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Sustainability & Manufacturing –
A focus on Renewable Energy Supply
     through Anaerobic Digestion

                                 Dr Barry McDermott
                                  Campbell Stevens
                                           PM Group

        Midlands Manufacturing

   PM Group
   What is Sustainability
   Sustainable Manufacturing – Why ?
   Sustainable Energy
   Bioenergy & Anaerobic Digestion
   Project Example
   Finance & Business Case Development
   Questions

                  “Global Warming”
                                                        “Resource Use”

                     “Climate Change”      “Energy Efficiency”

                    “Low Carbon      “Whole Life
“Ecological            Systems”        Costing”
                “Zero Carbon”
                                   “Green Design”
“Life Cycle
    Analysis”        “Corporate Social
History of Sustainability
                                         1972 – UN
                                       Conference on             1992 – UN Conference –
                                     Human Environment                Earth Summit
Transcendentalism          Rachel Carson                 1987 Brundtland
                           – Silent Spring                 Report - Our
                                                         Common Future

   1800’s       1900’s       1960            1970       1980       1990       1995         2000        2005

                                             Love Canal &
              Industrial                     Superfund Act
                                                       1983 – UN World                    2002 – World Summit
                                                       Commission on                         on Sustainable
                                                 Environment & Development                    Development

    Social Revolution                        Environmental Revolution                     Sustainability
Sustainability Defined

“Humanity has the ability to make
development sustainable – to ensure it               SUSTAINABILITY
meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future

                                                           Social Equity
generations to meet their needs”
1987 World Commission on Environment and

 Concept of sustainability is much more than environmental protection in
 another guise
 Sustainabilitys Goal: To achieve human and ecosystem well-being together

                                               Ecology                   Materials

                                                            Waste                      ENVIRONMENTAL

                                                Energy                    Water
                                                                                     Health & Well
     Insurance                   Pollution               Environmental
                  Construction                                                SOCIAL
                 Time and Cost
                                             Management                   Land                     ECONOMIC
     Whole Life                                           Sustainable
                               Productivity                                            Amenity
       Cost                                               Development

                    Growth                     Economic                   Social                  Diversity

     Economic                                             Function &
                               Profitability                                           Security
       Life                                               Performance
                                                                         Health &
                  Investment                                                                       Quality

                                                          Employment                   Access
One Living Planet

     12bn hectares – 6.5bn people
     Per capita global quota – 1.8 hectares
     European footprint - 6 hectares; North American footprint – 10 hectares
Global Consumption Rates are rising…
                                                 Humanity’s Ecological Footprint, 1961-2005

              Number of planet Earths

                                        1.2      World Biocapacity

                                          1960        1970           1980        1990         2000

                                                               Number of planet Earths

Source: WWF Living Planet Report 2008
The Global Demand for Energy is Rising…

                                                    World Marketed Energy Consumption

      million GWh




                            1980        1985 1990               1995 2000               2006 2010               2015 2020 2025 2030

                          Industrialisation                                         Population                                       Enhanced
                                                                                     Growth                                          Lifestyles

Source Data:         Energy Information Administration (EIA), International Energy Annual 2006 (June-December 2008),
                     website http://www.eia.doe.gov/iea/wecbtu.html
Rising CO2 Emissions
             World Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Fuel Type, 1990-2030
                                                  History                   Projections
              Billion Metric Tons



                                                                                   Natural Gas

                                     1990   1995     2000   2005   2010    2015    2020      2025     2030

                                              Liquids        Natural Gas          Coal        Total

Source: Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Need for Change…
                   ENERGY EFFICIENCY

Visual Evidence !
Other Drivers for Sustainable development……...
Why Should a Manufacturing Facility Change ?

