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Exploring the future potential 
of mobile technology, devices, 
content and marketing
Music, films and games are the most valued content 
Despite the huge amount being created, UGC is the least popular form 
of content to consume. 
Professional content producers are not about to be superseded on 
future media platforms. 
CD and peer-to-peer dwarf legal downloads 
Ripping legal CDs to portable devices is the number one source of 
content, 38% have done so. This is still ahead of peer-to-peer illegal 
downloads, which stands at 36%. 
Both exceed paid-for downloads, which is just 16% despite the fact 
that music is the number one form of portable content that users 
would pay for. 
Users value branded and sponsored content 
Branded content is the most popular of all advertising formats with 
67% finding this acceptable or valuable. 
The least popular finding is adverts in the middle of video or podcasts, 
just 32% finding this acceptable / valuable. 
Opportunity exists in this future media environment to provide 
consumers with what they want and drive genuine consumer benefit 
by creating, sponsoring or providing access to content. 
Consumers in the connected world have access to a massive range 
of portable devices regardless of local market economic, social and 
cultural conditions. 66% have a portable music or media player, 45% 
have a laptop at home or work and 28% have a portable gaming 
machine. There is a massive appetite for content on these devices that 
is not currently being satisfied. Clearly there is a role for marketers to 
create, sponsor and provide access to content and services. 
Mobile phones are evolving from voice to data devices 
The leading markets are driven by messaging. In Japan just 24% of 
mobile usage is phone calls, compared to 65% in the USA. 
Mobile phone users are embracing future mobile technologies 
Where the technology is available consumers are using it. 
3G phones are the most in demand portable device worldwide 
3G is the number one in demand portable technology – 43% want to 
adopt. This is ahead of all other platforms, including media players, 
portable gaming and laptops. 
Portable technology is driving the rise of User-Generated 
Content (UGC) 
Digital cameras are the most popular portable device after mobiles – 
81% of our connected sample have one. 
Camera phones are nearly as popular, 76% have access 
Phones are carried 100% of the time, compared to 17% for digital 
cameras, meaning that camera phones are driving spontaneous 
content creation and are key in the world of User-Generated Content. 
Today portable technology is an ingrained part of everyday living 
around the world; the mobile phone is the world’s largest Internet, 
computing and communications platform with 2.3bn users; Laptops 
have overtaken desktops as the PC of choice; the iPod has sold 
100m units and a whole wealth of mobile media technologies such as 
portable video players are on the cusp of going mass market. 
The emergence of these portable platforms has happened in tandem 
with the massive growth in social media, creating a proliferation of 
content such as video clips, digital photos, games, podcasts and 
vodcasts that can be downloaded or transferred to portable devices 
and consumed in an out-of-home environment. 
This growth in portable technology and content has changed 
the society and culture we live in. It has transformed our lives to 
become increasingly informal, flexible and transient creating massive 
dependency on this technology. However portable technology 
marketing, advertising and content still remain in their infancy, always 
promising “this year’s thing to watch” but never delivering. Investment 
today is still focused firmly on text-to-win promotions and 
SMS mobile promotions. 
The promise remains tantalisingly on the cusp. The ability to access 
2bn increasingly hard-to-reach consumers with personalised content, 
location-orientated information and branded services in a format that 
suits their lives is one that continues to prove utterly compelling. 
To fully understand consumer demand and assess the real potential, 
Universal McCann implemented the world’s largest survey into portable 
technology and mobile media platforms as part of its ongoing global 
digital research programme. The survey covered three key strands 
of portable technology and mobile media; platforms, content and 
advertising and marketing, investigating usage, growth potential, 
attitudes and demand. 
The research covered 21 markets from five continents and was 
completed in July 2007, providing a truly unique global perspective. 
. Australia 
Greece, Italy, 
Spain, UK, 
South Korea 
The research was conducted via self completion online surveys by 
9,500 16-54 “Connected World” individuals i.e Internet connected 
mobile phone users. Although there are hundreds of millions of mobile 
users without access to the Internet, it was felt that the dynamic 
between mobile and online was essential to access the full range of 
content and understand the dynamic between portable technology and 
the Internet. 
Up to 500 people were sampled in each of the following markets: 
France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK, Greece, Russia, USA, Mexico, 
Brazil, India, China, South Korea, Japan, Pakistan, India, Thailand, 
Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Taiwan and Australia. 
This made the total sample just over 9,500. All the sample groups were 
nationally representative to the mobile, internet-connected universe 
(Figure 1). In many of the more emerging markets this defaults to an 
urban sample, as this is where these consumers exist. 
This selection of countries provided a universe of 690m, 30% of the 
global mobile universe. The mix of saturated, maturing and emerging 
markets allowed for in-depth and robust assessment of the current 
and future global position. 
Figure 1: Market universe: 690m 
2 3.2 7 7.6 
11.4 11.5 11.6 12.2 17 17.6 18.2 
25.3 25.6 
28.6 29.7 30.5 38 
Universe Size 
Source: Internet World Stats, TGI Europa, Simmons & Local market surveys 

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This is an abridged version of the 124-page report. Go to JWTIntelligence.com/trendletters to see the full report, including recommendations for brands JWT’s third annual report on trends in the mobile sphere spotlights key themes that came out of this year’s Mobile World Congress, Consumer Electronics Show and South by Southwest Interactive, and builds on trends spotlighted in previous reports. The report covers significant drivers and manifestations of these developments, and their implications for brands. “10 Mobile Trends for 2014 and Beyond” is based around on-the-ground research at the MWC in Barcelona and SXSW in Austin, as well as desk research and insights gleaned from interviews with several mobile experts and influencers.

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Smartphones saw rapid adoption in 2011, driving increased mobile media usage which surpassed 50% in many markets. The rise of smartphones was fueled by the popularity of Android and iOS platforms in the US and EU5. This shift to smartphones changed consumers' mobile behaviors and expectations, with many using their devices for activities like mobile shopping and social networking on a daily basis.

ARE THE MOST POPULAR? Figure 2: Device ownership global average 
Portable devices have proliferated over the past few years - Figure 2 
shows the global average for device penetration amongst our sample 
of mobile and internet connected individuals. Due to the nature of 
the sample, penetration levels are higher than average. The ranking 
of devices is particularly relevant as it demonstrates the entry points 
for User-Generated Content and the size of the platforms that exist for 
content distribution. 
The portable device that leads the way is the digital camera, 
with 75% currently owning one. This high availability of cameras 
underlines the extent to which photographs are the first point of 
content creation bar none. 
The other interesting point is the dominance of the MP3 player over 
the iPod. At a global level this can be attributed to the success of 
low-cost flash players in the Asian markets. It is also clear how 
audio-only platforms lead video ones. This is a clear implication on 
the distribution of portable content. 
Laptops are now more likely to be wireless and at 31% are an 
established platform for out-of-home and significantly lead portable 
gaming devices. 
At 31% 3G compares favourably to many other portable media 
technologies amongst our mobility audience. Dedicated 
mobile email devices such as the Blackberry have yet to make an 
impact with just 6% claiming to use them, showing that they are still 
firmly business devices. 
Unsurprisingly multiple device ownership is the norm (Figure 3). 
A massive 25% have five or more of these devices in their ownership. 
% Ownership 
PDA (personnel digital assistant) 
Laptop with wireless 
Other MP3 / digital audio play 
3G enabled mobile phone 
Figure 3: Multiple device ownership global average 
Portable email device (e.g Blackbe... 
Nintendo capability) 
video Ipod (PSP (Playstation portable) 
Ipod (audio only) 
Laptop without wireless/wi-fi 
Digital Camera 
Other portable gaming device 
Other portable media player 
1 (Just a 
19% 25% 
8 9
When looking at adoption by market (Figure 4) the main surprise 
is the extent of ownership in supposedly ‘less developed’ markets. 
This reflects the nature of the connected audience and shows how 
involved and active this segment of Internet-connected mobile users 
are, regardless of a low overall penetration within their country. If you 
are connected you are connected, where ever you are in the world. 
This underlines the divide that exists in emerging markets between 
the online and the offline audience. The online audience is as 
technologically involved as developed markets. 
Looking at specific devices it is clear that the portable media player 
(music, video and combined players) is the main portable technology 
platform. The majority of these devices are music only and the high 
levels of usage in emerging markets can be linked to the popularity 
of low cost flash based players such as iRiver and Creativelabs. 
Laptops are the second biggest platform, a real proof of its increasing 
dominance over desktops in all markets. Portable gaming in 
many cases is more popular among the connected audience in 
the emerging markets than the connected audience in supposedly 
‘developed markets’. 
Figure 4: Device penetration by market 
South Korea 
% Ownership 
Portable media player Laptop Portable Gaming Device 
Convergence in portable technology is a theme that rises again and 
again. The huge number of consumers with multiple devices (Figure 5) 
shows that it is something that is yet to catch on. But despite this there 
is a push to provide us with devices that deliver everything – mobile, 
gaming, music, video and applications all in one. Apple’s launch of 
the iPhone and the hype that followed epitomises this. Also the growth 
of mobiles with music facilities as previously demonstrated shows the 
creep of convergent devices. It is also particularly pertinent considering 
the large number of portable devices that the mobility audience own. 
Figure 5 shows the percentage that agree with the statement “I like 
the idea of having one portable device to fulfil all my needs” and there 
is a clear trend. The top markets driving the demand for convergence 
are the emerging markets. Mexico leads with a massive 79% strongly 
attracted to the concept of convergent devices. The next seven markets 
are Malaysia, Brazil, India, and the Philippines. The markets where 
the convergence is least popular are all affluent. The lowest figure is 
Japan with 27%, Taiwan with 29% and the US with 31%. Convergence 
is clearly driven less by aspiration and more by financial necessity. 
There is no real need for a convergent product in the US, Germany 
and Japan – multiple dedicated devices is affordable and aspirational. 
Figure 5: Percentage Completely Agree with the statement “I like the idea of having one 
portable device to fulfill all my needs” 
0 20 40 60 80 
South Korea 
% All Agree 
Convergence – “The concept of a technological device delivering 
more than one application or purpose. For instance a mobile phone 
may also play music or stream live TV. Devices have become 
increasingly convergent as technology has miniaturised and 
competition between devices manufacturers has increased.” 
10 11
To build a deep understanding of what devices suit what needstates 
and occasions, the respondents were asked to state what device they 
typically used in certain occasions. Figures 7 - 10 show the top usage 
occasions for portable devices. 
Mobile Phones usage is clearly defined by travelling, four of the top 
six are forms of transport, trains, underground, bus, walking and the 
top quite surprisingly is in a car. The two out-of-home occasions when 
mobiles are most used is at work and while shopping. The combination 
of these needstates shows how crucial the mobile is to our out-of-home 
lives. It is also interesting that the commonly held stigma that people 
do not want to use mobile phones on public transport does not apply. 
These figures reflect the huge growth of data and messaging. 
To understand the relationship respondents have with their portable 
technologies we asked them to declare which ones were always taken 
out-of-home and which ones were occasional used. The results (figure 
6) are very clear; the mobile phone is the key device and has the 
strongest relationship with the user. Virtually 100% of our universe take 
the phone everywhere they go. The next most important out-of-home 
technology is the portable music and video player, with more than 40% 
of owners always taking out-of-home. 
The relatively low scores for portable gaming and laptops underline 
their importance as in-home devices, while the low score for digital 
cameras shows that for the vast majority usage is still a pre-planned 
and special occasion use. These findings raise the prospect that 
camera phones will fill the void of immediacy and impulse for 
content creation. 
The laptop in contrast, is all about in-home usage. Unsurprisingly it 
is driven by working and studying but the extent to which users are 
combining laptop usage with in-home media consumption shows 
how big dual media consumption is for online and TV and online and 
radio. This is confirmation of the much talked about concept of ‘media 
meshing’ i.e consuming more than one media at the same time. 
Portable media players and portable gaming share the same 
needstates – it is all about travel, with a mix of short commuting and 
long-haul travel. It is also very interesting to see that these two devices 
have also crossed over with in-home media consumption – again 
driving the idea of media meshing but in more of an unexpected way. 
It is clear from all platforms that portable technology also has a key role 
to play in the home. 
Mobile Phone 
58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 
In a car (passenger) 
At work 
On a bus 
On train / underground 
% use 
Figure 8: Where do you use your laptop? Global Average 
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 
At home while watching TV 
At home while listening to the radio 
At work 
At home while on the Internet 
On a plane 
In a car (passenger) 
% use 
Portable Media / Music Players 
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 
On train / underground 
On a bus 
While exercising 
On a plane 
At home while watching TV 
% use 
Portable Gaming Device 
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
On a plane 
On train / underground 
In a car 
On a bus 
At home while listening to the radio 
At home while watching TV 
% use 
Figure 7: Where do you use your mobile phone? Global Average 
Figure 9: Where do you use your portable media / music player? Global Average Figure 10: Where do you use your portable gaming device? Global Average 
Figure 6: Which devices do you take out of home? Global average 
video player 
Portable gaming 
Portable music / 
Digital camera 
Mobile phone 
% Take Out Of Home 
Sometimes Take 
Always Take 
12 13
The mobile phone is the worlds biggest computing and portable 
media platform. It is forecasted that 3.3bn will be connected by 2011* 
– growth driven by Asia, Africa and Latin America. The developed 
markets have reached or are reaching 100% penetration; extraordinary 
growth for a relatively young technology. 
Figure 12 shows the extent to which users have integrated phones into 
their lives. On average 41% of our global sample makes more than five 
calls a day, while 35% send more than five texts a day; a huge volume 
of communication. 
Internet and MMS frequencies are much lower, but not insignificant. 
30% use mobile internet more than once a week and 34% send 
an MMS more than once a week – encouraging opportunities for 
multimedia content. 
Good news for the mobile phone manufacturers and the networks, 
43% of the global sample intend to obtain a 3G phone in the future, 
promising huge potential (Figure 11). This is followed by video iPods; 
not only good for Apple but an indication that out-of-home video is 
set to be a major global platform. Wireless laptops come in third, 
confirming the ever growing demand for portable computing. 
The technologies that lag are varying. The Nintendo DS lags its rival 
Sony PSP, indicating that dedicated gaming devices are not as popular 
as multiple content devices. Non-wireless laptops follow, confirming the 
shift in demand to flexible out of home computing. Next come portable 
email devices which show that consumer demand for dedicated email 
is still relatively low thanks to its association with business. 
There are however big variations by markets, even among the numbers 
of phone calls and SMS messages sent. Figure 13 shows the share of 
mobile usage occasions by country. The immediate observation is the 
overall share of SMS, which has extensively eaten into voice usage, but 
yet to be impacted by MMS. 
The other striking fact is the extent to which Japanese usage is driven 
by data, with 23% of usage made up by Internet usage – by far the 
highest in the world. Only three markets have phone calls above 60% 
of usage occasions: USA, Thailand and Taiwan and this will surely 
decline over time. 
The extent of portable device ownership is staggering, both in terms 
of penetration across markets and the number of devices that users 
have. There is clearly a massive demand across the connected world 
for these products and the lifestyle they enable. At present the 
key platforms for marketers and advertisers are centred around 
audio, with the mp3 player and the audio only iPod being found 
everywhere. In theory this should be reflected in the content that is 
produced today. 
However the short-term future is multi-media. 3G phones are the 
number one most in-demand portable product, while the video iPod 
is number two. Two key platforms for the distribution of video. 
It is also clear how important portable technology is becoming a 
source of User-Generated Content, as well as a media platform. The 
digital camera is the number one portable technology device in 
its own right and a key link between the mobile world and social 
media platforms. 
Nonetheless the key portable device is to be the mobile phone. 
Firstly it i s ubiquitous, secondly there is massive demand for 3G 
guaranteeing its role as future multi-media device and thirdly its 
carried out-of-home on 100% of occasions. 
Figure 11: Which devices are you interested in purchasing in the future? Global Average 
Global Average 
0 10 20 30 40 50 
3G enabled mobile phone 
Ipod (video capability) 
Laptop with wireless (e.g Centrino) 
Mobile Phone 
Digital Camera 
Other portable media player 
PDA (personnel digital assistant) 
Other MP3 / digital audio player 
Ipod (audio only) 
PSP (Playstation portable) 
Portable email device (e.g Blackberry) 
Laptop without wireless/wifi 
Nintendo DS 
% plan to purchase 
Figure 13: Percentage share of total usage occasions by method of 
communication - global average 
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 
South Korea 
Global Average 
Phone Calls Text (SMS) Text (MMS) (Internet) 
Figure 12: Frequency of using your phone by method of communication - global average 
0% 50% 100% 
Used the Internet 
Send a picture (MMS) 
Send a text (SMS) 
Make a phone call 
% frequency of communication 
5+ times a day 
2 – 4 times a day 
Once a day 
2 – 3 times a week 
Once a Week 
Less often 
Have used once 
*MIC (Market Intelligence Center) 
14 15

