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David Hall

Training ROI made simple
Why ROI?



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The five levels of evaluation

    Evaluation requirement                                     Cost & Effort
                                          Most valuable, difficult, infrequently used

Level 5 – Return on Investment of Training

Level 4 – Business Impact

Level 3 – Behavior/ Application

Level 2 – Learning

Level 1 – Reaction                Least valuable, easiest, most frequently used

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Recommended for you

Performance management
Performance management Performance management
Performance management

The document discusses performance management and performance appraisal, including defining performance management, the purposes and processes of performance appraisal, methods for conducting performance appraisals, and common problems that can arise with performance management systems such as bias, manipulation, and creating anxiety for employees. Performance management aims to ensure employees meet organizational goals through ongoing feedback, while performance appraisal evaluates past performance for administrative purposes.

performance appraisalperformance management
Performance Management Training
Performance Management TrainingPerformance Management Training
Performance Management Training

Performance management is an ongoing process that aligns employee performance with business goals. It has four key steps: defining goals, planning performance, coaching performance, and reviewing performance. Effective performance management provides employees with direction, benchmarks progress, and builds confidence. Regular feedback is important to motivate employees and address any issues. Formal annual reviews measure what employees have achieved against their goals and assess their behavior and development needs. The goal is to both develop and motivate high performers, as well as address issues with poor performers.

tourismbusinessperformance management
Coaching & mentoring
Coaching & mentoringCoaching & mentoring
Coaching & mentoring

The document provides an in-depth analysis of coaching and mentoring. It defines coaching and mentoring, outlines their key differences, and examines how organizations incorporate them. Coaching focuses on short-term tasks while mentoring emphasizes long-term development. Several companies are discussed that employ coaching and mentoring programs, including Coca-Cola, Deutsche Bank, Barclays Wealth, Tesco and Saint-Gobain. Surveys show benefits include retention and personal development, while challenges include poor matching and lack of support.

The five levels of evaluation

    Evaluation requirement                                     Cost & Effort
                                          Most valuable, difficult, infrequently used

Level 5 – Return on Investment of Training                                Philips – 1970

Level 4 – Business Impact                                      Kirkpatrick – 1959

Level 3 – Behavior/ Application                       Rackham              (CIRO)–       1970

Level 2 – Learning                          Kaufman & Keller – 1994

                                     Holton – 1996
Level 1 – Reaction                Least valuable, easiest, most frequently used

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Patricia Pullman Phillips

“Reduction in training budgets are due, in part, to training‟s
inability to demonstrate value to the organization”

“As a tool ROI does not enjoy widespread application”

“Some very real barriers do exist - additional, time, costs,
skills & resources”

Practically, however, the ROI calculation alone is an imperfect
measurement which must be used in conjunction with other
performance measurement tools

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“What is our intent in collecting this data?”

“Not all training programmes are candidates for ROI”

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ROI Calculation

            • Gross Benefit - Cost
  ROI % =                                                       X 100
                  Total Cost

                         © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   8

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Competency frameworks
Competency frameworksCompetency frameworks
Competency frameworks

The document discusses competencies, including understanding competencies, why competencies are important, and developing a competency model. It defines competencies as underlying characteristics that are causally related to superior job performance. Developing a competency model involves identifying the competencies required for effective performance, defining behaviors associated with each competency, and applying the model to human resource systems like staffing, learning, performance management and rewarding. Linking competencies to these systems can help align them with business strategy and goals.


Performance Evaluation PowerPoint Slides include topics such as: 4 benefits and 11 additional values of performance appraisals, performance interviews, ground rules for performance evaluation, building performance contracts, developing work plans, setting the stage for a performance appraisal meeting, opening and closing your appraisal session, handling poor performance, conducting a feedback meeting, how to conduct a performance appraisal discussion, how to's and more. Slides can easily be tailored to your specific needs (make handouts, create overheads and use them with an LCD projector) and are available for license. 100+ PowerPoint presentation content slides. Each slide includes slide transitions, clipart and animation. System & Software Requirements: IBM or MAC and PowerPoint 97 or higher. Royalty Free - Use Them Over and Over Again. Once purchased, download instructions will be sent to you via email. (PC and MAC Compatible).

Coaching & Mentoring
Coaching & MentoringCoaching & Mentoring
Coaching & Mentoring

“Leaders become great, not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others” ~ John Maxwell. One key way to empower your team is Coaching and Mentoring, and this quick guide on coaching and mentoring may be useful.

coachingmentoringleadership development
ROI Calculation

           Math is not the problem!
    ROI % =                                                       X 100

              = 1 x 100 = 100% ROI

                         © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   9
Forecasting & measuring costs

  1. Design & development
  2. Promotion
  3. Administration
  4. Faculty
  5. Materials
  6. Facilities
  7. Students
  8. Evaluation
  ?. Unknown costs (specific to your organization)

                                 © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   10
Forecasting & measuring benefits

  1. Labour saving

  2. Increased productivity

  3. Increased efficiency

  4. Cost saving

  5. Income generation

  6. Unknown benefits (specific to your organization)

                                  © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   11


             Lost productivity

             Replacement cover



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Recommended for you

give the best solutions on training and devlopment
give the best solutions on training and devlopmentgive the best solutions on training and devlopment
give the best solutions on training and devlopment

This document outlines the key aspects of training and development (T&D) in organizations. It defines T&D and distinguishes between training, which provides skills for present jobs, and development, which focuses on long-term learning beyond current roles. The document then describes the T&D process, including determining needs, setting objectives, selecting methods, implementation, and evaluation. It also covers orientation, management development, and career planning to help employees maintain job and career security through ongoing skills development.

Mentoring and coaching skills
Mentoring and coaching skillsMentoring and coaching skills
Mentoring and coaching skills

The document provides an overview of mentoring and coaching skills training. It defines mentoring as a long-term relationship focused on career development, while defining coaching as short-term and focused on specific goals. The training covers best practices for mentoring including the roles of mentors and mentees. It also outlines performance-based and skills-based coaching processes. These include diagnosing issues, setting goals, demonstrating tasks, and providing feedback. The document differentiates mentoring and coaching to clarify their distinct purposes and approaches.

rantsanemario trainingmentoringmentoring roles
Coaching & Mentoring
Coaching & MentoringCoaching & Mentoring
Coaching & Mentoring

Coaching and mentoring are development techniques that use one-on-one discussions to enhance skills and performance. Coaching focuses on teaching, motivating, and encouraging employees to achieve their goals, while mentoring is a relationship where a more experienced mentor provides career guidance to a protégé. Both provide benefits such as increased skills, promotions, and satisfaction for both parties. Effective coaching and mentoring require setting goals, providing feedback, and overcoming obstacles through open communication and planning.

There is no ROI without…


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There is no ROI without…


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Improvement in capability


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Developing & Leading High Performance Teams
Developing & Leading High Performance TeamsDeveloping & Leading High Performance Teams
Developing & Leading High Performance Teams

http://www.create-learning.com Created and presented to Simon Graduate School of Business Executive MBA students, University of Rochester, NY. Increasing retention of talent, completion time of projects and tasks, satisfaction with work and life; Making your organization, team, and you better and greater profit. In our time together you will learn how to; hone, utilize, and develop interpersonal and political skills that are needed for more than successful completion of Projects and Goals; Leading to an increase in your value to the team and organization.

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HR Management PowerPoint Presentation Slides
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HR Management PowerPoint Presentation Slides

HR Management PowerPoint Presentation Slides is a highly visual virtual tool specially designed to showcase HRM strategies and practices. Human Resource Management PPT theme encompasses all the seven primary functions that rest on the shoulders of the HR department. Our workforce management PowerPoint slideshow is furnished with striking data visualization tools to assist you in effortlessly showcasing sophisticated processes. Several KPI and dashboard diagrams of personnel management PPT presentation help you to consolidate huge amounts of information systematically. Use this employee management PowerPoint theme to demonstrate strategic human resource planning, including recruitment, selection, motivation, training, development, and evaluation. The comprehensive layout of our staff management PPT slideshow helps you address all the fundamentals of a sound HRM system. Present details like compensation types, types of appraisal methods, workplace safety, and health laws using the HR management PowerPoint template. So, download our human capital management PPT deck and illustrate all the HRM functions with a dash of visual brilliance. https://bit.ly/2SzZPNP

businessorganizationshr management
Performance coaching and mentoring
Performance coaching and mentoringPerformance coaching and mentoring
Performance coaching and mentoring

The document discusses coaching and mentoring. It defines coaching as a positive and future-focused process that assists employees in improving performance and achieving their goals. Coaching involves developing action plans, evaluating progress, and setting new goals. Mentoring is described as a caring relationship where a more experienced mentor provides guidance and support to help a less experienced mentee with their professional and personal development. Key differences between coaching and mentoring are provided, such as coaching having a shorter duration and focusing on immediate goals, while mentoring is a longer-term relationship. The benefits of coaching and mentoring for employees and organizations are outlined. A five-stage coaching process and steps in the mentoring process are also summarized.

performance coaching and mentoring


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How do we find out?

