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19th DAC 1982: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
- James S. Crabbe, Charles E. Radke, Hillel Ofek:
Proceedings of the 19th Design Automation Conference, DAC '82, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 14-16, 1982. ACM/IEEE 1982 - Melvin A. Breuer:
A survey of the state-of-the-art of design automation an invited presentation. 1 - Harold R. Marcotte:
Robotics: The new automation tool. 2-8 - Thomas W. Williams:
Design for testability. 9 - Lawrence A. O'Neill:
A retrospective on software engineering in design automation. 10-14 - Robert Alan Friedenson, J. R. Breiland, T. J. Thompson:
Designer's Workbench: Delivery of cad tools. 15-22 - T. J. Thompson:
A utilitarian approach to CAD. 23-29 - Maciej J. Ciesielski, Edwin Kinnen:
An analytical method for compacting routing area in integrated circuits. 30-37 - Raghunath Raghavan, Sartaj Sahni:
Optimal single row router. 38-45 - Chi-Ping Hsu:
A new two-dimensional routing algorithm. 46-50 - Gregory F. Pfister:
The Yorktown Simulation Engine: Introduction. 51-54 - Monty Denneau:
The Yorktown Simulation Engine. 55-59 - E. Kronstadt, Gregory F. Pfister:
Software support for the Yorktown Simulation Engine. 60-64 - Miron Abramovici, Ytzhak H. Levendel, Prem R. Menon:
A logic simulation machine. 65-73 - Hriday R. Prasad:
Workshop - industrial robotics. 74 - Clive A. Collins:
IBM 3081 system overview and technology. 75-82 - Michael Monachino:
Design verification system for large-scale LSI designs. 83-90 - Robert F. Woodward:
Operational aspects of design automation for the IBM 3081. 91-95 - Vincent J. Freund Jr., J. A. Guerin:
Automated conversion of design data for building the IBM 3081. 96-103 - Kenneth J. Supowit:
A minimum-impact routing algorithm. 104-112 - Walter Heyns:
The 1-2-3 routing algorithm or the single channel 2-step router on 3 interconnection layers. 113-120 - Masayuki Terai, Hajime Kanada, Koji Sato, Toshihiko Yahara:
A consideration of the number of horizontal grids used in the routing of a masterslice layout. 121-128 - Margaret Lie, Chi-Song Horng:
A bus router for IC layout. 129-132 - Werner Grass:
A depth-first branch-and-bound algorithm for optimal PLA folding. 133-140 - Jack R. Egan, C. L. Liu:
Optimal bipartite folding of PLA. 141-146 - Gary D. Hachtel, A. Richard Newton, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli:
Techniques for programmable logic array folding. 147-155 - Bill Teel, Doran Wilde:
A logic minimizer for VLSI PLA design. 156-162 - Richard L. Donze, Jacob Sanders, Michael Jenkins, George Sporzynski:
Philo-a VLSI design system. 163-169 - Sung-Mo Kang, Robert H. Krambeck, Hung-Fai Stephen Law:
Gate matrix layout of random control logic in a 32-bit CMOS CPU chip adaptable to evolving logic design. 170-174 - Charles M. Fiduccia, Robert M. Mattheyses:
A linear-time heuristic for improving network partitions. 175-181 - Thomas S. Payne, William M. van Cleemput:
Automated partitioning of hierarchically specified digital systems. 182-192 - Leon I. Maissel, Daniel L. Ostapko:
Interactive design language: A unified approach to hardware simulation, synthesis and documentation. 193-201 - Robert Piloty, Dominique Borrione:
The conlan project: Status and future plans. 202-212 - James B. Rawlings:
VHSIC HDL. 213 - Jere L. Sanborn:
Evolution of the engineering design system data base. 214-218 - Erik Damm, H. Gethöffer, K. Kaiser:
Hardware support for automatic routing. 219-223 - Ravi Nair, Se June Hong, Sandy Liles, Ray Villani:
Global wiring on a wire routing machine. 224-231 - Larry Seiler:
A hardware assisted design rule check architecture. 232-238 - Farhad Arbab, Larry Lichten, Michel A. Melkanoff:
Toward CAM-oriented CAD. 239-245 - Kazuyuki Inoue, Masahiko Adachi, Toru Funayama:
A layout system for high precision design of progressive die. 246-252 - William R. Heller, Gregory B. Sorkin, Klim Maling:
The planar package planner for system designers. 253-260 - Ralph H. J. M. Otten:
Automatic floorplan design. 261-267 - Jack Bennett:
A database management system for design engineers. 268-273 - Randy H. Katz:
A database approach for managing VLSI design data. 274-282 - David C. Smith, Barry S. Wagner:
A low cost, transportable, data management system for LSI/VLSI design. 283-290 - Robert P. Larsen, James Allen Luisi, A. K. Singh:
Aw expanded logic equation list for checkout. 291-299 - Samuel Chuquillanqui, Tomás Pérez Segovia:
PAOLA: A tool for topological optimization of large PLAS. 300-306 - Joseph F. P. Luhukay, William J. Kubitz:
A layout synthesis system for NMOS gate-cells. 307-314 - P. J. DesMarais, E. S. Y. Shew, Philip S. Wilcox:
A functional level modelling language for digital simulation. 315-320 - Sajjan G. Shiva, J. A. Covington:
Modular description/simulation/synthesis using DDL. 321-329 - James H. Tracey, Kovvali Surya Kumar:
A hardware description language for processor based digital systems. 330-337 - T. H. Bruggere:
Special purpose vs. general purpose hardware for da. 338 - H. G. Adshead:
Towards VLSI complexity: The DA algorithm scaling problem: can special DA hardware help? 339-344 - Markku Tamminen, Reijo Sulonen:
The excell method for efficient geometric access to data. 345-351 - Gershon Kedem:
The quad-CIF tree: A data structure for hierarchical on-line algorithms. 352-357 - David Grabel:
Object data structures towards distributed graphics processing. 358-364 - Antoni A. Szepieniec:
SAGA: An Experimental Silicon Assembler. 365-370 - Stephen Trimberger, James A. Rowson:
Riot - a simple graphical chip assembly tool. 371-376 - John P. Gray, Irene Buchanan, Peter Salkeld Robertson:
Designing gate arrays using a silicon compiler. 377-383 - Yinghua Min, Stephen Y. H. Su:
Testing functional faults in VLSI. 384-392 - John P. Hayes:
A fault simulation methodology for VLSI. 393-399 - Ajoy K. Bose, Patrick Kozak, Chi-Yuan Lo, Hao N. Nham, Ernesto Pacas-Skewes, Kwok W. Wu:
A fault simulator for MOS LSI circuits. 400-409 - Richard J. Lipton, J. Daniel Nash:
Design automation algorithms: Research and applications. 410 - Tetsuo Asano:
Parametric pattern router. 411-417 - Ronald L. Rivest, Charles M. Fiduccia:
A "greedy" channel router. 418-424 - Robert K. Korn:
An efficient variable-cost maze router. 425-431 - William A. Dees Jr., Patrick G. Karger:
Automated rip-up and reroute techniques. 432-439 - Fontaine Richardson:
Important criteria in selecting engineering work stations. 440-444 - Abe R. Shliferstein:
Experiments using interactive color raster graphics for CAD. 445-452 - Lynne A. Price:
Design of command menus for CAD systems. 453-459 - Kenneth H. Keller, A. Richard Newton, S. Ellis:
A symbolic design system for integrated circuits. 460-466 - Richard J. Lipton, Stephen C. North, Robert Sedgewick, Jacobo Valdes, Gopalakrishnan Vijayan:
