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Paragraph On Child Labour 100, 150, 200, 250 To 300 Wo Paragraph On Child Labour 100, 150, 200, 250 To 300
Good Overcomings Evil Analysis
Good Overcomes Evil I remember that the Gabilan Mountains to the east of the valley were light gay
mountains full of sun and loveliness and a kind of invitation... The Santa Lucias stood up against the
sky to the west and kept the valley from the open sea, and they were dark and brooding (Steinbeck 3).
John Steinbeck was born in the Salinas, California and wrote a number of stories about Cali. The
setting in this novel takes place in and the trask family lives in Connecticut at the beginning but this
sets the stage for the family s big move to California. The readers are introduced to two very different
families whose paths cross in the future, the Hamiltons and the Trasks. The Hamiltons are immigrants
from Ireland who come to America and settle down in California raising an honest and helping family
(Steinbeck 8 12). The Trasks, However, are a family raised by a dishonest father, who in his past years
was somewhat of a devil, and the children struggle with the sins passed down to them. In this book
one of Steinbeck main points he displays a struggle of good versus evil in people but through the, but
through understanding, forgiveness and the ability to choose what you are it was proven that good
overcomes evil .
Understanding had possibly the biggest part to play in why people were good. Cathy was the main
example of evil existing in this novel. She was a murderer, a user, a liar and a whore, but despite all of
these things the only person she was really able to hurt
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Abd Al-Malik s The Dome Of The Rock
Although the initial purpose seemed to be for Abd Al Malik s ego, the Dome of the Rock embodies
significant religious meaning and Islamic principles in the architecture itself. The design may have
been inspired by the Sufis who came to live in Jerusalem from a very early date. Sufis are the mystics
of Islam and would find deeper connections to Allah through art. In Islam, figurative art is forbidden
in places of worship because God is beyond human understanding, but art utilizing patterns and
shapes of geometry were permitted. This is why tessellations have been a significant portion of
Islamic art since the very beginning. According to Karen Armstrong, [the art] pointed to the
underlying structure of existence to which Muslims must attune
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The Importance Of Climate Change In Northern Canada
As a country, we need to come together in order to make sure that we are able to support our remote
communities during the changes in climate. These changes are more evident the further north you go.
Although we see a lot of roads deteriorating before our eyes we know that eventually they will be
fixed, up north some communities have a very limited accessibility. Thirdly, infrastructure is one thing
that plays a big role in anybody s life. Like many people say, a home is where the heart is. Due to
climate change the ground will begin to shift and change the way people will be able to build new
places within a community. Infrastructure in a northern community is a lot different then we would see
in many other places. When ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Polar bears diets mainly rely on seals so the current changes in ice will affect the life cycle of the seals
as well as it will play a big role in the life cycle of an adult polar bear. A large decrease in adult polar
bears has been noticed and is believed to have been noticed and is believed to have been caused by the
ice changes over the last few years as the decline in the seal population results in the polar bears being
hungry during the winter which means they are not storing enough fat to produce energy to keep them
alive all winter resulting in the polar bears unable to survive the cold winter months without their
natural food source (Prowse et al,
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Research Paper On Android
ABOUT PROJECT The scope of project shall be able to design and develop software programs for
android mobile phone OS, which will allow users to sense when they are in the vicinity of a bluetooth
transceiver of a predefined ID. It requires to learn Android APIs, Bluetooth stacks, and programming
languages etc. JAVA Java is an object oriented programming language. It is a platform which can run
programs. It is robust and secured. It is a high level language. It has its own runtime environment and
API. Java is used in various devices and according to Sun, in about 3 billion devices. These include: ⦁
Desktop Applications such as acrobat reader, media player, antivirus etc. ⦁ Web Applications such as
irctc.co.in, javatpoint.com etc. ⦁ ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is based on the highest point of Java SE stage. It incorporates points like Servlet, JSP, Web Services,
EJB, JPA and so forth. It is an enterprise platform which is mainly used to develop web and enterprise
applications. It is built on the top of Java SE platform. It includes topics like Servlet, JSP, Web
Services, EJB, JPA etc. 3) Java ME (Java Micro Edition) Used to develop mobile applications. It is a
micro platform. 4) JavaFx It is utilized to develop rich web applications. It utilizes light weight user
interface API. Java features also known as Java buzzwords are simple and easy to understand:
SIMPLE The language is considered simple as it follows the same syntax as C++. It eliminated many
additional features as well which were confusing or were rarely used. It also created the feature of
Automatic Garbage Collection to remove unreferenced objects. OBJECT ORIENTED The data and
behaviour of the software is organised as a combination of various kinds of objects. OOPs provides
some rules that help in simplifying the development and maintenance of the software. Basic concepts
of OOPs are: Object Class Inheritance Polymorphism Abstraction Encapsulation PLATFORM
INDEPENDENT Platform can be software based or hardware based. Java is software based platform.
It is different than other platforms as it runs on top of other hardware based platforms. It has two parts:
Runtime Environment API(Application Programming
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River In Siddhartha
The River as a Guide
Guides take many forms. They may manifest as a teacher, sage or an experienced individual. But this
need not be true a guide may also be an inanimate object as well, like the stars, or a book. In either
case, their purpose is the same: for them to help someone reach their goal. In Hermann Hesse s novel
Siddhartha, the river pushes the protagonist to find his path to enlightenment when he leaves
established teachings, joins Vasudeva, and accepts his son s abandonment.
Firstly, Siddhartha s encounters with the river after he speaks with Gotama encourage him to stop
seeing and interacting with the world as he has been taught to. For example, after Siddhartha s dream
about Govinda, the river provides assurance for him that he should pursue vice, and this is necessary
for him to reach enlightenment. [the dream] was intoxicating notes Siddhartha, and seemingly in
recognition of this, the pale river shimmered (Hesse, 40). The river s serene and mystical condition at
this point give him reassurance and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, the river saves the protagonist from his despair and renews the protagonist s spirit.
Siddhartha remarks, the old, tired, despairing Siddhartha was today drowned in it (81). In this scene,
the river is acting as a purifying agent and allowing him to continue his quest. Thus, the river
effectively saves him and puts him back on track for enlightenment by lifting his depression. In
another instance, Siddhartha observes the river and finds that it has much to teach him. He says he
cannot express how grateful he was to it (82), he subsequently decides that he wants to stay by the
river. The river beckons Siddhartha to learn from it, and his decision to settle down leads him to the
next stage of his journey. This next stage of pensive learning from the river teaches him to listen, and
is the final stage before he reaches
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Budget Analysis
The following report consists of an analysis of the company budget, identification of key variances
and findings, and suggestions on operational changes. A description of the budget process will be
presented to pinpoint variances and their causes. Based on these variances, operational changes will be
suggested and explained while considering business ethics. Recommendations on particular
component production as well as nonfinancial performance measures will be made and accompanied
by supporting evidence. First, the following is a brief overview of the budget and budget process.
Budgets are an indicator of the costs and revenues linked to each of the companies activities and a
way of providing information and supporting mangement ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are associated ethical considerations to several of the recommended changes. Strengthening the
interview and hiring process will help to eliminate the hiring of unqualified candidates whose only
experience with the work is through a personal connection with existing employees. This will help to
ensure that candidates with the proper qualifications are placed in positions that are currently
experiencing inefficiences. Reevaluating the material suppliers could potentially eliminate any
improper compensation between current management and the supplier and reduce the acceptance of
inferior materials. Increasing the proper storage of accepted material will not only elimate the waste of
improperly stored materials, but also reduces the risk management threat of theft by employees. These
are the ethical considerations of several of the recommended changes. Upon deciding whether to make
or buy products, the company must consider several items. Management must exam the company s
variable cost compared to the costs associated with buying, as well as any fixed costs that would arise
due to purchasing rather than making (Nobles et. al., 2014). Management must also consider what the
company would do with the freed up manufacturing capacity (Nobles et. al., 2014). The quality of
products being bought must be considered, especially since the company will not be able to personally
supervise the production of bought products. While making this
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Description Of A Graph
Use the map to create a graph where vertices represent street intersections and edges represent streets.
Define c(u,v) = 1 for all edges (u,v). Since a street can be traversed, start off by creating a directed
edge in each direction, then make the transformation to a flow problem with no antiparallel edges as
described in the section. Make the home the source and the school the sink. If there exist at least two
distinct paths from source to sink then the flow will be at least 2 because we could assign f(u,v) = 1
for each of those edges. However, if there is at most one distinct path from source to sink then there
must exist a bridge edge (u, v) whose removal would disconnect s from t. Since c(u, v) = 1, the flow
into u is at most 1. We may ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Exercise 26.2 10
Suppose we already have a maximum flow f. Consider a new graph G where we set the capacity of
edge (u, v) to f (u, v). Run Ford Fulkerson, with the mod ification that we remove an edge if its flow
reaches its capacity. In other words, if f(u,v) = c(u,v) then there should be no reverse edge appearing
in residual network. This will still produce correct output in our case because we never exceed the
actual maximum flow through an edge, so it is never advantageous to cancel flow. The augmenting
paths chosen in this modified version of Ford Fulkerson are precisely the ones we want. There are at
most |E| because every augmenting path produces at least one edge whose flow is equal to its capacity,
which we set to be the actual flow for the edge in a maximum flow, and our modification prevents us
from ever destroying this progress.
Problem 26 5
a. Since the capacity of a cut is the sum of the capacity of the edges going from a vertex on one side to
a vertex on the other, it is less than or equal to the sum of the capacities of all of the edges. Since each
of the edges has a capacity that is ≤ C, if we were to replace the capacity of each edge with C, we
would only be potentially increasing the sum of the capacities of all the edges. After so changing the
capacities of the edges, the sum of the capacities of all the edges is equal to C|E|, potentially an
overestimate of the original capacity of any cut, and so of the minimum cut.
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Conflict Of Interest Policy
The purpose of this Conflict of Interest Policy is to protect this tax exempt organization s interest
when it is contemplating entering into a transaction or arrangement that might benefit the private
interest of a Peninsula Art Academy ( PAA ) director, officer or employee. This policy is intended to
supplement but not replace any applicable state and federal laws governing conflict of interest
applicable to nonprofit and charitable organizations.
PAA encourages the active involvement of its Directors, Officers, and Employees in the community.
In order to deal openly and fairly with actual and potential conflicts of interest that may arise as a
consequence of this involvement, PAA adopts the following Conflict of Interest Policy.
Article ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If a more advantageous transaction or arrangement is not reasonably possible under circumstances not
producing a conflict of interest, the governing board or committee shall determine by a majority vote
of the disinterested directors whether the transaction or arrangement is in the Organization s best
interest, for its own benefit, and whether it is fair and reasonable. In conformity with the above
determination it shall make its decision as to whether to enter into the transaction or arrangement.
Article IV. Violations of the PAA Conflict of Interest Policy 1. If the board or committee has
reasonable cause to believe that a member has failed to disclose actual or possible conflicts of interest,
it shall inform the member of the basis for such belief and afford the member an opportunity to
explain the alleged failure to disclose. 2. If, after hearing the response of the member and making such
further investigation as may be warranted in the circumstances, the board or committee determines
that the member has in fact failed to disclose an actual or possible conflict of interest, it shall take
appropriate disciplinary and corrective actions. This may include
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Analysis Of The Story Folie A Deux By William Trevor
The story Folie a Deux by William Trevor explores the complexities of curiosity and maturation. The
narrator, inspired by literary devices, details an important passage of the story, which portrays
lunchtime conversations between Anthony, his father, and Miss Davally, and follows with the
correspondence between Miss Davally and Wilby s mother where all involve the exchange of
information. The passage is meaningful because it demonstrates an appraisal of information, and its
impact on progress. Ultimately, the story suggests that information is arbitrarily powerful, and that
genuine maturation is only fostered through nurtured curiosity.
The portrayal of lunchtime conversations suggests information is invaluably powerful and depends on
human connections to establish a worldview. While everyone is eating, the narrator describes that
much other information (is) passed on at the lunch table , and details the questioned functionality of
aeroplanes , time , and spiders (132). The narrator s description of how information is situated at the
lunch table implicitly suggests human connections to be an important survival need, like nourishment
or lunch , and infers their interdependency. Through the phrase much other information was passed on
, the narrator conveys the abundantly distinct richness of information, which is inferred by the
connotations much and other . The description that information was passed on at the table signifies the
table to be the center of
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Evolution, Structure, And Ultimate Fate Of Neil Degrasse...
Neil deGrasse Tyson is a contemporary astrophysicist, cosmologist, author, and television host. He is
best known for starring in numerous television shows explaining the universe in terms of physics. He
states, During our brief stay on planet Earth, we owe ourselves and our descendants the opportunity to
explore in part because it s fun to do. But there s a far nobler reason. The day our knowledge of the
cosmos ceases to expand, we risk regressing to the childish view that the universe figuratively and
literally revolves around us. The universe has been a constant mystery and challenge to humankind.