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What do measure?

captures improvement

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L14 performance management and appraisal
L14 performance  management  and appraisalL14 performance  management  and appraisal
L14 performance management and appraisal

The document discusses key concepts in performance management including performance management, performance appraisal, and their definitions. It outlines the purpose of performance appraisal as clarifying objectives, motivating employees, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and more. Traditional and modern methods of performance appraisal are described such as graphic rating scales, forced distribution, behavioral anchored rating scales, and 360 degree feedback. Problems with performance appraisal like subjectivity and focus on symptoms rather than causes are also mentioned. Key result areas and key performance areas are defined.

How to level up learning and development
How to level up learning and developmentHow to level up learning and development
How to level up learning and development

Learn about Redgate's journey so far with learning and development at Redgate. We’ve tried golden tickets, 10% time, down tools weeks, katas and guilds - and still something was missing. We’ll tell you about how our efforts brought us to curating and organising our own product development conference and what happened as a result.

learningpersonal developmentagile
Performance review training for managers
Performance review training for managersPerformance review training for managers
Performance review training for managers

Great managers aren’t born; they’re made. Many new managers need help communicating effectively with employees, giving feedback and taking on a leadership role. Performance management training always focuses on teaching managers how to accomplish or facilitate work through others, and how to direct and develop their employees.

how to reviewcoachingreview discussion
What do we measure?


captures deployment of capability
before & after

                  © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   21
Capability Audit
          Audits          Reports

                                                                                                Decision Making
 Pre-training audit
 The following short self assessment will record your current Willingness and Ability to perform in the 10 key
 skills areas of Impactful Presentations & also the frequency with which you currently apply those skills

 The questionnaire will take you approximately 5 minutes to complete.

            Ability                           Willingness                                   Frequency
                                    Click on the tabs to learn more about
                                     Ability, Willingness and Frequency

                   Start questionnaire

                                                         © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   22
Capability Audit
         Audits            Reports

                                                                                                     Decision Making
 Pre-training audit

   The level of a person‟s capability will be determined by a combination of their willingness & ability to perform
   the task or do the job.

   When rating this assessment consider that Ability will be a combination of Understanding & Skill.

   You may have a high level of understanding of music but a low level of skill in playing the piano.
   Alternatively you may be very skilled at playing the piano and yet not understand about the structure of

   Understanding                                                                                                   Skill

                                            Start questionnaire

                                                              © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   23
Capability Audit
        Audits           Reports

                                                                                                   Decision Making
 Pre-training audit

   Willingness in this context is a combination of Confidence & Motivation.

   You may be motivated to sell the company‟s new product because of the bonus you will earn but lack the
   confidence to pitch to a large new client.

   Alternatively you may be very confident to pitch but lack the motivation because the commission is very

   Confidence                                                                                       Motivation

                                          Start questionnaire

                                                            © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   24

Recommended for you

Kpi for operations manager
Kpi for operations managerKpi for operations manager
Kpi for operations manager

This document discusses key performance indicators (KPIs) for operations managers. It provides resources for creating KPIs, including lists of sample KPIs, performance appraisal metrics, and steps to develop a KPI system. Some tips for developing effective KPIs include linking them to organizational strategies, focusing on 3-5 key result areas, and designing them to empower employees. The document also describes different types of KPIs, such as process, input, output, leading, lagging, outcome, qualitative and quantitative.

How to Gain Excellent Supervisory Skills
How to Gain Excellent Supervisory SkillsHow to Gain Excellent Supervisory Skills
How to Gain Excellent Supervisory Skills

An able supervisor can make or break the performance of a team. A herd of sheep lead by a lion wins, while a pride of lions lead by a sheep fails. The management has to invest in developing their supervisors to excel in their managerial skills. This presentation lists the skills that are required to excel as a supervisor.

Kaufman’s five levels of evaluation of trainning
Kaufman’s five levels of evaluation of trainningKaufman’s five levels of evaluation of trainning
Kaufman’s five levels of evaluation of trainning

Kaufman's five-level evaluation method is used to develop and assess training programs from the trainee's perspective. The first two levels evaluate the resources and trainee reactions to the instruction. Levels two and three evaluate individual competency and application of skills in the workplace. Level four assesses the impact on organizational output and return on investment. The final level evaluates the contributions and consequences of the training program on clients and society.

Capability Audit
        Audits           Reports

                                                                                                   Decision Making
 Pre-training audit

    The value of any individual to an organisation is measured by their actions and the benefits those actions

    In completing this section of the self assessment, consider, honestly, how often you actually do the
    things listed to the left.

    It may be that you never take account of the effect your decision will have on others or that sometimes
    you do & sometimes you don‟t, or that you always consider every effect on everyone.

   Never                                       Sometimes                                                   Always

                                          Start questionnaire

                                                            © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   25
Capability Audit
        Audits                   Reports

   Rate the 5 key capabilities below according to your Ability and Willingness to perform them, as well as the
                                                                                                                     Decision Making
   frequency to which you use those skills in your job.

   Gather all relevant & available facts before making a decision       Low                                                          High


                                                                        Low                                                          High
   Consult effectively with other people as appropriate
   + Additional Comments

   Generate a list of options                                           Low                                                          High

   + Additional Comments
   Use a range of tools & techniques to evaluate the pros and cons of   Low                                                          High
   available options
   + Additional Comments

   Take account of the consequences of the decision on others           Low                                                          High

   + Additional Comments

          Save & continue later                                Continue>

                                                                              © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   26
Capability Audit
        Audits                   Reports

   Rate the 5 key capabilities below according to your Ability and Willingness to perform them, as well as the
                                                                                                                     Decision Making
   frequency to which you use those skills in your job.

   Gather all relevant & available facts before making a decision       Low                                                          High


                                                                        Low                                                          High
   Consult effectively with other people as appropriate
   + Additional Comments

   Generate a list of options                                           Low                                                          High

   + Additional Comments
   Use a range of tools & techniques to evaluate the pros and cons of   Low                                                          High
   available options
   + Additional Comments

   Take account of the consequences of the decision on others           Low                                                          High

   + Additional Comments

          Save & continue later                                Continue>

                                                                              © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   27
Capability Audit
         Audits                  Reports

   Rate the 5 key capabilities below according to your Ability and Willingness to perform them, as well as the
                                                                                                                     Decision Making
   frequency to which you use those skills in your job.

   Gather all relevant & available facts before making a decision       Low                                                          High

       I tend to over analyze and am fearful that I will make a decision without that one crucial piece of info

                                                                        Low                                                          High
   Consult effectively with other people as appropriate
   + Additional Comments

   Generate a list of options                                           Low                                                          High

   + Additional Comments
   Use a range of tools & techniques to evaluate the pros and cons of   Low                                                          High
   available options
   + Additional Comments

   Take account of the consequences of the decision on others           Low                                                          High

   + Additional Comments

          Save & continue later                                Continue>

                                                                              © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   28

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Ravinder's SWAT - Why You Should Hire Me!Ravinder's SWAT - Why You Should Hire Me!
Ravinder's SWAT - Why You Should Hire Me!

Why you should hire me as a consultant - I have the education, experience, attitude and tools to make an immediate impact to your bottom line.

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Your Leadership Edge - #1 Bestseller - Ravinder Tulsiani
Your Leadership Edge - #1 Bestseller - Ravinder TulsianiYour Leadership Edge - #1 Bestseller - Ravinder Tulsiani
Your Leadership Edge - #1 Bestseller - Ravinder Tulsiani

Quick overview of the bestselling management training book. Recipient of several nominations. Is this book right for you?

employee engagementleadershipmanager
Capability Audit
         Audits                  Reports

   Rate the 5 key capabilities below according to your team members Ability and Willingness to perform them,
                                                                                                                     Decision Making
   as well as the frequency to which they use those skills in their job.

