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Admissions Essays Reddit Has Ever Seen Will ...
International Highway Traffic Safety Administration
3.1 Introduction to Autonomous Cars Autonomous cars, also known as driverless cars, or self driving
cars are vehicles that can drive themselves without a human driver to control the steering,
acceleration, and braking (Thrun, 2010). They are designed to sense their surroundings with
techniques of artificial intelligence, sensors with a 360° of view, radar, and global positioning systems,
so that the driver is not expected to constantly monitor the roadway while operating in self driving
mode. Advanced control systems analyze the sensory information gathered to plan the best route to the
desired destination. Obstacles and road signs are all part of the algorithm to be taken into account
ahead of time. In addition, the autonomous vehicles ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Level 2 Combined Function This level involves automation of at least two primary control functions
designed to work in unison to relieve the driver of control of those functions. An example is adaptive
cruise control in combination with lane centering. Level 3 Limited Self Driving Vehicles at this level
of automation are able to operate autonomously for some portions of the journey. Transfer of control
back to the human driver happens with some warning. The Google car is an example of limited self
driving automation. Level 4 Full Self Driving The vehicle is designed to perform all safety critical
driving functions and monitor roadway conditions for an entire trip without manual control at any time
during the trip. 3.2 Advantages And Limits There are many potential advantages to using a driverless
car instead of a traditional human controlled vehicle: Reduction in car accidents. Most car accidents
are caused by driver errors, but the autonomous system can monitor a broader range of sensors and
react faster than a human driver. More efficient transportation due to higher speed limit Increase in
road capacity and reduction in traffic congestion due to narrowed safety gap and intelligent parking
technology. Occupants in an autonomous car will not be constrained due to age, license, disabilities,
intoxication and other factors. Although we can benefit from the self driving cars, potential
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The Epistemological Perspectives Of Positivism And Social...
1. The epistemological perspectives of positivism and social constructivism can often be seen as direct
opposed views on knowledge. A positivism approach involves accepting knowledge of things that
have been verified by the scientific method of formation and testing (Pool, 1999, Pg. 91). Positivists
focus on the falsification of things and insistence on their verification. Scientist, Karl Popper, brought
new ideals to this approach by making light on the fact it is not possible to prove something true, but it
can ultimately be proven true by never being proved false which can provide you with long term
approximations for knowledge. (Pool, 1999, Pg. 92). The social constructivism approach answers the
issues addressed that the positivism ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
2. I have current experience with an internship at Lockheed Martin Aeronautics. This also happens to
be where I aspire to begin my career so I think it is important for me to reflect on how engineering
plays into this industry. It may come to no surprise that there are very few companies capable of
designing, engineering, manufacturing, and distributing fighter aircraft to the world. This technology
is sold to high ranking and important customers such as the Army, Airforce, the Navy, and national
governments of other countries. This being said, engineering is a key aspect of the company being
able to create the most technologically advanced aircraft, with the best capabilities, while managing
affordability. I believe these aircraft are a great example for showing how technology can have
politics. With the word politics I am referring to the circulation of resources and power in a culture. I
also think it is important to define what I mean by culture. Culture can be well summarized as a way
of life or social norms that are developed by the traditions, values, religions, economy, and ethnicities
particular to a geographical region. Fighter aircraft fall under what Winner would call an inherently
political technology. This is a technology that, appear to require or to be strongly compatible with
particular kinds of
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Emirates Marketing Strategy
Emirates is an airline based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The airline is a subsidiary of the Emirates
Group, which is wholly owned by the government of Dubai s, Investment Corporation of Dubai.
(gulfnews.com, 2008). Emirates is the largest airline in the Middle East, operating nearly 3,400 flights
per week, from its hub at the Dubai International Airport, to more than 142 cities in 78 countries
across 6 continents. (emirates.com)
The airline is ranked amongst the top ten carriers worldwide in terms of passenger kilometers, and has
become the largest airline in the Middle East in terms of revenue, fleet size, and passengers carried as
of 2007. (gulfnews.com, 2007) In 2012 the airline was the fourth largest airline in the world in terms
of international passengers carried, and scheduled passenger kilometers flown. ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
They have a relationship with every disadvantages member of the community they serve in. As well as
they strive to improve the lives of those people who have been struck by poverty. Also being an
aviation company, they have the right means to deliver aids during tragedies and wars.
Marketing Strategies
Hello Tomorrow
In 2012, Emirates Airlines had launched their new global platform, Hello Tomorrow , this allowed
Emirates airlines, to enable global connectivity and that lead customers to have meaningful
experiences. This also lead to the revolution within Emirates as they sifted from a travel brand to a
global lifestyle brand. (emirates.com)
Hello Tomorrow, is about inspiring people to greet tomorrow s unlimited potential, now. The word
Hello is like a greeting, an invitation for people to a place, a new experience. Tomorrow is the time it
represents the future, Emirates is trying to ask their customers, where will tomorrow take you? to
show that everyday they can travel somewhere new, have a new experience.
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Case Analysis Of Ratan Tata
Module: International Management (BUS 323)
Name: Adrienne Tan Hui Ling
Student Number: 32489994
Written Case Analysis Report:
The Last Rajah:
Ratan Tata and Tata s Global Expansion Table of Contents
1. Source Problem 3
2. Secondary and Current problems 3
3. Analysis/Elaboration of the 3 current secondary problems, and the company s resolutions of the 3
problems. 5
4. Criteria of Evaluation 8
5. Alteration of strategies 9
6. Justification of recommendations 11
7. Implementation 12
8. List of References 13
1. Source Problem
Diversification of businesses is a strategy adopted by many domestic and international organizations,
with the goal of enlarging market share and exerting market dominance, and ultimately churning
increasing business revenue. Chairman of the Tata Group of businesses, ... Show more content on
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Specializing in auto mobiles, Tata started losing focus on its niche and went on to acquire new
businesses in completely different industries massively. This included plans to invest $28 billion in
steel, autos, telecom, power, chemicals, and more. Unfortunately, the lack of central strategy resulted
in investments on the wrong industries, such as the Tata Teleservices (TTSL), a mobile telephony
business. It yielded the worse negative margins amongst the whole of Tata Group s businesses (Pannu,
Singh, 2013 ). Another separate industry has it that Tata Steel was loaded with $7.4billion of liability
for the acquisition of Corus. On its core auto mobile business, Tata Motors now owned the American
high end Jaguar and Land Rover (PTI, 2015), which requires its attention to bring the brands back to
heights when they were once owned by Ford Motors. Central strategy is crucial for the allocation of
resources at the right time to right
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Macro and Micro Environmental Analysis of Waitrose...
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Price fixing is illegal under the competition act of 1998. When participants on the same side of the
market (such as the big 4 in the UK supermarket sector) agree to sell a service, product or commodity
at a fixed price it s the consumers who must pay while retailers and suppliers reap the benefits. There
are extremely heavy penalties for price fixing in the UK You can be fined, disqualified from being a
director or even sent to prison (Business Link No Date).
Minimum wage laws will always affect supermarkets as generally many of their staff would be paid
minimum wage. Under the National Minimum Wage Act of 1998 all employers must pay their
employees a certain amount per hour as set by the UK Government. The main rate of National
Minimum Wage which applies to workers aged 22 and over and is currently £5.80 per but will raise
£5.93 in 2010 (Directgov 2010).
There are many laws in the UK and EU which are designed to protect the environment. However there
are two main Acts which were made to consolidate as many issues as possible, these are the
Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Environment Act 1995 (Hartshorne. J,1996). DEFRA is
the UK government agency which is responsible for setting legislation and guidance on a number of
environmental issues (DEFRA, No Date). Some important legislation which applies to supermarkets
include laws on waste and recycling, genetic modification, and Climate
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Essay on Ritalin and Its Effects on Children
Thesis: Today there is a great debate concerning the diagnosis and treatment of ADD/ADHD and who
has the right to decide what happens. It is estimated that between 3 and 12 percent of the population
has to deal with conditions known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attention
Deficit Disorder (ADD). This equals approximately 3 million children in the United States alone. Both
of these disorders (ADD and ADHD) exhibit the same traits leading them to be lumped together.
Children affected by ADD or ADHD have behavior and emotional problems. Trouble concentrating on
simple tasks, a short attention span, failing to give attention to details, and disruptive behavior are a
few of the problems resulting from ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, the specific gene or genes causing them have not been found despite the completion of the
Human Genome Project. Technological advances have allowed for the discovery of new information
These disorders can be acquired may different ways. One of these ways is before birth. The use of
drugs, toxemia, infectious diseases, exposure to radiation, prematurity, and complicated delivery are
all causes of this disorder originating during pregnancy and delivery. Post delivery causes include
meningitis, encephalitis, seizures from fever, head injury, and lead toxicity. All of these conditions
lead to damage to the brain (About ADD/ADHD).
ADD and ADHD can also be looked at as developmental disorders. This is because some children
seem to outgrow these conditions as they get older. These people were sometimes labeled
underachievers when they were young, and now classified late bloomers since they have outgrown
their disorders.
Many drugs have been developed to treat ADD and ADHD. One of these drugs is Methylphenidate
otherwise known as Ritalin. It is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for treatment of ADD
and ADHD. Use of Ritalin is up 700 percent since 1990 (ABC News). Other drugs also used in
treatment of ADD and ADHD include Zoloft, Praxil, and Cylert. Ritalin is a drug that is used to
restore neurotransmitters in those that lack or have malfunctioning nerve impulses in the
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Recognizing Same-Sex Marriage Legally in the United States
Gay rights is a very popular issue in American politics that asks ask the question Should same sex
marriage be recognized legally. Some Americans support gay rights and believe all homosexuals
deserve the right of protection from discrimination. They do not believe marriage would devalued but
would allow homosexuals to have same benefits and security as heterosexual couples. Some of the
rights same sex marriages would be entitled to include: eligibility of health insurance through each
other s employers, visitation rights in hospitals and jails, and the right to sue over wrongful death of a
partner, right to refuse to testify against spouse in court, tax and Social Security benefits. Opponents
of the gay rights movement believe marriage is between one man and one woman. They believe it is a
wrong and unnatural act that devalues the institution of marriage. They believe marriage is meant to
foster two parent families that are the foundation of our society. Gay rights have been a controversial
issue for many years, but until recently there had not been any real progress in ensuring same sex
couples have the rights they deserve that are given to heterosexual couples and crushing the belief that
being who they are is wrong or shameful.
One of the most renown cities during the Renaissance, was a extremely wide spread of same sex
relations. (Hall) Even so same sex couples that were caught were often prosecuting, imprisoning, and
fining some of the population. A little after
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All Summer In A Day Bradbury
The short story by bradbury All summer in a day is about margot and her classmates. They all live in
venus and they only see the sun every seven years and it just constantly rains throughout the years.
Margot has live on earth but moved with her parents and the students in her classroom get jealous and
bulie her. In All summer in a day it teaches us that fear can turn into regret. Margot is always sad and
in fear. In school nobody talks to her and gets bullied by some of her classmates, hates taking showers
she screams and covers her ears to not hear the sound of the water because it reminds her of the rain,
and she also misses seeing the sun. Now she regrets moving to venus and wants to move back after
her parents have paid thousands
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Homosexuality In Grey s Anatomy
Grey s Anatomy has been one of the most popular shows on network television since 2005. While
most critics and fans agree that the first three seasons were the shows best, the storylines in the later
seasons have still been able to add new and progressive ideas into the forefront of the show. The
biggest change in storyline is when they introduced their first LGBTQ identifying main character,
Callie Torres. For many queer fans of the show, the addition of Callie s character was extremely
monumental. As highly regarded lesbian and bisexual blog AfterEllen noted, it was quite
unprecedented to have an LGBTQ identifying character on such a popular network television show
(Warn, A Lesbian Relationship on Grey s Anatomy ?). The lesbian and bisexual ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
This idea has trickled through the LGBTQ community through the years and as Carrie Wofford
explains in Outweek magazine in 1991, it seems that for some members of the LGBTQ community,
bisexuality does not exist and, they say people [who call themselves bisexual] are just afraid to come
out [as gay] (33). Biphobia is real within the community even today. As seen in multiple recent studies
towards bisexual discrimination, it seems that although heterosexuals are more likely to express their
biphobia, [the] discrimination from the lesbian and gay community, was statistically significantly
higher, than it was expected to be (Allen). However, that is not to say that all people have these
feelings. Support for the LGBTQ community within the entertainment industry has been progressing
slowly over time . Since the B in LGBTQ was added in the 1990s, bisexuals have faced many issues
because they fit in, both the straight world and the gay world (Exquis). As this site explains, bisexuals
not only have to deal with biphobia, but many other forms of discrimination that makes it extremely
difficult for them to survive in today s society the same goes for transgender people. Grey s took
notice of this issue and ultimately became an ally for the LGBTQ community during that 2008 2009
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Social Support Groups Can Benefit People Suffering Diseases
Social support is that human and material support offered to people suffering from various diseases or
various body inabilities. The support could in the form of material things such as money, food,
clothing and shelter. The other support is in the form of offering services such as washing clothes,
cooking, loving and caring about those suffering from deadly diseases or having health dysfunctions.
The social support could be initiated and contributed by one individual, a group or community at
large. The social support groups benefit people suffering various diseases such as, HIV/AIDs, cancer,
Backbone injuries, the blind, the dumb, hearing impaired people and many more in different manners.
(Jeong, 2011) The social support has focused on ensuring a better life for people with no hope of their
tomorrow. Even though there are many setbacks facing the social support to the outcasts in the
community the current available groups have done to their best in ensuring a better environment for
those with several inabilities in the community. From the various researches about the effectiveness of
support groups, it is correct to say that social support parties are doing great in the society. In other
dimensions, social support could be in form guidance and counseling in matters such as rape, early
pregnancies, Female genital mutilation campaigns and many other mostly social evils affecting our
communities today. In this analysis focuses on the role and effectiveness of social support
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Ethical Performance Evaluations
Ethical Performance Evaluations Organizations have a commitment to employees to provide an
evaluation based on performance that is being performed the position held. Managers include the
aspects of responsibilities, strengths, and weaknesses of performance that are presented on a daily
basis by an employee. Managers face moral and ethical issues that require critical decisions to be
made. Using ethically responsible management practices and facing social issues during performance
evaluations can provide adequate and precise appraisals to employees.
