Publications by Subject
Note: This page has not been updated since 2020. For a current and complete list of publications, please see:
- Electrokinetics
- Electrochemistry
- Fluid Mechanics
- Statistical Physics
- Atomistic Modeling
- Patents
- Induced-charge
electro-kinetic phenomena: Theory and microfluidic applications, M.
Z. Bazant and T. M. Squires, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, art. no. 066101 (2004). (This paper
triggered a Fast
Moving Front of research, according to Thompson Scientific.) (PDF)
- Induced-charge
electro-osmosis, T. M. Squires and M. Z. Bazant, J. Fluid. Mech. 509, 217-252 (2004).
- Experimental
observation of induced-charge electro-osmosis around a metal wire in a
microchannel, J. A. Levitan, S. Devasenathipathy, V. Studer, Y. Ben,
T. Thorsen, T. M. Squires, and M. Z. Bazant, Colloids and Surfaces A 267, 122-132 (2005). (PDF)
- Breaking symmetries in
induced-charge electro-osmosis and electrophoresis, T. M. Squires and
M. Z. Bazant, J. Fluid Mech. 560,
65-101 (2006). (PDF)
- Nonlinear
electrokinetics at large voltages, M. Z. Bazant, M. S. Kilic, B.
Storey, and A. Ajdari, New Journal of Physics 11, 075016 (2009). invited article for focus issue on micro- and nanofluidics. (PDF)
- Induced-charge
electrophoresis of metallo-dielectric particles, S. Gangwal, O. J.
Cayre, M. Z. Bazant, and O. D. Velev, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 058302 (2008). (PDF)
- Nonlinear
electrokinetic phenomena, M. Z. Bazant, in Li, Dongqing (ed), Encyclopedia
of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics,
Part 14, pp. 1461-1470 (Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2008). (PDF)
- Electrokinetic
motion of polarizable particles , M. Z. Bazant, in Li, Dongqing (ed), Encyclopedia
of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics,
Part 5, pp. 522-529 (Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2008). ( PDF)
- Electrokinetic
motion of heterogeneous particles, M. Z. Bazant, in Li, Dongqing (ed), Encyclopedia
of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics,
Part 5, pp. 518-522 (Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2008). (PDF)
Towards an understanding of induced-charge electrokinetics
at large applied voltages, M. Z. Bazant, M S Kilic, B Storey, and A Ajdari,
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 152, 48-88 (2009).
Electrostatic and electrokinetic contributions
to the elastic moduli of a driven membrane, D. Lacoste, G. I. Menon,
M. Z. Bazant, and J. F. Joanny, European Physical Journal E
28, 243-264 (2009).
- Effective zero-thickness model for a conductive membrane driven by an electric field, F. Ziebert, M. Z. Bazant, and D. Lacoste, Phys. Rev. E 81, 031912 (2010). (PDF)
- Induced-charge electrokinetic phenomena, M. Z. Bazant and T. M. Squires,
Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science 15, 203-213 (2010). (PDF)
- Clean data with dirty surfaces in electrokinetics, M. Z. Bazant, Physics 3, 18 (2010). (PDF,
- Electrodiffusiophoresis: Particle motion in electrolytes under direct current,
R. Rica and M. Z. Bazant, Physics of Fluids 22, 112109 (2010).
Induced-charge electrophoresis
near a wall,
M. S. Kilic and M. Z. Bazant, Electrophoresis 32, 614-628 (2011).
- Induced-charge electrokinetic phenomena, M. Z. Bazant,
in Electrokinetics and Electrohydrodynamics of Microsystems, ed. by
A. Ramos (Springer, 2011). (PDF)
Effects of electrostatic correlations on electrokinetic phenomena,
B. D. Storey and M. Z. Bazant,
Phys. Rev. E86, 056303 (2012).(PDF)
Electrokinetics meets electrohydrodynamics,
M. Z. Bazant,
J. Fluid Mech.
782, 1-4 (2015).
Physics of electrostatic projection revealed by high-speed video imaging,
A. Sayyah, M. Mirzadeh, Y. Jiang, W. V. Gleason, W. C. Rice and M. Z. Bazant,
Phys. Rev. Applied 13, 034071 (2020).
- Theoretical
prediction of fast 3D AC electro-osmotic pumps, M. Z. Bazant and Y.
Ben, Lab on a Chip, 6, 1455-1461
(2006). (PDF)
- Fast AC electro-osmotic pumps
with non-planar electrodes, J. P. Urbanski, T. Thorsen, J. A.
Levitan, and M. Z. Bazant, Applied Physics Letters 89, 143508 (2006). (PDF)
- The effect of step
height on the performance of AC electro-osmotic microfluidic pumps,
J. P. Urbanski, J. A. Levitan, D. N. Burch, T. Thorsen, and M. Z. Bazant,
Journal of Interface and Colloid Science 309, 332-341 (2007). (PDF)
- Electrolyte dependence of AC electro-osmosis,
M. Z. Bazant, J. P. Urbanski, J. A. Levitan, K. Subramanian, M. S. Kilic,
A. Jones, and T. Thorsen, Proceedings of MicroTAS, Paris (2007). (PDF)
- Experimental study of electrolyte dependence of
AC electro-osmotic pumps, K. Subramanian, J. P. Urbanski, J. A.
Levitan, T. Thorsen, and M. Z. Bazant, Proceedings of the International
Conference on Micro, Meso, and Nanoengineering, Trivandrum, India (2007).
- Steric effects on ac
electro-osmosis in dilute electrolytes, B. Storey, L. R. Edwards, M.
S. Kilic, and M. Z. Bazant, Phys. Rev. E 77, 036317 (2008). (PDF)
- Design principle for
improved three-dimensional ac electro-osmotic pumps, D. Burch and M.
Z. Bazant, Phys. Rev. E 77, 055303(R) (2008). (PDF)
- Numerical studies of nonlinear
kinetics in induced-charge electro-osmosis, M. M. Gregersen, M. Z.
Bazant, and H. Bruus, XXII ICTAM Proceedings, Adelaide, Australia (2008).
- AC
Electro-osmotic flow, M. Z. Bazant, in Li, Dongqing (ed), Encyclopedia
of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics,
Part I, pp. 8-14 (Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2008). ( PDF)
Topology and shape optimization of induced-charge
electro-osmotic micropumps
M M Gregersen, F Okkels, M Z Bazant, and H Bruus,
New Journal of Physics 11, 075019 (2009).
- Ultrafast high-pressure AC electro-osmotic micropumps for portable biomedical microfluidics, C. C. Huang, M. Z. Bazant, and T. Thorsen, Lab on a Chip 10, 80-85 (2010).
Overlimiting current in a microchannel,
E. V. Dydek, B. Zaltzman, I. Rubinstein, D. S. Deng, A. Mani and M. Z. Bazant, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 118301 (2011).
Experimental Verification of Overlimiting Current by Surface Conduction and Electro-osmotic Flow in Microchannels,
S. Nam, I. Cho, J. Heo, G. Lim,
M. Z. Bazant, G. Sung and S. J. Kim,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 114501 (2015). (PDF)
Analysis of electrolyte transport through charged nanopores,
P. B. Peters, R. van Roij, M. Z. Bazant, and P. M. Biesheuvel,
Phys. Rev. E 93, 053108 (2016).
Editor's suggestion
Analysis of ionic conductance of carbon nanotubes,
P. M. Biesheuvel and M. Z. Bazant,
Phys. Rev. E 94, 050601(R) (2016).
Critical knowledge gaps in mass transport through single-digit nanopores: A review and perspective,
S. Faucher, N. Aluru, M. Z. Bazant, D. Blankschtein, A. H. Brozena,
J. Cummings, J. P. de Souza, M. Elimelech, R. Epsztein, J. T. Fourkas, A
. G. Rajan, H. J. Kulik, A. Levy, A. Majumdar, C. Martin, M. McEldrew, R. P. Mis
ra, A. Noy, T. A. Pham, M. Reed, E. Schwegler, Z. Siwy, Y. Wang, and M. Strano,
J. Phys. Chem. C 123, 21309-21326 (2019).
Breakdown of electroneutrality in nanopores,
A. Levy, P. de Souza and M. Z. Bazant,
J. Colloid Interface Sci. (2020).
Deionization shocks in microstructures, A. Mani and M. Z. Bazant,
Phys Rev. E 84, 061504 (2011). (PDF, Supporting information: Shockwave movie by Ali Mani)
Homogenization of the Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations for ion transport in charged porous media.
