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A State Patrol trooper mistook a woman’s life-threatening brain bleed for intoxication, arresting her on suspicion of drunken driving and booking her into the Thurston County Jail, where officers mocked her as she lay on a cell floor for a day before receiving medical attention, a lawsuit claims.

I assume that there are people who meet up at Davos for example whose hearts bleed for the suffering in the world.

From Salon

Loyola volleyball player Sean Kelly will force his athletic trainer to break out the gauze pads after one of his spikes causes a nose bleed for a helpless opponent.

“I mean, they bleed for their species. And I was just extremely fortunate to have that group of talented people. And my main job was to stay out of the way and let them do their job.”

Abu Daqqa continued to bleed for several more hours, until a civil defense crew found him dead Friday evening, the network said in a statement.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


