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The Leader (Chinese: 领风者; pinyin: Lǐng fēng zhě) is a 2019 Chinese animated web series based on the life of German philosopher Karl Marx. Commissioned by the Communist Party of China's Marxism office, a production team was formed in 2016 which included propaganda departments, scholars of Marxism, and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The series was announced in 2018 by the streaming service Bilibili as part of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of Marx's birth. The seven-episode series was created to attract young people to Marxism, and it was streamed weekly on Bilibili between January 28, and March 4, 2019. A webcomic version was produced by Zhong Jun, the series' chief scriptwriter.

Property Value
  • 25.0 (dbd:minute)
  • El líder (xinès simplificat: 领风者, pinyin: Lǐng fēng zhě) és una websèrie d'anime xinesa produïda per la plataforma de vídeo online Bilibili. Amb una durada de set episodis, cobreix la vida del pensador alemany Karl Marx. Va ser estrenada el 28 de gener de 2019, amb més d'un milió de visualitzacions en directe i uns 2,8 milions de visualitzacions en línia durant les primeres 24 hores. Paral·lelament, s'ha realitzat una adaptació al format de còmic manhua. L'autor és Zhong Jun, investigador de l'Acadèmia Xinesa de Ciències Socials. (ca)
  • Ling Feng Zhe (chinesisch 领风者 lǐng fēng zhě, zu Deutsch „Führer“) ist eine chinesische Zeichentrickserie über Karl Marx, die von Bilibili veröffentlicht wurde. (de)
  • The Leader (chinois simplifié : 领风者 ; pinyin : Lǐng fēng zhě) est une série télévisée d'animation chinoise produite par le site web Bilibili. C'est une fiction historique inspirée de la vie de Karl Marx et commémorant les 200 ans de sa naissance. (fr)
  • The Leader (Hanzi: 领风者) adalah sebuah serial web anime Tiongkok yang diproduksi oleh layanan pemutaran video Bilibili. Serial tujuh episode tersebut berkisah tentang kehidupan pemikir Jerman Karl Marx. Koran Sixth Tone mengabarkan bahwa film ini sempat mendapat perhatian ("generated buzz") melalui trailernya, seri ini mendapat reaksi beragam dari para penonton di Tiongkok. (in)
  • The Leader (Chinese: 领风者; pinyin: Lǐng fēng zhě) is a 2019 Chinese animated web series based on the life of German philosopher Karl Marx. Commissioned by the Communist Party of China's Marxism office, a production team was formed in 2016 which included propaganda departments, scholars of Marxism, and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The series was announced in 2018 by the streaming service Bilibili as part of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of Marx's birth. The seven-episode series was created to attract young people to Marxism, and it was streamed weekly on Bilibili between January 28, and March 4, 2019. A webcomic version was produced by Zhong Jun, the series' chief scriptwriter. The series' announcement attracted international interest, and its promotional video had over 200,000 views on its release day. It was primarily considered propaganda by the Western media, while Chinese viewers commented on Marx's good looks. The series had a mixed response; the first episode had over 2.8 million views in one day, and the series as a whole had at least 5.5 million views. Although it was criticized for poor animation, propagandism, and its depiction of Marx, it has sparked a discussion on Marxism and labor rights in China. (en)