   Gather all relevant & available facts before making a decision       Low                                                          High

       I tend to over analyze and am fearful that I will make a decision without that one crucial piece of info

                                                                        Low                                                          High
   Consult effectively with other people as appropriate
   + Additional Comments

   Generate a list of options                                           Low                                                          High

   + Additional Comments
   Use a range of tools & techniques to evaluate the pros and cons of   Low                                                          High
   available options
   + Additional Comments

   Take account of the consequences of the decision on others           Low                                                          High

   + Additional Comments

          Save & continue later                                Continue>

                                                                              © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   29
Capability Audit
         Audits                  Reports

   Rate the 5 key capabilities below according to your team members Ability and Willingness to perform them,
                                                                                                                     Decision Making
   as well as the frequency to which they use those skills in their job.

   Gather all relevant & available facts before making a decision       Low                                                          High

       I tend to over analyze and am fearful that I will make a decision without that one crucial piece of info

                                                                        Low                                                          High
   Consult effectively with other people as appropriate
   + Additional Comments

   Generate a list of options                                           Low                                                          High

   + Additional Comments
   Use a range of tools & techniques to evaluate the pros and cons of   Low                                                          High
   available options
   + Additional Comments

   Take account of the consequences of the decision on others           Low                                                          High

   + Additional Comments

          Save & continue later                                Continue>

                                                                              © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   30
Capability Audit
         Audits                  Reports

   Rate the 5 key capabilities below according to your team members Ability and Willingness to perform them,
                                                                                                                     Decision Making
   as well as the frequency to which they use those skills in their job.

   Gather all relevant & available facts before making a decision       Low                                                          High

       I tend to over analyze and am fearful that I will make a decision without that one crucial piece of info

                                                                        Low                                                          High
   Consult effectively with other people as appropriate
   + Additional Comments

   Generate a list of options                                           Low                                                          High

   + Additional Comments
   Use a range of tools & techniques to evaluate the pros and cons of   Low                                                          High
   available options
   + Additional Comments

   Take account of the consequences of the decision on others           Low                                                          High

   + Additional Comments

          Save & continue later                                Continue>

                                                                              © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   31
Capability Audit
         Audits                  Reports

   Rate the 5 key capabilities below according to your team members Ability and Willingness to perform them,
                                                                                                                     Decision Making
   as well as the frequency to which they use those skills in their job.

   Gather all relevant & available facts before making a decision       Low                                                          High

       I tend to over analyze and am fearful that I will make a decision without that one crucial piece of info

                                                                        Low                                                          High
   Consult effectively with other people as appropriate
   + Additional Comments

   Generate a list of options                                           Low                                                          High

   + Additional Comments
   Use a range of tools & techniques to evaluate the pros and cons of   Low                                                          High
   available options
   + Additional Comments

   Take account of the consequences of the decision on others           Low                                                          High

   + Additional Comments

          Save & continue later                                Continue>

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7 secrets to maximise training roi ss .compressed
7 secrets to maximise training roi ss .compressed7 secrets to maximise training roi ss .compressed
7 secrets to maximise training roi ss .compressed

How to maximise learning and impact from corporate trainings. Why your training may not be giving you the impact you been expecting

Branding yourself with Social Media
Branding yourself with Social Media Branding yourself with Social Media
Branding yourself with Social Media

Personal branding involves developing an authentic depiction of your skills, values, and strengths to present a consistent brand across social media and traditional methods. Building an effective personal brand requires self-examination to understand how others see you and how you want to be seen. It also involves mastering basic social media skills like having a professional photo and bio, sharing accomplishments and interests, and engaging with connections on platforms like Facebook. Maintaining relevance, seizing opportunities, and staying passionate helps strengthen your personal brand over time.

social media strategypersonal brandingsocial media marketing
Branding Yourself
Branding YourselfBranding Yourself
Branding Yourself

The document discusses building a personal brand. It defines personal branding as how others perceive you based on your image and online presence. It emphasizes the importance of developing an internal brand among coworkers and classmates as well as an external brand for recruiters, journalists, and others. The document provides tips for students to build their personal brands at the career fair, such as practicing elevator pitches, networking, publishing content, using social media, and maintaining online profiles and metrics.

personal branding
Capability Audit
        Audits                   Reports

   Manager                                                                                                           Decision Making
   Rate the 5 key capabilities below according to your team members Ability and Willingness to perform them,
   as well as the frequency to which they use those skills in their job.
   Gather all relevant & available facts before making a decision       Low                                                          High

       M: Needs to be more systematic and organized in gathering & managing data

                                                                        Low                                                          High
   Consult effectively with other people as appropriate
   + Additional Comments

   Generate a list of options                                           Low                                                          High

   + Additional Comments
   Use a range of tools & techniques to evaluate the pros and cons of   Low                                                          High
   available options
   + Additional Comments

   Take account of the consequences of the decision on others           Low                                                          High

   + Additional Comments

          Save & continue later                                Continue>

                                                                              © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   33
Capability Audit
         Audits                  Reports

   Learner & Manager                                      REPORT                                                     Decision Making
   Rate the 5 key capabilities below according to your Ability and Willingness to perform them, as well as the
   frequency to which you use those skills in your job.

   Gather all relevant & available facts before making a decision       Low                                                          High

       L: I tend to over analyze and am fearful that I will make a decision without that one crucial piece of info
       M: Needs to be more systematic and organized in gathering & managing data

                                                                        Low                                                          High
   Consult effectively with other people as appropriate
   + Additional Comments

   Generate a list of options                                           Low                                                          High

   + Additional Comments
   Use a range of tools & techniques to evaluate the pros and cons of   Low                                                          High
   available options
   + Additional Comments

   Take account of the consequences of the decision on others           Low                                                          High

   + Additional Comments

          Save & continue later                                Continue>

                                                                              © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   34
Capability Audit
            Audits                  Reports

   Learner & Manager                                        Assessment                                                   Decision Making

   Gather all relevant & available facts before making a decision           Low                                                          High

         I tend to over analyze and am fearful that I will make a decision without that one crucial piece of info

                                                                            Low                                                          High
   Consult effectively with other people as appropriate
   + Additional Comments

   Generate a list of options                                               Low                                                          High

   + Additional Comments
       Use a range of tools & techniques to evaluate the pros and cons of   Low                                                          High
       available options
   + Additional Comments

   Take account of the consequences of the decision on others               Low                                                          High

   + Additional Comments
             Save & continue later                               Continue>

                                                                                  © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   35
Scrap learning

“This concept is very troubling in learning today.

About 65 percent of training is not optimally

applied on the job”

(KnowledgeAdvisors, 2008)

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Employability skills
Employability skillsEmployability skills
Employability skills

Employability skills are basic skills needed for getting, keeping, and doing well in a job. While employers prefer to hire trained candidates, they are willing to provide job-specific training for those lacking skills. Employers value reliable workers who can solve problems and work well in a team, as well as creative thinkers who can help the business compete. Teaching employability skills should have clear goals and involve modeling behaviors through realistic work simulations.

Be Phenomenal or Be Forgotten: Your Personal Brand
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Be Phenomenal or Be Forgotten: Your Personal Brand

Personal Branding is the process of identifying the unique and differentiating value that you can bring to an organization. Articulate (visual & verbally) your value is your key to a successful career.

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Corporate Transformation And Change Management By Ravinder Tulsiani
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Some companies succeed. They adapt to changing circumstances, and they remain relevant and vital. Their people manage change, compete and win.

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Scrap learning

“The core problem is that managers are not

properly preparing learners for training nor are

they supporting them afterward on the job”

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Scrap learning

“ The result is wasted (i.e., scrap) learning.

Scrap can be reduced through better manager


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Scrap learning

“Managers who set expectations with employees

prior to learning and follow through afterward

with projects and measurable goals overcome the

scrap learning crisis.”

