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Abhijeet Kumar Shah
A web browser is a software application for 
retrieving, presenting, and traversing information 
resources on the World Wide Web.
The World Wide Web (abbreviated as WWW or 
W3,commonly known as the Web), is a system of 
interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the 
Internet. With a web browser, one can view web 
pages that may contain text, images, videos, and 
other multimedia, and navigate between them via 
 An information resource is identified by a Uniform
Resource Identifier (URI) and may be a web page,
image, video, or other piece of content. Hyperlinks
present in resources enable users easily to navigate
their browsers to related resources. A web browser
can also be defined as an application software or
program designed to enable users to access, retrieve
and view documents and other resources on
the Internet.
 The major web browsers are Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet
Explorer, Opera, and Safari.
 The first web browser WorldWideWeb(later renamed Nexus),
was invented in 1990 by Sir Tim Berners-Lee.
 In 1992,Robert Cailliau developed the first web browser for the
Macintosh, called Samba.
 In 1994, Netscape built the first commercial web browser,
Mozilla 1.0, providing a major driver of the development of the

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Java script
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Java script

JavaScript is a scripting language that can be inserted into HTML pages and used to program the behavior of web pages. It allows web pages to be dynamic and interactive. JavaScript code is placed between <script> and </script> tags and can manipulate HTML elements and write to the document. Variables, functions, conditional statements, and operators allow JavaScript code to run conditionally based on events or user input. JavaScript is case sensitive, uses semicolons, and has both local and global variables. Common data types include numbers, strings, arrays, and objects.

Web browser architecture
Web browser architectureWeb browser architecture
Web browser architecture

The document discusses the main components of a web browser, including the user interface, browser engine, rendering engine, networking, JavaScript interpreter, UI backend, and data storage. It provides details on how different browsers use different rendering engines, such as Gecko, WebKit, Blink, and Trident. The rendering engine is responsible for parsing HTML and CSS to construct the DOM and render tree before layout, painting and displaying the web page.

safarijavascriptcorev8 engine

XHTML is the next generation of HTML that combines HTML and XML. It aims to replace HTML by being a stricter, cleaner version that conforms to XML standards. Key differences from HTML include elements must be properly nested, documents must be well-formed, tag names must be lowercase, and all elements must be closed. There are three document type definitions for XHTML: Strict, Transitional, and Frameset.

 In 1993,Marc Andreessen invented Mosaic (later Netscape)
,one of the first graphical web browsers and “the world's first
popular browser”. Mosaic introduced support for sound, video
clips, forms support, bookmarks, and history files.
 In 1994, the Opera browser was developed by a team of
researchers at a telecommunication company called Telenor
in Oslo, Norway. Opera was first made available on the
Internet in 1996. opera the fast-growing mobile phone web
browser market, being preinstalled on over 40 million phones.
 in 1995, Microsoft responded with its Internet Explorer, also
heavily influenced by Mosaic, initiating the industry's
first browser war.
 The most recent major entrant to the browser market is
Google's Chrome, first released in September 2008.Chrome‘s
take-up has increased significantly year on year.
 Apple's Safari had its first beta release in January 2003; as of
April 2011, it had a dominant share of Apple-based
web browsing, accounting for just over 7% of the entire
browser market.
 The most commonly used browsers are Lynx(1993),
chrome(2008),opera(1995), IE(1995), seamonkey(2005),
Historical Web Browsers
Active Worlds MacWeb
Air_Mosaic NetAttache
Amiga NetCaptor
Arachne NETCOMplete
Charlotte NetCruiser
EI*Net NetManage Chameleon
EmailSiphon NetPositive
Enhanced NCSA Mosaic PlanetWeb
GetRight Quarterdeck WebC
HotJava SPRY_Mosaic
IBM WebExplorer Spyglass Enhanced Mosaic
internetMCI TueV Mosaic for X
Web browser

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Document Object Model
Document Object ModelDocument Object Model
Document Object Model

