Computer "scientist" Alex Clemmer is a computer programmer. Other programmers love Alex, excitedly describing him as "employed here" and "the boss's son". Alex is also a Hacker School alum. Surely they do not at all regret admitting him! personal site @hausdorff_space RSS feed I spent my first few weeks at Hacker School writing a Python compiler from basically scratch. The tas
Communicating Sequential Processes Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) is a language for the description of patterns of interaction. It is supported by an elegant, mathematical theory, a set of tools, and an extensive literature. Tony Hoare's book Communicating Sequential Processes is an excellent introduction to the language. It was first published in 1985 by Prentice Hall International. To
Functional languages provide a solid foundation on which complex optimization passes can be designed to exploit available parallelism in the underlying system. Their mathematical foundations enable high-level optimizations that would be impossible in traditional imperative languages. This makes them uniquely suited for generation of efficient target code for parallel systems, such as multiple Cent
I was recently looking into using a neural network for a project so I started looking into some of the available Python libraries. The one I ended up using was Pylearn2 which is a fast and powerful library for machine learning that is mainly built upon Theano. Pylearn2 is under development and is still a bit rough around the edges and the documentation is limited and in some instances not correct.
Christine Love is the co-founder of Love Conquers All Games, a writer and game designer who makes narrative games about the only thing she knows: messy queer women. Her works cover a wide range of stories, from action-packed adventures to thoughtful epistolary tragedies. Her most recent game is the road trip adventure Get in the Car, Loser!, and her previous erotic romantic comedy Ladykiller in a
大規模データで頻度を数えると、欲しいのはよく登場するアイテムの情報なのに、ほとんど出現しないアイテムの種類数が非常に多くて、それらがメモリを大量に必要としてしまうという問題がある これに対してアイテムの種類数の最大値に制限を加えたり、頻度に誤差を許すなどの条件のもとで、省メモリに頻度計測を行う方法がいくつも提案されている これらについては以下の記事が詳しい 大規模データで単語の数を数える - ny23の日記 今回はそういった手法の一つであるLossy Countingを実装した 日本語では上記の記事と以下の記事が詳しい [を] 誤り許容カウント法(lossy count method)のサンプルプログラム [O] イプシロン劣シノプス性を保持した頻度カウント lossy countingアルゴリズム - 機械学習の「朱鷺の杜Wiki」 元論文はこちら。年を見ると結構前なので、現在ではもっと
2. 本資料について 本資料は、社内勉強会の補助資料です 外部向けに書かれていない記述などがあります 資料だけですべて伝わるような配慮はされていません 本資料の取り扱いについて 再配布等のご相談は までお願いします。 4. なぜGemを読むのか 自分で安全を確認できる Gemは無保証 詳しい挙動を把握できる 一風変わったことを実現できるか調べたい ドキュメントは完璧ではない トラブル解決できる ブラックボックスに振り回されることがなくなる 勉強になる 知的好奇心 OSSは高品質なコードが多い 5. なぜGemを読むのか レベル0 Gemを使えない レベル1 解説サイトをコピペしながら基本的な機能を使える レベル2 READMEやリファレンスを読んでほとんどの機能を使え る
One of the problems with modern computer technology: programmers don’t learn from the great masters. There is such a thing as a Beethoven or Mozart of software design. Modern programmers seem more familiar with Lady Gaga. It’s not just a matter of taste and an appreciation for genius. It’s a matter of forgetting important things. There is a reason I use “old” languages like J or Lush. It’s not a r
The instruction decoder in Beam is implemented with a technique called directly threaded code. In this context the word threaded has nothing to do with OS threads, concurrency or parallelism. It is the execution path which is threaded through the virtual machine itself. Imagine a simple language of arithmetic expressions, where we can write expressions like "8 + 17 * 2.": Statement := Expression '
Since I began talking about the Go programming language I’ve been asked why I like it so much. This post is a response to those questions. For those of you who don’t know, Go is a fairly new compiled programming language designed for concurrency and modern hardware architectures. At the core of all of the reasons for liking Go is that it is an engineered language. Some programming languages I’ve u
負債とは要するに借金のことですが、システム開発においても技術的な借金、つまり「技術的負債」(Technical debt)がある、という表現がしばしば使われます。お金の借金をすると利子を払い続けなければならないのと同じように、技術的負債を抱えると、そのツケを払い続けなければならなくなる、という比喩です。 「技術的負債」という表現は、WikiWikiの発明者で著名なプログラマとして知られるウォード・カニンガム氏が1992年に使ったのが原典とされています。しばしば目にするこの「技術的負債」というのはどういうものなのでしょうか? 調べてみました。 カニンガム氏とファウラー氏による「技術的負債」 カニンガム氏が「技術的負債」という表現をはじめて使ったのは、1992年に行われたACM主催のイベント「OOPSLA '92 」(Object-Oriented Programming, Systems,
I was surprised not to find an introduction to Emacs Lisp on so I created one, which is now maintained on there. Comments and feedback are welcome ! ;; This gives an introduction to Emacs Lisp in 15 minutes (v0.2d) ;; ;; Author: Bastien / ;; ;; First make sure you read this text by Peter Norvig: ;; ;; ;; Then install GNU Emacs 24.3
Clay Programming Language Clay is designed to solve problems in building large systems. Clay is as efficient as C. It features fast compiles, powerful meta-programming, and excellent support for modular programming. All of our software (at Clay Labs) is written in Clay. If you're interested in checking out an extremely old version of Clay (circa 2011), see Clay ha
Warning This documentation is for an old version of IPython. You can find docs for newer versions here. Release 1.0.0: An Afternoon Hack¶ IPython 1.0 requires Python ≥ 2.6.5 or ≥ 3.2.1. It does not support Python 3.0, 3.1, or 2.5. This is a big release. The principal milestone is the addition of IPython.nbconvert, but there has been a great deal of work improving all parts of IPython as well. The
Alfredo Di Napoli - Haskell programmer
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