M. Schmuck and M. Z. Bazant, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 75, 1369-1401 (2015)
- Current-induced membrane discharge,
M. B. Andersen, M. van Soestbergen, A. Mani, H. Bruus, P. M. Biesheuvel, M. Z. Bazant, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 108301 (2012).
- E. V. Dydek and M. Z. Bazant, Nonlinear dynamics of ion concentration polarization in porous media: The Leaky Membrane Model, AIChE Journal 59, 3539-3555 (2013).
(invited article, tribute issue for Neal Amundson) (PDF,
- D. Deng, E. V. Dydek, J.-H. Han, S. Schlumpberger, A. Mani, B. Zaltzman and M. Z. Bazant, Overlimiting current and shock electrodialysis in porous media, Langmuir 29, 16167-16177 (2013).
Effect of Concentration Polarization on Perm-Selectivity,
R. Abu-Rjal, V. Chinaryan, M. Z.
Bazant, I. Rubinstein and B. Zaltzman,
Phys. Rev. E 89, 012302 (2014).
Water Purification by Shock Electrodialysis: Deionization, Filtration, Separation, and Disinfection,
D. Deng, W. Aouad, W. A. Braff, M. E. Suss, M. Z. Bazant,
Desalination 357, 77-83 (2015).
Scalable and continuous water deionization by shock electrodialysis,
S. Schlumpberger, N. B. Lu, M. E. Suss, and M. Z. Bazant,
Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett. 2, 367-372 (2015).
Supporting Info)
Shock waves and phase transformations in electrochemistry, M. Z. Bazant,
Mathematics Today, June, 124-125 (2016).
Electrokinetic control of viscous fingering,
M. Mirzadeh and M. Z. Bazant, PRL 119, 174501 (2017).
Deionization shock driven by electroconvection in a circular channel,
Z. Gu, B. Xu, P. Huo, S. M. Rubinstein, M. Z. Bazant and D. Deng,
Phys. Rev. Fluids 4, 113701 (2019).
Impact of network heterogeneity on nonlinear electrokinetic transport in porous media,
S. Alizadeh, M. Z. Bazant and A. Mani,
J. Colloid Interface Sci. 553, 451-464 (2019).
- Active control of viscous fingering using electric fields,
T. Gao, M. Mirzadeh, P. Bai, K. M. Conforti and M. Z. Bazant,
Nature Communications 10, 4002 (2019).
Continuous ion-selective separations by shock electrodialysis,
K. M. Conforti and M. Z. Bazant,
AIChE Journal, e16751 (2020).
Small-scale seawater desalination by shock electrodialysis.
M. A. Alkhadra, T. Gao, K. M. Conforti, H. Tian, and M. Z. Bazant,
Desalination 476, 114219 (2020).
Continuous separation of radionuclides from contaminated water by shock electrodialysis.
M. A. Alkhadra, K. M. Conforti, T. Gao, H. Tian, and M. Z. Bazant,
Environ. Sci. Technol. 54, 527-536 (2020).
MIT News)
Vortices of electro-osmotic flow in heterogeneous porous media,
M. Mirzadeh, T. Zhou, M. A. Amooie, D. Fraggedakis, T. R. Ferguson, and M. Z. Bazant, Phys. Rev. Fluids 5, 103701 (2020).
Electro-osmotic instability of concentration enrichment in curved geometries,
B. Xu, Z. Gu, W. Liu, P. Huo, Y. Zhou, S. M. Rubinstein, M. Z. Bazant, B. Zaltzman, I. Rubinstein and D. Deng,
Phys. Rev. Fluids (2020).
Novel ionic separation mechanisms in electrically driven membrane processes,
I. G. Wenten, K. Khoiruddin, M. A. Alkhadra, H. Tian and M. Z. Bazant,
Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 284, 102269 (2020).
Deionization shocks in cross flow,
S. Schlumpberger, R. Smith, H. Tian, A. Mani, and M. Z. Bazant,
AIChE Journal (2021). (arxiv)
Return to contents
- Diffuse-charge
dynamics in electrochemical systems, M. Z. Bazant, K. Thornton, and
A. Ajdari, Phys. Rev. E 70,
021506 (2004). (PDF)
- Nonlinear
electrochemical relaxation around conductors, K. T. Chu and M. Z.
Bazant, Phys. Rev. E 74, 011501
(2006). (PDF)
- Steric effects in the
dynamics of electrolytes at large applied voltages: I. Double-layer
charging, M. S. Kilic, M. Z. Bazant, and A. Ajdari, Phys. Rev. E 75, 021502 (2007). (PDF)
- Steric effects in the
dynamics of electrolytes at large applied voltages: II. Modified
Nernst-Planck equations, M. S. Kilic, M. Z. Bazant, and A.Ajdari,
Phys. Rev. E 75, 021503 (2007). (PDF)
- Surface conservation
laws at microscopically diffuse interfaces, K. T. Chu and M. Z.
Bazant, J. Colloid and Interface Science 315, 319-329 (2007). (PDF)
- Rational materials design
through theory and modeling: capacitive energy storage, M. Z. Bazant,
K. Kaneko, L. Pratt, and H. White, Basic Reseach
Needs for Electrical Energy Storage, Department of Energy, Panel
Report (2007). (PDF)
- Nonlinear dynamics of capacitive charging
and desalination by porous electrodes,
P. M. Biesheuvel and M. Z. Bazant, Phys. Rev. E 81, 031502 (2010).
- Strongly nonlinear dynamics of electrolytes under large AC voltages, L. H. Olesen, M. Z. Bazant, and H. Bruus,
Phys. Rev. E 82, 011501 (2010).
Double layer in ionic liquids: Overscreening versus crowding,
M. Z. Bazant, B. D. Storey, and A. A. Kornyshev,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 046102 (2011).
ting info,
ERRATUM with improved results)
- Diffuse charge and Faradaic reactions in porous electrodes,
P. M. Biesheuvel, Y. Fu, and M. Z. Bazant, Phys. Rev. E 83,
061507 (2011).
Electrochemistry and capacitive charging of porous electrodes in
asymmetric multicomponent electrolytes,
P. M. Biesheuvel, Y. Fu and M. Z. Bazant,
Russian J. Electrochem. 48, No. 6, pp. 580â592 (2012), in English; Elektrokhimiya 48 (6), 645-658, in Russian.
(English, (Russian)
Time-dependent ion selectivity in capacitive charging of porous electrodes,
R. Zhao, M. van Soestbergen, H. H. M. Rijnaarts, A. van der Wal, M. Z. Bazant, P. M. Biesheuvel,
J. Colloid Interface Sci. 384, 38-44 (2012).
Electro-diffusion of ions in porous electrodes for capacitive extraction of
renewable energy from salinity differences,
R. A. Rica, R. Ziano, D. Salerno, F. Mantegazza,
M. Z. Bazant, D. Brogioli,
Electrochimica Acta 92, 304-314 (2013). (PDF)
Anisometric Charge Dependent Swelling
of Porous Carbon in an Ionic Liquid,
F. Kaasik, T. Tamm, M. M. Hantel, E. Perre,
A. Aabloo, E. Lust, M. Z. Bazant, V. Presser,
Electrochemistry Communications 34, 196-199 (2013).
Attractive forces in microporous carbon electrodes for capacitive deionization.
P. M. Biesheuvel, S. Porada, M. Levi, M. Z. Bazant,
J. Solid State Electrochem. 18, 1365-1376 (2014).
Theory of water treatment by capacitive deionization with redox active porous electrodes,
F. He, P. M. Biesheuvel, M. Z. Bazant, and T. A. Hatton,
Water Research, in press (2018).