The document discusses the Document Object Model (DOM), which defines a standard for accessing and manipulating HTML, XML, and SVG documents. It defines the nodes that make up an HTML document as well as the relationships between the nodes. The DOM represents an HTML document as nodes and objects that can be manipulated programmatically. Key points covered include the DOM node tree structure, common node types like elements and attributes, and methods for accessing nodes like getElementById() and getElementsByTagName().

dom structure
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Report file on Web technology(html5 and css3)Report file on Web technology(html5 and css3)
Report file on Web technology(html5 and css3)

This document provides a summary of the history and development of web technology: - The term "Web 2.0" was first coined in 1999 to describe more interactive web sites that use technology beyond static pages. - Key concepts of Web 2.0 include the web being a platform for integration and applications, with users generating content to create value. - Major events included the first O'Reilly Web 2.0 conference in 2004 where the concepts of Web 2.0 were outlined, contrasting it with the business models of early companies like Netscape that focused on software distribution.

User Interface
 Back and forward buttons to go back to the previous resource and forward
 A refresh or reload button to reload the current resource.
 A stop button to cancel loading the resource. In some browsers, the stop
button is merged with the reload button.
 A home button to return to the user's home page.
 An address bar to input the Uniform Resource Identifier(URI) of the desired
resource and display it.
 A search bar to input terms into a search engine. In some browsers, the
search bar is merged with the address bar.
 A status bar to display progress in loading the resource and also the URI of
links when the cursor hovers over them, and page zooming capability.
Browser Structure
Browser structure
 The user interface - this includes the address bar, back/forward
button, bookmarking menu etc. Every part of the browser display
except the main window where you see the requested page.
 The browser engine - marshalls the actions between the UI and
the rendering engine.
 The rendering engine - responsible for displaying the requested
content. For example if the requested content is HTML, it is
responsible for parsing the HTML and CSS and displaying the
parsed content on the screen.
 Networking - used for network calls, like HTTP requests. It has
platform independent interface and underneath implementations
for each platform.
 UI backend - used for drawing basic widgets like combo boxes and
windows. It exposes a generic interface that is not platform specific.
Underneath it uses the operating system user interface methods.
 JavaScript interpreter. Used to parse and execute the JavaScript
 Data storage. This is a persistence layer. The browser needs to
save all sorts of data on the hard disk, for examples, cookies. The
new HTML specification (HTML5) defines 'web database' which is a
complete (although light) database in the browser.
 It is important to note that Chrome, unlike most browsers, holds
multiple instances of the rendering engine - one for each tab. Each
tab is a separate process.

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IRJET- Development of College Enquiry Chatbot using SnatchbotIRJET- Development of College Enquiry Chatbot using Snatchbot
IRJET- Development of College Enquiry Chatbot using Snatchbot

This document describes the development of a college enquiry chatbot using SnatchBot. The chatbot was developed to provide information to users about college activities and ease the workload of office staff. It uses natural language processing and a keyword matching algorithm to match user queries to responses from its knowledge base. If no match is found, the user is provided a default message. The chatbot has a user-friendly GUI and is accessible anytime via web. It also allows users to provide feedback if answers are invalid, which is sent to the admin for knowledge base updates.

Ppt of blogs
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Ppt of blogs

The main aim of this project is to provide data to students in only one site. Students can gather the information from one site as well as give their feedback and create their own blog. Students can post their views and thought and analyze themselves.


