The term "synchronicity" is defined as "the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection." This concept was developed by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, who believed that such coincidences could not be explained by physical causality alone.「synchronicity」の類語
以下に、「synchronicity」を用いた例文を10個示す。 1. English example (Japanese translation): "The synchronicity of the events was uncanny." (その出来事の同時性は不思議であった。)2. English example (Japanese translation): "He attributed the success to synchronicity rather than planning." (彼はその成功を計画よりも同時性に帰した。)
3. English example (Japanese translation): "The concept of synchronicity can be difficult to grasp." (同時性の概念は理解するのが難しいことがある。)
4. English example (Japanese translation): "She experienced a moment of synchronicity when she ran into her old friend in a foreign country." (彼女は外国で古い友人に偶然出会ったとき、同時性を経験した。)
5. English example (Japanese translation): "Synchronicity often plays a role in creative processes." (同時性はしばしば創造的なプロセスで役割を果たす。)
6. English example (Japanese translation): "The synchronicity between the two events was startling." (二つの出来事の同時性は驚くべきものだった。)
7. English example (Japanese translation): "Jung's theory of synchronicity has been a topic of debate among psychologists." (ユングの同時性の理論は心理学者の間で議論の的になっている。)
8. English example (Japanese translation): "The synchronicity of their actions suggested a shared understanding." (彼らの行動の同時性は共有された理解を示唆した。)
9. English example (Japanese translation): "Some people see synchronicity as a sign of a higher power." (一部の人々は同時性をより高い力の兆候と見る。)
10. English example (Japanese translation): "The synchronicity of the music and the visuals in the film was impressive." (映画の音楽と映像の同時性は印象的だった。)
(Synchronicity から転送)
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/08/15 12:05 UTC 版)
- 1 シンクロニシティとは
- 2 シンクロニシティの概要
- Synchronicityのページへのリンク