ESI International white paper 2011

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             © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   40

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ROI of Training - Converting Value and Calculating ROI
ROI of Training - Converting Value and Calculating ROIROI of Training - Converting Value and Calculating ROI
ROI of Training - Converting Value and Calculating ROI

This document discusses methods for measuring the return on investment (ROI) of training programs by quantifying both tangible and intangible benefits. It distinguishes between "hard data" which are easy to quantify, like output increases or cost savings, and "soft data" which are more subjective, like employee satisfaction. Various methods are presented for assigning monetary values to soft benefits, including using historical records, expert estimates, and manager assessments. The document also covers calculating program costs and determining the financial payoff through metrics like benefit-cost ratio and ROI percentage.

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How to calcluate the return on learning investment (ROI). Companies allocate certain amount of funds and resources to the training budget, what they want to see is how the training impacts their core business objectives (eg. growth, reduce risk etc...) Learn how…

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Key Responsibilities


    Systems / Processes

    Resources

    Budgets

    Results

    People

                           © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   41
Managing people

           Managing Systems
           Managing Resources
           Managing Budgets
           Managing Processes
           Managing People

                              © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   42
Managing people




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Managing people



 Effect- ROE

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Brand You - Intro to Personal branding, Using social media to brand yourself ...
Brand You - Intro to Personal branding, Using social media to brand yourself ...Brand You - Intro to Personal branding, Using social media to brand yourself ...
Brand You - Intro to Personal branding, Using social media to brand yourself ...

I gave this presentation to Sierra Nevada College students who are graduating in a month and need to find a job. I used real life examples from people whom I respect. I outlined a personal brand plan for them and gave them tactics they can use to start working on their personal brand, as simple as get a good email address. Yes, surprisingly, they don't even teach them that in school!

out&about marketing presentationsocial media to find a jobmilena regos
Employability and professional development
Employability and professional developmentEmployability and professional development
Employability and professional development

Employability refers to having skills and attributes that make individuals likely to gain employment and be successful in their careers. Employability skills include personal responsibility, decision-making, communication, leadership, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence. Managers play an important role in motivating employees by setting objectives, organizing work, communicating, establishing targets, and developing people's skills and careers. Conducting regular performance reviews and providing rewards and incentives can help motivate employees. Personal development involves regularly evaluating one's skills, strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for career progression.

Developing students’ employability skills through social media
Developing students’ employability skills through social mediaDeveloping students’ employability skills through social media
Developing students’ employability skills through social media

This presentation demonstrates how embedding social media and technology in the curriculum can develop graduate attributes and employability skills. It provides examples of using social media to engage with employers through professional networking and developing digital capabilities. Authentic learning experiences that involve online collaboration, communication, and multimedia creation can help students learn to use digital spaces professionally. Developing these skills is important because employers seek graduates with strong communication, teamwork, and digital skills, as the CBI report highlights dissatisfaction with graduates' workplace preparedness.

employabilitygraduatedigital capabilities
Managing people




                        © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   45
The Learning Path


                                  -   Learning Path
                                  -   Faculty & Learners
                                  -   Foundation self study
                                  -   Capability

                    © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   46
The Learning Path

  Understanding                    DEVELOP



                    © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   47
The Learning Path


                    -   Learning
                    -   Deployment Plan
                    -   Post Learning Capability Audit
                    -   Deployment Review
                    -   Deployment Report

                    © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   48

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Measuring ROI in Training
Measuring ROI in TrainingMeasuring ROI in Training
Measuring ROI in Training

Do your stakeholders want to see evidence of the program's impact? By knowing what works in your learning portfolio, you can repeat successes and eliminate ineffective programs. This method is based on the work of Donald L. Kirkpatrick, Dr J. Phillips, Robert Brinkerhoff and Josh Bersin. "Credible, data-driven and actionable reporting of your training impact and talent programs are critical for making right investment decisions." www.greenbookslearning.com

roikirkpatricktraining evaluation
Training and development
Training and developmentTraining and development
Training and development

The training and development presentation contains information about importance, objective and needs of training and development and challenges present in training and development. It contains several review of literature. It explains about Kirkpatrick's model, Kaufman's five level model, CIRO model, CI PD partnership model and k under model. The purpose and methodologies also explained.

ROI of Training Programs
ROI of Training ProgramsROI of Training Programs
ROI of Training Programs

1) The document presents a model for measuring incremental return on investment (ROI) for training programs over time. 2) It proposes measuring ROI in four forms: performance, revenue generation, risk reduction, and return on expectation. 3) An example calculation shows incremental ROI from improved performance of 54% based on reducing the percentage of below benchmark performers from 71% without training to 17% with training.

roitrainingreturn of invesment
Deployment plan
                             Target                   Tactics
 Performance Zones                                                                    When am I going to start
                       What am I aiming for?     How do I get there?
                                                                                          and finish this

Global Virtual Teams                                                                      Start                  Finish

We help each other

                                               © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.      50
                               Target                                Tactics
 Performance Zones                                                                                   When am I going to start
                         What am I aiming for?                  How do I get there?
                                                                                                         and finish this

Global Virtual Teams
                        AOK= all ok   FP= Future Priority                                                Start                  Finish

We help each other

We pull in the
same direction
We work together
                        Benefit from the experience of      Put out a blog for help before I        10/11/11            10/12/11 +
Capability              my colleagues in the XY             start spending time on searching                            ongoing
                        community                           for my own unique solution
We share what we have

                        To improve my verbal                Prepare more for the call, slow         4/11/11             ongoing
Communication           communication with my               down and ensure mutual
We pay attention to     colleagues in India                 understanding before we finish the
                                                            call and put summary in email.
each other

                        Improve my understanding of         Ask them.                               4/11/11             Ongoing
Cultural Intelligence   the cultural differences between    Get on a course                         ASAP – Jan at
                        myself and my colleagues in         Research                                the latest
We play well together   India                                                                       4/11/11             11/11/11

                                                              © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.      51
Deployment support



                     © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   52
Deployment data collection

Deployment Plans reviewed

Capability Audits – Frequency differentials

                                © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   53

Recommended for you

9 Reasons Why You Love Learning
9 Reasons Why You Love Learning9 Reasons Why You Love Learning
9 Reasons Why You Love Learning

The document discusses why learning is loved. It provides 9 reasons: 1. Learning provides the best return on investment as investing in oneself through learning allows one to contribute more. 2. Learning is loved to keep pace with a changing world and avoid limitations of status quo. 3. Learning how to learn effectively is an important lifelong skill and mastery is loved. 4. A growth mindset that sees intelligence as developable leads to a desire to learn and embrace challenges. 5. Not suffering from the Dunning-Kruger effect means one is open to continued learning without thinking they already know it all. 6. Self-efficacy and confidence in one's ability to

RAMS 2013 Calculating roi when implementing a dfr program by mike silverman
RAMS 2013 Calculating roi when implementing a dfr program by mike silvermanRAMS 2013 Calculating roi when implementing a dfr program by mike silverman
RAMS 2013 Calculating roi when implementing a dfr program by mike silverman

Presentation given at RAMS 2013 Three-phase inverters are physically large, complex and expensive elements of major solar power generation systems. The inverter converts DC power created by the photovoltaic (PV) panels to AC power suitable for adding to the power grid. The inverters’ reliability testing is a complex task and relies on reliability block diagrams (RBD), vendor and field data, plus selecting accelerated life tests (ALT) based on critical elements of the product. This paper illustrates a case study that developed an RBD, used field and vendor data, and includes the design and use of two ALTs. The result is a working framework or model that provides a reasonable estimate of the expected lifetime performance of the inverter. While any project similar to this, is always a work in progress, the examination of the decisions and inputs for the model proves valuable for the continued improvement of the model and resulting life predictions. This project provides an excellent real life example of reliability estimation having a multitude of constraints including: sample size, test duration, and field data, thus having to rely on all sources of available data starting from field and vendor data to theoretical component reliability calculations, ALT plan execution, failure analysis, and finally summarizing the results using RBD to estimate product expected lifetime. At the time of writing this paper, based on completion of system level ALT, an availability of 99.97% is valid over a 10 year period according to southern Ontario weather as the main installation base. This will be revisited once subsystem ALT is completed.

roireliability engineeringboundary value problem
How to Build a Business Case and Measure the Effects of Leadership Developmen...
How to Build a Business Case and Measure the Effects of Leadership Developmen...How to Build a Business Case and Measure the Effects of Leadership Developmen...
How to Build a Business Case and Measure the Effects of Leadership Developmen...