The project is to ask college related queries and get the responses through a chatbot an Artificial Conversational Entity. This System is a web application which provides answer to the query of the student. Students just have to query through the bot which is used for chatting. Students can chat using any format there is no specific format the user has to follow. This system helps the student to be updated about the college activities.

specific requirementsdata miningevaluation of system
Rendering Engine
 A web browser engine or layout engine or rendering engine, is a
software component that takes marked up content (such as HTML,
XML, image files, etc.) and formatting information (such as CSS,XSL,
etc.) and displays the formatted content on the screen.
 the basic flow of the rendering engine
 The rendering engine will start parsing the HTML document and turn
the tags to DOM(Document Object Model) nodes in a tree called the
"content tree”.
 The styling information together with visual instructions in the HTML
will be used to create another tree - the render tree.
 Layout process, means giving each node the exact coordinates
where it should appear on the screen.
 The next stage is painting- the render tree will be traversed and each
node will be painted using the UI backend layer.
Parse tree
 Parsers usually divide the work between two components -
the lexer (tokenizer) that is responsible for breaking the
input into valid tokens, and the parser that is responsible
for constructing the parse tree by analyzing the document structure
according to the language syntax rules.
 The parsing process is iterative. The parser will usually
ask the lexer for a new token and try to match the token
with one of the syntax rules. If a rule is matched, a node
corresponding to the token will be added to the parse tree
and the parser will ask for another token.
Dom Tree
 the "parse tree" is a tree of DOM(Document Object Model) element
and attribute nodes. DOM is the object presentation of the HTML
document and the interface of HTML elements to the outside world
like JavaScript. The root of the tree is the "Document" object.
 The DOM has an almost one-to-one relation to the markup.
<p>Hello World </p>
<div> <img src="example.png"/></div>

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Web 1.0 allowed only one-way consumption of content while Web 2.0 enabled user-generated content through tools like blogs and social media. Web 3.0 will connect all this data through applications and widgets that are location-aware and personalized. It will understand semantics to provide intelligent, contextualized search and recommendations tailored to individual users through social profiles and activity on various connected devices and platforms. Commerce will also change as companies target niche audiences through new forms of advertising integrated with popular personalities and content.

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HTML is a markup language that web browsers use to interpret and compose text, images, and other material into visual or audible web pages.

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This document discusses the MERN stack, which is a framework that uses MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js for building full-stack web applications. It describes each component and how they work together. MongoDB is the database, Express is the backend framework, React is the frontend framework, and Node.js is the runtime environment. The MERN stack allows building a 3-tier architecture (frontend, backend, database) entirely in JavaScript. It offers benefits like scalability, speed, and the ability to use JavaScript throughout the stack.

#mern #mongodb #express #nodejs #react #mernstack
DOM tree of above markup is
Parser Algorithm
 HTML cannot be parsed using the regular top down or
bottom up parsers. The algorithm consists of two stages -
tokenization and tree construction.
 Tokenization is the lexical analysis, parsing the input into
tokens. Among HTML tokens are start tags, end tags,
attribute names and attribute values.
 The tokenizer recognizes the token, gives it to the tree
constructor, and consumes the next character for recognizing
the next token, and so on until the end of the input.
 Basic example - tokenizing the following HTML:
Hello world
Tree construction algorithm
 The input to the tree construction stage is a sequence of tokens from
the tokenization stage.
 The first mode is the "initial mode". Receiving the html token will
cause a move to the "before html" mode and a reprocessing of the
token in that mode. This will cause a creation of the
HTMLHtmlElement element and it will be appended to the root
Document object.
 The state will be changed to "before head". We receive the "body"
token. An HTMLHeadElement will be created implicitly although we
don't have a "head" token and it will be added to the tree.

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This document provides a project report on the development of a "WEBBLOG" system for TecHindustan Private Ltd. The report includes an introduction to the company, the project, existing systems and their drawbacks. It describes the scope and benefits of the new system. The system modules including user and admin functionalities are outlined. Requirements for inputs, outputs, and maintenance are specified. Finally, the report discusses system analysis including data, operational, technical, economic and security analyses to establish the feasibility of the new weblog system.

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The document discusses the evolution of the World Wide Web from Web 1.0 to Web 3.0. Web 1.0 focused on static, read-only pages and basic hyperlinking. Web 2.0 enabled user-generated content and social networking. Web 3.0 aims to make the web more intelligent through semantic annotation and artificial intelligence to better understand user needs. It also discusses some key applications and limitations of each stage of the web's development.

