off the beaten path
adjective as in not on the usual path
Example Sentences
Most guests so far have come from San Diego County, “a lot of creative professionals,” Osborne said, and “people that like things off the beaten path, that like going down dirt roads.”
But when you talk about East Tennessee, it's a little off the beaten path.
The researchers point out that public libraries like Phoenix's are 'are off the beaten path for academics who work with early modern books and manuscripts'.
Factory was started in 2002 by three of the minds behind the great music label Rhino Records, and both imprints carved out a niche for catering to those whose tastes are slightly off the beaten path.
What they’re finding is that even in a place that’s sort of off the beaten path, weddings are expensive.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.