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Mobile media usage increased dramatically in 2011 as smartphones gained widespread adoption among mainstream consumers in major markets like the US and EU countries. Nearly half of mobile users in these regions now own smartphones. This drove heavy usage of mobile apps and social networking on these devices. It also led retailers to see many shoppers researching products on their phones in stores. Tablet adoption grew rapidly as well, with people using various internet-connected devices together across platforms. These trends point to further growth in mobile media consumption and a shift to cross-device digital experiences.

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This document discusses the rise of location-based services enabled by smartphones and other portable devices. It outlines how these services allow users to share their location and experiences in real-time within social networks. Three leading location-based social platforms - Foursquare, Gowalla and Brightkite - are profiled. The implications of precise user location data and growing mobile internet adoption are that location-based services have huge potential for advertising, content and commerce.

Mobile SEA report 2012
Mobile SEA report 2012Mobile SEA report 2012
Mobile SEA report 2012

This document provides an overview of mobile innovation in Southeast Asia based on interviews and research. It uses an "8 Cs" framework to analyze digital ecosystems. Key points: 1) Southeast Asia is a crossroads for mobile innovation, with both local giants and global players active in the region. 2) The report profiles mobile trends in 6 countries - Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam - examining connectivity, content, communities and other factors. 3) It finds Southeast Asia reflects diverse cultures and economies, with some nations having large, resource-rich markets and others focusing more on rural users. Mobile is increasingly important compared to other media.