Basics of the Web Platform
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Basics of the Web Platform

The document provides an introduction to basic web technologies including URIs, HTTP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It discusses how web pages are built using HTML elements and tags to provide structure, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for client-side interactivity. URIs and HTTP are used to identify and transfer web resources, with HTTP methods like GET and POST determining the type of request. JSON and JavaScript APIs allow dynamic client-server communication.

 We now move to the "in head" mode and then to "after head". The
body token is reprocessed, an HTMLBodyElement is created and
inserted and the mode is transferred to "in body".
 The character tokens of the "Hello world" string are now received.
The first one will cause creation and insertion of a "Text" node and
the other characters will be appended to that node.
 The receiving of the body end token will cause a transfer to "after
body" mode. We will now receive the html end tag which will move
us to"after after body" mode. Receiving the end of file token will end
the parsing.
 When the renderer is created and added to the tree, it does not have
a position and size. Calculating these values is called layout or
 HTML uses a flow based layout model, meaning that most of the time
it is possible to compute the geometry in a single pass. HTML tables
may require more than one pass. Layout can proceed left-to-right,
top-to-bottom through the document.
 Layout is a recursive process. It begins at the root renderer, which
corresponds to the <html> element of the HTML document. Layout
computes geometric information for each renderer that requires it.
 The position of the root renderer is 0,0 and its dimensions are the
viewport - the visible part of the browser window.
Rendering Engine Used by Browsers
 Graphical Based
 Boxely- for AOL applications
 Gecko - for Firefox, Camino, K-Meleon, SeaMonkey, Netscape,
and other Gecko-based browsers.
 GtkHTML - for Novell Evolution and other GTK+ programs
 HTMLayout - embeddable HTML/CSS rendering engine -
component for Windows and Windows Mobile operating systems
 KHTML - for Konqueror
 NetFront - for Access NetFront
 NetSurf - for NetSurf
 Presto- for Opera 7 and above, Macromedia Dreamweaver MX and
MX 2004 (Mac), and Adobe Creative Suite 2.
 Prince XML - for Prince XML.
 Robin - for The Bat!
 Tasman - for Internet Explorer 5 for Mac, Microsoft Office 2004 for
Mac, and Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac.
 Trident - for Internet Explorer since version 4.0.
 Tkhtml - for hv3
 WebKit - for Google Chrome, iOS, Safari, Arora, Midori, OmniWeb,
Shiira, iCab since version 4, Web, SRWare Iron, Rekonq, and
in Maxthon 3.

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This document is about a project on the website of a mobile store. It includes: - A project completion certificate signed by an assistant professor, certifying that the project was completed by four students. - A declaration signed by the four students stating that the project titled "The Mobile Store" is their original work. - A table of contents listing sections like introduction, screenshots and codings, conclusion, and bibliography.

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In this chapter you will learn What is web? How does the web works? What is a web server? What is a browser?

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Web Browser
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Web Browser

This document provides an overview of web browsers. It begins with definitions of a web browser and discusses their main features and functions. The document then covers the history and development of major browsers like WorldWideWeb, Mosaic, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Epic - India's first browser. It discusses how browsers work and the layers involved. The document concludes with some statistics on mobile browsers and the current ranking of popular browsers.

