { Matters (c) PersistenceFactory mockPersistenceFactory = addMock(PersistenceFactory.class); mockPersistenceFactory.purgeAllStateForThisThread(); expect(mockGod.getPersistenceFactory()).andReturn(mockPersistenceFactory).anyTimes(); expect(mockPersistenceFactory.getExceptionsInRequest()).andReturn(Collections.<Throwable>emptyList()).times(1); } private void mockCyclicProcessManager() throws CyclicProcessException { mockCyclicProcessManager = addMock(CyclicProcessManager.class); expect(mockGod.getCyclicProcessManager()).andStubReturn(mockCyclicProcessManager); mockCyclicProcessManager.updateServerCyclicProcessCurrentRunStatus(isA(String.class), isA(LISTENER_STATUS.class), isA(String.class), isA(Double.class), isA(Date.class)); expectLastCall().anyTimes(); server = addMock(Server.class); expect(mockCyclicProcessManager.getThisServer()).andStubReturn(server); } private void setupCurrencyManager(Currency primeCurrency, Currency aCurrency, Currency otherCurrency) { mockCurrencyManager = addMock(CurrencyManager.class); List<Currency> allCurrencies = new ArrayList<Currency>(); allCurrencies.add(aCurrency); allCurrencies.add(primeCurrency); allCurrencies.add(otherCurrency); expect(mockCurrencyManager.getPrimeCurrency()).andReturn(primeCurrency).anyTimes(); expect(mockCurrencyManager.getAllParentCurrencies()).andReturn(allCurrencies).times(2); } private void mockGetFXRatesAtDatesForCurrencies(Date now, FXCurrencyPair aCurrencyPair, FXCurrencyPair otherCurrencyPair) throws CurrencyException { FrameworkNumber originalACurrencyRate = new FrameworkNumber("1.23"); Map<FXCurrencyPair, Collection<Date>> currencyPairAndDatesMap = new HashMap<FXCurrencyPair, Collection<Date>>(); currencyPairAndDatesMap.put(aCurrencyPair, Arrays.asList(now)); currencyPairAndDatesMap.put(otherCurrencyPair, Arrays.asList(now)); FXCurrencyPairRates outputObj = addMock(FXCurrencyPairRates.class); expect(outputObj.rateMapSize()).andReturn(5).anyTimes(); expect(outputObj.getActualPriceDateForCurrencyPair(aCurrencyPair, now)).andReturn(null).once(); expect(outputObj.getRateFromFxRateMap(now, aCurrencyPair)).andReturn(originalACurrencyRate).once(); expect(outputObj.getActualPriceDateForCurrencyPair(otherCurrencyPair, now)).andReturn(null).once(); expect(outputObj.getRateFromFxRateMap(now, otherCurrencyPair)).andReturn(originalACurrencyRate); expect(mockExchangeRateManager.getFXRatesAtDatesForCurrencies(currencyPairAndDatesMap)).andReturn(outputObj); } www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Why Sustainability Role mockAdminRole = addMock(Role.class); Matters (d) private CyclicProcessThread mockUserStateAndGetCyclicProcessThread() { CyclicProcessThread thread = addMock(CyclicProcessThread.class); expect(thread.getAdminRole()).andReturn(mockAdminRole).anyTimes(); expect(thread.getAdminUser()).andReturn(adminUser).anyTimes(); thread.interrupt(); expectLastCall(); mockScreenManager = addMock(ScreenManager.class); expect(mockGod.getScreenManager()).andReturn(mockScreenManager).anyTimes(); mockScreenManager.setThreadSignedOnState(new SignedOnState(adminUser, mockAdminRole, false)); expectLastCall().anyTimes(); expect(thread.getGod()).andReturn(mockGod).anyTimes(); expect(thread.getShutdownInProgress()).andReturn(false).anyTimes(); return thread; } private void mockContextPersistenceManager() { mockFrameworkPersistenceManager = addMock(DatabaseFacade.class); expect(mockGod.getDatabaseFacade()).andReturn(mockFrameworkPersistenceManager).anyTimes(); mockFrameworkPersistenceManager.beginNewSession(); expectLastCall().anyTimes(); } private void mockPriceManager() throws PriceException { mockPriceManagerFactory = addMock(PriceManagerFactory.class); mockPriceManager = addMock(PriceManager.class); expect(mockPriceManagerFactory.newPriceManager(mockFrameworkPersistenceManager, mockSystemVariableManager, null)) .andReturn(mockPriceManager).once(); } private void mockSystemVariableManager() { mockSystemVariableManager = addMock(SystemVariableManager.class); expect(mockGod.getSystemVariableManager()).andReturn(mockSystemVariableManager).anyTimes(); expect(mockSystemVariableManager.getSystemVariable(CYCLIC_PROCESS_LISTENER_HEART_BEAT_TOLERANCE, "30000")) .andReturn("30000").anyTimes(); } private void mockLogger() { logger = addMock(Logger.class); logger.info(isA(String.class)); expectLastCall().atLeastOnce(); logger.debug(isA(String.class)); expectLastCall().atLeastOnce(); } } www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Friday, 9 September 2011