Humans wish to understand what is beyond their immediate environment. Cosmology is the study of
the universe, more specifically, the origins, evolution, history, structure, and ultimate fate. In Greek,
the term cosmos means universe, which is the very foundation of the study. Cosmology s largest critic
is Creationism; thus, science and religion battle it out to discover what is true and right in the world.
The history of the universe extends past the beginning of humankind and the following philosophers,
mathematicians, and astronomers will attempt to provide explanations of what is known today as the
Great Unknown. The universe of the past was understood to be a simple one galaxy model that was
both unchanging and immeasurable. Theories have constantly changed and been reconstructed to
better portray the progression of human understanding over time. The cosmos began
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The California Racial Mascots Act
United States sporting teams have a storied history of satirizing or playing off stereotypes when
choosing team mascots. The use of the term Redskins, and other offensive Native American imagery,
has been justified through its intention to honor tradition and Native Americans. The controversy
surrounding the use of Native American mascots began in the 1960s with the Native American Civil
Rights Movement (Dimisa). With the nationwide debate over whether the term is offensive or just
satire, the state of California made a historic decision to become the first state to ban the use of the
term Redskins as a mascot. Following the ban of using Redskins as a mascot, it is imperative that the
nation take initiative to ban all use of Native ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Dahkota Kicking Bear Brown, a high school junior, was ecstatic when he found out about the passing
of AB 30 as it creates an opportunity for Native youth to obtain an education free from mockery.
(Adams) When passed, the California Racial Mascots Act affected four high schools in California;
Chowchilla High School, Tulare Union High School, Calaveras High school and Gustine High School.
These four high schools had until January 1st, 2017 to change their mascot name to comply with this
law. Since enacting this law, all four of the communities experienced some level of backlash when
changing their name. To many of these communities, using the name Redskins has a part of their
history and an important part of their identity as a school. The first school to comply with the new law
was Gustine High School. The history of Gustine s Redskins mascot dated back to the 1930s. The
original mascot, the Reds, changed when a newspaper reporter called the football players the Redskins
in reaction to the perceived communist threat pervasive at the time (Calix). When faced with the
demand to change their name, Gustine school officials decided to go back to their original roots and
adopted the Reds as their mascot. The name references one of the school s predominant colors. With
the name change solidified, Gustine school officials have already ordered new uniforms vacant of
Redskins and have begun estimating the costs to replace
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Immanuel Kant The Gale
Following my first naïve encounter with Homer Winslow s The Gale, the painting I selected to adopt
over the course of the semester, it became time to analyze the work using the various philosophers
read in class in an attempt to uncover new thoughts or ideas regarding the appreciation and
examination of the artwork selected. The first of these philosophers happened to be Immanuel Kant,
the famous and influential German enlightenment thinker. Throughout his work The Critique of
Judgment, Kant tries (with elaborate and often confusing explanations) to describe his reasoning
regarding the types of contemplative judgments made by humans, and the innate differences between
them. Kant states, that in addition to a judgment of taste (the beautiful),
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The Relationship Between Asperger Syndrome And Autism
Introduction The relationship between Asperger syndrome and autism has been a controversial topic in
psychology. There is not a definite correlation which has been decided upon between the two and
chiefly due to the fact that they are both overly similar. Concisely, psychologists seek to identify the
main difference between them. In a simpler way, it is not yet clear whether autism and Asperger
syndrome should be defined as independent (distinct) terms, or whether Asperger syndrome should be
categorized under the wider realm of autism. In their researche, multiple scholars have come upon
differing opinions and theories in support of their own perceptions of the two disorders which either
agree or disagree at some point. Asperger syndrome is derived from Hans Asperger who is highly
recognized for his efforts in defining the disease which many scholars had described as not
diagnosable (Mayes, Calhoun Crites, 2001). Context of research To understand the standoff between
autism and Asperger syndrome, it is important to understand the common basis of the two disorders as
provided by Frith (1991). Autism, which is usually termed as the parent disorder that may give rise to
Asperger syndrome, is a brain abnormality resulting from brain disease, brain insult, or faults arising
from genetic factors. Additionally, it is developmental, meaning that it manifests itself differently
depending on factors such as ability or age. Since the disorder affects the brain, it is termed as a
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Are Viruses Alive Research Paper
Luis Lam
Biology Honors
Mr. Zarate
Pd. 7
September 1, 2014
Are Viruses Alive?
Viruses are not usually considered living things because they lack characteristics of living things.
Viruses are biological particles composed of nucleic acid and a protein coat. Viruses are not alive and
should not be considered a living organism. The reasons include that a virus cannot reproduce; they do
not obtain energy, and technically cannot live without a host. Reproduction is one of the biggest
essentials of life. Also if an organism cant obtain or make energy it also is classified as non living. If a
virus has no host then it has no ability to reproduce or to live. Furthermore a virus should not be
considered a living organism because it lacks these traits. A virus is neither an autotroph nor
heterotroph. An autotroph makes its energy by producing food typically seen in plants. A ... Show
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Without reproduction a species would become extinct. There are two types of ways to reproduce.
Sexual reproduction is when two parent organisms come together and combine genetic information to
give birth to an offspring. Examples of sexual reproductions include human beings, animals, and
insects. Asexual reproduction is when an organism can reproduce with only one parent such as starfish
and bacterium. Viruses can multiply but they cannot do so on their own. Viruses because viruses are
not cells, they can replicate only by invading a host cell and using the enzymes and organelles of the
host cell to duplicate. Replication can occur by either the lytic or lysogenic cycle. Viruses are part of
an extraordinary life cycle. If a virus infects a cell for a long period of time they are in a lysogenic
cycle. During a Lytic cycle, the viral genome is released into the host cell and replication of the virus
follows immediately. A virus does not contain the right cell parts to reproduce which causes a virus to
go and infect a cell to
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Hemineglect also known as unilateral spatial neglect, hemispatial neglect, hemi inattention,
hemisensory, parietal neglect or spatial neglect (Kerkhoff, 2000), is a condition in which patients are
unable to attend and respond to the contralesional side of space (Dijkerman, Webling, ter Wal, Groet,
van Zandvoort, 2003). Hemineglect is characterized by the lack of spatial awareness, most commonly
on the left hemispace (Parton Malhotra Husain, 2004). The most common form of hemineglect, is that
of patients who have right hemisphere lesions commonly found to damage the where pathway, most
commonly after a stroke. These kinds of patients tend to neglect the left hand side of space (Driver
Mattingley, 1998). Although it is not ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
PA is considered to be a restitutional treatment approach as it facilitates the mechanisms of recovery.
In theory its main aim is to attempt to alter the damaged function within the brain, that allow for visual
attention. Prism Adaptation is a treatment introduced under the theoretical account of a
representational model of hemineglect. A representational model of hemineglect is a model in which
suggests that there certain brain functions that control both visual imaging and perception (Ogden,
2005). A representational model takes into account that the spatial representation of the patients
contralesional side of space is damaged or distorted (Pouget, Sejnowski, 2001). There is damage to the
way in which the patient internalizes a map of space in relation to where they are and what is around
them (Tilikete, et al., 2001). The method of prism adaptation is relatively simple. Although you cannot
control all the confounding variables, that underlie each individual patient, there is a standard
framework of how prism adaptation occurs. A procedure for a PA treatment begins with a pre test, to
establish a baseline performance; then an active exposure to prismatic goggles to produce an
adaptation in vision; and then lastly a post test to see if there is any after adaptation persistent after
using the goggles (Redding et al, 2005). An example of a PA treatment is through the works of
Rossetti et al. (1998). Rossetti and his team began with a series
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How To Describe Objectively What It Mean To Affect A...
1. The client is essentially begging for help. The client may not have anywhere else to turn and wants
to be taken seriously. The client likely believes that if she does not present severely, then she will be
dismissed and not get the help she desires. 2. The client has a tendency to exaggerate, overreact,
and/or be traumatized. This cognitive style may be due to some personality disorders as well as
depression. There is likely not any benefit to the client, unless she is merely seeking attention. 3. The
client would benefit from presenting more severely, such as for litigation, compensation, or disability
purposes. There is likely some external benefit to the client if she receives a diagnosis and the severity
of the diagnosis may ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Additionally, without interview data, most psychological assessments are virtually meaningless. 2.
Psychological Tests/Assessments: These measures typically identify a wide range of explicit
information about the client, such as attitudes, opinions, beliefs, and knowledge/facts. They also help
evaluate the client s level of functioning in comparison to the norm group. This is particularly
important in informing the diagnosis and treatment of the client. 3. Informant Reports: This involves
interviewing people who know the client, such as family members, friends, and teachers. These
reports can be helpful because they can provide different perspectives of the client. They may also
inform the clinician if the client s behaviors generalize across settings. 4. Records: By obtaining client
records, whether previous mental health records, medical records, legal records, or school records, the
clinician may find important information that the client did not report. Overall, incorporating several
different sources of information allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the client, which
leads to more accurate and effective diagnosis and treatment. An empirically grounded approach uses
the method of contrasted groups in order to create a measure that differentiates between groups. This
typically involves administering several items to two different groups, such as patients with
depression and
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I Learned About College University Of Nebraska Wesleyan...
This semester through my Archway seminar I learned many things. Not just about college but
specifically about the University of Nebraska Wesleyan and how the schooling here works. The
Archway seminar is designed to be an intro class into learning how to college and it was really an eye
opener for me. Through the assignments of our active reading journals I learned how to look deeper
into thing and really explore their entire meaning. Taking something simple that I read and writing
about experiences and what I thought about it really help this ability grow throughout the semester.
Through the discussion in this class I learned a lot more about each chapter. I looked forward to the
discussion because I enjoyed hearing everyone else s way of thinking. Something s mentioned in the
discussion I would have never thought about. Although I didn t participate in the discussion as much
as others I felt like it got better throughout the semester. I have never really been one to open up to big
crowds and share my opinion. Due to many reasons. But the discussion allowed me to tear down a
little bit of that wall. Both of these experiences are something I know I will experience throughout my
entire college career and learning them the first semester is something that will really help me along
the way. In the book On Looking the most significant part of this book to me was the just how it
opened my mind to the world. This book showed me specific things and details that I had never
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Analysis of the Opening Sequences of Three James Bond Films
Analysis of the Opening Sequences of Three James Bond Films
Analyse the opening sequences of three James Bond films and explain why they are constructed in
this way.
James Bond has been running for forty years and has released twenty movies. My essay will analyse
the following three James Bond movies:
· Dr No (Starring Sean Connery, first Bond movie made)
· A view to kill (Roger Moore)
· Golden Eye (Pierce Brosnan)
For each of these movies I will analyse the opening scenes and explain why they are constructed in the
manner that they are.
In each of the three movies a different actor plays the Character of James Bond. In the first move (Dr
No) James Bond is played by Sean ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He while gambling receives an urgent phone call (the conversation is not heard, this adds to the
movies suspense). The phone call as well as the camera shots emphasise his importance in the film.
The clothes worn by James Bond (a tuxedo) are very glamorous and sophisticated. They also
emphasise that he is important.
A view to kill, the second James Bond movie to be analysed in this essay, has the same gun shot scene
at the start, but the action in the movie is much better. This is probably due to the date of release
(1985). Dr No was released in 1962. The difference is probably due to more advanced technology
being available.
A view to Kill focuses more on girls and action. The camera angles used in this movie also make the
movie more exciting.
The first scene in this film shows James Bond (Roger Moore) skiing in the Arctic looking for a
microchip. He is dressed in white this may be a disguise to camouflage him (the snow he is skiing on
is white) from the villains who are dressed in green. The shots in this screen are close up shots and
extreme long shots. The extreme long shots emphasis the depth of the scene and also hide the stunt
mans face from the audience. The close up shots are used to show discoveries made by James Bond
i.e. the micro chip.
The second scene in the opening
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Argumentative Essay On Zoos
When I was young, I was always curious. I was always running all over the place, looking and
discovering, like every young child does. My mother tried to sate my incredible curiosity, and in one
of her endless missions, I was brought to the zoo. I loved it. It was incredible to see God s creation all
around me. Everything was beautiful in its own way. At the zoo, I learned to respect and wonder at the
creation of God. Zoos have been invoking wonder for centuries. They started as menageries,
collections of animals held by rulers, and ended up as education and conservation centers (O Brien).