 Text based
 Lynx
 Links
 W3m
Download Manager
 A download manager is a computer program dedicated to the task
of downloading files from the Internet for storage.
 The typical download manager at a minimum provides means to
recover from errors without losing the work already completed, and
can optionally split the file to be downloaded into 2 or more
segments, which are then moved in parallel, potentially making the
process faster within the limits of the available bandwidth.
 Multi-source is the name given to files that are downloaded in
 Pausing the downloading of large files, and connect again to continue
 Downloading files on poor connections, especially for slow networks.
 Downloading several files from a site automatically according to
simple rules.
 Enable mirror download, that means download the same file from
different sites.
 Scheduled downloads (including, automatic hang-up and shutdown).
 Can limit the speed of downloading while remain good stability of
 Automatic subfolder generation.
 Download Accelerator Plus - Speeds up file downloads and resumes
interrupted downloads. Features include file preview, file shredder
and top downloads list.
 FlashGet - Automatically splits files into sections, and downloads
each split simultaneously. Download jobs can be placed in
specifically-named categories for quick access.
 Internet Download Accelerator - Integrates with Internet Explorer,
Firefox, Mozilla, Opera, Nescape and others. You can download and
save video from popular video sharing services: YouTube, Google
Video, Metacafe and others.

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Batra Computer Centre is An ISO certified 9001:2008 training Centre in Ambala. We Provide Web Browser in Ambala. BATRA COMPUTER CENTRE provides best training in C, C++, S.E.O, Web Designing, Web Development and So many other courses are available.

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The document provides information on various web browsers, including their history, architecture, popular browsers, and features. It discusses early browsers from the 1990s like WorldWideWeb and Mosaic. It then covers popular modern browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer and Edge. It provides details on the developers, platforms, and technologies used for each browser. It also gives brief summaries of the key features and functionality of several major browsers.

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Internet Download Manager - Accelerate downloads, resume broken or
interrupted downloads, and schedule downloads. The program
features dynamic file segmentation and download logic optimizer to
achieve better download speed and higher Internet connection
TubeTilla Pro - Download YouTube videos and convert them to various
formats like wmv, mp4 and mp3.
Video Get - Downloads video from YouTube and others. Converts video
to variety of video formats.
WebPix - Automatically download pictures from a web site, view them
quickly and browse thumbnails in an instant
 Download manager support different protocol like-
Bittorrent,eDonkey etc.
 The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application
protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information
 Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a widely-
used communications protocol for secure communication over
a computer network, with especially wide deployment on the Internet.
 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to
transfer files from one host to another host over a TCP-based
network, such as the Internet.
 Microsoft Media Server (MMS) is the name of
Microsoft's proprietary network streaming protocol used to
transfer unicast data in Windows Media Services (previously
called NetShow Services). MMS can be transported
via UDP or TCP. The MMS default port is UDP/TCP 1755.
 The Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) is a network
control protocol designed for use in entertainment and
communications systems to control streaming media servers. The
protocol is used for establishing and controlling media sessions
between end points.
 Magnet links, which mainly refer to resources available for download
via peer-to-peer networks.
 Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) was initially a proprietary
protocol developed by Macromedia for streaming audio, video and
data over the Internet, between a Flash player and a server.
 BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol used for distributing
large amounts of data over the Internet

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Lipoproteins are biochemical assemblies containing both lipids and proteins that enable fats like triglycerides and cholesterol to be transported around the body in the bloodstream. Examples include HDL and LDL lipoproteins. Atherosclerosis is a disease where plaque builds up in the arteries due to factors like high cholesterol, reducing blood flow and potentially leading to heart attack, stroke or other issues if left untreated. Treatments for atherosclerosis focus on lifestyle changes and medications to control risk factors and cholesterol levels, or procedures like angioplasty or endarterectomy in severe cases.

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Installato il nuovo Parquet Sportivo SEICOM modello Spluga, una referenza importante per Seicom nel dinamico mercato Turco, Antalya Arena a marzo 2016 si rinnova completamente, nuova Pavimentazione Sportiva, nuove tribune e scoreboard, ora la capienza diventa per 10.000 persone, quindi si potranno ospitare anche partite internazionali di Eurolega.

 For dial-up users, they can automatically dial the Internet Service
Provider at night, when rates or tariffs are usually much lower,
download the specified files, and hang-up. They can record which
links the user clicks on during the day, and queue these files for later
 For broadband users, download managers can help download very
large files by resuming broken downloads, by limiting
the bandwidth used, so that other internet activities are not affected
(slowed) and the server is not overloaded, or by automatically
navigating a site and downloading pre-specified content (photo
galleries, MP3 collections, etc.).