Performance Evaluation
A performance evaluation is a system designed for a review of an employee s overall job performance
in the position that the employee is performing in. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Critique of employee should be given on the important aspects and examples of each strength and
weakness that has occurred during the time before the evaluation. Employees may become defensive
if there is no credibility on what is given to the employee in the evaluation. The raise of a salary of an
employee usually has a short term impact on motivation, the overall views of the manager has the
greatest and long term impact on the employee to further improve the employee. Managers should use
the 360 degree evaluation process to provide adequate and excise information to each employee. This
process involves using multiple sources. The sources consist of peers, direct reports, supervisors,
customers, vendors, and human resources. The evaluation is done by the complete circle of sources.
The manager s involvements are to design, gather the information, and communicate the evaluation to
the employee. Managers using the 360 process will discover strengths, weaknesses, and expectations
that were not known. Overall, this process can allow an employee to become accountable for their
own development and growth in the organization (Custom Insight, n.d.).
Ethical Dilemma An ethical dilemma that may occur is when an outstanding evaluation is given and
increase is to be given to the employee for the accomplishments that have happened with the
performance of the employee. The dilemma occurs when the employee cannot
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A Research On Contemporary World History
Date: 05/05/2016
Research Paper
Contemporary World History
Professor Tom Williford
Vidit Doshi
Southwest Minnesota State University
Interview :
Jyotsna Shah, Maternal Grandmother in relation, 72 years old, interviewed on Skype, Gujarat, India.
Salt March, www.history.com
Salt March, www.wikipedia.com
Mahatma Gandhi, www.wikipedia.com
Mahatma Gandhi Father of the Nation
An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind. Mahatma Gandhi Mohandas Karamchand
Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi) was a leader in the Indian Independence Movement during ... Show more
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Whereas he is also famous as Gandhiji in India and also around the world. I always read about him
everywhere and even studied a lot about him in our history classes. I still remember, the history class I
had in my 8th Grade was all about him. He is a pride to our nation and has a place in every Indians
heart. My maternal great grandmother was from the same village as Gandhiji and she met him a
couple of times which always gives me goosebumps. I heard a lot about him and a lot of other things
from my grandmother. So, I interviewed my maternal grandmother over Skype for this assignment. I
initiated my conversation with general greetings that we usually do. I decided to talk to her about an
event that took place on 12th of March 1930 which is known as the Dandi March, also known as the
Salt march or Salt Satyagraha, which was leaded by Mahatma Gandhi. I still cannot forget that
expression on her face when I asked her about her knowledge about the Salt Satyagraha, she was too
excited to tell me about the event. She informed me that it was a big march, it was a 24 day march.
Even ma ji (mom, my Great Grandmother) was a part of it, she added. She said that it was a rebel of
the local populace against the British officials mainly as they introduced taxation on salt production,
deemed sea salt reclamation activities illegal, and then repeatedly used force to stop it. Mahatma
Gandhi came up with this plan to break the British plan nonviolently,
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A Career As A Professional Army
Professionals possess specialized education, professional associations, protected titles, ethics codes
and published journals for the purpose of information sharing between other professionals. Our Army
has continuously rebuilt itself over the past 200 years in order to develop ourselves as a professional
Army. Anybody can have a job. It takes a specialized skillset and years of training to be a professional.
People do not decide to enter into a profession without careful consideration of their options. It is only
after careful thought and consideration that they willingly give up vast amounts of their time and
energy investing into their future profession. Soldiers in today s Army spend years honing their
individual skillsets. Starting
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Dr. Kaplan s Practice At Boone Hospital
I received an assignment to investigate a complaint on Dr. Michael Kaplan on 11/20/2014 regarding
some concerns raised about Dr. Kaplan s practice at Boone Hospital. These concerns triggered an
investigation by the medical executive committee (MEC). Dr. Kaplan elected to retire from the
hospital, resign his medical staff appointment and clinical privileges. This was reported to the Board
of Healing Arts and to the National Practitioner Databank.
After serving a subpoena for the investigation at Boone Hospital, I received approximately 108 pages
of documents from Nancy Tune, RN on 01/07/2015. In these documents I found that Dr. John J.
Seaberg, M.D. had observed on March 14, 2014 Chris Kaplan dissect the implant pocket for a breast
augmentation using the electro cautery and use a #10 scalpel blade to make the skin incision for an
abdominoplasty while Dr. Mike Kaplan was sitting beside the operating table with his hands folded on
the patient watching his wife operate.
Mrs. Kaplan is not a nurse or a doctor. Dr. Seaberg believes that this is a violation of 334.2(4)d and
334.040. He feels that she is not qualified by training, skill, competency, age, experience, or licensure
to perform such responsibilities.
There is a copy of a letter from Dr. Seaberg to Mark Cohen, M.D. Chief of Staff of Boone hospital
stating the above.
This matter was referred to the Medical Executive Committee (MEC) to investigate this incident and
Dr. Mike Kaplan s fitness to perform surgery.
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American Sign Language Interpreters who Interpret in...
American Sign Language Interpreters who interpret in mental health settings have a unique
opportunity to be an effective part of the healing process for Deaf consumers by accurately
interpreting the information between him or her and their mental health physician and / or team. In
order to accomplish this, interpreters must seek the necessary training to work in the mental health
setting, educate themselves about the various mental illnesses , understand the various demands and
controls necessary to function in this environment, and lastly, know how to take care of themselves
when they feel emotionally drained from working in this type of environment.
One of the re occurring themes throughout the readings has been the need for interpreters to have the
proper training for working in mental health settings. Interpreters can begin the training process by
contacting their colleagues who are familiar with mental health interpreting and inquiring about their
experiences and their training i.e. workshops, mentorship programs, institutions of higher learning, et
cetera. They can inquire about the physical and mental demands of working in a mental health setting
and how it affects their personal lives outside of the assignment. The Registry of Interpreters for the
Deaf encourages interpreters to, Pursue opportunities for professional development in this interpreting
practice specialty area. Increase your knowledge regarding therapeutic interventions, clinical
terminology and
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Washington University Student Personal Statement
It wasn t long into the school year when my third grade teacher realized that I hardly knew how to
read. She would watch as I flipped through the pages of a book, imitating the act of reading. I had
adapted my behavior to make it through class without notice, but had not yet figured out how to pass
her reading comprehension quizzes. After gently questioning me about it, she sent me to the school
counselors to get tested for learning disabilities. As she suspected, the tests came back with multiple
diagnoses: dyslexia, auditory processing disorder, and a lack of short term memory. Being a third
grader, those words had no meaning to me, but little did I know how they would force me to create
adaptations that prepared me for Washington University Law School.
After receiving the diagnoses, my life was a blur of reading tutors, additional class work, and special
educational summer programs, all with the goal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Between four years of studying Mandarin and my undergraduate thesis studying an urban
development phenomenon in China, I have found a passion for studying Chinese society and legal
structure. At Washington University, I am also interested in the Chinese Law Course and the study
abroad opportunities at Hong Kong University, Peking University, and Fudan University. I am also
very interested in the legal community in the St. Louis area. I believe that St. Louis and the
surrounding area have a variety of opportunities to engage with different legal spaces including social
justice opportunities in Ferguson, county legal issues in Clayton, community development creation in
Kirkwood, and corporate law in downtown St. Louis. The opportunities presented by the Whitney R.
Harris World Law Institute and the vibrant legal community in St. Louis makes Washington
University Law School the ideal law school for my career
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Speech About Naps
As a child, it is common for one to fight not to take a nap. Children do not like being told to nap. At
some point, however, often in one s teen or young adult years, one generally grows to appreciate an
afternoon nap, and even to view it as a luxury. Yet, it may still remain stigmatized in some people s
minds that napping is just for young children. In addition, in a typical adult s daily life, he does not
have time to stop his day and lie down to nap for two hours. He is too busy at work, or taking care of
other responsibilities he has. In more recent years, however, researchers have begun to observe
incredible benefits to midday naps, such as improved performance, mood, and memory. These
observations have lead researchers to ask a few questions on how a person should run his day. What
are the advantages of a midday nap? What are its disadvantages? For how long should a person ideally
nap in order to avoid negative effects? What are the ideal conditions for napping? An afternoon nap ...
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In general, a human s natural schedule is to be more awake in the morning, and get drowsier toward
the nighttime. However, it is very common to have a hump in middle of the day a period in middle of
the day when a person becomes extremely exhausted. Researchers studied the best way to overcome
the hump. Naps were proven to be most effective, in comparison to sleeping more at night and
drinking caffeine ( Napping May Not be Such a No No, 2009). Additionally, after approximately
sixteen hours of wakefulness, tiredness tends to set in. If one is awake for more hours than that, taking
a nap may help delay the onset of the drowsiness ( Napping May Not be Such a No No,
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Hamlet Soliloquy Compare And Contrast
Here are two extremely famous productions both portraying one of the most famous speeches of all
time, Hamlet s To be or not to be soliloquy. Kenneth Branagh s version is approximately three minutes
and ten seconds, while Franco Zeffirelli is about three minutes and thirty five seconds. Branagh chose
himself to be the star of his own play, while Zeffirelli chose a young Mel Gibson. This soliloquy
occurs in Act 3 scene 1.
Both of the directors takes on this scene could not have been more different. In the two versions, the
physical appearance of Hamlet is practically opposite. Branagh presented himself with bright blonde
hair and very strange goatee and mustache, he looks like royalty. To contrast, Mel Gibson looks more
like an average person wearing all black. Branagh is in the middle of his huge castle, surrounded by ...
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Branagh has Polonius and Claudius spying on him from the other side of the mirror. He then has
Hamlet speak into the mirror that they are hiding behind. By doing this, he has the audience in
suspense because you have no idea if Hamlet knows that they are actually behind it. Branagh does not
seem insane in that he would take his own life, rather he is enraged and searching for revenge. In this
version we are left to wonder if Hamlet is talking to himself or to Polonius and Claudius. This also
goes along with the recurring theme of the play, appearance vs reality. In Zeffirelli version, he has
Hamlet alone in a dark tomb which symbolizes death and sorrow. This Hamlet is very much
contemplating committing suicide. It also emphasizes his great depression. Zeffirelli has Hamlet in a
tomb with really low lighting and is taken in multiple shots(edited a lot). This enables the scene to
focus on the pain in Hamlets voice and
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Hobby Lobby Contraceptive Case
Hobby Lobby Contraceptive Case
In this case, the issue was that through Obama health care it is required that all for profit corporations
provide contraceptive services to all employees. And with this law in place it exempts all religious
nonprofit corporations but does not exempt for profit corporations whether they are religious or not.
Hobby Lobby is a for profit corporation and the owners are very conservative and religious and they
feel that they should also be exempt from this health care law because they are against taking a life
away. They feel that contraceptives get in the way of a life being born. Hobby lobby founder argues
that they are being required to do something that they are against.
PUTTING IT ON THE EMPLOYEES One of the main viewpoints discussed in the article was that
with the past court cases, they have never discovered a for profit corporation and/or organization to be
religious. And that if they let every company who refuses to abide by this law be exempt because they
are a religious company, the government would fall apart. Walter Dellinger, who was a part of the
Clinton administration, explained that the employees of hobby lobby shouldn t have to share the same
beliefs as the owners of the company because it s not like the company is a religious corporation it s
only the owners and they cannot make them feel the same way as them because they are only
employees. But Paul Clement, who was a part of the Bush Administration, says that, that is not
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The New Product Development Process
Introduction New products are introduced to the market in order to fill a gap a consumer believes to
exist. Therefore new products satisfy the needs and wants of the market. Firms benefit greatly from
the successful introduction of these new products into the market. As a result, firms spend a
considerable amount of time, money and resources on new product development. This report is going
analyze the new product development process. The report is also going to examine eight steps needed
to complete a new product development process. Summary of the New Product Development process
New product development is used by firms in order to create and introduce new products to the
market. According to Casselman Nadeau (2008), the new product development process is part of the
strategic process used by firms in order remain competitive. Firms ensure that any innovation is
protected by patents or legal barriers in order to introduce the new product in the market before any
competitors as well as limit any possible competition. The concept of new product development
begins with perception of a market gap. Once the opportunity has been identified, senior management
creates an environment where by idea generation and screening is encouraged. In fact, Kachouie
Sedighadeli (2013) state that managers must not only be committed to innovation, they should also
show their support by creating cross functional teams in charge of innovation. Also senior
management must be involved in
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Logical Fallacies In Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is an important part of a lot of people s lives because they choose to look at the world
more differently than most. People choose to think critically because they want to see what other don
t. What I believe that critical thinking means is to look at something from every angle possible and to
think about why or how it s important. A lot of readers that I know tend to think critically because it
allows them to dissect what is written and gain more from a story aside from the normal enjoyment of
just reading the book. Critical thinking helps readers determine if the book is problematic and how the
errors in that book make it worth discussing. Critical thinking allows people to grow because it
extends their thought process and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It becomes a problematic situation even if it was written in the first book that they published and it
didn t reflect the type of person or writer that they are now, they will still be seen a sexist. I believe
that this is a hasty generalization because it takes one situation with an author of a certain gender and
creates this belief about other authors of the same gender. It creates a stereotype or misconception
about male authors in general. I think that this happens when readers refuse to think critically for
themselves because when some of these readers hear something, they run with it like it s the only truth
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My Career As A Purpose Of A Zoologist
The career I am pursing is Zoology, which requires a degree in Biology. I chose this career due to my
passionate interest in wildlife and my personal character. I have not chosen what career branch I
would like to partake in because of the numerous options. But that requires additional research that
will be sought out during the upcoming years of college. A Zoologist is a person who studies wildlife,
the habitat of wildlife and how animals adapt to it. In addition, they also study the behavior of
animals, animal characteristics, and how they react to human activity. The purpose of a Zoologist is to
experiment, research and study animals. This could mean in the wild itself or in a controlled area.
Overall, Zoologist overlook the large picture of animal communities and how species work in life. The
skills you need to become a well practiced zoologist are traits I have found in myself. Of course, the
interest of researching animas is the most important. But you also need communication skills, a strong
logical problem solving approach, keen observation skills, and can independently or as a team.