start uptrendsmobile
The real test of impact is not feature penetration but users’ willingness 
to adopt and use such technology. Figure 17 shows that the ubiquitous 
text message remains the most popular mobile application. However it 
is closely followed by multimedia content creation and sharing. Taking 
photos, MMS, taking videos and sending photos are the next four. This 
level of penetration shows the extent to which the mobile phone has 
evolved from just being a communications device, while indicating its 
value in User-Generated Content. 
There is also a creep of Internet services; using mobile web portals, 
mobile search, downloading content and sending emails have gained 
significant levels of usage. However unsurprisingly some more cutting 
edge technologies have yet to approach critical mass, with emerging 
concepts such as Live TV, electronic payment and video calls still 
Figure 18 looks at usage in relationship to access and it is clear that 
the points of access to create content lead active usage. Nearly 100% 
of those with a camera or video camera have used it. Since these are 
so easy to use, this is not a surprise. What is a surprise is the extent to 
which very emerging applications such as electronic payment, video 
calling and watching Live TV have such high levels of take up. This 
is very encouraging for mobile operators as they continue to expand 
their access to new technologies although it is very unlikely that most 
of these users will go beyond experimentation to become the regular 
users that operators seek. 
However Internet browsing and email lag despite integration on all new 
user interfaces and heavy promotions from the handset manufacturers 
and the operators. 
Multi-media handsets are now the norm amongst our connected 
universe. Figure 14 shows feature penetration across the sample. The 
enablers of content creation and media are now all mainstream; e.g. 
colour screens, cameras, web browsing and MMS are all around the 
80% penetration mark. However convergence features have had 
mixed performance. Music players have reached 50% penetration, 
but more emerging technologies such as Live TV, video calling and 
payment technologies have yet to make significant penetration, all 
falling below 20%. 
There are however significant differences when you look at the market 
splits. Figures 15 and 16 show the claimed penetration of camera 
phones and music players – two key technologies for creating content 
and enabling media on a mobile device. The markets leading the 
charge are a mix of developed Asian markets and European; South 
Korea, Greece, Japan, Singapore and the UK make up the top five. 
Only two markets fail to reach the 60% penetration threshold, which is 
interestingly India and the US - two markets at the opposite ends of the 
economic development scale. 
Comparing this to the penetration of music players, a slightly different 
picture emerges. There are a larger number of developed mobile 
markets further down the table. The relatively strong performance of 
developing markets reflects the financial necessity of convergence – 
the idea of multiple portable devices is more of a luxury. Not a problem 
in markets such as Japan, the US and France where dedicated 
business and multiple handsets are more likely to exist. 
Colour Screen 
Picture messages (MMS) 
Internet browsing (WAP / GPRS) 
Video Camera 
Music Player 
FM Radio 
Video Calling 
Facility to watch live TV 
0 20 40 60 80 100 
Colour Screen 
Picture messages (MMS) 
Internet browsing (WAP / GPRS) 
Video Camera 
Music Player 
FM Radio 
Video Calling 
Facility to watch live TV 
Electronic payment system 
% penetration 
Global Average 
fig 14 
fig 15 
South Korea 
Global Average 
South Korea 
Global Average 
fig 16 Music Player 
Figure 14: Mobile phone feature penetration - global average 
0 20 40 60 80 100 
Electronic payment system 
% penetration 
Global Average 
fig 14 
fig 15 
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 
% penetration 
0 20 40 60 80 
South Korea 
Global Average 
% penetration 
Figure 15: Penetration of cameras on 
mobile phones 
Figure 16: Penetration of music 
players on mobile phones 
Figure 17: Usage of mobile features (last 6 months) – global average 
0 20 40 60 80 100 
Send a text (SMS) message 
Taken a photo 
Send a picture (MMS) message 
Sent a photo to someone I know 
Recorded a video 
Send a text (SMS) message 
Send a file to another phone via Bluetooth 
Taken a photo 
Use the internet pages provided by mobile company 
Send a picture (MMS) message 
Download a game 
Sent a photo to someone I know 
Sent an email 
Recorded a video 
Sent a photo to a website 
Send a file to another phone via Bluetooth 
Downloaded a video clip 
Use the internet pages provided by mobile company 
Search for directions 
Download a game 
Made a video call 
Sent an email 
Electronically paid for goods/ services 
Sent a photo to a website 
Used office software e.g Word Processor etc. 
Downloaded a video clip 
Watch Live TV 
% Ever Use (last 6 months) 
0 20 40 60 80 100 
Figure 18: Conversion – the numbers with access who have used – global average 
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 
Search for directions 
Made a video call 
Electronically paid for goods/ services 
Used office software e.g Word Processor etc. 
Video Camera 
Electronic payment system 
Picture messages (MMS) 
Video Camera 
Video Calling 
Electronic payment system 
Facility to watch live TV 
Picture messages (MMS) 
Video Calling 
Internet browsing (WAP / GPRS) 
% of those with access who use (Conversion) 
Watch Live TV 
% Ever Use (last 6 months) 
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 
Facility to watch live TV 
Internet browsing (WAP / GPRS) 
% of those with access who use (Conversion) 
Figure 22 looks at the average levels of adoption by market for all of 
these technologies and is very revealing in terms of the extent to which 
mobile phones have woven themselves into the fabric of that society. 
The countries that lead are Japan, Greece, Italy, China, South Korea 
and the UK – markets that have all enthusiastically embraced the 
phone beyond its capacity to make calls. 
The position of Japan at the top of the index confirms all the 
preconceptions and anecdotal evidence that states Japan’s 
pre-eminence in mobile. 
It is interesting that the US ranks last, again substantiating perceptions 
that the US has been slower than other markets to embrace mobile 
phones in a sophisticated manner. 
Mobile search 
Mobile search has long been touted as the application which will finally 
drive substantial take up of mobile Internet and also provide the link 
between online and the real world. However usage is still limited in 
all markets except Japan (Figure 19), where 49% have used mobile 
search. Only four other markets fall above the average; Greece, China 
and the UK. 
Electronic payment for goods and services 
Electronic payment by mobile could revolutionise commerce. There are 
a number of ways that electronic payment can be activated by mobile; 
either wirelessly with a dedicated point of sale device, by text code or 
over a secure mobile internet portal. But only Japan shows significant 
adoption, with a stunning 81% claiming to use it. The next market is 
South Korea with just 19%. 
Sending photos to websites 
The integration of mobile phones and the Internet promises to unleash 
the tidal wave of User-Generated Content. The growth of camera and 
video phones means that there is a constant opportunity for citizen 
reporters. The increasing usage of mobile phone pictures and videos 
in TV news reporting is proof of this. However outside of Asia its impact 
has been limited. Figure 21 shows how dominant the Asian markets 
are, in particularly Japan, China and South Korea which are all at the 
forefront of social media usage. European markets, normally at the 
forefront, lag in this connection of mobile and online. 
Figure 19: Ever used mobile search Figure 20: Ever paid using mobile electronic payment systems Figure 21: Ever sent a photo to a website 
South Korea 
Electronically paid for 
goods/ services 
0 60 0 20 40 60 80 100 
0 20 40 60 
South Korea 
% Ever Done (last 6 months 
% Ever Done (last 6 months) 
South Korea 
Sent a photo to 
a website 
100 0 20 40 60 80 100 
% Ever Done (last 6 months) 
There are clear global patterns in mobile usage and development. The 
most sophisticated market is clearly Japan. Not only did they top the 
mobile usage index, they are the largest users of mobile Internet and 
also top in the real emerging technologies such as electronic payments 
and search. On a broader scale Northern Asia, Mediterranean Europe 
and the UK are leading consumer adoption of mobile and driving its 
future, while in contrast France, Germany and in particularly the US 
lag. These are useful differences for marketers, mobile operators and 
content providers to prioritise which markets are worth investing in. 
From a global perspective the extent to which mobile owners use 
their mobiles is quite extraordinary and the shift away from voice to 
messaging and more slowly to mobile internet is clear. The leading 
mobile markets are the most data and messaging orientated and the 
others will surely follow. Overall though mobile internet is still the least 
adopted technology where available. Just 54% of those with access 
to Internet on their phone have used it and there clearly is still much 
to do to encourage usage and should be taken into consideration for 
those developing mobile internet services. 
The mobile phone is the most important tool for creating User- 
Generated Content. There is higher access to camera phones than 
digital cameras and usage where available is virtually 100%. But the 
important point is that the mobile is available all of the time. Where the 
impulsive need to create content via photos or videos is relevant the 
phone will fill that gap. Mobile pictures, videos and MMS can clearly 
be worked into all marketing communications where relevant. 
The mobile also has a multi-media and divergent future. The real 
emerging technologies that have low overall reach due to technology 
constraints such as electronic payment, video calling and Live TV 
have been adopted with huge enthusiasm by those who can. A very 
encouraging fact for mobile operators, mobile phone manufacturers 
and marketers the world over. 
Figure 22: Mobile usage index (average usage across all applications and services tested) 
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 
South Korea 
Global Average 
18 19
To understand what types of content platforms fit with portable 
devices (Figure 23) we asked respondents to state which types of 
entertainment or information would interest them on what platform. 
There is a clear pattern by type of content. Music holds most interest 
on video and music players, with the mobile phone very close behind. 
This is a visual demonstration of the mobile phone companies success 
at driving convergence through music. Laptops also figure highly 
thanks to people streaming or playing music files while they work or 
surf the Internet. 
The most popular platform for TV clips and films is the laptop 
suggesting that most video content is not shifted between PC and 
portable player. What is interesting again is the mobile is up there with 
the portable media player. Also interesting is the similarities between 
Figure 23: Content platform demands by device 
TV Clips, Films and Live TV in terms of interest regardless of platform. 
The concept of Live TV over PC or phone seems to have resonated with 
consumers the world over. 
The surprise with gaming is that portable gaming machines were not 
the main platform for gaming, with laptops and mobiles leading the 
way. This is indicative of most peoples casual demands for gaming 
– which the mobile and the laptop via the Internet do so well. 
The Internet is unsurprisingly most popular on a laptop, but the mobile 
phone is also key and holds interest for 46% of our global respondents. 
This backs up early figures on mobile Internet which shows that the 
consumer demand is there. 0 
Digital video & music player Portable gaming device Laptop Mobile Phone 
Music TV Clips Films Live TV Games Internet 
The journey consumers take to source content for portable devices 
splits into two; the sourcing of content and the transferring of content. 
By accessing the absolute number who had done this across various 
platforms, it allowed us to track demand for paid-for content versus 
free content while also assessing the possibilities for media owners 
and advertisers. 
As demonstrated in Figure 25 traditional fixed media formats still rule 
when sourcing content which is great news for the music industry. 
However while file sharing sites are catching fast, underlining the fact 
that paid for downloads has some way to go before they dislodge the 
CD and illegal methods. It also shows that consumers favour flexible 
non-Digital Rights Media (DRM) media regardless of paying for it 
or not. 
Films however are led by illegal file sharing and then DVDs – this 
reflects two facts, one that Peer-to-Peer (P-2-P) gives users films when 
they want them and also the complexities of uploading DVD content 
It was also interesting to see what mobile platform content fits 
what usage occasion (Figure 24). This is key to understanding how 
traditional media can link in with new platforms and also to understand 
what type of content to produce for what occasion. Respondents 
were asked to state when they would be most likely to consume that 
particular type of content on a portable device. 
It is clear that music dominates all usage occasions and is consumed 
everywhere on a portable device, from travel, to work and even 
The next most popular type of content is the Internet. What is 
surprising is that there is demand across the board in-home, out-of-home 
and at work. 
versus music. Films are also more popular than TV Shows on P-2-P, 
because TV Shows in the main do not have the same global appeal 
and do not have such staggered and controlled distribution. 
In the main, paying for digital media is still relatively unpopular – music 
is most popular, but TV and Films have yet to make an impact. Paying 
à-la-carte is more sought-after than subscription payment methods. 
Transferring of content is very prominent it (Figure 26), shows that there 
is a large level of interaction between the PC, Internet and portable 
technology and also that much of what people move to portable 
devices is user-generated. More than 60% are moving pictures from 
their digital camera to their PC, but surprisingly mobile phones are 
closely behind. Transferring videos from the same platforms to a PC is 
also very popular – facts that underline how important these devices 
are in the world of UGC. The most popular movement from PC to 
portable player is music, followed by photos and then video, which 
considering the complexities, an amazing 36% have done so. 
Looking at richer more involved forms of media, such as video, films, 
Live TV and gaming the demand is lower, but is higher while travelling 
in a car or bus versus other forms of transport, which is clearly a 
privacy issue. 
Another interesting point on gaming – is that there is consumer 
demand to have it at home while working / studying but not in the 
office. The relative scores for consuming portable content while at 
home watching TV demonstrates that portable media is not just for 
out-of-home. Also it underlines how important duel media consumption 
and media meshing is. The relationship between traditional media 
consumption and portable content is an important dynamic. 
Figure 24: Content platform used by usage occasion - global average 
Music TV Clips Films Live TV Games Internet 
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 
At work 
In a car (passenger) 
While exercising 
On a plane 
On a bus 
At home while watching TV 
Working/studying at home 
% content platforms used by usage occasion 
Figure 25: Sources of content for portable devices - global average Figure 26: Transferring content to portable devices - global average 
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 
Buy an official CD and upload 
the music to your PC 
Download music from a peer to 
peer file sharing site 
Borrow an official CD and 
upload the music to your PC 
Download films from p2p file 
sharing site 
Buy a DVD and upload it to your PC 
Buy a copied CD and upload 
the music to your PC 
Borrow an official DVD from a 
friend and upload it to your PC 
Pay for music downloads 
Download TV shows from a p2p 
file sharing site 
Pay a monthly subscription to 
download / stream music 
Pay for film downloads 
Pay for TV show downloads 
% Ever Done (last 6 months) 
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 
Transfer photos from a digital 
camera to a PC 
Transfer music from your PC to 
a portable player 
Transfer photos from a mobile 
phone to a PC 
Transfer photos from your PC 
to a portable player 
Transfer videos from a digital 
camera to a PC 
Transfer videos from a mobile 
phone to a PC 
Transfer videos / TV / films from 
your PC to a portable player 
% Ever Done (last 6 months) 
22 23

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In this presentation, experience design expert Evan Gerber will share with you his insight on intersection of teens and mobile web marketing – and how to approach this demographic with a positive, resonant message. He’ll discuss critical success factors, such as the importance of stepping into the mind of a 16-year-old, learning how they talk, and essentially how you can best communicate to them. Evan will share the need for usability testing, and tips on how to make your testing effective and drive valuable results. In addition, this exercise look will provide an understanding of what users expect from their applications, identify common usability mistakes, and recognize emerging design patterns in the mobile Internet.