Leadership development is essential to successfully navigate at today’s business speed. This webinar will offer practical and credible advice on how to construct a business case to substantiate leadership development initiatives and measure the effects. Development of your leaders can have big payoff in terms of revenue generation and organizational risk mitigation, but how will you know if you’ve been successful if you don’t have a formal plan and strategy to evaluate impact? Join us for an insightful webinar by one of the industry’s leading authorities on measurement and analytics, Jeffrey Berk, COO of KnowledgeAdvisors. Learning objectives: Developing the business case for a leadership development initiative. Defining the leadership development measurement strategy to evaluate impact. Identifying what analytics are important. Communicating the results of leadership development investments to executives.

business modelbusinessorganizationa
Deployment review


                    © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   54
                               Target                                Tactics
 Performance Zones                                                                                   When am I going to start
                         What am I aiming for?                  How do I get there?
                                                                                                         and finish this

Global Virtual Teams
                        AOK= all ok   FP= Future Priority                                                Start               Finish

We help each other

We pull in the
same direction
We work together
                        Benefit from the experience of      Put out a blog for help before I        10/11/11            10/12/11 +
Capability              my colleagues in the XY             start spending time on searching                            ongoing
                        community                           for my own unique solution
We share what we have

                        To improve my verbal                Prepare more for the call, slow         4/11/11             ongoing
Communication           communication with my               down and ensure mutual
We pay attention to     colleagues in India                 understanding before we finish the
                                                            call and put summary in email.
each other

                        Improve my understanding of         Ask them.                               4/11/11             Ongoing
Cultural Intelligence   the cultural differences between    Get on a course                         ASAP – Jan at
                        myself and my colleagues in         Research                                the latest
We play well together   India                                                                       4/11/11             11/11/11

                                                               © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.    55
Deployment review
 Performance                                    Tactics             When am I going to start and                   Deployment
                   What am I aiming
    Zones                                  How do I get there?               finish this                    Progress to date ( 3/12/12)
                                                                        (LP Date: 3/11/11)
                   AOK= all ok FP=                                       Start              Finish         None      Some       Most        All
                   Future Priority

Cooperation        AOK
We help each
Convergence        FP
We pull in the
same direction
Coordination       AOK
We work together
                   Benefit from the       Put out a blog for help   10/11/11           10/12/11 +
We share what
                   experience of my
                   colleagues in the XY
                                          before I start spending
                                          time on searching for
                                                                                       ongoing                                          ✓
we have            community              my own unique solution

                   To improve my          Prepare more for the      4/11/11            ongoing
We pay attention
                   communication with
                                          call, slow down and
                                          ensure mutual
to                 my colleagues in       understanding before we
each other         India                  finish the call and put
                                          summary in email.

                   Improve my             Ask them.                 4/11/11            Ongoing
                   understanding of
                   the cultural           Get on a course           ASAP – Jan at
                                                                                                                     ✓                  ✓
We play well
                   differences between
                   myself and my
                   colleagues in India    Research
                                                                    the latest

                                                                    4/11/11            11/11/11

                                                                    © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.    56
Capability Deployment

         Never    Sometimes   Most                Always

          3          6         1                       0

                                     © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   57

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AdvisorAssist Compliance ROI
AdvisorAssist Compliance ROIAdvisorAssist Compliance ROI
AdvisorAssist Compliance ROI

Managing an advisory firm's compliance program can be costly. Can this expense also be viewed as an investment? Learn how your compliance efforts can help you manage your firm more effectively.

investment advisorinvestment managementcompliance
How to Build a Business Case for Formalization of Learning Analytics
How to Build a Business Case for Formalization of Learning AnalyticsHow to Build a Business Case for Formalization of Learning Analytics
How to Build a Business Case for Formalization of Learning Analytics

This presentation will offer practical advice on how learning leaders should build a business case to formalize learning analytics into the L&D organization and budget. The session will cover critical tools and techniques to establish relevancy for learning measurement and positively create a culture supportive of L&D measurement. Learning objectives: Discuss examples of L&D metrics’ value to the organization. Review techniques (KPIs, pilot/beta tests, financial analysis) to create a business case. Provide an overview of the attributes necessary to create and sustain L&D analytics.

chief learning officerchief learning officer magazinel&d
performance_management CAPPA 10-12-12
performance_management CAPPA 10-12-12performance_management CAPPA 10-12-12
performance_management CAPPA 10-12-12

This document provides guidance on conducting meaningful performance appraisals. It discusses the importance of performance management in supporting employees and organizational success. It outlines reasons for conducting performance appraisals from both the employer and employee perspective. The document provides tips for planning appraisal meetings, filling out forms, setting goals, and having constructive discussions that focus on performance, not personal attributes. Common challenges like bias, lack of preparation, and failing to provide feedback are addressed. The overall message is that performance appraisals are an ongoing process of communication, observation and evaluation to develop employees.

Capability Deployment

         Never    Sometimes   Most                Always

          0          1         4                       5

          3          6         1                       0

                                     © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   58
Deployment review


                    © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   59
Capability Audit
         Audits                  Reports

                                                                                                                     Decision Making
   Rate the 5 key capabilities below according to your team members Ability and Willingness to perform them,
   as well as the frequency to which they use those skills in their job.

   Gather all relevant & available facts before making a decision       Low                                                          High

       I tend to over analyze and am fearful that I will make a decision without that one crucial piece of info

                                                                        Low                                                          High
   Consult effectively with other people as appropriate
   + Additional Comments

   Generate a list of options                                           Low                                                          High

   + Additional Comments
   Use a range of tools & techniques to evaluate the pros and cons of   Low                                                          High
   available options
   + Additional Comments

   Take account of the consequences of the decision on others           Low                                                          High

   + Additional Comments

          Save & continue later                                Continue>

                                                                              © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   60

 Cubit          Qubit                                     QBIT

                                                    *                             ROI

                                                    *                              *

                        © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   61

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ROI Survival Guide: Making Dollar & Sense From Your OD Programs
ROI Survival Guide:  Making Dollar & Sense From Your OD ProgramsROI Survival Guide:  Making Dollar & Sense From Your OD Programs
ROI Survival Guide: Making Dollar & Sense From Your OD Programs

Purpose of the presentation is to: + Present an easy-to-use method for establishing a financial return on dollars spent. + To convert intangible benefits into tangible benefits + To quantify tangible benefits into financial terms + To build your skill in running simple, but powerful financial calculations

roimassbayodlgjulia geisman
Talent Management From The Trenches
Talent Management From The TrenchesTalent Management From The Trenches
Talent Management From The Trenches

Understand some of the critical elements and key factors that impact the success or failure of Talent Management.

Using Tools for Putting a Cost on Turnover
Using Tools for Putting a Cost on TurnoverUsing Tools for Putting a Cost on Turnover
Using Tools for Putting a Cost on Turnover

Dick Finnegan is an expert in employee retention who has authored books and articles on the topic. This document discusses the importance of calculating the costs of employee turnover and provides tools and strategies for doing so. It recommends that the finance department lead cost analysis to bring credibility. Examples are given of calculating costs by job groups and leveraging cost data to improve retention. The last sections introduce a Certified Employee Retention Professional program.

health center
Quantifying the Business Impact of Training


                           *      Deployment

                               © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   62
QBIT = 2-4

Level 5 – Return on Investment of Training

Level 4 – Business Impact

Level 3 – Behavior/ Application

Level 2 – Learning

Level 1 – Reaction

                                  © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   63
IF capabilities deployed…


 1. Distinguish between what is urgent, what is important & what is not
 2. Set measurable objectives for priorities
 3. Improved delegation
  Delegate efficiently & effectively
 4. Set clear outcomes and performance indicators for delegatee
  Provideefficient use ofto the delegatee appropriate to the desired
    More a thorough brief management resources
  outcome
    Improved management capability
 6. Inform all relevant others that a task has been delegated
  Management time outcomes of delegatee
 7. Monitor the actions & saved
 8. Evaluate & Review with the delegatee their actions and outcomes
  Reduction in errors
 9. Recognise & reward success
 10.Train, Coach & support the delegatee where necessary

                                        © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   64
Survive & thrive

           Profit & Reputation

                       *                   BI

                       *       Reputation

                           © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   65

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5 Biggest Risks to Effective Asset Management
5 Biggest Risks to Effective Asset Management5 Biggest Risks to Effective Asset Management
5 Biggest Risks to Effective Asset Management

This presentation is designed to help you avoid risks and costly errors when developing an effective asset management plan. After reviewing the information you will have a new and deeper understanding of how to avoid some of the biggest risks to asset management professionals . For more information visit http://www.lce.com/

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Testing Webinar III
Testing Webinar IIITesting Webinar III
Testing Webinar III

The document discusses DDI's webinar on testing for high potential. It outlines DDI's experience in assessments and client satisfaction. It then discusses forces affecting one company, including an aging workforce and culture change. The rest of the document provides details on DDI's three-part approach to identify and develop high potential talent: 1) determine capacity needs, 2) identify high potential employees, and 3) assess gaps and develop employees. Various charts and examples are provided to illustrate DDI's methods.

employment testing
In House Service Excel Training Ss 08 10 15
In House Service Excel Training Ss 08 10 15In House Service Excel Training Ss 08 10 15
In House Service Excel Training Ss 08 10 15

The “how-to’s” of developing a training program for your staff to meet your club’s needs. McKinley Solutions will provide you with the tools you need to ensure your team “hits the ground running” and consistently deliver results that are in line with your core values and standards for service excellence!