    Risk Management
    Future Proofing
    Professional Ethics
    Reduce Environmental Impact
    Best Engineering Practice
    Cost Savings – lower product unit cost
    Energy Security
    Customer Driven
    Legislative Driven
    Corporate Sustainability goals inc footprint
    Branding & Marketing
Energy Security

 Energy Costs
   - Average
     domestic gas
     bill has doubled
     since 2000

 Guarantee of
  Energy Supply
   - Blackout
   - Unavailable

Reference: DECC & OFWAT
Sustainability – Some Focus Areas in Design &

Sustainable    Energy &      Water      Materials &  Indoor     Innovation
   Sites      Atmosphere   Efficiency   Resources Environmental

     Fuels &                 Alternative /             Emission                  Energy
    Feedstocks               Renewables                Reduction                Efficiency

 SOLUTIONS                    Supply-side                     End-of-pipe       Demand Side
                 Biofuels           Wind Power            Air pollution     Green buildings
                 Hydrogen           Solar                                    Low energy
                                                            Coal to gas        appliances
                 Biomass            Biomass
                                                            Carbon capture    Building control
                 Waste to Energy    Fuel Cells
                                                             and storage
                                                                               Smart meters and
    Energy                           Energy Storage
                                                            Waste              grids
 Efficiency &                        Hydro                  Management
                                                                               Smart homes
                                     Wave, tidal, deep-    W&WWT
                                                                               Energy
                                     Geothermal
                                                                               T&D
Anaerobic Digestion Technology
Anaerobic Digestion

   Natural process which occurs in river and lake
    sediments, soils and the gastrointestinal tract of
   Degradation of organic material by bacteria in the
    absence of oxygen.
   One of the oldest forms of biological wastewater
    treatment - 1850’s
   Traditionally part of sludge stabilisation process
Anaerobic Digestion Process

                                                                           Generator / CHP
                                      Scrubbing                            Grid
                                                                           Transport Biofuel


                          Feed                                                                      Composting
    Storage/                              Digestion
                                                                             Dewatering             Soil Conditioner
    Handling                              Process

*calculated from Department of Energy & Climate Change Regional Gas Consumption Statistics - 2007
How it works…..

                                Heat & Biomass

Source: IEA Bioenergy Task 24
Digestion Technology

     Process Temperature
       – Mesophilic     38 – 42 °C
       – Thermophilic   55 – 65 °C

     Feedstock
       – Mono-digestion or Co-digestion

       Plant Design/System
        – Batch or Continuous; Tank or Lagoon

     Digestion
       – Dry (>30% DM) or Wet (6 – 30%DM)
Digestion Technology

   CSTR Tanks, Germany      CSTR, Biogas Farm, Germany

   CSTR, Hungry          Horizontal Plug Flow System, USA
… Digestion Technology

 Completed 200,000m3 lagoon,   Lagoon system – HDPE roof system
 10m depth, Asia                         with gas collection, Asia

                                       70,000 m3 lagoon system,
… Digestion Technology

 High rate UASB/IC type –        Domestic digester, Indonesia
 Low solids reactor         No high-end engineering required!
Feedstocks & Operations

   Organic waste
     –   Biodegradable Municipal Waste
     –   Sewage Sludge
     –   Agricultural slurries
     –   Silage Crops
     –   Industrial effluents
   Feedstock characteristics determines gas yield
Biogas Yields

                                      Biogas Yield
    Feedstock           %Dry Matter       (m3/t)
    Cattle Slurry           10            25
    Pig Slurry               7            26
    Sour Whey                6            37
    Food Waste              15            46
    Veg waste               15            57
    Broiler Manure          60            80
    Laying Hen Litter       30            90
    Grass Silage            25            150
    Sugar Pulp              28            200
    Maize                   30            200
    Cheese Whey             79            670
Biogas as a Biofuel potential

 Composition
    – Methane           50 – 75%
    – Carbon Dioxide    45 – 25%
    – Water Vapour      2 – 5%
  Trace Amounts:        <1%
    – Ammonia
    – Hydrogen Sulphide

 1m3 of biogas (70% CH4) calorific value 20MJ/m3:
    – 0.6 L of Petrol; 2.5kWh of heat; 1.7kWh of electricity
    – Electricity; Heat or Biofuel
                                            Beware! ATEX Regulations