The topics of content that our sample demand are driven by 
informational and news needs (Figure 30). Travel, general news 
and entertainment lead the way. Services such as cinema listings, 
weather, route planning and shopping have lower levels of demand. 
Somewhat surprisingly user-generated clips fall bottom, which seems 
to fit contrary to most mobile operators’ attempts to drive mobile portal 
usage through UGC mechanics such as Orange Mobile “Hot or not” 
and the popularity of UGC podcasts on services such as iTunes. 
Looking at the top three topics for mobile devices by market (Figure 
29) it is clear that there are broad similarities. Entertainment, News, 
Technology and Weather all figure strongly. But there are two distinct 
groups. Firstly there are the markets that are driven by functional 
services e.g. travel, news, cinema, weather and route planning – these 
markets include China, Germany, France, India, Russia, South 
Korea, Taiwan and the US. Then there are the rest which are more 
entertainment driven. 
Figure 27: Purchased digital music online Figure 28: Used a Peer-to-Peer service to download music 
0 20 40 60 80 
South Korea 
Global Average 
% Ever Done (last 6 months) 
0 20 40 60 80 
South Korea 
Global Average 
% Ever Done (last 6 months) 
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 
Music news / reviews 
Route Planning 
Video Clips created 
by other users 
Scale of 1 to 5 where 5 equals very interested and 1 
equals not at all interested 
Figure 30: Top 3 topics of content interested in by market 
Figure 29: Topics of content interested in – global average 
1 2 3 
Australia Entertainment News Weather 
Brazil Entertainment News Technology 
China Travel Cinema News 
France News Route Planning Cinema 
Germany News Route Planning Entertainment 
Greece Entertainment Technology Holidays 
Philippines Entertainment Technology Travel 
India Route Planning News Technology 
Italy Travel Holidays News 
Japan Entertainment Technology News 
Malaysia Technology Entertainment News 
Mexico Entertainment Technology News 
Pakistan Entertainment Technology News 
Russia Weather News Entertainment 
Singapore Entertainment Holidays Travel 
South Korea 
korea Cinema News Weather 
except South Korea the use of P2P sites to obtain music is higher 
than the percentage who had paid for music downloads – a point that 
demonstrates the global nature of content piracy. Interestingly the 
markets leading piracy are China, Mexico, Spain, Russia, Malaysia 
and Brazil. Even more revealing is to see the markets that top the P2P 
chart but are bottom of the paid-for chart – namely Malaysia, Brazil 
and Spain, indicating demand for content but little willingness to pay. 
A couple of markets rank lowly on both sides, Germany and Pakistan 
showing little demand for digitised content. 
File sharing and the illegal copying of content, in particular music 
but increasingly TV and films has been a very hot topic. The RIAA 
(Recording Industry Association of America) has been suing anyone 
they can find but has been unable to stop the growth of peer-to-peer 
file sharing, which now makes up a huge percentage of Internet traffic. 
Although several reports indicate that the legal downloads market is 
increasing it is still dwarfed by the volume of illegal downloading. 
Our research backs this up with 18% paying for music (Figure 27) 
but 36% having downloaded via P2P (Figure 28). In all markets 
Spain Entertainment News Travel 
Taiwan Travel Holidays Cinema 
Thailand Entertainment Travel News 
UK Entertainment News Music news / reviews 
US Weather News Entertainment
Monetising portable content is obviously the ultimate goal for mobile 
networks, the portable platform content providers and existing non-mobile 
media owners is clearly to monetise portable content. The size of the user 
base suggests that there is much revenue to make, however it is clear 
that overall demand is still on the low side. The research asked users to 
score from 1 – 5 how willing they are to pay for content and just three 
category types passed the average (Figure 35). All three were rich and 
permanent (i.e. not intended for single use) types of media; Music, Films 
and Games. 
The next two categories that people would be likely to pay 
for are location services and directions, a surprisingly high 
ranking for one off service, but one that demonstrates 
there is value in mobile services. Live TV, Radio and video 
clips all fall in the lower half, a long way behind their rich 
media counterparts of music and film. This suggests their 
association with free to access traditional media harms their 
ability to drive paid-for revenue on mobile platforms. 
A big surprise is the very low ranking of sports highlights 
and news and results considering that sports is something 
Figures 31 to 34 show the top five types of content that are of most 
interest by key demographic segments. The major consistencies are 
that the content remains informational and largely functional regardless 
of segment with news, travel and entertainment information figuring 
highly. There is no place for celebrities, route planning or User- 
Generated Content in any of the segments. 
There are also some subtle differences that pull the segments apart – 
albeit along fairly stereotypical lines. Men are interested in technology 
that has traditionally driven media revenues on most platforms. It has 
also been the focus for mobile companies within their portals. This 
suggests that if untargeted it may not be the best content to monetise. 
As with interest in types of content – user-generated video comes bottom 
of the list. This clearly indicates that quality and professionalism of 
production is one of the main drivers to monetisation. A reassuring fact 
for professional media everywhere. 
and sports, while women have ranked entertainment top. The 
differences by age groups are less pronounced although the younger 
segments are more entertainment-orientated. Older segments are more 
tasked based with weather and holiday information figuring in the top 
five, while news is number one. 
Figure 35: Content willing to pay for – global average 
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 
Music downloads 
Travel directions / times 
Local search for products and services (e.g nearest restaurant) 
Music videos 
News articles 
Price comparison services of products you find in the high street 
Live TV on a mobile 
Video clips / TV shows 
Radio / audio shows 
Consumer reviews of products and services 
Sports Highlights 
Sports news articles / results 
Video clips created by other users / consumers 
Scale of 1 to 5 where 5 equals very 
interested and 1 equals not at all interested 
Figure 31: Content very interested in – male sample Figure 32: Content very interested in – female sample 
40 45 50 55 60 65 70 
% Very Interested 
40 45 50 55 60 65 70 
% Very Interested 
40 45 50 55 60 65 70 
% Very Interested 
40 45 50 55 60 65 70 
% Very Interested 
These results underline the fact that demand for content is massive, but 
what is being provided is not fulfilling demand. The number one source 
of content is still to rip a CD followed up peer to peer sources. This shows 
that consumers do not want tightly controlled DRM heavy digital media. 
They want to be able to use it as they want regardless of paying for it, both 
a challenge for rights owners to open up their content on digital platforms 
and also an opportunity for advertisers to provide free top use content 
to consumers. There is a challenge in wider multi-media monetisation. 
The topics content that most users want on a regular basis are largely 
functional and informational, but the content they are willing to pay for 
is rich entertainment. These results also show important the mobile 
phone is as a cross media platform, being more popular for gaming than 
games machines and the second most popular for Internet, music and 
TV and video formats. It may become the device in emerging markets 
where finances demand one, however low demand for convergence in 
developed markets, mean it will always be a supplementary device, be it 
one that is always present. 
Figure 33: Content very interested in – under 34s Figure 34: Content very interested in – over 34s 
26 27
Portable device and in particular mobile marketing and advertising has 
long been hyped as the next big thing. Every year is touted as the year 
it will happen. But marketing on these devices remains limited. Mobile 
phones are dominated by SMS promotions, while display, location 
based, bluetooth and rich media advertising still remains very much in 
the nascent stage. Frequently held back by technology issues, lack of 
advertiser interest and concerns over consumer receptiveness. Other 
platforms such as video players and portable gaming machines have 
opened up new possibilities for new kinds advertising, sponsorship and 
branded content in a plethora of new media formats such as podcasts, 
videocasts, video clips, web services and gaming. However, as with 
mobile, it is still much at the experimental stage. 
Figure 36, which looks at mobile phone formats confirms what many 
have thought. Consumers are least receptive to the display advertising 
that many are keen to develop. TV advertising on a mobile is seen as the 
most irritating, followed by display adverts on mobile internet pages. 
The highest levels of value and acceptability were for the formats that 
create clear consumer benefit and ones that are based on “opt in” for 
example outdoor bluetooth formats both on transport and 
outdoor adverts. 
Figure 37, which looks at portable media player formats, demonstrates 
that the rules of advertising on traditional media still apply. The most 
interruptive and invasive formats that appear in the middle of clips or 
come in the form of paid for recommendations are the least acceptable 
to consumers. As the format becomes less interruptive for example 
sponsorship and branded content the more acceptable it is. 
This distinction from consumers highlights the opportunity for 
advertisers and marketers in this space. There is far more flexibility 
and opportunity than found in traditional media, so the opportunity 
to leverage paid for communications in formats that create consumer 
benefit and drive engagement, should be embraced. 
Figure 36: Opinion on mobile phone advertising formats Figure 37: Opinion on portable device advertising formats 
Irritating Acceptable Valuable to me Irritating Acceptable Valuable to me 
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 
Ads on public transport that 
send info to mobile if opt 
Outdoor adverts/ posters that 
send info to mobile if opt to 
Sponsored search results on a 
mobile phone search 
Adverts on mobile internet pages 
TV adverts on a mobile phone 
% Agree 
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 
Radio/audio shows (Podcasts) sponsored 
by advertisers 
Video clips/shows that are sponsored 
by advertisers 
Radio/audio shows (Podcasts) created 
by advertisers 
Video clips/shows that are created 
by advertisers 
Adverts that appear at the beginning of 
video clips / shows 
Brand recommendations from the presenters 
of podcasts 
Adverts that appear in the middle of 
video clips / shows 
% Agree 
28 29
Portable technologies and mobile open up a huge range of 
possibilities for advertisers and marketers to produce and 
distribute content. Recent examples have included Coca- 
Cola with iTunes and BMW with videocasts, this in the past 
has been complicated and expensive due to the tightly 
controlled distribution channels of broadcast radio and TV 
and the difficulties of operating in multiple markets. Ad 
funded content also clearly offers away to offer consumers 
real benefits, moving away from the interruptive model of 
advertising and drive engagement. 
Figure 39 looks at which forms of content most appeal 
when offered by advertisers for free and the results almost 
mirror the content that users are willing to pay for – clearly 
people want to receive the content they attach most value 
too (as shown previously in Figure 35). These are music, 
films, live TV and access to events. Again UGC video clips 
hold no appeal and surprisingly nor do sports. 
Although opinions between different formats were very uniform 
between markets, there are significant differences between the 
overall levels of receptivity. Figure 38 represents an index based on 
the average level of value across all formats, both mobile and wider 
portable technology platforms that allow you to compare markets and 
see where the real opportunities and challenges are. 
The clearest observation is the significantly lower levels of acceptability 
in developed markets. This is particularly the case in the US, where 
clearly a legacy of heavy weight advertising and marketing has had 
an impact. The next set of countries are also developed, but with 
significantly higher levels of acceptability than the US. 
The top seven countries are all emerging markets including 
Mexico, China, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Brazil and India, 
demonstrating less cynicism towards paid for communications, but 
something that will surely emerge as advertising on digital platforms 
and the commercial application of them becomes more prevalent. 
Figure 39: Content that consumers would most like to receive free of charge from advertisers 
Global Average 
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 
Music downloads 
SMS (txt msg) that entitle free entry to an event 
SMS (text msg) that entitles you to prod discount 
Music videos 
Live TV on a mobile 
News articles 
Travel directions/times 
Local search for products and services 
Video clips/TV shows 
Radio/ audio shows 
Price comparison service of prods find in high st 
Consumer reviews of products and services 
Sports Highlights 
Sports news articles/ results 
Video clips created by other users/ consumers 
Scale of 1 to 5 where 5 equals very interested and 
1 equals not at all interested 
Consumer receptivity to advertising and marketing activity is extremely 
clear; the most invasive formats such as advertising in the middle of 
podcasts, pre-roll advertisements and TV ads on mobile phones are 
the least liked and significantly less acceptable than more progressive 
formats such as branded content and sponsorship. 
The emergence of portable technology and their use as a media platform 
is a massive opportunity for advertisers to create a more positive 
relationship with consumers. Portable platforms are open access, cheap 
to distribute across, global in nature and consumed on users terms. 
Traditional media, with its high entry costs, limited geographic reach 
and strict regulations, has never provided advertisers and brands 
opportunity before. Brands should be creating appropriate branded 
content, providing access to rich media content such as music, film 
and TV shows or even creating mobile services, reaching consumers 
on their terms in a way that’s more engaging than traditional 
interruptive formats. 
It is also clear that certain markets are more receptive than others, with 
the developed markets that have a legacy of heavier advertising being 
least receptive. The emerging markets are currently open to newer 
formats but this may change as users become exposed. 
Figure 38: Advertising Acceptiveness Index – scores by market 
Advertising Accepiveness Index 
5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 
South Korea 
Average acceptability score by market across all mobile phone and portable technology 
advertising formats 
30 31

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The document discusses how digital technology and internet access has changed over time and impacted consumers. It notes that global internet users increased from less than 1% of the population in 1995 to 46.1% in 2016. Fiber optic cables have replaced slower copper wires, increasing internet speeds. Today's consumers are heavily engaged with digital devices like smartphones, accessing the internet daily for information, communication, entertainment and online shopping. Popular online activities include social media usage, video consumption which averages 70 minutes per day, and e-commerce, with clothing being a top online purchase. As technology evolves rapidly, modern consumers are defined by their constant connectivity through portable devices.

