- داخل أيمي شومر (بالإنجليزية: Inside Amy Schumer) مسلسل كوميدي أمريكي، من إعداد وتقديم الممثلة والكوميدية أيمي شومر، عرض في 30 أبريل، 2013، على قناة كوميدي سنترال. حصل المسلسل على جائزة بيبودي، وثمان ترشيحات لجوائز الإيمي برايم تايم وفاز بإثنان. عرض الموسم الثاني في أبريل، 2014، الموسم الثالث في 21 أبريل، 2015، الموسم الرابع في 21 أبريل، 2016. في 6 يناير، 2016، جدد المسلسل لموسم خامس سيعرض في 2017. (ar)
- Amyino plodné lůno (v anglickém originále Inside Amy Schumer) je americký komediální televizní seriál, vysílaný stanicí Comedy Central. Jeho autorkou je komička Amy Schumer. První epizoda byla uvedena 30. dubna 2013 a první série skončila 2. července toho roku. Do roku 2016 následovaly tři další série. Jednotlivé epizody byly rozděleny do tří částí, přičemž ty dosahovaly různých délek. Seriál zahrnuje různé skeče, stand-upy a rozhovory. Jedinou osobou, která se vyskytuje ve všech částech, je Amy Schumer. Dále v seriálu vystupovali například Steve Buscemi, Jake Gyllenhaal a Rob Schneider. (cs)
- Inside Amy Schumer is an American sketch comedy television series created and hosted by Amy Schumer. The series aired on Comedy Central from April 30, 2013 to June 16, 2016 and was revived in 2022 for a new season on Paramount+. Schumer and Daniel Powell serve as the show's executive producers. The show received a Peabody Award and has been nominated for eight Primetime Emmy Awards, winning two. Inside Amy Schumer completed its second season on June 3, 2014, and was renewed for a third season a week later. The third season premiered on April 21, 2015, with a fourth season ordered the same day, which premiered one year later on April 21, 2016. On January 6, 2016, the show was renewed for a fifth season. In August 2016, there was speculation though that the show had been cancelled despite the earlier announcement of renewal. Schumer denied the reports via social media, stating that production of the show was going on hiatus while she focused on touring. However, she also stated that she was "not making the show anymore". According to a March 2019 interview by The New York Times, Schumer is under contract to produce another season of the show. On February 24, 2021, it was announced that the show would be revived with five specials by Paramount+. On September 20, 2022, it was reported that the five installments were no longer called specials, but instead would be the five episodes of the fifth season: two episodes debuting on October 20, with the rest releasing weekly. The episodes will air on Comedy Central in the future. (en)
- Inside Amy Schumer est une série télévisée à sketchs américaine en 39 épisodes de 22 minutes, créée par Amy Schumer et Daniel Powell, et diffusée depuis le 30 avril 2013 sur Comedy Central et en simultané au Canada sur The Comedy Network pour les quatre premières saisons, puis sur Paramount+ à partir de la cinquième. En France, en Belgique et en Suisse, la série a été diffusée en version originale sous-titrée à partir du 18 décembre 2015 sur MTV France. Lors de la quatrième saison, la chaîne diffusait la série le lendemain de sa diffusion américaine. Elle a également été rediffusée en version française à partir du 29 septembre 2016 sur Comédie +. Néanmoins, elle reste inédite au Québec. (fr)
- Inside Amy Schumer è una serie televisiva statunitense di genere sketch comedy co-ideata, co-sceneggiata e interpretata da Amy Schumer e trasmessa su Comedy Central dal 2013. La serie ha vinto un Peabody Award ed è stata candidata per otto premi Emmy, vincendo quello per il miglior varietà a sketch e per la miglior musica e testo originali. (it)