 Comprises feedstock not fully
  converted to biogas & biomass
 May be dewatered to fibre and
  liquor fractions

 Fibre:
   – May be aerobically composted to provide a stable,
     marketable peat moss substitute
   – Alternatively, landspreading as a soil conditioner or low
     grade fertiliser

   Liquor:
     – Separated liquid fraction
       contains large proportion
       of nutrients
     – Ideal for use as a liquid
       fertiliser as part of a Nutrient
       Management Plan
   Disposal of Digestate can be a limiting factor

    Beware! Biosolids Code of Practice
    & Animal By-Products Regulations
Anaerobic Digestion Process – Potential Industry Options


                                                                          Boiler for
                                Gas Engine                                                            Pasteurisation
                                                          Exhaust            Steam
                                                                                                      Green House

                    Feed                                                                            Composting
Storage/                           Digestion
                                                                       Dewatering                   Soil Conditioner
Handling                           Process

*calculated from Department of Energy & Climate Change Regional Gas Consumption Statistics - 2007
Project Study Example
Project Bioenergy

 Primary Objective
   – To reduce the Client’s exposure to the volatility and overall cost of
   – Driving fuel independence

 Secondary Objectives
   – Develop a working biogas
     business model for replication
     across other facilities

 Additional Benefits
   – Reduction in Carbon footprint
   – Demonstrable move towards a          This project will deliver a robust, ‘fit for purpose’
                                          facility for the client to produce biogas from
     sustainable business                 processing co-products.

 Replacing 25% of factory natural gas requirements
       – equivalent to 66% of the household consumption in local region

                                       Feedstock                     ANAEROBIC                      Biogas        Biogas
                                       Handling                      DIGESTION                      Cleaning      To CHP

                                     Feedstock                          Digestate                    Fertiliser
                                      Ensiling                         Separation                    For sale

AD Technology – 2 Options:
1.Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor                                                                     Water
                                                                                                     to river
2. Lagoon                                                              Treatment

*calculated from Department of Energy & Climate Change Regional Gas Consumption Statistics - 2007
Key Figures

   Inputs                                Outputs
     – Feedstocks                          – Biogas
         • Agriculture industry               • 12.5M therms per annum
         • Organic By-product of              • 50MWth/12.8MWe installed
           process                               capacity
     – 2450tpd by-product ex process          • 50:50 CH4:CO2
         • ca. 1000tpd direct to AD           • Up to 10,000Nm3/h
         • 1450tpd to ensiling
     – Lagoon configuration reactor        – Digestate
         • Ca 200,000m3 volume                • Dewatering Plant required
                                              • Fertiliser product for market

    £60m investment                        – Effluent
    5 Year Payback (IRR >20%)                  • 800k-900k m3 p.a.
                                               • 8000-12000mg/l COD
    Construction due Q3 2012                   • 3000mg/l NH3
                                               • Full scale effluent treatment
                                                  plant required
Financing & Business Case
Global Total New Investment In Clean Energy
What technology is this money being spent on ?

   Energy Storage & Smart Grid (R&D)
   Wind (Mature)
   Solar
   Biofuel
   Biomass & Waste (Mature)
   Geothermal
   Tidal (Developing)
   Efficiency

 Follow the money………………?
Business Case Considerations
 Drivers for Development
   – Business cost avoidance/Financial Returns
   – Planning
   – Replacement of end-of-life assets
 Feedstock Availability
   – Guarantee of supply
   – Cost security
 By Products
   – Cost of disposal
 Gas Utilisation
   – Use on site or Export? Fuel Security
 Process/Project risks
   – Pass the ticking parcel?
 Grants & Tariffs
   – moving sands or easy money?
 Feasibility Study & Business Case Development
General Overview of Funding Support