Majority of those skills I possess but could continue to improve on. The profession appeals to me
because of my love for animals mostly. I have been interested in animals as a young child and I
actually prefer animals over people. I m caring enough to dedicate my time when I m older to wildlife
and wildlife projects. What else interests me about animals is how they
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Why Is Laerte A Noble
Nobility is a trait that many men seem to desire. It is not necessarily genetic nor can one purchase it
like other traits, such as clothing, but rather is earned demonstrated. What makes one noble is not
easily determined, despite being the desire of many individuals. Whether it is nobler, more honorable,
and more admirable to live on one s knees or to die on one s feet has been a source of debate for
centuries. In his tragic play Hamlet, William Shakespeare proves that it is nobler for one to die for
what he believes in than to live in inaction.
Laertes was noble because he died for his cause, avenging his father s death and defending his father s
honor, but he would not have been had he not sought revenge. Towards the end of the play, Laertes
returns from France upon hearing that his father died, but he misses the funeral because of its haste.
Furious, Laertes leads a mob into the Castle Elsinore and, upon finding King Claudius, ... Show more
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I ll not be juggled with before proclaiming Let come what comes: only I ll be revenged/ most
thoroughly for my father (Shakespeare, IV, v, 140 146). Laertes demonstrates how much his mission
means to him by risking his life. Leading a mob into the castle is treason and some servants in the
castle warn the King of treason. The willingness of the people to share in his treason and storm the
castle shouting that they will make laertes king is proof that they see his cause as justified and his
actions as noble and honorable. Later, when Laertes learns from Claudius that Hamlet killed Polonius,
father of Laertes, and a duel between Hamlet and Laertes is set up, Laertes accepts Hamlet s apology
but declares But in my terms of honor/ [Laertes] stand[s]
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Twinkie Defense Case
Erkarly Avendano AJ002
It s Not My Fault I am picking the Twinkie Defense because the criminal justice system should hold
someone criminally liable for their actions unless they were unconsciously aware of their actions
while committing an act. The court should hold anyone responsible for their action and not determine
and not go based off a strange defense such as a Twinkie Defense. For those who commit a crime
should be fairly punishable. Dan white strange defense after committing 1st degree murder set
standards in America and it came to be called the Twinkie Defense. It transformed the defenses in
America and sent a message to the criminal defense bar. After Dan white assassinated the mayor and
Mike people knew exactly why he had done it. White s murder act had absolutely nothing to do with
Twinkies. Dan white had the intention to kill and the video states He had very deliberately taken his
revenge, loaded a handgun and hidden in his jacket, had 10 extra bullets in his pocket. Therefore, they
informed us by telling us his intentions for the double homicide were present at the time. ... Show
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Dan White was an emotional reckless person who made moral decisions. The court and defense
viewed White as a victim of the double homicide and found White not guilty of 1st degree murder.
White acted out of anger and white believed he needed to stand up for those who counted on him. As
white made his way to the mayor s office he waited for him to look away and shot fired. White shot
the mayor in the shoulder and the chest and then later shot twice more into his head and reloaded.
There were a few people who saw Dan White come down from the mayor s office and mentioned
nothing about
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In Fifth Harmony
Dance communicates a variety of things; it not only entertains but also educates. The way in which
and individual dances can contest or propagate ideas. Dance in films, commercials, television and
music videos often have underling hegemonic concepts. A way of illustrating this is in Fifth Harmony
s latest music video for their song Work From Home. In Fifth Harmony s music video Work from
Home featuring Ty Dolla $ign the propagated sexualized idea of femininity through dance is
communicated. In this document I will go into more in depth about the performers costumes and focus
on three scenes where the performers movements convey the propagated idea of femininity in
American culture. The performers costumes and movements convey the propagated idea of femininity
in American culture. In this document I will go into more
Fifth Harmony is an all girl singing group. with the singer s ages ranging from eighteen to twenty two.
(Franich 62) Fifth Harmony rose to stardom on the X Factor, however they did not win X Factor but
they became a pop sensation. The group consists of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the video the group is on a construction site and surrounded by toned, attractive men. The girls have
individual outfits that other than their work belts and work boots, which most seem to look like
timberlands. are not meant for a construction site. The young women s outfits are more cute and
sexual. Three of the young women are in short shorts. Camila Cabello has a top on that has cut outs by
her hips. Dinah Jane Hansen has a crop top on and overalls on with one strap undone. Ally Brooke has
a button up top on but not all the buttons are buttoned up and her bra is completely exposed. (Fifth)
Aside from young women s outfits conveying hyper dominate idea of female sexuality their
choreographed dance sequences did as well. Each girl part takes in an individual dance solo and all
five come together to dance for the chorus of the
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Patient Care Technicians ( Pct )
Patient care technicians (PCT s), formally known as nursing assistants, are the backbone to any
nursing department. They create rapport with the patients and family members, as well as the nursing
and medical staff. Some of the tasks PCT s are responsible for include: obtaining and recording vital
signs, collecting and labeling specimens, blood glucose specimen, and obtaining electrocardiograms
(ECG). All these tasks are important and critical in an emergency. PCT s designated to work in
medical surgical floors may not remember the steps for obtaining a good ECG reading. Like the
saying goes: if you don t use it, you lose it. The most common reason ECG s are misinterpreted is due
to incorrect lead placement. PCT s in critical settings such ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Other reasons for ECG s:
Stroke like symptoms
Epigastric abdominal pain
Shortness of pain
Altered mental status
Loss of consciousness
Upper back pain
Electrode Lead Placement Electrodes must be placed in the correct landmarks to prevent
misinterpretation of the ECG. If the electrodes are placed incorrectly, the ECG may read as ST
changes, electrical axis, location of bundle branch blocks and location of infarcts (Riddle, 2008, para.
5). During the ECG, a total of 10 electrodes are applied to the patient. Six electrodes (V1 V6) are
placed on the anterior chest in the proper anatomical landmarks, and these leads must be placed
precisely for an accurate ECG interpretation. Electrodes V1 and V2 are placed on the fourth
intercostal space with V1 on the right and V2 on the left (Riddle, 2008). Electrodes V3 V6 are placed
on the left chest wall on the fifth intercostal space in the following order: V3 to the right of V4, V4 at
the midclavicular line, V5 to the right of V6, V6 to the midaxillary line (Riddle, 2008). The remaining
four electrodes are placed on both upper and lower extremities without touching the chest.
Objectives for PCT Workshop on ECG placement
The PCT will be able to demonstrate correct lead placement
The PCT will be able to troubleshoot the ECG machine and obtain missing equipment
The PCT will demonstrate techniques
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Case StudyCushings Essay example
Case Study 78 Cushing s Syndrome
You graduated 3 months ago and are working with a home care agency. Included in your caseload is
J.S., a 60 year old man suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) related to (R/T)
cigarette smoking. He has been on home oxygen, 2 L oxygen by nasal cannula (O2/NC), for several
years. Approximately 10 months ago, he was started on chronic oral steroid therapy. Medications
include ipratropium albuterol (Combivent) inhaler, formoterol (Foradil) inhaler, dexamethasone
(Decadron), digoxin, and furosemide (Lasix). On the way to J.S. s home, you make a mental note to
check him for signs and symptoms (S/S) of Cushing s syndrome.
Clinical Presentation
Centripedal (truncal) obesity or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Prednisone can cause upset stomach. It can have serious side effect with vision problems. If it s not
helping with joint pain then the dose may need altering.
8. Differentiate between the glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid effects of prednisone.
Mineralocorticoids= The name mineralocorticoid derives from early observations that these hormones
were involved in the retention of sodium, a mineral. The primary endogenous mineralocorticoid is
aldosterone, although a number of other endogenous hormones (including progesterone and
deoxycorticosterone) have mineralocorticoid function. Aldosterone acts on the kidneys to provide
active reabsorption of sodium and an associated passive reabsorption of water, as well as the active
secretion of potassium in the principal cells of the cortical collecting tubule and active secretion of
protons via proton ATPases in the lumenal membrane of the intercalated cells of the collecting tubule.
This in turn results in an increase of blood pressure and blood volume.
Glucocortiocoids= Glucocorticoids (GC) are a class of steroid hormones that bind to the
glucocorticoid receptor, which is present in almost every vertebrate animal cell. GCs are part of the
feedback mechanism in the immune system that turns immune activity (inflammation) down. They are
therefore used in medicine to treat diseases that are caused by an overactive immune system, such as
allergies, asthma, autoimmune diseases and sepsis. GCs have
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Whole Foods Market Analysis Paper
An Analysis of Whole Foods Market The purpose of this paper is to provide a preliminary internal
look at Whole Foods Market, which was ranked 44th last year as Fortune s Top 100 Companies to
Work For. And even though the company is ranked 44th on Fortune s top 100 and 218th on Fortune s
500 top companies, they have remained in Fortune s rankings consecutively for the past 18 years. This
paper will offer a look at the organization s vision, mission, and core values, as well as its major
strategic objectives. I will also determine how and in what ways the theory of Full Range Leadership
Development can support the core principles of Whole Foods Market s strategy. John Mackey, co
founder of Whole Foods, along with Rene Lawson Hardy, Craig Weller, and Mark Skiles opened the
first store in Austin, Texas in 1980. Mackey s passion, philosophies, and belief that individuals should
have healthy eating habits and healthy foods was the driving force behind opening the Whole Foods
chain of stores. Although Mackey has been noted and criticized as being very outspoken when it
pertains to health issues, one of his firm belief s is that, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Barbara Farfan (n.d.) explains that, Whole Foods Core Values define how Whole Foods leaders and
employees interact with their products, customers, employee team, shareholders, communities,
suppliers, and align everyone behind the mission of improving health in general. For example, Whole
Foods believes in satisfying their consumers by selling the highest quality of natural and organic
products obtainable. The company strives to maintain the highest standards of quality, not only in the
products they offer but in supporting excellence in the development their employees, communities,
and the environment. Whole Foods direct core values as listed on the company website (2015 Whole
Foods Market IP. L.P.), also
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The Life And Work Of Roger Corman
How I Made A Hundred Movies in Hollywood and Never Lost a Dime completely changes how
people view the industry of filmmaking, by providing the story of one man who battled against the
odds and inspired generations to come. The novel chronicles the life and work of Roger Corman, a
pioneer in the filmmaking industry. Filmmaking is a visual literature; just like how novels can change
a person s beliefs or perspectives, film can have a long lasting effect on the audience it touches.
Similarly, this is what Roger Corman accomplished with his movies. Although he initially had a little
money, experience, and support, Roger Corman s life has inspired and challenged generations of
people. Furthermore, this book proves Gregory Currie s belief that Great Literature Makes Us Better
by acting as a particularly apt teacher of moral[s] through widespread inspiration (Currie).
The basis behind Currie s argument is that many people enjoy the hard won pleasures of literature...
[and] reap aesthetic rewards from their reading (Currie). In this case, Currie s proposition can be
directly supported by the lessons and values rewards imparted on the audience through the description
of Roger Corman s life. Although Corman had little to no money, he continued to pursue his dream of
filmmaking. The book begins by describing Corman s life preceding his filmmaking career. When
Roger was young, his family moved from Detroit to Beverly Hills. Corman describes this experience,
saying, I felt
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Implications For International Banking Of Adopting The...
What are the implications for international banking of adopting the proposed Basle 3 regulations?
Overall impacts Focus on Capital requirement Positive: Improve the standard of capital ratio:
According to Basel 3, Capital requirement includes 4 different ratios: Common equity Tier 1 capital
ratio =(Common equity Tier 1 capital)/( risk weighted assets) Tier 1 capital ratio =(Total Tier 1
capital)/( risk weighted assets) Total capital ratio =( Tier 1 capital+ Tier 2 capital)/( risk weighted
assets) Capital conservation buffer
Comparing to Basel 2 , the Basel 3 requirement of common equity Tier 1 capital ratio has risen up to
4.5%, which is 2.5% larger than before. Also , Tier 1 capital ratio increased to 6% under Basel 3
regulation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
[1] Redesign the definition of capital
Bank regulation has made a more specific definition of Core Tier 1 Capital , which includes general
risk preparation , Capital reserve , paid in capital and so on . Second , To avoid default , using the gone
concern capital to ensure the repayment of funding and debt . The Core Tier 1 Capital should include a
part of shareholders funds and premium from other partners . The Core Tier 2 Capital should include
loan loss provision that has overdrawn and core 2 capital and its premium .
Negative :
The risk weighted assets will increase sharply since Basel 3 has increased the capital adequacy ratio of
the banks to defend against the operational crisis in the future . Also , Basel 3 updated the standard of
the main factor of Tier 1 as well as Tier two capital whose baseline has raised from 4% to 6% .
Although transition period of carrying out Basel 3 regulation is long , the banks with lower capital
adequacy ratio might suffer from the huge pressure of supplying sufficient capital .
Recent years , in order to reach the baseline , banks have to finance billions of dollars . A bank should
finance 30 billion dollars with 5% capital adequacy ratio , but if the ratio raised up to 7% , it might
need finance 57 billion dollars .[2] Due to accounting data from United bank of Switzerland in 2010 ,
Basel 3 regulation required 400 billion CHF risk weighted asset of United bank of Switzerland twice
than it was under Basel 2 ,
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Exchange Traded Funds
Internationally, the flow of capital across national borders and into markets once believed to be
impregnable is occurring at the speed of light. Technological innovation, accessibility to international
market economies, and increased globalization has expanded the universe of securities available for
investments and more importantly portfolio diversification. The developments mentioned above
questions traditionally accepted principles by investors who believed that investing solely in U.S.
securities would result in a better risk return tradeoff. Prudent investors have known that diversifying
across industries and markets will lead to a given level of expected return at a significantly lower level
of risk, and vice versa. However, the advantages of such diversification are limited due to the same
cyclical economic fluctuations that all assets (or companies) in a particular country are exposed to.
The availability of a universe of assets internationally, and accessibility to these assets and the markets
where they trade has opened a plethora of opportunities to investors across borders who seek
diversification accompanied by return maximization and corresponding risk reduction through
international portfolio investments. Moreover, the limiting effects of economic cycles on assets in a
particular country can now be hedged through international portfolio formation and investing that
incorporates the advantage of cross country diversification in nations whose economic cycles
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Dangerous Offenders Legislation Essay
The new Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act (2003) In Queensland permits prisoners to be
kept in prison beyond their release date where a court finds that there is a high degree of probability
that they represent a serious danger to the community . Other jurisdictions have enacted similar
legislation to restrict the release of prisoners assessed to be dangerous. Do you think that
dangerousness legislation of this sort is justified or unjustified?