Theory of water desalination with intercalation materials,
K. Singh, H. J. M. Bouwmeester, L. C. P. M. de Smet, M.Z. Bazant
and P.M. Biesheuvel,
Phys. Rev. Applied 9, 064036 (2018).
Editor's Suggestion
(MIT dspace)
Thermodynamics of ion separation by electrosorption,
A. Hemmatifar, A. Ramachandran, K. Liu, D. I. Oyarzun, M. Z. Bazant and J. G. Santiago,
Environ. Sci. Tech. 52, 10196-10204 (2019).
Theory of the double layer in water-in-salt electrolytes,
M. McEldrew, Z. A. H. Goodwin, A. A. Kornyshev, and M. Z. Bazant,
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 9, 5840-5846 (2018).
Spin-glass ordering in ionic liquids,
A. Levy, M. McEldrew, and M. Z. Bazant,
Phys. Rev. Materials 3, 055606 (2019).
Theory of surface forces in multivalent electrolytes,
R. P. Misra, J. P. de Souza, D. Blankschtein, and M. Z. Bazant,
Langmuir 35, 11550-11565 (2019).
Advances in the theory of electrochemical interfaces,
M. Z. Bazant, Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 13, A1-A4 (2019). Editorial overview.
Continuum theory of electrostatic correlations at charged surfaces,
J. P. de Souza and M. Z. Bazant.
J. Phys. Chem. C 124, 11414-11421 (2020).
Ionic activity in concentrated electrolytes: solvent structure effect revisited.
A. Levy, M. Z. Bazant, and A. A. Kornyshev,
Chem. Phys. Lett.
738, 136915 (2020). (PDF)
The Heat of Nervous Conduction: A Thermodynamic Framework.
A. C. de Lichtervelde, J. P. de Souza, and M. Z. Bazant,
Phys. Rev. 101, 022406 (2020).
Theory of ion aggregation and gelation in super-concentrated electrolytes,
M. McEldrew, Z. A. H. Goodwin, S. Bi, M. Z. Bazant and A. A. Kornyshev,
J. Chem. Phys. 152, 234506 (2020).
Interfacial layering in the electrical double layer of ionic liquids,
J. P. de Souza, Z. A. H. Goodwin, M. McEldrew, A. A.
Kornyshev and M. Z. Bazant,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 116001 (2020).
Imaging arrangements of discrete ions at liquid-solid interfaces,
H.-K. Li, J. P. de Souza, Z. Zhang, J. Martis, K. Sendgikoski, J. Cumings, M. Z. Bazant, A. Majumdar,
Nano Letters 20 (11), 7927-7932 (2020).
Ion Clusters and Networks in Water-in-Salt Electrolytes,
M. McEldrew, Z. Goodwin, S. Bi, A. A. Kornyshev and M. Z. Bazant,
J. Electrochem. Soc. 168, 050514 (2021).
Mean-field theory of the electrical double layer in ionic liquids,
Z. A. H. Goodwin, J. P. de Souza, M. Z. Bazant and A. A. Kornyshev,
Encyclopedia of Ionic Liquids,
ed. by S. Zhang (Springer Nature Singapore, 2021).
Equivalent circuit model for electrosorption with redox active
F. He, M. Z. Bazant and T. A. Hatton.
Theory of Faradaically Modulated Redox Active Electrodes for Electrochemically Mediated Selective Adsorption Processes,
F. He, M. Z. Bazant and T. A. Hatton.
- Intercalation
dynamics in rechargeable battery materials: General theory and
phase-transformation waves in LiFePO4, G. Singh, G. Ceder,
and M. Z. Bazant, Electrochimica Acta 53, 7599-7613 (2008).
arxiv.org preprint, July 2007)
- Phase-transformation wave dynamics in
LiFePO4, D. Burch, G. Singh, G. Ceder, and M. Z. Bazant,
Solid State Phenomena 139, 95-100 (2008). (PDF)
- Size-dependent spinodal and miscibility gaps for intercalation in nanoparticles
D. Burch and M. Z. Bazant,
Nano Letters 9, 3795-3800 (2009).
- Particle size dependence of the ionic diffusivity,
R. Malik, D. Burch, M. Z. Bazant and G. Ceder, Nano Letters 10, 4123-4127 (2010).
- Suppression of phase transformations in LiFePO4 during battery discharge,
P. Bai, D. A. Cogswell, and M. Z. Bazant.
Nano Letters 11, 4890-4896 (2011). (ACS, arxiv (with supporting information))
- Coherency strain and the kinetics of phase
separation in LixFePO4, D. A. Cogswell and M. Z. Bazant,
ACS Nano 6, 2215-2225 (2012).
- Phase separation with anisotropic coherency strain, L. G. Stanton and M. Z. Bazant. (arxiv)
- Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of porous electrodes,
T. R. Ferguson and M. Z. Bazant, J. Electrochem. Soc. 159, A1967-A1985 (2012).
- Effects of nanoparticle geometry and size distribution on diffusion impedance of battery electrodes, J. Song and M. Z. Bazant,
J. Electrochem. Soc. 160, A15-A24 (2013).
- Theory of chemical kinetics and charge transfer based on nonequilibrium thermodynamics, M. Z. Bazant, Accounts of Chemical Research,
46 (5), pp 1144-1160 (2013). (invited article)
(ACS Author Choice,
clarifications and minor corrections by Ray Smith and Edwin Khoo))
- Theory of coherent nucleation in phase-separating nanoparticles,
D. A. Cogswell and M. Z. Bazant,
Nano Letters 13 (7), 3036-3041 (2013).
- Cahn-Hilliard reaction model for isotropic Li-ion battery nanoparticles,
Y. Zeng and M. Z. Bazant,
MRS Proceedings 1542 (2013).
- Efficient Conservative Numerical Schemes for 1D Nonlinear
Spherical Diffusion Equations with Applications in Battery
Y. Zeng,
P. Albertus, R. Klein, N. Chaturvedi, A. Kojic,
M. Z. Bazant, and J. Christensen,
J. Electrochem. Soc. 160, A1565-A1571 (2013).
- Internal Resistance Matching for Parallel-Connected
Lithium-Ion Cells and Impacts on Battery Pack Cycle
Radu Gogoana, Matthew B. Pinson, Martin Z. Bazant, Sanjay E. Sarma,
J. Power Sources 252, 8-13 (2014). (PDF)
- Electrochemical impedance of a battery electrode with anisotropic active particles, J. Song and M. Z. Bazant,
Electrochimica Acta 1331, 214-227 (2014).
Phase separation dynamics in isotropic ion-intercalation particles,
Y. Zeng and M. Z. Bazant,
SIAM J. Appl. Math. 74, 980-1004 (2014).
Particle-Level Modeling of the Charge-Discharge Behavior of
Nanoparticulate Phase-Separating Li-Ion Battery Electrodes,
B. Orvananos, T. R. Ferguson, H.-C. Yu, M. Z. Bazant, K. Thornton, J. Electrochem. Soc. 161, A535-A546 (2014).
Phase transformation dynamics in porous battery electrodes,
T. R. Ferguson and M. Z. Bazant, Electrochimica Acta 146, 89-97 (2014).
Fig. 1 LiFePO4 movie,Fig. 2 graphite movie)
Transition between particle-by-particle and concurrent intercalation in phase-separating battery electrodes,
Y. Li, F. E. Gabaly, T. R. Ferguson, R. B. Smith, N. C. Bartelt, J. D. Sugar,
K. R. Fenton, D. A. Cogswell, A. L. D. Kilcoyne, T. Tylisczak, M. Z. Bazant, W. C. Chueh,
Nature Materials 71, 183-188 (2014).
Li Intercalation into Graphite: Direct Optical Imaging and Cahn-Hilliard Reaction Dynamics,
Y. Guo, R. B. Smith, Z. Yu, D. E. Efetov, J. Wang, P. Kim.,
M. Z. Bazant, L. E. Brus,
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 7, 2151-2156 (2016).
Origin and hysteresis of lithium compositional spatiodynamics within battery primary particles,
J. Lim, Y. Li, D. H. Alsem, H. So, S. C. Lee, P. Bai, D. A. Cogswell, X. Liu, N.
Jin, Y.-S. Yu, N. Salmon, D. Shapiro, M. Z. Bazant, T. Tyliszczak, W. C. Chueh.