 Generation Funding Tariffs
   – Renewable Electrical Generation
   – FIT if < 5MWe (Feed-in Tariff + £30/MWhe, if exported), or
   – RO (Renewable Obligation, 20-year Grandfathering)
 RHI (Renewable Heat Incentive, 20-year Grandfathering)
   – £10/MWhth for dedicated biomass
   – £68/MWhth for Biogas upgraded to Biomethane (grid export
 Several Other Sources, eg
   – ECA (Enhanced Capital Allowance)
      • for verified “Good Quality” CHP
      • 100% Year 1 Tax incentive against validated capital value
Cost Avoidance Examples

 Carbon Floor Price
 Climate Change Levy
 Gas purchase offset
 Electricity offset (CHP)
 Gas/Elec conveyance (eg, capacity reserve, ToP, MDQ
 Waste disposal
    – eg, stock food transportation
    – effluent treatment, PPC

EXAMPLE PROJECT: Possible configurations; which one?
  1                            2                                   3                4

Biogas to              Biogas to                         Biomethane          Biomethane
Boiler or              Gas Engine                        to Boiler or        to Grid
CHP                    CHP                               CHP
• Contamination        • HW to site                 • ECA                  • RHI £68 MWhth +
issues?                • ECA                                               £MWh base gas price
                                                    •FIT for MWhe (for
• ECA                  • FIT for MWhe               CHP)                   • Reduces any
                                                                           operational issues, eg
• £ Offsets;           • £ Offsets;                 • £ Offsets;
                                                                           matching demand
        • CCL                  • CCL                        • CCL          profiles, etc, as operates
                                                                           discretely from site
        • ETS/Carbon           • ETS/Carbon                 • ETS/Carbon
        Floor Price            Floor Price                  Floor Price    • option to switch to total
                                                                           site consumption in
        • Gas                  • Gas                        • Gas
        purchase               purchase                     purchase
Biogas from-food-waste
Most Feasible AD Configuration?

                                  BOILER/CHP or
                                   GAS ENGINE?




        GAS GRID                      SITE

 Sustainable?......in the classic context?
   – Feedstocks
   – Offtakes
   – CapEx / OpEx
 Funding & Risk
   – Internal/off balance-sheet?
   – Ability to take direct process/technology risk?
   – BOO/ESCo?
 Evolve the Financial Model from outset
   – Build simple but sound case – communicate the value (or
   – Measure it how you need to….
      • Simple payback, NPV, IRR, etc
 Sustainability is a balance of environmental, economic and
  social concerns.

 Energy will be a prime focus of environmental sustainability in
  the manufacturing industry.

 Renewable energy supply can provide environmental &
  economic sustainability benefits in the manufacturing industry.

 Bioenergy Options such as Anaerobic Digestion offer significant
  potential benefits for producers of organic waste.

 Business Case Development to ensure viability of the project
  should be established early in the project and evolve with the
  project development to ensure success.

