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Learning German Through Storytelling: Shanima - An Interactive Adventure For German Learners
Learning German Through Storytelling: Shanima - An Interactive Adventure For German Learners
Learning German Through Storytelling: Shanima - An Interactive Adventure For German Learners
eBook181 Seiten2 Stunden

Learning German Through Storytelling: Shanima - An Interactive Adventure For German Learners

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

This is the sequel to Shanima, and the conclusion of the Aschkalon trilogy, the interactive fantasy adventure for German learners.
The evil prince Katano has withdrawn to the secret realm of shadows, from where he plans to unleash an army of unspeakable terror onto the world. Only you can confront him. But will you withstand the seduction of dark forces yourself?

This interactive adventure ebook for German learners puts the reader at the heart of the action. Boost your grammar by engaging in sword fights, improve your conversation skills by interacting with interesting people and enhance your vocabulary while exploring forests and dungeons.
Why brood over grammar sheets and lifeless workbooks when you can have fun and learn German along the way?

HerausgeberAndré Klein
Erscheinungsdatum13. Okt. 2016
Learning German Through Storytelling: Shanima - An Interactive Adventure For German Learners

André Klein

André Klein was born in Germany, grew up in Sweden and Thailand and currently lives in Israel. He has been teaching languages for more than 15 years and is the author of various short stories, picture books and non-fiction works in English and German.

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    Learning German Through Storytelling - André Klein


    This is the sequel to Genowrin, the interactive fantasy adventure for German learners.

    From all over the kingdom, people are flocking to your hometown in hope of finding shelter from the rampaging armies of the tyrant king. The time has come to storm his palace and end his evil machinations once and for all.

    This interactive adventure ebook for German learners puts the reader at the heart of the action. Boost your grammar by engaging in sword fights, improve your conversation skills by interacting with interesting people and enhance your vocabulary while exploring forests and dungeons.

    Why brood over grammar sheets and lifeless workbooks when you can be entertained and learn German along the way?

    How To Read This Book

    PLEASE READ: This book is not a linear story. Each reader will experience a slightly different story based on their choices. Here’s how it works:

    I. Flip & Choose

    Keep turning the pages forward like in any other book until you see this icon at the bottom of the page: . This separation mark means that you have reached the end of a scene and need to make a choice by clicking/tapping one of the action links above the separation mark. If you have reached the end of a scene but can’t see the choices, turn the page backwards.

    II. Sword Fights

    If you see a sword symbol , you are in a battle situation. You fight by answering a language related question. If you answer correctly, you move on to the next scene. If you answer wrongly, you die.

    III. Reincarnation & Repetition

    If you die, as indicated by the skull icon , you can use the „von vorne beginnen" link to start all over again or use your ereading device’s back button to jump to the previous scene and try again. Note: Repetition is the best way to retain new words and expressions.

    IV. Don’t Get Lost In The Wildnerness

    In certain parts of this book you’ll have to navigate through mazes by selecting your path based on the four cardinal directions N, O, S, W (in German, we say „Ost instead of „East).

    To avoid going in circles, you can either sketch out your own map as you read or consult the maps attached to the end of this book. Available maps are marked in the text with a push pin icon . You can also download these maps and print them out by typing the following URL in your web-browser: learnoutlive.com/shanima-maps

    V. Share Your Achievements

    Whenever you see the Twitter icon , you can share your achievements by clicking or tapping on the „twittern" link. Please note that this feature is experimental, requires a working internet connection and might not work on all ereading devices.

    Comments on Language

    The language people speak in this fantasy kingdom is optimized to be both authentic and easily understandable for modern learners. Archaic words and expressions are marked [arch] in the dictionary. Names of fantasy locations, gods and people are italicized.

    In dealing with difficult or unknown words there are two options. Either you can use the mini-vocabulary appended to each scene or consult your ereading device’s built in dictionary if available.

    Erster Teil: Flüchtlinge

    Du betrittst Genowrin mit deinem Bruder Akon, doch du erkennst die Stadt kaum wieder. Sieben Tage und sieben Nächte habt ihr zusammen im Wald in Akons Hütte gewohnt. Am Tage habt ihr Wild gejagt und Beeren gesammelt, in der Nacht habt ihr bei Kerzenschein lange Gespräche geführt. Knapp ein Dutzend Jahre habt ihr euch nicht gesehen. Es gab viel aufzuholen.

    Nach der Ruhe des Waldes fühlt sich die Stadt geschäftig und laut an. Links und rechts strömen Menschen durch die Stadttore, über den Marktplatz hindurch in Richtung des Tempelviertels. Sie tragen ihr Hab und Gut auf dem Rücken oder ziehen Holzkarren hinter sich her. Die Luft ist erfüllt von Kindergeschrei und Hundegebell.

    Rund um die Mond- und Sonnentempel kommt der Menschenstrom zur Ruhe. Hunderte von Menschen warten vor den Toren. Ihre Kleider

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