Science 353, 566-571 (2016).
PDF with supporting infor)
Thermodynamic Stability of Driven Open Systems and
Control of Phase Separation by Electro-autocatalysis,
M. Z. Bazant,
Faraday Discussions 199, 423-463 (2017). (invited article)
In Situ Observation and Mathematical Modeling of Lithium Distribution within Graphite, K. E. Thomas-Alyea, C. Jung, R. B. Smith, and M. Z. Bazant,
J. Electrochem. Soc. 164, E3063-E3072 (2017).
Intercalation kinetics in multiphase layered materials,
R. B. Smith, E. Khoo, and M. Z. Bazant, J. Phys. Chem. C. 121, 12505-12523 (2017)
Multiphase porous electrode theory,
R. B. Smith and M. Z. Bazant, J. Electrochem. Soc. 164 (11) E3291-E3311 (2017).
MPET software)
Explaining key properties of lithiation in TiO2-anatase Li-ion battery electrodes using phase-field modelling,
N. de Klerk, A. Vasileiadis, R. B. Smith, M. Z. Bazant, M. Wagemaker,
Phys. Rev. Materials 1, 025404 (2017).
Towards optimal performance and in-depth understanding of spinel Li4Ti5O12 electrodes through phase field modeling,
A. Vasileiadis, N. J. J. de Klerk, R. B. Smith, S. Ganapathy, P. P. R. M. L. Harks, M. Z. Bazant, M. Wagemaker,
Adv. Funct. Mater. 28, 1705992 (2018).
Electrochemical impedance imaging via the distribution of diffusion times,
J. Song and M. Z. Bazant,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 116001 (2018).
In-situ visualization of solute-driven phase coexistence
within individual nanorods,
F. Hayee, T. C. Narayan, N. Nadkarni, A. Baldi,
A. L. Koh, M. Z. Bazant, R. Sinclair and J. A. Dionne,
Nature Communications 9, 1775 (2018).
Supporting Info, - theory)
Interplay of phase boundary anisotropy and electro-autocatalytic surface reactions on the lithium intercalation dynamics in LiXFePO4 platelet-like nanoparticles,
N. Nadkarni, E. Rejovitzky, D. Fraggedakis, C. V. Di Leo, R. B. Smith, P. Bai, M. Z. Bazant,
Phys. Rev. Materials 2, 085406 (2018).
Fluid-enhanced Surface Diffusion Controls Intra-particle Phase Transformations,
Y. Li, H. Chen, K. Lim, H. D. Deng, J. Lim, D. Fraggedakis,
P. M. Attia, S. C. Lee, N. Jin, J. Moskon, Z. Guan, J. Hong,
Y. S. Yu, M. Gaberscek, M. S. Islam, M. Z. Bazant, W. C. Chueh,
Nature Materials 17, 915-922 (2018).
Size-dependent phase morphologies in LiFePO4 battery particles.
D. A. Cogswell and M. Z. Bazant,
Electrochemistry Communications 95, 33-37 (2018).
Data-driven prediction of battery cycle life before capacity degradation,
K. A. Severson, P. M. Attia, N. Jin, N. Perkins, B. Jiang, Z. Yang, M. H. Chen, M. Aykol, P. K. Herring, D. Fraggedakis, M. Z. Bazant, S. J. Harris, W. C. Chueh, R. D. Braatz,
Nature Energy, March 25, p. 1 (2019).
Modeling the metal-insulator phase transformation in LixCoO2 for energy and information storage,
N. Nadkarni, T. Zhou, D. Fraggedakis, T. Gao, and M. Z. Bazant,
Adv. Funct. Mater. 1902821 (2019).
Population dynamics of driven autocatalytic reactive mixtures,
H. Zhao and M. Z. Bazant,
Phys. Rev. E 100, 012144 (2019).
Lithium-Battery Anode Gains Additional Functionality for Neuromorphic Computing through Metal-Insulator Phase Separation,
J. C. Gonzalez-Rossilo, M. Balaish, Z. D. Hood, N. Nadkarni, D. Fraggedakis, K. J. Kim,
K. M. Mullin, M. Z. Bazant and J. L. M. Rupp,
Advanced Materials, 1907465 (2020).
Learning physics of pattern formation from images,
H. Zhao, B. D. Storey, R. D. Braatz, and M. Z. Bazant,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 060201 (2020). Editor's Suggestion
Tuning the stability of electrochemical interfaces by electron transfer reactions.
D. Fraggedakis and M. Z. Bazant,
J. Chem. Phys. (2020).
A scaling law to determine phase morphologies during ion intercalation,
D. Fraggedakis, N. Nadkarni, T. Gao, T. Zhou, Y. Zhang, Y. Han, R. M. Stephens, Y. Shao-Horn and M. Z. Bazant,
Energy Environ. Sci. (2020).
Dielectric breakdown by electric-field induced phase separation,
D. Fraggedakis, M. Mirzadeh, T. Zhou and M. Z. Bazant,
J. Electrochem. Soc. 167, 113504 (2020).
Challenges in Moving to Multiscale Battery Models - Where Electrochemistry meets and demands more from Math,
K. Shah, A. Subramaniam, L. Mishra, T. Jang, M. Z. Bazant, R. D. Braatz, V. Submanian,
J. Electrochem. Soc. 167 133501 (2020).
Electrochemical ion insertion: From atoms to devices.
A. Sood, A. D. Poletayev, D. A. Cogswell, P. M. Csernica, J. T. Mefford, D. Fraggedakis, M. F. Toney, A. M. Lindenberg, M. Z. Bazant, and W. C. Chueh,
Nature Reviews Materials (2021).
The application of data-driven methods and physics-based learning for improving battery safety.
D. Finegan, J. Zhu, X. Feng, M. Keyser, W. Lei, M. Z. Bazant and S. J. Cooper,
Joule 5, 316-329 (2021).
Retired Electric Vehicle Batteries: End-of-Life or A Second Life?,
J. Zhu, I. Mathews, W. Li, D. Cogswell, B. Xing,
T. Sedlatschek, S. N. R. Kantareddy, Z. Pan, T. Gao, Y. Xia, Q. Zhou, T. Wierzbicki and M. Z. Bazant.
Guiding the design of heterogeneous electrode microstructures for Li-ion batteries: microscopic imaging, predictive modeling, and machine learning,
H. Xu, J. Zhu, D. P. Finegan, H. Zhao, X. Lu, W. Li, N. Hoffman, A. Bertei, P. Shearing, M. Z. Bazant,
Adv. Energy Mat. (2021).
Perspective: Combining physics and machine learning to predict battery lifetime,
M. Aykol, C. B. Gopal, A. Anapolsky, P. K. Herring, B. van Vlijmen, M. D. Berliner, M. Z. Bazant, R. D. Braatz, W. C. Chueh, B. D. Storey,
J. Electrochem. Soc. (2021).
Large-deformation plasticity and fracture behavior of pure lithium under various stress states,
T. Sedlatschek, J. Lian, W. Li, M. Jiang, T. Wierzbicki, M. Z. Bazant, J. Zhu,
Acta Materialia (2021).
Fictitious Phase Separation in Li Layered Oxides Driven by Electro-Autocatalysis,
J. Park, H. Zhao, S. D. Kang, K. Lim, C.-C. Chen, Y.-S. Yu, R. D. Braatz, D. A. Shapiro, J. Hong, M. F. Toney, M. Z. Bazant, and W. C. Chueh,
Nature Materials (2021). (Nature)
- Analysis
of diffuse-layer effects on time-dependent interfacial kinetics, A.
Bonnefont, F. Argoul and M. Z. Bazant, J. Electroanal. Chem. 500, 52 (2001). (e-print with additional
material on AC response) (PDF)
- Current-voltage relations for
electrochemical thin films,M. Z. Bazant, K. T. Chu, and B. J. Bayly,
SIAM J. Appl. Math 65, 1463-1484
(2005). (PDF)
- Electrochemical thin films at
and above the classical limiting current, K. T. Chu and M. Z. Bazant,
SIAM J. Appl. Math 65, 1485-1505
(2005). (PDF)
Diffuse charge effects in fuel-cell membranes,
P. M. Biesheuvel, A. A. Franco,
and M. Z. Bazant, J. Electrochem. Soc., 156, B225-B233 (2009).