Several states across the Country have enacted or attempted to enact legislation which can enable
detention of a prisoner past his/her release date. This type of legislation s general purpose is to provide
a mechanism whereby prisoners who, if released pose an unacceptable risk of ... Show more content
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This type of legislation provides a framework whereas an application can be made to further detain a
prisoner who is due to release as they are deemed to be an unacceptable risk of further offending and
their further detention will protect the community (Field, 2003).
Whilst it is generally accepted that the community broadly welcomes such imposing and punitive
legislation, it is imperative that our disgust for these offences/offenders does not prevent us from
finding the injustice on an ethical and moral basis (Wortley and Smallbone, 2003).
One of the fundamental principles of the Criminal Law System is the presumption of innocence until
proven guilty (McSherry, 2003). By enacting punitive legislation such as the examples given above, it
has been said that it is removing this Common law right from the individual (Greig, 1995). It has also
been said that it creates an exception to the general principle of law that no person shall be imprisoned
unless a court comprised of Judge/Jury is convinced, beyond reasonable doubt that the person
committed a very serious offence. Thereby effectively allowing people to be detained without the
burden of proving guilt (Keon Cohen, 1992).
Whilst it is appreciated that the offenders who will be subject to such legislation are in
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Accelerated US History
Accelerated US History I
In the Presidential Election of 1824, Andrew Jackson the people s choice lost the ballot by way of a
corrupt bargain in the House of Representatives. Four years later and with the backing of a larger
political following, Jackson became president, campaigning to the middle class and offering the
opportunities of a benevolent democracy. Jackson s supporters, the Jacksonians, were as diverse as
they were numerous; northern farmers, southern and western yeomen, and even urban immigrants all
joined the ranks of the Champion of the Common Man (OI). During Andrew Jackson s two terms, the
state of Jacksonian Democracy that took form upheld the principles of equality and majority rule that
bound the United States together politically, economically and socially. During the 1820s and 1830s,
Jacksonians served as guardians of the Constitution and equality of economic opportunity, and
functioned as a catalyst for popular sovereignty, but sacrificed some individual liberties to advance the
political democracy in the union. As President, Andrew Jackson strictly adhered to the guidelines set
in the Constitution to uphold the union. In 1830, Andrew Jackson vetoed the bill, passed in Congress,
which pushed for a federally funded road system to be developed in Kentucky (OI). To defend this
denial, Jackson abided by the Constitution s declaration that intra state internal improvements are to
be funded by the states, not the federal government.
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Democracy In The American Democracy
From the early 1840s to the present day, a democracy can be described as a flawed establishment
which has been shaped by the power of wealth and control, complex social relations, and most
importantly the people s desire to live a fulfilling life. Throughout this time period the principles of
democracy, such as equality, protection of the people s interest, and promotion of human rights were
shifting in order to increase the democracy efficiency. Therefore the continued importance of the Bill
of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, and Constitution remain significant since, in American
today, democracy is a system that is continuously being shaped by the people within it. Plato s
impression of democracy which was intellectualized around 384 B.C.E is rather different from the
present day understanding of democracy and the power of wealth. As an aristocrat himself, according
to Plato When the poor win, the result is a democracy. (Plato, p.58). In other words, Plato believed that
only kings were authorized to rule its society, whereas regular everyday people were perceived as
ferocious and unable to govern. Plato s awareness of democracy was established when he realized
ordinary people were not born to lead, that only the elite people had the utmost respect, and right to
rule over the lower class. Furthermore, the concept of power and wealth continues to be a crucial stand
point in society s then, and now since the exercise of democracy is known to be a political affair.
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A Summary On Adlerian Theory
Adlerian Theory
Todd Overstreet
Liberty University
Adlerian theory, which is named after the famous psychotherapist Alfred Adler, is used mainly to give
emphasis to birth order, theories relating to inferiority and superiority, individual life styles, and social
interests as the main workings of personality. In Adlerian theory, mental well being is decided by the
degree of social contribution that is helpful to the greater community to the extent that one
incorporates and advances the social context, therefore the size of his or her psychological well being.
Social contributions are heightened with the decrease of inaccurate beliefs. This can often steer us to
have maladaptive feelings of inferiority or superiority. The objective of battling untrue beliefs is
achieved through comprehension of family groups, youthful recollections as well as dreams.
(Livingston, 2009)
History of Theory Alfred Adler, who lived from1870 1937, was a world famous theorist and
psychiatrist. He emphasized the need to learn about people inside of their social setting. Throughout
the early 1900 s, he started concentrating on such critical and modern problems such as egalitarianism,
parental education, and effect of the birth order, way of life and the holism of people. He also
understood that everyone has a simple want and objective. That objective is for us to fit in and to feel
substantial. (Corey, 2013) He established the first universal philosophy of
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Essay On Gas Chamber
Gas Chamber Punishment
There are only four states that still authorize the use of the gas chamber as a punishment of the Death
Penalty. These states are Arizona, California, Missouri, and Wyoming. This is a barbaric way to
punish someone no matter what they did. It should not happen. Even though only four states still allow
it, that is four too many. It is like how Hitler put the Jewish people into gas showers at concentration
camps! Hitler used hydrogen cyanide in his gas showers which is the same stuff they use in the capital
punishment gas chambers. There are many ways for someone to pay for their crimes, the gas chamber
should not be one of them. To start off with, the process of how these gas chambers work are simply
savage. They strap the inmate to a chair with holes in the seat, then a mixture of sulfuric acid, distilled
water and sodium cyanide is dumped into a container under the seat. This mix of chemicals creates
hydrogen cyanide (HCN). In addition to this, the first execution of the gas chamber was the
unfortunate inmate named Gee Jon, a Chinese immigrant who was a part of the Hip Sing Tong, a
criminal gang who got into a bloody fight with the Bing Kong Tong gang. He was sentenced to death
row. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is also used in mining. Basically what it does is it gets the gold from the rock in the mine easier.
This is very useful and can be safe if you take the safety precautions. This is a much better option than
the chemical miners used before, which was mercury. Exposure to mercury for too long can cause
hallucinations. According to miningfacts.org, Cyanide, in the form of a very dilute sodium cyanide
solution, is used to dissolve and separate gold from ore. If cyanide destroy cave rock, imagine what it
is doing to an actual human! The people whom receive the gas chamber punishment do not get an
anesthetic or painkiller. They just have to suffer through the pain. This needs to
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Political Changes In Chile
Located between the Andes Mountains and the Pacific Ocean, Chile is a narrow but large country in
south western South America. Chile declared its independence from Spain in 1818 and was stable
throughout the 19th century. During the mid 1900 s, Chile saw a large economic and territorial
increase, however by 1960 they were experiencing extreme political mayhem. This mayhem lasted
through the Cold War and impacted the country of Chile immensely. In 1961, US President John F.
Kennedy helped to establish the Alliance for Progress. This attempted to bring reform and
development to Chile and other Latin American areas. When Salvador Allende came to power he
brought socialist ideas to the government, and although he denied that he was associated with
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Athletic Training Career
A Career in Athletic Training and a Careers in Recreational Therapy are very different from each
other. Athletic trainers are highly qualified; they have multiskilled health care experts who work as a
member of a collaborative in the professional medical team. However, they work together with
doctors and other healthcare specialists to prevent injury, illness, wellness protection and clinical
evaluation. For example, if you become an athletic trainer, the job possibilities are excellent. But,
according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, this field is projected to grow 21% between 2014 and
2024, much faster than the average for all occupations. In fact, athletic training is identified by the
American Medical Association, Health Resources
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Teenagers And Social Media
Now more than ever living in the age of technology, social media has impacted our lives greatly. With
a click of a button we have the ability to communicate with friends, family, and ev en those we may
never have the opportunity to meet face to face. Some Believe that the use of social media allows us to
practice freedom of speech and provide an outlet for free expression. Unfortunately in some instances
social media, also gives us the opportunity to engage in behavior that normally we wouldn t do in a
face to face setting. Teenagers often don t understand that they have no privacy in internet usage, and
that social media allows users to access people information and use to insult or bully them. Once you
have posted something online it is other in the internet world forever. Any potential employer can
access your information and use that information in deciding whether or not to give you a job. Often
whatever you post can haunt you in the future. While many social media websites have maintained
privacy restrictions there is still a lot of information that can be accessed with a click of a button.
Many people including teenagers, don t realize that whatever you may post on line cannot be erased.
Often users will post their issues and problems seeking and outlet whether for attention or to have
someone to talk to. Once something is posted it allows others to post their comments and opinions
which can be negative. Social media sites such as Facebook,
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The Flea By John Donne Essay
Poems are very interesting pieces of literature, and can sometimes be hard to understand. To be able to
understand poems, it is important to look at the physical parts, the intellectual parts, and how they
shape the poem. The author John Donne has written many poems that could be interpreted in many
ways, and are analyzed by many people in the United States and around the world. John Donne s The
Flea is a good example of a poem that can be analyzed for its physical and intellectual parts, and how
they work together to make the poem what it is because it is descriptive, and can be interpreted in
many ways. First, it is important to look at the physical parts of a poem. Donne s The Flea is
comprised of three stanzas, and twenty seven lines total. The poem talks about a lover and a beloved,
and how the love that the lover feels is requited by the beloved. This poem differs from sonnets in the
way that the love in a sonnet is unrequited, but the love in this poem is requited, as was talked about in
class. In the first stanza, there are nine lines, and each line rhymes with the line after it. For example,
line three rhymes with line four at the end with the words thee and be. This continues for the rest of
the stanza the last three lines of the stanza in which all three rhyme with the words woo, two, and do.
This rhyme scheme is also shown throughout the rest of the poem. In each stanza, the last three line
are indented to show that they are a little more
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Ril Case Study Tocd
Financial Management (Case Study 1) Reliance Industries Limited Triple Option Convertible
Debentures Submitted By: Group 8: Abhishek Kumar (BLP038) Aparna Chowdhry (BLP040)
Maninder Bisen (BLP042) Vivek Kumar (BLP044) Manjesh Bharati (BLP046) Raman Girdhar
(BLP048) Question 1: Discuss in detail the benefits of convertible securities for the issuing company
as well as the investors. Briefly discuss the potential drawback of convertible securities for both? Ans
1 Benefits to Issuer: * Companies have incentive to raise convertible debt, rather than traditional debt,
because the interest payments on convertible securities are usually lower, thus ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Therefore, although the possible upside gains on the convertible security is higher than a normal
security; its default risk is also relatively higher. Question 2. Evaluate the three initial options provided
to the RPL TOCD holders on the basis of yield to maturity. Assume that a TOCD holder sold the RPL
shares and each warrant (in the case of Option I) issued in September 1993 are Rs. 22 and Rs. 5
respectively in September 1997. Calculate the YTM on the basis of number of years completed? Ans
2. Given: Rs 20.00 | Zero Date (taken as Opening Date) | Rs 10.00 | After 18 Months | Rs 15.00 | After
30 Months | Rs 15.00 | After 36 Months | Non Convertible Bonds @ Rs40 6th Yr. | Rs 20.00 | 7th Yr. |
Rs 30.00 | 8th Yr. | Rs 30.00 | 2 warrants @ Rs. 10, Premium over Face Value Rs. 10 Bonds | Warrants
| Option 1Retain | Sell * | Option 2Surrender | Surrender | Option 3Retain | Convert | *Warrants can be
sold @ Rs. 5 in Sept 97 Share Price = Rs. 22/ as on Sept 97 | Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 | Out Flow
| Rs. 60 | Rs. 60 | Rs. 60 + 40 | In Flow | Rs. (44 + 80 + 10) | Rs. (44 + 44) | Rs. (80 + 44 + 44) | Inflow
= Outflow (At Zero th Year i.e. In 1993) Option 1: 20 + 10 x PVIF (r%, 1.5) + 15 x PVIF (r%, 2.5) +
15 x PVIF (r%, 3) = 44 x PVIF (r%, 4) + 20 x PVIF (r%,
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
Theme Of Hally In Athol Fugard s Master Harold
It s not fair, is it ... What, chum ... a nigger s arse ... and then we both have a good laugh (55). Hally, a
young, white teenager in Apartheid Era South Africa tells this joke to Sam, his black friend and father
figure, almost irreparably ruining their relationship in Athol Fugard s 1982 play, Master Harold ... and
the boys. Sam and Willie, another middle aged black man, work for Hally s mother at her Tea Shop
while pursuing amateur dance on the side. Willie isn t as close to Hally as Sam is, nor is he as wise,
and his broken relationship with his dance partner, Hilda, is analogous to Hally s troubles with his
own father, who is an alcoholic cripple. These characters all have grievous flaws that appear nearly
irredeemable at first. In his play, Athol Fugard conveys that it is never too late to change for the better
using symbolism, metaphor, and dynamic characters. The author uses a park bench to symbolize
racism, but Sam uses it to explain the possibility of Hally s redemption. The bench is where Hally sat
after Sam took him kite flying in the park; Sam does not sit down, instead leaving because he had
work to do (30). It becomes obvious that the bench represents racism when Sam reveals it was a
Whites Only bench, and that s why he couldn t stay with Hally (58). Hally s ignorance towards the
whites only sign serves as a parallel to his naivety about the injustice in the world, as shown on page
20, when he tells Sam, You ve never been a slave,
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Case based essay-Phillips Seafood
In this case, Ron Birch, product manager for the new pasteurized king crab of Phillips Foods, needs to
make a decision for the phase II of launch of king crab. He planned to continue the magazine strategy
used in phase I, but Cherry Stockworth, vice president of marketing of Phillips Foods, recommended
him to use the budget to support half of cost of International Boston Seafood Show. According to the
information given in this case, I don t think this is an either or choice, and my recommendation for
Ron Birch is to decrease the cost of ads in trade magazines, change the content of ads in magazines
before and after the IBSS, and support the IBSS in March
SWOT Analysis of King Crab of Phillips related to Trade Show
Before analyzing the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The king crab of Phillips belongs to fresh seafood, which means it has huge market potential.
Customers tend to buy food that is easy cooked and fresh, which is a feature of the king crab product.
The IBSS is a nation wide trade show which could attract a lot of exhibitors and attendance. Making
use of this platform could help Phillips to build its reputation and promote its products at the same
Threat: Just because the IBSS could attract a large amount of exhibitors, the competition during the
trade show is fierce. Though there are so many potential customers would appear at the trade show,
how could Phillips beat the competitors and attracts enough customers to its booth. Another threat for
king crab is the possible rejection of the retailers because they would feel risky to replace an old
product with a new product.