  • 4. Test Readability To design is to communicate clearly by whatever means you can control or master. —Milton Glaser Friday, 9 September 2011
  • 5. Test Names Describe Features public class TargetObjectTest { @Test public void isReady() { ✘ @Test public void choose() { @Test public void choose1() { public class TargetObject { public void isReady() { public void choose(Picker picker) { www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Test Names Describe Features public class ListTests { @Test public void holdsItemsInTheOrderTheyWereAdded() { @Test public void canHoldMultipleReferencesToTheSameItem() { @Test public void throwsAnExceptionWhenRemovingAnItemItDoesntHold() { www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Friday, 9 September 2011
  • 6. Canonical Test Structure public class StringTemplateTest { @Test public void expandsMacrosSurroundedWithBraces() { StringTemplate template = new StringTemplate("{a}{b}"); Setup HashMap<String,Object> macros = new HashMap<String,Object>(); macros.put("a", "A"); macros.put("b", "B"); String expanded = template.expand(macros); Execute assertThat(expanded, equalTo("AB")); Assert Teardown } } www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Streamline the Test Code assertThat(instruments, hasItem(instrumentWithPrice(greaterThan(81)))); www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Friday, 9 September 2011
  • 7. Narrow Assertions and Expectations oneOf(failureReporter).cannotTranslateMessage( with(SNIPER_ID), with(badMessage), with(any(RuntimeException.class))); www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Self-Describing Variables final static Chat UNUSED_CHAT = null; final static int INVALID_ID = 666; www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Friday, 9 September 2011
  • 8. @RunWith(NestedJUnit4.class) public class RemovingFullRowsTest extends Assert { private static final RotatableGrid PIECE = new RotatablePiece( "" + ".X.n" + ".X.n" + ".X.n");   private final RowRemovalListener listener = mock(RowRemovalListener.class);   private Board board;   private void dropAndFallToBottom(RotatableGrid piece) {    board.drop(piece);     while (board.hasFalling()) {      board.tick();     }   } [...] http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/luontola/tdd-2009/harjoitukset public class When_many_rows_become_full_at_the_same_time { @Before public void dropPiece() { board = new Board("" + "........n" + "........n" + "AAAA.AAAn" + "BBBB..BBn" + "CCCC.CCCn"); board.addRowRemovalListener(listener); dropAndFallToBottom(PIECE); } @Test public void all_of_those_rows_are_removed() { String s = board.toString(); assertFalse("Should not contain 'A':n" + s, s.contains("A")); assertFalse("Should not contain 'C':n" + s, s.contains("C")); }    @Test public void the_row_removal_listener_is_notified_about_the_removed_rows() { verify(listener).onRowsRemoved(2);    } } Friday, 9 September 2011
  • 9. Constructing Complex Test Data Many attempts to communicate are nullified by saying too much. —Robert Greenleaf The Problem With Object Structures Order order = new Order( new Customer("Sherlock Holmes", new Address("221b Baker Street", "London", new PostCode("NW1", "3RX")))); order.addLine(new OrderLine("Deerstalker Hat", 1)); order.addLine(new OrderLine("Tweed Cape", 1)); Order order1 = ExampleOrders.newDeerstalkerAndCapeAndSwordstickOrder(); Order order2 = ExampleOrders.newDeerstalkerAndBootsOrder(); www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Friday, 9 September 2011