Imposed currents in galvanic cells, P. M. Biesheuvel, M. van Soestbergen, and M. Z. Bazant,
Electrochimica Acta 54, 4857-4871 (2009).
- Diffuse charge effects on the transient response of electrochemical cells, M. van Soestbergen, P. M. Biesheuvel, and M. Z. Bazant, Phys. Rev. E 81, 021503 (2010).
Theory of SEI Formation in Rechargeable Batteries: Capacity Fade, Accelerated Aging and Lifetime Prediction,
M. B. Pinson and M. Z. Bazant,
J. Electrochem. Soc. 160, A243-A250 (2013).
Charge transfer kinetics at the solid-solid interface in porous electrodes,
P. Bai and M. Z. Bazant, Nature Communications 5, 3585 (2014).
MIT News)
Simple formula for Marcus-Hush-Chidsey kinetics,
Y. Zeng, R. Smith, P. Bai, and M. Z. Bazant,
J. Electroanal. Chem. 735, 77-83 (2014).
Simple formula for asymmetric Marcus-Hush kinetics,
Y. Zeng, R. Smith, P. Bai, and M. Z. Bazant,
J. Electroanal. Chem. 748, 52-57 (2015).
Theory of linear sweep voltammetry with diffuse charge: unsupported electrolytes, thin films, and leaky membranes,
D. Yan, M. Z. Bazant, P. M. Biesheuvel, M. C. Pugh, F. P. Dawson,
Phys. Rev. E 95, 033303 (2017).
A Protocol to Characterize pH Sensing Materials and Systems,
M. T. Ghoneim, A. Sadraei, P. de Souza, G. C. Moore, M. Z. Bazant and C. Dagdeviren,
Small Methods, 1800265 (2018). (doi)
Electrochemical kinetics of SEI growth on carbon black: I. Experiments.
P. M. Attia, S. Das, S. J. Harris, M. Z. Bazant, W. C. Chueh,
J. Electrochem. Soc. 166, E97-E106 (2019).
Electrochemical kinetics of SEI growth on carbon black: II. Theory.
S. Das, P. M. Attia, W. C. Chueh, and M. Z. Bazant,
J. Electrochem. Soc. 166, E107-E118 (2019).
Electrochemical impedance of electrodiffusion in charged medium under dc bias.
J. Song, E. Khoo and M. Z. Bazant,
Phys. Rev. E 100, 042204 (2019).
Evolution of the solid-electrolyte interphase on carbonaceous anodes visualized by atomic-resolution cryogenic electron microscopy,
W. Huang, P. M. Attia, H. Wang, S. E. Rendrew, N. Jin, S. Das, Z. Zhang, D. T. Boyle, Y. Li, M. Z. Bazant, B. D. McCloskey, W. C. Chueh and Y. Cui,
Nano Letters 19, 5140-5148 (2019).
Revealing electrolyte oxidation via carbonate dehydrogenation on Ni-based oxides
in Li-ion batteries by in situ Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy,
Y. Zhang, Y. Katayama, R. Tatara, L. Giordano, Y. Yu, D. Fraggedakis, J.
G. Sun, F. Maglia, R. Jung, M. Z. Bazant and Y. Shao-Horn,
Energy Env. Sci. (2019).
Theory of coupled ion-electron transfer kinetics,
D. Fraggedakis, M. McEldrew, R. B. Smith, Y. Krishnan, Y. Zhang, P. Bai, W. C. Chueh, Y. Shao-Horn and M. Z. Bazant,
Electrochimica Acta 367, 137432 (2021).
Analysis, Design, and Generalization of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) Inversion Algorithms,
S. Effendy, J. Song, and M. Z. Bazant,
J. Electrochem. Soc. 167, 106508 (2020).
Cation-Dependent Interfacial Structures and Kinetics for Outer-Sphere Electron Transfer Reactions,
B. Huang, K. H. Myint, Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, R. Rao, J. Sun, S. Muy, Y. Katayama, J. Corchado Garcia,
D. Fraggedakis, J. C. Grossman, M. Z. Bazant, K. Xu, A. P. Willard, and Y. Shao-Horn,
J. Phys. Chem. C 125, 4397â4411 (2021).
Interplay of lithium intercalation and plating on a single graphite particle,
T. Gao, Y. Han, D. Fraggedakis, S. Das, T. Zhou, C.-N. Yeh, S. Xu, W. C. Chueh, J. Li, M. Z. Bazant,
Joule 5, 1-22 (2021).
Numerical and Analytic Modeling of a Membraneless Hydrogen Bromine Laminar Flow
W. A. Braff, C. R. Buie, and M. Z. Bazant,
ECS Trans. 53(7): 51-62 (2013). (ECS)
Membraneless hydrogen bromine flow battery,
W. A. Braff, M. Z. Bazant and C. R. Buie, Nature Communications 4:2346 (2013).
re research highlight,
MIT News)
- Boundary layer analysis of membraneless electrochemical cells,
W. A. Braff, C. R. Buie, M. Z. Bazant,
J. Electrochem. Soc. 160, A2056-A2063 (2013).
Multicomponent gas diffusion in porous electrodes,
Y. Fu, Y. Jiang, S. Poizeau,
A. Dutta, A. Mohanram, J. D. Pietras, M. Z. Bazant,
J. Electrochem. Soc. 162, F613-F621
Heterogeneous electrocatalysis in porous cathodes of solid oxide fuel cells,
Y. Fu, S. Poizeau, A. Bertei, C. Qi, A. Mohanram, J. D. Pietras, M. Z. Bazant,
Electrochimica Acta 159, 71-80 (2015).
Membraneless flow battery leveraging flow-through heterogeneous
porous media for improved power density and reduced crossover,
M. E. Suss, K. Conforti, L. Gilson, C. R. Buie, and M. Z. Bazant,
RSC Advances 6, 100209-100213 (2016).
A dual-mode rechargeable lithium-bromine/oxygen fuel cell,
P. Bai, V. Viswanathan, and M. Z. Bazant,
J. Mat. Chem. 3, 14165-14172 (2015).
Performance and degradation of a lithium-bromine rechargeable fuel cell using highly concentrated catholytes,
P. Bai and M. Z. Bazant, Electrochimica Acta 202, 216-223 (2016).
A zinc-iron redox-flow battery under $100/kWh of system capital cost,
K. Gong, X. Ma, K. M. Conforti, K. J. Kuttler, J. B. Grunewald,
K. L. Yeager, M. Z. Bazant, S. Gu, Y. Yan,
Energy Environ. Sci. 8, 2941 (2015).
Transition of the kinetic mechanisms of the oxygen reduction reaction in LSM-based SOFC cathodes. Part II - Mechanistic modeling and physically-based interpretation,
A. Bertei, M.P. Carpanese, D. Clematis, A. Barbucci, M. Z. Bazant, C. Nicolella,
Solid State Ionics 303, 181-190 (2017).
Single flow multiphase flow batteries: Theory,
R. Ronen, A. D. Gat, M. Z. Bazant and M. E. Suss,
Electrochimica Acta (2021).
- Regulation of ramified
electrochemical growth by a diffusive wave, M. Z. Bazant, Phys. Rev.
E, 52, 1903 (1995). (PDF)
- Front dynamics during
diffusion-limited corrosion of ramified electrodeposits, C. Leger, F.
Argoul and M. Z. Bazant, J. Phys. Chem. B 103, 5841 (1999). (PDF)
- A
Two-species reaction-diffusion problem with one static reactant: the case
of higher-order kinetics, H. A. Stone and M. Z. Bazant, in Partial
Differential Equations in Models of Superfluidity, Superconductivity and
Reactive Flows, ed. by H. Berestycki
and Y. Pomeau (1999). (PDF)
- Asymptotics of
reaction-diffusion fronts with one static and one diffusing reactant,
M. Z. Bazant and H. A. Stone, Physica D 147, 95 (2000). (PDF)
Rate-dependent morphology of Li2O2 growth in Li-O2 batteries,
B. Horstmann, B. Gallant, R. Mitchell, W. G. Bessler, Y. Shao-Horn, and M. Z. Bazant, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4, 4217-4222 (2013).