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Biogas from-food-waste

  • 1. Sustainability & Manufacturing – A focus on Renewable Energy Supply through Anaerobic Digestion Dr Barry McDermott Campbell Stevens PM Group 17.05.2012 Midlands Manufacturing Group
  • 2. Content  PM Group  What is Sustainability  Sustainable Manufacturing – Why ?  Sustainable Energy  Bioenergy & Anaerobic Digestion  Project Example  Finance & Business Case Development  Questions
  • 3. Sustainability “Global Warming” “Resource Use” “Climate Change” “Energy Efficiency” “Embodied Energy” “Carbon Footprint” “Sustainability” “Low Carbon “Whole Life “Ecological Systems” Costing” Footprint” “Zero Carbon” “Green Design” “Life Cycle Analysis” “Corporate Social Responsibility”
  • 4. History of Sustainability 1972 – UN Conference on 1992 – UN Conference – Human Environment Earth Summit 1800’s Transcendentalism Rachel Carson 1987 Brundtland – Silent Spring Report - Our Common Future 1800’s 1900’s 1960 1970 1980 1990 1995 2000 2005 Love Canal & Industrial Superfund Act Revolution 1983 – UN World 2002 – World Summit Commission on on Sustainable Environment & Development Development Social Revolution Environmental Revolution Sustainability
  • 5. Sustainability Defined “Humanity has the ability to make development sustainable – to ensure it SUSTAINABILITY meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future Social Equity generations to meet their needs” 1987 World Commission on Environment and Development Concept of sustainability is much more than environmental protection in another guise Sustainabilitys Goal: To achieve human and ecosystem well-being together
  • 6. Sustainability Ecology Materials Waste ENVIRONMENTAL Energy Water SUSTAINABLE Health & Well Insurance Pollution Environmental BeingDESIGN Construction SOCIAL Time and Cost Management Land ECONOMIC Whole Life Sustainable Productivity Amenity Cost Development Growth Economic Social Diversity Economic Function & Profitability Security Life Performance Health & Investment Quality Safety Employment Access
  • 7. One Living Planet  12bn hectares – 6.5bn people  Per capita global quota – 1.8 hectares  European footprint - 6 hectares; North American footprint – 10 hectares
  • 9. Global Consumption Rates are rising… Humanity’s Ecological Footprint, 1961-2005 1.8 1.6 Number of planet Earths 1.4 1.2 World Biocapacity 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Number of planet Earths Source: WWF Living Planet Report 2008
  • 10. The Global Demand for Energy is Rising… World Marketed Energy Consumption 250 Projections 200 million GWh 150 100 50 0 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2006 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Industrialisation Population Enhanced Growth Lifestyles Source Data: Energy Information Administration (EIA), International Energy Annual 2006 (June-December 2008), website http://www.eia.doe.gov/iea/wecbtu.html
  • 11. Rising CO2 Emissions World Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Fuel Type, 1990-2030 50 History Projections 40 Total Billion Metric Tons 30 20 Coal Liquids 10 Natural Gas 0 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Liquids Natural Gas Coal Total Source: Energy Information Administration (EIA)
  • 14. Other Drivers for Sustainable development……...
  • 15. Why Should a Manufacturing Facility Change ?  Risk Management  Future Proofing  Professional Ethics  Reduce Environmental Impact  Best Engineering Practice  Cost Savings – lower product unit cost  Energy Security  Customer Driven  Legislative Driven  Corporate Sustainability goals inc footprint  Branding & Marketing
  • 16. Energy Security  Energy Costs - Average domestic gas bill has doubled since 2000  Guarantee of Energy Supply - Blackout concerns - Unavailable imports Reference: DECC & OFWAT
  • 17. Sustainability – Some Focus Areas in Design & Manufacturing Sustainable Energy & Water Materials & Indoor Innovation Sites Atmosphere Efficiency Resources Environmental Quality