Improved delegation =
 More efficient use of management resources                  Profit
 Improved management capability                              Profit & Reputation
 Management time saved                                       Profit
 Reduction in errors                                         Profit & Reputation

                                 © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   66
The greatest waste of money…

                    NO DEPLOYMENT

                      © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   67
Thank you


                         *                     ROI

                         *        Deployment

                               © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   68
Thank you for your participation

                  Please visit our website
                       Get in touch!

          Contact us at enquiries@tmaworld.com

          or David directly at dhall@tmaworld.com

TMA World is a leader in developing talent for the global workplace.

                                   © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   69

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Succession Planning
Succession Planning Succession Planning
Succession Planning

The document provides an overview of a webinar from CLC Human Resources on best practices for high-impact succession management, including frameworks for assessing vacancy risk, readiness risk, transition risk, and portfolio risk. It summarizes CLC's research on managing the four succession risks and translating them into strategic imperatives to safeguard critical capabilities, accelerate development, overcome executive derailment, and maximize talent leverage. The webinar outlines CLC's approach to moving from traditional succession planning to strategic executive talent management.

IBM Cognos - Hälsokontroll på ekonomiavdelningen med mål att bli värdeskapare
IBM Cognos - Hälsokontroll på ekonomiavdelningen med mål att bli värdeskapareIBM Cognos - Hälsokontroll på ekonomiavdelningen med mål att bli värdeskapare
IBM Cognos - Hälsokontroll på ekonomiavdelningen med mål att bli värdeskapare

Som en en spinoff från IBM's CFO survey 2010, ger vi dig möjligheten att staka ut vägen hur du skall bli bättre än dina konkurrenter. Denna presentation hölls på IBM Cognos Performance 2010 av Jonas Berg, Sr Managing Consultant, Business Analytics & Optimization, IBM

Leadership Strategies for High Performance Contact Centres
Leadership Strategies for High Performance Contact CentresLeadership Strategies for High Performance Contact Centres
Leadership Strategies for High Performance Contact Centres

This Presentation was prepared & shared by me as a Guest Speaker at a Conference on 'Customer Experience and Service Quality Excellence', organised by Gripel (www.gripel.com), on 27 and 28 May 2011.

people managementprocess managementleadership
TMA World is a leader in developing talent for the
global workplace. Across 50 countries we apply
a blend of experiential workshops and e-learning
methodologies to enable individuals at all levels to
lead and collaborate across distances and difference:
   Develop leaders - who possess appropriate global mindsets and competencies
   Engage global teams - to collaborate seamlessly and support international growth
   Achieve consistency - across cultures, methodologies and management
   Harmonize cross-border relationships - both internally and externally
   Unify your people - to enable the free flow of ideas and skills globally

To find out more about how we can help you address your learning and development
challenges, please contact us at enquiries@tmaworld.com or visit our website

London   New York     San Francisco    Hong Kong       Singapore             Bangalore            Moscow

                                               © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   70
TMA World Publications
Written by Terence Brake, President, TMA World-Americas                                      http://virtualteamwork.blogspot.com

       Where In The World Is My Team? Making a success of your virtual
       global workplace                                                                       THE FUTURE OF VIRTUAL
       „Where In The World Is My Team? Making a success of your virtual global
                                                                                              TEAMWORK &
       workplace‟ addresses the issues of „Sanity, Survival and Success in Global             COLLABORATION
       Teams‟. Tools, theories and concepts are introduced to help businesspeople
       working internationally to understand and develop the competencies required to         The work revolution is here and
       manage and lead global teams.                                                          now! This blog builds on the
                                                                                              work of my new book -
       The Global Leader: Critical Factors For Creating The World Class                       Where in the World is My Team?
       Organization                                                                           by discussing the latest thinking
       Globalization may have become a cliché, but that doesn‟t make it any less real or      on virtual teamwork and
       any easier to achieve and sustain. Global competitiveness requires continuous          collaboration. Enjoy!
       attention to core capabilities. „The Global Leader‟ addresses one of the most
       critical capabilities needed for winning in this new business environment: a
       company‟s ability to develop global leaders throughout its organization.

       Managing Globally
       „Managing Globally‟ is a practical, self-help guide to help you develop key
       management skills for working with other cultures. Packed with essential tips and
       advice you will learn how to adapt to different working practices, from
       overcoming language barriers, making presentations and carrying out
       negotiations to working in global teams and managing conflict.

       Manager's Handbook
       A comprehensive guide to learning key management skills, understanding core
       business concepts, and planning a successful career, „Manager's Handbook‟ is
       both an introduction for new managers and an up-to-date reference for
       experienced managers and those working in new businesses.