Over-limiting current and control of dendritic growth by surface conduction in nanopores,
J.-H. Han, E. Khoo, P. Bai, and M. Z. Bazant,
Scientific Reports 4, 7056 (2014).
TDDB at low voltages: An electrochemical perspective,
R. Muralidhar, T. Shaw, F. Chen, P. Oldiges, D. Edelstein, S. Cohen, R. Achanta, G. Bonilla, and M. Bazant,
IEEE Reliability Physics Symposium, Proceedings BD.3.1 - BD.3.7 (2014).
Dendrite suppression by shock electrodeposition in charged porous media,
J.-H. Han, M. Wang, P. Bai, F. R. Brushett, and M. Z. Bazant,
Scientific Reports 6, 28054 (2016).
Transition of lithium growth mechanisms in liquid electrolytes,
P. Bai, J. Li, F. R. Brushett, M. Z. Bazant, Energy Environ. Sci. 9, 3221-3229 (2016).
(open access,MIT News)
Resistive Switching in Aqueous Nanopores by Shock Electrodeposition,
J.-H. Han, R. Muralidhar, R. Waser, and M. Z. Bazant,
Electrochimica Acta 222, 370-375 (2016).
Liquid cell transmission electron microscopy observation of lithium metal growth and dissolution: Root growth, dead lithium and lithium flotsams,
A. Kushima, K. P. So, C. Su, P. Bai, N. Kuriyama, T. Maebashi, Y. Fujiwara, M. Z. Bazant, and J. Li, Nano Energy 32, 271-279 (2017).
A soft non-porous separator and its effectiveness in
stabilizing Li metal anodes cycling at 10 mA cm-2
observed in situ in a capillary cell,
K. Liu, P. Bai, M. Z. Bazant, C.-A. Wang,
and J. Li,
J. Mat. Chem. A 5, 4300-4307 (2017).
Theory of voltammetry in charged porous media,
E. Khoo and M. Z. Bazant,
J. Electroanal. Chem. 811, 105-120 (2018).
Interactions between Lithium Growths and Nanoporous Ceramic Separators:
Mechanisms and Safety Boundaries,
P. Bai, M. Wang, A. Kushima, L. Su, J. Li, F. R. Brushett, and M. Z. Bazant, Joule 2, 2434-2449 (2018).
Linear stability analysis of transient electrodeposition in charged porous media: Suppression of dendritic growth by surface conduction,
E. Khoo, H. Zhao and M. Z. Bazant,
J. Electrochem. Soc. 166, A2280-A2299 (2019).
Spatial dynamics of lithiation and lithium plating during high-rate operation of graphite electrodes,
D. Finegan, A. Quinn, D. Wragg, A. Colclasure, X. Lu, C. Tan, T. Heenan,
R. Jervis, D. Brett, S. Das, T. Gao, D. Cogswell, M. Z. Bazant, M. di Michiel,
S. Checchia, P. Shearing, K. Smith,
Interplay of lithium intercalation and plating on a single graphite particle,
T. Gao, Y. Han, D. Fraggedakis, S. Das, T. Zhou, C.-N. Yeh, S. Xu, W. C. Chueh, J. Li, M. Z. Bazant,
Joule 5, 1-22 (2021).
Interplay of lithium intercalation and plating on a single graphite particle,
T. Gao, Y. Han, D. Fraggedakis, S. Das, T. Zhou, C.-N. Yeh, S. Xu, W. C. Chueh, J. Li, M. Z. Bazant,
Joule 5, 1-22 (2021).
Return to contents
A guideline to limit indoor airborne transmission of COVID-19,
M. Z. Bazant and J. W. M. Bush,
PNAS 118 (17), e2018995118 (2021).
medRxiv ,
Summary, app, spreadsheet)
Monitoring carbon dioxide
to quantify the risk of indoor airborne transmission of COVID-19,
M. Z. Bazant, O. Kodio, A. E. Cohen, K. Khan, Z. Gu and J. W. M. Bush,
Flow 1, E10 (2021).
(Press Release)
Quantifying the tradeoff between energy consumption and the risk of airborne disease transmission for building HVAC systems,
M. J. Risbeck, M. Z. Bazant, Z. Jiang, Y. M. Lee, K. H. Drees and J. D. Douglas,
Science and Technology for the Built Environment, in press (2021).
(medRxiv preprint)
Modeling and multiobjective optimization of indoor airborne disease
transmission risk and associated energy consumption for building HVAC systems,
M. J. Risbeck, M. Z. Bazant, Z. Jiang, Y. M. Lee, K. H. Drees and J. D. Douglas,
Energy and Buildings 253, 111497 (2021).
(medRxiv preprint)
Assessment of airborne disease transmission risk and energy impact of HVAC mitigation strategies,
M. J. Risbeck, M. Z. Bazant, Z. Jiang, Y. M. Lee, K. H. Drees and J. D. Douglas,
ASHRAE Journal (2021).
Data-driven control of airborne infection risk and energy use in buildings,
M. J. Risbeck, A. E. Cohen, J. D. Douglas, Z. Jiang, C. Fanone, K. Bowes, J. Doughty, M. Turnbull, L. DiBerardinis, Y. M. Lee and M. Z. Bazant,
medRxiv preprint (2023).
See also Transport-Limited
- Conformal mapping of some
non-harmonic functions in transport theory, M. Z. Bazant, Proc. Roy.
Soc. A. 460, 1433-1452 (2004). (PDF)
- Steady
advection-diffusion around finite absorbers in two-dimensional potential
flows, J. Choi, D. Margetis, T. M. Squires, and M. Z. Bazant, J.
Fluid Mech. 536, 155-184 (2005). (PDF)
- Exact solutions of the
Navier-Stokes equations having steady vortex structures, M. Z. Bazant
and H. K. Moffatt, J. Fluid Mech. 541, 55-64 (2005). (PDF)
- Conformal mapping methods
for interfacial dynamics, M. Z. Bazant and D. Crowdy, in the Handbook
of Materials Modeling, ed. by S. Yip
et al., Vol. I, Art. 4.10 (Springer, 2005). (PDF)
- Interfacial dynamics
during transport-limited dissolution, M. Z. Bazant, Phys. Rev. E 73, 060601 (2006). (PDF)
Asymmetric collapse by dissolution or melting in a uniform flow, C. H. Rycroft and M. Z. Bazant,
Proc. Roy. Soc. A 472, 20150531 (2016).
Exact solutions and physical analogies for unidirectional flows, M. Z. Bazant,
Phys Rev. Fluids 1, 024001 (2016).
Simultaneous inversion of optical and infra-red image data to determine thermo-mechanical properties of solid materials,
A. Cottrill, R. Goulet, F. Fremy, J. Meulemans and M. Z. Bazant,
Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 163, 120445 (2020).
- Diffusion and
mixing in gravity-driven dense granular flows, J. Choi, A. Kudrolli,
R. R. Rosales, and M. Z. Bazant, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 174301 (2004). (non-technical summary) (PDF)
- Pebble
flow experiments for pebble-bed reactors, A. C. Kadak and M. Z.
Bazant, Proceedings of the International Meeting on High Temperature
Reactor Technology, Beijing, China (2004). (PDF)
- Velocity profile of
granular flows in silos and hoppers, J. Choi, A. Kudrolli, and M. Z.
Bazant, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17,
S2533-S2548 (2005). (PDF)
- The Spot Model for
random-packing dynamics, M. Z. Bazant, Mechanics of Materials 38, 717-731 (2006). (PDF)
- Dynamics of random
packings in granular flow, C. H. Rycroft, M. Z. Bazant, J. Landry,
and G. S. Grest, Physical Review E, 73, 051306 (2006). (PDF)
- Analysis of granular
flow in a pebble-bed nuclear reactor, C. H. Rycroft, G. S. Grest, M.