Pros and Cons of Alternative Strategies
Trade advertising strategy
Pros: Trade magazine is one of the most important sources for decision makers and they will spend
relatively long time in reading magazines. This strategy would cost less than trade show strategy and
would reach broader potential customers.
Cons: Effectiveness for brand building and lead generation of ads on magazines are 50.2% and 47.4%,
lower than effectiveness of trade show, which are 60.9% and 62.6%. The rate of readers call Phillips
for more information is 0.3%, which is equal to
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  • 1. The Most Memorable College Admissions Essays Reddit Has Ever Seen Will ... 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. The Most Memorable College Admissions Essays Reddit Has Ever Seen Will ... The Most Memorable College Admissions Essays Reddit Has Ever Seen Will ...
  • 2. International Highway Traffic Safety Administration 3.1 Introduction to Autonomous Cars Autonomous cars, also known as driverless cars, or self driving cars are vehicles that can drive themselves without a human driver to control the steering, acceleration, and braking (Thrun, 2010). They are designed to sense their surroundings with techniques of artificial intelligence, sensors with a 360° of view, radar, and global positioning systems, so that the driver is not expected to constantly monitor the roadway while operating in self driving mode. Advanced control systems analyze the sensory information gathered to plan the best route to the desired destination. Obstacles and road signs are all part of the algorithm to be taken into account ahead of time. In addition, the autonomous vehicles ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Level 2 Combined Function This level involves automation of at least two primary control functions designed to work in unison to relieve the driver of control of those functions. An example is adaptive cruise control in combination with lane centering. Level 3 Limited Self Driving Vehicles at this level of automation are able to operate autonomously for some portions of the journey. Transfer of control back to the human driver happens with some warning. The Google car is an example of limited self driving automation. Level 4 Full Self Driving The vehicle is designed to perform all safety critical driving functions and monitor roadway conditions for an entire trip without manual control at any time during the trip. 3.2 Advantages And Limits There are many potential advantages to using a driverless car instead of a traditional human controlled vehicle: Reduction in car accidents. Most car accidents are caused by driver errors, but the autonomous system can monitor a broader range of sensors and react faster than a human driver. More efficient transportation due to higher speed limit Increase in road capacity and reduction in traffic congestion due to narrowed safety gap and intelligent parking technology. Occupants in an autonomous car will not be constrained due to age, license, disabilities, intoxication and other factors. Although we can benefit from the self driving cars, potential ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. The Epistemological Perspectives Of Positivism And Social... 1. The epistemological perspectives of positivism and social constructivism can often be seen as direct opposed views on knowledge. A positivism approach involves accepting knowledge of things that have been verified by the scientific method of formation and testing (Pool, 1999, Pg. 91). Positivists focus on the falsification of things and insistence on their verification. Scientist, Karl Popper, brought new ideals to this approach by making light on the fact it is not possible to prove something true, but it can ultimately be proven true by never being proved false which can provide you with long term approximations for knowledge. (Pool, 1999, Pg. 92). The social constructivism approach answers the issues addressed that the positivism ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2. I have current experience with an internship at Lockheed Martin Aeronautics. This also happens to be where I aspire to begin my career so I think it is important for me to reflect on how engineering plays into this industry. It may come to no surprise that there are very few companies capable of designing, engineering, manufacturing, and distributing fighter aircraft to the world. This technology is sold to high ranking and important customers such as the Army, Airforce, the Navy, and national governments of other countries. This being said, engineering is a key aspect of the company being able to create the most technologically advanced aircraft, with the best capabilities, while managing affordability. I believe these aircraft are a great example for showing how technology can have politics. With the word politics I am referring to the circulation of resources and power in a culture. I also think it is important to define what I mean by culture. Culture can be well summarized as a way of life or social norms that are developed by the traditions, values, religions, economy, and ethnicities particular to a geographical region. Fighter aircraft fall under what Winner would call an inherently political technology. This is a technology that, appear to require or to be strongly compatible with particular kinds of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Emirates Marketing Strategy Introduction Emirates is an airline based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The airline is a subsidiary of the Emirates Group, which is wholly owned by the government of Dubai s, Investment Corporation of Dubai. (gulfnews.com, 2008). Emirates is the largest airline in the Middle East, operating nearly 3,400 flights per week, from its hub at the Dubai International Airport, to more than 142 cities in 78 countries across 6 continents. (emirates.com) The airline is ranked amongst the top ten carriers worldwide in terms of passenger kilometers, and has become the largest airline in the Middle East in terms of revenue, fleet size, and passengers carried as of 2007. (gulfnews.com, 2007) In 2012 the airline was the fourth largest airline in the world in terms of international passengers carried, and scheduled passenger kilometers flown. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They have a relationship with every disadvantages member of the community they serve in. As well as they strive to improve the lives of those people who have been struck by poverty. Also being an aviation company, they have the right means to deliver aids during tragedies and wars. (theemiratesgroup.com) Marketing Strategies Hello Tomorrow In 2012, Emirates Airlines had launched their new global platform, Hello Tomorrow , this allowed Emirates airlines, to enable global connectivity and that lead customers to have meaningful experiences. This also lead to the revolution within Emirates as they sifted from a travel brand to a global lifestyle brand. (emirates.com) Hello Tomorrow, is about inspiring people to greet tomorrow s unlimited potential, now. The word Hello is like a greeting, an invitation for people to a place, a new experience. Tomorrow is the time it represents the future, Emirates is trying to ask their customers, where will tomorrow take you? to show that everyday they can travel somewhere new, have a new experience. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Case Analysis Of Ratan Tata Module: International Management (BUS 323) Name: Adrienne Tan Hui Ling Student Number: 32489994 Written Case Analysis Report: The Last Rajah: Ratan Tata and Tata s Global Expansion Table of Contents 1. Source Problem 3 2. Secondary and Current problems 3 3. Analysis/Elaboration of the 3 current secondary problems, and the company s resolutions of the 3 problems. 5 4. Criteria of Evaluation 8 5. Alteration of strategies 9 6. Justification of recommendations 11 7. Implementation 12 8. List of References 13 1. Source Problem Diversification of businesses is a strategy adopted by many domestic and international organizations, with the goal of enlarging market share and exerting market dominance, and ultimately churning increasing business revenue. Chairman of the Tata Group of businesses, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Specializing in auto mobiles, Tata started losing focus on its niche and went on to acquire new businesses in completely different industries massively. This included plans to invest $28 billion in steel, autos, telecom, power, chemicals, and more. Unfortunately, the lack of central strategy resulted in investments on the wrong industries, such as the Tata Teleservices (TTSL), a mobile telephony business. It yielded the worse negative margins amongst the whole of Tata Group s businesses (Pannu, Singh, 2013 ). Another separate industry has it that Tata Steel was loaded with $7.4billion of liability for the acquisition of Corus. On its core auto mobile business, Tata Motors now owned the American high end Jaguar and Land Rover (PTI, 2015), which requires its attention to bring the brands back to heights when they were once owned by Ford Motors. Central strategy is crucial for the allocation of resources at the right time to right ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Macro and Micro Environmental Analysis of Waitrose... WAITROSE ASSIGNMENT INTRODUCTION TO MARKETING MARKET RESEARCH CONTENTS INTRODUCTION MACRO ENVIRONMENT POLITICAL ECONOMICAL SOCIAL TECHONOLGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MICRO ENVIRONMENT SUPPLIERS INTERMEDIARIES FINANCIAL GOVERNMENT THE ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Price fixing is illegal under the competition act of 1998. When participants on the same side of the market (such as the big 4 in the UK supermarket sector) agree to sell a service, product or commodity at a fixed price it s the consumers who must pay while retailers and suppliers reap the benefits. There are extremely heavy penalties for price fixing in the UK You can be fined, disqualified from being a director or even sent to prison (Business Link No Date). Minimum wage laws will always affect supermarkets as generally many of their staff would be paid minimum wage. Under the National Minimum Wage Act of 1998 all employers must pay their employees a certain amount per hour as set by the UK Government. The main rate of National Minimum Wage which applies to workers aged 22 and over and is currently £5.80 per but will raise £5.93 in 2010 (Directgov 2010). There are many laws in the UK and EU which are designed to protect the environment. However there are two main Acts which were made to consolidate as many issues as possible, these are the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Environment Act 1995 (Hartshorne. J,1996). DEFRA is the UK government agency which is responsible for setting legislation and guidance on a number of environmental issues (DEFRA, No Date). Some important legislation which applies to supermarkets include laws on waste and recycling, genetic modification, and Climate
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  • 8. Essay on Ritalin and Its Effects on Children Thesis: Today there is a great debate concerning the diagnosis and treatment of ADD/ADHD and who has the right to decide what happens. It is estimated that between 3 and 12 percent of the population has to deal with conditions known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). This equals approximately 3 million children in the United States alone. Both of these disorders (ADD and ADHD) exhibit the same traits leading them to be lumped together. Children affected by ADD or ADHD have behavior and emotional problems. Trouble concentrating on simple tasks, a short attention span, failing to give attention to details, and disruptive behavior are a few of the problems resulting from ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, the specific gene or genes causing them have not been found despite the completion of the Human Genome Project. Technological advances have allowed for the discovery of new information though. These disorders can be acquired may different ways. One of these ways is before birth. The use of drugs, toxemia, infectious diseases, exposure to radiation, prematurity, and complicated delivery are all causes of this disorder originating during pregnancy and delivery. Post delivery causes include meningitis, encephalitis, seizures from fever, head injury, and lead toxicity. All of these conditions lead to damage to the brain (About ADD/ADHD). ADD and ADHD can also be looked at as developmental disorders. This is because some children seem to outgrow these conditions as they get older. These people were sometimes labeled underachievers when they were young, and now classified late bloomers since they have outgrown their disorders. Many drugs have been developed to treat ADD and ADHD. One of these drugs is Methylphenidate otherwise known as Ritalin. It is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for treatment of ADD and ADHD. Use of Ritalin is up 700 percent since 1990 (ABC News). Other drugs also used in treatment of ADD and ADHD include Zoloft, Praxil, and Cylert. Ritalin is a drug that is used to restore neurotransmitters in those that lack or have malfunctioning nerve impulses in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Recognizing Same-Sex Marriage Legally in the United States Gay rights is a very popular issue in American politics that asks ask the question Should same sex marriage be recognized legally. Some Americans support gay rights and believe all homosexuals deserve the right of protection from discrimination. They do not believe marriage would devalued but would allow homosexuals to have same benefits and security as heterosexual couples. Some of the rights same sex marriages would be entitled to include: eligibility of health insurance through each other s employers, visitation rights in hospitals and jails, and the right to sue over wrongful death of a partner, right to refuse to testify against spouse in court, tax and Social Security benefits. Opponents of the gay rights movement believe marriage is between one man and one woman. They believe it is a wrong and unnatural act that devalues the institution of marriage. They believe marriage is meant to foster two parent families that are the foundation of our society. Gay rights have been a controversial issue for many years, but until recently there had not been any real progress in ensuring same sex couples have the rights they deserve that are given to heterosexual couples and crushing the belief that being who they are is wrong or shameful. One of the most renown cities during the Renaissance, was a extremely wide spread of same sex relations. (Hall) Even so same sex couples that were caught were often prosecuting, imprisoning, and fining some of the population. A little after ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. All Summer In A Day Bradbury The short story by bradbury All summer in a day is about margot and her classmates. They all live in venus and they only see the sun every seven years and it just constantly rains throughout the years. Margot has live on earth but moved with her parents and the students in her classroom get jealous and bulie her. In All summer in a day it teaches us that fear can turn into regret. Margot is always sad and in fear. In school nobody talks to her and gets bullied by some of her classmates, hates taking showers she screams and covers her ears to not hear the sound of the water because it reminds her of the rain, and she also misses seeing the sun. Now she regrets moving to venus and wants to move back after her parents have paid thousands ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Homosexuality In Grey s Anatomy Grey s Anatomy has been one of the most popular shows on network television since 2005. While most critics and fans agree that the first three seasons were the shows best, the storylines in the later seasons have still been able to add new and progressive ideas into the forefront of the show. The biggest change in storyline is when they introduced their first LGBTQ identifying main character, Callie Torres. For many queer fans of the show, the addition of Callie s character was extremely monumental. As highly regarded lesbian and bisexual blog AfterEllen noted, it was quite unprecedented to have an LGBTQ identifying character on such a popular network television show (Warn, A Lesbian Relationship on Grey s Anatomy ?). The lesbian and bisexual ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This idea has trickled through the LGBTQ community through the years and as Carrie Wofford explains in Outweek magazine in 1991, it seems that for some members of the LGBTQ community, bisexuality does not exist and, they say people [who call themselves bisexual] are just afraid to come out [as gay] (33). Biphobia is real within the community even today. As seen in multiple recent studies towards bisexual discrimination, it seems that although heterosexuals are more likely to express their biphobia, [the] discrimination from the lesbian and gay community, was statistically significantly higher, than it was expected to be (Allen). However, that is not to say that all people have these feelings. Support for the LGBTQ community within the entertainment industry has been progressing slowly over time . Since the B in LGBTQ was added in the 1990s, bisexuals have faced many issues because they fit in, both the straight world and the gay world (Exquis). As this site explains, bisexuals not only have to deal with biphobia, but many other forms of discrimination that makes it extremely difficult for them to survive in today s society the same goes for transgender people. Grey s took notice of this issue and ultimately became an ally for the LGBTQ community during that 2008 2009 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Social Support Groups Can Benefit People Suffering Diseases Social support is that human and material support offered to people suffering from various diseases or various body inabilities. The support could in the form of material things such as money, food, clothing and shelter. The other support is in the form of offering services such as washing clothes, cooking, loving and caring about those suffering from deadly diseases or having health dysfunctions. The social support could be initiated and contributed by one individual, a group or community at large. The social support groups benefit people suffering various diseases such as, HIV/AIDs, cancer, Backbone injuries, the blind, the dumb, hearing impaired people and many more in different manners. (Jeong, 2011) The social support has focused on ensuring a better life for people with no hope of their tomorrow. Even though there are many setbacks facing the social support to the outcasts in the community the current available groups have done to their best in ensuring a better environment for those with several inabilities in the community. From the various researches about the effectiveness of support groups, it is correct to say that social support parties are doing great in the society. In other dimensions, social support could be in form guidance and counseling in matters such as rape, early pregnancies, Female genital mutilation campaigns and many other mostly social evils affecting our communities today. In this analysis focuses on the role and effectiveness of social support ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Ethical Performance Evaluations Ethical Performance Evaluations Organizations have a commitment to employees to provide an evaluation based on performance that is being performed the position held. Managers include the aspects of responsibilities, strengths, and weaknesses of performance that are presented on a daily basis by an employee. Managers face moral and ethical issues that require critical decisions to be made. Using ethically responsible management practices and facing social issues during performance evaluations can provide adequate and precise appraisals to employees. Performance Evaluation A performance evaluation is a system designed for a review of an employee s overall job performance in the position that the employee is performing in. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Critique of employee should be given on the important aspects and examples of each strength and weakness that has occurred during the time before the evaluation. Employees may become defensive if there is no credibility on what is given to the employee in the evaluation. The raise of a salary of an employee usually has a short term impact on motivation, the overall views of the manager has the greatest and long term impact on the employee to further improve the employee. Managers should use the 360 degree evaluation process to provide adequate and excise information to each employee. This process involves using multiple sources. The sources consist of peers, direct reports, supervisors, customers, vendors, and human resources. The evaluation is done by the complete circle of sources. The manager s involvements are to design, gather the information, and communicate the evaluation to the employee. Managers using the 360 process will discover strengths, weaknesses, and expectations that were not known. Overall, this process can allow an employee to become accountable for their own development and growth in the organization (Custom Insight, n.d.). Ethical Dilemma An ethical dilemma that may occur is when an outstanding evaluation is given and increase is to be given to the employee for the accomplishments that have happened with the performance of the employee. The dilemma occurs when the employee cannot ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. A Research On Contemporary World History Date: 05/05/2016 Research Paper Contemporary World History Professor Tom Williford Vidit Doshi Southwest Minnesota State University Interview : Jyotsna Shah, Maternal Grandmother in relation, 72 years old, interviewed on Skype, Gujarat, India. Source: Salt March, www.history.com Salt March, www.wikipedia.com Mahatma Gandhi, www.wikipedia.com Mahatma Gandhi Father of the Nation An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind. Mahatma Gandhi Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi) was a leader in the Indian Independence Movement during ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Whereas he is also famous as Gandhiji in India and also around the world. I always read about him everywhere and even studied a lot about him in our history classes. I still remember, the history class I had in my 8th Grade was all about him. He is a pride to our nation and has a place in every Indians heart. My maternal great grandmother was from the same village as Gandhiji and she met him a couple of times which always gives me goosebumps. I heard a lot about him and a lot of other things from my grandmother. So, I interviewed my maternal grandmother over Skype for this assignment. I initiated my conversation with general greetings that we usually do. I decided to talk to her about an event that took place on 12th of March 1930 which is known as the Dandi March, also known as the Salt march or Salt Satyagraha, which was leaded by Mahatma Gandhi. I still cannot forget that expression on her face when I asked her about her knowledge about the Salt Satyagraha, she was too excited to tell me about the event. She informed me that it was a big march, it was a 24 day march. Even ma ji (mom, my Great Grandmother) was a part of it, she added. She said that it was a rebel of the local populace against the British officials mainly as they introduced taxation on salt production, deemed sea salt reclamation activities illegal, and then repeatedly used force to stop it. Mahatma Gandhi came up with this plan to break the British plan nonviolently, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. A Career As A Professional Army Professionals possess specialized education, professional associations, protected titles, ethics codes and published journals for the purpose of information sharing between other professionals. Our Army has continuously rebuilt itself over the past 200 years in order to develop ourselves as a professional Army. Anybody can have a job. It takes a specialized skillset and years of training to be a professional. People do not decide to enter into a profession without careful consideration of their options. It is only after careful thought and consideration that they willingly give up vast amounts of their time and energy investing into their future profession. Soldiers in today s Army spend years honing their individual skillsets. Starting ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Dr. Kaplan s Practice At Boone Hospital I received an assignment to investigate a complaint on Dr. Michael Kaplan on 11/20/2014 regarding some concerns raised about Dr. Kaplan s practice at Boone Hospital. These concerns triggered an investigation by the medical executive committee (MEC). Dr. Kaplan elected to retire from the hospital, resign his medical staff appointment and clinical privileges. This was reported to the Board of Healing Arts and to the National Practitioner Databank. After serving a subpoena for the investigation at Boone Hospital, I received approximately 108 pages of documents from Nancy Tune, RN on 01/07/2015. In these documents I found that Dr. John J. Seaberg, M.D. had observed on March 14, 2014 Chris Kaplan dissect the implant pocket for a breast augmentation using the electro cautery and use a #10 scalpel blade to make the skin incision for an abdominoplasty while Dr. Mike Kaplan was sitting beside the operating table with his hands folded on the patient watching his wife operate. Mrs. Kaplan is not a nurse or a doctor. Dr. Seaberg believes that this is a violation of 334.2(4)d and 334.040. He feels that she is not qualified by training, skill, competency, age, experience, or licensure to perform such responsibilities. There is a copy of a letter from Dr. Seaberg to Mark Cohen, M.D. Chief of Staff of Boone hospital stating the above. This matter was referred to the Medical Executive Committee (MEC) to investigate this incident and Dr. Mike Kaplan s fitness to perform surgery. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. American Sign Language Interpreters who Interpret in... American Sign Language Interpreters who interpret in mental health settings have a unique opportunity to be an effective part of the healing process for Deaf consumers by accurately interpreting the information between him or her and their mental health physician and / or team. In order to accomplish this, interpreters must seek the necessary training to work in the mental health setting, educate themselves about the various mental illnesses , understand the various demands and controls necessary to function in this environment, and lastly, know how to take care of themselves when they feel emotionally drained from working in this type of environment. One of the re occurring themes throughout the readings has been the need for interpreters to have the proper training for working in mental health settings. Interpreters can begin the training process by contacting their colleagues who are familiar with mental health interpreting and inquiring about their experiences and their training i.e. workshops, mentorship programs, institutions of higher learning, et cetera. They can inquire about the physical and mental demands of working in a mental health setting and how it affects their personal lives outside of the assignment. The Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf encourages interpreters to, Pursue opportunities for professional development in this interpreting practice specialty area. Increase your knowledge regarding therapeutic interventions, clinical terminology and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Washington University Student Personal Statement It wasn t long into the school year when my third grade teacher realized that I hardly knew how to read. She would watch as I flipped through the pages of a book, imitating the act of reading. I had adapted my behavior to make it through class without notice, but had not yet figured out how to pass her reading comprehension quizzes. After gently questioning me about it, she sent me to the school counselors to get tested for learning disabilities. As she suspected, the tests came back with multiple diagnoses: dyslexia, auditory processing disorder, and a lack of short term memory. Being a third grader, those words had no meaning to me, but little did I know how they would force me to create adaptations that prepared me for Washington University Law School. After receiving the diagnoses, my life was a blur of reading tutors, additional class work, and special educational summer programs, all with the goal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Between four years of studying Mandarin and my undergraduate thesis studying an urban development phenomenon in China, I have found a passion for studying Chinese society and legal structure. At Washington University, I am also interested in the Chinese Law Course and the study abroad opportunities at Hong Kong University, Peking University, and Fudan University. I am also very interested in the legal community in the St. Louis area. I believe that St. Louis and the surrounding area have a variety of opportunities to engage with different legal spaces including social justice opportunities in Ferguson, county legal issues in Clayton, community development creation in Kirkwood, and corporate law in downtown St. Louis. The opportunities presented by the Whitney R. Harris World Law Institute and the vibrant legal community in St. Louis makes Washington University Law School the ideal law school for my career ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Speech About Naps As a child, it is common for one to fight not to take a nap. Children do not like being told to nap. At some point, however, often in one s teen or young adult years, one generally grows to appreciate an afternoon nap, and even to view it as a luxury. Yet, it may still remain stigmatized in some people s minds that napping is just for young children. In addition, in a typical adult s daily life, he does not have time to stop his day and lie down to nap for two hours. He is too busy at work, or taking care of other responsibilities he has. In more recent years, however, researchers have begun to observe incredible benefits to midday naps, such as improved performance, mood, and memory. These observations have lead researchers to ask a few questions on how a person should run his day. What are the advantages of a midday nap? What are its disadvantages? For how long should a person ideally nap in order to avoid negative effects? What are the ideal conditions for napping? An afternoon nap ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In general, a human s natural schedule is to be more awake in the morning, and get drowsier toward the nighttime. However, it is very common to have a hump in middle of the day a period in middle of the day when a person becomes extremely exhausted. Researchers studied the best way to overcome the hump. Naps were proven to be most effective, in comparison to sleeping more at night and drinking caffeine ( Napping May Not be Such a No No, 2009). Additionally, after approximately sixteen hours of wakefulness, tiredness tends to set in. If one is awake for more hours than that, taking a nap may help delay the onset of the drowsiness ( Napping May Not be Such a No No, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Hamlet Soliloquy Compare And Contrast Here are two extremely famous productions both portraying one of the most famous speeches of all time, Hamlet s To be or not to be soliloquy. Kenneth Branagh s version is approximately three minutes and ten seconds, while Franco Zeffirelli is about three minutes and thirty five seconds. Branagh chose himself to be the star of his own play, while Zeffirelli chose a young Mel Gibson. This soliloquy occurs in Act 3 scene 1. Both of the directors takes on this scene could not have been more different. In the two versions, the physical appearance of Hamlet is practically opposite. Branagh presented himself with bright blonde hair and very strange goatee and mustache, he looks like royalty. To contrast, Mel Gibson looks more like an average person wearing all black. Branagh is in the middle of his huge castle, surrounded by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Branagh has Polonius and Claudius spying on him from the other side of the mirror. He then has Hamlet speak into the mirror that they are hiding behind. By doing this, he has the audience in suspense because you have no idea if Hamlet knows that they are actually behind it. Branagh does not seem insane in that he would take his own life, rather he is enraged and searching for revenge. In this version we are left to wonder if Hamlet is talking to himself or to Polonius and Claudius. This also goes along with the recurring theme of the play, appearance vs reality. In Zeffirelli version, he has Hamlet alone in a dark tomb which symbolizes death and sorrow. This Hamlet is very much contemplating committing suicide. It also emphasizes his great depression. Zeffirelli has Hamlet in a tomb with really low lighting and is taken in multiple shots(edited a lot). This enables the scene to focus on the pain in Hamlets voice and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Hobby Lobby Contraceptive Case Hobby Lobby Contraceptive Case In this case, the issue was that through Obama health care it is required that all for profit corporations provide contraceptive services to all employees. And with this law in place it exempts all religious nonprofit corporations but does not exempt for profit corporations whether they are religious or not. Hobby Lobby is a for profit corporation and the owners are very conservative and religious and they feel that they should also be exempt from this health care law because they are against taking a life away. They feel that contraceptives get in the way of a life being born. Hobby lobby founder argues that they are being required to do something that they are against. PUTTING IT ON THE EMPLOYEES One of the main viewpoints discussed in the article was that with the past court cases, they have never discovered a for profit corporation and/or organization to be religious. And that if they let every company who refuses to abide by this law be exempt because they are a religious company, the government would fall apart. Walter Dellinger, who was a part of the Clinton administration, explained that the employees of hobby lobby shouldn t have to share the same beliefs as the owners of the company because it s not like the company is a religious corporation it s only the owners and they cannot make them feel the same way as them because they are only employees. But Paul Clement, who was a part of the Bush Administration, says that, that is not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The New Product Development Process Introduction New products are introduced to the market in order to fill a gap a consumer believes to exist. Therefore new products satisfy the needs and wants of the market. Firms benefit greatly from the successful introduction of these new products into the market. As a result, firms spend a considerable amount of time, money and resources on new product development. This report is going analyze the new product development process. The report is also going to examine eight steps needed to complete a new product development process. Summary of the New Product Development process New product development is used by firms in order to create and introduce new products to the market. According to Casselman Nadeau (2008), the new product development process is part of the strategic process used by firms in order remain competitive. Firms ensure that any innovation is protected by patents or legal barriers in order to introduce the new product in the market before any competitors as well as limit any possible competition. The concept of new product development begins with perception of a market gap. Once the opportunity has been identified, senior management creates an environment where by idea generation and screening is encouraged. In fact, Kachouie Sedighadeli (2013) state that managers must not only be committed to innovation, they should also show their support by creating cross functional teams in charge of innovation. Also senior management must be involved in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Logical Fallacies In Critical Thinking Critical thinking is an important part of a lot of people s lives because they choose to look at the world more differently than most. People choose to think critically because they want to see what other don t. What I believe that critical thinking means is to look at something from every angle possible and to think about why or how it s important. A lot of readers that I know tend to think critically because it allows them to dissect what is written and gain more from a story aside from the normal enjoyment of just reading the book. Critical thinking helps readers determine if the book is problematic and how the errors in that book make it worth discussing. Critical thinking allows people to grow because it extends their thought process and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It becomes a problematic situation even if it was written in the first book that they published and it didn t reflect the type of person or writer that they are now, they will still be seen a sexist. I believe that this is a hasty generalization because it takes one situation with an author of a certain gender and creates this belief about other authors of the same gender. It creates a stereotype or misconception about male authors in general. I think that this happens when readers refuse to think critically for themselves because when some of these readers hear something, they run with it like it s the only truth out ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. My Career As A Purpose Of A Zoologist The career I am pursing is Zoology, which requires a degree in Biology. I chose this career due to my passionate interest in wildlife and my personal character. I