They are powerful organizations. Zoos should be helped and supported, because they help the
economy and bring in revenue, they conserve endangered animals, ... Show more content on
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After all, every year, 175 million people visit American zoos, to learn about or see animals, according
to the Statistic Brain Research Institute ( Zoo Statistics , 1). This large amount of people visiting
means that zoos need a lot of people running them. There are many jobs provided by zoos. Zoo
directors, curators, zookeepers, and veterinarians are just a few of these ( Wildlife Careers ). All these
jobs help lower the unemployment rate, and help to create a stronger economy. Naturally, jobs help the
local economy. But zoos also influence the local economy in other ways. Zoos help boost the local
economy. A study by the Cincinnati Zoo revealed that visitors spent $23.2 million on off site spending
in Cincinnati ( Zoo Boosts Local Economy with Big Regional Impact ). Zoos bring in tourists, who
spend money on hotels, tour guides, public transportation, and in many more places. This extra profit
helps raise the standard of living, and, of course, boosts the economy. Humans benefit from zoo
revenue, but they aren t the only ones. Revenue generated by zoos help increase the zoo animal s
standard of life. Some zoos are updating their habitats, to make conditions better for the animals, such
as the Lied Jungle Exhibit at Omaha s Henry Doorly Zoo (Nichols and Tarpy, 9 14).Such operations
are extremely expensive. In order to pay for such things, they use the revenue generated from
customers of the zoos. Zoos not only use revenue to pay for the care of animals; they also use it to
help conserve endangered animals as
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Sociological Reflection
Tashe Wilkerson
Dr. Shahid Shahidullah
Soc 205 09
11 Dec 2017
Take Home Final
When most people think about sociology they generally think of the study of sociology. However,
sociology is much deeper than just the study of sociology. It displays a plethora of sub topics such as:
crime, deviance, bureaucracy, culture, criminality, socialization, economy, politics, religion, education,
social class and many more. Throughout this fall semester this sociology course has taught me things
that I could never imagine. To be more specific there were actually ten topics that I learned in this
course that was very important to me. Those topics were: crime, deviance, bureaucracy, nature of
science, philosophy, religion, common sense, scientific ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Shortly after the modernization time period there becomes a development of key ideas/ sociological
ideas from Auguste Comte, Karl Marx, and Emile Durkheim. The most interesting thing about
learning their key ideas were and where they originated. August Comte obtained the key ideas of the
Renaissance and the formation of a good society that consisted of a good society of exploitation,
poverty, inequality, and degradation.Karl Marx s key ideas were composed of the mode of
production,class systems,bourgeoisie,the rise of socialism and communism, capitalist system and the
working class. Make a comparison of the sociology of Karl Marx and Max Weber. Give examples.
Karl Marx and Max Weber had different views and perspectives on society. For example, Karl Marx
believed that the capitalist system of society would disintegrate due to the revolt of the working class.
However, Max Weber preferred the study of social and rational action, he thought social action was
meaningful. Max also speculated that capitalism is a constellation of social actions. The major
sociological ideas of Emile Durkheim were: collective consciousness, social facts, and industrial
society. In the industrial society he believed that there would have been more crime and deviance
because of the breakdown for the balance between moral absolutism and individual
freedom.Durkheim s theory on egoistic suicide was based on a society where excessive individualism
and low social
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Self Esteem and Moral Reasoning
a. Much has been said about children s self esteem in the past 20 years:
Discuss the implications of building a child s self esteem without helping a child master any
competencies in any of the areas of the multiple intelligences, character, behavior, or spiritual
Any attempt to encourage or develop healthy self esteem without any external help is going to be
difficult without any guidance. The factors stated in the assignment s question; the multiple
intelligences, character, behavior, or spiritual development are far too important in understanding one
s self, to be left to chance. Any one of these areas of moral development are not formed in a vacuum,
and without the gentle prodding s given to a young child, the ... Show more content on
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If the child exists in an unhealthy emotional environment, the result may be a maladaptive soul, and
thus, a spirit that delivers to the conscious self, internalized painful emotional experiences revealed in
difficult behavior. Garbage in, garbage out and at a very critical time in the child s life.
So now at an older age, we have a conscious self that has difficulty expressing itself with any
confidence. If the social aspects of the child s upbringing suffered similar insults, the emotional
maladaptation may be joined by a lack of confidence in the other attributes of a child s growth. A lack
of self confidence in his/her own abilities may develop and consequently, a poor sense of self esteem.
While this may or may not be accurate, it must not be forgotten that the opposite is just as likely. If the
child s caretakers are able to accommodate a child s natural abilities and provide appropriate and
accurate positive feedback, a healthy understanding of social inferences social responsibility and
social regulation might occur. Barring any relevant negative biological influences, any positive or
negative acceptance of self may be the likely outcome of this positive upbringing (Craig Dunn, pp.
234 235).
All of these concepts are the philosophical construct of the writer and of course, have no basis in
research or fact, but the question was posed to
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Pros And Cons Of Having This Test
Why am I having this test? This test is used to diagnose the following conditions: Syndromes
associated with adrenal gland hormone production (virilizing syndromes). The absence of a menstrual
cycle (amenorrhea) in women. Androstenediones (ADs) are hormones that give rise to the sex
hormones. They are called precursors. Increased levels of ADs in an adult female cause male
characteristics to develop. Your health care provider may order this test if you experience: Deeper
voice. Hair growth. Sterility. What is being tested? This test measures the following steroid
precursors: Androstenediones (ADs). Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). Dehydroepiandrosterone
sulfate (DHEA S). What kind of sample is taken? A blood sample is required for this test. ... Show
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DHEA: Tanner Stage I: 0.14 2.76 ng/mL (females); 0.11 2.37 ng/mL (males). Tanner Stage II: 0.83
4.87 ng/mL (females); 0.37 3.66 ng/mL (males). Tanner Stage III: 1.08 7.56 ng/mL (females); 0.75
5.24 ng/mL (males). Tanner Stage IV and V: 1.24 7.88 ng/mL (females); 1.22 6.73 ng/mL (males).
DHEA S: Tanner Stage I: 7 209 mcg/dL (females); 7 126 mcg/dL (males). Tanner Stage II: 28 260
mcg/dL (females); 13 241 mcg/dL (males). Tanner Stage III: 39 390 mcg/dL (females); 32 446
mcg/dL (males). Tanner Stage IV and V: 81 488 mcg/dL (females); 65 371 mcg/dL (males). What do
the results mean? This test can produce many different results. Increased levels of adrenal steroid
precursors may indicate: Adrenal gland tumor or other tumors. Inherited syndromes of the adrenal
gland, such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia. This condition is due to a defect in a protein (enzyme)
that results in low production of the hormone cortisol. Decreased levels of adrenal steroid precursors
may be associated with: Impaired adrenal gland function (adrenal insufficiency). Ovarian failure.
Questions to ask your health care provider Ask your health care provider, or the department that is
doing the
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Romantic Love Is A Deep Interaction Between Two Persons
Romantic love is a deep interaction between two persons. It is not just any interaction, but one in
which both persons lose themselves in the other. Concentration and fusion into the whole being can
never take place through my agency, nor can it ever take place without me. I become through my
relation to the Thou; as I become I, I say Thou (Buber, pg. 160). So romantic love happens when an
understanding comes to being that the other is you and potentially your entire universe of being for as
long as you are in relation. Although, there can be instances where the relation is involuntary and isn t
fluid. There is pulling and pushing. While I attempt to free myself from the Other, the Other is trying
to free himself from mine; while I seek to enslave the Other, the Other seeks to enslave me (Sartre, pg.
194). So there can be friction in romantic love, but in the end the two are still together. Insofar as to
say that they can t pull away from the universe that is their relation.
The presence of love and sex can cause a person to have a more authentic existence. This is because
love and sex are almost a necessity for everyone. ...sex, which makes up a part of that evil urge with
which one can and must respond to what meets one if one s existence is to be authentic (Friedman, pg.
536 537). To fulfill this evil urge and enter into relation with another in itself is an authentic act. And
to have that relationship be as fulfilling as Buber would say the I Thou relationship
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Deborah Zlotsky Rembrandt Analysis
Deborah Zlotsky is known for her excellence in the artistic world. Her remarkable work of art and
style has officially encouraged viewers to associate her style of artwork and compare its similarities to
past artists such as the Dutch painter, Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn and the Italian Baroque
painter, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. Beginning with the similarities Zlotsky shares with
Rembrandt. Both paintings share a theme of performing some sort surgery in a way for the practice of
medicine. As you see in Zlotskys art work Promissory Note, the rabbit is being hanged from its back
legs while dripping blood due to some sort of incision for a pregnancy test. Rembrandt can relate with
the theme because of his most famous art piece Dr. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, the rabbit in Promissory Note. While brightening the lighting on only the rabbit and the
hand holding the litmus paper, Zlotsky dimmed everything else out in the background, which is also
an example of chiaroscuro. One last similarity between Zlotsky and Rembrandt is that in both
paintings, there is a sacrifice happening in some way. Obviously for Zlotsky it s the rabbit, but with
Rembrandts painting, the cadaver on the table was an executed thief named Adriaen, whose body was
sacrificed for the medicine field. Now, the similarities between Zlotsky and Caravaggio. These two
artist share similar characteristics such as using the effect of chiaroscuro, but they both also have an
example of trompe l oeil. Trompe l oeil is a technique that artist use to display a visual illusion in art
by making it three diemensional. Notice how both the sword and blood in Caravaggios work, Judith
Beheading Holofernes, seems to be well detailed and projecting outwards and in Promissory Note,
both the rabbit and the hand holding the litmus note are also well defined and given that three
diemensional look that gives the visual illusion of coming out of the
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Unique Collective Phenomenon Summary
History progresses throughout time, but so does society. This perpetual and inevitable change that
graces society creates conflict and harmony within societal groups, forcing individuals to pick sides.
With this, we see the developments of social movements that not only embrace, but reject these
perpetual and inevitable changes. The organization of a social movement calls for tactful and strategic
form of communication within the group that is banding together.
In chapter one of The Social Movement as a Unique Collective Phenomenon, the twentieth century is
labeled as the age of the social movement, for the significant impact that social movements had on not
only in the United States, but upon the world as a whole. Social movements derive ... Show more
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Charting social movement s birth and death is nearly impossible because of how unpredictable they
can be. Detecting the cycles of a social movement is more efficient, for it remains consistent
throughout all type of groups. There are five stages of a social movement: genesis, social unrest,
enthusiastic mobilization, maintenance, and termination. Genesis consist of pre existing conditions
that flower into more noticeable issues within the media. This stage is usually subtle and slow, but
triggering incidence propel social movements into the second stage, social unrest. In this stage, the
social movement has caught the attention of the media allowing the group to expel most of their
rhetorical energies during this stage. After the social movement establishes a common ideology, they
are subject to the enthusiastic mobilization phase where the social movement hits its peak. It becomes
more assertive and provokes institutional and public outrage. Leaders begin to rise and stir up
excitement causing their supporters to grow in number. This can lead to revolutionary results and
notable achievements. In stage four, the social movement begins to die out. The maintenance stage
allows the social movement to fundraise and recruit new members. The after math of the revolutionary
acts of the social movements resonates within the media calling for a more calm and
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Red Tides Research Paper
Although many Karenia species have been described as of yet, K. brevis blooms move based on winds
and tides; pinpointing a red tide at specific moment is difficult. Algal blooms can occur at any time of
year, but usually increase between September and February. K. brevis is the main producer of
brevetoxin, which is a powerful toxin. It has killed millions of marine organisms, and mostly occurred
in gulfs and coast. It happened in the Gulf of Mexico primarily, especially on the Western Gulf coastal
area of Florida. Although uncommon, it occurred in other parts of the Gulf as well, such as the Texas
coast and Indian River Lagoon on the Atlantic coast of Florida. The reasons for red tides are not
completely clear, and bloom dynamics, include ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Preventive measures attempt to stop blooms from occurring, minimize their incidence or limit their
extent. The most effective way to prevent adverse health effects to humans from the red tides is to
prevent exposure to the toxins and organisms. Lowering the amount of nutrients that are discharged
into local watersheds is a top priority for prevention advocates that engage in red tide debates.
Reduced nutrient loads will improve water quality throughout watersheds, in addition to lowering the
intensity of terrestrial fluxes when a red tide is in close proximity to the coastline. Reduced loads may
or may not lead to a discernible change in red tide patterns, but they will certainly improve the health
of local watersheds. An important issue that prevention advocates need to consider, however, is the
modalities of reducing nutrient loads and the most appropriate venues for affecting change. The major
sources of local water quality impairment includes domestic and industrial wastewater, urban and
suburban stormwater, agricultural runoff and hydrological changes. Local water quality problems
could be associated with domestic and industrial point sources but stricter regulatory controls and new
wastewater treatment technologies have substantially reduced pollution from these sources. Non point
sources now account for most of the water quality problems in the state with urban stormwater and
agricultural runoff being the primary concerns. And unlike point source discharges, non point sources
are difficult to measure, monitor and control. In the case of NSP, this means monitoring shellfish beds
for organisms and toxins as well as closing shellfish beds to harvest when specified levels are
detected. When aerosolized red tide reach specific levels, water and air monitoring can detect high
levels in the air, and cause respiratory
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The Opening Chapters Of Anita Saterlee s Organizational...
The opening chapters of Anita Saterlee s Organizational Management Leadership: A Christian
Perspective introduce several business concepts that have been researched throughout the years. An
examination of these concepts reveal not all are similar and there is no one perfect leadership style.