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Web browser

  • 3.  An information resource is identified by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and may be a web page, image, video, or other piece of content. Hyperlinks present in resources enable users easily to navigate their browsers to related resources. A web browser can also be defined as an application software or program designed to enable users to access, retrieve and view documents and other resources on the Internet.
  • 4. History  The major web browsers are Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, and Safari.  The first web browser WorldWideWeb(later renamed Nexus), was invented in 1990 by Sir Tim Berners-Lee.  In 1992,Robert Cailliau developed the first web browser for the Macintosh, called Samba.  In 1994, Netscape built the first commercial web browser, Mozilla 1.0, providing a major driver of the development of the web.
  • 5.  In 1993,Marc Andreessen invented Mosaic (later Netscape) ,one of the first graphical web browsers and “the world's first popular browser”. Mosaic introduced support for sound, video clips, forms support, bookmarks, and history files.  In 1994, the Opera browser was developed by a team of researchers at a telecommunication company called Telenor in Oslo, Norway. Opera was first made available on the Internet in 1996. opera the fast-growing mobile phone web browser market, being preinstalled on over 40 million phones.  in 1995, Microsoft responded with its Internet Explorer, also heavily influenced by Mosaic, initiating the industry's first browser war.
  • 6.  The most recent major entrant to the browser market is Google's Chrome, first released in September 2008.Chrome‘s take-up has increased significantly year on year.  Apple's Safari had its first beta release in January 2003; as of April 2011, it had a dominant share of Apple-based web browsing, accounting for just over 7% of the entire browser market.  The most commonly used browsers are Lynx(1993), chrome(2008),opera(1995), IE(1995), seamonkey(2005), firefox(2002),safari(2003),maxthon(2004),lunascape(2005),ne tsurf(2007),iron(2008),chromeplus(2009),chimera(2002).
  • 7. Historical Web Browsers Active Worlds MacWeb Air_Mosaic NetAttache Amiga NetCaptor Arachne NETCOMplete Charlotte NetCruiser EI*Net NetManage Chameleon EmailSiphon NetPositive Enhanced NCSA Mosaic PlanetWeb GetRight Quarterdeck WebC HotJava SPRY_Mosaic IBM WebExplorer Spyglass Enhanced Mosaic internetMCI TueV Mosaic for X IWENG WWWC
  • 9. User Interface  Back and forward buttons to go back to the previous resource and forward respectively.  A refresh or reload button to reload the current resource.  A stop button to cancel loading the resource. In some browsers, the stop button is merged with the reload button.  A home button to return to the user's home page.  An address bar to input the Uniform Resource Identifier(URI) of the desired resource and display it.  A search bar to input terms into a search engine. In some browsers, the search bar is merged with the address bar.  A status bar to display progress in loading the resource and also the URI of links when the cursor hovers over them, and page zooming capability.
  • 11. Browser structure  The user interface - this includes the address bar, back/forward button, bookmarking menu etc. Every part of the browser display except the main window where you see the requested page.  The browser engine - marshalls the actions between the UI and the rendering engine.  The rendering engine - responsible for displaying the requested content. For example if the requested content is HTML, it is responsible for parsing the HTML and CSS and displaying the parsed content on the screen.  Networking - used for network calls, like HTTP requests. It has platform independent interface and underneath implementations for each platform.
  • 12.  UI backend - used for drawing basic widgets like combo boxes and windows. It exposes a generic interface that is not platform specific. Underneath it uses the operating system user interface methods.  JavaScript interpreter. Used to parse and execute the JavaScript code.  Data storage. This is a persistence layer. The browser needs to save all sorts of data on the hard disk, for examples, cookies. The new HTML specification (HTML5) defines 'web database' which is a complete (although light) database in the browser.  It is important to note that Chrome, unlike most browsers, holds multiple instances of the rendering engine - one for each tab. Each tab is a separate process.
