BVC Facilitators

Our global trainers bring unique experiences and expertise to their sessions while addressing all the core competencies and learning objectives of the program. Click their name to read more.

Ane Araujo

Ane Araujo is a psychologist and expert in Cultural Transformation, Change Management, Leadership Development, and C-level Coaching.

Her purpose is to develop a Strong and Humanized leadership, supporting business leaders to develop themselves and their teams and to build strong cultures.

As Partner at Marcondes Consultoria since 1993, drawing upon a 16-year career as an HR leader, she is the creator of a comprehensive approach to Leadership and Coaching including:

  • The 7 KPAs Model: KPA is Key Power Activators, a set of conversations that leaders must master to empower and develop people.

  • Workshop “Leader Coach: how to manage strategic action”.

  • PMLC – Program of Master for Leadership & Coaching, a 312-hour journey for leaders, consultants, and coaches.

Speaker and author of the book: “Coach: a partner for your success”, first publication on the subject in Brazil.

In addition to being a BVC Global Partner delivering certification, Ane is also an agent and Master trainer in the following global methods:

  • The Human Element©: relationships management, based on trust, commitment, and collaboration.

  • LIFO – Life Orientations©: strength management model, a new paradigm on developing people out of their strengths and not their weaknesses.

Public and Sessions within Organisations

Location: South America
Language: Portuguese, English and French


Anita Verster

Anita lives and works in Johannesburg, South Africa and runs her own consulting practice, Anita Verster & Associates.  The main focus of her work is Culture and Individual transformation, Individual and group mindfulness coaching & training, and Leadership Development and Coaching. She has experienced the BVC training as transformational in nature and hence finds fulfillment in observing and becoming a partner in the individual and organizational well-being that flows from this work.

She aims to create clarity and brings compassion to the certification programs and her intention is always to create a conducive and safe space for learning, experimenting, experiencing, and growth. As a qualified psychologist and previously IT Management Consultant, Anita brings a mix of soft and hard skills to her training.

After recently reflecting and contemplating her personal and professional values again, she found that her values have shifted somewhat, although the themes remained the same. Currently, her top three values are knowingness, well-being, and integrity.  Knowingness for Anita brings clarity and truthfulness yet a strong sense of humility.  Well-being is still very important to her – and includes the spiritual, physical, emotional and mental domains of life.  Without integrity she feels everything falls flat; hence her choices, decisions, and actions bring a sense of inner calm and peacefulness which, as she matures, become more and more important to her.

Public and Sessions within Organisations

Location: South Africa
Language: English


Beatrice Dewandre

Ma mission : accompagner les transformations humaines et culturelles au sein des entreprises. Oser l’essentiel pour donner du sens et s’ouvrir aux opportunités d’un futur émergent dans une organisation vivante et apprenante pour relever les défis des mutations en cours.

Ma conviction : investir dans le capital humain et culturel des organisations permet d’obtenir des résultats tangibles et mesurables en termes de performance économique en conciliant bien-être au travail, engagement et performance durable.

Mes axes d’intervention combinent gestion de projet de transformation culturelle et comportementale, accompagnement managérial et coaching d’équipes dirigeantes, facilitation d’évènements marquants avec des méthodes d’intelligence collective, transformation du leadership et animation de parcours d’apprentissage de compétences émotionnelles et relationnelles.

Dans une approche de coaching organisationnel, mes interventions sont élaborées « sur mesure » en co-construction avec mes clients. Mon mode d’accompagnement des transformations implique les personnes, les équipes et l’organisation dans son ensemble.


– Co-auteure de « PRO en Leadership », (Vuibert, janvier 2020)

– Contributrice dans le « Guide de l’organisation apprenante » (Eyrolles 2018)

– Contributrice dans les 2 livres de Richard Barrett : « Libérer l’âme de l’entreprise : Bâtir une organisation visionnaire guidée par les valeurs » (De Boeck 2015) et « L’entreprise inspirée par les valeurs, Libérer le potentiel humain pour une performance durable » (De Boeck 2003, réédité en 2017).

– Contributrice dans « A world book of Values »de Patrick Somers & Kate Stephenson, 2013

Public and Sessions within Organisations

Location: Europe
Language: French


Carlo Fontana Giusti

Carlo is an executive coach, facilitator, and trainer. He is also an affiliate professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior at ESCP Europe since 2006 and he intervenes in different international business schools.