                                                                      © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved.   71

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Training ROI Made Simple

  • 2. Why ROI? Making Saving Wasting © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 2
  • 3. EVALUATION MODELS © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 3
  • 4. The five levels of evaluation Evaluation requirement Cost & Effort Most valuable, difficult, infrequently used Level 5 – Return on Investment of Training Level 4 – Business Impact Level 3 – Behavior/ Application Level 2 – Learning Level 1 – Reaction Least valuable, easiest, most frequently used © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 4
  • 5. The five levels of evaluation Evaluation requirement Cost & Effort Most valuable, difficult, infrequently used Level 5 – Return on Investment of Training Philips – 1970 Level 4 – Business Impact Kirkpatrick – 1959 Level 3 – Behavior/ Application Rackham (CIRO)– 1970 Level 2 – Learning Kaufman & Keller – 1994 Holton – 1996 Level 1 – Reaction Least valuable, easiest, most frequently used © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 5
  • 6. Patricia Pullman Phillips “Reduction in training budgets are due, in part, to training‟s inability to demonstrate value to the organization” “As a tool ROI does not enjoy widespread application” “Some very real barriers do exist - additional, time, costs, skills & resources” Practically, however, the ROI calculation alone is an imperfect measurement which must be used in conjunction with other performance measurement tools © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 6
  • 7. “What is our intent in collecting this data?” “Not all training programmes are candidates for ROI” © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 7
  • 8. ROI Calculation • Gross Benefit - Cost ROI % = X 100 Total Cost © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 8
  • 9. ROI Calculation €100,000-€50,000 Math is not the problem! ROI % = X 100 €50,000 = 1 x 100 = 100% ROI © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 9
  • 10. Forecasting & measuring costs 1. Design & development 2. Promotion 3. Administration 4. Faculty 5. Materials 6. Facilities 7. Students 8. Evaluation ?. Unknown costs (specific to your organization) © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 10
  • 11. Forecasting & measuring benefits 1. Labour saving 2. Increased productivity 3. Increased efficiency 4. Cost saving 5. Income generation 6. Unknown benefits (specific to your organization) © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 11
  • 12. Variables? Management Lost productivity Replacement cover Migration Change © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 12
  • 13. There is no ROI without… DEPLOYMENT © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 13
  • 14. There is no ROI without… IMPROVEMENT & DEPLOYMENT © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 14
  • 15. Improvement in capability WILLINGNESS & ABILITY © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 15
  • 16. Ability UNDERSTANDING & SKILL © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 16
  • 17. Willingness CONFIDENCE & MOTIVATION © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 17
  • 18. Deployment DO MORE DO BETTER DO NEW © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 18
  • 19. How do we find out? LEARNERS ASK MANAGERS MEASURE OTHERS © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 19
  • 20. What do measure? CAPABILITY AUDIT captures improvement © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 20
  • 21. What do we measure? FREQUENCY captures deployment of capability before & after © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 21
  • 22. Capability Audit Audits Reports Decision Making Pre-training audit The following short self assessment will record your current Willingness and Ability to perform in the 10 key skills areas of Impactful Presentations & also the frequency with which you currently apply those skills The questionnaire will take you approximately 5 minutes to complete. Ability Willingness Frequency Click on the tabs to learn more about Ability, Willingness and Frequency Start questionnaire © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 22
  • 23. Capability Audit Audits Reports Decision Making Pre-training audit Ability The level of a person‟s capability will be determined by a combination of their willingness & ability to perform the task or do the job. When rating this assessment consider that Ability will be a combination of Understanding & Skill. You may have a high level of understanding of music but a low level of skill in playing the piano. Alternatively you may be very skilled at playing the piano and yet not understand about the structure of notes. Understanding Skill Start questionnaire © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 23
  • 24. Capability Audit Audits Reports Decision Making Pre-training audit Willingness Willingness in this context is a combination of Confidence & Motivation. You may be motivated to sell the company‟s new product because of the bonus you will earn but lack the confidence to pitch to a large new client. Alternatively you may be very confident to pitch but lack the motivation because the commission is very low Confidence Motivation Start questionnaire © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 24
  • 25. Capability Audit Audits Reports Decision Making Pre-training audit Frequency The value of any individual to an organisation is measured by their actions and the benefits those actions deliver. In completing this section of the self assessment, consider, honestly, how often you actually do the things listed to the left. It may be that you never take account of the effect your decision will have on others or that sometimes you do & sometimes you don‟t, or that you always consider every effect on everyone. Never Sometimes Always Start questionnaire © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 25
  • 26. Capability Audit Audits Reports Rate the 5 key capabilities below according to your Ability and Willingness to perform them, as well as the Decision Making frequency to which you use those skills in your job. Gather all relevant & available facts before making a decision Low High Ability Willingness Frequency - Low High Consult effectively with other people as appropriate Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Generate a list of options Low High Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Use a range of tools & techniques to evaluate the pros and cons of Low High available options Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Take account of the consequences of the decision on others Low High Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Save & continue later Continue> © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 26
  • 27. Capability Audit Audits Reports Rate the 5 key capabilities below according to your Ability and Willingness to perform them, as well as the Decision Making frequency to which you use those skills in your job. Gather all relevant & available facts before making a decision Low High Ability Willingness Frequency - Low High Consult effectively with other people as appropriate Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Generate a list of options Low High Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Use a range of tools & techniques to evaluate the pros and cons of Low High available options Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Take account of the consequences of the decision on others Low High Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Save & continue later Continue> © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 27
  • 28. Capability Audit Audits Reports Rate the 5 key capabilities below according to your Ability and Willingness to perform them, as well as the Decision Making frequency to which you use those skills in your job. Gather all relevant & available facts before making a decision Low High Ability Willingness Frequency - I tend to over analyze and am fearful that I will make a decision without that one crucial piece of info Low High Consult effectively with other people as appropriate Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Generate a list of options Low High Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Use a range of tools & techniques to evaluate the pros and cons of Low High available options Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Take account of the consequences of the decision on others Low High Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Save & continue later Continue> © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 28
  • 29. Capability Audit Audits Reports Rate the 5 key capabilities below according to your team members Ability and Willingness to perform them, Decision Making as well as the frequency to which they use those skills in their job. Gather all relevant & available facts before making a decision Low High Ability Willingness Frequency - I tend to over analyze and am fearful that I will make a decision without that one crucial piece of info Low High Consult effectively with other people as appropriate Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Generate a list of options Low High Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Use a range of tools & techniques to evaluate the pros and cons of Low High available options Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Take account of the consequences of the decision on others Low High Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Save & continue later Continue> © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 29
  • 30. Capability Audit Audits Reports Rate the 5 key capabilities below according to your team members Ability and Willingness to perform them, Decision Making as well as the frequency to which they use those skills in their job. Gather all relevant & available facts before making a decision Low High Ability Willingness Frequency - I tend to over analyze and am fearful that I will make a decision without that one crucial piece of info Low High Consult effectively with other people as appropriate Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Generate a list of options Low High Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Use a range of tools & techniques to evaluate the pros and cons of Low High available options Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Take account of the consequences of the decision on others Low High Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Save & continue later Continue> © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 30
  • 31. Capability Audit Audits Reports Rate the 5 key capabilities below according to your team members Ability and Willingness to perform them, Decision Making as well as the frequency to which they use those skills in their job. Gather all relevant & available facts before making a decision Low High Ability Willingness Frequency - I tend to over analyze and am fearful that I will make a decision without that one crucial piece of info Low High Consult effectively with other people as appropriate Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Generate a list of options Low High Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Use a range of tools & techniques to evaluate the pros and cons of Low High available options Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Take account of the consequences of the decision on others Low High Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Save & continue later Continue> © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 31
  • 32. Capability Audit Audits Reports Rate the 5 key capabilities below according to your team members Ability and Willingness to perform them, Decision Making as well as the frequency to which they use those skills in their job. Gather all relevant & available facts before making a decision Low High Ability Willingness Frequency - I tend to over analyze and am fearful that I will make a decision without that one crucial piece of info Low High Consult effectively with other people as appropriate Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Generate a list of options Low High Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Use a range of tools & techniques to evaluate the pros and cons of Low High available options Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Take account of the consequences of the decision on others Low High Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Save & continue later Continue> © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 32
  • 33. Capability Audit Audits Reports Manager Decision Making Rate the 5 key capabilities below according to your team members Ability and Willingness to perform them, as well as the frequency to which they use those skills in their job. Gather all relevant & available facts before making a decision Low High Ability Willingness Frequency - M: Needs to be more systematic and organized in gathering & managing data Low High Consult effectively with other people as appropriate Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Generate a list of options Low High Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Use a range of tools & techniques to evaluate the pros and cons of Low High available options Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Take account of the consequences of the decision on others Low High Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Save & continue later Continue> © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 33