Instead, the differences in leadership styles and management techniques, Satterlee argues, should be
based upon the type of work and organization in which the leader or manager is engaged (Satterlee,
2013). Despite the transition inherent in the evolution of management theories, discussed in Chapters
1 and 2, the concepts of Followership, Transformational Leadership, and Maslow s Hierarchy of
Needs are timeless. The purpose of this report is to show that an in depth study and examination into
these three concepts are beneficial to all who desire to manage and lead in any environment, in any
field, and in any era.
Followership as a Precursor to Leadership Anita Satterlee makes an obvious, but profound observation
stating, A leader cannot lead without followers (Satterlee, pg. 6, 2013). Essentially, a leader without
subordinates who are engaged can not lead properly. While this concept is easy to comprehend, what
is most intriguing is Satterlee s claim that by mastering the role of followership, a subordinate
prepares for the role of leadership (Satterlee, pg. 7, 2013). Instead of viewing leaders as being static, it
is important to view the process of leadership as more
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Forensic Biology Personal Statement
I have often thought that the human body in a remarkable organism, even more so, the distinctiveness
of human DNA. Whilst I m aware that it is common to be, fascinated by tales of crime and intrigue,
inspired by the thought of solutions, I am equally aware, as I have intellectually grown, my enquiring
mind has developed a much deeper curiosity in biological science and its forensic application.
Exploiting forensics, can not only assist in identifying a victim, but can also provide the scientific
evidence required to secure a criminal conviction, despite the lack of other evidence been present. It is
this which continues to motivate me to pursue a career in this field, with the biological aspects of
forensic science; anthropology, DNA analysis, and the chemistry of the subject; toxicology and
entomology, is what appeals to me the most. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Whilst not forensically targeted, it has provided me with a larger insight into the meticulous process of
DNA analysis and recording. I was able to observe the process and the demands of the role, whilst
being able to have the opportunity to speak to many analysts, who had direct experience of forensic
biology. I ended this experience with a strong awareness, that despite its repetitive and routine nature,
forensic biology involves far more than lab work, and self awareness is crucial before entering such a
mentally demanding and often stressful career. Attending and investigating crime scenes could be
disturbing whilst attending court to present a reliable source of evidence, could be daunting. However,
making a contribution to the process of justice through unearthing the evidence which can prove a
case, far outweighs any discomforts
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The Anatomy and Actions of the Knee Essay
The knee joint is formed by the articulation of the distal end of the femur and the proximal end of the
tibia. The fibula is only involved to the extent that it serves as an attachment site for connective tissue.
In this paper, the anatomy of the joint will be discussed.
The knee is a hinge type, diarthrotic, or freely moveable joint. Also referred to as a synovial joint, the
2 articulating ends of bone are encased in a capsule that lubricates the joint with synovial fluid to
reduce friction.
Each bone in a synovial joint has articular cartilage at the articulating surface. The C shaped medial
and lateral menisci serve to deepen the articulation at the superior surface of the tibia, thus enhancing
the bony stability of the joint.
Also ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The quads include the rectus femoris, and the vastus lateralis, intermedius, and medialis. This muscle
group shares a common tendon at insertion. The patellar tendon inserts at the tibial tuberosity, and
within this tendon lies the patella. The patella is anterior to the femur tibia articulation, and this
sesmoid bone increases the leverage of the quads by acting as a pulley. The major contributor to the
stability of the knee joint is the strength of the quads. The only muscle that assists in extension is the
tensor fascia lata.
Rotation at the knee can only occur when the joint is in flexion. Medial, or internal, rotation is a slight
turning in of the tibia, and the muscles that accomplish this are the semitendinosus,
semimembranosus, and popliteus with assistance from the gracilis and sartorius. To slightly turn the
tibia outward is called lateral (external) rotation, and the muscle that is solely responsible for this is
the biceps femoris.
(While some of the following muscles act upon more than one joint, the only actions that will be listed
are those pertaining to the knee.)
Orig Long head: ischial tuberosity
Short Head: linea aspera
Insert Head of fibula
Action Both heads: flexion of
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Informative Influences On The Victimization Of American...
Without a doubt, our language usage is becoming increasingly casual. Some argue that this is due to
the influence of American culture. While it is not pervasive, the assimilation of American culture in
Australia can be partly responsible for this trend. However, the predominant reason for our informal
language use is due to increasing connectivity through social media and other modern communication
services. Despite this trend, the register of discourses is still dictated by the context and setting of the
American culture influences the informality of language that Australians employ in everyday life to
some degree, especially for the younger generations. Australians watch a large number of American
movies and TV shows, arguably even more than Australian based entertainment. This has led to the
adoption of informal American colloquialisms such as bro , whatever and chill out by many
Australians. In addition, Bruce Moore remarks, Contemporary teenspeak comes from the world of
teenage popular culture, and this culture is largely American . Teenagers are more open to change and
actively follow new popular trends in vocabulary. Most of these latest developments in language have
originated in America, as it contains 60% of the Anglosphere population. Therefore, it is no surprise ...
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Netspeak aims to communicate information as efficiently as possible, utilizing examples such as the
acronym ASAP and the ellipsis Talk later to improve economy of expression. Some teenagers even
adopt this language in informal spoken settings, which further spreads its usage among the Australian
public. Even older generations who are not familiar with social media and prefers face to face
communication uses netspeak when talking with youths in order to be more relatable while reducing
their social
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The Spread Of Islam
Why was Islam becoming prevalent among people?
The spread of Islam was similar to the spread of a contagious disease. But, why were people finding
the religion so appealing? Cultural diffusion is a common process by which an idea or an object is
spread to different cultures. Islam did not spread through cultural diffusion alone, however. It also
spread because people were attracted to the appeal of its messages and benefits. More specifically,
Islam was becoming popular due to conquest, the location of Mecca, Allah s message and his
qualities, and the sense of security provided.
First, Islam spread rapidly because of conquest, or subjugation. The Islamic world under Muhammad
covered only a portion of the Arabian Peninsula (DOC C). Then, under ... Show more content on
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Islam s followers were very passionate about their faith and would even fight to the death to spread
the faith of Islam but forced religious conversion to Islam was not permitted. It was a caliph s duty to
keep a war going until they finally become Muslims or at least when they joined the Pact, an
agreement to continue practicing their own religion that was not Islam, as long as they paid a special
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Marijuana Prohibition Canada
The Controlled Substances Act (Marijuana Prohibition)
CLN 4U Unit One Essay
Cailey Bazik
CLN 4U Unit One Essay
Controlled Substances Act
Marijuana Prohibition
The Controlled substance act pertaining to Marijuana has been a long on going battle as to whether
marijuana should be legal in Canada and taken out of this act. The law behind the drug has a long
history and many failed attempts at decriminalization. There are both positive and negative effects to
this law, but I believe the positive effects weigh out the negative and that because of this marijuana
will be legal in the near future.
The Marijuana laws in Canada today are unresolved, as superior courts have ruled all cannabis laws to
be of no force or effect . ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The president of the Canadian Police Association believes Canadians are trying to decriminalize
marijuana prematurely. He says supporters of change are overlooking the risks. We don t have the
tools and the training available to us now to ensure that people aren t driving cars, for example, or
operating machinery, while they re impaired by Marijuana he said. There are all kinds of implications
that I don t think people are considering carefully enough... Its still a harmful substance ultimately
That being said there are many negative effects to having the prohibition of Marijuana in place. The
Union of B.C municipalities passed a resolution summoning research be done looking into the
legalization of marijuana. They came to the conclusion that the prohibition has been ineffective in
deterring youth use, and production of the plant. (Wood, Antweiler) It seems that other measures need
to be taken in order to ensure the youth of Canada don t use drugs recreationally, and criminalizing
marijuana has little effect.
Researchers from the University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser s university have estimated
B.C s marijuana market would be worth more than $500 million annually. Unfortunately most of the
revenue goes to criminal organizations. (Wood, Antweiler) This number is based on one province
alone, think of how much this number would go up if the whole country were involved in their
research. The profiting of criminal
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State Farm Dangerous Intersection
State Farm: Dangerous Intersections
State Farm, the nation s largest auto insurer, distributed a list of the 10 most dangerous intersections in
the United States based on crashes resulting in claims by its policyholders. What started as a study to
reduce risk turned into an ongoing study that directs a major public relations effort: State Farm
provides funds for communities to further research their dangerous intersections and initiate
improvements based on the research. This case tells you how the State Farm Dangerous
Intersections initiative got started and how it is done. www.statefarm.com
The Scenario
State Farm Insurance has a rich history of proactive safety involvement in auto and appliance design
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The reporting threshold for police filing reports on accidents differs widely from jurisdiction to
jurisdiction. Some will only fill out reports when personal injury or criminal behavior is involved.
Others will fill them out only when a vehicle is damaged to the degree that it needs to be towed from
the scene. Still others fill out such reports on every incident. Traffic volume reports are often prepared
infrequently and often by independent sources. Not only may the data quality be questionable, but the
time period in which the data was collected may not match our 1998 incident reports in every city
involved. Also, when traffic volumes are factored in, low volume roads with relatively few crashes are
often deprioritized. Now that we re through with the 2001 study, we are asking ourselves if
intersection volume should be factored in, and if so, how it can be included without significantly
increasing our effort in data processing.
In the 1998 study, State Farm identified 172 dangerous intersections. The top 10 most dangerous
intersections in the United States were released publicly
(www.statefarm. com). Public affairs staff for each state could request that up to
10 intersections be identified for their state. This was usually determined by the resources that our
local public affairs staff were willing to put toward the program, shared Nepomuceno. Each state had
to recognize a top 10 national intersection, but they could
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The Feminist Philosphoy and May Wollstonecraft
Fiercely independent and far from conventional Mary Wollstonecraft called for more equality between
the sexes; she ignited the flame that would turn into the feminist movement we know today.
Wollstonecraft was a key founder of feminist philosophy. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
(1792) stated her view that women should have a wider access to education, not taught to depend on
their beauty. A committed women s liberationist cannot retire from the job, only die at it. (Dann, 1985)
Mary Wollstonecraft encompassed this perfectly.
I do not wish them [women] to have power over men; but over themselves (Wollstonecraft, 1995).
Women were expected to be passive, Wollstonecraft believed women should have the right to be
independent. In ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
With education available to everyone in New Zealand it is hard to imagine a time where most women
were denied education beyond to know just enough arithmetic to do household accounts and just
enough geography to converse with her husband and friends (Gordon, 2005). When women were not
valued as equals Wollstonecraft believed that women should be educated and emancipated. Strengthen
the female mind by enlarging it, and there will be an end to blind obedience (Wollstonecraft, 1995).
While there are more opportunities for women in terms of education; they are underrepresented in
fields such as science and technology (Huhman, 2012), although this is slowly changing. In New
Zealand there have been two female heads of government (Jenny Shipley and Helen Clark) who are
evidence of how far the emancipation of women has progressed from the time period in which
Wollstonecraft was labelled a Hyena in petticoats by Horace Walpole. Taught from their infancy that
beauty is woman s sceptre, the mind shapes itself to the body, and roaming round its gilt cage, only
seeks to adorn its prison (Wollstonecraft, 1995). Wollstonecraft (1985) believed that women should be
treated like rational creatures, instead of flattering their fascinating graces . Women were expected to
carry themselves in a certain manner and attain certain aesthetics. A friend said being beautiful was
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Barack Obama s President Obama
Hillary Rodham Clinton is the democratic nominee running for this upcoming presidency in 2016.
Clinton was born on October 26th, 1947, in Chicago Illinois (bio). She is no surprise to the white
house and political issues having been the first lady herself. She became the first lady of the United
States from 1993 to 2001 when her husband Bill Clinton was president (bio). She also became the first
wife of a president and woman to be a U.S senator, representing New York (bio). In 2007, Clinton
announced her run for presidency a first time but ended up dropping out of the nomination because
Barack Obama had majority vote (bio). When Barack Obama became president he appointed Hillary
Clinton the 67th U.S secretary of state from 2009 to 2013 (bio). Now she s in the running for
presidency again alongside representative candidate Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton has made many
promises to the citizens of the United States if elected president this fall. She s touched on many issues
that she felt needs to be influenced to ensure a great future for this country. One of those issues being a
debt free college. Her plans are to make college free to those who can t afford it. To begin her
presidency if elected, she hopes by 2021, those whose income is under $125,000 a year, would not
have to pay tuition to attend an in state four year college or university ( Hillary ). This would mean
that even more students can attend college at a no cost fee. Also, Clinton would ensure that all
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Menstruation In America
This is a press release from Assemblymember Cristina Garcia that states that she has introduced a bill
in order to make feminine hygiene products exempt from sales tax. She writes that this is being done
in order to eliminate the tampon tax and bring more gender equity to California s tax code. According
to the release, women in California pay over $20 million annually in taxes on tampons and sanitary
napkins, paying on average seven dollars a month for forty years, and Garcia writes that this
especially affects women with less money and that taxing these items is a form of discrimination not
only against women, but also those who are not privileged. The report points out that Viagra is not
taxed, and looking at this and the other items ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This article served as the announcement of Kimberly Clark s launch of the U by Kotex feminine
hygiene product line, which was described at the time as an innovative feminine care solution that
offers bold new packaging, feminine product design and empowers women to change the conversation
surrounding women s health. The company made its packaging more vibrant because it wanted to
switch the conversation surrounding menstruation from one of shame to one of openness and honesty.