He founded Facilitation Zone in 2011. The projects he manages for his clients include Cultural Transformation, Training & Development and Executive/Team Coaching. His clients are spread across most sectors and European countries. Carlo works in English, French and Italian. Previously, Carlo worked for several years at McKinsey & Company in the Banking, Oil & Gas, Power, Media & Entertainment, Telecom and Travel & Logistic sectors. His work mainly involved strategy, organisation, turn-around and business development. Before joining McKinsey, Carlo worked as a Lieutenant for the Guardia di Finanza, “a military police corps” responsible for fiscal crimes. Carlo also spent a period of time as a professional actor in theatres.

Carlo holds an MSc in Statistics and Economics from the University of Rome, an MBA from INSEAD (France, Singapore), an MA in Counseling and Expressive Art Therapy from ASPIC (Rome), and is a Newfield Certified Coach (Colorado, USA). He also holds different certifications such as BVC Consultant, Appreciative Inquiry Practitioner, and Cultural Orientation Framework Practitioner.

Public and Sessions within Organisations

Location: Europe
Language: Italian & English


Drs. Dirk Spangenberg (Netherlands, Amsterdam), MMC, consultant, trainer, coach

Dirk provides training in English, French, German and Dutch since 2012 and he has worked with BVC since 1998.

Dirk gains energy to deliver these interactive training, individual support and coaching on a regular basis to people with different backgrounds and to empower them with working with values and the implementation. He has been a consultant and coach for more than 20 years. His experience with big companies, smaller companies, and individuals has helped management by values, becoming stronger and more resilient.

He has experience in different types of branches, including Food, IT, Healthcare, Consultancy, and Government.

Outside of work, Dirk loves running in the woods, doing yoga and travelling.

Dirk’s core values are result orientation, future generations, diversity, shared vision, and values.

Dirk Spangenberg

Please visit Dirk’s website and LinkedIn for more information.

Public and Sessions within Organisations

Location: Europe
Language: Dutch & English


Ellen Robinson

Ellen Robinson, President of TEAM Performance, works with forward-thinking leaders who want to bring their very best selves to work and life. Her primary focus is on creating transformational programs that get results. For the past 33 years of her career, Ellen has worked with change agents, consultants, Fortune 500 companies, small business owners, non-profit organizations and government agencies to improve the workplace culture.

Ellen is passionate about living her values of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being (PEMS), making a difference, and spending time with family and friends. Ellen has a talent for listening and infuses her training and certifications with a 5,000-year-old energy system. Merging her unique experiences allows for faster learning, integration, and transformation.

Ellen discovered the teachings of Richard Barrett in 1998 and knew immediately that this was the additional piece she had been looking for in the areas of values and culture. His work and insights touched her soul and have continued to guide her in client interactions.

Ellen has been leading certifications since 2004.  She is passionate about helping other people understand the seven levels and assisting organizations in learning how to ask meaningful questions that create a dialogue for transformation. She strongly believes that using the BVC Analytics creates possibilities for a new future, new behaviours, and new worlds of happiness.

Public and Sessions within Organisations

Location: North America
Language: English
Get to know this BVC Trainer

Public and Sessions within Organisations

Location: North America
Language: English


Esther Kerstholt

Esther is a passionate executive coach and facilitator. She has 15 years of experience supporting transformations and her focus is on building high performing teams, shifting cultures towards a more open, customer and human needs-oriented approach. This means leading clients through the ‘soft side’ of large-scale change, developing and coaching senior leaders and facilitating executive teams through shifting the underlying mindsets that block performance growth. Values are at the heart of these transformational journeys.

Esther has a true passion to include values dialogues and the 7 levels walk in every transformational intervention she designs and facilitates. Clients often describe her as empathic, open, inspiring to work with and able to quickly create a trustworthy atmosphere in a group. Esther believes first and foremost to create a safe space where clients come to important personal insights and deepen their working relationships with each other, so they can transform the way they work, relate and parent and love.
Esther has successfully completed Gita Bellin’s Facilitator Development Program and is part of Lisa Doig’s certified facilitator group who is offering the Facilitating Transformation Through Values and Purpose program worldwide. Next, she has also developed a new facilitator development program at Aberkyn, called Lotus, of which she is a part of, and where values and levels of consciousness are a fundamental element of.

Esther’s core values are family, creativity, and well-being (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).