have not chosen what career branch I would like to partake in because of the numerous options. But that requires additional research that will be sought out during the upcoming years of college. A Zoologist is a person who studies wildlife, the habitat of wildlife and how animals adapt to it. In addition, they also study the behavior of animals, animal characteristics, and how they react to human activity. The purpose of a Zoologist is to experiment, research and study animals. This could mean in the wild itself or in a controlled area. Overall, Zoologist overlook the large picture of animal communities and how species work in life. The skills you need to become a well practiced zoologist are traits I have found in myself. Of course, the interest of researching animas is the most important. But you also need communication skills, a strong logical problem solving approach, keen observation skills, and can independently or as a team. Majority of those skills I possess but could continue to improve on. The profession appeals to me because of my love for animals mostly. I have been interested in animals as a young child and I actually prefer animals over people. I m caring enough to dedicate my time when I m older to wildlife and wildlife projects. What else interests me about animals is how they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Why Is Laerte A Noble Nobility is a trait that many men seem to desire. It is not necessarily genetic nor can one purchase it like other traits, such as clothing, but rather is earned demonstrated. What makes one noble is not easily determined, despite being the desire of many individuals. Whether it is nobler, more honorable, and more admirable to live on one s knees or to die on one s feet has been a source of debate for centuries. In his tragic play Hamlet, William Shakespeare proves that it is nobler for one to die for what he believes in than to live in inaction. Laertes was noble because he died for his cause, avenging his father s death and defending his father s honor, but he would not have been had he not sought revenge. Towards the end of the play, Laertes returns from France upon hearing that his father died, but he misses the funeral because of its haste. Furious, Laertes leads a mob into the Castle Elsinore and, upon finding King Claudius, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I ll not be juggled with before proclaiming Let come what comes: only I ll be revenged/ most thoroughly for my father (Shakespeare, IV, v, 140 146). Laertes demonstrates how much his mission means to him by risking his life. Leading a mob into the castle is treason and some servants in the castle warn the King of treason. The willingness of the people to share in his treason and storm the castle shouting that they will make laertes king is proof that they see his cause as justified and his actions as noble and honorable. Later, when Laertes learns from Claudius that Hamlet killed Polonius, father of Laertes, and a duel between Hamlet and Laertes is set up, Laertes accepts Hamlet s apology but declares But in my terms of honor/ [Laertes] stand[s] ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Twinkie Defense Case Erkarly Avendano AJ002 11.02.17 It s Not My Fault I am picking the Twinkie Defense because the criminal justice system should hold someone criminally liable for their actions unless they were unconsciously aware of their actions while committing an act. The court should hold anyone responsible for their action and not determine and not go based off a strange defense such as a Twinkie Defense. For those who commit a crime should be fairly punishable. Dan white strange defense after committing 1st degree murder set standards in America and it came to be called the Twinkie Defense. It transformed the defenses in America and sent a message to the criminal defense bar. After Dan white assassinated the mayor and Mike people knew exactly why he had done it. White s murder act had absolutely nothing to do with Twinkies. Dan white had the intention to kill and the video states He had very deliberately taken his revenge, loaded a handgun and hidden in his jacket, had 10 extra bullets in his pocket. Therefore, they informed us by telling us his intentions for the double homicide were present at the time. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Dan White was an emotional reckless person who made moral decisions. The court and defense viewed White as a victim of the double homicide and found White not guilty of 1st degree murder. White acted out of anger and white believed he needed to stand up for those who counted on him. As white made his way to the mayor s office he waited for him to look away and shot fired. White shot the mayor in the shoulder and the chest and then later shot twice more into his head and reloaded. There were a few people who saw Dan White come down from the mayor s office and mentioned nothing about ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. In Fifth Harmony Dance communicates a variety of things; it not only entertains but also educates. The way in which and individual dances can contest or propagate ideas. Dance in films, commercials, television and music videos often have underling hegemonic concepts. A way of illustrating this is in Fifth Harmony s latest music video for their song Work From Home. In Fifth Harmony s music video Work from Home featuring Ty Dolla $ign the propagated sexualized idea of femininity through dance is communicated. In this document I will go into more in depth about the performers costumes and focus on three scenes where the performers movements convey the propagated idea of femininity in American culture. The performers costumes and movements convey the propagated idea of femininity in American culture. In this document I will go into more Fifth Harmony is an all girl singing group. with the singer s ages ranging from eighteen to twenty two. (Franich 62) Fifth Harmony rose to stardom on the X Factor, however they did not win X Factor but they became a pop sensation. The group consists of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the video the group is on a construction site and surrounded by toned, attractive men. The girls have individual outfits that other than their work belts and work boots, which most seem to look like timberlands. are not meant for a construction site. The young women s outfits are more cute and sexual. Three of the young women are in short shorts. Camila Cabello has a top on that has cut outs by her hips. Dinah Jane Hansen has a crop top on and overalls on with one strap undone. Ally Brooke has a button up top on but not all the buttons are buttoned up and her bra is completely exposed. (Fifth) Aside from young women s outfits conveying hyper dominate idea of female sexuality their choreographed dance sequences did as well. Each girl part takes in an individual dance solo and all five come together to dance for the chorus of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Patient Care Technicians ( Pct ) Patient care technicians (PCT s), formally known as nursing assistants, are the backbone to any nursing department. They create rapport with the patients and family members, as well as the nursing and medical staff. Some of the tasks PCT s are responsible for include: obtaining and recording vital signs, collecting and labeling specimens, blood glucose specimen, and obtaining electrocardiograms (ECG). All these tasks are important and critical in an emergency. PCT s designated to work in medical surgical floors may not remember the steps for obtaining a good ECG reading. Like the saying goes: if you don t use it, you lose it. The most common reason ECG s are misinterpreted is due to incorrect lead placement. PCT s in critical settings such ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Other reasons for ECG s: Stroke like symptoms Dizziness Epigastric abdominal pain Shortness of pain Altered mental status Loss of consciousness Upper back pain Electrode Lead Placement Electrodes must be placed in the correct landmarks to prevent misinterpretation of the ECG. If the electrodes are placed incorrectly, the ECG may read as ST changes, electrical axis, location of bundle branch blocks and location of infarcts (Riddle, 2008, para. 5). During the ECG, a total of 10 electrodes are applied to the patient. Six electrodes (V1 V6) are placed on the anterior chest in the proper anatomical landmarks, and these leads must be placed precisely for an accurate ECG interpretation. Electrodes V1 and V2 are placed on the fourth intercostal space with V1 on the right and V2 on the left (Riddle, 2008). Electrodes V3 V6 are placed on the left chest wall on the fifth intercostal space in the following order: V3 to the right of V4, V4 at the midclavicular line, V5 to the right of V6, V6 to the midaxillary line (Riddle, 2008). The remaining four electrodes are placed on both upper and lower extremities without touching the chest. Objectives for PCT Workshop on ECG placement The PCT will be able to demonstrate correct lead placement The PCT will be able to troubleshoot the ECG machine and obtain missing equipment The PCT will demonstrate techniques ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Case StudyCushings Essay example Case Study 78 Cushing s Syndrome Scenario You graduated 3 months ago and are working with a home care agency. Included in your caseload is J.S., a 60 year old man suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) related to (R/T) cigarette smoking. He has been on home oxygen, 2 L oxygen by nasal cannula (O2/NC), for several years. Approximately 10 months ago, he was started on chronic oral steroid therapy. Medications include ipratropium albuterol (Combivent) inhaler, formoterol (Foradil) inhaler, dexamethasone (Decadron), digoxin, and furosemide (Lasix). On the way to J.S. s home, you make a mental note to check him for signs and symptoms (S/S) of Cushing s syndrome. Clinical Presentation Centripedal (truncal) obesity or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Prednisone can cause upset stomach. It can have serious side effect with vision problems. If it s not helping with joint pain then the dose may need altering. 8. Differentiate between the glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid effects of prednisone. Mineralocorticoids= The name mineralocorticoid derives from early observations that these hormones were involved in the retention of sodium, a mineral. The primary endogenous mineralocorticoid is aldosterone, although a number of other endogenous hormones (including progesterone and deoxycorticosterone) have mineralocorticoid function. Aldosterone acts on the kidneys to provide active reabsorption of sodium and an associated passive reabsorption of water, as well as the active secretion of potassium in the principal cells of the cortical collecting tubule and active secretion of protons via proton ATPases in the lumenal membrane of the intercalated cells of the collecting tubule. This in turn results in an increase of blood pressure and blood volume. Glucocortiocoids= Glucocorticoids (GC) are a class of steroid hormones that bind to the glucocorticoid receptor, which is present in almost every vertebrate animal cell. GCs are part of the feedback mechanism in the immune system that turns immune activity (inflammation) down. They are therefore used in medicine to treat diseases that are caused by an overactive immune system, such as allergies, asthma, autoimmune diseases and sepsis. GCs have ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Whole Foods Market Analysis Paper An Analysis of Whole Foods Market The purpose of this paper is to provide a preliminary internal look at Whole Foods Market, which was ranked 44th last year as Fortune s Top 100 Companies to Work For. And even though the company is ranked 44th on Fortune s top 100 and 218th on Fortune s 500 top companies, they have remained in Fortune s rankings consecutively for the past 18 years. This paper will offer a look at the organization s vision, mission, and core values, as well as its major strategic objectives. I will also determine how and in what ways the theory of Full Range Leadership Development can support the core principles of Whole Foods Market s strategy. John Mackey, co founder of Whole Foods, along with Rene Lawson Hardy, Craig Weller, and Mark Skiles opened the first store in Austin, Texas in 1980. Mackey s passion, philosophies, and belief that individuals should have healthy eating habits and healthy foods was the driving force behind opening the Whole Foods chain of stores. Although Mackey has been noted and criticized as being very outspoken when it pertains to health issues, one of his firm belief s is that, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Barbara Farfan (n.d.) explains that, Whole Foods Core Values define how Whole Foods leaders and employees interact with their products, customers, employee team, shareholders, communities, suppliers, and align everyone behind the mission of improving health in general. For example, Whole Foods believes in satisfying their consumers by selling the highest quality of natural and organic products obtainable. The company strives to maintain the highest standards of quality, not only in the products they offer but in supporting excellence in the development their employees, communities, and the environment. Whole Foods direct core values as listed on the company website (2015 Whole Foods Market IP. L.P.), also ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Life And Work Of Roger Corman How I Made A Hundred Movies in Hollywood and Never Lost a Dime completely changes how people view the industry of filmmaking, by providing the story of one man who battled against the odds and inspired generations to come. The novel chronicles the life and work of Roger Corman, a pioneer in the filmmaking industry. Filmmaking is a visual literature; just like how novels can change a person s beliefs or perspectives, film can have a long lasting effect on the audience it touches. Similarly, this is what Roger Corman accomplished with his movies. Although he initially had a little money, experience, and support, Roger Corman s life has inspired and challenged generations of people. Furthermore, this book proves Gregory Currie s belief that Great Literature Makes Us Better by acting as a particularly apt teacher of moral[s] through widespread inspiration (Currie). The basis behind Currie s argument is that many people enjoy the hard won pleasures of literature... [and] reap aesthetic rewards from their reading (Currie). In this case, Currie s proposition can be directly supported by the lessons and values rewards imparted on the audience through the description of Roger Corman s life. Although Corman had little to no money, he continued to pursue his dream of filmmaking. The book begins by describing Corman s life preceding his filmmaking career. When Roger was young, his family moved from Detroit to Beverly Hills. Corman describes this experience, saying, I felt ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Implications For International Banking Of Adopting The... What are the implications for international banking of adopting the proposed Basle 3 regulations? Overall impacts Focus on Capital requirement Positive: Improve the standard of capital ratio: According to Basel 3, Capital requirement includes 4 different ratios: Common equity Tier 1 capital ratio =(Common equity Tier 1 capital)/( risk weighted assets) Tier 1 capital ratio =(Total Tier 1 capital)/( risk weighted assets) Total capital ratio =( Tier 1 capital+ Tier 2 capital)/( risk weighted assets) Capital conservation buffer Comparing to Basel 2 , the Basel 3 requirement of common equity Tier 1 capital ratio has risen up to 4.5%, which is 2.5% larger than before. Also , Tier 1 capital ratio increased to 6% under Basel 3 regulation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... [1] Redesign the definition of capital Bank regulation has made a more specific definition of Core Tier 1 Capital , which includes general risk preparation , Capital reserve , paid in capital and so on . Second , To avoid default , using the gone concern capital to ensure the repayment of funding and debt . The Core Tier 1 Capital should include a part of shareholders funds and premium from other partners . The Core Tier 2 Capital should include loan loss provision that has overdrawn and core 2 capital and its premium . Negative : The risk weighted assets will increase sharply since Basel 3 has increased the capital adequacy ratio of the banks to defend against the operational crisis in the future . Also , Basel 3 updated the standard of the main factor of Tier 1 as well as Tier two capital whose baseline has raised from 4% to 6% . Although transition period of carrying out Basel 3 regulation is long , the banks with lower capital adequacy ratio might suffer from the huge pressure of supplying sufficient capital . Recent years , in order to reach the baseline , banks have to finance billions of dollars . A bank should finance 30 billion dollars with 5% capital adequacy ratio , but if the ratio raised up to 7% , it might need finance 57 billion dollars .