  • 13. Rendering Engine  A web browser engine or layout engine or rendering engine, is a software component that takes marked up content (such as HTML, XML, image files, etc.) and formatting information (such as CSS,XSL, etc.) and displays the formatted content on the screen.  the basic flow of the rendering engine  The rendering engine will start parsing the HTML document and turn the tags to DOM(Document Object Model) nodes in a tree called the "content tree”.
  • 14.  The styling information together with visual instructions in the HTML will be used to create another tree - the render tree.  Layout process, means giving each node the exact coordinates where it should appear on the screen.  The next stage is painting- the render tree will be traversed and each node will be painted using the UI backend layer.
  • 15. Parse tree  Parsers usually divide the work between two components - the lexer (tokenizer) that is responsible for breaking the input into valid tokens, and the parser that is responsible for constructing the parse tree by analyzing the document structure according to the language syntax rules.  The parsing process is iterative. The parser will usually ask the lexer for a new token and try to match the token with one of the syntax rules. If a rule is matched, a node corresponding to the token will be added to the parse tree and the parser will ask for another token.
  • 16. Dom Tree  the "parse tree" is a tree of DOM(Document Object Model) element and attribute nodes. DOM is the object presentation of the HTML document and the interface of HTML elements to the outside world like JavaScript. The root of the tree is the "Document" object.  The DOM has an almost one-to-one relation to the markup. <html> <body> <p>Hello World </p> <div> <img src="example.png"/></div> </body> </html>
  • 17. DOM tree of above markup is
  • 18. Parser Algorithm  HTML cannot be parsed using the regular top down or bottom up parsers. The algorithm consists of two stages - tokenization and tree construction.  Tokenization is the lexical analysis, parsing the input into tokens. Among HTML tokens are start tags, end tags, attribute names and attribute values.  The tokenizer recognizes the token, gives it to the tree constructor, and consumes the next character for recognizing the next token, and so on until the end of the input.
  • 19. Tokenization  Basic example - tokenizing the following HTML: <html> <body> Hello world </body> </html>
  • 20. Tree construction algorithm  The input to the tree construction stage is a sequence of tokens from the tokenization stage.  The first mode is the "initial mode". Receiving the html token will cause a move to the "before html" mode and a reprocessing of the token in that mode. This will cause a creation of the HTMLHtmlElement element and it will be appended to the root Document object.  The state will be changed to "before head". We receive the "body" token. An HTMLHeadElement will be created implicitly although we don't have a "head" token and it will be added to the tree.
  • 21.  We now move to the "in head" mode and then to "after head". The body token is reprocessed, an HTMLBodyElement is created and inserted and the mode is transferred to "in body".  The character tokens of the "Hello world" string are now received. The first one will cause creation and insertion of a "Text" node and the other characters will be appended to that node.  The receiving of the body end token will cause a transfer to "after body" mode. We will now receive the html end tag which will move us to"after after body" mode. Receiving the end of file token will end the parsing.
  • 22. LAYOUT  When the renderer is created and added to the tree, it does not have a position and size. Calculating these values is called layout or reflow.  HTML uses a flow based layout model, meaning that most of the time it is possible to compute the geometry in a single pass. HTML tables may require more than one pass. Layout can proceed left-to-right, top-to-bottom through the document.  Layout is a recursive process. It begins at the root renderer, which corresponds to the <html> element of the HTML document. Layout computes geometric information for each renderer that requires it.  The position of the root renderer is 0,0 and its dimensions are the viewport - the visible part of the browser window.
  • 23. Rendering Engine Used by Browsers  Graphical Based  Boxely- for AOL applications  Gecko - for Firefox, Camino, K-Meleon, SeaMonkey, Netscape, and other Gecko-based browsers.  GtkHTML - for Novell Evolution and other GTK+ programs  HTMLayout - embeddable HTML/CSS rendering engine - component for Windows and Windows Mobile operating systems  KHTML - for Konqueror  NetFront - for Access NetFront  NetSurf - for NetSurf