Public and Sessions within Organisations

Location: Europe
Language: Dutch & English


Faiza Khokhar

A Chartered Business Psychologist, OD Expert, facilitator, and Executive Coach, Faiza brings over 18 years of experience helping organisations and leaders develop high performing cultures. Faiza’s grounded and commercial approach is built on a strong foundation of both consulting across various business sectors including mainly FTSE 100 companies as well as experience working in-house within the financial services sector.

Faiza gained particular recognition, supporting a six-year culture transformation as part of a business turn-around at Old Mutual, a £13.7 billion international investment, savings, insurance, and banking group with over 16million customers worldwide. The BVC Certification played a central role in connecting culture with purpose, customer, strategy, and performance. The Old Mutual Story has been recognised as a best practice case study by Barrett Values Centre and the Financial Reporting Council. The success of this work was underpinned by the inclusive dialogue-based approach that empowered every employee to own and shape their culture and ultimately inspired Faiza to become a trainer.

Much of her recent work involves supporting small to medium sized entrepreneurial organisations to embed a strong and cohesive culture that is aligned with their strategy and long-term vision. With her deep training in Gestalt therapy, group dynamics and psychology, Faiza supports leaders to think systemically and holistically, in order to work faster through difficult operational, political and cultural challenges. She is regularly invited to support teams understand how to manage their unique cultural dynamics and increase their effectiveness.

Faiza’s top three values are Family, Creativity, and Freedom. She is a proud mum of three, and in her spare time works as a therapist at a London based charity supporting marginalized women.

Public and Sessions within Organisations

Location: Europe
Language: English


Gabriela Infer

Gabriela’s core values are confidence, integrity, and future generations. She is passionate about having the opportunity to be a Global trainer at BVC and multiply through people, teams and organizations the evolutionary capacity and orientation towards the common good that we humans have. Building the future is our challenge! She contributes this from her role by promoting this great BVC Model and Tools for many years. Gabriela actively participates in the development of new programs and initiatives that contribute to the development of our network and the ability to transform our organizations and communities.

Gabriela has been responsible for business development in Latin America and Spain for the company Terra owned by Grupo Telefónica, from this position she has implemented alliances in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Spain, and USA.

In Transform Action she has implemented “in-company” Processes of Cultural Transformation in companies in Spain and Latin America.

Since 2012, as Global Trainer of Barrett Values Center, she has certified people from Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Gabriela is a co-author of the book “A World Book of Values” and has participated in the production of the Spanish editions of the books ” Liberating the Corporate Soul”, “The Values-Driven Organization” and “Metrics of Human Consciousness” written by Richard Barrett.

Gabriela has participated in the implementation of the first National Values Assessment in Argentina and the Values Assessment of the Community of Extremadura in Spain.

Public and Sessions within Organisations

Location: Europe & Latin America
Language: Spanish, Portuguese & English


Gui Marback

Gui Marback, pai de Thomas e Cecy, casado com Sandrinha, é um Baiano velejador, amante da natureza especialmente do mar, que depois de cumprir uma jornada de 27 anos no mercado financeiro descobriu a Cultura Organizacional como a sua grande paixão profissional, onde vem atuando como especialista nesses últimos 14 anos. Enquanto executivo do mercado financeiro, cumpriu uma jornada que passou pelo Banco Econômico, Banco Chase Manhattan, Citibank e por último no HSBC foi um dos Diretores de Rede da Losango e empreendimento próprio de distribuição de produtos financeiros como fundador e CEO. Gui também teve uma passagem de 2 anos pelo mundo acadêmico quando atuou como Diretor de Desenvolvimento Organizacional da Unijorge quando ocupava as funções de CFO, Recursos Humanos e Administração. Essa jornada executiva confere ao Gui a experiência vivenciada em estruturas organizacionais de grande complexidade com a liderança de equipes de grande porte com centenas de colaboradores e participações em C-Level. Foi então que há 14 anos atrás voltou a sua carreira para o Desenvolvimento Humano e organizacional, onde se conectou rapidamente com a Cultura Organizacional tornando-se especialista com mais 100 projetos realizados. Em 2016 integrou-se ao quadro de sócios e Diretores da Crescimentum que faz parte. Economista formado pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Salvador, possui MBA do IBMEC e diversas formações e especializações específicas de sua atividade, destacando-se que é um Faculty Global Partner da BVC – Barrett Values Centre . A sua formação, profundidade técnica especializada e experiência em projetos de cultura organizacional, associada à sua experiência executiva conferem ao Gui destaque como consultor estratégico quando o tema é cultura.

