Trey Hunner 15 min. read • Python 3.9—3.13 • June 3, 2024 Did you know that some Python modules can double-up as handy command-line tools? For example, you can run Python's webbrowser module from the command-line to open up a given URL in your default web browser: The Python standard library includes many such module-script hybrids. Below is a complete list of every module in Python that can be ru
In my previous post, I talked about how we use Github Actions to automate our workflows. As promised, I will show how we use Dhall to manage our GitHub Actions files. Don’t Repeat Yourself “Don’t Repeat Yourself” (DRY) is a programming principle that reduces repetition in code. As we created more actions in a growing number of repositories, we noticed that there were a lot of repeating steps, jobs
In my last blog entry LL and LR Parsing Demystified, we explored LL and LR parsers from a black-box perspective. We arrived at a model for these parsers where both their input and output were streams of tokens, with the parser inserting rules as appropriate according to Polish and Reverse Polish notation. In future articles I want to focus in even closer on the details of LL and LR algorithms, but
Let me tell you why you should (nearly) never use PEG (parsing expression grammars). Nearly everything I will say applies to parser combinators (parsec in Haskell, nom in Rust), too. So, don't use PEG. Use CFGs (context-free grammars) instead. They are more natural. I feel that CFGs more naturally represent how we think. Thus when you have some language in your head and you try to write it down as
Regular, Recursive, Restricted Jun 4, 2024 A post/question about formal grammars, wherein I search for a good formalism for describing infix expressions. Problem statement: it’s hard to describe arithmetic expressions in a way that: declaratively captures the overall shape of expression, and has a clear precedence semantics Let’s start with the following grammar for arithmetic expressions: Expr =
バッテリー容量2倍で長時間駆動を実現。メモリ、デザインなど、アップグレードされた新しいポータブルゲーム機「ROG Ally X」を発表 ASUS JAPAN株式会社は、ご好評いただいているポータブルゲーム機の「ROG Ally」シリーズの最新モデルとして、PCI Express 4.0 ×4接続の1TBの大容量SSDストレージや24GBの大容量メモリを搭載し、バッテリー容量も2倍にレベルアップしたポータブルゲーム機「ROG Ally X」を発表しました。日本では2024年夏以降取り扱いを開始する予定です。 まったく新しい「ROG Ally X」は、初代「ROG Ally」のユーザーからのフィードバックをもとに再設計されています。あらゆるゲームタイトルで高いパフォーマンスを発揮するAMD Ryzen™ Z1 Extremeプロセッサーの搭載はそのままに、マザーボードが見直されたことにより排熱
研究では、過去・現在・未来にわたる時間軸でのストレスを測定し、時系列順に並べたものを「時系列的ストレス観」と定義。4種類に類型化し、それぞれについて先延ばし癖との相関を調べた。 時系列的ストレス観は、「未来にいくにつれてストレスは減る」と考える「下降型」、「未来にいくにつれてストレスが増える」と考える「上昇型」、「今が1番ストレスが低くて、そこから離れるにつれてストレスが増える」と考える「V字型」、「過去のある1点でストレスが1番高く、そこから未来にいくにつれてストレスは減る」と考える「への字型」の4種類に分かれた。 中でも「下降型」グループは、深刻な先延ばし癖を持つ人の割合が低いことが判明。「今よりも未来のストレスが増えることはない」という、未来に対する楽観的な見方を持つことが、深刻な先延ばし癖を減少させる可能性が示されたとしている。 また、時間軸と幸福度を測定し、時系列順に並べた「時系
Steam Hardware & Software Survey: August 2024 Steam conducts a monthly survey to collect data about what kinds of computer hardware and software our customers are using. Participation in the survey is optional, and anonymous. The information gathered is incredibly helpful to us as we make decisions about what kinds of technology investments to make and products to offer.
This is a little tool I made in connection with the 10th Ludum Dare competition held in December 2007. Its original purpose was to provide a simple means of getting basic sound effects into a game for those people who were working hard to get their entries done within the 48 hours and didn't have time to spend looking for suitable ways of doing this. The idea was that they could just hit a few but
Become a Spritely supporter today!We're building the next generation of distributed web technology for secure collaboration and we need your help to fill up our health bar by February 5, 2025! Lisp Game Jam - "Wireworld" - Hoot's low level Wasm tooling in actionChristine Lemmer-Webber — June 12, 2023 This blog post focuses on our second Spring Lisp Game Jam 2023 entry, wasm4-wireworld, an implemen
2つのダイオードをワイヤワールドで構成した例。上が順方向、下が逆方向に電圧がかかった状態に相当する。 ワイヤワールド(Wireworld)は、Brian Silverman が 1987年に発表したセル・オートマトンの一種。当初、Phantom Fish Tank というプログラムの一部として使用されていただけだったが、サイエンティフィック・アメリカン誌(日本では日経サイエンス)の "Computer Recreations" というコラムで紹介され、広く知られるようになった。ワイヤワールドは電子論理回路のシミュレーションに適しており、規則が非常に単純であることから、ワイヤワールド内で完全なコンピュータを構築することも可能である。 ワイヤワールドのセルは以下の4種類の状態のいずれかである: 空(黒) 導体(黄色) 電子の頭(青) 電子の尾(赤) 3ステップを世代と呼ぶ。空のセルは常に空であ
Last week, we released a small puzzle game called Cirkoban. Cirkoban is the very first publicly accessible application developed by Spritely that features the Goblins distributed programming library running in web browsers. We bet big on Hoot, our Scheme-to-WebAssembly compiler, a little over a year ago in order to bring Goblins to the web. That bet is starting to pay off! In this post, we’ll talk
The Spring Lisp Game Jam 2024 ended one week ago. 48 games were submitted, a new record for the jam! This past week has been a time for participants to play and rate each other’s games. As I explored the entries, I noticed two distinct meta-patterns in how people approached building games with Lisp. I think these patterns apply more broadly to all applications of Lisp. Let’s talk about these patte
“What's going on!? A spaceship came crashing down! Oh my stars, look at that hole!” “The Sword of Kumdor” (クムドールの剣) is a touch-typing RPG for the NEC PC‑98, created by Michiaki Tsubaki in 1991. You play as the Milky Way's #1 typist, summoned to planet Kumdor to fight mysterious monsters by typing spells — but you lose all your keyboard keys and your QWERTY skills in a crash landing. Can you recove
This is the home of the Starlark in Go project. Starlark in Go is an interpreter for Starlark, implemented in Go. Starlark was formerly known as Skylark. The new import path for Go packages is "". Starlark is a dialect of Python intended for use as a configuration language. Like Python, it is an untyped dynamic language with high-level data types, first-class functions with
Is a REST API to spread peace and love (or not) thanks to cats. Have 0 cats for now Give me a cat Hey cat lovers, new major version of cataas : Now JSON will returns if request contain application/json header, API doc updated hereFix tags search and fix tags combined with "," separator (see documentation)