  • 10. Test Data Builder: Add Indirection public class OrderBuilder { private Customer customer = new CustomerBuilder().build(); private List<OrderLine> lines = new ArrayList<OrderLine>(); private BigDecimal discountRate = BigDecimal.ZERO; public OrderBuilder withCustomer(Customer customer) { this.customer = customer; return this; } public OrderBuilder withOrderLines(OrderLines lines) { this.lines = lines; return this; } public OrderBuilder withDiscount(BigDecimal discountRate) { this.discountRate = discountRate; return this; } public Order build() { Order order = new Order(customer); for (OrderLine line : lines) order.addLine(line); order.setDiscountRate(discountRate); return order; } } www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Only Need To Include Relevant Values new OrderBuilder() .fromCustomer( new CustomerBuilder() .withAddress(new AddressBuilder().withNoPostcode().build()) .build()) .build(); www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Friday, 9 September 2011
  • 11. Named Methods Make Mistakes Obvious new AddressBuilder() .withStreet("221b Baker Street") .withStreet2("London") .withPostCode("NW1 6XE") .build(); www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Use Builders to Create Similar Objects OrderBuilder hatAndCape = new OrderBuilder() .withLine("Deerstalker Hat", 1) .withLine("Tweed Cape", 1); Order orderWithDiscount = hatAndCape .but().withDiscount(0.10).build(); Order orderWithGiftVoucher = hatAndCape .but().withGiftVoucher("abc").build(); www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Friday, 9 September 2011
  • 12. Compacting Construction Order order = anOrder() .from(aCustomer() .with(anAddress().withNoPostcode())) .build(); Address aLongerAddress = anAddress() .withStreet("221b Baker Street") .withCity("London") .with(postCode("NW1", "3RX")) .build(); www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Refactor To Builders @Test public void reportsTotalSalesOfOrderedProducts() { sendAndProcess(anOrder() .withLine("Deerstalker Hat", 1) .withLine("Tweed Cape", 1)); sendAndProcess(anOrder().withLine("Deerstalker Hat", 1)); TotalSalesReport report = gui.openSalesReport(); report.checkDisplayedTotalSalesFor("Deerstalker Hat", is(equalTo(2))); report.checkDisplayedTotalSalesFor("Tweed Cape", is(equalTo(1))); void sendAndProcess(OrderBuilder orderDetails) { Order order = orderDetails .withDefaultCustomersReference(nextCustomerReference()) .build(); requestSender.send(order); progressMonitor.waitForCompletion(order); } www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Friday, 9 September 2011
  • 13. What, Not How @Test public void reportsTotalSalesOfOrderedProducts() { havingReceived(anOrder() .withLine("Deerstalker Hat", 1) .withLine("Tweed Cape", 1)); havingReceived(anOrder().withLine("Deerstalker Hat", 1)); TotalSalesReport report = gui.openSalesReport(); report.displaysTotalSalesFor("Deerstalker Hat", equalTo(2)); report.displaysTotalSalesFor("Tweed Cape", equalTo(1)); } www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Test Diagnostics Mistakes are the portals of discovery. —James Joyce Friday, 9 September 2011
  • 14. Explain Yourself assertEquals(16301, customer.getBalance()); ComparisonFailure: expected:<[16301]> but was:<[16103]> assertEquals("balance", 16301, customer.getBalance()); ComparisonFailure: balance expected:<[16301]> but was:<[16103]> www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Describe Yourself ComparisonFailure: expected:<[a customer account id]> but was:<[id not set]> java.lang.AssertionError: payment date Expected: <Thu Jan 01 01:00:01 GMT 1970> got: <Thu Jan 01 01:00:02 GMT 1970> Date startDate = namedDate(1000, "startDate"); Date endDate = namedDate(2000, "endDate"); Date namedDate(long timeValue, final String name) { return new Date(timeValue) { public String toString() { return name; } }; } java.lang.AssertionError: payment date Expected: <startDate> got: <endDate> www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Friday, 9 September 2011