Public and Sessions within Organisations

Location: South America
Language: Portuguese


Hector Infer

In 1999, Hector met Richard Barrett in the Business & Consciousness Conference and immediately made the decision to integrate this into his personal and professional life.

Since 2000, Hector has belonged to the BVC Network. Since then he has applied BVC in his professional practice and has developed applications to align human competencies systems with the Barrett Model.

Since 2002 – as Global Trainer at BVC – Hector has certified hundreds of consultants and applied the BVC Model with thousands of people from Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Perú, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

He has published the Spanish edition of “Liberating the Corporate Soul” and “The Values-Driven Organization” by Richard Barrett. He is also the co-author of “Get Connected” and “A World Book of Values”.

Hector has also developed the “Seven Archetypes Model ” and Programs “Systemic Cultural Transformation”, “Facilitator of Evolutionary Change” and “Cultural Business Partner”.

As a Change Management Consultant, he has developed Cultural Change Programs for the Improvement of Key Indicators of Performance in organizations in Spain and Latin America.

Hector’s core values are vision, making a difference, creativity, and accountability.

Public and Sessions within Organisations

Location: Europe & Latin America
Language: Spanish


Ines Medeiros

During Inês’s journey, the will to learn continuously and find the best solutions for people and organizations have moved her toward the ever-changing challenges and scenarios in Portugal and Brazil.

Inês has worked in various positions, segments, and business models and always with a special look to values. Since her arrival in Brazil, in 2012, she focused on work in the cultural transformation area. She went deeper studying and applying the Barrett Analytics ®  and other methodologies as a consultant, executive coach, consultancy executive director, BVC Trainer, and then started her own company for cultural transformation work called Values Move.

This gave her the opportunity to put into action different types of cultural transformational projects. This cultural variety gave her tremendous learning, enriched her eyes on the world, and helps her add value to the different companies she collaborates with.

Inês’s dream is for everybody to have the opportunity to connect with themselves and choose the best they can do with their lives in a conscious way. Being a BVC  virtual and Presential Trainer is a platform for this dream and it is the place for her to share learnings, be surrounded by inspiring people and contributeby providing  profound experiences that enrich  and support individuals in their journey.

Inês’s top values are openness, future generations, and forgiveness.

Public and Sessions within Organisations

Location: South America
Language: Portuguese, Spanish & English


Ingunn Vagstein

Ingunn has been a cultural transformation consultant for more than 15 years. She has led several cultural transformation projects for a range of different clients, public, private and NGOs.  Working with transformation, she has learnt that for those going through change, maintaining motivation and energy is the most important, and the most difficult. This is why Ingunn has chosen to work with values as her key tool for working with change.  Values make it possible to gain deep insight, build relationships and become concrete when dealing with an abstract field like culture. Values motivate us to reach common goals and coordinate our efforts in teams and organisations.

Ingunn has been a partner in Barrett Values Center since 2015. She has since then used the Barrett model to work with culture and change in small and large organisations, different types of teams, for leadership and personal development.

Ingunn has been a trainer for BVC since 2017 and is the only accredited trainer in Norway. She carries out regular training in Oslo and other parts of Norway.

Ingunn has her degree in social anthropology from the University of Oslo and is a specialist in assessing and understanding culture and cultural differences.

She is also a certified coach specialising in relationship and systems coaching (ORSC).

Public and Sessions within Organisations

Location: Europe
Language: Norweigan


Johan Backman

Since 2008, Johan has worked with Barrett Analytics® in order to develop values-driven organizations, through individual development. Johan became Trainer in 2012 and shares Barrett Values ​​Centre’s vision of being a global resource for the development of human consciousness.

Johan has the confidence of many CEOs and management groups in supporting them in their personal and organizations’ journey of change, to meet todays and tomorrow’s demands for attractiveness, agility, and productivity through a values-driven leadership and living culture.

With the foundation of the latest in research in behavioural science, his personal journey of change (going from being burned out to living his passion and purpose) and professional experience in business and organizational development, he knows how individuals and groups and organizations can reach their full potential.

Johan’s own values ​​are to make a difference, respect and have a positive attitude towards life, and openness. Johan is very curious and loves to develop and learn new skills in collaboration. He likes to do this with others. Through his courage, he challenges both himself and others by questioning given norms. Johan’s family and his own health are values ​​that underpin his feeling of safety in life. Johan lives in Sweden with his wife, Lisa and their three sons. His greatest interest is to get out on the sea with his sailboat.

