in good health
adjective as in normal
Strongest matches
adjective as in right
adjective as in robust
Weak matches
adjective as in well
Example Sentences
"It seems to be in good health again!" the aquarium wrote on X the next day.
All their names have been changed and all three are in good health.
Mr Spliet said that Mr Nazari was found in good health - alert, able to speak and had no significant injuries.
Her lawyer, Paul Conrathe, described it as a "significant ruling" and said, "it can no longer be assumed that just because a young person is 16 years old, intelligent and in good health that their decision to proceed with cross-sex hormones is the end of the matter".
Police officials said they got notification from Customs Border Protection that Kobayashi reentered the U.S. from Mexico on Sunday and “appeared in good health,” according to a department news release.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.