  • 34. Capability Audit Audits Reports Learner & Manager REPORT Decision Making Rate the 5 key capabilities below according to your Ability and Willingness to perform them, as well as the frequency to which you use those skills in your job. Gather all relevant & available facts before making a decision Low High Ability Willingness Frequency - L: I tend to over analyze and am fearful that I will make a decision without that one crucial piece of info M: Needs to be more systematic and organized in gathering & managing data Low High Consult effectively with other people as appropriate Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Generate a list of options Low High Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Use a range of tools & techniques to evaluate the pros and cons of Low High available options Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Take account of the consequences of the decision on others Low High Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Save & continue later Continue> © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 34
  • 35. Capability Audit Audits Reports Learner & Manager Assessment Decision Making . Gather all relevant & available facts before making a decision Low High Ability Willingness Frequency - I tend to over analyze and am fearful that I will make a decision without that one crucial piece of info Low High Consult effectively with other people as appropriate Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Generate a list of options Low High Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Use a range of tools & techniques to evaluate the pros and cons of Low High available options Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Take account of the consequences of the decision on others Low High Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Save & continue later Continue> © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 35
  • 36. Scrap learning “This concept is very troubling in learning today. About 65 percent of training is not optimally applied on the job” (KnowledgeAdvisors, 2008) © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 36
  • 37. Scrap learning “The core problem is that managers are not properly preparing learners for training nor are they supporting them afterward on the job” © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 37
  • 38. Scrap learning “ The result is wasted (i.e., scrap) learning. Scrap can be reduced through better manager engagement” © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 38
  • 39. Scrap learning “Managers who set expectations with employees prior to learning and follow through afterward with projects and measurable goals overcome the scrap learning crisis.” ESI International white paper 2011 © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 39
  • 40. Motivation © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 40
  • 41. Key Responsibilities Managing:  Systems / Processes  Resources  Budgets  Results  People © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 41
  • 42. Managing people  Managing Systems  Managing Resources  Managing Budgets  Managing Processes  Managing People © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 42
  • 43. Managing people Guidance Focus LEARNER Intention Permission © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 43
  • 44. Managing people Influence Importance MANAGER Evidence Effect- ROE © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 44
  • 45. Managing people Commitment Confidence TRAINER Motivation Tuning © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 45
  • 46. The Learning Path DISCOVER - Learning Path - Faculty & Learners - Foundation self study - Capability © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 46
  • 47. The Learning Path Understanding DEVELOP Skill Confidence Motivation © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 47
  • 48. The Learning Path DEPLOY - Learning - Deployment Plan - Post Learning Capability Audit - Deployment Review - Deployment Report © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 48
  • 49. Deployment plan Deployment Target Tactics Performance Zones When am I going to start What am I aiming for? How do I get there? and finish this Global Virtual Teams Start Finish Cooperation We help each other © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 50
  • 50. Deployment Target Tactics Performance Zones When am I going to start What am I aiming for? How do I get there? and finish this Global Virtual Teams AOK= all ok FP= Future Priority Start Finish AOK Cooperation We help each other FP Convergence We pull in the same direction AOK Coordination We work together Benefit from the experience of Put out a blog for help before I 10/11/11 10/12/11 + Capability my colleagues in the XY start spending time on searching ongoing community for my own unique solution We share what we have To improve my verbal Prepare more for the call, slow 4/11/11 ongoing Communication communication with my down and ensure mutual We pay attention to colleagues in India understanding before we finish the call and put summary in email. each other Improve my understanding of Ask them. 4/11/11 Ongoing Cultural Intelligence the cultural differences between Get on a course ASAP – Jan at myself and my colleagues in Research the latest We play well together India 4/11/11 11/11/11 © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 51
  • 51. Deployment support Manager Learner © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 52
  • 52. Deployment data collection Deployment Plans reviewed Capability Audits – Frequency differentials © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 53
  • 53. Deployment review MORE? © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 54
  • 54. Deployment Target Tactics Performance Zones When am I going to start What am I aiming for? How do I get there? and finish this Global Virtual Teams AOK= all ok FP= Future Priority Start Finish AOK Cooperation We help each other FP Convergence We pull in the same direction AOK Coordination We work together Benefit from the experience of Put out a blog for help before I 10/11/11 10/12/11 + Capability my colleagues in the XY start spending time on searching ongoing community for my own unique solution We share what we have To improve my verbal Prepare more for the call, slow 4/11/11 ongoing Communication communication with my down and ensure mutual We pay attention to colleagues in India understanding before we finish the call and put summary in email. each other Improve my understanding of Ask them. 4/11/11 Ongoing Cultural Intelligence the cultural differences between Get on a course ASAP – Jan at myself and my colleagues in Research the latest We play well together India 4/11/11 11/11/11 © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 55
  • 55. Deployment review Deployment Target Performance Tactics When am I going to start and Deployment What am I aiming Zones How do I get there? finish this Progress to date ( 3/12/12) for? (LP Date: 3/11/11) AOK= all ok FP= Start Finish None Some Most All Future Priority Cooperation AOK We help each other Convergence FP We pull in the same direction Coordination AOK We work together Benefit from the Put out a blog for help 10/11/11 10/12/11 + Capability We share what experience of my colleagues in the XY before I start spending time on searching for ongoing ✓ we have community my own unique solution To improve my Prepare more for the 4/11/11 ongoing Communication We pay attention verbal communication with call, slow down and ensure mutual ✓ to my colleagues in understanding before we each other India finish the call and put summary in email. Improve my Ask them. 4/11/11 Ongoing Cultural understanding of the cultural Get on a course ASAP – Jan at ✓ ✓ Intelligence We play well together differences between myself and my colleagues in India Research the latest 4/11/11 11/11/11 ✓ © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 56
  • 56. Capability Deployment Never Sometimes Most Always Before 3 6 1 0 © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 57
  • 57. Capability Deployment Never Sometimes Most Always After 0 1 4 5 Before 3 6 1 0 © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 58
  • 58. Deployment review BETTER? © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 59
  • 59. Capability Audit Audits Reports Decision Making Rate the 5 key capabilities below according to your team members Ability and Willingness to perform them, as well as the frequency to which they use those skills in their job. Gather all relevant & available facts before making a decision Low High Ability Willingness Frequency - I tend to over analyze and am fearful that I will make a decision without that one crucial piece of info Low High Consult effectively with other people as appropriate Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Generate a list of options Low High Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Use a range of tools & techniques to evaluate the pros and cons of Low High available options Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Take account of the consequences of the decision on others Low High Ability Willingness Frequency + Additional Comments Save & continue later Continue> © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 60
  • 60. TMA World ROI Cubit Qubit QBIT * ROI Capability * * Deployment © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 61
  • 61. Quantifying the Business Impact of Training ROI * Capability * Deployment * © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 62
  • 62. QBIT = 2-4 Level 5 – Return on Investment of Training Level 4 – Business Impact Level 3 – Behavior/ Application Level 2 – Learning Level 1 – Reaction © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 63
  • 63. IF capabilities deployed… Then Delegation QBIT 1. Distinguish between what is urgent, what is important & what is not 2. Set measurable objectives for priorities 3. Improved delegation  Delegate efficiently & effectively 4. Set clear outcomes and performance indicators for delegatee  Provideefficient use ofto the delegatee appropriate to the desired 5. More a thorough brief management resources  outcome Improved management capability 6. Inform all relevant others that a task has been delegated  Management time outcomes of delegatee 7. Monitor the actions & saved 8. Evaluate & Review with the delegatee their actions and outcomes  Reduction in errors 9. Recognise & reward success 10.Train, Coach & support the delegatee where necessary © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 64
  • 64. Survive & thrive Profit & Reputation * BI Profit * Reputation * © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 65
  • 65. Improved delegation =  More efficient use of management resources Profit  Improved management capability Profit & Reputation  Management time saved Profit  Reduction in errors Profit & Reputation © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 66
  • 66. The greatest waste of money… NO DEPLOYMENT © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 67
  • 67. Thank you QBIT * ROI Capability * Deployment * © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 68
  • 68. Thank you for your participation Please visit our website www.tmaworld.com Get in touch! Contact us at enquiries@tmaworld.com or David directly at dhall@tmaworld.com TMA World is a leader in developing talent for the global workplace. © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 69
  • 69. TMA World is a leader in developing talent for the global workplace. Across 50 countries we apply a blend of experiential workshops and e-learning methodologies to enable individuals at all levels to lead and collaborate across distances and difference: Develop leaders - who possess appropriate global mindsets and competencies Engage global teams - to collaborate seamlessly and support international growth Achieve consistency - across cultures, methodologies and management Harmonize cross-border relationships - both internally and externally Unify your people - to enable the free flow of ideas and skills globally To find out more about how we can help you address your learning and development challenges, please contact us at enquiries@tmaworld.com or visit our website www.tmaworld.com London New York San Francisco Hong Kong Singapore Bangalore Moscow © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 70
  • 70. TMA World Publications Written by Terence Brake, President, TMA World-Americas http://virtualteamwork.blogspot.com Where In The World Is My Team? Making a success of your virtual global workplace THE FUTURE OF VIRTUAL „Where In The World Is My Team? Making a success of your virtual global TEAMWORK & workplace‟ addresses the issues of „Sanity, Survival and Success in Global COLLABORATION Teams‟. Tools, theories and concepts are introduced to help businesspeople working internationally to understand and develop the competencies required to The work revolution is here and manage and lead global teams. now! This blog builds on the work of my new book - The Global Leader: Critical Factors For Creating The World Class Where in the World is My Team? Organization by discussing the latest thinking Globalization may have become a cliché, but that doesn‟t make it any less real or on virtual teamwork and any easier to achieve and sustain. Global competitiveness requires continuous collaboration. Enjoy! attention to core capabilities. „The Global Leader‟ addresses one of the most critical capabilities needed for winning in this new business environment: a company‟s ability to develop global leaders throughout its organization. Managing Globally „Managing Globally‟ is a practical, self-help guide to help you develop key management skills for working with other cultures. Packed with essential tips and advice you will learn how to adapt to different working practices, from overcoming language barriers, making presentations and carrying out negotiations to working in global teams and managing conflict. Manager's Handbook A comprehensive guide to learning key management skills, understanding core business concepts, and planning a successful career, „Manager's Handbook‟ is both an introduction for new managers and an up-to-date reference for experienced managers and those working in new businesses. © Transnational Management Associates Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 71