You can find more information about Johan and his company Lead&Grow on his Swedish website

Public and Sessions within Organisations

Location: Europe
Language: Swedish & English


Kathleen Seeley, Founder, and CEO of Massively Human Leadership is an acclaimed speaker, author, transformational coach, facilitator, and corporate leadership consultant. For more than 25 years, Kathleen Seeley has consulted and coached individuals and corporate leadership teams, facilitating game-changing transformation in a leadership capacity and team functioning. The tools she shares are practical and her experiential method for teaching makes them immediately applicable.

Her work is targeted at creating sustainable values-driven cultures and developing values-based leaders. A values-based approach emerges among leadership worldwide as a pathway to a more stable and sustainable human future. A focus on values takes us to a level of awareness beyond the short term and enables insight into meaning and purpose.

As a Training Partner with The Barrett Values CentreⓇ (BVC), she offers a unique approach to her Certifications that aims to provide practical support for her graduates to integrate the Barrett Tools into their coaching or consulting practice.  Kathleen provides continued support and development to her community of Trainers by offering quarterly advanced training opportunities to refresh learning and network with others.

Kathleen Seeley

Public and Sessions within Organisations

Location: North America
Language: English

To learn more, email or visit

To learn more about Kathleen, you can visit her personal website: or her corporate consulting business website:

Connect with Kathleen on Social Media:

Facebook: @kathleenMseeley

Instagram: @kathleenseeley

LinkedIn: @kathleenseeley

Lisa Doig

Lisa Doig’s unique expertise is working with an Executive Team in linking vision, strategy, leadership and culture. For the last 15+ years, she has worked globally designing and implementing culture transformation programs for multinationals, professional services, banking, resources and a wide variety of sectors. In addition, Lisa is a member of McKinsey & Company’s global network of transformational facilitators.

Previously for 20 years, Lisa was a marketing and sales consultant for the resources industries.  She brings the understanding of the business’ needs to the design, facilitation, and sustainability of transformational programs.

Lisa specializes in areas of Developing “Facilitators of Transformation”, Top Team Transformation Journeys, Culture Transformation, Executive Coaching, and Passion for and delivering the Barrett Certification.

Lisa has been a Trainer for BVC since 2004 and her passion for the tools is for participants to understand the deeper wisdom behind the Seven Levels of Consciousness® Model and to teach the participants how to embody the model and facilitate it in a way that is transformational for their client. Participants comment on Lisa’s extensive experience of Barrett Analytics with clients and all the lessons learned in implementing a whole systems culture change program.

Lisa is the creator of the “Facilitating Transformation through Values” program run globally for Barrett Consultants, change agents and facilitators.  FTV (Leading Self and Leading Teams) is a 10-14-day Forum-Field-Forum facilitator development program delivered over 6-9 months. The purpose is to assist Barrett Consultants, facilitators and leaders to facilitate a globally renowned 2-3-day Senior Leadership Transformation Program (“The Inspired Leader”) and Team Transformational Journeys (25 sessions) in a deeply transformational way. It is based on Barrett’s Seven Levels of Consciousness® Model, Adult Stages of Development, Theory U and other sources of ancient wisdom. It focuses on values as the key to the transformation of leaders.  We work with participants to expand their “Being” to become “Facilitators of Transformation”.

Lisa’s top 3 Values are Wellbeing, Creativity, and Wisdom.

Public and Private Sessions within Organisations

Location: Australia
Language: English


Melanie Wanless

Melanie brings more than 25 years of expertise in leadership, training, and facilitation to her work in learning and development. Her approach is direct, energetic and engaging. Melanie’s commitment is to partner with each participant around their specific goals to develop both skills and confidence, while holding them accountable for their growth.

Melanie is fully credentialed as a Certified Executive Coach through Royal Roads University, as well as a Certified Training and Development Professional with the Institute for Learning and Performance. Melanie is also a Corentus Team Coach - working with both team leaders and their teams to improve effectiveness, cohesion and performance. Her business experience in sales training and coaching, leadership development, and organizational development combined with her coaching practice supports leaders, teams and organizations to measure, manage and shift performance and mindsets. Prior joining BVC in 2021, Melanie leveraged her expertise to launch What Not To Yell Inc, to -support whole systems transformation in amateur sports in Canada.