Within the article, a vice president of the company is quoted as saying that while advertisers have been
perpetuating the cultural stigma (of menstruation) by emphasizing that the best menstrual period is
one that is ignored, today s Kotex will stand for truth, transparency and progressive vagina care. Kotex
decided to make this move in part due to the results of a survey the company conducted where 70
percent of the females who responded said that it is time to change the way society talks about vaginal
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  • 2. Good Overcomings Evil Analysis Good Overcomes Evil I remember that the Gabilan Mountains to the east of the valley were light gay mountains full of sun and loveliness and a kind of invitation... The Santa Lucias stood up against the sky to the west and kept the valley from the open sea, and they were dark and brooding (Steinbeck 3). John Steinbeck was born in the Salinas, California and wrote a number of stories about Cali. The setting in this novel takes place in and the trask family lives in Connecticut at the beginning but this sets the stage for the family s big move to California. The readers are introduced to two very different families whose paths cross in the future, the Hamiltons and the Trasks. The Hamiltons are immigrants from Ireland who come to America and settle down in California raising an honest and helping family (Steinbeck 8 12). The Trasks, However, are a family raised by a dishonest father, who in his past years was somewhat of a devil, and the children struggle with the sins passed down to them. In this book one of Steinbeck main points he displays a struggle of good versus evil in people but through the, but through understanding, forgiveness and the ability to choose what you are it was proven that good overcomes evil . Understanding had possibly the biggest part to play in why people were good. Cathy was the main example of evil existing in this novel. She was a murderer, a user, a liar and a whore, but despite all of these things the only person she was really able to hurt ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Abd Al-Malik s The Dome Of The Rock Although the initial purpose seemed to be for Abd Al Malik s ego, the Dome of the Rock embodies significant religious meaning and Islamic principles in the architecture itself. The design may have been inspired by the Sufis who came to live in Jerusalem from a very early date. Sufis are the mystics of Islam and would find deeper connections to Allah through art. In Islam, figurative art is forbidden in places of worship because God is beyond human understanding, but art utilizing patterns and shapes of geometry were permitted. This is why tessellations have been a significant portion of Islamic art since the very beginning. According to Karen Armstrong, [the art] pointed to the underlying structure of existence to which Muslims must attune ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. The Importance Of Climate Change In Northern Canada As a country, we need to come together in order to make sure that we are able to support our remote communities during the changes in climate. These changes are more evident the further north you go. Although we see a lot of roads deteriorating before our eyes we know that eventually they will be fixed, up north some communities have a very limited accessibility. Thirdly, infrastructure is one thing that plays a big role in anybody s life. Like many people say, a home is where the heart is. Due to climate change the ground will begin to shift and change the way people will be able to build new places within a community. Infrastructure in a northern community is a lot different then we would see in many other places. When ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Polar bears diets mainly rely on seals so the current changes in ice will affect the life cycle of the seals as well as it will play a big role in the life cycle of an adult polar bear. A large decrease in adult polar bears has been noticed and is believed to have been noticed and is believed to have been caused by the ice changes over the last few years as the decline in the seal population results in the polar bears being hungry during the winter which means they are not storing enough fat to produce energy to keep them alive all winter resulting in the polar bears unable to survive the cold winter months without their natural food source (Prowse et al, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Research Paper On Android ABOUT PROJECT The scope of project shall be able to design and develop software programs for android mobile phone OS, which will allow users to sense when they are in the vicinity of a bluetooth transceiver of a predefined ID. It requires to learn Android APIs, Bluetooth stacks, and programming languages etc. JAVA Java is an object oriented programming language. It is a platform which can run programs. It is robust and secured. It is a high level language. It has its own runtime environment and API. Java is used in various devices and according to Sun, in about 3 billion devices. These include: ⦁ Desktop Applications such as acrobat reader, media player, antivirus etc. ⦁ Web Applications such as irctc.co.in, javatpoint.com etc. ⦁ ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is based on the highest point of Java SE stage. It incorporates points like Servlet, JSP, Web Services, EJB, JPA and so forth. It is an enterprise platform which is mainly used to develop web and enterprise applications. It is built on the top of Java SE platform. It includes topics like Servlet, JSP, Web Services, EJB, JPA etc. 3) Java ME (Java Micro Edition) Used to develop mobile applications. It is a micro platform. 4) JavaFx It is utilized to develop rich web applications. It utilizes light weight user interface API. Java features also known as Java buzzwords are simple and easy to understand: SIMPLE The language is considered simple as it follows the same syntax as C++. It eliminated many additional features as well which were confusing or were rarely used. It also created the feature of Automatic Garbage Collection to remove unreferenced objects. OBJECT ORIENTED The data and behaviour of the software is organised as a combination of various kinds of objects. OOPs provides some rules that help in simplifying the development and maintenance of the software. Basic concepts of OOPs are: Object Class Inheritance Polymorphism Abstraction Encapsulation PLATFORM INDEPENDENT Platform can be software based or hardware based. Java is software based platform. It is different than other platforms as it runs on top of other hardware based platforms. It has two parts: Runtime Environment API(Application Programming ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. River In Siddhartha The River as a Guide Guides take many forms. They may manifest as a teacher, sage or an experienced individual. But this need not be true a guide may also be an inanimate object as well, like the stars, or a book. In either case, their purpose is the same: for them to help someone reach their goal. In Hermann Hesse s novel Siddhartha, the river pushes the protagonist to find his path to enlightenment when he leaves established teachings, joins Vasudeva, and accepts his son s abandonment. Firstly, Siddhartha s encounters with the river after he speaks with Gotama encourage him to stop seeing and interacting with the world as he has been taught to. For example, after Siddhartha s dream about Govinda, the river provides assurance for him that he should pursue vice, and this is necessary for him to reach enlightenment. [the dream] was intoxicating notes Siddhartha, and seemingly in recognition of this, the pale river shimmered (Hesse, 40). The river s serene and mystical condition at this point give him reassurance and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, the river saves the protagonist from his despair and renews the protagonist s spirit. Siddhartha remarks, the old, tired, despairing Siddhartha was today drowned in it (81). In this scene, the river is acting as a purifying agent and allowing him to continue his quest. Thus, the river effectively saves him and puts him back on track for enlightenment by lifting his depression. In another instance, Siddhartha observes the river and finds that it has much to teach him. He says he cannot express how grateful he was to it (82), he subsequently decides that he wants to stay by the river. The river beckons Siddhartha to learn from it, and his decision to settle down leads him to the next stage of his journey. This next stage of pensive learning from the river teaches him to listen, and is the final stage before he reaches ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Budget Analysis The following report consists of an analysis of the company budget, identification of key variances and findings, and suggestions on operational changes. A description of the budget process will be presented to pinpoint variances and their causes. Based on these variances, operational changes will be suggested and explained while considering business ethics. Recommendations on particular component production as well as nonfinancial performance measures will be made and accompanied by supporting evidence. First, the following is a brief overview of the budget and budget process. Budgets are an indicator of the costs and revenues linked to each of the companies activities and a way of providing information and supporting mangement ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are associated ethical considerations to several of the recommended changes. Strengthening the interview and hiring process will help to eliminate the hiring of unqualified candidates whose only experience with the work is through a personal connection with existing employees. This will help to ensure that candidates with the proper qualifications are placed in positions that are currently experiencing inefficiences. Reevaluating the material suppliers could potentially eliminate any improper compensation between current management and the supplier and reduce the acceptance of inferior materials. Increasing the proper storage of accepted material will not only elimate the waste of improperly stored materials, but also reduces the risk management threat of theft by employees. These are the ethical considerations of several of the recommended changes. Upon deciding whether to make or buy products, the company must consider several items. Management must exam the company s variable cost compared to the costs associated with buying, as well as any fixed costs that would arise due to purchasing rather than making (Nobles et. al., 2014). Management must also consider what the company would do with the freed up manufacturing capacity (Nobles et. al., 2014). The quality of products being bought must be considered, especially since the company will not be able to personally supervise the production of bought products. While making this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Description Of A Graph Use the map to create a graph where vertices represent street intersections and edges represent streets. Define c(u,v) = 1 for all edges (u,v). Since a street can be traversed, start off by creating a directed edge in each direction, then make the transformation to a flow problem with no antiparallel edges as described in the section. Make the home the source and the school the sink. If there exist at least two distinct paths from source to sink then the flow will be at least 2 because we could assign f(u,v) = 1 for each of those edges. However, if there is at most one distinct path from source to sink then there must exist a bridge edge (u, v) whose removal would disconnect s from t. Since c(u, v) = 1, the flow into u is at most 1. We may ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Exercise 26.2 10 Suppose we already have a maximum flow f. Consider a new graph G where we set the capacity of edge (u, v) to f (u, v). Run Ford Fulkerson, with the mod ification that we remove an edge if its flow reaches its capacity. In other words, if f(u,v) = c(u,v) then there should be no reverse edge appearing in residual network. This will still produce correct output in our case because we never exceed the actual maximum flow through an edge, so it is never advantageous to cancel flow. The augmenting paths chosen in this modified version of Ford Fulkerson are precisely the ones we want. There are at most |E| because every augmenting path produces at least one edge whose flow is equal to its capacity, which we set to be the actual flow for the edge in a maximum flow, and our modification prevents us from ever destroying this progress. Problem 26 5 a. Since the capacity of a cut is the sum of the capacity of the edges going from a vertex on one side to a vertex on the other, it is less than or equal to the sum of the capacities of all of the edges. Since each of the edges has a capacity that is ≤ C, if we were to replace the capacity of each edge with C, we would only be potentially increasing the sum of the capacities of all the edges. After so changing the capacities of the edges, the sum of the capacities of all the edges is equal to C|E|, potentially an overestimate of the original capacity of any cut, and so of the minimum cut. b. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Conflict Of Interest Policy The purpose of this Conflict of Interest Policy is to protect this tax exempt organization s interest when it is contemplating entering into a transaction or arrangement that might benefit the private interest of a Peninsula Art Academy ( PAA ) director, officer or employee. This policy is intended to supplement but not replace any applicable state and federal laws governing conflict of interest applicable to nonprofit and charitable organizations. PAA encourages the active involvement of its Directors, Officers, and Employees in the community. In order to deal openly and fairly with actual and potential conflicts of interest that may arise as a consequence of this involvement, PAA adopts the following Conflict of Interest Policy. Article ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If a more advantageous transaction or arrangement is not reasonably possible under circumstances not producing a conflict of interest, the governing board or committee shall determine by a majority vote of the disinterested directors whether the transaction or arrangement is in the Organization s best interest, for its own benefit, and whether it is fair and reasonable. In conformity with the above determination it shall make its decision as to whether to enter into the transaction or arrangement. Article IV. Violations of the PAA Conflict of Interest Policy 1. If the board or committee has reasonable cause to believe that a member has failed to disclose actual or possible conflicts of interest, it shall inform the member of the basis for such belief and afford the member an opportunity to explain the alleged failure to disclose. 