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Paulihedral: a generalized block-wise compiler optimization framework for Quantum simulation kernels

Published: 22 February 2022 Publication History


The quantum simulation kernel is an important subroutine appearing as a very long gate sequence in many quantum programs. In this paper, we propose Paulihedral, a block-wise compiler framework that can deeply optimize this subroutine by exploiting high-level program structure and optimization opportunities. Paulihedral first employs a new Pauli intermediate representation that can maintain the high-level semantics and constraints in quantum simulation kernels. This naturally enables new large-scale optimizations that are hard to implement at the low gate-level. In particular, we propose two technology-independent instruction scheduling passes, and two technology-dependent code optimization passes which reconcile the circuit synthesis, gate cancellation, and qubit mapping stages of the compiler. Experimental results show that Paulihedral can outperform state-of-the-art compiler infrastructures in a wide-range of applications on both near-term superconducting quantum processors and future fault-tolerant quantum computers.


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ASPLOS '22: Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
February 2022
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Published: 22 February 2022

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