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Weaving geodesic foliations

Published: 12 July 2019 Publication History


We study discrete geodesic foliations of surfaces---foliations whose leaves are all approximately geodesic curves---and develop several new variational algorithms for computing such foliations. Our key insight is a relaxation of vector field integrability in the discrete setting, which allows us to optimize for curl-free unit vector fields that remain well-defined near singularities and robustly recover a scalar function whose gradient is well aligned to these fields. We then connect the physics governing surfaces woven out of thin ribbons to the geometry of geodesic foliations, and present a design and fabrication pipeline for approximating surfaces of arbitrary geometry and topology by triaxially-woven structures, where the ribbon layout is determined by a geodesic foliation on a sixfold branched cover of the input surface. We validate the effectiveness of our pipeline on a variety of simulated and fabricated woven designs, including an example for readers to try at home.

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ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 38, Issue 4
August 2019
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Published: 12 July 2019
Published in TOG Volume 38, Issue 4


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  1. digital fabrication
  2. discrete differential geometry
  3. texture synthesis
  4. vector field design


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