2. If, after hearing the response of the member and making such further investigation as may be warranted in the circumstances, the board or committee determines that the member has in fact failed to disclose an actual or possible conflict of interest, it shall take appropriate disciplinary and corrective actions. This may include ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Analysis Of The Story Folie A Deux By William Trevor The story Folie a Deux by William Trevor explores the complexities of curiosity and maturation. The narrator, inspired by literary devices, details an important passage of the story, which portrays lunchtime conversations between Anthony, his father, and Miss Davally, and follows with the correspondence between Miss Davally and Wilby s mother where all involve the exchange of information. The passage is meaningful because it demonstrates an appraisal of information, and its impact on progress. Ultimately, the story suggests that information is arbitrarily powerful, and that genuine maturation is only fostered through nurtured curiosity. The portrayal of lunchtime conversations suggests information is invaluably powerful and depends on human connections to establish a worldview. While everyone is eating, the narrator describes that much other information (is) passed on at the lunch table , and details the questioned functionality of aeroplanes , time , and spiders (132). The narrator s description of how information is situated at the lunch table implicitly suggests human connections to be an important survival need, like nourishment or lunch , and infers their interdependency. Through the phrase much other information was passed on , the narrator conveys the abundantly distinct richness of information, which is inferred by the connotations much and other . The description that information was passed on at the table signifies the table to be the center of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Evolution, Structure, And Ultimate Fate Of Neil Degrasse... Neil deGrasse Tyson is a contemporary astrophysicist, cosmologist, author, and television host. He is best known for starring in numerous television shows explaining the universe in terms of physics. He states, During our brief stay on planet Earth, we owe ourselves and our descendants the opportunity to explore in part because it s fun to do. But there s a far nobler reason. The day our knowledge of the cosmos ceases to expand, we risk regressing to the childish view that the universe figuratively and literally revolves around us. The universe has been a constant mystery and challenge to humankind. Humans wish to understand what is beyond their immediate environment. Cosmology is the study of the universe, more specifically, the origins, evolution, history, structure, and ultimate fate. In Greek, the term cosmos means universe, which is the very foundation of the study. Cosmology s largest critic is Creationism; thus, science and religion battle it out to discover what is true and right in the world. The history of the universe extends past the beginning of humankind and the following philosophers, mathematicians, and astronomers will attempt to provide explanations of what is known today as the Great Unknown. The universe of the past was understood to be a simple one galaxy model that was both unchanging and immeasurable. Theories have constantly changed and been reconstructed to better portray the progression of human understanding over time. The cosmos began ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. The California Racial Mascots Act United States sporting teams have a storied history of satirizing or playing off stereotypes when choosing team mascots. The use of the term Redskins, and other offensive Native American imagery, has been justified through its intention to honor tradition and Native Americans. The controversy surrounding the use of Native American mascots began in the 1960s with the Native American Civil Rights Movement (Dimisa). With the nationwide debate over whether the term is offensive or just satire, the state of California made a historic decision to become the first state to ban the use of the term Redskins as a mascot. Following the ban of using Redskins as a mascot, it is imperative that the nation take initiative to ban all use of Native ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Dahkota Kicking Bear Brown, a high school junior, was ecstatic when he found out about the passing of AB 30 as it creates an opportunity for Native youth to obtain an education free from mockery. (Adams) When passed, the California Racial Mascots Act affected four high schools in California; Chowchilla High School, Tulare Union High School, Calaveras High school and Gustine High School. These four high schools had until January 1st, 2017 to change their mascot name to comply with this law. Since enacting this law, all four of the communities experienced some level of backlash when changing their name. To many of these communities, using the name Redskins has a part of their history and an important part of their identity as a school. The first school to comply with the new law was Gustine High School. The history of Gustine s Redskins mascot dated back to the 1930s. The original mascot, the Reds, changed when a newspaper reporter called the football players the Redskins in reaction to the perceived communist threat pervasive at the time (Calix). When faced with the demand to change their name, Gustine school officials decided to go back to their original roots and adopted the Reds as their mascot. The name references one of the school s predominant colors. With the name change solidified, Gustine school officials have already ordered new uniforms vacant of Redskins and have begun estimating the costs to replace ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Immanuel Kant The Gale Following my first naïve encounter with Homer Winslow s The Gale, the painting I selected to adopt over the course of the semester, it became time to analyze the work using the various philosophers read in class in an attempt to uncover new thoughts or ideas regarding the appreciation and examination of the artwork selected. The first of these philosophers happened to be Immanuel Kant, the famous and influential German enlightenment thinker. Throughout his work The Critique of Judgment, Kant tries (with elaborate and often confusing explanations) to describe his reasoning regarding the types of contemplative judgments made by humans, and the innate differences between them. Kant states, that in addition to a judgment of taste (the beautiful), ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Relationship Between Asperger Syndrome And Autism Introduction The relationship between Asperger syndrome and autism has been a controversial topic in psychology. There is not a definite correlation which has been decided upon between the two and chiefly due to the fact that they are both overly similar. Concisely, psychologists seek to identify the main difference between them. In a simpler way, it is not yet clear whether autism and Asperger syndrome should be defined as independent (distinct) terms, or whether Asperger syndrome should be categorized under the wider realm of autism. In their researche, multiple scholars have come upon differing opinions and theories in support of their own perceptions of the two disorders which either agree or disagree at some point. Asperger syndrome is derived from Hans Asperger who is highly recognized for his efforts in defining the disease which many scholars had described as not diagnosable (Mayes, Calhoun Crites, 2001). Context of research To understand the standoff between autism and Asperger syndrome, it is important to understand the common basis of the two disorders as provided by Frith (1991). Autism, which is usually termed as the parent disorder that may give rise to Asperger syndrome, is a brain abnormality resulting from brain disease, brain insult, or faults arising from genetic factors. Additionally, it is developmental, meaning that it manifests itself differently depending on factors such as ability or age. Since the disorder affects the brain, it is termed as a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Are Viruses Alive Research Paper Luis Lam Biology Honors Mr. Zarate Pd. 7 September 1, 2014 Are Viruses Alive? Viruses are not usually considered living things because they lack characteristics of living things. Viruses are biological particles composed of nucleic acid and a protein coat. Viruses are not alive and should not be considered a living organism. The reasons include that a virus cannot reproduce; they do not obtain energy, and technically cannot live without a host. Reproduction is one of the biggest essentials of life. Also if an organism cant obtain or make energy it also is classified as non living. If a virus has no host then it has no ability to reproduce or to live. Furthermore a virus should not be considered a living organism because it lacks these traits. A virus is neither an autotroph nor heterotroph. An autotroph makes its energy by producing food typically seen in plants. A ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Without reproduction a species would become extinct. There are two types of ways to reproduce. Sexual reproduction is when two parent organisms come together and combine genetic information to give birth to an offspring. Examples of sexual reproductions include human beings, animals, and insects. Asexual reproduction is when an organism can reproduce with only one parent such as starfish and bacterium. Viruses can multiply but they cannot do so on their own. Viruses because viruses are not cells, they can replicate only by invading a host cell and using the enzymes and organelles of the host cell to duplicate. Replication can occur by either the lytic or lysogenic cycle. Viruses are part of an extraordinary life cycle. If a virus infects a cell for a long period of time they are in a lysogenic cycle. During a Lytic cycle, the viral genome is released into the host cell and replication of the virus follows immediately. A virus does not contain the right cell parts to reproduce which causes a virus to go and infect a cell to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Hemineglect Hemineglect also known as unilateral spatial neglect, hemispatial neglect, hemi inattention, hemisensory, parietal neglect or spatial neglect (Kerkhoff, 2000), is a condition in which patients are unable to attend and respond to the contralesional side of space (Dijkerman, Webling, ter Wal, Groet, van Zandvoort, 2003). Hemineglect is characterized by the lack of spatial awareness, most commonly on the left hemispace (Parton Malhotra Husain, 2004). The most common form of hemineglect, is that of patients who have right hemisphere lesions commonly found to damage the where pathway, most commonly after a stroke. These kinds of patients tend to neglect the left hand side of space (Driver Mattingley, 1998). Although it is not ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... PA is considered to be a restitutional treatment approach as it facilitates the mechanisms of recovery. In theory its main aim is to attempt to alter the damaged function within the brain, that allow for visual attention. Prism Adaptation is a treatment introduced under the theoretical account of a representational model of hemineglect. A representational model of hemineglect is a model in which suggests that there certain brain functions that control both visual imaging and perception (Ogden, 2005). A representational model takes into account that the spatial representation of the patients contralesional side of space is damaged or distorted (Pouget, Sejnowski, 2001). There is damage to the way in which the patient internalizes a map of space in relation to where they are and what is around them (Tilikete, et al., 2001). The method of prism adaptation is relatively simple. Although you cannot control all the confounding variables, that underlie each individual patient, there is a standard framework of how prism adaptation occurs. A procedure for a PA treatment begins with a pre test, to establish a baseline performance; then an active exposure to prismatic goggles to produce an adaptation in vision; and then lastly a post test to see if there is any after adaptation persistent after using the goggles (Redding et al, 2005). An example of a PA treatment is through the works of Rossetti et al. (1998). Rossetti and his team began with a series ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. How To Describe Objectively What It Mean To Affect A... 1. The client is essentially begging for help. The client may not have anywhere else to turn and wants to be taken seriously. The client likely believes that if she does not present severely, then she will be dismissed and not get the help she desires. 2. The client has a tendency to exaggerate, overreact, and/or be traumatized. This cognitive style may be due to some personality disorders as well as depression. There is likely not any benefit to the client, unless she is merely seeking attention. 3. The client would benefit from presenting more severely, such as for litigation, compensation, or disability purposes. There is likely some external benefit to the client if she receives a diagnosis and the severity of the diagnosis may ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Additionally, without interview data, most psychological assessments are virtually meaningless. 2. Psychological Tests/Assessments: These measures typically identify a wide range of explicit information about the client, such as attitudes, opinions, beliefs, and knowledge/facts. They also help evaluate the client s level of functioning in comparison to the norm group. This is particularly important in informing the diagnosis and treatment of the client. 3. Informant Reports: This involves interviewing people who know the client, such as family members, friends, and teachers. These reports can be helpful because they can provide different perspectives of the client. They may also inform the clinician if the client s behaviors generalize across settings. 4. Records: By obtaining client records, whether previous mental health records, medical records, legal records, or school records, the clinician may find important information that the client did not report. Overall, incorporating several different sources of information allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the client, which leads to more accurate and effective diagnosis and treatment. An empirically grounded approach uses the method of contrasted groups in order to create a measure that differentiates between groups. This typically involves administering several items to two different groups, such as patients with depression and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. I Learned About College University Of Nebraska Wesleyan... This semester through my Archway seminar I learned many things. Not just about college but specifically about the University of Nebraska Wesleyan and how the schooling here works. The Archway seminar is designed to be an intro class into learning how to college and it was really an eye opener for me. Through the assignments of our active reading journals I learned how to look deeper into thing and really explore their entire meaning. Taking something simple that I read and writing about experiences and what I thought about it really help this ability grow throughout the semester. Through the discussion in this class I learned a lot more about each chapter. I looked forward to the discussion because I enjoyed hearing everyone else s way of thinking. Something s mentioned in the discussion I would have never thought about. Although I didn t participate in the discussion as much as others I felt like it got better throughout the semester. I have never really been one to open up to big crowds and share my opinion. Due to many reasons. But the discussion allowed me to tear down a little bit of that wall. Both of these experiences are something I know I will experience throughout my entire college career and learning them the first semester is something that will really help me along the way. In the book On Looking the most significant part of this book to me was the just how it opened my mind to the world. This book showed me specific things and details that I had never ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Analysis of the Opening Sequences of Three James Bond Films Analysis of the Opening Sequences of Three James Bond Films Analyse the opening sequences of three James Bond films and explain why they are constructed in this way. James Bond has been running for forty years and has released twenty movies. My essay will analyse the following three James Bond movies: · Dr No (Starring Sean Connery, first Bond movie made) · A view to kill (Roger Moore) · Golden Eye (Pierce Brosnan) For each of these movies I will analyse the opening scenes and explain why they are constructed in the manner that they are. In each of the three movies a different actor plays the Character of James Bond. In the first move (Dr No) James Bond is played by Sean ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He while gambling receives an urgent phone call (the conversation is not heard, this adds to the movies suspense). The phone call as well as the camera shots emphasise his importance in the film. The clothes worn by James Bond (a tuxedo) are very glamorous and sophisticated. They also emphasise that he is important. A view to kill, the second James Bond movie to be analysed in this essay, has the same gun shot scene at the start, but the action in the movie is much better. This is probably due to the date of release (1985). Dr No was released in 1962. The difference is probably due to more advanced technology being available. A view to Kill focuses more on girls and action. The camera angles used in this movie also make the movie more exciting. The first scene in this film shows James Bond (Roger Moore) skiing in the Arctic looking for a microchip. He is dressed in white this may be a disguise to camouflage him (the snow he is skiing on is white) from the villains who are dressed in green. The shots in this screen are close up shots and extreme long shots. The extreme long shots emphasis the depth of the scene and also hide the stunt mans face from the audience. The close up shots are used to show discoveries made by James Bond i.e. the micro chip.