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Entertainment: goal is to provide helpful information goal is to engage and entertain and guidance e.g. games, music, video from Mobile Design and DevelopmentPractical concepts and techniques for creating mobile sites and web apps by Brian Fling Context - Physical context: Where are they? Location awareness can provide contextually relevant information. - Temporal context: When are they interacting? Time of day/week influences user goals and attention levels. - Social context: Who are they with? Alone or with others impacts privacy, sharing and collaboration needs. - Technological context: What device are they using? Screen size, input methods and connectivity shape the experience. -

From the Perspective of a Founder - Creative Commons/ Magnatune/ Bookmooch - ...
From the Perspective of a Founder - Creative Commons/ Magnatune/ Bookmooch - ...From the Perspective of a Founder - Creative Commons/ Magnatune/ Bookmooch - ...
From the Perspective of a Founder - Creative Commons/ Magnatune/ Bookmooch - ...

John Buckman speaks from his experience as a founder of multiple companies - Bookmooch, Magnatune and recently his activity on the Board at Creative Commons

Define a more positive relationship with consumers 
• Portable technology as with social media allows brands to create or 
provide access to content, applications and services that 
consumers want 
• There is too much choice to maintain interruptive formats to exist on 
portable technology media, consumers will go elsewhere 
Leverage the network 
• Portable platforms like social media have created new avenues to 
distribute content on a global scale without the high entry costs of global 
• A global brand and communications positioning must be maintained, 
content is accessed along language lines not market lines 
Integrate with social media 
• Increasingly the connected people are sourcing content from social 
media platforms 
• Portable devices should be part of any social media strategy and users 
should be encouraged to move that content from desktop to devices 
• This means living by the rules of social media – creativity, 
participations and interaction 
Integrate mobile into the mix properly 
• The mobile is the worlds number one technology platform and 
should be core in all future communications, this can be as simple as 
providing SMS shortcodes on adverts 
• Avoid interruptive formats and always have “opt-in” 
Harness media meshing 
• A surprising amount of portable media consumption happens at 
home while watching TV, listening to the radio or even while using 
the Internet 
• It is important to link portable content and services to traditional 
media content 
Drive User-Generated Content 
• Portable technologies are driving User-Generated Content on social 
media platforms. This is both due to low-cost digital cameras and 
the rise of camera phones 
• Increasingly consumers are uploading this content to social media 
platforms creating an opportunity for brands to either develop 
applications that leverage this or place User-Generated Content as a 
mechanic in campaigns 
Champion simplicity 
• A very key point in portable technology and mobile. If it is simple 
and the technology works without much effort then it will be adopted 
• Simplicity is the reason podcasts took off once they were integrated 
into the itunes store, it became a one click process 
For further information and any questions 
please contact: 

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Wave 2 - Mobility | UM | Social Media Tracker

