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‘Your Duties Are To Sweep A Floor Remotely’: Low Information Quality in Job Advertisements is a Barrier to Low-Income Job-Seekers’ Successful Use of Digital Platforms

Published: 25 June 2024 Publication History


Digital platforms have become central in job search. Job-seekers’ experiences with these platforms, however, is a relatively new research area. This paper presents findings from 27 interviews with US low-income job-seekers. Job-seekers encountered many job ads with low information quality on the platforms they used in their searches. These included ads where important information, such as job pay, duration, hours, location, or requirements were missing, unclear, contradictory, or misleading; ads for unethical or illegal work; and ads that did not correspond to paying work but were designed to lure job-seekers into performing free labor or into scams. While job-seekers developed heuristics to navigate low quality ads, these did not always work, and may have caused job-seekers to miss relevant job opportunities. This paper helps answer an open question in HCI research about barriers to low-income job-seekers’ successful use of digital platforms: one barrier is low information quality job ads.


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CHIWORK '24: Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction for Work
June 2024
297 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 25 June 2024

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  1. digital job search platforms
  2. economics and HCI
  3. employment
  4. incentives of platform operators
  5. information quality
  6. job search
  7. labor markets
  8. low-income job search
  9. low-income users
  10. platform governance
  11. policy
  12. scams
  13. work


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CHIWORK 2024: Annual Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction for Work
June 25 - 27, 2024
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom


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