Z. Bazant, and J. Landry, Phys. Rev. E, 74, 021306 (2006). (PDF)
- Stochastic flow
rule for granular materials, K. Kamrin and M. Z. Bazant, Phys. Rev. E
75, 041301 (2007). (PDF)
- The Stochastic Flow Rule: A
multiscale model for granular materials, K. Kamrin, C. H. Rycroft and
M. Z. Bazant, Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and
Engineering 15, S449-S464 (2007).
Assessing continuum postulates in simulations of granular flow, C. H. Rycroft,
K. Kamrin, and M. Z. Bazant, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
7, 828-839 (2009).
- Fast spot-based multiscale simulations of granular flow, C. H. Rycroft, Y. L. Wong and M. Z. Bazant, Powder Technology 200, 1-11 (2010).
- Tensorial hydrodynamic slip, M. Z.
Bazant and O. I. Vinogradova, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 613, 125-134 (2008). (PDF)
- Effective slip over textured
superhydrophobic surfaces, F. Feuillebois, M. Z. Bazant, and O. I.
Vinogradova, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 026001 (2009).
- Anisotropic electro-osmotic flow over super-hydrophobic surfaces,
S. Bahga,
O. I. Vinogradova, and M. Z. Bazant, J. Fluid Mech. 644, 245-255 (2010).
- Effective slip boundary conditions for arbitrary periodic surfaces: The surface mobility tensor, K. Kamrin, M. Z. Bazant, and H. A. Stone, J. Fluid Mech.
658, 409-437 (2010). (PDF)
- Transverse flow in thin superhydrophobic channels,
F. Feuillebois, M. Z. Bazant, and O. I. Vinogradova,
Phys. Rev. E. 82, 055301(R) (2010).
Droplet breakup in flow past an obstacle: A capillary instability
due to permeability variations,
S. Protiere,
M. Z. Bazant, D. A. Weitz and H. A. Stone,
EPL 92, 54002 (2010).
Inertial effects on the generation of co-laminar flows.
W. A. Braff, M. Z. Bazant and C. R. Buie,
J. Fluid Mech. 767, 85-94 (2015).
Soft Multi-Faced and Patchy Colloids by Constrained Volume Self-Assembly,
C. Sosa, R. Liu, C. Tang, F. Qu, M. Z. Bazant, R. K. Prud'homme, and R. D. Priestley,
Macromolecules 49, 3580-3585 (2016).
Capillary filtering of particles during dip coating,
A. Sauret, A. Gans, B. Colnet, G. Saingier, M. Z. Bazant and E. Dressaire,
Phys. Rev. Fluids 4, 054303 (2019).
Dip coating of suspensions,
A. Gans, E. Dressaire, B. Colnet, G. Saingier, M. Z. Bazant, and A. Sauret,
Soft Matter, 15, 252-261 (2019)
Phase separation of stable colloidal clusters,
T. Petersen, M. Z. Bazant, R. J.-M. Pellenq, and F.-J. Ulm,
Phys. Rev. Materials 2, 095602 (2018).
Capillary sorting of particles by dip coating,
B. M. Dincau, M. Z. Bazant, E. Dressaire, and A. Sauret,
Phys. Rev. Applied 12, 011001 (2019).
Entrainment of particles during the withdrawal of a fiber from a dilute suspension,
B. M. Dincau, E. Mai, Q. Magdelaine, J. A. Lee, M. Z. Bazant and A. Sauret,
J. Fluid Mech. 903, A38 (2020).
Growth morphology and symmetry selection of interfacial instabilities in anisotropic environments,
Q. Zhang, M. A. Amooie, M. Z. Bazant and I. Bischofsberger,
Soft Matter 17, 1202-1209 (2021).
(PDF) Cover article
Theory of sorption hysteresis in nanoporous solids: I. Snap through instabilities,
Z. P. Bazant and M. Z. Bazant, J. Mech. Phys. Solids
60, 1644-1659 (2012).
Theory of sorption hysteresis in nanoporous solids: II. Molecular condensation,
M. Z. Bazant and Z. P. Bazant, J. Mech. Phys. Solids
60, 1660-1675 (2012).
Interpretation of full sorption-desorption isotherms as a tool for understanding concrete pore structure,
M. B. Pinson, H. M. Jennings, and M. Z. Bazant,
Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage and Durability of Concrete,
pp. 118-125 (2013).
Water isotherms, shrinkage and creep of cement paste: Hypotheses, models
and experiments,
H. M. Jennings, E. Maoero, M. B. Pinson, E. G. Strekalova, P. A. Bonnaud,
H. Manzano, Q. Ji, J. L. Thomas, R. J.-M. Pellenq, F.-J. Ulm, M. Z. Bazant,
K. J. Van Vliet,
Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage and Durability of Concrete,
pp. 134-141 (2013).
- Inferring Pore Size and Network Structure from Sorption Hysteresis,
M. B. Pinson, T. Zhou, H. M. Jennings, and M. Z. Bazant,
J. Colloid Interface Sci. 532, 118-127 (2018).
Hysteresis from multiscale porosity: Modeling water sorption and shrinkage
in cement paste,
M. B. Pinson, E. Masoero,
P. A. Bonnaud, H. Manzano,
Q. Ji, S. Yip, J. J. Thomas,
M. Z. Bazant, K. J. Van Vliet, and H. M. Jennings,
Phys. Rev. Applied 3, 064009 (2015).
Editor's Suggestion)
Capillary stress and structural relaxation in moist granular materials,
T. Zhou, K. Ioannidou, E. Masoero, M. Mirzadeh, R. J. M. Pellenq and M. Z. Bazant,
Langmuir 35, 4397-4402 (2019).
Microscopic theory of capillary pressure hysteresis based on pore-space accessivity and radius-resolved saturation,
Z. Gu and M. Z. Bazant,
Chemical Engineering Science 196, 225,246 (2019)
Multi-scale poromechanics of wet cement paste,
T. Zhou, K. Ioannidou, F.-J. Ulm, M. Z. Bazant and R.J.M. Pellenq,
PNAS 116, 10652-10657 (2019).
Freezing point depression and freeze-thaw damage by nanofluidic salt trapping,
T. Zhou, M. Mirzadeh, R. J.-M. Pellenq, and M. Z. Bazant,
Phys. Rev. Fluids 5, 124201 (2020).
Mercury cyclic porosimetry: measuring pore-size distributions corrected for both pore-space accessivity and contact-angle hysteresis,
Z. Gu, R. Goulet, P. Levitz, D. Ihiawakrim, O. Ersen, and M. Z. Bazant.
Return to contents
- Dynamics of
conformal maps for a class of non-Laplacian growth phenomena, M. Z
Bazant, J. Choi, and B. Davidovitch, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 045503 (2003). (non-technical summary). (PDF)
- Transport-limited aggregation,
M. Z. Bazant, J. Choi, B. Davidovitch, and D. Crowdy, Chaos 14, S6
(2004). (PDF)
- Advection-diffusion-limited
aggregation, M. Z. Bazant, J. Choi, and B. Davidovitch, Chaos 14, S7
(2004). (PDF)
- The average shape
of transport-limited aggregates, B. Davidovitch, J. Choi, and M. Z.
Bazant, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95,
075504 (2005). (PDF)
- Diffusion-limited aggregation on curved surfaces,
J. Choi, D. Crowdy, and M. Z. Bazant, Europhysics Letters 91, 46005 (2010).
- The largest cluster in
subcritical percolation, M. Z. Bazant, Phys. Rev. E 62, 1660 (2000).
See also:
van der Hofstad and Redig (2006).
- Stochastic
renormalization group in percolation, M. Z. Bazant, Physica A 316, 451-477 (2002). (PDF)
Corrections to the Central Limit Theorem
for heavy-tailed probability densities, H. Lam, J. Blanchet, D. Burch, and M. Z.
J. Theoretical Probability 24, 895-927 (2011).
Size Effect on Strength and Lifetime Distributions of Quasibrittle Structures Im
plied by
Interatomic Bond Break Activation,
Z. P. Bazant, J.-L. Le, and M. Z. Bazant,
Proc., 17th European Conference on Fracture (
ECF-17), held at Technical University Brno, Brno, Czech. Rep., Sept. 2008, publ.
by VUTIUM, Brno, J. Pokluda et al., eds.; pp. 78--92 (2008).