  • 1. MOBILITY Exploring the future potential of mobile technology, devices, content and marketing
  • 2. THE CONDITIONS ARE RIGHT FOR A SUBSTANTIAL GROWTH OF PORTABLE TECHNOLOGY, MOBILE ADVERTISING AND MARKETING Music, films and games are the most valued content Despite the huge amount being created, UGC is the least popular form of content to consume. Professional content producers are not about to be superseded on future media platforms. CD and peer-to-peer dwarf legal downloads Ripping legal CDs to portable devices is the number one source of content, 38% have done so. This is still ahead of peer-to-peer illegal downloads, which stands at 36%. Both exceed paid-for downloads, which is just 16% despite the fact that music is the number one form of portable content that users would pay for. Users value branded and sponsored content Branded content is the most popular of all advertising formats with 67% finding this acceptable or valuable. The least popular finding is adverts in the middle of video or podcasts, just 32% finding this acceptable / valuable. Opportunity exists in this future media environment to provide consumers with what they want and drive genuine consumer benefit by creating, sponsoring or providing access to content. Consumers in the connected world have access to a massive range of portable devices regardless of local market economic, social and cultural conditions. 66% have a portable music or media player, 45% have a laptop at home or work and 28% have a portable gaming machine. There is a massive appetite for content on these devices that is not currently being satisfied. Clearly there is a role for marketers to create, sponsor and provide access to content and services. Mobile phones are evolving from voice to data devices The leading markets are driven by messaging. In Japan just 24% of mobile usage is phone calls, compared to 65% in the USA. Mobile phone users are embracing future mobile technologies Where the technology is available consumers are using it. 3G phones are the most in demand portable device worldwide 3G is the number one in demand portable technology – 43% want to adopt. This is ahead of all other platforms, including media players, portable gaming and laptops. Portable technology is driving the rise of User-Generated Content (UGC) Digital cameras are the most popular portable device after mobiles – 81% of our connected sample have one. Camera phones are nearly as popular, 76% have access Phones are carried 100% of the time, compared to 17% for digital cameras, meaning that camera phones are driving spontaneous content creation and are key in the world of User-Generated Content. MOBILITY
  • 3. Today portable technology is an ingrained part of everyday living around the world; the mobile phone is the world’s largest Internet, computing and communications platform with 2.3bn users; Laptops have overtaken desktops as the PC of choice; the iPod has sold 100m units and a whole wealth of mobile media technologies such as portable video players are on the cusp of going mass market. The emergence of these portable platforms has happened in tandem with the massive growth in social media, creating a proliferation of content such as video clips, digital photos, games, podcasts and vodcasts that can be downloaded or transferred to portable devices and consumed in an out-of-home environment. This growth in portable technology and content has changed the society and culture we live in. It has transformed our lives to become increasingly informal, flexible and transient creating massive dependency on this technology. However portable technology marketing, advertising and content still remain in their infancy, always promising “this year’s thing to watch” but never delivering. Investment today is still focused firmly on text-to-win promotions and SMS mobile promotions. The promise remains tantalisingly on the cusp. The ability to access 2bn increasingly hard-to-reach consumers with personalised content, location-orientated information and branded services in a format that suits their lives is one that continues to prove utterly compelling. To fully understand consumer demand and assess the real potential, Universal McCann implemented the world’s largest survey into portable technology and mobile media platforms as part of its ongoing global digital research programme. The survey covered three key strands of portable technology and mobile media; platforms, content and advertising and marketing, investigating usage, growth potential, attitudes and demand. The research covered 21 markets from five continents and was completed in July 2007, providing a truly unique global perspective. THIS GROWTH IN TECHNOLOGY AND CONTENT HAS FOREVER CHANGED THE SOCIETY AND CULTURE WE LIVE IN PORTABLE MEDIA DEVICES PORTABLE CONTENT ADVERTISING, MARKETING AND MEDIA INTRODUCTION 4
  • 4. China Pakistan Thailand Malaysia Singapore Taiwan Philippines . Australia France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, UK, Russia South Korea USA Mexico Brazil Japan India RESEARCH The research was conducted via self completion online surveys by 9,500 16-54 “Connected World” individuals i.e Internet connected mobile phone users. Although there are hundreds of millions of mobile users without access to the Internet, it was felt that the dynamic between mobile and online was essential to access the full range of content and understand the dynamic between portable technology and the Internet. Up to 500 people were sampled in each of the following markets: France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK, Greece, Russia, USA, Mexico, Brazil, India, China, South Korea, Japan, Pakistan, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Taiwan and Australia. This made the total sample just over 9,500. All the sample groups were nationally representative to the mobile, internet-connected universe (Figure 1). In many of the more emerging markets this defaults to an urban sample, as this is where these consumers exist. This selection of countries provided a universe of 690m, 30% of the global mobile universe. The mix of saturated, maturing and emerging markets allowed for in-depth and robust assessment of the current and future global position. Figure 1: Market universe: 690m 2 3.2 7 7.6 11.4 11.5 11.6 12.2 17 17.6 18.2 25.3 25.6 28.6 29.7 30.5 38 44.4 64.7 158.3 126 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 GREECE PHILLIPINES SINGAPORE THAILAND MALAYSIA AUSTRALIA PAKISTAN TAIWAN RUSSIA FRANCE SPAIN MEXICO ITALY SOUTH KOREA UK BRAZIL INDIA GERMANY CHINA JAPAN USA Universe Size Source: Internet World Stats, TGI Europa, Simmons & Local market surveys MARKETS TARGETED IN RESEARCH 6
  • 5. WHICH PORTABLE PLATFORMS ARE THE MOST POPULAR? Figure 2: Device ownership global average Portable devices have proliferated over the past few years - Figure 2 shows the global average for device penetration amongst our sample of mobile and internet connected individuals. Due to the nature of the sample, penetration levels are higher than average. The ranking of devices is particularly relevant as it demonstrates the entry points for User-Generated Content and the size of the platforms that exist for content distribution. The portable device that leads the way is the digital camera, with 75% currently owning one. This high availability of cameras underlines the extent to which photographs are the first point of content creation bar none. The other interesting point is the dominance of the MP3 player over the iPod. At a global level this can be attributed to the success of low-cost flash players in the Asian markets. It is also clear how audio-only platforms lead video ones. This is a clear implication on the distribution of portable content. Laptops are now more likely to be wireless and at 31% are an established platform for out-of-home and significantly lead portable gaming devices. At 31% 3G compares favourably to many other portable media technologies amongst our mobility audience. Dedicated mobile email devices such as the Blackberry have yet to make an impact with just 6% claiming to use them, showing that they are still firmly business devices. Unsurprisingly multiple device ownership is the norm (Figure 3). A massive 25% have five or more of these devices in their ownership. 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 % Ownership PDA (personnel digital assistant) Laptop with wireless Other MP3 / digital audio play 3G enabled mobile phone Figure 3: Multiple device ownership global average PLATFORMS THE PORTABLE DEVICE THAT LEADS THE WAY IS THE DIGITAL CAMERA, WITH 75% CURRENTLY OWNING ONE. 0 Portable email device (e.g Blackbe... DS Nintendo capability) video Ipod (PSP (Playstation portable) Ipod (audio only) Laptop without wireless/wi-fi Digital Camera Other portable gaming device Other portable media player 1 (Just a mobile) 2 3 4 5+ 9% 29% 18% 19% 25% 8 9
  • 6. WHAT MARKETS LEAD ADOPTION? When looking at adoption by market (Figure 4) the main surprise is the extent of ownership in supposedly ‘less developed’ markets. This reflects the nature of the connected audience and shows how involved and active this segment of Internet-connected mobile users are, regardless of a low overall penetration within their country. If you are connected you are connected, where ever you are in the world. This underlines the divide that exists in emerging markets between the online and the offline audience. The online audience is as technologically involved as developed markets. Looking at specific devices it is clear that the portable media player (music, video and combined players) is the main portable technology platform. The majority of these devices are music only and the high levels of usage in emerging markets can be linked to the popularity of low cost flash based players such as iRiver and Creativelabs. Laptops are the second biggest platform, a real proof of its increasing dominance over desktops in all markets. Portable gaming in many cases is more popular among the connected audience in the emerging markets than the connected audience in supposedly ‘developed markets’. Figure 4: Device penetration by market 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Greece Malaysia Russia South Korea Germany France Thailand US Philippines Spain Japan Brazil Taiwan UK Italy Pakistan India Mexico Australia Singapore China Spain % Ownership Portable media player Laptop Portable Gaming Device DEMAND FOR CONVERGENT DEVICES Convergence in portable technology is a theme that rises again and again. The huge number of consumers with multiple devices (Figure 5) shows that it is something that is yet to catch on. But despite this there is a push to provide us with devices that deliver everything – mobile, gaming, music, video and applications all in one. Apple’s launch of the iPhone and the hype that followed epitomises this. Also the growth of mobiles with music facilities as previously demonstrated shows the creep of convergent devices. It is also particularly pertinent considering the large number of portable devices that the mobility audience own. Figure 5 shows the percentage that agree with the statement “I like the idea of having one portable device to fulfil all my needs” and there is a clear trend. The top markets driving the demand for convergence are the emerging markets. Mexico leads with a massive 79% strongly attracted to the concept of convergent devices. The next seven markets are Malaysia, Brazil, India, and the Philippines. The markets where the convergence is least popular are all affluent. The lowest figure is Japan with 27%, Taiwan with 29% and the US with 31%. Convergence is clearly driven less by aspiration and more by financial necessity. There is no real need for a convergent product in the US, Germany and Japan – multiple dedicated devices is affordable and aspirational. Figure 5: Percentage Completely Agree with the statement “I like the idea of having one portable device to fulfill all my needs” 0 20 40 60 80 Mexico Malaysia Brazil India Philippines Spain Greece China Pakistan Russia Italy Singapore Thailand Australia France UK South Korea Germany US Taiwan Japan % All Agree Convergence – “The concept of a technological device delivering more than one application or purpose. For instance a mobile phone may also play music or stream live TV. Devices have become increasingly convergent as technology has miniaturised and competition between devices manufacturers has increased.” 10 11
  • 7. THE ROLE OF PORTABLE TECHNOLOGIES To build a deep understanding of what devices suit what needstates and occasions, the respondents were asked to state what device they typically used in certain occasions. Figures 7 - 10 show the top usage occasions for portable devices. Mobile Phones usage is clearly defined by travelling, four of the top six are forms of transport, trains, underground, bus, walking and the top quite surprisingly is in a car. The two out-of-home occasions when mobiles are most used is at work and while shopping. The combination of these needstates shows how crucial the mobile is to our out-of-home lives. It is also interesting that the commonly held stigma that people do not want to use mobile phones on public transport does not apply. These figures reflect the huge growth of data and messaging. BOND WITH PORTABLE TECHNOLOGY To understand the relationship respondents have with their portable technologies we asked them to declare which ones were always taken out-of-home and which ones were occasional used. The results (figure 6) are very clear; the mobile phone is the key device and has the strongest relationship with the user. Virtually 100% of our universe take the phone everywhere they go. The next most important out-of-home technology is the portable music and video player, with more than 40% of owners always taking out-of-home. The relatively low scores for portable gaming and laptops underline their importance as in-home devices, while the low score for digital cameras shows that for the vast majority usage is still a pre-planned and special occasion use. These findings raise the prospect that camera phones will fill the void of immediacy and impulse for content creation. The laptop in contrast, is all about in-home usage. Unsurprisingly it is driven by working and studying but the extent to which users are combining laptop usage with in-home media consumption shows how big dual media consumption is for online and TV and online and radio. This is confirmation of the much talked about concept of ‘media meshing’ i.e consuming more than one media at the same time. Portable media players and portable gaming share the same needstates – it is all about travel, with a mix of short commuting and long-haul travel. It is also very interesting to see that these two devices have also crossed over with in-home media consumption – again driving the idea of media meshing but in more of an unexpected way. It is clear from all platforms that portable technology also has a key role to play in the home. Mobile Phone 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 In a car (passenger) Walking Shopping At work On a bus On train / underground % use Laptop Figure 8: Where do you use your laptop? Global Average Laptop 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 At home while watching TV At home while listening to the radio At work At home while on the Internet On a plane In a car (passenger) % use Portable Media / Music Players 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 On train / underground Walking On a bus While exercising On a plane At home while watching TV % use Portable Gaming Device 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 On a plane On train / underground In a car On a bus At home while listening to the radio At home while watching TV % use Figure 7: Where do you use your mobile phone? Global Average Figure 9: Where do you use your portable media / music player? Global Average Figure 10: Where do you use your portable gaming device? Global Average Figure 6: Which devices do you take out of home? Global average 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% video player Portable gaming Portable music / Device Digital camera Laptop Mobile phone % Take Out Of Home Sometimes Take Always Take 12 13
  • 8. MOBILE PHONE USAGE The mobile phone is the worlds biggest computing and portable media platform. It is forecasted that 3.3bn will be connected by 2011* – growth driven by Asia, Africa and Latin America. The developed markets have reached or are reaching 100% penetration; extraordinary growth for a relatively young technology. Figure 12 shows the extent to which users have integrated phones into their lives. On average 41% of our global sample makes more than five calls a day, while 35% send more than five texts a day; a huge volume of communication. Internet and MMS frequencies are much lower, but not insignificant. 30% use mobile internet more than once a week and 34% send an MMS more than once a week – encouraging opportunities for multimedia content. FUTURE GROWTH Good news for the mobile phone manufacturers and the networks, 43% of the global sample intend to obtain a 3G phone in the future, promising huge potential (Figure 11). This is followed by video iPods; not only good for Apple but an indication that out-of-home video is set to be a major global platform. Wireless laptops come in third, confirming the ever growing demand for portable computing. The technologies that lag are varying. The Nintendo DS lags its rival Sony PSP, indicating that dedicated gaming devices are not as popular as multiple content devices. Non-wireless laptops follow, confirming the shift in demand to flexible out of home computing. Next come portable email devices which show that consumer demand for dedicated email is still relatively low thanks to its association with business. There are however big variations by markets, even among the numbers of phone calls and SMS messages sent. Figure 13 shows the share of mobile usage occasions by country. The immediate observation is the overall share of SMS, which has extensively eaten into voice usage, but yet to be impacted by MMS. The other striking fact is the extent to which Japanese usage is driven by data, with 23% of usage made up by Internet usage – by far the highest in the world. Only three markets have phone calls above 60% of usage occasions: USA, Thailand and Taiwan and this will surely decline over time. IMPLICATIONS The extent of portable device ownership is staggering, both in terms of penetration across markets and the number of devices that users have. There is clearly a massive demand across the connected world for these products and the lifestyle they enable. At present the key platforms for marketers and advertisers are centred around audio, with the mp3 player and the audio only iPod being found everywhere. In theory this should be reflected in the content that is produced today. However the short-term future is multi-media. 3G phones are the number one most in-demand portable product, while the video iPod is number two. Two key platforms for the distribution of video. It is also clear how important portable technology is becoming a source of User-Generated Content, as well as a media platform. The digital camera is the number one portable technology device in its own right and a key link between the mobile world and social media platforms. Nonetheless the key portable device is to be the mobile phone. Firstly it i s ubiquitous, secondly there is massive demand for 3G guaranteeing its role as future multi-media device and thirdly its carried out-of-home on 100% of occasions. Figure 11: Which devices are you interested in purchasing in the future? Global Average Global Average 0 10 20 30 40 50 3G enabled mobile phone Ipod (video capability) Laptop with wireless (e.g Centrino) Mobile Phone Digital Camera Other portable media player PDA (personnel digital assistant) Other MP3 / digital audio player Ipod (audio only) PSP (Playstation portable) Portable email device (e.g Blackberry) Laptop without wireless/wifi Nintendo DS % plan to purchase Figure 13: Percentage share of total usage occasions by method of communication - global average 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% USA UK Thailand Taiwan Spain South Korea Singapore Russia Philippines Pakistan Mexico Malaysia Japan Italy India Greece Germany France China Brazil Australia Global Average Phone Calls Text (SMS) Text (MMS) (Internet) Figure 12: Frequency of using your phone by method of communication - global average 0% 50% 100% Used the Internet Send a picture (MMS) message Send a text (SMS) message Make a phone call % frequency of communication 5+ times a day 2 – 4 times a day Once a day 2 – 3 times a week Once a Week Less often Have used once Never *MIC (Market Intelligence Center) 14 15