  • 24.  Presto- for Opera 7 and above, Macromedia Dreamweaver MX and MX 2004 (Mac), and Adobe Creative Suite 2.  Prince XML - for Prince XML.  Robin - for The Bat!  Tasman - for Internet Explorer 5 for Mac, Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac, and Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac.  Trident - for Internet Explorer since version 4.0.  Tkhtml - for hv3  WebKit - for Google Chrome, iOS, Safari, Arora, Midori, OmniWeb, Shiira, iCab since version 4, Web, SRWare Iron, Rekonq, and in Maxthon 3.
  • 25.  Text based  Lynx  Links  W3m
  • 26. Download Manager INTRODUCTION  A download manager is a computer program dedicated to the task of downloading files from the Internet for storage.  The typical download manager at a minimum provides means to recover from errors without losing the work already completed, and can optionally split the file to be downloaded into 2 or more segments, which are then moved in parallel, potentially making the process faster within the limits of the available bandwidth.  Multi-source is the name given to files that are downloaded in parallel.
  • 27. Feature  Pausing the downloading of large files, and connect again to continue download.  Downloading files on poor connections, especially for slow networks.  Downloading several files from a site automatically according to simple rules.  Enable mirror download, that means download the same file from different sites.  Scheduled downloads (including, automatic hang-up and shutdown).  Can limit the speed of downloading while remain good stability of connections.  Automatic subfolder generation.
  • 28.  Download Accelerator Plus - Speeds up file downloads and resumes interrupted downloads. Features include file preview, file shredder and top downloads list.  FlashGet - Automatically splits files into sections, and downloads each split simultaneously. Download jobs can be placed in specifically-named categories for quick access.  Internet Download Accelerator - Integrates with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Mozilla, Opera, Nescape and others. You can download and save video from popular video sharing services: YouTube, Google Video, Metacafe and others.
  • 29. Internet Download Manager - Accelerate downloads, resume broken or interrupted downloads, and schedule downloads. The program features dynamic file segmentation and download logic optimizer to achieve better download speed and higher Internet connection performance. TubeTilla Pro - Download YouTube videos and convert them to various formats like wmv, mp4 and mp3. Video Get - Downloads video from YouTube and others. Converts video to variety of video formats. WebPix - Automatically download pictures from a web site, view them quickly and browse thumbnails in an instant
  • 30.  Download manager support different protocol like- HTTP,HTTPS,FTP,SFTP,MMS,RTSP,Metlink,Magnet link, Bittorrent,eDonkey etc.  The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems.  Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a widely- used communications protocol for secure communication over a computer network, with especially wide deployment on the Internet.  File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host to another host over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet.
  • 31.  Microsoft Media Server (MMS) is the name of Microsoft's proprietary network streaming protocol used to transfer unicast data in Windows Media Services (previously called NetShow Services). MMS can be transported via UDP or TCP. The MMS default port is UDP/TCP 1755.  The Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) is a network control protocol designed for use in entertainment and communications systems to control streaming media servers. The protocol is used for establishing and controlling media sessions between end points.  Magnet links, which mainly refer to resources available for download via peer-to-peer networks.
  • 32.  Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) was initially a proprietary protocol developed by Macromedia for streaming audio, video and data over the Internet, between a Flash player and a server.  BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol used for distributing large amounts of data over the Internet
  • 33. USES  For dial-up users, they can automatically dial the Internet Service Provider at night, when rates or tariffs are usually much lower, download the specified files, and hang-up. They can record which links the user clicks on during the day, and queue these files for later download.  For broadband users, download managers can help download very large files by resuming broken downloads, by limiting the bandwidth used, so that other internet activities are not affected (slowed) and the server is not overloaded, or by automatically navigating a site and downloading pre-specified content (photo galleries, MP3 collections, etc.).