ALI: A procedural language to describe VLSI layouts. 467-474 - Ronald L. Rivest:
The "PI" (placement and interconnect) system. 475-481 - Prabhakar Goel, M. T. McMahon:
Electronic Chip-in-Place Test. 482-488 - Kewal K. Saluja:
An enhancement of lssd to reduce test pattern generation effort and increase fault coverage. 489-494 - Edward J. McCluskey:
Verification testing. 495-500 - Yehuda E. Kalay:
Modeling polyhedral solids bounded by multi-curved parametric surfaces. 501-507 - Gregory John Glass:
A user interface for architectural design, a case study. 508-513 - Clive K. Liu, Charles M. Eastman:
Design of a graphic processor for computer-aided drafting. 514-520 - G. Cosmai, Umberto Cugini, Piero Mussio, Amri Napolitano:
An interactive drafting system based on two dimensional primitives. 521-529 - Michael H. Arnold, John K. Ousterhout:
Lyra: A new approach to geometric layout rule checking. 530-536 - Trevor N. Mudge, Rob A. Rutenbar, Robert M. Lougheed, Daniel E. Atkins:
Cellular image processing techniques for VLSI circuit layout validation and routing. 537-543 - Makoto Takashima, Takashi Mitsuhashi, Toshiaki Chiba, Kenji Yoshida:
Programs for verifying circuit connectivity of mos/lsi mask artwork. 544-550 - David Kaplan:
A "non-restrictive" artwork verification program for printed circuit boards. 551-558 - R. W. Allen, M. M. Ervin-Willis, Rodham E. Tulloss:
DORA: : CAD interface to automatic diagnostics. 559-565 - Catherine Bellon, A. Liothin, Sylvain Sadier, Gabriele Saucier, Raoul Velazco, Francois Grillot, M. Issenman:
Automatic generation of microprocessor test programs. 566-573 - Pradip Bose, Jacob A. Abraham:
Test generation for programmable logic arrays. 574-580 - Deepak K. Goel, Robert M. McDermott:
An interactive testability analysis program - ITTAP. 581-586 - Ernst G. Ulrich, Dennis Hebert:
Speed and accuracy in digital network simulation based on structural modeling. 587-593 - Robert B. Hitchcock Sr.:
Timing Verification and the Timing Analysis program. 594-604 - Lionel Bening, Thomas A. Lane, Curtis R. Alexander, James E. Smith:
Developments in logic network path delay analysis. 605-615 - Rathin Putatunda:
Auto-delay: A program for automatic calculation of delay in LSI/VLSI chips. 616-621 - Minoru Nomura, Shinichi Sato, Nobuo Takano, Toshinori Aoyama, Akihiko Yamada:
Timing verification system based on delay time hierarchical nature. 622-628 - Vishwani D. Agrawal:
Synchronous path analysis in MOS circuit simulator. 629-635 - Joseph Peled:
Simplified data structure for "mini-based" turnkey CAD systems. 636-642 - Jeffrey Z. Gingerich, Michael P. Carroll, E. J. Chelius, Po-Kuan Lu:
A hybrid CAD/CAM system for mechanical applications. 643-649 - Donald Robbins:
Making the wire frame solid. 650-654 - Takashi Kambe, Toru Chiba, Seiji Kimura, Tsuneo Inufushi, Noboru Okuda, Ikuo Nishioka:
A placement algorithm for polycell LSI and ITS evaluation. 655-662 - Klim Maling, Steven H. Mueller, William R. Heller:
On finding most optimal rectangular package plans. 663-670 - G. J. Wipfler, Manfred Wiesel, Dieter A. Mlynski:
A combined force and cut algorithm for hierarchical VLSI layout. 671-677 - Robert M. McDermott:
Transmission gate modeling in an existing three-value simulator. 678-681 - Ekachai Lelarasmee, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli:
Relax: A new circuit for large scale MOS integrated circuits. 682-687 - Michael R. Lightner, Gary D. Hachtel:
Implication algorithms for MOS switch level functional macromodeling implication and testing. 691-698 - William A. Noon, Ken N. Robbins, M. Ted Roberts:
A design system approach to data integrity. 699-705 - Xian-Long Hong, Ren-kung Yin, Xi-ling Liu:
QCADS-a LSI CAD system for minicomputer. 706-711 - R. Alan Eustace, Amar Mukhopadhyay:
A Deterministic finite automaton approach to design rule checking for VLSI. 712-717 - Gotaro Odawara, Kazuhiko Iijima, Tetsuro Kiyomatsu:
Arbitrarily-sized module location technique in the lop system. 718-726 - Hiroshi Shiraishi, Mitsuo Ishii, Shoichi Kurita, Masaaki Nagamine:
ICAD/PCB: Integrated computer aided design system for printed circuit boards. 727-732 - Manfred Wiesel, Dieter A. Mlynski:
Two-dimensional channel routing and channel intersection problems. 733-739 - John A. Nestor, Donald E. Thomas:
Defining and implementing a multilevel design representation with simulation applications. 740-746 - Takeshi Sakai, Yoshiyuki Tsuchida, Hiroto Yasuura, Yasushi Ooi, Yoshitsugu Ono, Hiroshi Kano, Shinji Kimura, Shuzo Yajima:
An Interactive Simulation System for structured logic design - ISS. 747-754 - Kazuyuki Hirakawa, Noboru Shiraki, Michiaki Muraoka:
Logic simulation for LSI. 755-761 - J. Daniel Nash:
VLSI design methodology workshop. 762 - Adam Pawlak:
Digital logic modeling system based on MODLAN. 763-770 - Stacey J. Gelman:
VEEP A VEctor Editor and Preparer. 771-776 - James E. Hassett:
Automated layout in ASHLAR: An approach to the problems of "General Cell" layout for VLSI. 777-784 - Tohru Adachi, Hitoshi Kitazawa, Mitsuyoshi Nagatani, Tsuneta Sudo:
Hierarchical top-down layout design method for VLSI chip. 785-791 - Lee F. Todd, J. M. Hansen, S. V. Pantulu, John L. Barron, D. J. Gilbert, R. J. Anderson, A. K. Biyani:
CGALA-a multi technology Gate Array Layout system. 792-801 - Tsuneo Matsuda, Tomyyuki Fujita, K. Takamizawa, H. Mizumura, H. Nakamura, F. Kitajima, Satoshi Goto:
LAMBDA: A quick, low cost layout design system for master-slice LSI s. 802-808 - Vijay Pitchumani, Edward P. Stabler:
A formal method for computer design verification. 809-814 - Robert A. Mueller, Joseph Varghese:
Formal semantics for the automated derivation of micro-code. 815-824 - Sany M. Leinwand:
Logical correctness by construction. 825-831 - Fumihiro Maruyama, Takao Uehara, Nobuaki Kawato, Takao Saito:
A verification technique for hardware designs. 832-841 - Yaohan Chu:
Computer system design description. 842-850 - Philippe Basset, Gabriele Saucier:
Top down design and testability of VLSI circuits. 851-857 - Nobuaki Kawato, Takao Uehara, Sadaki Hirose, Takao Saito:
An interactive logic synthesis system based upon AI techniques. 858-864 - Ted M. Sparr:
A language for a scientific and engineering database system. 865-871 - A. M. Beyls, B. Hennion, Jacques Lecourvoisier, Guy Mazaré, Alain Puissochet:
A design methodology based upon symbolic layout and integrated cad tools. 872-878 - Mandalagiri S. Chandrasekhar, Melvin A. Breuer:
Optimum placement of two rectangular blocks. 879-886 - Zahir A. Syed, Abbas El Gamal, Melvin A. Breuer:
On routing for custom integrated circuits. 887-893 - Ron Y. Pinter:
On routing two-point nets across a channel. 894-902 - John K. Ousterhout, David M. Ungar:
Measurements of a VLSI design. 903-908 - Saul Yermie Levy:
Distributed computation for design aids. 909-915

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