  • 20. The second scene in the opening ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Argumentative Essay On Zoos When I was young, I was always curious. I was always running all over the place, looking and discovering, like every young child does. My mother tried to sate my incredible curiosity, and in one of her endless missions, I was brought to the zoo. I loved it. It was incredible to see God s creation all around me. Everything was beautiful in its own way. At the zoo, I learned to respect and wonder at the creation of God. Zoos have been invoking wonder for centuries. They started as menageries, collections of animals held by rulers, and ended up as education and conservation centers (O Brien). They are powerful organizations. Zoos should be helped and supported, because they help the economy and bring in revenue, they conserve endangered animals, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After all, every year, 175 million people visit American zoos, to learn about or see animals, according to the Statistic Brain Research Institute ( Zoo Statistics , 1). This large amount of people visiting means that zoos need a lot of people running them. There are many jobs provided by zoos. Zoo directors, curators, zookeepers, and veterinarians are just a few of these ( Wildlife Careers ). All these jobs help lower the unemployment rate, and help to create a stronger economy. Naturally, jobs help the local economy. But zoos also influence the local economy in other ways. Zoos help boost the local economy. A study by the Cincinnati Zoo revealed that visitors spent $23.2 million on off site spending in Cincinnati ( Zoo Boosts Local Economy with Big Regional Impact ). Zoos bring in tourists, who spend money on hotels, tour guides, public transportation, and in many more places. This extra profit helps raise the standard of living, and, of course, boosts the economy. Humans benefit from zoo revenue, but they aren t the only ones. Revenue generated by zoos help increase the zoo animal s standard of life. Some zoos are updating their habitats, to make conditions better for the animals, such as the Lied Jungle Exhibit at Omaha s Henry Doorly Zoo (Nichols and Tarpy, 9 14).Such operations are extremely expensive. In order to pay for such things, they use the revenue generated from customers of the zoos. Zoos not only use revenue to pay for the care of animals; they also use it to help conserve endangered animals as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Sociological Reflection Tashe Wilkerson Dr. Shahid Shahidullah Soc 205 09 11 Dec 2017 Take Home Final When most people think about sociology they generally think of the study of sociology. However, sociology is much deeper than just the study of sociology. It displays a plethora of sub topics such as: crime, deviance, bureaucracy, culture, criminality, socialization, economy, politics, religion, education, social class and many more. Throughout this fall semester this sociology course has taught me things that I could never imagine. To be more specific there were actually ten topics that I learned in this course that was very important to me. Those topics were: crime, deviance, bureaucracy, nature of science, philosophy, religion, common sense, scientific ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Shortly after the modernization time period there becomes a development of key ideas/ sociological ideas from Auguste Comte, Karl Marx, and Emile Durkheim. The most interesting thing about learning their key ideas were and where they originated. August Comte obtained the key ideas of the Renaissance and the formation of a good society that consisted of a good society of exploitation, poverty, inequality, and degradation.Karl Marx s key ideas were composed of the mode of production,class systems,bourgeoisie,the rise of socialism and communism, capitalist system and the working class. Make a comparison of the sociology of Karl Marx and Max Weber. Give examples. Karl Marx and Max Weber had different views and perspectives on society. For example, Karl Marx believed that the capitalist system of society would disintegrate due to the revolt of the working class. However, Max Weber preferred the study of social and rational action, he thought social action was meaningful. Max also speculated that capitalism is a constellation of social actions. The major sociological ideas of Emile Durkheim were: collective consciousness, social facts, and industrial society. In the industrial society he believed that there would have been more crime and deviance because of the breakdown for the balance between moral absolutism and individual freedom.Durkheim s theory on egoistic suicide was based on a society where excessive individualism and low social ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Self Esteem and Moral Reasoning a. Much has been said about children s self esteem in the past 20 years: Discuss the implications of building a child s self esteem without helping a child master any competencies in any of the areas of the multiple intelligences, character, behavior, or spiritual development. Any attempt to encourage or develop healthy self esteem without any external help is going to be difficult without any guidance. The factors stated in the assignment s question; the multiple intelligences, character, behavior, or spiritual development are far too important in understanding one s self, to be left to chance. Any one of these areas of moral development are not formed in a vacuum, and without the gentle prodding s given to a young child, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If the child exists in an unhealthy emotional environment, the result may be a maladaptive soul, and thus, a spirit that delivers to the conscious self, internalized painful emotional experiences revealed in difficult behavior. Garbage in, garbage out and at a very critical time in the child s life. So now at an older age, we have a conscious self that has difficulty expressing itself with any confidence. If the social aspects of the child s upbringing suffered similar insults, the emotional maladaptation may be joined by a lack of confidence in the other attributes of a child s growth. A lack of self confidence in his/her own abilities may develop and consequently, a poor sense of self esteem. While this may or may not be accurate, it must not be forgotten that the opposite is just as likely. If the child s caretakers are able to accommodate a child s natural abilities and provide appropriate and accurate positive feedback, a healthy understanding of social inferences social responsibility and social regulation might occur. Barring any relevant negative biological influences, any positive or negative acceptance of self may be the likely outcome of this positive upbringing (Craig Dunn, pp. 234 235). All of these concepts are the philosophical construct of the writer and of course, have no basis in research or fact, but the question was posed to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Pros And Cons Of Having This Test Why am I having this test? This test is used to diagnose the following conditions: Syndromes associated with adrenal gland hormone production (virilizing syndromes). The absence of a menstrual cycle (amenorrhea) in women. Androstenediones (ADs) are hormones that give rise to the sex hormones. They are called precursors. Increased levels of ADs in an adult female cause male characteristics to develop. Your health care provider may order this test if you experience: Deeper voice. Hair growth. Sterility. What is being tested? This test measures the following steroid precursors: Androstenediones (ADs). Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA S). What kind of sample is taken? A blood sample is required for this test. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... DHEA: Tanner Stage I: 0.14 2.76 ng/mL (females); 0.11 2.37 ng/mL (males). Tanner Stage II: 0.83 4.87 ng/mL (females); 0.37 3.66 ng/mL (males). Tanner Stage III: 1.08 7.56 ng/mL (females); 0.75 5.24 ng/mL (males). Tanner Stage IV and V: 1.24 7.88 ng/mL (females); 1.22 6.73 ng/mL (males). DHEA S: Tanner Stage I: 7 209 mcg/dL (females); 7 126 mcg/dL (males). Tanner Stage II: 28 260 mcg/dL (females); 13 241 mcg/dL (males). Tanner Stage III: 39 390 mcg/dL (females); 32 446 mcg/dL (males). Tanner Stage IV and V: 81 488 mcg/dL (females); 65 371 mcg/dL (males). What do the results mean? This test can produce many different results. Increased levels of adrenal steroid precursors may indicate: Adrenal gland tumor or other tumors. Inherited syndromes of the adrenal gland, such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia. This condition is due to a defect in a protein (enzyme) that results in low production of the hormone cortisol. Decreased levels of adrenal steroid precursors may be associated with: Impaired adrenal gland function (adrenal insufficiency). Ovarian failure. Questions to ask your health care provider Ask your health care provider, or the department that is doing the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Romantic Love Is A Deep Interaction Between Two Persons Romantic love is a deep interaction between two persons. It is not just any interaction, but one in which both persons lose themselves in the other. Concentration and fusion into the whole being can never take place through my agency, nor can it ever take place without me. I become through my relation to the Thou; as I become I, I say Thou (Buber, pg. 160). So romantic love happens when an understanding comes to being that the other is you and potentially your entire universe of being for as long as you are in relation. Although, there can be instances where the relation is involuntary and isn t fluid. There is pulling and pushing. While I attempt to free myself from the Other, the Other is trying to free himself from mine; while I seek to enslave the Other, the Other seeks to enslave me (Sartre, pg. 194). So there can be friction in romantic love, but in the end the two are still together. Insofar as to say that they can t pull away from the universe that is their relation. The presence of love and sex can cause a person to have a more authentic existence. This is because love and sex are almost a necessity for everyone. ...sex, which makes up a part of that evil urge with which one can and must respond to what meets one if one s existence is to be authentic (Friedman, pg. 536 537). To fulfill this evil urge and enter into relation with another in itself is an authentic act. And to have that relationship be as fulfilling as Buber would say the I Thou relationship ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Deborah Zlotsky Rembrandt Analysis Deborah Zlotsky is known for her excellence in the artistic world. Her remarkable work of art and style has officially encouraged viewers to associate her style of artwork and compare its similarities to past artists such as the Dutch painter, Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn and the Italian Baroque painter, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. Beginning with the similarities Zlotsky shares with Rembrandt. Both paintings share a theme of performing some sort surgery in a way for the practice of medicine. As you see in Zlotskys art work Promissory Note, the rabbit is being hanged from its back legs while dripping blood due to some sort of incision for a pregnancy test. Rembrandt can relate with the theme because of his most famous art piece Dr. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, the rabbit in Promissory Note. While brightening the lighting on only the rabbit and the hand holding the litmus paper, Zlotsky dimmed everything else out in the background, which is also an example of chiaroscuro. One last similarity between Zlotsky and Rembrandt is that in both paintings, there is a sacrifice happening in some way. Obviously for Zlotsky it s the rabbit, but with Rembrandts painting, the cadaver on the table was an executed thief named Adriaen, whose body was sacrificed for the medicine field. Now, the similarities between Zlotsky and Caravaggio. These two artist share similar characteristics such as using the effect of chiaroscuro, but they both also have an example of trompe l oeil. Trompe l oeil is a technique that artist use to display a visual illusion in art by making it three diemensional. Notice how both the sword and blood in Caravaggios work, Judith Beheading Holofernes, seems to be well detailed and projecting outwards and in Promissory Note, both the rabbit and the hand holding the litmus note are also well defined and given that three diemensional look that gives the visual illusion of coming out of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Unique Collective Phenomenon Summary History progresses throughout time, but so does society. This perpetual and inevitable change that graces society creates conflict and harmony within societal groups, forcing individuals to pick sides. With this, we see the developments of social movements that not only embrace, but reject these perpetual and inevitable changes. The organization of a social movement calls for tactful and strategic form of communication within the group that is banding together. In chapter one of The Social Movement as a Unique Collective Phenomenon, the twentieth century is labeled as the age of the social movement, for the significant impact that social movements had on not only in the United States, but upon the world as a whole. Social movements derive ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Charting social movement s birth and death is nearly impossible because of how unpredictable they can be. Detecting the cycles of a social movement is more efficient, for it remains consistent throughout all type of groups. There are five stages of a social movement: genesis, social unrest, enthusiastic mobilization, maintenance, and termination. Genesis consist of pre existing conditions that flower into more noticeable issues within the media. This stage is usually subtle and slow, but triggering incidence propel social movements into the second stage, social unrest. In this stage, the social movement has caught the attention of the media allowing the group to expel most of their rhetorical energies during this stage. After the social movement establishes a common ideology, they are subject to the enthusiastic mobilization phase where the social movement hits its peak. It becomes more assertive and provokes institutional and public outrage. Leaders begin to rise and stir up excitement causing their supporters to grow in number. This can lead to revolutionary results and notable achievements. In stage four, the social movement begins to die out. The maintenance stage allows the social movement to fundraise and recruit new members. The after math of the revolutionary acts of the social movements resonates within the media calling for a more calm and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Red Tides Research Paper Although many Karenia species have been described as of yet, K. brevis blooms move based on winds and tides; pinpointing a red tide at specific moment is difficult. Algal blooms can occur at any time of year, but usually increase between September and February. K. brevis is the main producer of brevetoxin, which is a powerful toxin. It has killed millions of marine organisms, and mostly occurred in gulfs and coast. It happened in the Gulf of Mexico primarily, especially on the Western Gulf coastal area of Florida. Although uncommon, it occurred in other parts of the Gulf as well, such as the Texas coast and Indian River Lagoon on the Atlantic coast of Florida. The reasons for red tides are not completely clear, and bloom dynamics, include ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Preventive measures attempt to stop blooms from occurring, minimize their incidence or limit their extent. The most effective way to prevent adverse health effects to humans from the red tides is to prevent exposure to the toxins and organisms. Lowering the amount of nutrients that are discharged into local watersheds is a top priority for prevention advocates that engage in red tide debates. Reduced nutrient loads will improve water quality throughout watersheds, in addition to lowering the intensity of terrestrial fluxes when a red tide is in close proximity to the coastline. Reduced loads may or may not lead to a discernible change in red tide patterns, but they will certainly improve the health of local watersheds. An important issue that prevention advocates need to consider, however, is the modalities of reducing nutrient loads and the most appropriate venues for affecting change. The major sources of local water quality impairment includes domestic and industrial wastewater, urban and suburban stormwater, agricultural runoff and hydrological changes. Local water quality problems could be associated with domestic and industrial point sources but stricter regulatory controls and new wastewater treatment technologies have substantially reduced pollution from these sources. Non point sources now account for most of the water quality problems in the state with urban stormwater and agricultural runoff being the primary concerns. And unlike point source discharges, non point sources are difficult to measure, monitor and control. In the case of NSP, this means monitoring shellfish beds for organisms and toxins as well as closing shellfish beds to harvest when specified levels are detected. When aerosolized red tide reach specific levels, water and air monitoring can detect high levels in the air, and cause respiratory ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. The Opening Chapters Of Anita Saterlee s Organizational... The opening chapters of Anita Saterlee s Organizational Management Leadership: A Christian Perspective introduce several business concepts that have been researched throughout the years. An examination of these concepts reveal not all are similar and there is no one perfect leadership style. Instead, the differences in leadership styles and management techniques, Satterlee argues, should be based upon the type of work and organization in which the leader or manager is engaged (Satterlee, 2013). Despite the transition inherent in the evolution of management theories, discussed in Chapters 1 and 2, the concepts of Followership, Transformational Leadership, and Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs are timeless. The purpose of this report is to show that an in depth study and examination into these three concepts are beneficial to all who desire to manage and lead in any environment, in any field, and in any era. Followership as a Precursor to Leadership Anita Satterlee makes an obvious, but profound observation stating, A leader cannot lead without followers (Satterlee, pg. 6, 2013). Essentially, a leader without subordinates who are engaged can not lead properly. While this concept is easy to comprehend, what is most intriguing is Satterlee s claim that by mastering the role of followership, a subordinate prepares for the role of leadership (Satterlee, pg. 7, 2013). Instead of viewing leaders as being static, it is important to view the process of leadership as more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Forensic Biology Personal Statement I have often thought that the human body in a remarkable organism, even more so, the distinctiveness of human DNA. Whilst I m aware that it is common to be, fascinated by tales of crime and intrigue, inspired by the thought of solutions, I am equally aware, as I have intellectually grown, my enquiring mind has developed a much deeper curiosity in biological science and its forensic application. Exploiting forensics, can not only assist in identifying a victim, but can also provide the scientific evidence required to secure a criminal conviction, despite the lack of other evidence been present. It is this which continues to motivate me to pursue a career in this field, with the biological aspects of forensic science; anthropology, DNA analysis, and the chemistry of the subject; toxicology and entomology, is what appeals to me the most. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Whilst not forensically targeted, it has provided me with a larger insight into the meticulous process of DNA analysis and recording. I was able to observe the process and the demands of the role, whilst being able to have the opportunity to speak to many analysts, who had direct experience of forensic biology. I ended this experience with a strong awareness, that despite its repetitive and routine nature, forensic biology involves far more than lab work, and self awareness is crucial before entering such a mentally demanding and often stressful career. Attending and investigating crime scenes could be disturbing whilst attending court to present a reliable source of evidence, could be daunting. However, making a contribution to the process of justice through unearthing the evidence which can prove a case, far outweighs any discomforts ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Anatomy and Actions of the Knee Essay The knee joint is formed by the articulation of the distal end of the femur and the proximal end of the tibia. The fibula is only involved to the extent that it serves as an attachment site for connective tissue. In this paper, the anatomy of the joint will be discussed. The knee is a hinge type, diarthrotic, or freely moveable joint. Also referred to as a synovial joint, the 2 articulating ends of bone are encased in a capsule that lubricates the joint with synovial fluid to reduce friction. Each bone in a synovial joint has articular cartilage at the articulating surface. The C shaped medial and lateral menisci serve to deepen the articulation at the superior surface of the tibia, thus enhancing the bony stability of the joint. Also ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The quads include the rectus femoris, and the vastus lateralis, intermedius, and medialis. This muscle group shares a common tendon at insertion. The patellar tendon inserts at the tibial tuberosity, and within this tendon lies the patella. The patella is anterior to the femur tibia articulation, and this sesmoid bone increases the leverage of the quads by acting as a pulley. The major contributor to the stability of the knee joint is the strength of the quads. The only muscle that assists in extension is the tensor fascia lata. Rotation at the knee can only occur when the joint is in flexion. Medial, or internal, rotation is a slight turning in of the tibia, and the muscles that accomplish this are the semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and popliteus with assistance from the gracilis and sartorius. To slightly turn the tibia outward is called lateral (external) rotation, and the muscle that is solely responsible for this is the biceps femoris. MUSCLES INVOLVED IN THE ACTIONS OF THE KNEE (While some of the following muscles act upon more than one joint, the only actions that will be listed are those pertaining to the knee.) BICEPS FEMORIS Orig Long head: ischial tuberosity Short Head: linea aspera Insert Head of fibula Action Both heads: flexion of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Informative Influences On The Victimization Of American... Without a doubt, our language usage is becoming increasingly casual. Some argue that this is due to the influence of American culture. While it is not pervasive, the assimilation of American culture in Australia can be partly responsible for this trend. However, the predominant reason for our informal language use is due to increasing connectivity through social media and other modern communication services. Despite this trend, the register of discourses is still dictated by the context and setting of the situation. American culture influences the informality of language that Australians employ in everyday life to some degree, especially for the younger generations. Australians watch a large number of American movies and TV shows, arguably even more than Australian based entertainment. This has led to the adoption of informal American colloquialisms such as bro , whatever and chill out by many Australians. In addition, Bruce Moore remarks, Contemporary teenspeak comes from the world of teenage popular culture, and this culture is largely American . Teenagers are more open to change and actively follow new popular trends in vocabulary. Most of these latest developments in language have originated in America, as it contains 60% of the Anglosphere population. Therefore, it is no surprise ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Netspeak aims to communicate information as efficiently as possible, utilizing examples such as the acronym ASAP and the ellipsis Talk later to improve economy of expression. Some teenagers even adopt this language in informal spoken settings, which further spreads its usage among the Australian public. Even older generations who are not familiar with social media and prefers face to face communication uses netspeak when talking with youths in order to be more relatable while reducing their social ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Spread Of Islam Why was Islam becoming prevalent among people? The spread of Islam was similar to the spread of a contagious disease. But, why were people finding the religion so appealing? Cultural diffusion is a common process by which an idea or an object is spread to different cultures. Islam did not spread through cultural diffusion alone, however. It also spread because people were attracted to the appeal of its messages and benefits. More specifically, Islam was becoming popular due to conquest, the location of Mecca, Allah s message and his qualities, and the sense of security provided. First, Islam spread rapidly because of conquest, or subjugation. The Islamic world under Muhammad covered only a portion of the Arabian Peninsula (DOC C). Then, under ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Islam s followers were very passionate about their faith and would even fight to the death to spread the faith of Islam but forced religious conversion to Islam was not permitted. It was a caliph s duty to keep a war going until they finally become Muslims or at least when they joined the Pact, an agreement to continue practicing their own religion that was not Islam, as long as they paid a special religious ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Marijuana Prohibition Canada The Controlled Substances Act (Marijuana Prohibition) CLN 4U Unit One Essay Cailey Bazik CLN 4U Unit One Essay Controlled Substances Act Marijuana Prohibition The Controlled substance act pertaining to Marijuana has been a long on going battle as to whether marijuana should be legal in Canada and taken out of this act. The law behind the drug has a long history and many failed attempts at decriminalization. There are both positive and negative effects to this law, but I believe the positive effects weigh out the negative and that because of this marijuana will be legal in the near future. The Marijuana laws in Canada today are unresolved, as superior courts have ruled all cannabis laws to be of no force or effect . ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The president of the Canadian Police Association believes Canadians are trying to decriminalize marijuana prematurely. He says supporters of change are overlooking the risks. We don t have the tools and the training available to us now to ensure that people aren t driving cars, for example, or operating machinery, while they re impaired by Marijuana he said. There are all kinds of implications that I don t think people are considering carefully enough... Its still a harmful substance ultimately (Ballingall) That being said there are many negative effects to having the prohibition of Marijuana in place. The Union of B.C municipalities passed a resolution summoning research be done looking into the legalization of marijuana. They came to the conclusion that the prohibition has been ineffective in deterring youth use, and production of the plant. (Wood, Antweiler) It seems that other measures need to be taken in order to ensure the youth of Canada don t use drugs recreationally, and criminalizing marijuana has little effect. Researchers from the University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser s university have estimated B.C s marijuana market would be worth more than $500 million annually. Unfortunately most of the revenue goes to criminal organizations. (Wood, Antweiler) This number is based on one province alone, think of how much this number would go up if the whole country were involved in their research. The profiting of criminal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. State Farm Dangerous Intersection cases State Farm: Dangerous Intersections Abstract State Farm, the nation s largest auto insurer, distributed a list of the 10 most dangerous intersections in the United States based on crashes resulting in claims by its policyholders. What started as a study to reduce risk turned into an ongoing study that directs a major public relations effort: State Farm provides funds for communities to further research their dangerous intersections and initiate improvements based on the research. This case tells you how the State Farm Dangerous Intersections initiative got started and how it is done. www.statefarm.com The Scenario State Farm Insurance has a rich history of proactive safety involvement in auto and appliance design to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The reporting threshold for police filing reports on accidents differs widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Some will only fill out reports when personal injury or criminal behavior is involved. Others will fill them out only when a vehicle is damaged to the degree that it needs to be towed from the scene. Still others fill out such reports on every incident. Traffic volume reports are often prepared infrequently and often by independent sources. Not only may the data quality be questionable, but the time period in which the data was collected may not match our 1998 incident reports in every city involved. Also, when traffic volumes are factored in, low volume roads with relatively few crashes are often deprioritized. Now that we re through with the 2001 study, we are asking ourselves if intersection volume should be factored in, and if so, how it can be included without significantly increasing our effort in data processing. In the 1998 study, State Farm identified 172 dangerous intersections. The top 10 most dangerous intersections in the United States were released publicly (www.statefarm. com). Public affairs staff for each state could request that up to 10 intersections be identified for their state. This was usually determined by the resources that our local public affairs staff were willing to put toward the program, shared Nepomuceno. Each state had to recognize a top 10 national intersection, but they could ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. The Feminist Philosphoy and May Wollstonecraft Fiercely independent and far from conventional Mary Wollstonecraft called for more equality between the sexes; she ignited the flame that would turn into the feminist movement we know today. Wollstonecraft was a key founder of feminist philosophy. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792) stated her view that women should have a wider access to education, not taught to depend on their beauty. A committed women s liberationist cannot retire from the job, only die at it. (Dann, 1985) Mary Wollstonecraft encompassed this perfectly. I do not wish them [women] to have power over men; but over themselves (Wollstonecraft, 1995). Women were expected to be passive, Wollstonecraft believed women should have the right to be independent. In ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With education available to everyone in New Zealand it is hard to imagine a time where most women were denied education beyond to know just enough arithmetic to do household accounts and just enough geography to converse with her husband and friends (Gordon, 2005). When women were not valued as equals Wollstonecraft believed that women should be educated and emancipated. Strengthen the female mind by enlarging it, and there will be an end to blind obedience (Wollstonecraft, 1995). While there are more opportunities for women in terms of education; they are underrepresented in fields such as science and technology (Huhman, 2012), although this is slowly changing. In New Zealand there have been two female heads of government (Jenny Shipley and Helen Clark) who are evidence of how far the emancipation of women has progressed from the time period in which Wollstonecraft was labelled a Hyena in petticoats by Horace Walpole. Taught from their infancy that beauty is woman s sceptre, the mind shapes itself to the body, and roaming round its gilt cage, only seeks to adorn its prison (Wollstonecraft, 1995). Wollstonecraft (1985) believed that women should be treated like rational creatures, instead of flattering their fascinating graces . Women were expected to carry themselves in a certain manner and attain certain aesthetics. A friend said being beautiful was and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Barack Obama s President Obama Hillary Rodham Clinton is the democratic nominee running for this upcoming presidency in 2016. Clinton was born on October 26th, 1947, in Chicago Illinois (bio). She is no surprise to the white house and political issues having been the first lady herself. She became the first lady of the United States from 1993 to 2001 when her husband Bill Clinton was president (bio). She also became the first wife of a president and woman to be a U.S senator, representing New York (bio). In 2007, Clinton announced her run for presidency a first time but ended up dropping out of the nomination because Barack Obama had majority vote (bio). When Barack Obama became president he appointed Hillary Clinton the 67th U.S secretary of state from 2009 to 2013 (bio). Now she s in the running for presidency again alongside representative candidate Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton has made many promises to the citizens of the United States if elected president this fall. She s touched on many issues that she felt needs to be influenced to ensure a great future for this country. One of those issues being a debt free college. Her plans are to make college free to those who can t afford it. To begin her presidency if elected, she hopes by 2021, those whose income is under $125,000 a year, would not have to pay tuition to attend an in state four year college or university ( Hillary ). This would mean that even more students can attend college at a no cost fee. Also, Clinton would ensure that all community ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Menstruation In America This is a press release from Assemblymember Cristina Garcia that states that she has introduced a bill in order to make feminine hygiene products exempt from sales tax. She writes that this is being done in order to eliminate the tampon tax and bring more gender equity to California s tax code. According to the release, women in California pay over $20 million annually in taxes on tampons and sanitary napkins, paying on average seven dollars a month for forty years, and Garcia writes that this especially affects women with less money and that taxing these items is a form of discrimination not only against women, but also those who are not privileged. The report points out that Viagra is not taxed, and looking at this and the other items ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This article served as the announcement of Kimberly Clark s launch of the U by Kotex feminine hygiene product line, which was described at the time as an innovative feminine care solution that offers bold new packaging, feminine product design and empowers women to change the conversation surrounding women s health. The company made its packaging more vibrant because it wanted to switch the conversation surrounding menstruation from one of shame to one of openness and honesty. Within the article, a vice president of the company is quoted as saying that while advertisers have been perpetuating the cultural stigma (of menstruation) by emphasizing that the best menstrual period is one that is ignored, today s Kotex will stand for truth, transparency and progressive vagina care. Kotex decided to make this move in part due to the results of a survey the company conducted where 70 percent of the females who responded said that it is time to change the way society talks about vaginal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...