She brings her core values of creativity, collaboration, humour and a passion to learning to work, home and play.

Public and Sessions within Organisations


Certified Training & Development Professional, Executive Coach, Facilitator and Team Coach

Location: North America
Language: English


Michel Moral

Coming Soon!

Public and Sessions within Organisations

Location: Europe
Language: French


Mike Budden

Mike Budden is a Partner of BW Leadership Institute and the Managing Partner in South Africa.

“My WHY is to be a trusted pioneer in finding ways of Being so that we can be fully alive, living lives with meaning. I aim to live this out in my values of:

  • Ease with Uncertainty – daring greatly, having faith, a willingness to go where I have not gone before, knowing it is safe to do so with faith I will find the way

  • Empathy – walking in others’ feet, truly seeking out what they are seeing and feeling so that I can accept and see it from a different perspective

  • Peace – having a heart of peace, with Self first, knowing who I am, putting me in a place to be at peace with others and helping others do the same, being in acceptance of what is.

I am passionate about helping companies and people thrive. My gift in creating safe, trusting spaces for leaders to explore within themselves, serves in helping leaders develop a greater consciousness of what it is to live and lead in an ever-changing and challenging world.”

Mike has extensive experience partnering with companies on their cultural transformation journeys, supporting leaders in their own evolution and helping foster more cohesive and aligned teams within challenging environments. He was an early adopter of the Barrett Values Centre Analytics and has worked deeply with the tools and methodologies in varying contexts. He is passionate about helping develop others to do the same using these powerful approaches.

Mike’s work spans leadership development, team cohesion, strategic facilitation and structural alignment, including leadership training experiences growing people, emotional awareness, communication and process improvement that are core offerings within the BW Leadership Institute’s purpose to illuminate potential and ignite human connection.

Public and Sessions within Organisations

Location: South Africa
Language: English


Niran co-founded the Institute of Human Excellence with Sir John Whitmore. She is a strategic advisor, change facilitator and executive coach with over 25 years of diverse client experiences globally. She delivered large-scale transformation programmes, with a track record of developing high performance with boards and management teams. She coached hundreds of executives and managers and trained thousands of coaches and consultants around the world.

Niran has been a Barrett global partner and trainer for over 15 years. She is an early pioneer of online learning, with more than 10 years of virtual Barrett training experience. She continues to expand her systematic methodologies for developing practitioners with diverse expertise and learning needs, to successfully leverage Barrett tools to facilitate sustainable leadership and organisational transformation. Her transpersonal coach and facilitator training, endorsed by BVC, provides robust values-based models and a coherent set of practical tools for building resilient and successful individuals and organizations.

Niran started her career as an assistant professor at ShenZhen University and was among the first-generation academics to pioneer a free market in China. She was a research fellow on Cultural Anthropology at the University of Utah, a faculty for the Sustainability Program established by The Prince of Wales and the University of Cambridge. She has been a faculty of High Impact Performance at ING Business School for 15 years. Niran is a founding member of the V20 Group advising on G20’s policymaking via a values-based approach.

An ex-executive at Coca-Cola and SC Johnson, Niran has managed large brands and businesses in USA and Australia.  She built the first trends intelligence function to lead strategic planning and innovation at Coca-Cola USA. She incubated the largest acquisition in S.C. Johnson’s history. She was a co-founder of Be the Change Australia and a crisis supporter at Lifeline providing suicide prevention services.

Niran facilitated transformation for organisations involving 50 to 330,000 people. Working with boards, leadership teams and whole organizations, she accumulated rich experiences in harvesting complexities to shift mindsets, evolve dynamics and change behaviours. Niran has a keen sensibility to dissolve behavioural issues and root causes to create sustainable performance.  Her natural system methodologies, underpinning performance, potential and purpose, empower clients to accelerate performance and results.

Niran Jiang

Public and Private Sessions within Organisations

Location: Australia
Language: English & Chinese


Odino Marcondes

Odino Marcondes is a sociologist and psych dramatist, and expert in Cultural Transformation, Change Management, Leadership Development, C-level Coaching, and family offices Advisory.

Odino founded Marcondes Consultoria in 1977, after a solid career in the fields of Organizational Development, Education and Social Impact.

His purpose is to develop a Strong and Humanized leadership, supporting business leaders to develop themselves and their teams and to build strong cultures.