  • 18. Opportunities…. Technology Fuels & Alternative / Emission Energy Feedstocks Renewables Reduction Efficiency SOLUTIONS Supply-side End-of-pipe Demand Side  Biofuels  Wind Power  Air pollution  Green buildings control  Hydrogen  Solar  Low energy  Coal to gas appliances  Biomass  Biomass  Carbon capture  Building control  Waste to Energy  Fuel Cells and storage  Smart meters and Energy  Energy Storage  Waste grids Efficiency &  Hydro Management  Smart homes Renewables  Wave, tidal, deep-  W&WWT  Energy lake management  Geothermal  T&D infrastructure
  • 20. Anaerobic Digestion  Natural process which occurs in river and lake sediments, soils and the gastrointestinal tract of animals  Degradation of organic material by bacteria in the absence of oxygen.  One of the oldest forms of biological wastewater treatment - 1850’s  Traditionally part of sludge stabilisation process
  • 21. Anaerobic Digestion Process Generator / CHP Scrubbing Grid Transport Biofuel Biogas Digestate Feed Composting Storage/ Digestion Dewatering Soil Conditioner Handling Process Fertiliser *calculated from Department of Energy & Climate Change Regional Gas Consumption Statistics - 2007
  • 22. How it works….. Methane CO2 H2S NH3 Heat & Biomass Source: IEA Bioenergy Task 24
  • 23. Digestion Technology  Process Temperature – Mesophilic 38 – 42 °C – Thermophilic 55 – 65 °C  Feedstock – Mono-digestion or Co-digestion  Plant Design/System – Batch or Continuous; Tank or Lagoon  Digestion – Dry (>30% DM) or Wet (6 – 30%DM)
  • 24. Digestion Technology CSTR Tanks, Germany CSTR, Biogas Farm, Germany CSTR, Hungry Horizontal Plug Flow System, USA
  • 25. … Digestion Technology Completed 200,000m3 lagoon, Lagoon system – HDPE roof system 10m depth, Asia with gas collection, Asia 70,000 m3 lagoon system, Scotland
  • 26. … Digestion Technology High rate UASB/IC type – Domestic digester, Indonesia Low solids reactor No high-end engineering required!
  • 28. Feedstock  Organic waste – Biodegradable Municipal Waste – Sewage Sludge – Agricultural slurries – Silage Crops – Industrial effluents  Feedstock characteristics determines gas yield
  • 29. Biogas Yields Biogas Yield Feedstock %Dry Matter (m3/t) Cattle Slurry 10 25 Pig Slurry 7 26 Sour Whey 6 37 Food Waste 15 46 Veg waste 15 57 Broiler Manure 60 80 Laying Hen Litter 30 90 Grass Silage 25 150 Sugar Pulp 28 200 Maize 30 200 Cheese Whey 79 670
  • 30. Biogas as a Biofuel potential  Composition – Methane 50 – 75% – Carbon Dioxide 45 – 25% – Water Vapour 2 – 5% Trace Amounts: <1% – Ammonia – Hydrogen Sulphide  1m3 of biogas (70% CH4) calorific value 20MJ/m3: – 0.6 L of Petrol; 2.5kWh of heat; 1.7kWh of electricity – Electricity; Heat or Biofuel Beware! ATEX Regulations
  • 31. Digestate  Comprises feedstock not fully converted to biogas & biomass  May be dewatered to fibre and liquor fractions  Fibre: – May be aerobically composted to provide a stable, marketable peat moss substitute – Alternatively, landspreading as a soil conditioner or low grade fertiliser
  • 32. Digestate  Liquor: – Separated liquid fraction contains large proportion of nutrients – Ideal for use as a liquid fertiliser as part of a Nutrient Management Plan  Disposal of Digestate can be a limiting factor Beware! Biosolids Code of Practice & Animal By-Products Regulations
  • 33. Anaerobic Digestion Process – Potential Industry Options Electricity Electricity Boiler for Gas Engine Pasteurisation Exhaust Steam Cooling/Chillers Exhaust Biogas Green House Digestate Feed Composting Storage/ Digestion Dewatering Soil Conditioner Handling Process Fertiliser *calculated from Department of Energy & Climate Change Regional Gas Consumption Statistics - 2007
  • 35. Project Bioenergy  Primary Objective – To reduce the Client’s exposure to the volatility and overall cost of energy. – Driving fuel independence  Secondary Objectives – Develop a working biogas business model for replication across other facilities  Additional Benefits – Reduction in Carbon footprint – Demonstrable move towards a This project will deliver a robust, ‘fit for purpose’ facility for the client to produce biogas from sustainable business processing co-products.
  • 36. Overview  Replacing 25% of factory natural gas requirements – equivalent to 66% of the household consumption in local region Feedstock ANAEROBIC Biogas Biogas Feedstock Handling DIGESTION Cleaning To CHP Feedstock Digestate Fertiliser Ensiling Separation For sale AD Technology – 2 Options: 1.Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Water Effluent to river 2. Lagoon Treatment *calculated from Department of Energy & Climate Change Regional Gas Consumption Statistics - 2007