Scaling of strength and lifetime distributions of quasibrittle structures based on atomistic fracture mechanics, Z. P. Bazant, J.-L. Le, and M. Z. Bazant,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106, 11484-11489 (2009). (PDF)
Subcritical crack growth law and
its consequences for lifetime statistics of quasibrittle structures,
J.-L. Le, Z. P. Bazant, and M. Z. Bazant,
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42, 214008 (2009).
- Atomistic fracture and nano-macro transition for strength and lifetime statistics of quasibrittle structures, Z. P. Bazant, J.-L. Le, and M. Z. Bazant, Proc. 12th International Conference on Fracture (ICF-12), held in Ottawa, Canada, July 2009, Robert Bell ed., pp. 1-10 (2009). (PDF)
Lifetime of high-k gate dielectrics and analogy with strength of quasibrittle
J.-L. Le, Z. P. Bazant, and M. Z. Bazant, J. Appl. Phys. 106, 104119 (2009).
- Unified nano-mechanics based probabilistic theory of quasi-brittle and brittle structures: I.
Strength, static crack growth, lifetime and scaling,
J.-L. Le, Z. P. Bazant, and M. Z. Bazant,
J. Phys. Mech. Solids. 59, 1291-1321 (2011). (PDF)
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- Derivation of interatomic potentials by inversion of ab
initio cohesive energy curves, M. Z. Bazant and E. Kaxiras, Mat. Res. Soc.
Proc. 408, 79 (1996). (PDF)
- Modeling
covalent bonding in solids by inversion of cohesive energy curves, M. Z.
Bazant and E. Kaxiras, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 4370 (1996). (PDF)
- Environment-Dependent
Interatomic Potential for bulk silicon, M. Z. Bazant, E. Kaxiras, J. F.
Justo, Phys. Rev. B 56, 8542 (1997). (PDF)
- Interatomic Forces in Covalent
Solids, M. Z. Bazant, Ph.D. Thesis in Physics, Harvard University
(1997). (PDF)
- Interatomic potential for condensed phases and bulk
defects in silicon, J. F. Justo, M. Z. Bazant, E. Kaxiras, V. V. Bulatov, and
S. Yip, Mat. Res. Soc. Proc. 469 (1997). (PDF)
- Interatomic
potential for silicon defects and disordered phases, J. F. Justo, M. Z.
Bazant, E. Kaxiras, V. V. Bulatov, and S. Yip, Phys. Rev. B 58, 2539 (1998). (PDF)
A method to extract
potentials from the temperature dependence of Langmuir constants for
clathrate-hydrates, M. Z. Bazant and B. L. Trout, Physica A 300, 137-173
(2001). (PDF)
Application of an analytical method to extract
molecular potentials from Langmuir curve data, B. Anderson, M. Z. Bazant, and
B. L. Trout, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Gas Hydrates,
Yokohama, Japan (2002). (PDF)
of the cell potential method to predict phase equilibria of multi-component gas
hydrate systems, B. J. Anderson, M. Z. Bazant, J. W. Tester, and B. L.
Trout, J. Phys. Chem. B 109, 8153-8163 (2005). (PDF)
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- The Environment-Dependent Interatomic Potential applied
to silicon disordered structures and phase transitions, M. Z. Bazant, E.
Kaxiras and J. F. Justo, Mat. Res. Soc. Proc. 491, 339 (1997). (PDF)
- Unstable stacking fault free energies in silicon
through empirical modeling, M. de Koning, A. Antonelli, M. Z. Bazant, E.
Kaxiras, and J. F. Justo, Mater. Res. Soc. Proc. 539, 175-180 (1998). (PDF)
temperature molecular-dynamics study of unstable stacking fault energies in
silicon, M. de Koning, A. Antonelli, M. Z. Bazant, E. Kaxiras and J. F.
Justo, Phys. Rev. B 58 , 12555 (1998). (PDF)
vibrational, and electronic properties of silicon using a nonorthogonal
tight-binding model, N. Bernstein, M. J. Mehl, D. A. Papaconstantopoulos,
N. I. Papanicolaou, M. Z. Bazant and E. Kaxiras, Phys. Rev. B 62, 4477 (2000). (PDF)
behavior of a model covalent material described by the Environment-Dependent
Interatomic Potential, P. Keblinski, M. Z. Bazant, J. Dash, and M. Treacy,
Phys. Rev. B 66, 064104 (2002). (PDF)
Defect-induced shifts in the elastic constants of silicon,
C. L. Allred, J. T. Borenstein, M. S. Weinberg, X. L. Yuan, M. Z. Bazant, and L. Hobbs, Mat. Res. Soc. Proc. 741, 145-150 (2003). (PDF)
Statistical error in
particle simulations of hydrodynamic phenomena, N. J. Hadjiconstantinou, A.
L. Garcia, M. Z. Bazant, and G. He, J. Comp. Phys. 187, 274-297 (2003). (PDF)
constants of defected and amorphous silicon with the Environment Dependent
Interatomic Potential, C. L. Allred, X. Yuan, M. Z. Bazant, and L. Hobbs,
Phys. Rev. B. 70 (13), art. no. 134113 (2004). (PDF)
point defects in crystalline and amorphous silicon, Y. Mo, M. Z. Bazant,
and E. Kaxiras, Phys. Rev. B. 70 (20), art. no. 205210 (2004). (PDF)
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Updated list from google patents
Guide ring to control granular mixing in a pebble-bed
nuclear reactor,
M. Z. Bazant, US Patent 6,865,245, March 8, 2005.
Microfluidic pumps and mixers driven by
induced-charge electro-osmosis, T. M. Squires and M. Z. Bazant,
US Patent 7,081,189, July 25, 2006.
Microfluidic pumps and mixers driven by induced-charge electro-osmosis,
J. Levitan, M. Z. Bazant, M. Schmidt, T. Thorsen,
US Patent 7,691,244, April 6, 2010.
Induced-charge electro-osmotic microfluidic devices,
M. Z. Bazant, Y. Ben, J. A. Levitan, and J. P. Urbanski,
US Patent 7,708,873, May 4, 2010.
Tracking system and properties control system for bulk materials,
M. Santucci, J. Scavuzzo, N. Masal, and M. Z. Bazant,
US Patent 8,042,736, Oct. 25, 2011.
Method and apparatus for desalination and purification,
M. Z. Bazant, E. V. Dydek, D. S. Deng, A. Mani,
US Patent 8,801,910, Aug. 12, 2014.
Desalination and purification system,
M. Z. Bazant, E. V. Dydek, D. S. Deng, A. Mani,
US Patent 8,999,132, April 7, 2015.
Bi-disperse pebble-bed nuclear reactor, M. Z. Bazant,
US Patent Application 2006/0050835, Mar. 9, 2006.
Induced-charge electrokinetics with high-slip polarizable
M. Z. Bazant, US Patent Application 2010/0264032, Oct. 21, 2010.
Multiphase non-linear electrokinetic devices,
M. Z. Bazant and M. Prakash, US Patent Application 20130146459, June 13, 2013.
- Method, die and apparatus for crystal growth,
J. J. Buzniak, N. Tiwari, V. Rajamani, C. Gasdaska, C. D. Jones,
G. L. Mack III, F. Pranadi, M. Deloffi, and M. Z. Bazant,
April 17, 2014.
Battery with heterogeneous flow-through porous electrodes,
M. Z. Bazant, W. A. Braff, C. R. Buie, M. Suss, L. M. Gilson, and K. Conforti,
US Patent Appication 14/504539, April 9, 2015.
- Method and apparatus for electrokinetic fracturing
and hydrocarbon recovery,
US Patent Application 62/035145, Aug. 7, 2014.
- Methods and apparatus for controlling electrodeposition using surface charge properties, P. Bai, M. Z. Bazant, F. R. Brushett, J.-H. Han and M. Wang, US Patent Application 62/038938, Aug. 19, 2014.
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