in the sticks
adjective as in distant
Weak matches
- a piece
- abroad
- abstracted
- apart
- arm's length
- asunder
- away
- backwoods
- beyond range
- far back
- farther
- further
- in the background
- in the boonies
- in the distance
- indirect
- middle of nowhere
- not home
- out of earshot
- out of range
- out of reach
- out-of-the-way
- outlying
- retired
- secret
- separate
- sequestered
- telescopic
- unapproachable
- ways
- wide of
- yonder
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Example Sentences
Cain added that she is from a "deeply conservative family in the sticks of Florida".
From BBC
For the whole book, you’re expecting to find out what’s caused the catastrophe that is just beginning to reach the main characters, New Yorkers who just happen to be vacationing out in the sticks when things start going wrong.
From New York Times
It's really beautiful up there, completely in the sticks.
From BBC
"It's not like I live out in the sticks."
From BBC
As far as Roxie is concerned, murderesses row isn’t much different from tryouts in the sticks.
From Los Angeles Times
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.