「compassionate」に関連する用語には、「compassionate leave」と「compassionate use」がある。「compassionate leave」は忌引きという意味で、家族の健康や緊急事態など、非常に深刻な個人的な問題に直面した場合に有給または無給で一時的な休暇を取得できる。「compassionate use」は、未承認医薬品の例外的仕様という意味である。医薬品や治療法などが正式に承認される前に、深刻な病気や状態に苦しむ患者に試験的に使用される。
・My friend was very sympathetic when I told her about my breakup, and her kind words really helped me feel better.
・The teacher was sympathetic to the students' concerns about the workload and adjusted the assignments to make them more manageable.
・The benevolent millionaire donated a large sum of money to build a new hospital for the underprivileged.
・The benevolent teacher went help her struggling students, staying after school to offer extra tutoring and guidance.
・The merciful judge decided to give the defendant a reduced sentence, taking into account their difficult circumstances.
・Despite being betrayed by his friend, the merciful man chose to forgive and show kindness instead of seeking revenge.
・The company's compassionate policy allows employees to take time off to care for their sick family members without fear of losing their job.
・The compassionate teacher noticed that one of her students was struggling and offered extra help and encouragement to improve their academic performance.
・The politician's compassionate speech about the plight of refugees moved the audience and inspired them to take action to help those in need.
・It's important to be compassionate towards yourself and give yourself grace when facing difficult times.
「compassionate」とは、思いやりのある、心の優しい、温情のある、情け深い、同情的な、などの意味で用いられる形容詞である。他者に対して同情的で思いやりがあるという意味や、慈悲深く、他人の苦しみや不幸に共感し、助ける意志があるという意味で用いられる。また、「compassionate」の比較級は「more compassionate」、最上級は「most compassionate」である。しかし、「compassionate」は感情を表す表現で主観的なものであるため、相対的に程度の比較をすることができない。そのため、通常、日常会話などにおいて比較級や最上級で用いられることはない。「compassionate」に関連する用語には、「compassionate leave」と「compassionate use」がある。「compassionate leave」は忌引きという意味で、家族の健康や緊急事態など、非常に深刻な個人的な問題に直面した場合に有給または無給で一時的な休暇を取得できる。「compassionate use」は、未承認医薬品の例外的仕様という意味である。医薬品や治療法などが正式に承認される前に、深刻な病気や状態に苦しむ患者に試験的に使用される。
・My friend was very sympathetic when I told her about my breakup, and her kind words really helped me feel better.
・The teacher was sympathetic to the students' concerns about the workload and adjusted the assignments to make them more manageable.
・The benevolent millionaire donated a large sum of money to build a new hospital for the underprivileged.
・The benevolent teacher went help her struggling students, staying after school to offer extra tutoring and guidance.
・The merciful judge decided to give the defendant a reduced sentence, taking into account their difficult circumstances.
・Despite being betrayed by his friend, the merciful man chose to forgive and show kindness instead of seeking revenge.
・The compassionate nurse held the hand of the terminally ill patient, providing comfort and support in their final moments.(慈悲深い看護師は末期患者の手を握り、最後の瞬間に慰めと支援を提供した)
・The company's compassionate policy allows employees to take time off to care for their sick family members without fear of losing their job.
・The compassionate teacher noticed that one of her students was struggling and offered extra help and encouragement to improve their academic performance.
・The politician's compassionate speech about the plight of refugees moved the audience and inspired them to take action to help those in need.
・It's important to be compassionate towards yourself and give yourself grace when facing difficult times.
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