[2] Due to accounting data from United bank of Switzerland in 2010 , Basel 3 regulation required 400 billion CHF risk weighted asset of United bank of Switzerland twice than it was under Basel 2 , ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Exchange Traded Funds Internationally, the flow of capital across national borders and into markets once believed to be impregnable is occurring at the speed of light. Technological innovation, accessibility to international market economies, and increased globalization has expanded the universe of securities available for investments and more importantly portfolio diversification. The developments mentioned above questions traditionally accepted principles by investors who believed that investing solely in U.S. securities would result in a better risk return tradeoff. Prudent investors have known that diversifying across industries and markets will lead to a given level of expected return at a significantly lower level of risk, and vice versa. However, the advantages of such diversification are limited due to the same cyclical economic fluctuations that all assets (or companies) in a particular country are exposed to. The availability of a universe of assets internationally, and accessibility to these assets and the markets where they trade has opened a plethora of opportunities to investors across borders who seek diversification accompanied by return maximization and corresponding risk reduction through international portfolio investments. Moreover, the limiting effects of economic cycles on assets in a particular country can now be hedged through international portfolio formation and investing that incorporates the advantage of cross country diversification in nations whose economic cycles ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Dangerous Offenders Legislation Essay The new Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act (2003) In Queensland permits prisoners to be kept in prison beyond their release date where a court finds that there is a high degree of probability that they represent a serious danger to the community . Other jurisdictions have enacted similar legislation to restrict the release of prisoners assessed to be dangerous. Do you think that dangerousness legislation of this sort is justified or unjustified? Several states across the Country have enacted or attempted to enact legislation which can enable detention of a prisoner past his/her release date. This type of legislation s general purpose is to provide a mechanism whereby prisoners who, if released pose an unacceptable risk of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This type of legislation provides a framework whereas an application can be made to further detain a prisoner who is due to release as they are deemed to be an unacceptable risk of further offending and their further detention will protect the community (Field, 2003). Whilst it is generally accepted that the community broadly welcomes such imposing and punitive legislation, it is imperative that our disgust for these offences/offenders does not prevent us from finding the injustice on an ethical and moral basis (Wortley and Smallbone, 2003). One of the fundamental principles of the Criminal Law System is the presumption of innocence until proven guilty (McSherry, 2003). By enacting punitive legislation such as the examples given above, it has been said that it is removing this Common law right from the individual (Greig, 1995). It has also been said that it creates an exception to the general principle of law that no person shall be imprisoned unless a court comprised of Judge/Jury is convinced, beyond reasonable doubt that the person committed a very serious offence. Thereby effectively allowing people to be detained without the burden of proving guilt (Keon Cohen, 1992). Whilst it is appreciated that the offenders who will be subject to such legislation are in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Accelerated US History Accelerated US History I In the Presidential Election of 1824, Andrew Jackson the people s choice lost the ballot by way of a corrupt bargain in the House of Representatives. Four years later and with the backing of a larger political following, Jackson became president, campaigning to the middle class and offering the opportunities of a benevolent democracy. Jackson s supporters, the Jacksonians, were as diverse as they were numerous; northern farmers, southern and western yeomen, and even urban immigrants all joined the ranks of the Champion of the Common Man (OI). During Andrew Jackson s two terms, the state of Jacksonian Democracy that took form upheld the principles of equality and majority rule that bound the United States together politically, economically and socially. During the 1820s and 1830s, Jacksonians served as guardians of the Constitution and equality of economic opportunity, and functioned as a catalyst for popular sovereignty, but sacrificed some individual liberties to advance the political democracy in the union. As President, Andrew Jackson strictly adhered to the guidelines set in the Constitution to uphold the union. In 1830, Andrew Jackson vetoed the bill, passed in Congress, which pushed for a federally funded road system to be developed in Kentucky (OI). To defend this denial, Jackson abided by the Constitution s declaration that intra state internal improvements are to be funded by the states, not the federal government. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Democracy In The American Democracy From the early 1840s to the present day, a democracy can be described as a flawed establishment which has been shaped by the power of wealth and control, complex social relations, and most importantly the people s desire to live a fulfilling life. Throughout this time period the principles of democracy, such as equality, protection of the people s interest, and promotion of human rights were shifting in order to increase the democracy efficiency. Therefore the continued importance of the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, and Constitution remain significant since, in American today, democracy is a system that is continuously being shaped by the people within it. Plato s impression of democracy which was intellectualized around 384 B.C.E is rather different from the present day understanding of democracy and the power of wealth. As an aristocrat himself, according to Plato When the poor win, the result is a democracy. (Plato, p.58). In other words, Plato believed that only kings were authorized to rule its society, whereas regular everyday people were perceived as ferocious and unable to govern. Plato s awareness of democracy was established when he realized ordinary people were not born to lead, that only the elite people had the utmost respect, and right to rule over the lower class. Furthermore, the concept of power and wealth continues to be a crucial stand point in society s then, and now since the exercise of democracy is known to be a political affair. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. A Summary On Adlerian Theory Adlerian Theory Todd Overstreet Liberty University Abstract Adlerian theory, which is named after the famous psychotherapist Alfred Adler, is used mainly to give emphasis to birth order, theories relating to inferiority and superiority, individual life styles, and social interests as the main workings of personality. In Adlerian theory, mental well being is decided by the degree of social contribution that is helpful to the greater community to the extent that one incorporates and advances the social context, therefore the size of his or her psychological well being. Social contributions are heightened with the decrease of inaccurate beliefs. This can often steer us to have maladaptive feelings of inferiority or superiority. The objective of battling untrue beliefs is achieved through comprehension of family groups, youthful recollections as well as dreams. (Livingston, 2009) History of Theory Alfred Adler, who lived from1870 1937, was a world famous theorist and psychiatrist. He emphasized the need to learn about people inside of their social setting. Throughout the early 1900 s, he started concentrating on such critical and modern problems such as egalitarianism, parental education, and effect of the birth order, way of life and the holism of people. He also understood that everyone has a simple want and objective. That objective is for us to fit in and to feel substantial. (Corey, 2013) He established the first universal philosophy of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Essay On Gas Chamber Gas Chamber Punishment There are only four states that still authorize the use of the gas chamber as a punishment of the Death Penalty. These states are Arizona, California, Missouri, and Wyoming. This is a barbaric way to punish someone no matter what they did. It should not happen. Even though only four states still allow it, that is four too many. It is like how Hitler put the Jewish people into gas showers at concentration camps! Hitler used hydrogen cyanide in his gas showers which is the same stuff they use in the capital punishment gas chambers. There are many ways for someone to pay for their crimes, the gas chamber should not be one of them. To start off with, the process of how these gas chambers work are simply savage. They strap the inmate to a chair with holes in the seat, then a mixture of sulfuric acid, distilled water and sodium cyanide is dumped into a container under the seat. This mix of chemicals creates hydrogen cyanide (HCN). In addition to this, the first execution of the gas chamber was the unfortunate inmate named Gee Jon, a Chinese immigrant who was a part of the Hip Sing Tong, a criminal gang who got into a bloody fight with the Bing Kong Tong gang. He was sentenced to death row. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is also used in mining. Basically what it does is it gets the gold from the rock in the mine easier. This is very useful and can be safe if you take the safety precautions. This is a much better option than the chemical miners used before, which was mercury. Exposure to mercury for too long can cause hallucinations. According to miningfacts.org, Cyanide, in the form of a very dilute sodium cyanide solution, is used to dissolve and separate gold from ore. If cyanide destroy cave rock, imagine what it is doing to an actual human! The people whom receive the gas chamber punishment do not get an anesthetic or painkiller. They just have to suffer through the pain. This needs to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Political Changes In Chile Located between the Andes Mountains and the Pacific Ocean, Chile is a narrow but large country in south western South America. Chile declared its independence from Spain in 1818 and was stable throughout the 19th century. During the mid 1900 s, Chile saw a large economic and territorial increase, however by 1960 they were experiencing extreme political mayhem. This mayhem lasted through the Cold War and impacted the country of Chile immensely. In 1961, US President John F. Kennedy helped to establish the Alliance for Progress. This attempted to bring reform and development to Chile and other Latin American areas. When Salvador Allende came to power he brought socialist ideas to the government, and although he denied that he was associated with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Athletic Training Career A Career in Athletic Training and a Careers in Recreational Therapy are very different from each other. Athletic trainers are highly qualified; they have multiskilled health care experts who work as a member of a collaborative in the professional medical team. However, they work together with doctors and other healthcare specialists to prevent injury, illness, wellness protection and clinical evaluation. For example, if you become an athletic trainer, the job possibilities are excellent. But, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, this field is projected to grow 21% between 2014 and 2024, much faster than the average for all occupations. In fact, athletic training is identified by the American Medical Association, Health Resources ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Teenagers And Social Media Now more than ever living in the age of technology, social media has impacted our lives greatly. With a click of a button we have the ability to communicate with friends, family, and ev en those we may never have the opportunity to meet face to face. Some Believe that the use of social media allows us to practice freedom of speech and provide an outlet for free expression. Unfortunately in some instances social media, also gives us the opportunity to engage in behavior that normally we wouldn t do in a face to face setting. Teenagers often don t understand that they have no privacy in internet usage, and that social media allows users to access people information and use to insult or bully them. Once you have posted something online it is other in the internet world forever. Any potential employer can access your information and use that information in deciding whether or not to give you a job. Often whatever you post can haunt you in the future. While many social media websites have maintained privacy restrictions there is still a lot of information that can be accessed with a click of a button. Many people including teenagers, don t realize that whatever you may post on line cannot be erased. Often users will post their issues and problems seeking and outlet whether for attention or to have someone to talk to. Once something is posted it allows others to post their comments and opinions which can be negative. Social media sites such as Facebook, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The Flea By John Donne Essay Poems are very interesting pieces of literature, and can sometimes be hard to understand. To be able to understand poems, it is important to look at the physical parts, the intellectual parts, and how they shape the poem. The author John Donne has written many poems that could be interpreted in many ways, and are analyzed by many people in the United States and around the world. John Donne s The Flea is a good example of a poem that can be analyzed for its physical and intellectual parts, and how they work together to make the poem what it is because it is descriptive, and can be interpreted in many ways. First, it is important to look at the physical parts of a poem. Donne s The Flea is comprised of three stanzas, and twenty seven lines total. The poem talks about a lover and a beloved, and how the love that the lover feels is requited by the beloved. This poem differs from sonnets in the way that the love in a sonnet is unrequited, but the love in this poem is requited, as was talked about in class. In the first stanza, there are nine lines, and each line rhymes with the line after it. For example, line three rhymes with line four at the end with the words thee and be. This continues for the rest of the stanza the last three lines of the stanza in which all three rhyme with the words woo, two, and do. This rhyme scheme is also shown throughout the rest of the poem. In each stanza, the last three line are indented to show that they are a little more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Ril Case Study Tocd Financial Management (Case Study 1) Reliance Industries Limited Triple Option Convertible Debentures Submitted By: Group 8: Abhishek Kumar (BLP038) Aparna Chowdhry (BLP040) Maninder Bisen (BLP042) Vivek Kumar (BLP044) Manjesh Bharati (BLP046) Raman Girdhar (BLP048) Question 1: Discuss in detail the benefits of convertible securities for the issuing company as well as the investors. Briefly discuss the potential drawback of convertible securities for both? Ans 1 Benefits to Issuer: * Companies have incentive to raise convertible debt, rather than traditional debt, because the interest payments on convertible securities are usually lower, thus ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therefore, although the possible upside gains on the convertible security is higher than a normal security; its default risk is also relatively higher. Question 2. Evaluate the three initial options provided to the RPL TOCD holders on the basis of yield to maturity. Assume that a TOCD holder sold the RPL shares and each warrant (in the case of Option I) issued in September 1993 are Rs. 22 and Rs. 5 respectively in September 1997. Calculate the YTM on the basis of number of years completed? Ans 2. Given: Rs 20.00 | Zero Date (taken as Opening Date) | Rs 10.00 | After 18 Months | Rs 15.00 | After 30 Months | Rs 15.00 | After 36 Months | Non Convertible Bonds @ Rs40 6th Yr. | Rs 20.00 | 7th Yr. | Rs 30.00 | 8th Yr. | Rs 30.00 | 2 warrants @ Rs. 10, Premium over Face Value Rs. 10 Bonds | Warrants | Option 1Retain | Sell * | Option 2Surrender | Surrender | Option 3Retain | Convert | *Warrants can be sold @ Rs. 5 in Sept 97 Share Price = Rs. 22/ as on Sept 97 | Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 | Out Flow | Rs. 60 | Rs. 60 | Rs. 60 + 40 | In Flow | Rs. (44 + 80 + 10) | Rs. (44 + 44) | Rs. (80 + 44 + 44) | Inflow = Outflow (At Zero th Year i.e. In 1993) Option 1: 20 + 10 x PVIF (r%, 1.5) + 15 x PVIF (r%, 2.5) + 15 x PVIF (r%, 3) = 44 x PVIF (r%, 4) + 20 x PVIF (r%, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Theme Of Hally In Athol Fugard s Master Harold It s not fair, is it ... What, chum ... a nigger s arse ... and then we both have a good laugh (55). Hally, a young, white teenager in Apartheid Era South Africa tells this joke to Sam, his black friend and father figure, almost irreparably ruining their relationship in Athol Fugard s 1982 play, Master Harold ... and the boys. Sam and Willie, another middle aged black man, work for Hally s mother at her Tea Shop while pursuing amateur dance on the side. Willie isn t as close to Hally as Sam is, nor is he as wise, and his broken relationship with his dance partner, Hilda, is analogous to Hally s troubles with his own father, who is an alcoholic cripple. These characters all have grievous flaws that appear nearly irredeemable at first. In his play, Athol Fugard conveys that it is never too late to change for the better using symbolism, metaphor, and dynamic characters. The author uses a park bench to symbolize racism, but Sam uses it to explain the possibility of Hally s redemption. The bench is where Hally sat after Sam took him kite flying in the park; Sam does not sit down, instead leaving because he had work to do (30). It becomes obvious that the bench represents racism when Sam reveals it was a Whites Only bench, and that s why he couldn t stay with Hally (58). Hally s ignorance towards the whites only sign serves as a parallel to his naivety about the injustice in the world, as shown on page 20, when he tells Sam, You ve never been a slave, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Case based essay-Phillips Seafood In this case, Ron Birch, product manager for the new pasteurized king crab of Phillips Foods, needs to make a decision for the phase II of launch of king crab. He planned to continue the magazine strategy used in phase I, but Cherry Stockworth, vice president of marketing of Phillips Foods, recommended him to use the budget to support half of cost of International Boston Seafood Show. According to the information given in this case, I don t think this is an either or choice, and my recommendation for Ron Birch is to decrease the cost of ads in trade magazines, change the content of ads in magazines before and after the IBSS, and support the IBSS in March SWOT Analysis of King Crab of Phillips related to Trade Show Before analyzing the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The king crab of Phillips belongs to fresh seafood, which means it has huge market potential. Customers tend to buy food that is easy cooked and fresh, which is a feature of the king crab product. The IBSS is a nation wide trade show which could attract a lot of exhibitors and attendance. Making use of this platform could help Phillips to build its reputation and promote its products at the same time. Threat: Just because the IBSS could attract a large amount of exhibitors, the competition during the trade show is fierce. Though there are so many potential customers would appear at the trade show, how could Phillips beat the competitors and attracts enough customers to its booth. Another threat for king crab is the possible rejection of the retailers because they would feel risky to replace an old product with a new product. Pros and Cons of Alternative Strategies Trade advertising strategy Pros: Trade magazine is one of the most important sources for decision makers and they will spend relatively long time in reading magazines. This strategy would cost less than trade show strategy and would reach broader potential customers. Cons: Effectiveness for brand building and lead generation of ads on magazines are 50.2% and 47.4%, lower than effectiveness of trade show, which are 60.9% and 62.6%. The rate of readers call Phillips for more information is 0.3%, which is equal to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...