  • The Leader (领风者S, Lǐng fēng zhěP) è una serie animata del 2019 basata sulla vita del filosofo tedesco Karl Marx. La serie è stata annunciata nel 2018 dal servizio di streaming come parte delle celebrazioni per il 200º anniversario della nascita di Karl Marx. La serie di 7 episodi è stata creata per avvicinare i giovani cinesi al marxismo ed è stata pubblicata settimanalmente su Bilibili dal 28 gennaio al 4 marzo 2019. Un webcomic è stato prodotto da Zhong Jun, il capo sceneggiatore della serie. I lavori per la serie sono iniziati nel 2016 quando, su commissione del Partito Comunista Cinese, è stato creato un team di produzione comprendente dipartimenti della propaganda, professori di marxismo e l'. L'annuncio della serie ha attirato l'interesse internazionale e il suo video promozionale ha avuto oltre 200.000 visualizzazioni il giorno della sua uscita. È stato considerato principalmente propaganda dai media occidentali, mentre gli spettatori cinesi hanno commentato il bell'aspetto di Marx. La serie ha avuto una risposta mista; il primo episodio ha avuto oltre 2,8 milioni di visualizzazioni in un giorno e la serie nel suo insieme ha avuto almeno 5,5 milioni di visualizzazioni. Sebbene sia stato criticato per la scarsa animazione, la propaganda e la sua rappresentazione di Marx, ha suscitato una discussione sul marxismo e sui diritti dei lavoratori in Cina. (it)
  • 《领风者》是中国制作的一部动画,共七集,每集25分钟,讲述了卡尔·马克思与燕妮相爱、与恩格斯相遇并创作《资本论》的人生经历,是纪念马克思诞辰200周年的献礼。2019年1月28日在bilibili与优酷首播,中共中央宣传部理论局(中央马克思主义理论研究和建设工程办公室)和内蒙古自治区党委宣传部策划,中国社会科学院学术支持。已有同名系列漫画书出版,且动画和漫画同步更新,预计还将推出舞台剧、表情包、动漫周边、小程序测试题等。 (zh)
  • 2019-03-04 (xsd:date)
  • 7 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 2019-01-28 (xsd:date)
  • 1500.000000 (xsd:double)
  • 59464575 (xsd:integer)
  • 53925 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1123671022 (xsd:integer)
  • Karl Marx as a young man (en)
  • Promotional poster (en)
  • Wawayu (en)
  • China (en)
  • 2 (xsd:integer)
  • 3 (xsd:integer)
  • 4 (xsd:integer)
  • 5 (xsd:integer)
  • 6 (xsd:integer)
  • 7 (xsd:integer)
  • 2019-01-28 (xsd:date)
  • Chinese (en)
  • 2019-03-04 (xsd:date)
  • "第一国际" 风云 (en)
  • 《资本论》越世而出 (en)
  • 全新的世界观 (en)
  • 捍卫自由 (en)
  • 永远的马克思 (en)
  • 科学社会主义闪耀登场 (en)
  • zh (en)
  • 7 (xsd:integer)
  • 1 (xsd:integer)
  • 2019-01-28 (xsd:date)
  • 2019-02-04 (xsd:date)
  • 2019-02-11 (xsd:date)
  • 2019-02-18 (xsd:date)
  • 2019-02-25 (xsd:date)
  • 2019-03-04 (xsd:date)
  • 1500.0 (dbd:second)
  • Marx and Jenny move to Paris after their marriage, and Marx writes articles for the Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher newspaper. He likes an article about political economy by Engels, who is impressed by Marx's article on the critique of Hegel and his ideas about the proletariat as a revolutionary force. After a disagreement with Ruge about his lack of revolutionary ideas, Marx meets and befriends Engels. Engels shows him his manuscript for "The Condition of the Working Class in England", and introduces Marx to socialism. They begin co-authoring critiques of thinkers they perceive as confusing the proletariat. To overcome idealism, they publish The Holy Family as a critique of Bauer. After Marx is exiled to Brussels, they write The German Ideology as a critique of the Young Hegelians and Ludwig Feuerbach's materialism. Although it is not accepted by any publisher, Marx and Engels are happy to have created a materialist conception of history. (en)
  • At the First International, some say that Marx should be its leader but he declines. He also turns down Otto von Bismarck's offer of a government job and the restoration of his citizenship. During a supportive speech about the Paris Commune Marx meets the grown-up Tom, who volunteers to fight in France and exchanges letters with him. Marx eulogizes the Commune in "The Civil War in France", describing it as the first "dictatorship of the proletariat". He becomes ill again after working to provide asylum for a French deportee, and he and Engels decide to write a new preface for The Communist Manifesto in homage to the Commune. The Austrian, Prussian, and Russian governments decide to attack the International, and Marx must deal with the anarchist ideas of Mikhail Bakunin. During the Hague Congress, he proposes that Bakunin and his followers be expelled from the International for their conspiracy in creating the Alliance of Socialist Democracy. Marx becomes well-known but declines an offer from The Atlantic for a cover story. (en)
