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Learn German With Stories: Ahoi aus Hamburg - 10 Short Stories For Beginners
Learn German With Stories: Ahoi aus Hamburg - 10 Short Stories For Beginners
Learn German With Stories: Ahoi aus Hamburg - 10 Short Stories For Beginners
eBook86 Seiten1 Stunde

Learn German With Stories: Ahoi aus Hamburg - 10 Short Stories For Beginners

Bewertung: 4.5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

In this sequel to "Momente in München", Dino travels up north to Hamburg, Germany's second largest city and home to one of the biggest ports in Europe.

Fresh off the train, he stumbles over an apartment offer which seems too good to be true, but of course there is a catch. Coping with new neighbors and a strange dialect, he soon begins to wonder whether he bit off more than he can chew.

Stroll through the city of Hamburg, learn about local sights and sounds, and improve your German effortlessly along the way!

This book is designed to help beginners make the leap from studying isolated words and phrases to reading (and enjoying) naturally flowing German texts. Using simplified sentence structures and a very basic vocabulary, this collection of short stories is carefully crafted to allow even novice learners to appreciate and understand the intricacies of coherent German speech.

Each chapter comes with a complete German-English dictionary, with a special emphasis on collocative phrases (high frequency word combinations), short sentences and expressions. By working with these “building blocks” instead of just single words, learners can accelerate their understanding and active usage of new material and make the learning process more fluid and fun.

HerausgeberAndré Klein
Erscheinungsdatum3. Juni 2015

André Klein

André Klein was born in Germany, grew up in Sweden and Thailand and currently lives in Israel. He has been teaching languages for more than 15 years and is the author of various short stories, picture books and non-fiction works in English and German.

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Bewertung: 4.444444444444445 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I really want to say "thank you" to you. This is a very interesting book and you are one of the best.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Easy to read and learn new words from context yet challenging enough to feel accomplished after understanding it


Learn German With Stories - André Klein

Learn German with Stories: Ahoi aus Hamburg – 10 Short Stories for Beginners

© 2015, LearnOutLive.com

All text & illustrations by André Klein,

except cover art: Hamburg: Kuhwärderhafen (1907) (PD)

and detail of Rathaus, Hamburg (1899) (PD)

First published on June 2nd , 2015 as Digital Edition




In this sequel to Momente in München, Dino travels up north to Hamburg, Germany’s second largest city and home to one of the biggest ports in Europe.

Fresh off the train, he stumbles over an apartment offer which seems too good to be true, and of course there is a catch. Coping with new neighbors and a strange dialect, he soon begins to wonder whether he bit off more than he can chew.

Stroll through the city of Hamburg, learn about local sights and sounds, and improve your German effortlessly along the way!


This book is designed to help beginners make the leap from studying isolated words and phrases to reading (and enjoying) naturally flowing German texts.

Using simplified sentence structures and a very basic vocabulary, this collection of short stories is carefully crafted to allow even novice learners to appreciate and understand the intricacies of coherent German speech.

Each chapter comes with a complete German-English dictionary, with a special emphasis on collocative phrases (high frequency word combinations), short sentences and expressions.

By working with these building blocks instead of just single words, learners can accelerate their understanding and active usage of new material and make the learning process more fluid and fun.

How To Read This Book

Before we start, we should acknowledge that there will be many unknown words in the following stories and that there are, in fact, various ways to deal with this very common problem for language learners of all ages and stages.

1. If you want to get the most out of these stories, you’ll have to establish some kind of Lesefluss (reading flow). You might be reading quickly or slowly, it doesn’t matter – as long as you keep on reading and allow context and continuity to clear your questions.

2. Furthermore, important or difficult words (and short phrases) are appended to each chapter with an English translation for quick look-ups.

3. If you’re reading this book on an e-reader or tablet, you can get instant translations by clicking/tapping on the word. To find out if your device supports this feature and how to enable it, please consult your manual or customer support.

4. As a final option we recommend using a good German-English online dictionary on your computer or mobile device while reading the following stories.


TIP: Boost your comprehension skills by listening to the official Ahoi aus Hamburg audiobook, narrated by the author. 

More info here: books.learnoutlive.com

1. Das Venedig des Nordens


„Willkommen im Venedig des Nordens", stand auf einem vergilbten Poster. Daneben hingen alte Postkarten mit Bildern von Segelschiffen und Fischerbooten.

Ich saß in einer kleinen Kneipe im Hamburger Hauptbahnhof. Es war drei Uhr nachmittags und draußen tobte ein Gewitter. Der Regen hatte genau in dem Moment begonnen, als ich aus dem Zug stieg. Was für ein Glück! Nun wartete ich, dass es aufhörte, aber der Himmel war schwarz und es blitzte und donnerte. Von wegen Venedig!

Die Kneipe hieß Zum Klabautermann". Ich war der einzige Gast. An einer Wand hing ein rostiger Anker und ein paar Seile. Hinter dem Tresen stand eine

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