  • 9. USAGE OF NEXT GENERATION MOBILE SERVICES The real test of impact is not feature penetration but users’ willingness to adopt and use such technology. Figure 17 shows that the ubiquitous text message remains the most popular mobile application. However it is closely followed by multimedia content creation and sharing. Taking photos, MMS, taking videos and sending photos are the next four. This level of penetration shows the extent to which the mobile phone has evolved from just being a communications device, while indicating its value in User-Generated Content. There is also a creep of Internet services; using mobile web portals, mobile search, downloading content and sending emails have gained significant levels of usage. However unsurprisingly some more cutting edge technologies have yet to approach critical mass, with emerging concepts such as Live TV, electronic payment and video calls still niche. Figure 18 looks at usage in relationship to access and it is clear that the points of access to create content lead active usage. Nearly 100% of those with a camera or video camera have used it. Since these are so easy to use, this is not a surprise. What is a surprise is the extent to which very emerging applications such as electronic payment, video calling and watching Live TV have such high levels of take up. This is very encouraging for mobile operators as they continue to expand their access to new technologies although it is very unlikely that most of these users will go beyond experimentation to become the regular users that operators seek. However Internet browsing and email lag despite integration on all new user interfaces and heavy promotions from the handset manufacturers and the operators. MOBILE PHONE FEATURES Multi-media handsets are now the norm amongst our connected universe. Figure 14 shows feature penetration across the sample. The enablers of content creation and media are now all mainstream; e.g. colour screens, cameras, web browsing and MMS are all around the 80% penetration mark. However convergence features have had mixed performance. Music players have reached 50% penetration, but more emerging technologies such as Live TV, video calling and payment technologies have yet to make significant penetration, all falling below 20%. There are however significant differences when you look at the market splits. Figures 15 and 16 show the claimed penetration of camera phones and music players – two key technologies for creating content and enabling media on a mobile device. The markets leading the charge are a mix of developed Asian markets and European; South Korea, Greece, Japan, Singapore and the UK make up the top five. Only two markets fail to reach the 60% penetration threshold, which is interestingly India and the US - two markets at the opposite ends of the economic development scale. Comparing this to the penetration of music players, a slightly different picture emerges. There are a larger number of developed mobile markets further down the table. The relatively strong performance of developing markets reflects the financial necessity of convergence – the idea of multiple portable devices is more of a luxury. Not a problem in markets such as Japan, the US and France where dedicated business and multiple handsets are more likely to exist. Colour Screen Picture messages (MMS) Camera Internet browsing (WAP / GPRS) Emails Video Camera Bluetooth Music Player FM Radio Video Calling Facility to watch live TV 0 20 40 60 80 100 Colour Screen Picture messages (MMS) Camera Internet browsing (WAP / GPRS) Emails Video Camera Bluetooth Music Player FM Radio Video Calling Facility to watch live TV Electronic payment system % penetration Global Average fig 14 fig 15 South Korea Greece Japan UK Italy Mexico China Spain Global Average France South Korea Greece Japan UK Italy Mexico China Spain Australia Germany Russia Brazil India Global Average fig 16 Music Player Camera Figure 14: Mobile phone feature penetration - global average 0 20 40 60 80 100 Electronic payment system % penetration Global Average fig 14 fig 15 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 US % penetration Camera 0 20 40 60 80 China Greece South Korea UK Italy Global Average Spain Mexico Brazil Germany Russia India Australia France Japan US % penetration Figure 15: Penetration of cameras on mobile phones Figure 16: Penetration of music players on mobile phones Figure 17: Usage of mobile features (last 6 months) – global average 0 20 40 60 80 100 Send a text (SMS) message Taken a photo Send a picture (MMS) message Sent a photo to someone I know Recorded a video Send a text (SMS) message Send a file to another phone via Bluetooth Taken a photo Use the internet pages provided by mobile company Send a picture (MMS) message Download a game Sent a photo to someone I know Sent an email Recorded a video Sent a photo to a website Send a file to another phone via Bluetooth Downloaded a video clip Use the internet pages provided by mobile company Search for directions Download a game Made a video call Sent an email Electronically paid for goods/ services Sent a photo to a website Used office software e.g Word Processor etc. Downloaded a video clip Watch Live TV % Ever Use (last 6 months) Fig17 Fig18 0 20 40 60 80 100 Figure 18: Conversion – the numbers with access who have used – global average 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Search for directions Made a video call Electronically paid for goods/ services Used office software e.g Word Processor etc. Camera Video Camera Electronic payment system Camera Picture messages (MMS) Video Camera Video Calling Electronic payment system Facility to watch live TV Picture messages (MMS) Emails Video Calling Internet browsing (WAP / GPRS) % of those with access who use (Conversion) Watch Live TV % Ever Use (last 6 months) Fig17 Fig18 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Facility to watch live TV Emails Internet browsing (WAP / GPRS) % of those with access who use (Conversion) 16
  • 10. MOBILE ADOPTION Figure 22 looks at the average levels of adoption by market for all of these technologies and is very revealing in terms of the extent to which mobile phones have woven themselves into the fabric of that society. The countries that lead are Japan, Greece, Italy, China, South Korea and the UK – markets that have all enthusiastically embraced the phone beyond its capacity to make calls. The position of Japan at the top of the index confirms all the preconceptions and anecdotal evidence that states Japan’s pre-eminence in mobile. It is interesting that the US ranks last, again substantiating perceptions that the US has been slower than other markets to embrace mobile phones in a sophisticated manner. WHICH MARKETS LEAD EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES? Mobile search Mobile search has long been touted as the application which will finally drive substantial take up of mobile Internet and also provide the link between online and the real world. However usage is still limited in all markets except Japan (Figure 19), where 49% have used mobile search. Only four other markets fall above the average; Greece, China and the UK. Electronic payment for goods and services Electronic payment by mobile could revolutionise commerce. There are a number of ways that electronic payment can be activated by mobile; either wirelessly with a dedicated point of sale device, by text code or over a secure mobile internet portal. But only Japan shows significant adoption, with a stunning 81% claiming to use it. The next market is South Korea with just 19%. Sending photos to websites The integration of mobile phones and the Internet promises to unleash the tidal wave of User-Generated Content. The growth of camera and video phones means that there is a constant opportunity for citizen reporters. The increasing usage of mobile phone pictures and videos in TV news reporting is proof of this. However outside of Asia its impact has been limited. Figure 21 shows how dominant the Asian markets are, in particularly Japan, China and South Korea which are all at the forefront of social media usage. European markets, normally at the forefront, lag in this connection of mobile and online. Figure 19: Ever used mobile search Figure 20: Ever paid using mobile electronic payment systems Figure 21: Ever sent a photo to a website Japan South Korea China Brazil Greece Russia Spain India US Electronically paid for goods/ services 0 60 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 Japan Greece China UK France Italy South Korea Spain Mexico India % Ever Done (last 6 months UK % Ever Done (last 6 months) Japan China South Korea Mexico Greece India Italy France Brazil US Sent a photo to a website 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 % Ever Done (last 6 months) IMPLICATIONS There are clear global patterns in mobile usage and development. The most sophisticated market is clearly Japan. Not only did they top the mobile usage index, they are the largest users of mobile Internet and also top in the real emerging technologies such as electronic payments and search. On a broader scale Northern Asia, Mediterranean Europe and the UK are leading consumer adoption of mobile and driving its future, while in contrast France, Germany and in particularly the US lag. These are useful differences for marketers, mobile operators and content providers to prioritise which markets are worth investing in. From a global perspective the extent to which mobile owners use their mobiles is quite extraordinary and the shift away from voice to messaging and more slowly to mobile internet is clear. The leading mobile markets are the most data and messaging orientated and the others will surely follow. Overall though mobile internet is still the least adopted technology where available. Just 54% of those with access to Internet on their phone have used it and there clearly is still much to do to encourage usage and should be taken into consideration for those developing mobile internet services. The mobile phone is the most important tool for creating User- Generated Content. There is higher access to camera phones than digital cameras and usage where available is virtually 100%. But the important point is that the mobile is available all of the time. Where the impulsive need to create content via photos or videos is relevant the phone will fill that gap. Mobile pictures, videos and MMS can clearly be worked into all marketing communications where relevant. The mobile also has a multi-media and divergent future. The real emerging technologies that have low overall reach due to technology constraints such as electronic payment, video calling and Live TV have been adopted with huge enthusiasm by those who can. A very encouraging fact for mobile operators, mobile phone manufacturers and marketers the world over. Figure 22: Mobile usage index (average usage across all applications and services tested) 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Japan Greece Italy China South Korea UK Singapore Philippines Pakistan Mexico Spain Malaysia Global Average India Thailand Australia Russia France Brazil Germany Taiwan US 18 19
  • 11. WHAT CONTENT DO USERS WANT ON THEIR DEVICES? To understand what types of content platforms fit with portable devices (Figure 23) we asked respondents to state which types of entertainment or information would interest them on what platform. There is a clear pattern by type of content. Music holds most interest on video and music players, with the mobile phone very close behind. This is a visual demonstration of the mobile phone companies success at driving convergence through music. Laptops also figure highly thanks to people streaming or playing music files while they work or surf the Internet. The most popular platform for TV clips and films is the laptop suggesting that most video content is not shifted between PC and portable player. What is interesting again is the mobile is up there with the portable media player. Also interesting is the similarities between Figure 23: Content platform demands by device TV Clips, Films and Live TV in terms of interest regardless of platform. The concept of Live TV over PC or phone seems to have resonated with consumers the world over. The surprise with gaming is that portable gaming machines were not the main platform for gaming, with laptops and mobiles leading the way. This is indicative of most peoples casual demands for gaming – which the mobile and the laptop via the Internet do so well. The Internet is unsurprisingly most popular on a laptop, but the mobile phone is also key and holds interest for 46% of our global respondents. This backs up early figures on mobile Internet which shows that the consumer demand is there. 0 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Digital video & music player Portable gaming device Laptop Mobile Phone Music TV Clips Films Live TV Games Internet 20 CONTENT
  • 12. SOURCING AND TRANSFERRING CONTENT The journey consumers take to source content for portable devices splits into two; the sourcing of content and the transferring of content. By accessing the absolute number who had done this across various platforms, it allowed us to track demand for paid-for content versus free content while also assessing the possibilities for media owners and advertisers. As demonstrated in Figure 25 traditional fixed media formats still rule when sourcing content which is great news for the music industry. However while file sharing sites are catching fast, underlining the fact that paid for downloads has some way to go before they dislodge the CD and illegal methods. It also shows that consumers favour flexible non-Digital Rights Media (DRM) media regardless of paying for it or not. Films however are led by illegal file sharing and then DVDs – this reflects two facts, one that Peer-to-Peer (P-2-P) gives users films when they want them and also the complexities of uploading DVD content CONTENT BY USAGE OCCASION It was also interesting to see what mobile platform content fits what usage occasion (Figure 24). This is key to understanding how traditional media can link in with new platforms and also to understand what type of content to produce for what occasion. Respondents were asked to state when they would be most likely to consume that particular type of content on a portable device. It is clear that music dominates all usage occasions and is consumed everywhere on a portable device, from travel, to work and even shopping. The next most popular type of content is the Internet. What is surprising is that there is demand across the board in-home, out-of-home and at work. versus music. Films are also more popular than TV Shows on P-2-P, because TV Shows in the main do not have the same global appeal and do not have such staggered and controlled distribution. In the main, paying for digital media is still relatively unpopular – music is most popular, but TV and Films have yet to make an impact. Paying à-la-carte is more sought-after than subscription payment methods. Transferring of content is very prominent it (Figure 26), shows that there is a large level of interaction between the PC, Internet and portable technology and also that much of what people move to portable devices is user-generated. More than 60% are moving pictures from their digital camera to their PC, but surprisingly mobile phones are closely behind. Transferring videos from the same platforms to a PC is also very popular – facts that underline how important these devices are in the world of UGC. The most popular movement from PC to portable player is music, followed by photos and then video, which considering the complexities, an amazing 36% have done so. Looking at richer more involved forms of media, such as video, films, Live TV and gaming the demand is lower, but is higher while travelling in a car or bus versus other forms of transport, which is clearly a privacy issue. Another interesting point on gaming – is that there is consumer demand to have it at home while working / studying but not in the office. The relative scores for consuming portable content while at home watching TV demonstrates that portable media is not just for out-of-home. Also it underlines how important duel media consumption and media meshing is. The relationship between traditional media consumption and portable content is an important dynamic. Figure 24: Content platform used by usage occasion - global average Music TV Clips Films Live TV Games Internet 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 At work In a car (passenger) While exercising Shopping Walking On a plane On a bus Underground At home while watching TV Working/studying at home % content platforms used by usage occasion Figure 25: Sources of content for portable devices - global average Figure 26: Transferring content to portable devices - global average 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Buy an official CD and upload the music to your PC Download music from a peer to peer file sharing site Borrow an official CD and upload the music to your PC Download films from p2p file sharing site Buy a DVD and upload it to your PC Buy a copied CD and upload the music to your PC Borrow an official DVD from a friend and upload it to your PC Pay for music downloads Download TV shows from a p2p file sharing site Pay a monthly subscription to download / stream music Pay for film downloads Pay for TV show downloads % Ever Done (last 6 months) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Transfer photos from a digital camera to a PC Transfer music from your PC to a portable player Transfer photos from a mobile phone to a PC Transfer photos from your PC to a portable player Transfer videos from a digital camera to a PC Transfer videos from a mobile phone to a PC Transfer videos / TV / films from your PC to a portable player % Ever Done (last 6 months) 22 23