  • Marx joins the Young Hegelians and prepares his doctoral thesis, The Difference Between the Democritean and Epicurean Philosophy of Nature. Because of the thesis' atheist positions, Bauer suggests that Marx not submit it to the conservative professors at Berlin; instead, he receives his PhD from the University of Jena. Marx begins working for the Rheinische Zeitung and becomes a constant critic of the Prussian government; this increases the newspaper's circulation among the poor and attracts the government censors. When the censorship increases after Marx criticized a forestry law that forbade peasants from collecting wood from landowners' properties, Marx quits his job. Concluding that the state protects the ruling class, he leaves the Young Hegelians because they criticize religion instead of taking real political action. Furious with Bauer, Marx ignores Friedrich Engels' invitation to talk to him. He joins Arnold Ruge, who is also politically persecuted, and goes to France with him to establish a new newspaper. With a new salary, Marx buys an engagement ring for Jenny, who agrees to marry him, despite a furious argument with her brother. (en)
  • As working conditions deteriorate, a variety of socialist philosophies emerge. Marx and Engels advocate scientific socialism, opposing both League of the Just leader Wilhelm Weitling's Christian communism and Hermann Kriege's idea of love as a unifying factor of classes in the Communist Correspondence Committee. After writing a letter criticizing those concepts, Marx and Engels are invited to join the League. In Paris, Engels learns about Pierre-Joseph Proudhon's book The Philosophy of Poverty and his ideas of mutualism and opposition to revolutionary violence. Marx writes The Poverty of Philosophy in response to Proudhon, and Engels attends a League meeting in London. When he returns, he announces that the League has changed their name to the Communist League and he and Marx have been assigned to write their political program. They write The Communist Manifesto during the revolutions of 1848, and Marx is exiled from Belgium under suspicion of fomenting the revolution in Brussels. After a brief trip through Paris, Marx establishes the Neue Rheinische Zeitung in Cologne. The newspaper's articles annoy the German government and, after several acquittals, Marx returns to Paris in exile. (en)
  • Marx is pleased with Capital sales in Germany and Russia, and the bedridden Jenny shares his happiness. He and Engels are concerned about the rise of Eugen Dühring's ideas in the socialist movement, but Marx is too preoccupied with Jenny, the two remaining volumes of Capital, and studying Russia to write a critique of Dühring's work. Marx regrets not having published their Critique of the Gotha Program about Ferdinand Lassalle and the Social Democratic Workers' Party of Germany. Engels stops writing Dialectics of Nature to publish a text criticizing Dühring and clearly explaining Marx and Engels' ideas about historical materialism and political economy. Marx becomes interested in anthropology and the material culture of ancient societies, believing that family and private property probably developed into classes and nations. When Jenny dies, he cannot work and becomes ill. After the death of another of his children, , Marx also dies. Engels complete the other two volumes of Capital during the eleven years after Marx's death. In an epilogue, Marx's legacy and his impact on the Russian and Chinese revolutions are highlighted. (en)