  • 15. Tracer Objects @RunWith(JMock.class) public class CustomerTest { final LineItem item1 = context.mock(LineItem.class, "item1"); final LineItem item2 = context.mock(LineItem.class, "item2"); final Billing billing = context.mock(Billing.class); @Test public void requestsInvoiceForPurchasedItems() { context.checking(new Expectations() {{ oneOf(billing).add(item1); oneOf(billing).add(item2); }}); customer.purchase(item1, item2); customer.requestInvoice(billing); } } not all expectations were satisfied expectations: expected once, already invoked 1 time: billing.add(<item1>) ! expected once, never invoked: billing.add(<item2>>) what happened before this: billing.add(<item1>) www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Friday, 9 September 2011
  • 16. Test Flexibility Living plants are flexible and tender; the dead are brittle and dry. [...] The rigid and stiff will be broken. The soft and yielding will overcome. —Lao Tzu (c.604—531 B.C.) Specify Precisely What Should Happen and No More www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Friday, 9 September 2011
  • 17. Interlude Information, Not Representation public interface CustomerBase { // Returns null if no customer found Customer findCustomerWithEmailAddress(String emailAddress); allowing(customerBase).findCustomerWithEmailAddress(theAddress); will(returnValue(null)); public static final Customer NO_CUSTOMER_FOUND = null; public interface CustomerBase { Maybe<Customer> findCustomerWithEmailAddress(String emailAddress); } www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Friday, 9 September 2011
  • 18. Precise Assertions assertThat(“strike price”, 92, equalTo(instrument.getStrikePrice())); assertThat(“transaction id”, instrument.getTransactionId(), largerThan(PREVIOUS_TRANSACTION_ID)); assertThat(failureMessage, allOf(containsString("strikePrice=92"), containsString("id=FGD.430"), containsString("is expired"))); www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Precise Expectations oneOf(auction).addAuctionEventListener(with(sniperForItem(itemId))); oneOf(auditTrail).recordFailure(with( allOf(containsString("strikePrice=92"), containsString("id=FGD.430"), containsString("is expired")))); www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Friday, 9 September 2011
  • 19. Allow Queries Expect Commands ignoring(auditTrail); allowing(catalog).getPriceForItem(item); will(returnValue(74)); exactly(2).of(order).addItem(item, 74); www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Only Enforce Order When It Matters @Test public void announcesMatchForOneAuction() { final AuctionSearcher auctionSearch = new AuctionSearcher(searchListener, asList(STUB_AUCTION1)); context.checking(new Expectations() {{ Sequence events = context.sequence("events"); oneOf(searchListener).searchMatched(STUB_AUCTION1); inSequence(events); oneOf(searchListener).searchFinished(); inSequence(events); }}); auctionSearch.searchFor(KEYWORDS); } www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Friday, 9 September 2011
  • 20. “Guinea Pig” Objects public class XmlMarshallerTest { public static class MarshalledObject { private String privateField = "private"; public transient String transientField = "transient"; public final String publicFinalField = "public final"; // constructors, accessors for private field, etc. } @Test public void marshallsAndUnmarshallsSerialisableFields() { XMLMarshaller marshaller = new XmlMarshaller(); MarshalledObject original = new MarshalledObject(); String xml = marshaller.marshall(original); MarshalledObject unmarshalled = marshaller.unmarshall(xml); assertThat(unmarshalled, hasSameSerialisableFieldsAs(original)); } } www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Tests Are Code Too • Expressiveness over convenience • Refactor and abstract • Focus on what matters • If it’s hard to test, that’s a clue www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 Friday, 9 September 2011
  • 21. Other sources www.growing-object-oriented-software.com 2011 And, of course… Friday, 9 September 2011