  • 13. TOPICS OF CONTENT The topics of content that our sample demand are driven by informational and news needs (Figure 30). Travel, general news and entertainment lead the way. Services such as cinema listings, weather, route planning and shopping have lower levels of demand. Somewhat surprisingly user-generated clips fall bottom, which seems to fit contrary to most mobile operators’ attempts to drive mobile portal usage through UGC mechanics such as Orange Mobile “Hot or not” and the popularity of UGC podcasts on services such as iTunes. Looking at the top three topics for mobile devices by market (Figure 29) it is clear that there are broad similarities. Entertainment, News, Technology and Weather all figure strongly. But there are two distinct groups. Firstly there are the markets that are driven by functional services e.g. travel, news, cinema, weather and route planning – these markets include China, Germany, France, India, Russia, South Korea, Taiwan and the US. Then there are the rest which are more entertainment driven. LEGAL V ILLEGAL SOURCES Figure 27: Purchased digital music online Figure 28: Used a Peer-to-Peer service to download music 0 20 40 60 80 South Korea Thailand UK China Australia Russia Japan India Global Average Phillipines US France Greece Taiwan Mexico Singapore Italy Pakistan Malaysia Brazil Spain Germany % Ever Done (last 6 months) 0 20 40 60 80 China Mexico Spain Russia Malaysia Brazil South Korea Greece Italy Global Average Australia India UK France Phillipines Pakistan Singapore Taiwan US Japan Thailand Germany % Ever Done (last 6 months) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Travel News Entertainment Holidays Technology Cinema Weather Music news / reviews Route Planning Sports Business Shopping Celebrities Video Clips created by other users Scale of 1 to 5 where 5 equals very interested and 1 equals not at all interested Figure 30: Top 3 topics of content interested in by market Figure 29: Topics of content interested in – global average 1 2 3 Australia Entertainment News Weather Brazil Entertainment News Technology China Travel Cinema News France News Route Planning Cinema Germany News Route Planning Entertainment Greece Entertainment Technology Holidays Philippines Entertainment Technology Travel India Route Planning News Technology Italy Travel Holidays News Japan Entertainment Technology News Malaysia Technology Entertainment News Mexico Entertainment Technology News Pakistan Entertainment Technology News Russia Weather News Entertainment Singapore Entertainment Holidays Travel South Korea korea Cinema News Weather except South Korea the use of P2P sites to obtain music is higher than the percentage who had paid for music downloads – a point that demonstrates the global nature of content piracy. Interestingly the markets leading piracy are China, Mexico, Spain, Russia, Malaysia and Brazil. Even more revealing is to see the markets that top the P2P chart but are bottom of the paid-for chart – namely Malaysia, Brazil and Spain, indicating demand for content but little willingness to pay. A couple of markets rank lowly on both sides, Germany and Pakistan showing little demand for digitised content. File sharing and the illegal copying of content, in particular music but increasingly TV and films has been a very hot topic. The RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) has been suing anyone they can find but has been unable to stop the growth of peer-to-peer file sharing, which now makes up a huge percentage of Internet traffic. Although several reports indicate that the legal downloads market is increasing it is still dwarfed by the volume of illegal downloading. Our research backs this up with 18% paying for music (Figure 27) but 36% having downloaded via P2P (Figure 28). In all markets 24 Spain Entertainment News Travel Taiwan Travel Holidays Cinema Thailand Entertainment Travel News UK Entertainment News Music news / reviews US Weather News Entertainment
  • 14. WHAT WOULD CONSUMERS PAY FOR? Monetising portable content is obviously the ultimate goal for mobile networks, the portable platform content providers and existing non-mobile media owners is clearly to monetise portable content. The size of the user base suggests that there is much revenue to make, however it is clear that overall demand is still on the low side. The research asked users to score from 1 – 5 how willing they are to pay for content and just three category types passed the average (Figure 35). All three were rich and permanent (i.e. not intended for single use) types of media; Music, Films and Games. The next two categories that people would be likely to pay for are location services and directions, a surprisingly high ranking for one off service, but one that demonstrates there is value in mobile services. Live TV, Radio and video clips all fall in the lower half, a long way behind their rich media counterparts of music and film. This suggests their association with free to access traditional media harms their ability to drive paid-for revenue on mobile platforms. A big surprise is the very low ranking of sports highlights and news and results considering that sports is something TOPICS OF CONTENT BY SEGMENT Figures 31 to 34 show the top five types of content that are of most interest by key demographic segments. The major consistencies are that the content remains informational and largely functional regardless of segment with news, travel and entertainment information figuring highly. There is no place for celebrities, route planning or User- Generated Content in any of the segments. There are also some subtle differences that pull the segments apart – albeit along fairly stereotypical lines. Men are interested in technology that has traditionally driven media revenues on most platforms. It has also been the focus for mobile companies within their portals. This suggests that if untargeted it may not be the best content to monetise. As with interest in types of content – user-generated video comes bottom of the list. This clearly indicates that quality and professionalism of production is one of the main drivers to monetisation. A reassuring fact for professional media everywhere. and sports, while women have ranked entertainment top. The differences by age groups are less pronounced although the younger segments are more entertainment-orientated. Older segments are more tasked based with weather and holiday information figuring in the top five, while news is number one. Figure 35: Content willing to pay for – global average 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Music downloads Films Game Travel directions / times Local search for products and services (e.g nearest restaurant) Music videos News articles Price comparison services of products you find in the high street Live TV on a mobile Video clips / TV shows Radio / audio shows Consumer reviews of products and services Sports Highlights Sports news articles / results Video clips created by other users / consumers Scale of 1 to 5 where 5 equals very interested and 1 equals not at all interested Figure 31: Content very interested in – male sample Figure 32: Content very interested in – female sample 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 News Technology Entertainment Cinema Sports % Very Interested Male Female 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Entertainment Travel News Cinema Holiday % Very Interested 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Entertainment News Cinema Technology Travel % Very Interested -34 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 News Weather Travel Entertainment Holidays % Very Interested 35+ IMPLICATIONS These results underline the fact that demand for content is massive, but what is being provided is not fulfilling demand. The number one source of content is still to rip a CD followed up peer to peer sources. This shows that consumers do not want tightly controlled DRM heavy digital media. They want to be able to use it as they want regardless of paying for it, both a challenge for rights owners to open up their content on digital platforms and also an opportunity for advertisers to provide free top use content to consumers. There is a challenge in wider multi-media monetisation. The topics content that most users want on a regular basis are largely functional and informational, but the content they are willing to pay for is rich entertainment. These results also show important the mobile phone is as a cross media platform, being more popular for gaming than games machines and the second most popular for Internet, music and TV and video formats. It may become the device in emerging markets where finances demand one, however low demand for convergence in developed markets, mean it will always be a supplementary device, be it one that is always present. Figure 33: Content very interested in – under 34s Figure 34: Content very interested in – over 34s 26 27
  • 15. ADVERTISING AND MARKETING Portable device and in particular mobile marketing and advertising has long been hyped as the next big thing. Every year is touted as the year it will happen. But marketing on these devices remains limited. Mobile phones are dominated by SMS promotions, while display, location based, bluetooth and rich media advertising still remains very much in the nascent stage. Frequently held back by technology issues, lack of advertiser interest and concerns over consumer receptiveness. Other platforms such as video players and portable gaming machines have opened up new possibilities for new kinds advertising, sponsorship and branded content in a plethora of new media formats such as podcasts, videocasts, video clips, web services and gaming. However, as with mobile, it is still much at the experimental stage. Figure 36, which looks at mobile phone formats confirms what many have thought. Consumers are least receptive to the display advertising that many are keen to develop. TV advertising on a mobile is seen as the most irritating, followed by display adverts on mobile internet pages. The highest levels of value and acceptability were for the formats that create clear consumer benefit and ones that are based on “opt in” for example outdoor bluetooth formats both on transport and outdoor adverts. Figure 37, which looks at portable media player formats, demonstrates that the rules of advertising on traditional media still apply. The most interruptive and invasive formats that appear in the middle of clips or come in the form of paid for recommendations are the least acceptable to consumers. As the format becomes less interruptive for example sponsorship and branded content the more acceptable it is. This distinction from consumers highlights the opportunity for advertisers and marketers in this space. There is far more flexibility and opportunity than found in traditional media, so the opportunity to leverage paid for communications in formats that create consumer benefit and drive engagement, should be embraced. Figure 36: Opinion on mobile phone advertising formats Figure 37: Opinion on portable device advertising formats Irritating Acceptable Valuable to me Irritating Acceptable Valuable to me 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Ads on public transport that send info to mobile if opt Outdoor adverts/ posters that send info to mobile if opt to Sponsored search results on a mobile phone search Adverts on mobile internet pages TV adverts on a mobile phone % Agree 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Radio/audio shows (Podcasts) sponsored by advertisers Video clips/shows that are sponsored by advertisers Radio/audio shows (Podcasts) created by advertisers Video clips/shows that are created by advertisers Adverts that appear at the beginning of video clips / shows Brand recommendations from the presenters of podcasts Adverts that appear in the middle of video clips / shows % Agree ADVERTISING & MARKETING 28 29
  • 16. ADVERTISER FUNDED CONTENT Portable technologies and mobile open up a huge range of possibilities for advertisers and marketers to produce and distribute content. Recent examples have included Coca- Cola with iTunes and BMW with videocasts, this in the past has been complicated and expensive due to the tightly controlled distribution channels of broadcast radio and TV and the difficulties of operating in multiple markets. Ad funded content also clearly offers away to offer consumers real benefits, moving away from the interruptive model of advertising and drive engagement. Figure 39 looks at which forms of content most appeal when offered by advertisers for free and the results almost mirror the content that users are willing to pay for – clearly people want to receive the content they attach most value too (as shown previously in Figure 35). These are music, films, live TV and access to events. Again UGC video clips hold no appeal and surprisingly nor do sports. RECEPTIVENESS OF DIFFERENT MARKETS Although opinions between different formats were very uniform between markets, there are significant differences between the overall levels of receptivity. Figure 38 represents an index based on the average level of value across all formats, both mobile and wider portable technology platforms that allow you to compare markets and see where the real opportunities and challenges are. The clearest observation is the significantly lower levels of acceptability in developed markets. This is particularly the case in the US, where clearly a legacy of heavy weight advertising and marketing has had an impact. The next set of countries are also developed, but with significantly higher levels of acceptability than the US. The top seven countries are all emerging markets including Mexico, China, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Brazil and India, demonstrating less cynicism towards paid for communications, but something that will surely emerge as advertising on digital platforms and the commercial application of them becomes more prevalent. IMPLICATIONS Figure 39: Content that consumers would most like to receive free of charge from advertisers Global Average 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Music downloads SMS (txt msg) that entitle free entry to an event Films SMS (text msg) that entitles you to prod discount Music videos Live TV on a mobile News articles Game Travel directions/times Local search for products and services Video clips/TV shows Radio/ audio shows Price comparison service of prods find in high st Consumer reviews of products and services Sports Highlights Sports news articles/ results Video clips created by other users/ consumers Scale of 1 to 5 where 5 equals very interested and 1 equals not at all interested Consumer receptivity to advertising and marketing activity is extremely clear; the most invasive formats such as advertising in the middle of podcasts, pre-roll advertisements and TV ads on mobile phones are the least liked and significantly less acceptable than more progressive formats such as branded content and sponsorship. The emergence of portable technology and their use as a media platform is a massive opportunity for advertisers to create a more positive relationship with consumers. Portable platforms are open access, cheap to distribute across, global in nature and consumed on users terms. Traditional media, with its high entry costs, limited geographic reach and strict regulations, has never provided advertisers and brands opportunity before. Brands should be creating appropriate branded content, providing access to rich media content such as music, film and TV shows or even creating mobile services, reaching consumers on their terms in a way that’s more engaging than traditional interruptive formats. It is also clear that certain markets are more receptive than others, with the developed markets that have a legacy of heavier advertising being least receptive. The emerging markets are currently open to newer formats but this may change as users become exposed. Figure 38: Advertising Acceptiveness Index – scores by market Advertising Accepiveness Index 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 Mexico China Thailand Philippines Malaysia Brazil India Spain Singapore Germany Russia Italy Taiwan Pakistan Australia Greece Japan South Korea UK France US Average acceptability score by market across all mobile phone and portable technology advertising formats 30 31
  • 18. THE OPPORTUNITY FOR BRANDS Define a more positive relationship with consumers • Portable technology as with social media allows brands to create or provide access to content, applications and services that consumers want • There is too much choice to maintain interruptive formats to exist on portable technology media, consumers will go elsewhere Leverage the network • Portable platforms like social media have created new avenues to distribute content on a global scale without the high entry costs of global • A global brand and communications positioning must be maintained, content is accessed along language lines not market lines Integrate with social media • Increasingly the connected people are sourcing content from social media platforms • Portable devices should be part of any social media strategy and users should be encouraged to move that content from desktop to devices • This means living by the rules of social media – creativity, participations and interaction Integrate mobile into the mix properly • The mobile is the worlds number one technology platform and should be core in all future communications, this can be as simple as providing SMS shortcodes on adverts • Avoid interruptive formats and always have “opt-in” Harness media meshing • A surprising amount of portable media consumption happens at home while watching TV, listening to the radio or even while using the Internet • It is important to link portable content and services to traditional media content Drive User-Generated Content • Portable technologies are driving User-Generated Content on social media platforms. This is both due to low-cost digital cameras and the rise of camera phones • Increasingly consumers are uploading this content to social media platforms creating an opportunity for brands to either develop applications that leverage this or place User-Generated Content as a mechanic in campaigns Champion simplicity • A very key point in portable technology and mobile. If it is simple and the technology works without much effort then it will be adopted • Simplicity is the reason podcasts took off once they were integrated into the itunes store, it became a one click process 34 FUTURE INITIATIVES PORTABLE TECHNOLOGY ALLOWS ADVERTISERS TO CREATE A MORE POSITIVE RELATIONSHIP WITH CONSUMERS.
  • 19. Contact For further information and any questions please contact: Tom.Smith@universalmccann.com