- Inside Amy Schumer é uma série de televisão americana do gênero comédia criada pela comediante e atriz Amy Schumer. A série estreou no dia 30 de abril de 2013 no Comedy Central. Amy Schumer e Daniel Powell são os produtores executivos da série. Inside Amy Shumer completou a segunda temporada em 3 de junho de 2014 e foi renovada para a terceira uma semana depois. A terceira temporada foi prevista para estreiar no dia 21 de abril de 2014. No Brasil a série estreou no Comedy Central no dia 14 de abril de 2015 (pt)
- 《艾米·舒默的内心世界》(英語:Inside Amy Schumer)是一套由艾米·舒默主持及創作的喜劇小品。第一季於2013年4月30日在喜劇中心首播,並在2016年1月6日已獲續訂第五季。本節目贏得皮博迪獎及2座艾美獎。 (zh)
- داخل أيمي شومر (بالإنجليزية: Inside Amy Schumer) مسلسل كوميدي أمريكي، من إعداد وتقديم الممثلة والكوميدية أيمي شومر، عرض في 30 أبريل، 2013، على قناة كوميدي سنترال. حصل المسلسل على جائزة بيبودي، وثمان ترشيحات لجوائز الإيمي برايم تايم وفاز بإثنان. عرض الموسم الثاني في أبريل، 2014، الموسم الثالث في 21 أبريل، 2015، الموسم الرابع في 21 أبريل، 2016. في 6 يناير، 2016، جدد المسلسل لموسم خامس سيعرض في 2017. (ar)
- Amyino plodné lůno (v anglickém originále Inside Amy Schumer) je americký komediální televizní seriál, vysílaný stanicí Comedy Central. Jeho autorkou je komička Amy Schumer. První epizoda byla uvedena 30. dubna 2013 a první série skončila 2. července toho roku. Do roku 2016 následovaly tři další série. Jednotlivé epizody byly rozděleny do tří částí, přičemž ty dosahovaly různých délek. Seriál zahrnuje různé skeče, stand-upy a rozhovory. Jedinou osobou, která se vyskytuje ve všech částech, je Amy Schumer. Dále v seriálu vystupovali například Steve Buscemi, Jake Gyllenhaal a Rob Schneider. (cs)
- Inside Amy Schumer è una serie televisiva statunitense di genere sketch comedy co-ideata, co-sceneggiata e interpretata da Amy Schumer e trasmessa su Comedy Central dal 2013. La serie ha vinto un Peabody Award ed è stata candidata per otto premi Emmy, vincendo quello per il miglior varietà a sketch e per la miglior musica e testo originali. (it)
- Inside Amy Schumer é uma série de televisão americana do gênero comédia criada pela comediante e atriz Amy Schumer. A série estreou no dia 30 de abril de 2013 no Comedy Central. Amy Schumer e Daniel Powell são os produtores executivos da série. Inside Amy Shumer completou a segunda temporada em 3 de junho de 2014 e foi renovada para a terceira uma semana depois. A terceira temporada foi prevista para estreiar no dia 21 de abril de 2014. No Brasil a série estreou no Comedy Central no dia 14 de abril de 2015 (pt)
- 《艾米·舒默的内心世界》(英語:Inside Amy Schumer)是一套由艾米·舒默主持及創作的喜劇小品。第一季於2013年4月30日在喜劇中心首播,並在2016年1月6日已獲續訂第五季。本節目贏得皮博迪獎及2座艾美獎。 (zh)
- Inside Amy Schumer is an American sketch comedy television series created and hosted by Amy Schumer. The series aired on Comedy Central from April 30, 2013 to June 16, 2016 and was revived in 2022 for a new season on Paramount+. Schumer and Daniel Powell serve as the show's executive producers. The show received a Peabody Award and has been nominated for eight Primetime Emmy Awards, winning two. (en)
- Inside Amy Schumer est une série télévisée à sketchs américaine en 39 épisodes de 22 minutes, créée par Amy Schumer et Daniel Powell, et diffusée depuis le 30 avril 2013 sur Comedy Central et en simultané au Canada sur The Comedy Network pour les quatre premières saisons, puis sur Paramount+ à partir de la cinquième. (fr)