He is the creator of the model Roots & Wings, that helps leaders in understanding the correlation between strategy and culture to improve business decisions and to better manage strategic action plan. 

Speaker and author of the books: "How to achieve excellence in negotiation”, "You have the shortcomings of your strengths”, and "The power of an inspiring vision”.

In addition to being a BVC Global Partner delivering certification, Odino is also an agent and Master trainer in the following global methods:

  • The Human Element©: relationships management, based on trust, commitment, and collaboration.

  • LIFO – Life Orientations©: strength management model, a new paradigm on developing people out of their strengths and not their weaknesses.

Public and Sessions within Organisations

Location: South America
Language: Portuguese


Serena Naidu

Serena, an Industrial Psychologist with over 17 years’ experience in the public and private sector, founded HomeGround Advantage Consulting with the aim of making a difference in the lives of Southern African employees and organisations. Prior to starting her own practice, Serena has had extensive experience across the Financial Services Sector and has since worked across various sectors as part of her consulting portfolio.

As a specialist in Organisational Development, Serena has had the opportunity to design and implement people and team effectiveness programmes in various organisations. These programmes have included assessing the organisation’s culture and climates, implementing organisational change plans, employee engagement tactics and psychometric assessments using a variety of tools.

As one of a handful of Barrett Values Centre® accredited trainers in South Africa, she is equipped to both assess and consult on the culture of an organisation as well as train on the Cultural Transformation Tools®.

Serena’s experience as an executive and leadership coach, together with her diagnostic tools, works with both individuals and teams to support them to reach their full potential.

Serena holds a Masters degree in Social Science and is a registered Industrial Psychologist. This foundation combined with her in-depth experience across the various organisations and industries contributes to her proficiency to offer specialist advice on:

Organisational culture and climate diagnostics
Organisational Development consulting, including all types of change management
Employee engagement and Employee Value Propositions
Psychometric assessments
Leadership development
Strategy facilitation

Serena is based in Johannesburg.

Public and Sessions within Organisations

Location: South Africa
Language: English


Víctor is a consultant, speaker, author, coach and specialist in Strategy, leadership, Values, innovation and cultural transformation. Apart from being a consultant in his own firm, Spirit- Happiness First, he is also a professor at ESADE and EADA business schools and Barcelona University, among others.

Trainer and Global Partner of the Barrett Values Center (BVC) from 2015 and a great practitioner of the Barrett model, a key methodology to evolve the culture and values of leaders and organizations. Along with Appreciative Inquiry (IA) – he is also certified – they are two of the models that he uses most in his work with organizational leaders on their journey toward cultural transformation. In addition, he is an accredited practitioner in the “Walking the talk” (WTT) model of cultural change, in TA, design thinking, Business Canvas and AoH, among other methodologies.

Victor loves when people connect to the 7 levels and start noticing how values can bring meaning to their lives both currently and in their near future.

His top 3 values are adaptability, fairness, and enthusiasm and he believes we are on this planet to make a difference. His purpose (jointly with his friend and partner Bernardo) is that companies practice “Stakeholders happiness First” through the creation of an inclusive and connected to the common good culture.

In 2021 he wrote the book: “Purpose and Values: how to make your organization’s culture flourish” in Spanish, where he reveals all his experience facilitating strategic and cultural transformation projects to improve results and well-being. Working with boards, and leadership teams and involving the whole organization, in many international (Spain, Portugal, Colombia, Brazil, China, USA, Italy, Poland, Russia, Middle East, Turkey …) and LATAM companies’ transformations.

Victor Rodriguez Ardura

For more information, you can visit:   or

His mother language is Spanish, and he also leads programs in English and Portuguese

Public and Sessions within Organizations

Location: Europe
Language: Spanish, English & Portuguese


Vincent Ho

Vincent embraces the values of Wisdom, Respect and Making-a-Difference. He has over 25 years of experience in Organisation and Customer Experience Transformation and Culture Development. Given the nature of the client engagements, he has worked across diverse industries such as government services, healthcare, publishing and media, education, logistics, manufacturing services, financial services, property development and consultancy, distribution and retail. He is an expert facilitator and personally coaches both senior management team and staff on areas such as strategic development and transition management, culture development, customer experience, leadership team development and change management. He has worked in Singapore, China, the US, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

His consulting focus is on organisation & culture transformation, change management, customer experience consulting and leadership team coaching.

Public and Sessions within Organisations

Location: Singapore
Language: English