  • The Marxes are exiled from Paris and emigrate to London, where they are so poor that Marx must sell his clothing to buy food. They are almost evicted, but Engels pays their rent. While the Marxes are grieving the death of their children Guido and Franziska, another son dies. When Marx is researching in the British Museum for A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, he is asked by Tom why his father lost his job when there was overproduction at his coal mine. Marx explains that labor creates value, labor is exploited through surplus value, and capital has a "natural instinct" to pursue profit; workers must control the means of production to overcome this situation. Marx works on Das Kapital and elaborates his crisis theory, surviving on a legacy from his friend Wilhelm Wolff. During the twenty-year writing process, Marx struggles with his perfectionism, develops pneumonia, boils, and insomnia, and debates Carl Vogt and Proudhon followers at the First International until he publishes the first volume of his magnum opus. (en)
  • First International (en)
  • A New World View (en)
  • Defending the Rights of the People (en)
  • Great Work: Das Kapital (en)
  • Marx Forever (en)
  • Scientific Socialism Shines Brightly (en)
  • 'Dì yī guójì' fēngyún (en)
  • 'Zīběn lùn' yuè shì ér chū (en)
  • Hànwèi zìyóu (en)
  • Kēxué shèhuì zhǔyì shǎnyào dēngchǎng (en)
  • Quánxīn de shìjièguān (en)
  • Yǒngyuǎn de mǎkèsī (en)
  • Zhong Jun (en)
  • El líder (xinès simplificat: 领风者, pinyin: Lǐng fēng zhě) és una websèrie d'anime xinesa produïda per la plataforma de vídeo online Bilibili. Amb una durada de set episodis, cobreix la vida del pensador alemany Karl Marx. Va ser estrenada el 28 de gener de 2019, amb més d'un milió de visualitzacions en directe i uns 2,8 milions de visualitzacions en línia durant les primeres 24 hores. Paral·lelament, s'ha realitzat una adaptació al format de còmic manhua. L'autor és Zhong Jun, investigador de l'Acadèmia Xinesa de Ciències Socials. (ca)
  • Ling Feng Zhe (chinesisch 领风者 lǐng fēng zhě, zu Deutsch „Führer“) ist eine chinesische Zeichentrickserie über Karl Marx, die von Bilibili veröffentlicht wurde. (de)
  • The Leader (chinois simplifié : 领风者 ; pinyin : Lǐng fēng zhě) est une série télévisée d'animation chinoise produite par le site web Bilibili. C'est une fiction historique inspirée de la vie de Karl Marx et commémorant les 200 ans de sa naissance. (fr)
  • The Leader (Hanzi: 领风者) adalah sebuah serial web anime Tiongkok yang diproduksi oleh layanan pemutaran video Bilibili. Serial tujuh episode tersebut berkisah tentang kehidupan pemikir Jerman Karl Marx. Koran Sixth Tone mengabarkan bahwa film ini sempat mendapat perhatian ("generated buzz") melalui trailernya, seri ini mendapat reaksi beragam dari para penonton di Tiongkok. (in)
  • 《领风者》是中国制作的一部动画,共七集,每集25分钟,讲述了卡尔·马克思与燕妮相爱、与恩格斯相遇并创作《资本论》的人生经历,是纪念马克思诞辰200周年的献礼。2019年1月28日在bilibili与优酷首播,中共中央宣传部理论局(中央马克思主义理论研究和建设工程办公室)和内蒙古自治区党委宣传部策划,中国社会科学院学术支持。已有同名系列漫画书出版,且动画和漫画同步更新,预计还将推出舞台剧、表情包、动漫周边、小程序测试题等。 (zh)
  • The Leader (Chinese: 领风者; pinyin: Lǐng fēng zhě) is a 2019 Chinese animated web series based on the life of German philosopher Karl Marx. Commissioned by the Communist Party of China's Marxism office, a production team was formed in 2016 which included propaganda departments, scholars of Marxism, and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The series was announced in 2018 by the streaming service Bilibili as part of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of Marx's birth. The seven-episode series was created to attract young people to Marxism, and it was streamed weekly on Bilibili between January 28, and March 4, 2019. A webcomic version was produced by Zhong Jun, the series' chief scriptwriter. (en)
  • The Leader (领风者S, Lǐng fēng zhěP) è una serie animata del 2019 basata sulla vita del filosofo tedesco Karl Marx. La serie è stata annunciata nel 2018 dal servizio di streaming come parte delle celebrazioni per il 200º anniversario della nascita di Karl Marx. La serie di 7 episodi è stata creata per avvicinare i giovani cinesi al marxismo ed è stata pubblicata settimanalmente su Bilibili dal 28 gennaio al 4 marzo 2019. Un webcomic è stato prodotto da Zhong Jun, il capo sceneggiatore della serie. (it)
  • El Líder (ca)
  • Ling Feng Zhe (de)
  • The Leader (anime) (in)
  • The Leader (fr)
  • The Leader (it)
  • The Leader (web series) (en)
  • 领风者 (zh)
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