  • 37. Key Figures  Inputs  Outputs – Feedstocks – Biogas • Agriculture industry • 12.5M therms per annum • Organic By-product of • 50MWth/12.8MWe installed process capacity – 2450tpd by-product ex process • 50:50 CH4:CO2 • ca. 1000tpd direct to AD • Up to 10,000Nm3/h • 1450tpd to ensiling – Lagoon configuration reactor – Digestate • Ca 200,000m3 volume • Dewatering Plant required • Fertiliser product for market sale £60m investment – Effluent 5 Year Payback (IRR >20%) • 800k-900k m3 p.a. • 8000-12000mg/l COD Construction due Q3 2012 • 3000mg/l NH3 • Full scale effluent treatment plant required
  • 38. Financing & Business Case Considerations
  • 39. Global Total New Investment In Clean Energy
  • 40. What technology is this money being spent on ?  Energy Storage & Smart Grid (R&D)  Wind (Mature)  Solar  Biofuel  Biomass & Waste (Mature)  Geothermal  Tidal (Developing)  Efficiency  Follow the money………………?
  • 41. Business Case Considerations  Drivers for Development – Business cost avoidance/Financial Returns – Planning – Replacement of end-of-life assets  Feedstock Availability – Guarantee of supply – Cost security  By Products – Cost of disposal  Gas Utilisation – Use on site or Export? Fuel Security  Process/Project risks – Pass the ticking parcel?  Grants & Tariffs – moving sands or easy money?  Feasibility Study & Business Case Development
  • 42. General Overview of Funding Support  Generation Funding Tariffs – Renewable Electrical Generation – FIT if < 5MWe (Feed-in Tariff + £30/MWhe, if exported), or – RO (Renewable Obligation, 20-year Grandfathering)  RHI (Renewable Heat Incentive, 20-year Grandfathering) – £10/MWhth for dedicated biomass – £68/MWhth for Biogas upgraded to Biomethane (grid export quality)  Several Other Sources, eg – ECA (Enhanced Capital Allowance) • for verified “Good Quality” CHP • 100% Year 1 Tax incentive against validated capital value
  • 43. Cost Avoidance Examples  Carbon Floor Price  Climate Change Levy  Gas purchase offset  Electricity offset (CHP)  Gas/Elec conveyance (eg, capacity reserve, ToP, MDQ reduction)  Waste disposal – eg, stock food transportation – effluent treatment, PPC $
  • 44. EXAMPLE PROJECT: Possible configurations; which one? 1 2 3 4 OPTIONS Biogas to Biogas to Biomethane Biomethane Boiler or Gas Engine to Boiler or to Grid CHP CHP CHP • Contamination • HW to site • ECA • RHI £68 MWhth + issues? • ECA £MWh base gas price •FIT for MWhe (for • ECA • FIT for MWhe CHP) • Reduces any operational issues, eg • £ Offsets; • £ Offsets; • £ Offsets; matching demand • CCL • CCL • CCL profiles, etc, as operates discretely from site • ETS/Carbon • ETS/Carbon • ETS/Carbon Floor Price Floor Price Floor Price • option to switch to total site consumption in • Gas • Gas • Gas future purchase purchase purchase
  • 46. Most Feasible AD Configuration? BOILER/CHP or AD GAS ENGINE? ? UPGRADE? ? ? GAS GRID SITE
  • 47. FEASIBLE / VIABLE?  Sustainable?......in the classic context? – Feedstocks – Offtakes – CapEx / OpEx  Funding & Risk – Internal/off balance-sheet? – Ability to take direct process/technology risk? – BOO/ESCo?  Evolve the Financial Model from outset – Build simple but sound case – communicate the value (or otherwise) – Measure it how you need to…. • Simple payback, NPV, IRR, etc
  • 48. Summary  Sustainability is a balance of environmental, economic and social concerns.  Energy will be a prime focus of environmental sustainability in the manufacturing industry.  Renewable energy supply can provide environmental & economic sustainability benefits in the manufacturing industry.  Bioenergy Options such as Anaerobic Digestion offer significant potential benefits for producers of organic waste.  Business Case Development to ensure viability of the project should be established early in the project and evolve with the project development to ensure success.
  • 49. THANK YOU & QUESTIONS www.pmgroup-global.com Barry.McFarlane@pmgroup-global.com Campbell.Stevens@pmgroup-global.com Barry.McDermott@pmgroup-global.com